www.dar-alamal.org - Dar Al Amal

Page created by Jeffrey Dawson
www.dar-alamal.org - Dar Al Amal
www.dar-alamal.org   info@dar-alamal.org   00961 1 483 508
www.dar-alamal.org - Dar Al Amal
61 1 483 508

    1. Statement of the President
    2. About Dar Al Amal
    3. Specialized Prevention Centers for Children
        Nabaa
        Sabra
        Tripoli
    4. Project “Equitable Prevention and Response for Child Sex Trafficking”
       Partner: Diakonia
    5. Project “Piloting socio-legal defense” Partner : Connect Children Now
    6. Project “Child protection support for the most vulnerable children in North Bekaa
       and Mount Lebanon” Partner :TDH
    7. Project “Child protection Project – Beirut Blast” Partner: World Vision
    8. Social Rehabilitation and Reintegration Center for Vulnerable Women-Sin El Fil
    9. Social Rehabilitation and Reintegration project in Women’s prisons Partner: Diakonia
    10.Shelter in Choueifat- Amrousiye
    11.Social Solidarity during Crisis since 17th October 2019
    12.Internships and volunteers
    13.Advocacy and Media
    14.Fundraising Activities
    15.Resources and Expenses
    17.Board Members
    18.How to Help

                   www.dar-alamal.org      info@dar-alamal.org     00961 1 483 508

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Statement of the President
Dear friends, partners, colleagues,
We would like to wish you all, a new year of Safety ,Good Health,
Security ,Success, with more Humanity, Peace and Social Justice.
The year 2020 was the most difficult year in the history of Lebanon at all
levels. The political and socio-economic crisis became worse than last
year, with still around 1,500,000 Syrian refugees in all Lebanese
territories, and 500,000 Palestinian refugees. Increase of the poverty,
the misery, no electricity, no water, unemployment, children in the
streets, violence, delinquency, drugs, prostitution, and exploitation of
children and women. The spread of the Corona Virus had made the
situation worse and dangerous. The closure of the Country and the
confinement affected all the people, especially the poor families who
could not anymore ensure their basic needs .The Port Beirut Blast 4th October 2020, wiped out what was
left in Beirut and in Lebanon. Absence of Government, public and private structures, health sector, all
 Our responsibilities increased towards the weakened, vulnerable children, women and families living under
the poverty line. We supported together, without any discrimination, hundreds of families affected by the
Beirut Blast, vulnerable children, at risk of all sorts of violence and children victims of violence, and young
girls and women victims of sexual exploitation, and women in conflict with the law. We faced very difficult
Together, we could repair wooden damaged homes, ensured electrical appliances destroyed by the port
explosion, medications, operations for children injured from the explosion, food baskets, milk, hygiene kits,
masks, sterilizers, blankets, stationaries for children. We ensured psychosocial support to traumatized
children living in the affected areas by the explosion, and we ensured support to the families.
Without your generous donations and your support, for sure, we would not have been able to help all these
desperate families who live in distress under the poverty line. We are proud of Dar Al Amal multidisciplinary
team who faced the challenges and the difficulties, risking their health with the possibility of contracting the
corona virus. The team working in the centers and those who work in the field are all committed for the
protection of Children and Women Rights.
Our core values are the respect and the acceptance of each other’s, and to live with dignity. We work for the
prevention and protection and resilience, and for gender equality, social rehabilitation and reintegration and
personal and community development. The coordination continued and increased with the partners, in the
public and private sectors, at the international and the national levels, and with all our supporters.
We would like to thank all our partners and supporters. Together, we will continue to help and protect the
greatest number possible of vulnerable and survivors children, youth, women and families in need, and to
ensure their rights for a better quality of life, and to advocate for their causes.
Hope, good will and good action will always remain.
Sincerely yours,
Habib Hatem
President of Dar Al Amal

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Organizational Profile
    About Dar Al Amal (DAA)
    Dar Al Amal is a Lebanese non-Governmental Organization founded in 1970, recognized of public utility
    by the decree number 9176, dated 8-07-1974.
    Dar Al Amal is directed by a board, elected by the General Assembly. It is run by a multidisciplinary
    professional team, with the collaboration of volunteers.
    Dar Al Amal works in partnership with the public and private sectors, both nationally and internationally,
    for the development of the prevention and protection of vulnerable children and the empowerment of
    weaken young girls and women.
    DAA has two agreements with the Ministry of Social Affairs and collaborate with the Ministry of Interior,
    the Interior Forces of Security, and other Ministries, and with several Municipalities. DAA runs common
    projects in partnership with international and local organizations.

    Safeguarding Children and Women Rights without any discrimination

        Prevention and protection vulnerable children to consolidate their identity, achieve their full
         potential, improve their skills and life conditions, and provide them with the opportunity to
         successful lives and helping them achieve their rights.
        Social rehabilitation and reintegration of young girls and women, in situation of violence,
         exploitation, prostitution, and women in conflict with the law, to be empowered, to improve their
         life conditions, and offer to all the beneficiaries opportunities for personal and community
    Values of Dar Al Amal:
        Service to Humanity: It’s one main value of DAA. The Board and the team believe that serving others is
         more important than self-interest and put the needs of the beneficiaries ahead of their own.
        Social Justice: Social justice is one of the key values of DAA work. The Board and the team do efforts
         to improve the standards of lives of vulnerable, weaken people who are in need of support and
         unable to advocate for themselves. The team support the Right Holders to raise their voices.
        Human Rights and Dignity: Dar Al Amal understand the inherent value of every human life, regardless
         of background or beliefs. It respects the differences between their personal beliefs and those of the
         beneficiaries, taking into account ethnic and cultural diversity.
        Integrity: DAA respects the beneficiary’s confidentiality, unless the team required to do so in certain
         circumstances by law. The team act with integrity, and also promote integrity in other volunteers,
         students, professionals, offering services in all the centers. The team and the volunteers must sign
         the code of conduct in all the centers.
        Competence/Expertise: Since 1970 and until now, DAA practice in its areas of expertise. The team is
         qualified and has experience. Continuous capacity building of the team and the beneficiaries is
         fundamental to develop competencies and skills that can make them more effective and

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Organizational structure

*Sin El Fil Center: Social Rehabilitation and Reintegration day Center addressed to weaken young girls
                 and women
*Sabra,Nabaa,Tripoli :Specialized Prevention and Protection day Centers addressed to vulnerable children
*Women Prison: Social Rehabilitation and Reintegration Program addressed to incarcerated and
                     Released women in three women prisons
*Shelter in Choueifat: Protection day and night center addressed to young girls and women

www.dar-alamal.org - Dar Al Amal
Children’s Rights
                  Specialized Prevention and Protection Centers
                             Nabaa/Bourj Hammoud
                 Partners: Ministry of Social Affaires- Dar Al Amal
     Each Child has the right to protection from violence, abuse, exploitation and neglect
            Each Child has the right to education, free time and cultural activities
Historical overview: the center has been founded in 1987
Mission: Promoting children’s rights especially girls and
achieving a better future with them
 To protect children and especially young girls from all
    risks and from all forms of violence
 To help the beneficiaries to build a self-confidence and
    improve their social connections
 To support the parents and family members
 To support the raise of children’s voices
 To increase awareness in the local community concerning
    children’s rights and the protection of the children from

    violence and exploitation
Direct Beneficiaries: Every child aged between 7 and 18 years old
suffering from social, psychological and economic conditions
threatening their healthy social and psychological development.
They are in need for support, follow up, guidance, prevention, and
Indirect Beneficiaries: The families and the local community
The number of beneficiaries during 2020 is 590: 500 children,
90 mothers
All Beneficiaries suffer from difficult life conditions that affect them:
 Learning difficulties accumulated through the years which are
    caused by the lack of ability of the parents to help their children or
    by the
 Absence of a suitable atmosphere to help them study as a result of family problems:
• Domestic violence –Family dislocation
• Health problems
• Deterioration of the economic situation -Unemployment
• Addiction to drugs, alcohol: social, economic and psychological problems
• Narrow houses and their lack to health conditions and privacy necessary to secure decent living conditions

All of these obstacles affect the emotional, psychological and social growth of the children
Children are also vulnerable to all kinds of violence and exploitation in their environment: overpopulation,
ethnic diversity, refugees’ crisis, very narrow streets, lack of infrastructure. The team stress in its work on
www.dar-alamal.org - Dar Al Amal
the social and psychological intervention with the individual, the family and the community, in order to
reach the children's best interests, and to safeguard their rights.
Current Problems of Local Community:
The social and economic problems that families suffer from have been exacerbated by the spread of the
Covid-19 pandemic, the deteriorating economic conditions in Lebanon and the Beirut bombing.
According to estimates, the percentage of poverty in the population doubled from 28% in 2019 to 55% in
2020, and the percentage of people living in extreme poverty tripled, from 8% to 23%, during the same
period. Today, the United Nations Social and Economic Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) is raising the
alarm in a new study entitled “Poverty in Lebanon: Solidarity is imperative in order to reduce the effects of
multiple and overlapping shocks”.

International studies show that children who were victims to war, immigration and humanitarian crises are
more vulnerable to risks.
Among the risks they face:
     Violence in all its forms
     School dropout
     Worst forms of child labor
     Early Child marriage
     Sexual exploitation for commercial purposes.
In addition to many other risks that threat the physical
and psychological development of the child.

www.dar-alamal.org - Dar Al Amal
Activities During 2020
With the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic, and in compliance with the instructions of the Ministry of Public
Health, we have taken the following measures:
-The first phase: From March 2020 until April 2020: The two specialized prevention centers were closed and
remote interventions were adopted in all the activities.
-The second phase: From May 2020 until August 2020: We resumed our work in the centers for individual
and family follow-up only. As for the activities within the group, we completed them remotely.
-Third phase: From September 2020 until December 2020: The center began receiving small groups of
children in addition to the remote interventions.
It should be noted that the two specialized prevention centers adhered to all preventive measures as
recommended by the Ministry of Public Health.

Psycho-Social Support Intervention

Intervention           Type of activity          In charge        Results

Individual follow up   - Individual interviews   Social worker   The center received a total of 98 child and
                       - Case management                         helped them overcome their difficulties and
                                                 Psychotherapist prevent them from the risks of violence

Familial follow up     - House visits            Social worker   The Specialized Prevention Center followed
                       - At the center                           about 70 families and involved them within an
                       - Familial guidance       Psychotherapist action plan that would help them improve their
                                                                 conditions, cope with the difficult living
                                                                 conditions, and carry out all their duties
                                                                 towards their children.
Group interventions    Periodic meetings with    Social worker   Follow up with 90 women and helping them
with mothers           the mothers within                        gain information about: -the Coronavirus
                       small groups              Psychologist    awareness - Psychosocial support to face the
                                                                 emerging health and economic crisis, follow up
                                                                 with the children in a positive manner, and
                                                                 protecting them from the increasing violence
                                                                 due to the home quarantine.
Psychosocial           Psychosocial Support      Educators        180 children aged 6 to 13 years benefited from
support to refugee     for children                               psychosocial support activities and case
children and                                     Social worker    management, in order to enhance child
vulnerable children    Case Management                            protection and child well-being in Nabaa
from the host          services                  Psychologist     community.
Working groups with    Awareness seminars        Educators        98 children aged between 7 and 14 years
children                                                          benefited from awareness sessions on
                                                 Social worker    combating violence and their rights to reject all
                                                                  forms of violence. They were also introduced to
                                                 Psychologist     a particular type of sexual abuse, its types and
                                                                  ways to protect themselves. In addition to
                                                                  various talks concerning life issues with the aim
                                                                  of changing some behaviors and protect them
                                                                  from delinquency.

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Educational program:
Activity                       Person in charge                  Results

Remedial classes               Social workers                    85 children participated at remedial
                               Teachers specialized in foreign   classes.
                               languages, math and science
Academic support               Social worker                     20 girls benefited from scholarship: cover
                                                                 school inscription and supplies (books,

Accelerated learning program   Educators                         80 girls Syrian refugees benefited from this

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Intense awareness campaigns:
With the spread of the Corona pandemic, the Specialized Prevention Center deliberately produced
educational materials with the aim of spreading prevention against the virus among families. It has produced
separate educational materials for children and others for adults.

Capacity building:
Trainings and Workshops for the team :

                   Beneficiaries                                     Topics
                   Social worker                              Remote SIR training
                   Social worker                          Referral Minimum Standards

                    Social worker                        Viva Family Mentoring program
     The specialized prevention center manager   Training on how to develop a work strategy for
                       (Nabaa)                     associations (Sin El Fil and Bourj Hammoud
                                                            Coordination Committee)
                   Social worker                      Psychological First aid -online training
                   Social worker                        Lay Counselling - online training
                   Social worker                 Child protection in Humanitarian Action -online
                   Psychologist                                       training
                   Social worker                        Safeguarding Policy-online training
                   Social worker                 Safe identifications and referral-online training
                   Social worker                       Disability Inclusion-online training
                Project Coordinator               Remote psychosocial support for caregivers
                   Social activist                  Coronavirus training, how to prevent it
                Project Coordinator                       Assessment data cleaning
                Project Coordinator                 Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment

Children Rights
                         Specialized Prevention and Protection Centers
                                     Addressed to Children
                           In Sabra and Chatila –South Suburb-Beirut

Sabra-Chatila is one of the very needy suburbs of Beirut. The Children living in this area belong to poor and
dislocated families. They are at risk or victims of all sorts of violence, exploitation. They are from several
nationalities, schooled and unschooled children, street children, working children, etc. . . . Emergency
situations like the Syrian displacement to these regions have increased the problem.
Dar Al Amal centers in Sabra receive vulnerable boys and girls subject to violence and exploitation.
This area suffers from all sort of problems:
    1. Diffusion of CORONA virus.
    2. The lack and the weakness of official control
        health care.
    3. Waste spread between homes.
    4. Houses stick to each other and lack sanitary
        systems,ventilation         and      moisture
A multidisciplinary team ensures in the 2 centers
these services:
    1. Social follow up: individual follow up ,family
        and group worker by online
    2. Psychological: individual and family follow
        up, and also by online.
    3. Educational and awareness activities through
        videos sent by Whatsapp about corona virus and auto protection.
    4. Capacity building and acquisition skills through follow a specialized courses.
    5. Awareness raising sessions.
    6. Community Development
      To prevent and protect children from all sort of violence and exploitation, especially sexual abuse.
      To Support and Empower children and mothers to develop their abilities and to consolidate self-
      To raise awareness within the community and to advocate together for Children rights.
        Boys and girls who are victims of poverty, violence and all sort of exploitation.
        From all region Lebanese.
        From all nationalities.

 Number of beneficiaries during 2020: 540 children and 190 mothers
 Direct beneficiaries: Children, boys and girls, aged 7-18, Lebanese and Syrians and Palestinians refugees,
and children with no ID.
   The children suffer from:
     Poverty, misery, violence and all kinds of exploitation.
     Dislocation of the families , unemployment, social problems, drugs,
     Health problems ,no social and medical services, no infrastructure
     Pollution , unhealthy environment , unhealthy very narrow houses
Indirect beneficiaries: families, local community
Intervention methodology:
The multidisciplinary team adopts a comprehensive intervention methodology, reaching all levels:
    Individual
    Family
    Community
    Social follow up:
       Individual and familial intervention at the center and through Whatsapp due corona diffusion.
      Psychosocial support:
From 6 years to 14 years old
   - To support children with difficult social situations
   - To enhance their expressive abilities through activities.
   - To help Children to have more self-confidence and have the ability to express without fear.
       With taking the preventive procedures (social distance, mask…),
       Also, the psychologist sent by Whatsapp 20 videos about corona virus for children and their

Educational Program: Literacy, Arabic, English
Addressed to:
    Non solarized children
    Working and street children aged 8 and above
    DAA team is using the official Arabic book
    Children made “remarkable “progress in studying Arabic. In the first and second levels, they
       learned letters and words, and their visual memory is developed.
    Children in the third level, started learning Arabic grammar
    Train the children on how to use the pen
    Developing fine motors and listening skills
    developing concentration skill
    Learning numbers and letters - identifying themselves, their ages, their address, their gender and
    Learning colors, days of the week, months, seasons and its characteristics.
    English grammar.

       The communication with the children and parents had been by whatsApp .

Teaching children:
- How to use computers
- How to Access educational games
- How to insert geometric shapes, sizes, colors into
- Microsoft Word office program
- Microsoft office Excel
- Training on safe surfing the internet

This activity has stopped on April 2020 due the Covid-19
and the confinement.

Yoga Classes:
Yoga benefits for children:
    Develop their awareness
    Develop mental abilities through focus and relaxation exercises
    Improve balance skills
    Strengthening the body and getting rid of cramps
    conveying awareness from the outside to the inner world and calmness
    developing imagination and creativity

Also, this activity has continued at home when Covid-19 hit the country and we were all in confinement.

Awareness raising programs:

Auto protection sessions:

Target group: Children between 9 and 15 years old

Objective: To prevent sexual violence by
strengthening children's self-protection behaviors to
counteract sexual violence and sensitizing societies.

Results: A large number of children had the courage
to speak about the issue of sexual violence.
 A number of children also requested help in solving
problems they had been exposed to.
These children were followed up by the
psychological specialist.

When Covid-19 hit the country and we were all in
confinement, The team tried to find the most
suitable way to proceed with the sessions without
causing any additional expenses on the parents.
The team found that WhatsApp application might be the easiest to use especially that the family lacked
strong internet connection. Rare are those who have many device at home except their mobile phone.
So the team tried as much as possible to assess and evaluate the impact of each activity on the children,
their parents and the environment by analyzing several points:

-The children and caregivers participated and interacted through WhatsApp during the session (by sharing
opinion, photos…..)
- The result of the pre and post-test sent to children to evaluate the knowledge and the acquisition.

-The individual social follow up for parents and children at the center
-The feedback of the psychotherapist
- Conducting a focus group to evaluate the acquisition and learn about their feedbacks and take
 -By the feedback on Whatsapp (videos, pictures, questionnaire …)
 -Individual calling.
 -Evaluation at the center for every family by (questionnaire and individual interview.)

Children Rights

                        Specialized Prevention and Protection Centers
                                    Addressed to Children
                                          In Tripoli
Dar Al Amal runs a center in Tripoli, in one of the very needy areas, in Sahet Al Nejme. It’s a first floor in
a building provided since 2011 from the Tripoli Municipality to Dar Al Amal.
Tripoli is the neediest town in Lebanon. The Children living in this area belong to poor and dislocated
families. They are at risk or victims of all sorts of violence, exploitation. They are schooled and unschooled
children, street children, working children, etc. . . . . Hundreds of Syrian refugees live in the area of the
center. Displacement to these regions have increased the problem.

      To protect vulnerable children from violence, exploitation and all forms of child labor
      To improve the living conditions and increasing the social protection of children working and children
       at risk.
      To improve protection mechanism by enhancing the financial situation of families in order to protect
       their children from school dropout and child labor.
      To support women and girls victims of violence, exploitation and difficult economic conditions, to be
       empowered and reintegrate into society and to improve their living conditions
Target group: vulnerable children and young girls and women from the community and ex-prisoners

      Girls and boys who belongs to poor and dislocated families and at risk or victims of violence and
       exploitation of all kinds : street children , working children
      Lebanese children.
      Syrien refuges
     Number of beneficiaries during 2020: 40 children and 65 women

      individual follow up
      Family follow up: Home visits: follow up the child at home
       also. Improving the relationship between the child and the
      Psychological support: individual and family follow up.
       Group Therapy
      Program Auto-protection addressed to children and
      Educational activities : literacy sessions-advanced Arabic
       sessions - English sessions, and computer sessions
      Awareness raising sessions addressed to the parents,
       especially mothers.
      Recreational activities: Games, role plays, art and drawing.
      Capacity building: acquisition of skills from vocational
       training sessions.
      Children protection

During the confinement, the activities with the children continued remotely.

Educational Program: Literacy, Arabic, English
Addressed to
    Non solarized children
    Working and street children aged 8 and above
    DAA team use the official Arabic book
    Children made “remarkable “progress in studying
       Arabic. In the first and second levels, they learned
       letters and words, and their visual memory has
       been developed.
    Children in the third level, started learning Arabic
    Train the children on how to use the pen
    Developping fine motors and lestining skills
    developing concentration skill
    learning numbers and letters - identifying
       themselves, their ages, their address, their
       gender and nationality.
    Learning colors, days of the week, months,
       seasons and its characteristics.
    English grammer.

Recreational activities:
Games, role-playing, acting and drawing

- keep them away from the danger of the
- Acquire new technologies
- Learn to focus on work that requires time
   and effort
- Acquire the ability to express through
- Learn nonviolent verbal and behavioral
- Learn to participate and be cooperative
   member in a work team

Awareness raising session’s addressed to children and their parents:
       Participation of children at several sessions which help them to know how to protect themselves
        from all sorts of violence and to acquire tools
       Participation of children mothers and women from the Community at awareness raising sessions
        aboutchild protection from all forms of violence and exploitation ,
       Participation of children mothers and women of community at awareness raising session about
        COVID-19 and how to protect themselves to reduce risk and stay safe .

Distribution of Food-parcels and hygiene kits:

Dar al Amal Tripoli center distributed 40 food parcels and detergents and sanitary kits to families of the
children beneficiaries, helping them during the very hard economic crises.

Children’s Rights

       “Equitable Prevention and Response for Child Sex Trafficking”
Partners: Diakonia Lebanon Office –Dar Al Amal
Duration: From 1st January 2018 to 30 June 2020.
Implementation areas: North and South Beirut Suburbs: Sabra and
Nabaa areas.
Objective: Empowering Children, families and community to
combat child sex trafficking in Sabra and Nabaa Area
Beneficiaries: -Boys and girls at high risk and survivors of child sex
trafficking from Nabaa and Sabra communities
 -Families of boys and girls at high risk and survivors of child sex
Number of beneficiaries: 709 of boys and girls aged between 7 to
14 years old at high risk and survivors of child sex trafficking and
451 caregivers from Sabra and Nabaa community.
Implementation areas: Bourj Hammoud-Nabaa and Ard jalloul
Sabra Area
1-Provision of auto protection and awareness sessions for
children and families
2-Training Boys and girls on auto protection tools and technique to
be peer advise giver
3-Provision of PSS Individual and group sessions
4 –Individual and familial social follow up (through Whatsapp and
individual meetings) for children at high risk and survivors and
their families
5-Life skills training sessions including literacy, computer and
English sessions
6-Special recreational activities focusing on prevention
7-Art and Yoga therapy sessions
8-Creating peer network of families to support other families
9-Conducting workshops with local NGOs about child sex trafficking

Children’s Rights
         Project: Piloting socio-legal defense for vulnerable children

Partners: Dar Al Amal and Connect Children Now
Place: Dar Al Amal Association at Sabra Center
Duration: this project started in Jun 2020 and will be
continued until 31 May 2021.
Number of beneficiaries during 2020: 100 children &
100 mothers.
Target group: 150 vulnerable children at risk of
being exploited abused and are protected
rehabilitated and are empowered. Most of the
children are working in very bad conditions.
Objectives: improved awareness on legal rights
among vulnerable children and their families.
Activities: awareness raising workshops for children
and parents and counselling sessions.
The Lawyer M.Basem Hamad conducted 4 legal
workshops for the children and 4 legal workshops for
the mothers.
*The children learned how to protect themselves. The
lawyer informed them and encouraged them to call the
999 hotline number, and ask for legal protection. The
lawyer told the children that they have to defend their
rights which are protected by the law. They must not
been afraid .He will be always available for their defence.
*The mothers, who most of them are illiterate, learned
how to protect themselves from domestic
violence, and how to protect their children
from all sorts of violence.
*The Lawyer did and is still ensuring legal
counselling to several mothers and children.

Children’s Rights
  Project “Child protection support for the most vulnerable children in
                   North Bekaa and Mount Lebanon”
Partners: Fondazione Terre des Hommes Italia (TDH Italy) Dar Al Amal
Target groups: Vulnerable boys and girls at risk or survivors of violence, and their parents, especially mothers
Number of beneficiaries: 320 children in Sabra center
Implementation areas: Mount Lebanon (Bourj Hammoud –
Ard Jalloul- Sabra)
*Provision of case management and referral to specialized services
*Provision of focused PSS activities for high risk children.
*Community based child protection activities
*Caregiver programs
Expected results:
1- Boys, girls and women at risk or survivors of violence have access
to an integrated package of quality prevention and response services
in most disadvantaged localities in Lebanon.
2- Children, families and communities in most disadvantaged
localities have increased capacities to promote practices that protect

Children’s Rights

               Project: Child protection Project – Port Beirut Blast.
Partners: Dar Al Amal & World Vision
Geographical area: The most affected areas from Beirut
Port explosion Bourj Hammoud, Karantina & Karm El-
Duration: 5 months: 09/08/2020 - 05/02/2021.
Number of beneficiaries during 2020: Children 605,
Caregivers 360.
Target group: Children aged between (6 – 17) years old,
Caregivers (parents of children under 18 years old)
Objectives: Providing Community based psychosocial
support for children & their parents.
Activities: Awareness sessions & goal-oriented activities,
such as dealing with Beirut explosion trauma, emotion
regulation, stress management, relaxation techniques,
mindfulness, identifying types of abuse, using the internet

Women Rights
        Social Rehabilitation and Reintegration Center addressed to
                           Young girls and women

Violence against girls and women increases in times of wars and crises, this is a fact proved by local and
international reports. In Lebanon, the difficulties women and girls face, have doubled due to the political
and economic crises, the spread of the Covid19 virus and Beirut blast. In light of the continuing absence of
official strategies that deal with economic, social and health conditions and the failure of policies as well,
women in particular - as one of the most marginalized groups - have suffered from the consequences of the
What changed?
The tragic events of this year cast a shadow on the Lebanese reality, and Sin el Fil Center had to deal with
urgent challenges, especially Beirut blast and the spread of Corona virus. Although the objectives of our
work have not changed, our activities and interventions have taken different forms and were largely based
on emergency intervention.
Dar Al Amal Association and Sin El Fil Center played a key role in trying to:

    I.    Responding to the Economic Crisis:
Lebanon has always lived through successive economic crises, but the trend this crisis has taken during the
year 2020 was dramatic and calls for an immediate emergency response:
      In-kind assistance
Since March 2020, Dar Al-Amal started providing
food parcels to the beneficiaries. In Sin El Fil
Centre, 75 families benefited from periodic food
parcels that were either delivered to their houses
or distribution in the centre.
      Medicines
Sin El Fil Centre continued to provide health
support to its beneficiaries by providing medicines
for chronic and mental illnesses
      School aid
Sin El Fil Centre provided in-kind school supplies
(stationery and school supplies)
II.    Coronavirus response
In light of the current health crisis that the whole world and Lebanon is experiencing, and due to the
confinement and quarantine, Dar Al-Amal continued its work using alternative ways, especially as it targets
the groups most in need of all support and help. The centre is keen to maintain the quality of services, by
always relying on safe and reliable sources of information, respecting the principles and values of work, and
referring to the concerned authorities in case of need.
During this period the team did its work through:
      Social media
Direct phone calls with beneficiaries
Meeting with the beneficiaries when necessary and within the terms and safety standards

      Awareness
     o Awareness sessions concerning Coronavirus
        (Coronavirus and its way of transmission - Prevention
        and protection - Practical methods to deal with the
        current situation...) for small groups (6 beneficiaries)
        while ensuring safe distancing.
      - Training the beneficiaries on prevention methods,
         especially washing hands, using sterilizers, and how to
         clean the house and food.
      - Providing the centre with posters about the virus
      - Daily program with beneficiaries via WhatsApp
         (WhatsApp groups and broadcast)
     o coordinating with the Ministry of Public Health to
        produce a brochure dedicated to female sex workers,
        which was provided to them via WhatsApp
      - Involving the beneficiaries in interactive exercises that
         included expression and photography
     o coordinating with the International Red Cross and
        Beirut Governmental Hospital to receive one of the
     o Coordinating with the Social Workers Syndicate
        regarding the mechanism for submitting assistance
        requests to the municipalities.

        Survey "Coronavirus: Reaching Out to Sex Workers"

Sex workers represent one of the most vulnerable groups
during the Corona pandemic, due to the nature of their work
on one hand and the economic crisis they face on the other
hand. It was necessary for Dar Al-Amal to explore their
knowledge of Coronavirus and the difficulties they face, in
addition to knowing the extent of their commitment to

protection measures, identifying alternatives that keep them alive during this difficult

period and monitoring their needs. Therefore, and for other
reasons, Sin El Fil Center designed a survey targeting 50 sex
workers, in cooperation with the International Organization for
Migration (IOM) and the National AIDS Control Program (NAP).
The most prominent recommendations of the survey were as

     -   In-kind support (food - medicine - clothes)
     -   Supporting programs to reach key groups (providing
         condoms – HIV self-test and rapid test - masks – hygiene
         kits - brochures)
     -   Supporting and financing non-governmental organizations
         specialized in implementing such programs
     -   Spreading awareness on regular HIV test
     -   Providing alternatives in light of the economic collapse in Lebanon and the spread of Coronavirus
     -   Push the government and the concerned authorities to secure periodic financial support
     -   Activating social media platforms to spread awareness on HIV and Coronavirus

Services in numbers

         …                          52                            52      52                during 2020
                 22                                                                             “Raising
                                                                                       33      awareness about
                                               9         11                                    HIV / AIDS and
                                                                                               other sexually
                                                                                               infections and
referrals for care and treatment under the MER 2 grant (International Organization for Migration) and
encouraging the use of self-test”.
An agreement was signed between the World Health Organization (WHO), the National AIDS Control
Program (NAP) and Dar Al Amal Association (DAA) to implement the project on all Lebanese territories
(Beirut - Mount Lebanon - Tripoli - Baalbek - Saida - Tire ...) targeting Palestinian and Syrian refugees in
general, and Key populations in specific.

"Advancing the advocacy efforts for the Human Rights network"
The Human Rights Network (HRN) includes NGOs,
universities, local institutions and individuals working
advocating for human rights. The network aims to defend
and protect marginalized groups and fight discrimination,
violations and stigma in health, social and economic
With the support of Baladi-CAP project and funded by
USAID, this project aims to urge media institutions and
universities to take measures to eliminate discrimination
and stigmatization against vulnerable population groups,
including women, to develop mechanisms to eliminate
discrimination and stigmatization in the media, and to
increase public participation, and expanding and
strengthening the human rights network.

APVM School Support Project
This project supports the beneficiaries’ children by providing school fees and supplies

“Sustainability of services for KPs in MENA region”
It is a three-year, multi-country program funded by the Global Fund, targeting HIV, which will be
implemented by civil society organizations from Morocco, Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon and Tunisia and through
regional networks.
The project focuses on the following three priorities:
     - Developing and implementing regional and national advocacy strategies to reduce structural barriers
          to access services and increase state participation and local funding.
     - Strengthening the resource mobilization capacity of regional and national networks and civil society
     - Promote innovative and sustainable service delivery models

Women Rights

     Partners: Ministry of Social Affaires –Diakonia Lebanon Office – Dar Al Amal
       Project “Social Rehabilitation and Reintegration program addressed to
                          imprisoned and released women “
                    Three women prisons: Baabda, Tripoli, Zahle

Tripoli women prison                 Baabda women prison                       Zahle women prison

During 2020, the situation of all the prisons in Lebanon and all the prisoners became very difficult. The
political and socio-economic collapse and public structures in the Country affected the prisons. No
responsibilities whatsoever were taken by the Interior Ministry to tackle the bad life conditions of the
imprisoners in Lebanon. The overcrowding continues in the Lebanese prisons. Imprisoners and judicial
system are one of the most critical issues in Lebanon. The slowness of the judicial process contributed in
increasing the number of prisoners. Many detained women had been waiting and are still waiting their trial
for months, and even years. The transfer of the Prisons administration from the Ministry of Interior to the
Ministry of Justice is still pending. The Government didn’t take any serious decision to be in charge of the
prisons in covering the needs of the location prisons and the imprisoners. They always express the problem
of very slow decisions at IFS and the bureaucratic. Any demand of needs addressed by the prisons managers
to the Interior Forces of Security need months to have an answer.
Reports had been issued locally and internationally emphasizing the bad situation of the Lebanese prisons.
Dar Al Amal is supporting the women prisons and the imprisoners since 1996.
A multidisciplinary team from Dar Al Amal work in the three women prisons: Baabda, Tripoli, and Zahle. They
ensure the needs of the women prisons and the prisoners (equipment, material, maintenance, detergents,

food, clothes, medicine, legal assistance, phone calls to parents ….). The imprisoned women since they enter
the prison until they are released, are in need of psychosocial support, health care, educational and support
that would facilitate their reintegration in the society after their release.
The spread of coronavirus affected the prisons. Since the first infection of the Covid -19, precautions had to
be taken to avoid the infections. The average is around 10 to 15 women in each cell with one bathroom.
NGOs stopped to enter to the women prisons. Parents and other member families of the imprisoners could
no more visit them in the prison. The Interior Ministry and the Interior Forces of Security couldn’t ensure
most of the basic needs of the locations of the prisons and the imprisoners.
Dar Al Amal had been the only NGO, which always ensured the needs of the three women prisons and the
imprisoners: Digital thermometers, Masks, gloves, sanitizers, atomizers, food, detergents, medications,
vitamins, zinc, vegetables, Even though , several imprisoners had been infected .
The FSI took the decision, 16 March 2020, to prevent the entrance in the cells. The team of Dar Al Amal,
social workers and psychologists, continued to be in contact with the imprisoners, through the telephones
between the imprisoners and their families. The team continued to ensure all the psychosocial support, the
legal assistance, the contacts with the parents, and the needs of all ex-prisoners.

        To improve the life conditions in the prisons
        To help imprisoners to develop their potential ,acquire skills ,be empowered and to prepare
         their social rehabilitation in the prison
        To help them maintain relationships with their families
        To help them to reintegrate the society after their release

Social rehabilitation in the prisons:
         A multidisciplinary team ensures these activities inside the prison in order to support the imprisoners
         to prepare their social rehabilitation. The same activities addressed to ex-prisoners are ensured in
         the centers of Dar Al Amal outside the prisons for their social reintegration:
        Individual support : social , physical and psychological , legal assistance
        Education sessions: Arabic, foreign language, computer sessions
        Vocational training sessions :waitresses, embroidery, sewing, handicrafts, false jewelry, mobile
        Awareness raising sessions: basic living skills, health education, human rights
        Production items inside the prisons
        Reintegration of released women: facilitating access to economic activities
        Raising the community’s awareness on conditions of women prisons
        Training sessions: for prison staff on how to deal with imprisoned women using the guide issued by
         Promoting Human Rights Policy and Practice in Lebanese Women’s project
        Recreational and sports activities

a. Numbers of imprisoners:

     Prison       Imprisoned               No. who         Total No.    Detained           Convicted    Released
                  women in 1-1-            entered
                                                           In 2020
                  /2020                    prisons in

     Baabda                     501              76          561             144                12             28

      Tripoli                       96           18          114             76                 37             8

      Zahle                         44           25           69             36                 2              35

       Total                    245              110         355             256                73             71

b. Ages of imprisoners:

                 Age                     Baabda              Tripoli               Zahle               Total
              Under 18                      0                   0                    0                  0
               18-28                       16                   26                  13                 106
               28-38                       70                   47                  11                 131
               38-48                        37                  27                  51                  77
               48-58                        57                  14                   7                  36
              Above 58                       3                  0                    1                   7
                Total                      172                 116                  76                 357

C. Number of convicted and detained women in the three prisons in Lebanon ( Baabda – Zahle – Tripoli)

       Prison            Detained                                      Convicted

       Baabda                                   77                                         82
                         Arab: 50         Foreigners:27                Arab:26 Foreigners :2
       Tripoli                                  38                                         76
                         Arab ;29          Foreigners:17               Arab:56 Foreigners :20
       Zahle                                    46                                          8
                         Arab: 33        Foreigners: 13                Arab:8 Foreigners :0

                                                             17                             convicted Arabs
                        26                          20                                      convicted Foreigners
                                                                                            detained arabs
                               2                                                            detained foreigners

                                                               8        0

               baabda prison
                                   tripoli prison
                                                         zahle prison

     Physical and Medical care:

       Women prison            No of imprisoners supported with medical care          No of medication

       Tripoli                 67 )vaccine child 1)                                   48

       Zahle                   60                                                     70

       Baabda                  67                                                     48

       Total                   206                                                    239

     Psychological support:

               Prison          No. women in                No. women in groups                   No.
                                individual                       therapy                     of sessions
       Tripoli                      155                                     87                     3

       Zahle                             96                             144                       12

       Baabda                           86                                  09                    09

       Total                           319                              321                       35

Social support to the imprisoners and their children:

           Prison           No. women in            No. women in groups                   No.
                          individual support                                          of sessions
      Baabda                     150                       100                             5
      Tripoli                    155                       87                              15
      Zahle                      697                       77                              64
      Total                      501                       247                             38

     Legal Assistance:

       Legal Assistance                 No. Tripoli       No. Baabda      No. Zahle              Total
                                         prison             prison         prison
       Appoint a lawyer                      1                 1              1                     3
       Follow- up with lawyers              77                19             20                   107
       Apply release request                 9                 1              4                    14
       Decrease bailment                     3                 0             10                    15
       Follow up in court                   96                09             80                   216
       Transfer case to the legal aid          7              9                2                        9
       Transfer files to a lawyer             193             40             117                  364
       from commission on human

                              Services provided to imprisoners
                                                                       physical – medical care
                                  364   239
                                                                       Psychosocial support

                                               675                     Social support to the
                                 786                                   imprisoners and their children
                                                                       Legal Assistance

Vocational training sessions:
         Prison   Sewing      Manual         False jewelry   Decorating     crochet       painting        Total
                             Embroidery                       candles
     Tripoli         7           0                 0             0             0             0              7
     Zahle           0           0                 0            12             0             0             12
     Baabda          0          51                 8             0            11             7             41
     Total           7          15                 8            12            11             7             60

   At the end of the vocational training sessions, the participants who succeeded in the exams had a
   Most became skilled, and could produce artisanal items, and earn income for each item produced.

     F. Educational activities:

     Educational           No. Baabda prison    No. Tripoli prison     No. Zahle prison          Total
     literacy                      7                    13                    8                      27
     English                      51                     5                    8                      25
     Computer                     50                     0                    0                      10
     Total                        28                    18                   16                      62

Dar Al Amal ensured better life conditions in the prisons:
          Ensuring equipment needed and their maintenance
          Ensuring better health care: doctors, medication, medical eye
           glasses. In Tripoli gynecologist, orthopedist.
          Ensuring detergents, sterilizers ,digital thermometers ,masks
           ,and the needs for cleaning
           The prisons, shampoos, washing clothes….
          Ensuring the basic needs : clothes, towels, tooth brushes,
          Ensuring the necessary ingredients of food not ensured by
           the FSI
          Rehabilitation of the outdoor space ”Nouzha” for sun and
           fresh air

Baabda women prison
                                                  Zahle women prison

                           Tripoli women prison

Social Reintegration of the released women

  The team from Dar Al Amal working in the prisons support the imprisoners for the preparation of their
  Social reintegration after their release. Each imprisoner receive the addresses of Dar Al Amal centers in
  Beirut, Tripoli and Zahle, and the phone numbers. The team help each imprisoner to plan what she will
  do after her release.
  The social workers and psychologists in the three Dar Al Amal centers, in Sin El Fil, Baabda, and Zahle,
  receive the ex-prisoners and ensure the support needed to each woman. Most of the released women
  belong to poor families. They are marginalized and rejected by the community and the society. Dar Al Amal
  help them at all levels. Many continue to need support during years .The team helped 349 ex-prisoners
  during 2020.
Support to women ex-prisoners during 2020:

Prison    Released   Psychological    Ensure     Social     Legal        Support    Ensure    Medical
           during    support          job        aid        assistance   to their   shelter   care
            2020                                 (money)                 children

Baabda    51         11               7          27         8            3          1         19

Tripoli   52         71               9          32         7            5          6         33

Zahle     33         30               8          15         4            2          5         51

Total     76         510              24                    19           57         15        10

Dar Al Amal Shelter – Choueifat, Amrousieh
                                            Dar Al Amal Shelter in Choueifat Amrousieh is addressed to
                                            vulnerable young girls in need of protection. The building is in a
                                            very calm and healthy area in Choueifat -Amrousieh. The first
                                            floor will start to receive for emergency the children, in order to
                                            protect them in a safe and secured place. Later other floors
                                            totally separated will be opened for young women victims of
                                            exploitation. The ground floor will be a restaurant for catering.
                                            A multidisciplinary team will support the beneficiaries at all levels
                                            in order to consolidate their identity, renew better relationships
                                            with their families, and prepare their social integration. They will
                                            stay in the shelter a specific period of time, depending of their
                                            needs. The activities will be: educational sessions, psychosocial
                                             support, health care, awareness sessions, handcrafts,
                                            recreational activities, sport……. The renovation is finished and all
                                            the equipment and material ensured.
                                            Due to the Covid pandemic, and the instability and insecurity, the
                                            opening of the center had been delayed. The shelter will be
                                            released directly when the situation somehow will be stabilizes.
                                            Dar Al Amal thanks the public and private sectors for their
                                            support: The Ministry of Social Affairs, the Municipality of
                                            Choueifat, and the volunteer engineers, the Companies which
                                            are offering reduce prices materials.
                                            Special thanks to Ms. Eleni Sacre and her friends in Boston. Since
                                            years, Mrs. Sacre created an Ngo “Friends of the House of Hope
                                            Shelter “in Boston, for helping the shelter. Despite all the
                                          difficulties and challenges, Mrs. Sacre continued, until now, with
                                       her friends, to ensure financial support to the shelter.
Special thanks to the architect engineer Mrs. Joyce Hatem, who offered her work since the starting of the
renovation of the building. Also many thanks to Ms. Reem Richani, Mrs. Nayla Naufal, Mrs. Mirna Feghali,
and to all DAA Board members and friends for their generous donations.

Social Solidarity during Crisis

Since January 2020 and until the end of the year, the general political,
social, economic, and health conditions in Lebanon, became worst month
after month. The situation was deteriorating after the collapse of the
corona virus since February 2020, the confinement, and the port Beirut
blast, 4th August 2020. The disaster to which the capital Beirut had been
exposed, doubled the needs of the population, in the absence of official
support for affected population. Dar Al Amal and other NGOs had to fill
this gap through emergency interventions. The continuous support of
Dar Al Amal, to very needy families and to children and imprisoners, had
been increased with the spread of Covid-19 and after Beirut Port Blast.

– Distribution of food parcels, hygiene kits, masks, gloves, sanitizers,
medications to the families through Dar Al Amal centers in Sin El Fil-
Nabaa-Sabra- Tripoli –Zahle.

-Distribution also the same items to the three women prisons: Baabda-
Tripoli-Zahle and to several police stations

-Young Volunteers boys and girls from Dar Al Amal participated in
eliminating the debris resulting from Beirut explosion .

- A team ensured psychosocial support to traumatized children affected by
the explosion.

- Members of the staff of Dar Al Amal had been in the field,directly after
the port Beirut explosion, in the areas affected. They visited damaged
houses, children who were injured, collected all the information and
recorded the essential needs of the families. Later, the data had been
reviewed by a sub-Committee from Dar Al Amal Board, which decided the
families to be helped, according to specific criteria.

Name     Name      Number of    What are       What are     Detailed       Mobile
head     Wife      children &   Damages        Specific     Address        Phone
family             ages         in house       needs

Urgent relief after the Port-Beirut Blast
Dar Al Amal received financial and in kind donations from many friends and Ngos, in Lebanon and abroad,
for urgent relief to children and families.
Together, Dar Al Amal with the generous donations from friends and partners, could support thousands of
families during 2020:
- 6,671 Food parcels (2,756 before the port explosion to families in different areas and 3,915 after the
- 600 cleaning tools, hygiene kits and supplies
- 51 Electrical kitchen Equipment
- 100 money assistance to 100 families
- 20 wooden repairs to 20 damaged houses
-    3 operations for young girls injured by the explosion
- 250 medical aid for patients
- 200 bags powder milk and Diapers
- 300 Stationaries and schoolbags to 300 children
- 200 toys and games
- 2400 hot meals
- 10,000 bread packages

Donors for urgent aids : Financial and in-kind donations :
- Board members of Dar Al Amal
- Overseas Software Development Services S.A.L.
- Municipality of Tripoli
-Jubaily brothers
 -Mrs Latifa Askkar
–Mrs Maudy El Moulla
- Mrs Nayla Naufal
- Mrs Myrna Feghali
- Mrs Jihane Hatem
- M.Abbas Ibrahim (Director General Security)
- Nestle

- Secours Islamique
- Beit El Nour
- Mennonite Central Committee (MCC)
-Friends of the House and Hope(Boston)
-Association Pour Vivre Mieux ( APVM ) France
- Lebanese Food Bank
 -Mrs Souha Ziade
- Mrs Reem Rishani
- Mrs Joyce Hatem
- M.Mazen Hamdan
- Mrs Wafa Sinno
- Montessori England
- Dr Nabil Haddad- Mrs Randa Saoud- Mrs Hoda Harb -Mrs Karen (Netherlands) -
- Mrs Aida Hamwieh - Mrs Lisa Pinsley -M.Karim Kawakibi
- ‫ براد الحي‬-‫أشرفية‬

                      Internships in Dar Al Amal Centers: 2020
At the beginning of every year, Dar Al Amal is asked by several universities to accept internships of their
students in Dar Al Amal centers and in the women prisons .
During 2019, the number had been 32 students in Dar Al Amal centers and in the women persons.
During 2020, the number decreased due to the Covid-19 and the confinement.
Many students asked to do their internships in Dar Al Amal centers, and with the communities and in the
women prisons.
The Interior Forces of Security forbidden the entrance in the cells for avoiding infections of the imprisoners.
The activities with the beneficiaries of the centers had been most of the year remotely.
During 2020, the students for internship had been 11:

                Specialization                  Sin El fil Center        Sabra Center

                Psychologist                    5                        3

                Social Work                     3

Advocacy and Communication
Advocacy issues during 2020
     -   Children’s Rights: prevent and protect children from trafficking, the worst forms of child labor and
         early marriage
     -   Women's rights: prevent and protect marginalized women from stigma, discrimination and
         harassment in social and healthcare settings, in workplace and in media programs.
     -   Prostitution and Legislation in Lebanon - Dar Al Amal perspective towards prostitution:
         Dar Al Amal is working with the human rights activist, the lawyer Manar Zeiter, in order to adopt a
         legal position towards prostitution in Lebanon
     -   Inmates’ rights: promote human rights policies and practices in women's prisons in Lebanon and
         transform prisons into rehabilitation centers.

Media coverage during 2020
                    Medium                                 Subject                                  Axes
              Social Media            588posts, photos and films about:                      Children : 137
              Facebook, Twitter,      -The activities of the centers during the quarantine   Prisons : 15
              Youtube, Instagram     and communication with the beneficiaries remotely       Women : 48
                                     by text messages and videos                             Others : 55
                                     -Awareness campaigns for public opinion on
                                     protection from COVID-19 and the use of the
                                     Internet for children
                                      -Dar Al-Amal activities following the Beirut
                                     explosion, including distributing aid, repairing
                                     homes, and psychological support for those
                                     affected, especially children
                                     Keeping up with international days related to the
                                     rights of children and women, official and national
                                     holidays, and painful events.

Publications 18      Brochures, newsletters, Calendar,     Brochure for:
                                 booklets                              - Children 10
                                                                       - Prisoners 3
                                                                       - Women 3
                                                                       Calendar 1
                                                                       Booklets about DAA 1

Dar Al Amal contributed to the production of an awareness film about early marriage for children

Coalition and Networking

Type                 Subject                       Details

National             Protect children from early   Joining a National coalition of 50 National and
                     marriage.                     International NGOs to protect children from
                                                   early marriage. DAA is member of the Media
                                                   comity of the coalition(RDFL)

National             Advocating for the Rights     Joining a National coalition of 4 National &
                     of Vulnerable Women           international NGOs to develop a national
                                                   advocacy strategy to support the Rights of
                                                   Vulnerable Women (Baladi Cap)

National             Human Rights Network          DAA with SIDC Skoun IWSAW established this
                                                   network to protect vulnerable women against
                                                   stigma, discrimination and exploitation

Fundraising Activities

        During 2020 : Two Fundraising events had been organized by Mrs. Eleni Sacre in Boston for Dar Al Amal
         Shelter. Mrs. Sacre is the founder of the NGO: “Friends of the House of Hope” in Boston USA.
         Mrs Sacre said “Our faithful donor base is responding as generously as possible “. Mrs Sacre and her friends
         organized in Spring 2020 a fundraising mailing for the Shelter.

     • During 2020, The NGO “APPRENDRE POUR VIVRE MIEUX” APVM in France organized fundraising projects for
     the support to the children of Dar Al Amal centers. The President Mrs. Muriel Matias, and Mrs. Michèle Nozière
     and all their Board members did contacts with all their supporters .They collected funds for the educational
     activities and for health care of children.

     • During 2020, Dar Al Amal Board members did contacts with their friends and relatives’ .They ensured
     donations for urgent aid to families.

     Mrs Eleni Sacre with Mrs Jumana Jabr in Boston                       Mrs Michèle Nozière in Lebanon

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