WYNDHAM HISTORIC DISTRICT DOWNTOWN - Philadelphia, PA APRIL 4-7, 2020 See You There!

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WYNDHAM HISTORIC DISTRICT DOWNTOWN - Philadelphia, PA APRIL 4-7, 2020 See You There!

                   WYNDHAM HISTORIC
                  DISTRICT DOWNTOWN
                            Philadelphia, PA
                            APRIL 4-7, 2020
                            See You There!
                      • Fall In Love with Philadelphia
                      • Traveling with Animals
                      • Why I Care and You Should Too!
                      • The Paranoid Survive

Visit us at
WYNDHAM HISTORIC DISTRICT DOWNTOWN - Philadelphia, PA APRIL 4-7, 2020 See You There!
President’s Prose
                              By: Linda Mayhugh, Gunn Marketing Group, Inc. & C.A.R.E. President

Welcome to the annual edition of           is always room for improvement.             business! You can find proof of this
C.A.R.E. Connections! Having               So, we’ll take your feedback and do         in two stories written by attendees
completed our second annual                our best to improve even more in            immediately following our conference
conference this past May in                2020 for C.A.R.E.’s 35th Anniversary        in Indianapolis (available in this issue
Indianapolis, it’s still weird to say      Conference in Philadelphia, PA!             and/or on the C.A.R.E. blog on the
and do things annually versus semi-        We’ll be diving into planning the           website). Both are a great testament
annually. It’s a good thing for C.A.R.E.   next conference very soon, so let us        to the kind of people you want to
on so many levels, but mostly time and     know if you have requests, ideas or         do business with. Bob said we are
money. Not only for the association        suggestions on what we could do             hardworking, serious about business,
but our member representatives too.        in Philly for fun, what we could do         very welcoming and that he will attend
All of which are important commodities     better or differently to enhance the        our next conference…CHEERS Bob!
for our association.                       conference experience.                      That’s a tribute to his top ten, read
                                                                                       it and see why! Sharon added that
The 2019 Conference in Indianapolis        With three keynote speakers and             “C.A.R.E. conferences have long
was a great success with 80% of            three useful and informative industry       been an undervalued resource for
attendees completing the survey            related panel discussions there was         networking and learning about the
at a 98+% rating of very good              no lack of content and knowledge            current state of our industry. When you
to excellent! That ranks Indy              base enhancement in Indianapolis. In        attend a C.A.R.E. conference, not only
number three compared to recent            this issue, you’ll find all things “Indy”   will you not be lost in a crowd, but you
conferences with Austin/2018 and           as we recap another successful event.       will be heard. It’s a laid-back, fun, and
Lake Tahoe/2016 holding onto               Be sure to check out the write up on        easy-going long weekend.
the first two spots. Survey data is        our number one rated conference
very important to the health of our        session by Bill Stainton on “The 5 Best     I hope to see you in Philadelphia in
association, so I appreciate those of      Decisions the Beatles Ever Made and         April 2020!
you that responded to my personal          Why You Should Make Them Too”.
favor “nudge” to complete it for me
(us). An 80% survey response               There was also no lack of fun, or
rate is phenomenal. The C.A.R.E.           that fancy word “networking” that           Linda Mayhugh
board and administrator (conference        we like to use. Let’s face it we use
committee co-chair) reviews the            the word networking because it’s
survey data each year when planning        more professional but those of us
the next conference. Though                familiar with C.A.R.E know there
everyone seems to really like all the      is no difference and that makes us
format and schedule changes we’ve          no less professional. We simply
implemented the last few years, there      know how to take fun and turn it into

WYNDHAM HISTORIC DISTRICT DOWNTOWN - Philadelphia, PA APRIL 4-7, 2020 See You There!
Conference Attendees
                             Speed to Accreditation
                             Achievements in Indy
     Linda Mayhugh
Gunn Marketing Group, Inc.
        President            By: Bonnie Kosco, Administrator

      Debora Sansom
 I.C.S. Management, Inc.     As in the case of racing, there’s only one winner, and Sarah Ferguson,
         Secretary           VacationCondos.com proved that to be true as far as Accreditation
                             achievements go, especially since she was the lone conference attendee
      Jeff Ingram            to take the Level One Accreditation Test. Sarah will be recognized at
    ARC Resorts, LLC         C.A.R.E.’s 68th Conference in Philadelphia and is now eligible to serve on
       Treasurer             the C.A.R.E. Board of Directors and accumulate points for her Level Two
    Sarah Ferguson
                             During the awards evening in Indianapolis, two other dedicated C.A.R.E.
                             member representatives were recognized for their accreditation
     Vice President
                             achievements. Amanda Wainwright, Southern Journey’s, LLC, received
                             her Level One Accreditation award, and Carlos Trujillo, AMDETUR, was
        Tina Hill
                             recognized for his Level Two Accreditation.
      Hilton Head
    Accommodations           C.A.R.E. member representatives participate in C.A.R.E.’s Accreditation
     Vice President          Program to gain an understanding of the structure of the organization, fully
                             utilize their memberships and benefit themselves and C.A.R.E. through
     Corina Violette         participation. To receive a Level One Study Guide, submit Level Two
 Global Connections, Inc.    points or seek Level Three Accreditation, contact Bonnie Kosco at
     Vice President          info@care-online.org or 800-636-5646.

   Amanda Wainwright
 Southern Journeys, LLC
     Vice President

       Brandy West
      RSI Vacations
      Vice President

       Greg Crist
     Association of
    Vacation Owners
 Advisory Board Member

     Paul Mattimoe
   Perspective Group
 Advisory Board Member

      Alain Carr
Immediate Past President

      Bonnie Kosco                   Carlos Trujillo, Amanda Wainwright and Bonnie Kosco

                                                                                               PAGE 3
WYNDHAM HISTORIC DISTRICT DOWNTOWN - Philadelphia, PA APRIL 4-7, 2020 See You There!
                                     WYNDHAM HISTORIC
                                    DISTRICT DOWNTOWN
                                                       400 Arch Street
                                                   Philadelphia, PA 19106
                                                     APRIL 4-7, 2020
Philadelphia, often referred to as “The City      C.A.R.E.’s 68th Conference as the organi-         within walking distance of popular land-
of Brotherly Love” is not only famous as          zation celebrates its 35th year and history       marks, including Independence National
the birthplace of life, liberty and the pursuit   of its own.                                       Park, Liberty Bell Center, Independence
of happiness, but delivers one destina-                                                             Hall, and the Betsy Ross House. It is also
tion, five counties and countless things to       The Wyndham Philadelphia Historic Dis-            minutes away from the Philadelphia Con-
do: fascinating museums, vibrant parks,           trict is in the heart of the old city and steps   vention Center, Art Museum, the Barnes
national historic sites and famous (and           from the modern downtown offering simply          Foundation, Franklin Institute, Rittenhouse
delicious) food. This famous city, steeped        the best of both worlds. The hotel is lo-         Square, Penn’s Landing, and the Central
in history, provides the perfect setting for      cated just one block off Market Street and        Business District.

                            PLAN TO ARRIVE EARLY AND STAY LATE….
                    CONFERENCE EVENTS BEGIN SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 2020 AT 2:00PM!

                                                           ROOM RESERVATIONS
                                                             Call: 877-999-3223

                              Name of Event: Cooperative Association of Resort Exchangers 68th Conference
                                              To Register Online: Visit www.care-online.org
                                         (Conference Information/2020 Conference Information)
                                       Room Block Cutoff Date: March 13, 2020 (5:00pm CST)
                                                 Double/Single Occupancy-$179.00++

                                       Conference registration does not include hotel accommodations.

                  Each conference attendee should finalize their accommodation and conference registration separately.


                                          Airport Information: Philadelphia International Airport (PHL)

WYNDHAM HISTORIC DISTRICT DOWNTOWN - Philadelphia, PA APRIL 4-7, 2020 See You There!
Fall in love with Philadelphia, the     Birthplace of America                    Tax-Free Shopping
first World Heritage City in the U.S    Stand in Independence Hall – a           Compared to other large cities,
and second-largest city on the          UNESCO World Heritage Site               Philadelphia is a bargain with
East Coast. Whether you enjoy           - where the Declaration of In-           tax-free purchases of clothing and
Philadelphia’s arts and culture,        dependence and United States             shoes. Pack an extra suitcase and
with more than 200 galleries within     Constitution were debated and            get ready to shop Rittenhouse Row,
the Philadelphia Museum of Art          adopted. The Liberty Bell, the sym-      the Chestnut Hill Business District,
or the urban outdoors in Philadel-      bol of American independence that        King of Prussia Mall, the Philadel-
phia’s lively and walkable Center       cracked when rung upon arrival in        phia Premium Outlets and more.
City District, there is something for   Philadelphia, was once located in        Philadelphia offers the biggest
everyone in this city also known as     the steeple of Independence Hall.        name brands as well as indepen-
the Mural Capital of the World.                                                  dent boutiques.
                                        City of Firsts
While in Philadelphia, do not miss      While Philadelphia was fertile           Fabulous Food
the famous Philly cheesesteak or        ground for revolution, it was also       Center City Philadelphia has over
explore the city’s dynamic dining       ripe with ideas and endeavors, and       1,000 restaurants and over 430
scene. Take advantage of great          was the site where many of the           outdoor cafes. Dining options
shopping, as Philadelphia offers        new nation’s institutions were in-       include countless outdoor cafes,
tax-free shopping on all clothes and    vented. Founding Father Benjamin         bars, beer gardens and restaurants
shoes, making it more affordable        Franklin created the country’s first     with Iron Chefs, Top Chefs and
than any other large city.              successful lending library in 1731       more in a melting pot of global,
                                        as well as the first hospital in 1751.   gourmet cuisines.
Philadelphia’s rich history and         When Franklin was appointed to
modern energy make it the perfect       the post of United States Postmas-
destination for visitors from across    ter General in 1775, he went on to
the world as it is easy to get to       create what became known as the
and affordable - with something for     United States Postal Service.

                                                                                                           PAGE 5
WYNDHAM HISTORIC DISTRICT DOWNTOWN - Philadelphia, PA APRIL 4-7, 2020 See You There!
                              By: Dave Heine, Timeshare Escrow and Title, LLC
                                            require no special training, performs         a disability of the handler. A Service
                                            tasks and actually the only requirement       Animal by Federal Law is granted the
                                            is a note from a health care professional     same access rights you would allow for
                                            that says the handler requires the            a human, in fact, they are considered
                                            emotional support animal and that is          medical equipment and go with the
                                            about the extent of it. It is also why        person requiring the SA (which is limited
                                            airlines and others are cracking down         to DOGS OR MINIATURE HORSES).
                                            on ESA’s. State’s are beginning to enact      No other animals qualify under the Law.
                                            laws on the requirements of what doctor
                                            can prescribe the need for an ESA             Most of the time, people will let you
                                            and are swinging towards a physician          know they are traveling with a SA or
                                            or mental health professional that is         and ESA, in fact, with the reservation I
                                            currently seeing a patient in their office    just made, there was a specific question
                                            to provide the diagnosis and the need.        about whether I was traveling with a
                                            This is an attempt to stop the $99, talk to   service dog. It helps them prepare for
  Allie Katherine                           someone one the phone for a minute, be        our stay with usually a low floor over a
                                            diagnosed and a “prescription” emailed        high floor etc.
So, they say the devil is in the details    to you, programs.
and that is no different in traveling                                                     With a SA, if my disability is obvious,
with animals and what we refer to           Emotional Support Animals are to a            such as blind, hearing impaired, in a
them as. Whether you are traveling to       limited degree permitted in airplanes.        wheelchair, you cannot ask me if the
a hotel or a timeshare, there are not       Keep in mind that air carriers are not        animal is required due to a disability. It
many differences, but there are some        governed by ADA, but instead by the           should be obvious. However, if I show
differences. Having just booked a trip in   Air Carrier Access Act. In residential        up and my disability is not obvious,
Florida that I needed to take our Service   housing, you can not discriminate             then you are legally allowed to ask the
Dog in Training (SDIT) along with me,       because the potential owner/renter            two questions: Is this Service Animal
gave me the inspiration to put this         needs an emotional support animal.            required due to a disability and what task
together.                                   When it comes to timeshares, it is not
                                            as crystal clear. If the person needing
Let’s start with the easy one first,        the ESA is an Owner at your resort,            Allie Katherine
Therapy Dogs. A Therapy Dog is never        you are required to provide them the           with
granted any public access rights, in fact   accommodation and you may not charge           Dave Heine
therapy dogs are used in places like        any fees that are not charged equally
hospitals and nursing homes to bring        to all owners. That means, no pet fee,
happiness to others.                        no cleaning fee (unless the animal has
                                            soiled or caused damage), and if you
So that leaves us the two most              don’t have a pet room, you still must
confusing travelling dogs, Emotional        provide them a room or unit.
Support Animals and Service Animals.
Often mistakenly named incorrectly. It      A Service Animal (SA), Service Dog
is an Emotional Support Animal, not an      (SD) and in the states that allow equal
Emotional Support Service Animal. First,    access for Service Dogs in Training on
an Emotional Support Animal (ESA) can       the other hand ARE specially trained in
be most anything that brings comfort to     both obedience and in specific tasks and
the handler. Emotional Support Animals      are trained to perform tasks to mitigate

WYNDHAM HISTORIC DISTRICT DOWNTOWN - Philadelphia, PA APRIL 4-7, 2020 See You There!
has the animal been trained to perform. Most people know
to answer yes to the first and can tell you what the dog was
trained to do, but that is it, no further questions are allowed,
you are required to grant them full access.
Animals that make it through Service Animal training are
                                                                             Greg Crist as
highly trained for obedience as well as task work. Hundreds of
hours go into the training of a service animal and thousands                Advisory Board
of dollars are spent to train them. My first girl, Sasha Marie,
had close to 300 hours of training and the training cost close
to $15,000. Sadly a few short months after she completed
her training, she suffered a severe spinal cord stroke and had
to be helped to the Rainbow Bridge. Our current SDIT, Allie
                                      Katherine has completed
                                      her intensive obedience
                                      and has passed her
                                      AKC Good Citizen tests
                                      including Public Access
                                      and is still building on her
                                      hours in a “in training”                     By: Deborah Sansom,
                                      position. Once we feel                        ICS Management
                                      she has mastered the
                                                                     During C.A.R.E. ‘s Winter Board Meeting in January
                                      obedience portion, we will     2019, it was decided to invite another Associate
                                      begin to integrate her task    Member to the Board in an advisory position (not
                                      work. Two of her tasks will    a voting position). Paul Mattimoe, Perspective
                                      be picking up something        Group, is currently an Advisory Board Member,
                                      that drops and being able      but the Board felt it was important to add another
                                      to dial a “rescue” phone,      Advisory Position to ascertain what our Associate
which is a specially designed form with a large button on it,        Members are expecting from their membership with
programed to call a specific number, by pressing the button.         C.A.R.E. and what C.A.R.E. can do to enhance their
                                                                     business prospects. After soliciting resumes from
                                                                     Associate Members, the Board received a resume
One of the things you cannot do, is ask me what my disability
                                                                     from Greg Crist, Association of Vacation Owners
is, nor may you ask me to demonstrate her tasks. If I can            (AVO), and invited him to participate on the Board in
answer the two questions, whether I own at your resort, I have       the second Advisory Position.
exchanged into your resort, or I just plain out rented, you must
give me full accommodation including my service animal.              Greg Crist’s history in the vacation ownership
                                                                     industry began in 2003 when he formed Vacation
It is a confusing topic, but there are great resources               Advisor Publications. He sold the company in
                                                                     2010, and it was rebranded shortly thereafter as
throughout the United States, in fact 10 of them, and they can
                                                                     TimeshareAdvisor.com. Greg has 15+ years in
help you with anything ADA related and the ADA site. A great         compliance consulting with various organizations
training tool for your employees can be found at https://www.        in the healthcare, legal and technology sectors, in
ada.gov/regs2010/service_animal_qa.html.                             addition to his executive skills he has used sitting
                                                                     on Boards for non-profits organizations. Greg
The ten ADA service centers that are referred to above can be        has served as either a panelist/speaker/master of
found on the web at https://adata.org/find-your-region. They         ceremonies at 14 conferences in four countries
are the leading authority on all things related to the ADA.          over the last six years. Not only is he the CEO of
                                                                     AVO but he is an active member of ARDA, CVOA,
                                                                     AMDETUR and of course, a large supporter of
I hope this article has helped more than confused. You can           C.A.R.E.
also email one of the service centers for specific questions as
they provide very detailed answers. Until Philadelphia, when I       On behalf of the entire C.A.R.E. organization, I
hope we get to present again on this topic, be safe.                 welcome Greg to the C.A.R.E. Board. We know with
                                                                     his experience in the vacation industry he will not
                                                                     only benefit our Associate Members, but the entire
                                                                     C.A.R.E. organization.

                                                                                                                    PAGE 7
WYNDHAM HISTORIC DISTRICT DOWNTOWN - Philadelphia, PA APRIL 4-7, 2020 See You There!
         MAKE THEM, TOO!
                            By: Bill Stainton, Motivational Speaker and Author

The Beatles were together fewer than     2. A Single, Shared Vision                  do things differently, to zig where
ten years.                                                                           others zagged—and the next album
                                         When the Beatles were first starting        they released was the legendary
Yet in those ten years, they created     out, they had one common vision
                                                                                     Sgt. Pepper album. The Beatles had
a brand and a legacy that would be       that sustained them through the hard
                                                                                     broken the mold yet again.
the envy of virtually any organization   times and gave them a clear target
in the world. And they did it without    for their eventual success: they were       The lesson: If you keep doing what
ever reading a single book on            going to be bigger than Elvis! What         you’ve always been doing—even
management, leadership, or success.      a great vision: it was short (and
                                                                                     if you’re great at it—eventually the
                                         therefore repeatable), it was bold
So how did they do it?                                                               competition can catch up. Keep the
                                         (other bands just wanted to be the
                                                                                     competition on their toes by shaking
                                         best band in Liverpool), and it excited
By making five decisions:                                                            it up!
                                         their emotions (it passed the “this is so
1. Spread the Spotlight                  cool” test).

When sixteen-year-old band leader        The lesson: If you want to engage
John Lennon first met fifteen-year-old   your team, make the vision short (if
Paul McCartney, Paul was a better        it doesn’t fit on a bumper sticker, it’s
guitarist, a better singer, and better   probably too long), make it bold (aim
looking—a triple threat! So, Lennon      high), and make sure it passes the
had a decision to make. Should he        “cool” test (when you say it, your team
keep the spotlight focused solely        should think, “Wow—that is so cool!”)
on himself, or should he put his ego
                                         3. Play to Your Strengths
aside, invite this McCartney triple
                                         In order to stand out from the
                                         competition, the Beatles had to              Bill Stainton with Rosanne Guanabara
                                         decide what they could do better than
                                         anybody else. And for the Beatles, this
                                         meant songwriting. Sure, they worked        Paul McCartney once said, “The
                                         on other things; but they focused most      reason we were twice as good as
                                         of their energy on what they did best—      anyone else is because we worked
                                         and decades later, every other band is      twice as hard as anyone else.” They
                                         still trying to catch up.                   were, and they did.
                                         The lesson: Find a way to spend at          The lesson: Talent, luck, and creativity
 Bill Stainton with Teresa Knapp,        least 80% of your time focusing on          alone won’t do it. Remember: until
 Sonya Halladay and Greg Crist           what you do best (and do the same for       somebody rolls up their sleeves and
                                         each member of your team), and your
threat to join the band, and make                                                    does the work (especially the work
                                         success is virtually guaranteed.
the team stronger? We all know                                                       the competition doesn’t want to do),
what decision he made, and thus the      4. Shake It Up!                             nothing is going to happen!
Beatles were born!
                                         In 1966, the Beatles decided to stop        Bottom line: the Beatles may have
The lesson: Focus on building a great    touring, and the rules said you couldn’t    broken up in 1970, but their music—
team, and you’ll get great results.      do that. But the Beatles decided to         and their leadership wisdom—lives on!

WYNDHAM HISTORIC DISTRICT DOWNTOWN - Philadelphia, PA APRIL 4-7, 2020 See You There!
              VOLUNTEERS ‘GIVE BACK’
                         By: Amanda Wainwright, Southern Journeys, LLC

C.A.R.E Gives Back had an amaz-        had their own unique personality        to stabilize and ensure client safety.
ing opportunity to volunteer during    that they were so gracious to share     Our small but dedicated team of
the 2019 annual conference in          with the volunteers. Each horse         C.A.R.E members rolled up their
Indianapolis, Indiana at Children’s    was either rescued or donated by        sleeves and got their hands dirty
TherAplay Foundation, Inc. TherA-      private individuals and came from       with cleaning up after a fundraising
play offers physical and occupa-       a variety of backgrounds including      event TheraAplay had the evening
tional therapies on horseback for      barrel racing. Through donations,       before. It was a jam-packed day
children with diagnoses such as        TherAplay has managed to create         full of laughter, organizing and
cerebral palsy, Down syndrome,         a beautiful space for the thirteen      cleaning the facilities.
autism spectrum disorders, trau-       horses as well as maintain the
matic brain injury, and developmen-    therapy arena and several occupa-       C.A.R.E thanks Lisa Kobek for fa-
tal delay. Therapists at TherAplay     tional therapy areas, office space      cilitating our volunteer opportunity
combine a sensory-rich, child-         and comfortable parent waiting ar-      for this noble and worthy organiza-
centered clinic with hippotherapy,     eas. They have done a lot but still     tion and to Katie Statman, Develop-
a treatment strategy incorporating     have much in their vision to accom-     ment Assistant and Volunteer Coor-
the movement of horses, to provide     plish. They rely on donations and       dinator, who organized our team so
carefully graded motor, sensory        volunteers to reach their vision.       that we could make the maximum
and neurological input.                                                        use of our time at TherAplay. It was
                                       Those that volunteer at TherAplay       an enriching C.A.R.E Gives Back
C.A.R.E participants had the op-       are assigned to ‘sidewalking’, office   Event!!! If you missed the event,
portunity to meet and interact with    support, and events. Sidewalking        feel free to check out their website
the thirteen therapy horses and        is when volunteers walk alongside       at www.childrenstheraplay.org.
tour the facilities. The horses each   the horse during a therapy session

       Tarron Messner with Janet Janssen,                                  C.A.R.E. Volunteers
      Amanda Wainwright and Chris Carlson

                                                                                                               PAGE 9
WYNDHAM HISTORIC DISTRICT DOWNTOWN - Philadelphia, PA APRIL 4-7, 2020 See You There!
                  OVER $10,000 AT
                                      By: Corina Violette, Global Connections, Inc.

The Silent/Live Auction is always a       Vacation Weeks Basket Raffle, Silent       auction was filled with friendly compe-
popular event during conferences          Auction for any merchandise, and Live      tition, laughter, and fun.
and the auction, held recently in         Auction for all services donated. This
Indianapolis, was no exception with       format allowed the auction process to      Proceeds from the Silent/Live Auction
almost $32,000 in prizes. The prizes      be streamlined and provided additional     go towards the marketing of C.A.R.E.
ranged from registrations at industry     time for attendees to enjoy a lovely       thus benefiting the entire organization
events, discounted memberships to         dinner with fellow colleagues.             through the recruitment of new mem-
trade associations, to vacation weeks                                                ber companies and industry recogni-
and electronics packages. Biddin-         Guest Auctioneer/Emcee Greg Crist,         tion. Thank you to the companies that
gOwl.com, an online bidding site, was     brought the perfect combination of         donated items and winning bidders.
opened two weeks prior to the confer-     confidence, charm and expertise to
                                          usher our guests throughout the event.     A big THANK YOU to the below com-
ence, allowing attendees to view and
                                          His personable and confident stage         panies who donated an item or two to
pre-bid on items already donated. A
                                          presence helped this year’s auction        this year’s auction!
new format was introduced to confer-
ence attendees, which included a          be one of the best events yet. The

                      Access Development                       Endless Vacation Rentals

                      Perspective Group                        Travel Advantage Network

                      AMDETUR                                  Global Connections, Inc.

                      RSI Vacations                            VacationCondos.com

                      ARDA                                     Gunn Marketing Group, Inc.

                      Resort Travel & Xchange                  VI Resorts

                      C.A.R.E.                                 Hawaii Time Share Exchange

                      Solare/Bahia Mar Tower                   World International Vacation Club

                      CustomerCount ®                          Holiday Systems International

                      Sundance Vacations, Inc.                 Lifestyle Holidays Vacation Club

                      Diamond Resorts                          Wyndham

                      Timeshare Escrow and Title, LLC          Philadelphia Historic District-Downtown

                        If you’re interested in donating for next year’s conference in Philadelphia,
                          PA be sure to reach out to Corina Violette (cviolette@care-online.org).
                                                Stay tuned for more updates!

                      DONATION GOES TO
                                        By: Debora Sansom, ICS Management

After each Silent/Live Auction, a         family after Dean lost his battle with   for children enrolled in these pro-
drawing is held among the individu-       Stage IV Melanoma on April 25, 2009.     grams which includes learning the
als or companies that donated an          The foundation’s mission is to “edu-     game of golf. The Dean Hedstrom
item, and 5% of the auction pro-          cate the public especially young         Foundation’s goal is to protect these
ceeds are donated to the charity of       people regarding the risk of over        children from the sun when they
their choice. This year, Bob Ko-          exposure to the sun and advancing        practice their golf swings.
bek’s, CustomerCount®, name was           research that will lead to new treat-
drawn, and he has named the Dean          ments and a cure for melanoma”.          For more information or to
Hedstrom Foundation for Melanoma          The foundation is a 501c3 organiza-      contribute to this worthy cause,
Awareness as his charity of choice.       tion and has no paid employees. It       visit www.dhfma.org or call
Since $10,650.00 was raised through       is a major promoter of The First Tee     (727) 286-3090.
the auction, $532.50 will be donated.     Program, The Boy’s and Girl’s Club
                                          of America and Big Brothers/Big Sis-
The Dean Headstrom Foundation             ters of Pinellas County. They have
was founded by Dean’s friends and         an extensive after school program

                                                                                                                 PAGE 11
MarketPlace Participants Enjoy Expanded
Opportunities in Indianapolis
By: Bonnie Kosco, Administrator

Media and MarketPlace participants benefited from            throughout the conference via Facebook/Twitter and SMS
exciting new perks during C.A.R.E.’s 67th Conference         messages and a private meeting area. The enhanced
in Indianapolis. Three packages with varying levels of       benefits led to a “Sold Out” Exhibitor MarketPlace and a
benefits were offered to Media and Exhibitor MarketPlace     great opportunity for participants and conference attendees
participants. New benefits included promotion prior to and   to forge new business relationships.

            www.thetimesharekahuna.com                                    www.sundancevacations.com
  The Timeshare Kahuna, LLC is a wholesale provider of              Sundance Vacations offers destination-based
     WorldMark, Bluegreen and Wyndham inventory.                        travel at a fraction of the retail rate.

   For over 30 years, Access Development has helped
                                                                Resort Management Services specializes in member
  vacation ownership and exchange companies increase
                                                              upgrade programs designed to enhance member benefits
    revenue through acquisition, retention and upgrade
                                                             while creating cash flow for Developers and HOAs.

                 www.travelguard.com                                              www.rtx.travel
 Travel Guard offers comprehensive travel insurance and       RTX is a timeshare exchange company offering C.A.R.E.
 assistance plans which include valuable travel insurance     members inventory throughout the US and international
    and assistance coverages to enhance your guest               locations on wholesale, lease or direct exchange.

   CustomerCount is the top-rated customer feedback
   management system; offering continuous invaluable                  www.Timeshareresaleclosings.com
   insights into a company’s Net Promotor Score and            Timeshare Escrow & Title, LLC offers timeshare escrow
                   customer satisfaction.                                       and title services.

             For information regarding Media and Exhibitor MarketPlaces for C.A.R.E.’s 68th Conference in
                                Philadelphia, Pennsylvania from April 4-7, 2020, contact:
                            Brandy West: 828-254-1643 ext. 23713 / bwest@care-online.org
                           Amanda Wainwright: 855-365-5997 / awainwright@care-online.org
                        Sarah Ferguson: 828-348-2500 ext. 4512 / sferguson@care-online.org

                            SHOULD TOO!
                        By: Valerie Burke, Director of Customer Experience and SEO,
                                          Sundance Vacations, Inc.

Sundance Vacations recently           The conference is a manageable         joyed the presenters on topics
launched a new division to service    size which offers the benefit of       such as: Kiss Your Customer: 77
our clients’ travel. While the com-   networking on a scale not always       Reasons Why Sales & Services
pany has over twenty-eight years’     possible at a larger tradeshow. The    Are Just Like Dating & Relation-
experience in the travel industry,    variety of attendees was also a        ships, as well as panel discussions
the actual fulfillment of the vaca-   surprise. I anticipated other travel   on topics everyone needs to know
tions was a new challenge for our     providers; however, our company        more about for example: Compli-
business.                             was able to meet industry lead-        ance in the Year of Class Action
                                      ers from all aspects of the field      Litigators. This was a panel dis-
Were we perfect?                      from loyalty program providers to      cussion on big data, and it could
                                      marketing companies... all experts     have gone on all day without even
Of course not, but we were honest
                                      within the travel industry.            scratching the surface.
and approached every reserva-
tion with heart and our customers’    Should you attend?                     In short, if your business is in-
best interests in mind. We can offer                                         terested in improving the bottom
global destinations via partnerships If you are looking for great semi-      line, this is a community that really
with industry leaders. However,       nars, networking, and a dash of        cares.
we wanted additional inventory in     fun, the answer is yes. This confer-
destinations where our travelers      ence included a tour of the RCI call
love to go year-round. This led to    center as well as the Indianapolis
attending our first ever C.A.R.E.     Motor Speedway. Everyone en-
conference in India-
napolis, Indiana this
May 2019.                Valerie Burke, Sundance Vacations, Inc.

Was it what I ex-

It was better. What
we discovered was
a community of
dedicated travel
professionals that
wanted to work
together to improve
their clients’ travel
options. As first-
time attendees, we
were assigned a
C.A.R.E. ambassa-
dor to help us make
introductions and
offer assistance
with anything and
everything during
the conference.

                                                                                                       PAGE 13
  C.A.R.E. has continued to grow through the addition of many great new members over the past
   year. Make sure to give them a warm C.A.R.E. welcome as well as getting the full benefit of
                your C.A.R.E. membership by reaching out to our newest members.
DIAMOND RESORTS                          MEXICAN RIVIERA RESORTS               PALMERA, LLC
                                         UNLIMITED S.A. de C.V.                Phone: 843-785-1000
Phone: 702-804-8600
                                         Phone: 998-287-4100 ext. 6134         E-Mail: jboretti@
E-Mail: Maria.Kalber@
diamondresorts.com                       E-Mail: akiseleva@mxrru.com           palmeravacationclub.com

Website: www.diamondresorts.com          Website: www.yucatan-holidays.com Website:
                                         Responsible Party: Anna Kiseleva  www.palmeravacationclub.com
Responsible Party: Maria Kalber
                                         Nature of Business: Developer,        Responsible Party: Jennifer Boretti
Nature of Business: Resort
Developer, Exchange Company,             Rental Company, Management            Nature of Business: Developer
Membership Travel Club, Rental           Company                               Inventory: Coral Sands Resort,
Agency, Wholesaler of Inventory,         Inventory: Sunset Marina, Cancun,     Hilton Head, South Carolina; Island
Property Management Company,             Mexico; Hacienda Tres Rios, Riviera   Links Resort, Hilton Head, South
Travel Agency, POA or HOA,               Maya, Mexico; Laguna Suites,          Carolina, Port O’Call Resort, Hilton
Certificates/Incentives                  Cancun, Mexico; Ocean Spa Hotel,      Head, South Carolina, Coral Reef
Inventory: Extensive inventory           Cancun, Mexico                        Resort, Hilton Head, South Carolina
in Florida, Virginia, Tennessee,         Company Description: Mexican          Company Description: Palmera,
Missouri, Colorado, North Carolina,      Riviera Resorts Unlimited, S.A.       LLC is a Timeshare/Club Developer
Indiana, Utah, Mexico, Arizona,          de C.V. specializes in offering       with four resorts in Hilton Head,
California, Hawaii, United Kingdom,      extraordinary travel experiences      South Carolina.
Scotland, Austria, France, Portugal,     at affordable prices. MRRU has
Spain                                    a variety of vacation packages
                                         available for the top beach           SUNDANCE VACATIONS, INC.
Company Description: Diamond                                                   Phone: 570-820-0900 ext. 1123
Resorts offers destinations,             destinations in Mexico and the
events and experiences to help           Caribbean. Our commitment to high     E-Mail: cbednar@vacmail.com
members make a habit of breaking         quality service and over 30 years     Website:
from routine. From unforgettable         of experience make us the leading     www.sundancevacations.com
getaways to exclusive concert            name in the travel industry. MRRU
                                         belongs to the Sunset Group that      Responsible Party: Candy Bednar
series to VIP receptions and
dinners, members turn to Diamond         owns and operates 6 hotels (1000      Nature of Business: Membership
to recharge, reconnect and remind        rooms) in Cancun and Riviera Maya,    Travel Club, Wholesaler of Inventory
each other what matters most. Our        Mexico                                Inventory: Esplanade Suites,
focus on quality resorts, customer                                             Wildwood, NJ; Woodfield Manor,
service and flexibility mean members                                           Poconos, PA; Myrtle Beach Resort,
can return to a favorite resort, book                                          Myrtle Beach, SC; Island Beach and
a cruise to explore new countries                                              Tennis, Hilton Head, SC;
or attend a once-in-a-lifetime event                                           Mallard Lakes, Selbyville, DE
with the same level of confidence                                              Company Description: Sundance
and anticipation. With access to a                                             Vacations was founded in 1991 to
world of entertainment and activities,                                         provide vacation options to popular
a Diamond membership ensures that                                              resort areas to families at a fraction
people are always looking forward to                                           of the retail rate.

Connecting Members to Provide Outstanding Vacation Services

VACACIONALES Y TURISTÍCOS               Phone: 317-816-6000
Phone: 01 9883616 299                   bobkobek@customercount.com
E-Mail: itzel.voigt@acotur.org.mx       Website: www.customercount.com
Website: www.acotur.org.mx              Responsible Party: Robert “Bob”
Responsible Party: Itzel Voigt          Kobek
Nature of Business: Trade               Nature of Business: Service
Association                             Provider
                                                                               New C.A.R.E.
Company Description: The                Company Description:
                                                                               Companies and Sponsors
objective of ACOTUR is to bring         CustomerCount® is the only online
together individuals and/or             enterprise feedback management
corporations, whether business          system designed specifically for the
owners, operators, construction         vacation ownership industry.
companies, promoters, consultants,
real estate developers or any
association that has the varied
activities of vacation
clubs as its principal
focus, which include

                                           G E T AC C E S S
but are not limited to:
vacation clubs, discount
clubs, real estate trust
clubs, travel clubs and
all-inclusive companies.
ACOTUR represents
the different types
of vacation clubs in                BOOST YOUR OWNERS’ VALUE.
southeastern Mexico,
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and transparency                               EVERYWHERE
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while providing the
opportunity to participate
in all programs and
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organized manner,
while simultaneously
supporting its growth                     Every C.A.R.E. member is entitled to a
and development.
                                      FREE membership. CLAIM YOURS TODAY!
                                    800-840-0032 • www.accessdevelopment.com

                                                                                                    PAGE 15
I Have a Question:
          Who Do I Call?
Have you ever had a question about some aspect of your C.A.R.E. membership, but just aren’t
      sure who to call? Here’s the list…so don’t hesitate to contact us for assistance!
    GENERAL INFORMATION/                                   Sarah Ferguson:
        CONFERENCE                                      828-348-2500 ext. 4512
           Bonnie Kosco:
     800-636-5646; 540-828-4280                            MEMBERSHIP
                                                               Tina Hill:
       ASSOCIATE MEMBER                                843-842-6556 ext. 11108
                                                         thill@care-online.org                Greg Sheperd with
            Paul Mattimoe:                                                                      Teresa Knapp
             407-730-3565                                   Brandy West:
      pmattimoe@care-online.org                        828-254-1643 ext. 23733
               Greg Crist:
              833-277-5286                       (Procedures and Events-Ambassadors)
                                                          Debbie Sansom:
     BETTER TRADE BUREAU                                713-378-6447 ext. 123
           Debbie Sansom;
        713-378-6447, ext. 123                             Bonnie Kosco:
       dsansom@care-online.org                           800-636-5646 ext. 0
            Bonnie Kosco:
            800-636-5646                                       Tina Hill:
        bkosco@care-online.org                         843-842-6556 ext. 11108
      SEARCH SYSTEM                                   Amanda Wainwright:                      Linda Mayhugh with
                                                          855-365-5997                           Maria Kalber
            Bonnie Kosco:                           awainwright@care-online.org
        bkosco@care-online.org                              Brandy West:
                                                       828-254-1643 ext. 23733
       Amanda Wainwright:                               bwest@care-online.org
                                                     SILENT/LIVE AUCTION
                                                           Corina Violette:
                ETHICS                                 913-498-0960 ext. 2105
           Linda Mayhugh:
         800-636-5646 ext. 700                              Brandy West:
       lmayhugh@care-online.org                        828-254-1643 ext. 23733
                                                           Sarah Ferguson:
             Brandy West:                               828-348-2500 ext. 4512
        828-254-1643 ext. 23723                       sferguson@care-online.org
                                                     For a complete list of Committee
       Amanda Wainwright:                       Chairpersons and Board of Directors, visit      Bob Kobek and
           855-365-5997                         C.A.R.E.’s web site at www.care-online.org      Adrian Garrett
     awainwright@care-online.org                 and select Board of Director information.

Everyone is a Winner at
             Indianapolis Conference...
          Thanks to Conference Sponsors!
                              By: Amanda Wainwright, Southern Journeys, LLC

Thanks to conference sponsorships totaling $47,650,         conference experience an unforgettable one. Additionally,
C.A.R.E.’s 67th conference in Indianapolis, Indiana was     “RCI Monday”, with the “Kiss the Bricks” tour of the India-
one of the highest rated conferences in recent years, and   napolis Speedway, visit to the RCI Call Center Tour and
according to the conference follow-up survey, a whopping    “Farewell Dinner” at the Cobblestone Restaurant ended
84.91% of attendees reported that they gained new busi-     the conference on an extraordinary note, thanks to Endless
ness relationships!                                         Vacation Rentals.

This success would not have been possible without the       Conference sponsors help C.A.R.E. make conference reg-
sponsors that made the networking events and educational    istration affordable and limits additional out-of-pocket ex-
sessions possible. Beginning with the welcome cocktails,    penses for meals, snacks and transportation thus enabling
sponsored by Sundance Vacations, Inc to the Spectacular     more companies and member representatives to reap the
evening of Recognition (and 360° views) on the 48th floor   benefits of attending conference.
of the SalesForce Tower, sponsored by Diamond Resorts,
Bahia Mar Tower, LLC, Global Connections, Inc., Resort      Heartfelt thanks go out to the following C.A.R.E. companies
Management Services, RSI Vacations and Timeshare Es-        that generously supported the organization and the confer-
crow and Title, LLC, conference sponsors helped make this   ence through their sponsorships:

PERSPECTIVE GROUP                        CVOA                                    ARC RESORTS, LLC


HOLIDAY SYSTEMS INTERNATIONAL                                                    MERIDIAN FINANCIAL SERVICES
                                         RESORT TRAVEL & XCHANGE
SERVICES                                 TARANOVA VACATION CLUB
                                                                                 C.A.R.E. will be celebrating its
RESORT TRADES                            TRADING PLACES INTERNATIONAL            35th Anniversary at its 68th Con-
                                                                                 ference in Philadelphia, Penn-
BAHIA MAR TOWER, LLC                     HOPAWAY HOLIDAY                         sylvania from April 4-7, 2020.
                                                                                 Sponsorship opportunities are
                                                                                 still available for this momen-
SUNDANCE VACATIONS, INC.                 ARDA                                    tous event. For more informa-
                                                                                 tion, contact:
RSI VACATIONS                            ARDA-WIN ADVANTAGE
                                                                                 TINA HILL,
TIMESHARE ESCROW AND TITLE, LLC          INNTOUCH TRAVEL                         thill@care-online.org,
AIG TRAVEL                               GUNN MARKETING GROUP, INC.
                                                                                 AMANDA WAINWRIGHT,
ACOTUR                                   MHC RESORT PARKS                        Southern Journey’s, LLC
AMDETUR                                  SOUTHERN JOURNEYS, LLC
                                                                                 BRANDY WEST,
                                         ACCESS DEVELOPMENT                      bwest@care-online.org,
CONDOWAREHOUSE.COM                                                               828-254-1643, ext. 23713

                                                                                                             PAGE 17

    Thank You to Our
2019 Sponsors
                PAGE 19
                       IN INDIANAPOLIS
                                  By: Debora Sansom, ICS Management

The C.A.R.E. Board of Directors had       Director of Resort Partnerships of         Service Award, demonstrating
three Vice President positions to be      Resort Travel & Xchange but has            Outstanding Service given to the
filled in 2019. Two positions were for    since transitioned to add a new career     C.A.R.E. organization in 2016. In the
three-year terms and one position was     opportunity with Global Connections        few years that she’s been involved in
for a one-year term. Last September,      as their Director of Inventory             her current role, Corina has quickly
The Board of Directors received a         Management.                                become recognized as an asset in the
resume for re-election from Corina                                                   travel and hospitality industry and has
Violette, Resort Travel & Xchange.        Corina demonstrates high                   gained respect from trusted industry
During election proceedings during the    performance standards in driving           leaders today.
Indianapolis Conference, there was        results and execution of business
an also a nomination from the floor       processes. Corina is a 2014-2015           Corina brings fresh, innovative ideas
for Sarah Ferguson, VacationCondos.       ARDA Leaps graduate, having earned         to C.A.R.E. which will reflect positively
com. Since there were only two            her RRP in April of 2015. She serves       on the future of C.A.R.E and will
people running for the three positions,   on the AIF Education Committee,            create a lasting image on an industry
Corina and Sarah were elected by          Member Experience’s Committee, and         that has slowly been shifting from
acclamation. As follows please find       the LEAPS Alumni Task Force with           the traditional timeshare model. She
information regarding these two highly    ARDA. Corina is currently serving on       is a very passionate person who is
qualified individuals.                    the C.A.R.E. Ambassador, Marketing,        determined to get the job done and
                                          Trade and IT Committees and she is         she does “get the job done”.
Corina Violette                           always finding new ways to advertise
                                          C.A.R.E. such as on Twitter and            Sarah Ferguson
Corina has been involved in the           Facebook. She has also participated
timeshare and vacation ownership          on a number of panel discussions at        Sarah joined the U.S. Army in 2005
for several years with experience         various trade shows throughout the         and was stationed at Fort Bragg, North
in customer service, operations,          industry as well as contributed articles   Carolina. During her time there, she
management and leadership. At the         for diversified travel publications.       married her high school sweetheart,
time of the election Corina was the       Corina won the Richard Gallardo            Coty, and has one child, Sophia,
                                                                                           who is now 12 years old and in
                                                                                           middle school.
                            C.A.R.E. Board of Directors
                                                                                          After Sarah’s time on active duty,
                                                                                          her family and she relocated to
                                                                                          Asheville, North Carolina, where
                                                                                          she completed by bachelor’s
                                                                                          degree from University of North
                                                                                          Carolina at Asheville. Her
                                                                                          passion for marketing stems from
                                                                                          opportunities while in the Army to
                                                                                          plan events and her decision to
                                                                                          go into public relations.

                                                                                          Sarah began working with
                                                                                          Festiva Sailing Vacations in 2012
                                                                                          and was fortunate to be able
                                                                                          to travel to the Caribbean and
                                                                                          set sail! In 2015, she decided
                                                                                          to go back to school and get

her master’s degree in Integrated Marketing
Communications from West Virginia University.
Upon completion of her degree in 2017, Sarah
was offered a position at VacationCondos.com
as the Director of Marketing, a sister company
of Festiva Sailing Vacations, and she has been
there ever since.

Her hobbies include spending quiet time in her
family’s camper, arts and crafts, shopping and
spending time with her daughter.

Regarding Sarah’s election as a C.A.R.E. Vice
President, Sarah noted “I am excited about
working with C.A.R.E. because I love the field
of marketing. I love to be able to explore new
challenges and I look forward to be a part of
the C.A.R.E. leadership team”. Sarah will be
using her marketing skills to work along with
Corina Violette to advertise and enhance the
membership within C.A.R.E. With Sarah and
Corina at the marketing helm, C.A.R.E. is on the              Sarah Ferguson
verge of an explosion of new ideas, members
and direction.


   Do you have extra or need more inventory?            Looking for company leisure benefits?

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                                  ExploreGCI.com                        GlobalPerksPlus.com

                                                                                                    PAGE 21
                         By Gregory Crist, Association of Vacation Owners

Did you know that the “Rubik’s Cube”      and the commitment of the Global          association sees the value and benefit
is one of the most popular and chal-      Secondary Market Coalition. As our        of doing so now. Incorporating this
lenging multi-dimensional puzzles ever    membership touches each segment of        self-governance, as opposed to having
created? It’s inventor Ermo Rubik, an     an interconnected timeshare industry,     to contend with potential legislative
architect and engineer by trade hadn’t    many of our members either directly or    and regulatory over-reach which could
intended to design a toy when he cre-     indirectly participate in the secondary   make it nearly impractical for second-
ated his magic cube. It was instead, a    market. These stakeholders include:       ary market service providers to oper-
functional and dynamic teaching tool      Resale, Rental, Exchange, Trade-          ate in the space.
that illustrated how multiple free mov-   In, Transfer and Inventory Recovery
ing parts could work independently        companies.                                This is C.A.R.E.’s contribution to en-
within an otherwise interlocking sys-                                               suring that we keep the overall health,
tem. The challenge of course was how      Our secondary market deserves its         reputation and success of the entire
to reorient each of the coded panels      own operational framework, accredi-       industry moving forward. To do that,
once they were mixed in with other        tation and licensing with participants    we must align those efforts with the
colored panels.                           gaining access to the tools and cred-     values and trust C.A.R.E. members
                                          ibility needed to sustain their busi-     are known for. Contact Gregory Crist
Today, Rubik’s design can be com-         ness models within a rapidly changing     for more information about the GSMC
pared to a disoriented secondary mar-     environment. Reorienting will take        at Greg@AVOWorldwide.com.
ketplace. A puzzle that can be solved     time and resources to implement and
with the help of C.A.R.E. members         maintain however, C.A.R.E. as an

                                                                       Santiago Merizalde with Carlos Trujillo and
                                                                               Guillermo “Memo” Davila
              Greg Crist and Linda Mayhugh

                   By: Paul Mattimoe,
                   Perspective Group

The Associate Committee met during the Indianapolis
conference and determined once again that associate
members are being taken good care of, and any questions
or views are being relayed to the board through                    Paul Mattimoe with Rosanne Guanabara and
Paul Mattimoe, serving as Associate Board Member.                                Greg Sheperd
Some new suggestions were made that focused primar-
ily on networking and content. It has been a while since
C.A.R.E. last included a Speed Networking session and
with plenty of new faces in the room from the great work
the membership committee and board members are do-
ing it was recommended that it once again be included
in the next conference to help facilitate new introductions
between new and veteran members of the organization.

Additionally, while the session content at the Indianapolis
content was fantastic, there is also room for more sales
and marketing sessions that are of relevance to associate
and general members alike, plus sessions that highlight
key general members so that vendors can benefit from
learning more about their prospective clients.

Networking is a primary focus for Associate Members, and
so the committee will continue to ensure new opportuni-                   C.A.R.E. Group at D’Amore
ties, events and sessions are created to help extend the
already extremely “inclusive” environment that C.A.R.E.
Conferences provide.

The Associate Committee is also delighted to announce
the appointment of Greg Crist, CEO, Association of Vaca-
tion Owners as a second Associate Board Member, who
will add another voice on the board and deliver his knowl-
edge and expertise in specific areas for the benefit of
C.A.R.E. members.

If any Associate Members would like to join the Associate
Committee, or have any questions or suggestions, please
contact pmattimoe@care-online.org.

                                                              Tim Wilson with Sharon Scott Wilson and Bob Kobek

                                                                                                       PAGE 23
And the C.A.R.E. Pinnacle Award Goes To….
                         Kris Gunn-Hedstrom
     By: Melanie Gring, Chief Strategic Alliances and Brand Officer/Global Connections, Inc.
                  (In Collaboration with Georgi Gordon/GBG and Associates)

At the May 2019 C.A.R.E. conference         experience, Kris has had a profound       tures at nearly all the First Tee Golf
held in Indianapolis, IN, I was ex-         influence on tour generation and tour     Courses in the area where Kris lives.
tremely honored to present C.A.R.E.’s       incentives. Kris formed Gunn Market-
highest honor to Kris Gunn-Hedstrom.        ing Group over a decade ago, building     For the last two years, Kris has hosted
The Pinnacle Award is unique in that        one of the most ethical and respected     annual Pinktober events at her Lady-
all nominations come from fellow            marketing firms in the business.          bug Farm. These events have raised
C.A.R.E. members. The recipient of                                                    nearly $10,000 for Send Me On Vaca-
this award shows a commitment to            Not only recognized for her profession-   tion, a charitable organization focused
the community through philanthropic         alism, the C.A.R.E. Pinnacle Award        on sending breast cancer survivors on
activities and has made an impact           also represents Kris’s charitable and     well-deserved and much needed vaca-
on the vacation industry. The winner        philanthropic activities.                 tions. Ladybug Farm is an ongoing
must also possess characteristics of                                                  commitment of Kris’s. She founded
                                            Kris established the Dean Hedstrom        this animal rescue farm and personally
leadership, integrity, and exhibit a high
                                            Foundation for Melanoma Awareness         cares for the animals that make her
quality of standards and ethics. Kris
                                            in 2009 to honor the memory of her        property their home.
certainly fits that bill!
                                            late husband. The Foundation edu-
Kris is President of Gunn Marketing         cates teen golfers about the dangers      Kris is an excellent representative of
Group, Inc. and has been a part of the      of the sun. She was recognized as         our vacation industry’s high profes-
timeshare/vacation ownership com-           “Amateur of the Year” by the PGA for      sional and ethical standards. Her con-
munity for 40 years. She began her          her Foundation’s major contribution of    tinued support of her local community
career in the vacation industry work-       sponsoring free ‘skin checks’ to golf-    and the vacation industry make her an
ing as an OPC in Clearwater Beach,          ers. The Foundation has placed, and       exceptional recipient of the C.A.R.E.
FL. Because of that early industry          continues to maintain, sunshade struc-    Pinnacle Award.

                 Tina Hill with Melanie Gring                                   Kris Gunn-Hedstrom

                  THE YEAR”
                             By: Dave Heine, President, Timeshare Escrow and Title
The C.A.R.E. Pinnacle Award honors an           qualifications as C.A.R.E. honorees, in that    Meridian Financial Services to be a valued
individual who has attained the highest level   they represent our professional community       member.”
of excellence in the vacation industry for      with integrity and dedication.
their achievements. C.A.R.E. has another                                                        CustomerCount® is the only feedback
important recognition called the “Rookie of     In his first year with C.A.R.E., Bob Kobek      system designed specifically for the leisure
the Year Award.” The award recipient is         sponsored the C.A.R.E. Board dinner in his      travel industry. Many C.A.R.E. member
selected by the C.A.R.E. Board of Directors     hometown of Indianapolis. Upon receiving        companies use the survey system to stay in
and is presented to a first time attendee or    the award Bob said, “As the award signifies,    touch with the Voice of the Consumer--their
new member who has hit the ground running       being the Rookie of the Year is one recog-      members, exchangers and guests.
and contributed to the success of C.A.R.E.      nition that I truly appreciate. It means that
                                                my belief is correct that a company gets as     Meridian Financial Services has been a true
through participation on committees, panel
                                                much out of their Association as they put       industry partner for years. Greg’s knowl-
discussions or in any capacity that benefits
                                                into it. Thank you to the board and members     edge and support are invaluable to our
conference attendees or the organization.
                                                of C.A.R.E. for recognizing the effort.”        industry and most recently to our C.A.R.E.
C.A.R.E. named two individuals as Rook-                                                         Membership.
ies of the Year: Bob Kobek, President of        Greg Sheperd shared “I am extremely
                                                honored to have received the 2019 C.A.R.E.      These rookies are infusing our C.A.R.E.
Mobius Vendor Partners (MVP), the creator
                                                “Rookie of the Year” award and am so proud      team with new energy and we are looking
of CustomerCount® and Greg Sheperd,
                                                of my membership with the organization.         forward to what lies ahead with them and
President of Meridian Financial Services.
                                                It’s easy to see that C.A.R.E. truly lives up   with our organization.
Although they may be C.A.R.E. “Rookies”
both Bob and Greg are veteran all-stars         to its name and cares greatly about their
of the timeshare industry. Having known         members and about improving the industry
both gentlemen for more quite some time, I      with integrity and compassion. Thank you
can vouch for their high character and their    for this great recognition and for welcoming

                   Bob Kobek with Dave Heine                                          Greg Sheperd and Bob Kobek

                                                                                                                               PAGE 25
Expert Explores Why Business is Just
     Like Dating and Relationships
                                                 By: Andy Masters, M.A.
The award-winning book, Kiss Your           Here’s just a sampling of his illustra-   company makes a lot of mistakes—
Customer: 77 Reasons Why Sales &            tions and advice:                         you can preorder 100 of these and get
Service Are Just Like Dating & Rela-                                                  a volume discount!
tionships, takes a fresh and creative       VALENTINE’S DAY
look at the eerie similarities between                                                LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT
                                            In business--it’s OK to send your best
business success and relationship
                                            customers or clients flowers, candy, or   So, is it possible to achieve “love at
success. Author Andy Masters ex-
                                            a gift with a card signed from the team   first sight” in business? Absolutely.
plores not just the irony--but what we
                                            saying “WE LOVE YOU!!” It just might      Consider those instances when you
can learn from relationships to apply to
                                            bring a smile to their face. We need      first laid eyes on a product--when you
business, and what we can learn from
                                            to show our loyal customers that we       had the feeling right away that THIS
business to apply to relationships. He
                                            appreciate them this time of year, as     ONE was for you. Or, what about
uses fun and entertaining examples
                                            well.                                     when you first met a salesperson or
from each along the way.
                                                                                      someone who provided a service
                                            In relationships--send a dozen roses      such as a dentist, financial rep, or real
So, how are business and romance
                                            to your significant other to arrive the   estate agent? Some are much better
                                            day BEFORE Valentine’s Day, with          than others at first impressions.
“First, it’s about the process: Find ‘em,   a card which reads: “If you received
and then keep ‘em happy!” Masters           these tomorrow, it wouldn’t be a          Please, no more bland business
says. “There is a great irony between       surprise. Besides, you deserve your       cards. No more squirt bottles. No more
the sales process and romantic court-       roses before anyone else in America!”     thermal mugs with your company
ship. There is also a great irony be-                                                 logo. Despite what you might believe,
                                            LEARN TO APOLOGIZE WITH                   people don’t want to see “Ed’s Ma-
tween keeping your customer happy,
                                            GRACE & HUMOR                             nure Hauling” every morning when
and keeping your significant other
happy.”                                                                               they drink their coffee (Sorry, Ed).
                                            Mistakes are opportunities to             Give them an item with THEIR com-
                                            strengthen relationships. So when
He explains that the keys to success                                                  pany logo. Give them a baseball with
                                            appropriate, you can still be clever
include being creative, little things                                                 their kid’s favorite baseball team on
                                            and have fun with apologies, too--in
mean a lot, and what he jokingly refers                                               it. Bring them something that’s going
                                            either business or relationships. For
to as his personal expertise, learning                                                to help their business or make their
                                            instance, there are several companies
to face rejection.“Success in business                                                life easier. What clever or personal-
                                            which produce customized chocolate
and in life is about building relation-                                               ized item would make that client go
                                            gift items which include edible logos,
ships. And the keys to building those                                                 “WOW”?
                                            edible photos, and up to 60 characters
relationships really are the same.”
                                            of edible text (so, yes, you can liter-   TRUSTING FATE IN BUSINESS AND
                                                                     ally eat your    RELATIONSHIPS
                                                                                      Fate can be a wonderful thing in busi-
                                                                    Once I sent       ness and in life. However, we can’t
                                                                    a chocolate       fall into a trap of simply trusting fate
                                                                    apology with      in our lives. Sometimes fate needs a
                                                                    an edible photo   good kick in the butt. So, what can we
                                                                    of myself.        learn about both business and rela-
                                                                    The text read:    tionships…..from turtles? No, not to
                                                                    “Sorry, please    take things slowly. A turtle is the only
                                                                    don’t bite my     species that doesn’t get anywhere in
                                                                    head off!” They   life without sticking its neck out.
                                                                    loved it.
                                                                                      Fate has a very small window. While
                                                                    By the way,       fate is a friend, fate only presents us
                                                                    if you or your    with brief moments of opportunity in
                         Andy Masters

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