X-57 progresses Future wing, cruise motors advance - Webflow

Page created by Dolores Bell
X-57 progresses Future wing, cruise motors advance - Webflow
National Aeronautics and Space Administration

                                                                                           Volume 62 Number 6              July 2020

  X-57 progresses
  Future wing, cruise motors advance
   Engineers at Empirical Systems Aerospace, or ESAero, perform fit checks on the future wing to be used on the final configurations of NASA’s all-
   electric X-57 Maxwell, at their facility in San Luis Obispo, California. Using a “fit check” fuselage, seen here, the team is able to determine the safest
   and most efficient method of integrating the wing to be used in Mods III and IV of X-57, while the primary fuselage prepares for ground, taxi and
   flight tests at NASA Armstrong. See related article on page 2.

   www.nasa.gov/                                                     				                                      Photo courtesy of Empirical Systems Aerospace
X-57 progresses Future wing, cruise motors advance - Webflow
X-Press                                      					                                                                                          July 2020

Ground tests next
Progress on cruise motors
and future wing sets the
stage for the next phase
By Matt Kamlet
NASA Armstrong Public Affairs
   Significant progress is being
made in preparation for NASA’s
first all-electric X-plane, the
X-57 Maxwell.
   As NASA completes tasks for
X-57’s functional ground testing
at Armstrong working toward
taxi testing and first flight,
assembly and qualification tests Astronaut, page 6
are underway on two critical
components of the X-57 vehicle
at NASA’s prime contractor for
the project, Empirical Systems
Aerospace, or ESAero, of San
Luis Obispo, California.
   These components include
the electric cruise motors, which
will power X-57 in flight, and
the future high-aspect ratio wing                                                                             Photo courtesy of Empirical Systems Aerospace
that will fly on the aircraft in As part of the verification and validation process, the all-electric cruise motors to be used on NASA’s X-57 Maxwell
X-57’s final configuration.         began several rounds of tests, high power, and endurance testing at Empirical Systems Aerospace, or ESAero, of
   The X-57, which was modified San Luis Obispo, California. The lessons learned from cruise motor tests will help in the effort to set airworthiness
from a Tecnam P2006T airplane, standards for electric aircraft.
is currently in its first of three
configurations as an all-electric                                                                                    and landing.
aircraft called Modification II, or                                                                                     The constant throughout these
Mod II. While this configuration                                                                                     configurations      are the electric
features the replacement of the                                                                                      cruise  motors,   which    have begun
vehicle’s standard combustion,                                                                                       tests at ESAero    to  verify  that they
100-horsepower Rotax 912S                                                                                            are ready   before   they  are  installed
engines with 60-kilowatt electric                                                                                    in the  X-57  vehicle  itself.
cruise motors, X-57’s test flights                                                                                      “We’ve taken those cruise
in this phase will be flown using                                                                                    motors     and we’re putting them
the vehicle’s standard wing.                                                                                         through       functionality         tests,
   The following phase, Mod                                                                                          acceptance   tests,  and  qualification
III, will see this wing replaced                                                                                     tests to ensure their airworthiness
with the high-aspect ratio wing,                                                                                     for the X-57 vehicle,” said Trevor
greatly reducing overall vehicle                                                                                     Foster, ESAero Vice President of
area and relocating the cruise                                                                                       Operations. “As part of the NASA
motors out to the wingtips.                                                                                          airworthiness process, these are the
The aircraft will fly in its final                                                                                   verification and validation steps to
Mod IV configuration with the                                                                                        reduce risks and increase the safety
                                                                     NASA Langley/Advanced Concepts Lab, AMA Inc. and reliability of the components
addition of 12 smaller high-lift
motors along the wing’s leading This artist’s concept image shows NASA’s first all-electric X-plane, the X-57        on the vehicle.”
edge to be used during takeoff Maxwell, in its final configuration, flying in cruise mode over Armstrong.            X-57 page 8
X-57 progresses Future wing, cruise motors advance - Webflow
X-Press                                    					                                                                                     July 2020

 Preparing for future missions
                                                                                                                    at NASA
                                                                                                                    Mars rover
                                                                                                                    launch set
                                                                                                                    for July 20
                                                                                                                       NASA’s Perseverance Mars rover
                                                                                                                    is targeted for a July 20 launch.
                                                                                                                    The rover’s astrobiology mission
                                                                                                                    will seek signs of past microscopic
                                                                                                                    life on Mars, explore the geology
                                                                                                                    of the Jezero Crater landing site,
                                                                                                                    and demonstrate key technologies
                                                                                                                    to help prepare for future robotic
                                                                                                                    and human exploration. The rover
                                                                                                                    also will collect the first samples of
                                                                                                                    Martian rock and regolith (broken
                                                                                                                    rock and dust) for return to Earth
AFRC2020-0063-15                                             			                             NASA/Lauren Hughes     by a set of future missions.
                                                                                                                       The Mars 2020 mission
Pilots Troy Asher and Stu Broce walk out of a NASA Armstrong hangar in Palmdale toward the flight line. In ad-
                                                                                                                    has been slated to liftoff this
dition to aeronautics research, Flight Operations personnel support such missions as the Mars Perseverance Rover,
                                                                                                                    summer ever since the agency
slated to launch in July 2020. Specialized science platform aircraft, such as the DC-8 flying laboratory, high-
                                                                                                                    announced the project in
altitude research aircraft ER-2s, C-20A, Gulfstream III and the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy,
                                                                                                                    December 2012. Owing to
are based at the facility.
                                                                                                                    the relative positions of Earth
                                                                                                                    and Mars to each other, launch
Armstrong provides Mars Rover Support                                                                               opportunities come up only
                                                                                                                    every 26 months. If Perseverance
By Jessica Arreola                                                                                                  didn’t head to Mars this summer,
NASA Armstrong Public Affairs                                                                                       the project would have to wait
   A great example of commit-                                                                                       until September 2022 to try
ment to the agency mission is                                                                                       again, seriously impacting the
the critical work of personnel in                                                                                   long-term objectives of NASA’s
the NASA Armstrong Flight Op-                                                                                       Mars Exploration Program and
erations Office. The agency ap-                                                                                     increasing overall mission risk.
proved use of its C-20 and G-III                                                                                       Significant              challenges
aircraft at Armstrong for trans-                                                                                    come with the territory when
port of mission-critical JPL staff                                                                                  planning a Mars mission. In
from California to NASA’s Ken-                                                                                      the case of Perseverance – the
nedy Space Center in Florida.                                                                                       heaviest payload yet to go to
   Trips would begin at sunrise                                                                                     the Red Planet – those included
with Armstrong’s flight surgeon                                                                                     implementing a test project to
Dr. Dwight Peake performing                                                                                         confirm the soundness of their
health screenings and protective                                                                                    parachute design. In addition,
                                      AFRC2020-0063-06                                       NASA/Lauren Hughes
equipment fittings. By sundown                                                                                      an extensive effort honed the
in Southern California, the air-      Armstrong flight surgeon Dr. Dwight Peake performs a health check.            performance of the rover’s
craft crew would return home                                                                                        Sample Caching System, the
with team members whose work          with our Perseverance rover. Togeth-    from across the U.S. aerospace        most complex and the cleanest
at the Cape was complete.             er we are persevering.” said Thomas     industry and the Department of        mechanism ever sent into space,
   “One of the best demonstra-        Zurbuchen, associate administrator      Energy have performed critical        and challenges of working in a
tions of One NASA I’ve seen in        of the Science Mission Directorate.     activities in preparing Persever-     new work environment as a result
a while is playing out right now         In addition to NASA, personnel       ance for launch.                      of the coronavirus.
X-57 progresses Future wing, cruise motors advance - Webflow
X-Press                                   					                                                                                 July 2020

AFRC2017-0093-045						                                                                  				                                    NASA/Ken Ulbrich

With a NASA F/A-18 in background, aviation maintenance crew chief Walt Kondracki guides a NASA F-15. These are two of 33 research and support
aircraft maintained by a team of 300 people at NASA Armstrong.

Appreciating AMTs
Coleman details AMTs role in aircraft flight safety
By Jim Banke                                                           on them on the ground.                 most sophisticated aircraft for
Aeronautics   Research   Mission                                          The date was chosen because         the United States Air Force and
Directorate                                                            that’s the birthday of Charles         NASA.
   To mark Aviation Maintenance                                        Edward Taylor, the man credited           Today he is a division chief at
Technician Day May 24, James                                           with building the engine the           NASA Armstrong and oversees
“J.C.” Coleman III of NASA                                             Wright Brothers used to make their     a team of some 300 people
Armstrong worked with his son                                          first historic flights in 1903.        who are responsible for keeping
on changing the transmission of                                           So, if you’re looking for an        33 research and support aircraft in
their 1990 Nissan 300ZX.                                               aviation maintenance technician        flightworthy condition.
   The plan couldn’t have been                                         – AMT for short – to appreciate,          Coleman and his colleagues
more perfect.                                                          Coleman is certainly a worthy          take their charge seriously, even
   Since 2008, on May 24                                               candidate. He’ll be the one with       to the point of demonstrating
everyone in the United States is                                       tools in hand and dirty fingernails.   a haughty boast that they have
asked to take a moment and give                                           For about 25 years as an            come to honestly and that has
thanks to the more than 250,000                                        AMT Coleman has inspected,             been shared by many proud
men and women who keep                                                 repaired, upgraded and otherwise       AMTs throughout the history of
airplanes in the air by working        James “J.C.” Coleman III        maintained some of the nation’s        flight.
X-57 progresses Future wing, cruise motors advance - Webflow
X-Press                                    					                                                                                      July 2020

   “It may be the pilot who gets                                                                                    Operations Management, both
all the glory, but it’s the AMTs                                                                                    from Embry Riddle Aeronautical
on the ground that should get all                                                                                   University.
the credit,” Coleman said. “We’re
responsible for that airplane, from                                                                                 A is for Aeronautics
nose to tail. If it flies well, or if it                                                                               When       Coleman       retired
flies poorly, that’s a reflection on                                                                                from the Air Force in 2019, he
its ground crew.”                                                                                                   didn’t travel far for his next job
   Put another way, it’s the AMTs                                                                                   at NASA, as he only moved a
who own the airplanes, while                                                                                        couple of miles down the edge
pilots just borrow them for a bit                                                                                   of massive Rogers Dry Lakebed
and hope to bring them back in                                                                                      from Edwards to Armstrong.
the same condition or risk the                                                                                         In starting his civilian career
– good-natured? – wrath of the                                                                                      at the nation’s space agency,
ground crew.                                                                                                        Coleman said some of his Air
   It’s not arrogance. It reflects                                                                                  Force colleagues wondered what
the respect and seriousness to                                                                                      he would be doing “up there”
which AMTs approach their work                                                                                      and needed to be reminded that
because it can literally mean the                                                                                   the first A in NASA stands for
difference between life and death.                                                                                  Aeronautics.
   “That really is a mentality that                                                                                    “We do fly aircraft and we do
is bred into the culture of AMTs.                                                                                   it exceptionally well!” Coleman
That aircraft on the ground is                                                                                      said he told his friends.
ours. If the pilot has a successful                                                                                    Armstrong’s aircraft fleet
mission, it is in no small part due                                                                                 includes 33 airplanes, of which
to the maintainer,” Coleman said.                                                                                   there are 12 different major
                                                                                                                    types. These aircraft range from
A Familiar Story                                                                                                    the big DC-8 airliner-turned-
   If there is such a thing as a                                                                                    research-platform, to small
stereotypical AMT, it’s probably                                                                                    electric-powered drones.
someone who tends to work on                                                                                           “The beauty of working at
their own cars, has a tool for every                                                                                NASA is the variety of aircraft we
job, and loves to create and build                                                                                  fly,” Coleman said.
things, Coleman said.                                                                                                  Armstrong’s fleet also includes
   So, it’s probably no surprise that                                                                               F/A-18 and F-15 fighter jets long
Coleman’s personal tale echoes                                                                                      since retired from the military.
the origin story of many AMTs.                                                                                      The F-15 was the first type of
                                      AFRC2018-0287-158			                                    NASA/Josh Valcarcel
   Originally from Raleigh, North                                                                                   airplane Coleman worked on in
Carolina, Coleman was bit by the NASA Armstrong technician James Ford works on the nose wheel of a NASA             the Air Force and it remains his
bug at an early age. Not so much F/A-18 research/support jet on the ramp at Ellington Field in Houston, Texas.      favorite.
an aviation bug – although he had                                                                                      But it’s also a kind of love-
an interest in airplanes – but more prompted him to pursue a degree aircraft flew other than you put a              hate relationship as the F-15
of a mechanical one.                  in electrical engineering. He began whole lot of power behind it and          represents for Coleman and his
   “Even as a kid I would take his studies at North Carolina State hopefully it takes off,” Coleman                 team the kind of challenge they
apart my toys to see how they University and continued at North said.                                               face in maintaining aging aircraft
worked and try to improve them Carolina A&T State University                During the next 24 years Coleman        NASA has obtained from the
as I put them back together,” until money ran out.                        would ascend through the enlisted         military and industry.
Coleman said.                            His father insisted that if ranks to the top, retiring in 2019 as             “The older and more high
   To save money, his father did Coleman wanted to finish school, a Chief Master Sergeant stationed at              performance they are, the more
all the maintenance on the family he had to pay his own way. The Edwards Air Force Base. He and his                 love and attention they need,”
car and young Coleman helped, Air Force turned out to be the wife of 21 years, Carmen, also raised                  Coleman said. “They are beautiful
gaining practical training and solution, even if it meant an a son, Jalen.                                          when they fly but when they
confidence in knowing that he unsure future as a certified AMT              Along the way he would work             break it gets increasingly more
was indeed mechanically inclined. rather than holding an engineering on many different types of aircraft            challenging and expensive to find
(He wouldn’t buy his first new car degree.                                – trainers, fighter jets, spy planes –    spare parts or to make our own.”
until 2017.)                             “I had no idea what an aircraft and earn two degrees: a Bachelor of           The hunt for spare parts might
   Coleman’s interest in figuring maintainer was when I joined the Science in Aeronautics Technology
out how things worked initially Air Force, or even really how an and a Master of Science in Aerospace               AMTs page 6
X-57 progresses Future wing, cruise motors advance - Webflow
X-Press                                        					                                                                        July 2020

More X-59 pieces are coming together
The wing and cockpit sections of NASA’s
          X-59 Quiet SuperSonic Technol-
     ogy (QueSST) are coming together at
Lockheed Martin’s Skunk Works® factory
   in Palmdale. Major structural compo-
  nents still to be added include the long,
  forward nose and rear section – known
as the empennage – that includes the tail
  and single jet engine. Nearby, although
         not seen in this picture, Lockheed
     Martin technicians and engineers are
     completing other assembly tasks, with
      fabricating the composite wing skins
      with the help of a sophisticated robot
already done. When it is complete, Lock-
     heed Martin and NASA will put the
 X-59 through a series of ground and test
  flights to ensure not only its air worthi-
 ness, but also its ability to create a sonic
boom that can barely be heard – if at all
   – by people on the ground while it flies
 supersonic at a cruise altitude overhead.
                                                                                                             Photo courtesy of Lockheed Martin

AMTs... from page 5
require Coleman’s team to look                                                                             a passion for working with your
through old, grounded aircraft                                                                             hands and with tools, and if you
stored at Armstrong or Edwards;                                                                            have a knack for problem solving
travel to other desert airfields                                                                           and troubleshooting, then you
where large numbers of retired                                                                             probably have what it takes to
aircraft are sent; or seek out help                                                                        succeed as an AMT.
from NASA research centers                                                                                   And just because Coleman
having aircraft operations.                                                                                wound up working on high-
   “We really have excellent                                                                               performance fighter jets, among
relationships with the Air Force                                                                           other advanced aircraft, being
here at Edwards and elsewhere,                                                                             certified as an AMT means you
as well as with the other NASA                                                                             can work on anything from the
centers. If you’re in aircraft                                                                             smallest single-engine general
maintenance you’re part of a kind                                                                          aviation airplane to the largest
of club and we all try to help each                                                                        jumbo jet airliners.
other out,” Coleman said.                                                                                    “When it comes to the general
                                                                                                           theory of aircraft maintenance
                                   AFRC2018-0134-19		                                 NASA/Lauren Hughes
AMT Work Ahead                                                                                             and aircraft engine operation,
  At the same time the Armstrong NASA Armstrong technician David Johnson works on rewiring the cockpit     while the complexity level can
AMT team is working to keep and nose area of NASA’s high-altitude ER-2 research aircraft.                  increase, there’s not a lot variance
their current aircraft flying, its                                                                         between the different aircraft you
members have their eyes on the definitely keeping busy and It is a labor of love. It is a skill            might work on,” he said.
future.                            continuing to train and learn new set that will be needed because         Being an AMT is a career that
  “We just took delivery of things,” Coleman said.                    air travel in one form or another    certainly has worked out well for
the all-electric X-57 and we’re      The future also is bright for – and NASA is working on a lot          the North Carolina native, one
working with our program anyone thinking about joining the of different ideas – is not going to            that can be celebrated on Aviation
managers to prepare for AMT ranks.                                    disappear,” Coleman said.            Maintenance Technician Day.
the supersonic X-59 – those are      “Being an aircraft maintainer is    His advice for anyone thinking      “I truly believe I’ve got the
just two examples – so we’re one of the most rewarding careers. about such a career: If you have           greatest job in the world.”
X-57 progresses Future wing, cruise motors advance - Webflow
X-Press                                   					                                                                                    July 2020

 SOFIA New Zealand
 deployment canceled
By Kassandra Bell                                                                                                 of optimal observing conditions
USRA                                                                                                              during the Southern Hemisphere’s
   The leadership of the                                                                                          winter months, including long
Stratospheric        Observatory                                                                                  nights. The observations that were
for     Infrared      Astronomy,                                                                                  scheduled to take place from New
SOFIA, reached a decision                                                                                         Zealand will be assessed for future
that the observatory’s annual                                                                                     deployments to the Southern
deployment to Christchurch,                                                                                       Hemisphere. The SOFIA Science
New Zealand, is not feasible this                                                                                 Center continues to be fully
year, given ongoing concerns                                                                                      operational, supporting services
related to the COVID-19                                                                                           such as data pipeline operations,
pandemic. A revised flight                                                                                        helpdesk and user support.
schedule is being coordinated to                                                                                     SOFIA, the Stratospheric
focus on high-priority celestial                                                                                  Observatory       for      Infrared
                                                                                  NASA/SOFIA/Waynne Williams
targets that can be studied                                                                                       Astronomy, is a Boeing 747SP
from SOFIA’s base at NASA           SOFIA taxiing on the ramp at Christchurch International Airport in 2017.      jetliner modified to carry a 106-
Armstrong.                          The leadership of SOFIA reached a decision that the observatory’s annual      inch diameter telescope. It is a
   SOFIA observations were          deployment to Christchurch, New Zealand, is not feasible this year, because   joint project of NASA and the
temporarily suspended effective     of ongoing concerns related to the COVID-19 pandemic.                         German Aerospace Center, DLR.
March 19, in response to the                                                                                      NASA’s Ames Research Center in
COVID-19 situation. In the          opportunities to observe from our      deployment this year. We value         California manages the SOFIA
meantime, the SOFIA team            base in California,” said Naseem       the scientific data we collect from    program, science and mission
has been preparing for a future     Rangwala, SOFIA’s project scientist.   Christchurch and look forward to       operations in cooperation with
return to flight through the        “As always, we are thankful to the     returning in the future.”              the Universities Space Research
formulation of new flight plans     New Zealand government, U.S.              SOFIA typically deploys to          Association headquartered in
and will make that information      Antarctic Program, Christchurch        Christchurch, New Zealand, from        Columbia, Maryland, and the
available when it is finalized.     Airport, German Aerospace Center       approximately June to August           German SOFIA Institute (DSI)
   “Though we can’t fly to          and other partners for the extensive   each year to study celestial objects   at the University of Stuttgart.
New Zealand this year, we are       work and cooperation that went         best viewed from the Southern          The aircraft is maintained and
excited about leveraging new        into evaluating options for a          Hemisphere and to take advantage       operated from Armstrong.

Researchers could fly with future experiments
  For the first time in the agency’s history, NASA                                                     qualification, NASA plans to purchase
has initiated a new effort to enable NASA personnel                                                    seats on commercial suborbital space
to fly on future commercial suborbital spaceflights.                                                   transportation systems for NASA use.
NASA’s Flight Opportunities program has                                                                   One of the initial activities for SubC
successfully worked with emerging commercial                                                           is to work with the Federal Aviation
suborbital transportation systems to fly research                                                      Administration (FAA) and commercial
payloads to space for short periods of microgravity                                                    suborbital space transportation providers
time. In addition, the Flight Opportunities                                                            to define the approach for system
program recently released a call that allows those                                                     qualification for NASA personnel, as
non-NASA researchers to propose accompanying                                                           well as identify the specific performance
their payloads in suborbital space.                                                             NASA capabilities NASA desires.
  Now the Suborbital Crew (SubC) office within NASA’s Commercial              NASA created the Commercial Crew Program to transport NASA
Crew Program will lay the groundwork for flying NASA personnel on          astronauts to and from the International Space Station in low-Earth
commercial suborbital space transportation systems. The goal of the        orbit and awarded contracts to Boeing and SpaceX to develop human
SubC office is to perform a system qualification, or safety assessment,    space transportation systems that will launch American astronauts on
to enable NASA astronauts, principal investigators and other NASA          American rockets from American soil. The first test flight with NASA
personnel to take advantage of these unique capabilities. Following the    astronauts, the SpaceX Demo-2 mission, launched May 30.
X-57 progresses Future wing, cruise motors advance - Webflow
X-Press                                          					                                                                                       July 2020

X-57... from page 2
   These steps include endurance         even better.”                           to integrate the cutting-edge wing       X-57 is extremely important,”
and high power testing of                   While X-57 will always fly           designed by Xperimental LLC              said NASA’s X-57 Project
the cruise motors and cruise             with a pair of cruise motors in         to X-57 for Mods III and IV and          Manager Tom Rigney. “The team
motor controllers, with a focus          each configuration, five motors         troubleshoot any challenges with         is proving out the key electric
on monitoring overall system             in total have been built for the        the attachment.                          components that will very soon
efficiency. To do this, engineers        project. One was disassembled and          Among the lessons learned from        set the stage for all the parts to
use a dynamometer to measure             used for evaluation of the unit’s       this phase is a better understanding     come together and for on-aircraft
current and voltage, taking in           construction as a safety measure,       of what physical modifications           ground testing to begin. This
data at a rate of two million            two will be used as flight motors       must be made to the fuselage to          critical step must be completed
times per second. From there, the        on the X-57 aircraft, and the other     allow the wing to be mounted as          successfully before the airplane
performance of these components          two will be used for envelope           efficiently and safely as possible.      can take its first flight. Although
can be recorded, analyzed and            expansion testing and will act as       The wing is also undergoing              managing this and the wing
augmented as necessary to achieve        spares to the flight motors.            instrumentation         development,     development          simultaneously
maximum efficiency. The goal of             Lessons learned from this            with engineers working to finalize       is challenging, doing both in
this high power testing is to ensure     testing are helping to pave the         the positioning of hardware inside       parallel is proving to be a huge
that the cruise motors and their         way for future Federal Aviation         the wing to accommodate X-57’s           time savings.”
controllers can perform, with            Administration          airworthiness   complex       distributed     electric      As testing on these critical
overhead, any of the steps of a          standards for electric aircraft, says   propulsion system.                       components continues to advance
flight mission.                          Foster.                                    “We’re working to figure out          X-57 toward its historic first
   Endurance testing involves               “It’s critical for the success of    the right positioning for specific       flight, an approaching milestone
a wider spectrum of activities,          the project that we achieve the         instruments, and how to mount            in NASA’s effort to help set
according to ESAero Cruise Motor         efficiency goals that we’re looking     them,” said Phil Osterkamp,              certification standards for electric
Acceptance and Qualification             at, but also as we’re going through     ESAero vehicle instrumentation           aircraft of the future, anticipation
Lead, Colin Wilson.                      these steps that we’re beginning        lead. “It’s a small wing and the         for that day grows across the
   “The endurance testing involves       to develop how anyone else in the       challenge is to get all these items      team.
everything from doing small              industry is going to certify or make    fitted onto and inside it and trying        “In the beginning, we were
checks and low power checks,             airworthy motors,” said Foster.         to understand how to make this as        trying to push the envelope for
making sure that the motor spins         “We’re taking those first steps.”       light and as small as possible. It’s a   this technology and I think now
and communicates and gives us               As this cruise motor testing         lot of layout and routing.”              sharing lessons learned along the
the information we need, all the         directly feeds the effort for X-57         This is being done as a risk          way, we’re providing more benefits
way up to running full mission           Mod II, currently housed at NASA        reduction for X-57, which will           to the aerospace community at
profiles,” Wilson said. “We              Armstrong, preparation for Mods         be the first NASA X-plane in             this stage than we thought we
take the testing beyond mission          III and IV are well underway            two decades to have a test pilot         would,” said Foster. “It’s really
profiles, where you’re really            with the team getting the vehicle’s     onboard, but also as a schedule          exciting to see how far we’ve come
pushing the limits of temperature        future wing ready for integration.      reduction effort. With these             and really seeing things start to
and power.”                              An additional P2006T fuselage, off      activities taking place in parallel to   come together here in these final
   “So far, the motors and               the same assembly line as X-57’s        Mod II, the transitions from Mod         phases as we approach first flight
controllers     have     performed       fuselage, was acquired and is acting    II to Mods III and IV will require       for Mod II. I’m incredibly excited
exceedingly well, and we’re in the       as a “tooling” fuselage to allow        less time.                               to see this thing fly.”
process of getting them to perform       engineers to assess the best way           “The work being done now for             “Words can’t express it.”

The X-Press is published the first Friday of            National Aeronautics and
each month for civil servants, contractors              Space Administration
and retirees of the NASA Armstrong Flight
Research Center.                                        NASA Armstrong Flight
                                                        Research Center
          Address: P.O. Box 273,
          Building 4800, MS 1422
                                                        P.O. Box 273
       Edwards, California, 93523-0273                  Edwards, California, 93523-0273
           Phone: 661-276-3449
                                                        Official Business
            FAX: 661-276-3167
                                                        Penalty for Private Use, $300
             Editor: Jay Levine,
        Logical Innovations, ext. 3459

   Managing Editor: Steve Lighthill, NASA

      Chief, Strategic Communications:
              Kevin Rohrer, NASA
X-57 progresses Future wing, cruise motors advance - Webflow X-57 progresses Future wing, cruise motors advance - Webflow
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