Year 11 Information Evening - Tuesday 5th October, 2021 - Cranbrook School

Page created by Lawrence Osborne
Year 11 Information Evening - Tuesday 5th October, 2021 - Cranbrook School
Year 11 Information Evening

    Tuesday 5th October, 2021
Year 11 Information Evening - Tuesday 5th October, 2021 - Cranbrook School
Year 11 Timeline: Key Milestones

1.    Sixth Form Open Evening (3rd November, 2021)
2.    Year 11 Short Mocks (w/b 15th November, 2021)
3.    Year 11 Report (w/b 13th December, 2021)
4.    Year 11 Mocks (w/b 21st February, 2022)
5.    Year 11 Parents Evening (17th March, 2022)
6.    Public Exams: First Exams: 23rd May 2022 – Final Exams: 24th June 2022 *
7.    Pre A Level Courses & Sixth Form Induction Week (w/b 27th June, 2022) **
8.    Work Experience (w/b 4th July, 2022)
9.    Results Day (25th August 2022)
*Scheduled dates may widen, dependent on Covid. Exam boards yet to fully publish.
**Timings and expectations to be reviewed, in line with movement of exam dates.
Year 11 Information Evening - Tuesday 5th October, 2021 - Cranbrook School
GCSE Assessment 2022
    What do we know?
    • Public Examinations in the summer term.
    • A teacher assessed grade will be asked for.
     The government’s current proposal is essentially a tweaked Teacher Assessed Grade (TAG)
     process. This means that there is a possibility that formally assessed work will count towards a
     student’s grade in the event of major disruption in the summer.

                                                   Ofqual says there will be "at least a 10-day gap between exams
                                                   in the same subject to reduce the risk of students missing all
The exam regulator and DfE plan will               exams in a subject".
be subject to a two-week consultation
                                                   Schools should aim to build in assessment opportunities for TAG
on whether teacher-assessed grades
                                                   evidence in advance – for example, before Christmas – "to
(TAGs) should be used. The key
                                                   protect against further disruption".
proposals include:
.                                                  "teachers must not determine a TAG unless exams are cancelled
                                                   nor tell their students what their TAG might be".
Year 11 Information Evening - Tuesday 5th October, 2021 - Cranbrook School
What are the main implications for GCSE students?
  • To help students revise in the summer, exam boards will provide advance information about the focus of exams by 7
    February 2022 (or earlier, if the impact of the pandemic worsens) for all subjects at GCSE and A-level, with the
    exception of GCSE English Literature, GCSE History and GCSE Geography.

  • Schools and students have be given some choice about the content that they will be assessed on in the following
    qualifications: GCSE English Literature, GCSE History, GCSE Geography.

  • Students will be given a formulae sheet in GCSE Maths Exam and a revised equations sheet in GCSE
    Physics Exam covering all the equations required in the subject content.

  • GCSE and A-level Art - Students will only be assessed on their portfolio.

  • GCSE French and Spanish - Exam boards will include an extra optional question in the writing assessment, to help
    students to focus on fewer themes in their writing.
Year 11 Information Evening - Tuesday 5th October, 2021 - Cranbrook School
GCSE: What are our aspirations?

•   Grades 8-9 = A*, Grade 7 = A, Grade 6 = B, Grade 5 = C+ / ‘good’ pass, Grade 4 = C-/ pass

•   Points for all the GCSEs will be on a 1-9 scale

•   Candidates must achieve a minimum of 48 points at GCSE (or 45 points if 9 or fewer
    subjects entered) in order to be eligible for Cranbrook Sixth Form, September 2020 entry
•   At least a Level 5 in English and Maths at GCSE is an aspiration.

•   At least a Level 6 in subjects chosen is a requirement.

•   At least meeting Value Added Score (VA) in each subject is an aspiration.
Year 11 Information Evening - Tuesday 5th October, 2021 - Cranbrook School
Sixth Form Entry
                                                                              Sixth Form Open Evening
           Curriculum Option Choices                                          (5.30pm, 3rd November, 2021)

 Art                              Government & Politics
 Business Studies                 History Early Modern
 Chemistry                        History Later Modern
 Classical Civilisation           Mathematics
 Economics                        Drama & Theatre
 English Literature               Philosophy & Ethics
 French                           Physics
 Further Mathematics*             Psychology
*Requires level 8 in GCSE Maths                          Cranbrook School's curriculum provision is under review.
Year 11 Information Evening - Tuesday 5th October, 2021 - Cranbrook School
A Level
•   Linear A level courses
•   Study 3 A levels
•   Russell Group universities want three good A level grades
•   AS – no longer an option
•   In a small number of cases, some students will take 4 A Levels.
•   Entry requirement for 4 A Levels is a minimum of 78 points plus SLT interview. *
Year 11 Information Evening - Tuesday 5th October, 2021 - Cranbrook School
An example of one of the wider study options Sixth Form students have,
   supplementing their A Level work:

         The EPQ – Extended Project Qualification
• The EPQ is an individual research based project. It requires a lot of self motivation and a
  good work ethic.                  Click to add text
• Normally it is a 5000 essay together with a presentation to a small audience. Students
  have to reflect on the process as they go along in a formal log.
• Universities are impressed by an EPQ, particularly if it is related to the course that you
  are applying for.
• In UCAS points terms, it is worth half an A Level.
• Timescale – starts September (Year 12), finishes November (Year 13)
Year 11 Information Evening - Tuesday 5th October, 2021 - Cranbrook School
Internal Applications Process

• A Level Options Evening (3rd November)

• Year 11 ‘Post 16 and Options Process’ activities for students (Assembly
  and Tutor Time Activities)

• Application Forms Distributed (w/b 8th December)

• Initial Application Deadline (12th December 2021)

*Kent Choices – no need to register with them, if applying for Cranbrook School.
Year 11 Information Evening - Tuesday 5th October, 2021 - Cranbrook School
Work Experience (Summer 2022)

        Suggested Week: 4th - 8th July 2022
                              WHY BOTHER?
•   Easier to get a job with work experience, now and in the future
•   Can put it on your personal statement and cv
•   The experience will be fun
•   You get to meet people outside of the school environment – social skills, self
•   Placement might lead to paid employment
•   Help you decide career path
•   Further and Higher Education establishments value work experience
•   Evidence that you have experienced life beyond the classroom
Short observations
                                                Forms to fill in
  Medicine                                      Benenden Hospital
                                                Local practices
  Dentistry                                     Nursing Homes
  Veterinary Services                           Stables
                                                Cats Homes
                                                  Local newspapers
  Media & TV                                      BBC delays – organise another
                                                  Free papers
  Banking      Local shops                        Working in London
                                                  Kent Film Office
  Law                                             Queen’s Hall contacts

  Engineering                                Local banks             Cricket clubs
                           Museums           Accountants…            Sports shops
Charity Shops & Head                         Charity accountants
Offices                         Swattenden
            Language schools    Centre        National
Schools                                       Trust/Bedgebury/Sissinghurst
• Ask for a week-long placement if possible when you
  are free after your GCSEs.
• Make sure the company/organisation confirm the
  dates in writing to you and you have all of their
  contact details
• Then pass this information onto Mrs Newman by
  filling out a Work Experience details form and email
  to Mrs Newman
• Name of Company
• Confirmed dates of placement
• Name of contact
• Email address
• Postal Address
• Telephone number
This is essential information as there are strict Health and
Safety rules with placements - and the school have to
check these. Please help us by getting the correct
Frequently Asked Questions

       • Can I do more than one week? YES
       • Can I do several placements over one or two weeks? YES
       • Do I have to do work experience if I’m leaving Cranbrook? YES
       • Can I do the placement outside those dates? YES

                                                                                    At least one week
                                                                            MONDAY 4th JULY TO FRIDAY
                                                                                   8TH JULY
                                                                             Full placement details due to Mrs

Tip for Now: Carefully read through and engage with ‘Futures’ publication
                                                                              Monday 10th JANUARY
What happens on Results Day?
    (25 August, 2022)
• Year 11 pupils and parents may access their results via Parent Gateway on the Thursday

• Results will only be given to the candidate concerned.

• An email will also be sent to the student, including a decision letter indicating whether or
  not they have secured a place in the Sixth Form and their next steps.

• Opportunity for face to face or phone call meetings with School Leadership Team
Rewards, Support and Sanctions
• Year 11 – difficult year for pupils. Lot of pressure!                                         *Please keep
                                                                                                checking Portal!
• Important to celebrate effort and perseverance as well as academic success.

• Healthy balance in developing a well-rounded individual.

• Pupils receive merits and behaviour points based on their performance and attitude to learning.*

• Wider support and intervention including bespoke reports and continuous review.

• Year 11 rewards and wider recognition (including Student Voice via School Council). e.g. Milkshake vouchers, ‘e’
  certificates sent home & move to period 4a lunch

• Celebrate involvement and achievement outside of school...                          ...Please do let us know!
Whole Year Group Strategies &
• Microsoft Teams (resources, home learning and communication)

• Tutor time study skills ‘target setting and accountability' booklet

• Promotion of Years 10-11 Independent Study & Challenge booklet

• Futures. Invite to various careers and 16+ fairs (both at Cranbrook and beyond)

• Careers interviews (co-ordinated by Christine Newman)

• Timely Revision & Support Sessions (Subject, Tutor, HOH & LG level)

• Year 11 subject support & intervention sessions

• Focus support and mentor groups (tutor, HOH and SLT led)

• Continued promotion and recognition of participation and achievement in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.
How can you support your child?
Engagement with Independent Study &
    Blended Learning

• Educake - formative assessment made easy | Educake - Online Formative Assessment for Homework and Classwork

• GCSE Pod for all subjects to aid independent learning and provide valuable revision.
  GCSE Learning and Revision | GCSEPod

• Free Homework & Revision for A Level, GCSE, KS3 & KS2 (

•    Independent Study: three designated home learning slots in all Year 11 homework
    timetables:          Cranbrook School | KS4 Curriculum
Blended Learning Procedure

• Where a student is absent from school (for three days or more and is able to work) provision
  is made for them from their first day of absence
• Students’ timetables mirror ‘in school’ timetables, with tasks set in advance/during the
  session to support their learning via Microsoft Teams.

Where a whole year group is isolating from school:
• teachers are an ‘active’ Microsoft Teams presence – with live delivery encouraged.
• Students are expected to attend and engage in all sessions (where Tech allows)
• Expectations with work and behaviour mirror what we would expect ‘face to face’.
• Students are expected to attend tutor/House time at 10.20.
Year 11: Planning Your Revision

• In order to revise, you must know what you need to revise

• Use folders/exercise books, subject guides/notes given by teacher, purchased revision guides or
  notes borrowed from another student.

• Be careful that a purchased guide is the one for the exam board/syllabus.

• Plan in advance. Use a blank calendar and identify sessions (weekdays, weekends and breaks).

• Plan what subjects/topics to be revised in the sessions identified.

• Divide each subject down into separate topics and subtopics. Write these into the revision plan.

• Target weak topics – don’t just revise strengths.
Year 11 – Study Skills & Revision

• Last-minute 'cramming' for exams is the worst of all worlds - it is very
  stressful and unlikely to lead to good marks
• Exams test learning not memory – revision needs to start early
• Biggest problem people have is putting revision off
• A variety of techniques work best
• Revision needs to be active - processing information from one form
  to another or practising questions. Passive reading is of little use.
• Planning is essential
• Work in a comfortable location, free from distractions
• Keep positive
                              Start Now!
Year 11 – Study Skills & Revision

• Revisit concept or topic a number of times; each time there will be an
  improvement & development in confidence, knowledge and understanding.

(Revision should be embarked on over months – not the last couple of weeks!)

• Do revise the day before – short term memory and linking of ideas helps

• Establish a culture of independent study and review.

• Make some sacrifices and establish new routines…

                         …however, keep healthy and still enjoy life!
Some Revision Techniques
• Note taking
• Flashcards or revision cards
• Key word lists
• Re-writing notes - summarising
• Mind maps/spider diagrams
• Story boards
• Flowcharts
• Post stick notes/posters
• Voice recordings
• Pair or group work
• The internet (including GCSE POD and wider revision platforms)
• Teams, Facetime remote groups (chat/video call)
                                                                   *take direction from class teacher
• Past papers*
Managing Well Being
The pathway/process;

• Early flagging up and communication with Form Teacher or Head of House;

• Subsequent support pathways will be bespoke to the individual but there are constants;

• Discreet and empathetic communication;

• Flagged with relevant internal staff (whether it be Leadership Group, class teachers, support
  staff, SENCO, safeguarding team, Place2Be, and/or external agencies);

• Subsequent open dialogue.

• Continue with pursuits that make you happy (in and out of school)
How best can you support your child?
• Open Dialogue: child – parent – Cranbrook (tutor/Head of House)

• Pre-emptively keeping abreast of the Year 11 timeline and support available

• Support a high level of attendance; the most effective learning will take place in the

• Ask questions about your child's learning. (Microsoft Teams, remote platforms and
  their engagement with in school learning)

• Support an early focus on revision – the longterm approach

• Building and managing expectations
How best can you support your child?

• Reminding them of the bigger picture

• Keeping a close eye on their mental wellbeing (anxieties, stress, focus & confidence)

• Encourage a ‘screen switch off’

• Reinforcement: Applying one self fully in class and to home learning tasks set

• Not to neglect wider co-curricular and out of classroom opportunities

• Positive reinforcement . A happy person will be best equipped to achieve their potential.
Further support:

‘Stay Well’ (Cranbrook School website)
• KOOTH - Online counselling and wellbeing support.
• SHOUT 85258 - Free 24-hour crisis text service.
• Useful Apps:
• HEADSPACE – Everyday mindfulness and meditation for stress,
  anxiety, sleep, focus, fitness
• MEE TOO – regulated, confidential app for teenagers to, safely,
  discuss their worries
• CALM – For meditation and sleep
Year 11 Timeline: Key Milestones

1.    Sixth Form Open Evening (3rd November, 2021)
2.    Year 11 Short Mocks (w/b 15th November, 2021)
3.    Year 11 Report (w/b 13th December, 2021)
4.    Year 11 Mocks (w/b 21st February, 2022)
5.    Year 11 Parents Evening (17th March, 2022)
6.    Public Exams: First Exams: 23rd May 2022 – Final Exams: 24th June 2022*
7.    Pre A Level Courses & Sixth Form Induction Week (w/b 27th June, 2022) **
8.    Work Experience (w/b 4th July, 2022)
9.    Results Day (25th August, 2022)
*Scheduled dates may widen, dependent on Covid. Exam boards yet to fully publish.
**Timings and expectations to be reviewed, in line with movement of exam dates.
Cranbrook School      Cranbrook Together
Parents Association
Cranbrook Together
• Voluntary parental donations, usually monthly.
• Funds the extra curricular environment from mental
  health to pitches and meeting places.
• Parents can direct some of their donation towards their
• We ask for a minimum of £20 per month for each
• Slightly less than a pint of beer a week.
Cranbrook School Parents Association
• Money raised from parent social events and Lotto.

• Funds requests from staff and the school for
  specifics needed for the extra curriculum.

• Burns Night, Quizzes, Lotto, Biannual Ball, Fairs and
Funding Extra-Curricular Life
• Cranbrook Together maintains and extends our facilities.

• The CSPA allows the clubs and societies to thrive.

• Through monthly Cranbrook Together donations and by
  supporting the CSPA, parents can make sure we will
  always have the extra-curricular life that our students
Set up to a gift direct online

Take a form tonight
         • Cranbrook School Parents’ Association
         • A group of like-minded parents who are keen to further the
           school experience of our children and have fun doing so
         • Registered charity

To develop effective
relationships with parents,
staff and others associated
with the School
What we do
• Fundraising events – Burns Night,
  Quiz Night, 2022 Summer Ball
• Lottery
• School Uniform Shop
• The Giving Machine / Amazon Smile
• Lighting Queen’s Hall Theatre £20,000
• Sports equipment £1,000s
• Student competition prizes £300
• Hockey Pavilion at the Astro
What we do
• Events where parents (and teachers) can meet
• Year and House Reps
• Talks, e.g. Drugs Awareness, Teenagers
• Website -
• Newsletter
• Social media
• WhatsApp Groups
How to get involved
• Website – sign up for the newsletter at
• Come to events
       • Wine and drinks tasting evening 19th November
       • Summer Ball 24th June 2022
• Support our lottery
• Use and donate to our second hand uniform shop
• Volunteer
• Join the Committee
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