Page created by Freddie Webster
COVID SAFE PLAN V6 30.09.2020
25 Riversdale Road, Newtown p: 5223 2714 e: newtownstadium@ymca.org.au
w: www.geelong.ymca.org.au f: YMCA Geelong Inc insta: @ymcageelong       Page 1 of 39
                                                                                                                                               We believe in the power of
                                                                                                                                                  inspired young people

The following COVID SAFE Plan has been developed through
consultation with key stakeholders, staff, customers, facility
users, State Sporting Associations and Public Health authorities.

Version Control:

       Version                Date                 Author                                                 Change Description

         V1                26/05/2020           Shona Eland         Consultation Draft

         V2                28/05/2020           Shona Eland         Exposure Draft for Managers and Stakeholders

         V3                03/06/2020           Shona Eland         Included Basketball Club feedback and Camp

                                                                    Updated Sino Pro (Check in proceed to included Postcode checking or Melbourne and
         V4                10/07/2020           Shona Eland
                                                                    Mitchell Shire restricted access to YMCA’s)
                                                                    Updated CSP to include directive that face covering must be worn in the workplace but
                                                                    staff, contractors, members guest over the age of 12 years effective 02.08.2020
         V5                02/08/2020           Shona Eland
                                                                    Close contract tracing procedure
                                                                    Contractors Requirements to wear facecovering and limited to two hours on the premises

         V6                 30/09/2020          Shona Eland         Added Appendix 3- YMCA Geelong COVID Safe Plan Amendment 30.09.2020 reflecting 8
                                                                    key principals associated with the step three Regional Victoria easing of restrictions

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Appoint COVID-19 Safety Coordinator        Roles & Responsibilities
at each site/ facility.
                                           · Complete the relevant Return to         · Advise the SMT/board of your
COVID-19 Safety Coordinators                 Sport Checklist(s) by considering         organisation on the effectiveness of
                                             the actions set out in each checklist     COVID-19 Safety Plan arrangements
Newtown: Paul Barbagallo                     and implementing (or arranging to         and seek assistance where required.
                                             implement) relevant considerations
Camp Wyuna: Andrew Kidd
                                             in your organisation and documenting    · Assist your organisation (operationally)
Bannockburn: Shona Eland                     justifications for not undertaking        to safely ramp up activity through
                                             particular actions                        the three phases of the Australian
Each user group will have to appoint                                                   government’s “Roadmap to a
COVID SAFE Officers trained in the         · Oversee the development and               COVIDSafe Australia” and as permitted
infection control and YMCA operating         implementation of the organisation’s      by the relevant State or Territory
procedures.                                  return to sport arrangements by           government.
                                             documenting those arrangements in a
YMCA Geelong will provide the details of     COVID-19 Safety Plan.
the approved courses.                                                                · Act as the contact point for your
                                           · Implementation of COVID-19 Safety         organisation’s members and
                                             Plan                                      participants - particularly around
                                                                                       questions relating to return to sport and
                                           · Periodically review the effectiveness     the actions your organisation has taken
                                             of the COVID-19 Safety Plan for your      to be COVID Safe - and other relevant
                                             organisation and amend, update or         stakeholders (including government,
                                             improve as necessary.                     public health and other authorities,
                                                                                       other clubs, associations, State and
                                                                                       National Sporting Organisations).

                                                                                                                                        Page 3 of 39
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        Action Plan                               Actions Required                                       Area                   Who                Status

Transmission Controls   Risk Assessment conduct and completed                                             All               Shona Eland
                        Physical Distancing: YMCA will place physical distancing signage
                        and decals on high traffic areas throughout facilities to remind staff
                        and customers. Education of customer and staff behaviour will be a                All                Managers
                        shared responsibility and require all people to respect and adhere to
                        the requirements. Led by example.
                        Physical Space Requirements (Indoor & Outdoor): Each space will                                     Managers to
                        display a poster/signage that indicated the requirement of 4sqm per          Liz to design           install and
                        person and the room capacity.                                                                          monitor
                        Move forward cautiously and methodically: Re-open to only occur
                        when safety and hygiene are in place at the sites. And pre-open
                                                                                                          All              Managers/CEO
                        checklists have been signed off by the site manager and CEO in
                        capacity of Chief Risk Officer
                        Temperature check to occur at each site from July - September at
                        the entry points. ie: entrance door/bus door. A fever is defined as a
                                                                                                          All                Managers
                        temperature over 38oc. This will be a condition of entry for Term 3
                        2020 July - September 2020.
                        Any Patron or Staff member who is unwell will be asked to not attend
                        classes or sent home. Signage and communications to be constantly              Edward                  Edward
                        published on website and socials and in centre
                        Return to contact sport and recreation will be authorised only on
                        the approval of the Chief Health Officer and approval from the State              All                Managers
                        Sporting Association that we are affiliated with
                        All employees, visitors, contractors are required to wear face masks. Exemption applies for medical conditions, children under 12 years
                        and participants in physical activity as outlined by DHHS guidelines.

                                                                                                                                             Page 4 of 39
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          Action Plan                                         Actions Required                                       Area           Who                 Status

                                   Spectators will be limited in all facilities based on the health
                                   advice from the Chief Health officer and the facilities capacity to
                                   accommodate 4sqm physical distancing requirements. In the early
Transmission Controls              stages this will means (in 20 people per area) that spectators will not             All        Managers
                                   be permitted to stay put and drop off and pick up. Get in, Train, Get
                                   out approach. Limitations and queuing will be required to drop off
                                   and collection points.
                                   No person is required to attend workplaces if they are experiencing
Staff and Volunteer                any signs or symptoms of fever or unwell. Staff/Volunteers to be
                                                                                                                       All        Manager
Pre-screening                      screened for temperature checks where practical to do so from July-
                                   Staff are required to use hand sanitiser at the entrance to the building
Staff arrival and shift protocol   then proceed to the Keypay portal to clock on. Handsantise before                All Sites     Manager
                                   touching the iPad
                                   During July - September 2020 pre-screening for health will
                                   predominately be via temperature checks. Over 38oc will be asked
                                   to leave the premises and seek medical advice. This is to be
                                   communicated prior to opening services/ centres.
                                   Children entering the facilities will be asking to sanitise on arrival and
                                   prior to departure.
Parent /Teachers/
                                   For children’s services such as OSHC/Vacation Care Parents/                   Vacation Care/
Leaders Pre- screening                                                                                                            Manager
                                   Guardians will sign them in and out of the service via QK Kiosk on the       Recreation/Camp
Sign in/out Protocol
                                   iPad. iPad will be cleaned after each occurrence.
                                   For Sport and Recreation programs in centre Parents will be asked to
                                   sign in and out on approved visitor management system
                                   Sine Pro - visitor management system records postcode and ask staff
                                   to check compliance on booking members to classes - No visitors/
                                   contractors to attend YMCA facility from restricted postcodes.
                                                                                                                                                  Page 5 of 39
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         Action Plan                                Actions Required                                       Area              Who                Status

                         Children enrolled in Classes via our Point of sale system will be
                         marked off as attending on the rolls for each class.
                         For Camps, Teachers/ Excursion’s Leaders are to assist with the
                         Sanitisation process as children exit the bus at Camp and through the
Parent /Teachers/        daily and before and after activities and meals.
                                                                                                       Vacation Care/
Leaders Pre- screening   Schools are to provide a list of all children and teachers names and                              Manager
Sign in/out Protocol     mobile numbers for contact tracing in arrival at Camp. IT data must
                         be stored in compliance with YMCA Geelong Privacy Policy.
                         SIne Pro - visitor management system records postcode and ask staff
                         to check compliance on booking members to classes - No visitors/
                         contractors to attend YMCA facility from restricted postcodes
                         During July - September 2020 pre-screening for health will
                         predominately be via temperature checks. Over 38oc will be asked
                         to leave the premises and seek medical advice. This is to be
                         communicated prior to opening services/centres.
                         Children entering the facilities will be asking to sanitise on arrival and
                         prior to departure.
                         For children’s services such as OSHC/Vacation Care Parents and
Child Pre-Screening      Guardians will sign them in and out of the service via QK Kiosk on the        Vacation Care/
Sign in/out Protocol     ipad. iPad will be cleaned after each occurrence.                            Recreation/Camp
                         For Sport and Recreation programs in centre: Children enrolled in
                         Classes via our Point of sale system will be marked off as attending
                         on the rolls for each class.
                         SIne Pro - visitor management system records postcode and ask
                         staff to check compliance on booking members to classes - No
                         visitors/ contractors to attend YMCA facility from restricted
                                                                                                                                          Page 6 of 39
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         Action Plan                                        Actions Required                                             Area               Who                Status

                           For Camps: Teachers/Excursion Leaders are to assist with the Sanitisation process
                           as children exit the bus at Camp and through the daily and before and after activities
                           and meals.
                           Schools are to provide a list of all children and teachers names and mobile numbers
Child Pre-screening sign                                                                                             Vacation Care/
                           for contact tracing in arrival at Camp. It data must be stored in compliance with                          Manager/Edward
in/out Protocol                                                                                                     Recreation/Camp
                           YMCA Geelong Privacy Policy.
                           SIne Pro - visitor management system records postcode and ask staff to check
                           compliance on booking members to classes - No visitors/ contractors to attend
                           YMCA facility from restricted postcodes.
Hygiene and Prevention
Practices, Behaviour       Disinfect any high touch surfaces as directed by equipment manufacturers                     All Sites         Manager
                           Hand washing signage - (DHHS Version) to be installed in all bathrooms in all
                                                                                                                        All Sites        Managers
                           Cough and Sneeze practices signage (DHHS Version) to be installed in all
                                                                                                                        All Sites        Managers
                           bathrooms in all facilities
                           Primary responsibility is on the individual hygiene. Club job to educate everyone
                                                                                                                        All Sites
                           coming into venue
                           Safe Work Australia guidelines for factsheets guide decision making                             All            Manager
                           There is difference between cleaning and disinfecting. Important to routinely clean
                           (at least once daily) Important to wash first something before you disinfect things.            All              Staff
                           Clean then disinfect.
                           Normal cleaning and sanitise hard surfaces. Except Beam, Pommel, Laminated Bars
                           (wooden; uneven and pbars) and Vault surfaces. If you had to clean them do NOT             Gymnastics
                           use bleach products on these surfaces (Dettol/Pineoclean can be used if needed).
                                                                                                                                       Site Managers/
                           Face covering to be worn in all YMCA workplaces by Staff, Members, Contractors,
                           Hirer groups over the age of 12years (except while exercising). Face covering must              All                  Page 7 of 39
                           be put on before and after exercise.
                                                                                                                                          We believe in the power of
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        Action Plan                                 Actions Required                                       Area                  Who                 Status

Hygiene and Prevention
                          All matting or soft shapes with tears MUST be removed as they
Practices, Behaviour                                                                                 Gymnastics/Judo       Paul Barbagallo
                          cannot be sanitised safel
                          Foam Pit: tarp cover tucked in, then put mats on top. All need to be
                                                                                                        Gymnastics         Paul Barbagallo
                          easily cleaned. If you cannot cover, do not use.
                          Floor: can be steamed clean but not regularly as the heat damages
                          the glue that holds the carpet to the foam. Once a year is enough.            Gymnastics         Paul Barbagallo
                          Maybe do it before you open as your yearly one this year.
                          Regularly sanitise uprights of bars and other areas people touch, like                              Gymnastic
                          spotting platform areas.                                                                            Coaches
                          Important to wash first something before you disinfect things. Clean                                Gymnastic
                          then disinfect                                                                                      Coaches
                          Patrons may be asked to bring their own equipment ie: Yoga Mats/         Yoga/Pilates Newtown/
                          Towels/Sanitiser.                                                            Bannockburn
                                                                                                                             Camp staff to
                          Athletes/ Staff (Sport and recreation programs) to shower off site
                                                                                                                             clean shower
                          however staff at Camp will required their own designated shower to             All/Camp
                                                                                                                           after they shower
                          use after water activities.
                                                                                                                                 on site
                          Hygiene posters to be on dis in toilets and public areas of the

                          YMCA provided free Flu Vacs for employees in April 2020                           All             Adele Andrew           Completed

                          Staff attendance will be recorded via Keypay on clock in and clock
Recording of Attendance                                                                                     All                  Staff              Ongoing

                                                                                                                                               Page 8 of 39
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        Action Plan                           Actions Required                                      Area                    Who                 Status

                                                                                         Rolls must be recorded
Recording of          Programs areas such as; Gymnastics: Little Ed Gym to Competitive
                                                                                         either on Links App or           Coaches
Attendance            Rookie Sports
                                                                                         hard copy.
                                                                                         Parents required to
                                                                                         provide DM with list of
                      Birthday Parties                                                   children first name that        Managers
                                                                                         are attending and mobile
                                                                                         Coaches / Team
                                                                                         managers to record team
                                                                                         members who attend
                                                                                         each training session
                      YMCA Basketball Club                                                                             Basketball Club
                                                                                         sanctioned by the club.
                                                                                         Record of attendance
                                                                                         is kept on at the YMCA
                                                                                         Members attendance will
                                                                                         be recorded on the roll
                                                                                         along with
                      YMCA Judo                                                                                        Lisa Trethowan
                                                                                         volunteers and instructors.
                                                                                         Updated rolls to be
                                                                                         provided to co-ordinator.
                                                                                         Co-ordinators to record
                                                                                         team members who attend
                                                                                         each training session
                      Facility Hirers/Users                                              sanctioned by the club.        Facility Users
                                                                                         Record of attendance
                                                                                         is kept on at the YMCA
                                                                                                                                          Page 9 of 39
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         Action Plan                                       Actions Required                                           Area                   Who                Status

                                Suppliers must sign in and out of each site and cannot enter office.
                                Suppliers arriving on site to sign in and out
                                Leave products in designated areas.
                                Staff at site to move products to the required areas on the site use
Tradesman Sign/out - Delivery                                                                                           All               Managers
                                appropriate manual handling devices.
                                Limit all contractors site visits to no more than 2 hours. Contractors
                                must be supervised and all areas/ surfaces must be disinfectant
                                before they exit the buildings by the contractor. Contractors must
                                wear face covering on when in a YMCA facility as of 02.08.2020

Cleaning Routines               Have participants/parents sanitise before entering venue                                All               Managers

                                Sanitising Stations located at each door way                                            All               Managers

                                Sanitise athletes between each rotation/apparatus                                Gymmnastics               Coaches

                                Sanitise athletes at the end of the session/training/ activity/ meal times              All                Coaches

                                Between classes sanitise high touch areas – Doors handles,                   Facility hire groups/ All
                                equipment, balls, score benches,                                                        staff
                                Any sanitising must be sprayed AND WIPED (60% only cleaned by                 All sites Managers to
                                spray, get to the 100 with the wiping)                                       ensure products supply
                                Recommended gymnasts bring own chalk in own container. The
                                chalk is not the issue (it actually takes away moisture which the
                                                                                                             Newtown/North Geelong         Coaches
                                virus uses to survive) but the concern is chalk bowl/bucket area with
                                gymnasts all using that area. MUST bring own spray bottle.

                                Mats in Judo Classes cleaned after each session                                     Newtown              Judo Coaches   Page 10 of 39
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        Action Plan                             Actions Required                                        Area                  Who                 Status

                      YMCA Basketball Club/Aussie Slammers: Basketball Training
Cleaning Routines                                                                              Newtown/Bannockburn          Coaches
                      participants to bring their own basketballs to training
                      Facility Hirers: to have an updated COVID-19 Safe Plan added to
                      their contracts which outlines their roles and responsibilities under    Newtown/Bannockburn          Managers
                      COVID Safe

                      Hand sanitiser to be placed on all office desks for staff                           All               Managers

                      Sneeze screens to be placed in high risk areas                                      All               Managers

                      Toilet and Change facilities access

                      YMCA Geelong has created Risk Assessment for the business areas
                      located on Extranet:

                      \Documents\Risk Management\COVID- ROADMAP TO RECOVERY

                      Recreation/Vac Care/ Sport Newtown/Arena/BRC
                                                                                               Staff to be trained in the
                      - YG COVID19 Recreation Centre Reopening Risk Assessment 24
Risk Assessments                                                                              risks and the controls that   Managers
                        May 2020 DRAFT
                                                                                                      are in place.
                      - YG COVID19 Recreation Centre Reopening Checklist 24 May 2020

                      Camp Wyuna
                      - YG COVID19 Camping Reopening Risk Assessment 24 May 2020
                      - YG COVID19 Camping Reopening Checklist 24 May 2020 DRAFT

                                                                                                                                          Page 11 of 39
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         Action Plan                                    Actions Required                                      Area               Who                 Status

                              Excursions and activities related to children being taken off site will
                              only occur with the approval of Department of Education and Training
Excursion Guidelines          written advice. When restrictions are eased to allow excursion            Vac Care Educators   Helena McGrath
                              the Hygiene and physical distancing practices and the excursion
                              locations must be adhered to and practiced.

                              What to do if staff have symptoms or test positive for COVID-19
                              Protection of public health is paramount and isolation of COVID-19
                              cases and quarantine of their close contacts is essential to prevent
                              further community transmission and disruption of your food business.
                              If you have employees that show signs of COVID-19 they must not
                              attend work.

                              Symptoms of COVID-19 include fever, coughing, sore throat,
                              fatigue, shortness of breath. It is recommended that the health of all
                              employees be reviewed on a daily basis and any workers showing
                              these symptoms are sent home or advised not to come into work.
Staff member or participant
                              Information for Australian businesses on what to do if a worker has              All             Managers
test positive to COVID-19
                              COVID-19 can be found on the Safe Work Australia website.

                              Any employee diagnosed with COVID-19 will be isolated and must
                              follow the directions of their public health authority. The employee
                              will not be released from isolation until they have recovered (at the
                              direction of public health authorities).

                              A public health official will conduct a detailed interview to determine
                              who that employee has come into contact with while infectious with
                              COVID-19, and determine who is considered to be a casual or close

                                                                                                                                              Page 12 of 39
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         Action Plan                                    Actions Required                                  Area     Who                 Status

                              Businesses must work with their local public health authority to help
                              rapidly trace any close contacts of an infected employee to minimise
                              further risk of spread. Close contacts will be asked to remain at home
                              at the direction of public health authorities for 14 days.

                              For more information see advice from the Australian Department of
                              Health. If someone does test positive for COVID-19 in your business,
                              it’s important to respect their privacy where possible and treat their
                              condition with understanding and compassion. Check in on their
                              wellbeing regularly during self-isolation and monitor their mental

                              Cleaning and disinfecting Areas that a confirmed or suspected
                              case of COVID-19 may have contaminated should be cleaned and
Staff member or participant   disinfected following government cleaning and disinfection guidelines
                                                                                                           All   Managers
test positive to COVID-19     - see Safe Work Australia.

                              If multiple staff are directed to be quarantined and this affects
                              operational capacity, the business will need to consider its own
                              contingency plans for disposing of raw materials (especially fresh
                              ingredients), any work in progress, or short shelf-life stock to ensure
                              food safety is maintained.

                              A worker is awaiting the outcome of a test for COVID-19. Should they
                              be excluded from work? Even if not showing symptoms, any worker
                              waiting for the outcome of a test for COVID-19 should be excluded
                              from the workplace and follow the advice of their treating GP or public
                              health authority The timing of future return to work will depend on their
                              individual circumstance as outlined in the following guidelines issued
                              by the Australian Department of Health.
                                                                                                                               Page 13 of 39
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         Action Plan                                               Actions Required                                           Area         Who               Status

                              · YMCA to be notified immediately
                              · YMCA to notify DHHS
                              · YMCA to notify YMCA Australia
COVID-19 Incident Procedure   · YMCA to notify Department of Education and Training (Children’s                                All      Shona Eland
                              · YMCA to notify employees and patrons of close down and cleaning
                                protocol and re-opening dates
Food handling and             Refer to YMCA Geelong Camp Wyuna Food Safety Plan for detailed requirement Extranet:\           Camp/    Glenn Andrew/
preparation                   Documents\Camp Wyuna\Kitchen\Food Safety Plan\YMCA Food Safety Plan                            Newtown   Lisa Trethowan
                              Staff concerns about returning to work: YMCA Geelong management team to ensure
Staff Wellbeing               that staff are aware of the environment they are returning back to and the requirements.         All
                              Determine if there are any issues and address them with the employees.
                              Vulnerable Workers: YMCA recognises that there are many people that may have
                              compromised immune systems or live with people that do therefore it is the responsibility
                              of the staff to address this issue directly with their supervisor and work towards a plan to     All
                              re- engage them in low risk tasks off site in the short term. Discussion to be documented
                              and filed and provided to the employee and People and Culture Director.
                              Continuity of Staff/Coaches: Ensuring that we have people that are able to do the
                              jobs are important therefore is important to think about rostering to ensure that Team
                              A members don’t work at the same time as Team B members to assist in coverage                    All       Managers
                              should a wave two occur. Corporate Services will not return to Newtown Stadium till after
                              September 2020 for this reason to back fill management at sites if required.
                              Staff Training, Education and Meetings: Webinars to be scheduled for return to work,
Staff Wellbeing                                                                                                                All      Shona Eland
                              What is Covid -19, COVID Safe workplaces, what to expect when you return to work.

                                                                                                                                                 Page 14 of 39
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    Action Plan                                             Actions Required                                                   Area             Who              Status

                   If a Staff Member or Member advices the Manager/CEO that they have been Identified as a Close
                   Contact to a confirmed case of COVID-19 the following will occur;
                   1. Ask for contact tracing information such as last date and time they were in a YMCA facility.
                   2. Date they were confirmed as a close contact
                   3. Ask them to quarantine at home and immediately arrange for the COVID test
                   4. Ask them to confirm the COVID Test result with you once they receive there result.
Responding to
                   5. Report the Close Contact with the CEO
COVID-19 Close                                                                                                                  All         Managers/CEO
                   6. CEO to instigate an internal Contact Tracing procedure which reviews, rosters, time sheets, class
Contact Report
                   rolls, SinePRO entries, and identify potential instaces where the “Close Contact” have been in face
                   to face cont for an accumulative 15mins or 2 hours in a room less that 200m2.
                   Identify the list of people and where necessary without breeching confidentiality or privacy outline
                   to the Internal Close Contacts that as a precautionary action the YMCA advices that a potential
                   Close Contact of a confirmed case may have been in the facility and therefore recommend that that
                   quarantine at home and get a COVID-19 Test immediately.
                   YMCA Geelong endorses Australian Sports Commission, State Sporting Association guidelines for
and fitness
                   sports and the coaching programs at each stage of the easing of restrictions. YMCA centres will only         All           Managers
                   open to participants as State Sporting Associations get the green light to return.
before a restart
                   Resumption of sport and recreation activities must be recommenced with the knowledge that skill
                   development and technical skills need to be developed posy shutdown and rebuilding the physical
                                                                                                                                All           Managers
                   fitness baseline of all participants and coaches needs to occur in the first three-four weeks of
                   resuming programs.
                   2 hour maximum for any class in the gym hall or stadiums, rooms.                                                           Managers
                   Designated entry and exit points to be established at all sites. They must be separate.                                    Managers
                   Participants are encourage to download COVIDSAFE APP                                                     to all staff/     Edward
                                                                                                                          Communication          Page 15 of 39
                   Participant/staff/ coaches encouraged to have their own personal sanitiser with them if they wish.       to all staff/     Edward
                                                                                                                                                      We believe in the power of
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    Action Plan                                             Actions Required                                                   Area                   Who              Status

                       There is no mixing of groups in training setting ie: one group of 10 and coach per            Communication to all staff/
                       basketball court at a time or in rotation in gym hall, no cross coaching during a session.         customers
                       All First Aid incidents will require the First Aider to put a facial mask on and gloves to    Communication to all staff/
                       treat the participant.                                                                             customers
                                                                                                                     Communication to all staff/
                       Children need wear shoes to training as they will be needing them for toilet.                                                 Edward
Physical and fitness                                                                                                                                Gymnastics
                       No sharing of food in breaks and breaks to occur in designated areas of the centre or
preparations before                                                                                                         Gymnastics             Coaches and
                       room. No breaks in public areas. Breaks need to be by rotation
a restart                                                                                                                                            Athletes
                       Basketball Training: YMCA Basketball Club – all participants to bring their own balls to
                                                                                                                      YMCA Basketball Club          Coaches
                       training sessions
                                                                                                                         South Side Netball
                       SSNA: Netball Equipment to be sanitised                                                                                     Nola Jukes
                       All competitions conducted by YMCA need to have balls and equipment sanitised
                                                                                                                      Newtown/ Bannockburn          Managers
                       before and after play.
Education and
communication to       All employees need to undertake COVID SAFE online training                                    Communication to all staff      Edward
relevant personnel.
                       All User group/ Facility hire/ YMCA Basketball Club/ SSNA COVID SAFE OFFICERS need
                                                                                                                        Facility user groups        Managers
                       to undertake COVID SAFE online training
                       YMCA Geelong launch a COVID SAFE webinar training which focuses on the operational
                                                                                                                     Communication to all staff      Edward
                       issues to consider.
                       Sanitising and Disinfectant Checklists for each operating site to be available at each site
                                                                                                                                 All                Managers
                       before opening. Staff to be trained in the use of cleaning products, use and storage.
                       Participant briefing notes to be provided to all coaches and they are required to discuss
                                                                                                                                 All                Managers
                       with athletes and participants the requirements for personal hygiene.
                       Umpires/ Referees/Coaches: training in the COVID Safe practices essential for their
                                                                                                                                 All                Managers
                                                                                                                                                        Page 16 of 39
                       sport/ activity
PLAN CHECKLIST                                                                                                                                         We believe in the power of
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  Consideration                                                                        Action                                                                               Y/N

Access to
                  1. Do you and your organisation have all relevant facts about COVID-19 and return to sport requirements?
                  2. Is your organisation staying up-to-date? Check official information sources including:
                     a. Australian Government Department of Health: https://www.health.gov.au/news/health-alerts/novel-coronavirus-2019-ncov-health-alert
                     b. World Health Organisation: https://www.who.int/;
                     c. Australian Institute of Sport: https://ais.gov.au/health-wellbeing/covid-19;
                     d. Sport Australia: https://www.sportaus.gov.au/;
                     e. Relevant State/Territory/local government websites; and
                     f. Relevant National Sporting Organisation (NSO)/State Sporting Organisation (SSO) websites.

Governance        3. Is everyone clear on who within your organisation/sport will make and implement decisions on return to sport?

                  4. Does everyone within your organisation understand their role?

                  5. Has your organisation nominated an COVID-19 Safety Coordinator to oversee delivery of your return to sport plan?

Strategy          6. Has your organisation reviewed its strategic plan for COVID-19 considerations?

                  7. Has your organisation defined what success looks like?

                  8. Does your organisation need to amend fixtures, playing and training rules or sporting activities to ensure physical distancing?

Financial         9. Does your organisation know what its new safety/return to sport measures will cost?

                  10. Has your organisation adjusted its budgets as necessary for COVID-19 considerations?

                  11. Has your organisation communicated any financial changes (registration/usage/membership fees etc.) to its participants?
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 Consideration                                                                          Action                                                                       Y/N

Legal &
                 12. Is your organisation across all relevant rules applicable to return to sport?

                 13. Has your organisation obtained all necessary consents and approvals to resume sport?

                 14. Has your organisation completed a COVID-19 Safety Plan? Does it outline a staged return to training and competition activities?

                 15. Has your organisation considered how it will respond to non-compliance with its return to sport protocols?

                 16. Have you communicated your specific return to sport plans with your insurer(s) or insurance broker and confirm coverage inclusions and
                     exclusions. Clarify if there are any specific exclusions caused by COVID-19, if any conditions apply to your policies, if any specific
                     approvals/consents are required and whether return to sport plans can be noted against relevant policies.
                 17. Does your organisation have a strong communications plan with existing channels – such as email/text/WhatsApp/Facebook groups - to
                     share timely and accurate information with internal and external stakeholder groups?


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 Consideration                                                                        Action                                                                            Y/N

Government       1. Has your state/territory government approved the return of community sport?

                 2. Have restrictions on public gatherings been relaxed to allow effective training to occur (e.g. AIS Framework Level B)?

                 3. Has your local government and/or facility provider approved the return of community sport and the use of your facilities (if applicable)?

                 4. Has your NSO and/or state/territory sporting body approved return to sport?

                 5. Have return to sport protocols (e.g. training, hygiene protocols) been distributed to your organisation by the NSO/SSO?

                 6. Has your committee approved the return to sport for your organisation?


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  Consideration                                                                        Action                                                                            Y/N

                  1. Is your organisation clear on the training protocols allowed under Level B of the AIS Framework, including:
                     a. The principle of “Get in, Train, Get Out”;
                     b. Maximum training group sizes, training areas and training times;
Principles           c. Training must be strictly non-contact (including no high fives, handshakes etc.);
                     d. Physical distancing (>1.5 metres) and density (one participant per 4 square metres);
                     e. Limit the number of people who attend training to essential participants; and
                     f. No access to changerooms and other club facilities (toilets and medical facilities permitted).
                  2. Is your organisation clear on the training and competition protocols allowed under Level C of the AIS Framework, including:
                     a. Full training - including contact - and competition allowed;
                     b. Return to full use of club facilities; and
                     c. physical distancing (>1.5 metres) and density (one participant per 4 square metres)
                  4. Has your organisation communicated its return to training protocols to members, participants, coaches, volunteers and families?
& Education
                  5. Does your organisation require participants and others to undertake further COVID-19 infection control training prior to commencing

                  6. Does your organisation encourage all participants to subscribe to and use the Government’s COVIDSafe app?

Attendance        7. Will your organisation require an attendance register to be maintained for all training and competition days, including venue entry and exit
Records              times and contact details?

                  8. Does your organisation have a system to record, store and if required, share data, subject to privacy law?

                  9. Are participants encouraged to bring their own water bottles, towels and other personal equipment to avoid sharing equipment where

                  10. Has your organisation established protocols for rotating or sanitising shared equipment?

                  11. Has your organisation established protocols for laundering shared uniform items?

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  Consideration                                                                           Action                                                                             Y/N

Managed Access    1. Is your organisation clear on when it can return to full and unrestricted use of facilities?

                  2. Will your organisation ensure that only essential people attend activities (i.e. participants, coaches, match officials, staff and volunteers
                     involved in operations and parents/guardians of participants) and limit numbers to comply with government staged return to sport
                  3. Has your organisation confirmed full availability of venues for your season and are appropriate COVID-19 Safety Plans in place for each
                  4. Will your organisation take precautions to minimise transmission among spectators at sporting activities such as spreading spectators
                     throughout viewing areas and designating the use of specific seats/areas that meet physical distancing requirements?

                  5. Can your organisation arrange separate entry and exit points at your facilities?

                  6. Will your organisation manage attendee flows to prevent congestion, including by use of staggered arrival/departure times, one-way
                     movement and use of physical distancing indicators?
Physical          7. Has your organisation identified physical distancing protocols to be used within shared facility spaces (e.g. dugouts, bar/canteen, change
Distancing           rooms, toilets, spectator viewing areas, entrance foyers, corridors and clubrooms)?

                  8. Does your organisation have clear messaging for facility attendees on how to maintain physical distancing (>1.5 metres)?

                  9. Has your organisation documented in a COVID-19 Safety Plan the measures in place to enable physical distancing to occur?

Bar/Canteen       10. Will your organisation permit bar/canteen operations and, if so, are there clear protocols for physical distancing, food and cash handling
Operations            and hygiene measures?
Attendance        11. Your organisation will require an attendance register to be maintained for all facility users, including venue entry and exit times and contact
Record                details

                  12. Does your organisation have a system to record, store and, if required, share data, subject to privacy law?

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  Consideration                                                                            Action                                                                            Y/N

                   1. Has your organisation communicated to your staff, members and participants about personal infection control – including that they should
                      stay home if they have:
Personal Infection    a. Any cold or flu symptoms;
Control               b. Been in direct contact with a known case of COVID-19 in the previous 14 days;
                      c. Travelled internationally in the previous 14 days; or
                      d. A high risk from a health perspective, including the elderly and those with pre-existing medical heath conditions?
                     2. Will your organisation provide advice to participants, coaches, match officials, staff, volunteers and families on personal hygiene such as:
                        a. Regular and thorough hand washing;
                        b. Encouraging the carrying and use of hand sanitiser;
                        c. Covering a sneeze or cough with an elbow or a tissue rather than hands;
                        d. Providing bins and encouraging used tissues to be disposed in the bin straight away;
                        e. Avoiding close contact with people who are unwell;
                        f. No touching of eyes, nose or mouth;
                        g. No spitting or clearing nasal/respiratory secretions on field of play or in other sport settings; and
                        h. Limiting contact with other participants – avoid handshakes, high fives, huddles and celebrations?
                     3. Will your organisation require the use of: a. Health/medical clearances for participants to resume training and playing; and/or b. Waivers/
                        declarations for participants and volunteers to sign acknowledging that participation is at their own risk?

Hygiene              4. Has your organisation established compulsory hygiene protocols such as hand hygiene?

                     5. Does your organisation provide sanitisation stations during training sessions and hand sanitiser in prominent places at facilities, including
                        entry and exit points?
                     6. Has your organisation provided education or clear guidance on your hygiene protocols to members, participants, coaches, staff, volunteers
                        and families?

                     7. Can members, participants, coaches, staff, volunteers and families wash or sanitise their hands regularly?

                     8. Does your organisation have adequate supplies of cleaning and sanitation products?

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  Consideration                                                                         Action                                                                      Y/N

Hygiene           9. Will your organisation display posters within your facilities to provide regular guidance on hygiene
(continued)          (e.g. https://www.health.gov.au/resources/collections/coronavirus-covid-19-campaign-resources)
                  10. Has your organisation documented in a COVID-19 Safety Plan the measures in place to ensure personal and facility hygiene can be

Cleaning          11. Does your organisation have a regular and thorough cleaning schedule to disinfect all common areas?

                  12. Has your organisation established cleaning protocols to ensure high touch surfaces are frequently wiped down with appropriate
                      disinfectant wipes or soap?

                  13. Does your organisation have adequate waste management protocols?

                  14. Has your organisation documented in a COVID-19 Safety Plan the measures in place to ensure effective cleaning of equipment and
                      facilities occurs?

PPE               15. Does your organisation have an adequate supply of personal protective equipment (e.g. disposable facemasks, gloves etc.)?


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  Consideration                                                                        Action                                                                        Y/N

Management        1. Has your organisation established protocols for managing individuals who present with symptoms or become unwell at an activity?

Notification      2. Does your organisation know how it will notify public health authorities of symptomatic participants?

                  3. Is your organisation able to contact other participants in relation to actual/suspected COVID-19 cases?



  Consideration                                                                        Action                                                                        Y/N

Safe Working
                  1. Is your organisation operating a COVID-19 safe work environment?

                  2. Will your organisation provide education to your employees and volunteers on COVID-19 transmission control and your operating protocols?

                  3. Can your organisation adjust work rosters to reduce in-person contact between staff and participants, where reasonable?

                  4. Can your organisation adopt flexible work practices to support more working from home or videoconferencing etc.?

Mental Health     5. Does your organisation facilitate and promote mental health and wellbeing support services for employees, volunteers and participants?

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I have reviewed and completed the
above Checklist for and on behalf of the
sporting organisation listed below.

The completed Checklist represents
a true and correct reflection of the
organisation’s approach to each of the
considerations set out in the Checklist.






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Appendix 1: Physical distancing and transmission reduction in early childhood
education and care settings, in the context of Coronavirus (COVID-19).

Introduction                                                                            Key Messages:

There are a range of actions that             The following information provides        · All staff and children who are unwell
early childhood education and care            guidance on a range of actions to be        must remain at home.
services can take to reduce the risk of       considered, implemented and adapted
coronavirus (COVID-19) transmission.          as necessary according to the education   · Hand hygiene, cough etiquette and
                                              setting and the individual needs of the     environmental cleaning and disinfection
One way to slow the spread of                 staff and children in attendance. It is     are the most effective way to reduce
coronavirus (COVID-19) is physical            understood that not all strategies may      transmission of Coronavirus
distancing, also called social distancing.    be appropriate nor possible in every        (COVID-19).
The more space between people, the            service.
harder it is for the virus to spread.                                                   · Parents/carers of children with
                                              The following actions have been agreed      complex medical needs should seek
This guidance recognises that the             by the Department of Health and             medical advice from the child’s medical
general advice for the Victorian public       Human Services (DHHS) and aligns            practitioner to support risk assessment
to maintain a physical distance of 1.5        with Physical distancing and other          and informed decision making
metres from others will not always be         transmission reduction measures -           regarding the suitability of continuing
practical in education settings, notably      coronavirus (COVID-19).                     education and care at this time.
settings that work with younger children.
In early childhood education and care                                                   · Staff, children and parents/carers
services, regulatory space requirements                                                   should have the influenza vaccination,
have not changed.                                                                         wherever possible.

It remains critically important that adults                                             · The greatest risk of transmission in the
- both staff and parents - maintain                                                       early childhood environment is between
physical distancing between themselves                                                    adults.
at early childhood services.
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Actions for Early Childhood and Care

· Display educational materials, which      · Parents/carers of children with complex    · Those who have been in contact with
  can be downloaded and printed from          medical needs (including underlying          a person known to have Coronavirus
  the DHHS website www.dhhs.vic.gov.          respiratory and cardiovascular               (COVID-19) in the last 14 days,
  au/coronavirus.                             conditions and those with compromised        including in the 24 hours before the
                                              immune systems) should seek advice           person became symptomatic.
· Comply with NHMRC guidance Staying          from the child’s medical practitioner to
  Healthy: Preventing infectious diseases     support informed risk assessment and       · Those with fever or symptoms of acute
  in early childhood education and care       decision making regarding the                respiratory infection (e.g. cough, sore
  services.                                   suitability of continuing education and      throat, runny nose, shortness of breath).
                                              care at this time.
· Alert your approved provider about                                                     · While it is not a requirement of entry to
  any large increases in child and staff    · If possible, limit the access of persons     these settings for visitors to have been
  absenteeism due to flu-like illnesses.      other than staff, educators and children     vaccinated against influenza, staff in
                                              to the service. Consider maintaining         these settings should encourage
· Keep parents and staff informed of the      a visitor record to maintain details of      visitors to get vaccinated beforehand.
  actions you are taking.                     any visitors (if necessary) entering the
                                              service including their contact details.   · Consider reviewing rosters to enhance
Attendance on site                                                                         continuity of educators with the same
                                             Exclude people from entering your             group of children.
· All unwell staff and children should be    facilities who are in the high risk
  actively encouraged to stay home.          category for Coronavirus (COVID-19),
· Staff, children and parents should have
  the influenza vaccination, wherever       · The elderly and those with pre-existing
  possible.                                   medical conditions.

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· Make sure liquid soap and running              · Tissues should be readily accessible        · It is not recommended that non-
  water, or alcohol-based hand sanitiser,          with bins provided in each room and in        medical face coverings (for example,
  is available at the entrance of the facility     outdoor areas for easy disposal.              a scarf over the mouth and nose) be
  and throughout.                                                                                used as a mitigation strategy against
                                                 · When eating, staff and children               transmission of COVID-19 or other
· Staff and children should be                     should be encouraged to keep                  similar communicable diseases, as the
  encouraged to regularly perform hand             as much distance as possible and              use of these has the potential to create
  hygiene, including on arrival to the             developmentally appropriate between           more harm than good.
  service and before and after meals. You          each other, noting that some children
  are a good role model for the children           will require assistance with feeding (see   · Ensure the highest hygiene practices
  and their parents/carers, so actively talk       routine care).                               amongst food handlers as per NHMRC
  about why everyone needs to wash                                                              guidance Staying healthy: Preventing
  their hands and the importance of              · Sharing of food should be actively           infectious diseases in early childhood
  everyone doing this.                             discouraged, including in the staff          education and care services.
· Where soap and water are not readily
  available, hand sanitiser should be
  provided in every occupied room and
  staff and children actively encouraged
  to use this. Staff and children unable
  to use hand sanitiser should be
  encouraged to wash their hands more

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· Services should maintain full adherence     · It may be possible for example, for          practising physical distancing and
  to the NHMRC childcare cleaning               children to be dropped off and picked        providing opportunities to consider
  guidelines, in addition:                      up in the service entrance or foyer or       whether children are showing any signs
                                                to stagger start and finish times of some    of being unwell.
· Clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces       service types.
  at least daily (e.g. play gyms, tables,                                                   · As opportunities to hold discussions
  hard- backed chairs, doorknobs, light       · While staggered start and finish times        with parents may be limited at drop-off
  switches, remotes, handles, desks,            occur naturally in some service types,        and departure it is recommended that
  toilets, sinks).                              kindergartens will often have one arrival     services consider alternative ways to
                                                and pick up time. Consider how the            communicate with families during this
· Wash and launder play items and toys          arrival and pick up time could be             time. For example, this could be
  including washable plush toys as              spread out. One example may be to             through communication books, emails
  appropriate in accordance with the            divide the group and allocate times,          and other software apps or closed
  manufacturer’s instructions. If possible,     noting that it not expected that session      Facebook pages.
  launder items using the warmest               times are extended to accommodate
  appropriate water setting for the items       additional arrival and departure            · There is no evidence to support
  and dry items completely.                     procedures.                                   temperature screening as an effective
                                                                                              strategy at this time. However, it is
Arrival and Departure Procedures              · Be highly diligent about all staff,           acknowledged some services are
                                                children, parents and carers washing          currently undertaking temperature
· Consider the arrival and departure            their hands upon arrival at your service.     checking of staff and children (with
  procedures for children and where             Talk about why everyone needs to wash         parental consent) in addition to the
  possible minimise opportunities for           their hands and the importance of this.       usual monitoring of their health. Most
  parents and carers to gather in groups,                                                     importantly, services should actively
  especially in foyers and in children’s      · Greeting parents and children at the          encourage staff and children to stay at
  play areas.                                   front door in the morning and during          home if unwell.
                                                pick up times will allow for one on one
                                                communication with families while
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Learning & Office Spaces

· Consider small group play, staggered        · Set up more individual activities            · Look at the spacing of cots and
  mealtimes and indoor / outdoor play           throughout the room. Rather than               highchairs, keeping them well apart.
  opportunities whenever possible.              having all of your books and blocks on
                                                one shelf, set them up in separate           · Mixing of staff and children between
· Windows should be open during the             areas throughout the room if possible.         rooms should be avoided where
  day to promote air flow where possible.                                                      possible. It is acknowledged that staff
                                              · Rather than having group times                 may need to move between rooms to
· Soap and water or hand sanitisers and         where everyone is sitting on the mat,          support breaks and, in these situations,
  tissues should be made available in all       consider using informal opportunities to       staff should be reminded of the
  learning and office spaces.                   engage with the children/read books/do         importance of hand hygiene.
                                                storytelling with one or two children at a
· Consider the setup of the room and            time throughout the day.                     · Office spaces should be configured
  the placement of the activities and limit                                                    to allow for as much space as possible
  the number of whole group activities.       · For younger children, particularly             between workstations. Where possible,
  Children should be spaced out as              consider the rotation of toys more often       staff should use separate offices.
  much as possible. For table activities,       and increase the frequency of cleaning
  set up activities only at each end of the     toys. Sharing of toys that have been
  table.                                        placed in mouths should be monitored
                                                and avoided.

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· Sharing of food should be actively         · If you are not able to run an indoor/    · Staff must always wash hands with
  monitored and discouraged, including         outdoor program, consider spending         soap and water or use a hand sanitiser
  in the staff room.                           more time outdoors, consider the           before and after performing routine
                                               placement of activities and the amount     care.
· Look at your setup when children are         of activities in the outdoor space. A
  eating. Consider having less children at     greater range of activities will         First Aid
  each table and use more tables to allow      encourage children to spread out more
  more space between children.                 broadly.                                 · Standard precautions should be
                                                                                          adopted when providing First Aid, e.g.
· If you have limited tables and normally    · Excursions should not be undertaken        gloves and apron to use when dealing
  have all children eating at the same         other than to local parks and public       with blood or body fluids/substances.
  time, consider staggered timings of          playground equipment should not be
  snacks and lunch over a longer period        used.                                    · Always wash hands with soap and
  of time.                                                                                water or use a hand sanitiser before
                                                                                          and after providing first aid.
Outdoor Play                                 Routine Care
                                                                                        · Additional PPE (e.g. face masks) is not
· Wherever possible (e.g. weather            · Standard precautions are advised when      required to provide standard first aid on
  dependent) and where you have                coming into contact with someone for       children or staff who appear to be well.
  enough staffing for adequate                 the purpose of providing routine care
  supervision, consider operating an           and/or assistance (e.g. the use of
  indoor/outdoor program for the full day/     gloves for nappy changing, toileting,
  session. This naturally provides for         feeding). Also see NHMRC guidance
  more space for the children and the          Staying healthy: Preventing infectious
  setup of more activities for children to     diseases in early childhood education
  engage in.                                   and care services.

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Management of an unwell child, or
Staff Member

· Staff or children experiencing               · Face masks should not be used in            · Follow cleaning guidance according
  compatible symptoms with Coronavirus           situations where an individual is unable      to the situation of the case. If a child
  (COVID-19), such as fever, cough               to safely or practically tolerate a mask      spreads droplets (eg. by sneezing,
  or sore throat, should be isolated in          (e.g. a child with complex medical            coughing or vomiting), clean surfaces
  an appropriate space with suitable             needs, including existing respiratory         immediately with disinfectant wipes
  supervision and collected by a parent/         needs, and younger children).                 while wearing gloves.
  carer as soon as possible.
                                               · Urgent medical attention should be
· In this situation, where staff or children     sought where indicated.
  are experiencing compatible symptoms
  with Coronavirus (COVID-19), important       · All children with a health care plan
  actions to take include hand hygiene,          should ensure this is up-to-date and
  physical distance and where possible           that it provides additional advice, where
  putting on a face mask.                        required, on monitoring and
                                                 identification of the unwell child in the
                                                 context of the Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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Appendix 2                                   Return to Judo/ Karate                       Return to Children’s Activities Sport

As YMCA Geelong operates in affiliation      https://www.ausjudo.com.au/single-           · Refer to YMCA Geelong Risk
with a number of State Sporting              post/2020/05/14/Judo-Australia-Return-         Assessment and Action Plan
Association with will be following the SSA   to-Activity-Guidance
Return to Sport Guidelines for each sport                                                 Return to Camping and Outdoor
and activity;                                Recommended Protocols for the                Education
                                             Resumption of Judo Activities under Safe
Return to Basketball                         Conditions during Covid-19 Pandemic          · Refer to YMCA Geelong Risk
                                                                                            Assessment and Action Plan
http://basketballvictoria.com.au/wp-         Can Martial Arts be practised?
ReturnToSport_Guidelines_draft080520.        Martial arts including judo, karate
pdf                                          and taekwondo must be modified
                                             so participants maintain physical
Return to Netball                            distancing.

From 1 June 2020 Return to Community         Participants must remain at least 1.5
Netball for Associations and Clubs           metres apart. Activity should be training
01.06.2020                                   only, no competition, and in line with the
                                             limits on gatherings.
Venues Requirements for return to
Netball                                      From 22 June, you should be able to
                                             practice martial arts indoors, if you are
Return to Gymnastics                         in a group of no more than 10 people
                                             and the four square metre rule is met.
Rebooting Gymnastic guidelines               https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/sport-and-

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