Page created by Eduardo Herrera
B e f o r e


                                          o o s e

                                      HOW TO

    We’ve written this guide to
    give our potential clients some
    helpful advice and information
    once you’ve decided to sell,
    to assist you to plan your
    property sale.

                                      CHOOSE A REAL
                                      ESTATE AGENT

                                      When it comes to selling one of your most
                                      valuable assets, your home, it makes sense
                                      to take the time to choose a qualified and
                                      knowledgeable sales consultant who
                                      has the right tools and strategies at their
                                      Your choice of agent could be the difference
                                      between a good price and a great price, a
                                      quick sale or being stuck on the market.
                                      When speaking with sales consultants, don’t
                                      be afraid to ask as many questions as you
                                      need to, to ensure you are comfortable and
                                      confident with your consultant.
                                      On the next page is some key items to
                                      consider when making your decision as
                                      well as the top five questions to ask when
                                      interviewing real estate agents.

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                                                                                                                      TOP 5 QUESTIONS

                                                                                                                           HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN IN THE INDUSTRY FOR? Experience counts in this
                                                                                                                      Q1   industry and it is a very important consideration. However, we suggest to also take into
                                                                                                                           account listing numbers, past experience and enthusiasm. Sometimes a newer agent
                                                                                                                           with great experience in other industries and plenty of time and dedication available to
                                                                                                                           service your property, is the best choice.

                                                                                                                      Q2   WHAT PROPERTIES HAVE YOU SOLD RECENTLY IN THE AREA? Can you tell me about
                                                                                                                           the process and result and provide a buyer and seller testimonial? It’s important that
                                                                                                                           the agent can show experience in similar properties to your property. More importantly
    KEY CONSIDERATIONS                                                                                                     though, it’s not just that they have sold in the area, but that they EXCELLED in those
                                                                                                                           sales. Asking for some case studies will really separate the great agents from the
    Choosing an agent to act in your best interest in your                                                                 average agents.
    property sale is the most important decision you will
    make in the process. This decision will define your
    selling experience, your timeline and days on market
    and of course it can have a substantial effect on the                                                                  WHAT PROCESS SHOULD I USE TO SELL MY HOME? Why do you recommend it?
    final result.                                                                                                     Q3   There isn’t one simple answer to this question and each agent might have different
                                                                                                                           recommendations but the key to success is in the details – in the why. Make sure they
                                                                                                                           aren’t just “painting by numbers” but that they are making a custom recommendation

       1                                      2                                     3
                                                                                                                           specific to your property and circumstance.

    LICENCE                                RESEARCH                             SUPPORT                                    HOW DO YOU TYPICALLY HANDLE PRICING NEGOTIATIONS BETWEEN YOUR BUYERS
                                                                                                                      Q4   AND SELLERS? Once again there isn’t one right answer but this question will really
    The simplest consideration first       Prior to meeting the agent           Finally, you’re not just deciding
                                                                                                                           make the great agent stand out. Your agent should be able to explain a few techniques
    and foremost is to check if your       we recommend doing a bit of          to work with one agent you are
                                                                                                                           they use and what circumstances they use them in. One important factor is that they
    agent is licenced or registered        friendly online investigation.       choosing an entire agency to
                                                                                                                           should always take offers and complete their negotiations in writing (preferably on a
    to sell property in New Zealand        Check their website, online          work on your behalf with your
                                                                                                                           contract) to be as transparent as possible.
    and if they or their agency is a       profiles on and     agent taking the lead. Make sure
    registered member of the REINZ., check facebook        to research the agency, how
    Secondly, it is important to check     and google for client reviews,       many sales they do, who and
    if they or their office has ever had   as well as to get a strong overall   how many other agents there
    action taken against them via the      impression of the agent.             are (more agents equals more
    REINZ. All honest and trustworthy                                           buyers), what areas they sell in           FINALLY, WHAT HAPPENS IF MY PROPERTY DOESN’T SELL IN THE FIRST 4 WEEKS?
    agents will be comfortable                                                  (do they follow the right migration
                                                                                                                      Q5   This question is one that not many ask but it is really important. Not all sales happen
    and confident answering these                                               path for your property), what              quickly, some properties take longer to find the right buyer and get a deal together. You
    questions and providing the                                                 leadership and administration              want to make sure that your agent will work to find the best buyer not just the quickest
    necessary information.                                                      support is available to your lead          and that they are going to work just as hard on day 100 as they did on day 1.
                                                                                agent and finally how they work
                                                                                together as a team to achieve the
                                                                                best results for their clients.

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              n g                                                                                  H

    M e e t
                                                                                                     FOR SALE

                                                                                                     The first tip is the simplest. It’s a must to clean

        AGENT                                                                                        and tidy your home before hitting the market
                                                                                                     and prior to every inspection. It’s crucial to also
                                                                                                     remove any clutter that could stand in the way
                                                                                                     of a potential buyer picturing themselves living
                                                                                                     in the home. That means removing personal
                                                                                                     nick knacks, photographs and unnecessary
                                                                                                     furniture within a room not designed for that
                                                                                                     purpose, for example an exercise bike in a
                                                                                                     living area. Even if it means putting belongings
                                                                                                     into storage until the property sells – the
                                                                                                     investment will be worth it.

     What to expect                                What to expect
                                                                                                     Finish any aesthetic repairs well before hitting
     DURING THE MEETING?                           AFTER THE MEETING?                                the market. Your chosen agent should be happy
                                                                                                     to plan and project manage this for you as part
     With your permission, the agent should:       Before they put the property on the market
                                                                                                     of their service. Things as small as chipped
                                                   they will need:
     • Tour your property doing through every                                                        paintwork could detract from the overall feel
       room, and a complete tour around the        • All legal owners and key decision makers        of the home. You could also invest in updating
       outside including any yard space. The         to be present to finalise the way forward       features like tired curtains, older fixtures and
       agent should take detailed notes and ask      and complete the necessary paperwork.           fittings, or laying new turf if you have a patchy
       questions. They should also find out from                                                      lawn. Your agent should be able to complete a
       you what you love and what you don’t        • Public liability insurance information (it       pre-sale property audit for you.
       love about the property.                      will form part of your building insurance).

     • Discuss your needs and allow you to set     • Strata and/or Disclosure Statements
       an agenda to make sure they determine         as required.
       how best to assist you.
                                                   • Keys, codes and combinations for entry          STYLE
     • Answer any questions you may have             to the property for home inspections.
                                                                                                     Once clutter free, consider a home stylist
       about the service they will provide.
                                                   • Builders plans (if you have them).              or home staging service. The results can be
     • Provide you with accurate and detailed                                                        dramatic. Home stylists will take a look at your
                                                   • The agent should provide you with a             space and loan you the furniture which is the
       market research that include property
                                                     detailed daily marketing plan and a             size and style best suited for your home. This can
       sales and current competition.
                                                     promise calendar of what will happen            make a space look bigger, more comfortable and
     • Discuss a customised marketing plan to        each day of the campaign.                       liveable. Again, this will help potential buyers to
       suit your desired outcome.                                                                    see the home in its best light.

     • Let you know what service items they
       promise to meet during the campaign.

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You must be comfortable
    with the method chosen
    should make no difference
    to the service offered
    by your agent or the

                                THE RIGHT

    investment in a result.


                                When choosing a selling method your agent
                                should provide you with advice based on your
                                situation. When you need to sell by will be a
                                significant factor in this decision plus who is
                                impacted by the sale and how everyone is
                                feeling about the move.

                                Methods of sale that involve a               the property is difficult to price.
                                quick but intense marketing period           However it does cause buyers
                                with structured buyer viewing                some frustration and only ever
                                opportunities can often be the less          recommended for a short period.
                                disruptive choice. Setting a sale date
                                in place allows you to plan ahead            DEADLINE: The Deadline Sale
                                and can create urgency for buyers            process allows buyers with
                                to act quickly in your favour. There         conditional and unconditional
                                are four key methods that you can            interest to put their offers forward by
                                choose from to sell your property.           an end date.
                                Priced or No-Price, Deadline Sale
                                                                             AUCTION: Selling by Auction is the
                                a private treaty contract or Auction
                                                                             preferred option for many. This is
                                under a public sale contract.
                                                                             because the property is generally
                                PRICED: A private treaty campaign is         on the market for a shorter time,
                                fl xible and can be adapted easily to        and has the highest sales success
                                  meet the market requirements. The          rate. An intensive, high profile
                                  property is marketed with a price guide.   auction marketing program attracts
                                  Which can be adapted throughout            genuinely interested, cash-in-hand
                                  the campaign. This campaign allows         buyers. These buyers are focused
                                  buyers to put forward offers subject to    on the maximum price they’ll pay
                                  conditions such as n
                                                     fi ance and building    not how low their offer should be.
                                  & inspections.                             Combined with the excitement of
                                                                             the big day it’s this natural level of
                                NO PRICE: The same campaign                  competition that helps establish the
                                type as “Priced” however with the            highest possible price on the day.
                                pricing indicator removed. This is
                                sometimes recommended when

8                                                                        HARCOURTS
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S a l e                                                                                                              THERE IS

                                                                                                                            p i n i o n
                                                                                                                          MORE TO
                                                                                                                          PRICE THAN

     PRIVATE TREATY                        DEALINE SALE                           AUCTION
     MARKETING PERIOD                      MARKETING PERIOD                       MARKETING PERIOD                                                  HOW BUYERS BUY TODAY
     • All buyers have equal               • Buyers focus on the property not     • Buyers focus on the property not
       opportunity to put offers forward     the price                              the price
     • Buyers often decide to view         • Buyers enter the emotional           • Buyers enter the emotional
       based on price                        process: like > want > need            process: like > want > need
                                                                                                                                                                LOCAL SALES PRICES ACHIEVED
     • Buyer can offer straight away       • Deadlines can be accepted up         • Buyer seeks financial approval
                                             until deadline date                    to bid
     • Requires marketing planning for
       8 weeks.                            • Seller may consider a premium        • Hold buyers until auction day                                                     COMPETING PROPERTIES CURRENTLY
                                             offer and sell prior.                                                                                                    FOR SALE
                                                                                  • Seller may consider a premium
     • Sometimes multiple buyers in        DEADLINE DAY
                                                                                     ff r and sell prior.
                                                                                                                              BEST                                    DAYS ON THE MARKET
       private competition                 • Multiple oe
                                                       ff rs considered
                                                                                  AUCTION DAY
     • Negotiate with each offer           • One chance for buyers to be          • Multiple buyers in open
       individually                          chosen as the most favourable          competition
     • Negotiations on conditions,
                                                                                  • Bidding up not negotiating down
                                                                                                                                                                PROPERTY APPEAL TO BUYERS
       settlement and price.               • Offers submitted are confidential
                                                                                  • Buyers see the value is real
                                           • Buyers fear losing the property
                                                                                  • Buyers fear losing the property
     CONDITIONAL PERIOD                                                                                                                             CURRENT MARKET CONDITIONS
                                                                                  • Buyers justify paying more to win.
     • Building Inspection
     • Valuation & Finance                 • Negotiate with most favourable
                                             contract                             NEGOTIATING                                    The most difficult task for most sellers is           To help, here are some things you should know:
     • Other Conditions                                                                                                          determining the value of their property.
                                                                                  • Negotiating first with cash bidders
                                           • Negotiations on conditions                                                                                                                1. The current market determines the value
     • Finding and holding back-up
                                             settlement and price.                • Once sold under the hammer                   The advertised price of your home must be                of your home so make sure to study the
                                                                                    there are no conditions                      just right. If you price it too low, you lose money      current real estate market facts and figures.
     • Re-negotiating if required                                                                                                and if you price it too high you’ll lose buyers.
                                           CONDITIONAL PERIOD                     • Open negotiations to non cash
                                                                                                                                 That’s where its important to work with an            2. Research shows that the properties that
     • Settlement.                         • Building inspection, valuation &       buyers after auction if necessary.
                                                                                                                                 agent with comprehensive market knowledge                sell the quickest also sell the closest to
                                             finance, other conditions
                                                                                                                                 and expertise in property pricing techniques.            their initial asking price.
                                           • Finding and holding back-up buyers
                                                                                                                                 When interviewing agents sometimes                    3. Buyer interest is greatest for your
                                           • Re-negotiating if required
                                                                                                                                 sellers might simply choose the person who               property within the first three weeks
                                           • Settlement.                                                                         suggests their home is worth the highest                 of hitting the market.
                                                                                                                                 value however, in practise, this can be a risky
                                                                                                                                                                                       4. The longer a property sits on the market
                                                                                                                                 move if that agent hasn’t provided compelling
                                                                                                                                                                                          the more likely it will attract a lower price.
                                                                                                                                 data to support their pricing suggestion.

              SOLD                                   SOLD                                    SOLD

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con d i

             t i o n s
                                                                                    A TYPICAL
                                                                                    BUYER                                                STEP
                                                                                    JOURNEY                              START...
                                                                                                     ...BUY                                 • Properties and prices.

     Market conditions are less important to you
     if you are both selling and buying in today’s
     market. For example, any disadvantages                                                                                                                                   STEP
     you might experience as a seller will be an
     advantage to you as a buyer.
                                                                                • If negotiations
                                                                                  are unsuccessful
                                                                                  they‘ll offer on their                                                     REFINE
                                                                                  second preference
                                                                                  or start again                                                             • Their budget
                                                                                                                                                             • Locations
                                                       SELLERS’                                                                                              • Property types

                                     BALANCED          MARKET                   STEP                                                                         • Their viewing list

           BUYERS’                   MARKET            • More buyers
                                                         looking to buy than
           MARKET                    • Equal number      properties for sale
                                       of buyers and
                                                       • Properties are quick                        FINE TUNE
           • More properties for                         to sell                                                                    VIEW
             sale than buyers                                                                        • Narrow their focus                                       STEP
           • Properties take
                                                       • Multiple offers
                                                         increase prices
                                                                                                       to one or two
                                                                                                       properties and
                                                                                                       make an offer on
                                                                                                                                    • Compare
                                                                                                                                      properties for value      03
             longer to sell                                                                            their first choice.          • May change
                                                                                                                                      budget and criteria.
           • Sellers lower their
             prices to sell                                                                                                  STEP

12                                                                                                                                            HARCOURTS
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                                                                                                                                                           LIST WITH
                                                                                                                                                 ’re not just deciding
                                                                                                                                                           to work with one agent

          e r
                                                                                                                                                           you are choosing an


                                                                                                                                                           entire agency to work
                                                                                                                                                           on your behalf with your
     YOUR                                                                                                                                                  agent taking the lead

      Finding the right buyer                    BUYER REACH                                           INTEGRATED                             HIGH TECH                   HIGH TOUCH

      for your home requires                                                                           MARKETING                                            Day 1
                                                           HIGH PROFILE MARKETING
      your agent to leave no
      stone unturned.                                                                                  Buyers receive notification of any
      The many websites and portals we                                    buyer                        new properties entering the market
      advertise property on are far reaching.                             reach                        that matches their criteria and so
      However, because there are thousands                                                             enquiry from the internet is highest
      of properties listed, online buyers use              High buyer          More buyer              in the first few days. However,
      search criteria to create a shortlist of              enquiry            inspections             enquiry then slows quickly. It is                    Day 30
      properties to view in their preferred                                                The         essential to launch your property to
      location and price range.                    Multiple              Shorter        seller has     the market with a comprehensive
                                                     ff rs               time on        power in       30 to 60 day campaign using online
      The right agent will design a               submitted              market        negotiations    portals, social media, database
      comprehensive high tech and high                                                                 technology, print media and
      touch marketing strategy to attract the                                                          targeted marketing activity.
      maximum number of buyers to the
      property as early in the campaign as                                                                                                                  Day 60
      possible. This activity generates energy                                            No buyer
                                                  Risk of no             Longer         competition
      and competition between buyers to make
                                                    offers               time on         or urgency
      a favourable offer before they miss out.                           market         attracts low
                                                                Less              Fewer
                                                               enquiry         inspections

                                                                         Limited                                                                            Day 60

                                                               LOW PROFILE MARKETING

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Ne g o t i a t i n g                                                                                       ACCEPTING
                                                                                                                 AN OFFER
                                    WITH YOUR
                                                                                                                 Once you have come to an
                                    BUYER                                                                        agreement on price, conditions
                                                                                                                 and settlement period for the
                                                                                                                 purchase - both parties will
                                                                                                                 sign the contract and initial
                                                                                                                 any alterations. Most agents in
                                                                                                                 New Zealand use the REINZ
                                                                                                                 approved contract which has
                                                                                                                 been written by the Auckland
                                                                                                                 Law Society.

                                                                                                                 The final agreed contract will include
                                                                                                                 the agreed price, deposit details,
     When you receive an offer on your property you                                                              conditions of sale, and settlement
                                                                                                                 period as well as the standard
     have three options – accept the offer, decline the                                                          contract conditions and disclosures.
     offer or counter-offer and continue negotiating                                                             If the property sells by auction there
     with the buyer.                                                                                             will be no added conditions and
                                                                                                                 no cooling off period, the standard
                                                                                                                 auction deposit is 10% and standard
                                                                                                                 settlement period is 30 days from
     One of the most important traits of a great       3. Before you counter-offer or accept an                  date of contract.
     agent is their ability to negotiate on your          offer make sure your agent calls every
     behalf. The negotiation process is a bit like        buyer that has been through the home                   Some common conditions of sale are:
     balancing on a tight rope, you want to get           first to triple check there is no further
                                                                                                                 • Finance
     the most out of the buyer without pushing            interest from any other party. A multi-
     them so far that they walk away. Once you            offer scenario is the best chance for a                • Building report
     lose a buyer in the negotiation process it is        great price.
     very difficult to get them back to the table.                                                               • LIM Report
                                                       4. If there are multiple offers make sure
     Here are some important points to be sure            your agent follows the REINZ guidelines                • EQC Report
     of before you start the negotiation process          and receives every offer on contract, and
     with any buyer:                                      has every buyer sign a multi-offer form.               • Sale of another property

     1. This goes right back to the beginning of       5. You aren’t simply negotiating price, but               • Due diligence or specialist searches
        the process – make sure you have tested           also conditions and settlement period –
                                                                                                                 • Body corporate or council searches
        the agents negotiation skills prior to            remember to make sure you understand
        signing with them – a great negotiation           and are happy with all aspects of the                  If there are conditions on the sale
        can land you thousands more in your               contract.                                              of the property your agent should
        back pocket.                                                                                             continue marketing your home and
                                                                                                                 completing inspections until the
     2. Make sure the agent gets every offer in
                                                                                                                 sale is confirmed.
        writing and that you don’t counter offer
        until it’s on contract (some buyers will
        submit a letter of offer prior to contract).

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     There is lots to organise

     and remember so make
     sure to ask your agent for a
     moving checklist – this will
     help to make sure you don’t
     forget anything.

                                     THE SALE

                                    Once all the conditions (if there are any) have
                                    been met you’ll receive correspondence
                                    from your buyer (often via their solicitor or
                                    conveyancer) confirming they are satisfied and
                                    the conditions are at an end – this means the
                                    contract is now “unconditional” and the last
                                    part of the process is awaiting settlement.

                                    In this time you can start preparing       On settlement, the solicitors will
                                    for your move. There is lots to            exchange the monies and transfer
                                    organise and remember so make              documentation. They’ll also provide
                                    sure to ask your agent for a moving        documentation to your agent for
                                    checklist – this will help to make sure    approving the release of the keys to
                                    you don’t forget anything.                 the buyer.

                                    The purchaser is entitled to inspect       Within a few days of settlement
                                    the property at an agreed time             the purchaser’s solicitor or
                                    - normally in the week prior to            financier will register the necessary
                                    settlement, and as the seller you           documentation and mortgage
                                    must hand over the property in the          transfer with the Land Titles Registry.
                                    same condition in which it was sold.

                                    Settlement then takes place on
                                    the settlement date agreed on the
                                    contract (normally between 30 and
                                    90 days from contract date), and is
                                    generally organised between the
                                    buyer and seller’s legal and financial
                                    representatives. Officially, this is
                                    when ownership passes from you to
                                    the purchasers and the balance of
                                    the sale price is paid to you or your
                                    financial institution.

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Ho l mw
      WE ARE

             o o d
      Since 1991, people have been at the
      heart of what we do. It was true then,
      and it continues to be true, today.

      We’ve seen how buying or selling a home
      changes people’s lives and we work with our
      clients throughout the entire process to make
      sure they get the results they’re happy with.

      From industry leading sales
      personnel to an established track record
      that sees Holmwood ranked highly within
      Harcourts every year, we don’t just promise to
      deliver, we deliver on our promise.

      Our experience has taught us that the happier
      we make people, the better we do. It’s
      something we don’t take for granted and why
      we love what we do.

      And it’s why Harcourts Holmwood are your
      kind of people.

20                                    HARCOURTS
                                                                      PROPOSAL 21
           SERVICE TO YOU

       Our Promise to you is your assurance
               that you will have access to all
      documents, marketing and scheduled
      activities to do with your sale at every
                               step of the way.

               We will be diligent in providing

      feedback to you after every showing of
        your property. We will closely monitor
        market activity in your area that could
             impact on your sale and prepare
              regular reports to keep you fully
       informed. We will be transparent in our

        communication and accountable with
     regular meetings scheduled with you to
                          discuss our progress.

       When it comes to negotiating, we will

       only present you with offers in writing

                                                          r t i s
         from buyers that we have qualified

                                                      p e
       as having serious intent and ability to

                     purchase your property.

                                                  You said, “I think of Harcourts when I
                                                  think real estate.” Just one of the reasons
                                                  New Zealanders voted us the Most
                                                  Trusted Brand for the 9th year in a row.

                                                  Find where you belong.

                                                  Harcourts Group Ltd Licensed REAA 2008

            o u


                                         1                                        2                                        3
                                     PRE-MARKET                                PRIOR PREPARATION PRESENTATION &
                                     PROPERTY AUDIT                            PROJECT           MARKETING
     1   Pre-Market Property Audit                                             MANAGEMENT
                                     No matter whether you are planning        If your pre-market audit has             Marketing your home is made up
         Prior Preparation           to hit the market tomorrow or in 12       highlighted some cosmetic updates        of many components including
     2                               months time. At any stage in your         or maintenance items that you            advertising, communication and
         Project Management          decision making process, a member         would like to remedy prior to selling,   follow-up.
                                     of our team is happy to meet with         but you don’t know where to start,
     3   Presentation and            you to complete a pre-market audit        many of our agents are also able         Our team will work with you to
         Marketing                   of the property for you.                  assist with project management of        create a customised marketing plan
                                                                               the repairs.                             that includes online advertising,
                                     This includes a visual inspection                                                  print advertising as well as specialist
     4   Showtime                    and confirmation of pricing range         This includes choosing the right         communication with our database of
                                     and marketing strategy, as well           service providers from our extensive     buyers.
                                     as a property condition audit and         trade lists, sourcing quotes and
     5   Buyer Interaction           recommendations of any repairs or         overseeing the work.                     Your agent will work through our
         and Offers                  property updates required to make                                                  “Marketing Menu” with you to select
                                     sure we get the highest price possible                                             the best plan for your property and
                                     out of the pool of buyers interested in                                            your budget.
     6   Contract Negotiation        properties similar to yours.

     7   Under Contract

     8   Sold

     9   Settlement

24                                                                                                                 HARCOURTS
                                                                                                                                                   PROPOSAL 25
                                                                                                                                                                                                                THINK OF
                                                                                                                                                                                                                ALL OF OUR
                                                                                                                                                                                                                CLIENTS AS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                FOR LIFE’.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                We are here for you from
                                                                                                                                                                                                                this moment on. Whenever
                                                                                                                                                                                                                you need us.

        4                                        5                                        6                                       7                                       8                                         9
     SHOWTIME                                 BUYER INTERACTION CONTRACT                                                       UNDER CONTRACT                          SOLD                                      SETTLEMENT
                                              & OFFERS          NEGOTIATION
     Buyers rarely purchase without first     Your Harcourts Holmwood agent            All contract negotiations will be       Once your property is under             Firstly – Congratulations! Your home      Finally, the big day has come. It will
     seeing your home in person, and          will respond to all buyer enquiries      completed on a REINZ certified          contract we often still have some       will be classed as ‘Sold’ once it         feel like a whirlwind – particularly
     sometimes multiple times prior to        promptly (normally within a couple       contract written by the Auckland        conditions, such as a building          either sells under the Hammer or          if you are moving out of one home
     making a decision. We make our           of hours of receipt) and will aim to     Law Society.                            report, to work through until the       after all contract conditions have        and into another all on the same day
     properties available for both private    arrange a viewing of the home at                                                 property is officially ‘sold’.          been met. At this point your agent        (if you are selling an investment you
     inspections and open homes (where        the next available open home or via      Your Harcourts agent will also                                                  will meet with you to put up the          might not even notice).
     possible) and are as flexible as         private inspection.                      use the REINZ multi-offer process       Your Harcourts Holmwood agent           Sold sticker (its always lovely to get
     possible with buyers to remove all the                                            if there is more than one buyer         will be working in two directions       a photo for the album at this point -     On this day the solicitors and
     barriers to ensure as many as possible   Post inspection, your agent will         interested – this involves all buyers   during this time.                       the end of an era!).                      financial institutions will organise
     potential buyers see your property.      provide you with the feedback from       signing a statement confirming they                                                                                       the transfer of title and money at
                                              the buyer on their interest in the       are presenting their best offer and     Working with the successful             Your agent will let other buyers          a particular time (normally in the
     Our agents attend every inspection       property and also organise further       that they understand that they are in   buyers to help them get through         know the property is now sold and         afternoon). After this time, your real
     and provide you with feedback            inspections or a time to take an offer   competition with other buyers.          all their conditions and questions,     they’ll update the online marketing.      estate agent will receive notice
     as quickly as possible after the         from them.                                                                       including organising and attending                                                from both legal representatives
     inspection has finished. Any buyers                                               Your Harcourts Holmwood agent is        building inspections, valuations        Your Harcourts agent, as part of          confirming transfer of ownership and
     through your home will receive           All offers presented to you by your      here to help you get the best price     and additional buyer inspections.       our service, can also assist you          allowing us to release the keys.
     multiple points of contact from our      Harcourts Holmwood agent will be         not the quickest sale, so they will     We also help the buyers source          with a variety of other services
     team post their inspection via phone     taken in writing (no verbal offers).     work tirelessly between yourself and    conveyancers, inspectors and            including but not limited to:             We are here to help on this day if
     calls, texts and email to ensure we                                               your prospective buyer to put a deal    brokers if they need our help. All to   conveyancing, moving services,            you need anything or have forgotten
                                              Whenever an offer is received we will    together that you are happy with.       help keep the sale together.            utilities connections, property           to organise anything – please don’t
     answer all their questions and give
                                              do everything in our power to contact                                                                                    management or rentals, and                hesitate to call!
     them multiple opportunities to re-
                                              all other parties that have inspected    Your agent will be honest and           Secondly, your agent will still be      mortgage broking. Let us know
     inspect and of course put forward
                                              the property or shown strong interest,   upfront throughout the process and      out finding back-up buyers for your     what more we can do to assist you         We like to think of all of our clients
     an offer.
                                              before negotiations begin.               will concentrate on providing you       home on the off chance that the         between now and settlement.               as ‘Clients for Life’ – we are here for
                                                                                       with as much information and data       first contract does not complete.                                                 you from this moment on. Whenever
                                                                                       as possible to assist you in making     This means your agent will often        Between today and settlement              you need us.
                                                                                       the right decision for your future.     keep holding open homes and             day (normally a day or two prior
                                                                                                                               inspections until the property sale     to settlement) your buyers will
                                                                                                                               becomes unconditional.                  likely complete a pre-settlement
                                                                                                                                                                       inspection to confirm the property
                                                                                                                                                                       is in the same condition their
                                                                                                                                                                       purchased it in.

26                                                                                                                                                                                                          HARCOURTS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            PROPOSAL 27
51 Holmwood Road
Christchurch 8014
Phone: 03 355 6116

292 Clyde Road
Christchurch 8053
Phone: 03 351 6556

(Head Office) 397-399 Ilam Road
Christchurch 8053
Phone: 03 351 3002

Level 1, 175 Papanui Road
Christchurch 8014
Phone: 03 355 6677

142 Sherborne Street
Christchurch 8014
Phone: 03 377 0377
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