Your Personal Concierge - Last Chance - Destinations - Sports - Music - Shows March 2019 Issue - TMA International

Your Personal Concierge - Last Chance - Destinations - Sports - Music - Shows March 2019 Issue - TMA International
Your Personal Concierge
     Last Chance - Destinations - Sports - Music - Shows
                      March 2019 Issue
Your Personal Concierge - Last Chance - Destinations - Sports - Music - Shows March 2019 Issue - TMA International
WHO WE ARE AND WHAT WE DO                                                                 MONTHLY PROMOTIONS
    TMA International is a marketing and         With over 20 years’ experience, our
    events management company driven to          aim is to provide event creation,
                                                 management, marketing and consultancy
    deliver new opportunities                    solutions.                                  LAST CHANCE							                   4-5
    and exciting events worldwide.
                                                 TMA International prides itself in
                                                                                             UEFA CHAMPIONS LEAGUE ‘19				          4
                                                 organising excellent events for clients,    GRAND NATIONAL							                  4
                                                 with a vision to give our customers         EMIRATES FA CUP ‘19							             5
                                                 nothing but the best. We have the ability
                                                 and global network to organise any          DESTINATIONS
                                                 hospitality or event package.
                                                                                             LAS VEGAS									                     6
    Megan                                        Hannah                                      AFRICA										                       8
    Marketing Manager                            Events Manager                              CARIBBEAN									                     8
    “The highlight of my role is receiving       “I have been very fortunate to have         EUROPE									                        9
    great client feedback. Knowing clients
    have had an amazing experience, and for
                                                 travelled for over 5 years now and so
                                                 being able to create the most memorable     SPORTS									10 - 11
    some a once in a lifetime experience, this   and magical experiences all over the
                                                                                             WIMBLEDON								                     10
    really makes my day.                         world really makes my job a dream come
    For any event there is a lot of hard work    true!                                       BRITISH GRAND PRIX						              10
    and hours behind the scenes: planning,       From helping our clients think of new       ROYAL ASCOT								                   11
    booking, arranging, preparing, designing,    and exciting destination ideas to
    helping, organising and communicating.       witnessing them have the time of their
                                                                                             EPSOM DERBY								                   11
    When TMA or myself, personally,
    get a good review, it doesn’t
                                                 lives at a New York Knicks Game in
                                                 Madison Square Garden, makes all the        MUSIC									12 - 13
    feel like hard work and it makes             hard work of planning and organising the    BESTIVAL ‘19								                  12
    every effort worthwhile.”                    event really rewarding!”
                                                                                             SLAM DUNK FESTIVAL						              12
                                                                                             MUMFORD & SONS DELTA TOUR			          13
                                                                                             LONDON BIERFEST ‘19						             14
                                                                                             CIRQUE DU SOLEIL - TORUK					         14

2                            Your Personal Concierge                                                    Your Personal Concierge         3
Your Personal Concierge - Last Chance - Destinations - Sports - Music - Shows March 2019 Issue - TMA International
LAST CHANCE                                          LAST CHANCE

      UEFA CHAMPIONS LEAGUE ‘19                            EMIRATES FA CUP ‘19 FINAL
                               June 2018 - June 2019                                      May 2019
    Experience luxury in the presence of
    UEFA’s elite club competition with top              Experience the adrenaline of the world’s
    teams competing for the European                    favourite knock out tournament in
    Champion title!                                     style! Immurse yourself into the thrilling
                                                        conclusion of the season with a VIP
                    HANNAH:                             package including entry into the Level
                s                                       2 VIP box, complimentary beers and
        a n nah’     “Now into Leg 2 -                  experienced hospitality staff throughout
           Top       Round 16 of the UEFA               the final game of the season and more!
         Choi        Champions League!
                    The heat is truly turning           From the way things are heating up, we
                  up at these unmissable                know it’s going to be a intense final game!

                                                              Click here to view our
                                                             Emirates FA Cup Brochure

                       GRAND NATIONAL
                                  4th - 6th May 2019

    Experience the biggest horse racing
    event in the world and witness one of the
    greatest sporting occasions unfold.

          Click here to view our
         Grand National Brochure

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Your Personal Concierge - Last Chance - Destinations - Sports - Music - Shows March 2019 Issue - TMA International

                                   LAS VEGAS
               The Venetian® Resort Las Vegas - June 2019

    We have been creating and managing events
    in Las Vegas for over 15 years, and have seen
    changes in the industry. We always adapt
    to produce what our clients need. The Las
    Vegas experiences is something we manage
    from May – July every single year with our
    hotel partners.

    A feast for the eyes, luxury is the definition
    of The Venetian and The Palazzo. Within
    walking distance of your room are ceilings
    adorned with hand painted frescoes,
    award-winning restaurants, superb cocktail
    programs, Canyon Ranch® Spa + Fitness,
    and over 160 shops. The Venetian tower
    is our piazza: the bustling epicenter and
    the beating heart of the resort. Take in the
    beauty of the old-world Italy while you enjoy
    all the comforts and excitement of modern-
    day Las Vegas.

    We obtain fantastic rates which you will not
    beat, and have some great contacts. We can
    organise anything from private tournaments
    to parties, nightclub entries, activities or

            Click here to view our
             Las Vegas Brochure

6                              Your Personal Concierge      Your Personal Concierge   7
Your Personal Concierge - Last Chance - Destinations - Sports - Music - Shows March 2019 Issue - TMA International
DESTINATION                                                                                        DESTINATION

                                  CARIBBEAN                                                                                             EUROPE
                       the sun on your face                                                                ... is a stroll along cobbled streets

    With over 7000 islands, the Caribbean oozes
    luxury, relaxation and plenty of choice.
                                                   From fiery salsa rhythms to creamy pina cola-
                                                   das, the Caribbean is the number 1 destination
                                                                                                     Feature on... Barcelona!
                                                   to put your feet up and enjoy the dazzling blue   Stay at a top 4* or 5* hotel such as The
                                                   waters of the Caribbean Sea.                      Mandarin, Hilton and Crowne Plaza, in the
                                                                                                     center of Barcelona, with bars, restaurants
            Click here to view our                                                                   and tourist attractions at your fingertips!
                                                                                                     Immurse yourself into the spanish
             Caribbean Brochure                                                                      culture and take a step back in time with
                                                                                                     Barcelona’s historical attractions.

                                                                                                             Click here to view our
                                                                                                                Europe Brochure

                            ... is a breathtaking Safari
    With no place in the world quite like Africa   From Cairo to Cape Town, from
    for Wildlife, you could be on a world class    Johannesburg to Mauritius, we can help you
                                                                                                     But dont forget there is much
    safari, witnessing giraffes meters away to     create the memories you will treasure for         more of Europe to see!                                   HANNAH:
    walking along the soft white sands with the    life!                                                                                                  s
                                                                                                     From a quick city break in Prague to         a n nah’     “Or visit the Arno Rooftop Bar
    local penguins!                                                                                                                              H
                                                                                                     a full week enjoying the festivities of         Top       of Piazza Ognissanti in Florence,
                                                                                                     Berlin’s famous Christmas markets,            Choi        Italy for the most breath-taking
            Click here to view our                                                                   we can arrange any European getaway                      views of the Duomo”
                Africa Brochure                                                                      to suit YOU!

8                              Your Personal Concierge                                                                          Your Personal Concierge                                            9
Your Personal Concierge - Last Chance - Destinations - Sports - Music - Shows March 2019 Issue - TMA International
SPORTS                                                                               SPORTS

                                WIMBLEDON                                                                             ROYAL ASCOT
                                  1st - 14th July 2019                                                                  18th - 22nd June 2019

     Discover a day of luxury at the world’s                                                 Immerse yourself with swift horses and
     most prestigious grand slam tennis                                                      fancy hats at the world-famous Royal
     tournament.                                                                             Ascot race.

            Click here to view our                                                                   Click here to view our
            Wimbledon Brochure                                                                       Royal Ascot Brochure

                    BRITISH GRAND PRIX                                                                               EPSOM DERBY
                                      1st June 2019                                                                           1st June 2019
     Formula 1 is returning to Silverstone in      Watch the drama unfold from a VIP         Indulge in the VIP Experience and
     2019 for the world’s most prestige car        viewing terrace and be welcomed with a    witness the greatest flat race in the world
     race, The Official Grand Prix!                champagne reception as the drivers take   take centre stage.
                                                   to the track!
            Click here to view our
                                                                                             “Epsom Downs
         British Grand Prix Brochure                                                                                  a n n ah’s
                                                                                             Racecourse is           H
                                                                                             steeped in history          Top
                                                                                             and with a £1.5           Choi
                                                                                             million prize, the
                                                                                             exhilarating atmosphere
                                                                                             will certainly thrill!”

10                            Your Personal Concierge                                                                 Your Personal Concierge   11
Your Personal Concierge - Last Chance - Destinations - Sports - Music - Shows March 2019 Issue - TMA International
MUSIC                                                                                  MUSIC

                                BESTIVAL ‘19
                                  25th - 29th July 2019
                                                                                                           MUMFORD & SONS
     The UK’s most creative and diverse festival    Not just a festival for the music lovers as
                                                                                                             DELTA TOUR
     with previous headliners such as London        theatre, comedy and circus shows can be                              18th - 22nd June 2019
     Grammar, M.I.A, Plan B and Grace Jones!        found all weekend!

                                                                                                  Mumford & Sons will be kicking off      This anticipated tour is not to be
                       As winner of Best Major
            n a h ’s                                                                              their 2019 European tour in Lisbon,     missed. Experience the full VIP
        Han             Festival at the UK Best
                                                                                                  Portugal and will continue through to   Package with balcony seating, VIP
           To p          Festival Awards for more
                i c e                                                                             Paris, Frankfurt, UK and many more      Lounge and a host/hostess.
          Cho           than 3 years, this is an
                       event that certainly lives                                                 across Europe!
                      up to the hype!

                                                                                                   Click here to view our Mumford
                                                                                                           & Sons Brochure

                    SLAM DUNK FESTIVAL
                                 25th - 26th May 2019
     Experience the nations favourite Rock &
     Alternative festival at Slam Dunk 2019 with
     Headlining artists All Time Low, Bullet For
     My Valentine, New Found Glory and many

            Click here to view our
         Slam Dunk Festival Brochure

12                             Your Personal Concierge                                                                  Your Personal Concierge                                13
Your Personal Concierge - Last Chance - Destinations - Sports - Music - Shows March 2019 Issue - TMA International

                   LONDON BIERFEST ‘19
                                   17th - 18th October
     The spirit of Munich makes it’s way to the      Old Billingsgate Market will be transformed
     UK for the nations favourite Bierfest!          into a traditional Oktoberfest, with
                                                     live music, dancing and a host of other

            Click here to view our
          London Bierfest Brochure

                                          June 2019
     Inspired by James Cameron’s Academy
     Award winning Motion picture, Cirque Du
     Soleil explores a new world in this visual

                    “For all fellow lovers of
           an’s      James Cameron’s Avatar,
         Top         Toruk explores a new
                     and mesmerizing telling
                    of the 2009 Blockbuster

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Your Personal Concierge - Last Chance - Destinations - Sports - Music - Shows March 2019 Issue - TMA International
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