Page created by Jeremy Hodges

                        The vision behind Edinburgh Convention is threefold:

1. To bring gifted preachers and             These three aims extend to every age group whether
   teachers to our city to open up the       adult, teenager or child. Rejuvenate, our programme for
   scriptures and preach it with joy and     late teens and early twenties, has steadily grown over
   enthusiasm to encourage, refresh          the last few years. KidZone and TeenZone will have
   and inspire Christians from all over      a dedicated team to help children learn and discover
   the country as they join us for one       more about God through His Word in an exciting way.
   week and then return home to serve
   and glorify God;                          This year we look forward to the ministry of John
                                             Shearer, Joe Barnard and Roger Carswell. All three of
2. To provide an opportunity for             these keynote speakers have a passion to make Christ
   reverent, inspiring worship, which        known and to see Christians living authentic, infectious
   allows God’s people to exalt His          lives that glorify God and influence everyone they meet.
   name together in a way that is unique     The desire of the speakers to evangelise and disciple
   to a conference setting;                  will form the core theme of the Convention meetings
                                             and feature in many of the seminars.
3. To create an environment of warm
   fellowship which transcends               We trust the Lord for a great week and hope that you
   denominations, is grounded in the         will be able to join us.
   gospel, and enriches everyone who
   attends.                                     Robert Murdock

                                     Browse in our well-stocked    volcano known as Arthur’s
          SUN - FRI                  Bookshop, which has a         Seat will give an incredible
                                     wide variety of books,        panorama over Edinburgh
          1-6                        Bibles, music, cards and
                                     gifts, with special offers
                                                                   and beyond on a clear
                                                                   day. Or take it easy and
          JULY                       during the Convention
                                     week. Relax and enjoy
                                                                   spend an afternoon
                                                                   wandering down the Royal
                                     tasty food in the adjoining   Mile, from Edinburgh
                                     Café, or just stop in for     Castle at the top to the
The Convention is held in the        coffee and a chat.            Palace of Holyrood House
grounds of The Faith Mission                                       at the bottom, taking
Headquarters and Bible College,      As part of your holiday,      in the many interesting
548 Gilmerton Road, Edinburgh        why not visit some of the     sites along the way. Then
and welcomes residential guests      top Edinburgh attractions,    there’s the UK’s most
and day visitors. Accommodation      perfect for all the family.   popular attraction outside
is provided on-site and at Pollock   Scotland’s capital city       of London – the National
Halls, the halls of residence for    has a wealth of things        Museum of Scotland, one
the University of Edinburgh.         to do and places to           of the finest gardens in the
                                     see, which will satisfy       world – the Royal Botanic
                                     all tastes, including         Garden Edinburgh, the
                                     some of Scotland’s most       giant pandas and over a
                                     visited free and paid-        thousand other animals at
                                     for attractions. If you’re    Edinburgh Zoo, and that’s
                                     feeling adventurous,          just a start. Edinburgh -
                                     climbing the extinct          explore and enjoy!


JOE BARNARD                         ROGER CARSWELL                JOHN SHEARER

Joe Barnard runs Cross Training     Roger Carswell is a           John Shearer became a
Ministries, a ministry focused      travelling evangelist         Christian in his late teens,
on enabling men to pursue           and author. He leads          before training at FMBC
spiritual fitness. Prior to this,   evangelistic church and       for two years and working
he pastored a church in the         university missions as well   with FM for a further four
rural Scottish Highlands for        as speaking at Christian      years. After more studies
eight years. He has studied at      conferences. Among the        at the Irish Baptist College,
Highland Theological College,       eleven books he has           he pastored churches
Baylor University, and the          written are ‘And some         in Northern Ireland and
University of Saint Andrews.        evangelists’ and ‘Where       Scotland and was involved
Joe is married to Anna and has      is God in a messed up         in a pioneering work in
four children. His passion is the   world?’ He also publishes     the Republic of Ireland. In
ministry of Colossians 1:28: ‘Him   numerous gospel tracts        October 2011 he retired
we proclaim, warning everyone       and booklets. Roger is        from pastoral ministry. John
and teaching everyone with all      married to Dot, has four      is married to Jan and they
wisdom, that we may present         children and lives in         have two adult children and
everyone mature in Christ’.         Leeds.                        eight grandchildren.

LESLIE BRUSH                   PAUL CROWE                  JASON CUSTER

Leslie Brush is originally      Paul Crowe is the Welsh   Jason Custer is a native Texan
from County Tyrone and          regional representative   interning with The Heralds Trust
became a Christian in           for The Faith Mission.    in Scotland. His heart is for the
1979 through the work           He was born in            local church, especially in gospel
of The Faith Mission.           Omagh, Northern           and Christ-centered preaching
Three years later he            Ireland, and brought      and teaching, pastoral care,
entered FMBC and                up in Fife, Scotland.     and spiritual formation. He has
spent the next thirty-          Paul’s hobbies include    a ThM from Dallas Theological
two years working with          reading, cycling and      Seminary and a BA from Hillsdale
the Mission in various          hillwalking. He is        College. In his free time he enjoys
locations. Leslie               married to Elizabeth      hillwalking, reading literary
and his wife, Mabel,            and they have two         fiction, playing board games,
have three grown-up             grown-up children,        and writing his personal blog,
children.                       Miriam and Daniel.        www.leadingcaptivitycaptive.com

                       Him we proclaim, warning everyone
                     and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
                 that we may present everyone mature in Christ.
                                        Colossians 1:28

SANDY ROGER                        JOHN TOWNEND              ALISON WOODS

Sandy Roger was formerly           John Townend was          Alison Woods is currently
principal of the The Faith         born in Yorkshire         one of Biblical Counselling
Mission Bible College and          and comes from a          UK’s interns, based at
national adviser in religion to    farming background.       Charlotte Chapel in
the Scottish Prison Service.       His parents were          Edinburgh. She also works
He has also held three             converted through         part time as a GP in a local
pastorates in Scotland and         the work of The Faith     practice. Over the last five
England. For five years he         Mission and he then       years she has completed
was senior evangelist at Cliff     came to the Lord          distance education in
College, the Methodist centre      as a teenager. John       counselling with the
for evangelism and mission.        has worked with The       Christian Counselling and
Currently minister of Brucefield   Faith Mission for more    Education Foundation at
Church, Whitburn, he exercises     than thirty years and     Westminster Theological
a national and international       is now its general        Seminary in Philadelphia.
Bible teaching ministry, with a    director. He is married   Alison grew up in England
special interest in evangelistic   to Linda and they         and became a Christian in
preaching. He continues            have three grown-         her teens. She is married to
to lecture in theology and         up children and four      Graeme and they have three
homiletics at FMBC.                grandchildren.            teenage children.


       MORNING                   MIDDAY                   EVENING

        BIBLE                 SEMINARS                   WORD AND                   REJUVENATE
      READINGS                                           WORSHIP
        John Shearer         Monday - Friday              Joe Barnard                 Joe Barnard
     Monday - Friday        12.10pm - 12.55pm            Roger Carswell            Sunday: 9.30pm
    10.30am - 11.30am                               Sunday: 8.15pm - 9.30pm       Monday - Thursday:
                                                       Monday - Friday:                9.00pm
                                                       7.30pm - 9.00pm

     THURSDAY: 8.30AM
     ‘Working through highs and lows in ministry’
      - Roger Carswell

            Day visitors are welcome to attend all the meetings. No registration is necessary.
            However, it is essential to pre-register for the Church Leaders Breakfast by emailing


MONDAY                                            TUESDAY

   Each one bring one                                 Daring to share the gospel with
   Jason Custer                                       those we meet
Less than two percent of people in Scotland           Roger Carswell
today are born again, Bible-believing             One of the great joys of Christian life is
Christians. Many churches have lost the           being able to share the gospel regularly with
gospel and need help getting back to simple       friends, relatives and those we just bump into.
proclamation of the good news. We need to         How can we be effective and bold, winsome
take action now. Jason will share how the         witnesses? In this seminar, we will have a
evangelistic programme Each One Bring One         look at the answer to that question.
(E1B1) can enable churches to put the gospel
centre stage in all their outreach endeavours.       John Wesley as preacher
                                                     Sandy Roger
    Living with long-term illness                 Most of us are familiar with the main events
    Leslie Brush                                  of Wesley’s life and work, but this seminar
One day in August 2014 was life-changing for      will zoom in on just one aspect: his success
Leslie. Despite having lived with back pain       and technique as a preaching evangelist.
for many years after suffering a back injury      The way he went about things and how he
at work, this was different. Over the following   guided his increasing number of itinerant
months he learned to daily trust God in the       preachers can provide us with valuable
midst of uncertainty, change, limitations and     insights in our own evangelistic preaching.
ongoing pain. God calls us to trust His heart     All of us need to become more competent
even when we cannot trace His hand.               in making the message clear and plain.

WEDNESDAY                                         THURSDAY

          Flabby or fit:                                    Spiritual combat in a secular age
          are you spiritually healthy?                      Joe Barnard
          Joe Barnard                                    To be a Christian in the UK is to live in a
       We all know what physical fitness is,             hostile spiritual environment. However,
       regardless of where we are on the spectrum        most Christians do not believe this. They
       of health. But what is spiritual fitness? If we   feel that the world is safe since there
       don’t have a clear understanding of what          are no visible signs of demons, pagan
       spiritual fitness is, we will never be able       temples, or black magic. But is secular
       to pursue it intentionally. This seminar will     society safe? Joe will explore what
       define spiritual fitness in simple and concrete   spiritual warfare looks like in a secular
       terms. Join us at your own risk – you might       age, where ideology, consumeristic ritual
       find out you are softer than you think!           and invisible idols threaten to capture
                                                         naïve Christians.

          George Whitefield the evangelist                   Living with loss and overcoming
          Paul Crowe                                         life’s lows
       Paul finds the life story of the best English-        Alison Woods
       speaking preacher of the eighteenth century,      As we look at the happy faces around us,
       George Whitefield, to be absolutely thrilling.    we can often think that we are the only
       He will be looking at his early life and how      ones feeling crushed and broken. Whether
       he came to Christ, his wide-reaching              due to bereavement, redundancy, poor
       ministry and the times he ministered in,          health, a difficult relationship or the
       and the influence that his preaching              failure to achieve our dreams, many of
       had on those to whom                              us live with a daily sense of loss. These
       he ministered.                                    experiences of the ‘lows of life’ can
                                                         overshadow and impact our relationship
                                                         with Jesus. What does our Lord and
                                                         Saviour have to say to us in the midst
                                                         of these experiences? How can we as
                                                         a church love one another better as we
                                                         seek to serve those who are struggling
                                                         and admit to our own struggles?


    Ideas for evangelism for
    churches                                        SHARING IN
    Roger Carswell
It seems that many churches have                PRAISE AND WORSHIP
given up on some forms of outreach
that have been widely used in
the past. Are there ways of being          The Berge Family are a gospel bluegrass
really effective in corporate church       band from northern Minnesota, USA. They
evangelism today? In this very             have toured throughout the United States and
practical session, Roger will suggest      Canada and currently host a large annual
lots of possibilities.                     music festival. As the Berge Family shares
                                           the message of Jesus Christ through music
                                           and personal testimonies, the audience is
                                           sure to feel like part of the family.
   Faith Mission insights
   John Townend
Faith Mission missionaries are involved
in a wide variety of outreach and
ministry ventures across the rural
communities and cultures represented
throughout Great Britain and Ireland.
John will introduce a number of FM
missionaries as they share of the
challenges and encouragements of
the ministries they are engaged in.
The hope is that you will be thrilled as
you hear of the triumphs, challenged
as you get a glimpse of the immense
need, burdened to pray for an
outpouring of God, and inspired to get
involved in bringing the gospel to these
largely unreached areas of our land.



The big idea is to gather together young people
from across Great Britain and Ireland for the
opportunity of quality Christian fellowship, solid
and relevant biblical teaching and challenging
adventure activities in Scotland’s great outdoors.
It is our passion to see people meeting with God
and getting ‘Fresh Heart’ to live life for Jesus.

Book in to stay all week and join in the activities,
or just come along each evening.

w: rejuvenate.faithmission.org

                   Monday - Friday

CRÈCHE              KIDZONE               TEENZONE

Pre-schoolers         5-12 years              12-15 years

  During the      Lively activities for    A time to chill out
Bible Readings   primary-age children      each evening with
and Seminars      each morning and        other young people
                    evening, where        and enjoy relevant
                 learning is made fun        Bible teaching
                 using stories, songs,
                   games, crafts and

                                Most Convention guests are accommodated at Pollock Halls,
A limited number of             the halls of residence for the University of Edinburgh. Located
single, twin and en-suite       at 18 Holyrood Park Road, it offers standard and 3 star en-suite
rooms are available in          single rooms, and en-suite twin rooms. Coaches are provided
the Bible College.              to transport guests to and from the Convention venue. Pollock
These book up quickly.          Halls is also on a bus route which gives easy access to the city
                                centre. Guests staying in Pollock Halls eat breakfast on-site but
                                have all other meals at the Bible College.
To make an accommodation
booking at the Bible College    Residential guests can book to stay from the afternoon of
or Pollock Halls, please        Saturday 30 June to the morning of Saturday 7 July, or for any
complete the booking form on    period they may choose between these dates.
the back cover and post the
detached form together with
your deposit to:                ACCOMMODATION TYPE             DAILY        DAILY RATE
                                Prices includes all meals      RATE         if in full-time education
The Convention Administrator,
The Faith Mission,              Single standard                £46.00       £30.00
548 Gilmerton Road,             Single en-suite (3 star)       £70.00       £55.00
Edinburgh, EH17 7JD             Twin standard                  £86.00
                                Twin en-suite                  £105.00

REJUVENATE ACCOMMODATION                                      IN EDINBURGH
Budget dormitory-style accommodation is                   Lothian Buses operate a very reliable
available at the Bible College for those who              and frequent service throughout
are part of the Rejuvenate programme.                     Edinburgh, including from the city
Daily rates including all meals: £15.00 for those in      centre to the Convention venue and
full-time education; £20.00 otherwise. For further        to the main accommodation location
information about or bookings for Rejuvenate:             at Pollock Halls.
e: rejuvenate@faithmission.org
t: 01449 711877                                           Travel from Edinburgh City Centre on
w: rejuvenate.faithmission.org                            Lothian Buses from The Bridges:

                                                                 to The Faith Mission
ALTERNATIVE ACCOMMODATION OPTIONS                                Bible College, Gilmerton:
                                                                 Buses 3 or 29
The city has an extensive choice of accommodation
of all types - hotels, hostels, self-catering , guest            to Pollock Halls:
houses, and b&bs. Many of these are located a                    Buses 14 or 30
short drive or bus journey from the Convention
venue, particularly in the vicinity of Newington.
There are also a number of holiday parks in
the area, should you wish to bring your own
motorhome, touring caravan or tent. Some of
these also have static caravans available to rent.      If you require further information, please
                                                        contact: The Convention Administrator,
Information about alternative accommodation is          The Faith Mission, 548 Gilmerton Road,
available from VisitScotland:                           Edinburgh, EH17 7JD
w: www.visitscotland.com                                e: edinburghconvention@faithmission.org
e: info@visitscotland.com                               t: 0131 664 5814
t: 0845 22 55 121                                       w: faithmission.org/edinburgh

BOOKING FORM                                                                  PLEASE USE BLOCK CAPITALS

  TITLE(S):                           NAME(S):







       Single                      Single en-suite                   I am in full-time          Twin               Twin
       standard                    (3 star)                          education                  standard           en-suite

       I wish to share with

ARRIVAL DETAILS                         DAY:					TIME:

                                      First Meal               Breakfast                 Dinner (1pm)         Tea (5.45pm)

DEPARTURE DETAILS                       DAY:					TIME:

                                      Last Meal                Breakfast                 Dinner (1pm)         Tea (5.45pm)

PAYMENT                      A non-refundable deposit of £20.00 per person
                             is required with your booking; amount enclosed:
                                                                                               Confirmation will be sent on
                                                                                               receipt of your booking form
                                                                                               and deposit, indicating the
                               £                                                               outstanding balance and
                                                                                               details of payment methods.

The Faith Mission is a charity registered in Scotland No. SC005119
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