2018 AMI TRAINING HUB HANDBOOK - Australian Marketing Institute

Page created by Fernando Manning
2018 AMI TRAINING HUB HANDBOOK - Australian Marketing Institute
2018 AMI
Providing cutting edge marketing theory and practice to fuel progress in the careers of Marketers
2018 AMI TRAINING HUB HANDBOOK - Australian Marketing Institute
                   One in two adults in the working population have something to do with marketing in
                   their roles i.e. acquiring customers; retaining customers or improving the customer
                   experience. That is over 6 million people! While many roles are under threat of
                   automation, creative professions such as Marketing is not yet one of them. Marketing is
                   experiencing strong double-digit jobs growth and will most likely continue to do so.

                   At AMI we believe that collaboration, accountability, learning and professional standards
                   are important to the growth of the dynamic marketing profession. I’m delighted to
                   present our 2018 Professional Development Program as our continuing effort to
                   provide cutting edge marketing theory to fuel progress in the careers of Marketers.

                                                          Lee Tonitto

2   2018 AMI Training Hub Handbook
2018 AMI TRAINING HUB HANDBOOK - Australian Marketing Institute
Table of
About                        Grow brand you                               Back to Basics
AMI Workshops           04   Develop your personal brand             06   Fundamental marketing training   10

Learn. Practice. Play   12   Tools of the Trade
                             Learn fundamentals and digital skills        Industry focused training        16

Marketing Skills
Assessment              17   Customised
                             Corporate workshops                 18

                                                                      2018 AMI Training Hub Handbook        3
2018 AMI TRAINING HUB HANDBOOK - Australian Marketing Institute
About AMI workshops
AMI offers a range of fundamental, industry-targeted and customised workshops to help
marketers develop their skills and enhance their careers.

                                 AMI is investing in helping marketers “Grow Brand You”. Our
                                 AMI manufactured workshops are instrumental in a better
                                 understanding of the marketing sector.

                                 Do you want to learn more about marketing or seek to improve
                                 your marketing skills in specific areas? AMI training offers a
                                 large range of short and longer term training courses with the
                                 flexibility of being online or in-class. This ensures you have the
                                 most relevant and up-to-date information at your fingertips.

                                 Learn more about the areas of training we provide: Grow
                                 Brand You, Back to Basics, Business Simulations, Tools of the
                                 Trade and Industry Focused Training.

                                 Upon completion of all AMI Manufactured workshops, you will
                                 receive a certificate of completion emailed to you.

4   2018 AMI Training Hub Handbook
2018 AMI TRAINING HUB HANDBOOK - Australian Marketing Institute
To read more
    about our offering
           and register
            online visit

2018 AMI Training Hub Handbook   5
2018 AMI TRAINING HUB HANDBOOK - Australian Marketing Institute
Grow brand you
                                                          Develop your personal brand

                                           Personal professional development is our focus.
                                      We know that marketers are constantly learning new
                                                         skills. This means keeping up with
                                                                new trends and technology.
                                     Have you considered what personal skill you could use
                                                   to get to the next stage in your career?
6   2018 AMI Training Hub Handbook
2018 AMI TRAINING HUB HANDBOOK - Australian Marketing Institute
LinkedIn                                                                        Media
Workshop                                                                        Interview Skills
Run by a LinkedIn industry professional, this workshop                          Prepare your team for the media as they learn how to
will help you understand how to utilise the platform’s                          conduct themselves and represent your organisation
hidden capabilities to grow your organisation’s brand.                          during an interview with the media or a presentation to
                                                                                your board. Maximum capacity of 8 participants for this

In-class (Syd, Bris, Melb)       Non-Member $400              4 CPM PMP             In-class (Bris)            Non-Member $750                4 CPM PMP
        Online                     Member $280                   hours                                       Member $525 CPM $450                hours

                     Lucy Bingle. Lucy Bingle is a LinkedIn Marketing                                 Peter Buckley. Peter Buckley uses his now 35 years of
                     Expert, she provides expert LinkedIn consulting services                         presentation, broadcast and communication experience
                     and LinkedIn marketing training globally. Lucy has over                          in all facets of what he does as Keynote Speaker; MC;
                     20 years marketing experience. She is passionate about                           Presentation Skills Specialist; Talent Development
                     helping companies and individuals build brand awareness                          Mentor; Voice Artist and On-Camera Presenter.
                     on LinkedIn.

                                                                                                      2018 AMI Training Hub Handbook                     7
2018 AMI TRAINING HUB HANDBOOK - Australian Marketing Institute
Marketing                                                                 Flying
Leadership Training                                                       Solo
How creative leadership skills and thinking can make a                    Are you thinking about starting your own solo business and
difference. Learn what qualities and skills are expected at the           contracting your marketing services? It can be a challenging
CMO level and what steps you can take to get there.                       time in a difficult market out there, which is why it’s more
                                                                          important than ever to master the fundamentals so you can
                                                                          create your contractor brand and make an impact, right from
                                                                          the very start.

     In-class (Syd)            Non-Member $750            4 CPM PMP              In-class               Non-Member $550           4 CPM PMP
                             Member $525 CPM $450            hours                Online            Member $385 CPM $330             hours
                      Paul Whybrow has over 30 years experience as                          Christopher Melotti is a Marketing, Social Media
                      an award winner in the media and entertainment                        and Copywriting Aficionado. He owns his own
                      industry including promotions, online video,                          Copywriting and Marketing consulting business,
                      broadcast, interactive television and production.                     Melotti Media. He also runs TheCopywritingBlog.
                      At Vårda Creative Leadership, his focus is on                         com.au, is a published author, and won NSW Chief
                      consulting, teaching, coaching and changing                           Marketing Officer (CMO) of the Year award in 2017.

 8      2018 AMI Training Hub Handbook
2018 AMI TRAINING HUB HANDBOOK - Australian Marketing Institute
                                                                        “AMI provides access
AMI has formed partnerships to cover all angles in creating a
pathway for marketers to gain board positons. If one of your
                                                                        to the latest insights in
career aspirations is to bring marketing expertise and advice to        marketing developments
the Board, then we highly recommend you set yourself up for             including the update of skills
success and explore our pathway to the boardroom programs
further.                                                                and knowledge in areas
                                                                        that I may have had little
                                                                        exposure in the past (new
                                                                        frontiers for me in social
                                                                        marketing etc.)”

                                                                                    AMI CPM Member

        Online             Non-Member $3,850            4 CPM PMP
                             Member $1,590                 hours
                            This training is delivered in partnership
                            with Director Institute - next generation
                            directors who provide current and
                            aspiring board directors with resources,
 peer to peer education and access to an exclusive business network,
 and a wide range of board opportunities available nowhere else in
 the market.                                                                 2018 AMI Training Hub Handbook   9
                                                                           2018 AMI Training Hub Handbook
2018 AMI TRAINING HUB HANDBOOK - Australian Marketing Institute
                                                   for Non-Marketers
                                                   For organisations which do not have someone dedicated to
                                                   marketing or for those who want a better understanding of
                                                   marketing. It can also be for those who want to move into
                                                   marketing profession from an affiliated sector such as events,
                                                   design, media or sales.

                     Back to
        Fundamental marketing training

      Not your normal 101 class. New to the            In-class (QLD)             Non-Member $550                  4 CPM PMP
                                                           Online               Member $385 CPM $330                  hours
         marketing profession, want to move
       sideways from a different department                             Sandra O’Neil. Sandra provides specialist marketing
     into a more Marketing focused role? Do                             training, sharing 25 years of experience in business and
                                                                        marketing incorporating media, advertising, business
      you work in a small organisaiton where                            development, sales, management, consulting, and
          you wear many hats and want your                              training.
           Marketing hat to fit a little better?
10      2018AMI
       2018  AMITraining
                          Hub Handbook
Marketing for                                                                    Facebook Business
NFPs and SMEs                                                                    Manager Training
As a small business or not for profit, this workshop demon-                      Four weekly interactive webinars which are essential training
strates how to market to the best of your ability on a shoe-                     for users of Facebook for Business. This training will walk you
string budget. What opportunities are open to you that the big                   through why Business Manager is essential, process for set-
corporations can not access.                                                     up, using All The features, and becoming a Business Manager

     In-class (Syd)             Non-Member $550                  4 CPM PMP              Online                        $328                    4 CPM PMP
        Online                Member $385 CPM $330                  hours                                                                        hours

                      Sandra O’Neil. Sandra provides specialist marketing                         Beth Powell. Beth is an experienced facilitator and
                      training, sharing 25 years of experience in business and                    educator with a capability to align theory with practical
                      marketing incorporating media, advertising, business                        useable outcomes. Beth has held executive roles in
                      development, sales, management, consulting, and                             communications and marketing in the commercial, not
                      training.                                                                   for profit, and government sectors.

                                                                                                   2018 AMI Training Hub Handbook                         11
                                                                  Learn. Practice. Play

                                           Simulations are a great way to experience the
                                              real-world effect of marketing and business,
                                        where the decisions made by participants result in
                                      organisational forecasts over many years. These are
12   2018 AMI Training Hub Handbook
                                       competitive online, real-world business challenges.
Digital                                                        Brand
MediaPro                                                       Pro
DIGITAL MediaPRO exposes you to the use of digital media,      BrandPro gives participants the chance to prove their marketing
communicating with ‘digital natives’, and transforming media   expertise by being in charge of marketing two brands in the
planning and execution. Get two of your colleagues and         BrandPRO world. Your job is to develop the marketing mix for
immerse yourselves in the world of digital media. Compete      two mobile phone brands over 5 years where you will analyse
against your colleagues, industry peers and marketers from     financial & marketing position, decide strategic direction and
around the globe!                                              maximize Share Price Index.

                                 Price per                                                       Price per
                                  team                                                            team
       Online           Non-Member $930        10 CPM PMP              Online           Non-Member $930          10 CPM PMP
      Challenge       Member $650 CPM $558         hours              Challenge       Member $650 CPM $558           hours

                             In collaboration with SP Jain School of Management. SP Jain is a world-class business school with
                             campuses in Dubai, Mumbai, Singapore and Sydney. At SP Jain School of Global management
                             disruptive innovation in education is the core focus for us to be recognised across the world as
                             Game changers. We succeed by reimagining business education to create global business leaders
                             ready for the workplace of the future.

                                                                                  2018 AMI Training Hub Handbook          13
Tools of
                                                           the Trade
                                                         Learn basic marketing skills

                                      Marketing skills are the bones of the job. AMI offer
                                       you access to workshops online and face to face
                                        which will help you learn new marketing skills or
                                                                   brush up on old ones.
14   2018 AMI Training Hub Handbook
Copywriting                                                            Brand
Workshop                                                               Pro
Copywriting and content marketing are essential parts of                A details
                                                                       Add varietyhereof topics across multiple levels of
marketing in today’s world. It is more important than ever to           experience is available on the IQ platform. With the
have the skills to create or work with contracted copywriters to
                                                                        choice of full certificates, online modular courses
produce valuable and engaging content for different mediums
that cuts through the noise and engages your audience                   and single training sessions, AMI training is flexible
effectively.                                                            and customised for you!
                                                                                             Non-Member $930 Member $650 CPM $558 (Per team)

                                                                        Topics available:

                                                                            Analytics                      Marketing
                                                                            Content                        Marketing
                                                                            Data                           Social Media
                                                                            Digital                        Privacy
       In-class               Non-Member $550           4 CPM PMP
        Online            Member $385 CPM $330             hours
                  Christopher Melotti is a Marketing, Social Media          Mobile
                  and Copywriting Aficionado. He owns his own
                  Copywriting and Marketing consulting business,
                  Melotti Media. He also runs TheCopywritingBlog.
                  com.au, is a published author, and won NSW Chief             To learn more about IQ training, visit
                  Marketing Officer (CMO) of the Year award in 2017.     http://hub.ami.org.au/event/Home/training.html

                                                                                      2018 AMI Training Hub Handbook                   15
                                                             Industry targeted training

                                      All industries are unique and have different customer
                                                needs and marketing approaches. Based on
                                       requests from our community, in 2018 we will start
                                      a series of workshops, targeted at different markets
16   2018 AMI Training Hub Handbook                                           and industries.
Drive                                                                     Marketing
More Business                                                             Skills Assessment
Most car buyers search the internet before ever stepping foot
in a dealership. This training provides information and practical
skills on how to attract prospects and retain customers
using online marketing methods. Topics covered include SEO,
Search Marketing, Social Media Marketing and Advertising and
practical email marketing to increase customer lifetime value,
specifically for dealerships.
                                                                          AMI FACTS is the intelligent and comprehensive development
                                                                          program that arms marketers and businesses with the
                                                                          industry skills of the future - today.

                                                                          But it’s not just about training. It’s an end-to-end framework
                                                                          specifically designed to help you determine required skills,
                                                                          test current capabilities, gain recognition and ensure you and
                                                                          your company not only keep on top of the latest marketing
                                                                          trends, but are also setting them for the future.

                                                                          For both corporates and agencies, business success depends
                                                                          on building the skills and marketing intelligence of your
                                                                          marketing teams to face the dynamic challenges of increasing
                                                                          customer expectations.

       In-class                     Varying                4 CPM PMP      Our unique approach to skill enhancement will help increase
        Online                                                hours       your company and team’s marketing skills, along with your
                                                                          career and business success.
                  Beth Powell. Beth has over 10 years experience in
                  digital marketing and has been working as a trainer,           To learn more about AMI FACTS visit
                  coach and consultant to dealerships for the past four
                  years. She has become the go-to person for digital      http://hub.ami.org.au/event/Home/ami-facts.html,
                  marketing strategies to increase revenue. Beth has a
                  masters degree in digital communication and culture                email training@ami.org.au or call on
                  and moved from working as a director of marketing for
                  corporations to full time entrepreneur.                                       02 8256 1656

                                                                                          2018 AMI Training Hub Handbook            17
Marketing Workshops
  Below are some questions to consider when you are looking at our customised workshops. These
  will help us tailor the workshops to meet your training needs. For more information, please email
  training@ami.org.au or call on 02 8256 1656.

The Business Need                                          Who?
    • What’s the purpose of your proposed workshop?           •    Who is the workshop that will be created
        (Please briefly describe the organisational need           targeted at?
        or gap this workshop will address)                     •   Who will benefit?
    • What, if any, other interventions have you made          •   Any other thoughts / comments that will
        to address this in the past?                               support the prioritisation, and selection of the
    • Briefly describe any successes or failed                     proposed workshop to be developed.
        attempts. Why have these succeeded (or not)?
                                                           Additional Requirements? May incur an additional
Workshop Outcomes                                          cost.
   • What will your staff doing, or doing differently          • Is any catering required?
       that will let you know a positive change has            • Do you need us to source a venue?
       occurred as a result of the workshop?                   • How many attendees will be within a workshop?
   • Is this a change in skill/behaviour/attitude?             • How many workshops will be held?
   • How do you plan to ensure actions and learning’s          • What state will this workshop/s be held?
       from the workshop are successfully transferred          • Do you have a training budget?
       back to the workplace?
   • How will you know this investment (of time) in
       your people has worked?

18     2018 AMI Training Hub Handbook
Marketing Workshops
 AMI can tailor any of these                                            AMI

 workshops to focus on the
 challenges your organisation faces,                  1               $450 -
                                                                                      NA          NA
                                                      participant     $750
 and the goals you wish to achieve.
 There are a couple of options of customisation
 available to meet requirements of your budget.       10             $4,500 -
                                                                                    $3,300      $5,000
                                                      participants   $7,500
 TAILORED WORKSHOPS. Tailor one of our
 highly successful pre-existing workshops to
 your industry; like a custom-fit suit. These focus
                                                      15             $6,750 -
                                                                                    $4,550      $6,500
                                                      participants   $11,250
 on the challenges your industry face, and the
 goals you wish to achieve. We offer full day
 workshops at a minimum cost of $3,300. Every
 additional participant over 10 will cost $250 per
                                                      20             $9,000 -
                                                                                    $5,800      $8,000
                                                      participants   $15,000
 BESPOKE WORKSHOPS. Take your training
 KPIs to the next level with cutting edge
 workshops delivered to your office, with
 topics chosen entirely for your organisation at
 a minimum cost of $5,000. Every additional
 participant will cost $300.
                                                                     2018 AMI Training Hub Handbook    19
contact us

Phone: 02 8256 1656
Email: training@ami.org.au
Office: PO Box 322, St Leonards
        NSW 2065
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