2018 Annual Summit Shared Leadership, Strong Teams - October 12-14, 2018 - Synchro BC

Page created by Nicole Sims
2018 Annual Summit Shared Leadership, Strong Teams - October 12-14, 2018 - Synchro BC
Shared Leadership, Strong Teams
    2018 Annual Summit
        October 12-14, 2018

            Fortius Sport & Health
     3713 Kensington Avenue, Burnaby, BC, V5B 0A7
2018 Annual Summit Shared Leadership, Strong Teams - October 12-14, 2018 - Synchro BC
Table of Contents
Welcome ....................................................................................................................................................... 3
Summit Schedule .......................................................................................................................................... 4
Schedules By Groups ..................................................................................................................................... 5
   Athletes – 12 and Under ........................................................................................................................... 5
   Athletes – 13 and Over ............................................................................................................................. 5
   Club Executives & Parents ........................................................................................................................ 5
   Coaches ..................................................................................................................................................... 6
   Officials ..................................................................................................................................................... 7
Session Descriptions ..................................................................................................................................... 8
Presenters & Guest Speakers Bios .............................................................................................................. 11
   Christina Demiris ..................................................................................................................................... 11
   Disa Fladmark.......................................................................................................................................... 11
   Elise Fagnan............................................................................................................................................. 12
   Heather Archer........................................................................................................................................ 12
   Jacqueline Simoneau .............................................................................................................................. 13
   Jennifer Keith .......................................................................................................................................... 13
   Jermaine John-Archer ............................................................................................................................. 14
   Lisa Balcombe ......................................................................................................................................... 14
   Madeleine Ramsay .................................................................................................................................. 15
   Robyn Guidon ......................................................................................................................................... 16
   Sharon Devana ........................................................................................................................................ 16
   Susan Kemper ......................................................................................................................................... 17
   Tanya Magee ........................................................................................................................................... 18
   Tom Walker ............................................................................................................................................. 18
   Wayne McNeil ......................................................................................................................................... 19

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2018 Annual Summit Shared Leadership, Strong Teams - October 12-14, 2018 - Synchro BC
Welcome to the 2018 Synchro BC Summit: Shared Leadership, Strong Teams! This annual kick-start to the
artistic swimming season in British Columbia has a whole new line-up of presenters and guest speakers
that will challenge you to share new ideas, make mistakes, engage creatively, and work collaboratively to
be game changers in our sport.

At the 2017 Summit we challenged the Synchro BC membership to join the True Sport Movement, a
growing social movement of athletes, coaches, officials, parents, and community leaders who want sport
in Canada to be a positive, enriching experience for everyone who participates. This year we challenge
you to actively live those values in and out of the pool, to share the leadership in creating the best sport
environment for all.

Go For It: Jacqueline Simoneau joins us to inspire us with her journey through sport and her drive to
the Olympic Podium, and to lead athletes on the deck and in the pool.

Play Fair: Judges and coaches will have several sessions to get into the nitty gritty of the 2018-19
Technical Package and this year’s rule changes. Plus, Lisa Balcombe will be leading, “An Introduction to
Judging” for athletes interested in a future in officiating.

Respect Others: Wayne MacNeil, is our keynote presenter from Respect in Sport, Canada’s first online
bullying, abuse, harassment and discrimination prevention training program.

Keep it Fun: Saturday night is new spin on the Awards Celebration with a high energy event in the gym to
highlight the accomplishments of the year, followed by dinner and more laughter with Vancouver

Stay Healthy: Coaches and Train to Train Athletes will learn more about the Artistic Strong program with
Jermaine John-Archer from Fortius Sport & Health to improve performance, prevent injuries, and boost

Include Everyone: With all ages and stages together in the gym, Vancouver Theatresports League will
open the Summit with laughter and their unique brand of improv to help us be a more productive,
creative, and cohesive community.

Give Back: Each group has a session called “Let’s Talk: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly,” a chance to
share your experience in our sport, warts and all, which will help guide our future. (Bonus: Wayne
MacNeil of the Respect Group is speaking at our Summit, pro bono!)

…Plus, so much more!

Enjoy this great weekend to engage with your teammates and colleagues, challenge your thinking, and
prepare for the season ahead. Together we will share leadership and build strong teams!

RaeAnne Rose                             Jennifer Keith
President                                Executive Director

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2018 Annual Summit Shared Leadership, Strong Teams - October 12-14, 2018 - Synchro BC

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2018 Annual Summit Shared Leadership, Strong Teams - October 12-14, 2018 - Synchro BC

Saturday, October 13, 2018
Time              Location   Session                                Presenter
7:30 – 10:00      Lobby      Registration
8:00 – 9:00       Gym 1      Turbo-Charge Your Summit               Vancouver Theatre Sports
9:00 – 9:15                  Health Break
9:15 – 10:30      Gym 1      Land Skills & Open Forum               Jacqueline Simoneau
10:35 – 11:45     Gym 2      Let’s Talk: The Good, Bad & Ugly       Tanya Magee
11:45 – 12:30                Lunch
12:30 – 3:30      Pool       Water Tech Session                     Diverse
3:35 – 5:30                  Break and/or observing of CWG camp
5:30 – 9:00       Gym        Awards Celebration & After Party

Saturday, October 13, 2018
Time              Location   Session                                Presenter
7:30 – 10:00      Lobby      Registration
8:00 – 9:00       Gym 1      Turbo-Charge Your Summit               Vancouver Theatre Sports
9:00 – 9:15                  Health Break
9:15 – 10:30      Gym 2      Let’s Talk: The Good, Bad & Ugly       Tanya Magee
10:35 – 11:45     Gym 1      Land Skills & Open Forum               Jacqueline Simoneau
11:45 – 12:30                Lunch
12:30 – 3:30      Pool       Water Tech Session                     Diverse
3:35 – 5:30                  Break and/or observing of CWG camp
5:30 – 9:00       Gym        Awards Celebration & After Party

Saturday, October 13, 2018
Time              Location   Session                                Presenter
7:30 – 10:00      Lobby      Registration
8:00 – 9:00       Gym 1      Turbo-Charge Your Summit               Vancouver Theatre Sports
9:00 – 9:15                  Health Break
9:15 – 10:30      Forum      Respect in Sport                       Wayne McNeil
10:35 – 11:45     Forum      Let’s Talk: The Good, Bad & Ugly       Jennifer K. & Elise F.
11:45 – 12:30                Lunch
12:30 – 2:30      Forum      Physical Literacy & Quality Sport 4U   Tom Walker
2:35 – 3:30       Forum      Sport Culture – The Practical          Jennifer Keith
                             Implementation of True Sport &
                             Responsible Coaching Movement
3:35 – 5:00      Calgary B   AquaGo!                                Susan Kemper
5:30 – 9:00      Gym         Awards Celebration & After Party

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2018 Annual Summit Shared Leadership, Strong Teams - October 12-14, 2018 - Synchro BC
Time              Location      Session                            Presenter
Friday, October 12, 2018
4:00 – 7:00       Lobby         Registration
6:00 – 7:30       Calgary A     Let’s Talk: The Good, Bad & Ugly   Tanya Magee
7:45 – 8:30       Calgary A&B   Technical Package Review           Tanya Magee

Saturday, October 13, 2018
7:30 – 10:00      Lobby         Registration
8:00 – 9:00       Gym 1         Turbo-Charge Your Summit           Vancouver Theatre Sports
9:00 – 9:15                     Health Break
9:15 – 10:30      Forum         Respect in Sport                   Wayne McNeil
10:35 – 11:05     SBC Office    Athlete Highlight Session          Susan Kemper
11:10 – 11:45     SBC Office    Joint Feedback Session             Christina D. & Disa F.
11:45 – 12:30                   Lunch
12:30 – 3:30      Pool          Water Tech Session                 Diverse
3:35 – 5:00       Calgary A     Technical Package Review #2        Jennifer Keith
5:00 – 5:30                     Break
5:30 – 9:00       Gym           Awards Celebration & After Party

Sunday, October 14, 2018
8:30 – 10:00     SBC Office     Safe Sport Best Practices          Jennifer Keith
10:00 – 10:10                   Health Break
10:10 – 11:10    Forum          HP: The Athlete Perspective        Jacqueline Simoneau
11:15 – 12:00    Pool           Observe/Feedback CWG
12:00 – 1:00                    Lunch
1:00 – 3:00      Forum          Artistic Strong Implementation     Jermaine John-Archer

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2018 Annual Summit Shared Leadership, Strong Teams - October 12-14, 2018 - Synchro BC
Time              Location      Session                             Presenter
Friday, October 12, 2018
4:00 – 7:00       Lobby         Registration
6:00 – 7:30       Calgary B     Building a Positive Community       Robyn Guidon
7:45 – 8:30       Calgary A&B   Technical Package Review            Tanya Magee

Saturday, October 13, 2018
7:30 – 10:00      Lobby         Registration
8:00 – 9:00       Gym 1         Turbo-Charge Your Summit            Vancouver Theatre Sports
9:00 – 9:15                     Health Break
9:15 – 10:30      Forum         Respect in Sport                    Wayne McNeil
10:35 – 11:05     London        Synchro-glyphics                    Madeleine Ramsay
11:10 – 11:45     SBC Office    Joint Feedback Session              Christina D. & Disa F.
11:45 – 12:30                   Lunch
12:30 – 3:30      Pool          Water Tech Session                  Diverse
3:35 – 5:00       Calgary A     Technical Package Review #2         Jennifer Keith
5:00 – 5:30                     Break
5:30 – 9:00       Gym           Awards Celebration & After Party

Sunday, October 14, 2018
8:30 – 10:00     London         Officials Code of Ethics            Heather Archer
10:00 – 10:10                   Health Break
10:10 – 11:10    Forum          HP: The Athlete Perspective         Jacqueline Simoneau
11:15 – 12:00    Forum          Future of Plan 42                   Lisa Balcombe
12:00 – 1:00                    Lunch
1:00 – 3:00      London         Succession Planning & Development   Christina D. & Sharon D.
                                Round Table

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2018 Annual Summit Shared Leadership, Strong Teams - October 12-14, 2018 - Synchro BC
  •   Let’s Talk: The Good, Bad & Ugly (Coaches)
      Led by Tanya Magee, this session will provide Coaches with a chance to share their experiences in
      our sport, warts and all, which will help guide our future.

  •   Building a Positive Community
      Robyn Guidon will lead the Officials through a discussion on how to build a positive community
      within Synchro and themselves.

  •   Technical Package Review
      Tanya Magee will guide Coaches & Officials through the changes to the 2018-19 Technical
      Package and will be available to answer questions.

  •   Turbo-Charge Your Summit
      Using the concepts for successful improvisation, this interactive session with Vancouver Theatre
      Sports starts the Summit with a lot of laughter, positive energy and bonding, as well as a template
      for open communication, collaboration and support for the rest of the Summit.

  •   Land Skills & Open Forum
      Jaqueline Simoneau will talk with athletes about her journey through artistic swimming and how
      she made her Olympic dream come true. Following the discussion, Jacqueline will lead the
      athletes through a land skills session.

  •   Let’s Talk: The Good, Bad & Ugly (Athletes)
      Led by Tanya Magee, this session will provide Athletes with a chance to share their experiences in
      our sport, warts and all, which will help guide our future.

  •   Respect in Sport
      Wayne McNeil will speak to Coaches, Officials, Club Executives and Parents about “Respect in
      Sport”, Canada’s leader in addressing and educating the sport community about abuse, bullying,
      and harassment. Wayne will also discuss its practical application within clubs, programming and
      on the pool deck.

  •   Athlete Highlight Session
      Susan Kemper will provide Coaches with tips and tricks on highlight lifting.

  •   Synchro-glyphics
      Madeleine Ramsay will provide judges with tips and tricks on taking notes during routines and
      providing the feedback to athletes and coaches.

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2018 Annual Summit Shared Leadership, Strong Teams - October 12-14, 2018 - Synchro BC
•   Joint Feedback Session
      Coaches and Judges come together for a discussion about useful routine feedback and the role it
      plays at different times in the competition season.

  •   Water Tech Session
      Athletes will rotate through three water sessions including one with Jacqueline Simoneau
      (Canada Artistic Swimming National Athlete), Judges and Coaches, and participate in a mental
      training session.

  •   Technical Package Review #2
      Jennifer Keith will answer any additional Technical Package questions that were not answered on
      the Friday night and entertain suggestions for housekeeping edits.

  •   Physical Literacy & Quality Sport 4U
      What do we want our children to get out of Synchro (or any sport for that matter)? OK, but what
      do we really want? In this session with Tom Walker, Parents and Club Executives will explore the
      various ways our sport can contribute to the development of the whole athlete. We'll also discuss
      what can hinder that development, and what parents, coaches and club organizers can do about

  •   Sport Culture: The Practical Implementation of True Sport & Responsible Coaching Movement
      Synchro BC continues to embrace the True Sport Principles and Responsible Coaching Movement
      and is working to embed them into the culture of our sport. In this session, Jennifer Keith will
      share practical implementation tips for clubs and parents and provide an update on the work of
      the provincial Safe Sport Working Group.

  •   AquaGO!
      The AquaGO! program is a nationally standardized entry level program for girls and boys wanting
      to develop basic aquatic skills in an environment that focuses on fun and fitness! In this session
      led by Susan Kemper, you will learn about the program and r how clubs can implement it.

  •   Tips for High Performance Athletes
      Jaqueline Simoneau will be sharing tips to our Canada Winter Games and Train to Train athletes
      on what it takes to be the best high performance athlete.

  •   An Introduction to Judging
      Lisa Balcombe will introduce athletes to the judging world by giving them a taste of what it’s like
      to be a judge, ways to give back to the sport and opportunities that can arise.

  •   Safe Sport Best Practices
      Building on the information shared with Coaches during the 2018 Year-End Coaches Meeting,
      Jennifer Keith will discuss successful practices and tips for ensuring a safe sport environment for

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2018 Annual Summit Shared Leadership, Strong Teams - October 12-14, 2018 - Synchro BC

•   Officials Code of Ethics
    Heather Archer will be leading, reviewing and discussing the “Officials Code of Ethics” with the

•   High Performance: The Athlete Perspective
    Coaches and Officials will have the chance to hear from Jacqueline Simoneau about her path to
    the National Team and the Olympics. Bring your questions as there will be an opportunity for a

•   Future of Plan 42
    Lisa Balcombe will lead a discussion and update the officials on the status of Plan 42 and its
    implementation in British Columbia.

•   Artistic Strong Implementation
    This presentation with Jermaine John-Archer will address how to read and understand the athlete
    reports, followed by a practical session on how to do the recommended exercises and home work

•   Succession Planning & Development Round Table
    Led by Christina Demiris and Sharon Devana, Officials will discuss and brainstorm implementation
    and improvement of evaluations, judging courses, judges’ profiles and mentorship.

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                                   "Christina has been involved with this sport for almost 20 years. She
                                   has had many roles including Athlete, Coach, and Official.

                                   There have been many memorable moments throughout the years,
                                   most recent being the experience of coaching at the 2017 FINA World
                                   Masters Championships in Budapest and judging at the 2018 Espoir
                                   Championships in Surrey.

                                   From her first star class, all the way to her last season of competing
                                   Masters, she has had the privilege to see and experience the sport
                                   change in many ways. With new figures, new techniques, and even a
                                   new name, she is excited to see what's next. Although she is currently
                                   taking a break from being in the water, it doesn't mean she is away
                                   from the pool deck. She is currently Coaching at the Masters’ and
                                   University level, as well as Judging Provincially and Nationally.

During her time as an Athlete, she always looked forward to becoming a Coach and teaching others how
to do the sport she loved so very much. Now that she gets to do that, it has not disappointed. Her
favourite part about coaching is getting to witness athlete progressions first hand.

Christina has ten years of experience as an Official, currently a Level 3 judge. She serves as a member of
the BC Officials Committee and co-teaches Level 1&2 Officials courses in the Lower Mainland. She loves
the officials’ community as they are always welcoming and bring a wealth of knowledge. She is looking
forward to representing BC as an Official at the 2019 Canada Winter Games.

Christina is honoured to be presenting for the first time at the Synchro BC Fall Summit.

                                   Disa has been involved in the sport of artistic swimming since 1994,
                                   when she joined her first synchro team. Since then she has acted as an
                                   athlete, coach, mentor, researcher and administrator of artistic
                                   swimming in BC.

                                   Her greatest driver is being a part of the holistic development of young
                                   athletes in BC and she hopes to share her passion for the sport with her
                                   peers at the upcoming Synchro BC Annual Summit.

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                 Elise has been involved in the Artistic Swimming community for the
                 past 17 years. Elise began as an athlete and has since been involved in
                 high performance and development coaching, club administration, and
                 currently sits on the Board of Directors as a member at large.

                 Elise is a certified competition development coach and is passionate
                 about developing and mentoring strong and capable athletes in sport
                 as well as in all aspects of life.

                 When she is not at the pool Elise spends her time at the Children’s
                 hospital where she works as a Registered Nurse.

                 A love of the water saw Synchronized Swimming become Heather’s
                 sport of choice after enjoying other childhood sport experiences. A
                 retired FINA A judge; she has filled many additional roles in the sport
                 provincially, nationally and internationally. Currently a Level 5 judge in
                 Canada, Heather continues to actively judge provincially and nationally.

                 Heather loves sharing the learnings from her life, work, volunteer and
                 sport experiences with others in formal and informal settings and has
                 done so around the world.

                 Married to Glen for almost 45 years, Mum to 3 daughters, Grandma to
                 3 grandsons and a granddaughter (at the time of writing). Other
                 pleasures in her life include reading, travel, gardening, volunteering,
                 walking/running and doing contract work in the not for profit sector.

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                                  Jacqueline Simoneau, a 2x gold medalist at the 2015 Pan American
                                  Games, standing atop the podium in the team and duet competitions
                                  (with partner Karine Thomas). Simoneau first joined the senior national
                                  team in 2012 when she was still a junior competitor.

                                  That year she won a bronze medal in the solo event at the FINA World
                                  Junior Championships in Greece. At her second Junior World
                                  Championships, she was the figure world champion as well as the silver
                                  medalist in the solo event in Finland in 2014.

                                  She made her senior FINA World Championship debut in 2013,
                                  competing in the team events, after which she also began competing in
                                  the duet and solo events. Getting to compete at the Olympic Games
                                  was, and still is one of Simoneau’s life goals, along with becoming a

She made her Olympic debut in Rio 2016, finishing seventh with Thomas in the duet event. She is
currently training for her second Olympic Games in Tokyo, 2020 and is also a 7x world series medalist.

                                  Jennifer has worked in the sport sector for 20 years at the local (club),
                                  regional, provincial and national levels. With a business degree as well
                                  as a post-graduate diploma in sports administration, Jennifer has
                                  worked on several educational initiatives using sport as a platform to
                                  engage athletes and stakeholders about health and social issues such
                                  as concussion management, ethical sport practices and appearance
                                  and performance enhancing drugs. Jennifer also collaborated with
                                  colleagues at the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport and national sport
                                  partners in developing the Club Excellence certification program and
has been serving as a Club Excellence facilitator since 2007.

Jennifer is a leader in promoting and delivering a sport experience that maximizes sport’s benefits for
everyone involved. She brings a wealth of knowledge and experience that can help clubs to streamline
their operations through effective strategic planning, human resource management, policy development,
and program audits. Jennifer can also support clubs looking to enhance their financial position having
secured funding from local, provincial and federal grant programs and sponsors. Jennifer strongly believes
that by spending less time dealing with operational issues and problems, clubs can allocate more
resources to athlete and sport development efforts.

Jennifer accepted the position of Interim Executive Director of Synchro BC in March of 2017 and was
appointed to the position on a full-time basis in April 2018. She lives in New Westminster with her
husband and two daughters.

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                                   Strength and Conditioning Coach. "I am a dancer." Jermaine John-
                                   Archer comes to Fortius Sport & Health as an experienced dancer and
                                   exercise physiologist to lead the ArtisticSTRONG Program as a Strength
                                   & Conditioning coach. With a career built on creating longevity in
                                   artistic sports and the performing arts, Jermaine has worked with many
                                   athletes and artists in a wide range of settings: regional (public and
                                   private schools, local dance academies, and figure skating clubs),
                                   university (McMaster University), provincial and national (Skate BC,
                                   Skate Canada, and national level/Olympic high performance artistic
                                   athletes), as well as professional (OHL Cheerleading Squads,
professional dance schools/teams/artists, and local professional recording artists and musicians across
Canada). Recently, Jermaine has had the annual privilege to coach artistic athletes from all over the
world as the head off-ice coach at the international figure skating camp "IceDOME" throughout various
locations in Europe. Jermaine currently coaches the ArtisticSTRONG program and is actively looking at
ways to reach more artistic athletes. He hopes to encourage mindfulness in load management, body &
spatial awareness, and movement competency within a strength and conditioning environment to create
longevity in artistic sports.

For his full bio please visit: https://www.fortiussport.com/team/jermaine-john-archer/

                                  For me, Artistic Swimming began in 1976 when my mom saw an ad in
                                  the local newspaper about a sport involving “swimming up-side-down
                                  to music.” Since I had spent the last few years frustrating my speed
                                  swimming coaches with this very behaviour, my mom signed me up.
                                  This marked the start of my artistic swimming career and a lifelong love
                                  for the sport.

                                   Over the following 40+ years I have been an athlete, a coach, an
                                   educator, and an official. The highlight of my amateur swimming career
                                   was when I had the great honour of representing Nova Scotia at the
                                   1983 Jeux de Canada Games in Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean, Quebec. A couple
                                   of years ago, I was the luckiest duet partner ever swimming a master’s
                                   duet with the love of my life, my amazing husband, Don. As a coach, I
was proud to support a junior team to their highest level of competition at the 1990 Western
Synchronized Swimming Championships. As an educator, I have trained many officials, led collaborative
sessions with coaches and officials, contributed to the writing of the Star Manual, co-authored the
Aquasquirts Program, and collaborated with senior officials on proposals to FINA. I am now helping with
the training/education of our international officials.

Since 1986 I have been practicing and honing my skills as an artistic swimming judge. I have had the great
pleasure of officiating at many provincial and national events where I have met so many dedicated
volunteers who share my love for the sport. Such love led to my dream of becoming an international
official, which I am proud to say I have accomplished with my recent advancement to Level V FINA. In

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2016, I had the great honour of realizing this goal as a practice judge at the US Open in Riverside,
California. This event was an amazing introduction to the international scene; it was an unforgettable
judging experience as five Olympic duets participated. This past summer, I had the opportunity of
officiating at the Pan Am Masters in Orlando, Florida; this was a lot of fun. My dream of becoming an
international official was made possible due in large part to my fantastic mentors who have shared their
knowledge and expertise with me throughout my artistic swimming career. I am so grateful to each and
every one of them.

I thank everyone who has been a part of my journey. As it is with artistic swimming, our goals are
realized not as individuals but as a team.

                                  Madeleine is a former member of the National Synchronized Swim
                                  Team who competed in the first World Aquatic Championships in 1973
                                  in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, earning a silver medal in the Duet event. She
                                  also competed and medalled at the 1971 Pan-Am Games (silver in
                                  Duet), the 1970 Osaka Invitational (bronze in Duet and Team), and the
                                  1969 Aquatic Art (gold in Trio). Madeleine has also earned the Suzanne
                                  Eon Award for most promising coach (1974) and the Fairest Judge
                                  Award (1997).

                                  She has coached synchro for 10 years at the regional, provincial and
                                  national levels and has been a synchro official since 1980. In 1988,
                                  Madeleine earned her FINA official designation and served in this role
until 2016.

Outside of synchro, Madeline is a certified Personal Trainer and Fitness Instructor with additional
certification in yoga, strength training, and aquacises and competes in both Masters’ synchro and speed
swimming. She has also competed in marathons, cross-country skiing, kayak speed racing, dragon boat
racing and war canoe racing.

In recent years Madeleine has volunteered countless hours to the BC Marine Trails, cleaning Vancouver
Islands coast line. She teaches kayak lessons and leads group kayak adventures during the summer. She
loves to teach fitness classes in Black Creek.

Originally from Quebec, Madeleine has been living on Vancouver Island since 2007.

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                                  I was first introduced to Artistic Swimming when I attended a private
                                  party in my small town's new pool for all those (and their children -
                                  me!) who were responsible for getting the pool built - Lisa and Don
                                  Balcombe were also on that committee. Lisa danced around in the
                                  water and I was excited to learn that a new sport was coming to town; I
                                  was at that first practice and a new love was born. I became a coach
                                  while still in high school and coached and judged my way through my
                                  university degree. I've more recently gotten back involved in the sport
                                  after a long hiatus while living in Northern BC.

                                    I currently work with the Canadian Mental Health Association helping
people with anxiety and depression live their best lives. I also have 5 (non-sport related) Coaching
certifications and run a private practice where I have the privilege to team up with individuals and
businesses on their journey to thrive. I am known in my industry for expertly bridging the gap and raising
the bar between where people are and where they desire to be.

                                 My first judging experience was in Nova Scotia in 1983. My daughter
                                 wanted to swim but there were no judges so the other parents and I
                                 asked for someone to come from Ontario to teach us. After a couple of
                                 years off in Newfoundland, I returned to judging in 1986 in BC, studying
                                 with Donalda Smith and Mable Moran. In 1994 I was asked to take over
                                 the revision and expansion of the Star Program Manual. I performed
                                 this task for the next 23 years. I was a member of the Synchro Canada
                                 Domestic Committee for 12 years, 6 as Chair. I have been a Level 4
                                 judge since 1991. My greatest reward in the sport is the satisfaction of
                                 watching athletes, coaches and judges improve their skills. I hope that
my small contribution has helped them succeed.

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                                  ATHLETE: I started synchro with the Coquitlam Coralinas when I was 9
                                  years old. Some of our current officials still remind me that they judged
                                  me then! I was 16 when I was selected to Team Canada and swam with
                                  the National Team for 7 years.

                                  COACH: I have been coaching since I was 16 years old. I coached
                                  Canada’s National Team for seven years, including Head Coach of the
                                  2008 Olympic Team. I have also been Head Coach of the BC Aquasonics
                                  since 1996 and I work as a high performance consultant in Canada and

QUALIFICATIONS: I am a Chartered Professional Coach and, in 2006, I became a fully certified NCCP Level
5 Coach, the first coach in synchronized swimming and the ninth woman in Canadian Sport to do so.

TID PROGRAM: My vision is to develop an Academy style program where we focus on building the
technical and tactical strengths of the individuals, which in turn will improve the team. We need to help
each athlete master their position. Then, when we come together as a team to build the choreography,
we have a really strong foundation on which to build.

SYNCHRO IN BC: In Canada, our sport leadership is made up of the top coaches, clubs, and programs in
the country. That’s where the best practices are developed – the big ideas are coming from the trenches.
We can take the best of that thinking and use it in BC, but we can also lead from within the province.

OUTSIDE SYNCHRO: I am the mom of a rock star softball pitcher and I spend every moment I can at the
ball diamond cheering her on. Sydni was offered a full-ride scholarship to Grand Canyon University in
Phoenix - I couldn’t be more proud.

FROM THE ARCHIVES: My mom, Maureen Crews, is a past President of Synchro BC

FUN (AND AMAZING!) FACT: When I competed as a senior athlete for BC, judges’ marks included 10s in
the team event, three years in a row.

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                                  Tanya Magee has been involved in synchronized swimming since 1992
                                  as both an athlete and a coach. She was a member of Team Canada
                                  from 2001 to 2007, winning multiple gold, silver and bronze medals.

                                  Tanya has coached grassroots recreation to high performance to
                                  Masters. She has also helped coach athletes onto the Canadian
                                  National Team. She has coached with the B.C. Aquasonics since 2002
                                  with a brief hiatus while she trained with Team Canada at the Centre of
                                  Excellence in Montreal. While living in Montreal, Tanya achieved her
                                  Level 3 National Coaching Certification (current Comp-Dev Trained) and
coached at Dollard Synchro.

Upon her return to B.C., Tanya was selected as the Apprentice Coach for the 2008 Canadian National ‘B’
Team where she was able to work with the top athletes in Canada as they prepared for the Swiss
Open. In 2010, she was named the assistant coach to Team B.C taking the team to the 2010 U.S. Open in
Dallas, Texas and to the Canada Winter Games in 2011.

In 2014, Tanya completed her Bachelor’s Degree in Physical Education and Coaching. During her studies,
she was the recipient of the Bob Bearpark Coaching Award of Distinction as a second, third and fourth
year student. She was selected as valedictorian for her graduating class; however, she was unable to
attend her graduation ceremony because she was coaching her team at the National Championships!

Currently, Tanya is in her final year in the Advanced Coaching Diploma program with the Canadian Sport
Institute. Her goal is to use her past experiences, current education and the strengths of the Synchro BC
community to grow the sport of Synchronized Swimming in the province.

                                  Recently retired after 35 years in municipal recreation with a focus on
                                  community sport development, Tom supported and encouraged
                                  leadership, organizational capacity, and horizontal integration among
                                  clubs, recreation departments, education and health. Before entering
                                  municipal service, Tom coached summer and winter club swimming in
                                  North Vancouver, Coquitlam, Port Moody and in California. Even so, his
                                  greatest sporting achievement was in being named the 1995 Forest
                                  Hills Little League T-Ball Coach of the Year!

                                    Tom holds a Bachelor’s degree in Physical Education and a Master’s in
                                    Urban Studies. In his "retirement", Tom is back on the pool deck
coaching high school swimming and teaching PE classes at a local private school. Tom is a True Sport
Champion, a Master Coach Developer for the Coaching Association of Canada, a Trainer for HIGH FIVE,
conducts workshops for Sport for Life and is an advocate for Active Living, Active Transportation and
Livable Cities. Tom still swims three times a week, rides his bike most places, and this summer completed
a solo ride to Alaska. To relax, Tom plays harmonica, ukulele and cornet, all badly, but he's learning.

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                                  Wayne McNeil was Trustee and Vice-Chairman of the Rocky View
                                  School Division, volunteer President of the Sheldon Kennedy
                                  Foundation, which raised over $ 1.2 Million during the 1998 Cross-
                                  Canada Skate to raise awareness for the prevention of child abuse and
                                  served as Chairman of the Alberta Gymnastics Federation for six years.
                                  These volunteer roles and his commitment to child advocacy lead
                                  Wayne to co-found Respect Group; Canada’s first, on-line, bullying,
                                  abuse, harassment and discrimination prevention training program for
                                  community/sport organizations, schools and corporations.

                                   Wayne has a professional background in Information Technology and
                                   Project Management that he developed through key global positions
                                   with Bell Canada, 3Com Corporation and Computer Sciences
Corporation (CSC). This strong IT expertise enabled Wayne to create a solid team and technology
approach for Respect Group which, to-date, has certified over 900,000 Canadians on these critical issues.

In 2007, Wayne was awarded the Canadian Red Cross Caring Award for his leadership in the promotion of
violence and abuse prevention education. Wayne is a member of the Board of the Sheldon Kennedy Child
Advocacy Centre and serves on the Education Committee.

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