Page created by Sidney Glover


Polling Booth Times and
Polling booths will be located at the following
dates, locations and times:

                             Monday     Tuesday    Wednesday        Thursday         Friday
                             3 Sept     4 Sept     5 Sept           6 Sept           7 Sept

                             10.30am–   9.30am–                     10.30am–
    Innovative Design        3.00pm     3.00pm     9.30am–          3.00pm           9.30am–
    Showcase; 12.4.108       4.00pm–    4.00pm–    5.00pm           4.00pm–          2.00pm
                             7.30pm     7.30pm                      7.30pm
    Swanston Academic        3.00pm                9.30am–          4.00pm–
    Building; 80.3.217       4.00pm–               2.00pm           7.30pm
    Emily McPherson                     4.00pm–
    Building; 13.2.24                   7.30pm
    Alumni Courtyard
                                                                    (During RUSU
                                                                    Chill N Grill)
    Building 57 Cafeteria;   11.00am–   9.30am–
    57.4.202                 2.00pm     3.00pm

    Building 514 Foyer;                 11.00am–   11.00am–
    514.1.201                           2.00pm     2.00pm
    Building 210 Entry;                            11.00am–         9.30am–
    210.2.201                                      2.00pm           11.00am
    Building 254 Lounge;     11.00am–                               12.00pm–
    254.1.203                2.00pm                                 3.00pm

2                                                  RMIT UNIVERSITY STUDENT UNION ANNUAL ELECTIONS 2018
                                  The RMIT University Student Union      About the Elections: Voting at
                                  (RUSU) provides all RMIT students      these elections will be by the
                                  with events, representation and        optional preferential and optional
                                  support. RUSU is the only 100%         proportional representation
                                  independent body at RMIT and is        methods. Optional proportional
                                  governed by 25 elected student         representation will be the method
                                  representatives that comprise the      of counting for those positions
                                  Student Union Council – RUSU is        where more than one candidate is
                                  run FOR students BY students. We       to be elected. If you want to vote,
                                  are here to ensure every student’s     you don’t have to vote for every
                                  university experience extends          position – just the ones’ you’re
                                  beyond lectures and assignments.       interested in. You also don’t need to
                                  Every week RUSU’s purple colours       vote for every candidate. For each
                                  are out and about with free food       position you want to vote on, give a
                                  and fun. RUSU has over 80 clubs        “1” to the candidate you prefer, a “2”
                                  and societies that students can join   to your second choice if you have
                                  – clubs may be political, spiritual,   one and keep going as far as you
                                  academic, cultural and social.         like. General Representatives and
                                  While RUSU is the heart of student     NUS delegates are proportionally
                                  life, RUSU is also here for students   elected (like the Senate), while
                                  when they need help - we have          all other positions have a single
                                  an extensive student advocacy          winner.
                                  service, information counters, offer
                                  a welfare drop-in centre and keep      The Returning Officer is John
                                  safe spaces on campuses.               Milburn–Clark.

RUSU.RMIT.EDU.AU   RUSUPAGE   RMITSU   RMITSU     RUSUONLINE                                                  3

Left Voice                                                Connect
Left Voice is a team of independent left wing activists   Connect is a diverse team of passionate students,
dedicated to fighting for student’s rights and social     ready to deliver an action-packed, quality year of
justice issues all year round!                            support and services to the RMIT community.
Student unions should be on the front lines of activism   This year, we’ve put together a team of new and old,
leading progressive campaigns, their project should       fresh and experienced students. Many of our team have
be one of opposing racism and injustice, fighting for     been program representatives, RUSU volunteers, or
environmental justice and fighting to advance students’   leaders in clubs and societies. These students are now
rights.                                                   ready to take it to the next level and be your voice at
Education continues to be seen as a source of profits
by Labor and Liberal governments, and continues           Connect delivers results. Connect candidates
to be attacked, the most recent example of this was       have fought and achieved significant changes to
the lowering of the HECS repayment threshold. This        academic policy. Connect has worked tirelessly to
trend will continue unless our unions become fighting     improve mental health support on campus. Connect
bodies. We need student unions that will fight these      implemented sanitary vending machines and portable
education cuts and will campaign for free education for   charging stations.
every students, both domestic and international.
                                                          Connect pioneered Bystander Training for club
For years our candidates have organised crucial           executives to improve campus culture around sexual
campaigns to further students rights. We led campaigns    assault. Connect delivered RUSH Week for its second
against the Liberal government’s attempts to privatise    year, with over 200 students competing. Connect
education, we helped organise the YES campaign            began the Student Life Awards, awarding $10,000
on campus last year, and recently we organised an         for students’ extra-curricular achievements. Connect
anti racist campaign in solidarity with the African       continues to improve RMIT student life, lobbying for a
community against the racist hysteria the government      RUSU ‘After Dark’ bar and activity space.
is pursuing.
                                                          Connect has provided more healthy food on campus,
Above all we are committed to fighting for what is best   including edible community gardens, and maintained
for students. We know that students have to deal with     a Compass Cupboard with food for students in need.
a range of issues beyond what happens on campus.          Connect worked to continue the Compass Drop-In
RUSU should organise campaigns against racism,            Centre, and organised weekly BBQs, bigger and better
sexism, and homophobia. RUSU should campaign for          than ever.
environmental justice and divestment!
                                                          In 2019, Connect is ready to do it again. With a fantastic
For an activist student union, Vote Left Voice!           team lined up, full of ideas and passionate about
                                                          improving university life, you can’t go wrong with
                                                          Connect offers the accountable, active representation
                                                          that the students of RMIT deserve.

4                                                             RMIT UNIVERSITY STUDENT UNION ANNUAL ELECTIONS 2018
Belong thrives on inclusiveness and diversity. We
are a group of like-minded students, who want to
improve our student union.
We have substantial experience on campus from being
RUSU office bearers, running clubs and societies and
being leaders of the amazing communities that we
have on campus.
Belong is running as a new team this year. We believe
that RUSU can improve substantially and Belong can
deliver that improvement.
Our priority is to support you. We want to ensure; all
students feel like they belong in our campuses. All
students should have an inclusive space that fosters
understanding and appreciation of cultural differences
that can contribute to everyone’s wellbeing.
Belong believes RUSU is running great social
enterprises like Realfoods. Belong will like to increase
and improve activities alike, which will offer all
the students the opportunity to increase skills and
There are opportunities for students to get involve
with industry, get mentoring, support and experience.
Belong wants to ensure, students will have access
to such opportunities and leave university with the
skills we need for the jobs we want. Belong will like
to address concerns on environmental issues within
our community. We need to work together to achieve
Belong understands RMIT’s diverse community. We
acknowledged home students have different issues
to international students. We aim to promote cultural
exchange and cultural intelligence with all the students.
We will run campaigns on important issues, such as
fairer academic policies and more student support.
Let’s collaborate to achieve these goals.

                                              co-founder of a student association           XIA, Lily (Connect)
General Secretary                             and I have financial and managerial
                                              experience in well know companies.                             Education is the core
                                                                                                             reason you are at
SHARMA, Aditya (Connect)                      I will like to ensure that, in the role                        university, so it’s really
                                              of General Secretary, I will deliver                           important you have a
               I believe a strong
                                              transparent and clear information to all                       strong representative
               student union needs
                                              our members. We stand by Belong and                            that will fight and
               proper financial
                                              how can you belong if you do not know                          advocate for the quality
               management. Student
                                              what is happening. It is our way to make      and accessibility of your education.
               money should be
                                              you part of our team and our decisions,
               handled responsibly,                                                         Having been Education Officer this
                                              we want you to have a voice with us.
               spent efficiently, and                                                       past year, I built on the department’s
reported transparently. I will deliver an     Belong wants to create opportunities          existing initiatives to expand the SSCC
accountable and efficient RUSU in 2019.       to all council members to express             Summits for student leader skills
                                              their views and contribute with their         development, and organised Student
It’s not all about money though. The
                                              experiences.                                  Talks, a series highlighting RMIT student
role of General Secretary is responsible
                                                                                            achievements. We have worked with
for convening meetings, developing            We will also like to collaborate with         the university’s Equitable Learning
processes, and ensuring the smooth            RUSU staff, to improve satisfaction,          Services, Academic Registrars Group,
execution of RUSU’s day to day                retention and student outcomes. The           the heads of each College and the
operations.                                   best way to achieve our goals is by           Education Portfolio to make a suite
                                              working together proactively and              of improvements. We also advocated
If elected, I will work hard to ensure
                                              efficiently.                                  for the change to the Canvas learning
your student union is operating as
efficiently and effectively as possible,      If elected, Belong will continue working      management system implemented in
so that you can continue to enjoy great       towards students’ welfare, student life       Semester One.
programs like the free weekly BBQs,           balance, create and take advantage of         It is in this tradition of advocacy that I
RUSU parties and well-funded Clubs &          opportunities provided by RMIT and            will continue in 2019. Students deserve
Societies.                                    industry members to all RMIT students.        a union that knows how to affect
I worked hard for students this year in       Vote [1] BELONG                               change at RMIT, so that your experience
the Welfare Department, continuing                                                          at university is a fairer and more
our Compass Marketplace initiative                                                          enjoyable one. I will continue my work
to educate students about cheap and                                                         by holding Student Talks semesterly,
healthy food, and working with RMIT                                                         initiating peer-to-peer language
on the Mental Wellbeing Advisory
Committee and Equitable Learning
                                              Education Officer                             exchange sessions, and Sit and Write
                                                                                            RUSU Study Sessions.
Services. I will continue working hard        KUMAR, Ameet (Belong)                         I have the experience and zeal to be
as your General Secretary to deliver an
                                                                                            an effective advocate for you in 2019.
active and accountable RUSU in 2019.                            Education level in
                                                                                            I know how it’s done, and I’m ready to
                                                                RMIT University is
VOTE 1 CONNECT!                                                                             do it.
                                                                highly recognized
                                                                and BELONG would            VOTE 1 CONNECT!
HERNANDEZ SALAZAR, Sandra                                       ensure quality in all the
(Belong)                                                        programs is maintained.
                                                                As an Education officer,
               I am prepare to provide        I would ensure students receive work
               an efficient, effective
               and ethical financial
                                              integrated courses, support with English
                                              language and assignment writing.
                                                                                            Welfare Officer
               strategy. I believe that a     We aim to ensure interactive course
               well-planned financial                                                       ESMAIL, Haroon (Belong)
                                              delivery, having regular face-to face
               process can achieve            sessions and addressing language                                Happiness and well-
               RUSU’s objectives and          issue witnessed by International                                being are Belong’s one
ensure transparency in reporting.             students. The team looks forward to                             of the most important
I have the ability for critical appraisal,    promote collective study sessions                               precedence. When
I have extensive strategic planning           and collaborate with Victoria wide                              students start a new
experience and I am very resourceful          Universities for improved educational                           chapter into their
when it comes to bring funds into the         experience.                                                     university studies,
organization. These will ensure RUSU                                                        they face a lot of challenges and
                                              Vote [1] BELONG                               difficulties along the way. This can be
will be able to extend its activities which
will benefit all students.                                                                  avoided by providing different services
                                                                                            to the students. I will ensure that by
Since I began my studies at RMIT,                                                           being elected as the welfare officer I
I have been actively involved in                                                            will provide different workshops for
student’s welfare. I have been a student                                                    students who need help with different
representative for 2 years, I am a                                                          problems and, provide adequate

6                                                                         RMIT UNIVERSITY STUDENT UNION ANNUAL ELECTIONS 2018
amounts of counseling. We will ensure          the university to advocate for more
that there is a welfare rep present to
assist the students whenever required.
                                               accessible counselling and online
                                               mental health support. I also want to
                                                                                            Postgraduate Officer
                                               continue to bring you great activities       SUNKARA, Sai Arun Kiran Karthik
There would be increased serves of free        and workshops, and continue to make
and healthy breakfast for the students in                                                   (Belong)
                                               RMIT the gold standard for mental
every campus. More English language            health in Australian universities.                            RMIT is a global
workshops would be held to help the                                                                          university with its
students to develop and improve their          I look forward to taking care of your                         students coming from
English skills. Belong would ensure that       welfare in 2019, but in order to do that I                    different corners of
yoga classes and meditation sessions           need you to... VOTE 1 CONNECT!                                the world. There are
would be held during SWOT week to                                                                            approximately 10,000
keep the students calm.                                                                                      students who are doing
All I want as a welfare officer is to be                                                    their postgraduate studies at RMIT
able to make sure that everyone gets
the best treatment they deserve and            International Officer                        University. We would be supporting
                                                                                            each & every one of them in
that they know there are people like us                                                     the following during their period of
out there who are willing to face any          LOOMBA, Suraj (Belong)                       studies at the university like Help them
struggles just to see smiles around the                                                     in achieving their academic pursuits,
                                                                The diversity in the
campus. Belong will look forward to be                                                      Support for their student rights as
                                                                university has steadily
the voice for all your needs.                                                               Postgrad Students, Run various activities
                                                                increased over the
                                                                                            such as workshops, seminars, social
Vote [1] BELONG                                                 years and international
                                                                                            events and industry expert talks which
                                                                students have become
                                                                                            would help the Postgrad Students,
                                                                an integral part of RMIT.
ARMITAGE, Jarred (Connect)                                                                  Making sure that all the Postgrad
                                                                It is hence imperative
                                                                                            Students are well represented, heard
                                               that students from all the countries feel
                The welfare and                                                             and encouraging them to get involved
                                               included and engaged in the university.
                wellbeing of RMIT                                                           in the RMIT community and finally
                                               As your International Officer, I will try
                students is one of                                                          organize various social events for
                                               my best to generate this inclusion and
                RUSU’s top priorities                                                       postgraduate students to get to know
                                               involvement for all students. More
                and an enormous part                                                        one another and have fun.
                                               cultural events for international students
                of our job at the union.
                                               to promote their own cultures and learn      Vote [1] BELONG
                This year, we have             about different cultures from other
delivered even more free breakfasts so         students. We will work on organization
that students can enjoy free, healthy          of collaborative events for students
food on every campus before they go            from different nations to practically
to class. We have delivered free English
Language Workshops for students to
                                               work and interact with individuals from
                                               diverse backgrounds.
                                                                                            Women’s Officer
improve their language and engage                                                           CO, Ma Beatrice (Connect)
                                               Additionally, Belong would also like to
with campus life. We have advocated
                                               celebrate an International Week once                           In its past year,
for the SafeZone app to keep you safe
                                               a semester where international events                          CONNECT has
on campus. We’ve also maintained the
                                               from different nations will be held to                         worked very closely
Compass Cupboard, providing free food
                                               make all the international students                            through the Women’s
for students who need it the most, and
                                               feel like home. I sincerely believe that                       Department on the
introduced the Compass Marketplace to
                                               international student inclusion will give                      Changing the Course
educate students about healthy food on
                                               every RMITian a holistic growth and                            campaign, having our
a student budget.
                                               developmental experience.                    RUSU President featured as a face of
CONNECT has expanded Compass                                                                the campaign. We consulted with the
                                               Vote [1] BELONG
mental health services to the Brunswick                                                     Centre for Innovative Justice on a new
and Bundoora campuses, and ensured                                                          restorative justice process for survivors
mental health services and self-care                                                        of sexual assault, and encouraged
information is presented during the first                                                   all RUSU Clubs Executives to partake
week of courses. We have collaborated                                                       in Bystander Training to improve
with the University on their major                                                          the culture around sexual assault on
mental health project and video series,                                                     campus.
and co-facilitated R U OK Day with
the RMIT Wellbeing Team. We’ve also                                                         The Women’s Department worked
introduced Chill Out Zones and Plush                                                        with the RUSU President and RMIT to
Petting Zoos to support student mental                                                      issue a joint RUSU and RMIT statement
wellbeing during SWOTVAC and exams.                                                         on the anniversary of the Australian
                                                                                            Human Rights Commission’s report on
Looking after your health is essential for                                                  Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment
your success at university. As Welfare                                                      at Australian Universities. This is an
Officer, I will work collaboratively with                                                   issue we are regularly working with the

  RUSU.RMIT.EDU.AU        RUSUPAGE         RMITSU    RMITSU       RUSUONLINE                                                            7
University to improve upon, to ensure                                                    know how important it is to oppose
that RMIT is a safe place to study and
                                             Queer Officer                               oppression in all its forms.
                                                                                         We need activist queer officers and an
Going into 2019, I hope to host a large      WARD, Roz &                                 activist student union to stand up for
Women In Higher Education Forum,             ACREMAN, Natalie (Left Voice)               LGBTI rights and fight for students.
bring back the fortnightly Ladies Night      WARD, Roz
to help women network and support
each other in their studies, and work                         With the far right         SEE KEE, Adam &
further with RMIT to respond to the                           gaining in confidence      FROST, Caitlin (Connect)
results of the AHRC Survey.                                   around the world and                       The Queer Department
                                                              mainstream politics in                     is one of the most active
I am really passionate about women’s                          Australia embracing
representation and I have so many new                                                                    RUSU departments,
                                                              racist, homophobic                         representing, advocating
and exciting ideas that I can’t wait to                       and transphobic ideas,
bring to the department, but in order to                                                                 and celebrating queer-
                                             there is no better time for progressives                    identifying students.
do that I need you to…                       on the left to be active. The RMIT queer                    We ensure that queer-
VOTE 1 CONNECT!                              department needs to be revitalised                          identifying students
                                             as a centre for activism that is driven                     on campus feel safe
                                             by students for students, and for the                       and included in
DEVA, Srishti (Belong)                       world around us. Queer officers should                      university life. In 2019,
                   The women’s               address all forms of homophobia and                         we will ensure that this
                   department is one         transphobia that exist on our campuses                      continues to be the
                   of the most active        as well as leading campaigns for social                     case.
                   departments of RUSU.      justice in our communities.
                                                                                         We continue to run Queer Rooms at
                   I will be representing,   As co-founder of Safe Schools Coalition     the city, Brunswick and Bundoora,
                   advocating and            in Australia and a long time LGBTI+         providing a place to relax, study, or hang
                   celebrating women         activist I understand the challenges        out for queer students. We have also
identifying students. I will ensure that     of standing up to the bigots and            moved the city Queer Lounge to a safer
women identifying students on campus         conservatives who don’t want to see         space on campus, responding to the
feel safe and included in University         queer young people feel included in         needs of queer students on campus.
life. I will make sure that all women        education. With this role I want to
on campus are well represented. I            continue that struggle to get rid of all    This year, we have worked hard to raise
will continue to run women’s room            forms of inequality and discrimination      awareness about the discrimination
in all campuses providing a place to         and the fight for a better world.           faced by queer-identifying students.
hang out, relax in a safe space for all                                                  The Queer Department participated
women, this year I will make sure to         ACREMAN, Natalie                            in the International Day Against
make the room more accessible and                            The queer department        Homophobia and Transphobia,
fun to hang around. I will work hard                         should enable queer         providing free food and activities as
to raise awareness and run campaigns                         students to stand           well as a platform for queer-identifying
on celebrating women of Color on                             up and fight for            students to speak out about the issues
campus. I will work with the University                      equal rights. As an         they face on campus.
to ensure extra resources are provided                       experienced left wing
for the lounges and to ensure RMIT is                                                    Following the outpour of support for the
                                                             activist, I can do that.    queer community in response to the
a safe place. I am extremely passionate
about women’s representation I have so       Students should be able to be involved      marriage equality plebiscite, we have
many exciting event ideas which I can’t      in campaigns against transphobia and        worked hard to maintain momentum
wait to run. As a candidate from belong      homophobia, and for better conditions       in our own queer community at RMIT.
and a woman of color I ensure that all       for queer students on campus. Last year     We hope to ensure that queer issues are
the women feel welcome.                      I organised the ‘RMIT Students Say YES’     still at the forefront of people’s minds,
                                             campaign group and worked alongside         and that we work to make RMIT an
Vote [1] BELONG                              activists within the National Union of      increasingly safe space for all students.
                                             Students LGBTI department in the fight      We want to work even harder in
                                             for marriage equality. Together we built    2019. We will ensure the continuation
                                             the biggest movement for LGBTI rights       and expansion of services for queer
                                             in Australia’s history - and we won!.       students on campus, and continue to
                                             Equal rights have never been handed to      celebrate all students regardless of how
                                             us, they have always been fought for.       they identify.
                                             It’s important for queer officers to be     VOTE 1 CONNECT!
                                             involved in other progressive social
                                             justice campaigns including student
                                             rights, welfare, refugee rights and anti-
                                             racist campaigns. Not just because
                                             these issues disproportionately affect
                                             LGBTI people, but also because we

8                                                                        RMIT UNIVERSITY STUDENT UNION ANNUAL ELECTIONS 2018
Representative I have worked very             expanded to offer after-hours catering.
Indigenous Officer                           closely with the Activities Officer to
                                             help run great events both on and off-
                                                                                           We have opened new edible gardens
                                                                                           at the City’s Alumni Courtyard and at
                                             campus. Next year I want to engage            Bundoora West, and we hope to expand
TOBY, Allison (Connect)
                                             RUSU’s new After Dark bar space in            these to the Brunswick, Bundoora East
                The Indigenous               Building 78 to run regular fortnightly        and Carlton campuses in 2019.
                officer is a role where      events on campus, including trivia,
                                             karaoke and comedy. We also hope              CONNECT initiated the RUSU Swap
                responsibility and
                                             to run even more fun on-campus                Shop clothing bins, where students
                honour come into play.
                                             day time events across not just the           can donate second hand clothes at
                It is a role that requires
                                             city but all RMIT campuses! This will         RUSU front counters to be redistributed
                an experienced and
                                             include a return of the Uni Fest major        at clothing swap markets. We’re also
                strong hearted person
                                             cross-campus music festival. I want to        bringing back the RUSU Sustainability
from the First Nation people of Australia.
                                             engage all parts of the RMIT community        Ball for October 2018.
I, Allison Toby, am a proud Indigenous       in RUSU activities and make the               In 2019, CONNECT will be advocating
woman and I hope to achieve changes          department something that appeals to          for a fossil free RMIT, as well as bringing
through RUSU for the Aboriginal and          students from all walks of life.              food waste bins to our events. We will
Torres Strait Islander students that study
                                             If you want an exciting year packed full      also be advocating for all food vendors
with RMIT University. In this role, I hope
                                             of volunteer opportunities, incredible        on campus to switch to metal straws.
to strength the connection between
RUSU and the Ngarara Willim Centre,          parties and a ridiculous amount of fun,       I look forward to expanding our past
improve support networks, continue           then make sure you…                           initiatives, and moving the department
to create cultural events and be a voice                                                   forward so that RUSU can set an
                                             VOTE 1 CONNECT!
for the Indigenous students. As the                                                        example for the university when it
Indigenous Officer, I hope to spark                                                        comes to sustainable operations. But in
the courage and honour in my fellow          DARGAN, Jessica (Belong)                      order to do that I need you to...
Indigenous students and pass on my
knowledge and wisdom - even to future                         As a representative, I       VOTE 1 CONNECT!
Indigenous Officers.                                          would plan for activities
                                                              to help students
VOTE 1 CONNECT!                                               who are introvert to         TRIPATHY, Anand (Belong)
                                                              establish network                            RMIT aims to
                                                              within university and                        build sustainable
                                                              socializing with the                         infrastructure and

Activities Officer
                                             fellow students at this university. I would                   provide healthier
                                             make sure we have regular parties and                         environment to
                                             events to keep students stress free                           students for which, I as
GAIT, Sheldon (Connect)                      with positive energy around them. The                         sustainability officer on
                                             international events would take place an      behalf of BELONG will contribute in best
                We all know that             international week or once in a month         possible ways. Creating green spaces
                nothing compares to a        for the students belonging to different       and gardens within the
                RUSU party. In 2019, I       backgrounds to make them feel like
                will work to ensure that     home.                                         University precinct whilst supporting
                RUSU continues to run                                                      and promoting organic Real foods café
                fantastic events events      Vote [1] BELONG                               for raw material will be ideal to provide
                such as themed club                                                        with healthy food for students. It will
nights, pub crawls and booze cruises, to                                                   be our responsibility to re-establish
ensure that you get to go out for a night                                                  sustainability goals, promote and
                                                                                           educate towards recycling food waste
                                             Sustainability Officer
out with friends at an affordable price.
                                                                                           in the campus. We in collaboration
This year, CONNECT delivered our                                                           with Sustainability club will work for
second RUSH Week, a fun week of              PINNUCK, Eamonn (Connect)                     creating zero emission campus, making
games and competitions that provided                                                       University an example for similar
the opportunity for over 200 students                           RMIT is a leading
                                                                university of technology   construction and giving chance to
to make new friends and get involved                                                       students to be an active part of same.
with campus life. We hosted numerous                            and design, so we
large social events including the                               should be a leader         Vote [1] BELONG
Winter Wonderland, Rooftop Parties, a                           in sustainable
boat cruise, pop-up pubs and a Nerd                             management, recycling
Culture Appreciation Week jam-packed                            and waste minimisation.
with events. And, in a RUSU first, we        If elected, I will ensure that RMIT is as
collaborated with both Swinburne and         sustainable an institution as it can be.
VU’s Student Union to run a cross-           It’s not all about the university though.
university End of Exams party - our          In 2017 we re-opened our vegan,
largest yet.                                 organic and fairtrade cafe Realfoods
In my past term as a General                 in the NAS Precinct and have since

  RUSU.RMIT.EDU.AU        RUSUPAGE       RMITSU    RMITSU       RUSUONLINE                                                           9
                                             Clubs are important; they provide
Clubs and Societies                          opportunities to have fun, get together
                                             and gain valuable leadership experience
                                                                                        Vocational Education
Officer                                      to complement your studies.                Officer
                                             This year, CONNECT has continued to
KHANNA, Kapil (Belong)                       ensure that you gain recognition for the   KHAN, Raees (Belong)
                  Any experience of          work that you do in a club by getting                       Vocational Students
                  student life in the        that work recognised on your academic                       across the three
                  university is incomplete   transcript. We have handed out a record                     campuses need more
                  without an opportunity     amount of clubs funding, including an                       study support and it is
                  to actively engage in      additional $10,000 for mid year special                     imperative to manage
                  programs outside their     events on top of the $30,000 already                        the TAFE census
                  regular studies. Clubs     distributed. We are proud to now have                       date outreach. As the
                  and societies provide      112 active clubs and societies, and have   vocational Education Officer, I will
such platforms, where students can           over 100 club executives in bystander      lobby the University for Consistency in
learn and develop crucial skills needed      training to improve campus culture         census dates and payment deadlines
for future employability and where           around sexual violence.                    so that students are not left cancelled
they feel they belong to. I believe clubs    CONNECT worked hard to integrate           while owing money. We will generate
and societies can create a vibrant           clubs into RUSH week, a week of            specialist advice for students about
environment for all the students             competitions and activities. This week     access to government funding and its
and Belong will ensure that all the          was a great opportunity for clubs          limits on enrolment. Belong will also
resources will be at the disposal of all     to reach more students and engage          work on the proposal that Point Cook
the students. As the clubs and societies     existing members.                          students get a student rights advocate
head, I would be looking to streamline                                                  drop in sessions every month.
the process of listening to student’s        We have made clubs an essential part
                                             of university life by engaging them in     Vote [1] BELONG
grievances and getting their demands
met within a set time frame. We have         orientation events and making sure
a vision of bringing all the existing        as many students as possible get the       JAN, Hafiuzllah (Connect)
clubs and societies on a single platform     chance to join a club or society.
and work on cross club collaboration,                                                                     VE students need a
                                             I will ensure that clubs are easier to                       strong, experienced
where there’s a constant exchange of         engage with, and that they have the
ideas and a healthy cultural and social                                                                   representative to
                                             funding they need to run events that                         remind the university
mingling, for preparing students to          benefit not just club members, but all
work in a country as culturally diverse                                                                   that we are an
                                             RMIT students. We aim to create a Club                       important part of RMIT
as Australia. Belong would ensure            Council for RUSU clubs to become even
that club activities are communicated                                                                     and that our rights
                                             more connected than they are, with         matter. I have delivered for you in 2018,
more effectively and would work to           regular meetings and club mixers, and
empower students to be co-creators of                                                   and I will deliver for you in 2019.
                                             work with the university on a new suite
change, working together to make the         of combined RUSU and RMIT clubs            I have sat as an elected member
clubs and societies in RMIT, to be the       executive trainings and upskillings.       of Academic Board and Education
best. I would be the bridge between                                                     Innovation and Quality Committee the
students and staff, so they find synergy,    I want to see more students involved       last two years, making sure VE courses
and develop partnerships that make for       in clubs, so that they can be involved     were included in surveys and course
a great academic, cultural and social        in campus life and make new friends.       improvement programs.
experience throughout the coming year.       I will work to increase the facilities,
                                             grants and training opportunities          I want VE students to have a great time
Vote [1] BELONG                              available to students to that RUSU         on campus, and we have taken some
                                             clubs can continue to provide amazing      great steps towards that in 2018. The
HOOGSTRA, Daniel (Connect)                   opportunities and exciting events to all   VE department has run ‘VE Chill’ events
                                             RMIT students.                             every fortnight, providing free food to
                  University is about                                                   students even when they are attending
                  more than just study.      VOTE 1 CONNECT!                            classes outside the Higher Education
                  It’s an experience                                                    calendar. We have run more successful
                  where we make friends,                                                Pop-Up Pub and Move Night events,
                  develop skills and                                                    providing students with free drinks and
                  create memories that                                                  entertainment without having to leave
                  will stay with us long                                                the Carlton campus.
after graduation. I believe clubs and
societies play a large part in making                                                   This year I have worked through boards
university such a great experience,                                                     and committees to make sure VE
and I will deliver strong leadership to                                                 students are at the heart of university
develop clubs and societies and make                                                    conversations. This includes extending
your journey through university one to                                                  the SLAMs mentorship program to VE
remember.                                                                               students, and ensuring VE students
                                                                                        are included in feedback projects and

10                                                                      RMIT UNIVERSITY STUDENT UNION ANNUAL ELECTIONS 2018
course improvement programs - course           training on how to crack that job and
innovation is just as important in
vocational education as it is in higher
                                               effectively get the most out of the
                                               university experience.
                                               Belong firmly believe that a student        Coordinator
I have also been putting in the hard           union can make the difference
yards for VCE students, who are often          between simply studying and having          AGRA, Caitlin (Connect)
excluded from campus culture. I have           an unforgettable experience of growth,                       Bundoora is a unique
worked to produce RMIT VCE hoodies,            development, making lifelong friends                         campus that requires
to try and develop a sense of belonging        and learning.                                                unique representation.
and pride, and advocated for VCE                                                                            As your Bundoora Co-
students to receive proper graduation          Vote [1] BELONG
                                                                                                            ordinator, I will work to
ceremonies from their VE programs.                                                                          provide for the diverse
I want to continue this great work             BEAUCHAMP, Mia (Connect)                                     needs of our diverse
and provide more social events for                                                         student body.
                                                                The Brunswick campus
VE students, with monthly lunches                               has so much talent         This year we have worked hard at
for VCE students and a Trade Union                              to offer and in 2018       Bundoora, offering regular access to
Week. VE students need to be heard on                           CONNECT worked             student rights advice and assistance,
university boards and committees, and                           really hard on campus      weekly events including the free healthy
I have the experience on the Education                          to deliver Brunswick       breakfasts, and dedicated support for
Innovation and Quality Committee and                            students more exciting     the campus’ student clubs. We have a
Academic Board that will let me be a           and diverse events such as a Moonlight      Compass staff member at Bundoora
strong voice and advocate for change.          Cinema, the opening of the Brunswick        to provide mental health support and
It is only with adequate representation        Activities Space, and even a Brunswick      facilitate activities such as yoga and
that VE students can achieve tangible          Pub Crawl!                                  cooking classes at Walert House.
changes in policy that make campus
life easier and less stressful. If improving   The CONNECT team has maintained             We also ran master classes for
VE representation and creating a strong        both a Women’s and a Queer room on          postgraduate students, reaching out to
social life on campus sounds good to           the campus, breathing new life into         a part of the student body that is too
you, then...                                   Brunswick and providing heaps of            often neglected at Bundoora.
                                               activities, workshops and a friendlier
VOTE 1 CONNECT!                                more inclusive environment on               We continued to run the Realfoods cafe
                                               campus.                                     in Bundoora West, providing coffee
                                                                                           and healthy food for all students on
                                               One of the most exciting things             campus. We also opened new spaces at
                                               CONNECT has continued to deliver for        Bundoora, including a games room, and
Brunswick                                      Brunswick this year is maintaining and
                                               improving the Compass mental health
                                                                                           Queer and Women’s lounges.

Coordinator                                    drop-in centre, making sure students at     In 2019 I want to continue to improve
                                                                                           campus life by providing increased
                                               Brunswick have access to the essential
                                               services provided in the city.              support to student clubs, running
SRIVASTAVA, Anshul (Belong)                                                                more free and fun events on campus,
                 The Brunswick Campus          I will work to deliver exciting events      including the return of Bundy Games,
                 is home to the most           on and off campus, exhibitions, and         and working on improving facilities for
                 exciting field of study-      workshops that not only reward              students.
                 Design and Fashion            students but showcase their talent and
                                               hard work.                                  Please support me for the position of
                 and is located on                                                         Bundoora Coordinator so I can work
                 Sydney Road- the most         I will continue RUSU’s free weekly          hard for you!
                 creatively inspiring and      lunches on campus and work to involve
multicultural place in Melbourne.              more student clubs to improve campus        VOTE 1 CONNECT!
As the Coordinator I will refresh campus       life in 2019.
life to resonate an atmosphere which           I want to build on all the work             KHAN, Mohammad Waqar (Belong)
promotes education, motivation,                CONNECT has been doing on campus
passion, inclusivity and excitement to                                                                       As a Belong candidate,
                                               and see continual improvement to the                          I want to foster a
make it come alive- the way a creative         facilities and services at Brunswick, and
space should be. I passionately care                                                                         relationship between
                                               with your support we can achieve this.                        the students and
about every student who walks into the         All you need to is...
Brunswick campus and want to make                                                                            university, which
sure they have the time of their lives at      VOTE 1 CONNECT!                                               values and responds
university.                                                                                                  to the diversity that is
                                                                                           present in this university. We would
Our aim is not just to enliven student                                                     also like to provide equal opportunity
life with events but also with relevant                                                    to the students to participate in their
industry presence which will motivate                                                      course assessments and have a say in
us to do our best and get real time                                                        their degree. Promote accountability,

  RUSU.RMIT.EDU.AU         RUSUPAGE        RMITSU    RMITSU      RUSUONLINE                                                             11
educational and management policies           so you can grab a bite to eat and a            future employability connections and
and practices to ensure the trust             quick drink without being late to class.       augment their skills for a brighter future.
between the students and staff. Belong        We’ve continued to make the Chill’n’Grill
would like to enhance the student’s           accessible to the whole student body,          Vote [1] BELONG
learning experience through teaching          offering more diverse culturally themed
methods, assessments and review               food weeks, using halal food and
provisions. Belong would work to              providing vegetarian options and soft
create more learning spaces, around
the campus, where students can
study. They can be libraries, student         Volunteer numbers have increased in
lounges classrooms and computer labs.         our last year, and continuing to provide
More 24/7-computer labs around the            more volunteering opportunities and
Bundoora campus. Learning Spaces              jobs on campus will be a key focus as          DANG, Meher (Belong)
directly impact our ability to learn          your City Coordinator. I will continue to
                                              deliver free food on campus, and lobby                            Belong believes that
instead of busy rooms or busy areas.                                                                            there should be more
There are more pressing concerns that         the University to do more to make our
                                              facilities and classrooms accessible                              focus on student
should hold a student’s attention, but                                                                          engagement and
we need to build a space to learn and         for everyone. You should enjoy your
                                              experience at RMIT and I will work hard                           belongingness. We will
socialize. It’s the job of student union to                                                                     bring a change in the
ensure that students get more spaces          to make sure every single student gets
                                              the most out of their time at university.                         current scenario by
to interact and socialize in these places                                                    involving more and more students in
around the campus. I would like to            I have worked hard as your City                daily activities. Professionally, I want
build community among the campus,             Representative this year, and I’ll work        to showcase more fashion work at
creating more student lounges can do          even harder in 2019. But to do that I          the Brunswick and City campus- and
this; game centers and stress- relieve        need you to...                                 getting more footfall for those as I
places to relieve students from the                                                          believe that all creative students require
stress being built over the semester.         VOTE 1 CONNECT!
                                                                                             recognition. We will work for having
Internships at the library so the students                                                   Pop- Up markets and Yoga Classes, in
can get jobs in their councils in libraries   RATURI, Pawan (Belong)                         addition to free meals. I want to assist
and further their professional career or                                                     students with their needs and difficulties
professional development. More silent                          City Campus is the            as much as I can because I am
study zone around the campus to help                           biggest campus of             passionate about making student life a
students relax and concentrate more on                         RMIT and as the               memorable for everyone. Be it grades,
studies. More food options around the                          Coordinator it would be       academic problems or any other issue
campus rather than one place for food.                         my role to make it more       that any student is facing, we would
Belong would ensure that Bundoora                              functional and useful.        work to solve those issues and work
students studying nursing programs                             I will ensure RUSU            hard to make student representation an
have more help with securing and              City Campus is staffed 5 days a week           honest voice of the student body.
gaining placements.                           during semester, as well as services
                                              in the form of student rights outreach         Vote [1] BELONG
Vote [1] BELONG                               will be provided during the important
                                              semester dates. An active grassroots
                                              city campus representative collective          CAME, Victoria (Connect)
                                              will be re- established in accordance                            I want to ensure that
City Coordinator
                                              with RUSU regulations. The advanced                              Brunswick is centre
                                              infrastructure for the welfare and well-                         stage on the university’s
                                              being of the students will be proposed                           agenda. As a campus
FLEMMING, Adam (Connect)                      and implemented in the city campus                               we pride ourselves
                                              to enhance the effectiveness and                                 on our creativity and
                 University should be
                                              productivity of my fellow mates.                                 artistic spirit. I want to
                 more than just turning
                 up to class and going        I will ensure that Chill N Grill has all the   see this spirit nurtured through great
                 home. A vibrant              vibes and inclusiveness for all the local      support for exhibitions, showcases
                 campus life is crucial       and international students, revamp             and other events which allow us to
                 in ensuring the best         Chill N Grill to include more cultures         gain vital practical experience. I will
                 university experience        and conduct events that are diverse            also work to make sure that RUSU
possible. I want to make everyone feel        in nature. The food and barbeque will          increases it’s presence on campus and
at home on campus, and continue to            be served based on the preference              provides services that help to build
encourage RMIT students to engage in          of the students. Volunteers are the            the Brunswick Campus Community.
activities and social events.                 backbone of any event organized by             CONNECT has proven we can do this
                                              RUSU and my role will be to take care          by bringing the Compass mental health
In 2018 as your City Representative,                                                         drop-in centre to Brunswick.
                                              of these legends. The volunteers will
I have already taken steps towards
                                              be mingled with different societies and        By voting for me and CONNECT you are
making the City campus a more vibrant
                                              organizations in Melbourne through             voting for a candidate and team who
social place. We have further reduced
                                              seminars and meet-ups that will create         are committed to creating a vibrant,
queues at the weekly Chill’n’Grill events,

12                                                                          RMIT UNIVERSITY STUDENT UNION ANNUAL ELECTIONS 2018
artistic and creative community at               integrate more international students.
Brunswick.                                       A small group of people can become
                                                 a significant community by doing
                                                                                               City Representative
VOTE 1 CONNECT!                                  so. Finally, the industry connection          MAKHIJA, Mona (Belong)
                                                 should not be ignored, especially for
                                                 international students. Belong would                           With all due respect of
                                                 work for equal opportunities and rights                        this position and a wish

Bundoora East                                    in term of industry opportunities for                          to step in the footsteps
                                                 students from all the courses.                                 of the previous
Representative                                   Vote [1] BELONG
                                                                                                                city representative,
                                                                                                                BELONG would bring
                                                                                                                a cheerful and healthy
JAHANI, Mustafa (Connect)                                                                      environment within RMIT. Through our
              Over the last few years,                                                         dedicated efforts and hard work, we

                                                 Bundoora West
              the RUSU presence                                                                would love to organize better ways to
              at Bundoora East has                                                             help students settle in and have a great
              increased markedly. The
              running of regular free
                                                 Representative                                time during their stay with our RMIT
                                                                                               Family. We want all students to keep
              food events has given                                                            their journey most happening within
                                                 HOPKINS, Chantelle (Connect)                  these important educational years,
              students a new social
hub on the Bundoora campus.                                       For too long Bundoora        make connections with students from
                                                                  has been left behind,        other nationalities and explore self.
In 2019, I will advocate for more                                 forgotten in the outer
services and facilities at Bundoora East,                                                      The volunteer programs will give
                                                                  suburbs. I’m here to         students exposure to gain professional
so that more RMIT services are on offer                           change that!
without having to leave campus.                                                                insights and gain their skills in a way to
                                                                  I want to make life on       make them job-ready by the time they
If elected, I will lobby the university to                        campus the best it           finish their course.
invest time and money to support the             can be, and I will work to improve the
students of this campus; from running                                                          With all the kindness and our beautiful
                                                 promotion of RUSU events and services         hearted volunteers in BELONG, we
more industry seminars, to improving             to students, get more clubs active and
the quality of food and increasing the                                                         would make sure we have stress
                                                 involved on campus, and continue to           reducing sessions on regular basis,
opening hours of the cafeteria and               deliver the awesome free weekly events.
library. I will ensure support is provided                                                     dance sessions, sports events and
                                                 Vote for myself and CONNECT to                chilling sessions. We aim to provide
to student clubs on campus, to run               ensure you have an active and engaged
events and engage with students                                                                After everything I as city representative
                                                 Student Union for Bundoora.                   would always be up to lend my ears on
outside the classrooms and lecture
theatres.                                        VOTE 1 CONNECT!                               what you expect and desire to match it
                                                                                               with what I can possibly do.
                                                                                               Vote [1] BELONG
                                                 CAI, Tengyi (Belong)
LOH, Lit Feng (Belong)                                             As the Bundoora West
                                                                   Representative, I would
                 Foster a relationship                             work to have more
                 between students
                 and the university will
                                                                   student engagement.         Five (5) General
                                                                   I would like to run
                 ensure everyone in                                workshops from
                 university grows rapidly                          different streams of
                 and yet should not              programs, to ensure that there is proper      SHARMA, Shubham (Belong)
                 exclude international           inclusion of all the students, so that they
student. As a representative for                 can interact and grow their friendship                         The major issue
Bundoora East, home for most of the              tree. I would like to help the students                        at RMIT is lack of
engineering courses, it’s crucial to             with their queries and problems and                            communication
make a healthy impact for students.              would also advocate for speakers                               between the concerned
During the study in university, students         to come and give motivational talks                            authorities and
should deserve a better learning space,          and talk about the problems faced by                           students which lead
especially 24/7 computer labs in the             them while early in their professional                         to the widespread
East. Not to mention that each of us             careers. Belong would organize more           unawareness and transfer of misleading
should have the equal opportunities to           networking events for the students to         information within students. If selected
participate in assessments and make              widen their professional circle and have      as a General Representative, I will
sure our course delivers the most,               a sense of belongingness.                     ensure you get the required information
including industry connection. As food                                                         by setting up a regular information
is the key to connect everyone and               Vote [1] BELONG                               booth and posters around campus. I
international students play specific                                                           believe in accountable and fair student
roles in East campus, therefore, Chill                                                         representation. My focus will be on
N Grill could bring more diversity to                                                          engaging students by having regular

  RUSU.RMIT.EDU.AU        RUSUPAGE           RMITSU    RMITSU       RUSUONLINE                                                          13
polls and contests every fortnight on         of the Union, represented you on             to support for business students.
the social media and try resolving their      Academic Board, and before that as
queries. The most important thing             Activities Officer. During this time         Vote [1] BELONG
is to sign up with an application and         I’ve gained a considerable amount of
setting up a chat-bot to address basic        experience in the day to day operations      CHEN, Liyuan (Connect)
queries of students and if not addressed      of the union, supervising RUSU staff
through chat-bot, transferring them to        members and running departments              As a General Representative I will be
the upper authorities to ease the staff       in order to deliver important student        uniquely placed to represent RMIT’s
and promote efficient working of the          services, campaigns and events.              international
system.                                                                                    community on the RMIT University
                                              I care a lot about the functioning of this
Ensuring that you have a good student         union, as it is an incredibly important      Student Union Council and the broader
experience at RMIT will always be my          student resource. I want to bring all        committees within RMIT University.
number one priority. A vote for me and        the passion and important lessons I’ve       International students are a large and
BELONG is a vote for more welcoming           learnt and the experience I’ve gained        significant part of the RMIT community
and inclusive community at RMIT. Your         into 2019, but in order to do that I need    and therefore deserve a strong voice
vote is vital.                                you to…                                      within it. I want to make sure that we
Vote [1] BELONG                               VOTE 1 CONNECT!                              are not ignored and issues affecting us
                                                                                           are recognised and addressed. If elected
                                                                                           I will work to make sure that the free
HAWKINS, Lily (Connect)                       KELSEY, Naomi (Belong)                       English workshops continue to run
                  Communication is a                          Belong believes in           to ensure that International students
                  massive concern at                          student welfare and          are welcomed into university life and
                  RMIT. Too often we                          support. As a General        taught valuable skills with like-minded
                  get emails bombarding                       Representative I will        people. I want to assist other elected
                  us with inappropriate                       communicate with all         student representatives within the
                  information and                             the students to ensure       student union to build communities
                  not enough of the                           that their passions are      on campus that welcome international
essentials. If elected as your General        reflected throughout RMIT.                   students and provide opportunities to
Representative I will ensure you get                                                       meet new people and socialise. A vote
your information in the format you            We believe that as RMIT students, we         for me and CONNECT is a vote for a
want. For example, lobbying RMIT for an       should all have the supportive networks      more welcoming and inclusive RMIT
easy-to-use app.                              that are required when studying a            community.
                                              degree, this can be achieved through
As a RUSU Casual this year, I have had        inclusivity and accessibility within         VOTE 1 CONNECT!
a fantastic opportunity to engage with        RMIT. This includes promoting an             (No photo supplied.)
the student body and know that I can          understanding towards accessibility to
ensure all students are receiving the         students and ensuring that all groups
best representation they can get. In a        and clubs are as open and inclusive as       TAHIR, Umer (Belong)
communications-related field myself, I        possible. I believe this is essential to                     As your City
believe in fair and accountable student       providing a safe and welcoming space                         Coordinator for the
representation and will work hard             for all students.                                            past two years, I have
to make the biggest possible impact                                                                        delivered a lot to help
for students. My focus will be on             We have recognized that there should
                                              be more connections to industry and                          the students have a
supporting the Student Union Council                                                                       productive time.
to ensure every aspect of RUSU’s              job opportunities available through
operations is as efficient and effective as   RMIT. As we are giving our time                                I have the experience
possible.                                     and money to this university, we             necessary to guide Belong in their
                                              should be receiving more contact             duties and ensure that the union will
VOTE 1 CONNECT!                               to professionals and workshops in            be transparent and efficient. We will
                                              our preferred industry. By providing         ensure that there will be more student
                                              these connections, students will have        engagement and inclusion and that all
GVILDYS, Ella (Connect)                       a heightened sense of security for           the students have a good experience
                 I am incredibly              future careers as well as creating new       at RMIT. We will work to make RMIT
                 passionate about             relationships.                               a better place to study and ensure
                 representation,              After dark space run at cost to RUSU’s       that all the students have a feeling of
                 leadership and most          members. Better Support from Business        belongingness.
                 importantly RUSU.            Central with trained RUSU volunteers         Vote [1] BELONG
               I believe in a student         to assist students with accessing
               union that represents          information and course and program
students from every walk of life.             managers: (street team NAS) extended

I’ve been actively involved in the
Student Union for several years. This
year I have been the General Secretary

14                                                                        RMIT UNIVERSITY STUDENT UNION ANNUAL ELECTIONS 2018
PARRY, Liam (Left Voice)                     student life and greater support for         justice and to fight against racism,
                                             students. However, there is room for         sexism, and privatisation of essential
                  I’ve been an activist      improvement.                                 services. Students do not live in a
                  at RMIT for a couple
                                                                                          bubble and it is the duty of unions like
                  of years now. I’ve         My diverse background and great
                                                                                          RUSU to engage students in left wing
                  organised protests         understanding of cultural intelligence
                                                                                          struggles to challenge oppression and
                  against the Liberal’s      have made me realize that an inclusive
                  education funding cuts,    space that fosters understanding and         inequality in all its forms at RMIT.
                  and supported and          appreciation of cultural differences that
promoted campaigns against racism            can contribute to thrive academically        KUMAR, Prashanth (Belong)
and sexism, and for environmental            and encourage us to get involved in the
rights on campus. This semester I’ve         rich campus culture; to belong.                               With all due regard
been heavily involved in the campaign                                                                      of this position and
to support the African communities of        There are several opportunities for                           a desire to get in the
Melbourne against racism. If elected,        us, the students, to get involve with                         strides of the past
I will represent left wing students and      industry, get mentoring, support and                          general representative,
promote progressive campaigns at             experience. I want to work hard on this.                      BELONG would bring
RMIT. I want the union to be supportive      Vote [1] BELONG                                               a decent and solid
of campaigns for social justice, like                                                     condition inside RMIT. Through my
Fossil Free and the Disarm campaigns.                                                     most committed endeavors and diligent
                                             JARVIS, Alexander (Connect)                  work, I would love to arrange better
                                                                                          platforms to approach and encourage
BAIG, Mirza (Belong)                                         University should be
                                                                                          students of RMIT in every aspect to
                                                             an enjoyable place for
                 As general                                                               settle in and have an incredible time
                                                             everyone. Students
                 representative I will                                                    amid their stay with our RMIT Family.
                                                             shouldn’t have to
                 support all the students                                                 In the wake of all that I would do
                                                             struggle to get by,
                 and staff on the campus                                                  as a general representative, I would
                                                             financially or socially.
                 and will co-operate                                                      preferably be up to listen carefully
                                                             For students to achieve
                 with them whenever                                                       to what you anticipate that and will
                                                             their best, they need
                 there is a need to be.                                                   coordinate it with what I can do.
                                             to be provided with the best services,
I will ensure that appropriate prayer        resources, and support right from day        My experience as a volunteer at RUSU
spaces taking into consideration all         one.                                         makes me experienced to accept this
religious and spiritual belief systems                                                    opportunity and work with energy
are made available to all so that they       I believe in fair and transparent student
                                                                                          to make student life all the more
can pray without any interruption. I will    representation and will work hard to
                                                                                          energizing for and encourage student
ensure that there is proper engagement       make the biggest possible impact for
                                                                                          engagements in University.
and inclusion of students on campus.         students. I want to make sure that we
                                             are not ignored and issues affecting us      Vote [1] BELONG
Vote [1] BELONG                              are recognised and addressed. If elected
                                             I will work to make sure that issues such    DOVE, Abena (Connect)
                                             as recorded lectures are enforced.
HADI, Sadaf (Belong)                                                                                       As your President for
                                             I want to assist other elected student                        the past two years, a lot
                 RMIT offer us many          representatives within the student union
                 opportunities, it is                                                                      has been delivered.
                                             to ensure that university is an enjoyable
                 a great place to be.        time for students and that they can get                        Myself and the
                 I’ve been a student         the most out of their education. A vote                        CONNECT team have
                 since 2014. I have the      for me and CONNECT is a vote for a                             lobbied the university,
                 experience, work-           more gratifying and enriching university                       and succeeded, in
                 ethics, ideas and the       experience.                                  making academic policy more student
support of Belong to ensure that our                                                      friendly, creating a more mental
time at university will be valuable to our   VOTE 1 CONNECT!                              health-friendly campus, and actively
student experience.                                                                       participating in the ‘Be The Change’
For some, University is second home.                                                      campaign, shaping the discussion
                                             GIDDINGS, Chris (Left Voice)
The need of finding, a space for you,                                                     and culture around sexual assault on
that you Belong and you have the voice                        It is crucial that          campus.
to make improvements, should matter                           student unions take
                                                                                          We’ve implemented countless services
to all of us.                                                 on left wing activist
                                                                                          for students, like portable charging
                                                              campaigns in order to
I have been a strong advocate of                                                          stations, edible community gardens,
                                                              protect students’ rights.
student safety on campus for the                                                          and the Compass Drop-In Centre.
                                                              Today two out of three
past 3 years. All students should                                                         Our RUSU After Dark bar space will be
                                                              students live below
feel safe, to feel like they belong on                                                    opening in September 2018, alongside
                                             the poverty line and there continue
campus. I have been successfully                                                          an arcade and games room.
                                             to be constant attacks on education
involved in campaigns for fairer             and welfare. Student unions can be
assessment policies, more funding for        a platform for standing up for social

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