2018 Lenten Devotional Presented by Salem Bible Church - 2283 Baker Road, NW Week 3: February 26-March 3, 2018

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2018 Lenten Devotional Presented by Salem Bible Church - 2283 Baker Road, NW Week 3: February 26-March 3, 2018
2018 Lenten Devotional
Week 3: February 26-March 3, 2018

          Presented by

      Salem Bible Church
      2283 Baker Road, NW
       Atlanta, GA 30318
Dear Salem Family and Friends:

Shalom in the Home is the theme for our 2018 Lenten observation and it is our
prayer that you will join with the members of your Salem family as we take the 40
days of Lent to learn about, experience and seek the Shalom (Peace) of God in your
daily living.

As we have practiced in the past, we are asking you and all of our membership to
join us in a corporate fast that you will observe throughout the last 21 days Lent,
from March 12th through April 1st. You are free to choose the type of fast that is best
for you including fasting from certain foods, fasting from certain activities such as
watching television, talking on the phone, engaging in online social media---or any
other activity you are led to give up.

We are asking and expecting every member to commit to and set aside a special
financial sacrifice to bring on Easter Sunday at one of the three worship services.

Other highlights of our 2018 Lenten observance include:

             A special Ash Wednesday service Wednesday, February 14th when all
              of the Lenten materials will be explained and distributed
             Bible Study classes each Wednesday night at 7:00 and each Thursday
              at 12:00 noon at both campuses
             Weekday devotional readings that all deal with some aspect of Shalom
              and includes space for you to write your reflections and prayers
             A special prayer vigil during Holy Week from 9:00 am – 6:00 pm at
              both campuses
             A Community Outreach for Salem members to volunteer serving those
              in need from our community, Saturday, March 24th from 9:00 am until
              12:00 noon at both campuses
             Easter Sunday Services Sunday, April 1st including the 6:00 am
              Sunrise Service followed by Easter Sunday worship at 8:00 am and
              11:00 am at both campuses.

Please note that this devotional guide will be updated and posted weekly on Salem’s
website for you to retrieve at your convenience.

We pray that you will participate fully in all of the Lenten events and activities and
that you will experience the Peace of God during Lent this year. God bless you.

Dr. Joseph L. Williams, Senior Pastor

Reverend Jasper W. Williams, Jr., Pastor Emeritus

Week Three - Day 11 - Monday, February 26, 2018

Peace and God’s Provision

LORD, You will establish peace for us, For You have also done all
our works in us. (Isaiah 26:12 – NKJV)

Devotional Reading:
The pattern for realizing peace in your life has already been set by
God. God is the God of peace. Peace is God’s creation and God’s way
of life for the believer.

When peace is not present, there is the ever possibility that peace
can be made because God will establish peace for you. The work of
God is to establish peace---so then your work is to join God in what
God is doing to manifest peace, When you do all that you are capable
of doing in maintaining peace, God’s provision is yours.

Do what you can in sharing God’s peace and watch God provide.

Jehovah God, thank You for making peace the gateway for opening
the way to your best provisions for me. Amen.

Reflection for Action:
   1. Could your lack of sharing God’s peace be blocking your
       blessings? If yes, what can you do to alter your actions to
       unleash God’s provision for blessings?

Week Three - Day 12 - Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Sow Peace and Reap a Harvest of Righteousness

Now the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who
make peace. (James 3:18 – NKJV)

Devotional Reading:
Peacemakers are known by the fruit they bear. The fruit of the peace
maker is righteousness. Righteousness is the evidence of your
conversation and conduct that proves you are in right standing or in
fellowship with God.

When you sow peace as your lifestyle of faith, righteousness is the
by-product that produces your blessings. Sow peace so
righteousness will be your testimony.

Lord, make me to sow peace that I may know peace. Amen.

Reflection for Action:
   1. Are you a peacemaker and how does your conduct give
       evidence of it?

Week Three - Day 13 - Wednesday, February 28, 2018

This Joy I Have…Peace!

Deceit is in the heart of those who devise evil,
But counselors of peace have joy. (Proverbs 12:20 – NKJV)

Devotional Reading:
Living in the era of modern technology has given rise to deceit from
the hearts of women and men in a myriad of methods and mediums.
Character assassination is carried out in anonymous tweets and text
messages. Mass killings are promulgated by non-military style
assault weapons once only restricted to the battlefield of wars.
There are smart-phones, smart bombs and smart technology devised
by evil persons who deceive even the faithful.

The antidote to the poison of deceivers and the devisers of evil is the
voice of those who promote peace. Peace can overcome evil. Peace
speakers will triumph over the voices of evil doers.

When peace is pursued, the rallying cry is: “This peace I have, the
world didn’t give it to me---and the world can’t take it away.”

Lord, give me a clean heart so I may serve You. Amen

Reflection for Action:
   1. Think of an example of when you have acted as an evil doer.

   2. Think of an example when you have spoken the word of

   3. What differences do you see between these two positions?

Week Three - Day 14 - Thursday, March 1, 2018

Please God and Your Enemy Will Make Peace

When a man’s ways please the LORD, He makes even his enemies
to be at peace with him. (Proverbs 16:7 – NKJV)

Devotional Reading:
Who desires to have peace with their enemy? Whether or not you
are seeking peace with your enemy, one thing is for certain---if your
ways please God; your enemy will seek peace with you because God
says so.

You cannot realize peace with your enemy when your continue to be
contentious, agitated, mean-spirited or unforgiving. When you want
peace and let it be known by your soft words, kind deeds or peaceful
ways, you set in motion God causing your enemy to move toward
making peace with you.

What a wonderful promise! What a wonderful opportunity! Do right
and God will make it right

Dear Lord, I pray for the wisdom to learn how to please you so that
others may see my good works and glorify you by seeking peace with
me. Amen.

Reflection for Action:
   1. Who is the one enemy you have who you pray that by your
       actions, God will have them seek you out for making peace?

Week Three - Day 15 - Friday, March 2, 2018

Blessed with the Peace of the Lord

The LORD will give strength to His people; The LORD will bless His
people with peace. (Psalm 29:11 – NKJV)

Devotional Reading:
Won’t God do it? That is: won’t God give your strength for today’s
battle? Won’t God bless you with peace?

God can and God will fortify you. God’s peace can be your peace.

Make this verse yours today as your worship and commune with God

Lord, lead me and guide me along the way. Amen.

Reflection for Action:
   1. Reflect on the words of this popular hymn:
       Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah,
       Pilgrim through this barren land;
       I am weak, but Thou art mighty,
       Hold me with Thy powerful hand.
       Bread of heaven, Bread of heaven,
       Feed me till I want no more;
       Feed me till I want no more.

       Open now the crystal fountain,
       Whence the healing stream doth flow;
       Let the fire and cloudy pillar
       Lead me all my journey through.
       Strong Deliv’rer, strong Deliv’rer,
       Be Thou still my Strength and Shield;
       Be Thou still my Strength and Shield.

Week Three – Day16 – Saturday, March 3, 2018

My Weekly Prayer Journal

   Today, my prayer for others is:

   Today, my prayer for family is:

   Today, my prayer for my church is:

   Today, my prayer for my community is:

   Today, my prayer for myself is:

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