2019/2020 KINDERGARTEN READINESS CALENDAR - Marion-Polk Early Learning Hub

Page created by Andrea Elliott
2019/2020 KINDERGARTEN READINESS CALENDAR - Marion-Polk Early Learning Hub

2019/2020 KINDERGARTEN READINESS CALENDAR - Marion-Polk Early Learning Hub
Starting kindergarten is so exciting!
             A note for parents

             Dear Parents and Caregivers,

             Your little one is growing up and will soon be starting school! This activity calendar is
             packed with ideas to help prepare your child for a positive school experience.

             In this calendar, you will find suggestions for activities that focus on developing healthy
             habits and learning, colors, numbers, letters, and more. Each activity is designed to
             build confidence and set the stage for successful learning. Don’t worry if your child
             needs help to complete an activity or if they are not yet able to do an activity; you can
             always come back to it later.

             The most important thing is spending time together preparing for school. The time you
             spend with your child reading, going for walks, and talking together is the most valuable
             investment you will make in their education.

             Having fun is an important part of learning! Your child learns best when doing fun and
             interesting things with you.

                                                         This calendar is a partnership between:
2019/2020 KINDERGARTEN READINESS CALENDAR - Marion-Polk Early Learning Hub

      Use this guide to help prepare your child for school. Don’t worry if your child can’t do everything on the list right now.
                         Use the lists to set goals and remember that children grow and develop at different rates.

Good Health and Well-Being                        Approaches Towards Learning                       Math and Problem Solving
My child:                                         My child:                                         My child:
ཥཥ Eats a balanced diet                           ཥཥ Pays attention during activities               ཥཥ Is learning to name shapes and colors
ཥཥ Gets plenty of rest                            ཥཥ Is learning to follow simple directions        ཥཥ Is learning to sort and classify things
ཥཥ Sees the doctor and dentist regularly          ཥཥ Is learning to finish what is started          ཥཥ Is learning to count and play counting games
ཥཥ Is up-to-date on all shots                     ཥཥ Gets to see and touch things, hear new         ཥཥ Makes and listens to music
ཥཥ Runs, jumps, plays outside, and does other        sounds, smell and taste different foods, and   ཥཥ Is encouraged to ask questions
   activities that provide exercise                  watch things move
                                                                                                    ཥཥ Is encouraged to solve problems and think
ཥཥ Does puzzles and other activities that help    ཥཥ Uses their imagination                            of solutions
   develop small muscles                                                                            ཥཥ Has many opportunities to experience
                                                  Language and Literacy                                new things
Social and Emotional                                                                                ཥཥ Likes to solve problems
Development                                       My child:
My child:                                         ཥཥ Has many opportunities to talk and listen
                                                     with others
ཥཥ Is trying new things                           ཥཥ Is read to every day
ཥཥ Is learning to work well alone and does        ཥཥ Has access to books and other reading
   tasks independently                               materials
ཥཥ Is learning to play well with other children   ཥཥ Is learning about print and books
ཥཥ Is curious and wants to learn
ཥཥ Is learning self-control
                                                  ཥཥ Says or sings familiar songs and nursery
                                                     rhymes                                             Make Every Day A
ཥཥ Is learning to use words to express feelings
ཥཥ Helps with family chores
                                                  ཥཥ Is learning to write their name and address
                                                  ཥཥ Retells stories
                                                                                                        Learning Day with
                                                                                                        Your Child!
2019/2020 KINDERGARTEN READINESS CALENDAR - Marion-Polk Early Learning Hub

HOW we read with children is just as important as HOW OFTEN we read with them.
Here are some age-based tips for reading with your child:

 0-2                                                      2-3                                                  4-5
 years                                                    years                                                years

Pick the best time                                   Let your child help tell the story:                      There are six pre-reading skills children need to be
When both of you are in the mood.                                                                             ready to read:
                                                     ϘϘ    Choose a time when you both want to look
Choose books                                               at books.                                          Print Motivation
With clear and simple pictures.                      ϘϘ    Ask open-ended questions that start with What,     Read together so your child enjoys books.
Cuddle                                                     Why, How, etc.
Touch and love your baby while sharing books.
                                                     ϘϘ    Follow a question with another question.           Help your child learn new words for things and ideas.
Share the book                                       ϘϘ    Repeat what your child says.
You don’t have to read every word                                                                             Print Awareness
                                                     ϘϘ    Build on what your child says.                     Explain how to hold a book and turn pages.
Point to pictures and talk in an excited voice.      ϘϘ    Help your child repeat longer phrases.
Watch your baby                                                                                               Narrative Skills
                                                     ϘϘ    Praise your child for talking about books.         Let your child describe things and tell stories.
Let baby play with the book - take a break if your
baby is not having fun.
                                                     ϘϘ    Find books that follow your child’s interests.
                                                                                                              Phonological Awareness
Share books every day                                                                                         Play rhyming games to help your child learn that words
Even if only for a few minutes.                                                                               are made up of smaller sounds.

Try board books                                                                                               Knowing Letters
They are sturdy and fit in little hands.                                                                      Help children learn both CAPITAL and
                                                                                                              lowercase letters.

                                                               Content provided by the Salem Public Library
2019/2020 KINDERGARTEN READINESS CALENDAR - Marion-Polk Early Learning Hub

Independence Public Library                  Salem Public Library                               Mount Angel Public Library
175 Monmouth Street                          585 Liberty Street, SE                             290 E. Charles Street
Independence, OR 97351                       Salem, OR 97301                                    Mount Angel, OR 97362
Phone: (503) 838-1811                        Phone: (503) 588-6315                              Phone: (503) 845-6401
Website: www.ci.independence.or.us/library   Website: www.cityofsalem.net/library               Website: www.mountangel.ccrls.org

Monmouth Public Library                      The Confederated Tribes of                         Dallas Public Library
168 S. Ecols Street
                                             Grand Ronde Library                                950 Main Street
                                             9615 Grand Ronde Road                              Dallas, OR 97338
Monmouth, OR 97361
                                             Grand Ronde, OR 97347                              Phone: (503) 623-2633 | TDD: (503) 623-7356
Phone: (503) 838-1932
                                             Phone: (503) 879-1488                              Website: www.ci.dallas.or.us/library
Website: www.ci.monmouth.or.us/library
                                                                                                Silver Falls Library
Woodburn Public Library                                                                         410 South Water Street
280 Garfield Street                          Jefferson Public Library                           Silverton, OR 97381
Woodburn, OR 97071                           128 N. Main Street                                 Phone: (503) 873-5173
Phone: (503)982-5252                         Jefferson, OR 97352                                Website: www.silverfallslibrary.org
Website: www.woodburn-or.gov/                Phone: (541) 327-3826
                                             Website: www.jefferson.plinkit.org
                                                                                                Stayton Public Library
West Salem Library                                                                              515 N. 1st Avenue
395 NW Glen Creek Road                       Lyons Public Library                               Stayton, Oregon 97383
Salem, OR 97304                              279 8th Street                                     Phone: (503) 769-3313
Phone: (503) 588-6315                        Lyons, OR 97358                                    Website: www.staytonlibraryfoundation.org
Website: www.cityofsalem.net/library         Phone: (503) 859-2366
                                             Website: www.lyonsccrls.org
2019/2020 KINDERGARTEN READINESS CALENDAR - Marion-Polk Early Learning Hub
            HAVE   Fun
                 FUN   LearningTO
                     LEARNING   toREAD
                                  Read AND
                                       and Write
Include opportunities
         Hold your childto read
                         and    and
                             read    write every
                                  to them  in your every
                                                 day.     day activities
                                                      Developing language- itbegins
                                                                              does at
                                                                                    not have
                                                                                      birth   to be com-
                 everyday loving interactions such   as sharing books and telling stories.

             Calendar Activity Time!                    Your main goal is to encourage your child to love to read, write and learn.
                                                        Learning to read and write gives children the skills they will need to
             Draw lines between words that rhyme!       succeed at school.

                                                        Find time to read every day.
                                                           ϘϘ   Read signs while you go for a walk or drive in the car.
    goat                                 sock              ϘϘ   Have your child “read” a book out loud to the family encourage them
                                                                to look at the pictures and say what is happening in the story.
                                                           ϘϘ   Read the comics or a book at breakfast.

                                                        Include your child in writing activities.
    clock                                bear              ϘϘ   Write shopping lists with your child.
                                                           ϘϘ   Help children write letters and thank you notes.

    dice                                 school

                                                           Books to look for at the library:
    pool                                 mice               ཥཥ    Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin

                                                            ཥཥ    Alphabet Under Construction by Denise Fleming

                                                            ཥཥ    It Begins with an A by Stephanie Calmenson

                                                            ཥཥ    On Market Street by Anita Lobel

    pear                                 boat               ཥཥ    Click, Clack, Quackity Quack by Doreen Cronin

                                                            ཥཥ    Orange Pear Apple Bear by Emily Gravett
2019/2020 KINDERGARTEN READINESS CALENDAR - Marion-Polk Early Learning Hub
August 2019

                                                   J U LY 20 19
                                                                                                                                                     S    M    T    W    T    F    S
                                                                                                                                                                          1    2    3
                                                                                                                                                      4    5    6    7    8    9   10
                                                                                                                                                     11   12   13   14   15   16   17
                                                                                                                                                     18   19   20   21   22   23   24
                                                                                                                                                     25   26   27   28   29   30   31

Sun                     Mon                       Tue                         Wed                     Thu                Fri                         Sat
30                        1                        2                           3                       4                   5                              6

                                                                                                      Independence Day

  7                       8                        9                          10                      11                 12                          13
Use a paint brush and   Ask your child to tell    With your child, make                                                   Ask your librarian if
water to write on the   you a story about their   up a story about                                                        they have story kits to
sidewalk.               favorite character from   apples, anteaters and                                                   check out.
                        a movie or book.          armadillos.

14                      15                        16                          17                      18                 19                          20
                        Find the letter ‘n’ on                                 Read a book together                                                  Have your child write
                        things around the                                      after dinner.                                                         their name and identify
                        home.                                                                                                                        each letter.

21                      22                        23                          24                      25                 26                          27
                                                  When reading, ask your                                                 With your child, think of
                                                  child to predict what                                                  words that rhyme, such
                                                  they think is going to                                                 as cat and bat.
                                                  happen next in the story.

28                      29                        30                          31                       1                   2                              3
2019/2020 KINDERGARTEN READINESS CALENDAR - Marion-Polk Early Learning Hub
Kindergarten Plans
Being ready for kindergarten, both academically and socially, is one of the most
            important factors in a child’s future academic success.

                                                    Get ready for kindergarten.
                                                      ϘϘ   Begin to gather school supplies for your child.
Calendar Activity Time!                               ϘϘ   Check with their elementary school for a list of school supplies.
Ask your child to draw a picture of someone being     ϘϘ   Play school with your child. Take turns being the teacher.
a good friend and a second picture of someone         ϘϘ   Pretend your car is the school bus. Practice getting on and off and
                                                           sitting facing forward.
not being a good friend.
                                                      ϘϘ   Eat a meal from a lunch box or bag.
                                                      ϘϘ   Have your child put on and take off a coat.
                                                      ϘϘ   Sing songs and draw pictures.
                                                      ϘϘ   Decide how you will say goodbye to each other on the first day of

                                                    Visit your child’s school.
                                                      ϘϘ   Attend your school’s open house or “Back to School” event this month.
                                                      ϘϘ   Learn your child’s school bus route and times.
                                                      ϘϘ   Find out about the daily schedule for your child’s class.
                                                      ϘϘ                                                                21
                                                           Explore the classroom, cafeteria, playground, restrooms and library.
                                                      ϘϘ   Practice walking quietly in the hallway.

                                                      Books to look for at the library:
                                                      ཥཥ     The New Kid from the Black Lagoon by Mike Thaler

                                                      ཥཥ     Timothy Goes to School by Rosemary Wells

                                                      ཥཥ     First Day Jitters by Julie Danneberg

                                                      ཥཥ     The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn

                                                      ཥཥ     School Days Around the World by Margriet

                                                      ཥཥ     The Night Before Kindergarten by Natasha Wing

                                                      ཥཥ     Last Stop on Market Street by Matt de la Pena
2019/2020 KINDERGARTEN READINESS CALENDAR - Marion-Polk Early Learning Hub
September 2019

                                     AUGUST             20   19
                                                                                                                         S    M     T    W    T    F    S
                                                                                                                          1    2     3    4    5    6    7

                                      August 2019 (United States)
                                                                                                                          8    9    10   11   12   13   14
                                                                                                                         15   16    17   18   19   20   21
                                                                                                                         22   23    24   25   26   27   28
                                                                                                                         29   30

Sun                       Mon                        Tue   Wed                          Thu   Fri                        Sat
28                        29                         30    31                            1      2                             3
                                                                                              Tell your child a story
                                                                                              about a fun time you
                                                                                              had in school.

  4                        5                          6     7                            8      9                        10
Tell your child about                                      Pretend it’s the first day                                    Visit parentinghub.org
a bad day you had at                                       of school and practice                                        to check out community
school and how it got                                      saying “good-bye” to                                          events and parenting
better.                                                    each other.                                                   classes including Ready!
                                                                                                                         for Kindergarten.

11                        12                         13    14                           15    16                         17
Show your child your                                                                          Talk about ways to
yearbook or pictures                                                                          make new friends.
of you with friends you
met at school.

18                        19                         20    21                           22    23                         24
                          Make a list of what your         Visit your child's new             Pretend it’s the first
                          child will need on their         school. Show them the              day of classes with your
                          first day of school.             playground.                        child and you are the

25                        26                         27    28                           29    30                         31
                                                                                              Have your child pick
                                                                                              out their first day of
                                                                                              school outfit.
2019/2020 KINDERGARTEN READINESS CALENDAR - Marion-Polk Early Learning Hub
Health & Safety
            HAVE FUN LEARNING        First
                               TO READ  AND WRITE
Include opportunities to read and write in your every day activities - it does not have to be com-
    Health is one of the most important factors plicated!
                                                in helping your child experience a happy, productive life.

                                                              Teach good hygiene habits.
             Calendar Activity Time!                           ϘϘ   Teach your child to wash their hands after using the bathroom
             Name as many fruits as you can. Draw a picture         and before eating.
             of a fruit you enjoy eating.                      ϘϘ   Show them how to cover a cough or sneeze in their elbow.
                                                               ϘϘ   Help your child to brush their teeth every morning and night.
                                                                    Floss every night.

                                                              Be safety smart.
                                                               ϘϘ   Teach your child about dialing 9-1-1. Explain what constitutes an
                                                               ϘϘ   Check the fit of safety equipment like car seats and bike
                                                               ϘϘ   Remind your child that they can say no if they do not want
                                                                    someone to touch them, and that they should ask before
                                                                    touching others.
                                                               ϘϘ   Make sure bike helmets and car seats fit "snuggly."
                                                               ϘϘ   Create and practice a fire escape plan.

                                                                Books to look for at the library:
                                                                ཥཥ    Food for Thought by Saxton Freyman

                                                                ཥཥ    Elliot’s Emergency by Andrea Beck

                                                                ཥཥ    I Will Never Not Ever Eat a Tomato by Lauren Child

                                                                ཥཥ    Kids Around the World Cook! by Arlette N. Braman

                                                                ཥཥ    The Ugly Vegetables by Grace Lin

                                                                ཥཥ    Milk from Cow to Carton by Aliki
October 2019

                SE PTE M B E R 2019
                                                                                                                         S    M    T    W    T    F    S
                                                                                                                                   1    2     3    4    5
                                                                                                                          6    7    8    9   10   11   12
                                                                                                                         13   14   15   16   17   18   19
                                                                                                                         20   21   22   23   24   25   26
                                                                                                                         27   28   29   30   31

Sun                       Mon         Tue                        Wed                      Thu   Fri                      Sat
  1                        2           3                           4                       5      6                           7
                                                                                                                         Put a sticky note with
                                                                                                                         the Poison Control
                                                                                                                         Center’s phone number
                                                                                                                         on your fridge.
                          Labor Day

  8                        9          10                         11                       12    13                       14
                                                                 Make a dentist
                                                                 appointment for your

 Grandparent's Day

15                        16          17                         18                       19    20                       21
Teach your child that                 Practice a fire drill in                                  Talk to your child
medicine is not candy.                your home. Show your                                      about what it means
Secure medicine in a                  child where to meet you                                   to protect and respect
locked cabinet or on                  outside.                                                  personal space.
higher shelf.

22                        23          24                         25                       26    27                       28
                                                                 Have your child recite                                  Teach your child good
                                                                 their address and                                       hand-washing. Sing the
                                                                 phone number.                                           alphabet song while you
                                                                                                                         scrub with soap.

29                        30           1                           2                       3      4                           5
Decide if your child
can use safety scissors
and talk to them about
scissor safety.
Have Fun While Learning Letter & Sounds
Your main goal is to encourage your child to love to read, write and learn. First, people
                      learn to read, and then people read to write!

                                                      Teach your child the letters of the alphabet.
                                                        ϘϘ   Read alphabet books and encourage your child to name the letters
  Calendar Activity Time!                                    they recognize.
                                                        ϘϘ   Play “Find the letter” with your child when you are out shopping.
  Draw a picture of things that start with the same
  first letter of your name.
                                                        ϘϘ   Help your child make a dictionary with some of their favorite words
                                                             listed under each letter of the alphabet. Ask your child to draw a
                                                             picture next to each word.

                                                      Help your child match letters to sounds.
                                                        ϘϘ   Tape pictures of items that begin with the same letter on the back of
                                                             each alphabet card. For example, a picture of a banana would go on
                                                             the back of a letter “b” card.
                                                        ϘϘ   Write down a letter and tell your child the sound that letter makes. Ask
                                                             your child to name other words that have that beginning letter sound.

                                                      Have fun with sounds and words.
                                                        ϘϘ   Think of words that begin with the same sound. (The speedy snake
                                                             slithered across the sandy seaside. The turtle taught the toad to play tag.)
                                                        ϘϘ   Think of words that start with the same letter.

                                                        Books to look for at the library:
                                                        ཥཥ     The Paper Bag Princess by Robert Munsch

                                                        ཥཥ     It’s Halloween Night! by Jennifer Connell

                                                        ཥཥ     Dinosaurs by Penelope Arlon

                                                        ཥཥ     Spooky Friends by Jane Feder

                                                        ཥཥ     From Seed to Pumpkin by Wendy Pfeffer

                                                        ཥཥ     If You Were a Penguin by Wendell Minor and Florence Minor
November 2019

                                       OCTO B E R 2019
                                                                                                                                                              S    M      T   W    T    F    S
                                                                                                                                                                                         1    2
                                                                                                                                                               3    4     5    6    7    8    9
                                                                                                                                                              10   11    12   13   14   15   16
                                                                                                                                                              17   18    19   20   21   22   23
                                                                                                                                                              24   25    26   27   28   29   30

Sun                        Mon                     Tue                        Wed                         Thu                        Fri                      Sat
29                         30                        1                         2                            3                          4                           5
                                                                              With your child, look at                                                        Read a book about a
                                                                              the pictures in a book                                                          different cultures today.
                                                                              before you read it. Ask
                                                                              your child what they
                                                                              think the story is about.

 6                          7                        8                         9                          10                         11                       12
                                                   Read the same book                                                                Help your child make a
                                                   twice in a row. See what                                                          blanket fort and then
                                                   new things you notice                                                             read inside of it.
                                                   the second time.

13                         14                      15                         16                          17                         18                       19
Have your child choose                             Read two books today.                                  Ask your child what                                 Read books at the
a special topic, and                                                                                      story they like to read.                            beach or park.
together, find a library
book about it.
                           People's Day

20                         21                      22                         23                          24                         25                       26
                           Read poetry with your                                                          After reading, have
                           child today.                                                                   your child tell you what
                                                                                                          happened first, second
                                                                                                          and last.

27                         28                      29                         30                          31                           1                           2
Read a non-fiction book                            Visit parentinghub.org
today.                                             for community events
                                                   and fun activities you
                                                   can do with your child.
           HAVE  Words To Express
                    LEARNING      Ideas
                             TO READ    & Feelings
                                      AND  WRITE
Include opportunities to read and write in your every day activities - it does not have to be com-
            Encourage your child to listen andplicated!
                                               use words to express their ideas and feelings.

            Calendar Activity Time!                  Use pictures to help your child express ideas.
                                                       ϘϘ   Look at pictures in books together.
            Draw a picture of yourself feeling:
                                                       ϘϘ   Ask your child to tell you what he/she sees in each picture.
                                                       ϘϘ   Have your child draw a picture and then tell you about it.

                                                     Allow your child to express different feelings.
                                                       ϘϘ   Read books that explain different feelings.
                                                       ϘϘ   Talk about times people feel sad, happy, angry or scared.
                                                       ϘϘ   Make faces or voices that show feelings.
                                                       ϘϘ   Help your child name feelings while they are experiencing them.

           Happy                          Sad

                                                       Books to look for at the library:
                                                       ཥཥ     When Sophie Gets Angry—Really, Really Angry... by Molly Bang

                                                       ཥཥ     Smoky Night by Eve Bunting

                                                       ཥཥ     I Am Small by Emma Dodd
           Angry                       Surprised
                                                       ཥཥ     ABC, I Like Me! by Nancy L. Carlson

                                                       ཥཥ     Everybody has Feelings by Charles E. Avery

                                                       ཥཥ     Go Away, Big Green Monster! by Ed Emberley
December 2019

                              N OV E M B E R 2019
                                                                                                                                       S    M     T    W    T    F    S
                                                                                                                                        1    2     3    4    5    6    7
                                                                                                                                        8    9    10   11   12   13   14
                                                                                                                                       15   16    17   18   19   20   21
                                                                                                                                       22   23    24   25   26   27   28
                                                                                                                                       29   30    31

Sun                        Mon                       Tue   Wed                         Thu                 Fri                         Sat
27                         28                        29    30                           31                    1                             2
                                                                                                           Talk about how all
                                                                                                           feelings are okay but
                                                                                                           not all actions are okay.

  3                          4                        5      6                            7                   8                             9
                           Pretend you are                 Draw with your child                                                        Ask your child about
                           grasshoppers, gorillas,         a happy person, a sad                                                       a good thing that
                           and goats with your             person, and an angry                                                        happened in their day.
End of Daylight            child.                          person.
Savings Time

10                         11                        12    13                           14                  15                         16
                                                           While in line, talk                                                         Talk with your child
                                                           about the importance                                                        about what they enjoy
                                                           of waiting your turn                                                        doing in their free time.
                                                           and how to practice
                           Veterans Day                    patience.

17                         18                        19    20                           21                  22                         23
                           Play dress up with your                                                          Tell a story. Stop and
                           child and talk about                                                             have your child make up
                           the characters you are                                                           the ending.

24                         25                        26    27                           28                  29                         30
Have your child                                            Say a word and ask your
practice being quiet and                                   child to say the opposite
breathing for 1 minute.                                    (big, small, happy, sad).
Then 2 minutes.
                                                                                        Thanksgiving Day
Make Time for Family
Encourage family closeness to strengthen the relationship with your child and build trust.

                                                           Encourage family closeness.
                                                             ϘϘ   Keep a family journal for everyone to write or draw in. Share and record
      Calendar Activity Time!                                     great family stories.
                                                             ϘϘ   Call a relative to say “I love you.”
      Draw a picture of your favorite memory or activity
      with your family.
                                                             ϘϘ   Prepare and eat meals together.
                                                             ϘϘ   Create your own family holiday greeting cards.
                                                             ϘϘ   Invite family members to your child’s activities.

                                                           Establish family traditions.
                                                             ϘϘ   Draw secret pal names and do something special for your person.
                                                             ϘϘ   Have a special meal plate that is used to celebrate special occasions.
                                                             ϘϘ   Take turns choosing a discussion topic at dinner.

                                                           Reduce stress.
                                                             ϘϘ   Take a walk, go for a hike, or enjoy a bike ride as a healthy family activity.
                                                             ϘϘ   Start a family game night and play games like “Twister.”
                                                             ϘϘ   Volunteer to help someone in need.                                   21
                                                             ϘϘ   Stay true to routines like bedtime and mealtime.
                                                             ϘϘ   Do chores together.
                                                             ϘϘ   Laugh together.

                                                             Books to look for at the library:
                                                              ཥཥ    Aunt Harriet’s Underground Railroad in the Sky by Faith Ringgold

                                                              ཥཥ    The New Baby by Mary Packard

                                                              ཥཥ    The Littlest Elf by Brandi Dougherty

                                                              ཥཥ    Fathers, Mother, Sisters, Brothers by May Ann Hoberman

                                                              ཥཥ    I’ll Always Love You by Hans Wilhelm

                                                              ཥཥ    I Love You Through and Through by Bernadette Rossetti-Shustak
January 2020

                                      EC E M     B(United
                                                   E R States)
                                                                                                                                                           S    M     T   W    T    F    S
                                                                                                                                                                           1    2    3    4

                                                                                                                                                            5    6    7    8    9   10   11
                                                                                                                                                           12   13   14   15   16   17   18
                                                                                                                                                           19   20   21   22   23   24   25
                                                                                                                                                           26   27   28   29   30   31

Sun                       Mon                      Tue                     Wed                        Thu                         Fri                      Sat
  1                         2                        3                        4                         5                           6                           7
                                                                                                                                  With your child, write
                                                                                                                                  a note to a friend or

  8                         9                      10                       11                        12                          13                       14
                          Draw a picture of your   Call a loved one.        Visit parentinghub.org                                Sing a favorite song
                          whole family.                                     for community events                                  with your child.
                                                                            and fun activities you
                                                                            can do with your child.

15                        16                       17                       18                        19                          20                       21
Make a small gift with                             Take a walk with your                              Celebrate something         Play a board game        Celebrate the winter
your child to give to a                            child.                                             your child has              together as a family.    solstice with candles or
friend or neighbor.                                                                                   accomplished.                                        flashlights.

22                        23                       24                       25                        26                          27                       28
                          In the evening, talk                                                        Make cookies with your      Play “I love you more
                          about all the things                                                        child to share as a gift.   than…”
                          you and your child did
                                                   Christmas Eve           Christmas Day

29                        30                       31                         1                         2                           3                           4
                                                                           New Year's Day
Cook a family breakfast

                                                   New Year’s Eve
Balancing Screen Time
Ensure you have more face-to-face than screen time! Your child’s brain will grow more that way.

                                                                                                               Limit children’s total screen time.
                                                                                                                 ϘϘ   Set limits for TV and computer use to no more than 2 hours per day.
               Calendar Activity Time!
                                                                                                                 ϘϘ   Turn the TV off when no one is watching. Turn it on when you want to
                                                                                                                      watch a specific age appropiate program.
               Shapes! Practice tracing the shapes. Then color
                                                                                                                 ϘϘ   Keep the TV and computer in a common area of the home rather
               them all in.
                     Practice tracing the shapes. Then color them all in.                                             than in a bedroom.

                                                                                                               Monitor the media your child is using.
                                                                                                                 ϘϘ   Preview programs, videos, and websites so you know exactly what
                                                                                                                      your child will see.
                                                                                                                 ϘϘ   Watch together and talk about what you see. Ask your child how
                                                                                                                      characters could have responded differently.

                                                                                                               Avoid making TV a centerpiece of home life.
                                                                                                                 ϘϘ   Encourage reading, drawing, playing outdoors, listening to music or
                                                                                                                      playing card and board games.
                                                                                                                 ϘϘ   Turn the TV off at mealtime and talk about some things each of you
                                                                                                                      did that day.

                                                                                                                 Books to look for at the library:
                                                                                                                 ཥཥ     Winter’s Tail by Juliana Hatkoff

                                                                                                                 ཥཥ     Caps, Hats, Socks, and Mittens by Louise Borden

                                                                                                                 ཥཥ     Hibernation Station by Michelle Meadows

                                                                                                                 ཥཥ     The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson

                                                                                                                 ཥཥ     The Lorax by Dr. Seuss

                                                                                                                 ཥཥ     Grumpy Cat by Britta Teckentrup

   Copyright © 2012 by Education.com                         More worksheets at www.education.com/worksheets
February 2020

                                            2020 RY
                                                                                                                                                        S    M     T    W    T    F    S

                                                                                                                                                         2    3     4    5    6    7    8
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                                                                                                                                                        23   24    25   26   27   28   29

Sun                   Mon                        Tue                       Wed                       Thu                        Fri                     Sat
29                    30                          31                         1                         2                          3                          4
                                                 New Year's Eve
                                                                           Read a book based on a                                                       Watch a musical and
                                                                           movie your child likes.                                                      dance around every
                                                                                                                                                        time the characters
                                                                           New Year’s Day

 5                     6                            7                        8                         9                        10                      11
                      Set up parental controls                                                       Keep the TV off today.                             Talk to your child about
                      on your TV & computer.                                                         Have your child make                               how their favorite
                                                                                                     a "screen free" sign                               character deals with
                                                                                                     to tape over it so you                             problems.

12                    13                          14                       15                        16                         17                      18
                                                  Watch a movie or                                   Talk to your child about
                                                  nature show about                                  why you do not let them
                                                  penguins and then read                             watch certain movies or
                                                  a book about them.                                 TV shows.

19                    20                          21                       22                        23                         24                      25
Draw a picture with   Check out a board about                                                                                   Listen to music with
your child of their   Martin Luther King, Jr.                                                                                   your child from a
favorite character.                                                                                                             different part of the
                      Martin Luther                                                                                             world.
                      King, Jr. Day

26                    27                          28                       29                        30                         31                           1
                                                  Watch a movie and do
                                                  3 jumping jacks every
                                                  time a character is
Taking Your Child to the Doctor and Dentist
Regular dentist and doctor appointments provide important opportunities to ask questions
                     about your child’s health, wellness and behavior.

                                                        Schedule a visit with your child’s pediatrician at
                                                        least once a year. Visit the dentist twice a year.
     Calendar Activity Time!                              ϘϘ   Write down any questions you would like to ask. Talk to your child
     Color in the amount of teeth you have then cross          about what questions they have for the doctor or dentist.
     out how many teeth you have already lost.            ϘϘ   Bring a book for you to read with your child in the waiting room.
                                                          ϘϘ   After the visit, ask your child how they thought it went.
                                                          ϘϘ   Remind your child that the doctor and dentist are not just there for
                                                               when they are sick but to help keep them from getting sick. Check-
                                                               ups are important to keep our bodies, minds and teeth healthy.

                                                        Talk to your child if they are feeling nervous or
                                                        afraid about visiting the doctor or dentist.
                                                          ϘϘ   Be open with your child about what is going to happen during the
                                                               visit including if they will be getting shots. They will feel less anxious if
                                                               they know what to expect.
                                                          ϘϘ   Role play the different components of the visit: getting weighed,
                                                               listening to the child’s heart, measuring height.
                                                          ϘϘ                                                                     21
                                                               Remind your child that you can stay in the room with them. They will
                                                               not be alone.
                                                          ϘϘ   Suggest that your child take a favorite stuffed animal to get their
                                                               check-up at the same time.

                                                          Books to look for at the library:
                                                          ཥཥ     My Body is Private by Linda Walvoord Girard

                                                          ཥཥ     Clarabella’s Teeth by An Vrombaut

                                                          ཥཥ     Dear Daisy, Get Well Soon by Maggie Smith

                                                          ཥཥ     Benny by Sieb Posthuma

                                                          ཥཥ     Germs! Germs! Germs! by Bobbie Katz

                                                          ཥཥ     Frida by Jonah Winter
March 2020

                                    FE B RUA RY 2020
                                                                                                                                                            S    M    T    W    T    F    S
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                                                                                                                                                             8    9   10   11   12   13   14
                                                                                                                                                            15   16   17   18   19   20   21
                                                                                                                                                            22   23   24   25   26   27   28
                                                                                                                                                            29   30   31

Sun                       Mon                        Tue                      Wed                       Thu                        Fri                      Sat
26                        27                         28                       29                        30                         31                            1
                                                                                                                                                            Start practicing shoe

  2                         3                          4                        5                         6                          7                           8
                          Ask your child how         Check out a book about   Call your local school                               Check with your
                          many parts of their        Rosa Parks.              to find out about                                    doctor to see if your
                          body they can name.                                 Kindergarten                                         child has all of their
                                                                              Registration.                                        immunizations.

  9                       10                         11                       12                        13                         14                       15
Visit parentinghub.org    Talk to your child about                                                      Remind your child that                              Schedule a six-month
for community events      how all children have                                                         if they are feeling bad                             dental check-up for
and fun activities you    different abilities.                                                          they can talk to you. Be                            your child.
can do with your child.                                                                                 open to whatever they
                                                                                                        want to talk about.        Valentine’s Day

16                        17                         18                       19                        20                         21                       22
                                                                              Ask your child what the                              Make a get-well card
                                                                              difference is between a                              for a friend or family
                                                                              doctor and a dentist.                                member with your
                          Presidents’ Day

23                        24                         25                       26                        27                         28                       29
Schedule a play date.                                Schedule a visit with                              Talk to your child about
Spending time with                                   your pediatrician.                                 any fears they have
friends helps builds                                                                                    about going to the
social skills.                                                                                          dentist or doctor.
                                                                                                                                                            Leap Day
Make Mealtime a Family Time

                                                                           Chicken, Broccoli & Cheese
             Have fun drawing!                                             Skillet Meal
             Draw a picture of your favorite fruit, vegetable, or          Ingredients                                                                 Directions
             meal–or draw a Food Hero! When you’re done, we                   •• 1 pound boneless skinless                                                   1. Cut chicken breast into bite-
             would love to see your creation!                                    chicken breast (2 - 3 halves)                                                  sized pieces. Sauté pieces in
                                                                              •• 2 teaspoons oil                                                                oil in a medium skillet over
                                                                                                                                                                medium-high heat until lightly
                                                                              •• 1¼ cups water                                                                  browned, 2 to 3 minutes.
                                                                              •• 1 teaspoon chicken bouillon                                                 2. Add water, bouillon, soup,
                                                                              •• 1 can (10.5 oz.) condensed                                                     pepper and garlic to skillet.
                                                                                 cream of chicken soup                                                          Stir until smooth. Add pasta
                                                                              •• 1 teaspoon pepper                                                              and broccoli.
                                                                              •• ½ teaspoon garlic powder or                                                 3. Bring to a boil; cover; reduce
                                                                                 2 cloves garlic, minced                                                        heat to low. Simmer until pasta
                                                                                                                                                                is tender, 15-20 minutes.
                                                                              •• 2 cups small shell pasta,
                                                                                 uncooked                                                                    4. Add cheese and serve.
                                                                              •• 2½ cups broccoli, chopped                                                   5. Refrigerate leftovers within
                                                                                 (fresh or frozen)                                                              2 hours.
                                                                              •• 4 ounces (1 cup) cheddar
                                                                                 cheese, shredded                                                            Makes 7 cups


If you want to share your art with other kids and families, please email
your work to: food.hero@oregonstate.edu.
                                                                           Paid for in part by Oregon SNAP. 2019 Oregon State University, Oregon State University Extension Service is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer.
April 2020

                                           M A RC H 2020
                                                                                                                                                            S    M    T    W    T    F    S
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                                                                                                                                                            19   20   21   22   23   24   25
                                                                                                                                                            26   27   28   29   30

Sun                      Mon                       Tue                      Wed                         Thu                         Fri                     Sat
  1                       2                         3                         4                           5                           6                          7
                                                                                                                                                            Have your child help
                                                                                                                                                            you make the Chicken,
                                                                                                                                                            Broccoli and Cheese
                                                                                                                                                            Skillet Meal on this page.

  8                       9                        10                       11                          12                          13                      14
                         Collect shoes from                                 Make or print Bingo          Help your child draw a     Make different shapes
                         around the house, mix                              cards with shapes then       kite with two triangles.   with playdough.
                         them up, then match                                cut out shapes. Use
Daylight Savings         them.                                              beans or markers to play.
Time Begins

15                       16                        17                       18                          19                          20                      21
Cut up an old greeting                                                                                  During the day have                                 Use an egg carton to
card in puzzle-like                                                                                     your child tell you what                            sort beans, buttons or
shapes and fit the                                                                                      they are eating as they                             beads.
pieces back together.                                                                                   eat breakfast, lunch and
                                                   St. Patrick’s Day                                    dinner.

22                       23                        24                       25                          26                          27                      28
Have your child list                               Go on a rock hunt. How   Have your child draw        Find foods that are
as many fruits and                                 are the rocks the same   a square. Have them         shaped like a circle.
vegetables.                                        or different?            draw things in, out, over
                                                                            and under it.

29                       30                        31                         1                           2                           3                          4
Put together a puzzle    Visit parentinghub.org
with your child.         for community events
                         and fun activities you
                         can do with your child.
Help Your Child with Numbers and Counting
    Easy as 1-2-3. Even before they start school, most children are developing an understanding
                     of addition and subtraction through everyday interactions.

                                                          Use number words and point out written numbers
        Calendar Activity Time!                           when you and your child do things together.
                                                          In the kitchen:
        Match the number to the amount of school buses.
                                                            ϘϘ   “On this package it says to add 2 cups of water.”
                                                            ϘϘ   “I need you to put 3 forks and 3 plates on the table.”
                                                          At the grocery store:
                                                            ϘϘ   “That sign says bananas are 59 cents a pound.”
                                                            ϘϘ   “Pick out 4 apples and put them in this bag.”
1                                                         At play:
                                                            ϘϘ   “See if you can stack 6 pennies.”
                                                            ϘϘ   “Can you put 4 blocks in a row?”

                                                          Read, tell stories, sing songs and recite nursery
2                                                         rhymes about numbers and counting.
                                                            ϘϘ   Read or tell stories such as The Three Bears to your child.   21
                                                            ϘϘ   Say nursery rhymes such as “One,Two, Buckle My Shoe” and “Baa
                                                                 Baa Black Sheep” with your child.
                                                            ϘϘ   Sing counting songs you remember from your childhood.

                                                             Books to look for at the library:
                                                             ཥཥ    One Boy by Laura Vaccaro Seeger

                                                             ཥཥ    Apple Fractions by Jerry Pallota

4                                                            ཥཥ    Counting by Emily Bolam

                                                             ཥཥ    One Grain of Rice by Demi

                                                             ཥཥ    Have You Seen My Dragon by Steve Light

                                                             ཥཥ    Boom! Boom! Boom! by Jamie Swenson
May 2020

                                                A P R I L 2020
                                                                                                                                                      S    M    T    W    T    F    S
                                                                                                                                                                                1    2
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                                                                                                                                                      17   18   19   20   21   22   23
                                                                                                                                                      24   25   26   27   28   29   30

Sun                    Mon                      Tue                       Wed                       Thu                     Fri                       Sat
29                     30                       31                          1                         2                       3                            4
                                                                          Look for the number       Roll a ball back and                              Have your child start
                                                                          1 with your child         forth with your child                             saving coins this week,
                                                                          wherever you go today.    and count each pass.                              and count them at the
                                                                                                                                                      end of the month.

  5                     6                        7                          8                         9                     10                        11
Practice counting      Find things that come                              Make counting fun by
from 1 to 10.          in pairs.                                          asking things like “How
                                                                          many windows are in
                                                                          this room?”

12                     13                       14                        15                        16                      17                        18
                                                Practice counting to 10                                                     Play “Which is bigger?”
                                                or higher with fingers                                                      using the numbers 1-10.
                                                and toes.

19                     20                       21                        22                        23                      24                        25
                       Count in groups of ten
                       with your child.

26                     27                       28                        29                        30                        1                            2
Count backwards from                                                      With your child, talk
10 with your child.                                                       about animals with 2
                                                                          legs and animals with
                                                                          4 legs.
Daily Exercise
               Exercise helps children grow stronger, feel relaxed, and sleep better.

                                                        Children need at least 60 minutes of exercise every day. Encourage
        Calendar Activity Time!                         your child to be active in whatever way they think is fun.

        Get silly and act like different animals with
                                                        Let your child spend time outside.
        your child (this also teaches them verbs!)
                                                          ϘϘ   Have a safe outdoor place for your child to run and play.
        Here are some ideas to get you started:           ϘϘ   Take your child to the park or playground.

                                                        Enjoy movement with your child.
                                                          ϘϘ   Dance to music together.
Stomp like a dinosaur                                     ϘϘ   Create an obstacle course and go through it with your child.
                                                          ϘϘ   Kick, roll or throw a ball back and forth.

                                                        Give your child things to do when playing.
Hop like a frog                                           ϘϘ   Encourage your child to play “Hop Scotch” to his or her ability.
                                                          ϘϘ   Let your child try balancing a book on his head while walking.
                                                          ϘϘ   Put on a song you like and clean up a room as fast as you can
Lumber like a bear                                             before the song ends.                                        21

Sashay like a cat
                                                          Books to look for at the library:
                                                          ཥཥ    Penguin’s Skating Party by Dana Regan
Soar like an eagle                                        ཥཥ    Sleepy Little Yoga by Rebecca Whitford

                                                          ཥཥ    The Busy Body Book by Lizzy Rockwell

                                                          ཥཥ    Toddlerobics by Zita Newcome
Slither like a snake                                      ཥཥ    Underground by Shane Evans

                                                          ཥཥ    How Do Dinosaurs Clean Their Rooms by Jane Yolen
June 2020

                                                          M AY 2020
                                                                                                                                       S    M    T    W    T    F    S
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                                                                                                                                        7    8    9   10   11   12   13
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                                                                                                                                       21   22   23   24   25   26   27
                                                                                                                                       28   29   30

Sun                       Mon                       Tue     Wed                       Thu                      Fri                     Sat
26                        27                        28      29                        30                         1                          2
                                                                                                               Include your child in
                                                                                                               regular household

  3                        4                         5        6                         7                        8                          9
Hop and do arm                                                                        Visit parentinghub.org
circles, counting                                                                     for community events
them as you go.                                                                       and parenting classes.

10                        11                        12      13                        14                       15                      16
                                                                                                                                       Practice jumping and
                                                                                                                                       hopping with your child.
Mother’s Day

17                        18                        19      20                        21                       22                      23
                          Take a walk and talk                                                                 Create an exercise
                          about all the different                                                              schedule with your
                          sounds you hear. Mimic                                                               child.
                          them with your child.

24                        25                        26      27                        28                       29                      30
Put on music and dance.                                      Take a walk and count                                                     Visit a local park and
                                                             the different types of                                                    play tag.
                                                             flowers that you see.
                          Memorial Day

31                         1                         2        3                         4                        5                          6
Take a walk and count
how many birds you
Play with Your Child
                                   When your child plays with you, they are also learning that they are loved,
                                                       important and fun to be around.

                                                                                                                                     Make believe allows children to try out different situations. Structured
                                                                                                                                     games teach coordination and how to follow directions.

                     Calendar Activity Time!
Have the child connect the dots from 1 to 10.

                                                                                                                    Numbers & Sets
                                                                                                                                     Encourage your child to pretend and
      Show your child what is hiding by asking what                                                                                  make believe.
             is hiding here? Help them connect the dots.                                                                                ϘϘ   Make and decorate puppets out of paper bags or old socks. Have
Connect the dots. Color.                                                                                                                     your child perform a puppet show!
                                                                                                                                        ϘϘ   Have some grown up clothes, costumes and accessories for your
                                                                                                                                             child to use for dress-up.
                                                                                                                                        ϘϘ   With your child, set up a pretend store using empty household food

                           1                                                                                                         Encourage artful expressions.
                                                                                                                                        ϘϘ   Take your child on a nature walk and collect interesting objects.
          2                                                                                                                                  Create a collage from this nature collection with tape or glue.
                                                                                                                                        ϘϘ   Let your child make their own music. Put dried beans inside two
                                                                                                                                             paper plates stapled together for shakers or use an oatmeal
                                                                                           10                                                cannister as a drum.
      3                                                                                             9

                               4                                                       7                                                Books to look for at the library:
                                                                                                                                        ཥཥ     Hello Muddah, Hello Faddah! by Allan Sherman and Lou Busch

                                                                                                                                        ཥཥ     The Wildest Brother by Cornelia Funke

                                                                                                                                        ཥཥ     Dinosaur Thunder by Marion Dane Bauer

                                                       a fish!                                                                          ཥཥ
                                                I t ’s                                                                                         Deep in the Swamp by Donna M. Bateman

                                                                                                                                        ཥཥ     The Seven Chinese Brothers by Margaret Mahy

                                                                                                                                        ཥཥ     If You Take A Mouse to School by Laura Joffe Numeroff

                                    Understanding   shapes:
                                            Understanding   recognizing
                                                          number order  shape names
                                        More worksheets at: education.com/worksheets                            9 Inc.
                                                                                                © Learning Horizons
July 2020

                                                     J U N E 2020
                                                                                                                                                                S    M    T    W    T    F    S
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                                                                                                                                                                26   27   28   29   30   31

Sun                        Mon                      Tue                        Wed                       Thu                      Fri                          Sat
31                           1                        2                          3                         4                         5                               6
                                                                                                                                                                Draw something that is
                                                                                                                                                                orange with your child.

 7                           8                        9                        10                        11                        12                           13
Play “I Spy” with your                              Learn a new song with                                                                                       Ask your child to point
child.                                              your child.                                                                                                 out all the square
                                                                                                                                                                shapes in the living

14                         15                       16                         17                        18                        19                           20
                                                                               Make your own bean
                                                                               bags with beans and
                                                                               old socks and then play

21                         22                       23                         24                        25                        26                           27
                                                    Visit the PBS website at                             Draw a summer picture.   With your child pretend
                                                    pbskids.org.                                                                  you are lions, logs, and
                                                                                                                                  falling leaves.
Father’s Day

28                         29                       30                           1                         2                         3                               4
                                                                                                                                  Independence Day' observed   Independence Day
Look up the lyrics to      Put on music and dance   Play “Follow the
your child's favorite      and clap to the beat.    Leader” outside.
song then sing together.
Read with your child every day
                      Hold your child and read to them everyday.

                                                Create a special reading space for your child.
Calendar Activity Time!                           ϘϘ   Keep your child's book in one place that is easy to reach such as on
                                                       a low shelf, in a bag or a box.
Use the board to play Letter Bingo. When the      ϘϘ   Put a small rug or pillow in the special place.
grown-up says a letter, cover it with a piece
                                                  ϘϘ   Talk with your child about how to take care of books.
of paper.

                                                Give your child different types of books to read.
                                                  ϘϘ   Get a library card for you and your child.
                                                  ϘϘ   Visit the children’s section of the library together and choose books.

a b c
                                                  ϘϘ   Look for books: from friends and relatives, at garage sales, etc.

                                                Make time each day to read with your child.
                                                  ϘϘ   Read in a quiet place.
                                                  ϘϘ   Hold your child close to you when you read.

d e f
                                                  ϘϘ   Read your child’s favorite books over and over.              21
                                                  ϘϘ   Animate a story with different voices or sound effects.

g h i
                                                 Books to look for at the library:
                                                 ཥཥ     Alphabet Adventure by Audrey Wood

                                                 ཥཥ     Sign Language ABC by Lora Heller

                                                 ཥཥ     The Sneetches by Dr. Seuss

                                                 ཥཥ     Mice Squeak, We Speak by Arnold L. Shapiro

                                                 ཥཥ     Good Night, Sleep Tight by Ivan Jones and Mal Jones

                                                 ཥཥ     La Piñata, The Piñata by Rita Rosa Ruesa
August 2020

                                                    J U LY 2020
                                                                                                                                               S    M    T    W    T    F    S
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                                                                                                                                               30   31

Sun                     Mon                       Tue                        Wed                  Thu                       Fri                Sat
28                      29                        30                          1                     2                         3                     4

                                                                                                                            Independence Day
                                                                                                                            (observed)         Independence Day

 5                        6                         7                         8                     9                       10                 11
Help your child write                             Have your child identify                                                                     Find things that begin
their name.                                       the letters found on                                                                         with the letter ‘s’
                                                  cereal boxes, cans, and
                                                  other food items.

12                      13                        14                         15                   16                        17                 18
                                                                             Play with letter                                                  Have your child look
                                                                             magnets or blocks.                                                for the letter “b” this
                                                                                                                                               weekend. Give them a
                                                                                                                                               high-five if they find 3.

19                      20                        21                         22                   23                        24                 25
Sing the alphabet.                                Find the letter “j”                             Have your child write
                                                  in newspapers and                               their name and identify
                                                  magazines.                                      each letter.

26                      27                        28                         29                   30                        31                      1
                        Ask your child to point
                        out the first letter of
                        their name while you
                        are driving around.
Make “Going to School” Plans with Your Child
      Being ready for kindergarten, both academically and socially, is one of the
            most important factors in a child’s future academic success.

                                                       Get ready for school.
                                                       ϘϘ   Begin to gather school supplies for your child.
   Calendar Activity Time!                             ϘϘ   Play school with your child. Take turns being the teacher.
   Create a picture chart of your morning routine to   ϘϘ   Pretend your car is the school bus. Practice getting on and off and sitting
   get ready for school.                                    facing forward.
                                                       ϘϘ   Eat a meal from a lunch box or bag.
                                                       ϘϘ   Have your child put on and take off a coat.
                                                       ϘϘ   Sing songs and draw pictures.
                                                       ϘϘ   Decide how you will say goodbye to each other on the first day of school.
                                                       ϘϘ   Visit the school and tour the cafeteria, classroom and playground.

                                                       Establish a routine.
                                                       ϘϘ   Determine a regular bedtime for your child.
                                                       ϘϘ   Put backpacks and school supplies in the same place every day.
                                                       ϘϘ   Talk about and choose an outfit the night before school begins.
                                                       ϘϘ   Ask your child to tell you one thing they're looking forward to on the way
                                                            to school or the bus stop.
                                                       ϘϘ   Ask your child how their day went after each school day.

                                                            Books to look for at the library:
                                                            ཥཥ   Sophie’s Squash Go to School by Pat Zietlow Miller & Anne Wilsdorf

                                                            ཥཥ   ABC School’s for Me! by Susan B. Katz

                                                            ཥཥ   Adventure Annie Goes to Kindergarten by Toni Buzzeo

                                                            ཥཥ   Captain Freddy Counts Down to School by Susan B. Katz

                                                            ཥཥ   This School Year will be the Best! by Kay Winters

                                                            ཥཥ   Monsters Love School by Mike Austin
September 2020

                                                AUGUST 2020
                                                                                                                                              S   M     T    W    T    F    S
                                                                                                                                                         1    2    3    4    5
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                                                                                                                                             20   21    22   23   24   25   26
                                                                                                                                             27   28    29   30

Sun                         Mon                         Tue   Wed                    Thu                          Fri                        Sat
26                          27                          28    29                     30                           31                              1
                                                                                                                                             Tell your child a story
                                                                                                                                             about a fun time you
                                                                                                                                             had in school.

 2                            3                          4     5                       6                            7                             8
                            Tell your child about                                    Pretend it’s the first day
                            a bad day you had at                                     of school and practice
                            school and how it got                                    saying “good-bye” to
                            better.                                                  each other.

 9                          10                          11    12                     13                           14                         15

16                          17                          18    19                     20                           21                         22
Show your child your                                                                                                                         Talk about ways to
yearbook or pictures                                                                                                                         make new friends.
of you with friends you
met at school.

23                          24                          25    26                     27                           28                         29
                            Make a list of what your          Visit your child's                                  Pretend it’s the first
                            child will need on their          school and enjoy the                                day of classes with your
                            first day of school.              playground together.                                child and you are the

30                          31                           1     2                       3                            4                             5
Find a parenting class at   Have your child pick out
parentinghub.org.           their first day of school

Cascade                          Oakdale Heights Elementary        North Marion                                        Evergreen Elementary School
                                 1375 SW Maple Street                                                                  3727 Cascade Highway NE
Aumsville Elementary             Dallas, OR 97338                  North Marion Primary School                         Silverton, OR 97381
572 North 11th St.               Phone: (503) 623-8316             20256 Grim Road NE                                  Phone: (503) 873-4845
Aumsville, OR 97325                                                Aurora, OR 97002
Phone: (503) 749-8040            Whitworth Elementary              Phone: (503) 678-8500                               Silver Crest Elementary School
                                 1151 SE Miller Ave.                                                                   365 Loar Road SE
Cloverdale Elementary            Dallas, OR 97338
9666 Parrish Gap Road SE                                           North Santiam                                       Silverton, OR 97381
                                 Phone: (503) 623-8351                                                                 Phone: (503) 873-4428
Turner, OR 97392                                                   Mari-Linn School
Phone: (503) 749-8050                                              641 Main Street                                     Scotts Mills Elementary School
                                 Falls City                        Lyons, OR 97358                                     805 First Street
Turner Elementary                Falls City School District        Phone: (503) 859-2154                               Scotts Mills, OR 97381
7800 School Avenue               111 N. Main St.                                                                       Phone: (503) 873-4394
Turner, OR 97392                 Falls City, OR 97344              Stayton Elementary School
Phone: (503) 749-8060            Phone: (503) 787-3521             875 Third Ave
                                                                   Stayton, OR 97383                                   St. Paul
                                 Falls City Elementary School      Phone: (503) 769-2336
Central                                                                                                                St. Paul Elementary School
                                 177 Prospect St.                                                                      20449 Main St. NE
Central School District          Falls City, OR 97344              Sublimity School                                    St. Paul, OR 97137
750 S. 5th St                    Phone: (503) 787-3521 x201        431 East Main St.                                   Phone: (503) 633-2691
Independence, OR 97351                                             Sublimity, OR 97383
Phone: (503) 838-0030                                              Phone: (503) 769-2459
                                 Gervais                                                                               Woodburn
Ash Creek Elementary School      Gervais Elementary School
1360 N. 16th St                                                    Perrydale                                           Heritage Elementary School
                                 150 Douglas Avenue                                                                    440 Parr Road
Monmouth, OR 97361                                                 Falls City School District
                                 Gervais, OR 97026                                                                     Woodburn, OR 97071
Phone: (503) 606-9016                                              7445 Perrydale Rd
                                 Phone: (503) 792-3803                                                                 Phone: (503) 981-2600
                                                                   Amity, OR 97101
Independence Elementary School                                     Phone: (503) 835-3184                               Lincoln Elementary School
150 S. 4th St                    Jefferson                                                                             1041 N Boones Ferry Road
Independence, OR 97351
Phone: (503) 838-1322            Jefferson Elementary              Salem-Keizer                                        Woodburn, OR 97071
                                 615 North 2nd Street                                                                  Phone: (503) 981-2825
                                 Jefferson, OR 97352               Salem-Keizer Public Schools
Monmouth Elementary School                                         2450 Lancaster Dr NE
                                 Phone: (541) 327-3337, Option 4                                                       Nellie Muir Elementary School
958 East Church St.                                                Salem, OR 97305                                     1800 W. Hayes Street
Monmouth, OR 97361                                                 Phone: (503) 399-3000                               Woodburn, OR 97071
Phone: (503) 838-1433            Mt. Angel                         Visit website or call for a full list of schools.   Phone: (503) 982-4300
                                 St. Mary’s Public Elementary
Dallas                           590 E. College St.                Silver Falls
                                                                                                                       Washington Elementary School
                                 Mt. Angel, OR 97362                                                                   777 E. Lincoln Street
Lyle Elementary                                                    Butte Creek Elementary School                       Woodburn, OR 97071
185 SW Levens Street             Phone: (503) 845-2547
                                                                   37569 South Highway 213                             Phone: (971) 983-3050
Dallas, OR 97338
                                                                   Mt. Angel, OR 97362
Phone: (503) 623-8367
                                                                   Phone: (503) 829-6803

                                                          Marion & Polk Early                              Text4baby
                                                          Learning Hub                                     On this website you can sign up for free texts to
                                                          This website has local resources, such as        keep you and your young baby healthy.
                                                          events, parenting classes, parenting tips,       website: www.text4baby.org
                                                          and much more.
                                                          website: www.parentinghub.org
                                                                                                           United Way’s Born Learning
                                                          Mid-Valley Parenting                             Born learning is a national public engagement
                                                          Find parenting classes, events, and              campaign to develop strategies and build public
                                                          resources for families in Polk and Yamhill       support for early childhood education and also
                                                          County.                                          educating parents, grandparents and caregivers
                                                                                                           to turn everyday moments into fun learning
                                                          website: www.midvalleyparenting.org
                                                                                                           website: www.bornlearning.org
                                                          Brain Building
                                                          Log on to this site to learn about how to
                                                          build childrens’ brains. You can download        Vroom
                                                          fact sheets, fun activity ideas and a book for   Vroom focuses on providing parents with
                                                          children.                                        resources to develop their children’s brains during
                                                          website: www.brainbuildinginprogress.org         the first 5 years of development. Vroom turns
                                                                                                           shared moments into brain building moments.
                                                                                                           Download the free app to receive fun brain building
                                                          Ready at Five                                    activities to your phone every day.
                                                          This program helps ensure that all children      website: www.vroom.org
                                                          will be ready to succeed in school. Check out
                                                          this website for printable school readiness
                                                          activity cards and a summer activity packet.     Sesame Street
                                                          website: www.readyatfive.org                     Log on for fun games, videos and activities.
                                                                                                           website: www.sesamestreet.org/home

Zero to Three                                             Nellie Edge
This organization works to make sure all young            This website has free resources, like family     Mid-Valley Resources
children have a strong start in life. Sign up for their   learning calendars, printable books and          This site provides families with more than medical
parenting newsletter, read about how to address           music.                                           health tips and resources; it connects you with
children’s challenging behaviors and other best           website: www.nellieedge.com                      resources fir basic needs like food, housing and
practice parenting tips.                                                                                   economic.
website: www.zerotothree.org                                                                               website: www.midvalleyresources.org
Over 1,000 free
Give your child a great start in life today—and an even
better future. Vroom tips add learning to mealtime,
bathtime, bedtime, or anytime!

PREPARE A                        COLOR                           WATER, WATER                  HEADS OR
PATTERN                          COUNTDOWN                       EVERYWHERE                    TAILS
3 - 4 years                      3 - 4 years                     4 - 5 years                   4 - 5 years

Do you have a muffin tin or      Challenge your child to find    While doing the dishes,       Talk to your child about two
an empty egg carton? Look        as many things that are blue    see how many other            jobs that need to be done
for things that can fit inside   as she can in a specific time   containers, besides your      and then flip a coin deciding
each hole, like pen caps.        (three minutes) or place,       sink, you and your child      which one will be done first.
Make a pattern, like one         like in the grocery store or    can name that hold water.     For example, putting the
red cap in a hole, then two      a room in your house. Have      Take turns calling one out,   napkins on the table will be
blue caps in another, then       her count how many she          starting with something       “heads,” and putting forks
another red cap. Then give       finds. You can switch this      like a cup, the bathtub, or   on the table will be “tails.”
the caps to your child. Can      up by looking for letters or    the toilet.                   Let him flip the coin and call
she match the pattern?           objects.                                                      “heads or tails!”

Download the Daily Vroom App today for Brain Building activities every day!
Please visit JOINVROOM.COM for more information.

                                                                                                                                                Many of our youngest students miss 10 percent of the school year—about 18 days a year or just two days every month.
                                                                                                                                                Chronic absenteeism in kindergarten, and even preK, can predict lower test scores, poor attendance and retention in later
                                                                                                                                                grades, especially if the problem persists for more than a year. Do you know how many young children are chronically
                                                                                                                                                absent in your school or community?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           What families can do
Kindergarten and 1st grade classes often have absenteeism rates as                                                                              If children don’t show up for school regularly, they miss out on
high as those in high school. Many of these absences are excused, but                                                                           fundamental reading and math skills and the chance to build a habit of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Find out what day school starts and make sure
they still add up to lost time in the classroom.                                                                                                good attendance that will carry them into college and careers.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            your child has the required shots.

                                                                                                                                                Preliminary data from a California study found that children who were
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Build regular routines for bed time and the
                                                                                                                                                chronically absent in kindergarten and 1st grade were far less likely to
in kindergarten and 1st grade are chronically absent.                                                                                                                                                                                                                       morning.
                                                                                                                                                read proficiently at the end of 3rd grade.
In some schools, it’s as high as 1 in 4.1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Talk about the importance of regular
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            attendance and about how your child feels
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            about school.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Don’t permit missing school unless your child is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            truly sick. Use a thermometer to check for a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            fever. Remember that stomach aches and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            headaches may be signs of anxiety.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Avoid medical appointments and extended
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            trips when school is in session.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Keep a chart recording your child’s attendance
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            at home. At the end of the week, talk with your
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            child about what you see.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Develop back up plans for getting to school if
miss too much                                are chronically                          miss too much                                                                                                                                                                         something comes up. Ask a family member,
school. They’re also                         absent.2                                 school when                                                                                                                                                                           neighbor or another parent for help
more likely to suffer                                                                 families move.2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             S CHO OL BUS   Seek support from school staff or community
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            groups to help with transportation, health
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            problems, or no safe path to school.

    Chang, Hedy; Romero, Mariajose, Present, Engaged and Accounted For: The Critical Importance of Addressing Chronic Absence in the Early Grades, National Center for Children in Poverty: NY: NY, September 2008.
    Chronic Absence in Utah, Utah Education Policy Center at the University of Utah, 2012.                                                                                                                                         COPYRIGHT © 2015 ATTENDANCE WORKS | DESIGNED BY THE HATCHER GROUP
    Attendance in Early Elementary Grades: Association with Student Characteristics, School Readiness and Third Grade Outcomes, Applied Survey Research. May 2011.

Don’t Miss the Bus
Birth to age 5 is the time   FREE Parent Workshops
to get your child...         FREE Materials & Toys
                             FREE Childcare & Food
                              Check out events calendar on
                                 our website for dates!

                                   FREE PARENTING CLASSES

        Every parent runs into challenges along the way. That's why every parent can benefit from
        learning about strategies that are recommended for babies, preschoolers, and elementary
        aged children. It needs to adjust easily to your growing child's increasing capabilities.
        Although all children are unique they often go through similar developmental strategies and
        present similar challenges.

        Joining a parenting class gives you time and space to talk with other parents and
        caregivers and to reflect your parenting style.

           PARENTING                       FAMILY
            SUPPORT                       MEAL TIME

        We’d love for you to join us. These are some of the classes that are offered in our community:

          The first evidence-        Empowering families          Addresses self-             Parents will explore        Programs for parents,
          based comprehensive        with knowledge and           care, stress and            seven essential life        children and teachers
          training program           skills to parent in          anger management,           skills that can help both   that prevent and
          developed by and for       nurturing ways.              understanding               children and adults         treat young children’s
          Latino parents with                                     child development,          thrive now and in the       behavior problems
          children ages 0-5.                                      communication skills,       future.                     and promote their
                                                                  positive discipline.                                    social, emotional and
                                                                                                                          academic competence.

             To learn more contact Veronica Mendoza at vochoa@earlylearninghub.org | call (503) 967-1183 | visit Parentinghub.org
This calendar produced as a partnership of

ParentingHub.org                                                      SalemClinic.org

                                  Calendar activities provided by
 Salem-Keizer Public Schools and Child Care Resource & Referral of Marion, Polk & Yamhill Counties
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