Tuamgraney Community Development Plan 2019 -2022 - Prepared on behalf of the Community by the Voluntary Community Planning Group February 2019

Tuamgraney Community Development Plan 2019 -2022 - Prepared on behalf of the Community by the Voluntary Community Planning Group February 2019
Tuamgraney Community Development
2019 -2022
Prepared on behalf of the Community by the Voluntary Community Planning Group

                                                                       February 2019
Tuamgraney Community Development Plan 2019 -2022 - Prepared on behalf of the Community by the Voluntary Community Planning Group February 2019
Introduction ..............................................................................................2
Tuamgraney ...............................................................................................2
  Community Profile ....................................................................................3
Tuamgraney Community Development Planning Process ..........................................8
Survey Results & Prioritised Actions ...................................................................9
Next Steps ...............................................................................................10
Appendix 1 – The Survey............................................................................... 11
Appendix 2 – Survey Responses .......................................................................12

Tuamgraney Community Development Plan 2019 -2022 - Prepared on behalf of the Community by the Voluntary Community Planning Group February 2019
This document is the result of a year-long process enabled by Clare Local Development
Company. The process leading to this plan was led by a group of local volunteers who
worked closely with a facilitator whose role was to guide and inform the planning process.
The actions proposed in this plan have been informed by the needs, interests and concerns
of those living in the area.
Members of the planning group invested a great deal of personal commitment in attending
meetings, taking on tasks, and reflecting on the needs brought forward by their
community. The planning group was made up of members from following groups:

   •   Tuamgraney Development                        •   Tuamgraney Handball Club
       Association                                   •   Bodyke/Tuamgraney GAA Club
   •   Bodyke/Tuamgraney Pastoral                    •   Bodyke/Tuamgraney Camogie Club
       Council                                       •   Raheen Hospital Support Group
   •   Tuamgraney Community Weekend                  •   St. Cronan’s Church Committee
   •   Tuamgraney NS Parents Council                 •   Blossom Harp Festival

The impact of volunteers across the broad spectrum of activities to be found in the
community is enormous, and a great deal of gratitude is owed to them. Sincere
appreciation is due to those who committed to this planning process.

Tuamgraney is a village in east County Clare. It is a rural community with all the aspects
of a traditional rural village, while located in very close proximity to the market town of
Scariff. Scariff/Tuamgraney are identified as a Service Town in the Clare County
Development Plan 2017-2023. Ennis, Clare’s County Town, is 34km from Tuamgraney, a
drive of just over half an hour.
Tuamgraney is an attractive village with much to offer to residents and visitors. For
visitors, there is the historic St. Cronan’s Church, many outdoor activities ranging from
walks, horse riding and angling. There are also several businesses providing visitor
experiences and products. The potential for expanding visitor numbers has been fully
investigated in a recent Community, Tourism and Cultural Development Study.
The community is clear on the best things about living in Tuamgraney as evidenced by
residents’ views gathered from the community survey that forms the basis of this plan.
Best things about life in Tuamgraney:
   •   Community spirit
   •   Cleanliness/upkeep
   •   Small businesses
   •   Peaceful/rural/safe
   •   Woods/Quay/Lake
   •   History/Culture/Heritage
   •   The Green
   •   Location - towns/airport

The task of this process was to allow residents to acknowledge the strengths of the
community and to identify aspects which could be improved upon.

Community Profile
Tuamgraney is situated in the Electoral Divisions of Scariff and Caherhurley.

                                                                                        Collating census
                                                                                        data for
Tuamgraney is complicated by the                                                        fact that the
community resides in at least two                Caherhurley ED                         Electoral Divisions.
The data that follows has been gathered from the three Small Areas1 most closely covering
the Tuamgraney community. These Small Area ID numbers are 37017001 (1), 37142001 (2)
and 37142002 (3).


                          Total Population 2016

195                                                                   175



                     1                       2                         3

         •   Total population of the three Small Areas is 631.

1 Small Areas are areas of population generally comprising between 80 and 120 dwellings created by The
National Institute of Regional and Spatial Analysis (NIRSA) on behalf of the Ordnance Survey Ireland (OSi) in
consultation with CSO. Small Areas were designed as the lowest level of geography for the compilation of
statistics in line with data protection and generally comprise either complete or part of townlands or

% Pop Change (2006-16)




                    1                        2                             3

     •     There was a very small decrease in population in each of the three Small Areas
           between 2006 and 2016.
As Small Area 2 contains the highest population of the three Small Areas, it has been taken
as the sample area for several population statistics.

           Population aged 0 - 19 by sex and year of age - Small Area 2
                                     in 2016




            0   1   2    3   4   5   6   7       8      9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19

                                                 Male        Female

     •     Useful information for childcare and schools.

         Population aged 20+ by sex and age group - Small Area 2 in 2016




         20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 80-84                    85+

                                                 Male        Female

     •     The population of 20-35 year olds is lower than 35-60 year olds suggesting out

Usually resident population by place of birth and
                  nationality - Small Area 2 in 2016




          Ireland            Poland                        Other EU 28              Not stated

                             Birthplace                   Nationality

      •    Most of the population in Tuamgraney were born in Ireland and are Irish nationals.

                                      Private households by type -
                                          Small Area 2 in 2016
   Two or more non-related persons                2
Non-family households and relations                   4
           Two or more family units           1
         Mother children and others           1
         Father children and others           1
         Couple children and others           1
                  Couple and others           1
                Mother and children                                          16
                Father and children       0
     Cohabiting couple and children               2
        Married couple and children                                                          27
                  Cohabiting couple               2
                     Married couple                                           17
                        One person                                                      23
                                      0                    8            15         23             30

      •    Married couple with children households are the most numerous
      •    The second most common household type is ‘one person’ households
      •    In 2016 there were 16 households where mothers were parenting alone

Permanent Dwellings - Small Area 2 in 2016
100               95



 25                                                                                19
               Occupied                          Unoccupied holiday homes

      •     In 2016, 19 dwellings were vacant in Small Area 2. This is 15% of permanent
            dwellings in this Small Area.

                                                                      Population aged 15 years and
                                                                       over by principal economic
                                                                      status and sex - Small Area 2
                                                                                 in 2016
Unable to work due to permanent sickness or disability
                                Looking after home/family
          Unemployed having lost or given up previous job
                               Looking for first regular job
                                                       At work
                                                                  0           15        30   45        60

                                                            Female       Male

      •     A significant amount of the population in Small Area 2 is retired.

                                              Persons at work by industry and sex -
                                                      Small Area 2 in 2016
              Professional services
             Public administration
Transport and communications
              Commerce and trade
          Manufacturing industries
          Building and construction
Agriculture forestry and fishing
                                      0                 8                15             23        30

                                              Female          Male

Educational attainment 2016 in each Small Area
40                                                    36.94

20                                                                              17

                    1                             2                                  3

              Prop. primary education only (%)            Prop. third level education (%)

Disability & Carers

 Persons with a disability by
 sex in Small Area 2 in 2016

 Disability                             Male          Female       Total
 Total                                           12           20           32

 Carers by sex

 Carers                                 Male          Female       Total
 Total                                            6            7           13

Tuamgraney Community Development Planning Process
Following an initial expression of interest by Tuamgraney Development Association to Clare
Local Development Company, a four-phase process was undertaken to inform this plan:
   1) An Orientation Phase: This phase involved the establishment of the planning group
      to lead and project-manage the planning process in Tuamgraney. Orientation was
      provided on how to conduct an evidence-informed planning process while materials
      and information were also provided to the planning group to support the process.

   2) An Information Gathering Phase: The planning group implemented a broad-based
      consultation process during Phase 2. A survey was developed (see Appendix 1) to
      enable residents to identify strengths, needs, interests and concerns from their
      experiences of living in Tuamgraney, and to identify priority projects that they’d
      like addressed in the emerging community plan. A total of 100 individuals from
      across the life cycle responded to the survey as outlined below:
                                   Age of Respondents
           50      46


                                              15       16
           13                        10
                            1                                            1
                Under 18 18-35     36-45    46-55    56-65   66 - 75    76+

The high number of respondents under the age of 18 reflects the kind support of the
National School in encouraging pupils to respond.
The low number of respondents in the 18-35 is, in part, explained by the low population
numbers in this cohort.
The gender breakdown of respondents was 62% female and 38% male

   3) Analysis of Information and Action Planning Phase: Phase 3 required the planning
      group to examine the information gathered through the community consultation,
      identify priority needs and select priority actions based on both need and the
      ability of the community to implement the actions.

   4) Writing Phase: Phase 4 involved the preparation, agreement and finalisation of
      this document as the core output of the planning process.

Survey Results & Prioritised Actions
There were a very large number of suggestions in the returned surveys. The full list can
be found in appendix 2, the actions prioritised for this plan are as follows:

     Prioritised Action                Lead Group             Location         Timefram
     Children’s play equipment         TDA & Parents’         The Park         2 years
 1                                     Council                (subject to

     Form a representative group to All the main              Explore all      1 year
 2   explore Community Centre       community groups.         options within
     options                                                  village
     Implement other main              TDA and other          Various          After
     recommendations of                partners                                community
     Tuamgraney Community,                                                     centre
     Tourism and Cultural Study                                                plan
     (May 2018) - Handball Museum
     and Develop Castle.
     Form (sub)group to develop off TDA & partners, e.g.      1. Complete      1 year to
     road walk/cycle route(s)       CLDC / Clare Co.             the link to   form
                                    Co. / Waterways              Ogonnelloe    groups
 4                                  Ireland / Scariff         2. Lough Derg
                                    Community Council /          Route
                                    Ogonnelloe group

     Welcome & information pack        TDA form sub-group     N/A              1 year
 5   for new residents
     Information sharing on local      TDA for                N/A              1 year to
 6   activities/events for residents   representative group                    form group
     and visitors

     Evening classes                   TDA – circulate        Explore all      1 year
                                       poster on how to       venue options
                                       organise classes/      within village
 7                                     clubs and
                                       encourage people to
                                       start classes

Lobbying for:                    TDA                       Various        1 – 5 years
        • Upgrade of quays
        • Traffic plan
        • CCTV
        • 60km speed limit at
            Steiner school
 8      • New housing
        • Improved road
        • Electric car charger
        • Uber type transport

Next Steps
This plan reflects the needs, interests and concerns of the community as identified by its
residents in 2018. Lead groups have been assigned to each prioritised action and a
timeline given for completion; the steps required to implement each action will be
determined by its lead group.
Several of the actions and issues identified through the survey were already being
addressed by local groups, while others were outside the current scope or capacity of
local groups. A number of new ideas and initiatives have been suggested which would be
supported, but for these to be enacted it will require additional volunteers and resources.
If you think you could help to get new initiatives going, we would be delighted to hear
from you.
The full list of survey responses is contained in appendix 2.
The planning group is extremely grateful to everyone in the community who assisted in
this process, especially those who completed the survey.

Appendix 1 – The Survey
                                  Have your say!
  We need your help to plan the future of Tuamgraney.
A Tuamgraney Planning Group has been formed by volunteers from several groups active in
the community (including Active Ageing, Blossom Harp Festival, Community Weekend,
GAA, ICA, Pastoral Council, Raheen Hospital Support, TDA, Tuamgraney N.S. Parents
Council and Youth Club). Following a successful application for assistance we are being
supported by Clare Local Development Company to create a Community Development
Plan for Tuamgraney. We are one of the first 10 communities in County Clare who have
been selected for this. The plan will identify the needs of the community for the years
ahead. This is a completely new process and separate from the recently published
Tourism, Community & Cultural Development Study for Tuamgraney. The two documents
together will be invaluable for considering our future development needs.
We would like to find out what people think about Tuamgraney – what you like about it
and what you would like to see improved. We are asking everyone in the locality to think
about the questions below, talk about them with family, friends and neighbours, and then
give us your thoughts. All ideas, big or small, are welcome. We are trying to get this
survey to as many people as possible by having it delivered to each household. Each
person in your household is likely to have different views, so if you need additional copies
of the survey they are available at the Nilands 24/7, St Joseph’s Church and the Parish
House, Tuamgraney or you can complete the online version here http://bit.do/
TuamgraneyOnlineSurvey Please encourage everyone you know to complete it. We want
to hear from younger people, older people and everyone in between! If you know
someone who might find it difficult to complete the survey, please offer to help them.
Everybody's opinion is valued, and by completing the survey your views will be considered
with those of your family, friends and neighbours when we compile the Tuamgraney
Community Development Plan.
The deadline for completing and returning your survey is Saturday 14th July 2018.
You can return your completed survey to Niland’s 24/7 or St Joseph’s Church or the
Parish House, Tuamgraney, or you can complete the online version. All responses are
confidential and once reviewed we will provide a summary of the results before finalising
the Development Plan.

I am: Male      Female

I am aged: under 18      / 18 – 35     / 36 – 45    / 46 – 55    / 56 – 65     / 66 – 75
   / 76+
   •   What are the best things about life in Tuamgraney?
   •   What would improve the quality of life in Tuamgraney?
   •   Please list actions you would prioritise to improve life in this community.

Appendix 2 – Survey Responses
What would improve life in Tuamgraney?

                                            Total        Comm.    NS
Children's play area/playground                     25       15        10
Community centre/space/hall                         18       18         0
Indoor swimming pool                                13        1        12
Cycle/walk paths - woodland/link quays               9        9         0
Cycle lane (Scariff)                                 8        2         6
Litter bins                                          8        6         2
Reduce vehicle speed                                 8        8         0
Youth facilities/activities                          8        8         0
Use water more - kayaking/fishing/
watersports                                          8        6         2
Sports facilities - soccer/running/boxing            7        5         2
Housing for young families                           6        5         1
Social events / classes                              6        6         0
St. Cronan's for events/parties/cinema               6        3         3
Parking spaces - church/school/events                5        5         0
More shops - clothes/farmers' mkt                    5        3         2
Jobs/jobs training                                   5        5         0
Street lights - approach roads/to GAA/
park                                                 5        5         0
Litter reduction campaign                            5        0         5
Upgrade Memorial Park                                4        3         1
Upgrade Reddan's Quay - slip/toilets/
water                                                4        4         0
BBQ/picnic area                                      4        2         2
Tourist facilities/accomm.                           4        3         1

These are things that people suggested and that are already happening:
   •   Use St. Cronan’s for events
   •   Clarify boundary between Tuamgraney and Scariff – signage happening
   •   General upkeep – paint, landscaping – Tidy Towns – could use more volunteers
   •   Implement new Tourism Plan

•   Restore St. Cronan’s – in Tourism Plan and started
   •   Tourist information boards
   •   Talk with vacant property owners - TDA
   •   Upgrade park - TDA
   •   Supports for elderly – have been offered, no take-up so far
   •   2 public meetings a year – 11 TDA meetings a year open to residents
   •   History / culture projects – talks at community weekends
   •   Better signage on one-way system - TDA
   •   Christmas / Easter display in park - TDA
   •   Keep Tuamgraney authentic, no big developments - TDA
   •   Improve signage to local places - TDA
   •   Canoe/kayak facilities – in Scariff Harbour
   •   Improve entrance to Dock Road - underway
   •   Welcome signs at entrance to village - TDA
   •   Pedestrian crossing at NS - TDA
   •   Astroturf at GAA – GAA planning to do this
   •   Gym – GAA gym in place
   •   Involve public representatives – strong engagement already
   •   Renovate derelict buildings – engaged with Co. Co. / owners
   •   Café – in new Art & Craft Coop and in Tourism Plan

These are things that people suggested, but we need groups or new volunteers to take
on/ explore:
   •   Cigarette buts/chewing gum – school (at secondary school)
   •   Cemetery needs attention – St. Coolan’s committee
   •   Basketball court - school
   •   Evening classes – happening in the school – need more?
   •   Writers’ Festival
   •   Mindful/kindness projects
   •   Better/more recycling – already happening
   •   More social events – no suitable community space at the moment
   •   Environmental sustainability projects
   •   Expand June Festival
   •   Upgrade handball facilities
   •   Kids’ Club –need volunteers
   •   Gymnastics classes

These are the suggestions that haven’t been prioritised for this plan:
   •   Swimming pool – Killaloe/too expensive & hard to maintain
   •   Cycle lane to Scariff – road not wide enough all the way
   •   Litter bins – attract household waste
   •   Sports facilities - Scariff
   •   Microenterprise space – there is space available
   •   Picnic tables/seating – have at quay and river
   •   Better/more recycling – good facilities in Scariff
   •   Reduce pesticides/weed killer/plant native species – already happening
   •   Control dogs – not aware of problem
   •   Water park – private sector venture
   •   Go Kart track – private sector venture
   •   Clothes shop – private sector
   •   Paddle boats – private sector
   •   Support Made in Clare shop – already happening
   •   More places to eat and stay – private sector
   •   Local guide scheme – going to start with info boards
   •   Outdoor gym equipment – in Scariff

•   Re-energise Farmers’ Market - Scariff
•   Reduce car boot fee – private enterprise
•   Footpath to Bodyke – prioritising L. Derg path
•   Open gym to over 14s – not good practice – over 16 only
•   Community garden - Scariff
•   Street lighting – good provision
•   Soccer pitch - Scariff
•   Jobs/job training – we create environment for jobs. Promote services; CLDC, ETB,
•   Pedestrian crossing at Nuala’s – have enough
•   Water feature in park – upgrade planned, will consider but not commit.
•   Bus shelter – not enough buses
•   Play area at NS – no space, but prioritising play equipment in village
•   PE hall NS – no space
•   P.O. – Scariff P.O. nearby. Bank – private enterprise
•   Mental health services – Scariff – provide info
•   Remove crucifix in front of beautiful Lime tree – historic feature/part of park
•   Chalk for chalk board – privately owned
•   Tennis court - Killaloe
•   Recreation park/bouncy castle – working on play equipment
•   Promote sources of microenterprise supports – supports provided by Local
    Enterprise Office and CLDC

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