Voice 5 Page - Federation of Medical Women of ...

Page created by Christopher Thompson
Voice 5 Page - Federation of Medical Women of ...

                of Women in Medicine

         5            Page
                        12                 Page
AGM update
 and see you    Congratulations
   in Ottawa      to Members!          Get involved!
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President’s Update
                            Dr. Shahin Jaffer, hosted   from Guns. One of our
                            many events in February     members, Dr. Barbara
                            in Toronto and Vancouver    Kane, was a witness to
                            to increase awareness of    the Senate Standing
                            women’s cardiac health.     Committee on National
                            Our Women, Peace and        Security and Defence.
                            Security Committee,
                            lead by Dr. Nahid Azad,     Dr. Anne Niec and I met
                            has appealed to medical     with Dr. Harriet MacMillan,
                            schools to improve          founding director of
                            abortion training for       the VEGA Project; a
                            doctors. They have          national organization
                            championed women’s          which provides education
                            reproductive rights by      and resources to health
                            writing several articles    professionals to help
This has been a busy        on our blog. They have      stop the circle of intimate
year for us. Our advocacy   also supported Canadian     partner violence and
groups are stronger than    Doctors for Protection      family violence. We
ever as we continue to
advocate, grow, explore
new horizons and partners
and redefine ourselves.

We had a successful
Second Annual HPV
Awareness Week -
a kick off on Parliament
Hill on October 1, 2018
and student events at
University of Toronto
and University of British
Columbia. Our Women’s
Cardiovascular and
Cerebrovascular Health
group, lead by
Voice 5 Page - Federation of Medical Women of ...

will be partnering with      student essay contest          been re-instated with a lot
the VEGA Project and in      on gender equity and           of help from our National
January we formed another    diversity. We received         Executive Coordinator,
advocacy committee on        amazing heartwarming           Kalin McCluskey, and
Gender Based Violence        and some heart wrenching       Dr. Brittany Dyer. We
and Family Violence.         stories from our students.     thank those of you who
We are thrilled that         In the following pages,        are serving as mentors,
Dr. MacMillan will be        you’ll hear from our winner,   for your willingness to
providing a workshop         Darby Little of University     be a part of this program
at our AGM in Ottawa         of Toronto. The essays         which is such a vital part
this September.              received were fantastic        of who we are here at
                             and prove once again that      the FMWC.
We continue to focus         as women physicians we
on promotion of gender       have the power and ability     I thank our National
equity in medicine.          to influence, educate          Student Reps for their
Dr. Bev Johnson along        and inspire – hopefully        hard work and enthusiasm.
with Dr. Gigi Osler of       to the point that sexual       Students continue to bring
the CMA held a web-          harassment in medicine is      new life and ideas into our
based panel discussion       no longer tolerated.           organization as evidenced
in February to get the                                      by two new awards
conversation going. I        We are excited that our        suggested by students:
met with the Canadian        mentorship program has         The Wellness Challenge
Federation of Medical
Students in April to speak
about gender
in medical leadership.
Our organization,
along with MWIA, CMA,
Joule, and Women in
Global Health held a side
event on Empowering
Women Physician Leaders
at the Women Deliver
Conference held in
Vancouver this past June.

Thanks to Dr. Charissa
Patricelli and Dr. Bev
Johnson we had our first
Voice 5 Page - Federation of Medical Women of ...

showing members from            including as President.       fantastic speakers, our
across the country doing        We hope to see as many        AGM this year includes
what they love most. And        of you as possible in New     a special screening of
our new Student Branch          York, and look forward to     The Gender Lady: The
Award which will recognize      bringing back inspiration     Fabulous Dr. May Cohen.
the work and initiatives of a   and lessons learned.          This screening will be
Student Branch.                                               followed by a panel
                                Our own Annual General        discussion with the Gender
As I write this message,        Meeting and Educational       Lady herself!
we are preparing for the        Assembly will be held in      I know that across
Centennial Congress of          Ottawa from September         Canada there are so
our Mother organization,        20–22, 2019 with the          many members doing
MWIA, in New York City.         theme of The Future of        remarkable things that
This Congress will bring        Women in Medicine &           we do not always have
together delegates from         Healthcare: Our Aptitude      the opportunity to hear
95 countries to hear            and Our Influence.            about. Please let us know
fabulous keynote                Under the direction of        what is happening in your
presentations and share         President-Elect, Dr. Clover   life or community; or even
experiences about               Hemans, this program is       better: write a blog or
gender-based violence,          sure to thrill and excite.    newsletter article to share.
cervical cancer, leadership,    We have details in the        We want to continue to
and even feature tours          following pages, but          be YOUR voice!
of the United Nations.          along with a line up of
A special congratulations                                     Hoping to see every one
to Dr. Vivien Brown from                                      in Ottawa in September!
Toronto who will be
inaugurated as MWIA                                           Sincerely,
North American Vice
President. And of course,
it’s a bitter sweet meeting
as Dr. Shelley Ross from
Vancouver will be retiring
as Secretary General, a
role which she has filled
for the past twelve years,                                    Dr. Kathee Andrews,
following years of service                                    MD, MCFP, NCMP
on the MWIA Executive,                                        President, FMWC
Voice 5 Page - Federation of Medical Women of ...

An invitation from your
                           at the new Ottawa Art         collaborate with women
                           Gallery! The theme for        from medicine, science
                           this year is: The Future      and social science.
                           of Women in Medicine
                           and Healthcare—               We will meet and learn
                           Our Aptitude and              with trail blazing power
                           Our Influence.                houses. Dr. May Cohen,
                                                         beloved Canadian
                           Women are a force to be       and international icon
                           reckoned with. We have        will be part of the
                           the intelligence, drive       panel discussion on
                           and aptitude to catalyze      gender, equity and
                           momentous change. This        health following the
                           year, our conference kicks    special screening of
                           off with the powerful         the documentary film,
                           message by Dr. Ivy            The Gender Lady, The
                           Bourgeault, that “Gender.     Fabulous May Cohen.
                           Always. Matters”. Our         Dr Lisa Calder and a
                           outstanding presenters will   public educator from
                           address how to implode        the Ottawa Rape Crisis
                           barriers, identify the        Centre will teach us about
                           strengths, expertise and      women’s health, safety,
Dear Colleagues,
                           collective wisdom that we     research and gender.
                           do indeed have, as we         Top research abstracts
As chair of the AGM and
Educational Assembly
planning committee, I
would like to personally
invite you to the 96th
Federation of Medical
Women of Canada’s AGM
and National Conference
in our nation’s capital,
Voice 5 Page - Federation of Medical Women of ...

from leading trainees                  will explore “Closing         So please join us in
will be presented in a                 the Gender Gap”               Ottawa where together
fast moving, competitive               through confidence            we will demonstrate that
format. Our closing plenary            and resilience training”.     the “magnitude of our
will excite and inspire with                                         aptitude is the force to
stimulating and thought-               Our Saturday Night            influence our future”.
provoking discourse from               Social will celebrate and
Drs. Angel Foster and                  recognize women leaders       Warmly,
Danielle Martin.                       of distinction, along with
                                       food, fun and dancing in
Pre-conference Workshops               the Byward Market.
will enlighten us by
Dr. Harriet MacMillian                 This year’s meeting
speaking on the                        promises scholarship,
VEGA Project (providing                inspiration, collaboration
healthcare providers                   and jubilation for            Clover Hemans,
with the tools to help                 everyone—women and            President-Elect,
victims of abuse) and                  allies—at every stage         Federation of Medical
Adele Tevlin, who                      of their career.              Women of Canada

                              “When I was a medical student at McMaster University, I was
                               introduced to the Federation of Medical Women of Canada
                                 by Dr. May Cohen.
                            I was taken aback by the warm welcome we received and
                            the support for us ‘lowly’ (as we saw ourselves) medical
                           students by the inspirational and successful women
                           present. Over the years I have had the pleasure of attending
                         wonderful educational events that helped me grow both
                        personally and professionally and to network with other like-
                    minded women in my medical community. It is a gift I felt very
strongly about passing on to the next generation of medical women. As I see the
passion and keen intelligence in these young Women, I know that the profession will
continue to be in good hands, and that the Federation will continue to grow.”
Dr. Claudia Hubbes, MD, FCFP
Proud sponsor of 5 medical students for FMWC, Family
Physician at the Rosemount FHO Assistant Professor,       Visit our website for more testimonials!
Dept of Family medicine at the University of Ottawa.
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The Future of Women in Medicine & Healthcare:
                                                               Our Aptitude and Our Influence                                         7
                                                                        Ottawa Art Gallery
                                                                      September 20 – 22, 2019

FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 | Ottawa Art Gallery
8:30 – 12:00       2018-19 Annual Board Meeting (Directors only)                                                        OAG Boardroom
12:00 – 13:00      Registration                                                                                         Sky Lounge
12:00 – 13:00      Sponsored Lunch and Learn Seminar                                                                    Alma Duncan
                   Pre-Conference Workshops - (Separate registration required)                                          Alma Duncan
13:00 – 14:30      Dr. Harriet MacMillan – Recognizing and Responding Safely to Family Violence
15:00 – 16:30      Adele Tevlin of Adele Wellness – Closing the Gender Gap through Confidence & Resilience Training
16:30 – 17:-00     Past-President’s Council                                                                             OAG Boardroom
17:00 – 18:00      Meet and Greet for Trainees [SOCIAL]                                                                 TBD
                   Cocktail Reception & Conference Welcome                                                              Alma Duncan
18:30 – 20:00      (Open to all attendees – hors d’oeuvres & drinks provided)

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 | Ottawa Art Gallery
6:30 – 7:00        Registration & Breakfast                                                                             Sky Lounge
7:00 – 8:00        Breakfast Symposium                                                                                  Alma Duncan
8:00 – 9:10        Annual General Meeting                                                                               Alma Duncan
9:10 – 9:20        Opening Remarks
                   Opening Plenary
9:20 – 10:05       Dr. Ivy Bourgeault – Gender. Always. Matters.
10:05 – 10:45      Nutrition Break – Student and Resident Posters & Visit our Sponsors                                  Sky Lounge
                   Plenary 1 – Our Aptitude                                                                             Alma Duncan
10:45 – 11:25      Dr. Lisa Calder – Future of Women in Medicine and Healthcare: Buckle Up and Put on your Shades
11:25 – 12:05      Stay Tuned!
12:05 – 13:30      Luncheon                                                                                             Alma Duncan
                   Documentary Screening “The Gender Lady” and Q&A Session with Documentarians                          Alma Duncan
13:30 – 14:30      Dr. Barbara Lent and Dr. Cheryl Levitt
14:30 – 15:15      Nutrition Break – Student & Resident Posters & Visit our Sponsors                                    Sky Lounge
15:15 – 16:30      Gender and Health Q&A Panel Feat. Dr. May Cohen                                                      Alma Duncan
                   Additional panellists to be announced soon!
18:30 –21:30       Saturday Night Social                                                                                Jackson
                   Join us for a fabulous night of recognizing women physician leaders, fun, food, and dancing in the
                   Byward Market (Separate Registration Required)

SunDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 | Ottawa Art Gallery
7:00 – 7:30        Registration                                                                                         Sky Lounge
7:30 – 8:30        Breakfast Symposium                                                                                  Alma Duncan
8:30 – 9:00        Top Student & Resident Abstract Research Presentations                                               Alma Duncan
                   Plenary 2 – Our Influence                                                                            Alma Duncan
9:00 – 9:40        Dr. Ally Crockford – Supporting those facing Sexual Violence
9:40 – 10:10       Nutrition Break – Student & Resident Posters & Visit our Sponsors                                    Sky Lounge
                   Closing Plenary – Our Influence                                                                      Alma Duncan
10:10 – 10:50      Dr. Angel Foster – Abortion, politics, and the pill that promised to change everything: The global
                   journey of mifepristone
10:50 – 11:30      Dr. Danielle Martin – The Future of Medicine: How Women Physicians Can Help Lead the Revolution
11:30 – 11:45      Closing Remarks                                                                                      Alma Duncan
12:00 – 13:15      2019-2020 Board of Directors Meeting (Directors only – lunch provided)                               OAG Boardroom

                                                         Register Today at

                         T: 1.844.215.8455           E: fmwcmain@fmwc.ca                     W: FMWC.ca
Voice 5 Page - Federation of Medical Women of ...
Federation of Medical Women of Canada



                              NETWORKING               ENGAGING TALKS

                           Join us for all this AND MORE
CELEBRATING LEADERS                                                               COMMUNITY
                               at the 2019 FMWC AGM

The FMWC’s AGM is a once a year opportunity to highlight the talents, aptitude and collaborative
  power of women allied in medicine and healthcare. Clinicians, scientists, social scientists and
  compassionate healers achieve more, together! This conference is a weekend of stimulating
educational discussions and networking among women in health care from across the country and

September 20 – 22, 2019                             REGISTER NOW AT
  Ottawa Art Gallery                               www.fmwc.ca/2019-agm/
Voice 5 Page - Federation of Medical Women of ...
WORKSHOPS 2019                                                                   1:00 - 4:30 PM
         FMWC PRE-CONFERENCE                                                                    SEPTEMBER
                                                                                                    OTTAWA20,   2019
                                                                                                              ART      9
 SESSION I –Summer
              2019       AND RESPONDING
                           2019                                                                    1:00 - 4:30 PM
 SAFELY TO FAMILY VIOLENCE                                                                                •
                      This session will discuss evidence-based                                  OTTAWA ART GALLERY
                      approaches for recognizing and
                      responding safely to three major types
                                                 will discusschild     maltreatment,
                                                                                                    $ 100.00 CAD
                                 approaches    partnerfor violence
                                                             recognizing(IPV)     andand          FMWC Student & Resident
                                 of family
                                                 safely to to
                                                                         It willtypes
                                                                                                $ 100.00 CAD
                                                                                                     Members: FREE
                                 intimate     partner     violence
                                Evidence, Guidance, Action) Education    (IPV)    and         FMWC Student & Resident
                                Resources,    exposure     to
                                                       which   IPV.   It will
                                                                       have   provide
                                                                                    been         Members: FREE
                                 an overview of VEGA (Violence,

                                                                                              REGISTER TODAY
                                developed to assist healthcare and
                                 Evidence, Guidance, Action) Education
  Dr. Harriet MacMillan social            service providers
                                 Resources,          which          in recognition
                                                                   have          been of
                                and     response  to to  family     violence.and    These
                                                                                            REGISTER     TODAY!
                                                                                               *Limited space available*
       MD, MSc, FRCPC            developed             assist   healthcare
      Dr. Harriet MacMillan     resources,
                                 social         including
                                          service  providers   national
                                                                 in           guidance,
                                                                    recognition     of
online interactive learning modules
                                 and response to family violence. Thesewell
                                             with  videos     and     games,       as
           MD, MSc, FRCPC                                                                     *Limited space available*
as a handbook, are intended      resources,for including
                                                 use by national
                                                              providers  guidance,
                                                                               from the
    online interactive
student/trainee   stagelearning modules
                          to those          with videos and games, as well
                                    in practice.
    as a handbook, are intended for use by providers from the                                         Register today:
    student/trainee stage to those in practice.                                                    Online today:
                                                                                                 Register  at fmwc.ca or
    SESSION II             &GENDER
                                    GAP TRAINING                                                    Call
                                                                                               Online at 1-844-215-8455.
                                                                                                         fmwc.ca or
      THROUGH CONFIDENCE & RESILIENCE TRAINING                                                  Call 1-844-215-8455.
                                   Adele is a leader in cultivating
                                    Adele is a leader     discussions      that lead to
                                                                   in cultivating
                                   the development of viable lead
                                    groundbreaking      discussions    that   ways to for            Federation of Medical
                                                                                                Federation   of Medical
                                    the development
                                   people       to change   of their
                                                                viable     ways forand
                                                                       behavior                        Women    of Canada
                                    people to
                                   thought        change She
                                                patterns.   their aims
                                                                    behavior    and the
                                                                           to close               Women of Canada
                                    thought patterns. She aims to close the
                                   gender gap that exists in executive
                                                                                               The The   Future  of Women   in
                                    gender gap that exists in executive
                                   positions      and revolutionize Feminine
                                    positions and revolutionize Feminine                            Future  of Women  in
              Adele   Tevlin
                Adele    Tevlin Leadership,
                                    Leadership, so    so female
                                                           femaleleadersleaders cancan              Medicine
                                                                                               Medicine         & Healthcare:
                                                                                                          & Healthcare:
             Adele Wellness
                     Wellness make the difference they are here to to
                                   make       the  difference     they     are  here
                                    make! She  She does
                                                    doessosobybybuildingbuildingtheirtheir OurOur     Aptitude
                                                                                                  Aptitude & Our&Influence
                                                                                                                   Our Influence
                              resilience, and and up-levelling
                                                   up-levelling      their
                                                                 their      leadership
    by  helping them   transform   their  relationship  with
by helping them transform their relationship with themselves. themselves.     In this
                                                                                   In thisThis is a preconference workshop
    session, Adele  will teach real   skills that enhance    resiliency
session, Adele will teach real skills that enhance resiliency and          and   self-self-   This is a preconference worksho
    efficacy so participants may reach their full potential as leaders –                      for the
                                                                                                   for FMWC’s  2019 AGM.
                                                                                                       the FMWC’s   2019 AGM.
efficacy   so participants may reach their full potential as leaders –
    both personally and professionally.
both personally and professionally.
Voice 5 Page - Federation of Medical Women of ...
              2019Meeting, Ottawa ON
2019 Annual General

The Future of Women in Medicine: Our Aptitude and Our Influence
                                                                     September 20th- 22nd, 2019


Submission Deadline: Friday, August 16, 2019 at 11:59pm EST.

FMWC seeks to be the networking and professional development home for all
Canadian women in the medical profession while being the preeminent advocate
for women’s health across Canada.

The FMWC AGM is attended by women physicians and allied health professionals in
all fields of medicine. The presentations include seminars on: leadership, networking,
work-life balance, and career transitions. This is an excellent opportunity to showcase
your work and network with specialists from across the province and country.

FMWC is now accepting abstracts for the Annual General Meeting in Ottawa, ON.
Abstract submission is open to medical students and residents who are current FMWC
members (register at: www.fmwc.ca). Submissions will NOT be considered if the
presenter is not a member of the FMWC. However, registration for the conference
can be postponed until after you have received confirmation of acceptance of the
abstract for presentation. Please note that it is acceptable for a co-author to present
the poster. We encourage poster topics related to sex and gender differences,
enriching women physician’s leadership, interprofessional collaboration in medicine
and women’s health issues.

                         We invite you to submit
                          your abstracts here.

Submissions will undergo peer                 student abstracts for a prize based on
review and selected abstracts will            the following criteria:
be invited to participate in our poster
                                                •   Clarity and depth of writing
session (Sunday, September 23rd,
9:40-10:10 AM). The author of the top           •   Ability of the abstract to
two abstracts will be awarded an                    stimulate discussion
opportunity to give a formal oral               •   Relevance to women’s health issues
presentation at the AGM, which will             •   Overall impression of the abstract
occur on Sunday, September 22nd
from 8:30-9:00 AM.                            Please note: by submitting an abstract,
                                              you are giving consent for the FMWC
The abstract limit is 250 words (not          to include your abstract in a pamphlet
including title, authors, and affiliations)   which will be available in print at
and submissions should be formatted           the AGM and will be posted on the
using the following headings:                 FMWC website.
   •   Background and Objectives
                                              Questions can be forwarded to Lauren Kan
   •   Methods
   •   Results and Discussion                 Organizers: Danusha Jebanesan -
   •   Conclusions                            National Resident Representative;
                                              Lauren Kan, Dalia Karol, Meera
The organizing committee will be              Mahendiran, Lily Park – National
selecting the top resident and medical        Student Representatives.

                                                Ask us how you can
                                                 sponsor a student.
                                                 It only costs $25 to
                                                gift a FMWC student

2019 Award Winners
Congratulations to the    This year’s Honourary         clinical, and academic
2019 Award Winners!       member is                     expertise. She is the
                          Dr. Danielle Martin.          author of Better Now:
FMWC                                                    6 Big Ideas to Improve
Honourary                 Dr. Danielle Martin is        the Health of all
                          Executive Vice-President      Canadians, released in
                          and Chief Medical             2017 and is a frequent
                          Executive of Women’s          health contributor at
This award is presented
                          College Hospital in           the CBC. Dr. Martin
annually to a person
                          Toronto and an Associate      frequently provides her
who has rendered
                          Professor at the University   expertise and formal
outstanding service
                          of Toronto. She is a          advice to lawmakers both
to one or more of
                          nationally-known leader       nationally and abroad.
medicine, women’s
                          in Canada’s health system
health, and/or women
                          given her blend of policy,    May Cohen Award
physician’s fields.

                                                        The May Cohen Award
                                                        is presented annually to
                                                        the FMWC Full Member
                                                        that best personifies the
                                                        legacy of Dr. May Cohen
                                                        and her unique ability
                                                        to transfer the FMWC
                                                        vision into living
                                                        action in support of
                                                        women physicians and
                                                        women’s health.

                                                        This award is
                                                        being presented
                                                        to Dr. Anne Niec

                                                        Dr. Anne Niec is a
                                                        Professor at McMaster
                                                        University in the

Department of Pediatrics,   Violence Committee.         or resident – wishing
and long-time member        Dr. Niec is known for her   to further her medical
of the Board of Directors   sound, calm, balanced       education or complete
at the Federation of        ideas and expertise and     temporary work in an
Medical Women of            an ability to make          under serviced, rural
Canada. At McMaster         everyone from learners      location or developing
she serves as director of   to senior doctors feel      country or present an
the Child Advocacy and      welcome and included.       original paper at a medical
Assessment Program and                                  meeting, with priority
the Gender and Health       Margaret                    given to Medical Women’s
Initiative at the Faculty                               International Association
of Health Sciences. With                                (MWIA) meetings.
the Federation, Dr. Niec
                            Memorial Fund
has served as Honourary                                 This award is
                            The Margaret Owen-Waite
Secretary, President,                                   being presented
                            Memorial Fund (MOWMF)
and currently chairs the                                to Dr. Amy Gausvik.
                            provides a $1,000.00
Membership Committee
                            scholarship to a
and co-chairs the Gender                                Dr. Amy Gausvik is a rural
                            FMWC practicing
Based Violence and Family                               family physician practicing
                            physician – full member
                                                        obstetrics in High River,
                                                        Alberta and maternal-child
                                                        health on the Eden Valley
                                                        First Nation Reserve. She
                                                        is additionally completing
                                                        her Masters in Tropical
                                                        medicine and International
                                                        Health through the
                                                        London School of Hygiene
                                                        and Tropical Medicine
                                                        to support her ongoing
                                                        international work in
                                                        Tanzania and Laos through
                                                        the University of Calgary.

Student                  student member showing       promotes physicians
Leadership Award         the most potential in the    stories through videos.
                         realm of leadership.         Lily is active in a number
The Student Leadership                                of other student activities
Award is presented       This award is being          and is being recognized
annually to recognize    presented to Ms Lily Park.   for her commitment
the FMWC medical                                      to medical student
                         Ms Lily Park is a medical    leadership.
                         student at the University
                         of Ottawa, Class of 2020.    Please join us in
                         She is an active member      congratulating Drs. Martin,
                         of the FMWC and in           Niec, Gausvik and
                         initiatives at uOttawa       Ms Park. They will be
                         including having served      honoured by their peers
                         as co-president of the       at the Annual Awards
                         uOttawa FMWC Student         Ceremony taking place on
                         Branch in 2017, co-leading   Saturday, September 21,
                         Ottawa’s How’s it Going,     2019 as part of the
                         Dr. Mom? and developed       FMWC Annual
                         the new FMWC Student         Conference, The Future
                         Branch Award. She            of Women in Medicine and
                         additionally founded         Healthcare: Our Aptitude
                         Doctors of Ottawa which      and Our Influence.

                            You are invited to come
                            celebrate our 2019 FMWC
                            award winners at the
                            Awards and Social Night on
                            Saturday, September 21, 2019
                            at the Jackson Café.
                            Tickets available now!

                                  Call for Nominations
                                  for 2019-2020
                                  FMWC Awards

Each year, the Federation of Medical Women of Canada (FMWC) is proud to
recognize and honour those individuals who have demonstrated significant
accomplishments, exemplary leadership and tireless commitment to women’s
health issues. We invite you to join us in celebrating the contributions made by
your colleagues and fellow professionals.

The deadline for all FMWC award nominations, self- nominations and applications
is December 31, 2019. Please note that nominations or self-nominations aren’t
complete until the National Office receives a copy of the nominee’s CV via email
at: fmwcmain@fmwc.ca.

Please follow the respective links to learn more about each award and be directed
to our quick online nomination/application forms. Where applicable, preference will
be given to established members.

Honorary Member
Awarded to a woman who has exemplified the spirit and mission of the FMWC by
making a significant contribution to women’s health, medicine, women physicians
and/or the FMWC. Candidates need not be a member of the FMWC or of the
medical profession.

The May Cohen Award
Named in honour of Dr. May Cohen, a former FMWC National President, this award
goes to the FMWC member who best personifies Dr. Cohen’s ability to put the FMWC
vision statement into living action.

The Enid Johnson MacLeod Award
The Enid Johnson MacLeod Award is given annually in recognition of an FMWC full
member seen to contribute the most to women’s health.

The Reproductive Health Award
The Reproductive Health Award is given annually in recognition of an FMWC member
seen to contribute the most to reproductive health.

Student Leadership Award
FMWC sponsors this annual award to recognize the FMWC medical student member
showing the most potential in the realm of leadership.

Margaret Owen-Waite Memorial Fund (MOWMF)
FMWC provides a scholarship to a practicing physician wishing to further her medical
education, complete temporary work in a rural or developing country, or present an
original paper at a medical meeting.

                                                We’re looking for
                                                Committee Chairs!
  always welcome
Interested in supporting FMWC?                    Interested in preventing and
   To find out how, please visit                   eliminating Cervical Cancer,
          us at fmwc.ca                              or in Education broadly?
                                                         Reach out today!
                                                                                                   Physician Retirement:
                                                                                                   Are You Ready?

A 2018 study found that while many                                                                 insurance (78%), but only 54% have critical-illness
                                                                                                   insurance. Before transitioning to retirement, it’s
physicians are well-prepared for                                                                   especially important to review your insurance
                                                                                                   coverage and make adjustments as needed.
retirement, a sizeable proportion
                                                                                                   Estate planning: 70% of physicians surveyed have an
struggle with financial pressures and                                                              up-to-date will, while 60% have a power of attorney.
                                                                                                   Only 30% have a trust for tax and estate planning.
feelings of financial uncertainty as                                                               There are many opportunities to optimize your estate
retirement approaches.                                                                             plan that will help you leave a larger legacy to your
                                                                                                   beneficiaries and reduce the stress and costs of
                                                                                                   settling your estate.
One of the biggest worries around retirement planning
is not having enough money — and wondering
whether you’ll be able to retire comfortably.                                                      Physician Retirement Readiness
MD Financial Management commissioned a study in                                                    When it comes to feeling ready for retirement,
2018 to find out how Canadian physicians are feeling                                               how do you compare with your peers? About a third
about retirement. The findings are based on survey                                                 of physicians say they have a concrete set of plans
responses from more than 400 full-time medical                                                     and goals for retirement. Half of those surveyed say
specialists and general practitioners, aged 40 and over.                                           they have a general notion of where they are going
                                                                                                   but no specific plans. Another 12% haven’t given it
The survey shows that physicians who have a financial                                              much thought.
plan in place before the age of 50 are more likely to
save more and worry less. In fact, there was a                                                     If you’re like two-thirds of your peers and you feel less
significant difference in savings between physicians                                               prepared for retirement than you want, here’s a quick
who had a plan in place before age 50, and those who                                               list of the top things to consider that have helped
did not. But, having a concrete financial plan goes                                                other physicians who do feel ready for retirement:
beyond having enough money to retire comfortably.                                                  1.    Make a concrete plan for retirement.
When it came to investments, insurance and estate                                                  2.    Understand where retirement ranks among your
planning, here’s what our survey showed.                                                                 financial priorities and save accordingly.
Investments: Half of pre-retirement physicians say                                                 3.    Know who will support you emotionally and
they look at their investments from time to time.                                                        practically in retirement, if you need it.
Compared to female physicians, male physicians are
more likely to follow their investments closely.                                                   4.    Know how you will spend your time in retirement.
Physicians with more than $2 million in assets are
also likely to follow their investments more closely.                                              5.    Look beyond investments, and have a plan for
A financial advisor can help you manage your                                                             emergencies, your estate, and changes to your
investments with retirement in mind.                                                                     health and/or mobility.

Insurance: Eight in 10 pre-retirement physicians say                                               You can access the complete MD Physician Retirement
they have life insurance (80%) and disability                                                      Readiness Study at md.ca

The information contained in this document is not intended to offer foreign or domestic taxation, legal, accounting or similar professional advice, nor is it intended to replace the
advice of independent tax, accounting or legal professionals. Incorporation guidance is limited to asset allocation and integrating corporate entities into financial plans and wealth
strategies. Any tax-related information is applicable to Canadian residents only and is in accordance with current Canadian tax law including judicial and administrative interpretation.
The information and strategies presented here may not be suitable for U.S. persons (citizens, residents or green card holders) or non-residents of Canada, or for situations involving
such individuals. Employees of the MD Group of Companies are not authorized to make any determination of a client’s U.S. status or tax filing obligations, whether foreign or domestic.
The MD ExO® service provides financial products and guidance to clients, delivered through the MD Group of Companies (MD Financial Management Inc., MD Management Limited,
MD Private Trust Company, MD Life Insurance Company and MD Insurance Agency Limited). For a detailed list of these companies, visit md.ca. MD Financial Management provides

financial products and services, the MD Family of Funds and investment counselling services through the MD Group of Companies.
How Canadian
    Summer      physicians are                                                                                                                                                                                           18

preparing for retirement
 5 key findings

1                                                                                       2                                                                                            3
  Most physicians are well                                                              Expected retirement                                                                           Many worry that cash flow
  prepared for retirement                                                               age varies widely among                                                                       challenges are hurting their
                                                                                        physicians                                                                                    retirement preparations
  My retirement nest egg                                                                 Expected retirement age                                                                      I worry about
                                                                                                                                                                                      unexpected expenses
 Current assets                   Required assets
                                                                                                   Women                                  62.9 years
                No                               No                                                Men                                   66.3 years
   20% $3M+                                                                                           Those currently
                                   35% $3M+                                                           age 60+                              69.2 years
       $1M–                                                                                                                                                                           I am concerned about
   29%                                                                                                Those currently                                                                 making ends meet
                                                                                                      under age 50                         62.5 years                                 month-to-month
   33% < $1M                                     $3M
                                                                                                      Before age 65                                    14%
                                    10% < $1M                                                         Never expect to retire                            4%
                                                            I have a long-term financial                                                                                                  The top things physicians
                                                            plan I’m working toward                                                                                                       say they’re looking forward

 4                                                          Physicians with a concrete
                                                            retirement plan                              96%
                                                                                                                                    5                                                     to about retiring

Thoughtful planning                                         Average                                      87%
                                                                                                                                     Most physicians                                             75%       Opportunity
                                                                                                                                                                                                           to travel
increases retirement                                                                                                                 who have a plan
confidence                                                  I feel confident in my ability                                           see retirement in                                                    Having more
                                                            to retire comfortably                                                    a positive light                                           73%       time for family
                                                                                                                                                                                                          and friends
                                                            Physicians with a concrete
                                                            retirement plan         88%
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Pursing hobbies,
                                                                                                                                                                                                           new learning or
                                                            Average                                       77%                                                                                              areas of interest

                        Contact your MD Advisor* to review your financial plan and ensure you
                                                                  have a clear path to a fulfilling retirement.
Source: Environics Research (2018) MD Physician Retirement Readiness Study | * MD Advisor refers to an MD Management Limited Financial Consultant or Investment Advisor (in
Quebec), or an MD Private Investment Counsel Portfolio Manager. The information contained in this document is not intended to offer foreign or domestic taxation, legal, accounting
or similar professional advice, nor is it intended to replace the advice of independent tax, accounting or legal professionals. Incorporation guidance is limited to asset allocation and
integrating corporate entities into financial plans and wealth strategies. Any tax-related information is applicable to Canadian residents only and is in accordance with current Canadian
tax law including judicial and administrative interpretation. The information and strategies presented here may not be suitable for U.S. persons (citizens, residents or green card holders)
or non-residents of Canada, or for situations involving such individuals. Employees of the MD Group of Companies are not authorized to make any determination of a client’s U.S. status
or tax filing obligations, whether foreign or domestic. The MD ExO® service provides financial products and guidance to clients, delivered through the MD Group of Companies (MD
Financial Management Inc., MD Management Limited, MD Private Trust Company, MD Life Insurance Company and MD Insurance Agency Limited). For a detailed list of these companies,
visit md.ca. MD Financial Management provides financial products and services, the MD Family of Funds and investment counselling services through the MD Group of Companies.
                              Gender Equity
                              and Diversity
                              Student Essay
                              Contest Winner!

Locker (Operating)            anatomy, so I studied the    surgery in general, as
Room Talk: Gender             surgical site preparing      a possible career path
Equity and the                myself to answer.            for me.
Medical Student’s             Unfortunately, those
Perspective                   questions never came.        It was months later that
                              Instead, the young doctors   I realized that this was
By Darby Little,              began to talk about the      just another example of
University of Toronto,        staff surgeons in their      how entrenched gender
MD Candidate 2021             specialty. Specifically,     inequity is in medicine
                              they were discussing who     and medical culture. I
Being a medical student       was the best-looking         witnessed “locker room
shadowing in an operating     female surgeon.              talk” within the confines of
room is always a challenge.                                a supposedly progressive
If there is a wrong place     In retrospect, I think       academic setting and
to stand, you’re probably     what is most concerning      doled out by people who
standing there. If you can    about this experience        are serving as mentors
be helpful with a task,       was that I was neither       and role models to future
it takes you ten times        surprised nor offended.      doctors. I found myself in
longer than anyone else.      This experience fit neatly   a situation that blatantly
However, a few months         into the stereotype of       indicated that women are
ago, I was shadowing          surgeons that I had          not respected in medicine,
and found the operating       already internalized. I      and especially not in
room challenging for a        stood there quietly, still   surgery. The residents and
different reason. I was       wondering if they might      fellow I was observing
the only woman in the         ask me questions related     reduced their female staff
room, observing two male      to the procedure being       surgeons to providing
residents and a male          performed, even though I     value solely through their
fellow. I was expecting to    had already begun ruling     appearances and not their
be asked questions about      out this specialty, and      training, experience, and

abilities. This experience    of what women seek in          serious consequences not
reminded me of how often I    career paths, such as          only for female students’
am assumed to be a nurse,     family-friendly schedules.     mental health and
the times I was introduced    These attitudes persist        workplace safety,
to an older male patient      later in residency training    but also her training
with a wink, and how          and as physicians.             and career choices.
often I am encouraged to      Women in medicine do
pursue “female-friendly”      not receive the same           When women were fighting
specialties like pediatrics   recognition as their male      to just attend medical
instead of surgery. The       colleagues in terms of         school, they required
frequent gender-based         leadership and salary.2,3      unbelievable resilience
microaggressions had worn     These patterns might be        as they faced outright
me down to the point that     reflecting the gendered        rejection and sexism from
I was normalizing, and        pathways female medical        medical schools. Today,
maybe even expecting,         students are encouraged        the resiliency of women
the “locker room talk”        to pursue, which tend          in medicine is about
I witnessed.                  to be lower paid and           battling the countless
                              underappreciated, as are       microaggressions that
In Canada, women have         essentially all professions    make you feel like
made up the majority of       and careers dominated          you do not belong. It
entering medical school       by women.4                     is imperative that the
classes since 1995, and                                      existence of gender-
in 2016, 58% of first-year    Perhaps most concerning        based discrimination
medical students in the       is a recent study from the     and sexual harassment,
country were female.1         United States which found      through an intersectional
Despite this, the gender      that 50% of female medical lens, is acknowledged
inequity that exists in       students experience sexual during medical school and
medicine begins in            harassment during their        that gender equity and
medical school. Female        medical school training.  5
                                                             allyship training is required
medical students are          Though we don’t currently      for all students. Male
often encouraged to           have any published or          medical students often
choose “female-friendly”      available data on sexual       feel uncomfortable talking
specialties, such as          harassment of medical          about gender equity and
family medicine and           students in Canada to          may not know how to
pediatrics, and dissuaded     compare this finding with, it recognize or respond to
from choosing surgical        is alarming that at least half harassment of their female
specialties due to their      of female medical students colleagues. It is essential to
perceived incompatibility     will be harassed during her train male medical students
with gendered beliefs         medical training. This has     in allyship to ensure that

the future generation of
male physicians can act
as advocates for their                  Medical Women of
female colleagues and set
new standards for what
is acceptable “operating
                                        Canada Foundation
room talk.”
                                        The Medical Women of Canada Foundation (MWCF)
References                              is a separate, arms-length Charity founded by the
                                        FMWC committed to the professional, social and
 1. Canadian Medical Education
   Statistics. (2017). Retrieved from   personal advancement of women physicians and to
   https://afmc.ca/publications/        the promotion of the well-being of women both in the
   canadian-medical-education-          medical profession and in society at large.

 2. Jena, A. B., Olenski, A. R., &      The Foundation administers two awards: the Maude
   Blumenthal, D. M. (2016). Sex
   Differences in Physician Salary      Abbott Scholarship Fund for medical students, and
   in US Public Medical Schools.        the Maude Abbott Research Fund for practicing
   JAMA Internal Medicine,              physicians. The Maude Abbott Scholarship Fund
   176(9), 1294. doi:10.1001/
   jamainternmed.2016.3284              provides scholarships of up to $1000 to women
                                        medical students, and under certain circumstances,
 3. Jena, A. B., Khullar, D., Ho, O.,
   Olenski, A. R., & Blumenthal,        women for post-graduate medical training. The
   D. M. (2016). Sex Differences in     Maude Abbott Research Fund provides grants to
   Academic Rank in US Medical          women physicians for medical research.
   Schools in 2014. Obstetrical
   & Gynecological Survey,
   71(2), 61-62. doi:10.1097/01.        We’re pleased to share that the recipient of this
                                        year’s Maude Abbott Scholarship Fund was Ms
 4. Levanon, A., England, P., &         Azzra Mangalji of the University of British Columbia.
   Allison, P. (2009). Occupational     This year’s Maude Abbott Research Fund grant was
   Feminization and Pay: Assessing
   Causal Dynamics Using 1950-2000      awarded to Dr. Sarah Gower of Elora, ON.
   U.S. Census Data. Social Forces,
   88(2), 865-891. doi:10.1353/
   sof.0.0264                           The Foundation is a registered charity that provides
                                        tax receipts to all donors to the Maude Abbott
 5. National Academies of Sciences,     Scholarship Fund and the Maude Abbott Research
   Engineering, and Medicine.
   (2018). Sexual harassment of         Fund. No contribution is too small in the promotion of
   women: Climate, culture, and         women in the medical profession and society at large.
   consequences in academic
   sciences, engineering, and
   medicine. Washington, DC:            To contribute today please visit fmwc.ca/donate.
   The National Academies Press.        Thank you for your donations.

  Ten    Reasons
      1. Networking – connect with other women in medicine, both                        6. Participation and support of national women’s health
                  connect   with. other women in medicine, both
                      nationally                                                6. Participation
                                                                                     initiatives likeand
                                                                                                      thesupport  of national
                                                                                                          annual Cervical     women’s
                                                                                                                          Cancer         health
                                                                                                                                 Awareness   Week.
 locally and   nationally
         “I love the FMWC . events, they are a ton of fun. Put a group of great    initiatives  like the annual
                                                                                     “Our interconnectedness      Cervical
                                                                                                             can spread    Cancerquickly
                                                                                                                        messages  Awareness     Week.
                                                                                                                                         and good things
 “I love the     together
              FMWC        in a room,
                      events,        add alaughter,
                               they are     ton of relaxation,
                                                    fun. Put asupport,
                                                               group ofthrow in an
                                                                          great             happen.
                                                                                           “Our     Case in point: FMWC’s
                                                                                                interconnectedness        Pap Smear
                                                                                                                     can spread     campaign!”
                                                                                                                                messages   quickly and good things
         activity…its magic.”
 women together in a room, add laughter, relaxation, support, throw in an                 happen. Case in point: FMWC’s Pap SmearCaroline
                                                                                                                                Dr.         Kosmas, (Regina, SK)
 activity…its magic.”                            Dr. Mamta Gautam (Ottawa, ON)                                                    Dr. Caroline Kosmas, (Regina, SK)
                                            Dr. Mamta Gautam (Ottawa, ON)                7. Publications – you receive a subscription to several FMWC
      2. Mentoring – learn from the women who blazed trails before you.                     publications.– you receive a subscription to several FMWC
        “Joining the FMWC was a very important decision I made as a medical
                                                                                       7. Publications
                                                                                           “As female physicians we speak the same language - in a sense of short
 Mentoring – learn
     student.        from themewomen
              It has provided           who blazed
                                with incredible       trails before
                                                opportunities        you.and
                                                              to network                  publications.
                                                                                           hand of shared issues that often are gender associated. Life balance and
               FMWC wasand a very important
                             support. The roledecision
                                               and statusI made   as a inmedical
                                                           of women        medicine       “As female
                                                                                           work       physicians
                                                                                                 satisfaction      we speak
                                                                                                              are both   criticalthe
                                                                                                                                   forsame  language
                                                                                                                                       success. Being a- in a sense
                                                                                                                                                         member    of of
          It has provided me  with incredible opportunities    to
             changed dramatically over the generations and I’m verynetwork
                                                                               to be      hand
                                                                                           FMWC of shared  issuesmethat
                                                                                                   has allowed          often
                                                                                                                     to tap     are
                                                                                                                             into   a gender  associated.
                                                                                                                                      wealth of             Life balance
                                                                                                                                                shared experiences    and and
find mentorship   and support.
        part of brining         The role
                        women’s health andand status
                                           medical    of women
                                                   education        in forefront.”
                                                               to the   medicine          work  satisfaction
                                                                                           excellent          aresupport.”
                                                                                                     advice and    both critical for success. Being a member of the
has changed dramatically over the generations and       I’m very
                                                   Dr. Pamela     excited
                                                                Liao        to be
                                                                     (Toronto,  ON)       FMWC has allowed me to tap into a wealth              of Shapiro
                                                                                                                                        Dr. Marla  shared (Toronto,
                                                                                                                                                                      ON) and
part of brining women’s health and medical education to the forefront.”                   excellent advice and support.”
      3. Advocacy – participates in national  Dr.and
                                                  Pamela    Liao (Toronto,
                                                     international    women’sON)         8. International opportunities – as anDr.FMWC        Marla member
                                                                                                                                                     Shapiro (Toronto,
                                                                                                                                                                 you are ON)
         health care discussions.                                                            automatically a member of an international network of women
 Advocacy “I joined the FMWC over
               – participates       50 years ago
                               in national   andasinternational
                                                    a medical student. I have been 8. International
                                                                  women’s              physicians called  the Medical Women’s
                                                                                                        opportunities     – as anInternational
                                                                                                                                     FMWC member   Association
                                                                                                                                                           you are
          a member since then because it meant being part of the most powerful         (MWIA).
 health care discussions.                                                             automatically    a member     of  an international    network     of women
          advocate on behalf of women physicians and an organization                   “…this is a venue that helps us develop our leadership skills and to be a
 “I joined the FMWC over 50 years ago as a medical student. I have been               physicians   called the  Medical   Women’s     International     Association
          passionately committed to promoting women’s health”.                         part of something that can help shape the future of medicine for women
 a member since then      because
                     Dr. May Cohen,it2016
                                      meant  being Canadian
                                          Inductee, part of the most Hall
                                                             Medical   powerful
                                                                           of Fame    (MWIA).
 advocate on behalf of women physicians and an organization                            and issues relevant to women’s health. We also are connected globally
                                                                                           “…this  is a organizations.”
                                                                                             to similar venue that helps us develop our leadership skills and to be a
 passionately committed to promoting women’s health”.                                      part of something that can help shapeDr.
                                                                                                                                      future of medicine   for women
     4. Volunteer opportunities on the Board of Directors and                                                                              MacLean  (Calgary,  AB)
          Dr. May Cohen, 2016 Inductee, Canadian Medical Hall of Fame                      and issues relevant to women’s health. We also are connected globally
        Committees – a chance to develop skills and contribute!
         “I feel the FMWC has become a stepping stone in leadership development          9.toRecognition
                                                                                              similar organizations.”
                                                                                                           through our annual awards (May Cohen, Honorary
 Volunteer  opportunities
       for women.            on the Board
                    Many opportunities        of Directors
                                        are provided        andskills necessary
                                                     to practice                                                                   Dr. Cathy MacLean (Calgary, AB)
                                                                                             Member, Enid Johnson MacLeod, Reproductive Health and
 Committees   – a chance
       in mobilizing        to develop
                     enthusiasm          skills
                                and actions     and effective
                                            towards  contribute!
                                                              goals for women’s
                                                                                             Student Leadership awards) and financial assistance for
 “I feel the FMWC andhas
                      status of women.”
                         become   a stepping stone in leadership development           9. Recognition
                                                                                             students andthrough
                                                                                                                                 awards   (Mayloans
                                                                                                                                       grants,  Cohen,
                                                                                                                                                     and Honorary
 for women. Many opportunities are provided toDr.        Nahid Azad
                                                      practice skills (Ottawa, ON)
                                                                       necessary           Member,      Enid Johnson MacLeod, Reproductive Health and
                                                                                             research funds.
 in mobilizing enthusiasm and actions towards effective goals for women’s
                                                                                          Student Leadership awards) and financial assistance for
      5. and
 health       status ofand  expertise - Obtain the skills necessary to advance
           your career through local, regional                                            students
                                                                                         10. Affinity and  physicians
                                                                                                       Program – enjoythrough  FMWC grants,
                                                                                                                       special benefits         loans and
                                                                                                                                        and discounts from
                                                Dr. and
                                                    Nahidnational   conferences,
                                                           Azad (Ottawa,    ON)
           seminars and workshops.                                                           select providers,
                                                                                          research    funds. such as MD Financial Management, Flight
         “I became a FMWC member to learn from the inspiring female physicians                Centre, Telus, Dialogue.co and PolyMed Chirurgical.
 Education   and expertise - Obtain the skills necessary to advance
        that have paved the way for the rest of us in the field. We have those 10. Affinity Program – enjoy special benefits and discounts from
 your career
        thatand  workshops.
                  to thank for   how regional   and
                                      much easier it is national
                                                        for us, and conferences,
                                                                    I am reminded of
                     time I hear one of them speak at an FMWC event. They taught                       strong
                                                                                         selectAproviders, such asvoice
                                                                                         Centre, Telus, Dialogue.co
                                                                                                                   MD Financial Management, Flight
                                                                                                                    and PolyMed Chirurgical.
 “I became   FMWCit is not only within
                       member          my grasp,
                                 to learn        butinspiring
                                          from the    within myfemale
                                                                 rights to be all that I
 that have    be boththe
                       as way
                          a doctor
                               for and
                                   the as a woman.”
                                       rest  of us in the field. We have those                                       for women physicians
                                                                                                 A strong
                                                          andWarden   (Toronto,of
 pioneers to thank for how much easier it is for               I am reminded
 that every time I hear one of them speak at an FMWC event. They taught
                                                                                                     and for women’s
                                                                                                             voice health
 me that it is not only within my grasp, but within my rights to be all that I
 can be both as a doctor and as a woman.”                                                                            for women physicians
                                   Questions  Dr. Sarah Warden (Toronto, ON)
                                                                                            and for women’s health
                                                                            Join Us: fmwc.ca/membership/become-a-member
                     Call: 1-844-215-8455 or 613-569-5881
                           Email: fmwcmain@fmwc.ca

You can help

with a vaccine.
HPV causes almost all
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                                                              Recommend GARDASIL®9
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GARDASIL®9 is a vaccine indicated in girls and women 9 through 45 years of age for the prevention of infection caused by the Human
Papillomavirus (HPV) types 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52 and 58 and the following diseases associated with the HPV types included in
the vaccine: cervical, vulvar, and vaginal cancer caused by HPV types 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52 and 58; genital warts (condyloma acuminata)
caused by HPV types 6 and 11; and the following precancerous or dysplastic lesions caused by HPV types 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52
and 58: cervical adenocarcinoma in situ (AIS); cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) grade 2 and grade 3; vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia
(VIN) grade 2 and grade 3; vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia (VaIN) grade 2 and grade 3; cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) grade 1.
GARDASIL®9 is indicated in girls and women 9 through 26 years of age for the prevention of: anal cancer caused by HPV types 16, 18, 31,
33, 45, 52 and 58; anal intraepithelial neoplasia (AIN) grades 1, 2 and 3 caused by HPV types 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52 and 58.
GARDASIL®9 is indicated in boys and men 9 through 26 years of age for the prevention of infection caused by HPV types 6, 11, 16, 18, 31,
33, 45, 52 and 58 and the following diseases associated with the HPV types included in the vaccine: anal cancer caused by HPV types 16,
18, 31, 33, 45, 52 and 58; genital warts (condyloma acuminata) caused by HPV types 6 and 11; and anal intraepithelial neoplasia (AIN)
grades 1, 2 and 3 caused by HPV types 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52 and 58.
Consult the Product Monograph at http://www.merck.ca/static/pdf/GARDASIL_9-PM_E.pdf for contraindications, warnings, precautions,
adverse reactions, interactions, dosing and conditions of clinical use. The product monograph is also available by calling us at 1-800-
567-2594 or 514-428-8600 or by email at medinfocanada@merck.com.

Reference: 1. Data on file, Merck Canada Inc.: Product Monograph - GARDASIL®9, December 15, 2016.

                                 Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. Used under license.
                               © 2018 Merck Canada Inc. All rights reserved.

MWIA Report
by Dr. Shelley Ross           with Dr. Clarissa Fabre, a    in Korea and November,
                              GP from the UK, as its        2020 will see the Central
By the time this newsletter   new president and             Asia region in India.
arrives in your mailbox,      Dr. Padmini Murthy, a         Details can be found in
the Centennial Congress       public health physician       the MWIA Update. In
of MWIA will have taken       from the USA, taking          October this year, the
place in New York City on     over my role as Secretary     Austrian Medical Women
July 25-28, 2019. The last    General. Dr. Vivien           will be celebrating their
couple of weeks leading       Brown, a past Federation      100t anniversary and in
up to the congress were       president, will be the Vice   November, the Belgian
filled with hectic last       President for MWIA for        Medical Women will
minute preparations for       North America. The theme      celebrate their 25th
an expected turnout of        of the triennium will focus   anniversary, so there
1000 members. Keynote         on the youth, our hope        are lots of meetings to
speakers like Gloria          for tomorrow. Sexual and      choose from.
Steinem will have re-         reproductive rights will
ignited the feminism in       be highlighted.               Let me close by saying
all of us. Topics will have                                 what a pleasure and a
ranged from gender equity     It is customary for each      privilege it has been to
to #MeToo Medicine to         triennium to see a regional   serve both the Federation
violence against women        meeting in each of the        and MWIA for so many
and sexual harassment in      eight regions. Plans are      years. I was President of
addition to the favourites    already underway for          the Federation in 1984,
like women’s health, global   the North American            the year that the MWIA
health and maternal health,   Regional Meeting aboard       International Congress
among others. Attendees       the Mediterranean cruise      was held in Vancouver. I
will have enjoyed a special   in August, 2020. The          became President of
event held for MWIA at the    Northern European Region      MWIA from 2001-2004
UN Headquarters.              will have a short cruise      and have served as
                              from Stockholm to Helsinki    Secretary General since
With the finishing of the     and back in May, 2020.        2007. Thank you to all
Centennial Congress           October, 2020 will see the    of you for your ongoing
comes a new executive         Western Pacific Region        support all these years.

Dr. Peggy Ross              medical class of 1958,        she held until her
                            she was a true pioneer        retirement in 2000.
                            and her extensive list
                            of “first woman to...”        Peggy’s ABC’s (Attitude,
                            accomplishments led to        Boundaries and
                            her inclusion in “Uppity      Communication) on how
                            Women We Are!” by the         to deal with harassment
                            late Dr. Eileen Cambon,       and intimidation became
                            a 100 year history of         a well-loved required
                            medical women in British      course for all first year
                            Columbia (1893 - 1993),       medical and dental
                            published in 2008. She        students. She assisted
                            enjoyed a long and            and mentored countless
                            distinguished career as       people from extremely
                            an anesthesiologist at        diverse backgrounds and
                            B.C. Women’s Hospital         always strove to do her
                            and a clinical associate      best to make the world a
                            professor of anesthesia       better place. In March,
                            at UBC. Dismayed by           2018, she was delighted
                            the harassment and            to be able to attend
                            intimidation existing at      the 60th anniversary
                            the time in the Faculty       celebrations of her
                            of Medicine, she vowed        medical school class of
                            to improve the work and       1958 at which a very
Dr. Peggy Ross died         study environment and,        fitting tribute was given
peacefully at the age of    along with Dr. Judith Hall,   to her trailblazing actions
84 on March 10, 2019        was instrumental in the       by a young UBC faculty
following a courageous      creation of a new position    of medicine professor
3 year battle against the   of Associate Dean of          who said “Women like
debilitating effects of a   Medicine (Equity) for UBC     me are in medicine
major stroke. She was       in 1993, a first for any      because of women
predeceased in 2009         North American medical        like Dr. Peggy Ross.”
by her husband of 50        school. She applied for       She leaves behind
years, Jock. One of only    and was appointed to the      four children and
3 women in her UBC          newly created role that       three grandchildren.

Dr. Patricia Rebbeck
An obituary by Dr. Shelley Ross

Dr. Patricia Rebbeck (1934-2017) was active in the Federation for many years,
being President of the BC Branch in 1973 and Co-Chair of the Scientific
Committee of the MWIA International Congress when it was held in Vancouver in
1984. Her obituary says that hers was a life of firsts, of the best and accomplished
kind. Indeed, after graduating from the University of Edinburgh medical school,
she did her general surgery residency in BC, and in 1966 graduated as BC’s first
female in the program, and only the fourth in all of Canada. She became known
as the breast cancer surgeon and pioneered the idea of partial mastectomy
rather than the disfiguring radical mastectomy, and advocated for screening
mammography and ultrasound. Beyond her surgical work, she was the first
female on the board of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC and
became President of the College Board then Deputy Registrar. She was the first
woman on the editorial board of the BC Medical Journal, a position she held
for 27 years. She was a much loved teacher and mentor and became Professor
Emerita at UBC in 2003. Despite all her accomplishments, she never lost her
sense of humour, her generous nature and her love of the sea.

                                    Call for Nominations
                                    FMWC 2019-2020
                                    Board of

The FMWC is looking for members to join the Board of Directors for 2019-2020.
All roles will be assigned at the first meeting of the 2019-2020 Board of Directors
to be held following the AGM in Ottawa on September 22, 2019. In addition to a
general call for directors, the position of President-Elect is also up for election.
If you are interested in this position, please contact Dr. Bev Johnson, Past-President
via the National Office.

Who are we looking for?

We’re looking for a diverse group of women physicians who share the vision and
commitment of the FMWC of advancing women physicians professionally, socially,
and personally; while also promoting the well-being of women both in the medical
profession and society at large. Ideal candidates will have leadership experience and
expertise in some of the following areas: Financial Management, Risk Management,
Legal/Governance, Non-profit/Public Sector Management, Strategic Planning,
Media/PR, Communications, Government Relations.

Directors will serve a term of one year, unless otherwise stated, with eligibility
for reappointment for consecutive terms. These positions commence in
September 2019.

For more information, please consult the By-Laws of the Federation or reach out to
the National Office

What is expected of directors?

Directors meet in person twice a year, including at the Interim Board Meeting (typically
held in January) and the Annual Board Meeting held prior to the AGM (typically
September). Directors are expected to also participate in regular teleconferences.
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