2020/21 Budget Supports Enterprises and Stimulates Economy - InvestHK

Page created by Enrique Henderson
2020/21 Budget Supports Enterprises and Stimulates Economy - InvestHK
Quarterly Newsletter                                                                    April 2020

2020/21 Budget Supports
Enterprises and Stimulates Economy
The Financial Secretary of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government,
Paul Chan released the 2020/21 Budget on 26 February 2020.

This Issue   3     International Forward Calendar              4-5 Special Feature: Supporting Startups and SMEs
             6-7   Special Feature: Belt and Road Initiative   8-15 Case Studies
2020/21 Budget Supports Enterprises and Stimulates Economy - InvestHK

Looking back in 2019, GDP growth was -1.2% while the GDP growth forecast for 2020 is -1.5 to 0.5%. The focus of this year Budget is on
supporting enterprises, safeguarding jobs, stimulating the economy and relieving people’s burden.

Key initiatives to develop and diversify the economy include:

  Support Enterprises                              Innovation and Technology                        Financial Services
  • $10,000 cash payout to Hong Kong               • Earmark $3 billion to take                     • Issue inflation-linked retail bonds
    permanent residents aged 18 or above             forward Phase 2 of the Science Park              and Silver Bonds totalling not less
                                                     Expansion Programme                              than $13 billion
  • Introduce a concessionary low-interest
    loan with 100% guarantee for                   • Explore the establishment of a third           • Issue green bonds totalling
    enterprises, which will be open for              InnoHK research cluster                          $66 billion in next five years
    application for six months. Maximum
                                                   • Increase the grant ceiling under the
    loan of $2 million with repayment
                                                     Technology Voucher Programme
    period up to three years. Moratorium on
                                                     to $600,000 and raise the
    principle repayment for first six months
                                                     Government’s funding ratio to 75%
  • Reduce profits tax for 2019/20
                                                   • Inject $345 million for a pilot                Tourism
    assessment year by 100% subject to
                                                     subsidy scheme to encourage                    • Additional funding of over
    a $20,000 ceiling
                                                     the logistics industry to enhance                $700 million for the Hong Kong
  • Waive business registration fees for             productivity through the application             Tourism Board to step up external
    2020/21                                          of technology                                    promotion after the epidemic
  • Waive registration fees for company
    annual returns for two years

  Professional Services                            Trade                                            Nurture Talents
  • Earmark about $450 million                     • Additional funding of $150 million             • Expand the Researcher Programme
    to implement the “Vision 2030 for                for the Hong Kong Trade Development              and Postdoctoral Hub to cover all
    Rule of Law” project to strengthen               Council to assist Hong Kong                      technology companies conducting
    the Hong Kong community’s                        enterprises in exploring business                R&D activities in Hong Kong
    understanding of the concept of the              opportunities
    rule of law and its implementation

  Cultural and
  Creative Industries
  • Additional $900 million to
    the Art Development Matching
    Grants Scheme to further promote
    sponsorship of culture and arts
    from all sectors

                                                                                                     For details, please visit:
*The currency is in HKD                                                                                     budget.gov.hk
2020/21 Budget Supports Enterprises and Stimulates Economy - InvestHK
International Forward Calendar                                       3

        The 6th HKIRA Investor Relations Awards 2020                                  The Aviation Finance Festival
        It is an annual campaign that aims to encourage, recognise                    The event covers infrastructure opportunities whilst
        and reward the excellence in investor relations practices                     maintaining a core focus on commercial aviation investment.
        by individuals and companies listed in Hong Kong Stock                        InvestHK will have a speaking session to introduce dedicated
TBC     Exchange.
                                                                              17-18   tax regime for aircraft leasing companies.
        Location: Hong Kong                                                           Location: InterContinental Dublin, Ireland
        Organiser: Hong Kong Investor Relations Association (HKIRA)                   Organiser: ISHKA
         hkira.com/awards                                                               www.ishkaglobal.com/Events/Event/83/The-Aviation-

                                                                JUN                   TNW – The Next Web
                                                                                      A two-day technology festival that brings together
        Fin2020                                                                       international technology executives, top-tier investors and
        Part of the project called “3 Events, 3 Continents in                         promising startups for two days of business, knowledge
                                                                                      sharing. InvestHK will have a booth and a speaking session at
        Portuguese”, this is a global networking event which already         18-19    the event.
        has three successful editions. InvestHK will have a booth and
        a speaking session at the event.
4-5                                                                                   Location: NDSM, Amsterdam
        Location: OCC-Portuguese Professional Accountancy                             Organiser: TNW
        Organisation’s Building, Porto
        Organiser: Young Entrepreneurs Association Portugal-China (AJEPC)
        The Hong Kong Institute of Chartered
        Secretaries (HKICS) Annual Corporate and                                      StartmeupHK Festival 2020
        Regulatory Update Conference (ACRU)                                           To celebrate and showcase the startup ecosystem,
        This annual event of HKICS provides a unique forum for                        the week-long programme will delve into the future of
        company secretaries, directors, governance professionals                      entrepreneurship and disruptive innovation with keynotes,
 5      and senior management to learn of the latest corporate and                    interactive how-to-sessions, hackathons, powerful
        regulatory developments.                                                      lessons with seasoned founders and investors in FinTech,
                                                                              6-11    HealthTech, smart city technologies, IoT, retail and logistic
        Location: Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre                          innovation, EdTech and much more.
        Organiser: HKICS                                                              Location: Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre and the
         app.norrayhk.com/acru2020/event-details.html                                 Mills
                                                                                      Organiser: InvestHK
        Silicon Dragon NY 2020
        Tech chats with leading executives and entrepreneurs of
        emerging companies and startups.                                              RICS Hong Kong Annual Conference 2020 –
 10     Location: 757 Third Ave., New York                                            A Vision for Tomorrow
        Organiser: Silicon Dragon Ventures                                            The Conference themed “A Vision for Tomorrow” to define,
         www.silicondragonventures.com                                                analyse and take action to capitalise the challenges and
                                                                               10     opportunities brought by worldwide phenomena.
                                                                                      Location: W Hotel, Hong Kong
        33rd Annual Marine Money Week                                                 Organiser: The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
        An annual event in the US, the Marine Money Week will bring                    rics.org/hkconf2020
        along a mid-year review of the global shipping industry.
15-17   Location: The Pierre Hotel, New York
        Organiser: Marine Money

        Europe’s biggest FinTech event where industry leaders come
        to seize new business opportunities, strengthen partnerships
        and discover the latest disruptions. InvestHK will have a
16-18   booth at the event.
        Location: RAI, Amsterdam
        Organiser: Ascential Group (Europe)
                                                                                                                                   See more events at

                                                                             Organised by InvestHK              Visit investhk.gov.hk for details
2020/21 Budget Supports Enterprises and Stimulates Economy - InvestHK
4      Special Feature

Supporting Startups and SMEs
The startup ecosystem in Hong Kong has been flourishing in recent years. Innovation and technology (I&T) is an important growth engine
for future economic development. The Government has been supporting startups through various channels and measures, including
strengthening the support of Cyberport and the Hong Kong Science Park for their tenants and incubatees.

      Cyberport Incubation Programme
      Cyberport Incubation Programme (CIP) supports entrepreneurs and startups with resources that aim to accelerate their growth.

      Incubatees can get up to $500,000 support over 24 months to jumpstart their business. They can participate in the programme
      on-site at Cyberport, or off-site at their own premises.

      Programme benefit
      The following support is available to successful applicants:

      • Up to $500,000 financial assistance including:

                                                            Up to $200,000 grant to be allocated upon
                                                            completion of Six-monthly Progress Reviews

              $100,000                    $50,000                             $50,000                              $100,000

            Initial Working            Progress Reviews                  Progress Reviews                     Progress Reviews
             Capital Grant                  Stage 1                          Stage 2-3                             Stage 4

                                  Up to $200,000 for Performance-driven Two-Tiered Assessment,
                                                      covering the areas of:

          Business           Accumulated              Industrial        Overseas or             Talents              Cyberport
        Performance        Investment Raised         Recognition       Mainland China         Development           Engagement

      • Rent-free working space (only for incubatees who choose to     • Meetings with entrepreneurs and investors, and
        work on-site at Cyberport)                                       networking opportunities

      • Free use of Cyberport shared meeting rooms, conference
        rooms, co-working spaces and other facilities

      • A digital tech related company registered and                  • A viable business plan for a product / service to be ready
        incorporated in Hong Kong with the date of                       for marketing in 12-18 months
        incorporation less than seven years upon application
2020/21 Budget Supports Enterprises and Stimulates Economy - InvestHK

     Other support programmes by Cyberport:

                 Cyberport                                                      Market
                  Creative                                                   Development
                 Micro Fund                                                 Support Scheme

                $100,000                                                       $200,000
                 seed funding                 Cyberport                      financial assistance
                                                                                                         Macro Fund
                                             Programme                                                       up to
                                                                                                       $200 million
                                            $300,000                                                   co-investment fund
                                          financial assistance

*The currency is in HKD

Rental Support
In light of the impact to the economy caused by the epidemic, along with severe macroeconomic challenges, the Government has
approved the funding for a six-month full rental waiver effective from 1 April to 30 September 2020:

This applies to all Cyberport commercial tenants, Smart-Space
                                                                          For more information:
users in Cyberport’s main campus and those in Tsuen Wan, as
well as retail tenants in the Arcade.                                     Cyberport
                                                                          w cyberport.hk
Hong Kong Science Park, InnoCentre                                        Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks
and the Industrial Estates                                                Corporation
The full rental waiver covers incubatees, partner companies,              w hkstp.org
professional services companies and merchant outlets with
valid leases.

                                                                          m startmeuphk@investhk.gov.hk
2020/21 Budget Supports Enterprises and Stimulates Economy - InvestHK
6      Special Feature

Leveraging Hong Kong for your
Belt and Road Ambitions
The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is a far-sighted vision for inclusive   Hong Kong is perfectly positioned to serve as the gateway to the
international co-operation in the 21st Century unveiled by                 Belt and Road and its manifold prospects and possibilities. The
President Xi Jinping in end 2013. It comprises the land-based Silk         Government has adopted a whole-government, five-pronged
Road Economic Belt and the ocean-going 21st Century Maritime               strategy, covering enhancing policy co-ordination, fully realising
Silk Road, spanning countries across different continents. The core        Hong Kong’s unique advantages, maximising Hong Kong’s
principles of the BRI are five areas of connectivity: namely policy        position as a professional services hub, establishing partnerships
co-ordination, facilities connectivity, unimpeded trade, financial         and collaboration, and promoting Hong Kong’s project
integration, and people-to-people bond.                                    participation.
2020/21 Budget Supports Enterprises and Stimulates Economy - InvestHK
Special Feature                    7

To help you understand how to leverage Hong Kong for your expansions along the Belt and Road,
we have listed some of the key areas below.

          Green Finance                                                            Risk Management
Green finance, with an emphasis on sustainable development, is           Investing in and financing complex projects in emerging markets
an area in which Hong Kong can contribute as an international            involve a multitude of specialty risks. Hong Kong, a global
financial centre. The Government have also been rolling out              risk-management centre and regional insurance hub, is home to
measures to develop Hong Kong as a regional hub for green                an array of multinational insurers and reinsurers. They provide
finance. They include the successful offering of the inaugural green     professional risk management services and insurance coverage
bond under the Government Green Bond Programme in May 2019.              that Belt and Road project owners can count on. They also
The initiative was developed to encourage more issuers to finance        offer reinsurance services to underwrite and manage project
their green projects through the capital markets. The borrowing          risks. In 2018, Hong Kong reached an agreement with the China
ceiling is about US$13 billion. The Government will continue to          Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission to lower the
connect the flow of green finance with the Mainland and the world.       capital requirements of Mainland insurers who cede businesses
                                                                         to qualified Hong Kong reinsurers. The agreement will reinforce
                                                                         Hong Kong’s competitiveness as a risk management centre,
          Professional Services                                          enabling local reinsurers to take on Mainland reinsurance for
                                                                         Belt and Road projects. ​The Belt and Road Insurance Exchange
                                                                         Facilitation organisation promotes the exchange of intelligence,
More than a global financial, trade and logistics centre, Hong Kong is
                                                                         encourages alliances and facilitates networking.
a professional services hub. Our pool of talent is deep and diverse,
covering construction-related services, as well as legal and financial
concerns. These are benchmarked against international standards
and practices to turn your Belt and Road plans into commercial                     Business Matching
ventures. The Professional Services Advancement Support Scheme
is designed to help the professional services sector capitalise on       The right partners are essential in navigating your Belt and Road
Belt and Road opportunities and funded the one-year “Belt and            journey. The Government is working hard to facilitate business-
Road Cross-Professional Advancement Programme” launched by               matching and will continue to explore overseas markets. To
the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.                                    assist local enterprises and professional services to explore the
                                                                         overseas markets, the Government will organise delegations
Hong Kong has long been a cultural exchange centre between
                                                                         and invite Mainland and Hong Kong enterprises to conduct
East and West, and is perfectly placed to do more in terms
                                                                         joint promotional activities in the relevant economies; and
of capacity building. The Government has embarked on a
                                                                         seek the policy support of the relevant Central authorities to
programme for interactive exchanges with the Mainland on
                                                                         extend the incentives and facilitations currently enjoyed by
practices and experiences on various fronts including finance,
                                                                         Mainland enterprises to Hong Kong enterprises intending to set
commerce, foreign-related legal matters, dispute resolution, city
                                                                         up businesses in the Mainland’s overseas Economic and Trade
management, aviation and transportation, professional services
                                                                         Co-operation Zones.
and anti-corruption. The programme will enhance professionalism
on both sides, ultimately realising Belt and Road projects that are      The Hong Kong Trade Development Council’s Belt and Road Portal
both green and sustainable.                                              can also help by providing comprehensive information on the
                                                                         Belt and Road, enabling business matching between overseas
                                                                         project owners and investors and professional services providers
          Infrastructure Financing                                       in Hong Kong.

                                                                         The opportunities mentioned above are just some of the many
Hong Kong’s deep liquidity, outstanding financial infrastructure         ways businesses of all sizes from around the world can expand
and wide-ranging options for raising capital – from initial public       into Belt and Road countries via Hong Kong. Invest Hong Kong
offerings and loan syndication to bonds and Islamic sukuk –              stands ready to provide you with free, custom-made and
can meet the financing needs of any Belt and Road project. The           confidential services.
huge demand for infrastructure investment has also stimulated
innovation in infrastructure financing to expand lending capacity.
Apart from providing financing for greenfield projects through
the Infrastructure Financing Facilitation Office under the Hong
Kong Monetary Authority and allowing brownfield infrastructure
projects to be listed on the stock exchange, the Hong Kong Mortgage
Corporation Limited is pursuing the proposition of securitising
infrastructure loans to provide banks with the opportunity to
offload their loans to long-term investors. After offloading, banks
can then have more capacity to finance new infrastructure projects.

Hong Kong is also an ideal choice for setting up a corporate treasury
centre (CTC) and offer an extremely tax-friendly environment for
CTCs, taxing their qualifying profits at a concessionary rate of only
8.25 percent.
2020/21 Budget Supports Enterprises and Stimulates Economy - InvestHK
8     Case Study

Five Guys Expands in Asia,
Following Hong Kong Success
America burger brand Five Guys continues its Hong Kong growth while planning
more debuts in APAC.

                                                                                Hong Kong is the right place
                                                                                 for us to put our regional
                                                                               headquarters, supporting the
                                                                               whole Asia Pacific operations.
                                                                                              Danny Lee
                                                                                   Vice President Operations APAC
                                                                                              Five Guys

Famed for its fresh beef burgers, hand-          of commercial and residential community.            like to thank InvestHK who has been a
cut fries and customisable milkshake,            According to Lee, finding a strategic               really good partner. They provide very
Five Guys debuted in Hong Kong in                location is crucial for Five Guys. “It’s very       useful contact and market updates and
November 2018. With overwhelming                 important that we find the right place, the         we are very grateful for their support,”
response, the US premium burger brand            right neighbourhood and with the right              he concluded.
opened two more stores in Central and            demographics,” he said, “if a good location
Tsim Sha Tsui within a few months, and           comes along, we move very fast. That’s why
more locations are in the pipeline in 2020.      within the last quarter in 2019, we opened
                                                 two more stores in Hong Kong.”
                                                                                                       Five Guys
Founded in Virginia in 1986, Five Guys
currently owns over 1,600 restaurants            “Hong Kong is a transit hub, a very
                                                                                                          Currently runs three outlets
worldwide with both franchise and direct-        transacting city in Asia. It is therefore a good          in Hong Kong, with plans to
own stores, spanning across the US, Europe,      place for us to start in this part of the world,”         open two more stores in 2020
Middle East and Asia. Hong Kong was the          he added. “This is a showcase to the other
first Asian city that the company chose to
                                                                                                          Expansion in APAC includes
                                                 markets in Asia region.”
open an outpost, followed by Singapore.                                                                    new openings in Malaysia,
                                                 As its business becomes mature with an                    Japan and Australia
In a place like Hong Kong where                  established support structure, the company
international restaurant brands strive           plans to expand further in Asia Pacific with              w fiveguys.com.hk
to stay ahead of the game, Five Guys’            Hong Kong as its base. “The city is well-
strategy is to stay authentic to its brand and   placed in its geographical location, it’s only
values. “We are very proud of what we are        a short flight to support our new markets                     Watch the video:
doing so far as we constantly exceed our         in Singapore, Malaysia, Korea, and Japan.
customers’ expectation,” said Danny Lee,         Hong Kong is the right place for us to put
Vice President Operations APAC. “We want         our regional headquarters, supporting the
to make sure that every burger we serve is       whole Asia Pacific operations.”
perfectly cooked with juicy beef, and our
service is uncompromised.”                       “There is also a big talent pool here while
                                                 English is widely spoken everywhere, so it
Asia expansion with Hong Kong                    serves as a great platform for us to expand
                                                 outside of Hong Kong,” he added.
as RHQ
Five Guys chose Wanchai to start its Hong        Lee sees InvestHK as an important partner
Kong venture where it can serve a blend          in Five Guys’ expansion journey. “I would
2020/21 Budget Supports Enterprises and Stimulates Economy - InvestHK
Case Study                9

       Hong Kong is a great middle
       ground, very multi-cultural,
       lots of mixed influences and
         plenty of fashion lovers!

                    Fanny Moizant
                  Vestiaire Collective

Global Luxury Fashion Resale Platform
Dedicated to a Sustainable Future
With the city’s large and sophisticated consumer base and excellent logistics
infrastructure, Vestiaire Collective, a leading global online marketplace for
authenticated pre-loved luxury fashion and accessories, sets foot in Hong Kong
and eyes Asia Pacific expansion.
In a new era of smart shopping, Vestiaire        Hong Kong ranks top three with the highest       website, they are also committed to further
Collective, a global resale platform for         interest in sustainable fashion, while the       expanding its business in the Greater China
pre-loved luxury fashion, is the answer          city also has the highest awareness of the       region. The company is actively recruiting
to the evolving attitude towards fashion         concept of “circular fashion”.                   professional sellers in Hong Kong and
consumption and the circular economy,                                                             other markets.
                                                 “There is a growing acceptance in pre‑owned
giving customers the opportunity to
                                                 fashion and accessories in recent years,         Moizant regards InvestHK as an important
extend the lifespan of their fashion items.
                                                 thanks to the younger generation and social      partner along their business expansion
“Resale is one of the best ways to promote
sustainability and circular economy,” said       media,” she said. “Also, Hong Kong has huge      journey in Hong Kong. “InvestHK is a key
Fanny Moizant, Co-founder of Vestiaire           potential for supply as the appetite for         player in the ecosystem and helps opening
Collective, “it reduces waste by not creating    luxury consumption is very high, the basket      more doors, connecting us with relevant
more but reusing what’s already made.”           size on average is twice that of France.”        business partners. They can also advise the
                                                                                                  latest macro trends in the city and provide
Founded in 2009 and based in Paris,              Seamless and efficient business                  key market data,” she concluded.
Vestiaire Collective encompasses a
carefully curated catalogue featuring over
1.5 million brand items from handbags,           Hong Kong’s favourable business
                                                 environment is also a winning factor for
clothes, shoes, to watches and jewellery,
                                                 Vestiaire Collective to set a foothold in
                                                                                                    Vestiaire Collective
with 5,000 new items submitted daily.
“Our platform is unique because it connects      the city. “The infrastructure and general             Headquartered in Paris with
over nine million members on a global scale      environment for us to operate a business
                                                                                                        global offices in Berlin, London,
and allows them to inspire one another           here is seamless and efficient,” Moizant
                                                 remarked. “The city is very tech-savvy with            Milan, New York and Hong Kong
regardless of their location,” said Moizant.
                                                 high internet and mobile penetration, so              Currently has over 400
An open-minded and receptive                     setting up our online business here has
                                                 been smooth.”
                                                                                                        employees worldwide with 30
market for innovative business                                                                          people in the Hong Kong office
In 2016, the company started preparations        “Logistics is at the heart of our business
to open an office in Hong Kong, as the largest   model, and from that standpoint, Hong                 Functions of Hong Kong
regional base of followers was located here.     Kong has a strong edge over neighbouring               office includes logistic hub,
“Hong Kong is an international city with         cities,” she added.                                    authentication, marketing,
different cultures. This works in our favour     While growing the Japanese market,                     business development, as
because that means our customers are also
                                                 Vestiaire Collective’s priority is to continue         well as a dedicated VIP team
more open-minded and receptive of new
                                                 strengthening its strong presence in                   offering consignment services
ideas and businesses,” she said.
                                                 the two existing major markets in Asia
According to a survey conducted by               Pacific – Hong Kong and Singapore. With                w vestiairecollective.com
Vestiaire Collective in ten key markets,         its soon available Chinese mobile app and
10     Case Study

A Marriage of Convenience –
Brands and Events
Magnetic Asia sets up a new full-service marketing and creative agency focused
on events, branded experiences and innovative customer engagement.

                                                                                    Hong Kong was the
                                                                                   logical place for us to
                                                                                    base our operations.
                                                                                                Simon Bratt
                                                                                              Managing Partner

Established in 2019, arcc is a new division    events. We are very positive about the           too often an overlooked opportunity,”
of Hong Kong-based live entertainment          opportunities for our unique mix of              said Lever, “we believe our approach and
powerhouse Magnetic Asia, the company          skills and insights,” added Simon Bratt,         service offering is well-suited to supporting
behind Clockenflap Music & Arts Festival.      Managing Partner.                                integrated resorts, which are already
Bringing together experience in event                                                           experimenting with experiential activities
marketing and mainstream advertising,          Hong Kong – home to regional                     to attract patrons.”
arcc was established to help event owners      headquarters of global brands                    In less than a year since its launch, arcc
and brands better connect with audiences       Headquartered in Hong Kong, the company          has grown its headcount to 11 people, and
through innovative creative solutions          grew out of a desire to change the way           will continue to expand. Bratt remarked
across all media channels as well as           events and experiences are marketed,             that setting up and conducting business in
experiential activations.                      with effectiveness as a driving principle.       Hong Kong is a straightforward and efficient
                                               “Hong Kong was the logical place for us          process. “We also appreciate the highly
“We see more and more brands wanting to
                                               to base our operations,” said Bratt, “our        competitive nature of business in Hong
get involved in the event and experiential
                                               partner companies Magnetic Asia and              Kong, which keeps our potential clients on
space,” said Martin Lever, Creative Partner,
                                               Asia Ticketing are headquartered here and        the hunt for ways to better connect to their
“our understanding of how to position
                                               Hong Kong is the regional base for many          audiences and customers” he said. “This is
and market events, brands, products
                                               multinational and regional brands.”              the opportunity space arcc is focused on.”
and experiences – as well as our ability
to create ownable and relevant roles for       Bratt added that arcc’s strategy is to build
brands within events – is fast becoming a      its customer base in Hong Kong and
signature service.”                            Singapore, and from there to expand                arcc
arcc offers a full spectrum of brand,          regionally in Asia. “While our existing
                                               customers are primarily based in Hong
                                                                                                     Providing services include
marketing and creative strategy services
                                               Kong, we are already delivering regional               brand positioning, event
with application of a proprietary process
of Audience Insight, Market Research,          and international campaigns.”                          concept development, PR,
Focussed Creativity, and Effective Content.    With experience in implementing                        media planning and content
To ease brands’ common pain point in           multi-regional projects, arcc is open to               strategy
measuring return value, arcc also focuses      opportunities across different regions,
on implementing real‑time campaign             including the Guangdong-Hong Kong-
                                                                                                      w arccasia.com
tracking and post‑event analysis.              Macao Greater Bay Area. “Currently, we
                                               are looking to work with brands across the
“Events are in our DNA – but our creative
                                               region – including our neighbours Macao,
marketing services go beyond purely
Case Study                 11

                                                                         Hong Kong is the most open and
                                                                         international city in the region
                                                                         which has a unique social, economic
                                                                         and legal system under ‘One Country,
                                                                         Two Systems’.
                                                                         Jianxin Zong
                                                                         Chief Executive
                                                                         Chong Hing Bank

Accelerating Digital Transformation
with Eyes on Greater Bay Area
Chong Hing Bank formed digital transformation teams to extend its tech
advantages and further penetrate the Mainland China market.

Started as a local Chinese-funded bank in       transformation teams were established           He added that the city’s advantages can also
1948 and having been a public listed bank       in Hong Kong and Shenzhen to develop            attract and retain high quality professionals.
since 1994, Chong Hing Bank has adopted         cross-border collaboration and FinTech          The Bank has been enhancing its
a business approach characterised by            development application in the Guangdong-       internal talent pool by restructuring and
steady growth and development. Together         Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA).         reengineering, optimising the values
with its subsidiaries (including Chong                                                          of each working unit. Chong Hing Bank
                                                “With the continuous demand for
Hing Securities Limited and Chong Hing                                                          will continue to build up its talent and
                                                FinTech applications, we will integrate
Insurance Company Limited), Chong                                                               resource pool in online banking and other
                                                our traditional business with technology
Hing Bank provides comprehensive                                                                business areas.
                                                by continuously optimising our eBanking
commercial banking and financial services,
                                                services and improving customer                 Zong concluded, “companies that are keen
including deposits in local and foreign
                                                experience,” Zong said.                         to set up in Hong Kong need to understand
currencies, credit, foreign exchange, wealth
                                                                                                the local regulatory systems, setup costs
management, investment, securities
and insurance.                                  Seizing opportunity in the                      and competitive advantages. Besides, they
                                                GBA with Complementary                          may take advantage of the availability of
With a solid foundation in Hong Kong                                                            local talents and leverage on the unique
for over 70 years, Chong Hing Bank has
                                                Advantages                                      strengths of Hong Kong as a gateway to
flourished in the local market thanks to its    As part of its expansion strategy, the Bank     enter the Mainland market.”
extensive experience in finance and wealth      has set up a GBA Development Office. Zong
management. In 2014, the Bank became a          remarked, “Hong Kong is the most open
member of Yuexiu Group, a Guangzhou             and international city in the region which
based state enterprise, and has continued to    has a unique social, economic and legal           Chong Hing Bank
actively expand its business in the Mainland    system under ‘One Country, Two Systems’.
riding on its strong local foundation. In       Complemented by the systems in Mainland              Chong Hing Bank currently
recent years, the Bank has brought in new       China, this will help unlock the potential in         has more than 30 branches
strategic shareholders including Guangzhou      the GBA.”                                             in Hong Kong, and branches
Metro and Guangzhou Automobile Group            “Hong Kong has an open business                       in Guangzhou, Shenzhen,
to strengthen its capital base, cater for the   environment; a sound and independent                  Shanghai, Shantou and
needs of its development and enhance its        legal system; a flexible labour market; a
diversified connections in the Mainland.                                                              Macao
                                                simple and low tax regime; solid regulatory
According to Jianxin Zong, Chief Executive      systems that comply international                    Chong Hing Bank currently
of Chong Hing Bank, with the support of its     standards; and convenient facilities,” he             has around 1,500 employees
main shareholder Yuexiu Group in both           said. “All of these can facilitate foreign
                                                                                                      in Hong Kong
Guangdong and Hong Kong, the Bank has           companies to set up regional headquarters
been focusing on its network expansion          and office in the city, driving a vibrant             w chbank.com
in the Mainland China market. Digital           development for industries of all kinds.”
12     Case Study

                                                                                  We see plenty of overseas
                                                                                 companies coming into the
                                                                                GBA, selecting Hong Kong as
                                                                                a base and looking to partner
                                                                                with companies that already
                                                                                   have local presence and
                                                                                     market knowledge.

                                                                                                 Yvette Yanne
                                                                                             General Manager, APAC

Driving Digital
Transformation Success
Canadian digital consultancy sets to expand in Hong Kong with high demand
for tech transformation across all industries.
Since 2007, digital consultancy firm          home devices, the city offers tremendous            position as Asia’s business hub, the local
Appnovation has helped hundreds of            opportunities for us to help businesses             talent pool has also become stronger in the
businesses advance and keep up the pace       enable their digital strategies and initiatives,”   past few years.
in the rapidly changing digital landscape.    she added, “this demand is driving our
                                                                                                  Appnovation’s next step is to expand its
Housing a team of experts from a diverse      continuous growth and expansion.”
                                                                                                  Hong Kong office in order to strengthen the
background including digital agencies,
                                                                                                  value they offer. “We are already very strong
consulting and IT, and experiences ranging    Ample tech talent supply                            with delivery and technology solutions. We
from in-house development, experience
                                              Yanne also saw the market demand for                are now adding more expertise in strategy
design, delivering management to change
                                              full service digital consultancies, such            and experience design, while continue
management and technology consulting,
                                              as Appnovation, who has a local team                to grow our technology teams, as well as
the company’s strength lies in its unique
                                              on the ground to meet client’s unique               client service and business development
insights in solving clients’ business
                                              requirements in a nimble way. In Hong Kong,         teams,” Yanne concluded.
problems and objectives with immersive
                                              the company has already worked with
user experience, powered by the right
                                              a number of clients on various projects,
technology solutions.
The Vancouver-based company set up
                                              including website development, digital
                                              strategy, user experience research, Agile
its regional headquarters in Hong Kong        enablement and change management.                        Offers six service areas
in 2015 to leverage on the city as the
                                              According to Yanne, the Guangdong-Hong                    including digital strategy,
financial and business hub of Asia. “Hong
Kong is an obvious choice for our APAC        Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA)                         experience design,
headquarters. It offers us opportunities to   development has attracted a lot of interest               development & engineering,
                                              from the tech industry as well as talents.
grow our business and develop long-term                                                                 data & analytics, corporate
relationships with a variety of clients,      “We see plenty of overseas companies
                                              coming into the GBA, selecting Hong
                                                                                                        agility & readiness and
including MNCs, regional conglomerates
and local companies,” said Yvette Yanne,      Kong as a base and looking to partner                     managed services & support
General Manager, APAC.                        with companies that already have local
                                                                                                       With worldwide offices in 15
                                              presence and market knowledge,” she said.
“With the city’s and the region’s embrace                                                               locations in the US, Europe
in digital technologies and experiences,      She added that Hong Kong has a diverse                    and APAC
whether this is eCommerce, Internet of        talent pool with a mix of local and overseas
Things (IoT), wearables, mobile apps,         professionals. While the city has always                  w appnovation.com
omnichannel, mobile payment, AI or smart      attracted overseas talent thanks to its
Case Study                13

Gaming up for
Esports in Asia
Hong Kong based esports technology
company CAPSL Entertainment
launches tournament platform to
nurture gaming talent in the world’s
fastest growing gaming market.

Esports has undergone tremendous                                                               He added that the city also amasses many
growth over the past decade. Not only                                                          MNC headquarters, which makes a big pool
the number of gamers has skyrocketed,                                                          of potential esports sponsors. “There is an
esports tournaments have also become a         Hongkongers are massive                         increasing number of brands wanting to
new form of entertainment for both gamers                                                      capitalise on the growing gaming market.
and spectators, coupled with an enormous         gamers especially with                        Our platform offers an entry point for
marketing opportunity for brands targeting
the hard-to-reach Gen Z audiences.
                                                 mobile devices. We get                        brands to access Gen Z audiences with an
                                                                                               extremely engaging platform,” he remarked.
“Global market share for gaming industry        to employ multi-lingual,                       “Being in Hong Kong allows us to easily
                                                                                               access these brands and have face-to-
has gone from 90 billion US dollars about
five years ago to 130 billion dollars today,
                                                gaming enthusiasts with                        face conversations about collaboration
and the absolute center of that growth         international experiences                       opportunities.”
was generated by esports and mobile
competitive gaming,” said Paddy Markham,           to support regional                         CAPSL has recently expanded its office
                                                                                               premise which houses different functions
founder of CAPSL Entertainment, a Hong
Kong-based esports technology company.
                                                business activities from                       of staff including UX and UI specialists,
                                                                                               marketing, graphic design, business
“There is a massive mobile penetration and             Hong Kong.                              development and administration. The Hong
gamer community in Hong Kong,” he added,                                                       Kong office also manages its engineering
“and now it’s about translating that passion                                                   team based in the Philippines. After the
into professionalism.”                                Paddy Markham                            official launch of BAASH in the Philippines
CAPSL recently launched BAASH, a mobile-                 Founder                               in the first quarter of 2020, the company
only competitive gaming platform. BAASH                                                        is looking to further expand penetration
enables anyone, including grassroots                CAPSL Entertainment                        into other Southeast Asian markets, while
tournament organisers to set up and launch                                                     at the same time scaling over 30 esports
their online league on mobile devices in                                                       game titles in the platform by the end of
                                               games industry.” Markham is pleased to see
less than 30 seconds, generating revenue                                                       the year, before eventually introducing the
                                               that the local Government is putting more
in a safe, scalable manner. BAASH uses                                                         platform to the China market. The company
                                               resources to support and grow the esports
its unique set of proprietary technologies     industry in Hong Kong. This helps to            is also eyeing the opportunities arising
to automatically extract match results in      create more awareness for esports, and the      from the Greater Bay Area and is exploring
real-time without dependency on game           potential of raising funds from institutional   the potential of setting up a development
developers and publishers providing            investors. Markham prefaced this with           studio in Shenzhen.
that data. The platform aims to serve as       some caution, “this push, including gaming
a launchpad for gamers looking to grow         events and conferences, needs to be
a career in esports, just like any world’s     maintained. Consistency and continuously
legendary athletes.                            aiding the many other initiatives are key         CAPSL Entertainment
                                               to ensuring growth in the local games
Esports industry development                   ecosystem,” he added.                                BAASH is a mobile-only
supported by Government                        According to Markham, Hong Kong                       gaming tournament platform
CAPSL set up its headquarters in Hong Kong
                                               has been historically a launchpad for                 developed by CAPSL, an
                                               many international game titles. “A lot of             esports technology company
based on its proximity to target markets.      companies choose to soft launch their
“Hong Kong provides a strategic location       game titles here in Hong Kong before                  headquartered in Hong Kong
for us in Asia, which is the heart and soul    entering the Mainland China market.
of the gaming industry,” said Markham.         Hongkongers are massive gamers
                                                                                                    An incubatee of Cyberport
“We are on the doorstep of Mainland            especially with mobile devices. We get to             Incubation Programme since
China which records the highest esports        employ multi-lingual, gaming enthusiasts              late 2019
revenue globally, plus only a few hours        with international experiences to support
flight away from Southeast Asia which is       regional business activities from Hong                w CAPSL.cc
one of the fastest growing markets in the      Kong. We are still expanding the team.”
14     Case Study

                                                  Bright Future for
                                                  Virtual Legal
                                                  Legal Beagle provides continuing education by
                                                  offering innovative and engaging courses to law
                                                  professionals virtually anywhere.

Hong Kong’s legal profession may be              benefited its growing client base. “While        “Law firms can have their product ready to
traditional, yet it is just as susceptible to    there will be a market for live training,        go in a very short period of time.”
changing tides as any other profession.          e-learning is becoming the new normal
                                                                                                  Schaus is currently working on bringing
To get lawyers up to speed, Legal Beagle         rather than the disrupter,” Schaus stated.
                                                                                                  its Core Course product to market, which
offers high quality on-demand, interactive       “Also, with challenging rent prices and more     allows Hong Kong legal professionals the
online legal training that is both convenient    companies moving towards gig, remote             option of attending necessary training
and affordable.                                  and flexi-work arrangements, e-learning is       when they are away or otherwise unable to
“When we founded the company in 2017,            not a ‘nice to have’ but a ‘must have’. Law      attend classes. As Legal Beagle continues
the market for legal training was 99 percent     firms need to train their teams around the       to grow, he intends to expand his team with
live classroom learning,” recalled David         changing economic environment. We are            new hires and increase content offerings.
Schaus, Legal Beagle’s Director. “We decided     here to help.”
                                                                                                  “We are thankful to be part of InvestHK’s
that Hong Kong’s legal market was ready for
                                                 Currently, Legal Beagle offers the largest       portfolio of companies,” he said. “It has
innovation and disruption, with solutions
                                                 video-based online training library              allowed us to get our name out to the
for professionals working at the world’s
largest law firm or practising on their own.”    accredited by the Law Society of Hong            larger business community and opened
                                                 Kong. Its expert speakers are almost             many doors for us in the finance, legal
                                                 exclusively based in Hong Kong. For those        and government sectors. The resources
Hong Kong is home
                                                 customers new to online training products,       provided have also been a tremendous
Schaus felt that Hong Kong was a natural                                                          asset to helping us grow. Hong Kong is the
                                                 Legal Beagle offers service support 24/7 via
place to launch Legal Beagle. “I came to                                                          most resilient, hard-working and exciting
                                                 phone, WhatsApp, email or chat.
Hong Kong in 2004 and stayed because                                                              city in the world, and we are proud to call it
I recognised that this is a place where if you                                                    our home.”
have a dream and work hard, you can make         Tailor made training for
anything happen,” he affirmed. “This attitude    international law firms
is the norm here. Since our establishment,       Alongside risk management and continuing
we have been approached by a number of           education training, Legal Beagle can build         Legal Beagle
different clients asking us to expand to more    customised platforms for international
jurisdictions in Asia and beyond. We plan to                                                           Founded in 2017 in Hong
                                                 law firms. “All they need to do is tell us the
do this in the very near future.”                launch time of the training programme,
                                                                                                        Kong, Legal Beagle offers
With growing demand of people working            and our content, production and IT teams               on‑demand, interactive online
from home, Legal Beagle’s services have          handle everything else,” Schaus explained.             risk management education
                                                                                                        and continuing professional
                                                                                                        development training
                                                                                                        accredited by the Law Society
       I came to Hong Kong in 2004 and stayed because                                                   for the legal profession
       I recognised that this is a place where if you have                                             It provides custom platforms
        a dream and work hard, you can make anything                                                    for international law firms
                                                                                                        to provide online accredited
             happen. This attitude is the norm here.
                                                                                                        training for its lawyers, clients
                                                                                                        and alumni through bespoke
                                      David Schaus                                                      content productions
                                        Director                                                        w legalbeagle.com.hk
                                      Legal Beagle
Case Study               15

Moving Money Internationally
is Easy with OFX
OFX provides transparent global money transfer services that make use of
technology to get the best rates for its customers.

                                              implement the homegrown Faster Payment          eCommerce sellers.” Its booth at the
                                              System (FPS) technology, developed by the       FintechHK Start-up Salon co-organised by
                                              Hong Kong Monetary Authority, to move           InvestHK during the Asian Financial Forum
                                              funds across different banks. The way it        2020 in Hong Kong provided invaluable
                                              works is simple: from a Hong Kong bank          exposure for OFX. “Thanks to InvestHK, we
                                              account, personal customers can use the         had the opportunity to better understand
                                              FPS facility to transfer HKD to OFX, and the    how to position our services within the
                                              funds will be received almost immediately.      Hong Kong market.”
                                              In addition to being regulated by Customs
                                                                                              Hong Kong clients are not only tech savvy
                                              and Excise Department in Hong Kong,
                                                                                              and knowledgeable, but the city itself is
                                              OFX’s global network of 115 bank accounts
                                                                                              very fast paced with a high expectation
                                              means even during times of high currency
                                                                                              in terms of service and turnaround time.
                                              volatility the company can process
                                                                                              OFX’s offering means they are uniquely
                                              customer transfers in a timely manner.
                                                                                              positioned to provide competitively
                                              “Our value proposition to customers is          priced FX services and smart currency
                                              very much around combining human                management tools, coupled with around-
                                              and digital,” said Yung Ngo, President, Asia    the-clock service from a team of experts.
                                              Pacific. “We aim to deliver the best foreign    “We have over 20 years of currency
                                              exchange (FX) experience through digital        expertise and hire local talent in Hong
                                              tools with expert support. We know there        Kong to support Asian businesses and
As the world is increasingly globalised,      is a lot of anxiety when moving money           international professionals,” Ngo stated.
transferring funds across international       internationally, so we’re committed to          “Having local talent is crucial to ensuring
borders has become as common as air           helping businesses and individuals in Hong      we are constantly offering an authentic
travel. For decades, though, the foreign      Kong with a timely and secure money             human touch, and is also an excellent way
exchange industry was relatively opaque,      transfer experience.”                           to get context and feedback from customers
dominated by big banks. Originally founded                                                    on the ground.”
in a garage in Sydney 22 years ago with       Hong Kong as key financial hub
the goal of offering a better and more
                                              “We chose Hong Kong as one of our
transparent way to transfer money to global
                                              international offices, thanks to its simple
destinations, OFX today has seven offices
                                              tax system, solid infrastructure, and
around the world, including an Asian
                                              business stability. It also provides a               Founded in 1998, the
footprint in Hong Kong and Singapore,
                                              good base for exploring opportunities in              Sydney-headquartered
offering 24/7 customer service with
                                              Mainland China,” Ngo added. “As a key
Chinese language services.                                                                          foreign exchange services
                                              global financial hub, Hong Kong’s customer
In Hong Kong, where it has been operating     base is aligned with the OFX portfolio:
                                                                                                    company is a publicly
for nearly a decade, the demand for           global citizens, international professionals,         listed company that offers
real-time global payments has seen OFX        businesses trading internationally and                competitive exchange rates,
                                                                                                    24/7 specialist support and
                                                                                                    currency management tools
            As a key global financial hub,                                                          to help mitigate risk
                                                                                                   In 2011, OFX expanded to
         Hong Kong’s customer base is aligned                                                       Hong Kong and consists
                                                                                                    of international and local
               with the OFX portfolio.                                                              professionals specialising
                                                                                                    in partnerships, corporate
                                   Yung Ngo                                                         sales, customer service and
                             President, Asia Pacific
                                                                                                    w ofx.com
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      Central, Hong Kong                                                                                            Get Our App Now

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