TRIBUTE TO THE STAFF - MAGAZINE 2018 - The whole story about the world's most exciting barrier company -

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TRIBUTE TO THE STAFF - MAGAZINE 2018 - The whole story about the world's most exciting barrier company -

The whole story about the world‘s most
exciting barrier company

Family matters Our family keeps growing
Service and Innovation Innovation never stops
DELTABLOC® around the globe On the road

TRIBUTE TO THE STAFF - MAGAZINE 2018 - The whole story about the world's most exciting barrier company -
02   Crossing continents                                                           Crossing continents

     continents in
2,860 km
                           With 2,860 km from Germany‘s Black Forest to the
                           Black Sea, the Danube crosses roughly half of Europe.
                           In 2017 alone, almost the same length of temporary
                           and permanent DELTABLOC® safety barriers has been
                           installed, safeguarding roads around the globe.
TRIBUTE TO THE STAFF - MAGAZINE 2018 - The whole story about the world's most exciting barrier company -
04   Editorial                                                                                                                                         Editorial

                                                                                                                             Creating safety
                                                                                                                            barriers is
Tribute to                                                                                                                 our business.
the staff                                                                                                                 Protecting lives
                                                                                                                         is our motivation.
     As the CEO of DELTA BLOC International GmbH, it          Family matters
     is my great pleasure to provide you with the very        In order to understand where we think the puck
     first edition of our “DELTA“ Magazine. It is meant       is going to be in the future, and how we are de-
     to allow you a rather special look into our still (and   termined to skate there, it may be a good idea to
     hopefully always) “young“ company. Although we           tell you who we are, and what drives us. As you
     have been in the business of developing, promot-         will see on the following pages of this magazine,
     ing and marketing vehicle restraint systems for al-      we consider ourselves a big family – in many dif-
     most 20 years, and very successfully so, our goal        ferent dimensions. Belonging to a group of com-
     is not so much to focus on the milestones we have        panies that has been owned for over a century by the
     achieved in the past. Instead, our aim and our pas-      founding families, family values are built into our              – THOMAS EDL
     sion lies firmly in what‘s ahead for us, for our part-   DNA. Moreover, the 80+ DELTABLOC® employees                         CEO, DELTA BLOC
     ners, and for our particular market. As a company,       across the world form a very tightly knit “core family“,            INTERNATIONAL GMBH
     we try to live and act by the very principle coined      which it is immensely satisfying to work in and
     by the legendary hockey player Wayne Gretzky             to belong to. And finally, our incredibly large and
     “I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where     widespread family of partners all over the world
     it has been.“                                            is growing stronger by the day. Therefore, I would
                                                              like to dedicate the first issue of this magazine to
                                                              each and every member of this family – and to all
                                                              those who will choose to join us in our efforts in the
                                                              years to come.
TRIBUTE TO THE STAFF - MAGAZINE 2018 - The whole story about the world's most exciting barrier company -
06   Contents                                                                                                                             Contents
                                                             Visit us online
                                                            for more information

08 14
                                                                                                              GLOBAL SERVICE
                                                                                                              30 / J ust another day
                                                                                                                   at the office?
                                                                                                                    ELTABLOC® Academy
                                                                                                              32 / D

                                                                                                              34 / Global full-service
                                                                                                              38 / L atin America

      08 / Welcome to the DELTABLOC® Family
      10 / Our family keeps growing

      12 / Loving the challenge                                 PUSHING AHEAD
                                                                14 / DB 80 Superstar
                                                                18 / Pushing DELTABLOC®
                                                                     technology ahead

                                                                20 / A history of groundbreaking

                                              INNOVATION NEVER STOPS
                                              22 / Austria‘s road safety pioneers
                                              24 / Innovation never stops
                                              26 / Silent night, silent road
                                              28 / Street smarts                                                    IT‘S DELFIE TIME
TRIBUTE TO THE STAFF - MAGAZINE 2018 - The whole story about the world's most exciting barrier company -
08            Welcome to the family                                                                                                                                                                       Artikelname

 to the
                                                                                                                                 Language Barriers vs. Concrete Barriers
                                                                                                                                 One thing Zahradnik really liked about his company      Having enjoyed a wonderful and caring childhood
                                                                                   MANAGING FAMILY                               was the high level of freedom and trust that every      himself, it was clear to him from the start that he
                                                                                                                                 employee enjoys. There is no boss constantly looking    wanted to “be there“ for his little daughter as much

                                                                                   DEVELOPMENT                                   over your shoulder or micro-managing your approach.     as he could. And DELTABLOC® is just the right kind
                                                                                                                                 What counts is the success of the enterprise in the     of company that allows you to care for more than
                                                                                                                                 long run. Therefore, everybody assumes a great          one baby at the same time: Having settled down
Reinhard Zahradnik has been involved in building                                                                                 deal of responsibility. Decisions are generally taken   with his girlfriend near the company’s German
DELTABLOC®‘s international business for almost a                                                                                 quickly: “Would you like to relaunch our French         headquarters, his boss Ingo Stoffels was perfectly
decade. When he became a father recently, he decided                                                                             Subsidiary?“ – “I don’t speak any French, but yeah,     willing to let him retire his travel suit, and take
to stay at home for two years, while still taking care of                                                                        I will do it!“, Zahradnik told his boss sometime back   up video-conferencing instead, both from home
the growing DELTABLOC® family.                                                                                                   in 2011. A small subsidiary                                                      and his desk in Neumarkt,
                                                                                                                                 had been in place there in                                                       as well as to reduce his
                                                                                                                                 France already, but had                                                          working time to about a

                                                                                                                                                                  “I don't speak
              When Thomas Edl took over DELTA BLOC International         How to develop an international market                  never really come off the                                                        third. This allows him to
              GmbH’s as CEO in 2008, Reinhard Zahradnik was              Though he was initially assigned to the International   ground. Time for a new                                                           continue to support the

                                                                                                                                                                   any French,
              the first new employee that joined his team. His           Sales Department, Zahradnik was soon to find            approach, which Zah-                                                             local team in Lyon, as
              mission: pushing the international rollout of              out that with DELTABLOC , there is a lot more to
                                                                                                                                 radnik, from his desk in                                                         well as to take care of

                                                                                                                                                                     but yeah,
              the company. Having graduated from Vienna                  “sales“ than in an ordinary company: Apart from         Austria, was keen to take                                                        his little daughter during
              University of Technology just 3 years earlier, Zahradnik   simply selling licences to prospective partners and     on together with Olivier                                                         the first two years of her

                                                                                                                                                                   I will do it!“
              was keen to prove himself and highly motivated             manufacturers, his job was to develop markets           Keutgen, a French-speak-                                                         life, while her mum soon
              to commit himself with his talent and dedication           from the ground up! Throughout Southeast Europe,        ing DELTABLOC® pioneer                                                           resumes her own part-
              to Edl’s ambitious expansion plans. At this time,          for instance, years of dedicated work had to be done    from Belgium. Finally, after                                                     time career. In the end,
              DELTABLOC®’s core technologies had already been            on the regulatory side, inlcuding convincing national   years of regulatory work                Reinhard Zahradnik                       his business workload
              under development for many years, and apart from           agencies to advance passive road safety, and helping    and project development                                                          will gradually come down,
              a strong Austrian home market, the company was             them to implement proper regulations and guidelines,    in France as well as in                                                          while his tasks at home
              already present in two dozen countries from Norway to      so that only high-quality products, strictly tested     neighbouring markets, the French subsidiary is          (including changing diapers, bathing and all the
              South Africa, largely through licensing its technology     against common standards, would be employed.            finally doing well.                                     rest) will certainly become more challenging, as
              to precast concrete producers all over the globe.          On the other hand, selling a licence alone doesn’t                                                              little Lena will soon start to crawl around. And
              With the first subsidiaries in Germany and France,         necessarily guarantee highest quality either – a lot    Taking on a new challenge                               if that’s not enough, two-time-Iron-Man Zahrad-
              international expansion was soon to move into higher       of technical support, training and constant product     With his “baby“ DELTABLOC France growing, Zah-          nik is already well into his training schedule for
              gear – and Zahradnik was right in the middle of it.        development are vital for the whole system to work      radnik was suddenly confronted with another baby:       another running/biking and swimming challenge
                                                                         as intended.                                            The birth of his daughter Lena in September 2017!       in the future.
TRIBUTE TO THE STAFF - MAGAZINE 2018 - The whole story about the world's most exciting barrier company -
Our family keeps growing
                                                                           ENDURANCE BABY
                                                                           LENA ZAHRADNIK
                                                        My daddy takes me for a run and I like it!
                                                        My father is really a sweet man, and a tough guy too! You know, every four years
                                                        he does these Ironman challenges where he spends 10 hours or so swimming,
                                                        running and biking together with a few hundred other madmen & women. I think
                                                        it‘s cool, the training keeps him focused, relaxed and strong – basically everything
                                                        he will need to raise me, too! By the way, I was hardly 5 months old and he
                                                        already brought me up to speed – pushing me 20 km in my stroller through nice,
                                                        fresh Bavarian air. I really like that he‘s doing that, I can even get some good
                                                                   quality sleep, when he‘s not constantly on the phone managing his

                                                                      business all over France. Just kidding, he‘s a really great dad and
                                                                       quite a family man.

KEEPS GROWING                                                                                                                              CRASH TEST BABY
                                                                                                                                           ADNA SILIC
                                                                                               My mommy took me to an exciting crash test before I was even born
                                                                                          Hi everyone … They call me “crash test baby“, and there‘s a reason for that: When I was
  At DELTABLOC®, we run our company like a family,                                        still in my mother‘s womb, but had already my big cute eyes and well developed ears,
   spread out over many countries and continents.                                         I could hear my mommy and all her colleagues getting completely excited over that
                                                                                          crash test in which a really big truck hit this very elegant but strong concrete
    Every day we care for each other‘s business,                                          wall. Boom booom baaaang and nothing happened! Well, I mean yeah, there
    assist each other with know-how, manpower                                             was that noise in the distance, but no concrete was flying around. I mean
  and whatever is needed … And when an employee                                           ZERO! Zero debris! Yeahhh … Everybody cheered a lot, and I was thinking to
   needs our support in order to also care for his                                        myself: I hope that when I’ve grown up a little bit and my mom goes back to
    own family at home, we are glad to allow for                                          work, I will be part of this DELTABLOC® family as well.
       great flexibility in everybody‘s interest.

  I think you could say our family bonds are at least
           as strong as our safety barriers.

                                                             GLOBETROTTER BABY
                                                             FLORIAN FERNER
                                                        My daddy travels around the world … Can‘t wait to go with him!
                                                        My dad is a very free spirit. He travels roughly a hundred days a year. And I mean real rough travel,
                                                        like sitting in an airplane for 15 hours and then driving another 15. Because, you know, Latin
                                                        America is a BIG continent. Lots of long, never-ending roads. They could all need some decent
                                                        concrete protection, by the way. But that‘s going to take him at least a few more decades to im-
                                                            plement – so when I grow up, I‘m sure there will still be lots of roads left for me to work on.
TRIBUTE TO THE STAFF - MAGAZINE 2018 - The whole story about the world's most exciting barrier company -
12            Loving the challenge                                                                                                                                                      Loving the challenge
                                                                                                                          A typically untypical Viennese, Georg Ferner is currently our
                                                                                                                          globetrotting “Ambassador“ to the Latin American Continent.
                                                                                                                          Equally well versed in the Middle East as in other corners of the
                                                                                                                          world, travelling has always been a passion for the trained engi-
                                                                                                                          neer. After several years as an employee in the early days of our

                                                                                                                          company, he finally works a free-lancer, helping to put together
                                                                                                                          precast concrete and infrastructure projects of all sorts. But since
                                                                                                                          DELTABLOC® is such an attractive subject, our projects take up
                                                                                                                          most of his (travelling) schedule. But that might change a
                                                                                                                          little, since he‘s just recently become a proud father.

                                                                                                                                                                           GEORG FERNER
                             ®                                                                                                                                      AREA SALES MANAGER
                                                                                                                                                                          LATIN AMERICA

DELTABLOC® employees come from many different backgrounds.
We try to make sure that each and everyone can find his or her own
perfect work-life balance in our company, and take on big, rewarding                                        KATRIN HASELBAUER
challenges!                                                                                               APPLICATION ENGINEER                                                Katrin joined DELTABLOC International just recently
                                                                                                                                                                             as an application engineer – and so far, she is very ex-
                                                                                                                                                                            cited about what she saw and learned during the first few
                                                                                                                                                                            weeks on the job. Soon she’s going to spend even more time
                                                                                                                                                                          with customers, colleagues and on various construction sites.
                                                                                                                                                                         What motivated the 32-year old from Burgenland to become an
                                                                                                                                                                        engineer? As a young girl, she and her two sisters helped their
                                                                                                                                                                         father to build some large structures at home … From that to
                                                                                                                                                                           studying construction engineering in Vienna later on it’s
                                 JULIA STAIGER                                                                                                                                apparently just a small step.
                                 ASSISTANT TO THE CEO
                                                                                                          Born in Bosnia, university degree in Sweden – Emina
                                      Only 24 years old, and in spirit as youthful and mature as          Silic is our multi-cultural and multi-lingual engineer,
                                    our company, Julia Staiger is thrilled to work as a management        working on all technical aspects of product development,
                                   assistant. Having left her studies in Vienna after two years, she      from the basic idea to the finish line … Which is, in our
                                  chose to do some “real work“ in a small family business, just to land   case, very often a severe impact at a crash test. Since
                                 her dream job in a larger one soon thereafter! In fact, her work at      the planning, organizing and validation of those tests
                                  DELTABLOC International in Sollenau – though demanding and time-        is a big aspect of her job, she is usually a little “tense“
                                   consuming – still allows her to pursue a Finance & Marketing degree    about the outcome. Especially so in October 2017 at
                                    in Wiener Neustadt, where she practically spends all weeknights.      the very last “ZERO DEBRIS CONCRETE“ crash test.
                                       Being well organized and a tough cookie, she also manages to       But she wasn‘t that much afraid that a large piece
                                          spend quality time with her partner from New Zealand,           of concrete would come out … But rather, a small
                                              who came from the other end of the world, just              baby, as she was pregnant and gave birth to her
                                                   to be with her.                                        lovely daughter Adna just a few weeks later.
                                                                                                                                                                                     EMINA SILIC
                                                                                                                                                                                     DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER
TRIBUTE TO THE STAFF - MAGAZINE 2018 - The whole story about the world's most exciting barrier company -
14   DB 80 Superstar                                                                                                                       DB 80 Superstar

                       How DELTABLOC®'s iconic safety barrier became the legend of a new millenium

                                                                             DB 80
                                                                         In 2000 A.D., contrary to some predictions, the world did not come to an end.
                                                                        In so many ways, things were really just getting started. Passive road safety,
                                                                       for instance, was undergoing a revolution on highways all around the world
                                                                      and we introduced the DB 80 – our symbol of a new millenium of life-saving
                                                                     technological breakthroughs.

                                                                  When Karl Benz first demonstrated his gas-          and more dangerous. Unlike road safety, which hardly
                                                                 fuelled “Benz Patent Motorwagen“ in 1885, the        progressed at all. In 1984, Volvo invented the airbag and
                                                                first car that was soon about to kick the world       would thereby greatly advance safety for drivers and sub-
                                                               into the automobile age instantly hit a wall. Bang!    sequently, for passengers as well. But “passive safety“,
                                                              Luckily, no one was hurt, which is hardly surprising,   meaning the design of road infrastructure and ensuring
                                                              given that the three-wheeled tube frame with 0.8        the safety of virtually everybody around, was still in its
                                                             horsepower wouldn‘t even reach its maximum velocity      infancy. Steel guardrails were becoming ubiquitous,
                                                            of a little over 10 km/h before impact. Fast-forward      but had their own bag of disadvantages: Whereas they
                                                           a hundred years to the mid 1980s, and more modern          helped a great number of cars to stay on the road, they
                                                          cars had not only populated virtually every corner of       had troubles to prevent faster or heavier vehicles from
                                                         the planet, but turned into heavy high-speed monsters.       breaking through to the opposite lanes of a motorway.
                                                         Year after year, cars became ever faster, numerous,
TRIBUTE TO THE STAFF - MAGAZINE 2018 - The whole story about the world's most exciting barrier company -
16   DB 80 Superstar                                                                                                   DB 80 Superstar

                                                                                                   DB 80       N2 W4 H1 W4 H2 W5

                                                                                                   DB 80E      H2 W1

     Explaining the success of something is not always an obvious thing to do. Often times
     successful people are, for instance, just said to be in the right place at the right time.
     That is most certainly the case for DB 80. But to that, one might also add “and have the      DB 80AS-E   H2 W1
     right shape“! Because ease of manipulation and handling is of course a major cost and
     time factor when installing concrete elements of any sort. So, since it is easily doable to
     install a kilometer‘s worth of DB 80 during a regular working day, the practicality of the
     system has long been established wherever people had worked with it. And then there‘s
                                                                                                   DB 80F      H2 W2/W3

     of course that other aspect to its shape: The incredible versatility! Being considerably
     smaller than DELTABLOC®‘s larger heavy hitters (DB 120S), and a lot tougher than ultra
     slim work-zone protection artists such as the SB 50 series, the DB 80 is simply the           DB 80A      H2 W2
     perfect all-rounder with the widest range of useful missions. And finally, there‘s a
     third aspect to that shape.
                                                                                                   DB 80AS-A   H2 W1
     Perfectly in shape due to years of impacts
     DB 80 and its brothers and sisters have one amazing property, that almost
     defies the laws of nature: Whereas most things simply decay and get worse
     over time (think entrophy), especially when they are constantly being
     smashed and hit, DB 80 just got better every year. With every impact
     on every crash test, as well as with the analysis of real-life accidents
     and their consequences, DB 80‘s design, the material technology
     and the core components such as the coupling system and rein-
     forcement were undergoing continuous improvements to make
     the whole system more robust and high-performing. With
     two decades‘ worth of improvements, and the experience
     of literally half a million of produced elements, the DB 80
     is – as it stands – a real superstar.

                                                                                                                                            Further family
                                                                                                                                             members have
                                                                                                                                         retired from sales
                                                                                                                                               already, still
                                                                                                                                            doing their job
                                                                                                                                               on the road.
TRIBUTE TO THE STAFF - MAGAZINE 2018 - The whole story about the world's most exciting barrier company -
18                 Pushing DELTABLOC® technology ahead                                                                                            Pushing DELTABLOC® technology ahead
                                                                                                                  DELTABLOC  ®

                                                                       Franz Spitzer, married with three grown-
                                                                                                                  ahead …
                                                                       up kids, has been actively developing
                                                                        the DELTABLOC® product range for
                                                                         the companies of Kirchdorfer Group
                                                                         since 1994. Currently, he is Head
                                                                          of Research & Development at
                                                                           DELTABLOC International.

                                                                                                                  Impact tests are almost like a “day at the office“-
                                                                                                                  routine for you, we assume. Do you have other             new international standards over time. Current
                                                                                                                  hobbies as well?                                          regulation allows parts heavier than 2 kg to break
                                                                                                                  Ha! It‘s of course a lot more exciting than being at      off at the most severe impacts, which seems to
                                                                                                                  the office … Those crash tests are rather big and         be accabtable when a 38 ton heavy truck hits the
                                                                                                                  expensive undertakings. But it‘s true, over the           barrier. But it has never been our company spirit to
Mr. Spitzer, as Head of Research & Development at DELTABLOC                                                       course of my 25-year career I have been involved          just “follow“ the minimum requirements. Instead,
International and as an industry veteran, you are sort of                                                         in close to 200 of them, so they have become kind         we always tried to push ahead and see what‘s really
the technical father of the DELTABLOC ® system, aren‘t you?                                                       of a routine. But if you spend weeks and months           possible to achieve. Today we can offer a full range
Well, yes and no … It‘s true that I was and still am involved in                                                  developing certain aspects of the product, then you       of different H4b barriers without such heavy parts
developing DELTABLOC® vehicle restraint systems almost from                                                       are of course very keen to know if everything turns       detaching off the barrier. Truly a personal milestone
the start. Actually, when I joined our founding company MABA in                                                   out well in the end. So it‘s a challenge every time, if   in my career as a developer. And in many cases,
1994 as a young technician, my boss at the time, Helmut Heimel,                                                   you like. And as far as my hobbies go – I do a lot of     we have set the standard first, and the rest of the
had more or less invented the first version of DELTABLOC® just                                                    skiing, mountain biking and I also like paragliding       industry and the regulatory framework eventually
two years earlier. But ever since then, I have been constantly                                                    a lot. So you could say that‘s quite challenging, too!    followed our lead.
involved in pushing the boundaries of what‘s possible with
these systems.                                                                                                    What have you been working on recently with
                                                                                                                  regards to DELTABLOC® development? And what
When you started to work on the DELTABLOC system, first
                                                                                                                  drives the company to continue to develop these
crash tests were already under way, right?                                                                        products for more than two decades already?
Yes, crash tests first started in 1993 – the very first one was even                                              Our big research project over the last two years
performed with manned vehicles, but then Heimel switched to a                                                     was of course the development of ZERO DEBRIS
testing ground in Germany, where he could put crash test dummies                                                  CONCRETE. Actually, the concrete mix is only a
into the vehicles. Although the stunt drivers reportedly didn‘t mind                                              small part of the whole development – we took a
too much, he was actually terrified when he saw the force and                                                     new look at the way we reinforce the concrete, and
danger of these impacts. Crazy times! These days, of course, our                                                  also redeveloped other core components such as
test vehicles are very precisely accelerated to the required speed                                                the formwork. Overall, ZERO DEBRIS CONCRETE                  Gerald Schweiger and Franz Spitzer
and angle using a sophisticated wire rope system.                                                                 is quite a substantial breakthrough that will set
           A HISTORY OF
                                                                                                                                                                                    ZERO DEBRIS

                                                                                                   GROU N D -BR E A K I NG


           DELTABLOC      ®
                                                                                                                                                                                   ZERO DEBRIS CONCRETE SETS NEW
                                                                                                                                                                                   SAFETY STANDARDS UP TO CONTAIN-
                                                                                                                                                                                   MENT LEVEL H4b
                                                                                                                                                                                   After 18 months of development DELTABLOC®
                                                                                                                                                                                   has the world‘s first ZERO DEBRIS CONCRETE
                                                                                                                                                                                   barriers market-ready for worldwide rollout –
                                                                                                                                                                                   a groundbreaking innovation that saves lives
                                                                                                                              DELTABLOC® LAUNCHES                                  by reliably preventing hazardous concrete
                                                                                                                              ITS IN-SITU
                                                                                                                                                                                   pieces from breaking out even at high impact
                                                                                                                              BARRIER BUSINESS
                                                                                                                                                                                   events up to level H4b.



                                                      OUR COMPANY GOES
                                                      INTERNATIONAL                                                                                                                             DELTABLOC®
                                                      DELTABLOC Europe is incorporated in                                           NOISE PROTECTION                                            OPERATES IN
                                                      order to market the adoption of our con-
                                                      crete barriers to an international market
                                                                                                                                    WITH PHONOBLOC®
                                                                                                                                    Under the trademark PHONOBLOC®, the                                43
                                                      in the form of licensing deals. Later, the                                    company enters the noise protection                         AND HAS
                                                      company is renamed to DELTABLOC                                               market with an innovative 2-in-1 system,
                                                      International, as the products are soon                                       combining vehicle restraint systems with
 DEVELOPMENT AND                                      adopted in South Africa, the Middle East                                      noise barriers in an efficient, space-saving
                                                                                                                                                                                            INSTALLED MORE
 TESTING BEGINS                                       and Australia, among other places.                                            design. Absorber elements made out of                    THAN 800.000
 After first attempts and trials with steel                                                                                         lightweight concrete are later comple-                      BARRIERS
 guardrail and concrete barrier systems                                                                                             mented with wood concrete solutions. In
 during the 1980s, the promising US “New                                                                                            the same year, DELTABLOC International
 Jersey“ design profile forms the basis                                                                                             is awarded Austria‘s “most successful
 of the pioneering development of high                                                                                              export business“ title in the category
 performance concrete barriers for Austria‘s                                                                                        Trade & Industry.
 Highways, in addition to CITYBLOC® patents
 and trademarks already held by our parent

22               Austria‘s road safety pioneers                                                                                           Austria‘s road safety pioneers
When it comes to road safety, Austria has developed and exported more than its fair share of ideas and products to
the world, notably the idea of permanent Road Safety Training Centers to enhance and train driving skills of ordinary            At Teesdorf, Franz Wurz and Hans Danzinger (Head of ÖAMTC‘s Driving
drivers. We spoke with Franz Wurz, who invented and developed the idea for Austria‘s Touring Club ÖAMTC in Teesdorf              Camp & Racing Circuit in Melk) recall the crazy old days of the first
south of Vienna, where the first-ever crash test of DELTABLOC® elements took place.                                              ever crash tests of DELTABLOC® elements. Wurz hosted the event and
                                                                                                                                 organized the stunt drivers. Danzinger was one of them, smashing a
                 Only a short drive from the DELTABLOC Inter-             every potentially dangerous situation. Around the      truck into the concrete barriers and getting out unharmed.
                 national Headquarters, the legendary “ÖAMTC              same time, Wurz also layed out the design of such
                 Fahrtechnikzentrum Teesdorf“ has been the home           a driving camp, as well as the ultimate guide to
                 of Austria‘s first permanent driving camp for more       driving mastery, in his book “My Driving Technique“,
                 than 30 years. It has also been the blueprint and        the bible for driving safety and fun, and used in
                 model not only for subsequent driving camps all          classes to this day!
                 over Austria, but all around the world. As with
                 DELTABLOC®, good ideas simply “catch on“ and             Successful with Road Safety Training Centers
                 become established rather quickly, if a great            The driving camp in Teesdorf became an instant
                 vision and substantial market demand combine.            success, prompting Wurz and ÖAMTC to develop
                 The vision, in this case, came from Franz Wurz,          many more such installations all over Austria and
                 a former racing driver and three-times European          later also abroad. “A key element to the success
                 Rallyecross Champion.                                    is that they are really multi-functional. And, of
                                                                          course, people just love to play around and see
                 Active Road Safety as a family affair                    what they can do with their cars. But apart from
                 Together with his son Alex (ex Formula 1 driver,         the fun aspect, it is really seriously helping road
                 two-times Le Mans winner and “FIA road safety            safety. A scientific study with 10,000 participants
                 ambassador“), Franz Wurz has spent a large por-          in Luxembourg demonstrated the huge effect on
                 tion of his professional career focusing on “active“     road safety! Therefore, Luxembourg made driving
                 road safety, i.e. teaching driving skills to ordinary    camp courses mandatory for all new drivers!“, Wurz
                 drivers that want to have more fun and eventually        told us. Together with his son Alex and a team of
                 more control of their car. It all started around 1984,   training and safety experts, he runs the “Test &
                 at the end of his active motorsports career and          Training International“ company, which promotes,
                 long before his son could even reach down to the         consults and designs Road Safety Training Centres
                 pedal. In cooperation with the Austrian Automobile,      and race-tracks all over the world. Such as the
                 Motorcycle and Touring Club (ÖAMTC), he bought           one in Teesdorf, where active and passive Road
                 land the size of 40 football fields and designed a       safety measures first “collided“ in 1993, when
                 very clever and versatile training ground, on which      the first concrete restraint systems were put to a
                 drivers could train their skills in order to master      spectacular test.
24                Innovation never stops                                   Innovation never stops

                                                                        When it comes to preventing
                                                                    hazardous parts breaking out from
                                                                     concrete barriers upon impact, our
                                                                      proven DELTABLOC® reinforce-
                                                                    ment technology already performs
                                                                     extremely well up to containment
                                                                    level H2. But now we have taken the
                                                                      development effort to a whole new
                                                                    level: with ZERO DEBRIS CONCRETE,
                                                                     we have practically eliminated the
                                                                    danger of detached parts especially
                                                                      at highly dynamic and heavy im-
                                                                    pacts. It is truly stunning, what our
                                                                       R&D Team was able to achieve.
                                                                     And I am delighted to confirm that
                                                                        ZERO DEBRIS CONCRETE has
                                                                     proven its performance in the H2
                                                                       series ‘DB 80 Superstar’ and the
                                                                     whole new H4b series ‘HERO 120’,
                                                                       which solidifies our competitive

                                                                       advantage quite substantially.

                                                                               – Thomas Edl

                                                                             CEO, DELTA BLOC
                                                                            International GmbH


As everybody knows, concrete is incredibly hard and durable.
But it is of course also a little brittle, which has the annoying
consequence, that something breaks out, when you hit it with
something hard – say a hammer. Or a truck. Well, now we can
comfortably say: “Those were the old days …“
26               Silent night silent road

                                                                                               Every year, thousands of tourist flood the famous
                                                                                               “Silent Night Chapel“ in Oberndorf. They come
                                                                                               from all over the planet … But some of them come
                                                                                               actually for a different reason: They want to see Ralf
                                                                                               Dirnberger (AND the Chapel), because there are not
                                                                                               many experts of his standing anywhere else. He has
The small village of Oberndorf near Salzburg                                                   been part of the noise reduction business for more than 20 years – What    Ship only the clever stuff
is not only home to the world‘s most popular                                                   separates him from the rest, however, is that he learned and practiced     The beauty of it is that shipping PHONOBLOC®
Christmas tune. It is also where silent nights are                                             every single aspect of it himself. Starting out as a mason, he worked      products across the continent is exactly what
sold and promoted year-round: At our dedicated                                                 his way up to various manager positions, while he still likes to lay his   DELTABLOC International does so well: you see,
PHONOBLOC® competence center, run by “Noise                                                    hands on the concrete, especially in the lab: he not only sells projects   virtually all competitors have large, physical pro-
Barrier Guru“ Ralf Dirnberger.
                                                             “I just absolutely love the       through his extensive professional network, but he also develops the       duction facilities somewhere. In order to keep them
                                                                                               technical specifications, conducts lab tests and performance trials        busy, heavy prefabricated concrete elements are
                                                            noise protection industry.         himself, and takes all certification matters and all the necessary         often shipped over huge distances – making the

                                                         Being quite the alpha male, I         paperwork into his own hands. Why? “Because every time I test the
                                                                                               product myself, I learn something new …“, he tells us.
                                                                                                                                                                          logistics prohibitively expensive. DELTABLOC®, on
                                                                                                                                                                          the other hand, ships mostly know-how, production
                                                          like to work independently,                                                                                     equipment and high-tech but lightweight components,
                                                                                               Develop first, then sell                                                   whereas the “heavy stuff“ can be produced locally,
                                                        pushing the business as hard           When Thomas Edl hired Ralf Dirnberger, his task was to export the          that is as near as possible to the project! Since there
                                                     as I can. That‘s why working in           existing PHONOBLOC ® product line to an international audience.            are hundreds of precast concrete facilities all over
                                                                                               “But not so fast“, he said … “if you want your product to succeed,         the place, virtually every producer can potentially
                                                       a small outpost near Salzburg           you need to give me six months, a development budget and a lot             get licensed for a PHONOBLOC® installation. So

                                                       is just perfect for me. And the         of trust. I‘ll develop a really competitive wood concrete solution         the growth potential is really fantastic. No wonder
                                                                                               for you, better performing than all the competitors out there!“ No         Ralf Dirnberger had to hire a new colleague just
                                                      German market right over the             sooner said than done, and neither Thomas Edl nor Ralf Dirnberger          recently, in order to take on the growing requests

                                                      border here is of course a very          ever looked back. The new design was an instant hit, and ever since,
                                                                                               Rafl “the salesman“ Dirnberger can throw around square meters
                                                                                                                                                                          for international projects. And no wonder that noise
                                                                                                                                                                          protection devotees are so often found in Oberndorf‘s
                                                                    big focus of ours …“       like a baker throws his dough … 20.000 m 2 there, 40.000 m 2 over          Silent Night Chapel – praying and hoping that Ralf
                                                                                               here … It all sounds like half of Europe is already lining up to get       still has another PHONOBLOC® production license
                                                                                               PHONOBLOC Noise Protection solutions.
                                                                                                                                                                          to grant for their region.
                                                                           RALF DIRNBERGER
                                                                        PHONOBLOC® Business
                                                                         Development Manager
28   Street smarts                                                         Street smarts

SMARTS                                  Have you ever heard of DB‘s little brother CB? Actually CB, a.k.a.
                                        CITYBLOC®, has been the first-born concrete barrier in our family of
                                        modern vehicle restraint systems. But not many know that – because

                                        its range of activity has for a long time been confined to the Austrian
                                        home turf, where it flourishes on streets and places with a speed limit
                                        of up to 50 km/h. But that lack of street fame is about to change “bigly“,

redefining urban
                                        as they say in D.C., because that handy little allrounder recently not
                                        only got a major facelift, but some serious testing and development,
                                        too. Think crash testing and the whole shebang. But we’re not talking

                                        bicycles here, all right? But we’ll come to that in a minute …

                                        Modular security barriers for smart urban infrastructure
                                        For decades, CITYBLOC® has been the ultimate choice for guidance,
                                        separation and protection wherever automobile traffic is slow-moving,
                                        or not moving at all – except for pedestrians, bicycles, pizza deliveries or
                                        tramways. In short: everything that’s typically part of city life. Whether
                                        you want to guide traffic in a parking lot, separate lanes in a warehouse,
                                        protect pedestrians in a bus stop, keep workers within a construction
                                        site or just simply close off a road and say “please turn around, will
                     you?”, CITYBLOC® offers a virtually unrestricted range of possible uses. And comes with
                     lots of “add-ons” and plug-ins (such as traffic signs and fences). This is also why recently,
                     our modular safety barrier system started to propagate wildly over Northern Europe,
                     on a mission to protect bicycle riders from slower-moving obstacles such as cars and
                     trucks. In fact, in countries like Sweden and Denmark, where bicycles practically rule
                     the cities, DELTABLOC® elements now sell like hotcakes. And you can be sure that the
                     “viking spirit” of these bicycle kingdoms, driving social and urban development all over
                     the place, will soon spread CB-protected bike lanes all across the continent.

                     First fully EN 1317-compliant allround barrier
                     At present, though, city life is still more like the wild west – since no regulations or
                     standards for restraint systems apply to inner-cities yet. Which is not good, since so
                     many different road users battle it out at various speeds within a very confined space.
                     In short: Always ready and willing to be the first with a new standard, we redeveloped
                     CB 240 “T1” and successfully crash tested it against EN 1317-2 standards at a speed of
                     80 km/h. Showing the world once again, how it’s properly done “the smart way“ – we
                     stand ready to redefine urban traffic flows and city life in general.
30                 Just another day at the office

                                                                 IT‘S GOOD
                                                                 NEWS MONDAY!
                                                                    The gentlemen enjoy a free
                                                                    upgrade to a fine new Jaguar!
                                                                    Well done, Europcar … - Now
                                                                    get the Navigation ready, be-
                                                                    cause the first production

                         10:15                                                                            15:15
                                                                    partner to be visited is 74.9
                                                                    miles away (exluding a stop-
                                                                    over at Burger King) – and the
                                                                                                          THE DAY IS JUST
                                                                                                                                                     07:00                                                                   15/02/18
                                                                    whole damn way, the Jag‘ likes
                                                                                                          GETTING STARTED

                                                                    to be driven on the wrong side

                           After an early morning taxi              of the road!

                           ride, Hugh McGarry (Project
                           Manager U.K.) and Joachim                                                         Retiring the car and putting on        BREAKING THE ICE BEFORE
                           Dragschitz (International                                                         some serious working gear,             A TRULY GRAND OPENING

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         THANKS FOR THE RIDE AND WINTER
                           Equipment & Production                                                            including a change of trousers!                                                                  After 51.6 sunny early morning miles back to Man-
                           Manager) settle down in the                                                       Now work is getting started.                      Back 45.5 Miles to yesterday‘s production      chester Airport, it‘s finally time to return the Jaguar.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         STRIKES WITH A WAITING GAME
                           plane, ready to start another                                                     Which means … When dinner                         plant – but this time without Hugh. Which      Luckily, no contact with any concrete barrier … While
                           busy week and for a major new                                                     is served later at the hotel,                     is a pity, because he could have helped to     every thing is fine with the car, misfortune strikes
                           production start in England.                                                      it‘s already half past nine in                    scrath the ice from the Jaguar‘s windshield    elsewhere – flight delayed due to snowy conditions
                           Ready for take-off, as soon                                                       England, which of course cor-                     … Anyway, back to a detailed look at the       in Frankfurt! Damn it … After many hours of waiting,
                           as the flight attendant has
                           buckled them up …
                                                                                   12:40                     responds to half past ten in
                                                                                                             continental Europe.
                                                                                                                                                               production process, lots of documenta-
                                                                                                                                                               tion, and finally - at precisely 13:00 local
                                                                                                                                                                                                              an almost cancelled ticket and another re-booking,
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Joachim can fly back to Vienna via Munich. Time of
                                                                                                                                                               time, the first-ever SB 70 produced on         arrival at home: Midnight!
                                                                                                                                                               her Majesty‘s Isles is liberated from it‘s

                                                                                                                                                               formwork. Good boy – great shape! Time

                                                                                                                                                               to celebrate the grand opening … But this
                                                                                                                                                               time, no Guinness at hand. Instead, some

                         CHECK-OUT AND OFF TO THE
                                                                                                                                                               office work and going over the whole pro-
                         SB 70 PRODUCTION START
                                                                                                                                                               duction process with the local manager.
                          New day, same routine: Early morning rush to an-
                          other production plant, this time Joachim and Hugh
                          assist with the production start of SB 70 elements.
                          The new formwork needs a little explaining, and the
                          production process some streamlining.
                                                                                                                                                           Joachim Dragschitz knows every trick in
                                                                                                                                                           the book when it comes to the intricacies of
                                                                                                                                                           producing DELTABLOC® elements. That‘s

                                                                                                                           18:40                           because he has been a plant manager at our
                                                                                                                                                           Austrian sister company for a long time. But
                                                                                     STUDYING THE                                                          more recently, he has found his true passion
                                                                                     LOCAL CULTURE                                                         – sharing his detailed production knowledge
                                                                                                                                                           with all our production partners around the

                                                                                        Since everything went rather well at the plant,                    world! So for him, those quiet days “at the
                                                                                        it‘s now time to study some local habits (and                      office“ (or production plant, rather) are gone
                                                                                        beverages), just across from the new hotel.                        for good. Now he‘s truly happy with “Customer
                                                                                                                                                           Service in Action“!
32                DELTABLOC® Academy                                                                                           DELTABLOC® Academy

                                                                   Our open trade secret:
                                                                   DELTABLOC® Academy
                                                                                                            DELTABLOC®‘s business model is rather unique in the entire industry …
                                                                                                            Since our focus is primarily on the transfer of know-how and sharing of
                                                                                                            core technology with an ever growing network of partners worldwide.
                                                                                                            The advantages are obvious: We invest heavily in research, product
43 years old and a “native“ of Wiener Neustadt, Wolfgang Ganster
                                                                                                            development and training, while our partners can focus entirely on project
has been working for DELTABLOC International ever since global
                                                                                                            management, delivery and production. In short: We handle hundreds
expansion started in 2010. As Sales & Operations Director, his
                                                                                                            of projects and production facilities, which requires a very efficient
prior engineering and automotive industry experience proved
                                                                                                            way to deliver and implement DELTABLOC® components. Besides our
very valuable in the development of DELTABLOC International
                                                                                                            tension bars and coupling systems we even ship reinforcement, rebar
into a global service provider. He directs our sales activities
                                                                                                            and accessories turn-key ready. Furthermore our services include all
and oversees our efforts in partner training and
                                                                                                            the necessary equipment for production and handling. This full-service
know-how transfer, which are at the core of
                                                                                                            solution provides unbeatable efficiency and speed for any initial pro-
our excellent relationship with licensee
                                                                                                            duction start for projects worldwide.
partners all over the world.

Wolfgang                                                           DELTABLOC® ACADEMY
                                                                   IS OPEN FOR BUSINESS

Ganster                                                            >> G
                                                                       et the latest overview of current
                                                                     product developments
                                                                   >> Hands-on production training
                                                                   >> Project Installations training
                                                                   >> Logistics & Project Management

                                                                   For more information on our complete
                                                                   training workshops, please contact us:
                                                                   +43 57715 470-0
                                                                                                                                                 Global full-service partnerships

     ships                      “To be honest, we consider DELTABLOC® more of a large
                                                                                                                             We enjoy a very strong position on the German market and
                               community than just a company. Ever since our products
                                                                                                                               are able to participate in many substantial infrastructure
                                were first launched in the early 1990s, and most certainly
                                                                                                                              projects, that the German government is undertaking. Our
                                   since the incorporation of DELTABLOC® as a separate
                                                                                                                                market share is increasing substantially every year, and
                                company in 2000, the growth of our movement has been
                                                                                                                            from our headquarters in Bavaria and our branch office near
                              nothing short of spectacular! Together with 80 employees
                                                                                                         Ingo Stoffels
                                                                                                                            Berlin, we are in a great position to cover the entire country.
                      and hundreds of friends and partners across the world, we are
                           excited about the future of our unique portfolio and business
                             model. We invite everyone interested in passive road safety
                             worldwide to come and see us, and be part of our comunity“

                                                                                           Werner Fink


                                                DELTA BLOC INTERNATIONAL GMBH
  in 2000
                                                > DELIVERING TECHNOLOGY & KNOW-HOW
                                                > PROVIDING CUSTOMER SERVICE & TRAINING                            After many years of market development,
                                                > JUST-IN-TIME LOGISTICS & SUPPORT
  80                                                                                                               our subsidiary with offices near Lyon is
                                                                                                                   well-settled and showing a very good
  CONTACT:          			                         6 SUBSIDIARIES       WORLDWIDE LICENSEES
  DELTA BLOC International GmbH                                                                                    performance, especially in the rental
  Industriestrasse 28
  2601 Sollenau
                                                Germany                                                            business. DELTABLOC France is growing
                                                Netherlands          > Exclusive Partnerships
                                                                                                                   and doing well.
                                                U.K.                 > Project-based Partnerships
  T. +43 57715 / 470 - 0                                                                                                                                                    Reinhard Zahradnik
                                                South Africa
  F. +43 57715 / 400 - 474                                                                                                                                                       Sales Director
Global full-service partnerships
Netherlands                                                                                        DELTABLOC
The Netherlands is very much a steel country, and
                                                                                                      South Africa
the Dutch traditionally favor non-proprietary sys-
                                                                                                                                                At 71 one years old, they call me the grandfather of the group.
tems. But as technical requirements are increasing,
                                                                                                                                            I have been implementing DELTABLOC® products in South Africa
the market for premium DELTABLOC® systems
                                                                                                                                                since 2007, and count on many more years of doing business –
is opening up. Working a lot with architects and
                                                                                                                                              still going strong! Even though the EN 1317-standard is still not
planners, there are always good technical solu-
                                                                                 Kees Hanegraf                                              fully accepted here, we are doing great projects in South Africa,
tions to be designed with our wide product range.“                                Sales Director
                                                                                                                                            Swaziland and Mozambique. Over the last 3 years, our turnover
                                                                                                   Garth Strong                                                       has virtually doubled every single year!

                                          In the very early days, it took us years and years of    Developing a labor-intensive
                                                                                                   production system for Africa
                                  dedicated work to become accepted as a trusted supplier on
                               the British market. But since we carried out a very successful
                             project on England‘s longest motorway in 2015, our position has
                               changed dramatically and DELTABLOC® business has literally
                                                                                                   DELTABLOC® Legend Garth Strong has developed a
                             exploded. We celebrate our 8th year in the U.K. with the largest      unique production system that is perfectly designed
                                                                                                   for developing African Nations, where labor is abundant,
                               turnover ever – being awarded a sizeable share of our govern-
                                                                                                   but capital (and automation and machinery) are
Anthony Walker                   ment‘s rather substantial infrastructure spending program.        scarce. As you can see, production works perfectly
CEO                                                                                                smooth – no need for a precast concrete plant. Instead
                                                                                                   DELTABLOC® elements are produced “in the bush”
                                                                                                   utilizing and developing local labor.

Though only very recently formally incorporated, we have been im-
plementing DELTABLOC® products all over Slovenia and Croatia for
more than 10 years. In fact, Slovenia in particular is the only country in
the world that features every single product development. Slovenia is
a showcase for everything DELTABLOC® stands for – with the goal of
being a true one-stop-shop that offers the entire product range of noise
                                                                                  Miran Klemar
protection and vehicle restraint systems.                                                  CEO
Latin America

                                                                                                                      What a difference: Shiny new DELTABLOC® elements
                                                                                                                          replace an older local system that has been out of

OUR SPECIAL ENVOY SENDS CONVOYS                                                                                      shape for many years, near Brazil‘s Capital São Paulo.


                                  DELTABLOC INTERNATIONAL‘S VERY OWN AMBASSADOR-AT-                                            Developing the
                                  LARGE, HIS EXCELLENCY GEORG FERNER (THE FIRST AND ONLY!),                                    South American market
                                  HAS BEEN TOURING LATIN AMERICA FOR MANY YEARS. AS YOU                                        Especially since 2012, Ferner
                                  WOULD EXPECT, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES IN THIS PART OF THE                                     took on the task of developing
                                  WORLD ARE HUGE … AND SO ARE THE DISTANCES AND BARRIERS                                       DELTABLOC® business in Latin

                                  TO OVERCOME IN ORDER TO GET THERE. BUT PATIENCE AND                                          America, especially Brazil. Which
                                  PERSEVERANCE ALWAYS PAY OFF IN THE END.                                                      is especially hard to do, since
                                                                                                                               prohibitive import taxes almost
                                  Doing business in Latin America is not always           double the cost of everything that‘s shipped into this vast country.
                                  easy. Even if you master the language(s), know          Nevertheless, and thanks to being a creative civil engineer with
                                  the market and the people … Simply getting any-         Austrian training, he managed over the years to convince many of
                                  where out in the countryside can take forever. At       the huge private highway operators of the usefulness of our services.
                                  least by European standards, where hopping on an        DELTABLOC® contracts followed soon – not only in Brazil, in the
                                  airplane to attend some mid-morning meeting in          region of the incredible 20-million metropolis of São Paulo, but also
                                  a neighboring country is always an option. Not so       in Chile, Peru and Colombia.
                                  in Latin America: Developing business there takes
                                  patience, a clever approach, and lots of ingenuity.     Big shipment en route to Paraguay
                                  For all that, Georg Ferner, who in a previous life      But the real “whopper“ of a project is just getting started in “nearby“
                                  worked as a trained civil engineer, is the man for      Paraguay: In the country’s capital Asunción and its surroundings,
                                  DELTABLOC®. Starting out as a technician, Georg         100 km of roads will be outfitted with DELTABLOC® technology. The
                                  Ferner quickly became a product manager with            first containers with core technical components from Austria are
                                  special skills for far-away countries, first for the    already on their way across the ocean. Soon, convoys of trucks will
                                  Spanish-speaking world, and then also for Australia     follow and deliver locally produced concrete barriers to the roads
                                  & New Zealand, the Middle East and Russia. And          of Paraguay. A brilliant technical solution and DELTABLOC®‘s well
                                  while he was “around“ home, he even helped to           established strength in handling large, complex projects finally made
                                  establish our U.K. subsidiary in the very early days.   the difference in Latin America!
40   #delfie                                                                                                                       #delfie

                                                    #delfie #team                            #delfie                           #delfie #holiday
                                                    #teamwork #berlin                        #ontheroad                        #worklifebalance

 #delfie #sportcar #racing #carbranding
 #sunnyday #livefast

                                                                              We just love to innovate and be creative - and we love to
                                                                              have fun at work. As you can tell from our DELTABLOC®
                                                                              selfies or better yet … DELFIES. Enjoy – this is us!
 #delfie #teamwork                                 #delfie #teamwork
 #colleagues #ontheroad                            #colleagues

           #delfie #team                  #delfie #team                                                   #delfie #team                      #delfie #teamwork
           #teamwork #friends             #teamwork #meeting                                              #teamwork #hengelo                 #colleagues

                                                                        #delfie #ontheroad
42    Watch out for the cat                                                                                          Imprint

Watch out                                      BILDMARKE

for the cat!

                                                           VISDP: MEDIA HOLDER AND PUBLISHER
                                                           DELTA BLOC International GmbH
                                                           Industriestrasse 28, A-2601 Sollenau
                                                           PHONE +43 57715 / 470 - 0

                                                           CONCEPT AND EDITING werbeagentur movemus,
                                                           Bahnhofstrasse 9, 8403 A-Lebring
                                                           TEXT AND DESIGN werbeagentur movemus,
                                                           Bahnhofstrasse 9, 8403 A-Lebring
                                                           PRINT Medienfabrik Graz,
                                                           Dreihackengasse 20, A-8020 Graz
                                                           PHOTOS DELTA BLOC International GmbH,
                                                           Tourismusverband Oberndorf, shutterstock,
       The cat will protect you as of summer 2018.         Hans Dazinger, Christian Postl

         Be the first to know and register now!            COVERPHOTO Christian Postl
                                                           Errors and printing errors excepted. All rights reserved,
                                including adoption and contributions according to § 44
                                                           sections 1 and 2 of the Austrian Copyright Law.
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