Page created by Leonard Griffin
 Cartina’s vision is to be the catalyst - “creating the curve”. Our mission is to challenge, encourage and collaborate with clients, partners and
 colleagues alike, so that together, we can make the world a better place. We enable businesses to benefit from digitalization, whilst ensuring
 sustainable value creation for the benefit of their customers, employees, shareholders and society at large.

 This report aims at sharing our view of the top trends within technology, digitalization and sustainability recognized at the Web Summit
 conference in Lisbon this year. Web summit is the world’s largest tech event, and a global meeting place for the world’s most innovative
 technology companies and people interested in how disruption can transform their business and everyday lives. The event takes place during a
 couple of days each year and this year Cartina had the chance to be part of it. We really got to experience the latest innovations and meet the
 frontrunners within different areas of technology – resulting in this report.

 This report consists of 8 global mega trends that business leaders, experts, innovators and disruptors talked about during the days in Lisbon. It
 describes our view of the implications of these trends and gives examples of technologies that clearly contributes to new ways of portraying the
 world. Furthermore, the report explains the wider consequence of each trend as well as its importance for today’s business leaders.       

 Our firm belief is, that the need to understand how current development will impact the future, has never been more important. Companies
 struggle to predict the benefits and drawbacks of tomorrow, and business leaders need to better understand how social and environmental
 trends, as well as the rapid digital development, will impact their business and future business models. A clear focus during the Web Summit
 was the interaction between digital and sustainable which permeated the whole event. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Augmented Reality (AR)
 where two technologies in focus – where AI was portrayed as the most impactful technology we have ever seen – for good and for bad.

 I encourage you to take the time to read through the report and please respond to us with your own thoughts! I would also like to thank
 everyone who contributed with their insights and to all the inspiring people we met during the Web summit. See you again next year!

 I hope you will appreciate the reading.

 Charlotte Mattfolk
 CEO, Cartina

8 trends from Web Summit 2017

     1. AI – Doomsday prophecy          5. AR – Augmented revolution

     2. AI – The real world superhero   6. Humanity 2.0

     3. Mad men to math men             7. Digital democratization

     4. Monopoly of innovation          8. Sustainable through digital
1. AI – Doomsday prophecy
“Success in creating effective AI, could be the         While narrow AI may outperform humans in
biggest event in the history of our civilization.       whatever its specific task may be, for instance                         “Success in creating effective
Or the worst. We just don’t know”. This quote           playing chess or solving equations, general                             AI, could be the biggest event
from Stephen Hawking at the opening ceremony of         intelligence (GI) would outperform humans in                                  in the history of our
Web Summit really set the tone in many of the           nearly every cognitive task.                                            civilization. Or the worst. We
following discussions throughout the event. The
                                                        There’s no doubt the potential is enormous, both                                just don’t know.”
discussions about artificial intelligence during Web
Summit were pushed to its extremes; it’s either         to do good and bad, but as Stephen Hawking said -
going to save the world, or going to be the end         we don’t know how AI will look in the future. But
of it all.                                              it’s right now we decide which direction it will
                                                        take. Max Tegmark, professor at MIT, has                 Stephen Hawking – Scientist, professor and author
Some consider artificial intelligence the most          founded the Future of Life Institute that work with
impactful discovery ever made. Intelligence has for     reducing the existential risks for human beings
a long time been perceived to be exclusive for living   caused by GI. In contrast to other impactful
organisms, but that’s no longer the case due to AI.     innovations, such as the car, we do not have any
                                                                                                                           Artificial intelligence is the creation of
                                                        room for error when developing AI. When the
AI was a hyped topic at Web Summit, even                                                                                     intelligent machines that learn from
                                                        automobile was invented it had many safety issues,
though it’s already integrated with many of the                                                                         experience, adjust to new inputs and react like
                                                        but we handled these by coming up with new
daily products and tasks in our everyday life, such                                                                     humans. Using technologies like deep learning
                                                        features like seatbelts and airbags. But according to
as SIRI, Google search algorithms and face                                                                                and natural language processing, computers
                                                        Max Tegmark one of the biggest risks with artificial
recognition. The kind of AI that’s mainly used                                                                           can be trained to accomplish specific tasks by
                                                        intelligence, is that we don’t have the possibility to
today is known as narrow AI, because it’s only able                                                                            processing large amounts of data.
                                                        adjust any issues in hindsight. As computers and
to complete a certain task. However, the long-term      algorithms today are programmed by machine
goal for many researchers is to develop general         learning without any human interaction, we are no
intelligence.                                           longer in control. When machines become
                                                        smarter than us, the key issue is to align the
                                                        machines with our human values and goals.
1. AI – Doomsday prophecy
Max Tegmark highlights four explanations on how         Ensuring that our technological developments
we are going to win the wisdom race and reduce          makes everyone better off is crucial for a healthy    “I think that robots will be
the existential risks of mankind.                       democracy.                                               able to absorb human
                                                                                                              values correctly – and that
1. Ban autonomous weapons                               3. Invest in AI safety research
                                                                                                                 may be the problem.”
Autonomous weapons are artificial intelligence          With the recent hacker attacks around the world,
systems which only purpose is to kill. Countries are    the risk of being dependent on IT-systems has been
already developing such systems, and in the wrong       revealed. What if AI was in control of nuclear
hands, it could prove devastating. There is a risk      plants or other core aspects of our society? We                             Professor Einstein – Robot
for an AI arms race that could escalate to an AI        need AI-systems that we can fully trust, and can’t
war, causing mass casualties. These weapons can         be hacked or crash like our computers of today.
be programmed to be almost impossible to turn           This cannot be achieved on a corporate level, and
off, placing us humans out of control. Even though      many organizations are trying to make AI safety
this sounds like a futuristic Terminator movie, it is   research a national priority.
a risk that is present today with narrow AI, and will
                                                        4. Think about what kind of future we want
grow as levels of AI intelligence and autonomy
                                                        The key issue regards in which direction we want
                                                        the future of technology to take, meaning we must
2. Ensure that AI-generated wealth makes                ask ourselves what kind of future we want and
everyone better off                                     invite everyone to the conversation. If we have no
As AI is developed, it can provide an improved          clue about what we want, we are unlikely to get it.
living standard for all or a complete misery for an     Even though a key takeaway is that we must push
unemployable majority. A key is to figure out how       our own cognitive abilities to the limit to really
the wealth produced by AI will be taxed and             foresee the future we want and steer artificial
shared. Many economists are worried that an             intelligence towards it, the robot named Einstein
increased automation will erode the middle class        might suggest that it won’t be easy. Humans
and the difference between rich and poor will be at     themselves are probably a greater threat to
an all-time high.                                       mankind than AI in itself.
2. AI – Real world superhero
                                                                                                                                     “To create a sustainable
Many worry about the impact of the future                Artificial intelligence researchers agree that, robots
                                                         will keep us safer, by establishing cures for                              future, 10% change is not
development of AI and a great deal of the concern
regards how AI will change the way we do                 different diseases, enable implants that will make                       enough – we need 10x change,
menial tasks are widely spread. Whether robots           humans better in many ways, and even help us save                          we don’t have 500 years!”
are here to destroy us or not, current research          the world.
projects show that AI could in all cases be used for
the greater good.                                        One example of how AI can help increase our
                                                         safety are drones equipped with shark detection          Robert Bernard, Chief Environmental Strategist at Microsoft
AI and machine learning are the single biggest           systems powered by AI. These shark-detecting
change factors in the future. It will impact all parts   drones have been developed to patrol the
of business and society – and it will provide the        Australian beaches to assist humans with more
possibility to solve the biggest crises of our time;     accuracy than the human eye. Battery-powered
including the climate crisis. AI is no longer            drones will provide a live-video feed to a drone                AI for Earth is a program developed by Microsoft
considered primarily a corporate tool to                 operator who uses the software for shark-spotting                 to empower organizations and people with the
increase automation, but instead viewed as an            to identify sharks in real time. Swimmers will then            latest technology such as AI and machine learning.
emerging technology to be leveraged to handle            be warned when a shark is detected. The system’s
                                                                                                                          Machine learning is when computer systems
global challenges and solve complex problems             algorithms are trained to differentiate sharks from
                                                                                                                          develop their own knowledge without human
in our society.                                          other creatures, swimmers, surfers and boats by
                                                                                                                           interaction. This is what allows AI to scale
                                                         aerial videos of sharks.
                                                                                                                          exponentially. Examples are self-driving cars,
Thanks to AI’s ability to break down barriers and
                                                                                                                          speech recognition and effective web search.
provide personalization to the masses both
consumers and business decision makers believe
that AI will help solve large-scale problems.

                                                                                         More superhero stories
                                                                                               on the next page
2. AI – Real world superhero
Another example of how the use of AI could help          Using advanced cloud-scalable algorithms and
us save the world is a program developed by              machine learning, diseases like Zika, Ebola and
Microsoft called AI for Earth. The goal is to create a   SARS can be accurately detected. This allows aid
sustainable world, by empowering people and              organizations to proactively allocate resources
organizations with the help of technology.               to prevent an outbreak, potentially saving
                                                         thousands of lives.
Microsoft has initiated several projects under AI for                                                              Find               Collect              Detect
                                                         Innovations such as these are important to create a
Earth and one of them is called Project
                                                         sustainable future. Robert Bernard, Chief
Premonition. This project can with the help of the
                                                         Environmental Strategist at Microsoft, concludes         Microsoft’s Project Premonition aims to detect
latest technology prevent outbreaks of infectious
                                                         that if we want to continue to live on our planet,    pathogens before causing outbreaks – such Zika, Ebola
diseases. How it is done in practice is that
                                                         10% change is not enough – we need 10x
autonomous drones find hotspots of mosquitos. As                                                                 and MERS. By using AI technology, robots and data
                                                         change, we don’t have 500 years!
mosquitos carry blood from animals in the                                                                       analysis health organizations can gain data as early as
surrounding area, they also carry genetic                                                                      possible to predict disease spread. Drones help to find
information of these animals that can be analyzed                                                              mosquito hotspots, robots help collect mosquitos, and
to detect pathogens dangerous for humans. To                                                                          DNA sequencing help detect pathogens.
catch mosquitos Microsoft have developed robotic
traps that with AI can distinguish mosquitos
from other insects by analyzing their wing
movements. After the mosquito has been trapped,
the information that they carry is sent to the cloud
and in just three hours we have information on
99% of all organism that live in the area.
3. Mad men to math men
                                                                                                                      “The creative way of working
The protagonist and creative genius in “Mad Men”        Millions of people are interacting online daily and
who went with his gut feeling is a thing of the past.   everything they do generates measurable data.
                                                                                                                        must die and I think the
                                                                                                                                    1 pivoting.
                                                                                                                          industry is
The era when a single idea expressed in an
advertisement could drive millions of people to buy     To succeed in this data-driven landscape, the                  Communication should and
a product or service is over. However, companies        collection of this type of digital DNA will be key.              will be based on data.”
are slow to adapt to this new world. Many brands        Thanks to big data and customer intelligence tools
and agencies are still focused on the traditional       marketers are now moving from being mad men to
marketing funnel with awareness, consideration          math men.
and conversion as catchwords. Relying on this stale                                                           Alexander Nix, CEO at Cambridge Analytica
approach is annoying for the customers and make         With this shift comes great challenges. Such as the
them less sensible to the advertisements’ intended      global conversation and online toxicity. By using
messages. As a marketer, to be able to sustain and      AI better conversations can be facilitated
manage the complexity of a continuously evolving        through algorithms that measures how violent              The General Data Protection Regulation
marketing environment, it is important to sieve         and toxic a conversation is. One example of how         (GDPR), is a new law from the EU. The law will
through huge amount of consumer data to create          data-driven marketing can be used to change the       take effect in May 2018. The regulatory framework
personalized ads and content. Coordination of           way we communicate and take action is the
                                                                                                              requires that all companies with operations within
channels and strategies based on data insights          creation of content and ads based on the answers
                                                                                                              the EU comply with GDPR. This limits the use and
is key in this evolving era where data-driven           people seek.
                                                                                                                 storage of personal data such as: Unstructured
marketing is industry standard. As Alexander
Nix, CEO at Cambridge Analytica put it – the            As extremist groups like ISIS commonly recruit and       data (images, text referred to individuals) and
creative way of working must die. Communication         spread propaganda on the Internet, Jared Cohen,         structured data such as IP-numbers, addresses,
should and will be based on data.                       CEO of Google Jigsaw, has presented a solution. By               medical and financial records.
                                                        reaching those who actively look for extremist
We all agree that the internet is powerful and the      content, they create content to help those in
amount of time users spend online is continuously       risk of being radicalized to find a new purpose.
3. Mad men to math men
It could be leading them to a YouTube video where   By translating data into engaging content that
the ISIS propaganda is refuted or provide a         had the answers people in America were asking
personalized answer to a question like “How do I    for and that resonated with their needs,
become a nurse”.                                    Trump’s team managed to find a path to
If the content becomes more engaging and triggers
the right emotions, it increases the chances that   Behind the successful campaign is a company
these people take action and start to rethink.      called Cambridge Analytica. A company that have
                                                    claimed that they created profiles of more or less     The Donald Trump campaign created 60.000 personalized ads on
In the same way as data-driven marketing and        all Americans, where each profile contained 5,000     different social media platforms, everyday. On a peak day – 150 000!
communication can be used to protect young          data points that could be used to create targeted
people from extremism, data-driven content can      and engaging content with political intentions. The
also be used with other purposes and outcomes. A    profiles have been created through collections of                         10               Colleague
current example of this is Donald Trump’s           data from Facebook and other social medias. The
presidential campaign. During the summit Brad       data-driven method used by the company is                                70                Friend
Parscale, the Digital Media Director for Donald     controversial and there is a difference of opinion                       150               Parents
Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign explained how    about the outcomes. Some people even call it
the combination of creativity and data were         “Psyops”, psychological operations, as in the                           300                Partner
combined to drive Trump’s success. During the       methods used by the military to change the                            300+                 You
campaign, 60.000 ads were created on different      opinion among a large group of people.
social media platforms, everyday. According to                                                               How well does Facebook “know” you by analysing your data?
him the foremost important factor in his campaign                                                              After 300 likes the social media giant can pin point your
was to understand the needs of individuals and                                                                               interests better than yourself.
how they actually behave, not what they say they
4. Monopoly of innovation
The traditional definition of a company is often       Even though many see Uber as a major disruptor in           “Just as skyscrapers were a way
focused around what they do and is easily placed       their industry, in essence they are still a cab service     of enabling many people in the
within predefined categories. This has meant that      and it would be an overstatement to proclaim them           same space, Uber will enable a
industry leaders with long expertise in the            to have radically improved mobility. But they are                  new density within
business, trust that their knowledge will be an        getting there.
insurance for the future. But its no longer a secret
that industry borders are starting to blur and we      By 2020 Uber together with NASA will have
                                                                                                                                                  Jeff Holden, CPO at Uber
are experiencing a large shift in perspective how      developed a Distributed Electric Propulsion
companies view their core business. The key has        helicopter, a quiet and 100% emission free
been becoming truly customer centric. Classic          aircraft. It can fly approximately 100 km at 320 km
examples of this is Amazon, Netflix and Spotify.       per hour, and is fully charged in three minutes -
The products they sell has been around for ages,       the same amount of time it takes to board and
but the way they provide them makes the                unboard the passengers. It will be less expensive
difference. As these large tech companies are          than driving your own car and ten times more
disrupting the traditional industry borders and        energy efficient. By landing on rooftops, it also
giving power to the consumers, the consumers           solves the issue of traffic in dense cities. This
has realized what’s possible and that they can         wouldn’t have been innovated by simply asking
put pressure on industries and drive change.           customers what they want. It is still 100% customer
But this doesn’t mean that companies can stop          oriented but based on data. Data on how far and
to innovate. They need to focus even more on           where we travel, that we spend 5 weeks per year in
innovation.                                            a car and that over 4 billion people live in cities         Uber and NASA will together developed a Distributed
                                                       today. It is living up to their mission to radically      Electric Propulsion helicopter, a quiet and 100% emission
The now classic Henry Ford quote that people           improve mobility.                                                           free aircraft, by 2020.
would have wanted faster horses when asked about
what they wanted is still accurate. Jeff Holden, CPO
at Uber, stated that Ubers mission on earth is to
radically improve mobility.
4. Monopoly of innovation
At conferences like Web Summit it easy to hail the
large disruptive tech companies. But the European
Commissioner       of   Competition,       Margrethe
Vestager, presented another perspective. What if
companies like Google and Facebook are the
major threat to innovation? Competition is
important to create progress, but companies like
Google and Facebook don’t truly experience it, but
what is the option for small businesses if they don’t
want to end up on page 4 on Google? And as the
large tech companies are continuously expanding
into new areas, for example Facebook Messenger
becoming a chat option for business and
supporting online payments, they start to control        Google were in June 2017 fined for 2,4 billion Euro
                                                          by the European Union. By artificially and illegally
even more information. Data is great for
                                                             promoting its own price comparison service in
optimizing the usage of IoT-services, automation
                                                        searches, Google denied both its consumers real choice
and improving people’s life in general. But             and rival firms the ability to compete on a level playing
controlling large amounts of data shouldn’t be             field, European regulators said. The case has been
a way to keep out innovation from others. The            appealed, and the outcome of this case can have large
positive impacts would be much greater if data            implications for both Google and other tech giants.
wasn’t a company secret.
5. AR – Augmented revolution
Tim Cook, Apple CEO, has long anticipated that       Amit Singh suggests that AR will take the next step
augmented reality (AR), will have a much larger      in hardware penetration and become available for                           “100 million of
                                                     the mid-range segment, followed by the low-end                           phones are AR ready
impact than virtual reality (VR) in the coming
                                                     segment when it becomes even more powerful.                                in a few years”
years. His prediction was confirmed at the Web
Summit. Amit Singh, Vice President of Business &     What we heard less of is in which other products
Operation for Virtual and Augmented Reality at       AR will be available for, but most likely we will see
Google, predicts that there will be an augmented     different hardware products such as glasses and
revolution in the near future, with hundreds of      headsets being AR-compatible.                           Amit Singh, VP Business & Operations for AR & VR at Google
millions of smartphones being able to effectively
handle AR.                                           Software development
                                                     Both Apple and Android have recently released
Although VR can create a more immerse                development platforms ARKit and ARCore
experience, AR has a distinct advantage in user      respectively, which allow developers to create AR
friendliness and the community aspect. AR has a      applications for commercial use. Having effective
lower usage barrier as it doesn’t require any        development platforms that everyone is free to use
additional products than those we already use        pushes forward the pace that applications can be
today, which allows it to integrate with our         produced, as well as supporting a more competitive
everyday life more easily. VR on other hand, is      environment. When AR becomes more integrated
limited by a pre-defined area and cables, it also    with our everyday life, more opportunities will
disconnects us from the real world completely. The   arise where different AR-solutions are demanded.
augmented revolution has just started to pick up     By providing development platforms, commercial
speed, and there are mainly two factors how the      actors can quickly take action on those business
expansion of AR will take place.                     opportunities. The key is that AR doesn’t
                                                     become a company secret, as setting an
Hardware penetration                                 industry standard would be difficult and the
Today, augmented reality is mainly available for     general development of AR will be much
the high-end segment, e.g. the latest iPhone,        slower due to the lack of availability.
Samsung Galaxy series and Google Pixel
5. AR – Augmented revolution
These two factors combined allow for an enormous           Product identification
scalability. We are not required to purchase new           With the help of artificial intelligence, AR can
products than the smartphones we already use               identify any product you are looking at. Whether if
today on a daily basis, new applications can be            you are allergic to nuts and need to know the
more easily created thanks to development                  ingredients of the cookies, or if you can’t find the
platforms and faster distributed in AppStore and           size and price of a dress, all you need to do is
Google Play. So far, the monetization from AR              simply look at the products in front of you. No
mainly comes from games (we haven’t forgot                 longer will customers need to find an available
Pokémon Go yet have we?). Amit Singh predicts              salesman to get the information. Additionally, it
that this will still be the case, but there will also be   can also alert you about sales offerings or any other
many more areas where AR brings business                   information about the company, e.g. how the
opportunities. As AR becomes mainstream, we                company works with social responsibility etc.
can experience our lives through a completely
new interface – which can enhance and                      Learning
simplify everyday tasks. We are listing three              Lately there has been much buzz about eLearning,
areas where augmented reality in the future can            and we will definitely see an expansion into this
provide a large impact.                                    area. For example, using Google Expedition,
                                                           teachers can bring their classes on field trips to
AR as a guide                                              watch a volcano erupt, dinosaurs, or dissect a
Ever lost your way in the city? With AR, augmented         human body. This is a completely new way to
footsteps will guide your way to your desired              teach, which creates fun, interactive and effective
location. This technique would also be widely              learning experience.                                    Dinosaurs are not extinct. ZooKazam has developed
applicable in stores as well. Just type or speak                                                                    a teaching platform were you can project animals
which product you are looking for, and the days of         These are only a few areas of AR adoption. As this                   with AR in the classroom.
running around clueless looking for coconut milk           new technology has just started to pick up speed
is gone.                                                   with the tech giants as engines, AR will certainly
                                                           become a core feature in our everyday life.
6. Humanity 2.0
                                                                                                                 “For humans to be relevant in a
The human brain is remarkable, and the last           We will be able to chip our brains to communicate
                                                                                                               matter of decades there is no choice
century we have greatly expanded what it means to     and learn in a completely new way. In essence, we
                                                                                                               other than to unlock our brains and
be human. The technology and scientific               become superhumans. Manipulating our bodies in
development has taken us to the moon, created the
                                                                                                                    intervene in our cognitive
                                                      such way has raised discussions about ethical
internet and cured many deadly diseases, and new      issues, but exploring and expanding our brain with                    evolution”
emerging technologies are allowing us to live our     the help of neuroscience might be the next logical
lives without boundaries. How we experience our       step in the human evolution. Today, we are already
everyday life has already started to shift with AR    continuously looking for ways to improve ourselves                                 Bryan Johnson, founder of Kernel
and VR acting as disruptors. As our real world is     by analyzing our blood and DNA to foresee and
merging with the virtual world, normal rules of       prevent diseases. Tomorrow, we can chip our
physics no longer apply and we will soon be able      brains, and go from being reactive to proactive.
visit Web Summit from our couch or even meet a
loved one who has passed away. The only limit is      Because humans are the most powerful form of
our imagination.                                      intelligence on earth, we reign superior. However,
                                                      Bryan Johnson believes this may no longer be the
Bryan Johnson, founder of Kernel, is                  case in the future as AI is becoming increasingly
developing technologies to understand and             powerful. For humans to stay relevant in a matter
treat neurological diseases. It allows them to        of decades, there is no choice other than to unlock
interpret the brain’s complexity in order to create   our brains and intervene in our cognitive evolution.
applications towards cognitive enhancement. He                                                               Startups such as Biohax are already transforming humans
believes that in 15-20 years we will have tools to                                                            into digital creatures by putting a small datachip into the
restore or delete memories, or even create a                                                                 hand enabling access to the office, gym and transportation
perfect memory.
7. Digital democratization
                                                                                                                            “The hard part of running a
Since     the    invention    of    internet,  the    But Slack is going one step further to create a                     company is the people. There are
democratization of technology and knowledge has       seamless organizational design. By using AI to
                                                                                                                         few tools that give feedback about
exploded. At Web Summit we spotted how the            analyze and understand positive and negative
future of digital democratization is going to look
                                                                                                                           how our employees are doing”
                                                      sentiments, it is possible to identify frictions within
like - and what is happening right now.               the organization. It might be a lack of alignment
                                                      between different functions and departments, or
The great conversation                                even between two colleagues. Identifying these
The way we communicate and interact has gone          frictions will greatly enhance the overall                Stewart Butterfield, CEO at Slack
through major changes the last decade with social     performance and culture in organizations.
media platforms as disruptors. But for                Furthermore, it can also be applicable beyond
organizations the change has been slower. E-mail is   professional organizations. For example, it is
still the most used communication tool, but there     proven that toxic conversations online often
are many new solutions entering the field. One of     precede violence, and AI can measure how violent
those is Slack which simplifies communication and     and toxic a conversation is, enabling us to take on
increases the transparency in organizations.          proactive actions to prevent further escalation. This
Stewart Butterfield, the founder of Slack argues      would greatly reduce the effectiveness that internet
that its main advantage is that it increases          bullies and extremist groups have online today.
information sharing and transparency within                                                                        Slack is a cloud-based communication platform. Its
organizations compared to e-mail. Each time we                                                                     original use was for organizations, but with time it has
use Slack, we create signals about e.g. which                                                                       also become popular as a community platform where
channels we are frequently using and whose                                                                           people can join channels that discuss specific topics.
                                                                                                                       Everything that your team discusses in Slack is
messages we are likely to read first etc. These
                                                                                                                    searchable, including files, conversations and people.
signals can be analyzed via machine learning,
enabling Slack to become an always on duty
assistant that increases the user’s efficiency.
7. Digital democratization
Blockchain - Power to the consumer                       Decentralize AI
Before social media, big media companies were the        The automation AI provides is already improving
owners of global conversations and media                 over 700 professions, lowering costs and increasing
platforms were for the elite, not the general public.    output. Still AI is mainly a company secret and
Today, social media is switching their positions.        unavailable for public use. AI is also
Most people are yet dependent on banks to handle         modularized, meaning algorithms in a self-
their identity and money, but the blockchain             driving car can’t recognize the ingredients in a
technique can prove to have the same effect on           bag of cookies. To solve these two aspects, Ben
banks as social media had on traditional                 Goertzel from SingularityNET has created a
media. Blockchain technique is built on an open          platform where everyone can contribute and
source platform, where all data and information are      use AI-solutions. This means that the barriers to
available to everyone. It removes the need of            reach General Intelligence is drastically lowered,
involving a third part, and gives the power to the       and AI can come to benefit everyone and not
                                                                                                               One way to effectively democratize technology is to
individual. The full potential is still uncertain, but   become a company secret.
                                                                                                                use open source platforms. The creator of a specific
there are many areas where drastic changes can
                                                                                                                 code or system can choose to share it on a platform
happen in the near future. Using Bitcoin as a                                                                  where anyone can freely download, apply or develop it
currency is the most popular example. Another                                                                     further. Tech giants like Google and Facebook are
enabler that has been discussed is digital identity, a                                                           examples of contributors to open source platforms,
technology that has already been introduced in                                                                  were Android is one of Googles most famous projects.
Estonia. It allows people to safely share their health
records with doctors or sign big business contracts
online. Taking this one step further, we might even
be able to vote digitally in political elections and
have global digital passports.
8. Sustainable through digital
“We are in the middle of a sustainable                 Technology is enabling a change of the energy                            “We are in the middle of a
revolution   empowered by  a    digital                sector with the magnitude of the industrial                               sustainable revolution
transformation.”                                       revolution, but with the speed of the digital
                                                                                                                                 empowered by a digital
This is how Al Gore began his closing speech of the
Web Summit this year. With the help from               The environmental and social challenges we are
technology, the fate of our planet can be turned       facing, from climate change to inequality, are
around. Al Gore explains that the sustainable          many. Companies alone can’t provide all the
                                                                                                                 Al Gore, Chairman at Generation Investment Management
revolution we are facing is empowered by               answers to a fully sustainable economy and society.
technological tools based on AI, IoT and machine       Rather, it requires changes in attitudes and
learning. Global environmental challenges in a         behaviors from all stakeholders as well as
resource-constrained world can be solved by an         supportive policies at local, national and
increased access to new technology and                 international levels. By bringing sustainable
educational opportunities for people and               technologies to the market, companies are already
organizations. Technology will help us to eliminate    helping us forward.
unnecessary waste, use data to identify necessary
actions, redesign and create new business models,
which ultimately allows us to cut costs, reduce
emissions, and increase resource-efficiency in
businesses, industries, homes and many other parts
of our society.

                                                                                                                                Al Gore at Web Summit, 2017
One area which Al Gore holds close to his heart is
renewable energy, an area where technology will
have a big impact on the transition from the use of
                                                                                    More sustainable solutions
fossil fuels and the shift to a 100 percent electric                                         on the next page
fleet of the transportation system.
8. Sustainable through digital
One example is the winner of the pitch contest at
the Web Summit, a startup called Lifeina. Its smart
use of technology aims to help millions of people to
live a normal life. These people are patients of e.g.
multiple sclerosis, arthritis, Crohn’s disease, and
cancer, who on a daily basis depend on fragile
medication that has to be kept in the fridge. Lifeina
is making the world’s smallest and portable fridge,
connected to an app, allowing users to store,
transport and manage their medication at any
place, any time, knowing that it is at exactly the
right temperature.

Digitalization has dramatically increased impact         Lifeina – the winner of the startup pitch contest at Web
                                                           Summit – has developed a mini fridge where you can
and rates on how we can drive change, and one
                                                        store your medication, for example insulin. With this box
single person can start a revolution - the #metoo
                                                         people can relax, knowing that their medicine is kept at
campaign is just the latest example. The will to         the right temperature and in a safe place. You can bring
change is a renewable resource - let’s use it.                 it to work, on travels or just keep it at home.
“   There is a potential to unlock $100 000 000 000 in
    corporate and societal value through digitalization
                                 – World Economic Forum, 2017
Cartina would be happy to further discuss how you
   What measures are your         can future-proof your company and the strategy
                                  ahead. With 15+ years of experience within scenario
 company taking to continue       analysis, digitalization and sustainability, we can
       improving your             challenge truths and inspire action.

    customer experience?
                                  Cartina offers seminars to further explain the insights
                                  given at Web Summit and other areas such as the
  Are you investing enough in     future of consumption patterns year 2025. We can
sustainable transformation and    tailor insights for your company and the industry you
                                  are in. This will provide you with an understanding of
 innovation to maximize short     how your company needs to transform to keep up with
 and long term value creation?    competitors in the future.

Are you actively leveraging the   Cartina can customize an comprehensive report and
                                  offer you a future proofed “Digital Assessment”
business opportunities derived    available online. Through analysis of your
      from AR and AI?             understanding of future impact, your existing
                                  initiatives as well as the organisational capabilities we
                                  can assess readiness and ability to change. We evaluate
                                  your digital capital and offer support for how to grow
                                  this asset.
                     1. Future Digital Impact - Measures the extent
aspects of digital       to which digitalization will offer new

transformation           opportunities and force companies to change.

are measured in      2. Realization of Digital Opportunities -
                         Measures the extent to which a company has
Cartina’s Digital        already transformed, digitalized, its customer
                         experience and internal operations.
                     3. Ability to Change - Measures the extent to
                         which companies have key digital capabilities
                         in place in order to drive change.
Cartina’s       Why you should use Cartina’s Digital Assessment (CDA) tool?

 Digital Assessment    The CDA helps you to…
                       •    better understand what digitalisation means
measures a company's   •
                            understand if you are doing enough and if you are prepared to meet future challenges
                            identify areas where different functions/geographies potentially view current level of digitalization
  digital maturity &   •
                            differently, are there any deviations you need to be aware about

                            establish a common view on the current state of digitalisation
                       •    identify potential focus areas for further digitalisation

                       The assessment focus on 3 main areas and the results are summarized in 2 KPI’s

                                                   Measures the extent to which
                       1.     Digital Impact
                                                   digitalisation will offer new
                                                   opportunities and force companies to

                              Realisation of       Measures the extent to which a company

                       2.        Digital
                                                   has already transformed, digitalised its
                                                   customer experience and internal

                                                   Measures the extent to which companies
                       3.        Ability to
                                                   have key digital capabilities in place in
                                                   order to drive change.
                                                                                                   Digital capital
                                                                                                Summarises the current
                                                                                                                          Digital readiness
                                                                                                                          Measures the ability
                                                                                                level of transformation   to change in relation
                                                                                                 and ability to change      to digital impact

                       A digital tool. Easy to use. Engaging & educating. Clarifying gaps & actions ahead
                       Cartina’s Digital Assessment is easy to use. The assessment is available online, and you can engage larger
                       groups of people in a short period of time. The summary report give you great possibilities to engage
                       decisionmakers in your company in developing the roadmap ahead, and to set sharp, measurable targets.
A new breed of consultant firm focusing
 WELCOME TO        on digital transformation and sustainable
  Hamngatan 15       • Founded 2013

                     • 50+ management consultants with up to 20 years experience within
                       digitalization and sustainable business

                     • Clients from large multinational corporations to startups

                     • Cooperation with Veckans Affärer around Cartina Digital Assessment
                       – Total Digital

                     • Continuously following the tech development when traveling to CES,
                       and run together with SAS a delegation of partner companies to Web
                       Summit Lisbon, participation at Dreamhack, etc.

                     • An independent firm which tailor all project exactly after out clients

                     • 50% women & 50% men

                     • Creator of “The Future of Consumption Patterns 2025” report which
                       was voted top 80 events in Almedalen 2017
AI & The Future of Work: A Conversation with Slack – Stewart Butterfield (Slack) & Walter Frick (Harvard   BioHax International, 2017
Business Review), Seminar, Web Summit 2017
                                                                                                           Breakit, Bitcoin bara början – så kommer blockchain förändra ditt liv, 2017
Clearing the path for innovation – Margrethe Vestager (European Commission), Seminar, Web Summit
2017                                                                                                       Business Insider Tech News, 18 artificial intelligence researchers reveal the profound changes coming to our
                                                                                                           lives, 2017
From Mad Men to Math Men – Alexander Nix (Cambridge Analytica), Seminar, Web Summit 2017
                                                                                                           Financial Times, Tech turns advertising’s ‘Mad Men’ into maths men, 2017
Hacking the future of our planet – Robert Bernard (Microsoft), Seminar, Web Summit 2017
                                                                                                           Forbes, From 'Mad Men' To 'Math Men': Listen To Your Customers, Not Your Gut, 2017
How to prevent a cyberwar – Jared Cohen (Google Jigsaw), Seminar, Web Summit 2017
                                                                                                           Future of Life Institute, Benefits & risks of artificial intelligence, 2017
Hybrid Reality: Humanity 2.0 – William Sargent (Framestore), Seminar, Web Summit 2017
                                                                                                           Google Jigsaw, Redirect Method, 2017
The Cybersecurity challenge: Our need to protect the world – Brad Smith (Microsoft), Seminar, Web          IBM iX , How AI and Humans Are Working Together to Reduce Online Toxicity, 2017
Summit 2017
                                                                                                           Kernel, Mission, 2017
The evolution of conversation: Facebook’s Stan Chudnovsky – Stan Chudnovsky (Facebook Messenger)
& Laurie Segall (CNNMoney), Seminar, Web Summit 2017                                                       Lifeina, LifeinaBox, 2017

The innovation community’s role in solving the climate crisis – Al Gore (Generation Investment             Microsoft, Project Premonition, 2017
Management), Seminar, Web Summit 2017
                                                                                                           PwC United States, How artificial intellligence is pushing man and machine closer together, 2017
The Trump effect, one year on - Brad Parscale (Donald J. Trump Presidential Campaign), Seminar, Web        Reuters, Shark-detecting drones to patrol Australian beaches, 2017
Summit 2017
                                                                                                           SingularityNET, The decentralized marketplace for AI, 2017
VR and AR: Changing the way we work, play and learn – Amit Singh (Google), Seminar, Web Summit 2017
                                                                                                           SvD, Ljusskygg analysfirma utreds – kan ha gett Trump segern, 2017
Uber’s flying cars – Jeff Holden (Uber), Seminar, Web Summit 2017
                                                                                                           The Economist, The role of technology in the presidential election, 2017
When the machines outsmart us… - Max Tegmark (Future of Life Institute), Seminar, Web Summit 2017
                                                                                                           Universe Today, Uber brings in Nasa engineer to build flying cars, 2017
Will AI save us or destroy us? – Professor Einstein Robot (Hanson Robotics), Sophia the Robot (Hanson
Robotics & SingularityNET) & Ben Goertzel (Hanson Robotics & SingularityNET), Seminar, Web Summit

What it means to be human – Bryan Johnson (Kernel), Simon Evetts (Blue Abyss) & Laurie Segall
(CNNMoney), Seminar, Web Summit 2017
Authors and contributors to the report

            William Lorentz             Ying Chen
            Management consultant       Management consultant
            +46 763 11 59 92            +46 722 53 33 69

            Ulrika Amnäs                Andreas Kozma
            Management consultant       Management consultant
            +46 762 57 90 20            +46 732 55 33 83
Cartina Contacts
                   Charlotte Mattfolk, CEO
                   Phone: +46 73 558 14 29

                   Lina Emfeldt, Head of Marketing
                   Phone: +46 70 749 99 15
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