Project Profile July, 2018 - NIC, Jammu and Kashmir - National Informatics Centre Jammu and Kashmir State Unit

Page created by Ruben Mccormick
Project Profile July, 2018 - NIC, Jammu and Kashmir - National Informatics Centre Jammu and Kashmir State Unit
Government of India
Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology
        National Informatics Centre
       Jammu and Kashmir State Unit

             Project Profile

                July, 2018

       NIC, Jammu and Kashmir
Project Profile July, 2018 - NIC, Jammu and Kashmir - National Informatics Centre Jammu and Kashmir State Unit
Table of Contents

Sr. No.   Description                                        Page Number

  1.0     Awards Won by NIC Jammu and Kashmir                      3

  2.0     NIC Network (NICNET) in Jammu & Kashmir                  4
          (NKN, Registering Authority, Video
          Conference, Email, Internet Nodes,
          Connectivity, VSATs)
  3.0     Web Services                                             6
          (Website Audit, Hosting, Domain registration,
          VPN based remote publishing)
  4.0     NIC Support in Main Offices                              6
          (J&K Raj Bhawan Jammu/Srinagar J&K Civil
          Secretariat Jammu, J&K Move Office, Civil Sectt,
          Srinagar, J&K High Court Jammu and Srinagar, 22
          Deputy Commissioner offices, NOC/Data Centre,
  5.0     Mobile Applications                                      7
          (18, G2C G2E G2B G2G, Mobile Apps on
          Android, Windows and Apple platforms)

  6.0     State Specific Software Project                          7
          (Brief information about each Projects)

  7.0     National level Software Projects                        25

  8.0     Major Projects under Development/                       35
          Implementation and Activities Planned for
Project Profile July, 2018 - NIC, Jammu and Kashmir - National Informatics Centre Jammu and Kashmir State Unit
1.0 Accolades/ Awards

Award for Handholding Central   In    a   2nd  Day    Sh. Abhay Kumar Sr.TD & SIO
 Mission Mode projects in J&K   conference held at    Jammu and Kashmir has been
                                Srinagar J&K Gov      awarded     for   Handholding
                                acknowledged    the   Central Mission Mode projects
                                achievement made.     in Jammu and Kashmir

'Web Ratna District' category   District Kupwara of   District Kupwara of J&K State won
                                J&K State won the     the 2nd Prize (Gold) at the Digital
                                2nd Prize (Gold) at   India Awards 2016, under the 'Web
                                the Digital India     Ratna District' category for Citizen
                                                      friendly website and e-Governance
                                Awards 2016
                                                      initiatives.    The    award    was
                                                      presented on 19th December 2016
                                                      in a grand ceremony at Vigyan
                                                      Bhawan, New Delhi. NIC District
                                                      Center       Kupwara,    J&K   have
                                                      displayed exemplary focus on
                                                      providing online services and
                                                      information to the citizen
Skoch Order of Merit            PRAYAS – “an SMS      PRAYAS – “an SMS based online
                                based online Public   Public     Grievances     Monitoring
                                Grievances            System” was conferred upon
                                Monitoring System”    “Skoch Order of Merit” in the 37th
                                was conferred upon    Skoch Summit on “Minimum
                                “Skoch Order of       Government,                Maximum
                                Merit”                Governance” at the India Habitat
                                                      Centre, New Delhi. Mr Rajesh
                                                      Gupta, DIO NIC Kathua received the
Project Profile July, 2018 - NIC, Jammu and Kashmir - National Informatics Centre Jammu and Kashmir State Unit
First Cashless village in India   “Grass root level Lanura village of Badgam became
                                  informatics” VIVID the first cashless village in India In
                                  2017               December, 2016. At the national
                                                         level DIO meet on “Grass root level
                                                         informatics” VIVID 2017, DIO NIC
                                                         Budgam, Mohammad Rouf Wani
                                                         took the honour to receive the
                                                         award from Honourable Minister
                                                         for Communication, Electronics and
                                                         Information Technology and Law
                                                         and Justice Shri. Ravi Shankar
ERMS – ECI Award for Best         National Voters’ Day Election Commission of India gave a
Practices                         2015. Certificate of special award to NIC J&K for “Best
                                  Merit to NIC for ERMS. Practices in Electoral Rolls and
                                                         Election Management using ICT
                                                         tools” on the National Voters’ day
Project Profile July, 2018 - NIC, Jammu and Kashmir - National Informatics Centre Jammu and Kashmir State Unit
                       Nodes                        More than 6000 nodes in Himachal

                       NKN Connectivity             All 20 Institutes of Higher Leaning in
                                                    J&K has been provided high speed
                                                    internet connectivity from nearest NIC
                                                    district Centre / NIC J&K NOC located
                                                    at Jammu.

                       Internet Bandwidth           2x10 GBPS connectivity to State

                       Districts Connected          All NIC Districts are provided with 1
                                                    Gbps/ 34 Mbps Leased Line and VSATs as
                                                    back-up for 05 Districts
AND INTEGRATION for    VC Centres # 25              VC facility has been provided at all 22
Data Sharing and VC                                 district HQ, 2 Div Comm Offices, Offices
Services                                            of Governor and Chief Minister, Chief
                                                    Electoral Officer and 06 different
                                                    Directorate of Govt of J&K.

                       Major Offices on NICNET      MCU based integration with studios of
                                                    DIT & J&K Police Within & Outside State
                                                    through 22 VC Studios J&K Civil
                                                    Secretariat, High Court, Assembly,
                                                    Directorate of Census Department , CEO

                       J& K Police Network          NICNET based connectivity has been
                                                    extended to all SSP, DIG and various
                                                    wings of J&K Police. This also includes
                                                    the VC based facility.
Network Services       Internet Connectivity        High Speed Internet Connectivity to
                                                    Govt of J&K at Civil Secretariat at
                                                    Jammu/Srinagar,         all     Deputy
                                                    Commissioner offices, High Court, J&K
                                                    Assembly, J&K Police etc

                       WiFi in J&K Secretariat at   Central Wi-Fi based access to mobile
                       Jammu/ Srinagar.             devices-2000+ accounts

                       Data Centre                  Storage-High Speed Access to J&K
                       (Media Centre)               specific data on Internet to Citizens,
                                                    Government      offices,   Employees,

                       Email Services               Email accounts of more than 6500
                                                    offices/ officers created
Project Profile July, 2018 - NIC, Jammu and Kashmir - National Informatics Centre Jammu and Kashmir State Unit
3.0 Web Services

                                                          State Government Portal,
 Website Design, Development & Hosting including          22 Districts websites,
 domain registration security audit, remote publishing    More than 100 other State
                                                          Government organizations.
                                                          GIGW and WCAG 2.0 compliant
                                                          Cloud hosting of all websites
                                                          Through Web, JKPSC, J&K SSB

4.0 NIC Support
        Office            Services/ Support given                         Status
 Governor Secretariat S/W Development                      NIC J&K provide this facility at
 Jammu/Srinagar       VC Studio,                           Governor’s Office at Jammu as well as
                      LAN/ Wi-FI/ Intern Connectivity      Srinagar. NIC Office Moves along with
                                                           Annual Darbar Move between Jammu
                                                           and Srinagar.
 J&K     Govt,      Civil S/W Development                  NIC J&K State Centre moves between
 Secretariat Jammu, Network Operations                     Jammu and Srinagar along with J&K
 NIC Move Office, VC Studio,                               State Govt offices known as “Annual
 Civil Sectt, Srinagar    LAN/Wi-FI/ internet connectivity Darbar Move”

 J&K      Legislative S/W Development                    NIC J&K has taken up Project f o r
 Assembly        and Network Operations                  computerization of Question
 Council              VC Studio,                         and answers raised in J&K
                      LAN/Wi-FI/ internet connectivity   Assembly and Council

 J&K High Court     S/W Development                      SW development & implementation
 at Jammu       and Network Operations                   for various functions like:
 Srinagar           VC Studio,                           • High speed Internet on LL
                                                         • Website development
                                                         • Maintenance Cause List/ Case
                                                             Status/ Copies of orders
                                                         • Computerization of District/ Tehsil
 22 Deputy              S/W Development                  ICT support to DC offices and other J&K
 Commissioners and      Network Operations               State Govt offices at District
 other Offices          VC Studio                        Block/Tehsil/ Sub-division level
 located at District
 J&K Police Network     S/W Development                  ICT support for software development
                        Network Operations               for CID, Traffic Police, Crime Deptt of
                        VC Studio                        J&K Police, extension of NICNET and VC
                                                         facility to all its wings.
Project Profile July, 2018 - NIC, Jammu and Kashmir - National Informatics Centre Jammu and Kashmir State Unit
5.0 Mobile Applications to Supplement Web Content
 eAssembly App                                      eAssembly mobile app has been developed for
(for J&K Legislature)                               viewing and submission of Answers by the Govt.
                                                    Departments for the questions that are asked by
                                                    Hon’ble Members during Assembly Sessions.

6.0 SW Projects at State Level (Design, Development, Implementation)

1. e-Libraries: A Digital Agenda For Library Automation and Networking
The Department of Libraries and Research,            •   Four largest public libraries having 1.75
Ministry of Tourism and Culture, Govt. of J&K has        Lakhs books collection covered in Phase - I
envisaged that 140 Public Libraries in J&K are to         o SPS Library Lal Mandi
be covered under the project for automation and           o City Central Library Karan Nagar,
networking using the proprietary e-Granthalaya            o Oriental Research Library Hazratbal
software of NIC. NIC/ NICSI are the executing             o SRS Library Jammu Library
agencies. The project involves Automation of In-     •   22 District Libraries covered under Phase
house Activities and User Services through               – II of the project
creation of computing infrastructure, networking     •   Official website
and Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) and              (
Digital Resources.                                   •   In Phase – II, 22 district Libraries would be
URL is (                 covered
                                                     •   Website of J&K Academy of Art, Culture
                                                         and Languages launched
                                                     •   Website of the Department of Archives,
                                                         Archaeology and Museums launched
                                                     •   Digitization of 500 Rare Books completed
                                                         at the Public Libraries

2. JKERMS: Electoral Rolls and EPIC Management System of J&K
NIC J&K is the state level agency to the state • Downloadable Electoral Rolls (3
Election Department and has developed (in-            languages) on official website
house) and deployed a large number of ICT based • Name based and EPIC No. based Search
applications in this sector.                          (3 languages)
                                                   • E-Filing of Claims and Objections –
The major features are:                               (Forms 6, 7, 8 & 8-A)
o               Hosting ERMS Software/ Database • Claims and Objections (View) - Mobile
    Centrally at NIC J&K Data Centre in Jammu         (SMS) Services – (Virtual Number:
    Disaster Recovery at NIC, NDC Pune                7738299899 on NIC SMS Gateway)
o               Electoral Rolls/ EPIC Management     ➢ Know your Status (in Electoral Rolls)
    System                                           ➢ Who is my BLO (Booth Level Officer)?
o               Biggest electronic Database in the   ➢ Where is my Polling Station?
Project Profile July, 2018 - NIC, Jammu and Kashmir - National Informatics Centre Jammu and Kashmir State Unit
state of J&K at 74.98 lakh records.                 ➢ Check validity of an EPIC No. (as per ECI
o               EPIC coverage at 96.28%.                  guidelines)
o               The most extensive usage of Urdu        ➢ SMS based e-Filing acknowledgment
    in any ICT application anywhere in India.           ➢ General SMS services
o               The only e-Governance application     • Dissemination of Services through
    in J&K having both “Push” and “Pull’ SMS             Common Service Centres (CSC)
    facility Roll out of the Application also         • Know Your Booth Level Officer - Citizens’
    through 1350+ CSC centres - the only G2C             Grievances
    service in J&K so disseminated thus.              • Your Polling Station on Google Map
o               Transliteration from Urdu to
    English      and Urdu to Hindi URL is

3. Election Management System
NIC J&K has been providing complete technical            MIS Reports
support to the State Election Machinery for              • Health of Rolls
conduct of a free,, fair and smooth election in the      • De-duplication
state. Some of the major applications include:           • Age Inconsistencies
• Video-Conferencing                                     • EP Ratio
• Online District Election Management Plan               • Gender Ratio
    (DEMP)                                               • Age Cohort
• Online Employees Randomized Deployment                 • EPIC & PER Ratio
    System (JKEDIS)                                      • Roll Locator
• Online EVM Randomization                               • Photo Voter Slips
• Web & SMS based monitoring of MCC                      • Voting Scheme for Employees and
    violations                                              Migrants
• Web & SMS based monitoring of Law and                  • Security Plan
    Order problems                                       • Communication Plan
• SMS based Poll-day Events Monitoring SMS               • SMS based Poll Day Monitoring
    based ‘Q’ Information System (Voter queue            • Webcast of Poll process
    on poll day)                                         • Candidates Information online
• Post Result Tasks                                      • Online Results Processing
4. TreasuryNet
Computerization of Treasuries is a Mission mode Recently, it has been modified to make it
project under NeGP, it is being implemented in PAO based rather than DDO based. It has
J&K under Integrated Finance Management been Implemented in all the major
Project Profile July, 2018 - NIC, Jammu and Kashmir - National Informatics Centre Jammu and Kashmir State Unit
Information System (IFMS) Project. It is work          treasuries.
flow based electronic Bill/Challan processing
                                                       Application rollout in more than 100 out of
system designed as per Treasury business code;
                                                       133 treasuries and 5 Directorate offices.
System connects all the treasuries with the
                                                       NIC J&K is providing network connectivity
Central Server. System process the bill/bills
                                                       from NIC District Centres in absence of
DDO’s submitted in the treasuries on behalf of
                                                       SWAN in J&K.
the state government for the expenditure
                                                       Remaining treasuries will be covered after
incurred on various government schemes and
                                                       availability of network connectivity.
then the posting of the expenditure towards the
                                                       Last mile 2 Mbps connectivity through lease
bills. It also takes care of the receipt received by
                                                       lines being provided by BSNL
the state government by various sources.
                                                       Software customized by the NICJ&K and
Application is available on intranet.
                                                       services are being provided through NIC J&K
                                                       Mini Data Centre, Jammu whereas DR is at
URL is:
                                                       NIC Pune.
                                                       Setup PMU and help desk for maintenance
                                                       and operational support.

5. Budget Estimation, Allocation & Monitoring System (BEAMS)
BEAMS is an online web based system to have            Two modules i.e. Budget Preparation and its
better control over the finances for its               presentation in State Assembly and
allocation and expenditure, main function of           Allocation/Authorization of expenditure has
the system is to:                                      been implemented and rolled out from the
    • Manage Estimation,                               Financial Year 2017-18 in all the departments
    • Prepared Budget & documents,                     across the state.
    • Allocation and                                   • Online budget allotment is available with
    • Authorize Expenditure.                               HOD for further distribution of budget
                                                           down the level.
Application is available for distribution of           • Sanction letter to their respective DDOs
budget form Finance to Administrative Deptt,               in the field offices.
HOD to their respective DDOs in the field              Organized capacity building program for
offices. Sanction letters for DDO generated            Administrative         Secretaries,   Finance
through the System, application is integrated          Department Officials and HODs of all the
with TreasuryNet application.                          department
Project Profile July, 2018 - NIC, Jammu and Kashmir - National Informatics Centre Jammu and Kashmir State Unit
6. Government Receipt Accounting System (GRAS)
 It is a web based secure Government Receipt        GRAS is based on standard Challan format
 Accounting System which provides a facility to     for all the deptt of J&K Govt has been
 the Citizens, Business Community to pay Taxes      customizated development,       MoU with
 / Non Tax receipts to the Government               Bank for payment gateway integration with
 electronically. As per RBI guidelines single       GRAS and its piloting in one department is
 Challan to be used for all type of Government      in progress.
 Using Banks internet payment gateways
 Citizens can pay their taxes / Non Tax Receipts
 at any point of time and from any location.
 Purpose of GRAS is to know the accurate and
 factual position of State Receipts at any given
 point of time.
 URL is:

7. Bill Preparation and Payment System (PaySys)
 PaySys is bill preparation and processing system   The Bill preparation and Payment system
 for DDO booking expenditure strictly as per        integrated with BEAMS and TreasuryNet is
 authorization for making payment through           under piloting in Deptt of J&K Govt. Very
                                                    Soon the same shall be replicated in all the
 Treasury. Application is integrated with BEAMS
                                                    deptt of J&K Govt
 and TreasuryNet application.
8. Integrated Financial Management System (IFMS-MIS)
 It is online management information and            Online MIS under IFMS for taking various
 decision support system portal of Finance          day to day decision for better and effected
 Department Government of Jammu and                 Financial Management been developed.
 Kashmir. TreasuryNet, BEAMS and GRAS are its
 main applications integrated with this system.
9. DAT Cash Management System
 It is online cash management system for            Implemented in all the 99 treasuries which
 Directorate of Accounts and Treasuries.            are on Treasury Network. Finance
 Application is integrated with TreasuryNet         department authorized demand object
 application, DAT-CMS project the liability of      wise all the treasuries for making payment
 consolidated amount of pending bills object        daily through treasuries from JK Bank.
 wise treasury wise to Finance secretary through
 the proper channel for authorization and issue
 the authorization object wise through DGAT to
 Treasuries as per the cash management work
10. Budget Preparation System (BPS)
 It is work flow based Window application            Application has been implemented for the
 functional in Finance Department for preparation    last many years. Prepared Budget for the
 of J&K State Government Budget and porting of       financial year 2016-17, 2017-18 and 2018-
 data on the BEAMS and Finance Department            19. Porting of budget data on BEAMS for
 Website. Software has been implemented for the      budget allotment from Finance department
 last many years and improvements were carried       to DDO through Administrative Secretaries
 out as per user requirements.                       and HOD’s.
11. Centralized Personnel Information System (CPIS)
 Centralized Personnel Information System is a       CPIS implemented. Database is having 2.44
 web based system to create the centralized          lakhs J&K Govt employees and 1.65 lakhs
 database of all the J&K Government employees        Pensioners data. Database is continuously
 for convenient and effective monitoring of          updated by 5253 registered DDO
 employee service book detail and to rationalize
 the staffing pattern and re-deploy staff for
 efficient and effective service delivery.
 Application is integrate with PaySys for
 generation of pay bills. Role based access to
 authorized user for data updation, and issuance
 of LPC & Personal Information. Employee can
 view their upto-date service particulars detail
 on Internet. URL is:
12. J&K Revenue Management through Computerised Electricity Billing (JKRMCE)
J&K       Revenue        Management     through     Piloting was carried out in PDD wings of
Computerised Electricity Billing (JKRMCE)           Srinagar and Jammu
developed by NIC J&K SU to computerize the          Implemented in entire J&K State in 118 Sub-
electricity billing system and Revenue Collection   divisions.
in J&K. More than 13 lakh bills are generated       13 lakh consumers in the state get electricity
every month. The software is generating various     bills monthly
types of MIS reports like Energy consumption,       More than 13 lakh bills are generated every
revenue realizations, metered, unmetered            month
connections etc. reports for PDD like Station
wise, subdivision wise, division wise are also
being generated using this software.
13. Division Accounting System
 Division Accounting System (DivAS) is work flow     Application has been under design,
 based web application is being developed for        developed and pilot at PHED Jammu for its
 the computerization of the Public Health            accepting
 Engineering Department Divisions Accounting
 In order to streamline the compiling and
 auditing process of all the accounts and to
integrate with treasury and AG Office.

14. Aadhaar Based Biometric Identification and Skill Proofing
 ABBISP web application implemented for              Implemented successfully, around 50000
 capturing details of daily wagers engaged by        records daily wagers data have been
 the various departments of the Government of        uploaded by departments and State
 Jammu and Kashmir. Application is hosted over       Government is preparing reports through
 the NICNET providing access to the DDO’s for        MIS for various decisions making like
 the data entry and updation of the Daily            permanent of these contractual workers etc.
 Wagers as well as contractual workers engaged
 by J&K Govt.

15. JKGAD Portal
 JKGAD is G2C and G2G system. This is one of         Implemented successfully. Total no of
 the most important website in Jammu and             order uploaded: 5331, Total no of
 Kashmir. This website maintains information of      registered: 2200.
 all the Council of Ministers, Administrative
 Secretaries, State Civil Service Officers, Deputy   Data of all KAS officers like their APR,
 Commissioners, Telephone Directory of State         Annual property Return, their posting and
 Officers, Award details, prosecution details and    other service related issue are being
 different SRO of Jammu and Kashmir. This            updated through MIS available at JKGAD
 website is also maintaining daily order issued by
 J&K government. This is Dynamic website and
 role based access given to officer for
 maintenance of data.
 URL is:
16. Jammu & Kashmir Excise Information System
 JKEIMS is G2G and G2B web application.                 Application hosted and implemented in
 Application has been developed to keep track of        excise and distilleries in Jammu region.
 permit and permission issue for the movement of
 raw materials from other states to J&K and
 movement of final product from Distilleries to
 Whole sellers and then to retailers. Various MIS
 reports like stock register, issued register,
 permits etc can be generated through this
 systems. Role based access have been given to
 excise commissioner, ETO, DC excise, chemist
 and excise inspector

17. C2G and G2C e-Governance services for JKSFC for distribution of timbers
NIC J&K has developed a Portal for providing C2G       Fully implemented for all fair price shops of
and G2C e-Governance services for JKSFC J&K            Jammu and Kashmir State Forest
State Forest Corporation for distribution of           Corporation and services are being provided
timbers to bonafide consumers in a transparent         to beneficiaries timely and accurately. The
way. It will provide the consumers to submit           citizens are getting status update of their
their application for their requirement of timber      application status through Website.
online round the clock to JKSFC. The consumers
will be facilitated to check their application
status on JKSFC e-Portal while entering PAN Card
No. or Application No. He/ She will be able to
check their actual status of his/ her application.
Transparency is in the core of the e-Portal by
providing the Priority No. to every applicant on
First Cum First basis. Also consumer can view the
timber stock of SFC’s depots.

18. Pension Accounting System (ePension)
 ePension is G2G and G2C web based monthly              Application has been developed and
 pension processing system for treasuries to            integrated with CPIS applications.
 calculate, modification and disbursement of            Pensioners can view their pension
 pensions electronically through JKB. All the           disbursement details.
 State Pensioner draws their initial pension from
 the treasury till their case is settled. The system
 maintains the detail information of the entire
 pensioner. ePension is integrated with
19. Stamp Management System (eStamp)
 Main objective of Stamp Management System                Application has been developed and under
 (eStamp) is to maintain vendor and stamps                piloting.
 stock details. The vendor prepares stamps
 requisition online and generates the Challan.
 After making payment, Stamps issued to vendor
 maintained on line on the system. Interface for
 integration with GRAS for electronic payment is
 under development.
20. Traffic Challan Management System (TCMS)
 This application has been developed for the J&K          System has been implemented in J&K
 Traffic Police with objective to capture the             Traffic Police Department and successfully
 detailed data of Challan imposed by the Traffic          working for last five years in the distributed
 Police in the State. Based on the data various           mode from Jammu as well as Srinagar
 reports are generated for the authorities to             offices of Traffic Police.
 make decision to control the traffic rule
 offenders. The software is composed of two
 modules: Data Capturing for the Challan
 Officers and MIS for the SSP and IGP. Data
 porting interface from District office /SSP Office
 to central servers through NICNET
21. J&K Grievance Portal (Awaz-e-Awam)
 J&K Grievance is a web portal for monitoring             Implemented successfully, any complainant
 the public complaints for Government of                  can online track the complaint, receive
 Jammu and Kashmir. Any complainant can                   SMS alert after disposing the complaint.
 lodge his grievance directly to CM Grievance
 Cell through this system and authority
 redressed complainant concerned using the
 system. The CM Grievance Cell receives all the
 complaints and after examining the complaint
 forwards it to the right quarter for disposal.
 Complainant gets progress of his complaint on
 his email, SMS alert after disposing the
 complaint and Password protection for the
 URL is:
22. Online portal of J & K Public Service Commission
National Informatics Centre J&K has developed         •     Implemented in JKPSC office
the online portal for JKPSC for One time
registration by the Candidates and online apply       •     Around 60, 000 applications received in
for various posts advertize by JKPSC. Modules               KAS
developed and implemented                             •     Total 25, 000 applications for Lecturers
o One Time registration by the candidate                    on Higher Education
o Integration of SMS and Email                    •   Provided support for issuance of Admit
o One time uploading of Photo and Signature           cards
o One time uploading of Documents                 •   Provided support for examination like
o Uploading of Posts advertize by the                 center identification and generation of
   department                                         various reports for smooth conduct of
o Online application forms Competitive (KAS),         examination.
   Gazetted Posts, Departmental examination,
   Kashmir Judicial Service
o Integration of Payment Gateway
o Generation of Admit Card
o MIS reports for JKPSC
URL is:

23. J &K Service Selection Board online portal
National Informatics Centre J&K has developed     o Implemented in JKSSB office in 2014-15
the online portal for JKSSB for One time
registration by the Candidates and online apply   o Total 10 lakhs application Received
for for the posts advertize by JKSSB Modules        online from this portal till date
developed and implemented
o One Time registration by the candidate
o One time uploading of Photo and Signature
o Integration of Email
o One time uploading of Documents
o Uploading of Posts advertize by the dept
o Online application form
o Integration of Payment Gateway
o Allocation of Exam Centers
o Generation of Admit Card
o MIS reports for JKSSB
URL is:
A Web based portal for issuance of Authorization        o Implemented in 2 offices of Transport
of National Permit is implemented in Both offices         Commissioner.
of Transport Commissioner of J&K.                       o Total Permit Issued-> 46017
                                                        o Total Revenue Generated ->
This portal is also integrated with E-banking             74,16,69,000
payment gateway of SBI

24. Housing & Urban Development Department Project (e-Governance in Municipalities)
National Informatics Centre J&K in close consultation   •   05        e-Governance         applications
with Housing & Urban Development Department                 implemented in all the 84 Urban Local
has implemented e-Municipalities Project in all         •   Online Birth certificate printing facility
the Urban Local Bodies of J&K. The following 05         •   Dashboard facility
web based e-Governance applications have been           •   SMS facility integrated with Birth &
developed & implemented in all the Urban Local              Death      and     Building     Permission
Bodies:-                                                    application
1. Birth & Death Registration Urban                     •   02 Municipal Corporations; 06 Municipal
2. Processing & issuance of Building Permissions            Councils; 76 Municipal Committees are
3. Double Entry Accounting System                           covered
4. Establishment System                                 •   Around about 500 Officials have trained
5. Public Grievances Monitoring and                         through multiple training programs in
    Redressal System                                        persons and through VC                                    •   All Nursing Homes and Government
                                                            Hospitals have been connected with
                                                            Birth & Death Software.
                                                        •   All the NOC issuing departments are
                                                            connected with Building Permission
                                                            System viz Revenue, PHE, PWD, PDD,
                                                            Town Planning etc.
                                                        •   Project start : March, 2011
                                                        •   Pilot : Dec. 2011
                                                        •   Go Live : Jan. 2013
25. Birth & Death Registration For Rural Areas
The web based Birth & Death Registration •             Implemented for registration of Birth &
application implemented for ULBs has also been         Death Events occurring in rural areas
customised for registration of birth and death         through Police Stations
events for rural areas through Police Stations.    •   Around 198 Police Stations of 22     Districts have been using this web based
rtificate.aspx                                         application
                                                   •   Around 200 officials have been trained in
                                                       multiple training programs.
                                                  •    SMS facility has been integrated with
                                                       Birth & Death Registration and the
                                                       citizens are getting update of their cases
                                                       through SMS.
                                                  •     Project start : April, 2013
                                                  •    Pilot : Ending 2013
                                                  •    Go Live : Jan. 2014

26. JKARMS (J&K Arms Licenses Processing and Monitoring System)
A G2G and G2C e-Governance initiative i.e. Web • Implemented in all the 22 office of
Based Work Flow application for Centralized         District Magistrates in the State
Processing and Monitoring of Arms Licenses and • The         Processes     and    transactions
Transactions thereof has been developed and         covered:-
implanted      keeping in view all the local        o Applicant Details
requirements of the User Department dealing         o Arms License Details
with Issuance and Processing of Arms Licenses       o Verification Details
which has the following broadly major processes:-   o No Objection Certificate Details
                                                    o Retainers Details
   1. Intra Location Back Log Entry                 o Purchase Period Details
   2. Inter Location Back Log Entry                 o Weapon Addition Details
   3. New Arms License Processing                   o Weapon Endorsement Details
   4. Transactions on Arms Licenses                 o Renewal Details
   5. Transaction Processing                        o License Area Validity Extension
   6. Duplicate Arms License Generation             o Weapons Transfer
   7. Online Requests to authorities                o Profile Updation of Applicants
                                                  • Training to more than 180 Officials
The URL is:           • Go Live : Jan. 2014
27. CCMS ( Court Cases Monitoring System)
Most of the Government Departments are              With the implementation of CCMS the Court
flooded with the courts cases and their             Cases handling become very easy and
maximum office time is being spent handling         timely.
these court cases which is very difficult for any   • Various weekly, monthly, quarterly alerts
organization to manually handle these cases as         generated about cases regarding hearing
the volume is very large. Moreover the court           /filing reply with in the current week,
cases are of a very sensitive in nature and            coming week, next 10 days
required to be replied/filed in time bound          • Implemented in H&UDD, JMC, SMC, JDA,
manner to avoid further litigation. To overcome        SDA.
such problems, a web based solution has been        • Project start : Jan. 2013
developed and put in place for the Government       • Go Live : In 2014
Departments of J&K State i.e Court Cases            • System displayed cases in different
Monitoring System. Presently the Housing &             colors depending upon nature of cases
Urban Development Department and its sub-              viz Very Important, Important and least
offices are using this.                                Important
URL is                         • System helps to generate different types
                                                       of reports of Court Cases like Courts-
                                                       Wise, Legal Counsels-wise, Department-
                                                       Wise, Hearing date-wise, year-wise,

28. J&K Board of Professional Entrance Examination (BOPEE)
Web based application developed and enabled         Implemented for J&K Board Of Professional
for online registration of applications for         Entrance Examination.
Entrance Examinations for admission to
professional Courses like MD/MS/MDS/PG              •   A G2G web based e-governance
Diploma,        Graduate       Courses        of        application
Engineering/Agriculture/Veterinary     /Forestry    •   Facilitate online registration and
Course, Polytechnic Diploma courses and B.Ed.           application submission
Also developed offline module for processing of     •   Admit Card download facility
applications for allotment of Roll No. & Centre,    •   Project start : Jan. 2007
generation of Admit Cards, Attendance Sheets,       •    Go Live : April 2007
and various other reports for J&K Board of
Professional Entrance Examination
29. Video Conferencing Services
NIC is extending the Video Conferencing services Government of Jammu and Kashmir has
to all the districts of J&K. In addition the VC issued Government Order for the usage of
services are available at Raj Bhawan, CM VC services of NIC and minimizes travel thus
Secretariat, DGP J&K Police, SKUAST, RAMSA, saving time and travel expenses.
Directorate of Agriculture and CPMG Office. NIC J&K has provided support for setting up
These services are widely being used by the state of VC System for 35 police office in J&K
Government including Hon’ble CM, Council of
Ministers, Senior Officers and the GoI

30. VMIS- Verification Management Information System for CID, J&K
 NIC J&K designed and developed software to            More than 30 CID and Police locations are
 streamline the verification process being carried     using this software from last 3 years.
 out by authorities of Criminal Investigation
 Department (CID) J&K. Verifications of Service,        Approx 100 different reports are being
 Passport, LOC and POK can be tracked using this       generated through this software.
  Allied wing of CID HQ, J&K responsible for           Using this software issuance and tracking of
 verifications related to NGOS, Schools, and           various verification made easy
 Trusts etc. is also taken care of.
 Software provides detailed reports regarding
 pendency and clearance of cases at CID HQ
 Level, District Level (District Police and District
 CID Branch level).
Index branch having legacy data of anti-national
elements has also computerized.
31. CCTV Monitoring System and Bulk SMS system for Shri Amarnathji Yatra
IP based Video Content Analysis CCTV monitoring        Bulk SMS and CCTV system was highly
system was installed at Yatra Access Control           appreciated by all stakeholders of
Gates at Domel and Chandanwari. Installation of        Amarnathji Yatra including all Board
CCTV system provided Ground zero realities,            members of Shri Amarnathji Shrine Board,
Automatic Yatris Counting, effective management        NIC officer at Raj Bhawan was awarded for
of Yatra and Yatris rush, Surveillance of Yatra        his outstanding services extending during
Access Control Gates, effective decision making        the Yatra Period by His Excellency The
and real time analysis of various security related     Governor of J&K
Since inception of Shri Amarnathji Shrine Board,
first time Bulk Short Message Service was
introduced. This Bulk SMS service was used to
disseminate information to all registered Yatris
for Shri Amarnathji Yatra 2016. Bulk SMS System
was used to provide weather, rush of Yatris, track
position and various other information as deemed
fit by Shri Amarnathji authorities.
32. Recruitment of Special Police Officers (SPOs)
NIC Poonch has developed the application Successfully implemented in Poonch
software for recruitment process of SPOs. Report
with photographs and required parameters were
provided to the selections committees for taking
physical measurement and ground performance
of applicants in race and pushups etc.
33. Anti Insurgency Tracker
Software for storing and organizing the details of Successfully implemented in Poonch (Border
released/surrender militants, missing youths, district) Its replication in other districts in
history sheeters and OWGs was developed at NIC J&K is in progress.
Poonch with the following features :
• Data Entry Module for released/surrender
    militants, missing youths and OWGs along
    with PDF file for storing in the Database.
• Search Criteria (police station wise, area of
    operation wise, village wise etc.)
• Different well designed reports like List of
    released/surrender militants, missing youths
    and OWGs viz. Village Wise, Police Station
    wise, brief History etc.
34. e-Samiksha - A software for monitoring the J&K CM directions
 eSamiksha is a real time, on-line system            Reviewing the follow up action of the
 configured for monitoring of follow-up action       presentations        made      by      different
 on the important announcements by hon`ble           M i n i s t r i e s /Departments      to the
 CM            J&K.          URL            is:      Chief Minister made easy by using the                    software.
                                                     More than 1000 instructions issued by the
                                                     CM J&K are being updated b y t h e
                                                     c o n c e r n e d M inist ry / D e p art m e n t /
                                                     Agency as and when the status changes
                                                     or at least every month.
35. GenProfits
NIC J&K has developed and implemented the              SMS and online services related to GPF for
Project for the computerisation of Fund Offices in     state government employees launched in all
the state of Jammu and Kashmir. As a G2G               28 fund offices. A website has also been
initiative, about 4.5 lakh subscribers towards the     designed using ASP.NET with dynamic
GPF subscription have been allotted a unique 9         components has been submitted for the
digit code each, thus reducing lot of duplicity and    security audit. With the launch of the
confusion. Start small scale fast strategy was         website the subscribers can view the
adopted and Civil Secretariat was chosen as a pilot    statements and other relevant information
site to test out all the cases and robustness of the   on internet. The data is disseminated
software. NIC J&K took a pragmatic approach to         through
keep improving the system and once the pilot was
successful, statewide roll out was undertaken and      • Subscriber can view their account
it is running successfully in 27 sites.                  statements by login to the application
                                                         which is highly secure.
The URL is:                                            • The software has built-in error checking                                    mechanism that prevents the duplicate
                                                         data entry of the subscriber by the
                                                       • Posting of data by the poster and cross
                                                         checking of the amount with the input
                                                         entered by the compiler.
                                                       • Comparative      Statements    of    the
                                                         compilation figures with the posting

36. e-Assembly
Development of Website and Implementation of           NIC J&K developed the website of J&K
Question Answer Management System during the           Legislative Assembly and Legislative council
Assembly Sessions in both Legislative Assembly
and Legislative Council of J&K as both the houses
work in J&K.                                           QMS      selected  of    Rajasthan  after
                                                       customization as per the local J&K needs
                                                       stands implemented as under :
Questions and answers numbering to more
                                                      than 5000 have already been entered through
                                                      this software.

37. Online admission System for colleges in J&K
NIC J&K has developed the complete software           Online admission system for colleges
system through which students can apply online        successfully implemented at all Colleges in
from all the regions of J&K to the courses offered    Jammu region and 12 colleges of Kashmir
by the Degree Colleges of J&K. The students can       region in year 2016.
choose the college where they want to study and
the combination of subjects they want to study.
The numbers of seats available are also shown on
the website and vacancy position at the time of
application is also available. The merit lists are
generated and the selected candidates details are
passed on to the Universities of J&K electronically
for their registration.
38. State Motor Garages – Government of J&K
It is Work Flow based Inventory Management The software is working smoothly at 02
Software for the computerisation of the store of major workshop of SMG at Jammu and
State Motor Garages – Govt of J&K has been Srinagar
designed, developed. and installed in two
Regional stores at Jammu and Srinagar.
39. Vigilance Organisation – Surveillance software
The Surveillance software has been developed for The Surveillance software is working
Jammu & Kashmir State Vigilance Organization to smoothly as per the expectations and
computerize the working of different sections of satisfaction of Vigilance Org. since 2014
the organization. The software will keep record of
all Complaints / Enquiries / FIRs / Challans which
have been registered in Vigilance Organization. It
consists of various modules to increase the
efficiency of this organization.

The website with VPN Account has also been
developed and hosted

40. MIS on Monitoring of Work estimates and Payment of Bills in Ministry of RD and PR
Web based monitoring software has been Implemented at various                  engineering
designed, developed and implemented. Through divisions of RDD J&K
the software the Department can monitor the
status of all the ongoing schemes of the
department with respect to preparation of work
estimates, submission of estimates to authorities
for approval, preparation of work bills and
payments by the BDO in a time bound manner
7.0 National level Software Projects
      (Development/ Implementation/support/ consultancy aspects)
1. e-Procurement (GePNIC): An online Tending Solution for J&K
National Informatics Centre J&K has                   • Current Status (30th June, 2018)
implemented the e-procurement solution in J&K         • No. of e-Tenders → 92, 751
under mission mode project for the State              • Value (₹ )      → 63, 386.42 crores
Government. It is an online solution to conduct       • Departments → 84
all   stages     of   procurement        process.     • Sub-Office      → 260
Implementation in J&K started from 16 of Dec          • Divisions       → 299
2011 with the state PWD. IT Department J&K has        • Sub Division → 569
been designated as coordinating department.           • Approximately 3700 Officials of JK Govt/
                                                        PSUs have been provided training.
The URL is (                 • Approximately 520 representatives of firms
                                                        have been provided training.
                                                      • Digital Signature Certificate has been
                                                        issued to more than 3100 officials.

2. e-Courts Mission Mode Project
The e-Courts Integrated Mission Mode Project is one   •   126-Node LAN at High Court in Jammu
of the major national e-Governance projects being         and 130-Node LAN at Srinagar..
implemented in High Courts and district/subordinate   •   High Court website at the URL
Courts of the Country. The project is being      Weekly Cause
implemented by National Informatics Centre (NIC) in       List at and AFR
J&K.                                                      Judgments at
• Project start date – April 2009                     •   05 District Courts are uploading their case
• Go live date – September, 2010                          data and judgments to central server
• Coverage (number of locations) : 89                 •   Transactions
           o 2 High Court Wings,                           o Subordinate Courts – 1.91 lakh cases in
           o 22 District Courts,                               circulation out of total backlog of 2.04
           o 65 Taluka Courts                                  lakh cases.
                                                           o 1.27 lakh cases in circulation in High
URL is                                                         Court (both wings)                             •   IVRS (Case status query through phone)                                  implemented at both wings of High Court.                           •   31 of the identified 41 services have been            initiated at 20 District Courts.
•   Services have been initiated at 53 Taluka
                                                            Courts out of 65.
                                                        •   District Court Srinagar website launched

SPARROW is an online workflow based system for In J&K it has been implemented for the
enabling IAS officers to file their APAR. The following:
software has the following modules:               ➢ IAS Officers
                                                  ➢ IPS Officers
    ➢ Personal Information (Section 1)
    ➢ Self Appraisal
    ➢ Grading by Reporting Officer
    ➢ Evaluation by Reviewing Officer
    ➢ Custodian Module

URL is:
4. VAHAN - Online Portal for Registration of Vehicles
NIC J&K has implemented VAHAN 4.0 a web based           VAHAN 4.0 is implemented in 18 RTO and
and workflow based online application in                RTO offices of J&K
MVD/Transport Deptt J&K. In this Application the
following modules are working                           Vehicle Registered ->1,34,592
     o New Vehicle Registration,                        Transactions done -> 6,21,848
     o Services of Vehicles like Fitness , Renewal      Revenue Collected ->184,24,81,256
         Transfer, duplicate, Conversion, Alternation   Permits issued -> 19003
     o Dealer point Registration along with the
         Banking payment gateway of J&K Bank
     o Module Online Payment of road tax and
         fitness fee also implemented
     o Issuance of all type of Permits also
5. ePDS - Public Distribution System Computerization
Ministry of Food & Public Distribution, Govt of     In coordination with the J&K State Food
India has initiated End to End computerization of   department, following activities were
Food departments in all states including J&K. The   completed using NIC CAS software.
computerization process is to be carried out in
two Phases. At present implementation of Phase-I    Master data Creation :
is under process. J&K State Food department is      ➢ All District and Tehsil Level State Food
using NIC CAS software which include :-                office. (Aprox. 300 in number)
                                                    ➢ 155 Depot (State Godown)
   ▪   Master data Creation                         ➢ 6340 Fair price Shop details.

   ▪   Ration Card Digitization                     Ration Card Digitization : 28.41 Lakh Ration
                                                    Cards with 1.26 crore members
   ▪   Online Allocation of Food Grains and         Online Allocation of Food Grains Started in
                                                    02 districts of J&K on Pilot basis.
   ▪   Supply Chain Management
                                                 State Portal and Online Grievance
   ▪   State Portal and Online         Grievance Redressal Mechanism made operational
       Redressal Mechanism
                                                    Following reports are available from portal :
                                                      • District, Tehsil food offices, Godown
                                                      • TSO wise FPS count and their details.
                                                      • Drill Down Ration Card Report of the
                                                        beneficiary by clicking
                                                    District->Tehsil->Village->FPS->RC ID
6. India Portal
This is the national level project which          More than 8000 entries were made in the
envisaged and collected the information about     India portal from the J&K State. It contained
the acts/rules/forms/services across all the      services/forms/schemes/Acts etc.
states of India and presented them on a single
platform. It is a single platform to showcase
the e governance work done by all the States
URL is:

AGMARKNET is NICNET based network which           J&K has sanctioned 34 Nodes at the Mandis
connects all the Mandis/Regional offices/         as well at the Directorate of Horticulture
Directorates of the Horticulture, Planning and    Planning and Marketing. Details about the
Marketing located throughout the State of Jammu   pricing/arrivals and transport information
& Kashmir and the offices located in the major    are available online. In addition the market
metros city of India                              profile of all the markets is available online.
                                                  The pricing data is being uploaded daily for
URL is                                            the consumption of farmers as well as
(                         Government agencies
8. Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) In J&K, trainings were held for more that 10
sector has emerged as a highly vibrant and Directorates of Industries and Commerce
dynamic sector of the Indian economy over the and more than 80 people were trained for
last five decades. MSMEs not only play crucial role handling the EM-I & EM-II web
in providing large employment opportunities at applications.
comparatively lower capital cost than large
industries but also help in industrialization of rural
& backward areas, thereby, reducing regional
imbalances, assuring more equitable distribution
of national income and wealth. In order to reach
the enterprenuers in nook and corner of the
Country, The EM-I & EM-II formats has been made
URL is

9. Jeevan Pramaan Certificate
It is a biometric enabled digital life certificate      Coordinate with State Finance Department
(DLC) for pensioners. It fulfills the major             for issuance of notification for acceptance of
requisite of the pensioners to provide life             Jeevan Pramaan digital life certificates at
certificate to the disbursing agencies like banks       Bank.
etc., following which their pension is credited to      Jeevan Pramaan certificate camps were held
their account. The authentication is based upon         for the enrolment of Defence Pensioners at
Aadhaar number of the pensioner.                        DPDO Jammu, Akhnoor, Udhampur, Rajouri,
URL is:                                                 and Srinagar and at different location of                           Army 26 Inf Division Jammu in 2016
10. Public Financial Management System (PFMS)
It is online web based management information           Implemented in J&K. 21,226 agencies
and decision support system for the plan                registered as on date. NIC J&K is providing
schemes of the government of India. The                 technical support for Towards Integration of
purpose of this system is to track and monitor          treasuries with PFMS upload master data
the fund disbursement and utilization under             on PFMS and mapping of most of CSS with
Plan schemes on real time basis. This system            State Schemes.
needs to be integrated with various State                 - Creation of State Advisory Group
Treasuries. Real time integration with state              - Setup of SPMU office in J&K.
treasuries will facilitate monitoring of central        Organized 01 Workshop in Dec 2016 and 03
releases vis-à-vis expenditure incurred by states.      training programs Nodal Officers and
                                                        January-February 2018.
                                                        URL is:
11. National Animal Disease Reporting System(NADRS)
The National Animal Disease Reporting System           •   Implemented in all the 158 Locations in
(NADRS) is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme being              J&K (2 Directorate Level, 22 District
implemented by Department of Animal                        Level and 134 Block Level Nodes
Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries (DADF) through         •   Animal Disease Reporting through
National Informatics Centre. The NADRS involves a          various Channels like IVRS, SMS, email
computerized network, integrating both MIS and             and web based system.
GIS, which links each block, district and the          •   Centralized Animal Disease Database at
State/UT headquarters in the country to the                National Level
Central Disease Reporting & Monitoring Unit            •   GIS based Decision Support System and
(CDRMU) in the DADF at New Delhi. The URLs                 Analytical System available using
are:                 and           analytical modelling tools.
12. AEBAS (Aadhaar Enabled Bio-Metric Attendance System)
The Aadhaar Enabled Bio-Metric System for             • Implemented in 25 NIC Offices in J&K
monitoring of the day to day attendance related       • 10 Central Government Offices in J&K;
activities of employees working in Central and        • 182 Organisation of State Government
State            Government/Semi-Government             registered
Departments in J&K.                                   • All the State Government Offices located
                                                        at Civil Secretariat;
The URLs are:          • All Deputy Commissioners Offices and in
and                                                     various other field level offices of J&K                          State Government.

13. Swachh Bharat Mission Urban
Under Swachh Bharat Mission Urban, the Master         Online IHHL application has been
training programmes were conducted for all the        implemented in all the Urban Local Bodies
DIOs of J&K for implementation of online              of J&K.
application Individual House Hold Latrine (IHHL)      • Training-cum-workshop conducted for all
Swachh Bharat Mission in J&K. The staffs of              22 DIOs of J&K on IHHL.
Urban Local Bodies were trained for using IHHL        • Training also conducted for ULBs staff
application its proper verification and disposal of   • Around 150 staff trained for using IHHL
the requests. All the ULBs of J&K are extensively        application
using this application and regular reporting of       The URL is:
Activities being carried out in the entire state.
14. Community Information Centres(CIC) Project
J&K State is less developed and also lacking of         •   Project successfully implemented
infrastructure due to remoteness and difficult hilly    •   132 CICs established equipped with the
terrain. The GOI envisaged that by extending the            state of art ICT infrastructure
reach of ICT revolution to this region would give a     •   Computer Courses conducted like CCC &
boost to all round development, obviously the               ITES/BPO courses of DOEACC
basic thrust was to put the region on the IT Map        •   Internet & e-Mail Facilities at each CIC
of the world for overall development and                •   Short-term Courses through S&T
exposure of IT to the common people living in               Department           J&K      Government
rural and remote areas.                                     conducted through CIC
The Community Information Centre (CIC) Project          •   IGNOU Computer Courses
was successfully implemented. 132 CICs have             •   CICs were also generating good amount
established and are providing good services to the          of revenues through the services
citizens at grassroots level. State of the art ICT          provided to the citizens
infrastructure provided to all the CICs which           •   After 5 years of successful running, it
includes Computers, VSAT, Printers, UPS, GenSet,            was handed over to the State
Webcam etc.                                                 Government.
15. e-Prison - A step towards automation of Jails
The e-Prison software of NIC has been                   12 Districts and 02 Central Jails in J&K, are
implemented in all prisons of the State which           using the ePrision software. Offices of DG
mainly captures prisoner details, entry/exit, FIR,      Prison and Jails have been provided Wi Max,
case details etc. The process of linking district and   connectivity using the NICNET from NIC
Central Jails with courts is in progress and shall be   district offices. Details of more than 5000
completed in year 2018.                                 registered convicts have already been
                                                        entered through this system.
PRAGATI, which is aimed at monitoring                   The PRAGATI platform uniquely bundles
important programmes and projects. PRAGATI,             three latest technologies: Digital data
or    Pro-Active     Governance And Timely              management,      video-conferencing    and
Implementation, is a unique integrative and             geo-spatial technology. It also offers a
interactive platform.                                   unique combination in the direction of
The office of CS J&K uses NIC connectivity for          cooperative federalism since it brings at
PRAGATI VC 06 months from Jammu and 06                  one platform the Secretaries of Government
months from Srinagar              of India and the Chief Secretaries of the
15. e-Hospital@NIC
e-Hospital@NIC is a generic web based, work flow        NIC J&K has implemented              eHospital
application which addresses all major functional        software in 16 Health Institutions of J&K,
areas of a hospital. A workflow based HL7               selected by Govt of J&K
compliant and SNOMED-CT, LOINC integrated               On site e-Hospital implementation in J&K is
end-to-end solution for hospital management             done in 02 District, 04 sub-district Hospitals
which covers complete treatment cycle of                and 10 Primary Health Centres in J&K.
OPD/IPD as well integrates clinical, administrative,    Some of the PHC’s are very remotely
and billing/ insurance activities. An Integrated                 located and PHC Arnia and Pargwal are very
HMIS Suite consists of HIS, LIS, RIS, PACS, Blood                near to LOC.
Bank and Telemedicine Suite.
All the security features have been incorporated                 The Revenue Generation for the hospital
in this software.                                                development Fund has increased more than
                                                                 2-3 times in these institutions.

                                                                 Around 28 lakh registrations and 1.5 lakh
                                                                 admissions have been made through this
                                                                 system since January 2013. More than 5
                                                                 Crore billing made so far.

Honourable Ministers of Health and Rural Development reviewing
   the eHospital Implementation in JLNM Rainawari, Srinaga
16. e-Hospital Cloud
Hospital@NIC Cloud has simplified Healthcare Service ORS cloud based under replication at 5 Major
Delivery© over NIC Service Delivery Platform by any Hospitals of J&K.
hospital just making their hospital Internet enabled.
17. NSAP – National Social Assistance Programme
NSAP comprises of Indira Gandhi National Old Age 1.40 lakh beneficiary records of J&K were
Pension Scheme (IGNOAPS), Indira Gandhi National digitized it seeding with ADHAR is in progress
Widow Pension Scheme (IGNWPS), Indira Gandhi and in year 2018 it will be linked DBT/PFMS
National Disability Pension Scheme (IGNDPS),
National Family Benefit Scheme (NFBS) and
18. Rural Development and Panchayati Raj MIS
The following modules stands implemented in J&K also imparted training on these modules:
   • Local Government Directory (LGD)
   • National Panchayat Portal
   • Plan Plus
   • MIS on MGNREGA is also being used in J&K
   • AWAASSoft - eGovernance solution for INDRA AWAS YOJNA (IAY) for Rural Housing is
        implemented in J&K.
19. Integrated Child Development Scheme
MIS on ICDS for the entry of Aanganwadi Centres in J&K has been implemented after imparting the
requisite training to the Master Trainers of ICDS Department. The data entry completed.
20. National Tracking System for Missing and Vulnerable Children
A Centrally Sponsored Scheme with objectives to                  A national portal TrackChild which not only
contribute to the improvement in the well-being of               have data on 'missing' children but it also
children in difficult circumstances, as well as to the           have live database to monitor the progress of
reduction of vulnerabilities to situations and actions           the 'found' children who are availing various
that lead to abuse, neglect, exploitation,                       services in different Child Care Institutions
abandonment and separation of children. The                      (CCIs) under the ICPS and the JJ Act.
Scheme, also envisages for creating a mechanism for    
tracking 'missing' and 'found' children under ICPS
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