2020 Commencement - 164TH Commencement Tufts University Sunday, May 17, 2020

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164TH Commencement
Tufts University
Sunday, May 17, 2020

  School of Arts and Sciences

  School of Engineering

  School of Medicine and Graduate School
  of Biomedical Sciences

  School of Dental Medicine

  The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy

  Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine

  The Gerald J. and Dorothy R. Friedman
  School of Nutrition Science and Policy

  Jonathan M. Tisch College of Civic Life

  University College
Produced by Tufts Communications and Marketing.
Printed on recycled paper.
Table of Contents

                    Welcome from the President                    5

                    University Commencement                       7

                    Dear Alma Mater                               9
                    Tuftonia’s Day
                    Academic Mace
                    Academic Regalia

                    School of Arts and Sciences                  11
                    Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
                    School of Engineering

                    School of Medicine and Graduate School       37
                    of Biomedical Sciences

                    Public Health and Professional               46
                    Degree Programs

                    School of Dental Medicine                    53

                    The Fletcher School of Law                   61
                    and Diplomacy

                    Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine       67

                    The Gerald J. and Dorothy R. Friedman        73
                    School of Nutrition Science and Policy

                    Jonathan M. Tisch College of Civic Life      77

                                             COMMENCEMENT 2020    5
Welcome from the President

The conferral of degrees is always the high point of the academic year—the culmination of our students’
intellectual and personal journeys. Families, friends, faculty, and staff have all played a central role in
supporting our students’ education. Today, we celebrate this milestone for the graduates of our Class of 2020
and thank all those who have supported them along the way.

The deep bonds of loyalty and friendship that distinguish the Tufts community have been vital as we have
faced the challenges of this spring together. Today, in response to these unprecedented circumstances, we
confer degrees to our graduates virtually. But this crisis in no way diminishes the many achievements of this
year’s graduates.

Today’s graduates arrived at Tufts with diverse backgrounds and perspectives. They have followed rigorous
courses of study on our four Massachusetts campuses while enriching the life of our academic community.
As Tufts students, many of them have studied or conducted research across this country and internationally.
Many have also provided expert clinical care as part of their education. And they have brought our commitment to
active citizenship to life through generous service to community, neighborhood, and governmental organizations.

The COVID-19 pandemic created unique difficulties for the final weeks and months during which these
graduates finished their studies. They faced these challenges head on with resilience and grace, finishing
course work through remote modalities, and in some cases even defending doctoral dissertations via Zoom.
As active citizens, many have also been leading efforts within their communities, sharing their skills to support
the response to the crisis. In April, we conferred degrees on 204 M.D. candidates from the School of Medicine,
allowing these new physicians to enter the health care system almost a month earlier than usual.

I am overwhelmed with pride and gratitude at how members of the Tufts community have stepped up in these
difficult times. And I look forward to welcoming this year’s graduates and their families and friends back to
campus to celebrate in person when the pandemic is past.

Thank you for joining us in congratulating our graduates and wishing them all the best for the future.


Anthony P. Monaco

                                                                                      COMMENCEMENT 2020         7
Class Year Abbreviations

A            College of Liberal Arts

D            Dental School

DG           Dental Certificate Master’s Degree

E            Engineering School

F            Fletcher School

G            Graduate Degree

H            Honorary Degree

J            Jackson College

M            Medical School

GBS          Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences

SMFA         School of the Museum of Fine Arts

N            Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy

P            Parent of Student

V            Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine



University Commencement
University Degree Conferral Ceremony
Order of Events

Welcome                                  Boris Hasselblatt, Professor of Mathematics, Commencement Presenter

National Anthem                          Kyra Link A20
                                         Chloe A. Malouf A20

Invocation                               Jennifer Howe Peace, University Chaplain, ad interim

Opening Remarks                          Anthony P. Monaco, President of the University

Recipient of Dean Emeritus Certificate   Harris A. Berman, School of Medicine

Recipients of Emeritus/a Certificates    M. Sawkat Anwer, Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine
                                         Carol Baffi-Duggan, School of Arts and Sciences
                                         Harry Bernheim, School of Arts and Sciences
                                         Robert Bridges, Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine
                                         Daniel Barry Carr, School of Medicine
                                         Steven C. Chapra, School of Engineering
                                         Lewis Mitchell Cohen, School of Medicine
                                         Jim Dow, School of Arts and Sciences
                                         Richard Michael Engelman, School of Medicine
                                         Michael D. Forgac, School of Medicine
                                         Mary E. Glaser, School of Arts and Sciences
                                         Hurst Hannum, The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy
                                         Andrew C. Hess, The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy
                                         Karen Overbey, School of Arts and Sciences
                                         Douglas Preis, School of Engineering
                                         Laura Rogers, School of Arts and Sciences
                                         Abdollah Sadeghi-Nejad, School of Medicine
                                         Rosalind Shaw, School of Arts and Sciences
                                         Linda Tickle-Degnan, School of Arts and Sciences
                                         Peter Edward Winn, School of Arts and Sciences
                                         Jean Wu, School of Arts and Sciences

Recognition of Honos Civicus Inductees   Nadine Aubry, Provost and Senior Vice President

Conferring of Degrees in Course          Nadine Aubry, Provost and Senior Vice President

Remarks                                  Peter R. Dolan, Chairman, Board of Trustees

Closing                                  Anthony P. Monaco, President

Benediction                              Rabbi Naftali Brawer, Jewish Chaplain

University Commencement

Dear Alma Mater                                                      Tuftonia’s Day

Leo R. Lewis A1887                                                   Elliot Wright Hayes A1916

We con beside thy knee,                                              Steady and true, rush along, Brown and Blue.
Dear Alma Mater,                                                     Raise a mighty score today.
Earth’s book of mystery,                                             Fearless tear down the field and never yield!
Dear Alma Mater,                                                     Brown and Blue, Brown and Blue for aye!
We track the storied past,                                           Hammer them hard, boys, and break through their guard.
Dear Alma Mater,                                                     That is old Tuftonia’s way.
Over plains of learning vast,                                        And our glorious banner once again will wave o’er
Dear Alma Mater,                                                     Tuftonia’s Day.
Speed on thy sunlit way,                                             T-u-f-t-s, T-u-f-t-s, Hurrah! Hurrah! for dear old Brown
Dear Alma Mater,                                                     and Blue!
We vow new faith today,
Dear Alma Mater!                                                     Refrain:
May glory light thy name,                                            Up on the Hill tonight all will be gay.
Dear Alma Mater,                                                     Victorious in the fight, we’ll raise the standard of dear old
All thy children sing thy fame,                                      Tufts to glory!
Dear Alma Mater, for aye!                                            Pile up a mighty score.
                                                                     It’s bound to soar.
                                                                     Now one goal more!
                                                                     Nothing can stop us; it’s Tuftonia’s Day.

Academic Mace
Ceremonial maces were originally carried as a symbol of royal        The mahogany stand displaying the mace was designed and
authority, dating back to the Middle Ages. The academic mace         built by students from Medford Vocational Technical High
is a symbol of the authority invested in the president by the        School and was presented to President Monaco in April 2015.
university’s governing body. Tufts’ mace is adorned with a
medallion engraved with the official seal of the university and
is carried before the president in academic processions in
formal ceremonies such as commencement and inaugurations.

Academic Regalia
Traditional academic regalia has been worn by the Tufts faculty      signifies by its color the field in which the degree was designated.
since the Commencement of 1906. The gown for the bachelor’s          Master of science and doctor of science hoods are trimmed
degree has pointed sleeves and is designed to be worn closed.        in yellow; Engineering in orange; Medicine in green; Dental
The master’s gown has elbow-length, pointed sleeves; the             Medicine in lilac; Doctor of Philosophy in blue; and Veterinary
doctor’s gown has bell-shaped sleeves; both may be worn open         Medicine in gray. The mortarboard or Oxford-type cap is the
or closed. The doctor’s gown is faced, and the sleeves are           one usually worn, but of late, the soft cap, which resembles
trimmed with velvet. By its color and arrangement, the hood          an oversized beret, has come into favor because of its comfort.
worn with the gown indicates the wearer’s highest advanced           Tassels, other than the universally accepted black, may indicate
degree, the field in which it was awarded, and the school from       by the various colors the field of learning in which the degree
which it came. The lining of the hood carries the school’s colors,   is earned, while the gold tassel generally signifies a doctoral
brown and blue in the case of Tufts. The velvet edging on the        degree. Many foreign universities show great diversity, following
hood, wider for the doctor’s degree than for the master’s degree,    traditions that extend back for centuries.

                                                                                                          COMMENCEMENT 2020                 11

          164TH COMMENCEMENT

School of Arts and Sciences

         150 TH COMMENCEMENT

     School of Engineering
School of Arts and Sciences and School of Engineering

Although it was not possible for the School of Engineering and the School of Arts and Sciences, including the
School of the Museum of Fine Arts at Tufts and the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, to hold in-person
ceremonies today for our undergraduate and graduate students, we are looking forward to having the
opportunity to celebrate in person with the Class of 2020 in the future.

We want to confirm that the Commencement celebrations specific to AS&E graduates and families will
be held in person on the Medford/Somerville campus when it is safe to do so. As always, these celebrations
will include recognition of each student. They will also include a Commencement speaker and an in-person
Baccalaureate Ceremony with an address by the Wendell Phillips speaker from the Class of 2020. We will
provide the entire AS&E community with complete information about our planned celebrations as soon
as possible.

For more information about those events, coverage of virtual events, and to watch our video messages to
the graduates, please refer to commencement.tufts.edu.


James M. Glaser						Jianmin Qu
Dean, School of Arts and Sciences				 Dean, School of Engineering
Professor of Political Science					   Karol Family Professor

School of Arts and Sciences and School of Engineering
Undergraduate Awards and Department Prizes

The Alpha Omicron Pi Prize    The Community               The Ethel M. Hayes            The Charles F. Seymour Jr.
Scholarship                   Service Award               Scholarship                   Prize
Ann-Marie E. Lee A20          Philip E. Miller A20        Hanna C. Carr A20             Joshua D. Kim A20
                                                          Olivia C. Kahn-Boesel A20
The Alpha Xi Delta Prize      The Donald A. Cowdery                                     The Philip E. A. Sheridan,
Scholarship                   Memorial Scholarship        The Phyllis Karno Dean’s      M.D., Prize
Julian H. Balkcom A21         Natalie H. Bohm A20         Award for Leadership and      Stephanie Huynh A21
                              Paul B. Henjes A20          Academic Excellence
The Association of Tufts      Alexandra H. Lee A20        Eoghan B. Downey A22          The Tufts University
Alumnae Seventy-Fifth         Shannon A. Lee A20          Kathryn M. Lazar E22          Alumni Association Award
Anniversary Award             Finn L. McGarghan A20       Alejandra Macaya A22          Abigail W. Beech A20
Sophia A. Balsamo A20
                              The De Florez Prize In      The Lewis F. Manly            School of Arts and
The Bennett Memorial          Human Engineering           Memorial Prize                Sciences and School
Scholarship                   Korri A. Lampedusa E21      Lillian H. Baldwin A20        of Engineering
Rachel Furash A20             Akshita A. Rao E21          William Tasker A20            Competitive Prizes
                              Zachary R. Sebek A20
The Benjamin G. Brown                                     The Lt. Commander             The Anne E. Borghesani
                              Alexandra M. Traverse A20
Scholarship                                               Robert James Manning          Memorial Prize
Husain H. Adamji E20          The Alex Elias Memorial     Memorial Prize                Kiran Ahmad A22
Francesca H. Deleso-          Prize Scholarship           Matias A. Aranguiz E22        Sarah E. Lok A22
   Frechette A20              Ethan R. Bershtein A20      Faizan Muhammad E20           Maya L. Namasivayam A22
Rodolfo S. Estrada A20        Lily Blackshaw A20          Methira Saksiriwatekul E20    Saherish S. Surani A21
Max W. McCarthy A20           Madeleine E. Clarke A20
Courtland S. Priest E23                                   The Multicultural             The Marshall Hochhauser
                              Grace K. Fabrycky A20
Joao Marcos Vensi Basso E20                               Service Award                 Memorial Prize
                              Justin R. Mills A20
                                                          Leticia P. Rocha A20          May Li Hong A21
The Gemma Cifarelli           The Frederick M. and                                      Dorothy C. Neher A20
Memorial Scholarship          Dorie Ellis Prize           The Ellen C. Myers            Sean Z. Ong A20
Jenna C. Fromer E21           Juliette A. Bichon A22      Memorial Prize                Francesca L. Rubinson A20
Daniel G. Pascal E21          Grace A. Goetcheus A20      Anna M. Deck A20
Sachin Vallamkonda A21                                    Benjamin K. Kharpertian A20   The Nadia Medina Prize
                              Timothy M. Gronet E20
                                                          Michael L. Thramann A20       Owen N. Finnegan A20
                              Serena M. Monteiro A20
The Prize Scholarship
                              Taylor N. Wurts A20                                       The Wendell Phillips
of the Class of 1882                                      The Gregory H. Arabian,
Olivia T. Holmes A20                                      A54 Air Force Prize Fund      Memorial Award
                              The Ivan Galantic
Anar Kansara A20                                          Hally M. Bello E23            Leticia P. Rocha A20
                              Special Achievement
Han N. Nguyen E20             in Humanities Prize         Julia M. Graham A23
                                                                                        The Elizabeth Verveer
Jake A. Zaslav A20            Mikayla K. Barreiro A21
                                                          The Army ROTC                 Tishler Prize in Music
                              Abigail K. Gruskin A20                                    Performance
The Class of 1898 Prizes                                  Prize Award
                              Rachel E. Klein A20                                       Kyra M. Link A20
Olivia G. Martin E21                                      Connor A. Bryan A20
                              Katherine L. Milano A20
Joshua Tso A20                                            Mateo A. Prieto A23
                              Megan L. Rivkin A20
Caiyang Xu A20
                                                          The Navy V-12/NROTC           School of Arts
                              The Audrey Butvay
The Class of 1911 Prize                                   Memorial Prize                and Sciences
                              Gruss Science Award
Scholarships                                              Aidan R. Schertz E20
                              Kelsey B. Detels E21
Lawrence T. Chan A20                                                                    Anthropology
                              Taissa Gladkova E20         The Class of 1947
Zoe A. Leaf A20
                              Samantha M. Livermore A21   Victor Prather Prize          The Department of
Sean Lee A20
                              Emma C. Meehan E20          Anirban Chakraborty A21       Anthropology Prize
Erica R. Nork A20
                              Jonathan Rodriguez A21      Mark C. Gonzalez A20          Abigail K. Gruskin A20
Ora C. Richardson E20
                              Ivara J. Roth A21           Samuel E. Shaw E20            Olivia T. Holmes A20
The Class of 1942                                         Sarah Shnayder A20
                              The Audrey Hale Prize
Prize Scholarship
                              Joaquin F. Bustamante A20
Sana Ahmed A20
Jonah E. Greene A20
Oliver G. Korten E20
Elizabeth A. Moison A20
Kamen Velichkov A20

                                                                                        COMMENCEMENT 2020            15
School of Arts and Sciences and School of Engineering
Undergraduate Awards and Department Prizes

Archaeology                   The Max Tishler             Economics                     The Russell E. Miller
                              Prize Scholarship                                         History Prize
The Marianne J. H.                                        The Charles G. Bluhdorn
                              Cameron J. Cummings A21                                   Mona Hafiz A20
Witherby Prize in                                         Prize in Economics
                              Olivia A. Hofheinz A21                                    Aidan W. Menchaca A20
Archaeology                                               Madison E. Lewis A20
                              Samuel Lipsey A21                                         Adam C. Zacharia A20
Talia C. Smith A20                                        Kamen Velichkov A20
                              Meghan L. Mulvey A21
                                                          The Marion Ricker Houston     International Literary
The Department of Art
                              Child Development           Prize Scholarship             and Cultural Studies
and Architecture
                              The Eliot-Pearson           Shannon A. Lee A20            The Arabic Language,
The Architectural
                              Department of Child                                       Culture and Literature Prize
Studies Prize                                             The Daniel Ounjian Prize
                              Development Prize                                         Erin K. Viola A20
Jane I. Nasta A20                                         in Economics
                              Alex L. Debellis A20
                                                          Joshua E. Clarkson A21        The Robert Asch Award
The Art & Art History Prize                               Jacob D. Fried A21
                              Classics                                                  Ayden J. Crosby A21
Cecelia L. Rosenman A20                                   Eleanor L. Jenke A21
Benjamin Z. Shapiro A20       The Boston Greek Prize                                    The Chinese Program
                              Grace W. Duisberg A21       English                       Alumni Prize
Biology                                                                                 John B. Parrish A20
                              The William Frank           The Mary Grant
The Thomas Harrison                                                                     Drew F. Stern A20
                              Wyatt Prize                 Charles Prize
Carmichael and Emily                                      Nien Yin Lin A20
                              Wenxin Li A20                                             The Chinese Language
Leonard Carmichael
                                                                                        and Literature Prize
Prize Scholarship             The John & Katherine        The Morton N. Cohen
                                                                                        Gideon C. May A20
Jillian F. Armenia A20        Zarker Excellence in        Creative Writing Award
Daniel P. Caron A20           Classical Prize             Colin S. McKay A20            The Susan Feigenbaum
Rodolfo S. Estrada A20        Mikayla K. Barreiro A21                                   Memorial Prize in
                                                          The Mabel Daniels Prize
                                                                                        Judaic Studies
The Anna Quincy Churchill                                 in Music and Literature
                              Community Health                                          Hannah R. Pearl A23
Prize in General Biology                                  Peter W. Lam A20
Husain H. Adamji E20          The Endowed Janice                                        The International Literary
Hannah R. Pearl A23           Spencer Calkin Community    The Department of
                                                                                        and Visual Studies Prize
                              Health Award                English Prize
                                                                                        Ziwei Chen A20
The Lily Glidden Award        Alejandro B. Baez A21       Emily A. Chu A20
Sarah E. Lok A23                                          Haebin L. Ra A20              The Japanese Language
Aria N. Stewart VG            Computer Science                                          and Literature Prize
                                                          Environmental Studies         Ellen K. Ehrnrooth A20
The Paula Frazier             The James Schmolze
Poskitt Scholarship           Prize for Excellence In     The Nancy W. Anderson
                                                                                        The Pauline and Peter
Ivara J. Roth A21             Computer Science            Award for Environmental
                                                                                        Kozachok Prize Fund
                              Caroline E. Kaufman A20     Sustainability
                                                                                        Benjamin Cooper A20
Chemistry                     Alexis Walker E20           Chloe A. Malouf A20
                                                                                        Brianna R. Gates A20
The R. M. Karapetoff Cobb     Earth & Ocean Sciences      History                       The William Howell Reed
Chemistry Fund
                              The James Hume Field        Daughters of the Revolution   Prize in German
Jordan R. Bricknell A21
                              Geology Prize               Prize Scholarship             William P. O’Neil A20
Cassandra N. Cancemi A21
Carolyn J. Hitelman A21       Katherine A. Lamberti E20   Liam E. Cronan A20
                                                                                        The Russian Prize
                              The Robert L. Nichols       The Albert H. Imlah           Jacob M. Arnstein A20
The Durkee Scholarships
                              Scholarship Prize           European History Prize        Pedro A. Lazo-Rivera A20
Jessica L. Duggan A20
Albert Mousad A20             Stephanie C. Lechki A21     Emily T. Barshay A20
                                                          Sze Wan Chan A20              The Joseph and Sara
Matthew E. Podniesinski A20   Jenna M. Mello A21
                                                          Katherine P. Hoe-             Stone Prize
Yunqing Yu A20                                                                          Haebin L. Ra A20
                              The Charles E.                 Richardson A20
                              Stearns Prize                                             Adam L. Rosen A20
The Margaret Durkee
Angell and Henrietta          Cole P. Lombardi A21        The Albert H. Imlah
Brown Durkee                                              Excellence in History Prize
Scholarship Fund                                          Desmond T. Fonseca A20
Madison E. Lewis A20                                      Sean Z. Ong A20

School of Arts and Sciences and School of Engineering
Undergraduate Awards and Department Prizes

Mathematics                  The Howard Sample            Resumed Education for         The Greenwood
                             Prize Fund in Physics        Adult Learners                Prize Scholarship
The Martin
                             Miles J. Arnett E22                                        Henry Zumbrunnen A20
Guterman Award                                            The Theresa McDermott
                             Alexander R. Denby A22
Jonathan B. Conroy E22                                    Carzo Award                   The Jane Anne Herman
                             Eoghan B. Downey A22
                                                          Brittany Blasetti A20         Newton Award
The Ralph S. Kaye            Olif S. Hordofa E22
                             Samantha M. Livermore E21                                  Grace L. Kennedy A20
Memorial Prize                                            The Resumed Education
Natalie H. Bohm A20          Huyen K. Pham E22            for Adult Learners            The Stephen Sapuppo Prize
David Tu A20                 Nicolas S. Ragusa E22        Prize Scholarship             Batya A. Reich A21
                             Leyla Rami E22               Fanny Y. Cai A20
The Norbert Wiener Award     Edward H. Robbins E22                                      The Alice E. Trexler Dance
in Mathematics               Youssef I. Soliman E22       Romance Studies               Studies Award
Phong C. Hoang A20           Abigail E. Wilson E21                                      Erica R. Nork A20
                                                          The Constantine Ghikas
Music                        Political Science            Prize in Romance
                                                                                        Women’s, Gender, and
The Outstanding              The James Vance Elliott                                    Sexuality Studies
                                                          Emily C. Burke A20
Achievement Award in         Political Science Prize      Claire H. O’Donnell A20       The Women’s, Gender, and
the Department of Music      Laurel R. Bliss A20          Nidhi S. Rao A20              Sexuality Studies Award
Allison Lam A20              Shannon A. Lee A20           Corey S. Sagerstrom A20       Ian H. Seerung A20
Jake A. Zaslav A20                                        Madeleine C. Stewart A20
The Professor William J.                                  The Laminan Prize in          School of Engineering
King Applied Music Award     The Class of 1921 Leonard
                                                          Romance Languages
Sarah Shnayder A20           Carmichael Prize
                                                          Nicholas M. McQuillan A20     Biomedical Engineering
                             Scholarship Fund
                                                          Leticia P. Rocha A20
The Etta and Harry Winokur   Jose L. Casas A21                                          Biomedical Engineering
Award for Outstanding        Elizabeth S. Escalante A21   The Frederic J. Shepler       Student of the Year Award
Achievement in Artistic      Saira Madarasmi A21          Memorial Prize in French      Joelle P. Bosia E20
or Scholarly Work            Alekya N. Menta A21          Emma Louise Mitchell-
Samuel Graber-Hahn A21                                       Sparke A20                 Chemical and Biological
Joshua Tso A20               The Thomas Harrison                                        Engineering
                                                          Harrison C. Queeney A20
                             Carmichael and Emily
                                                          Ian H. Seerung A20            The Department of
The Etta and Harry           Leonard Carmichael
                                                          Ilyssa H. Silverman A20       Chemical and Biological
Winokur Award for            Prize Scholarship
                                                          Isabel A. Valdelomar A20      Engineering Prize
Outstanding Contribution     Lindsay K. Pius A20
to Performance               Mallika Purandare A20                                      Adamji H. Husain E20
                                                          SMFA at Tufts
George A. Behrakis A20       Emma W. Singleton A20
Kyra M. Link A20                                          The Melissa Beth              Electrical and Computer
                             The Priscilla N. Dunne       Meyers Award                  Engineering
Philosophy                   Prize                        Jhona Gonzalez M20            The Harry Poole Burden
                             Melanie G. Becker A21
The Helen Morris                                                                        Prize In Electrical or
                             Emma C. Wolfe A20            Sociology
Cartwright Memorial Prize                                                               Computer Engineering
                             Logan Y. Zhang A20
Hanwen Hu A20                                             The Sociology Prize           Oliver W. Marsden E20
Katherine L. Milano A20      The Sal Soraci Prize         Bliss Cleveland A20           Kevin J. Naranjo E20
                             Katharine V. Odjakjian A20                                 Benjamin E. Santaus E20
Physics                                                   Theatre, Dance and            Sophie A. Saunders E20
                             The Joanne Mary              Performance Studies
The Amos Emerson Dolbear     Sullivan Award                                             The Amos Emerson
Scholarship                  Daniel T. Carlston A20       The Moses True                Dolbear Scholarships
David M. Stern A20           Josue Llamas Rodriguez A20   Brown Prize                   David J. Janowsky E20
                                                          Jonah E. Greene A20           Sabrina D. Miller E20
The N. Hobbs Knight Prize                                                               Benjamin J. Roover E20
Scholarship in Physics                                    The Goddard                   Ashwin Swar E20
Jared K. Hwang A20           The Department Of            Rhetorical Prizes
Michael J. Rosenbaum A20     Religion Prize               Sophia A. Balsamo A20
                             Ella M. Frauenhofer A20      Sophia Wai Yee Ginsburg A20
                             Rachel E. Klein A20

                                                                                        COMMENCEMENT 2020         17
School of Arts and Sciences and School of Engineering
Undergraduate Awards and Department Prizes

The Morris and Sid Heyman
Prize Scholarships
Yiwen Jiang E21
Adam R. Lipson E21
Max J. Ramer E22
Melissa C. Rowland E21

Mechanical Engineering
The George H. and Marion
E. Gowdy Prize
Naomi L. Durand E21
Xuanjiang Liu E21

The Human Factors
Engineering Prize
Aidan R. Schertz E20

The Vincent Manno
Leadership Award
Walker E. Wind E21

The Mechanical
Engineering Prize
Christopher Colcord E20
Catherine Melsky E20

The James P. O’Leary
Design Award
Giovanni Mario Fava E20
Robert L. Reppucci Jr. E20
Tahsin Can Ş arlak E20
Janna S. Sokolow E20

The Samuels Prize in
Mechanical Engineering
Olivia G. Martin E21

The Mead Jonathan
Taylor Prize
Richard P. Kaufman E21

The Lloyd MacGregor
Trefethen Research Award
Jordan M. Lueck E20

The Lloyd MacGregor
Trefethen Fellowship
Max H. Kratzok E20

School of Arts and Sciences
National Honor Societies

Phi Beta Kappa                Ann-Marie E. Lee              Tau Beta Pi                  Sophie A. Saunders
                              Ryan M. Lee                                                Daniel M. Sellers
Chloe S. Amouyal                                            Husain H. Adamji
                              Madison E. Lewis                                           Isadora Shamah
Sophia A. Balsamo                                           Daniel Bekai
                              Wenxin Clair Li                                            Samuel E. Shaw
Emily Barshay                                               Benjamin L. Bodine
                              Maya I. Lubeck-Schricker                                   David J. Shepard
Abigail W. Beech                                            Sebastian A. Coates
                              Chloe J. Lyu                                               Carter Silvey
Catherine E. Bernstein                                      Annie Du
                              Max W. McCarthy                                            Patrick Song
Celia P. Bottger                                            Naomi L. Durand
                              Emma Louise Mitchell-Sparke                                Emma E. Stevens
Hawley F. Brown                                             Sophie L. Fox
                              Daniel Moon                                                John J. Tagliaferro
Thomas L. Chan                                              Jenna C. Fromer
                              Wei-ren O. Murray                                          Cole M. Taylor
Ziwei Chen                                                  Harris H. Hardiman-Mostow
                              Rachel L. Napoliello                                       Shucheng Tian
Emily A. Chu                                                Evan J. Hirschman
                              William P. O’Neil                                          Andrew X. Wang
Lauren N. Clore                                             Dylan C. Hoffmann
                              Alexander Pan                                              George West
Lian E. Cronan                                              Timothy L. Holt III
                              Zachary G. Papazian                                        Ashley E. Wicks
Christopher J. Duff                                         David J. Janowsky
                              Marisa N. Permatteo                                        Yan Zhou Chen
Jessica L. Duggan                                           Yiwen Jiang
                              Claire A. Pernat
Jacob M. Ehrlich                                            Jared T. Joines
                              Natalia E. Poblete
Jasmine J. Falk                                             Nicole L. Kennedy
                              Matthew E. Podniesinski
Caroline B. Fett                                            Molly E. Lie
                              Meghan I. Podolsky
Isabella R. Forman                                          Adam R. Lipson
                              Haebin L. Ra
Haley S. Fort                                               Olivia G. Martin
                              Delilah M. Roberts
Claire X. Freeman                                           Catherine Melsky
                              Heidi F. Rubenstein
Grace Ann Goetcheus                                         Sabrina D. Miller
                              Ian H. Seerung
Shoshana C. Goldman                                         Sarah I. Morton
                              Ilyssa H. Silverman
Emily S. Goldstein                                          Samee Mushtak
                              Emma W. Singleton
Alfredo E. Gutierrez Velez                                  Kevin J. Naranjo
                              Ross M. Sonnenblick
Eleanor A. Harvey                                           Ashish Neupane
                              Isabella Spaulding
Kevin Z. Ho                                                 Han N. Nguyen
                              David M. Stern
Katherine P. Hoe-Richardson                                 Daniel G. Pascal
                              Henna Tiwary
Nathan L. Hollinsaid                                        Raul Pech Figueroa
                              Joshua Tso
Olivia T. Holmes                                            Yifan Peng
                              David Tu
Kenny Huang                                                 Pietro Picco
                              Andrew J. Wang
Min Seo Jeong                                               Courtland S. Priest
                              Alexandra J. Webster
Su bin Jeong                                                Christopher E. Reik
                              Taylor N. Wurts
Maygen J. Kerner                                            Thomas F. Risoleo
                              Caiyang Xu
Frances H. Kiles                                            Melissa C. Rowland
                              Wescott H. Yeaw
Isabella Molina Kiser                                       Andrew G. Sack
                              Gary J. Zhang
Rachel E. Klein                                             Methira Saksiriwatekul
                              Xiyu Zhao
Evan Kuh                                                    Benjamin E. Santaus
                              Henry Zumbrunnen

                                                                                        COMMENCEMENT 2020      19
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and School of Engineering
Graduate Student Awards and Prizes

Department Awards                Occupational Therapy—         Graduate Student               Graduate Student
Art and Art History—             Marjorie B. Greene Award      Council Awards                 Research Competition
                                 Mary Gawron, 2020
Rhonda Saad                                                    Anais Lugo-Guercio, 2020,      Gizem Altheimer, S’2016
Graduate Prize                   Occupational Therapy—            Outstanding Graduate        Janani Baskaran, F’2019
Micayla Bransfield, 2020         Joy Ann Greisen                  Contribution to Diversity   Justin Birudavol, F’2019
Emily Chun, 2020                 Scholarship                      and Inclusion               Kaitlin Chambers, F’2017
                                 Louisa Bradberry, 2020        Jenna Whalen, 2019,            Ruizhi Dai, F’2016
Child Study and Human                                             Service Award               Fabio DeFerrari, F’2016
                                 Teaghan Fallon, 2020
Development Eliot-Pearson                                                                     Victoria Floerke, F’2015
                                 Sara Heath, 2020
Award for Research                                             Outstanding Academic           Brenna Gormally, S’2017, F’2018
                                 Brij Maliya, 2015
Practice Integration                                           Scholarship                    Gregory Hughes, S’2016, S’2018
Amanda Strawhacker, 2013, 2019   Occupational Therapy—                                        Shreyas Kamath, F’2018
Jessica Somogie, 2020                                          Yuxian Chen, 2020
                                 Helen Smith Scholarship       Shreyas Kamath, 2020           Esther Miller, F'2018
Lauren Stargel, 2020             Mary Gawron, 2020                                            Ali-Reza Mirsajadi, F’2015
Nicholas Woolf, 2020                                           Ali-Reza Mirsajadi, 2019
                                                               Federica Pierro, 2019          Emily Newman, S’2016
                                 Psychology—Innovations                                       Nicholas Pittman, F’2019
Drama—Professor Kalman           in Psychological Science      Matthew Watson, 2020
                                                                                              Srijith Rajeev, F’2018
A. Burnim Prize for              Award
                                                               Outstanding                    Jessica Rocha, F’2019
Scholarly Excellence             Gizem Altheimer, 2019                                        Lauren Stargel, S’2018
Ali-Reza Mirsajadi, 2019         Gregory Hughes, 2020          Contributions to
                                                                                              Amanda Strawhacker, S’2013
                                 Emily Newman, 2019            Undergraduate
Occupational                                                                                  Shaobing Su, S’2016, S’2018
                                 Rebecca Peretz-Lange, 2020    Education
Therapy—Bekenstein                                                                            Ashley Wilcox, F’2016
Family Endowment                                               Brenna Gormally, 2019          Xian Zhang, F’2015
                                 Urban and Environmental
Zahera Ali, 2020                 Policy and Planning—Ann
Caitlin Blaine, 2020                                           Outstanding Graduate
                                 Urosevich Outstanding
Louisa Bradberry, 2020                                         Contributor to
                                 Student Award in Policy
Teaghan Fallon, 2020                                           Engineering Education
                                 and Planning Award
Mary Gawron, 2020                Megan Morrow, 2020            Amin Nozari, 2019
Kathryn Grove, 2020                                            Srijith Rajeev, 2020
Taylor Harris, 2020              Award for Commitment to
Sara Heath, 2020                 the Practice of Engineering   Robert P. Guertin
Amanda Huang, 2020               Katherine Woodward, 2015      Graduate Student
Evan Hunter, 2020                                              Leadership Award
Jasmine Jean, 2020
Kristen Kurihara, 2020                                         Alice Maggio, 2019
Anais Lugo-Guercio, 2020
                                                               Rob Hollister Graduate
Meghan Maloney, 2020
Erin McConnell, 2020                                           Community Service and
Kara McSheehy, 2020                                            Citizenship Award
Patricia Mygas, 2020                                           Zoe Ackerman, 2020
Meaghan O’Connell, 2020                                        Natalie Dillon, 2019
Lia Stratton, 2020
Ruth Yeh, 2020
Miranda Zenni, 2020

20   TUFTS UNIVERSITY                                                                                  F=Fall      S=Spring
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Candidates for Graduate Degrees

Doctor of Philosophy           Bryn J. Gravitt**          Rebecca Peretz-Lange         Educational Specialist
                               English                    Psychology                   School Psychology
Gizem Altheimer*
Psychology                     Suzanne Lorraine Gray      Cornelia C. Photopoulos**    Shelby R. Allen*
                               Psychology                 English
Dianne Elizabeth Berg                                                                  Lauren N. Anderson
English                        Eric A. High**             Marc C. Piquette**
                                                                                       Catharine Bush Norvell
                               Chemistry                  Chemistry
Marissa Bylsma*                                                                        Barclay
Chemistry                      Mirjana Hotomski           Kristina Reinmets
                                                                                       Molly E. Bruzzese
                               Education                  Biology
Alexandra A. Carter
                                                                                       Hock Czajkowski
English                        Gregory I. Hughes          Eric R. Scott
                               Psychology                 Biology                      Ashley Marie Dion
Kaitlin Audrey Chambers
Chemistry                      Seohyon Jung**             Jessica Mitzner Scully       Jacqueline E. Disch
                               English                    English
Collin Robert Cook                                                                     Allison Vera Rose Ferrigno
English                        Matthew D. Kamm*           Sunrose Thapa Shrestha
                               Biology                    Mathematics                  Kathryn Elizabeth
Casey M. Cosetta                                                                       Haselden
Biology                        Alexandra Khristich        Lauren E. Stargel
                               Biology                    Child Study and Human        Seth Hurwitz*
Benjamin P. Coughlin
                                                          Development                  Gisela Iribarren Lopez
Chemistry                      Dongyu Liu
                               Chemistry                  Amanda Strawhacker           Sophia F. Jean
Chelsea S. Crittle
                                                          Child Study and Human
Psychology                     Christopher John Luby                                   Teresa Lacks
Ruizhi Dai**                                                                           Adam James McAfee
                                                          Shaobing Su*
Psychology                     Rylee Alanza Lyman
                                                          Child Study and Human        Claire M. McCann
Renee E. DeCaro                                           Development
Psychology                     Nicholas S. Martis                                      Kayla O’Shea
                                                          Jenna M. Whalen
                               Physics                                                 Lauren M. Price
Aaron C. Dell                                             Biology
English                        Prasong Mekdara                                         Kristin Purnell
                                                          John W. Whalen
Heling Deng*                                              English
                                                                                       Kendra Jayne Uccello
Physics                        Caroline Julia Merighi
                                                          Daniel James Wilson**        April Dawn Valete
Elise Murray Dykhuis                                      Chemistry
Child Study and Human          Esther R. Miller                                        Ashley W. Vandal
                                                          Xian Zhang*
Development                    Biology
                                                          Child Study and Human
Matthew J. Feeney**            Ali-Reza Mirsajadi*        Development
Chemistry                      Theatre and Performance
                               Studies                    Doctor of Occupational
Victoria Anne Floerke
Psychology                     Laia Mogas Soldevila       Therapy
                               Interdisciplinary          Brij Mohan Maliya**
Megan E. Gately
Interdisciplinary              Ritwika Mukherjee          Augusta Hixon Polhemus
                               Biology: Soft Materials
Corinne R. Glenwerks
                               Ryan L. Napier**
Brenna Mary Gilligan
Biology                        Emily Lillianne Newman**
Nelaka Dilshan Govinna*
Physics                        Peter Brian Ohm

*August 2019 **February 2020                                                          COMMENCEMENT 2020         21
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Candidates for Graduate Degrees

Master of Arts            Amanda Marie Centrella        Xianzheng Fang            Nicole R. Huang
                          Urban and Environmental       Urban and Environmental   Urban and Environmental
Zoe C. Ackerman**
                          Policy and Planning           Policy and Planning       Policy and Planning
Urban and Environmental
Policy and Planning       Jiawen Chen                   Melanie I. Feijoo         Christopher Humphreys
                          Child Study and Human         Child Study and Human     Philosophy
Kaylyn Marie Adams
                          Development                   Development
Child Study and Human                                                             Elisabeth R. Iacono
Development               Emily Eunsuh Chun             Deryn V. Fishman          History and Museum Studies
                          Art History                   Child Study and Human
Chelsea Marie Alexander                                                           Nakia K. Isreal Navarro
Urban and Environmental   Timothy S. Chung*                                       Education
Policy and Planning       History and Museum Studies    Michael D. Flanary*
                                                                                  Erin Marie Jansen
                                                        Urban and Environmental
Cyatharine M. Alias       Sarah E. Clarren                                        History and Museum Studies
                                                        Policy and Planning
Urban and Environmental   Urban and Environmental
                                                                                  Ashley Astride Jeannot**
Policy and Planning       Policy and Planning           Tristin E. Flood
                                                                                  Diversity and Inclusion
                                                        Child Study and Human
Risham Amjad              Makayla L. Comas                                        Leadership
Urban and Environmental   Urban and Environmental
                                                                                  Domonique Tamesia
Policy and Planning       Policy and Planning           Darcy Foster
                                                        Museum Education
Mary Elizabeth Angevine   Benjamin Livingood Cotton                               Diversity and Inclusion
Education                 Child Study and Human         Brian M. Froeb            Leadership
                          Development                   Urban and Environmental
Jessica Arena**                                                                   Jana Kasab
                                                        Policy and Planning
School Psychology         Ruaidhri Thomas Belfry                                  Philosophy
                          Crofton                       Sally K. Gallagher
Sean Douglas Zinck                                                                Elisabeth Kellam
                          History and Museum Studies    Museum Education
Ashburn                                                                           Urban and Environmental
Diversity and Inclusion   Tessa M. Dean**               Wen Gao                   Policy and Planning
Leadership                School Psychology             Music
                                                                                  Catherine A. Kemmett
Florence Bacus            Samantha R. DeArmas**         Khouloud Gargouri*        Urban and Environmental
Philosophy                School Psychology             French                    Policy and Planning

Megan A. Bennie           Quinn Olivia Divens           Layne A. Garrelts         Abigail Jo King
Child Study and Human     Art History                   Philosophy                History and Museum Studies
                          Megan M. Dixon                Christopher R. Greene     Lily Tham Ko*
Justin Birudavol          Art History                   Music                     Urban and Environmental
Child Study and Human                                                             Policy and Planning
                          Kamari Durley                 Firdaus K. Gupte
                          Urban and Environmental       Philosophy                Tara Kola*
Rylee Bonilla**           Policy and Planning                                     History
                                                        Juliana M. Harris
School Psychology
                          Elias D. Eells                Museum Education          Yoonhye Jackie Kong
Micayla R. Bransfield     Digital Tools for Premodern                             Art History
                                                        Sarah R. Hasselman
Art History               Studies
                                                        Education                 Mark B. Konigsmark
Miranda E. Briseno        Sarah A. Ellenor                                        Music
                                                        Nicholas D. Hewitt
Urban and Environmental   Child Study and Human
                                                        Philosophy                Ye Eun Koo
Policy and Planning       Development
                                                                                  Child Study and Human
                                                        Sean M. Hogan
Liza Burkin*              Elizabeth R. Ellis                                      Development
                                                        Urban and Environmental
Urban and Environmental   Urban and Environmental
                                                        Policy and Planning       Yuki Kunimatsu
Policy and Planning       Policy and Planning
                                                                                  Diversity and Inclusion
                                                        Meredith E. Houghton
Meghan Butler**           Isha Fahad*                                             Leadership
                                                        Urban and Environmental
School Psychology         Child Study and Human
                                                        Policy and Planning       Alexander G. Lauria
Zoe A. Case                                                                       Music

22   TUFTS UNIVERSITY                                                              *August 2019 **February 2020
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Candidates for Graduate Degrees

Vivian Le                      Allison Iyla Meyer           Connor F. Ring                MaryKate Smolenski
Child Study and Human          Urban and Environmental      Urban and Environmental       History and Museum Studies
Development                    Policy and Planning          Policy and Planning
                                                                                          Sonnie Solomon
Mia Levenson                   Anthony B. Meyers            Eric A. Rizzotti*             Art History
Theatre and Performance        Philosophy                   History
                                                                                          Jessica A. Somogie
                               Rachel Lillian Milah         Jessica N. Rocha              Child Study and Human
Yuehui Li                      Child Study and Human        Child Study and Human         Development
Urban and Environmental        Development                  Development
                                                                                          Victoria Stern
Policy and Planning
                               Kaitlin Candice Mills**      Uella Mercedez McKenney       Urban and Environmental
Hannah Byung Eun Lim           Urban and Environmental      Rodriguez                     Policy and Planning
Child Study and Human          Policy and Planning          History and Museum Studies
                                                                                          Katherine G. Swierk**
                               Megan L. Miranda**           Mindy L. Rosengarten          School Psychology
Huadian Liu                    School Psychology            Child Study and Human
                                                                                          Rahiel Teklay Tazele**
Philosophy                                                  Development
                               Sara Moaveni                                               School Psychology
Hannah E. Long**               Urban and Environmental      Tess R. Ruderman
                                                                                          Nahima Vargas
School Psychology              Policy and Planning          Urban and Environmental
                                                                                          Child Study and Human
                                                            Policy and Planning
Kasey Jai Lynch                Megan Kathleen Morrow                                      Development
Music                          Urban and Environmental      Yeonjee Ryu
                                                                                          Abhishek Verma
                               Policy and Planning          Child Study and Human
Madison E. Mackey**                                                                       Diversity and Inclusion
History and Museum Studies     Yerin Park                                                 Leadership
                               Child Study and Human        Danielle R. Samuels**
Alice M. Maggio*                                                                          Savannah-Nicole Villalba
                               Development                  Education
Urban and Environmental                                                                   Urban and Environmental
Policy and Planning            Ana C. Perez Wever           Luisa Santos                  Policy and Planning
                               Child Study and Human        Urban and Environmental
Michael T. Mandelkorn                                                                     Rachel M. Viselman
                               Development                  Policy and Planning
History                                                                                   Child Study and Human
                               Maria C. Picariello          Roberto W. Santos             Development
Ana Luisa Martinez
                               History                      Philosophy
Monsivais                                                                                 Kevin S. Vogelaar
Child Study and Human          Nicholas M. Pittman          Emma N. Scheinmann            Art History and Museum
Development                    Urban and Environmental      Museum Education              Studies
                               Policy and Planning
Julia E. Masters                                            Amy Schlegel**                Camilla S. Walker**
Urban and Environmental        Courtney Plutte              School Psychology             School Psychology
Policy and Planning            Child Study and Human
                                                            Christina A. Schlegel**       Christian Walkes
Lev I. McCarthy                                             Urban and Environmental       Education
Urban and Environmental        Jacqueline Jeannette Quint   Policy and Planning
                                                                                          Allyn David Waller
Policy and Planning            History and Museum Studies
                                                            Jessica Mitzner Scully        Digital Tools for Premodern
Andrew McFarland               Lylee R. Rauch-Kacenski**    English                       Studies
Urban and Environmental        Urban and Environmental
                                                            Jennifer Estelle Sheppard     Kristen K. Wederski
Policy and Planning            Policy and Planning
                                                            Museum Education              Child Study and Human
Minnie R. McMahon              John Michael Rezes                                         Development
                                                            Shannon Sherwood**
Urban and Environmental        Theatre and Performance
                                                            School Psychology             Emma R. Weihe
Policy and Planning            Studies
                                                                                          Child Study and Human
                                                            Adam Jacob Simon
Marissa G. Meaney*             Karina Moraes Ribeiro                                      Development
Urban and Environmental        School Psychology
                                                                                          Valerie J. Weiner*
Policy and Planning                                         Cecilia Barion Smith**
                               Hannah N. Riehl                                            Urban and Environmental
                                                            Urban and Environmental
Melanie L. Meisner**           Child Study and Human                                      Policy and Planning
                                                            Policy and Planning
School Psychology              Development

*August 2019 **February 2020                                                             COMMENCEMENT 2020              23
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Candidates for Graduate Degrees

Ashley E. Wilcox*             Caitlin H. Blaine        Kaitlyn Dahlborg**         Logan Gilbert
English                       Occupational Therapy     Occupational Therapy       Economics

Nicholas Garrett Woolf        Louisa R. Bradberry      Charlotte C. Davis**       Mathew Q. Giso*
Child Study and Human         Occupational Therapy     Occupational Therapy       Physics
                              Jennifer N. Brewster     Tiffany Davis              Annie K. Goldblatt
Lina Xie                      Biology                  Occupational Therapy       Occupational Therapy
Urban and Environmental
                              Trevor A. Bryant         Megan Deacon               Benjamin S. Goldmuntz**
Policy and Planning
                              Occupational Therapy     Occupational Therapy       Occupational Therapy
Yue Xiu
                              Molly E. Cabana**        Manike M. de Wet**         Dane E. Granja
Art History and Museum
                              Occupational Therapy     Occupational Therapy       Chemistry
                              Lila Cart**              Natalie Mae Dillon         Kathryn T. Grove
Rebecca Q. Xu
                              Biology                  Occupational Therapy       Occupational Therapy
                              Carey D. Centner         Michael Dolce**            Jiaxing Guo
Asa L. Zabarsky
                              Occupational Therapy     Physics                    Chemistry
                              Maria S. Cesarini        Paul Doran                 Benjamin R. Hansel**
Yue Zhang**
                              Mathematics              Biology                    Mathematics
Child Study and Human
Development                   Kaicheng Chen            Rachel M. Dowley           Katlyn Hanson**
                              Economics                Environmental Policy and   Chemistry
Amanda S. Zimmerman**
School Psychology             Shu Zhi Chen*                                       Adlyne Sarah Harris**
                              Biology                  Stefanie M. Duda           Occupational Therapy
Nicole J. Zolli
Child Study and Human         Yilin Chen                                          Taylor L. Harris
Development                   Physics                  Brady A. Eggleston         Occupational Therapy
                                                       Occupational Therapy
                              Yuxian Chen                                         Catherine M. Hawley**
Master of Science             Economics                Emily Ehrnschwender        Occupational Therapy
Maryam H. Abutaleb                                     Economics
                              Zhiqing Chen*                                       Emily F. Hearle**
Occupational Therapy          Occupational Therapy     Benjamin L. Ellis          Occupational Therapy
Zahera S. Ali                                          Mathematics
                              Connie Choi                                         Sara J. Heath
Occupational Therapy          Occupational Therapy     Cara Elizabeth             Occupational Therapy
Itamar Jacob Allali                                    Evans-Janes**
                              Jacob L. Chuslo                                     Stephen Andrew Herling*
Physics                                                Occupational Therapy
                              Economics                                           Environmental Policy and
Hilary Andreff**                                       Teaghan E. Fallon          Planning
                              Maya R. Clifford
Occupational Therapy                                   Occupational Therapy
                              Sustainability Studies                              Keli-Jo Hewett-Dalling
Angelle Elizabeth Antoun                               Alice Caitlin Flint        Economics
                              Kaitlyn R. Cofield
Biology                                                Occupational Therapy
                              Occupational Therapy                                Paige Hickey*
Kristen Quinlan Arborio                                Anna Fues**                Psychology
                              Sarah A. Cooper
Occupational Therapy                                   Occupational Therapy
                              Occupational Therapy                                Lindsey G. Hoffman**
Tigran Aslanyan                                        Tessa Garces               Occupational Therapy
                              MJ Craig
Environmental Economics and                            Biology
                              Occupational Therapy                                Amanda Huang
Urban Planning                                         Mary K. Gawron             Occupational Therapy
                              Rachel Natalie Crist
Margaret M. Aube                                       Occupational Therapy
                              Occupational Therapy                                Jingjing Huang
Occupational Therapy                                   Alice Gelman*              Physics
                              Miranda Cullen**
Jessica R. Blaikie                                     Biology
                              Occupational Therapy                                Evan R. Hunter
Occupational Therapy                                   Aliska L. Gibbins*         Occupational Therapy
                              Mridushi Daga

24   TUFTS UNIVERSITY                                                              *August 2019 **February 2020
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Candidates for Graduate Degrees

Rebecca Lauren Hutt**          Jacob Alden Litterer*        Bao V. Nguyen               Susan M Schmidt
Occupational Therapy           Physics                      Economics                   Chemistry

Siyoung Hwang                  Corinne Lucas                Meaghan J. O’Connell        Neil Shah
Economics                      Occupational Therapy         Occupational Therapy        Physics

Emily E. Ike                   Anais Lugo-Guercio           Amber M. Pardes**           Bingqin Shan*
Occupational Therapy           Occupational Therapy         Occupational Therapy        Environmental Policy and
Salma B. Jafiq                 Antoine Malfroy-Camine       Julia M. Parsloe
Occupational Therapy           Economics                    Occupational Therapy        Victoria P. Sharpe**
Yonkyu Jang**                  Meghan Maloney               Shenghao Peng
Biology                        Occupational Therapy         Economics                   Sally Shepardson-
Hannah C. Jay                  Maksim W. Malukoff           Marisa N. Permatteo
Occupational Therapy           Economics                    Biology
                                                                                        Dipeshwor M. Shrestha
Jasmine Jean                   Trinity B. Manning-Pickett   Vincent Anh Quan Pham
Occupational Therapy           Economics                    Biology
                                                                                        Rajat Shrestha
Sare Nur Kanari                Erin R. McConnell            Mariana S. Pierce
                                                                                        Environmental Economics and
Chemistry                      Occupational Therapy         Occupational Therapy
                                                                                        Urban Planning
Maxfield Marcel                Mackenzie McPike             Emily I. Pike
                                                                                        Colleen M. Smith
Gaspard Kelsey                 Mathematics                  Occupational Therapy
                                                                                        Occupational Therapy
                               Kara H. McSheehy             Carla V. Poles
                                                                                        Kathryn Marie Smolko*
Jiennie Kim**                  Occupational Therapy         Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapy
                               Thomas A. McWilliams**       Samuel L. Polk
                                                                                        Kirsten A. Snow*
Yujin Kim                      Psychology                   Mathematics
                                                                                        Occupational Therapy
                               Nicholas A. Mello**          Kathleen Elizabeth Price
                                                                                        Lauren E. Snow
William M. Kirby**             Economics                    Occupational Therapy
                               Julia B. Mertens*            Sheng Qu
                                                                                        Joy A. Stark
Nicholas G. Krefting*          Psychology                   Economics
Physics: Astrophysics
                               Kelly Theresa Messemer**     Fatima Rahman*
                                                                                        Lia E. Stratton
Kristen A. Kurihara            Occupational Therapy         Education
                                                                                        Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapy
                               Hannah Catherine Milam**     Ramya B. Ramakrishna
                                                                                        Meaghan A. Sullivan
Jean La                        Occupational Therapy         Occupational Therapy
                                                                                        Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapy
                               Cullen A. Mitchell           Vasudha Ramakrishna
                                                                                        Zhining Sun
Mariana C. Lacolla             Environmental Policy and     Economics
Occupational Therapy           Planning
                                                            Christopher J. Ratigan
                                                                                        Zhaoji Tang
Christopher Thomas             Marshall N. Mueller          Mathematics
Lafen**                        Mathematics
                                                            Andrew Alan Rouse*
Biology                                                                                 Alexander P. Tedeschi
                               Alison C. Murphy             Psychology
Duc Anh Le                     Occupational Therapy
                                                            Katherine Ryan
Mathematics                                                                             Elizabeth L. Tittle
                               Patricia G. Mygas            Occupational Therapy
                                                                                        Occupational Therapy
Michael Z. Leonard*            Occupational Therapy
                                                            Marissa Morgan
Psychology                                                                              Namgay P. Tshering
                               Hyunna J. Nam                Sashihara**
                                                                                        Environmental Policy
Kecheng Li                     Economics                    Occupational Therapy
                                                                                        and Planning
                               Kelsey N. Nestro             Larry Scannell III
                                                                                        Kin Yi Tsui
Yufei Li                       Occupational Therapy         Occupational Therapy
                                                                                        Occupational Therapy

*August 2019 **February 2020                                                           COMMENCEMENT 2020           25
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Candidates for Graduate Degrees

Jainé Lynn VanPutten**      Qi Zhang                      Abigail Robichaud         Master of Public Policy
Occupational Therapy        Economics
                                                          Ella Frances Robinson*    Anthony R. Britt
Jenny Varughese             Xiaoxin Zhang
                                                          Francis W. Roche          Sara Brodzinsky**
Occupational Therapy        Economics
                                                          Victoria P. Saia*         Nelson P. Butten
Olivia Gagnon Veillette**   Zeyu Zhang**
Occupational Therapy        Economics                     Julia Schniedewind*       Alexandria Chiu
Stella Virchick**           Yi Zhong                      Matthew J. Sheehan        Regina D. Cooper Benjamin
Occupational Therapy        Environmental Policy and
                            Planning                      Christopher Anton Vrana   Hakim Sekou Cunningham
Ellen Q. Wang
Occupational Therapy        Yushan Zhong**                Kelly Woodrow             Yvette Dalton*
                            Economics                     Leila K. Wooten           Nwando E. Obele
Yuqiu Wang**
Economics                   Fengfan Zhu*                  Jieyun Zhai**             Maria Belen Power
Caroline Elizabeth Ward**                                 Nan Zhang*                Allison E. Webster
Occupational Therapy        Hanyuan Zhu
Jordan M. Webster                                         Master of Fine Arts
Environmental Policy and    Kimberly B. Zorokong          Studio Art
Planning                    Occupational Therapy
                                                          Cameron R. Barker
Samantha A. Wilder
                            Master of Arts in             Chelsey A. Becker
                            Teaching                      Mia Fabrizio
Amelia E. Wilson            Education
Occupational Therapy                                      William J. Foshay
                            Rachel Baumgartner
Peter Wu*                                                 Gisele C. Gardner**
Physics                     Cassandra Bernabel
                                                          Grace Gomez
Alia Wulff*                 Natalie N. Catlett*
                                                          Karli Janell
                            Elyse M. Coulter*
Zesheng Xiong                                             Elizabeth B. LaPides
                            Bryce D. Davidson
Economics                                                 Sally Lee
                            Jessica M. Dowling
Erdong Xu**                                               Gabriel C. Richardson
Economics                   Colleen Flanagan
                                                          Ralph Robinson
Nozomi Yamasaki             Kate Elizabeth C. Goldberg*
Occupational Therapy                                      Gilmour Spears
                            Emily O. Griffin*
Mengyun Yang                                              Yixiang Tong
                            Kelsey L. Hammond
Data Analytics                                            Denise C. Waite
                            Sydney Shu-Ning Hou*
Ruth Yeh                                                  Kim Wu
Occupational Therapy        Hanqing Jin*
Zekai Yin**                 Si Hyun Joo*
                            Sara K. Mikula
Doris H. Yu**
                            Elizabeth A. Miller*
Occupational Therapy
                            Alex J. Mitchell*
Kumail Zaidi
Physics                     Elissa Na*
Miranda M. Zenni            Sara P. Newman*
Occupational Therapy
                            Kendall Rose Criddle

26   TUFTS UNIVERSITY                                                                *August 2019 **February 2020
School of Arts and Sciences
Candidates for Bachelor’s Degrees

The Latin honors, recognizing   Elisabeth N. Blossom            Benjamin Cooper                Grace K. Fabrycky
academic achievement            Wynton M. Blount V              Brendan J. Corwen*             Michael Fares
(summa cum laude, magna         Alison E. Bogy                  Griffin P. Coulter             Anthony W. Farinacci Jr.
cum laude, and cum laude),      Anna Bompola                    Tristan J. Courtney            Margaret G. Farley
are printed on diplomas.        Georgios Bompolas               Amanda C. Covaleski            Taylor J. Faulds
                                Jacqueline L. Bonnet Inclán     Catherine E. Cowell*           Julia C. Faxon
Bachelor of Arts                Dominic A. Borelli**            Liam Edward Cronan             Michelle K. Feng*
                                Celia Pauline Bottger           Patrick R. Cronin*             Jack D. Ferguson**
Jordan C. Abate                 Reginald M. Bowser              Shakeena O. Crooks             Caroline Behrins Fett
Ana Sophia Acosta               Julia Wyckoff Boyce             Silvia L. Curry                Katherine Grace Fielding
Jonathan A. Adams               Sylvester C. Bracey III         Sara M. Dakin                  Daniel A. Fier
Deema Aleissa                   Ella Q. Brady                   Connor R. Dale                 Marcelo R. Figueroa Alvarenga
Duncan N. Allen                 Joseph D. Braun                 Madison Luba Dall              Louis M. Filippelli
Andres Brian Almanza            Bennett L. Brazelton**          Emma L. Damokosh               Owen N. Finnegan
Fatima J. AlYousif              Roberto Sequerra Koogan K.      Nirvan Dani                    Abigail Alpern Fisch
Chloe S. Amouyal                   Breitman                     Thomas E. Davies               Desmond T. Fonseca
Gail Catherine Anderson         Jared Brill                     Greer S. Davis*                Graham M. Forrester
Anna Antoniadis                 Charles M. Brogdon-Tent         Olivia C. Davis**              Haley Sutherland Fort
Nicholas Anyaegbunam            Jack E. B. Brotmann             Siddhant Dayal                 Isadore P. Frankel
Rafael Marseilles Arms          Eliza F. Brown                  Oluwatimilehin Dayo-Kayode     Ella M. Frauenhofer
Jack T. Arnheiter**             Noah J. Brown                   Ross N. Delabruere             Rachel Fridman*
Jacob M. Arnstein               Skylar Victoria Brown           John W. De Laney               Julia Friedberg
Julia C. Atkins                 Michael P. Brunelli Jr.         Michelle Monique Delk          Conor A. Friedmann
Nicolas Anton Avalle Embree     Connor A. Bryan                 Hendricks G. Delva             Justin W. Frometa
Jose A. Avila                   Iyad Bugaighis                  Gabriella O. de Maio           Masato Fukuzumi
Danish M. Azam                  Emily C. Burke                  Will T. Dennis                 Rachel Allison Furash
Olive Baerde                    Arianna L. Burnham              Katherine Hope Deveaux         Emily Le Boutillier Games
Thomas A. Baker                 Ariadne V. Caballero-Gonzalez   Amari C. Diaw                  Meghan K. Garrity
Lillian H. Baldwin              Ashley Johnell Calhoun**        Lauren E. Diaz                 Ben A. Gaspin
Sophia A. Balsamo               Zhuoran Cao                     Alexander Roberts Didkovsky    Brianna Rachelle Gates
Nicole E. Bardasz**             John Lawrence Carbonari         Adaeze O. Dikko                Daniel B. Geary
Cory R. Barel                   Rachel E. Carp                  Qiaosha Ding                   Sophie R. Gelber
Jordan A. Barnes                Shelby V. Carpenter**           Catherine DiRe                 Ryan Richard Gell
Jordan E. Barnes                Hanna C. Carr                   Rahil Doctor                   Rebecca M. Gertler
Maimuna Barrow                  Sarah C. Carter*                Kevin C. Doherty               Claudia C. Gibson
Emily T. Barshay                Hannah R. Carter-Schelp*        Christian Dolan                Dana Reynolds Gill
Natasha Shantel E. Bartolome    Akira M. Caruth                 John J. Donohue                Thomas J. Gillespie
Abigail A. Barton               Nicole E. Carzo                 Luke Anderson Downs            Sophia Wai Yee Ginsburg
Steven J. Becker                Daniel P. Cashman               Niamh Doyle                    Leslie J. Gladstone
Abigail W. Beech                Sze Wan Chan                    Anantya Dube                   Kevin J. Gleason
George A. Behrakis              Wylie C. Chang*                 Charming M. Dube               Maltese R. Glover*
Brandon D. Bell                 Margaret S. Chase               Kendall L. Duboc               Daniel T. Glynn
Brigid Bell                     Alan Ruiwei Chen                Naomi F. Dulit-Greenberg       Arvind V. Goday
Evelyn Bellew**                 Yik Huen Christie Cheong        Maceo K. Dunn                  Ilana B. Goldberg
Ashley Denise Benitez           Conor J. Chepenik               Sawyer A. Eaton                Andrew Muchin Goldblatt*
   Castrillon                   Owen Jin Ho Aldrich Cheung      Charlotte K. Eccles            Kate A. Golding
Brooke Bernstein                Morgan Choi                     Jack Eddy                      Shoshana C. Goldman
Caden Bevilacqua*               Tiffany Chih-Jo Chou            Sterling J. Edgar              Emily S. Goldstein
Elizabeth R. Bice               Athicha Chuaratanaphong**       Margaret Fox Edwards           Raul Gomez
Charles Billings                Jisu Chung**                    Michael Uche Egonu**           Franky Gonzalez
Aberdeen J. Bird                Nicolas H. Chung                Ellen K. Ehrnrooth             Sabrina C. Gornisiewicz
Alexa R. Bishopric              Madeleine E. Clarke             Pamelyn Eva Eichelberger       Cory J. Gottfried
Benjamin Biswas                 Blyss Cleveland                 Scott E. Einsidler             Joseph Gottlieb**
Lily Blackshaw                  Emma G. Clutterbuck             Philip D. Ellison*             John P. Goulandris*
Brittany M. Blasetti            Alexandra G. Cohen              Caroline Paige Enloe           Ariel E. Granat
Laurel R. Bliss                 Jacob C. Collins                Cameron John Ewan**            Benjamin Roland Greeley**

*August 2019 **February 2020                                                                  COMMENCEMENT 2020           27
School of Arts and Sciences
Candidates for Bachelor’s Degrees

Brent P. Greeley                  Lucas Andrew Johnson           Heresa Laforce               Sarah Markos
Jonah Greene                      Rachel Hambrook Jones          Adrienne B. La Forte         Hillel Solomon Maroun
Oliver M. Grossman                Robert Clayton Jones           Mario G. Lagnese             Colleen J. Marshall
Abigail K. Gruskin                Samuel Clacken Joseph          Nikayla Jean Lampkins        Darian A. Matini
Tamara R. Grybko                  Avery K. Juan                  Christiana Marie Lano        Gideon Chertok May
Esra Gurcay                       Hannah I. Kahn                 Pedro A. Lazo-Rivera         Athena Elizabeth Mayor
Nicholas B. Gutfleish             Olivia Charlotte Kahn-Boesel   Graeme A. Leaf               Natasha Mayor
Alfredo Enrique Gutierrez Velez   Katerina Z. Kakkis             Zoe A. Leaf                  Justin M. McCollum
Rayane Haddar                     Maureen Kalimba Isimbi         Daniel E. Le Breton          Grace C. McEnery
Mona Hafiz                        Maureen Wanjiku Kamanu         Ann-Marie E. Lee**           Dylan M. McEniry
Ross A. Hamilton                  Min Jung Kang                  Brandon Kyoung June Lee      Elizabeth J. McGowan
Jordan M. Haney                   Sophia R. Kaplan               Daniel C. Lee                Nicole Elizabeth McHenry
Alissa Dana Hansford**            Bryce Campbell Kapur           Ryan Ming-Yuan Lee           Colin S. McKay
Miles B. Harleston                Brandon C. Karr                Sean Lee**                   Noah T. McMillan
Cailin Rose Harrington            Ethan J. Katz                  Shannon A. Lee               Justin Jose Mejia
Elaine D. Harris                  Ethan S. Katz                  Samantha J. Leong**          Aidan W. Menchaca
Madeleine O. Harris               Michael B. Kenler              Jonathan M. Leon-Salans      Kathleen E. Menezes
Noah Louis Leitman Harris**       Grace L. Kennedy               Elie Lorraine Levine         Kristina O. Mensik*
Rachel M. Hartman                 James Findlay Kennedy III**    Sarah Kate Levine            Angel L. Mercado
Nathaniel J. Hartnick             Michael J. Kerr                David A. Levitsky            Kella N. Merlain-Moffatt
Eleanor A. Harvey                 Nicole Kerrigan                Brandon S. Lewis             Nicholas L. Meserve
Olivia M. Haskin                  Michael A. Kiang               Daniel A. Lewis**            Adam Meyer
Lance C. Helguero-Kelley          Emily Anne Kibbe               Kevin Li                     David E. Meyer
Stella J. Henderson               Jonah Kildon                   Ruoyang Li                   Cyrus H. Miceli
Paul Blake Henjes                 Truett C. Killian**            Nien Yin Lin                 Dana Marie Mielke
Alexis R. Hermes                  Andrew Kim                     Eric Edwin Lindsey           Max E. Migdail
Samantha C. Heyman                Emily M. Kim**                 Kyra M. Link                 Jackson N. Mihm
Eliza D. Hilfer                   Gia S. Kim                     Zeynep Lir                   Katherine L. Milano**
Olivia H. Hintlian                Howard Kim**                   Tong Liu                     Zoe Maya Miller
Anna L. Hirshman                  Issac J. Kim                   Devin J. Lockett             Justin R. Mills
Thao P. Ho                        Jennifer S. Kim                Denise Looi                  Emma Louise Mitchell-Sparke
Tien Thi My Hoang                 Joshua D. Kim                  Matthew D. Lopez             Elizabeth A. Moison
Samuel L. Hoban**                 Natalie Y. Kim**               Natalie Noi Lopez            Charlotte B. Mondale
Katherine P. Hoe-Richardson       Yoon Jung Kim**                Clare E. Low                 Caleb Patrick Moore**
Lauren M. Holderman*              Alejandra King                 Danielle A. Lowe             Kristen E. Moran
Olivia T. Holmes                  Brian K. Kipchumba             Kaiyue Lu**                  Basile F. Moreau
Gregory O. Holt                   Nancy Louise Kissinger         Maya I. Lubeck-Schricker     Allison Jenna Morgenstern
Heather L. Holz                   Daniel C. Klain                Stana L. Luedtke             Michaela Rae Morse
May Li Hong**                     Rachel Emma Klein              Stefan Lunte                 Sanjay Mukherjee
Nicolas Frederik Horn             Morgan T. Kleinberg            Alexander Lawrence Lyman     Rabecca Mmbone Musiega
Meghan E. Horner*                 Jillian Lara Kleiner           William B. Lynn              Danielle Musoff
Thaw Htet*                        Sara E. Kniaz                  Chloe J. Lyu                 Boyce O. Myers
Hanwen Hu                         John P. Knight Jr.             Yichuan Ma                   Orsolya Nagy
Pengyuan Hu                       Jaret D. Koger                 Miranda J. Macaulay Miller   Leili R. Najmabadi
Crystal Miriam Huff               Christine Koh                  Tara K. Macdonald            Eric Nam*
Sasha R. Hulkower                 Georgette Danielle Koo         John Thomas MacWilliams      Rachel L. Napoliello
Aidan Elon Reidy Huntington       Justin H. Koo                  David I. Madero              Jeremy Nii Nartey
Jonathan J. Innocent              Carston J. Kopf                Nora Luisa Maetzener         Kelsey M. Narvaez
Olivia W. Ireland                 Evan M. Kralj-Johnson          Lucy D. Maguire              Eman Naseer
Rachel Abigail Jackson            Daniel M. Kraynak**            Pat Mahaney                  Jane I. Nasta
Alice Conklin Janigro*            Evan Kuh                       Nathaniel C. Mahlum          Mitchell Simon Navetta
Dordy Jean-Jacques**              Noah L. Kulak*                 Benjamin D. Mallon           Dorothy Christine Neher**
Siddharth S. Jejurikar            Evan W. Kulpan                 Chloe A. Malouf              Anshuman Nemali
Nola Boucher Jenkins              Alexandra Louise Kunen         Issariya Manakongtreecheep   Meghana Nemali
Nicholas A. Jodka                 Nehalem Kunkle-Read            Ethan J. Mandelbaum          Jon Tenzing Neralich
Gray A. Johnson                   Nathan J. Kyn                  James B. Marchetti           Jessica R. Newman

28   TUFTS UNIVERSITY                                                                          *August 2019 **February 2020
School of Arts and Sciences
Candidates for Bachelor’s Degrees

Olivia L. Ng                   Stephanie R. Rhodes           Fina Short                   Josiah J. Vasquez
Danny Nguyen                   Megan L. Rivkin               Jacob M. Shwartz             Nicole K. Venkataraman
Nathaniel Paul Niemiec         Ann Elizabeth Roberts         Yanwen Si                    Paige Frances Vigliotta
Daniel Nivasch                 Ashia N. Robinson             Tori M. Simon**              Erin K. Viola
Erica R. Nork                  Jacob M. Rochford             Daniel Sitko                 Katie Eleanor Louise Vogel
Henry F. Novak                 Jesse C. Rogers               Clara X. Smith               Sarah Moriel Wagner
Lena Novins-Montague           Brett L. Rojas                Jonathan M. Smith            Johanna M. Walker
Harrison L. O’Brien            Elliott A. Rollins            Talia C. Smith               Galya Rose Broitman Walt
Brian C. O’Connor              Gabriela R. Romero Gonzalez   Erin Faith Solomon Blank     Jennifer Wang
Katharine V. Odjakjian         Adam L. Rosen                 Philip S. Song*              Yuzheng Wang
Claire H. O’Donnell            Zachary Gershon Rosenfeld     Ross M. Sonnenblick          Samantha Christine Ward
Lionel Wei Hao Oh              Cecelia L. Rosenman           Jake A. Soria                Michelle G. Waslick
Jack D. Ohringer               William A. Ross               Anéya Liv Sousa              Samantha Watson
Jevon Omosigho Sims            Aidan B. Rowan                Isabella Grace Spaulding     Keelin K. Watters
   Okundaye*                   Heidi F. Rubenstein           Nikhil Narayan Srinivasan    Alexander V. Wei
Madeline E. Oliff              Darren S. Rubin               Cooper T. Stahl              Colter Robert Weil
Sarah A. Oliver                Francesca L. Rubinson         Mitchell A. Stallman         Alexa Rose Weinstein
Chloe M. Olsen                 Amir A. Rwegarulira           Alexander J. Steinberg       Daniel L. Weinstein
Julia N. Olszewski             Malyar Sadeq Azad             Ariel M. Stern               Madeline Whitney Weir
Johanna Rose O’Neil            Tishya Sagar                  Jamie M. Stevens             Marc L. Weisglass
William P. O’Neil              Cory S. Sagerstrom            Madeleine Cole Stewart       Robert W. Whitehead
Sean Zhi Han Ong               Ana Maria Samper              Alina M. Strileckis          Raquel C. Whiting
Anna C. Oremland*              Daniela Luz Sánchez           Alexandra M. Strong          Katherine J. Wiley
Patrick J. O’Shea              Andrew D. Sanders             Elisa S. Sturkie             Blake Williams*
Sara Otalora                   Catherine M. Sanna            Sabine M. Sussman**          Connor P. Wind
Lillian N. Paro                Nicholas J. Santiago          Mark James Sutherland        Harper S. Wise
John B. Parrish                Kairavi Sarup                 Caleb D. Symons              Jakub E. Witczak
Ian Kyle Patten**              Julia Y. Sasanuma             Sarah J. Taketa              Emma Catherine Wolfe
David Benjamin Pearl           Duke W. Saunders              Shaheen S. Tamir             Rachel J. Wolff
Lea E. Pensoy                  Eric P. Savage                Adrian Tanner                Elizabeth H. Wong
Isabel R. Pentland             Tylor B. Scales               Alexis Tatore                Grant J. Wood
Jeb Dhyan Perera               Tess Schaftel                 Madeline Tein                McKenna E. Wood
Joseph W. Peters               Andrew Joseph Schloss         Sarah K. Tessler             Jacob G. Woolf
Douglas H. Petry               Isabel Pilson Schneider       Emily A. Thompson            Taylor N. Wurts
Thao L. Pham                   Maya Schoucair                Sacha G. Thompson**          Xhep Xhepa*
Elena Grace Phethean           Joshua Philip Schuback        Kirt N. Thorne               Jiayu Xu
Sara R. Platnick**             Grace Lawren Schumaker        Henrik J. Tiemroth           Jack M. Yamin
Meghan I. Podolsky             Alexander W. Schunk           Stephen L. Timmins           Tess B. Yancey
Leonid Polezhaev               Eleni R. Scurletis            Sahar O. Tirmizi             Frank Martin Yandrisevits IV
Dana Mildred Popky             Zachary R. Sebek              Julia K. Todesco             Xiaoyu Yang**
Sophia I. Potter               Ian H. Seerung                Sara Torres                  Rachel Yao
Eric C. Pretsfelder            Nic Serhan*                   Justin Daniel Tran           Turner Yardley
Vladimir M. Proano Proano      Alexis Serino                 Zachary Trevorrow            Ezgi Yazici
Tashwita Pruthi                Trevor W. Serman              Mauri C. Trimmer             Anlin Ye
Harrison C. Queeney            Zachary N. Shaff              Avery B. Tripathi**          Wescott H. Yeaw
Kevin M. Quisumbing            Elizabeth C. Shaheen          Jenna Troccoli               Seblewongel Yigletu
Haebin L. Ra                   Michael M. Shames             Hannah B. Truslow            Shannon X. Yogerst
Amanda M. Rachlin              Catherine A. Shanahan         Jaclyn Y. Tsiang             Adam C. Zacharia
Patrick J. Racy                Nicholas T. Shanks            Molly E. Tunis               Vera N. Zanker*
Akshat Abhijit Rajan           Benjamin Z. Shapiro           Eleana M. Tworek             Jake A. Zaslav
Jesus Ramirez                  Sophia F. Shaw                Jhiriq C. Tyler              Spencer H. Zeff
Nidhi Satish Rao               Matthew H. Shea               Elsa M. Ubel                 John Cornelius Zerilli
Roxanna Rashidian              Fannie Peili Sheinman         Isabel A. Valdelomar         Hao Lin Zhang
   Bagherzadeh                 Seohyun Shim                  Sachin Vallamkonda           Sitong Zhang
Jehan Ravasia                  Elliott Hojin Shin            José Luis Vallejo-Jimenez    Wendi Zheng
Hannah V. Read                 Miles A. Shipp                Elias P. Varinos             Henry Zumbrunnen
Fitzhugh H. Reese              Justin M. Sholly              Andrew S. Vashchenko*        Noah Isaac Zussman

*August 2019 **February 2020                                                             COMMENCEMENT 2020           29
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