2020 Perspective Our - Parishes Online

Page created by Leon Garza
2020 Perspective Our - Parishes Online
A Monthly Publication brought to you by the Flushing Area Senior Center

  2020                   Perspective                                    for the 50+ generation
These programs and/or services are fully or partially funded by Genesee County Senior Millage funds. Your tax dollars are at work.
2020 Perspective Our - Parishes Online
As per Executive Order 2020-147, any business
 that is open to the public requires to refuse
 entry or service to those not wearing a mask /
 face covering. While in the center, we will ask
 you to wear your mask at all times.

Shopping For Smart Phones                                        Storage: Go for as much internal storage as possible.

                                                                 Price: Don't pay for more than you need!
Seeking a smartphone? Keep these tips in mind:
                                                        Carrier: Choose a service provider that offers what
Operating System (OS): iOS is considered easier to use,
                                                        you'll really use. Avoid expensive, one-size-fits-all
but you need to have an Apple device. Android gives
you more options, plus the ability to customize with
third-party software and widgets.
                                                                 (Courtesy of BPT) ©LPi
Screen Size: Buy a phone with a screen smaller than
5.5 inches if one-hand use is important to you or if
you have smaller hands. Get a bigger screen if you
want to have an easier time navigating on your
                                                                                   Each Tuesday - at 9:00am
Camera: More and more smartphones boast cameras
with at least 12 mega-pixels, so don't go by only that                       1st Wednesday of each month
stat. Instead, focus on individual camera specs and                         Depart 1:00pm / Return 3:00pm
features, like dual lenses or the ability to edit and                    SHOPPING - MEIJER - Swartz Creek Store
enhance photos.                                                            2nd & 4th Thursday of each month
                                                                            Depart 1:00 pm / Return 3:00 pm
Display: Color quality and brightness matter more
                                                                   Please call the Center one day in advance for a ride.
than resolution. Pay attention to how bright the
                                                                   Please be ready when the van arrives. Cancellations
display is, if it will be easy to see outdoors, and how
                                                                   should be made by contacting the Center in a timely
colorful the panel is.
                                                                    manner. The Center retains the right to revoke any
                                                                          rider for any reason from the program.
Design: Determining good smartphone design is purely
subjective. Many people prefer a metal or glass design; Our van is not equipped for wheelchair transportation
others, plastic. If you're concerned about durability,  and our volunteer drivers are not qualified to care for
look for a phone that is water-resistant.               dependent Seniors; therefore, riders must to be able to
                                                         enter and exit the van without assistance. We are not
Processor: Even midrange phones now offer                   designated for emergency assistance. Riders are
satisfactory performance for nearly any user level or     required to follow all safety regulations when riding
basic task.                                                                   on the van.

Battery: A decent benchmark is to look for a                              Suggested donation for each trip - $3.00
smartphone with a battery capacity of at least 3,000
mAh.                                                                       Available Monday - Friday for residents
                                                                          living within the Flushing School District

These programs and/or services are fully or partially funded by Genesee County Senior Millage funds. Your tax dollars are at work.
2 ● Flushing Area Senior Center ● 810.659.4735
2020 Perspective Our - Parishes Online
Tuesday 9/1           Turkey Tetrazzini
Ann’s Adventures                                                  Wednesday 9/2         Chicken & Dumplings
  Office Hours: Mon – Fri 9:00 am – 5:00 pm                       Thursday 9/3          Turkey w/ Gravy
  Hours may vary when Ann is traveling                            Friday 9/4            HM Beef & Bean Burrito
  Office phone: 810-640-8303                                      Monday 9/7            Labor Day - No Meal Served
  E-mail: aanderson@annsadventures.net                            Tuesday 9/8           Pulled BBQ Chicken
  Website: www.annsadventures.net                                 Wednesday 9/9         Pork Loin w/ Gravy
                                                                  Thursday 9/10         Peppered Beef Steak w/ Gravy
  Going on a trip with Ann? Please register through               Friday 9/11           Chicken Marsala
          the Center and help us earn $5                          Monday 9/14           Pub Burger w/ Cheese
            with every trip you take!                             Tuesday 9/15          Sweet & Sour Chicken
                                                                  Wednesday 9/16        HM White Chicken Chili
Here’s an At-A-Glance list of upcoming trips:
                                                                  Thursday 9/17         Chicken Breast
•  Church Basement Ladies – Turkeyville
                                                                  Friday 9/18           Grilled Fish
    Date: Tuesday, September 15, 2020                             Monday 9/21           Chicken Caesar Salad
    Cost: $75.00 per person                                       Tuesday 9/22          HM Salisbury Steak w/ Gravy
    Departure: 9:30 a.m. from the Clio Kmart                      Wednesday 9/23        Smoked Pork Sandwich
•  Jeanne Robertson                                               Thursday 9/24         Meatball Sub
    Date: Saturday, October 10th, 2020                            Friday 9/25           Artisan Macaroni & Cheese
    Cost: $96.00 per person                                       Monday 9/28           HM Corn Chowder
    Departure: 2:30 p.m. from Clio Kmart                          Tuesday 9/29          HM Stuffed Peppers
•  Christmas Is For The Birds – Turkeyville # 1                   Wednesday 9/30        Sloppy Joe
    Date: Monday, November 16, 2020
                                                                  HM means Homemade
    Cost: $75.00 per person
    Departure: 9:30 a.m. from the Clio Kmart
•  Christmas Is For The Birds – Turkeyville # 2
    Date: Thursday, November 19, 2020
    Cost: $75.00 per person
    Departure: 9:30 a.m. from the Clio Kmart
•  Mighty Mississippi River Cruise # 2
    Dates: Sat. - Wed.; Nov 21 – Dec 2, 2020
    Cost: per person, double occupancy
    IS - Interior Stateroom $3400.00
    VS – Veranda Suite $5100.00
•  Starbright Christmas – Petrolia # 2
    Date: Wednesday, December 9, 2020
    Cost: $120.00 per person                                      Legal Assistance
    Departure: 9:00 a.m. from Clio Kmart                          Appointments available on the 2nd Friday of the
•  Ark Encounter & Creation Museum                                Month from
    Date: Fri – Sat, March 26 - 27, 2021                          1:30 - 3:30pm
    Cost: $248.00 per person (double occupancy)                   If you are in need of assistance with a legal issue you
    Departure: 6:30 a.m. from the PNC Bank                        can call the Senior Center office to schedule a free
•  Vera Bradley Annual Outlet Sale # 1                            appointment to meet with Seth Neblock, an Elder Law
    Date: Wednesday, April 7, 2021                                Attorney from Legal Services of Eastern Michigan.
    Cost: $80.00 per person
    Departure: 7:00 a.m. from the Clio K-mart                     Free Notary Services for Seniors 50 and Older
•  Vera Bradley Annual Outlet Sale # 2                            Karen Herriman is a Notary Public and can seal your
    Date: Thursday, April 8, 2021                                 documents for you at no cost. Call the Center to make
    Cost: $80.00 per person                                       an appointment. You must sign in the presence of the
    Departure: 7:00 a.m. from the Clio K-mart                     notary and bring your picture ID.

 These programs and/or services are fully or partially funded by Genesee County Senior Millage funds. Your tax dollars are at work.

                                                                               www.flushingseniorcenter.com ● 3
2020 Perspective Our - Parishes Online
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2020 Perspective Our - Parishes Online
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                  4-D-5-5         For ad info. call 1-800-477-4574 • www.lpiseniors.com                      15-0667
These programs and/or services are fully or partially funded by Genesee County Senior Millage funds. Your tax dollars are at work.

Line Dancing                               Basic Flow Yoga Gold                         Watercolor
Each Monday at 9:00 a.m.                   Each Tuesday & Thursday                      Each Thursday at 9:30am
(@ Riverview Park)                         at 10:00am (@ Riverview Park)                Learn new tricks and techniques.
Free of Charge Instructor: Darci           Yoga Mat Required                            Some experience preferred but not
Line Dancing provides heart                Punch Card required for payment              necessary. You must bring your
healthy benefits of an aerobic             Instructor: Rhonda Straley                   own materials.
exercise while engaging in a social        Includes gentle flow sequence with
activity and stimulates the mind!          breathing breaks between each                Strayed Quilters
You can Line Dance with or                 sequence. Class is dynamic in                Thursday, September 17 at
without a partner!                         nature and requires the ability to           12:30pm
                                           move from lying down, kneeling,              This group makes quilts at home
Woodcarving                                and standing postures.                       then brings them to the monthly
Each Monday at 12:30pm                                                                  meetings to donate to one of two
This group works mostly with bass          Senior Women's Book Club                     organizations:
wood using a variety of carving            3rd Tuesday at 10:00am                            1) Project Linus’ mission it is to
tools. The group has many                  (@ Riverview Park)                           provide love, a sense of security,
experienced woodcarvers willing            Members take turns choosing a                warmth, and comfort to children
to share techniques and advice on          book they think will be interesting          who are seriously ill, traumatized,
whatever project you are working           for the group to discuss. Books              or otherwise in need through the
on. Newcomers to woodcarving               include all genres. Copies of the            gift of a new, handmade blanket
are welcome!                               chosen book are usually provided             or afghan, lovingly created by
                                           through the GDL Bag of Books                 volunteer blanketeers. To learn
Exercises for Everyday Living              program. Great books! Great                  more visit www.projectlinus.org
Each Tuesday and Thursday                  discussions! Group is free! Call the              2) Horses for Hope’s mission is
at 8:40am (@ Riverview Park)               Center if you are interested in              to provide instructional and fun
Free of Charge Instructor: Darci           joining!                                     horse oriented events for families
Uses basic movement to                                                                  whose children have been
strengthen balance, posture,               Flushing Artist Network                      diagnosed with cancer. Children
flexibility, and coordination. Uses        Each Wednesday at 9:30am                     who participate in the program
a chair, so there is no reason not         A time to paint and try something            receive a blanket. To learn more
to exercise!                               different. All mediums are allowed           visit www.horsesforhope.com
                                           except oils. Meet new friends and
Knit - Crochet - Craft                     enjoy painting with others. No               Fly Tying
Each Tuesday at 9:30am                     experience necessary. You must               Each Friday at 9:30am
Bring your own projects to work            bring your own materials.                    This group gets together to tie flies
on, share your ideas and talk                                                           for fly-fishing. You must bring
about your projects with each              Writers’ Group                               your supplies, be with some
other. Some knit afghans or                Each Wednesday at 1:00pm                     friends as you tie!
dishcloths, others crochet baby            (@ Riverview Park)
sweaters or scarves. Some do               We are a gathering of men and
embroidery, cross stitch, or               women who have written either
needlepoint. Some simply enjoy             poems or some type of personal
sitting and chatting! There is no          life story or maybe started to
teacher, but there is always               write a book. It is not a teaching
someone willing to help you with           workshop. It’s a friendly place
your project questions or                  where we come to read almost
problems. Please join us!                  anything - something of our own
                                           or inspirational writing of others.

6 ● Flushing Area Senior Center ● 810.659.4735
Remember to Sign-in                                  The Flushing Area
• Who see’s my information?                            Senior Center                       The Flushing Area Senior Center is
   Staff only                                 106 Elm Street, Flushing MI 48433            a community focal point where
• Where do I sign-in?                         810.659.4735 Fax 810.659.4686                adults who have achieved the age
   Use the computer at the front                                                           of 50 come together for services
   desk                                      The Flushing Area Senior Center               and activities that reflect their
• Do I have to touch each event I             serves the senior residents of               experience and skills, respond to
  attend that day?                            Flushing, Flushing Township,                 their diverse needs and interests,
   YES! If you came to lunch and                 and Clayton Township.                     enhance their dignity, support their
   played Bingo, touch both icons            Everyone age 50+ is welcome!                  independence and encourage their
• What if I volunteer?                                                                     involvement in and with the
   You need to add your hours                 The Center Office is Open                    Center and the community.
   each time you volunteer                        Monday - Friday
• What if I forgot my swipe tag,
  do I still sign-in?                           8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
   YES! You sign in following the                    Email the Center at                   The majority of funding is from the
   prompts on the screen.                       greg@flushingseniorcenter.com              Genesee County Senior Millage.
                                                                                           Other Funding Sources are: City of
Keep Us Up-To-Date
Please inform the front desk of any
                                                          Office Staff                     Flushing, Charter Township of
                                             Greg Matheson, Executive Director             Flushing, United Way of Flushing,
change of address, phone number,                                                           Member Contributions, Memorial
                                              Karen Herriman, Office Manager
emergency contact information                                                              Donations, Fundraisers, Kroger
and email address.
                                                    Board of Directors                     Community Rewards and
Memorial Donations                             Michael Stanton, Chairperson
Memorial Donations to the                     Eileen Dunning, Co-Chairperson
Flushing Area Senior Center are a                  Pat DeMoss, Treasurer                   Visit our Website!
nice way to create a lasting                 Marie Zuk, Secretary, City of Flushing        www.flushingseniorcenter.com
memory in remembrance of a                     Sharri Willette, Flushing Twsp.
loved one, family member or                   Michael Crockett, Clayton Twsp.
friend. Donation envelopes are                     Richard Wagonlander,
available at the Center or at area             Sharon Vance, Terry Pattillo,
funeral homes. The Flushing Area                 Gary Nickel, Mark Gellis,
Senior Center is a private, non-                       Rick Bigelow
profit organization and all of the
donations are tax-deductible.

 To be in compliance with Governor Whitmer’s Executive Orders and health organization requirements, the Flushing
 Area Senior Center’s programs and business activities must adopt social distancing practices and other measures to
 protect employees and patrons. Every time you enter the Center everyone, including staff, volunteers, participants and
 visitors, will be screened and approved for entrance by meeting the following requirements:
 • You will be presented with health screening questions upon entering the building; to include information regarding
      common symptoms and recommended isolation practices of COVID-19.
 • Masks are to be worn at all times. The only exception to this is exercise classes with 8 feet of distance apart or
      classes outdoors.
 • A limited number of people shall be allowed in the building at one time.
 • Other requirements may be added at anytime as the Governor issues different orders and requirements.

  These programs and/or services are fully or partially funded by Genesee County Senior Millage funds. Your tax dollars are at work.

                                                                                www.flushingseniorcenter.com ● 7
FLUSHING AREA SENIOR CENTER                                                                      PRSRT STD
106 Elm Street                                                                                   U.S. Postage
Flushing, MI 48433                                                                                  PAID
                                                                                                 Flushing, MI
                                                                                                Permit No. 217

 If date under your address
    is highlighted, it means
     it’s time to renew your
   membership, which is a
            $12 donation

                  These programs and/or services are fully or partially funded by the Genesee
                   County Senior Millage funds. Your tax dollars are at work! Other funding
                 sources are: City of Flushing, Charter Township of Flushing, United Way of
                     Flushing, Member Contributions, Memorial Donations and Fundraisers.

       Enjoy a Daily Take Home Lunch
    Pick-up at the Flushing Area Senior Center
                 The Senior Take Home Meal may be picked up
                 Monday thru Friday from 11:30am to 12:30pm
                               Ages 60 and over: $3.00 suggested donation
                        Ages 50 - 59 and All Non-Genesee County Residents Age 50+
                                         are required to pay $6.00
                         Reservations are required. Call the Center at 810.659.4735 by 1:00pm
                                 the weekday before to place your lunch reservation.
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