The Center Page Announcing 2020 Tours Inside! - DECEMBER 2019 - JANUARY 2020 - United Senior Services

Page created by Angel Sullivan
The Center Page Announcing 2020 Tours Inside! - DECEMBER 2019 - JANUARY 2020 - United Senior Services
The Center Page
            Springfield and Clark County’s Resource for People Age 55 and Better

                                         DECEMBER 2019 - JANUARY 2020

                                                      2020 Tours

UNITED SENIOR SERVICES                                                 ISSUE 2019-06
The Center Page Announcing 2020 Tours Inside! - DECEMBER 2019 - JANUARY 2020 - United Senior Services
125 West Main Street                           Director’s Corner
Springfield, OH 45502                          Dear Members and Friends,
                                               There are always new things happening at USS!
7571 Dayton-Springfield Road                   Our new USS Café is now serving two lunch
937-863-0043                                   choices at our downtown Springfield location to
NEW CARLISLE                                   rave reviews. The food is delicious and as a
1216 West Lake Avenue                          result the café is busier than ever before. Please be
937-845-2080                                   patient as we continue to work out the kinks
                                               of this new program so that we can slowly introduce more healthy and
                                               delicious options for our members.
1350 Vester Avenue
937-399-3411                                   Our new lap pool is also coming along swimmingly! From now until the
                                               end of December this pool will continue to be available for open swim
                                               only. We want to use these first few months to learn about the demand
                                               for individual lap swimming and water walking before reserving time
                                               in the schedule for learn-to-swim and exercise classes. Updates will be
DIRECTORS                                      available at the downtown center, on our website and via email.
• Darryl Bauer         •Sheila Rice,
• Brad Boyer             Vice President        Plan to enjoy some holiday time with your friends at USS this year.
                       • Joy Rogers, 		        Member Appreciation Day is December 5th followed by the Annual
• George Degenhart

• Don Flowers             Secretary            Tree Trimming and Vintage Voices Concert, and a book signing with
                       • Larry Todd            retired USS employee, Peggy Connolly. The annual Sig and Ilse Sanders
• Wendy Ford
                       • Par Tolliver
• Vicky Forrest                                Luncheon is December 10 and the Red Hot Holiday Stomp is December
                       •M ike Trempe,
•D arrell Kitchen,                            21. Read further to learn more about these and other upcoming events.
  President              Treasurer
• Hattie Millender     • Chris Wells           Don’t forget - it is now time to renew your USS membership for 2020!
• Charlie Morris       • Maureen Fagans,       Now that you enjoy the benefits of a USS membership, introduce your
• Dan O’Keefe             CEO                  friends to our centers, too. Exercise, learn new things, volunteer, and
• Scott Powell         •K yle Farnbauch,      socialize, at any of our 4 locations with your membership. Please
                         Center Page Editor    stop by the Matthies Welcome Center to pick up your 2020 member
                                               packet and renew now so that there is no interruption to your
United Senior Services (USS) was
founded in 1968 as Elderly United. USS         CenterPage delivery.
publishes The Center Page bi-monthly           One of the wonderful benefits of a USS membership is access to our
to inform people in Springfield and
                                               many travel opportunities, whether an extended tour to a faraway
Clark County aged 55 and better about
its services and events.                       locale or a one-day jaunt to a nearby special event. This issue of the
                                               CenterPage features our annual Tour Preview highlighting all of the
                                               tours planned in 2020.
USS is funded (in part) by a Title III grant
under the Older Americans Act administered     Don’t forget, membership is not required for any of our Caring Services.
by the Ohio Department of Aging through        USS services such as Meals on Wheels, Homemakers, Personal Care
the Area Agency on Aging PSA2. Funds also
provided by Clark County Senior Services       Aides, Transportation, Medicare open enrollment, Income Tax
Levy, United Way of Clark County, Mental       Assistance, Companionship, Advocacy and more are available to all
Health & Recovery Board of Clark County,
                                               Clark County seniors regardless of membership, made possible by the
Corporation for National and Community
Service, Springfield Foundation, Community     Clark County senior service levy.
Health Foundation, member fees and
donations. USS is non-discriminatory in        Do you know someone who might like a USS gift certificate as a holiday
services and employment, and facilities are    gift? We are happy to help. Gift certificates can be used for membership,
accessible to all people.
                                               travel, or lots of other fun at any USS location.
                                               Thank you for the opportunity and Happy Holidays,
Cover photo by
Warren Steinberger
                                               Maureen Fagans
                                               Executive Director/CEO
2 USS - The Center Page
The Center Page Announcing 2020 Tours Inside! - DECEMBER 2019 - JANUARY 2020 - United Senior Services
What ’s                                               USS Member Appreciation Day
                                                        Thursday, December 5, 10am-2pm

                                                        Come and enjoy treats and drinks provided by Forest Glen
                                                        Health Care Campus. The goodies will be located in the
                                                        lobby for all CURRENT members to enjoy.

                                                        Thank you for being a member of USS!

Tree Trimming Party                                                                       Changing Gears
Thursday, December 5 • 1:30pm
Help trim the USS Christmas tree! Bring an ornament to
                                                                                          Bike Club
hang on the tree and share some holiday cheer while
                                                                                          Winter Schedule
                                                                                          Time: 8:30am
listening to holiday songs performed by Vintage Voices.                                   Place: 	Collier’s Family Restaurant
Refreshments are provided by Forest Glen Health Care                                      Dates: December 5, 2019
Campus.                                                                                   		       January 9, 2020
                                                                                          		       February 6, 2020

Meals                                                                                     		       March 5, 2020
                                                                                          Questions can be directed to Mary
                                                                                          Rae Kearney at 937-399-9361.
No need for reservations at the USS Café! Instead we are using
vouchers. Current and new café patrons must go to the Café
Hostess to register and fill out vouchers. Eligible patrons will be                       Card Making
given vouchers on a DAILY BASIS. USS asks for your patience as we
continue to problem solve through this period of transition. For more
                                                                                          Card Making Club is canceling all
information or if you have questions, please call 937-323-9688 or                         meetings through the 2019-2020
come to the Senior Meals Office.                                                          Winter. Meeting times will be
                                                                                          reevaluated in the Spring of 2020.

Welcome Stephanie McCuistion
Please welcome Stephanie McCuistion to USS as the Director of
Community Relations. Stephanie is a lifelong Springfield resident                         Pickleball
and remains committed to Springfield and Clark County, raising her
family here with her husband Matt. Most recently, Stephanie served
                                                                                          October 10 (Novice)
as the founding Director of The Susan Hirt Hagen Center for Civic                         1st - Tom Wineberg
& Urban Engagement at Wittenberg University. Prior to Wittenberg,                         2nd - Charlene Hubbard
Stephanie started her career as a caseworker and community liaison                        3rd - Jon Troester & Connie Fleagle
in the Springfield Office of former U.S. Congressman David L. Hobson.                     October 17
Stephanie is excited to have the opportunity to continue serving                          1st - Barry Benrick
the Clark County community. She brings numerous community                                 2nd - Terry Holzworth, Harold
connections vital to our agency’s future, a warm, friendly personality,                   Fitch, Sharon Miller & Mary Lou
and a deep attachment to the Clark County community.                                      3rd - Becky Shrewsberry

Senior Spotlight
Congratulations to Bessie Bayless who celebrated her
100TH BIRTHDAY on October 23
She enjoyed the day with her sister, who came to spend the night. She also received special
greeting cards made by Mrs. Tincher’s class at Rockway School. Bessie has received home
delivered meals for 7 years. It is our honor and privilege to serve her.
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The Center Page Announcing 2020 Tours Inside! - DECEMBER 2019 - JANUARY 2020 - United Senior Services
Blocks to Blankets Sock Drive
What ’s                               Thanks to all who generously contributed to our September
                                      sock drive. We collected over 1,253 pairs of socks! Due to the
                                      overwhelming need for socks in Clark County, we are going to make

                                      this a year-round project, so please continue to give whenever you
                                      can, by placing donations in the marked box in the lobby. Socks
                                      were donated to the Soup Kitchen, Project Woman, Open Hands,
                                      Reasonable Choices and Interfaith Hospitality Network.

                                      Annual Sig & Ilse Sanders
 Save These                           Tuesday, December 10 • 12:30pm

  DATES!                              The first Sanders Luncheon took place in 1988. Sig and Ilse wanted
                                      to honor their life together by sharing with those who were in need
                                      of some holiday cheer. A special luncheon is held at the Marriott
   Book Signing with                  with fantastic entertainment. Before lunch is served, a special toast is
                                      made in honor of the Sanders’.
    Peggy Connolly                    If you or someone you know would benefit from attending this event,
 Thursday, December 5 • 2-4pm         please contact Tracy Wickham at 937-521-3010. Your address is
                                      needed upon registration to receive a special invitation. You do not
                                      need to be a member and there is no cost.

                                      MP1 & MP4 Closed 1/6 - 1/17
                                      USS is closing Multi-purpose rooms 1 and 4 to repair and refinish
                                      the floors. Classes and activities will be moved to alternate spaces
                                      during these two weeks. New locations and information will be
                                      available at the Matthies Welcome Center or call 937-323-4948.

                                      Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration
                                      Monday, January 20 • 2pm
                                      Join USS to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day. This annual event
 Book signing discount price: $10     includes an educational program and social hour with refreshments
Also available for purchase through   and entertainment. The event will take place at 125 West Main Street,
   Amazon and Barnes & Noble.         is free and open to the public. In order to attend, one must RSVP
                                      to the Matthies Welcome Center at 937-323-4948 by Wednesday,
                                      January 15.
Red Hot Holiday Stomp
  December 21, 2019 • 7pm
 Tickets are on sale online and at
                                      Valentine’s Day Dance
  the Matthies Welcome Center
                                      Friday, February 14 • 6-9pm
                                      Dick Hatfield will be spinning records for this
                                      dance and dinner will be catered by Carmae
                                      Catering. All singles and non-dancers
                                      are welcome and this event is open
                                      to the public. Reservations will start
                                      on January 6 and close February 10. To
                                      reserve a seat for this event, please call the
                                      Matthies Welcome Center at 937-323-4948.
      Dinner Dance                    Cost: $6.00/person
       March 6th • 6-9pm              Doors to MP1 open at 5:30pm.

   St. Patrick’s Day
Luncheon at the Marriott              Gift Certificates
                                      Want to get something special for someone who
      March 17th • 12pm               has everything? Buy a USS Gift Certificate for memberships, SAILL
                                      classes, activities or trips! A fantastic gift for birthdays or holidays!
4 USS - The Center Page
The Center Page Announcing 2020 Tours Inside! - DECEMBER 2019 - JANUARY 2020 - United Senior Services
                                        October 9th was a night of great fun, friends, food, and
                                        recognition of our SPECTACULAR Retired and Senior
                                        Volunteers of Clark County. Our theme was
                                        VOLUNTEERS: always needed, forever appreciated.

Our volunteers serve as tutors and mentors, work        provided by Allen View Healthcare Center. Many door prizes
at community meal sites, food pantries and thrift       donated by community individuals and businesses were
stores, animal shelters, museums, hospices, and         given away. Thank you to all who helped make our evening
hospitals. They help with tax preparation, drive        a success: USS, Oakwood, Allen View, Emmanuel Christian
“taxis” at the county fair, build and rehab homes,      Service Team, The Masonic Community, Len & Kathy
usher and greet at performing arts venues. Our          Hartoog, Ohio’s Hospice, Richwood Bank, UEC Cinema
annual recognition had a delicious meal provided by     10, Clark County Agricultural Society, O’Reilly Auto Parts,
Oakwood, served by the Emmanuel Christian Service       Frisch’s, Hospice of Miami Valley, LinCare Respiratory,
Team, and beautiful table flower arrangements           Arbors at Springfield, MediGold, & Los Mariachis.

Clubs & Groups                                            Lunch & Learn
TRIAD                                                     Lunch and Learn programs cover a wide range of topics
TRIAD meetings are held at 1:30pm at USS on the first     presented at 12:00pm at USS, with lunch provided by
Thursday of each month.                                   generous community partners. Upcoming programs:
Upcoming programs:
                                                          December 19
December 5                                                Presented by Dr. Neravetla
Presented by Carey McKee of the Springfield
                                                          January 16
Clark County Substance Abuse Prevention and
                                                          Presented by Tiffany Dailey, Financial Advisor at
Substance Coalition
                                                          Edward Jones
January 2
Topic and presenter to be announced                       Lunch & Learn by Ohio Valley
                                                          Ohio Valley Lunch and Learn programs are presented
Photo Club                                                on the first Thursday of each month at 11:30am with
In December and January, the                              lunch provided at USS downtown. Upcoming programs:
Photo Club will return to meeting
every Thursday at 3:30pm.                                 December 5 • Men’s Health
On the third Thursday of each month,                      Presented by Dr. Eric Espinosa, MD - Urologist
individuals are encouraged to bring their                 January 2
own camera to learn more about it.                        Topic and presenter to be announced
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The Center Page Announcing 2020 Tours Inside! - DECEMBER 2019 - JANUARY 2020 - United Senior Services
USS Prevention
The USS Prevention Program is designed to help
less mobile older adults socialize.
The calendar below lists activities for Prevention clients.
If you would like more information about the USS Prevention Program, call 323-4948.

DECEMBER                                                                                    JANUARY
2 Hickory Ridge & Shopping, Tipp City............................LG-NC                      1 USS Closed for New Year’s
     Biscuit World and St. Francis, Fairborn...........................SG-N                 2 Walking or Swimming and Lunch................................LG-ALL
3 Fairfield Mall & Lunch........................................................ LG-E            USS Café and TRIAD......................................................SG-ALL
     Senior Center and Dollar Store, London.......................... SG-E                  3 Casa Del Sazón, Springfield...........................................LG-ALL
4 B-I-N-G-O! Must be a Member to Play.........................LG-ALL                        6 Cracker Barrel and Shopping, Springfield....................LG-NC
5 Olive Garden and Shopping, Beavercreek....................LG-NR                                Senior Center and Dollar Store, London..........................SG-N
     USS Café and Trim-A-Tree............................................SG-ALL             7 Casino and Lunch, Dayton............................................LG-ALL
6 Perkins and Christmas Tree Shop, Centerville............SG-ALL                                 Mel-o-dee, New Carlisle and Copey’s, Medway.............. SG-S
9 Senior Center and Dollar Store, London.......................... LG-E                     8 Giovanni’s and Shopping, Fairborn..............................LG-NR
     Biscuit World and St. Francis, Fairborn..........................SG-W                       Casino and Lunch, Dayton............................................SG-ALL
10 Sanders Festival Luncheon, Marriott....................LG/SG-ALL                         9 Walking or Swimming and Lunch................................LG-ALL
11 Buffalo Wild Wings and Shopping, Kettering.................LG-W                          10 Biscuit World and St. Francis, Fairborn........................... SG-E
     Senior Center and Dollar Store, London.......................... SG-S                  13 Mel-o-dee and Shopping, Park Layne.............................. LG-E
12 Longhorn Steakhouse and Shopping, Dayton.............LG-NR                                    USS Café and Monday Movie: The Hate U Give..........SG-ALL
     Mel-o-dee, New Carlisle and Copey’s, Medway..............SG-N                          14 Senior Center and Dollar Store, London.........................LG-W
16 Legacy Café and Shopping.............................................LG-NC                    Collier’s and Thrift Shopping............................................SG-N
     USS Café and Monday Movie: A Dogs Way Home.......SG-ALL                                15 B-I-N-G-O! Must be a Member to Play..................LG/SG-ALL
17 Golden Nugget and Shopping, Kettering......................... LG-E                      16 Walking or Swimming and Lunch................................LG-ALL
18 B-I-N-G-O! Must be a Member to Play.........................LG-ALL                            USS Lunch & Learn.........................................................SG-ALL
     Mel-o-dee, New Carlisle and Copey’s, Medway.............SG-W                           20   USS Closed for MLK Jr. Day
19 Walking and Lunch.........................................................LG-ALL         21   Senior Center and Dollar Store, London.......................... LG-E
     USS Lunch & Learn.........................................................SG-ALL       22   Rob’s and Shopping, Brookville.....................................LG-NR
20   Colliers and Thrift Shopping............................................. SG-E         23   Walking or Swimming and Lunch...............................LG -ALL
23   Colliers and Thrift Shopping............................................. SG-S         27   Hasty Tasty and Thrift Shopping, Dayton....................LG-NC
24   USS Closed at 12:00pm                                                                       USS Café and Dilly Dally Euchre...................................SG-ALL
25   USS Closed for Christmas                                                               28 Biscuit World and Goodwill, Fairborn.............................LG-W
30   Mystery Lunch...................................................................LG-W        Senior Center and Dollar Store, London.........................SG-W
     USS Café and Dilly Dally Euchre...................................SG-ALL               29 B-I-N-G-O! Must be a Member to Play.........................LG-ALL
31 USS Café and New Year’s Eve Party..............................SG-ALL                         Biscuit World and St. Francis, Fairborn........................... SG-S
                                                                                            30 Mel-o-dee, New Carlisle and Copey’s, Medway.............. SG-E
LG=Large Group • SG=Small Group                                           N=North		S=South		E=East
B=Both LG and SG                                                          W=West		 NC=New Carlisle NR=Northridge

10 USS - The Center Page
The Center Page Announcing 2020 Tours Inside! - DECEMBER 2019 - JANUARY 2020 - United Senior Services
Day Trips                                                              Josh, our step-on guide, will tell us
                                                                        the history of Dublin, Ohio and how
                                                                        Dublin received its name. Along
                                                                        the way, you will see some of
                                                                        Dublin’s art in public places,
                                                                        like their Field of Corn. Josh
A Wee Bit of Irish                                                      will also share information
Tuesday, March 10                                                       about famous people who
                                                                        are from the area like Jack
Come along and join us as we travel to Dublin. Dublin, Ohio,            Nicklaus and
that is! First stop will be at The Morgan House at 11:00am.             Jack Hanna.
The Morgan House was named after Civil War Veteran, John
                                                                        How about a Shamrock
Hunt Morgan. You will have lunch in the dining room of
                                                                        Sundae at Graeter’s
the log cabin. The menu features soups of the day, splendid
                                                                        before heading home?
salads, specialty sandwiches and a variety of pies, cobblers,
                                                                        The sundae will consist
cheesecakes and brownies. Lunch will be on your own.
                                                                        of one scoop of Vanilla ice cream, whip cream with green
Shopping anyone? Adjacent to the cabin are 18,000 square feet           syrup, chocolate sprinkles and a cherry on top!
of boutiques, shops and stores.
                                                                        Depart: 9:15am		       Return: 6:00pm
Next stop will be The Richen/Timm Academy. This academy
is one of the most recognized and respected names in the                PLEASE ARRIVE ½ HOUR PRIOR TO DEPARTURE
world of Irish Dance. You will learn about Irish dancing and            Total Cost: $45 • Payment Due: 2/5
get to watch a demonstration of their fancy footwork.                   Activity Level: Easy

                                Scioto Downs Casino
                                Wednesday, March 25
                                Back by popular demand! Board the deluxe coach and let us take you away for a fun-
                                filled day. The buffet will be half price for the day and you will receive $20 free play.
                                *35 people must register for this trip for the group to be eligible for the free incentives.
                                Depart: 10:00am        Return: 5:00pm
                                PLEASE ARRIVE ½ HOUR PRIOR TO DEPARTURE
                                Total Cost: $30 • Payment Due: 2/25 • Activity Level: Easy

2020 Winter SAILL Term
Winter Term: January 6 – February 7
                                                                                                                 I LL
A detailed Winter term class flyer will be available at the
Matthies Welcome Center on December 9. Registration opens December 16.
**Must be a 2020 USS member to register. **Classes subject to change.                                US

Class offerings include:
Glass Blowing                 Sewing & Embroidery                                Stained Glass
Line Dancing                  Cooking Demonstrations                             Healthy Living
Photography                   Fitness, Yoga, & Pilates                           Masonic Community Lectures
Spanish                       Beginning/Intermediate Guitar
Windows 10 Basics             Intermediate Dulcimer                              MORE TO COME!
                                                                                         USS - The Center Page                11
The Center Page Announcing 2020 Tours Inside! - DECEMBER 2019 - JANUARY 2020 - United Senior Services
Elderly United of Springfield & Clark County, Ohio, Inc.
 125 West Main Street
 Springfield, OH 45502

                                                            UNITED SENIOR SERVICES

                                                                 Todd Stoll’s
Christmas Jazz Concert                                      Red Hot Holiday Stomp
 Refreshments will be available for purchase

               Special thanks to
        Springfield Masonic Community                       Saturday, December 21, 7pm

                                                                                      Tickets: $10

                                                            125 W. Main St., Springfield, OH
The Center Page Announcing 2020 Tours Inside! - DECEMBER 2019 - JANUARY 2020 - United Senior Services The Center Page Announcing 2020 Tours Inside! - DECEMBER 2019 - JANUARY 2020 - United Senior Services
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