2021/22 Your vision for your Going to school in Nottingham

Page created by Freddie Stanley
2021/22 Your vision for your Going to school in Nottingham
Your vision for your
Going to
Going    school
          schoolin in
                                                    Information about
                                                    applying for a
                                                    school place
Information about applying
for a school place

• Starting school
• Transferring from an infant school to a junior school
• Transferring from a primary / junior school to a secondary
• Applying for a school place during the school year

2021/22 Your vision for your Going to school in Nottingham

2021/22 Your vision for your Going to school in Nottingham
Apply online for a
    school place

    If your child is starting         Applying online is the quickest and most
    school, transferring              secure way to apply for your child’s school
    from an infant school             place.
    to a junior school or             If your child is registered at a city school, and lives in
    transferring from a               Nottingham city, we will send you information about how
                                      to apply for a school place. If you have access to an email
    primary/junior school to
                                      account you can apply for a school place online at
    a secondary school in             www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/schooladmissions
    the 2021 autumn term
                                      If you do not have an email account you’ll need to set one
    you need to apply for a
                                      up or visit www.go-on.co.uk and follow the step-by-step
    school place.                     instructions.
    Closing dates for applying
    for a school place are:           Benefits of applying online

    31 October 2020 -                 • It is quick and easy.
    Secondary school place            • It is safe and secure.
    (apply between                    • You can read the online tutorial before you start, which
    7 September 2020 and                will guide you through how to apply.
    31 October 2020)                  • Internet access is available at most Nottingham city
                                        libraries and children’s centres, and some schools may
    15 January 2021 -                   allow you to use their computers to apply.
    Infant, junior or primary         • The system helps you to fill in your form correctly by
    school place (apply                 giving a selection of options in drop-down lists.
    between 16 November               • We will send you an email to confirm that we have
    2020 and 15 January 2021)           received your application.

    If we receive your                • You can change your application at any time up to the
    application after the               closing date.
    closing date, this will
                                      • You will receive your decision by email on the national
    reduce your chances                 offer day, rather than having to wait for your decision to
    of getting a place at               arrive in the post.
    your preferred school,
    particularly if it is popular.

      online: ww                           oolad
Apply                                               ions
3                                                                                                    3
2021/22 Your vision for your Going to school in Nottingham
Important dates to
                              Moving up to               Starting school          What happens on these dates?
                              secondary school           (reception class)
                              from primary or junior     and infant to junior
                              school                     transfers (Year 3 place)
Important dates to remember

                              31 October 2020            15 January 2021          Closing date for receipt of
                                                                                  all application forms and any
                                                                                  supplementary information or
                                                                                  supporting information
                              30 November 2020           10 February 2021         Last date for exceptional late
                                                                                  applications to be considered

                              1 March 2021               16 April 2021             • National offer day. Online applicants
                                                                                     receive an email showing the
                                                                                     outcome of their application
                              1 March 2021               16 April 2021             • Letters sent only to parents who
                                                                                       applied using a paper application
                                                                                       form, by second class post showing
                                                                                       the outcome of their application
                              1 March 2021               16 April 2021             • Waiting lists operate from this date
                                                                                       for any school that is full
                              15 March 2021              30 April 2021             • Final date for parents to accept or
                                                                                       refuse the place that is offered
                              29 March 2021              17 May 2021               Deadline for receipt of appeals for
                                                                                   applications made by the closing
                                                                                   date (some own admission authority
                                                                                   schools may use a different date)
                              May/June 2021              June/July 2021            Appeal hearings take place for appeals
                                                                                   lodged by the deadline (some own
                                                                                   admission authority schools may use a
                                                                                   different date)
                              The waiting list for primary, infant, junior and     Waiting lists close*
                              secondary schools will operate on the offer day
                              and will be maintained by the local authority
                              up to 27 August 2021. After this date the
                              relevant admission authorities will operate their
                              own waiting list in accordance with their own

                              * All admission authorities must maintain a waiting list for the normal year of entry until the
                              end of the 2021 autumn term. Some admission authorities may continue to hold waiting lists
                              after this date.

2021/22 Your vision for your Going to school in Nottingham
This information is about children starting school; transferring to junior or secondary schools
or changing schools during the school year in Nottingham. To apply for your child’s school
place it’s best to apply online at www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/schooladmissions
Here you will also find the facility to translate the pages into your language and alternative
formats. If you require a Braille copy please contact us by phone on 0115 841 5568.







                                                    .0115 841 5568



Tyto informace jsou o dětech začínajících školu; přestupujících na druhý stupeň základní
školy (junior school) a chodících na střední školu v Nottinghamu.
Abyste si zažádali o místo ve škole pro Vaše dítě, nejlepší je zažádat online na
www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/schooladmissions. Také zde najdete nástroj k přeložení stránek do
Vašeho jazyka a alternativních formátů.
Pokud požadujete kopii v Braillově písmu, spojte se s námi, prosím, telefonicky na čísle
0115 841 5568.
2021/22 Your vision for your Going to school in Nottingham
          Ces renseignements concernent les enfants qui commencent à l’école; le transfert des
          enfants à une école primaire et les enfants qui vont à une école secondaire à Nottingham.
          Pour faire une demande d’inscription de votre enfant à une école il vaut mieux le faire en
          ligne: www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/schooladmissions. Sur ce site vous trouverez l’option

          d’afficher les pages dans votre langue et en formats alternatifs. Si vous avez besoin de la
          version Braille veuillez nous contacter par téléphone au 0115 841 5568.

          Ta informacja jest na temat dzieci rozpoczynających szkołę, przeniesieniu do szkoły junior
          oraz na temat pójścia do szkoły średniej w Nottingham. Aby złożyć wniosek o miejsce w
          szkole dla dziecka, najlepiej zrobić to online pod adresem www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/
          schooladmissions. Na stronie znajdziesz również program tłumaczeniowy, który pozwoli
          przetłumaczyć strony na Twój język lub przekształcić w inny format. Jeśli potrzebujesz kopii
          Braille proszę o telefon na numer 0115 841 5568.

          Esta informação é sobre as crianças em início do período escolar; ingressando em escolas
          do ensino primário (junior schools) e secundário (secondary schools) em Nottingham.
          A mellhor forma para solicitação de vaga escolar de seu filho (a) é pelo site
          www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/schooladmissions. Aqui também existe a facilidade para
          tradução das páginas em seu idioma e outros formatos alternativos. Caso necessite de uma
          cópia em Braille, favor entrar em contato conosco pelo número de telefone 0115 841 5568.

          Aceste informatii sunt pentru copiii care incep scoala; care se transfera la o scoala primara
          sau incep generala in Nottingham. Ca sa faceti cerere pentru un loc la scoala pentru copilul
          dumneavoastra cel mai bine este sa faceti asta pe Internet la
          www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/schooladmissions. Aici veti avea si posibilitatea sa traduceti
          informatiile in limba dumneavoastra si alte formate. Daca aveti nevoie de o copie Braille va
          rog sa sunati la numarul 0115 841 5568.

2021/22 Your vision for your Going to school in Nottingham
Bu bilgiler okula başlayacak çocuklar içindir; Nottingham’ da ilk okula transfer olma ve
orta okula giriş; çocuğunuzun okula giriş vaşvurusunu www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/
schooladmissions websitesinden yaparsanız daha iyi olur. Bu websitede kendi dilinizde
tercüme edilmiş ve farklı formatlarda yazıları de bulabilirsiniz. Eğer Braille (göremeyenlar için

yazı) tarzında isterseniz 0115 841 5568 telefon numarasından bize bildiriniz.


‫دهدیم تامولعم دننکیم عورش هسردم هب هک ییاه هچب دروم رد هلاقم نیا‬. ‫ییادتپا هرود یاه هسردم هب لاقتنا‬
    ‫ماهگنتان رد هطسوتم هرود یاه هسردم هب نتفر و‬. ‫قیرط زا ناتیا یاه هچب هسردم هب هعجارم هار نیرتهب‬
                                                                          ‫تسه ینایاپ تیاس بیو‬:
   ‫دینک همجرت دیناوتیم زین دوخ نابز هب ار تیاس بیو نیا‬. ‫لیرب یابفلا لکش هب ار هلاقم نیا رگا‬
                    (‫دیهاوخیم )نایانیبان یابفلا‬، ‫ نوفلت هرامش اب‬0115 841 5568 ‫دیریگب طابترا‬.



2021/22 Your vision for your Going to school in Nottingham
           This booklet contains important information about how to apply for your
           child’s school place. There is more information on our website at
           www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/schooladmissions or you can contact the
           School Admissions Team on 0115 841 5568.

           Apply online for a school place                                          3

           Important dates to remember                                              4
           Welcome                                                                  5
           Contents                                                                 8
           Introduction                                                           10
           Step-by-step guide to applying for a school place                       11
           Step 1: Understanding the admissions process 2021-2022                  12
                o    The admissions scheme                                         12
                o    The Law                                                       12
                o    Infant class sizes                                            13
                o    When will children start infant or primary school?            13

           Step 2: Decide which schools to apply for                               14
                o    What to consider when deciding about schools                  14
                o    Special Educational Needs and Disabilities                    17
                o    Travelling to school                                          18
                o    Oversubscribed schools                                        21

           Step 3: Apply for a school place                                        25
                o    When to apply                                                 25
                o    Requests for admission outside the normal age group           25
                o    How to apply                                                  26
                o    Naming your schools                                           26
                o    Supplementary forms                                           26
                o    Proof of your child’s home address                            28
                o    Fair Access policy                                            29

           Step 4: Find out the outcome of your application and what to do next    30
                o     How we decide which school to offer your child a place at    30
                      - Example of how the scheme works                            31
                o     Accepting the place we have offered your child               32
                o     Your right of appeal                                         33
                o     Repeat applications                                          34
                o     Waiting lists                                                35
                      - Example of when a child is added to a waiting list         36
2021/22 Your vision for your Going to school in Nottingham
Applying for a school place during the school year                                        37
    o     Changing schools during the school year                                         37
    o     Moving house                                                                    37
    o     Moving to a different school                                                    37
    o     In-year waiting list - community schools                                        39
    o     In-year waiting list - other schools/academies                                  39

Extra help for children and families                                                      40
    o     School attendance                                                               40
    o     Free school meals and milk                                                      40
    o     School clothing allowance                                                       41

Early Years Pupil Premium - Information for parents                                       42
School information                                                                        43
    o     Types of schools in Nottingham                                                 43
    o     Post 16 Education                                                              44
    o     Terms and holidays – community schools                                         45
    o     Directory of nursery and primary schools in Nottingham City                    46
    o     Maps of schools in Nottingham City                                             56
    o     Directory of secondary schools in Nottingham City                              64
    o     Admissions criteria for community primary schools                           67-69

Nottingham City Behaviour Charter                                                         70
Useful information and contacts                                                           72
    o     Including Elective Home Education

Checklist                                                                     Back cover

  LA: 			             Local Authority
  CE: 			             Church of England
  DfE: 			            Department for Education
  Ofsted: 			         Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills
  Parent or carer:    A person who is legally responsible for caring for a child
  SEND: 			           Special educational needs and disabilities
  VA: 			             Voluntary academy

                                  .nottingha              choo
                         line: www                            ladm
                 Apply on    www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/schooladmissions
                                                                       ns                        9
2021/22 Your vision for your Going to school in Nottingham
               Dear parents and carers,        Every morning that a              champion Nottingham
                                               child comes into school           children regardless of the
               Schools in Nottingham are       represents another                school they attend.
               exciting places where our       opportunity to learn
               pupils come to learn and        something new or                  Our pledge is that, working

               develop. We’re proud that       experience something              with you, we will offer
               we have inspiring teachers      different. In Nottingham          your children exciting
               and support staff working in    we aim to provide the             learning experiences and
               modern buildings with state-    right environment in              opportunities. We promise
               of-the-art equipment.           our classrooms for their          to work tirelessly to achieve
                                               creativity to flourish.           the best possible outcomes
               But it’s your children who                                        for every single child in
               are our strongest asset         During the Covid-19 crisis        Nottingham.
               – they will be the ones to      we have worked with all
               shape the future of the         schools and academies             Yours truly,
               city, and further afield, for   to support them to adjust
               generations to come.            to changes that have
               Here in Nottingham, we          been required. We are
               treasure and invest in these    confident that despite the
               assets. We strive to ensure     new challenges presented,
               that every parent has the       they will work with pupils,
               option of a good-quality        parents and carers to
               school close to home, and       ensure the success that
               every child receives the best   Nottingham schools have
               possible education.             made in raising attendance
                                               and attainment continues.
               Parents and carers remain       The increasing number of
               our best partners. They all     pupils attending schools
               want the very best for their
               child, and so do we.
                                               rated Good and Outstanding        Cllr David Mellen,
                                               by Ofsted demonstrates
                                               they have a strong platform
                                                                                 Portfolio Holder for
               Our schools are great                                             Regeneration, Schools
               places for learning, where      to fulfil their aspirations and
                                               full potential.                   and Communications
               children and young people
               are valued, nurtured and        Although the Council
               encouraged.                     doesn’t have direct
                                               responsibility for academies,
                                               we take a keen interest in
                                               all schools, work in close
                                               partnership with them and

                                                                            Nicholas Lee
                                                                            Director of Education
   10                                                                       Services
Step-by-step guide
to applying for a school place
This guide sets out what you need to do to apply for a school place for
your child, whether they are starting school for the first time or moving
from one school to another.

  Step 1:

                                                                                       Step-by-step guide to applying for a school place
  Understand the admissions process; read pages 12 and 13 or visit our website
  at www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/schooladmissions

 Step 2:
 Decide which schools to apply for; read pages 14 to 23 or visit our website at
 www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/schooladmissions, which gives you links to the
 websites of individual schools, Ofsted and the Department for Education (DfE).

 Step 3:
 Apply for a school place. This is easier to do online (read pages 25 to 29). If you
 do not have access to the internet you can apply by filling in a paper application
 form. Remember to use all your school preferences to increase your chances of
 getting a school you want your child to go to.

 Step 4:
 Find out the outcome of your application, including your rights of appeal (read
 pages 30 to 36).

We are here to help you. For more information about applying for a school place,
contact us in one of the following ways:

     By phone:		       0115 841 5568
      By email:		       schooladmissions@nottinghamcity.gov.uk
     Online: 		        www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/schooladmissions
 By post: 		           The School Admissions Team
 				                   LH Box 14
 				                   Loxley House
 				                   Station Street
 				                   NG2 3NG

Step 1
                                                Understanding the admissions
                                                process 2021-2022
                                                The aim of the                    •   Applications for infant,        The law
                                                co-ordinated                          primary or junior school:
                                                                                      If you live in Nottingham       You have a legal right to
                                                admissions scheme is
Step 1 - Understanding the admissions process

                                                                                      city and your child will be     tell us which school you
                                                to make the process                   starting infant or primary      would prefer your child
                                                easier by allowing                    school or moving up             to go to. This is not the
                                                parents and carers to                 from infant to junior           same as having a choice
                                                                                      school in the 2021-2022         and automatically getting
                                                list their preferences                school year, you must           a place for your child at
                                                in order of priority, on              apply to us for a school        that school. However, most
                                                the online or paper                   place through the co-           children will be offered a
                                                application form.                     ordinated admissions            place at a school listed
                                                                                      scheme. In order of             as a preference on their
                                                You do not apply direct               priority, list up to four       application, unless their
                                                to any school, unless it is           school preferences              parent/carer has not used
                                                a private or independent              for infant and primary          all their preferences.
                                                school. The scheme also               schools, and up to three
                                                makes sure that every                 school preferences for          We provide you with
                                                parent or carer living in             junior schools, including       information to help you
                                                Nottingham city who has               schools in other local          apply online and, if you need
                                                applied for a school place            authority areas.                it, individual advice on the
                                                for their child by the closing                                        admissions process, a guide
                                                date receives not more            •   Applications for                and a form. We will always
                                                than one offer of a school            secondary schools:              offer your child a place
                                                place by Nottingham City              If your child will be going     at the school you listed
                                                Council on the national               to secondary school in          highest in your preferences
                                                offer day. You can apply              September 2021, you             if there is a place available.
                                                easily online at                      must apply for a school         In some cases, a school
                                                www.nottinghamcity.gov.               place through the               receives more applications
                                                uk/e-admissions                       co-ordinated admissions         than it has places available.
                                                A paper form to fill in               scheme. All applications        If that happens, we will
                                                yourself is available on              from people living in           offer places according to
                                                request.                              Nottingham city for             each school’s admissions
                                                                                      places in year 7 at             criteria (see pages 67 to 69
                                                If you do not live in                 secondary schools in the        for community schools and
                                                Nottingham city, you must             city or Nottinghamshire         the separate Appendices
                                                contact your home local               are co-ordinated by the         1 and 2 for other schools/
                                                authority (the local authority        local authority. List up to     academies).
                                                for where you live) to apply          four school preferences,
                                                for a school place, even              in order of priority,
                                                if you want to apply for a            including schools in
                                                Nottingham city school.               other local authority

                                                                                   .nottingha              choo
                                                                          line: www                            ladm
                                                                  Apply on                                         issio
            12                                                                                                          ns
Admissions authorities must      When will                          If you would like to delay
manage school admissions
in line with the School          children start                     your child starting school
                                                                    until they reach compulsory
Standards and Framework          infant or primary                  school age, you should
Act 1998, the Education          school?                            arrange this with the head

                                                                                                     Step 1 - Understanding the admissions process
and Inspections Act 2006                                            teacher of the school. You
and the School Admissions        All children whose fifth           will still need to apply for a
Code. All parents and carers     birthday is between                school place by the closing
must fill in an application      1 September 2021 and               date, i.e. 15 January 2021.
to ask for a place at the        31 August 2022 will start
school they would like their     school in September 2021,          However, if your child’s fifth
child to go to, even if it is    even though they may not           birthday falls between
the catchment school (the        yet be five years old. You         1 April 2022 and 31 August
school your child would be       will be able to delay your         2022, delaying your child
most likely to be offered a      child starting school if you       starting school until they
place at considering your        feel they are not ready for        reach compulsory school
home address).                   full-time school in                age would result in your
                                 September. The law says            child starting school in a
The way in which school          all children must receive          different admission year
places are offered must be       full-time education no later       and missing out on their
clear and fair. Make sure        than the start of the term         reception year. In this case,
you read the admissions          after their fifth birthday. This   your child could not be
criteria at the back of this     is known as compulsory             given a reception place at
booklet and in the separate      school age. Parents and            the school during the 2021-
Appendices 1 and 2 to            carers can ask the head            2022 school year and you
understand how they will         teacher if they would like         would have to apply for a
apply to your child and your     their child to go to school        place in year 1 during the
application.                     part-time until they reach         summer term 2022. If you
                                 compulsory school age.             are thinking of this option
Infant class sizes                                                  please contact us for
                                 For admission                      advice.
There are rules relating to
infant class sizes, which        purposes only, term                Parents/carers may request
say that no infant class         dates are as follows:              admission for their child
may contain more than 30                                            outside their normal age
pupils with a single qualified   Autumn term:                       group – see page 25 for
teacher. We cannot offer         1 September 2021 to                further details.
your child a place at an         31 December 2021
infant/primary school if this
                                 Spring term:
would mean there would be
                                 1 January 2022 to
more than 30 pupils in that
                                 31 March 2022
                                 Summer term:
                                 1 April 2022 to
                                 31 August 2022

                                   .nottingha              choo
                          line: www                            ladm
                  Apply on    www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/schooladmissions
                                                                        ns                                     13
Step 2
                                                Decide which schools to apply for
                                                                                  get the feel of schools and                details on travelling to
                                                                                  we strongly encourage you                  school.
                                                            lis t your
                                                     yo  u            on
                                                                                  to attend. Contact details of
                                             Before references
                                                                                                                      •      The best way to assess
                                                                                  all secondary schools are
                                             school lication, yo
                                                                                                                             your child’s chances
                                                                                  listed on pages 66 to 68.
                                                     p p               ich
                                              your a onsider wh
Step 2 - Decide which schools to apply for

                                                                                                                             of getting a place at a
                                                        c                              Get a copy of the                     school you prefer is to
                                              should you would
                                                                                       schools’ prospectuses,                study that school’s
                                                      s                 o
                                               school r child to g                                                           admissions criteria and
                                                                                       by contacting each
                                               like yo hether your                     individual school. Each               check which schools
                                                to and s a realistic                   prospectus contains                   were oversubscribed
                                                       ha               a
                                                child       f  getting ols.
                                                                                       information about the                 (had more applications
                                                      ce  o
                                                 chan                cho
                                                              hese s
                                                                                       values of the school, the             for places than they had
                                                     e  a t t
                                                                                       curriculum, and details of            places available) last
                                                                                       pupils’ achievements. It              year. For Nottingham city
                                                                                       also contains information             schools, see pages 21 to
                                                                                       about the school’s                    23.
                                                                                       dress code, discipline         •      Places in Nottingham
                                                What to consider                       policy and other general              city primary community
                                                when deciding about                    information.                          schools will be offered
                                                schools                           •    If your child has special             to applicants who live in
                                                                                       educational needs                     the school’s catchment
                                                There is no substitute for             and disabilities (SEND)               area first (see the
                                                seeing things yourself.                can these be met at a                 admissions criteria on
                                                The best way to decide how             mainstream school? If not             pages 67 to 69).
                                                well a school might suit your          you will need the support
                                                child is to go and see it for                                         •      If you want to apply for
                                                                                       of the SEND team
                                                yourself. That way you are                                                   a place at a school that
                                                                                       (see page 17 for more
                                                not relying on rumours that                                                  was oversubscribed
                                                                                                                             last year, but you do not
                                                are often incorrect and out of    •    If your child has a                   live in the catchment
                                                date. Most infant, junior and          physical disability find              area for that particular
                                                primary schools are happy to           out if your preferred                 school, find out how
                                                arrange a time for you to visit        school(s) is suitable                 many children who
                                                them.                                  as not all our school                 lived outside the
                                                                                       buildings are currently               catchment area were
                                                Most secondary schools
                                                                                       able to provide full access           offered a place last year.
                                                hold open evenings or
                                                                                       for disabled pupils (see              For Nottingham city
                                                sessions, details of which
                                                                                       page 17).                             community schools, look
                                                can be found on our website
                                                at www.nottinghamcity.            •    Think about how your                  at the table on page 21.
                                                                                       child will get to and                 The further away from
                                                                                       from school - it is your              the school you live, the
                                                Alternatively you can
                                                                                       responsibility to make                less likely you are to be
                                                contact the schools you
                                                                                       sure your child can get               offered a place.
                                                are interested in to find out
                                                                                       to and from school. See
                                                details of these sessions. We
                                                                                       pages 18 to 20 for more
                                                believe this provides a very
                                                good opportunity for you to
                                                                                   .nottingha              choo
                                                                          line: www                            ladm
                                                                  Apply on                                         issio
           14                                                                                                           ns
•   Some schools have             Academy prior to the closing          named on the parent’s
    specialist places (for        date for applications (i.e.           application, so a place is
    example performing arts       31 October 2020) to advise            offered at an alternative
    or technology) and your       you of either the outcome or          school that still has
    child may need to take        ranking of your child’s test.         places available.

                                                                                                      Step 2 - Decide which schools to apply for
    a test if you are applying    If the outcome of the             •   If you are considering
    for one of these places.      technology test is that your          applying for a place
    Ask yourself whether your     child has passed the test             at Dunkirk Primary or
    child has an aptitude for     or has a high ranking, this           Heathfield Primary,
    the subject being tested.     does not mean they will be            you cannot apply for a
    The only Nottingham city      offered a technology place            particular site. As these
    school that has specialist    at the academy. It means              schools are run from
    places available for pupils   they will be considered for           two sites, if your child is
    who have an aptitude for      a technology place along              offered a place you will
    technology is Bluecoat        with other applicants in this         have the opportunity to
    Aspley Academy. If you        criterion, provided you have          discuss which site you
    name this school as           named the school in your              prefer with senior staff
    a preference and you          application and ticked the            at the relevant school or
    would like your child         Specialist Technology box             academy.
    to be considered for          on that application.              We recommend that at
    one of these specialist       •   We strongly recommend         least one of the schools
    places, they will have            that you use all of your      you list as a preference
    to sit an aptitude test           preferences and do not        on your application form
    at the academy during             name a school more            should be a school where
    October 2020 and                  than once (if you do this     you are sure that your child
    you must contact the              it will count as only one     will meet one of the higher
    academy directly by               preference and you will       admissions criteria. (Please
    30 September 2020 to              have lost the opportunity     see pages 67 to 69 and
    arrange this. If you do           to name other schools).       the separate Appendices
    not, your child cannot            Naming only one school        1 and 2 for the admissions
    be considered for a               does not increase your        criteria.) This is likely to be
    technology place.                 chances of getting a          your catchment school.
    Pupils who are offered a          place at that school. If      Most parents and carers are
    place under the specialist        you do not use all your       happy for their child to go
    criterion at Bluecoat             school preferences and        to their catchment school,
    Aspley Academy will               it is not possible to offer   and this is the school where
    still follow the same             a place at your preferred     your child will be given
    curriculum as all other           school(s) your child may      priority for a place, so we
    pupils in the academy.            be offered a place at a       strongly recommend you
                                      school you do not want.       consider listing it as one of
What happens next?                    An alternative offer may      your preferences. If you do
If your child sat the aptitude        be made when it is not        not name your catchment
test you will be sent a               possible to offer a place     school on your application,
letter by Bluecoat Aspley             at any of the schools         there may be no places left
                                                                    at that school if you decide

                                   .nottingha              choo
                          line: www                            ladm
                  Apply on    www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/schooladmissions
                                                                        ns                                     15
to apply for a place there
                                             Make sure you fill in
                                             your online application
Step 2 - Decide which schools to apply for

                                             or return a common
                                             application form (and any
                                             supplementary forms you
                                             are asked to fill in if you
                                             are applying for a church
                                             school) by the closing
                                             Please consider your
                                             preferences for schools very
                                             carefully before filling in your
                                             application, as it will not be
                                             possible to change the order
                                             of your preferences at a
                                             later date and it may not be
                                             possible to offer your child a
                                             place at a different school if
                                             you change your mind after
                                             the closing date.
                                             If your preferences are not
                                             realistic, we may not offer
                                             your child a place at any of
                                             your preferred schools and
                                             we may offer your child a
                                             place at a different school
                                             There is no guarantee of
                                             a place at your catchment
                                             school as it will depend on
                                             the number of applications
                                             we receive and the number
                                             of places available.

                                                                                 .nottingha              choo
                                                                        line: www                            ladm
                                                                Apply on                                         issio
           16                                                                                                         ns
Special                          However, if your child has
                                 special educational needs
                                                                  chosen for them to go to a
                                                                  special school rather than a
educational                      and disabilities, the move       mainstream school and this

needs and
                                 from primary to secondary        will have been agreed by the
                                 school should always be          SEN Service.

                                                                                                       Step 2 - Decide which schools to apply for
disabilities                     supported by the special
                                 educational needs and            Our special schools are

(SEND)                           disabilities co-ordinator        developing new ways of
                                 (SENDCO) or another              linking with mainstream
How are special
                                 member of staff at your

needs identified?
                                 child’s junior or primary
                                 school and the SENDCO
                                                                  What should you
                                 at the secondary school          do if your child
Some children’s special
educational needs and
                                 working together to ensure       has a physical
disabilities are identified
                                 that the transition goes
                                 ahead smoothly.
at a very early age. Health
                                                                  If your child has a physical
professionals, early years       What is the local                disability, needs help moving
settings and education
support services will work       authority policy?                around school, or needs
                                                                  some other physical support,
together to share information    Nottingham City Council’s        it is helpful to think at an early
and provide support for these    local policies follow national   stage about the schools your
children.                        policies and guidelines          child is likely to go to.
When children start to receive   in the great majority of
                                 cases, children with special     We are trying to adapt as
a formal education, the staff
                                 educational needs and            many of our mainstream
working with them (SENDCO,
                                 disabilities (SEND) will have    schools as possible to meet
teachers and teaching
                                 their needs effectively met      the needs of disabled pupils.
assistants) are responsible
                                 in mainstream schools. Only      However, not all our schools’
for identifying any children
                                 a very small minority will       buildings are currently
with special educational
                                 require a special school.        suitable and there are some
needs and disabilities. They
                                                                  schools where it will not
will also make arrangements      In a number of mainstream        be possible to provide full
to meet those needs.             schools, resources are in        access for disabled pupils.
By the time children             place to meet certain types
                                 of special educational           You can get more information
approach the move
                                 needs. This is called focus      about education for children
to secondary school,
                                 provision.                       with special educational
information about their
                                                                  needs and disabilities from
special educational needs        Special schools cater for        the Special Educational
and disabilities is generally    children with very severe and    Needs Service on
well known and understood        complicated needs. Children      0115 876 4300 or
and the relevant schools         who go to special schools        email special.needs@
make robust transition           have an Education, Health        nottinghamcity.gov.uk
arrangements in preparation      and Care Plan (EHC). Their       or contact the Ask Us
for the move.                    parents or carers will have      Service (formerly Parent

                                   .nottingha              choo
                          line: www                            ladm
                  Apply on    www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/schooladmissions
                                                                        ns                                      17
Partnership) on
                                             0115 804 1740.                    Travelling to                       You are responsible for
                                                                                                                   making sure your children
                                             The Ask Us Service works          school                              can get to and from school
                                                                                                                   and for paying any transport
                                             with parents and carers of                                            costs involved. However,
                                                                               We would prefer all
                                             all pre-school and school-                                            help with travel costs may
Step 2 - Decide which schools to apply for

                                                                               children to walk or cycle
                                             aged children with special        from home to school to              be available to eligible pupils
                                             educational needs and             encourage exercise and              who go to their catchment
                                             disabilities. There are more      promote children’s health           school or a nearer available
                                             contact details for the Ask       and well-being. We do               school and live further away
                                             Us Service on page 73,            not guarantee to provide            from the school than the
                                             and you can find more             free travel to school and           maximum walking distance.
                                             information on their website      you should take this into           The maximum walking
                                             at www.ppsnotts.org.uk.           account when choosing               distances (measured using
                                                                               your school. Please see the         computerised software) for
                                                                               conditions below for free           children at primary school are
                                                                               travel to school.                   as follows:
                                                                               • If a pupil’s address does         • Two miles for pupils aged
                                                                                 not have a catchment                5 to 7
                                                                                 school, then under the
                                                                                 Home to School Transport          • Three miles for pupils
                                                                                 Policy the nearest school           aged 8 to 11
                                                                                 to the pupil’s address            • Two miles for pupils aged
                                                                                 will be classed as their            8 to 11 from low-income
                                                                                 designated catchment                families
                                                                                 school for school
                                                                                 transport purposes.               If we refuse your child a place
                                                                                                                   at their catchment school
                                                                               • A walking distance                and they go to the next
                                                                                 measurement carried out           nearest school, this becomes
                                                                                 by the School Transport           their catchment school for
                                                                                 team is a measurement             the purpose of assessing
                                                                                 taken from the pupil’s            whether they qualify for help
                                                                                 home address to their             with transport costs.
                                                                                 place of education using
                                                                                 any walkable public right         Pupils from families on a
                                                                                 of way or access.                 low income (those families
                                                                                                                   that are entitled to free
                                                                               Infant, junior and                  school meals or receive the
                                                                               primary schools                     maximum level of Working
                                                                                                                   Tax Credit) may be entitled
                                                                               Most children who go to their       to help with travel costs to
                                                                               catchment primary school            and from school, if they go
                                                                               will live well within walking       to their catchment school or
                                                                               distance and so do not              the nearest available primary
                                                                               qualify for help with transport     school to their home, and
                                                                               costs.                              this school is at least two
                                                                                                                   miles away from their home
                                                                                                                   (walking distance). You will
                                                                                .nottingha              choo
                                                                       line: www                            ladm
                                                               Apply on                                         issio
           18                                                                                                        ns
need to provide evidence to            going to one of their         designated or nearest faith or
show that you are entitled to          three nearest schools         single-sex secondary school
help.                                  which is over two miles       because of their religion or
                                       away from their home          belief if:
If your child qualifies for            (walking distance).
free transport because                                               • the family have more

                                                                                                      Step 2 - Decide which schools to apply for
you are on a low income,           For more information                than one school-aged
they will only receive free        please call the Children            child at the nearest faith
transport for this school          and Adults Transport Team           or single-sex secondary
year. You must apply again         on 0115 876 5049 or email           school because of their
for future school years. If        them at transport.team@             religion or belief and the
there is a change in personal      nottinghamcity.gov.uk               school is over two miles’
circumstances that means                                               walking distance from
you are no longer considered       Or you can visit their website      the home, and the family
to be on a low income, we          at www.nottinghamcity.              are receiving Working
may withdraw your child’s          gov.uk/school_transport to          Tax Credit where the
entitlement to free transport      see the latest copy of the full     reduction due to income
for the following school year.     policy.                             is less than the family’s
                                                                       yearly school travel costs.
Secondary school                   Faith school
transport                          transport                         Children with
                                                                     special transport
Where walking or cycling
is not an option, we
                                   Nottingham City Council
                                   does not have a statutory
would prefer pupils to             duty to provide free              If you are the parent or
use public transport to            transport for pupils who          carer of a child with special
and from school. Bus and           go to their allocated or          educational needs who has
tram services pass near to         nearest faith primary             a special transport need,
every secondary school in          or secondary school.              you may qualify for help
Nottingham city and special        However, discretionary free       with your child’s transport
tickets for pupils are available   travel may be considered          costs to and from school.
from most bus operators.           for pupils if:                    Most children with special
You are responsible for            •   the pupil is from a family    educational needs do not
making sure your children              on a low income (we will      have special transport
can get to and from school             need to see evidence          needs.
and for paying any transport           of this) and goes to          Children may have special
costs involved.                        their designated school       transport needs if they have:
                                       and the school is more
However, in a few cases                                              • complex needs or
                                       than two miles’ walking
pupils may be entitled to a                                              disabilities that place
                                       distance and less than
free bus pass if:                                                        them or others at a
                                       15 miles’ driving distance
• they go to their                                                       serious risk of danger
                                       from home (driving
    catchment school or the                                              during the journey to and
                                       distance is the shortest
    nearest available school                                             from school; or
                                       available route by road).
    to their home; and                                               • a mobility difficulty or
                                   As well as the points listed          medical condition which
• the walking route is over
                                   above, we may consider                means they need to travel
    3 miles, or
                                   providing free school travel to       to school in a specialised
• they are from a low-             pupils who go to their                vehicle.
    income family and are
                                    .nottingha              choo
                           line: www                            ladm
                   Apply on    www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/schooladmissions
                                                                         ns                                    19
f  y o u r child ree
                                                                                                                I                     f
                                                                                                                    a lifi es for         e
                                                                                                                q u
                                                                                                                        sp o r t  becaus
                                                                                                                 tran          on a l l
                                             Younger children do not           travel independently to           you             they w
                                                                                                                       o m  e,             e
                                                                                                                  inc              ive fre
                                             usually travel to school on       and from school and
                                                                                                                           re c  e
                                                                                                                   only              or this
                                             their own and so would not        would be provided with a
                                                                                                                           p o  r t f
                                             normally be eligible for help     bus pass to enable them
                                             with travel costs unless          to do so.
                                                                                                                       h o o l  year.
Step 2 - Decide which schools to apply for

                                             they have significant special
                                             educational needs. If we          If there is a group of
                                             agree that your child has a       children travelling
                                             special transport need, we        together, we will usually
                                                                               provide someone to travel            independent travel skills
                                             may provide help with travel                                           and provide training and
                                             in one of a variety of ways,      with them dependent on age
                                                                               and need. If you decide to           support so they can use
                                             for example, Independent                                               public transport and travel
                                             Travel Training, a bus pass, a    send your child to a school
                                                                               that is further away than the        independently.
                                             mileage allowance, minibus
                                             or in exceptional cases a taxi.   nearest appropriate school           If you think your child may
                                                                               with available places, we will       have a special transport
                                             If we provide help with travel    not provide help with travel.        need, please contact
                                             and your child usually travels                                         the Special Educational
                                             on their own, we may ask          We will continue to review
                                                                               your child’s special transport       Needs and Disabilities
                                             you to travel with them.                                               Team on 0115 876 4300
                                                                               needs and any help we
                                             Another form of travel            provide is likely to change          or email special.needs@
                                             assistance is Independent         over time, for example, as           nottinghamcity.gov.uk
                                             Travel Training where your        your child gets older we may
                                             child would be supported by       help them to learn
                                             an Independent Travel Trainer
                                             or their school to learn to

                                                                                .nottingha              choo
                                                                       line: www                            ladm
                                                               Apply on                                         issio
           20                                                                                                        ns
Oversubscribed schools
Oversubscribed schools in reception year in 2020/2021
Table 1 lists the city community primary schools which were oversubscribed in reception
year with applications received by the closing date in the 2020/2021 school year. The
number of applications offered (in yellow) or refused (in blue) for each school is indicated
along with the criterion under which they were considered. Proof of residence may be
required for these schools (see page 28). These figures will further increase as a result of
additional late applications received and refused after the closing date. Please note that

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Step 2 - Decide which schools to apply for
these schools and a number of other schools have also been oversubscribed in other year
groups during the 2020/2021 school year.

Table 1 - 2020/21 community primary schools
                                                                              Places offered in each criterion*                                                                                                                                              Number refused in each
                                        Total no. of applications received

                                                                              (total equals the admission                                                                                                                                                    criterion*

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           was oversubscribed (as detailed
                                                                                                                                                        Total number refused at 16 April

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           No. refused because the school
                                                                                                                                                                                           No. refused because they were
                                                                              number)                                                                                                                                                                        (total equals the

                                                                                                                                                                                           offered a school they ranked
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             number refused
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             because the school was

                                                                                                                                                                                           higher than this school

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           in columns to the right)
                     Admission number

                                                                                                  1       2      3      4       5                                                                                                                            1    2    3    4    5
                                        by closing date

                                                                             Education, Health

                                                                                                                                     Medical / social
                                                                               & Care Plan



Cantrell               60                        114                               0                      19    28      9       4                                  54                                 46                                 8                                       8
Carrington             30                        144                                               2      4      8      4      12                               114                                 101                               13                                         13
Fernwood             150                         333                                               1      41    55      17     36                               180                                 154                               26                                         26
Greenfields            30                           74                                                    10     8      4       8                                  44                                 43                                 1                                       1
Haydn                  60                        243                                               2      22    36                                              183                                 102                               81                               10   10   61
Hempshill              60                        107                                                      9     19      11     21                                  47                                 43                                 4                                       4
Hall Primary
Mellers                60                        114                                                      8     10      20     22                                  54                                 46                                 8                                       8
 Middleton             90                        263                                               1      23    41      6      19                               173                                 135                               38                                         38
 Rise Park             60                        130                                                      17    16      12     15                                  70                                 60                               10                                        10
 Robin Hood            60                        139                                                      21    23      6      10                                  79                                 68                               11                                        11
 Seely Primary         75                        151                                                  1   21    33      10     10                                  76                                 73                                 3                                       3
 Walter Halls          60                           90                                                    20    29      6       5                                  30                                 29                                 1                                       1
 Westglade             30                           72                                                    5      9      15      1                                  42                                 28                               14                                        14
 William Booth         30                            72                                                   3      8      10      9                                  42                                 28                                 4                                       4
Criterion 1 – Looked After / Previously                                                            Criterion 4 – Living outside catchment area, brother or                                                       Medical/Social – Where the local authority is
Looked After children                                                                              sister attending the school at the time of admission                                                          satisfied that a pupil has exceptional medical,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 mobility or social grounds for attending this
Criterion 2 – Living in catchment area,                                                            Criterion 5 – Living outside catchment area                                                                   school and the application has been supported by
brother or sister attending the school at the                                                                                                                                                                    a statement in writing from a doctor, social worker
time of admission
                                                                                                 www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/schooladmissions                                                                      or other relevant professional. For full details of
Criterion 3 – Living in catchment area                                                                                                                                                                           the criteria, please see pages 67 to 69.                                      21
The table below lists the academies in Nottingham city which were oversubscribed at the
                                             closing date in reception year in the 2020/2021 school year.

                                                                                                                      applications received

                                                                                                                                                        Total number refused

                                                                                                                                                                               No. refused because

                                                                                                                                                                                                     No. refused because
                                                                                                                                                                               they were offered a
                                                                                                                                                                               school they ranked
                                                                                                   Admission number
Step 2 - Decide which schools to apply for

                                                                                                                                                                               higher than this

                                                                                                                      by closing date

                                                                                                                                                                                                     the school was
                                                                                                                                                        at 16 April 2020
                                             Primary School / Academy

                                                                                                                      Total no. of

                                             Ambleside Primary                                       90                       137                            47                       47                     0
                                             Blessed Robert Widmerpool                               30                         61                           31                       27                     4
                                             Blue Bell Hill Academy                                  60                       132                            72                       64                     8
                                             Bluecoat Primary Academy                                60                       204                          144                       103                   41
                                             Bulwell St Mary's                                       30                         91                           61                       52                     9
                                             Edale Rise Primary                                      30                         76                           46                       36                   10
                                             Edna G Olds Academy                                     30                       116                            86                       37                   49
                                             Hogarth Acadmey                                         30                         86                           56                       54                     2
                                             Old Basford School                                      60                       131                            71                       48                   23
                                             Our Lady and St Edwards                                 30                         86                           56                       43                   13
                                             Our Lady of Perpetual Succour                           30                       111                            81                       59                   22
                                             Radford Primary                                         30                         74                           44                       35                     9
                                             Sneinton St Stephen’s CofE Primary                      30                         82                           52                       45                     7
                                             St Margaret Clitherow                                   30                         57                           27                       23                     4
                                             St Mary’s Catholic VA                                   30                       124                            94                       63                   31
                                             St Teresa’s Catholic VA                                 60                       207                          147                        99                   48
                                             Sycamore Academy                                        60                         89                           29                       29                     0
                                             The Milford Academy                                     60                         95                           35                       34                     1

                                                                                      .nottingha              choo
                                                                             line: www                            ladm
                                                                     Apply on                                         issio
           22                                                                                                              ns
Oversubscribed secondary schools in year 7 in 2020/2021

The table below lists the academies in Nottingham city which were oversubscribed at the
closing date in year 7 in the 2020/2021 school year.

                                   Published Admission

                                                                          applications received

                                                                                                  Total number refused

                                                                                                                         No. refused because

                                                                                                                                               No. refused because
                                                                                                                         they were offered a
                                                                                                                         school they ranked

                                                                                                                                                                     Step 2 - Decide which schools to apply for
                                                                                                                         higher than this

                                                                                                  at 1 March 2020

                                                                                                                                               the school was
                                                                          by closing date
                                                         Places offered
Secondary School / Academy

                                                                          Total no. of

 Bluecoat Aspley Academy              190                189*                1005                    816                       481                 335
 Bluecoat Beechdale Academy           194                194                   391                   197                       177                  20
 Bluecoat Wollaton Academy            155                155                   789                   634                       397                 237
Bulwell Academy                       210                210                   365                   155                       120                  35
Emmanuel School                       210                209*                  526                   317                       256                  61
Fernwood School                       300                300                   515                   215                       207                   8
Nottingham Free School                119                119                   540                   421                       254                 167
NUAST                                 120                120                   634                   514                       258                 256
The Oakwood Academy                   150                150                   337                   187                       146                  41
Trinity Catholic School               190                190                   599                   409                       282                 127
*EHCP Children offered remaining places up to PAN

                                     .nottingha              choo
                            line: www                            ladm
                    Apply on    www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/schooladmissions
                                                                          ns                                                                                                23
Step 2 - Decide which schools to apply for

                                                              .nottingha              choo
                                                     line: www                            ladm
                                             Apply on                                         issio
           24                                                                                      ns
Step 3:
Apply for a school place                                           Yo u ’ll  need t
                                                                       k  e a   note o
                                                                   ma            rname
                                                                            u se
When to                               should only be educated
                                                                   your           word to
                                                                             a ss
                                                                    and p
                                      out of their normal age
apply                                 group in very limited
                                                                      pp  ly  online
                                      circumstances.                a
The deadlines for applying        • Parents are required to

                                                                                                Step 3 - Apply for a school place
for a school place are as           make an application for
follows:                            their child’s normal age
                                    group at the usual time
31 October 2020 -                   (i.e. by 31 October for
secondary school place              secondary and by 15            • If the request to be
(apply between                      January for primary) but         admitted out of age
7 September 2020 and                should also submit a             group is refused, the
31 October 2020)                    request for admission out        parent must decide
15 January 2021 -                   of the normal age group          whether to accept the
infant or junior or                 at the same time.                offer of a place for the
primary school place                                                 normal age group, or to
                                  •   The relevant admission         refuse it.
(apply between                        authority will be required
16 November 2020 and                  to make a decision on
15 January 2021)                      which age group the          A copy of the Council’s
If we receive your application        child should be admitted     accelerated/delayed school
after the closing date, this          to. One admission            admissions policy can be
will reduce your chances              authority is not required    found at
of getting a place at your            to honour the decision       www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/
preferred school, particularly        made by another              schooladmissions.
if it is popular. If your child       admission authority on
already goes to a primary             admission out of the
school and is in year 2,              normal age group.
they will stay at this school     • If the request is agreed
until they are 11, and this         by all admission
information does not apply          authorities, the
to you.                             application for the normal
Requests for admission              age group may be
                                    withdrawn before a place
outside the normal age              is offered. Parents will
group                               then need to make a new
•   Parents/carers may              application for reception/
    request admission for           Foundation 2 as part
    their child outside their       of the main admissions
    normal age group. In            round for the following
    general, it is considered       year. The application
    that children should be         will then be considered
    educated in their normal        alongside other
    age group, with the             applications received and
    curriculum differentiated       determined against the
    as appropriate, and they        admission arrangements.
                                   .nottingha              choo
                          line: www                            ladm
                  Apply on    www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/schooladmissions
                                                                        ns                             25
How to apply                       Naming your                         Supplementary
                                    The quickest and easiest
                                                                       schools                             forms
                                    way to apply for a school
                                    place is to go online at
                                                                       Fill in your application            If you are applying for a
Step 3 - Apply for a school place

                                                                                                           place at a Nottingham city
                                    www.nottinghamcity.gov.            and list up to:                     church school/academy,
                                    uk/e-admissions and follow         •    four infant or primary         you may also need to fill in a
                                    the instructions.                       schools; or                    supplementary form.

                                    You will need a valid email        •    three junior schools; or
                                                                                                           You can get these forms
                                    address to apply online.           •    four secondary schools.        from the relevant school/
                                    It is completely safe and                                              academy or at
                                    secure to apply online, you        Give us details (including the      www.nottinghamcity.gov.
                                    can make changes to your           date of birth) of any brothers      uk/schooladmissions
                                    application right up to the        or sisters who already go to        Please remember that the
                                    time of the closing date           the schools you have listed         supplementary form is not a
                                    and we’ll send you an email        as preferences or a linked          valid application on its own
                                    to confirm that we have            infant or junior school and         − you must also fill in an
                                    received your application.         who will still be on roll at the    online or paper application.
                                    If you do not have an email        schools in September 2021.
                                    account you’ll need to set                                             Send your supplementary
                                                                       Having a place at a nursery         form straight to the church
                                    one up or visit
                                                                       school does not guarantee
                                    www.go-on.co.uk and follow                                             school/academy you are
                                                                       your child a place in the           applying for, do not send it
                                    the step-by-step instructions.
                                                                       linked infant or primary            to us. If you are applying for
                                    If you don’t have access           school. You still need to           a voluntary-aided school,
                                    to the internet, you can           apply for a place at the            trust school, foundation
                                    use the computers at most          school on the online or paper       school or academy outside
                                    Nottingham city libraries and      application form.                   Nottingham city, you need
                                    children’s centres. Some                                               to contact that school to
                                                                       If you are applying for a
                                    schools may also allow you to                                          check if you need to fill in a
                                                                       place at Bluecoat Aspley
                                    use their computers to apply.                                          supplementary form.
                                                                       Academy, please confirm
                                    A paper form to fill in yourself   whether you are applying
                                    is available on request.           for one of the ‘specialist’
                                                                       technology places. You must
                                                                       contact the academy directly
                                                                       by 30 September 2020 to
                                                                       arrange for your child to sit
                                                                       the technology test. If you
                                                                       do not, your child cannot be
                                                                       considered for a technology

                                                                        .nottingha              choo
                                                               line: www                            ladm
                                                       Apply on                                         issio
        26                                                                                                   ns
Sending your                    it by hand or sent it by        Pupil’s home
application to us               recorded or special delivery
                                (proof of postage is not        address
                                proof that we received your
When you apply                  form).
                                                                We consider a pupil’s home

                                                                                                Step 3 - Apply for a school place
                                                                address to be the residential
online, make sure you                                           property where they are
click ‘submit’ at the           If you do not get a             living which is their only or
end of the application.         reply letter at least           main home on the closing
                                one week before the             date for applications and
If you fill in a paper
application, sign and date      closing date, it is             which their parent, carer
                                                                or guardian owns, leases
the form and return it by the   your responsibility to          or rents under a lease or
closing date to:                follow this up and call         written rental agreement.
   The School Admissions
                                us on 0115 841 5568.
                                                                If more than one person has
   Team                         If we have not received your    parental responsibility for
   LH Box 14                    application and you make        the child and those people
   Loxley House                 another application after       live in separate homes, we
   Station Street               the closing date, we will       will consider the child’s
   Nottingham                   consider this to be a late      home address to be the
   NG2 3NG                      application.                    property at which they live
                                                                for most of the week (this
Acknowledgement                 This will reduce your           includes weekends as well
                                chances of your child being     as weekdays).
If you apply online, we will    offered a place at your
send you an email straight      preferred school.               If the child lives at two
away telling you we have                                        separate homes for an
received your application.      Nursery                         equal length of time, we

If you apply by filling in a    applications                    will consider their home
                                                                address to be the address
paper form, we will send                                        named on the Child Benefit
you a reply in writing when     If you want to apply for a
                                nursery school place, you       letter. If you live or move
we have received it. If you                                     into the catchment area
do not hear from us within      need to contact the head
                                teacher of the nursery. For     of a school that you have
10 days, call us on                                             listed as a preference and
0115 841 5568.                  more information, please
                                call the Families Information   which has a history of
                                Service on Freephone            being oversubscribed (see
If you do not get a reply
                                0800 458 4114 (calls from       pages 21 to 23 for details
letter it means we have not
                                mobile phones may be            of oversubscribed schools
received your application
                                charged at the network          in 2020/2021), we may
form or maybe we do not
                                provider’s standard rate).      need documents from you
have your correct address.
                                                                to prove that you live in the
We will only consider your
                                                                catchment area.
application if we have sent
you an acknowledgement,                                         We will accept one piece of
even if you have delivered                                      evidence from each of the
                                   .nottingha              choo
                          line: www                            ladm
                  Apply on    www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/schooladmissions
                                                                        ns                             27
three categories listed below    •    An NHS letter showing          been made fraudulently
                                    as proof of your home                 your child’s name and          we will investigate and
                                    address. This is because we           address.                       will require parents to
                                    give priority to pupils who                                          provide additional proof
                                    live within the catchment        Category 2                          of address. If we find out
Step 3 - Apply for a school place

                                    area and we need to avoid        •    A copy of your tenancy         that we have offered your
                                    offering places to people             agreement; or                  child a place based on
                                    who have claimed their                                               incorrect, fraudulent or
                                    child lives in the catchment     •    A copy of a solicitor’s        misleading information we
                                    area of a school when in              letter confirming the          will withdraw that offer of a
                                    fact they do not. Please              completion of a property       place.
                                    send photocopies of the               you have bought; or
                                    documents listed below, do       •    A copy of a council tax        Late applications
                                    not send originals.                   bill (we will only accept
                                                                                                         If we receive your
                                                                          this if you have lived in
                                    Proof of your                         the catchment area for
                                                                                                         application or any changes
                                    child’s home                          over six months).
                                                                                                         to your preferences after
                                                                                                         the closing date, we will
                                    address                          Category 3                          deal with your application
                                    If you do not provide proof                                          after 1 March 2021 (if your
                                    of your child’s home address     •    A copy of your bank            application is for a place
                                    when we ask for it, we will           statement dated within         at a secondary school) or
                                    be unable to consider your            the last six months; or        after 16 April 2021 (if your
                                    application as being from                                            application is for a place at
                                                                     •    A copy of a utility bill
                                    within the catchment area                                            an infant, junior or primary
                                                                          (gas, water or electricity
                                    and it may reduce your                                               school). This may mean
                                                                          bill, but not mobile
                                    child’s chance of getting                                            that we cannot offer your
                                                                          phone bill) dated within
                                    a place at their catchment                                           child a place at one of your
                                                                          the last six months.
                                    school.                                                              preferred schools.
                                                                     We will not accept informal
                                    Category 1                       living arrangements with            Under exceptional
                                                                     family and friends unless           circumstances, we (and
                                    •   A copy of a letter
                                                                     there are exceptional               other admissions authorities)
                                        from the Child Benefit
                                                                     circumstances (in which             may be willing to accept
                                        Agency showing the
                                                                     case we will need to see            applications which we
                                        child’s name and home
                                                                     proof of the exceptional            receive late but before 5pm
                                        address; or
                                                                     circumstances).                     on 30 November 2020 (for
                                    •   A copy of a letter from                                          applications for a place
                                        the Child Tax Credit         Fraudulent                          at a secondary school)
                                        Agency showing the                                               or 10 February 2021 (for
                                        child’s name and home        applications                        applications for a place at
                                        address; or                  We take the issue of                an infant, junior or primary
                                    •   A copy of your child’s       fraudulent applications             school).
                                        bank statement, showing      very seriously. If we receive
                                        the child’s name and         any information alleging
                                        address; or                  that an application has
                                                                      .nottingha              choo
                                                             line: www                            ladm
                                                     Apply on                                         issio
        28                                                                                                 ns
Examples of exceptional          If you send us your              academies must take part
circumstances include if the     application before the           in their local authority’s fair
application is from:             closing date and you then        access policy, even if they
                                 send in a late application for   are already full to make
•   a family who are             different schools, because       sure that all schools in an

                                                                                                    Step 3 - Apply for a school place
    returning from living        you are still applying for a     area have their fair share of
    abroad;                      school place in the same         vulnerable and challenging
•   a single parent who has      academic year, we will add       pupils.
    been ill for some time; or   these to the end of your
                                 first list of schools. For       Admissions authorities
•   a family who is moving                                        check each application
                                 example, if you applied for
    into Nottingham from                                          to decide if it should be
                                 four primary schools before
    another area.                                                 considered through the fair
                                 the closing date and then
                                 applied for three different      access policy. For full details
If you think there are
                                 primary schools after the        of our fair access policy and
exceptional circumstances
                                 closing date, they would be      the categories of children it
which mean we should
                                 your fifth, sixth or seventh     covers, please visit
accept a late application
                                 preferences. We will deal        www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/
from you, you must attach
                                 with these after the national    schooladmissions
written details to your
application form. We             offer date.
                                                                  Please remember that the
will consider each case
individually. Please note        Fair access policy               fair access policy does
                                                                  not apply to year 6 pupils
that where we do accept
                                 Under the 2014 School            moving up to secondary
a late application under
                                 Admissions Code, all local       school in September.
exceptional circumstances,
                                 authorities must have a
we will still consider your
child’s home address to
                                 fair access policy to make       Help and advice
                                 sure they offer a school
be where they were living                                         If you would like any help
                                 place quickly to children
at the closing date for                                           or advice about applying
                                 and young people who are
applications.                                                     for a school place, please
                                 vulnerable or considered
                                 hard to place in school. The     call us on 0115 841 5568.
                                 School Admissions Code           Or, for secondary school
                                 says that all schools and        applications, you can also
                                                                  call the Choice Advice
            he 201 ns
                                                                  Service on 0800 458 4114.
   d  er  t
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                                                                  (Calls from mobile phones
Sc ho  o l
           all loc st
                                                                  may be charged at the
 Co  d e,           u
            ities m ess
                                                                  network provider’s standard
 a u th o r          c
             fair ac
 have a

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