2021 Artistic Gymnastics BC Championships

Page created by Regina Zimmerman
2021 Artistic Gymnastics BC Championships
2021 Artistic Gymnastics BC Championships

                                    Virtual Event
                                March 25 -April 5, 2021
                                    Workplan #2

HOST CLUB                 Flip City Gymnastics
                          #4-20279 97 Ave
                          Langley, BC
                          V1M 4B9

                          Flip City Gymnastics Contact:
                          Nicole Maryschak
                          (W) 604-888-3366

                          #268-828 West 8th Avenue
                          Vancouver, BC V5Z 1E2
                          (B) 604-333-3496
                          (F) 604-333-3499

                          John Carroll
                          Technical Director

                          GBC Event Coordinator

WEBSITE                   https://events.gymbc.org/events/events/post/1650

IMPORTANT INFO            Please make sure to read the GBC Return to Competition Plan thoroughly prior
                          to registering for this event. All participating clubs must follow the guidelines
                          outlined in this document.

                          Any questions regarding registrations and general event info can be directed
                          towards GBC’s Event Manager – events@gymbc.org.

                          Questions pertaining to video submissions, judging and/or results can be sent
                          directly to bcchamps.flipcity@gmail.com.
2021 Artistic Gymnastics BC Championships
Event Information
COMPETITION    March 25 - April 5, 2021
               Video submission period: March 25- April 1, 2021
               Judging period: April 3-5, 2021

VENUE          Virtual Event – Video Submission Event

                                                               Athlete            Coach
                March 15-21 (Late Registration)                 $120               $0
                Entries will not be accepted after March 21, 2021

REGISTRATION   Registration Deadlines
                March 1, 2021       Deadline to make changes to an athlete’s category with Gymnastics BC
                March 14, 2021      Registration deadline for all categories.

                March 21, 2021       Late registration deadline: any registrations received after March 14, 2021
                                     may be refused at Gymnastics BC’s discretion. Absolutely no registrations
                                     will be accepted after March 21, 2021.

               The 2021 Artistic Gymnastics BC Championships registration is available through the K-Score’s
               online registration process. NOTE: Please, use the same athlete name that will be used for the
               video submission link and the ID sign at the start of videos.

               Please ensure that the birth year entered for each athlete is correct, as this will determine in which
               age group athletes will be competing. Please do NOT complete the registration form in All

               Full payment and club Declaration of Compliance must be received within seven days of the
               March 14 2021 deadline to be considered on-time. Declaration of Compliance forms can be
               emailed to events@gymbc.org.

               Gymnastics BC will only accept one payment from the club, not cheques from individual members.

               Failing to register a participating coach will result in a $65 fee charged to the club where the coach
               is employed.

REFUNDS AND    Refunds will only be issued, provided that a medical certificate and the request for refund are
               submitted to Gymnastics BC by 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 1, 2021.
               A $15 administration fee will be withheld for those withdrawing from the competition after March
               14, 2021.
2021 Artistic Gymnastics BC Championships
DECLARATION OF     In order to participate in this event, each club must sign a Declaration of Compliance form and
COMPLIANCE AND     submit it to GBC with your registration fees. By signing this document, you are not only ensuring
                   that your club has attained all of the Media Release Forms for all participating athletes, coaches
                   and/or members at your club that may appear on camera during recordings, but also giving GBC
                   and FCGC permission to post video submissions to our social media channels during and after
                   the competition.

                   Any questions regarding these requirements can be sent to GBC’s Event Manager –

EQUIPMENT          Each participating club will need the following:
                       -   Video recording device (1080p, 30fps)
                       -   Tripod for your device
                       -   Reliable internet connection
                       -   Club YouTube account (free to create an account)
                       -   Whiteboard and markers, or paper and black sharpie
                   If a club is unsure of their equipment set-up meeting the event standards, they are encouraged
                   to contact GBC’s Technical Director (jcarroll@gymbc.org) prior to registering for the event.

VIDEO SUBMISSION   Filming dates and video submission period: March 25th – April 1st, 2021
CRITERIA           Videos may be recorded and submitted anytime between the beginning of the day March 25th
                   until 11:59 PM April 1st. Submissions received after April 1st will not be accepted.
                   General process for the competition:
                   One day prior to the video submission open date (March 24, 2021), an email will be circulated to
                   participating clubs with a symbol, phrase and/or word that must be written on your whiteboard
                   or paper, and must be included at the start of the video recording. This paper or whiteboard
                   should also include the first and last name of the participant (NOTE: use the same athlete name
                   that was used when registering for the event), the club name, and the athlete category level.
                   This will ensure the routine has taken place within the allotted video submission time frame.
                   Between March 25th and April 1st athlete routines are recorded, in your club, using video
                   recording devices and tripods. Please see “Camera Positioning” section below for details on
                   filming routines.
                   Should you have questions regarding any technical and/or spacing difficulties you may be
                   experiencing with recording in your facility (ex. limited equipment, incomplete floors), please
                   contact GBC’s Technical Director – jcarroll@gymbc.org. We may require your club to submit a
                   sample video for review prior to the competition to ensure we will be able to accept your club’s
                   video submission for this event.
                   WAG Vault Videos: For JO Optional and Aspire 2, it is recommended that coaches submit only
                   one video, showing the best of 2 vaults. Coaches can still submit 2 vaults if they are unsure which
                   vault is best, however, it is strongly recommended to submit the two vaults in a single video.
                   (Start the video as usual. After the athlete's first vault, continue recording while the gymnast
                   walks back to the start of the vault runway. Stop the recording after she completes her second
                   vault.). For Aspire 1, two vaults must be submitted because the vaults are averaged. Please
                   submit both vaults using one video with the process indicated above.
                   All Levels: If an athlete is scratching an apparatus, do not submit a video of the presentation and
2021 Artistic Gymnastics BC Championships
Videos will be uploaded to your Club’s YouTube channel (as ‘unlisted’ videos) which will allow
judges and competition administration to view the routines without compromising the athlete’s
NOTE: use the same athlete name that was used when registering for the event and the ID sign
at the start of videos.
Once uploaded, video links of the routines should be submitted via the K-score google form
(WAG and MAG). Only one form submission will be accepted per athlete. Please ensure all of the
video links for each participant are correctly filmed and website links documented on your form
as a second form and/or corrected video will not be accepted. Once the video submission period
ends, no further videos will be accepted for the competition. If a second video submission
appears for a participant, the first submission will be evaluated and the second submission will
be deleted.
Please note, with many YouTube pages there is a limit to the number of videos you are able to
upload in a 24-hour period. As such, you may experience problems trying to load all of the
videos for your athlete’s routines should you wait until the last day. We strongly encourage each
club to upload videos as they are completed to avoid hitting uploading caps on your club’s
Should you hit your uploading capacity for a 24-hour period, you may have to wait until the
following day to continue forward. Alternatively, you may also try creating a second YouTube
account for your club, which will allow additional space to upload videos.
Another alternative is to purchase a paid account with Vimeo, DropBox or Google Drive to store
your uploaded video submissions.
Please make sure to confirm your club’s video uploading process prior to the video submission
period as once the video submission period ends, we will not accept any late submissions.

Increasing limits on your YouTube Channel:

We have connected with one of our GBC member clubs and they indicated that if a request is
made to YouTube that they may be able to increase daily upload limits on your account. See
process below:
    1. Create the channel with a google account which has two factor authentication and full
       security info.
    2. Verify the channel with the gym phone number. This process allows you to have an
       automated system phone the gym phone. Info on the verification process can be found
       here: Verify your YouTube account - YouTube Help (google.com)
    3. Submit a feedback request from the upload window. See picture attached.

    4. Example messaging below:
          “Hi there! We are a gymnastics club that is trying to use your platform to assist with
          our virtual meet. For how the event is set up each routine needs to be a separate
          video to help organization for judging purposes. Our videos are very short and would
          never exceed 3 minutes and would have an average length of closer to 1 minute. We
          would love to be able to upload more than the daily limit to make things easier.
2021 Artistic Gymnastics BC Championships
Please note, this process does take a few days, so make sure to request to increase limits early!

CAMERA        Women’s Artistic Apparatus:
POSITIONING   Vault: Completion of run, springboard, vault table, entire landing mat area. Base mat to highest
              expected vault height Athlete run will not be scored for 2020-2021 season. Video should include
              the last 3 steps of the run until the final presentation is shown to the camera.

              Uneven Bars Entire matted area under bar set, including mount position for a board or glide kip
              mount, matted area behind high bar to include all landing surfaces. Base mat to highest
              expected handstand position on high bar Ideal position: Head-on view showing side of bar set.

              Balance Beam Entire length of beam and dismount landing area. Base mat to highest expected
              skill set height for each session / competition Ideal position: side view, all dismounts landing on
              same end.

              Floor Exercise All four (4) clearly corners, including out of bound areas. Floor level to highest
              expected skill set height for each session / competition.
2021 Artistic Gymnastics BC Championships
Men’s Artistic Apparatus:
The recording device (in landscape/horizontal view) should be positioned on a tripod approx. 2-
metres (6 feet) high behind the typical D panel position. The video should cover the entire area
utilized by the athlete without losing feet at the top or bottom of the screen.

Floor Exercise From one side of the floor area and should allow for the athlete’s entire body to
be seen throughout their routine, without obstruction. Boundary lines should be well marked
and visible on the floor.

Pommel Horse From one side of the horse and should allow for the athlete’s entire body and the
entire horse/mushroom to be seen throughout their routine without obstruction. 15

Still Rings From the side of the A-frame, approximately 1-metre (3-feet) off-center from the
upright. The athlete should be facing the camera and filming must allow for the athlete’s entire
body to be seen throughout their routine without obstruction.
2021 Artistic Gymnastics BC Championships
Vault From the side near the back end of the Vault Table and should allow for the athlete’s
entire body to be seen throughout the entire vault (pre-flight, post-flight, and landing) without
obstruction. The filming should show at least the last 4 strides of the run before contact with the
beat board. Landing lines should be well marked on the landing mat. A horizontal pan may be
used to capture the final steps of the run, vault and landing areas.

Parallel Bars From the side of the bars (not facing the front or back) and should allow for the
athlete’s entire body to be seen throughout their routine without obstruction. 16

High Bar From the side of the bar (not facing the front or back), approximately 1-metre (3-feet)
off-center from the upright. and should allow for the athlete’s entire body to be seen throughout
their routine without obstruction.
2021 Artistic Gymnastics BC Championships
RESULTS AND   The routines will be judged from April 3rd-5th and once the results are finalized, they will be
AWARDS        emailed to all participating clubs, posted on BC Champs event pages and be available on Kscore.
              Awards will be mailed out to clubs to distribute to their athletes.
              We encourage all participating clubs to do their own version of an awards presentation in their
              gym! Capture it on camera, post it to social media, and tag @gymnasticsbc and
              We may also be sharing the top athlete routine video submissions on our event website page for
              coaches, athletes, and parents to view! Please inform your athletes and parents that routines
              may be shared with other participating clubs, coaches, athletes, and parents after the results are

JUDGES        Judges assigned to the 2021 Artistic Gymnastics BC Championships must be registered as judges
              with Gymnastics BC. The organizing committee (host club) will pay for the honorarium of all

              Additional information for judges assigned to the BC Championships events will be sent out in a
              Judges Memo prior to the competition date. If you have any questions regarding information in
              this memo, please email GBC’s Technical Director, John – jcarroll@gymbc.org.

              Travel and accommodation expenses will not be covered for virtual events.

ATHLETE       All athletes registering for the 2021 Artistic Gymnastics BC Championships will be verified by
              Gymnastics BC. Any athlete who is not registered properly (i.e. not in the correct category,
              registered as Xcel, Interclub or recreational, etc.) will be subject to a $200 fine (charged to the
              club) and may be ruled ineligible for the championships.

              As indicated in the GBC Operations Manual (MAG and WAG), a club may not change the category
              of an athlete after March 1, 2021. It is the club’s responsibility to ensure that all athletes are
              registered in the appropriate category by that date. If you have any questions regarding your
              athletes and their categories, please contact membership services at membership@gymbc.org
              prior to the deadline.
2021 Artistic Gymnastics BC Championships
Minimum requirements   All coaches must have the appropriate NCCP certification to participate in this event as per the
                       GBC Coach Education Operations Manual as well as successful completion of the Respect in
                       Sport (RiS) program and a current Criminal Record Check on file with Gymnastics BC.

                       Coaching certification and RiS completion will be verified by Gymnastics BC for all coaches
                       registered for the competition. Coaches with inadequate certification will be contacted to advise
                       them of the situation.

                       Any coach with missing certification who is found to be coaching during this event, will be
                       subject to a $200 fine.

                       Coaches not meeting the minimum level of certification may apply for a one-time exemption.
                       The exemption will be granted until the next applicable NCCP course(s) is/are offered. All
                       Exemption Requests must be submitted via email to GBC’s Coaching Coordinator –
                       coaching@gymbc.org at least 3 weeks prior to the event.

                       Minimum certification requirements:
                        MAG Provincial Level 1-2                       NCCP Gymnastics Foundations Trained and
                                                                       Competition 1 Trained (or Level 2 Technical)
                                                                       and Respect in Sport.
                        MAG Provincial Level 3-4                       NCCP Competition 1 Certified (or Level 2
                        WAG JO Levels 6-8, Aspire                      Certified) and Respect in Sport.
                        MAG Elite 3-4 and Level 5                      NCCP Competition 1 Certified (or Level 2
                                                                       Certified) and Competition 2 Trained (or Level 3
                                                                       Technical) and RiS certificate
                        MAG Open, Junior, Senior                       NCCP Level 3 Certified (or Competition 3
                        WAG JO Levels 9-10, HP                         Certified) and Respect in Sport

ONLINE STORE           Flip City Gymnastics Club is excited to partner with Northwest Designs and Gym Gear Canada for
                       the BC Championships event.

                                               Exclusive BC Champs Body Suits through Gym Gear Canada are available
                                               for purchase here. The body suits are only available through online sales
                                               using the link above.

                       Northwest designs will also be selling products online for the BC
                       Championships event. This includes sweatshirts and t-shirts.
                       Follow the website link to place your order! Larger orders will help
                       save on shipping – so try to place club orders where you can!
2021 Artistic Gymnastics BC Championships
                ****IMPORTANT PLEASE READ****
KEEPSAKE        Since spectators are not currently allowed to watch competitions, Flip City Gymnastics
                Club is offering a special video keepsake for the Championship competition! Flip City
                Gymnastics Club will put together a short video for your athlete, which will include the event
                name and logo, your athlete’s name and level, each of your athlete’s competed routines, and
                all of their scores.

                This video is a great way to save the memories of your athlete’s competition, and share it
                with friends and family!


                1. Follow the link. Select “Click to Begin” at the bottom of the page. Then select “ProShop”

                2. Select BC Champs Video Purchase

                3. Choose only 1 for quantity

                4. Click the box below add to cart and say this is a gift for someone else

                5. Add the following under the gift recipient: Fill out your athletes first name, their last name,
                and your phone number

                6. In gift message put what level your athlete is in and your club name

                7. Go to add TO CART BUTTON

                8. Proceed to check out and pay $20.00

                9. Pay Now

                Each video is $20 and the deadline to order will be April 5th, 2021. The video preparation
                time will take between 3 - 6 weeks, and videos should be emailed to you no later than June
                15th, 2021 (please note that this timeline is based on the demand, so if they receive a lower
                volume of requests, the turnaround time could be much shorter!)

                Any questions? email bcchamps.flipcity@gmail.com
                                  Men’s Artistic Gymnastics
CATEGORIES      Provincial 1 to 5 MAG, National Open, Elite 3, 4, Junior and Senior Athletes

                        Category                     Age                           Individual Awards

                                                                             Ribbons for each apparatus
                 Provincial 1              (7+)                            AA medal; Certificate and All-Star

                 Provincial 2              Under 10, 10-12
                 Provincial 3              Under 13, 13+
                 Provincial 4              Under 13, 13+
                                                                                 Plaque: AA Champion
                 Provincial 5              13-17
                                                                                      Medals 1-3
                 National Open             15+
                                                                                     Ribbons 4-6
                 Elite 3                   9-11 (as per GymCan)
                 Elite 4                   11-13 (as per GymCan)
                 Junior                    14-18 (as per GymCan)
                 Senior                    18+

COMPETITION     The GymCan Provincial or Elite pathways documents can be found on the GymCan website:

TRIALS          This event is trials for the 2021 Canadian Championships for the following categories: National
                Open, Junior, and Senior.

MAG AWARDS      There are no tie-breaking rules in effect. If two athletes are tied in second place, they will both
                receive silver medals and no bronze medal will be awarded.

COMPETITION     Coaches must dress according to the GBG Guidelines:
                • Appropriate training suit, excluding hats, shorts, midriff tops, ripped or torn clothing or
(COACHES)       • Top: t-shirt, polo shirt or training jacket. (NO shorts).
                ● Appropriate indoor sport footwear.
                                    Women’s Artistic Gymnastics
CATEGORIES              • JO Levels 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10
                        • Aspire 1 and 2
                        • HP Novice, Junior, and Senior

                     Athletes registered in the JO categories will be grouped by birth year(s). Ideally, groupings for
                     awards will be balanced with a maximum of approximately 24 in any given level/birth year.
                     Athletes registered in level / birth year with few participants will be grouped together. No changes
                     to the groupings will be made once they are circulated with the final schedule.

                     Coaches are reminded that attendance at the 2021 Artistic Gymnastics BC Championships for all
                     HP athletes is mandatory. Clubs must request in writing to the WTC that athletes be exempt.

EVENT                Category          Eligibility                     Individual Awards    Team Awards *

SUMMARY                                For the 2020-21 Season, the
                     JO 6              minimum AA score of 32.00                            Club Team Awards:
                                       at a BC sanctioned
                     Min: born in      competition will not be         ● Plaque AA          Team: min 3 athletes,
                     2014 or before    required. All registered          champion           max 5 athletes per club.
                                       athletes may participate.       ● Medals 1-3         Clubs must identify their
                                                                       ● Ribbons 4-10       team prior to the
                                                                                            competition; top 3
                     JO 7-8-9-10       All registered athletes                              scores per apparatus to
                     Aspire            Aspire 1 and 2

                                       If there are only one to three athletes competing
                     HP Novice,
                                       on one apparatus, only the gold medal will be
                     Junior and                                                             No team awards.
                                       awarded. HP Senior and Junior athletes will be
                                       grouped together for awards purposes.

                    * Team Awards:
                    Club team awards (1-3) for JO levels, all age groups combined.
                    Club team awards (1-3) for Aspire 1 and 2 combined.
                    Clubs must identify team members on the registration form. Changes to the team will be accepted
                    up to 24 hours before the videotaping period begins; the changes must be submitted in writing to
                    the GBC master-scorer. Please review the Operations Manual for more information.

TRIALS             This event serves as trials for the 2021 Canadian Championships for WAG JO 9 athletes (2008-2010
                   and 2007+ categories) and JO 10 athletes (2006-2009 and 2005+ categories). The judging for these
                   categories will be completed by 6:00pm on Saturday, April 3. Each club shall provide one email
                   address to receive the results - this should be the same address as the one provided in the
                   uploading of the video. The coaches will receive an unconfirmed copy of the results, and a 24-hour
                   period for inquiries to the Competition Head Judge will be permitted from 6pm on Sunday, April 4th,
                   at 6pm.

COMPETITION      Coaches must dress according to the GBG Guidelines https://gymbc.org/public/uploads/WAG-
ATTIRE (COACHES) Operations-Manual-March-2021-Final.pdf
•   Appropriate training suit, excluding hats, shorts, midriff tops, ripped or torn clothing or
•   Top: t-shirt, polo shirt or training jacket. (NO shorts).
•   Appropriate indoor sport footwear.
2021 Artistic Gymnastics BC Championships

                                                  Virtual Event
                                              March 25 -April 5, 2021
                                                    Work plan #2

                                   PRELIMINARY SCHEDULE INFO
Due to this competition being a virtual event, there will be no set competition schedule.

Following the first registration deadline on Sunday, March 14, 2021, all registered participants will be
grouped into “sessions” according to birth year. These sessions will consist of no more than 24 WAG athletes
and 30 MAG athletes.

Registrations submitted past the March 14, 2021 registration deadline may cause slight variations to the
preliminary “schedule”. As such, GBC will not release the final groupings until after the final registration
deadline – March 21, 2021.
2021 Artistic Gymnastics BC Championships
                                                     Virtual Event
                                                 March 25 -April 5, 2021
                                                        Work Plan #2

                                              REQUEST FOR REFUND
Refunds will only be issued, provided that a medical certificate and this request for refund form is submitted to Gymnastics
BC by 4:30 p.m., Thursday, April 1, 2021 (Fax: 604-333-3499).

A $15 administration fee will be withheld for those withdrawing from the competition after March 14, 2021.

Club:                                                              Contact:

Address:                                                                      City:                               Postal Code:

Athlete or coach refunds requested for:

Participant name:                                                 Competition level                               Medical note submitted

                                                                                                                   Yes  No

                                                                                                                   Yes  No

                                                                                                                   Yes  No

                                                                                                                   Yes  No

                                                                                                                   Yes  No

                                                                                                                   Yes  No

For GBC use only

Date received:              Date processed:        Medical notes received:            Registration paid:   Administration fee:
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