2021 MEDIA KIT - KO Media

Page created by Charlie Stewart
2021 MEDIA KIT - KO Media
2021 MEDIA KIT - KO Media
Mission Statement
   With an eye on the world and a heart that
    beats for local talent, the Canadian and
  Quebec editions of ELLE DECORATION are
 destinations created for lovers of places and
  things, who are on the lookout for beautiful
       and useful finds. Our proposition:
      let’s explore, cultivate, and dream!
2021 MEDIA KIT - KO Media
In Numbers

     ELLE DECORATION is the world’s leading homes
magazine network. Beautiful and useful, aspirational and
inspirational: today this motto inspires millions of readers
  all over the world, making it the leading international
             network of decoration magazines

          26 editions / 10M readers /
                2M copies sold
2021 MEDIA KIT - KO Media
Audience       ELLE CANADA

                             PR I NT
                 Readership: 1,701,000

       EL L ECA N A DA .COM
       Average Unique Users / Month:

                         SOCI A L
                 Total Social: 702,000
    68,000                          83,500

    112,000                         13,000
                                    425,600 total users/month

        TOT A L : 2 , 550,0 0 0
Sources: Vividata Fall 2020, Canada 14+, Print readership / Google Analytics
2021 MEDIA KIT - KO Media
Audience       ELLE QUÉBEC

                             PR I NT
                 Readership: 492,000

        EL L EQ U EB EC.COM
       Average Unique Users / Month:

                         SOCI A L
                Total Social: 1,700,000
   43,000                          30,000

   48,900                         11,000
                                  1,600,000 total users/month

        TOT A L : 2 , 502 ,0 0 0
Sources: Vividata Fall 2020, Canada 14+, Print readership / Google Analytics
2021 MEDIA KIT - KO Media
Editorial Themes

     D ECO R A TI O N                                  M EETI N GS                                        H OM ES
A successfully decorated interior is based   Designers, architects, gardeners, business       ELLE finds and features the most inspiring
on principles that can be explained and      owners, and artisans—the creative world             living spaces from here and abroad.
 applied. Boho chic may look effortless,      is wide, diverse, and colourful. It is filled     Archetypal, polished interiors that are
    but it abides by rules, the same as       with knowledge and different identities.        characterized by their creators and those
 minimalist contemporary spaces. Our          ELLE Decoration converses with them.             who live and breathe them. We take an
experts explain and provide readers with                                                        interest in hyper-urban environments,
  keys that unlock the doors to comfort,                                                       as well as cocoons nestled in far-away
           eclecticism, and rigour.                                                               valleys—spaces to recreate, adapt,
                                                                                                           or simply dream of.
2021 MEDIA KIT - KO Media
Editorial Themes         NEXT

            O BJ ECTS                                      CU L TU R E                                      TR AV EL
    Some things are beautiful, others are        The arts shape, transform, and compel               From sensible trips to the wildest
  useful. And then, there are those that are      us, broadening our horizons. ELLE is on         adventures, getaways are an intrinsic
both beautiful and useful. ELLE Decoration      the lookout for any artistic surge. Reading,   part of the ELLE family’s DNA. Think you’ve
     is passionate about all of them: the        sculpture, exhibitions: we feed off them      seen everything? Think again. If there was
flamboyant, the understated, occasionally                 and spread the word.                   a single oasis left, no matter how small,
the ephemeral, and often the sustainable.                                                       we’d pick it like a precious flower for our
  Furnishings, lighting, famous works of art,                                                          globe-trotters. There is still so
  a small candlestick—we enjoy, seek out,                                                                   much to explore!
             find, and share them.
2021 MEDIA KIT - KO Media
2021 Editorial Lineup
            S P R I N G I SS U E                      F A L L I SS U E

                                         The line between office and home
    Guided by colour and light
                                               has fallen, user manual.
      Newsstand impact date:
       April 19 (EN), April 8 (FR)            Newsstand impact date:
Closing: March 16 (EN), March 12 (FR)    September 20 (EN), September 16 (FR)
Material: March 22 (EN), March 15 (FR)   Closing: August 17 (EN), 11 August (FR)
                                              Material: August 13 (EN+FR)
2021 MEDIA KIT - KO Media
Branded Content
    Our content & strategic partnership teams create world-class campaigns,
  which live seamlessly within our editorial environment across multiple platforms.

                PR I NT /D I G IT A L B R A N D ED CO NTENT
The art direction by ELLE to showcase your products, brand image or spokesperson aligned with ELLE’s DNA.

                                                   V I D EO
 From short-form storytelling to white label videos to co branded editorial initiatives, ELLE ‘s dedicated team
 of producers and directors will create a high impact and engaging story that will put forth your brand, and
            create that emotional connection with your audience. (Subject to minimum media investment.)

                                N A TIV E I NTEG R A TI O N S
      Seamlessly adorn editorial page with your gorgeous product, image galleries and video content.

                                  SOCI A L CA M PA I G N S
Social-only packages give brands access to ELLE’s highly engaged community. (Subject to a minimum investment level.)
2021 MEDIA KIT - KO Media
Advertising Rates
               E F F E C T I V E J A NU A R Y 2 0 2 1

 FOUR COLOUR               ELLE CANADA                  ELLE QUÉBEC

 Full page                     $15,000                    $9,000

 Double Page                   $21,000                   $14,000

                         All rates are net
                                                                                     AD SIZE                                               TRIM SIZE                     SAFETY MARGIN                            BLEED SIZE

                                                                                     Full Page                                         7.875" x 10.75"                    7.375" x 10.25"                          8.125" x 11"

                                                                                     Double Page Spread*                               15.75" x 10.75"                    15.25" x 10.25"                            16" x 11"

                                                                                     1/2 Page Horizontal                              7.875" x 5.375"                    7.375" x 4.875"                       8.125" x 5.625"

                                                                                     1/3 Page Vertical                                  2.75" x 10.75"                     2.25" x 10.25"                             3" x 11"

                                                                                 *NOTE: The publisher is not responsible for the lineup of content outside the safety margins on double page spreads.
                                                                                 We do not recommend running type or images in the safety margin through the gutter of the magazine.
                                                                                 Folding and trimming are subject to variation.

                                                    SUPPLIED ADVERTISING MATERIALS                                                                                  ADDIRECT INSTRUCTIONS
InDesign CS3 or higher templates for ALL ad sizes   PDF/X-1a:2001 created to Magazines Canada             suitable for reproduction. We are not responsible
are available at addirect.sendmyad.com (select      specifications, sent online using Magazines           for reproduction of type sizes smaller than those
Ad Sizes from the left-hand navigation menu).       Canada AdDirect at addirect.sendmyad.com.             mentioned for thin, serif type. The ad MUST be
                                                    For information regarding Magazines Canada            uploaded as a press-ready PDF file. Information
PRODUCTION PROCESS                                  specification, refer to magazinescanada.              on creating a proper PDF file is available on the         1 Log into Magazines Canada’s AdDirect™ Ad Portal
Printing Method                                     ca/advertising/production/dmacs_specifications        Magazines Canada website magazinescanada.ca/                (addirect.sendmyad.com). Note: A user account will
High-speed, web offset lithography                                                                        advertising/production/tools/. Keep all colours
                                                    or contact the Production Manager (see Contact                                                                    have to be set up upon the first visit.
Binding Method                                      Us page) for details. KO Médias does                  CMYK. Do not use Spot colours or RGB art. Keep            2 Select the publisher/magazine you are advertising
Perfect bound                                                                                             any black/gray type as one-colour black (no four colour
                                                    not accept responsibility for material content or                                                                 with. Complete the relevant ad info, then click Upload.
Magazine Trim Size                                                                                        black text).
                                                    colour trapping. Text type should be a minimum of                                                               3 Follow the onscreen preflight process.
7.875” x 10.75”
                                                    8 point. Reverse type less than 12 point is not                                                                 4 Approve your ad.

          Mélissa Garnier
Sr Dir. Strategy, Growth and Partnerships
mgarnier@ko-media.ca | 514.914.3605

          Paula Ceballos
   National Director, Digital Expertise
pceballos@ko-media.ca | 514.791.8296

          Sandrine Dahan
          Sales Director
 sdahan@ko-media.ca | 514.449.7438

         Marcelle Wallace
        National Sales Director
mwallace@ko-media.ca | 647.404.4035

           Marni Armour
         Sales Director
marmour@ko-media.ca | 416.508.8784
KO Média

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