2021 PRAYER DIARY - cbm NZ

Page created by Bradley Torres
2021 PRAYER DIARY - cbm NZ
2021 PRAYER DIARY - cbm NZ
Dear Prayer Partner,
                                                               As we begin 2021, the world has changed. COVID-19 is doing its
                                                               worst. But we believe in walking close to God in prayer through
                                                               the easy times and the hard times. Join us to pray for God’s work
                                                               through cbm by using these stories, insights and hopes for the
                                                               world, that come from our partners and staff.
                                                               We know passionate people are praying around the world and it is
                                                               so encouraging to know you are one of them. Our staff pray along
                                                               with you at our Wednesday Devotions. Please let us know if you
                                                               would like prayer. As it says in 1 Chronicles 16:11 “Look to the Lord
                                                               and His strength; seek God’s face always”.
                                                               To use this prayer diary each day, first go to the page for this day of
                                                               the month and then move down the page to find the appropriate
                                                               month. Then you can pray, prompted by the short request – one
                                                               for each day.
                                                               cbm’s mission is your mission, and I have witnessed the change
                                                               you are helping to make. Last February, before COVID-19 closed our
                                                               borders, I saw children in Nepal who could walk again and schools
                                                               made to be accessible, so those with disabilities can receive the
                                                               education they deserve. You can imagine all the opportunities this
                                                               will bring to their young lives.
                                                               Your prayer is a gift to the most vulnerable people in this world.
                                                               May God’s love be felt in very practical ways through your prayer
                                                               and ongoing support.
                                                               May you experience God’s blessings this year. Kia kaha taatou.
Our vision is for an inclusive world in which all people
with disabilities are given the opportunity to enjoy their
human rights and achieve their full potential.
Above: Murray enjoys a day out at the Auckland Domain          Murray Sheard
Wintergardens with wife, Joy, and son, Finn, aged 20 months.   Chief Executive Officer, cbm New Zealand

Cover photo: Obed, aged 4 from Rwanda, received sight-saving
cataract surgery at the Kabgayi Eye Clinic.                                                                                              1
2021 PRAYER DIARY - cbm NZ
Murray is CEO of cbm New
    Zealand and has worked in                                                                                                        DAY 1
    overseas development and anti-
    corruption in over 10 countries,                                           Unrolling the scroll, he found the place where it is written: “The
    as well as in the fields of social                                         Spirit of the Lord is on me, because He has anointed me to proclaim
    enterprise and governance.                                                 good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the
    Murray lives in Auckland with                                              prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed
    his wife Joy and their son, Finn.         Murray Sheard / New Zealand      free, and to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour.” - Luke 4:18-19

    JANUARY As the year begins,           associations.      Their    heart,   eye care, inclusive education         NOVEMBER Pray for the staff of
    pray for 2021 to be a year of         passion, skill and commitment        and rehabilitation carries on a       the Pacific Disability Forum and
    recovery after COVID-19 took          is so vital to making sure we can    40-year tradition.                    their local partners as they work
    everyone by surprise in 2020.         continue to serve our partners.                                            to make disaster preparations,
                                                                               AUGUST cbm New Zealand is a
    May God’s hand be on all those                                                                                   and the recovery effects, as
                                          MAY Pray for cbm New Zealand         member of CBM Global, which
    effected by the disease.                                                                                         inclusive as possible throughout
                                          ‘Miracles Day’ this month on         has transformed into a new
                                                                                                                     the Pacific Islands.
    FEBRUARY Pray for all whom            Rhema and LifeFM. These radio        entity this year. Pray for director
    God will inspire to donate to         stations enable many more            David and his talented and            DECEMBER Pray for the Board
    cbm’s mission so that those           people to find out about the         dedicated team.                       of cbm New Zealand as we
    with disabilities will be included.   work of cbm. Pray for generous                                             meet to consider God’s leading
                                                                               SEPTEMBER Today, I give thanks
    Our donors are the lifeblood of       hearts to be prepared.                                                     for 2022. May God bless us with
                                                                               for the staff of cbm New Zealand
    this work. Their love is powerful                                                                                wisdom, vision and ambition.
                                          JUNE This month, a cbm               who are talented, passionate
    and effective.
                                          application   for  government        and quite a remarkable team.
    MARCH Pray for all cbm staff          funding will be considered.          Please pray for their health and
    involved in advisory work.            Pray for decision-makers at the      that their love for people with
    Through    leveraging   cbm’s         Ministry of Foreign Affairs, so      disabilities will be blessed.
    knowledge,     many      more         we will be successful again and
                                                                               OCTOBER         War and conflict
    people with disabilities are          more people with disabilities
                                                                               make people with disabilities
    reached because we train other        can be served.
                                                                               even more vulnerable. So please
    development agencies to be
                                          JULY Pray for a blessing on the      pray for peace in the world’s
                                          staff of cbm involved in Papua       most troubled areas, and for
    APRIL Pray for the fundraising        New Guinea and our partner           the protection of those with
    teams of all cbm member               Callan Services. Their work in       disabilities in places of conflict.

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2021 PRAYER DIARY - cbm NZ
    Dr Jambi has been working
    as an ophthalmologist since
    1998 and is the senior lecturer
    at the University of Papua New
    Guinea. She is blessed with three                                       “Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your
    children and five grandchildren.        Dr Jambi / Papua New Guinea     heart.” - Psalm 37:4

    JANUARY       We commit all         an emergency and that funding       and accessible by both genders,     people of PNG, and that eye
    activities around eye care          may be made available to            and that women and girls will       health will be integrated into the
    delivery: outreaches; cataract      increase the number of cataract     not be stigmatised.                 health system.
    surgeries; spectacle supplies;      surgeries.
                                                                            JULY    Pray that discussions,      OCTOBER      Pray that all eye
    low-vision care; training of
                                        APRIL       Pray for outreach       plans, curriculum development       care stakeholders will celebrate
    doctors    and    nurses;    and
                                        programmes out of Rabaul and        and funding for the first           World Sight Day in unity, and
    National Prevention of Blindness
                                        Goroka, the Callan Services team    optometry degree programme          increase awareness on eye
    committee meetings to God.
                                        who travel into the districts       at University of PNG will gain      conditions and availability of
    FEBRUARY Pray for all parents       and villages to look for cataract   momentum rapidly.                   treatment.
    and children as they prepare for    cases. We pray for their safety
                                                                            AUGUST Pray that God would          NOVEMBER As the academic
    the school year in all levels of    and for strength and endurance.
                                                                            lead doctors to choose a career     year ends, we pray for God’s
    education, and for eye doctors
                                        MAY       Pray for the chief        in ophthalmology and that           favour and mercy on all eye
    undergoing training and their
                                        ophthalmologist,     Dr    Simon    Provincial Health Authorities       care training programmes. And
    teachers, that they will stay
                                        Melengas, as he continues to        and National Department of          thank God for a successful year.
    focused and be motivated to
                                        advocate for eye care needs         Health would sponsor them to
    restore sight.                                                                                              DECEMBER As the programmes
                                        with the National Department        train.
                                                                                                                wind-down, and data collection
    MARCH Pray for The National         of Health in the areas of
                                                                            SEPTEMBER Pray for all health       is finalised, we pause to thank
    Prevention       of    Blindness    consumables for operations and
                                                                            workers as they attend the          God for his divine help, care and
    committee as they discuss a         training positions to train more
                                                                            National Medical Symposium.         protection and for His provision
    national plan to address the        ophthalmologists.
                                                                            That their resolutions on the       in funding from cbm-partners.
    burden of blindness due to
                                        JUNE Pray that the need to wear     theme will help the government      May God bless each giver.
    cataract: that the government of
                                        glasses will be widely accepted     to deliver health services to the
    PNG will acknowledge that it is

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2021 PRAYER DIARY - cbm NZ
Deborah is the Country Director
    for CBM Zimbabwe. She is                                                                                              DAY 3
    responsible     for  overseeing
    the country programme and
    giving strategic direction. She
    is passionate about CBM’s work
    because it brings change to                                           “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
    people’s lives.                        Deborah Tigere / Zimbabwe      - Philippians 4:13

    JANUARY        Dear Lord, thank    JUNE Dear God, we remember         OCTOBER      Lord, you remain
    you for the gift of life. May      the families that have been        our source of strength. We are      Are you on Facebook?
    you continue to sustain the        affected by drought and cyclone    thankful for opportunities for      Why not follow @CBMNZ
    Zimbabwe country programme         disasters. May the Holy Spirit     new projects to assist vulnerable   to see the faces of people
    and its staff.                     comfort them.                      families and communities in         your prayers are reaching
                                                                          need.                               each day.
    FEBRUARY Father, we ask you        JULY Father, we pray for all
    to bless all CBM supporters        CBM staff globally. May you give   NOVEMBER Father, we pray
    who have continued to give in      them strength and wisdom to        for all the families that lost
    difficult times.                   do their work.                     loved ones globally due to the
                                                                          COVID-19 pandemic. Comfort
    MARCH       With the COVID-19      AUGUST On Women’s Day in
                                                                          them and heal their hearts.
    pandemic, Lord, we ask for your    South Africa, we pray for women
    healing grace and protection to    around the world, especially       DECEMBER Thank you, Lord,
    cover all the affected families.   those affected by gender-          for everyone who is praying for
                                       based violence and those who       Zimbabwe. May you meet them
    APRIL Father, we pray for health
                                       have been abused. Give them        at their point of need.
    workers as they continue to help
                                       strength and resilience.
    those in need. Give them peace,
    love and strength.                 SEPTEMBER Lord, we pray for
                                       the inclusion of people with
    MAY We pray for the leadership
                                       disabilities in Zimbabwe. May
    of Zimbabwe. May you give
                                       they not be left behind in these
    them wisdom and strength.
                                       difficult times.

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2021 PRAYER DIARY - cbm NZ
Seta is the CEO of the Pacific                                                                                                 DAY 4
    Disability Forum based in Fiji.
    cbm New Zealand works with
    the Pacific Disability Forum
    to strengthen the resilience of
    people with disabilities to face                                           “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.”
    natural disasters.                        Setareki Seru Macanawai / Fiji   - Galatians 6:2

    JANUARY We commit our work            APRIL Father God, we seek the        May they be inspired and             disaster   preparedness,     risk
    and all people with disabilities      discernment of your Holy Spirit      strengthened to steadfastly          reduction and planning, and
    across the Pacific to your Holy       to     our     Pacific    Islands    share their knowledge.               consult their representatives.
    Hands for protection, guidance        Government       leaders,     that
                                                                               JULY     Pray for wisdom and         OCTOBER        Pray that all
    and strength. Please continue         decisions made are inclusive
                                                                               knowledge to guide decision          persons with disabilities, and
    to reveal to us your mercy            and are centered in Christ, who
                                                                               making by the leadership team,       their families, are prepared
    particularly in times of disasters.   is the champion of persons
                                                                               as they steer the ship for persons   and supported for the cyclone
                                          with disabilities and the most
    FEBRUARY      Father God, we                                               with disabilities.                   season, and that National
                                          vulnerable in society.
    commit the lives of disability                                                                                  Meteorological Offices consider
                                                                               AUGUST Pray for continuous
    advocates in the Pacific and in       MAY      Pray for our member                                              their needs when issuing early
                                                                               healing and protection over
    the   World    to   you,   that       organisations of persons with                                             warning systems.
                                                                               persons with disabilities during
    they continue to focus on             disabilities across the Pacific,
                                                                               this pandemic, and organisations     NOVEMBER         Pray for safety
    implementing your work here on        God guide them in the work
                                                                               of persons with disabilities that    and protection for the lives of
    earth despite the most horrific       that they do and give them
                                                                               Pacific Disability Forum work        persons with disabilities in the
    man-made or natural disaster.         wisdom, knowledge, skills and
                                                                               with, feel confident and strong      Pacific, especially those that live
                                          the strength to continuously
    MARCH         Our Father, we                                               to advocate for their rights.        in cyclone hot zones, flood prone
                                          represent the voices and issues
    lift the lives of families and                                                                                  areas, and hard to reach places.
                                          of persons with disabilities.        SEPTEMBER Pray for National
    communities of persons with
                                                                               Disaster Management Offices          DECEMBER Pray for the lives
    disabilities across the Pacific,      JUNE Pray for the staff of the
                                                                               and     humanitarian   partners      of Pacific Disability Forum staff
    that they may respect the             Pacific Disability Forum as
                                                                               around the Pacific to hear           and their families, and give them
    human person despite our God          they work with organisations
                                                                               the voices of persons with           clear thinking and calm spirits
    given differences.                    of persons with disabilities.
                                                                               disabilities, include them in        as we round off the year.

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2021 PRAYER DIARY - cbm NZ
     Sister Clara Rosline is an Indian
     missionary and has been
     working in Ethiopia as General
     Manager of St Luke Catholic                                                 Then Jesus again spoke to them, saying, “I am the Light of the world;
     Hospital and College of Nursing                                             he who follows me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the
     and Midwifery Wolisso.                    Sister Clara Rosline / Ethiopia   light of life.” - John 8:12

     JANUARY Thank you Lord for            APRIL      Pray that the Risen        JULY     Pray that the power        OCTOBER        Pray for all the
     the numerous blessings and            Christ grant peace and harmony        of the holy spirit strengthen       Government         officials    to
     divine intervention in the life of    to Ethiopia, that the leaders of      Dr    Solomon     Melaku,    the    recognise the authentic passion
     the poor and needy through our        the country be committed to           ophthalmologist specialist, who     of CBM and understand that
     project partner CBM, and for the      institute serenity in the country     serves in Ethiopia, and protect     their work is extremely essential
     gift of new year in which CBM’s       and     lead   people     towards     him to continue his good work       for   Ethiopia     to    eliminate
     care for the underprivileged will     prosperity, and wisdom to             for God’s own children.             disabilities.
     be glorified.                         discern good and evil.
                                                                                 AUGUST Pray that the ascension      NOVEMBER Pray for all the
     FEBRUARY Pray that God bless          MAY Pray that the partners            of our Mother Mary intercede        departed souls in the CBM
     the entire program of CBM             of   CBM       would   peacefully     for all who are involved in the     organisation, that they may enjoy
     around the world, and save the        collaborate     in    preparation     work of CBM,and protect them        the eternal rest forever, and the
     staff members working globally        of the annual action plan,            under her mantel, so that all       bereaved family members may
     from harm, giving them good           and implement the planned             who carry out the work of           praise and thank the Lord for
     health of mind and body during        activities to the poor and needy      divinity  for   underprivileged     granting them the opportunity
     the spread of COVID-19.               on time.                              will be incorporated in God’s       to work for CBM.
     MARCH Pray that many young            JUNE Pray that CBM’s vision                                               DECEMBER May newborn Jesus
     people who seek the life and          and mission in establishing           SEPTEMBER Seeing is believing,      at Bethlehem bring peace and
     light would be inspired by the        new programmes may give               we pray that all people who have    love among people. We pray
     sacrificial service of CBM country    confidence to the people of           lost their sight, might embrace     that the family of CBM and its
     coordinator,      Mr     Francisco,   God, to rely on beneficiaries and     God as the ultimate light, and      beneficiaries enjoy true love and
     our partner in Ethiopia, and          partners in receiving healing by      that some day they may be           peace from the Lord in carrying
     acquire power to help out the         their support all over the world.     restored with sight through the     out their plan for the coming
     marginalised in our country.                                                good work of CBM.                   year.

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2021 PRAYER DIARY - cbm NZ
Adama is the President of
     Sauvons le Reste and is                                                                                                   DAY 6
     passionate about CBM’s work
     for people with disabilities. He is
     committed to the well-being of
     people living with psychosocial
     disabilities, especially those                                             “Heal the sick who are there, and tell them, ‘The Kingdom of God
     living on the street.                   Adama Ouedraogo / Burkina Faso     has come near to you.’” - Luke 10:9

     JANUARY God our Father, hear          JUNE Oh Lord, in you I trust,        OCTOBER Oh God, to you the
     our prayers for the sick - give       to support the cause of those        honor, to you the glory, heal
     them health and peace of heart.       people suffering with mental         and deliver in your name all
                                           health. For you alone can            those who are bedridden, and
     FEBRUARY Lord, heal the sick
                                           comfort them and give them           suffering with mental health.
     from all physical and mental
                                           true joy in their distress.
     illness and suffering, and give                                            NOVEMBER Oh Lord, I ask you
     them health, strength, life,          JULY      Lord, who heals and        to support with your grace,
     youth and beauty.                     cures, I kneel before you, for the   those thousands of people who
                                           cause of people who suffer from      have lost the use of their mental
     MARCH Oh God, strengthen
                                           disease.                             faculties so that they may regain
     the hearts of people helping
                                                                                their health.
     others who are suffering from         AUGUST Oh Lord, look at these
     psychosocial problems.                people suffering with mental         DECEMBER         Lord Almighty!
                                           health. You, who have all the        In this time of epidemic and
     APRIL God, King of Earth and
                                           power of healing, we pray to You     insecurity, we pray for all those
     Heaven, spare the sick from the
                                           for the healing of the sick.         suffering from the disease,
     burden of stigma and prejudice.
                                                                                especially    those   who     are
                                           SEPTEMBER Lord, you are the
     MAY      Oh Lord, bless and                                                isolated, those to whom no one
                                           sovereign God, the creator of all
     strengthen the faith and the                                               thinks of.
                                           things, I thank you and I implore
     hearts of all those who work for
                                           you to restore health and dignity
     the well-being of those people
                                           to the sick.
     suffering with mental health.

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2021 PRAYER DIARY - cbm NZ
In 2017 New Zealander’s David                                                                                                  DAY 7
     and Kathy Tait followed God’s
     calling to Wabuye, western
     Kenya to establish medical
     services, and build a surgical eye
     unit at the Kingdom Faith Based                                           “And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of His
     Hospital.                                  David & Kathy Tait / Kenya     glory in Christ Jesus.” - Philippians 4:19

     JANUARY       Thanking God for       APRIL Pray for the Surgical          extension of their careers. For       NOVEMBER       Thanks for the
     the New Year and His provision       Team (Lily, Emmanuel and             those away studying, that they        staff who work so hard out on
     in 2020. Pray for good strategic     Kathy) as we perform surgery         be well rewarded for their hard       the compound, in the kitchen,
     planning, enthusiasm and the         in the hospital as well as clinics   work and pass well.                   cleaning the facility, and doing
     wisdom and guidance of the           and outreaches in more remote                                              the laundry. May we never take
                                                                               AUGUST       Learning Kiswahili!
     Holy Spirit for 2021 in every area   areas; for good results and lives                                          them for granted.
                                                                               Ask God to help us retain
     of the Hospital.                     changed with return of sight.
                                                                               what we already know, and             DECEMBER         We give God
     FEBRUARY       Thanks for CBM        MAY Thanks to God for 51 years       try to add to our vocabulary          thanks for the completion of the
     and God’s powerful blessing          of marriage for Kathy and David      and understanding of such a           year, for helping us overcome
     upon the organisation itself         this month. May all their boys       different culture.                    the trials and seeing His hand
     and every staff member. May          and their families be abundantly                                           in all that has happened. As we
                                                                               SEPTEMBER May our patients
     2021 be a year of release and        blessed.                                                                   celebrate the birth of the Saviour
                                                                               feel the love of Jesus in our
     abundance, with issues easily                                                                                   we acknowledge the greatness
                                          JUNE Thanks to the suppliers         hospital as they are treated well,
     resolved and relationships kept                                                                                 of our God.
                                          of essential drugs, theatre          and their eyesight is improved
     sweet. Blessing on Kathy’s Aunt
                                          disposables and equipment,           or restored. Help all patients find
     in Palmerston North who turns
                                          especially for the last minute       the finance they need.
     100 on the 13th.
                                          dashes to arrive in time! May we
                                                                               OCTOBER Protection is always
     MARCH Huge thanks for all our        stay in a good relationship for
                                                                               needed in these malaria areas.
     wonderful donors. May their          the benefit of all.
                                                                               We also need protection in the
     sacrifice be doubly rewarding as
                                          JULY Pray for every member           spiritual realm. Help us to stay
     we use their funds diligently and
                                          of staff in every department;        prayerful and discerning day by
     prayerfully, and may they know
                                          that they find fulfilment and        day.
     God’s abundant blessing.
                                          enjoyment in serving, and in the

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2021 PRAYER DIARY - cbm NZ
Lidel is a Programme Officer
     at CBM’s Country Office in                                                                                                    DAY 8
     the Philippines, and has more
     than 25 years expereince in
     the development sector. She                                             “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is
     oversees Community Based                                                not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not
     Inclusive Development and the                                           easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight
     Inclusive Eye Health Program.             Lidel Bongon / Philippines    in evil but rejoices with the truth.” - 1 Corinthians 13:4-6

     JANUARY Father, thank you for       immense power, even in these        SEPTEMBER Lord, thank you for
     the gift of family. You set us an   times of uncertainty.               the gift of life. Keep us healthy        Did you know that
     example of a holy, happy family.                                        and safe, and may our lives be           through your Will you
                                         MAY Lord, thank you for your
     May we cherish our own and                                              living witnesses of your mercy           can leave a legacy of
                                         unconditional love. We pray we
     continually unite under your                                            and constant protection.                 hope that will change
                                         will reciprocate by consciously
     protection.                                                                                                      lives for generations to
                                         living in your loving presence.     OCTOBER Lord God, strengthen             come? Learn more at
     FEBRUARY Lord, thank you for                                            us inwardly. May we increase in          cbmnz.org.nz
                                         JUNE We pray for people who
     keeping your promises. We can                                           faith, hope and perseverance.
                                         are sick. Give comfort to their
     always count on you. Help us to
                                         suffering. When we’re weary         NOVEMBER God, bless refugees
     be faithful to you, for in you we
                                         and afraid, help us put our whole   and victims of warfare, violence
     find solace and contentment.
                                         trust in you.                       and abuse. May they be free
     MARCH Father, thank you for                                             from oppressive circumstances
                                         JULY We pray for those with
     pouring out your numerous                                               and overcome their traumatic
                                         disabilities. May our hearts be
     blessings. Forgive us when we                                           experiences. May they feel your
                                         filled with compassion to be kind
     forget and anxiously hold on                                            mercy and compassion.
                                         and give our share, to produce a
     to self-righteousness. Help us
                                         world conducive for all people.     DECEMBER Dear God, thank
     submit to your holy will because
                                                                             you for making us instruments
     it’s only in you that we find       AUGUST Lord, thank you for
                                                                             of your helping hand. May our
     fulfilment.                         the gift of sight. As we see the
                                                                             efforts extend to make this world
                                         beauty of your creation, may we
     APRIL Father, we seek your                                              inclusive, bringing peace and
                                         also see the truth and the light
     forgiveness for where we have                                           prosperity to our workplaces.
                                         in you. Direct us in the lighted
     not been good stewards. Thank
                                         path of your loving presence.
     you for reminding us of your

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Linabel is the International
     Programmes Director of cbm NZ                                                                                                  DAY 9
     and has contributed with work
     and research in the international
     development field for nearly 20
     years. Born in Mexico, Linabel                                            “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of
     now lives in Auckland with her                                            them, for the Lord your God goes with you; He will never leave you
     husband and two children.                Linabel Hadlee / New Zealand     nor forsake you.” - Deuteronomy 31:6

     JANUARY We pray for peace in         persons receiving rehabilitation     AUGUST       We pray for your         Guinea, guide their hands so that
     Abuja, Nigeria where unrest and      services, their families and the     restoring spirit over women and       the operations they perform are
     violence have increased since        rehab team.                          girls who have been neglected         safe and successful.
     last October, especially for the                                          or abused, in particular, we pray
                                          MAY We pray for the increased                                              DECEMBER        We pray for
     intentions of our team and their                                          for the women recovering from
                                          participation     of       persons                                         the recovery of the children
     families.                                                                 fistula surgeries in Nigeria.
                                          with disabilities to be part of                                            undergoing          orthopaedic
     FEBRUARY We pray for the             important decision making at         SEPTEMBER We pray for the             surgeries in Nepal, and for your
     farming organisations in India,      local and national levels.           people with hearing impairment,       blessings on the childrens’
     so that their efforts for food                                            particularly in the Pacific Region    dreams to come.
                                          JUNE As the typhoon season
     security and social integration                                           where sign language and
                                          starts in the Philippines, we
     are blessed as the challenges of                                          services are limited, so that they,
                                          pray for the preparedness and
     COVID-19 continue to affect the                                           and their families, can achieve
                                          protection of the communities,
     economies.                                                                their full potential.
                                          particularly those at higher risk,
     MARCH We pray for the families       such as persons with disabilities.   OCTOBER We pray that we
     that have been affected by                                                continue to be good stewards
                                          JULY We pray for the good
     COVID-19 within and outside                                               of what God has entrusted
                                          heart of the community workers
     New Zealand, send your holy                                               to us at cbm NZ, to multiply
                                          in Papua New Guinea that
     spirit to keep families strong in                                         God’s blessings in the most
                                          walk through hills and rivers,
     the difficult moments.                                                    disadvantage communities.
                                          overcoming obstacles to reach
     APRIL We pray and ask for            children with disabilities with      NOVEMBER We pray for the
     your blessing, dear Father, for      rehabilitation and education         cbm    ophthalmologists   in
     the refugees living in the Cox       services.                            Rwanda, Kenya and Papua New
     Bazaar. In particular, we pray for

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DAY 10
     Benoit is a Programme Officer
     at CBM in Rwanda. He is
     passionate about CBM’s great
     work of restoring life to people                                            “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your
     with, and at risk of, disabilities in                                       God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my
     poor countries.                              Benoit Bizimana / Rwanda       righteous right hand.” - Isaiah 41:10

     JANUARY Lord, thank you for             caregivers, endow them with         Bless their supporters, their        NOVEMBER Father, thanks for
     this new year and blessings             love and perseverance as they       health and the work of their         giving us another day, another
     upon all of us; we ask you to           help those children.                hands.                               month of benedictions, peace
     protect us and your servants                                                                                     and health. We pray for the
                                             MAY Lord, protect and bless         AUGUST Heavenly Father, pray
     who care for people with illness                                                                                 same to vulnerable people with
                                             your servants working hard to       for the staff undergoing medical
     and disabilities.                                                                                                disabilities all around the world.
                                             donate gifts and support to         training to help people with
     FEBRUARY        Heavenly Father,        programmes around the world.        disabilities. Give them wisdom       DECEMBER Thanks Lord for
     thank you for the great work            Thanks for their generosity         and skills to help the patients in   your protection during this
     that CBM is doing for blind             and passion to help vulnerable      need.                                year. We pray for the new year’s
     people in different corners of the      women, men and children with                                             blessings to be fairly shared
                                                                                 SEPTEMBER        Pray for the
     world. May all donors be blessed        disabilities.                                                            among people with and without
                                                                                 community workers helping
     abundantly.                                                                                                      disabilities. Protect them, and
                                             JUNE Father in Heaven, pray for     persons with disabilities. Lord,
                                                                                                                      give them good lives as they
     MARCH Lord, be with all medical         patients suffering with sickness    protect them along their journey,
                                                                                                                      struggle to get medication and
     doctors passionate about caring         in different hospitals and homes,   and strengthen their hard work
     for your people with disabilities.      those afflicted with long-          to save lives.
     Bless them, give them strength          standing diseases. Bless them
                                                                                 OCTOBER         Lord, pray for
     and endurance to perform the            and give them food, medication
                                                                                 governments to consider the
     healing work.                           and love as human beings.
                                                                                 special needs of people with
     APRIL        Almighty    Father,        JULY     Pray for programme         disabilities, to develop infra-
     bless children with multiple            workers within CBM around the       structure, policies and laws
     disabilities  struggling   with         world, to be powerful managers      helping them to enjoy a non-
     the difficulties of life. Help          to help people deserving of         discriminated    life and   be
     their parents, neighbours and           health services and medication.     accommodated in families.

20                                                                                                                                                         21
As Obed approached school age, the cataracts in his eyes became so           In Nigeria, Balkisu suffered from obstetric fistula after the stillbirth of
dense, he could no longer see. He had to be led by the hand. He could        her only child. This caused incontinence, and she lived in isolation for
not catch a ball or go to school. He was teased, mocked and rejected for     over half her life until her husband eventually threw her out.
being blind. His future looked lonely and bleak.
                                                                             With very little money of her own, Balkisu spent it all on bus fare in
For Obed and his family, the Kabgayi Eye Clinic in Rwanda, was a sanctuary   search of her long-lost brother. She was over-joyed to find him, and
of kindness and care given through dedicated nurses and surgeons.            tearfully spoke about her heart-breaking years. Without delay, her loving
His family is so grateful that Obed received high-quality, sight-restoring   brother took her to a cbm-funded outreach clinic, where she received
surgery. What a huge impact this has made on his life.                       life-changing fistula surgery, ending years of misery and humiliation.
Dr    Sunday    is   a    Fistula                                                                                             DAY 11
     Surgeon     at    CBM’s     field
     partner,     ECWA       Evangel
     VVF Centre, in Nigeria, which
     provides nearly 600 fistula                                                “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to
     surgeries each year in Jos, and                                            prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
     several other outreach sites.             Dr Sunday Lengman / Nigeria      future.” - Jeremiah 29:11

     JANUARY Thank you God for             and death of Jesus Christ on         AUGUST        Pray for peaceful      would be a blessing to the
     helping us get through the            the cross, for the salvation of      co-existence,     and    religious   project beneficiaries in Nigeria.
     challenges in 2020, and pray          mankind. Pray that the lessons       tolerance among different faiths
                                                                                                                     DECEMBER         Strengthen us
     for God’s grace for the effective     do not go in vain.                   in our project locations so that
                                                                                                                     in the power of your might, O
     implementation of work plans in                                            we can implement our planned
                                           MAY With the nature of our bad                                            God. Dress us in your armour so
     2021.                                                                      activities without any hindrance.
                                           roads, I pray for journeys mercies                                        that we can stand firm towards
     FEBRUARY       Pray for women         as we travel on those roads, and     SEPTEMBER Pray for a smooth          ensuring a fistula-free Nigeria.
     living with obstetric fistula,        for our Government to see the        and cordial relationship with the
     including those with disability, to   need to repair those roads.          Government and stakeholders
     get access to treatment through                                            in our project implementation
                                           JUNE      Pray for all staff to
     CBM intervention.                                                          locations.
                                           effectively put to practice
     MARCH Pray for our partners in        lessons learned, knowledge           OCTOBER Pray for God’s divine
     the targeted states for zeal and      and skills acquired, to improve      wisdom upon ECWA Evangel
     willingness to serve, and pray        the conditions of those less         VVF Centre,, and CBM staff, for
     for stakeholders in those states      privileged.                          the successful implementation
     for the willingness to accept                                              of all partnership projects in
                                           JULY Pray for ECWA Evangel
     the project, and readiness for                                             Nigeria.
                                           VVF Centre, and it’s staff, for
                                           God’s    divine   favour   and       NOVEMBER          Pray    that
     APRIL Pray for the successful         protection    throughout    the      the seeds ECWA Evangel
     Easter celebration this month         year, as they journey from           VVF Centre, and CBM are
     as Christians all over the world      one community to another to          planting will bear fruits that
     remember       the     sufferings     implement projects.

24                                                                                                                                                       25
DAY 12
     Desire is the Programme
     Officer at CBM West Africa,
     where he is passionate about
     supporting and accompanying
     people with disabilities and their                                         “Even as the Father has given me His love, so I have given my love
     organizations.                           Désiré Kabore / Burkina Faso      to you: be ever in my love.” - John 15:9

     JANUARY Thank God for this           with mental disabilities, pray        AUGUST We stand before the           NOVEMBER We pray that this
     new year. Pray for the new           that the grace of resurrection        Lord with our joys, our desires to   year people can look forward to
     authorities in Burkina Faso          overflow into their lives, bringing   love and to be loved. Here we are    enough to eat. May the poor be
     following the elections, may they    them happiness and fulfillment.       with the weight of the days, with    spared the grinding anxiety of
     develop projects that improve                                              our misery, our violence and our     not knowing how they will cope
                                          MAY Food for all, a wish that
     the quality of life of people with                                         wars. But love is stronger than      until next harvest.
                                          is dear to me. Dear God, at the
     disabilities.                                                              anything else: we believe that it
                                          beginning of the agricultural                                              DECEMBER         Every year, in
                                                                                still exists, because love comes
     FEBRUARY       Pray that CBM         season, pray for good harvests                                             December we celebrate the
                                                                                from God.
     teams and partners will be           for the farmers. May God spare                                             International Day of Persons
     enlightened to enable them to        us from the floods and violent        SEPTEMBER        In this month       with Disabilities. Pray that the
     support people with disabilities,    winds experienced in 2020 .           commemorating the World Day          authorities have the will to
     especially those involved in the                                           of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing,     implement effectively the rights
                                          JUNE Pray for the 2022 budget
     Mental Health for All project.                                             let us implore God’s mercy           of persons with disabilities, in
                                          process, we want to see an
                                                                                for a greater involvement of         order to improve their socio-
     MARCH       In this month of         increase in the number of
                                                                                stakeholders in the promotion        economic situation.
     celebration, pray particularly       donors, and their contributions,
                                                                                of ear care and hearing.
     for women with disabilities to       so that we have more projects to
     access basic social services         meet the needs of communities.        OCTOBER       God is love and
     (health and education), and that     Peace and salvation for all.          forgiveness; on World Mental
     they may benefit from support                                              Health Day, pray that God will
                                          JULY    We pray for everyone
     for their income-generating                                                free people from the clutches of
                                          around the world to learn to love
     activities.                                                                mental illness, and that He will
                                          and accept all people for who
                                                                                heal them and facilitate their
     APRIL For everyone who suffers       they are.
                                                                                reintegration into society.
     in body and soul, especially those

26                                                                                                                                                      27
Marisa is the Country Director                                                                                             DAY 13
     for CBM Indonesia, and has
     worked with CBM for 15 years.
     She is passionate about equal
     opportunities for people with
     disabilities, and maximising                                             “And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with
     their potential.                         Marisa Kristianah / Indonesia   such sacrifices God is pleased.” - Hebrews 13:16

     JANUARY God, we ask you to           demonstrated your will to           AUGUST     Thank you for the        CBM workers. We are so grateful
     help everyone recover quickly        restore our right-standing with     generous support from donors,       for their support of CBM’s work.
     from the impact of COVID-19.         you, and overcame the power of      that enables eye-care system        Help all staff to balance work
     We ask for your strength to          the grave.                          strengthening in East Java and      and family life.
     kick off the year with quality                                           East Nusa Tenggara provinces.
                                          MAY Dear God, please guide                                              DECEMBER Ending the year
     planning.                                                                May this support bless people
                                          CBM, and CBM partners, to                                               with the International Day of
                                                                              with better access to eye-care
     FEBRUARY God, please bless           ensure women and children                                               Persons with Disabilities, we are
     CBM partners in their efforts to     with disabilities are recognised                                        thankful for all accomplishments
     strengthen partnership with the      as valuable members who can         SEPTEMBER We pray for good          so far in making human rights a
     government of Indonesia, local       contribute to their community.      collaboration with Disabled         reality for people with disabilities
     partners and organisations of                                            People’s     Organisations    to    in Indonesia.
                                          JUNE     We are delighted to
     people with disability. Keep them                                        strengthen the voice of people
                                          see the community mental
     motivated to strive for quality,                                         with disabilities. May those who
                                          health system in Aceh is fully
     inclusion and accountability in                                          need to be influenced have soft
                                          developed. We pray for the
     their work.                                                              hearts towards inclusion.
                                          better inclusion of people with
     MARCH Thank you, God, that           psychosocial    disabilities in     OCTOBER We pray for eye-
     CBM’s work reaches millions of       Indonesian communities.             health advocacy work to be seen
     people in Indonesia. We pray for                                         as important by governments.
                                          JULY We pray that CBM’s three
     health and happiness for all staff                                       We pray that children with vision
                                          circles of Program Delivery,
     so they can be people who are                                            impairment will be able to access
                                          Advocacy and Advisory will work
     purposeful and dedicated.                                                proper and good education.
                                          in harmony to create a bigger
     APRIL   God, we thank you            impact on the lives of millions     NOVEMBER God Almighty, give
     for Easter and how you               with disabilities in Indonesia.     your blessings to the families of

28                                                                                                                                                       29
Andrew is a cbm Board member
     who     is   passionate about                                                                                         DAY 14
     Christian mission as service.
     He is committed to thinking
     strategically, and is mindful                                         “His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom
     of the importance of ethical                                          of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in
     practice, both in operational                                         the heavenly realms, according to His eternal purpose that He
     matters and governance.               Andrew Smith / New Zealand      accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord.” - Ephesian 3:10-11

     JANUARY At the start of the       that cbm supports. Give them        AUGUST As cbm works with             DECEMBER       Pray for people
     year, we pray Lord, that you      wisdom and grace as they carry      many people who have partial         around the world who advocate
     would guide us in ways that       out their work.                     or no sight, we pray for ourselves   on behalf of disabled people.
     bring honour to you, and                                              that we might know the Light of      Pray that they may be given
                                       MAY We pray for every person
     peace and restoration to those                                        the World, and be light to those     wisdom, and that they might
                                       who is receiving treatment in a
     around us.                                                            around us.                           find favour in the eyes of the
                                       cbm-funded programme today.
                                                                                                                people they talk to.
     FEBRUARY       As the world       May they find healing for their     SEPTEMBER        Pray for the
     continues to grapple with the     whole being.                        governments of nations in
     COVID-19 pandemic, we pray                                            which cbm works. Pray that
                                       JUNE Pray for the staff and
     that God would guard us from                                          the governments might make
                                       boards of the various national
     anxiety, and keep us in His                                           decisions that assist, not hinder,
                                       cbm offices around the world.
     peace.                                                                the work of cbm.
                                       Pray that they might have
     MARCH       We pray for our       strength for the work that they     OCTOBER We pray for the cbm
     government, and the people        do, and that they might be          projects around the world that
     who make decisions about the      guided by God in their decisions.   support community mental
     international aid money that                                          health,    and     especially for
                                       JULY Pray for families who live
     our country gives. We pray that                                       situations where mental illness
                                       with people with disability. Pray
     God would help them in the                                            carries a social stigma.
                                       that they would know grace
     challenging decisions that they
                                       and patience and hope, and          NOVEMBER As we look ahead
     have to make.
                                       that the families might be great    to a new year, pray for cbm
     APRIL We pray for the people      examples to the communities in      boards and CEO’s that God
     who oversee and implement         which they live.                    would give wisdom in planning
     the projects around the world                                         for the future.

30                                                                                                                                               31
Asim is an Advocacy and
     Communication Manager in                                                                                                 DAY 15
     the CBM Bangladesh Country
     Office. He is passionate about                                         “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy. Blessed are
     CBM’s work, and the love for                                           the pure in heart, for they shall see God. Blessed are the peacemakers,
     the most marginalized being                                            for they shall be called sons of God. Blessed are those who are
     translated into actions that                                           persecuted for righteousness, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.”
     change thousands of lives.                 Asim Dio / Bangladesh       - Matthew 5:7-10

     JANUARY Thank you Lord for          May the Lord bless and heal the    AUGUST      Pray for the good         DECEMBER May the blessings
     another new year in our lives.      loss of the families and friends   health, patience and wit for the      and joy of newborn Christ be on
     Pray for the new year to bring      who lost their dear ones.          staff of CBM’s partners delivering    us, and we can together thank
     us the unconditional love and                                          the projects in the field so that     the Lord again for another year
                                         MAY Pray that all the colleagues
     blessings of Lord Jesus Christ in                                      they can become the bearers of        of blessings and kindness in our
                                         in the Bangladesh Country
     our lives through the work we                                          Christ’s unconditional love.          lives.
                                         Office have the blessings of
     do in CBM globally.
                                         the Lord to provide necessary      SEPTEMBER Here I pray my Lord,
     FEBRUARY        Pray that all       services, show unconditional       take all of our sins away, guide
     the people of Bangladesh,           love and patience towards the      us with your enlightenment and
     particularly     the       most     most marginalised, particularly    knowledge to the good deeds
     marginalised    and     poorest     those with disabilities.           and truth, as you said ‘I am the
     communities, are well protected                                        way and the truth and the life.’
                                         JUNE Thank you Lord for the
     and healed with the blessings of
                                         love and kindness you’ve shown     OCTOBER Pray for the eye care
     Jesus Christ during this deadly
                                         through the contributions from     service providers, and their staff,
     COVID-19 pandemic.
                                         our donors, which enable us        so that they can continue their
     MARCH May the Lord bless all        to support lives and dreams to     quality services toward the most
     the people suffering from various   thrive across the globe.           marginalised ones by saving
     diseases, including COVID-19, so                                       their vision and dreams.
                                         JULY      May the community
     that they recover soon.
                                         leaders have the patience to       NOVEMBER        Pray that the
     APRIL May the Almighty Lord         lead their fellow people to        Almighty Lord bless the staff
     accept all the departed souls       righteousness, and establish       of the Bangladesh Office with
     who left us due to COVID-19.        inclusive and fair society.        good health, patience and
                                                                            unconditional love.

32                                                                                                                                                    33
DAY 16
     Suraj is the Country Director of
     CBM Nepal. He is passionate
     to work with CBM, in building
     peace, justice and prosperous                                              “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility
     lives for people with disabilities.            Suraj Sigdel / Nepal        value others above yourselves.” - Philippians 2:3

     JANUARY Lord, thank you for           MAY Lord, look upon all who          them with quality education,          DECEMBER Thank you, Lord,
     creating abundance for 2021,          struggle with anxiety, doubt,        school supplies, and families that    for valued CBM donors, member
     and that you will pour love           frustration, guilt, hopelessness     support their scholastic goals.       association representatives, and
     and blessing on people with           or grief. Your Word tells us, “All                                         partners for their compassion to
                                                                                SEPTEMBER Grant us, Lord, a
     disabilities around the world.        things work together for the                                               help reach people in Nepal.
                                                                                vision of your world as your love
                                           good of those who love God,
     FEBRUARY We strive for peace                                               would have it: a world where the
                                           who are called according to his
     with everyone, Lord, and for                                               weak are protected and none go
                                           purpose.” - Romans 8:28
     holiness so others around us will                                          hungry or poor; where peace is
     see you. Give us the courage and      JUNE We pray for a safe and          built with justice and justice is
     power to walk alongside people        clean environment. Lord, bless       guided by love. Give us inspiration
     with disabilities.                    rural communities with wisdom        and courage to build it.
                                           to nurture and protect our world.
     MARCH Lord, you are the only                                               OCTOBER God, fill the hearts of
     one who will truly listen. We         JULY Lord, help children with        humankind with the fire of your
     know you have the answers.            disabilities know they matter to     love, and the desire to ensure
     Thank you for your love that          you and the world. Help workers      justice for all.
     helps us in whatever trials we        train parents and community
                                                                                NOVEMBER          Almighty God,
     face.                                 leaders to eliminate destructive
                                                                                through your Holy Spirit you
                                           stigma toward people with
     APRIL Thank you, Lord, for the                                             created unity in the midst of
     opportunities you give us. Thank                                           diversity. We acknowledge that
     you for the plans you have to         AUGUST God, grant wisdom             human diversity is an expression
     restore the dignity of people         and prosperity to young girls        of your love for your creation.
     with disabilities where it has        and boys with disabilities. Bless
     been stolen.

34                                                                                                                                                         35
Jane is CBM Australia’s CEO. She                                                                                             DAY 17
     is passionate to help achieve
     positive change for people
     living with disability, and to
     see sustainable development
     realised   in   countries    less                                          “As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is
     fortunate than her own.                       Jane Edge / Australia        dead.” - James 2:26

     JANUARY We pray for children          vulnerable   to   generate      an   AUGUST      We pray for those        prosthetics. We pray more
     who      are    recovering  after     income.                              travelling long distances to         doctors will be resourced and
     treatment. We pray they will be                                            receive cataract surgery this        trained to use this.
                                           MAY We pray for leaders in the
     able to enjoy their childhood,                                             month. Keep them safe along
                                           world’s poorest communities.                                              DECEMBER         As eyes are
     play with their friends, and live                                          their journeys, and may they go
                                           Guide their town planning as                                              assisted to see with sight-saving
     to their fullest potential.                                                back with sight restored!
                                           they ensure facilities, services,                                         surgeries, and the gift of glasses,
     FEBRUARY Whether people are           and infrastructure are made          SEPTEMBER We pray for people         may our eyes too be opened to
     physically or mentally hurting        inclusive.                           in the midst of a food crisis. May   see the need around us.
     from COVID-19, Lord, help us be                                            life-saving food supplies come
                                           JUNE We pray for those living
     your hands and feet in assisting                                           to them quickly, and may CBM
                                           with disabilities who find it hard
     their healing process.                                                     supporters play a role in meeting
                                           to earn an income. We pray that
                                                                                this need.
     MARCH         As we celebrate         you supply their needs, and that
     the   International     Day     for   our CBM workers will be able         OCTOBER We pray for those
     the   Elimination      of   Racial    to assist them in building their     who have not yet been reached
     Discrimination, we pray for           skills.                              with medical attention. Sustain
     all nations to value and                                                   them while they wait. Help CBM
                                           JULY     We pray for soon-to-
     respect differences in cultural                                            field workers to find them, and
                                           be mothers who will labour
     backgrounds, and that all will be                                          increase their hope as they turn
                                           this month in the poorest
     treated fairly regardless of race.                                         to you for direction.
                                           communities. Help them access
     APRIL We pray for communities         our CBM partner hospitals and        NOVEMBER Thank you, God,
     in Cameroon to welcome CBM            credible healthcare so they can      for the blessing of 3D printing
     initiatives that will empower         safely deliver their babies.         technology that can build
     and equip those who are most

36                                                                                                                                                         37
Philip is the Programme Officer
     responsible for the Community                                                                                         DAY 18
     Based Inclusive Development
     and Mental Health programmes
     for CBM Nigeria’s Country
     Office. He is passionate about
     promoting the rights and                                                 “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to
     protection of the poor.                     Philip Ode / Nigeria         you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.” - Matthew 7:12

     JANUARY      Thanking God for      MAY      Praying for unity and        the world ravaged by disasters,
     the year gone by, and praying      harmony among members of              especially areas besieged by        Would you like to know
     for God’s continuous love and      organizations of persons with         violence.                           more about the people
     protection upon all of CBM’s       disabilities all over the world,                                          you’re helping? By signing
                                                                              SEPTEMBER Praying for growth
     family and friends, donors and     especially in Nigeria. May they                                           up to our eNewsletter
                                                                              and development within CBM
     beneficiaries through the year.    truly represent the cause that                                            you will receive monthly
                                                                              and its partners, in terms of the   updates with reports on
                                        has brought them together.
     FEBRUARY Praying that God                                                resources to be able to carry on    stories from the field.
     heals our land of COVID-19,        JUNE Praying for members of           and sustain the work that we do.    Sign up at cbmnz.org.nz
     and all forms of pandemic and      communities all over the world
                                                                              OCTOBER Praying that all men,
     diseases.                          to embrace and support one
                                                                              women and children experience
                                        another through their unique
     MARCH Praying that all those                                             the touch of Christ through the
                                        challenges, so that everyone
     working for social justice,                                              work that we do, and come to
                                        can enjoy life, and strive to reach
     peace and development all                                                embrace Him completely.
                                        their full potential.
     over the world, especially those
                                                                              NOVEMBER      Praying for the
     within CBM, and its partners,      JULY       Praying for God’s
                                                                              souls of the faithful departed,
     experience the grace and mercy     protection on children and
                                                                              through the mercy of God, rest
     of God in their lives.             adults at risk all over the world
                                                                              in peace.
                                        from all forms of abuse, and
     APRIL Praying for governments
                                        grant all who consciously or          DECEMBER Thanking God for
     worldwide to give due attention
                                        unconsciously violate them a          His love and protection through
     to the needs of persons with
                                        contrite and repentant heart.         the year, and praying for final
     disabilities, especially those
     neglected and marginalised         AUGUST Praying for the return
     within their settings.             of peace and normalcy to parts of

38                                                                                                                                              39
Dr       Seraphine    is   an                                                                                             DAY 19
     ophthalmologist at Kabgayi
     Eye Unit in Rwanda. She is
     passionate about CBM’s work
     which reaches her community,
     especially to poor people with                                             “And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with
     disabilities.                               Dr Seraphine / Rwanda          such sacrifices God is pleased.” - Hebrews 13:16

     JANUARY We thank you Lord            the Almighty, and achieve their       SEPTEMBER        Pray for the
     for the new year you have gifted     full potential.                       success of outreach cataract         One of the best ways you
     us, thank you for your blessings,                                          surgical   trips  to   prevent       can help us reach more
                                          MAY Please pray that we may
     and having mercy on us each                                                avoidable blindness.                 people and plan
                                          always prioritise human rights
     and every day.                                                                                                  programmes more
                                          as they are in need of help, our      OCTOBER Pray for God to keep
                                                                                                                     efficiently is with a regular
     FEBRUARY       We pray that          God provider.                         all CBM staff in Rwanda, and         gift. For more information
     you continue blessing and                                                  globally, healthy.                   call 0800 77 22 64.
                                          JUNE We pray that you, the
     strengthening     us   in     all
                                          Almighty, continue guiding our        NOVEMBER Pray for God to
     circumstances along with CBM’s
                                          project in order to achieve our       continue strengthening us to
     activities. We pray that this
                                          goals, and to also achieve CBM’s      succeed in our project of helping
     month be fruitful, and for it to
                                          mandate.                              others.
     increase the shining of faith in
     your children.                       JULY    May our beneficiaries         DECEMBER We pray that in
                                          receive healing through our           every situation God continues
     MARCH We pray that God may
                                          interventions, and be committed       being with us, and keep helping
     continue helping us to show us
                                          to improving the quality of life in   CBM’s family to build an inclusive
     ways we can do better things
                                          persons with disabilities in the      society.
     that could help to minimise
                                          poorest communities around
     the conditions which lead to
                                          the world.
                                          AUGUST       We pray that the
     APRIL We pray for people with
                                          Almighty      continue    giving
     disabilities, and those who are in
                                          source of income to those who
     need, for them not to lose faith
                                          financially support CBM’s work.
     and to continue giving glory to

40                                                                                                                                                   41
DAY 20
     Benson is the Director of cbm-
     partnered The Network of Callan
     Services in Papua New Guinea -
     the largest provider of services                                           “God is not unjust; He will not forget your work and the love you
     to children and adults living with                                         have shown Him as you have helped His people and continue to
     disabilities in the country.         Benson Hahambu / Papua New Guinea     help them.” - Hebrews 6:10

     JANUARY      Lord, continue to       assistance so they can live life to   connection in remote areas             DECEMBER        On International
     sustain CBM partners in Papua        their fullest potential.              of the Pacific. May they have          Day of People with Disability,
     New Guinea as we begin a new                                               continued access to government         we pray for all people with
                                          MAY We lift up those with
     year. Keep them energised and                                              grants that support their efforts.     disabilities. May they be fully
                                          disabilities and who experience
     motivated to work in your name.                                                                                   included in society, enjoy their
                                          discrimination or judgment.           SEPTEMBER          We pray that
                                                                                                                       human rights and achieve their
     FEBRUARY We pray for schools         Just as Christ loves those who        children living with disability in
                                                                                                                       full potential.
     where inclusive education is         are looked down on in society,        the poorest communities can
     not properly funded. Help those      may we be a light to the lonely       participate in local sports, which
     teachers to remain committed         or forgotten.                         play a great role in their inclusion
     to educating every student in                                              in the community. May it help
                                          JUNE We pray for people with
     their care fairly.                                                         create joyful connections.
                                          disabilities to be trained in
     MARCH        On International        the skills they need to earn an       OCTOBER Lord God, thank you
     Women’s Day, we pray for             income, and be contributing           for the difference that Disabled
     women with disabilities who          members of their societies.           Person’s Organisations make
     are implementing projects in                                               in bringing change in rural
                                          JULY    We pray for children
     community development. May                                                 communities.
                                          with disabilities who have been
     God provide strength to carry
                                          abused or neglected. Lord,            NOVEMBER Lord, guide CBM
     on their work, especially in rural
                                          protect them and bring them           partners in Papua New Guinea.
                                          help.                                 Be their rock and comforter
     APRIL    Father, we pray that                                              when they are low in spirit,
                                          AUGUST Thank you, God, for
     all those living with disability                                           and give them the strength to
                                          the role of Disabled Person’s
     may encounter kindness and                                                 continue their journey.
                                          Organisations in fostering social

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The miracle of sight. Fatuma can now see!                                       In the Amhara Region of Ethiopia, Heyiriya’s grandchildren, 9-year-old
                                                                                Sheite and 4-year-old Munjaa, are particularly at risk of contracting
Through the faithful support of cbm Child Sponsors, 3-year-old Fatuma
                                                                                trachoma due to it’s remote location, limited water resources, and
is able to see her Grandmother’s loving smile for the first time in her life.
                                                                                widespread poverty.
She can now run and play with the other children in her village in
                                                                                Heyiriya was fortunate to receive sight-saving trichiasis trachoma
Uganda, and one day she will also be able to attend school. Her tears
                                                                                surgery at a cbm-funded outreach clinic, and her grandchildren now
of rejection and loneliness are gone. Her future is clear and bright after
                                                                                have access to vital medicine to protect their sight.
receiving sight-saving cataract surgery.
DAY 21
     Tigist is a Programme Officer
     at CBM Ethiopia. She loves that
     her job provides an opportunity
     to positively impact the lives of
     persons with disabilities. She is                                       “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to
     married with two daughters.                Tigist Birkneh / Ethiopia    you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.” - Matthew 7:12

     JANUARY       Heavenly Father,      strategies and programmes that      their focus on children with         and inspiring our beneficiaries
     give us the strength to live our    can effectively and positively      various impairments, valuing         towards the values of mutual
     lives under your guidance and       impact the lives of people with     their potentials and creating the    solidarity and charity.
     wisdom, making us instruments       disabilities.                       conditions for their harmonious
                                                                                                                  NOVEMBER Almighty God, help
     of your will.                                                           and integral growth, ensuring
                                         MAY Almighty God, we pray for                                            us in increasing our support
                                                                             the respect of their human
     FEBRUARY Almighty God, help         governments and institutions to                                          to the efforts of the Ethiopian
     us to improve equitable access      operate with wisdom, looking                                             government     in   eliminating
     to health services, ensuring a      at the well-being and progress      AUGUST Almighty Father, help         Trachoma by 2030, through
     basic human right to all, in the    of the country, focusing on         us to be instruments of peace        the generosity of our donors,
     effort to safeguard life and to     the gaps that still keep a large    and reconciliation, testifying       through the commitment of
     promote well-being.                 portion of the population in        love and respect towards all.        central and local institutions,
                                         poverty, and committing to                                               communities, non-Government
     MARCH Pray for Ethiopia, where                                          SEPTEMBER We pray for the
                                         achieve their best with honesty                                          organisations     and     other
     persons with disabilities are                                           population living below the
                                         and fairness.                                                            stakeholders.
     often marginalised and targeted                                         poverty line and persons with
     by stigma and discrimination,       JUNE Almighty Father, help us       disability to not be marginalised    DECEMBER Almighty Father,
     and not given access to basic       all to forgive and understand       and excluded, due to their           help us to provide support and
     health, education and social        each other, living in harmony       impairments and the barriers         long-term solutions for refugees
     services.                           and peace, accepting difference     which hinder their possibilities.    and internally-displaced people,
                                         as a value, not considering it as                                        whose lives have been suddenly
     APRIL    Almighty Father, this                                          OCTOBER        Heavenly Father,
                                         an obstacle.                                                             changed, and their ties to the
     month we would like to pray                                             guide     us    in     developing
                                                                                                                  country of their birth have been
     for all CBM staff to give us        JULY Almighty God, we pray our      cost-effective    and    efficient
                                                                                                                  cut, possibly forever.
     the wisdom and endurance            government, institutions and        programmes,        valuing     the
     to develop and implement            education systems will improve      contribution of our donors,

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Iroj is a Project Coordinator at
     Hospital & Rehabilitation Centre                                                                                          DAY 22
     for Disabled Children (HRDC) in
     Nepal, a partner organization
     of CBM. He loves to work
     supporting and uplifting people,
     and bringing a positive change                                             “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s
     to their lives.                              Iroj Shrestha / Nepal         friends.” - John 15:13

     JANUARY My Lord, please give        JUNE God of life, grant us the         move us to share our time, life     transforming power. Help us
     us strength to tackle all the       courage to always stand against        and goods with all those in need.   choose life and guide us by your
     hurdles, and raise us up with a     injustice and hatred based on                                              Spirit, so that we can experience
                                                                                OCTOBER       Holy Spirit, you
     good soul.                          race, class, gender, religion, and                                         the happiness which you want
                                                                                hear the fury of your wounded
                                         fear of those not like ourselves.                                          so much to share with us.
     FEBRUARY God of life, grant                                                creation, and the cries of those
     those who are with you, a clear     JULY Spirituality and solidarity       already suffering from climate
     heart, like the clear water of a    are inseparably linked. Prayer         change. Guide us toward new
     stream which flows a long way.      and action belong together.            behaviours. May we learn to
                                         When we abide in Christ, we            live in harmony as part of your
     MARCH Holy Spirit, you never
                                         receive the Spirit of courage,         creation.
     abandon the men, women and
                                         and wisdom to act against all
     children who are persecuted for                                            NOVEMBER Lord Jesus, your
                                         injustice and oppression.
     their loyalty to the gospel. Give                                          entire life was prayer, perfect
     them strength and courage, and      AUGUST May the God of hope             harmony with the Father.
     support those who help them.        fill us with joy and peace in faith,   Through your Spirit, teach us
                                         so that we may abound in hope          to pray according to your will
     APRIL Holy Spirit, open our
                                         by the power of the Holy Spirit.       of love. May the faithful of the
     hearts to forgiveness and
                                                                                whole world unite in praise, and
     reconciliation, and bring us back   SEPTEMBER O Jesus, you came
                                                                                may your kingdom of love come.
     from our wanderings.                into the world and shared in
                                         our humanity. You know the             DECEMBER Blessed are you,
     MAY Lord Jesus, gentle and
                                         hardships of life for people who       God our Father, for the gift of
     humble of heart, guide our spirit
                                         suffer in so many different ways.      your word in Holy Scripture.
     so that we may welcome the
                                         May the Spirit of compassion           Blessed  are    you   for    its
     unexpectedness of your grace.

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