Denbighshire's Housing Strategy 2016 2021 - December 2015 - DCC housing strategy final.qxp_Layout 1 23/08/2016 13:46 Page 1 - Denbighshire ...

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      Denbighshire’s Housing Strategy
      2016 - 2021

      December 2015
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      Introduction                                            5    2.0 Theme Two: Creating a Supply of
      Executive Summary                                       6        Affordable Homes                           22
      Vision                                                  9    Background                                     22
      Monitoring & Governance                                 10       2.1 An improved supply of affordable
      Local Context                                           11       housing of all types and tenures across
      Achievements from the Denbighshire                               the county.                                24
      Local Housing Strategy 2007- 2014                       14          Issues & Challenges                     24
      1.0 Theme One – More Homes to
                                                                       2.2 Working with partners to maximise
      Meet Local Need and Demand                              15
                                                                       affordable housing development             26
      Background                                              15
                                                                          Issues & Challenges                     26
           1.1 An increased supply of new homes of
                                                                       2.3 An increase in applicants registered
           all types and tenures to meet the needs
                                                                       on the affordable housing register         29
           and demands of households and
           communities in Denbighshire as defined                         Issues & Challenges                     29
           by the two-yearly Local Housing Market                  Summary of Headline Actions for Theme Two 30
           Assessment, which provides current need
           and demand data for the county.         17              3.0 Theme Three-Ensuring Safe &
                                                                   Healthy Homes                                  31
               Issues and Challenges                          17
                                                                   Background                                     31
           1.2 Better use of the existing housing
           stock by continuing to target empty                         3.1 Council and Housing Association
           homes across the county                            20       accommodation is brought up to and is
                                                                       maintained at the Welsh Housing Quality
               Issues & Challenges                            20
                                                                       Standard (WHQS)                         31
           1.3 Gypsies and Travellers accommodation                       Issues and Challenges                   31
           needs are identified and addressed       21
                                                                       3.2 Improved standards in the
               Issues & Challenges                            21
                                                                       Private Rented Sector                      32
      Summary of Headline Actions for Theme One 21
                                                                          Issues & Challenges                     32

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           3.3 Accommodation will be of good                            4.2. A range of housing choices and
           quality and will be adaptable to residents                   support placements for younger people     44
           changing needs                             34
                                                                           Issues & Challenges                    44
               Issues & Challenges                            34
                                                                        4.3 Vulnerable people are assisted to lead
           3.4 Limited financial assistance to support
                                                                        independent lives in appropriate
           the Private Housing Sector                  35
                                                                        accommodation to meet their needs          46
               Issues and challenges                          35
                                                                           Issues and challenges                  46
           3.5 Properties will be more energy
                                                                        4.4 Suitable accommodation options are
           efficient helping the environment and
                                                                        available for the prevention of
           improving housing quality                          37
                                                                        homelessness                           48
               Issues & Challenges                            37
                                                                           Issues & Challenges                    48
           3.6 Controls over the use of holiday                         4.5 Those that are declared homeless are
           caravan parks for residential purposes                       provided with appropriate temporary
           are improved                                       38        accommodation and assisted in finding
               Issues & Challenges                            38        suitable long term accommodation         50
      Summary of Headline Actions for                                      Issues & Challenges                    50
      Theme Three                                             38        4.6 A Common Housing Waiting List
      4.0 Theme Four – Homes & Support                                  (Single Access Route to Housing SARTH) is
      for Vulnerable People                                   39        introduced to simplify the accommodation
                                                                        process for those in housing need         52
      Background                                              39
                                                                           Issues and Challenges                  52
           4.1 A range of housing choices for
           older people                                       41        4.7 Fuel poverty is targeted and affected
                                                                        residents are assisted                    53
               Issues and Challenges                          41
                                                                           Issues & Challenges                    53
                                                                    Summary of Headline Actions for Theme Four 53

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      5.0 Theme Five – Promoting and                               6.0 Delivery                       62
      Supporting communities                                  54
                                                                   Resources                          62
      Background                                              54
                                                                   Social Housing Grant               62
           5.1 Neighbourhood based activities help
           people remain safe and independent                 54   Housing Finance Grant              62
               Issues & Challenges                            54
                                                                   Capital Receipts                   62
           5.2 Sustainable communities are
           maintained through innovative                           Denbighshire County Council
           ‘Eyesore Site’ projects with partners              57   Capital Programme                  62

               Issues & Challenges                            57   Disabled Facilities Grants (DFG)   62
           5.3 Council housing estates are                         Affordable Housing (AH)            62
           redeveloped to help create and sustain
           desirable neighbourhoods.                          58   Major Repairs Allowance            62

               Issues & Challenges                            58   Supporting People (SP)             62
           5.4 Community Initiatives are supported                 Housing Revenue Account (HRA)      62
           and maintained with partner organisations 60
               Issues & Challenges                            60
      Summary of Headline Actions for Theme Five 61

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      As the Lead Member for Housing, I am pleased to introduce you to
      the Housing Strategy for Denbighshire.
      This Strategy sets out the strategic housing                 ambitious vision for housing in Denbighshire for the
      objectives and priorities that we will work to deliver       next five years.
      over the next five years.
                                                                   The Strategy provides an overview of housing in
      The Strategy identifies high level outcomes, whilst          Denbighshire, illustrating good practice and areas
      the action plan sets out how the council and its             where more work should be focused, to provide the
      partners will achieve the outcomes.                          strategic emphasis for housing issues in the coming
      It has been based on the robust evidence supplied
      through the Local Housing Market Assessment,                 Through the Strategy, we want to work with our
      analysis of the affordable housing market in                 partners and residents to increase the quantity,
      Denbighshire and strategic documents such as                 improve the quality and access to housing and
      Denbighshire’s Corporate Plan and Well-Being Plan.           housing related services in Denbighshire.
      It also takes into account key legislation such as the
      Housing (Wales) Act 2014 and Well-being of Future            Barbara Smith MBE
      Generations (Wales) Act 2015, to develop an                  Lead Member for the Housing Strategy

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      Executive Summary

          Image courtesy of Pennaf Housing Group

      Denbighshire’s Housing Strategy has been developed around the vision
      of “Everyone is supported with pride to live in homes that meet
      their needs, within the vibrant and sustainable communities
      Denbighshire aspires to”

      To deliver this vision the Strategy has been devised        Increasing the housing supply across Wales is an
      under 5 themes, all of which are interlinked:               issue Welsh Government are keen to address and is
      • More Homes to Meet Local Need and Demand                  reflected in Denbighshire’s Corporate Plan 2012 -
      • Creating a Supply of Affordable Homes                     2017 with the priority ‘Ensuring access to good
      • Ensuring Safe and Healthy Homes                           quality housing’. Research indicates that
      • Homes and Support for Vulnerable People                   Denbighshire, in line with the rest of Wales, has a
      • Promoting and Supporting Communities                      shortage of new build development; affordable
                                                                  homes; homes for older people and homes for
                                                                  vulnerable adults. Denbighshire aims to address this
                                                                  shortfall through a range of measures.

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      Theme One: More Homes to Meet Local Need and                 Theme Three: Ensuring Safe & Healthy Homes,
      Demand, addresses the issue of low development               examines the issue of improving and maintaining the
      rates in Denbighshire, and the need for more housing         standards of both public and privately owned
      across the county. To help stimulate the                     accommodation, to ensure that residents live in a
      development market we are introducing site                   well maintained and safe home.
      development briefs and a housing development
      prospectus which will provide clarity and general            Denbighshire has undertaken a large programme of
      information for developers and investors about               renewals and major works to meet the Welsh
      allocated housing sites. We will also be investigating       Housing Quality Standards and will through the work
      and implementing options for bringing forward                of the Major Repairs Programme, continue to
      stalled sites within the county, through options such        improve. There are also pilot schemes being
      as gap funding. The increase in development will lead        implemented on renewable energy measures, which
      to a boost in the supply of affordable homes which is        will be rolled out to the rest of the housing stock,
      addressed in the next theme.                                 where possible.

      Theme Two: Creating a Supply of Affordable Homes,            Denbighshire will also be implementing the Landlord
      through this theme we investigate the issue of the           Registration Scheme, which will help to address poor
      limited supply of affordable homes in the county and         quality housing standards in the private rented sector.
      what initiatives we can take to increase it. Research        This work will be supplemented by the work of the
      shows there is a clear need for affordable housing in        Energy Conservation Officer, who will be striving to
      the county, with 50% of residents being unable to            improve some of the poorest quality
      afford to purchase a 2 bedroom house on the open             accommodation in Denbighshire through the
      market. Decreasing incomes in the county, are a              successful acquisition of external funding for energy
      contributing factor to the slow housing market, and          efficiency measures.
      underline the importance for more affordable
      housing to be created.

      Options include establishing an affordable housing
      delivery and investment programme for Denbighshire.
      This will be primarily achieved through identifying
      alternative funding mechanisms, to deliver affordable
      housing with a range of partners, reviewing public
      land holdings and assessing their suitability to bring
      forward affordable housing development.

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      Theme Four: Homes and Support for Vulnerable                Theme Five: Promoting and Supporting
      People, the information available showing the               Communities, Denbighshire aims to be a place where
      demographics of Denbighshire, reveals there is a            people aspire to live. To achieve this vision we need
      considerable need for increased housing options, for        to create vibrant and sustainable communities. By
      the increasing older people sector in the county and        redeveloping neighbourhoods and addressing
      also for vulnerable adults. We have committed to            ‘eyesore’ sites and empty homes, we can give our
      providing a further 3 Extra Care Facilities, working        residents an environment they can be proud of. We
      with partners which will address the changing needs         can also help Council residents improve their
      of residents. We are also reviewing the existing            communities by helping set up neighbourhood
      housing accommodation options; the review will              groups and activities, to address issues and create
      ensure that accommodation choices, such as                  community cohesion. For this to be truly sustainable
      Supported Independent Living schemes have a range           they will need to be people led rather than
      of support options, suitable for varying needs.             organisation led.

      There is also a need to review the emergency                Housing related issues are dealt with by various
      accommodation options for families affected by              different departments across the Council and across
      homelessness. Presently there is a reliance on the          the county. The Housing Strategy draws together all
      private rented sector to provide this accommodation,        the issues and work required to address them, so that
      but the quality, suitability and location varies            housing can be dealt with in a strategic way,
      considerably. Denbighshire will investigate alternative     maximising resources and outcomes for
      options to provide this accommodation. This will            Denbighshire’s residents
      ensure that people, who are experiencing very
      difficult situations, are able to access good quality
      emergency accommodation whilst receiving the
      most appropriate advice and support.

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      Housing is one of the seven Corporate Priorities for               The vision is supported through the five themes of
      Denbighshire and is reflected across several                       the Housing Strategy and the Action Plan to ensure
      departmental business plans. The vision for the                    that the county’s aspirations regarding housing are
      Housing Strategy for Denbighshire was developed                    fulfilled
      through a consultation exercise facilitated by
      Glyndŵr University in June 2013 with housing
      partners, third sector organisations and the public.

      “Everyone is supported with pride to live in homes that meet their
      needs, within the vibrant and sustainable communities
      Denbighshire aspires to.”

                                                                  Theme Three
                                                                  Ensuring Safe
                                                                   and Healthy
                                      Theme Two                      Homes             Theme Four
                                       Creating a                                      Homes and
                                       Supply of                                       Support for
                                      Affordable                                        Vulnerable
                                        Housing                                          People

                                 Theme One                         Action                   Theme Five
                                 More Homes                         Plan                  Promoting and
                                to Meet Local                                               Supporting
                                  Need and                                                 Communities

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      Monitoring & Governance

      The Housing Strategy is a Corporate document and             Newsletter updates on the Strategy and associated
      the associated Action Plan is the amalgamation of            Action Plan will be sent to all Members and the
      all of the identified actions concerned with housing         Council’s Senior Leadership Team (SLT) on a regular
      and housing related support. As a result the                 basis, usually quarterly. The Newsletter will also be
      implementation of the Action Plan will be                    provided to the multi-agency Strategic Partnerships
      undertaken by several different departments of the           Board.
      Council, in many instances working with partner
      organisations.                                               The Council’s three Scrutiny Committees will have
                                                                   an important role in monitoring the Strategy and
      Each action in the Action Plan will be included in           more importantly progress in relation to the Action
      the relevant Service Business Plan and will be               Plan.
      monitored by the relevant Lead Member(s) and
      Heads of Service.                                            We will also continue to welcome comments and
                                                                   suggestions regarding the Action Plan from all
      The overall lead on the Housing Strategy is the Lead         interested parties over the next five years.
      Member for Housing and the Head of Planning &
      Public Protection.

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      Local Context

      Population & Households

                94.5k                                       41k                            1.1k
        2013 mid-year population                    2013 mid-year estimate of         Forecasted increase in
        estimates for Denbighshire                  Denbighshire households           households 2015-2020

               £23.8k                                     £1.5k                             21%
        Median household income in                  Decrease in median household      Population in Denbighshire
        Denbighshire 2014                           income since 2007                 aged 65 and over

                24%                                         64%                            14%
        Population in Denbighshire                  Increase in full homelessness     14% of Denbighshire is classed
        with an activity limiting illness           decisions awarded in 2014/15      as being in top 10 of the most
        or disability                               from 2013/14                      deprived areas in Wales (Welsh
                                                                                      Index of Multiple Deprivation -

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      Housing Market

              176                                         50%                           1.1k
       New properties completed                     Population cannot afford a 2   Forecasted increase in
       2014/15 up 17 on 2013/14                     bedroom open market house      households 2015-2020
                                                    in Denbighshire

               37%                                        32%                            732
       Households in Denbighshire                   Households in own properties   Properties purchased under
       who own their homes outright                 with a mortgage                Right-to-Buy between 2000
                                                                                   and 2014.

       Rental Market (Based on 2011 Census)

                3.2k                                        2k                           6.4k
       Households in Denbighshire                   Households renting from        Households renting in the
       renting from council in 2011                 housing associations in        private sector
       (decrease of 0.5k from 2001)                 (increase of 0.5k from 2001)   (increase of 1.5k from 2001)

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      The Welsh language is an inseparable part of the              The Local Development Plan is the key plan for
      social fabric of Wales and is spoken by 24,425                delivering open market and affordable housing.
      residents in the County (24.6% of the population).            Classifying available land use in Denbighshire, it
      This makes Denbighshire the sixth highest Welsh               allocates enough housing development land for
      speaking county in Wales.                                     7,500 homes, for developing during 2006 to 2021
                                                                    and plays an important role in satisfying housing
      Alongside the key demographic and housing related             supply.
      data it is also important to recognise how this
      Strategy influences and is influenced by other key            There are other important strategic plans and
      Council plans and strategies.                                 documents that have fed into this Strategy such as
                                                                    the Social Care Plan, Supporting People
      The Denbighshire Corporate Plan sets out the key              Commissioning Plan and the Strategic Equality Plan.
      priorities for the County during 2012-2017, with              This Strategy also recognises the role housing
      ensuring access to good quality housing being one             associations play in delivering a better housing
      of the key priorities. The Strategy should be seen as         system. These are discussed in more detail in
      the key delivery vehicle for this priority and has been       Appendix 2, which contains a more detailed overview
      drawn up in consideration of this Corporate Plan              of the local context

      The Strategy recognises the link to the Economic &
      Community Ambition Strategy 2013-2023. In
      particular, two of its six themes, high quality skilled
      workforce and vibrant towns and communities, are
      significant to this Strategy. The Denbighshire Well-
      Being Plan 2014-2018, with its theme of
      Independence and Resilience and vision of
      community contribution, also has an important

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      Achievements from the Denbighshire
      Local Housing Strategy 2007- 2014

      The previous Denbighshire County Council Housing             • Steps have also been taken to enhance private
      Strategy ran from 2007 and was produced prior to               stock. Amongst other successes, Denbighshire
      the financial crisis. The Strategy helped to deliver:          County Council has accessed funding and
                                                                     promoted schemes such Arbed and Nest Cymru
      • 480 affordable homes delivered since 2007.                   which delivers energy efficiency improvement in
      • 3 extra care facilities developed in Denbighshire, to        the private sector. Denbighshire County Council
        meet the housing need of an older population.                has also administered 1,045 grants comprising of
        These are situated in Rhyl, Ruthin and Prestatyn.            energy efficiency, Disabled Facilities Grants,
      • Landlord registration and accreditation schemes              housing and group repair grants and empty homes
        have been heavily promoted, with 99 accredited               grants. These grants help vulnerable and disabled
        landlords now operating in the county. The Council           people to live in their own homes safely.
        continues to work with private sector landlords in         • The Council, in conjunction with external partners,
        order to improve housing standards.                          has been very successful in bringing empty and
      • In September 2014, Denbighshire County Council               derelict properties back into use. Alongside North
        met the Welsh Housing Quality Standard on 96% of             Wales Housing, properties at Mwrog Street, Ruthin
        its housing stock and is one of the first social             and Pendyffryn Road, Rhyl have been regenerated.
        housing providers in Wales to achieve this.                • In conjunction with Glyndŵr University,
                                                                     Denbighshire County Council has developed and
                                                                     implemented an environmental improvement
                                                                     toolkit. Its aim is to prioritise improving the
                                                                     housing environment for residents with their
                                                                     involvement, which will then help to build safer and
                                                                     more sustainable communities.
                                                                   • In 2014, Denbighshire County Council appointed
                                                                     an Energy Efficiency Officer in order to tackle fuel

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      1.0 Theme One
      More Homes to Meet Local Need and Demand

                                                                    1.2 All these types of accommodation are
         Outcomes:                                                  supported by government initiatives and targets to
         1 An increased supply of new homes of all                  help stimulate their supply and ensure good quality
           types and tenures to meet the needs and                  housing standards.
           demands of households and communities in
           Denbighshire as defined by the two-yearly                1.3 The economic benefits of good quality housing
           Local Housing Market Assessment.                         are well established (see fig.1), providing increased
         2 Better use of the existing housing stock by              benefits in health and well-being and sustainable
           continuing to target empty homes across                  communities that people aspire to live in.
           the county.
         3 Gypsy and Traveller accommodation needs                  1.4 To enable our towns and villages to become
           are identified and addressed.                            more vibrant, prosperous and sustainable, the Council
                                                                    has produced its Economic and Community Ambition
      Background                                                    Strategy, which has clear synergies with this Housing
      1.1 This theme aims to address how to deliver more            Strategy. Both strategies will encourage growth in
      homes to meet local need and demand. Housing need             these communities and so increase the availability
      and demand is largely identified through the statutory        and affordability of housing in the area. We are
      Local Housing Market Assessment (LHMA). This must             currently developing an Infrastructure Plan for the
      be carried out every two years from 2016 onwards.             County which will identify any infrastructure issues
      This enables the strategic planning of housing                for allocated development sites and ensure that
      development/supply across the County.
                                                                    housing sites are successfully delivered with
      Increasing the supply of homes includes all types of          appropriate infrastructure in place.
      • open market housing and low cost ownership
      • private, intermediate and social rented
      • Gypsy and Traveller pitches.

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      1.5 The construction industry is also a key                    As part of this commitment we have recently created
      employer and increased housing development will                three building trades’ apprenticeships, within the
      create more jobs for local people. The Council will            Council’s Housing Repairs and Maintenance team.
      work with developers and Housing Associations to               The new Welsh Language Standards applicable to
      ensure that jobs, apprenticeships and training                 public sector bodies will ensure that the courses and
      opportunities are made available for local people.             placements are promoted bilingually.

       INPUTS / ACTION                         OUTPUTS                              OUTCOMES

                                               New homes for purchase              People living in decent homes they
                                                                                   can afford
       Business & Industry                     New affordable homes for            Communities are strong, inclusive
       Housebuilders & Lenders                 rent                                and safe
                                                                                   People maintain their independence
       Local Authorities                       Empty properties brought
                                               back into use                       Homelessness is prevented, less
       Welsh Government,                                                           disruption to families' lives, child
       Legislation,Funding,                                                        development
                                               Jobs & training opportunities
       Policies & Programmes                   supported and created               Improved health, well-being and
                                                                                   quality of life
       Housing Associations,                   People helped through a
       Voluntary Organisations                                                     Greater equality, reduced
                                               wide range of services and          inequalities
       & Charities                             support to meet their needs

       NHS and other public                    Victims of crime and                Less unemployment, less poverty
       sector organisations e.g                anti-social behaviour helped        Increased workforce skills, more
       Police                                                                      competitive business
                                               Properties adapted to meet
                                               people's needs                      Reduced demand on NHS and
                                                                                   Social Services

      Figure 1: Broad quality outcomes from investment in housing.
      Source: Homes for Wales: A White Paper for Better Lives and Communities 2012

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      1.1 An increased supply of new homes of all                   1.6 The Housing (Wales) 2014 Act has made it a
      types and tenures to meet the needs and                       statutory requirement for each local authority to
                                                                    conduct a Local Housing Market Assessment, every
      demands of households and communities in
                                                                    two years, to ensure that adequate planning is made
      Denbighshire as defined by the two-yearly                     for changing accommodation needs.
      Local Housing Market Assessment, which
      provides current need and demand data for                     1.7 The last assessment of housing need and
      the county.                                                   demand in Denbighshire (2013) established that
                                                                    availability of suitable housing to meet the needs of
      Issues and Challenges                                         the population is an issue. There is an oversupply of
                                                                    4/5 bedroom houses in the county 1 and not enough
                                                                    smaller, good quality housing.
        a) A two yearly completed Local Housing Market
           Assessment is a statutory requirement                    1.8 Older people are a significant group, in the
        b) 64.5% of the households in Denbighshire are              population profile of the county with 21% being aged
           single or couple households with no                      65 and over. This is in line with our neighbouring
           dependents                                               counties to the West,2 whilst Flintshire & Wrexham to
        c) Population profile of older people is                    the East however, have a stronger employment
           increasing; currently 21% of Denbighshire’s              market and consequently have a younger population
           residents are aged 65 or over                            profile. This proportion of older people needs a wide
        d) Expected increase in number of households                range of housing options to be developed, which will
           and consequently a need for approximately                promote independence, social inclusion and reduce
           1000 new dwellings to be built by 2020.                  the number of people in residential placements, in
        e) Decrease in the number of new build                      line with the aims of the corporate Well-being Plan
           dwellings since 2007                                     and recent Welsh Government legislation.3
        f) Low levels of planning applications for
           residential development
        g) Delivering the allocated housing sites within
           the Local Development Plan.
        h) Decrease in volume of house sales in the                 1
                                                                      2013 Update of Housing Need, Demand and Affordability in
           county since 2007 and static house prices.                 the Local Housing Market Areas of Denbighshire. Source:
        i) Promoting Welsh language and culture                       Glyndwr University
                                                                      Table 1 in Appendix i
                                                                      Social Services & Well-being (Wales) Act 2014

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      1.9 The slump in the housing market and the                  1.11 It is difficult for a local authority to influence
      tightening of mortgage lending criteria for all              the lack of development, but there are some local
      potential buyers, following the banking crisis, has          measures it can take to help enable conditions, once
      meant that not only are many young people unable             markets start to improve. A key method of enabling
      to access finance to buy their first home, but many          development is to have a clear and current Local
      others are unable to sell, as a consequence and move         Development Plan (LDP). Denbighshire adopted its
      to more suitable accommodation. The majority of              Local Development Plan in June 2013, after
      the residents of Denbighshire own their own homes            identifying enough land to bring forward 7,500
      either with a mortgage or outright.4                         houses in the period 2006-2021.

      1.10 The low levels of development throughout the
      county can be seen in the graph below.

      Figure 2: New Build development in Denbighshire
      2001- 2014 Source: Denbighshire County Council

          Source: ONS- Tenure type in Denbighshire

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      1.12 Another method to encourage development to               address the issue of stalled sites – these are sites
      take place quickly is to reduce the commencement              which are allocated for development, have planning
      period condition on planning permissions and                  permission or in some cases, where development has
      provide gap funding for stalled sites. The latter would       started but not progressed.
      be especially effective for bringing forward
      affordable housing units. The Council will have to            1.16 There have been some concerns that
      undertake a review of the Local Development Plan in           development of sites which provide a large amount
      2017 and prior to this review will contact landowners         of housing, may encourage excessive inward
      of any allocated sites which have not been                    migration to the County, which could impact on the
      progressed.                                                   Welsh culture and language. In 2011 Denbighshire
                                                                    and Conwy Council surveyed the characteristics of
      1.13 We will also develop Supplementary Planning              residents of new built dwellings. There were 180
      Guidance (SPG) and pre-planning application advice            respondents and it was established that 68% of the
      is available to developers, to try and ensure that any        non-Welsh speaking households had moved into the
      applications submitted will meet local requirements           area from other areas within Denbighshire and 27%
      and are more likely to be granted, and so speed up            of the respondents were Welsh speakers. This
      the process.                                                  indicates that the impact of large developments
                                                                    culturally, are not as great as thought.
      1.14 We are devising a series of development briefs
      for sites allocated in the LDP process. The                   1.17 The LDP requires Linguistic Impact Statements
      development briefs will assist in advising the kind of        to be submitted with planning applications for any
      development that is sought for a particular site, and         developments of 5 or more homes. As a minimum,
      will be subject to consultation with the local                development proposals should seek to use locally
      community.                                                    relevant Welsh names. A new Street Naming and
                                                                    Numbering Policy was adopted in May 2014, which
      1.15 A site directory for allocated sites in the LDP is       aims to preserve Welsh language identity and local
      currently being developed. This will provide detailed         history of the county, by making the requirement
      site information and will be circulated to developers         that all new street names must be Welsh or bilingual
      to promote interest. An Infrastructure Plan is also           and consistent with the local heritage of the area.
      being developed and this will provide further                 This will help ensure that Denbighshire retains its
      information on any infrastructure requirements for            Welsh identity, by promoting the language in
      allocated sites and look at how these can be                  everyday use.
      addressed. The Council will be taking action to

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      1.2 Better use of the existing housing stock                 1.20 Through this scheme, owners are offered
      by continuing to target empty homes across                   advice and support on how to deal with a
                                                                   problematic property. This can range from providing
      the county
                                                                   repayable loans for works to enable the property to
                                                                   be sold, to signposting assistance for renting the
      Issues & Challenges
                                                                   property out. Properties progressed through this
                                                                   route can become ‘affordable’ housing, by working
        a) 614 residential empty properties in                     with Housing Associations. Loans are repaid directly
           Denbighshire*                                           to the Council, so that they can be recycled into
        b) Difficulty in engaging owners to bring empty            other empty home projects.
           homes back into use
        c) Complexity of legislation and the risk of
           additional costs to the council

        *Source: Council Tax property data April 2014

      1.18 The Council has committed to bringing back
      into use 400 dwellings by 2017. If an empty dwelling
      can be brought back into use, it not only removes a
      wasted asset, it has far wider benefits for the local
      community, by improving the amenity of the area, as
      well as the health and well-being of the local

      1.19 Empty Homes are tackled in several different
      ways in the County. We currently take advantage of
      Welsh Government targeted funding, through the
      Houses into Homes recyclable loans scheme, in
      conjunction with grants and loans also being made
      available through the Council.

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      1.3 Gypsies and Travellers accommodation
      needs are identified and addressed                                 Summary of Headline Actions for
                                                                         Theme One
      Issues & Challenges
                                                                         1 Develop Site Development Briefs,
                                                                           Supplementary Planning Guidance and Site
        a) The Housing (Wales) Act 2014 makes it
                                                                           Directories to provide clarity and information
           mandatory for all councils to carry out an
                                                                           about allocated housing sites for developers
           assessment of Gypsy & Traveller
                                                                           and investors
           accommodation needs, and take action on
           the findings.                                                 2 Develop housing need and demand data to
        b) We have regular unauthorised encampments                        produce an up to date Local Housing Market
           although generally small, indicating there is                   Assessment
           some need
        c) We have no authorised sites in the County                     3 Review Local Development Plan housing
                                                                           policies and land allocations

      1.21 A Gypsy and Traveller accommodation needs                     4 Investigate the use of a reduced
      assessment was carried out in 2011 by Bangor                         commencement period on planning
      University, on behalf of the North Wales authorities                 conditions, to discourage land-banking
      (excluding Wrexham). This suggested that, at that
                                                                         5 Take action to bring forward stalled sites in
      time, there was a need for two residential pitches and
                                                                           the County
      a transit site in the county. The assessment for
      Denbighshire will be reviewed and updated during                   6 Produce an Infrastructure Plan for
      2015, and submitted to Welsh Government for their                    Denbighshire to identify and address
      appraisal by February 2016. If the assessment                        infrastructure issues
      identifies a need for Gypsy and Traveller sites, the
      Council will need to take action to provide for that               7 Update and implement the Empty Homes
      need.                                                                Delivery Plan and continue to innovate to
                                                                           bring the dwellings back into use

                                                                         8 Undertake an up-to-date Gypsy & Traveller
                                                                           accommodation needs assessment

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      2.0 Theme Two
      Creating a Supply of Affordable Homes

                                                                   2.4 Affordable Housing can be divided into three
         Outcomes:                                                 types of housing tenure:-
         1 Improved supply of affordable housing of all            • Social rented housing (Affordable Housing for rent
           types and tenures across the county                       which is provided by Local Authorities and Housing
         2 Working with partners to maximise                         Associations and has regard to Welsh
           affordable housing development                            Government’s benchmark rents)
         3 An increase in applicants registered on the             • Intermediate Rental Housing (where rents are
           affordable housing register                               above those of social rented housing, but below
                                                                     market housing prices) and can be provided by
                                                                     private developers and Housing Associations
                                                                   • Low Cost Affordable Housing ownership (including
      2.1 This theme aims to examine the issues
                                                                     Shared Equity schemes), where a proportion of the
      surrounding Affordable Housing and the affordability
                                                                     property is bought and a proportion of the equity
      of the housing market for local residents. Affordable
                                                                     is retained by a Housing Association, it is possible
      Housing is defined by Denbighshire County Council5
                                                                     to ‘staircase’ these properties and eventually buy
      as housing provided to those whose needs cannot
                                                                     out the equity share
      afford general market housing and is retained as
      affordable for the first and subsequent occupiers.           2.5 It does not include the ‘Help to Buy’ mortgage
                                                                   guarantee, deposit or the newly announced ISA
      2.2 Affordable Housing should meet the needs of              schemes, currently available through the UK and
      eligible households, include availability at low enough      Welsh Government as there is no facility for these
      cost for them to afford, determined with regard to           properties to remain affordable in perpetuity or for
      local incomes and local house prices.6                       the advance of money available through the scheme
                                                                   to be recycled to facilitate further purchases, also
      2.3 The Council can influence the supply of                  interest is charged on the advance after 5 years.
      Affordable Housing through its planning policies, the        5
                                                                       DCC Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Guidance 2014
      strategic management of Social Housing Grant and             6
                                                                       WELSH GOVERNMENT Planning Technical Advice Note 2 (TAN 2)-
      use of the Housing Revenue Account (HRA).                        Glossary definition

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      2.6 The recession has had a significant effect on                could not afford to buy a 2 bedroom house on the
      the housing market with home ownership steadily                  open market, by 2014 this figure had risen to just
      declining in the UK, from a peak of 69.7% in 2002 to             over 49%. The open market price of a property has
      64.7% in 20147. The main reason for the decline in               not increased greatly between 2011 and 2014, but
      home ownership is that incomes have not risen in                 because income levels have been decreasing, this has
      line with house prices. Average house prices                     had the effect of decreasing the level of affordability
      increased from 3.6 to 6.5 times the average salary               for residents in Denbighshire. A similar story can be
      during the period 1997 to 2011 across the UK.8                   seen in the private rented market, where again rising
                                                                       rent levels against decreasing incomes, have had the
      2.7 As the table below demonstrates, home                        effect of making rented accommodation less
      ownership affordability in Denbighshire has not                  affordable in the county.
      improved. In 2011 almost 24% of the population

                                                    Household Income                      % of Households below
                                                    Threshold                             the threshold

          Type of Tenure                            2011               2014               2011               2014

          2 Bed 80% Market Rent                     £13,000            £16,779            15.02%             35.09%

          2 Bed 30% Discount for sale               £16,618            £16,639            24.75%             34.75%

          2 Bed Open Market Rent                    £16,293            £20,973            23.88%             44.62%

          2 Bed Open Market for sale                £23,739            £23,770            43.59%             49.82%

      Figure 3: 2011 & 2014 Affordable Housing & Open Market Housing income thresholds in Denbighshire Source:
      CACI Paycheck © & Hometrack data ©

        The Death of a Dream- The crisis of Homeownership in the UK
        2014 published by Homeowners Alliance
        Regional House Prices: Affordability & Income Ratios Report
        2012 (House of Commons Library)

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                                                                   2.1 An improved supply of affordable
                                                                   housing of all types and tenures across the

                                                                   Issues and Challenges

                                                                     a) Personal income levels in Denbighshire have
                                                                        fallen in recent years, with severe deprivation
                                                                        identified in areas of Rhyl, Denbigh and
                     2009 Average                                       Henllan
                                                                     b) Levels of affordable housing development
                   household income                                     have fallen
                       £26,469                                       c) Significant gap between affordable housing
                                                                        need and supply
                                                                     d) Affordable Housing provision through
                                                                        planning obligation has reduced to 10%
                                                                     e) Housing in hamlets and open countryside has
                                                                        to meet affordable housing criteria
                                                                     f) Financial challenges being faced by the
                                                                        Council and partners
                                                                     g) Low turnover of Council/Housing Association
                                                                     h) Welfare Reform changes combined with a
                                                                        changing population profile necessitating a
                                                                        need to build smaller properties
                     2014 Average
                   household income                                2.8 All supply is influenced by planning policy, the
                       £23,762                                     viability of ‘private’ housing development to provide
                                                                   some affordable housing, Welsh Government funding
                                                                   and the developments by Housing Associations.
      Picture 1: Changes in average household income
      2009-2014 Source: CACI Paycheck Data©

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      2.9 The LDP requires housing developments across              • Develop a marketing policy to promote affordable
      the county to provide a minimum of 10% Affordable               housing
      Housing. There is provision for this percentage to be         • Review the process for registering for affordable
      reviewed if house prices begin to rise and viability            housing
      can be assured. Developers must provide a
      commuted sum for affordable housing provision                 2.12 Issues regarding delivery are also being
      where a full house cannot be provided on site, as the         investigated, such as the availability and suitability of
      development is for between 3 to 9 dwellings.                  public land for affordable housing, through reviewing
                                                                    the local development plan allocations, to establish
      2.10 Levels of Affordable Housing provision can vary          suitability for affordable housing, or in some cases,
      significantly from year to year due to variables such         whether the sale of Council owned land would
      as development rates or Extra Care Housing                    provide funds to enable developments in areas of
      developments being completed.                                 higher need. Options such as gap funding stalled sites
                                                                    are being investigated to bring more development
      2.11 A review of affordable housing was undertaken            forward.
      in 2014, to investigate ways of stimulating supply and
      also to review policies and procedures that were              2.13 By addressing the issues identified, an
      hampering delivery of affordable housing. The review          affordable housing delivery programme can be
      identified a number of potential improvements. We             established, to stimulate and increase supply. The
      will be taking the following actions to help to improve       Council will develop and implement a clear
      the delivery of affordable housing:                           programme for the delivery of affordable housing
      • Establish an affordable housing delivery                    with partners which:
         programme                                                  • Establishes a targeted programme for S106 & HRA
      • Review council land availability with the aim of               funds
         developing a portfolio of potential sites for council      • Maximises use of external funding, including Social
         housing development                                           Housing Grant
      • Investigate alternative ways of funding affordable          • Identifies suitable sites already in Council
         housing                                                       ownership and establishes a programme for
      • Investigate the possibility of centralising the                delivery
         commuted sums received for affordable housing,             • Identifies investment opportunities for using
         to enable a wider range of options to increase the            capital funding
         supply                                                     • Identifies opportunities for collaboration on
      • Develop a standard s106 agreement and publish                  development on other public sector land
         on the council’s website

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      2.14 This will contribute to an improved supply of           2.2 Working with partners to maximise
      affordable housing of all types and tenures. The             affordable housing development
      majority of affordable housing provided over recent
      years has been delivered by Housing Associations,
                                                                   Issues and Challenges
      and the Council will continue to work closely with
      their partners in developing the affordable housing
      delivery programme. Housing Associations will be key
                                                                     a) Lack of financial certainty for Council &
      to its successful implementation.
                                                                        Housing Association partners
                                                                     b) Reduction in public funding for Affordable
      2.15 The review process of the LDP will allow us to
                                                                        Housing through Social Housing Grant
      re-examine policies such as ‘Housing in Hamlets’ and
                                                                     c) Increasing costs for building
      take into account any practical issues that have arisen
                                                                     d) A limited range of partners able to access
      as part of implementing the policy.
                                                                        funding which the Council currently
                                                                        work with
                                                                     e) Public perception of Affordable Housing

                                                                   2.16 Social Housing Grant (SHG) is awarded annually
                                                                   by Welsh Government to bring forward affordable
                                                                   housing developments by Housing Associations. The
                                                                   grant is managed locally by the Council, this ensures
                                                                   that developments are funded following strategic
                                                                   assessment and obtain best value for money;
                                                                   however the Council cannot access the SHG funding
                                                                   directly itself. Grant is awarded towards 58% of the
                                                                   cost of housing projects with the remaining 42%
                                                                   being funded through Housing Associations providing
                                                                   private finance for schemes.

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      2.17 The Welsh Government allocation of national              2.20 The increased flexibility in the HRA system will
      SHG funding has been reducing in recent years from            mean that investment can be considered by the
      £75m in 2011-12 to £53.8m 2014-15. The                        Council for options such as:-
      distribution of the grant funding is based on the             • Direct development
      population size of the county. This means the current         • Joint ventures with Housing Associations
      allocation to Denbighshire is £1,084,475 (2015/16)            • Joint ventures with private developers
                                                                    • Pension fund investment
      2.18 Welsh Government have also introduced a                  • Establishment of a housing development company
      Housing Finance Grant, which is money ‘drip-fed’              • Community Land Trusts
      over the next 30 years, directly to Housing                   • Co-operative models
      Associations to increase the supply of non-market             • Community Living programmes
      housing in Wales. This form of funding has been very
      popular and Welsh Government is looking at                    2.21 We will explore alternative ways of funding
      introducing a second version in 2017/18, from which           Affordable Housing and learn from other local
      they hope 2000 new Affordable Homes will be                   authorities who are applying innovative approaches
      developed. The second phase of this grant funding             to accessing funding.
      has been made available to stock owning local
      authorities in addition to Housing Associations.              2.22 Currently the majority of affordable housing is
                                                                    developed through Housing Associations accessing
      2.19 The changes in the Housing Revenue Account               Welsh Government grants, bonds and raising their
      (HRA) subsidy system effective from April 2015 mean           own private finance. Changes to HRA financing
      there is an additional source of funding for affordable       however will enable councils to be more directly
      housing. Local Authorities have been able to buy out          involved with the provision of affordable housing, by
      of the HRA system and can use the money raised                being able to finance development directly itself.
      through rents and the assets of the buildings, as
      equity against further prudential borrowing and               2.23 We could look at entering into a joint venture
      investment. This gives authorities greater flexibility        with a Housing Association or private developer
      and new opportunities to access funding to build and          where we can provide the land or access cheaper
      invest in housing stock.                                      funding to develop a housing scheme, but the
                                                                    developer or Housing Association provides the
                                                                    building expertise.

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      2.24 Local Authorities are also increasingly being           2.28 Other issues that may need to be considered if
      approached by pension investment companies.                  we are looking at increasing investment and our stock
      The companies offer to build the properties on ‘free’        levels, is the suspension of the ‘Right to Buy’ in
      council land and lease them to the council for a             Denbighshire. With low stock levels and turnover, it
      period of 10-15 years, so we receive the rental              will be unviable for the authority to devote effort to
      income, with us having the option to buy the                 increasing supply only to lose the properties through
      properties after a set period of time.                       the ‘Right to Buy’ process. From 14 July 2015 the
                                                                   maximum discount that can be applied in a ‘Right to
      2.25 The alternative mechanisms for funding                  Buy’ sale has been reduced by Welsh Government
      Affordable Housing, do in the main favour schemes,           from £16,000 to £8000. There are also plans by
      where the council has large land portfolios. In              Welsh Government to bring forward legislation in the
      Denbighshire this is not the case, with land owned by        next assembly to end ‘Right to Buy’ in Wales
      the authority, being distributed throughout the              altogether, whilst waiting for this legislation to be
      county in small pockets, in many cases not suitable          introduced the Council will investigate the feasibility
      for housing development.                                     of having the scheme suspended in the County to
                                                                   prevent losing further housing stock through these
      2.26 A project team has been set up which draws              sales.
      expertise from across the authority, to assess the
      viability of surplus property and land assets, and           2.29 The reduction in discount may be a disincentive
      explore alternative uses or disposal. Through this           for tenants to utilise the scheme, however any local
      process affordable housing is considered in all cases,       authority tenants who wish to get onto the property
      however there is pressure in the current climate to          ladder are prioritised for any affordable housing
      achieve best market price which without land being           ownership schemes in their chosen preference area.
      made available free or at very low cost, makes               Further investigation into the viability of these options
      affordable housing unviable.                                 will be made over the life of the Housing Strategy.

      2.27 Another option for increasing affordable                2.30 The Council has been involved in the setting up
      housing stock, regenerating communities and                  the West Rhyl Community Land Trust, which through
      targeting accommodation for specific vulnerable              the help of Pennaf Housing Group and North Wales
      families, is to look at options such as buying back          Housing has been instrumental in remodelling and
      previously owned council properties or buying and            regenerating the West of Rhyl, which is second in the
      refurbishing empty homes.                                    Multiple Index of Deprivation in Wales. The trust has
                                                                   gone on to develop into a housing cooperative
                                                                   offering more housing choice to the residents of this

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      traditionally deprived area.                                  2.3 An increase in applicants registered on
      2.31 Empty Homes are also being strategically                 the affordable housing register
      identified and prioritised through the Social Housing
      Grant Programme (SHG), to bring forward more
                                                                    Issues and Challenges
      Affordable Housing. These homes following
      refurbishment currently become part of Housing
      Association stock and will remain affordable homes
                                                                      a) Negative perception of affordable housing
      in perpetuity.
                                                                      b) Lack of awareness of different affordable
                                                                         housing schemes
      2.32 Another option for bringing forward Empty
                                                                      c) Complexity of application process
      Homes as social housing is for properties to be
      bought with DCC HRA funding, brought up to Welsh
      Housing Quality Standard and let as social housing.
                                                                    2.34 All the research and information available
      This will aid regeneration programmes, supports the
                                                                    indicates there is a high need for Affordable Housing
      Economic and Community Ambition Strategy 2013 -
                                                                    in the county, however as of July 2015 there are only
      2023 and gives applicants more choice in the areas in
                                                                    80 applicants listed on the affordable housing register
      which they live. It is often more cost effective to use
                                                                    as wishing to be considered for affordable housing
      an existing building, especially in more rural areas,
                                                                    ownership options.
      where new build developments have viability issues.
                                                                    2.35 Reasons for the low uptake vary, from
      2.33 The empty homes programme has also been
                                                                    applicants regarding affordable housing negatively as
      integral to the provision of affordable housing and
                                                                    another form of council housing, applicants not
      regeneration. It has two strands, one of which,
                                                                    happy that any profit made from the re-sale of their
      concentrates on ‘eyesore’ sites in the county. More
                                                                    properties in the future will be limited, due to the
      information on this project is contained in Theme
                                                                    affordability aspect of the schemes to lack of
      Five- Promoting and Supporting Communities.
                                                                    awareness of the scheme and intrusive and laborious
                                                                    form filling for them to be eligible for the register.

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      2.36 Affordable Housing opportunities are currently
      prioritised for those in existing social housing, ex-
                                                                   Summary of Headline Actions for
      members of the armed forces, people with disabilities
      who may find it difficult to get a private property          Theme Two
      adapted to their needs and people wanting to return
      or to stay within a rural area.                              1 Establish an affordable housing delivery /
                                                                     investment programme
      2.37 Work is now being undertaken to try and
      overcome the barriers to accessing affordable                2 Review of Local Development Plan policies
      housing and promote the schemes available, all                 such as affordable housing in rural areas and
      promotion of the register is carried out bilingually:-         commuted sums
      • The application form is being simplified,
      • A promotional strategy will be devised with the            3 Undertake a review of public landholdings,
        stakeholders, to include promotion of the register           working with partners, to identify suitability
        and development sites.                                       and availability for affordable housing

                                                                   4 Investigate alternative mechanisms for the
                                                                     funding and delivery of affordable housing

                                                                   5 Investigate developing a council protocol for
                                                                     the disposal of council land and property
                                                                     assets to consider best value

                                                                   6 Active promotion of the affordable housing
                                                                     register to increase applications, as more
                                                                     applicants will evidence demand to
                                                                     developers and review registration process

                                                                   7 Publicise successful affordable housing

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      3.0 Theme Three
      Ensuring Safe & Healthy Homes

                                                                    3.1 Council and Housing Association
         1 Council and Housing Association
                                                                    accommodation is brought up to and is
           accommodation is brought up to Welsh                     maintained at the Welsh Housing Quality
           Housing Quality Standards and maintained                 Standard (WHQS)
         2 Improved standards in the Private
           Rented Sector                                            Issues and Challenges
         3 Accommodation will be of good quality and
           will be adaptable to residents needs
         4 Properties will be more energy efficient                   a) 4% of Council properties have not been
           helping the environment and improving                         renovated to Welsh Housing Quality
           housing quality                                               Standards
         5 Unauthorised residential occupation of                     b) Maintenance of homes to the recommended
           holiday caravans will be reduced                              standards

      Background                                                    3.2 Welsh Government has set a target of meeting
      3.1 This theme aims to address the provision of               Welsh Housing Quality Standards (WHQS) by 2020
      safe and healthy homes for the residents of                   for all social rented housing stock in Wales. The
      Denbighshire. This needs to be addressed across all           standard includes issues such as:-
      types of accommodation: affordable housing, private           • ensuring properties are adequately heated,
      rented accommodation and owner occupied homes                    fuel efficient and well insulated
      including mobile home sites.                                  • contain up to date kitchens and bathrooms
                                                                    • are in a good state of repair
                                                                    • are safe and secure

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      3.3 96% of Denbighshire County Council’s housing             Denbighshire County Council was unable to access the
      stock met these standards in September 2014,                 funding through the Welsh Housing Quality Standards,
      through an investment programme of over £51m                 to implement renewable technology sources, however
      and has developed an on-going investment                     Denbighshire County Council is looking at other funding
      programme of renewal and major works, using the              streams with a view to piloting external improvements
      Welsh Government grant funding of £2.1m to ensure            in renewable technology on council properties.
      that this standard is maintained.

      3.4 As of June 2015 there are 141 of the 3454                3.2 Improved standards in the Private
      properties owned by Denbighshire County Council              Rented Sector
      which the council has been unable to bring up to these
      standards. These properties are currently tenanted by
                                                                   Issues and Challenges
      older people, who refused the upgrades, due to not
      wanting the disruption. Options such as respite care
      help with packing and moving belongings was offered            a) Challenges in developing good relationships
      but refused by the residents. The properties will be              with landlords
      renovated in the future as they become vacant.                 b) Establishing an accurate database of
                                                                        landlords in the County.
      3.5 With regards to Housing Association properties:            c) Poor quality multi-occupation dwellings
      • Wales & West Housing Association has achieved                   (particularly in the North of the county)
        these standards in all its stock in Denbighshire             d) Improving the quality of private rented
      • North Wales Housing will have completed their                   sector stock
        upgrade of stock in Denbighshire by the end of
      • Pennaf Housing Group is 90% compliant and will be          3.7 The Denbighshire housing market has high
        fully compliant by the end of 2016 throughout all the      percentages of rented properties. In 2015 the
        6 local authorities which they operate within              average percentage of rented properties in Wales
      • Grw ^ p Cynefin will be compliant throughout all their     was 14% compared to 16% in Denbighshire. It is
        housing stock by 2017                                      anticipated that the private rented sector will make
                                                                   up 20% of the total housing stock in Wales by 2020.
      3.6 As part of the upgrading and renovating work             Private landlords therefore make up a significant
      carried out on properties owned by Pennaf Housing            proportion of the housing offer in the county. Private
      Ltd, solar panels were installed on some properties.         landlords can vary, from individuals who rent out a

      32          Denbighshire’s Housing Strategy 2016 - 2021
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