Page created by Michele Kramer

The Sydney–Canberra Corridor Regional Strategy applies to the
local government areas of Wingecarribee, Goulburn Mulwaree,
Upper Lachlan, Yass Valley, Palerang and Queanbeyan, and is one
of a number of regional strategies prepared by the Department of
Planning. The Sydney–Canberra Corridor Regional Strategy builds
on previous planning work, including the 1995 Sydney–Canberra
Corridor Strategy as well as the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) and
Subregion Planning Strategy.

The Regional Strategy represents an agreed NSW Government
position on the future of the Sydney–Canberra Corridor. It is the
pre-eminent planning document for the Sydney–Canberra Corridor
Region and has been prepared to complement other relevant State
and local strategies and planning instruments.

Many parts of the Sydney–Canberra Corridor Region continue to
experience significant growth given the strategic location of the
Region between two capital cities, although in other parts of the
Region there is less immediate demand for growth. The primary
purpose of the Regional Strategy is to accommodate and manage
growth while ensuring that the rural landscapes and environmental
settings that define the Region’s character are not compromised.                                CONTENTS
It will do this by ensuring that land is available and appropriately                           INTRODUCTION ................. INSIDE COVER
located to sustainably accommodate the projected population
growth and associated housing, employment and environmental                                    FOREWORD.............................................1
needs over the period until 2031. The Strategy acknowledges                                    THE SYDNEY–CANBERRA
the importance of a coordinated approach to settlement, whilst                                 CORRIDOR REGION ................................3
taking into account demand for different types of housing and
the adequacy of supply. The broad elements of the Strategy are                                 REGIONAL CHALLENGES .......................5
represented on the Regional Strategy Map, which identifies the                                  A VISION FOR THE FUTURE ..................12
overall structure of the Region.
                                                                                               RURAL LANDS AND PRIMARY
In accordance with the memorandum of understanding between                                     INDUSTRY .............................................17
the NSW and ACT governments on settlement, the Strategy
                                                                                               ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND
recognises the importance of working cooperatively with the ACT                                EMPLOYMENT GROWTH ......................22
and represents the NSW Government’s position on settlement within
the Cross-Border Region.                                                                       REGIONAL TRANSPORT .......................29

The Regional Strategy incorporates the specific regional
                                                                                               HOUSING AND SETTLEMENT ...............32
infrastructure requirements identified in the State infrastructure                              NATURAL ENVIRONMENT .....................41
strategy 2008–09 to 2017–18 New South Wales (NSW Treasury
2008). The Regional Strategy will continue to inform future                                    WATER AND ENERGY RESOURCES .....46
infrastructure priorities for the Sydney–Canberra Corridor.                                    CULTURAL HERITAGE ...........................49
Infrastructure planning will take into account the broad planning
framework identified in the Regional Strategy, to ensure that future                            IMPLEMENTATION .................................51
population growth is supported by required services and associated                             MONITORING AND REVIEW ..................52
The Sydney–Canberra Regional Strategy applies to the period
                                                                                               1. Sustainability criteria ...........................53
2006–2031 and will be reviewed every five years.
                                                                                               2. Infrastructure projects .........................55
                                                                                               3. Settlement principles for the
Sydney–Canberra Corridor Regional Strategy                                                        southern subregion.............................55
© State of New South Wales through the Department of Planning 2008
                                                                                               4. Drinking Water Catchments
                                                                                                  Regional Environmental
ISBN 978-0-7347-5903-0                                                                            Plan No. 1 ..........................................56
DoP 2008_026
Photographs on p. 2 (bottom row, images 1 and 4 from left), p. 7, p. 10, p. 11, p. 17 and      MAPS
p. 19 (top right) © State of New South Wales through the Sydney Catchment Authority.
Photography by TVU Pty Ltd                                                                     1. Sydney–Canberra Corridor
                                                                                               Regional Strategy ............................. 14–15
Disclaimer: While every reasonable effort has been made to ensure that this document is
correct at the time of printing, the State of New South Wales, its agents and employees,
                                                                                               2. Natural resources ...............................16
disclaim any and all liability to any person in respect of anything or the consequences of     3. Drinking water sub-catchments ..........45
anything done or omitted to be done in reliance upon the whole or any part of this document.
With its classic rural landscapes,    Importantly, the Strategy for           This Strategy will set an important
historic towns and location           the Sydney–Canberra Corridor            framework for the Region’s long-
between two major Australian          will also protect unique regional       term growth and environmental
cities, the Sydney–Canberra           assets such as the $200 million         diversity.
Corridor is not only an attractive    agricultural industry and scenic
place to live, but a crucial part     countryside.                            As with the other regional strategies,
of the State’s economy and                                                    the community, local council and
environment.                          As the Region supports its own          key stakeholders – and, in this
                                      water supply and includes Sydney’s      case, the ACT Government – will
The Region is already experiencing    drinking water catchment, it is         be involved in the process and
steady growth, with around 2000       important that the long-term            have an important role to play.
new residents each year and a         strategy identifies water resources
healthy tourism industry.             and key areas supporting                The Strategy will be continually
                                      biodiversity and water quality.         monitored and reviewed every five
This is the sixth regional                                                    years. I commend it to you.
strategy to be finalised by the        The Sydney–Canberra Corridor
NSW Government, to manage             also includes significant transport
sustainable housing and jobs          infrastructure, with the Hume
growth and protect the local          and Federal highways, and
environment. Completed after a        major Sydney to Melbourne road
period of public exhibition, the      and rail routes. These transport        The Hon. Frank Sartor MP
Strategy identifies the need for       backbones offer considerable            Minister for Planning
25 200 additional dwellings and       strategic economic development          Minister for Redfern Waterloo
27 800 new jobs to 2031. This is      opportunities. The ongoing flow
                                                                              Minister for the Arts
in line with the State Plan aims of   of trade and tourism along these
‘jobs closer to home’ and ‘housing    transport corridors will also support
affordability’.                       jobs growth in existing areas and
                                      attract fresh business investment.
The Strategy supports most of
the region’s new housing growth       Specific future infrastructure
occurring in and around existing      requirements for the Region,
major regional centres. This will     identified in the State Infrastructure
assist new housing being serviced     Strategy 2008–09 to 2017–18,
by transport and other services       have been incorporated in the
and infrastructure.                   Regional Strategy.
The Sydney–Canberra Corridor region
  The Sydney–Canberra       The Sydney–Canberra Corridor            distance of Sydney and Canberra
                            is a region of significant potential.    that are also experiencing
  Corridor extends from     Linking Sydney and Canberra, the        significant pressure for growth.
the Southern Highlands      Region is a key State and
                            national corridor for transport,        The Region’s population is
 of NSW in the north, to    communication flows, goods               projected to be 183 350 by
                            and services. The volume and            2031, a growth of 46 350 people,
the NSW/ACT border in                                               requiring an additional 25 200
                            flow of goods, people and ideas
 the south and includes     represents a significant economic        dwellings and 27 800 jobs.

   parts of the Southern    advantage for the Region. As            The Region sits between Australia’s
                            well as its links to Sydney and         largest city, Sydney and the
 Tablelands – an area of    Canberra, the Region enjoys             national capital, Canberra. As both
  approximately 25 000      ready access to Wollongong, the         cities increase in size so does
                            Illawarra and South Coast, and          their influence on the Region. This
      square kilometres.    the south western slopes of NSW.        is most evident in terms of the
       The Region is the    Together with a highly valued rural     extent of commuting and where
                            setting and proximity to other cities   development is mainly occurring,
     traditional home of    and regions, the Sydney–Canberra        being generally at the northern and
       the Gundungurra,     Corridor provides significant choice     southern ends of the corridor.
                            in terms of lifestyle, employment
  Ngunawal, Yuin group      and development opportunities.          Historically, the Region was
    of nations, Wiradjuri   The current population is               serviced by a highway of a much
                            approximately 137 000, with both        lesser standard. As a result,
   and Tharawal people,     the northern and southern ends          centres in the Region and their
     whose cultural and     of the Region experiencing high         communities were a lot more
                            growth, reflecting their proximity to    self-contained. Large pastoral
  traditional association   Sydney and Canberra. There are          farm holdings were more prevalent
    with the land extend    a number of smaller towns in the        with the character of places more
                            Region that are within commuting        strongly linked to agriculture.
over many generations.

                                                                SYDNEY–CANBERRA CORRIDOR REGIONAL STRATEGY — PAGE 3
1               the sydney–canberra
                                   corridor region

         The Region in many ways is now            government area), central               • pressure on rural industries and
         very different. Some communities          (Goulburn Mulwaree and Upper              rural communities to adapt to
         that have historically been service       Lachlan local government areas)           changing technologies and a
         centres supporting growing                and southern (Queanbeyan,                 changing economic base
         populations (e.g. Goulburn) have          Yass Valley and Palerang local
         seen a slowing in growth and the          government areas). These                • natural resource pressures and
         population, as in many regions, is        subregions reflect the range of            implications of climate change.
         increasingly ageing. Rural lifestyle      different issues, communities and       Helping the Region to adapt
         housing is now an established and         rates of growth.                        and plan for changes in where
         significant land use in many parts                                                 people live and work whilst
         of the Region and greater access          Goulburn, Australia’s first inland
                                                   city, plays an important role as        preserving the natural and
         within and out of the Region has                                                  economic assets warrants a
         considerably improved mobility and        the regional service centre for
                                                   the central part of the Region          regional strategic approach.
         choice in terms of where people
         work and shop. For many, these            as well as contributing to the
         choices are no longer necessarily         Region’s traditional rural identity.
         located in the Region.                    Queanbeyan, to the south, has grown
                                                   rapidly over the past three decades
         While improved travel and                 to become a major regional centre,
         communication brings increased            servicing south-eastern NSW and
         choice and opportunity for                forms an important part of the
         economic development and growth,          Canberra–Queanbeyan metropolitan
         it is important that the development      area. To the north the major regional
         of the Region is planned so that the      centre of Bowral in conjunction with
         greatest benefit can be harnessed          adjacent major towns of Mittagong
         from that growth. As the highway          and Moss Vale forms the third
         between Sydney and Canberra               major urban area in the Region.
         improves and travel times shorten,
         there is a risk that its centres, towns   The Region provides an example of
         and villages will become simply the       the planning challenges facing rural
         ‘space between two points’ instead        and regional areas, in that it has:
         of thriving and vital communities.        • a high demand for urban growth
         Added to these underlying trends            and rural lifestyle housing in
         driving change in the Region is the         those areas closest to the cites
         more recent significant challenge            of Sydney and Canberra
         of securing reliable and sustainable      • a decline in the rural
         supplies of water to underpin               communities and centres
         growth and future development.              located away from the high
         The Region can be described as              growth areas
         a collection of three subregions –
         northern (Wingecarribee local

Regional challenges
    Critical to ensuring POPULATION AND                             attracting retirees. Growth and
                                                                    change in areas adjoining the Region,
        that the Region HOUSING                                     particularly Sydney and Canberra
                         The Region current population              will continue to shape the future
remains a liveable and is approximately 137 000 and
                                                                    population patterns of the Region.
   sustainable place is the Regional Strategy plans for
                         a further population increase of           Like other parts of the country, the
the capacity to attract 46 350 over the period to 2031.             population within the Region is
economic investment; The expected growth in the Region              ageing and it is anticipated that
                         is significant as it is one of the few      the proportion of the population
       provide regional non-coastal regions in Australia            aged 65 or over will increase from
                                                                    13.5 percent in 2006 to 27.8 percent
         based housing to be experiencing population
                         growth. Population growth is being         in 2031. The extent to which the
      and job choices; driven by people moving into the             Region is ageing is significant, as
                                                                    it exceeds the rate of ageing in its
  minimise commuting Region because of their desire to              adjacent metropolitan areas.
                         live within a rural setting, as well
     out of the Region; as those seeking more affordable
                                                                    Although it has a high population
        provide reliable housing,   but with continued access
                         to the economic opportunities
                                                                    growth rate, the population growth
                                                                    is not evenly distributed throughout
     and cost effective provided by Sydney or Canberra.             the Region. Growth rates are highest
    infrastructure; and Population growth in Sydney,                in the Wingecarribee, Queanbeyan,
                                                                    Palerang and Yass Valley local
protection of the rural, Canberra and other adjoining               government areas. If historical
                         regions is also expected.
   natural and cultural Historically, there have been               trends continue, Goulburn
                                                                    Mulwaree shire will experience a
 assets of the Region. different   patterns of growth from
                         region to region, with larger cities       slight decline (–0.1 percent per
                               attracting young adults seeking      annum) in population over the next
                               a wider range of education and       25 years and Upper Lachlan a
                               employment options and other         modest increase 0.1 percent per
                               areas such as the South Coast        annum. This Strategy has, however,

                                                                 SYDNEY–CANBERRA CORRIDOR REGIONAL STRATEGY — PAGE 5
2                    regional

          adopted a growth forecast of            supplies. The NSW Government             possible that more dwellings will
          0.5 percent per annum for               is supporting the construction of        be needed if council strategies
          Goulburn Mulwaree based                 a new water supply pipeline to           for growth in places like Upper
          on a strategic direction that           Goulburn as part of the long term        Lachlan and Goulburn Mulwaree
          supports and encourages                 water supply for that city.              are successful. Accompanying
          settlement in these areas, along                                                 the demand for new dwellings
          with economic development               Demand for new housing is                will be a shift in the demand for
          strategies. The Strategy also           arising from both the growth in the      a higher proportion of medium
          recognises that both Goulburn           population, as well as demographic       density/infill and less greenfield
          Mulwaree and Upper Lachlan              changes in the population. The           style development. Councils will
          councils are planning for higher        ageing of the population, changing       be encouraged to consider and
          growth rates to encourage growth        lifestyles and the declining number      support adaptable housing designs
          of their local economies.               of people per household are              that can accommodate the
                                                  strong contributors to the need          expected ageing of the population.
          The Strategy will be comprehensively    for additional dwellings. As an          There will continue be demand
          reviewed every five years. Any           example, the average number of           for a range of affordable housing
          economic and demographic                people per household is expected         options, particularly in those places
          changes, such as higher than            to decline from 2.53 in 2006             close to economic development
          expected population growth, will        to 2.25 in 2031. This means              opportunities. Finally, there is also
          be monitored and the strategy           that even in areas with a stable         demand for dwellings to provide
          adjusted appropriately.                 population, additional dwellings         for the short-term accommodation
                                                  would be needed. The changing            needs in the corridor relating to the
          Access to reliable and affordable       demographic patterns, including an       demands of key employers and for
          reticulated water will be a key         increase in the number of childless      tourist accommodation.
          determinant of the extent,              couples and single-person
          location and timing of housing          households, will also require a shift    Although there is strong
          and employment lands across             in the types of dwellings that will be   demand for urban growth and
          the Region. Within the southern         needed. At present three quarters        development in the corridor, the
          part of the Region, the ACT–NSW         of the housing stock is detached         demand is uneven with some
          Cross-Border Region Settlement          houses, over time it is expected         areas experiencing growth and
          Agreement and the Water                 that smaller, easier to manage           other areas experiencing nominal
          Resources Agreement need to             dwellings, including town houses,        or no growth. The challenge of
          be considered when planning             villas and even apartments in major      the Strategy is to ensure that
          for development. In the central         regional centres will be required to     the demand for urban growth is
          part of the Region, particularly        meet changing housing needs.             directed to major regional centres
          around Goulburn, there is a need                                                 of Queanbeyan, Goulburn and
          to ensure that appropriate water        It is projected that an additional       Bowral. Enabling growth to occur
          sources continue to be secured          25 200 dwellings will be required to     within the smaller settlements
          and that opportunities arising out      cater for the expected population        such as Marulan and Bungendore
          of additional population growth         growth and the demographic               without losing their character as
          are balanced with the ability           change towards fewer people per          rural settlements is also a challenge
          to maintain sustainable water           housing demand. However it is            for the Strategy.

Linked to the type, location and       • provide for the growth of other         challenge for the Region. The
timing of housing in the Region          towns and villages in a manner          greatest pressure on the rural lands
is the provision, capacity and           that is generally consistent with the   of the Region comes from the
cost of infrastructure provision         Strategy’s centres hierarchy, the       demand for rural lifestyle housing.
and service delivery. This applies       individual character of towns and       Fragmentation of farm holdings
to both the utilisation of services      villages and the growth planning        also can also reduce the profitability
already established in the Region,       being pursued by councils               of farms, can lead to land use
as well as additional needs. Both                                                conflict, and increases the cost
Goulburn and Queanbeyan contain        • ensure secure and sustainable           of rural lands. The proximity of
significant existing services and         water supplies to meet expanding        farmland to major regional centres
facilities, including an established     urban and employment needs              has also increased the cost of
hospital in Goulburn. In addition a      arising for development out of          rural lands. This has lead to a large
new hospital is being constructed in     Sydney and Canberra.                    number of small farms and hobby
Queanbeyan, as well as a number                                                  farms within the Region. With these
of primary and secondary schools       RURAL LANDS                               pressures on production also
and range of government offices.                                                  come the need to adapt to new
                                       Agriculture is a major feature of the
                                                                                 technologies, constant competition
The key population and housing         Region’s economy contributing
                                                                                 for national and international markets,
challenges are to:                     nearly $200 million per annum
                                                                                 as well as changing climatic patterns.
                                       and employing, both directly and
• cater for the extra 46 350                                                     Planning for rural lands must
                                       indirectly, 11 percent of the Region’s
  people over the period to                                                      recognise that the rural landscape
                                       workforce1. The general farming
  2031, matching housing with                                                    cannot remain fixed but must
                                       landscapes of many parts of the
  changing demographic trends,                                                   accommodate changes to ensure
                                       Region also contribute to the scenic
  particularly an ageing population                                              objectives for agriculture, as well
                                       environment and amenity that
  and declining household                                                        as other objectives are met. State
                                       makes the Region an attractive
  occupancy rates                                                                Environmental Planning Policy (Rural
                                       lifestyle destination. The main
                                                                                 Lands) 2008 (Rural Lands SEPP)
                                       agricultural industries are broad acre
• cater for the demands for                                                      provides planning principles for
                                       grazing, although there is strong
  short-term accommodation                                                       rural lands, including the promotion
                                       growth in viticulture and horticulture.
  in the major regional centres                                                  and protection of opportunities for
  and major towns arising from         The proximity of the Region to both       sustainable economic activities,
  tourism and key institutions         the Sydney and Canberra markets           providing opportunities for a rural
  (e.g. Police academy, federal        and major road and rail networks          lifestyle and balancing the social,
  government departments and           facilitating the supply of produce to     economic and environmental
  major defence establishments)        markets, are the key opportunities        interests of the community.
                                       for agriculture in the Region.
• support and reinforce the role of                                              While the Regional Strategy is
                                       This enables diverse crops and
  Bowral, Goulburn and Queanbeyan                                                unable to resolve all the issues
                                       agricultural activities to be pursued.
  as the major regional centres by                                               facing rural areas, its strategic
  focusing new greenfield areas         Preserving rural lands as a resource      direction and land use planning
  and medium density housing in        for emerging as well as existing
  and around these centres             agriculture is therefore a key
                                                                                 1 ABS Census of Population and Housing, 2001 and
                                                                                   MacroPlan Australia.

                                                                             SYDNEY–CANBERRA CORRIDOR REGIONAL STRATEGY — PAGE 7
2               regional

          policies can be used to help            the Region will be a significant         • address the impact of peri-
          address some of the impacts             challenge. Farmers need to be able        urban land uses (areas close
          that make modern agricultural           to pursue new markets and forms           to or on the edge of existing
          production challenging.                 of production without unreasonable        urban areas) on existing farming
                                                  restrictions on land use.                 and future urban development
          Many of the smaller rural                                                         by providing certainty for long
          communities in the Region               More recently the Region has              term uses through appropriate
          such as Braidwood, Crookwell            become attractive for wind                land use zonings, subdivision
          and Gunning are largely reliant         farming. This presents a challenge        controls and the identification of
          on agriculture and give the             of balancing scenic and cultural          long term urban release areas
          economic activities of these            landscape values with the
          towns a strong rural focus. It is       potential economic benefits for          • manage the location and impacts
          this predominantly rural character      rural areas and the much wider            of rural residential development.
          and landscape of many towns             reaching environmental benefits.
          that is an important contributor        Wind farms add a new source of
          to the sense of identity of the         economic activity that help to offset
          Region and its attractiveness           and improve the productivity of         The economy of the Region is
          as a place to live. In recognition      traditional farming activities.         diverse reflecting the range of
          of the importance the its rural                                                 agricultural landscapes, the growing
          landscape the NSW Government            The Region contains a number of         population, key national transport
          has formally acknowledged the           substantial hard rock, limestone        links and the influence of Sydney
          heritage values of the township         and other extractive industries,        and Canberra on large parts of the
          of Braidwood and its setting,           which provide considerable              Region. Many features of the Region
          through a listing on the State’s        resources for the State’s               present a number of potential
          Heritage Register. The Statement        construction sector. Like the           economic opportunities, notably the:
          of Significance listing the township     traditional agricultural sector, the
                                                  Regional Strategy can ensure that       • support the economic contribution
          recognises not just the buildings
                                                  the potential for these resources         of existing and potential primary
          within the town, but the pattern of
                                                  to be sterilised by inappropriate         industries to the Region
          settlement and its context within a
          historic pastoral landscape.            adjoining uses is reduced.

          The value of rural lands in the         The key rural land challenges are to:
          Region extends beyond primary           • support the economic
          production to include cultural,           contribution of existing and
          scenic and environmental qualities.       potential primary industries to
          This is reflected in the diversity         the Region
          of landscapes from the farming
          landscape of parts of the Southern      • maintain the rural character
          Highlands to the timbered                 and diversity of land values
          Brindabella Ranges in the south.          across the Region, whilst
          Accommodating this diversity and          acknowledging competing
          mix of rural land values across           uses of rural land

• maintain the rural character and     Region for work, mostly from the        both capital and entrepreneurial
  diversity of land values across      areas of the Region within close        skills to develop new industries.
  the Region, whilst acknowledging     proximity to Sydney and Canberra.       The Regional Strategy is unable
  competing uses of rural land         The central subregion is relatively     to directly influence these factors,
                                       self-contained, with most of its        but it can ensure that there is
• address the impact of peri-urban     residents able to gain employment       adequate housing and employment
  land uses (areas close to or on      locally. Reducing the journey to work   land to provide opportunities for
  the edge of existing urban areas)    to locations outside of the Region      newly establishing, growing or
  on existing farming and future       is a significant challenge to the long   relocated businesses.
  urban development by providing       term sustainability of the Region.
  certainty for long term uses                                                 Key economic challenges are to:
  through appropriate land use         Unemployment is also an issue in
  zonings, subdivision controls        the central subregion, in particular    • provide regionally based
  and the identification of long        Goulburn Mulwaree, which has              employment opportunities (at
  term urban release areas             a rate of unemployment (6.1               least 27 800 new jobs) through
                                       percent) more than double that of         the identification and protection
• manage the location and              the southern end of the corridor          of major employment lands.
  impacts of rural residential         (2.8 percent). Youth employment
  development.                                                                 • reduce the proportion of
                                       is also an issue within the corridor,     commuting/journey to work
It is projected that at least 27 800   with the unemployment rate for            out of the Region by providing
new jobs will be required in           those aged between 15–24 years            regionally based employment
the Region over the period to          more than double the total                and housing opportunities.
2031 to support the projected          unemployment rate for the Region.         This should aim to reduce the
population growth. The amount          The high rates of unemployment,           proportion of the workforce
of land required to accommodate        particularly youth unemployment,          commuting out of the Region
this number of jobs will be            increase the potential for the            from 26 percent to 20 percent
influenced by the extent of             population of the Region to age
suitable industrial land already       and lose its most productive age        • build on regional strengths
available; the industries where job    groups as young people migrate            in employment including
growth is likely to occur; and the     closer to employment centres.             distribution/logistic clusters
alternative choices for employment     One of the keys to turning around         along the Hume Highway, and
outside the Region in Sydney           the population decline in smaller         the proximity to Sydney and
and Canberra. Conversely, those        towns and villages, as well as            Canberra markets
northern and southern parts of the     boosting the growth rate of
                                       Goulburn depends on providing           • build the vitality and capability
Region that are highly accessible                                                of centres within the corridor so
to Sydney and Canberra are well        employment opportunities for
                                       younger age groups.                       they can provide employment
placed to provide employment                                                     opportunities for necessary
lands servicing wider markets.         Encouraging new economic                  service industries, as well as
During 2001, 23 500 people             development relies on many factors,       enabling the incubation of new
(26 percent of the Region’s resident   including an available workforce,         industries and businesses
workforce) travelled outside of the    access to markets, as well as

                                                                           SYDNEY–CANBERRA CORRIDOR REGIONAL STRATEGY — PAGE 9
2                          regional

          • protect the agricultural sector        and the Sydney Catchment               White Box, Yellow Box Blakelys
            of the Region by measures              Authority. The catchment areas         Red Gum Woodlands. The Region
            including limiting uncontrolled        help to underpin the high quality      also lies between other regions
            fragmentation of rural lands           environment and lifestyle enjoyed      with their own areas of high
            through subdivision and controlling    by the community and helps             biodiversity and environmental
            the extent and location of             distinguish the heavily modified        value. A challenge for the Region
            non-compatible land uses such          landscapes of the tablelands.          is to ensure the protection and
            as rural residential development.                                             enhancement of areas of high
                                                   The long history of settlement         environmental significance and the
                                                   and agriculture in the Region has      links between them.
          ENVIRONMENT                              resulted in a significantly modified
          While the Region has a rich and          and cleared landscape. On the          Past clearing practices together with
          diverse array of natural assets          less fertile shallow soil landscapes   the underlying geology has resulted
          which contribute to the Region’s         there are large patches of remnant     in a highly saline landscape in the
          ecological and economic value, its       vegetation. The majority of land       Yass River valley. This has implications
          landscape and character reflect the       within the national parks reserve      for ongoing primary production in
          history of extensive modification         system is on the eastern edge of       the area, as well as the quality of
          for agricultural activities. Currently   the Region and in the north eastern    its drinking water supplies.
          almost 11 percent of the land is         and south western corners.
                                                                                          Climate change presents itself
          managed for both water catchment                                                not only as an environmental
                                                   The Region contains a range of
          and conservation purposes,                                                      challenge, but as a social and
                                                   distinct and related ecosystems,
          predominately in the Shoalhaven                                                 economic challenge for the
                                                   including several endangered
          and Metropolitan Special Areas as                                               Region as well. Apart from the
                                                   ecological communities such as
          managed by the Department of                                                    hazards associated with a more
                                                   the Natural Temperate Grasslands
          Environment and Climate Change                                                  variable climate, such as droughts,
                                                   of the Southern Tablelands and the
                                                                                          bushfires and flooding and erosion
                                                                                          from increased rainfall intensity,
                                                                                          climate change has the potential
                                                                                          to alter the natural ecosystems of
                                                                                          the Region. Long term planning
                                                                                          decisions must place a high value
                                                                                          on development options that make
                                                                                          more sustainable use of land and
                                                                                          resources and respond to risks
                                                                                          associated with climate change.

                                                                                          The environmental challenges are to:

                                                                                          • ensure that development
                                                                                            occurs in a way that safeguards
                                                                                            and enhances the existing
                                                                                            environmental, biodiversity and
                                                                                            scenic assets of the Region

• ensure the sustainable                When considering the availability of     and the case of Yass, from supplies
  management of natural                 water to supply growth, there are        managed by Yass Valley Council.
  resources and the protection          striking differences between the         Alternative options to secure
  of rural landscapes                   northern, central and southern           water could be explored given the
                                        sectors of the Region. In the north,     severity of the current drought.
• ensure development can                the area is comparatively secure in
  help reduce the impact of             water supply, although much of its       The water challenges are to:
  climate change                        water resources flow north towards        • protect water quality and supply
• appropriately conserve and            Sydney. Parts of the central subregion     through planning measures such
  protect heritage items and values     have recently experienced severe           as appropriate environmental
  including European, cultural          water shortages as a result of             controls and the Drinking
  and Aboriginal, and incorporate       the recent drought. Goulburn               Water Catchment Regional
  these values within land use          Mulwaree Council in conjunction            Environmental Plan No. 1
  planning and natural resource         with the NSW Government are
  management processes.                 working closely on a range of            • strengthen the constraints on
                                        options to secure Goulburn city’s          certain development activities in
                                        long term sustainable water                drinking water catchments
WATER                                   supply. These options include
                                        council’s integrated water cycle         • improve water management
Water is a crucial resource for the
                                        management plan process; the               and conservation strategies to
Region. Important watercourses
                                        recent upgrading of Sooley Dam to          secure water supply to new
include the Murrumbidgee,
                                        increase the capacity of the dam           residential areas
Shoalhaven, Lachlan, Yass,
Wingecarribee and Wollondilly           by 50 percent and the construction       • ensure that development does
rivers. Lake George is a major          of an emergency drought pipeline           not impact on the availability of
inland water body that remains dry      from the Wingecarribee Reservoir           water for environmental flows
for much of the time.                   in order to enhance the security of
                                        Goulburn’s water supply.                 • recognise and incorporate the
Nearly 50 percent of Sydney’s                                                      cross-border arrangements
drinking water catchment as             For Queanbeyan and the southern            for water supply within a NSW
identified in the Drinking Water         sector, water is supplied by the ACT       strategic planning framework.
Catchment Regional Environmental        under the terms of the cross-border
Plan No. 1 is contained within the      settlement and water agreements
Region. The regional environmental
plan aims to manage and protect
the catchment to meet water quality
objectives. A key aspect of the
regional environmental plan is the
requirement for new development to
have a neutral or beneficial effect on
water quality as well as protecting
the water supply of Sydney and
regional centres such as Goulburn.

                                                                            SYDNEY–CANBERRA CORRIDOR REGIONAL STRATEGY — PAGE 11
A vision for the future
          The Sydney–Canberra                     It is this character and sense of        Thriving
                                                  place that make the Region such
                                                                                           The Region attracts economic
            Corridor Region has                   an attractive place for existing
                                                                                           opportunities and builds on the
                                                  residents and new comers alike.
           evolved from a series                  The rural landscapes help to define       skills and experience of its residents
                                                  the sense of the Region as a place       to help encourage regionally based
            of individual centres,                where a connection to a rural            employment, whilst sustainably
                                                                                           managing future growth.
              towns and villages                  lifestyle, still exists within a short
                                                  distance to thriving metropolises.
                 to a linked set of                                                        Liveable communities
                                                  The Region will have a vibrant and
                communities that                  diverse regional economy built on        The Region will continue to provide
                                                  the movement of goods, ideas and         adequate housing opportunities
                  draws on a rich                 people along the national transport      and infrastructure that maintain a
                                                                                           liveable community within a rural
                pastoral and rural                corridor between Sydney and the
                                                  national capital.
                heritage to define
                                                  It will be a region of choice where
                     its character.               people can live and work within          Rural heritage and
                                                  the corridor whilst remaining close      character
                                                  to Sydney and Canberra. It will          Development and growth that
                                                  build on its rural character and         builds on and respects the Region’s
                                                  support a diverse range of liveable      rural heritage and character.
                                                  communities with a strong sense of
                                                  identity and sense of place.

                                                  It will be a region where the
                                                  environmental values of the
                                                  landscape are recognised and
                                                  protected and natural resources are
                                                  managed sustainably for the benefit
                                                  of present and future generations.


The Regional Strategy is an           • Only consider additional          • Protect the cultural and
initiative of the NSW Government        development sites if it can be      Aboriginal heritage values
to guide sustainable growth             demonstrated that they satisfy      and visual character of rural
throughout the Sydney–Canberra          the Sustainability Criteria         towns and villages and
Corridor until 2031.                    (Appendix 1).                       surrounding landscapes.

The aims of the Strategy are to:      • No new rural residential zones    NSW government agencies
                                        will be supported unless as       will use this Strategy when
• Cater for a housing demand            part of an agreed structure       developing their own plans
  of up to 25 200 new dwellings         plan or local settlement          for investment in infrastructure.
  by 2031 to accommodate                strategy.                         Where development or rezoning
  the additional 46 350 people                                            increases the need for State
  expected in the Region over         • Ensure an adequate supply         infrastructure, the Minister
  the period 2031.                      of land to support economic       for Planning may require a
                                        growth and provide capacity       contribution to the provision of
• Increase the amount of housing        to accommodate a projected
  in existing centres to ensure                                           such infrastructure, having regard
                                        27 800 new jobs, particularly     to the NSW Government’s State
  the needs of future households        in the areas of manufacturing,
  are better met, in particular the                                       Infrastructure Strategy and equity
                                        transport and logistics,          considerations.
  needs of smaller households           business services, health,
  and an ageing population.             aged care and tourism.
• Manage the environmental            • Limit development in places
  impact of settlement by focusing      constrained by important
  new urban development in              primary industry resources
  existing identified growth             and significant scenic and
  areas such as Bowral,                 cultural landscapes.
  Goulburn and Queanbeyan.

                                                                      SYDNEY–CANBERRA CORRIDOR REGIONAL STRATEGY — PAGE 13
Larger towns providing local and district
services and facilities, comprising the general
range of weekly and some higher order goods
and business services. Well established town
centres. The full range of housing types are
generally provided.
Small centres that vary in size. Small to
medium concentrations of retail, health and
other services with generally lower density
housing. Reliant on higher order centres for
specialised services, shopping and employment.

Small centres with local retail and speciality                                                              Laggan
tourism retail within the Region.
Villages contribute to the Region’s character                                                                       Crookwell
and to tourism.


EMPLOYMENT LAND                                                                             Dalton
                                                                                 Jerrawa                          Breadalbane

                                                  MELBOURNE          Yass                             Collector

DRINKING WATER CATCHMENTS REP NO 1                               Murrumbateman

MAJOR AIRPORT                                                                                              Bungendore


                                                                                                                  Captains Flat





46,350 more people
                                                                                       25,200 new homes
                                                                                       27,800 new jobs
                                                                                       25 year plan
                                                                                       3 major regional centres

                                                                                       CANBERRA AND WOLLONGONG
                                                Hill Top          Yanderra
                                                                                       The Region adjoins the ACT and the national
                                                                Yerrinbool             capital, Canberra. Canberra is an important
     Taralga                                  Colo Vale                                centre adjoining the southern part of the
                                                           Mittagong                   Region providing higher order health and
                                Berrima                                                education services, major retail and specialist
                                                                                       professional services.
                             New Berrima              BOWRAL
                                                                                       Wollongong, within the Illawarra Region plays
                             Moss Vale                                                 a similar role for the northern part of the
                         Sutton Forest                                                 Region. Centres in south western Sydney also
                                                                                       play an important complementary role for the
                                Exeter          Burrawang                              northern part of the region.
            Marulan                      Bundanoon
GOULBURN                                                                               MAJOR REGIONAL CENTRE
                                                                                       Existing centres with an important role in
                                                                                       providing regionally based services, shopping,
   Bungonia                                                                            education, recreation and employment.
                                                                                       The full range of housing types are generally
                                                                                       provided. The majority of growth in both
                                                                                       housing and employment is to occur in these
                                                                                       regional centres.
                                                                                       Although Bowral, Mittagong and Moss Vale
                                                                                       together function largely as one urban centre
                                                                                       for the northern part of the Region, Bowral
                                                                                       remains the major centre providing higher
                                                                                       order retail and commercial services.
                                                                                       This important role for Bowral should be
                                                                                       reinforced by consolidating regional scale
                                                                                       retail and commercial development and
                                                                                       services in Bowral. Mittagong will continue
                                                                                       to have an important role as a local retail and
                                                                                       service centre with Moss Vale maintaining its
                                                                                       administrative and rural service centre role. All
                                                                                       three centres should play a complementary role.
                                                                                       Goulburn is the administrative and
     Braidwood                                                                         commercial centre of the central part of
                                                                                       the Region. Major government services
                                                                                       and facilities are located in Goulburn as
                                                                                       well as regionally significant commercial
                                                                                       development, industry and employment.
Majors Creek                                                                           The provision of services and housing in
                                                                                       the central part of the Region should be
                                                                                       generally consolidated in Goulburn to
                                                                                       support its regional role.
  Araluen                                                                              QUEANBEYAN
                                                                                       Queanbeyan is the regional centre for the
                                                                                       southern part of the Region and forms part
                                                                                       of the larger Canberra–Queanbeyan
                                                                                       metropolitan area. The centre plays a key
                                                                                       role in providing services for the Region
                                                                                       and a wider metropolitan role in housing
                                                                                       and employment.

                                                                                       MAJOR REGIONAL CENTRE
                                                                                       Major Regional Centres within the
                                                                                       adjacent South Coast Region.
                         0               20                40           60      80km



                                                          Crookwell                                                              BOWRAL
                                                                                                            Moss Vale
                                                                                                            Moss Vale
                                                                                                                         Wingecarribee   Robertson

                                                                                             Marulan           Bundanoon


                                                                  Lake             Lake


                                      CANBERRA         QUEANBEYAN
                                                      Googong                       Braidwood

                                                                                                  BATEMANS BAY

                                                                                                        0         15          30                          60


                      Major Regional Centre                 Major Airport                               Drinking Water Catchments REP No. 1
                      Major Town                            Railway Line
                                                                                                        Local Government Area Boundary
                                                            Major Roads
                      Town                                  Highways and Freeways                       Non-Coal Extractive Resources
                                                            Rivers                                      Coal Resources
                      Regional City                                                                     Rural Land
                                                            Water body
                                                                                                        State Forest
                      Major Regional Centre                 Highest Wind Areas – NSW Wind Atlas
                      (Outside Strategy Area)                                                           Significant Agricultural Land
                                                            Existing Urban Area

Rural lands and primary industry

BACKGROUND                             in 2006, 27.8 percent of the            new agricultural industries in the
                                       workforce in the Upper Lachlan          Region confirms the importance of
The rural lands of the Region          area worked in sheep, beef cattle       protecting rural lands as a long term
underpin its economic base,            and grain farming 2 .                   economic resource for the Region.
providing the resources for
agriculture, industry and tourism.     The value of agriculture to the         The Region produces a wide range
However, the rural landscapes          Region is not just reflected in          of agricultural products, which is
of the Region also define its           employment in the agriculture,          becoming increasingly diverse.
intrinsic rural character, one         forestry and fishing sector, but         Over recent decades, the Region
of the key attraction points           also in terms of its contribution       has seen the emergence of new
drawing people to the Region.          to the Region’s gross regional          and innovative forms of agricultural
Ensuring an appropriate balance        product. It also has significant flow     production. As well as the
in the management of the rural         on effects, in terms of demand          traditional mainstay of wool, which
landscapes of the Region is critical   for goods and services, to other        is the most significant agricultural
to the ongoing protection and          sectors including manufacturing,        commodity for the Region, there
development of its agriculture and     transport and storage, wholesale        are also valuable honey, cut-flower
associated industries, as well as      and retail trade, property, and         and wine production industries.
maintaining the broad landscapes       health services.
that define its strong sense of                                                 Agricultural lands in the Region
place and rural character.             Traditionally, agriculture in the       should not just be seen in terms of
                                       Region has been largely centred         their current values, as the Region
                                       on cattle and sheep grazing.            is strategically placed for long term
AGRICULTURE                            The Region’s new forms of               food production. The Region’s
Agriculture contributes almost         agriculture such as viticulture,        capacity for the sustainable
$200 million to the economy of         while providing diversification          production of food and fibre,
the Region and is a significant         in product, bring a different set       and ease of access to markets
employer. Agriculture is the           of planning issues in terms of          present opportunities for primary
predominant economic contributor       potential land use conflicts and         industries seeking to relocate from
to many of the rural communities       a generally more intensive use of       the Sydney metropolitan fringe.
in the Region. For example,            rural landscapes. The potential for
                                                                               2 ABS Census of Population and Housing 2006

                                                                           SYDNEY–CANBERRA CORRIDOR REGIONAL STRATEGY — PAGE 17
4       rural lands and
                                                                                       primary industry

          The corridor has a comparative               and the capacity of the small       EXTRACTIVE AND
          advantage in terms of food and               towns and villages to support       MINERAL RESOURCES
          fibre production compared to other            associated farm-based business
          regions because of its location                                                  Extractive resources, primarily hard
          along the major transport routes        • increase the potential for rural       rock quarries in Wingecarribee
          between the major cities of Sydney,       land use conflict                       and Goulburn Mulwaree, contribute
          Canberra and Melbourne.                                                          significantly to the economy of
                                                  • decrease the economic value
                                                                                           the Region. The major resource
          With its highly attractive rural          of rural land as a resource
                                                                                           deposits of sand and hard
          character, rural lifestyle housing as     because land values are based
                                                                                           rock in the northern and central
          rural residential development has         on residential rather than
                                                                                           subregions have the potential to
          occurred at a significant scale in         agricultural capacity
                                                                                           supply Sydney with construction
          many parts of the Region. Rural                                                  material for up to 50 years.
                                                  • impose costs on the community
          residential development can cater                                                As these resources are estimated to
                                                    to service and maintain
          for demand for an alternative                                                    be in excess of 1000 million tonnes,
                                                    residential land uses within the
          form of housing within the Region                                                there is significant potential to
                                                    rural landscape
          provided it is appropriately located                                             expand the present level of supply
          and planned for. The trend has          • result in social isolation             of the friable fine–medium
          been to locate rural residential                                                 sandstone. The location of many
          development largely within the          • result in resource and
                                                                                           of these resources, near rail and
          commuting zone of Sydney,                 ecosystem degradation
                                                                                           freeway access and close to
          Canberra and Goulburn, in the           • potentially constrain the use          Australia’s biggest construction
          Wamboin and Bywong areas of               of rural land for agriculture          materials market in Sydney,
          Palerang shire and adjacent to            and resources such as mining           makes them particularly significant
          established centres such as Yass          through conflict between rural          from a State perspective.
          and Murrumbateman. However,               industries and those seeking a         Significant extractive resources
          if not appropriately located, such        rural lifestyle.                       areas are shown on the Natural
          development has the potential to                                                 Resources Map.
          adversely impact on agriculture         Putting in place strategies,
          and other primary industries.           including State Environmental            Within the Region, there are a
          Where this has occurred it has          Planning Policy (Rural Lands) 2008,      number of large potential resources
          involved the general subdivision of     which recognise the value of rural       of hard rock. Quarry operations in
          rural land into small lots, including   landscapes, agricultural lands and       the Southern Highlands currently
          concessional lots, often resulting in   protecting the land resources for        supply approximately eight percent
          ad hoc development.                     primary industries is critical to the    of Sydney’s construction sand and
                                                  economic future of the Region.           almost ten percent of aggregate.
          Unplanned rural residential                                                      There is potential for this supply
                                                  Key elements of this strategic
          development and the breakup of                                                   to rise significantly with resources
                                                  approach include long term
          agricultural land can:                                                           being depleted from deposits
                                                  planning to accommodate demand
          • impact upon the potential viability   for rural lifestyle housing as well as   located within the Greater
            of an agricultural area through a     considering the most appropriate         Metropolitan Region.
            reduction in farm businesses          minimum sizes of rural lots.

Current and potential sources of          gas consumption in NSW is                 the sand and coarse aggregate
construction material (such as            supplied from developments in the         resources in the Bungendore
sand, hard rock and sources of            Macarthur area to the north. There        region near the southern margin
clay/shale for brick making) within       is potential for this area to expand      of Lake George, and the hard rock
the Southern Highlands are widely         further into the corridor, particularly   resources near Queanbeyan.
dispersed across Wingecarribee            in the northern and eastern areas
and Goulburn Mulwaree local               of Wingecarribee.                         These resources are important for
government areas. All however                                                       supplies to the Canberra and
are within a relatively short             The southern subregion of the             smaller local markets. Extractive
distance to the Sydney–Canberra           Sydney–Canberra Corridor                  resources are important to the
transport corridor.                       contains deposits of several              economy of the Region with
                                          important base metal (lead, zinc,         enough potential resource to
These extractive resources are a          silver, copper) in the Woodlawn           supply these markets for many
key strategic economic resource           and Captains Flat areas. There is         years in the future.
for the Region and Sydney.                alluvial and hard rock gold deposits
The northern subregion is directly        in the Braidwood–Araluen region.          RURAL LANDSCAPES
adjacent to and includes parts            Areas with other extractive resources     The scenic and cultural landscapes
of the Southern Coalfields. The            are widely dispersed across the           of the Region are a significant
Southern Coalfield is an important         southern subregion. Fine aggregate        contributor to the wider value of
source of coking and thermal              (construction sand) and coarse            rural landscapes. Particularly
coal, which due to the depths of          aggregate (gravel) resources can          significant landscapes include
the seams, requires underground           be found in the Palerang area,            Lake George and the Lake George
mining techniques.                        while several significant shale and        Escarpment, Fitzroy Falls, the
In addition to coal resources             hard rock resources exist in the          Southern Highlands farm
there are also petroleum                  Yass Valley area. Some extractive         landscapes and the Brindabella
exploration licences for natural          mineral resource deposits are             Ranges. The Region’s scenic
gas. Almost 8 percent of current          of particular interest, such as           landscapes are an important


The proximity of many parts of the        driven by the demand for lifestyle        multiple future ownership can also
Region to Sydney and Canberra is          lots in those areas of the Region         potentially limit options for the
a significant influence on the use          accessible to major cities. However       expansion of towns and the
and demand for land. Referred to          peri-urban areas because of their         provision of infrastructure. Devising
as peri-urban areas, they are those       proximity to large markets can also       planning responses to these issues
areas generally close to or on the        be intensively farmed and are often       is one of the greatest challenges
perimeter of major urban areas.           of high economic value in terms of        for rural lands planning. A clearer
The viability of farming in these areas   rural production.                         understanding of the economic
can be constrained by increased                                                     and housing demands driving land
land costs which prices out new or        The fragmentation of land adjacent        uses in these areas is critical.
expanding farmers, and can lead           to existing towns into rural
to an increase in land speculation        residential lots and subsequent

                                                                               SYDNEY–CANBERRA CORRIDOR REGIONAL STRATEGY — PAGE 19
4              rural lands and
                                                                                         primary industry

          contributor to the character of         of the rural lands of the Region       OUTCOMES
          the Region, and an economic             to develop wind farms will be
          resource for the tourism industry.      important to meeting this target.      The contribution and ongoing
          The Strategy does not aim                                                      development of primary production
          to lock up the rural landscape          It will be important that local        and agriculture to the Region’s
          from development but to strike          planning for wind farms as             economy and identity, particularly
          a balance between allowing              well as other rural land uses          its many towns and villages,
          development and change in rural         recognises the need to reduce          is recognised by ensuring a
          areas, particularly to facilitate       conflict with existing communities,     coordinated approach to settlement
          agricultural production, whilst         recognises and protects key            planning, the protection of
          maintaining the scenic qualities        landscape features and takes           agricultural lands as a resource
          that are important to the Region.       greatest advantage of the potential    asset for the production of food
                                                  economic and environmental             and fibre, the minimisation of land
          With its consistent high wind levels    benefits of the industry.               use conflict, and the appropriate
          and good access to high voltage                                                protection of environmental values.
          distribution networks, the rural
          lands of the Region also provide                                               Rural lands planning in the
          significant opportunities for the                                               Region supports the long term
          establishment of wind farms. The                                               development of agriculture by
          State Plan priority E2 – ‘A reliable                                           taking a strategic approach to
          electricity supply with increased                                              the location of rural residential
          use of renewable energy’ has a                                                 development and recognises that
          target of 15 percent renewable                                                 the mix of values that comprise
          energy use across the State by                                                 rural lands (economic, scenic,
          2020. Protecting the capacity                                                  cultural and environmental)


          Agriculture is a significant industry,   The SEPP contains rural planning       The rural planning principles
          worth approximately $7.3 billion to     principles and rural subdivision       identify a range of matters
          the economy of NSW and providing        principles, which will assist          that should be considered
          employment to 79 000 people.            councils in planning for the proper    when councils prepare local
          The ongoing orderly and economic        management, development and            environmental plans for rural land.
          development of the rural lands in       protection of rural lands. The         This will enable opportunities
          NSW is vital to the State economy.      SEPP also contains measures            for economic development,
                                                  to reduce land use conflicts,           protection of natural resources
          In response to the findings of the       including preventing subdivision       and environmental values and a
          Central West Rural Land Review          of concessional lots in rural areas.   range of housing types in planned
          Panel, State Environmental              The SEPP allows councils to retain     locations.
          Planning Policy (Rural Lands)           their current minimum lot size(s) or
          2008 (the SEPP) has been                vary them in accordance with the
          prepared to improve planning            principles in the SEPP.
          outcomes in rural areas of NSW.

requires an integrated approach           – not include provisions
to managing rural landscapes at a           to permit concessional
local government area scale.                allotments in accordance with
                                            the Rural Lands SEPP.
Planning for peri-urban areas
recognises the need of farmers         • Rural residential development
for certainty about the agricultural     should only be undertaken
importance and protection                on the basis of an agreed
of their lands through clear             local government area wide
                                         settlement strategy.
controls and recognition in local
environmental plans.                   • Housing not ancillary to
                                         agriculture and rural residential
Access to mineral and extractive
                                         development in rural areas
resources is protected through the
                                         will only be allowed where in
strategic planning process by the
                                         accordance with an agreed local
identification of key resources and       settlement strategy.
the reduction of land use conflicts
that would sterilise the use of the    • Local environmental plans will
resource or create potential for         provide for the protection of
mine subsidence.                         extractive industries and mineral
                                         resources through appropriate
                                         land use zonings and planning
ACTIONS                                  controls that limit the potential
• Local environmental plans will         for land use conflict in the buffer
  protect and zone land that is          areas around these resources.
  identified through local strategic
                                       • Councils are to identify strategies
  planning as of significant
                                         and planning provisions that will
  agricultural value.
                                         safeguard the long term range of
• Councils are to ensure that            land uses in areas within close
  strategies are prepared                proximity to urban areas with
  to manage rural lands to               the aim of providing a greater
  accommodate and protect the            level of long term certainty for
  range of values that comprise          land holders and the orderly
  rural lands being scenic,              development of future land uses.
  environmental and economic.
                                       • Councils are to ensure that
• Local environmental plans will:        strategies for the management of
                                         rural land uses and subdivision
   – include minimum subdivision         recognise the environmental and
     standards for rural and             economic potential of wind farming
     environmental protection zones      activities, while balancing the need
   – include provisions to limit         to protect key rural landscapes
     dwellings in the rural and          and avoid inappropriate conflict
     environmental zones                 with rural residential areas.

                                                                           SYDNEY–CANBERRA CORRIDOR REGIONAL STRATEGY — PAGE 21
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