Briefing to the Incoming Parliament - NZ Drug Foundation Policy Briefing 2020 2023

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Briefing to the Incoming Parliament - NZ Drug Foundation Policy Briefing 2020 2023
Briefing to the
Incoming Parliament
NZ Drug Foundation Policy Briefing
2020 – 2023
Briefing to the Incoming Parliament - NZ Drug Foundation Policy Briefing 2020 2023
The Drug Foundation has been at the
forefront of major alcohol and other
drug debates for over 30 years. We take
the lead in Aotearoa New Zealand,
promoting healthy approaches to
alcohol and other drugs.

Creating solutions
with communities
We work with communities, especially
tangata whenua, to find effective solutions
to drug issues.

Public education, information
and outreach
We create resources and lead projects in
schools and workplaces to reduce alcohol
and drug harm.

Policy development
We advocate for evidence-based policies
and effective treatment services that will
build a healthy society with the least
possible harm from drug use.

Briefing to the Incoming Parliament - NZ Drug Foundation Policy Briefing 2020 2023
Tēnā koe
The New Zealand Drug Foundation’s
vision is for an Aotearoa free from
drug harm.
Our mission is to be the catalyst for
people, their communities, service
providers and policy makers to take
action that prevents drug harm.

Like you, we are concerned about the harms drugs               There are solutions. There are some relatively easy wins that
cause in New Zealand.                                          could make a big difference, as well as some deeper reform
                                                               needed to shift our framework to a health-based approach,
There is some cause to celebrate recent progress: there        which has been proven to reduce harmful use and use
has been investment in new treatment approaches, with          among young people. We need to overhaul the Misuse of
new funding and renewed energy in this sector. Moves to        Drugs Act – making tweaks will not work, as last year’s
legalise drug checking will save lives, as will the new High   amendment to encourage police discretion to reduce
Alert early warning system. All of this has been met with      convictions for minor drug offences has shown.
wide public support, as we continue to see a mood for
change in how we address drug harm in Aotearoa.                We now have flagship reports that all set out excellent
                                                               options for Government moving forward: the Health and
However, our dated legislation, the Misuse of Drugs Act        Disability System Review (Simpson report); He Ara Oranga,
(1975), ongoing gaps in treatment availability, and            the Report of the Government Inquiry into Mental Health
under-investment in prevention, public education and           and Addiction; and Whakamaua, the Māori Health Action
early intervention is creating a vicious cycle for people      Plan. All these reports recommend providing support earlier,
who use illicit drugs.                                         providing a full range of services to meet different needs
                                                               and cultural approaches, reducing inequities, and improving
This year, treatment providers have been reporting
                                                               outcomes for young people and Māori.
difficulties meeting an increased demand for their
services due to the effects of Covid-19, which has             This briefing sets out our recommendations for putting
amplified an existing shortage. One reported a 300%            those reviews into action. We look forward to working
increase in referrals since the nationwide lockdown.           with you to reduce drug harm over the next three years
When someone seeks treatment but can’t access it,              and beyond!
a window of opportunity is lost to help that person.

People continue to be convicted for minor drug offences.
In 2019/20, 3067 people in total were convicted of
low-level drug offences, and for 1126 people, the drug
conviction was their most serious offence. Of those
convicted, almost half were under 30 years, 71% were           Sarah Helm
men and Māori made up 39%.                                     Executive Director

Alcohol continues to be our most harmful drug.
Meanwhile, we are seeing a second wave of harm
from highly toxic synthetic psychoactive substances.
Communities continue to be deeply concerned about
the effects of methamphetamine. MDMA and cannabis
use has risen, while tobacco use has declined.                                                           Briefing to the Incoming Parliament | December 2020   01
Briefing to the Incoming Parliament - NZ Drug Foundation Policy Briefing 2020 2023

PRIORIT Y                                                  PRIORIT Y

1.                   Reform our laws to
                     treat drug use as a
                     health issue | PAGE. 08
• Replace the Misuse of Drugs Act with a new law
                                                                         for Māori |    PAGE. 14

                                                             und a full range of primary mental health and
  that treats drug use and possession as a health           addiction services led by Māori, for Māori.
  issue to reduce drug harm among those that
                                                           • Strengthen alcohol regulations and replace
  need it, and shift funding to back this up.
                                                             criminal sanctions for the use of drugs with
• Remove criminal penalties for growing, using               a full range of treatment and detox services
  and sharing small quantities of cannabis.                  – removing discretion from Police.
  A large majority of New Zealanders
  support decriminalisation.
• Improve our medicinal cannabis system
                                                           PRIORIT Y

  so products can be made available, and are
  affordable. Provide a statutory defence from                           Strengthen education
  prosecution for those who grow plants for                              and keep young people
  their own medical use.                                                 in school | PAGE. 16
• Review the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act
  to reduce the huge harm caused by alcohol.               • Strengthen the way the health learning area of the
                                                             New Zealand curriculum is implemented, to equip
                                                             young people with skills to think critically and
                                                             make good choices about drug and alcohol use.
                                                           • Remove the ability of schools to exclude
                                                             students under the age of sixteen, and
                                                             implement the recommendations of
                                                             the Tomorrow’s Schools review.

02   Briefing to the Incoming Parliament | December 2020                           
Briefing to the Incoming Parliament - NZ Drug Foundation Policy Briefing 2020 2023
PRIORIT Y                                            PRIORIT Y

4.                                                   5.
                 Invest more effectively
                 in education, prevention,                         Develop innovative solutions
                 harm reduction, and                               to reduce drug harm in
                 treatment | PAGE. 18                              communities | PAGE. 22
  nsure a stepped increase in treatment sector      • Respond to methamphetamine harm in
 funding to meet demand, including specific            communities by investing in community
 funding to respond to ongoing challenges              responses, reforming punitive drug laws,
 from Covid-19.                                        and funding research.
• Fund the development of health approaches          • Build safer working environments by requiring
  across the whole spectrum of use, not just           all workplaces to have impairment policies and
  for people experiencing long-term harms              enact regulations on how drug testing should
  from addiction.                                      (and shouldn’t) be used in the workplace.
• Fund behaviour change messaging to reach           • Keep people safely housed by investing in
  all users, and implement a full range of alcohol     Housing First programmes and funding initiatives
  moderation activities (for example as previously     to reduce drug harm in temporary housing.
  run by the Alcohol Advisory Council).
                                                     • Make our roads safer by directing more resources
                                                       to roadside testing for alcohol impairment and
                                                       rethinking the Land Transport (Drug Driving)
                                                       Amendment Bill.
                                                     • Respond to ongoing harm from synthetic
                                                       cannabinoids by funding the Acute Drug Harm
                                                       Community of Practice and reforming drug laws.
                                                     • Ensure vulnerable people are not unfairly
                                                       evicted from residential tenancies for
                                                       using methamphetamine.
                                                     • Invest in drug checking to make sure anyone
                                                       who needs to can access the service.
                                                     • Establish a comprehensive package of
                                                       drug indicators with a dedicated survey
                                                       for drug and alcohol use.                                              Briefing to the Incoming Parliament | December 2020   03
Briefing to the Incoming Parliament - NZ Drug Foundation Policy Briefing 2020 2023
But first – what you
need to know about
drugs in New Zealand
WE HAVE HIGH RATES                                         MOST DRUG USE IS                         DRUGS CAN CAUSE
OF DRUG USE                                                NOT HARMFUL                              SERIOUS HARM TO SOME
The drugs that cause most harm                             While it’s safest not to use             For a small group of users, drug use
in New Zealand are alcohol                                 alcohol and other drugs,                 – whether legal or illegal – can cause
and tobacco. Over 800,000                                  most people are not harmed               significant harm. Harms include
New Zealand adults                                         much, or at all, by their use.           illness, injury, addiction and even
drink hazardously.1                                                                                 death, with the effects borne by
                                                                                                    whole communities.
                                                                                                    • Almost 1 in 3 New Zealand adults
                                                                                                      have a moderate to high risk of
                                                                                                      experiencing health and other

 82%          drank alcohol in the
              past year.1
                                                           4 out of 5 New Zealand
                                                                                                      problems from their current pattern
                                                                                                      of substance use – mostly tobacco
                                                                                                      (20% of adults) and alcohol (15%
                                                           adults who used an illicit drug            of adults).3

 13%          of New Zealand adults                        in the past year reported
              currently smoke tobacco.1                    no harmful effects.2                     • About 5,000 people die each
                                                                                                      year from smoking and second-
                                                                                                      hand smoke.4

                                                                                                    • Some communities continue
              used illicit drugs
              in the past year.2                                                                      to suffer huge harm from
                                                                                                      methamphetamine use, which
                                                                                                      can cause hallucinations, erratic

 15%          used cannabis
              in the past year.1
                                                                                                      behaviour and psychosis for some
                                                                                                      who use heavily or frequently.5
                                                                                                    • 1 out of 5 New Zealand adults
                                                                                                      drink in a way that risks physical

                                                                              7 out of 8              or mental harm.1
                                                                              New Zealand

                                                                              adults who used
                                                                              alcohol in the past
                                                                              year reported no

                                                                              harmful effects.2

                                                                                                    More than 70 deaths have been
                                                                                                    connected to synthetic cannabinoids
                                                                                                    since mid-2017,6 and many more
                                                                                                    New Zealanders have experienced
                                                                                                    serious long-lasting health effects.

04   Briefing to the Incoming Parliament | December 2020                                                   
Briefing to the Incoming Parliament - NZ Drug Foundation Policy Briefing 2020 2023
• Mäori, Pacific people and people
  living in areas of socio-economic
  deprivation are more likely to
  experience harm from their own
  alcohol or drug use,7 and are most
  likely to want help with their drug
  use but not receive it.7
                                        THERE IS NOT ENOUGH
                                        HELP AVAILABLE
                                        • Around 50,000 New Zealanders
                                         receive support to reduce their
                                         alcohol or drug use each year,9
                                         but estimates suggest that only
                                         about a third of those who could
                                         benefit from treatment are
                                         accessing it.10
87                      %
                                        • Services are overextended and
                                         underfunded. People often have
                                         to wait until their problems have
                                         become severe before they can
                                         access help.
                                        • When people seek help but
                                         cannot access it, we miss our
                                         window of opportunity to
                                         support them.

of people in prison have
experienced an alcohol or other
drug problem in their lifetime.8

                                         Only third of those who could
                                         benefit from treatment are
                                         accessing it.10

                                                                                   Around 50,000 people want help
                                                                                   to reduce their alcohol or drug
                                                                                   use each year.                                                    Briefing to the Incoming Parliament | December 2020   05
Briefing to the Incoming Parliament - NZ Drug Foundation Policy Briefing 2020 2023

What you need to know
about drugs in New Zealand

COVID-19 HAS IMPACTED                                      MDMA is a Class B drug, harms                                                                                                       WHY DO PEOPLE TAKE DRUGS?
BOTH DRUG USE AND                                          to the user are relatively low
TREATMENT SERVICES                                                                                                                                                                             People use alcohol and other drugs
                                                           compared to other substances.
                                                                                                                                                                                               for many reasons, including pleasure
During the countrywide lockdown,                           Recent reports indicate an increase in                                                                                              and recreation, spiritual discovery,
addiction services reported some                           the amount of gamma-butyrolactone                                                                                                   performance enhancement,
increase in drug use, commonly                             (GBL) seized by Police and Customs                                                                                                  experimentation, peer pressure or
alcohol and cannabis, compounding                          in 2020.14 This is a central nervous                                                                                                to self-medicate physical problems,
an existing shortage of treatment                          system depressant that carries                                                                                                      emotional pain or trauma.16
places. Some decreases were also                           significant risks because the
reported, with some clients using                          threshold to overdose can be
the time to cut down or stop using                                                                                                                                                             WHY DO SOME PEOPLE STRUGGLE
                                                           a matter of millilitres.                                                                                                            WITH DRUGS AND ALCOHOL?
drugs altogether.11
The long-term impacts of Covid-19                                                                                                                                                              The likelihood of harmful use patterns
                                                           NOT ALL DRUGS                                                                                                                       developing depends on a range of
on alcohol and drug use are still                          ARE CREATED EQUAL
unclear but may be significant:                                                                                                                                                                social, cultural and genetic factors.
the psychosocial impacts of major                          In a study by the Independent                                                                                                       Although chemical addiction can
crises can be broad and long term.                         Scientific Committee on Drugs,15                                                                                                    play a part, more significant factors
                                                           which ranked 20 drugs across 16                                                                                                     contributing to substance use
Treatment providers have reported                          measures of harm, heroin, crack                                                                                                     disorders are trauma and abuse,
difficulties meeting an increased                          cocaine and crystal methamphetamine                                                                                                 mental health problems, stress,
demand for their services as already-                      were deemed worst for individuals                                                                                                   poverty, and housing insecurity.
vulnerable people deal with the                            using them. Alcohol, heroin and
challenges and uncertainty that                            crack cocaine ranked the worst in
a global pandemic has brought us.                          terms of impact on society, with
Increased demand for alcohol and                           alcohol ranked worst overall.
drug services is likely to continue                        Ecstasy and LSD were ranked
for some years.12 We can prevent                           among the least damaging.
future negative health outcomes
by strengthening the alcohol and
other drug sector now.
                                                           Harm caused by drugs

ILLICIT DRUGS                                                                   80
                                                                                                                                                                                            HARM TO USERS (CW 46)                                            HARM TO OTHERS (CW 54)
CURRENTLY OF CONCERN                                                                 72
Methamphetamine use remains
relatively low across the population                                                           55       54
                                                           Overall harm score

as a whole, with 1% of the population                                           50
using it in the past year.1 However,
the harms caused by its sale and                                                40
use are particularly severe in                                                                                          33
                                                                                30                                                      27
some communities.                                                                                                                                 26
                                                                                                                                                                           20          19
Synthetic cannabinoids remain                                                   20
                                                                                                                                                                                              15                15          14         13
a big focus of concern, with new                                                                                                                                                                                                                11
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         9          10               9
                                                                                10                                                                                                                                                                                                          7         7
and dangerous analogues regularly                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  6

discovered by Customs and Police.                                                0


                                                                                                        Crack cocaine












                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Anabolic steroids





Seizures by Police and Customs
show a substantial increase in the
quantity of MDMA (ecstasy) seized
in New Zealand in 2019.13 While
                                                                                Drugs ordered by their overall harm scores.15

06   Briefing to the Incoming Parliament | December 2020                                                                                                                                                                                       
Briefing to the Incoming Parliament - NZ Drug Foundation Policy Briefing 2020 2023

Harm from drugs affect
every level of society.
Improving the way we respond
to drug and alcohol issues will

help fix many of the big issues
facing New Zealand today.
                                                                          SOCIETAL COST
                                                       Drug use costs New Zealand
                                                           $1.8 billion each year in
                                                       health, social and economic

                                                     harms.21 If you include alcohol
                                                        as well, this figure leaps to
                                                                       $6.5 billion.22

11,561 people have gone to
prison in the past 10 years
for drug offences.17
                                                                        MENTAL HEALTH
                                                         More than half the people
FAMILY VIOLENCE                                       using mental health services
                                                       are likely to have substance
Alcohol is clearly linked with
                                                            use problems as well.20
child maltreatment and
                                                                 Among adults with
inter-partner violence.18
                                                       problematic substance use,

                                                     27% experience some form of
                                                      anxiety and 30% experience
                                                        some form of depression.3

10% (of those who have ever used
drugs) reported drug use had
affected their financial position.2                                             JOBS AND

                                                      11% (of those who have ever
                                                      used drugs) reported harmful
MĀORI                                                   effects on opportunities for
INEQUITY                                                 work/study/employment.2
Māori make up about
47% of those in prison
for drug offences.19                                                    HOMELESSNESS
                                                   Substance misuse can increase
                                                     the chance of becoming and
                                                           remaining homeless.23             Briefing to the Incoming Parliament | December 2020   07
Briefing to the Incoming Parliament - NZ Drug Foundation Policy Briefing 2020 2023

Reform our laws to treat
drug use as a health issue

We all want a happier, healthier,                          For some, particularly Mäori,
more equal New Zealand.                                    a criminal record (and even a
                                                           prison sentence) can be the result
Unfortunately, New Zealand’s
                                                           of a prosecution for a relatively
current drug law stands in the way.
                                                           minor offence, such as possession
The Misuse of Drugs Act 1975                               of a drug utensil.
(MoDA) criminalises those who
struggle with their drug use rather
than supporting them. Every year,
                                                           THE SOLUTION IS TO TREAT                OUR 5 GOALS FOR
                                                           DRUG USE AS A HEALTH AND
thousands more New Zealanders                              SOCIAL ISSUE                            A NEW DRUG LAW
are left with a conviction that
impacts on mental health,                                  The vast majority of people who use
livelihoods, relationships,                                drugs do so without causing harm

                                                           to themselves or others. Prosecuting          Minimise the harms caused
travel, housing and education.                                                                           by drug use, particularly for
                                                           them can have a far-reaching negative
The assumption made in our
                                                                                                         young people
                                                           impact on their lives but has limited
45-year-old legislation is that                            or no effect on their drug use. The
legal sanctions will be a deterrent
to use. And yet, our drug use rates
remain high.
                                                           minority who do struggle with their
                                                           drug use need support, compassion
                                                           and access to treatment.
                                                                                                   2     Respect
                                                                                                         human rights

                                                           We can learn from international
“Most research has pointed
 towards imprisonment
 having a weak but
                                                           examples such as Portugal, which
                                                           implemented a health approach to
                                                           drug use in 2001. It decriminalised
                                                                                                   3     Safer communities with
                                                                                                         less drug-related crime

 variable general deterrent                                the use of all drugs and invested
 effect, but deterrence may
 be even less effective for
                                                           heavily in prevention, treatment
                                                           and harm reduction. Despite fears
                                                           at the time, harmful drug use in
                                                                                                   4     Promote equity
                                                                                                         for Māori

 people whose offending                                    Portugal has fallen, and drug harms,
 is related to drug use.”24                                including overdose deaths, have
                                                           reduced dramatically.26                 5     Be cost-effective and

Legal penalties compound harms for                         The Misuse of Drugs Act needs
the people who are most impacted by                        to be replaced with a modern,
drug harm. Prohibition discriminates                       fit-for-purpose drug law that treats
against Mäori and Pasifika, who                            drug use and possession as a health
together account for more than                             and social issue. Commercial supply
half of all cannabis convictions in                        and trafficking of drugs would
Aotearoa.25 Convictions also fall                          remain illegal.
disproportionately to young people.

08   Briefing to the Incoming Parliament | December 2020                                              
 te Huarahi
 A model drug law
 to 2020 and beyond                     Check out our model drug law
                                        Whakawātea te Huarahi for full
                                        details on our law reform proposal:

'TWEAKING’ THE MISUSE OF                  Though it is too early to fully assess    A NEW LAW WOULD ADDRESS
DRUGS ACT HASN’T WORKED                   the impact of the law change, in the      MANY INJUSTICES AND
                                          10 months following the amendment,        INCONSISTENCIES
A new amendment to MoDA, passed
in August 2019, means Police may          the number of people facing court         In replacing the MoDA 1975 we could
only prosecute for possession and         action for drug possession decreased      achieve these things:
use of drugs if it is required in the     only slightly. Meanwhile, the total
                                          number of proceedings (including          •   Remove discrimination against Māori
public interest. They must determine
whether a health-centred or               warnings) brought against people              Our current law leaves discretion
therapeutic approach would be             for low-level drug offences went up.27        in the hands of Police as to whether
more beneficial to the public             It’s clear this minor fix of MoDA is          to prosecute for drug possession,
interest than a prosecution.              not sufficient. We need a complete            resulting in worse outcomes for
                                          overhaul of our outdated drug laws to         Mäori. Removing criminal penalties
The amendment was introduced as
                                          bring them into line with international       for drug use entirely would lead
a stop-gap ‘fix’ of MoDA in response
                                          best practice and ensure no one is ever       to better outcomes.
to the synthetics crisis, and it sent
a clear signal that the Government        prosecuted for drug use or possession.    •   Reassess levels at which possession
intends to treat drug use as a health                                                   of drugs is presumed to be for the
and social issue.                                                                       purposes of supply
                                             Overhauling the Misuse of                  Levels at which a person found
                                             Drugs Act would put into effect            with a drug is presumed to be in
                                             recommendations from the                   possession for the purposes of
                                                                                        supply are currently set low in
                                             Mental Health and Addiction
                                                                                        MoDA. Supply charges carry a
                                             Inquiry,28 the Safe and Effective
                                                                                        greater penalty than possession
                                             Justice Advisory Group,29
                                                                                        alone. This means that people who
                                             the conclusions of the Law                 are addicted to a substance or use
                                             Commission’s 2011 legislative              heavily for other reasons can receive
                                             review,30 and the current National         a conviction for supply, resulting
                                             Drug Policy.31 It would also be the        in long periods of imprisonment.
                                             most effective way to support the
                                             wellbeing of all our communities.
                                                                                    •   Ensure that programmes
                                                                                        intended to reduce drug harm
                                                                                        can be legally undertaken
                                                                                        An example would be drug
                                                                                        consumption spaces such as those
                                                                                        available in Australia and Canada,
                                                                                        which help to reduce overdose
                                                                                        and death.                                                           Briefing to the Incoming Parliament | December 2020   09

Reform our laws to treat
drug use as a health issue

•   Reclassify scheduled drugs to                           •   Remove criminal penalties for use          WE RECOMMEND:
    ensure consistency and fairness                             or possession of a drug utensil
    Drugs are supposed to be scheduled                          The Ministry of Health was             Replace the Misuse of Drugs Act
    in accordance with the level of                             poised to do this several years        with a new law that treats drug use
    danger they pose to the person using                        ago, with broad political support,     and possession as a health issue
    them, but the classification system                         but was delayed.                       to ensure that:
    no longer accords with what we                                                                     • discretion is no longer exercised
    know about the harms caused by                          •   Create consistency between the
                                                                Psychoactive Substances Act              to Māori disadvantage, because
    different drugs – including alcohol
                                                                and the Misuse of Drugs Act              no one ever receives a criminal
    and tobacco.
                                                                                                         conviction for use of drugs
                                                                We currently have two parallel
•   Review the penalty regime for drug                          regimes, neither of which achieve
                                                                                                       • those who need treatment are
    offences to reflect that many of                            what they set out to do. One single
                                                                                                         able to access it
    those who deal, do so to support                            Act could regulate low-harm            • programmes to reduce drug harm
    their own use                                               substances for sale while continuing     can be legally undertaken
    Excessively long sentences - up                             to provide sanctions for trafficking   • drugs are classified consistently
    to life in prison for supply of                             more harmful drugs.                      according to their risk to the user,
    methamphetamine - do nothing                                                                         with penalties that are proportional
    to deter offending, and are not                                                                      to other offences.
    proportional to sentences handed
    down for other crimes. Therapeutic
    pathways for those who need
    them should be included in
    any penalty regime.

10    Briefing to the Incoming Parliament | December 2020                                                     
New Zealanders’ support
for cannabis law reform

               (35% legislation,
          32% decriminalisaton)

Source: NZ Drug Foundation, 201832


          WE RECOMMEND:                     WE RECOMMEND:                   Therefore, patients suffering severe
                                                                            and debilitating conditions
     • Remove criminal penalties         • Align our product standards      continue to use illegally sourced
        for growing, using and             more closely with our lead       products and live in fear of the
        sharing small quantities of        export and import destinations   law. Illegally grown plants
        cannabis. A large majority         to bring more products to        continue to be destroyed and
        of New Zealanders support          market quickly.                  medicine confiscated.
        decriminalisation.               • Remove equity barriers           It should become easier to produce
                                           created by high prices by        medicines here and to import them
                                           subsidising products.            – but so far, no new products have
   At the recent referendum,
                                         • Provide a statutory defence      been approved. Those that remain
   New Zealanders narrowly voted
                                           from prosecution for those       available are expensive and
   against passing into law a very
                                           who grow plants for their        inaccessible for most people.
   specific piece of legislation that
   would have allowed cannabis             or another’s medicinal use.      One just solution would be to
   to be sold in licensed stores.        • Fund education and prescribing   provide a statutory defence from
   The Bill would have enhanced            information for doctors.         prosecution for those who grow
   public health and social              • Down-classify CBD products       plants for their own or another’s
   justice outcomes, so this               from prescription medicines      medicinal use, with a medical
   was disappointing.                      to reduce prices and make        certificate. This could come with
                                           products more available.         a five-year sunset clause to tide
   Support for cannabis law reform
                                                                            patients over until products are
   has grown by 20% in the past
                                                                            legally available.
   three years alone33 and will         In 2017, the Government
   continue to increase. The vast       introduced legislation to develop   Cannabidiol (CBD) products,
   majority of New Zealanders           a medicinal cannabis industry in    which are prescription medicines,
   support either legalisation          New Zealand and make products       should be reclassified to match
   or decriminalisation of              more accessible. Regulations to     other jurisdictions where they are
   cannabis, giving a clear             support the Act came into force     treated as pharmacy-only products
   mandate for law reform.              on 1 April 2020.                    or even dietary supplements.

   The problems of prohibition have     However, products remain            Other essential measures include
   not gone away, and Government        inaccessible by the vast majority   removing pricing barriers,
   needs to find a response. In the     of New Zealanders who need          for example, by subsidising
   Australian Capital Territory, a      them. The cost is excessive         products, ensuring ACC adopts
   recent law change means that         because products are not            an official protocol about what
   using cannabis or growing a          subsidised. Although cannabis-      it will fund and when; and
   small amount incurs no criminal      based medicines can now be          streamlining support from WINZ
   penalties. A similar model could     prescribed by a doctor, many        so beneficiaries do not have to pay
   work here as a first step.           won’t prescribe due to a lack       for expensive medications upfront.
                                        of training and understanding
                                        of prescribing protocols.                                                   Briefing to the Incoming Parliament | December 2020   11

Reform our laws to treat
drug use as a health issue


          WE RECOMMEND:                                     Alcohol is cheap, heavily promoted,    We also need to invest more into
                                                            and easy to buy. Alcohol harm          understanding the scale of FASD in
     • Review the Sale and Supply                           is one of our biggest preventable      this country and building capacity
       of Alcohol Act in line with the                      public health disasters.               to respond to it. There is still no
       2010 Law Commission review.                                                                 good data on the prevalence of
                                                            A 2010 Law Commission Review
                                                                                                   FASD in New Zealand, although
     • Update and fully implement the                       characterised our alcohol laws as
                                                                                                   the Ministry of Health estimates
       action plan Taking Action on                         the “unbridled commercialisation
                                                                                                   as many as 3% of births may be
       Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder:                     of alcohol”.35 The Commission put
                                                                                                   affected, at an annual cost of
       2016–2019.39 – for example                           forward a comprehensive suite of
                                                                                                   much as $450 million.36 Many
       by investing more into research                      proposals, warning that “picking
                                                                                                   other gaps remain to fill from
       and support.                                         and choosing among the various
                                                                                                   the Government’s 2016–19 action
     • Fund behaviour change                                elements … will lessen the power
                                                                                                   plan, which has now lapsed.
       messaging to reach all users,                        of the package to reduce harm”.35
       and implement a full range of                        This is exactly what happened.
       alcohol moderation activities                        We have made progress on a few
       (for example as previously run                       isolated issues, but a comprehensive
       by the Alcohol Advisory Council.
                                                                                                   “Alcohol is regulated
                                                            overhaul of our laws has not yet
                                                            taken place, and alcohol harm
                                                                                                    but is widely available
                                                            remains sky high.                       and used in our
                                                                                                    society. It isn’t seen
                                                            Critical policy solutions proposed
                                                            by the Law Commission to reduce
                                                                                                    as a drug and our
                                                            the harm caused by alcohol include      regulation approaches
                                                            raising the purchase age to 20,         to it are inconsistent
                                                            stricter rules around licensing         and fail to deal with
                                                            and opening hours, imposing             the harm it produces.”
                                                            excise taxes to raise prices and
                                                                                                      URUKI! TURUKI!
                                                            an end to alcohol advertising,           FINAL REPORT OF THE SAFE
                                                            sponsorship and promotions               AND EFFECTIVE JUSTICE
                                                                                                     ADVISORY GROUP29
                                                            that increase consumption.

12    Briefing to the Incoming Parliament | December 2020                                                    
THE PSYCHOACTIVE SUBSTANCES ACT 2013                                            CLEAN SLATE LEGISLATION
   IS STILL NOT WORKING                                                            IS TOO NARROW

        WE RECOMMEND:                   The Act was created on the                        WE RECOMMEND:
                                        understanding that a regulated
    • Review the Act to help it work    market is much safer than an                 • Review the ‘clean slate’
      as it was originally intended,    unregulated black market where                  scheme to conceal the
      allowing low-harm substances      profit is the only motive. In a black           convictions of those who
      to be strictly regulated.         market, products are not tested,                have been prosecuted for
                                        and no one is accountable if a                  low-level drug offences,
    • Alternatively, incorporate
                                        product causes harm or even death.              even if they went to prison.
      the regulation of low-harm
      substances into a new Misuse      Unfortunately, the legislation
      of Drugs Act – it makes sense     was passed very quickly, with              A person’s previous convictions
      to treat all substances under     limited public education about             are automatically concealed
      one piece of legislation.         its purpose. Some communities              from the records where they
                                        panicked, and a political decision         have had no convictions for the
                                        was made to insert a clause                past seven years. The scheme
   When the Act was passed, new         banning animal testing of any              does not apply to those who
   substances were being produced so    new drugs. This rendered the               have been to jail.37
   quickly there wasn’t time to make    Act unworkable, and no products
   each illegal before the next was     have been approved for sale.               This means that the 7,093
   developed. Thousands of untested                                                people who have been convicted
   products were legally on sale, and   Tragically, more than 70                   and sentenced to prison
   no one knew their health effects.    New Zealanders have died                   for low-level drug offences
                                        using unregulated synthetic                in the past decade do not
   The Act made all psychoactive        psychoactive substances since              qualify.38 A drug conviction
   substances illegal by default.       mid-20 17.6 There’s a compelling           can negatively impact lives
   However, if a substance could be     argument that regulating low-risk          and livelihoods in a way that
   proven to pose no more than a low    substances would steer many                is completely out of proportion
   risk of harm, it could be approved   people away from serious harm              to the original ‘crime’.
   for sale under strict regulations.   by nudging them towards products
                                        that are known to be safer.                                                       Briefing to the Incoming Parliament | December 2020   13

Healthy futures for Māori
The NZ Drug Foundation supports                            Substance use for Māori and Pākehā, 2019/20
Māori communities to respond to
the disproportionate harm caused                                                                                              Māori     Pākehā
to them by both drugs and our
drug laws. We work alongside                                80%

communities to reduce drug harm
and support initiatives that help                           60%
individuals and whānau struggling
with drug use.                                              40%

MĀORI NEED EQUITY IN                                        20%
Mäori continue to disproportionately                          0%
feel the burden of drug and                                               Current                Past-year     Hazardous        Past-year
alcohol harm.                                                             smokers                 drinkers      drinkers      cannabis users

Mäori are 2.8 times more likely                            Source: 2019/20 New Zealand Health Survey1
to use tobacco and 2.2 times more
likely to use cannabis than non-Mäori.
The disparity is greater in women for                      Long-term solutions to these                      Building the workforce will require
both substances.1                                          disparities are set out in Whakamaua,             long-term investment and focus.
Mäori and non-Mäori have similar                           the Mäori Health Action Plan,39                   Ensuring Mäori lead the development
drinking rates, but Mäori are 1.8 times                    which recommends:                                 and implementation of the action plan
more likely than non-Mäori to drink                                                                          process is absolutely essential.
                                                           • increasing access to and choice
hazardously (in a way that may                               of kaupapa Mäori primary mental
cause harm).1                                                health and addiction services
                                                           • increasing the capacity and
                                                             capability of the Mäori health sector
                                                           • expanding access to rongoä Mäori
                                                           • increasing provider innovation to
                                                             develop and spread effective kaupapa
                                                             Mäori and whänau-centred services.

14   Briefing to the Incoming Parliament | December 2020                                                           

As part of a collaboration with Te Rau Ora, we’re helping to develop an approach
to workforce development to improve Mäori health outcomes and reduce disparities
through an integrated model of prevention. Whare Tukutuku will develop and deliver
an addiction workforce development programme for frontline workers, and
establishing a national addiction leadership group.
The programme aims to support AOD services to develop early interventions in
collaboration with Mäori whänau to increase the range of interventions available.

REFORM OUR DRUG LAWS                           Leaving discretion in the hands of              WE RECOMMEND:
TO BENEFIT MĀORI AND                           Police will never provide a solution
ADDRESS RACISM                                 for the disproportionate number of        • Implement the Health and Disability
Unacceptably, our current drug law             Mäori entering the criminal justice          System Review recommendation
produces hugely disproportionate               system on drugs charges. We need to          to set up a separate Māori
imprisonment and conviction rates              overhaul the outdated Misuse of Drugs        health authority.41
for Mäori. The result for many can             Act, and remove all criminal penalties
                                                                                         • Implement the actions relating to
be endless cycles of reconviction.             for low-level drug offences. For this
                                                                                            drugs and alcohol from
                                               to be a success, Mäori need to be
• Mäori make up 49% of those                                                                Whakamaua, the Māori Health
                                               partners in the development and
  convicted for drug offences.17                                                            Action Plan, especially by funding
                                               implementation of that law.
• Among cannabis users,                                                                     a full range of primary mental
  Mäori are three times more                                                                health and addiction services,
  likely than non-Mäori to be                  STRENGTHEN ALCOHOL LAWS                      led by Māori, for Māori.
  arrested and convicted for                   The Law Commission review of our          • Follow the recommendations of
  cannabis-related offences.40                 alcohol laws in 2010 recommended             He Ara Oranga, and take a stricter
                                               a suite of changes to reduce the harm        regulatory approach to the sale and
Recent changes to the Misuse of Drugs                                                       supply of alcohol. Replace criminal
                                               alcohol causes in our communities,
Act have reduced overall convictions                                                        sanctions for the use of controlled
                                               including raising the purchase age
slightly, but the proportion of Mäori                                                       drugs with a full range of treatment
                                               to 20, imposing excise taxes to
receiving court actions for low-level                                                       and detox services.
                                               raise prices and an end to alcohol
drug offences remains significantly
                                               advertising.35 Most of these were
higher than it is for non-Mäori.27
                                               never implemented.
Of particular concern is the increase
                                               As emphasised more recently in
in the total number of proceedings
                                               the Mental Health and Addiction
(including warnings) for Mäori – from
                                               Inquiry report He Ara Oranga,28
1,350 in the 10 months before the law
                                               we are well overdue for a thorough
change to 1,537 for the same period
                                               overhaul of our alcohol laws, and
after the law change.27 In other words,
                                               this would particularly benefit Mäori
we’re seeing more involvement with
                                               (see page 12 for more on this).
the criminal justice system in total,
even though fewer of those actions
result in a conviction in court.                                                               Briefing to the Incoming Parliament | December 2020   15

Strengthen education
and keep young
people in school
Strengthening health education                             The Government has recently             WE NEED TO KEEP
would have lifelong benefits.                              appointed new ‘wellbeing curriculum     YOUNG PEOPLE IN SCHOOL
                                                           leads’, which is an excellent step.     FOR AS LONG AS POSSIBLE
Schools are required to equip students
                                                           Focus now must be on providing          The Statement of National Education
with self-management skills and
                                                           sufficient training for the new leads   and Learning Priorities (NELP)45
knowledge about alcohol and drugs.
                                                           and directing extra funding towards     puts learners at the centre of how
This is best done as part of the health
                                                           workforce and resource development.     education is provided, and requires
curriculum by teaching young people
                                                                                                   schools to ensure ‘barrier free access’
to think critically and gain the skills
                                                             TŪTURU                                to learning.
needed to understand themselves and
make sense of the world around them.                                                               Unfortunately, alcohol and drug use
                                                                                                   remains one of the most common
Although this is part of the
                                                                                                   reasons to be excluded or expelled
New Zealand curriculum, two-thirds
                                                                                                   from school. The harm caused by
of year 8 students are below the
                                                                                                   exclusion, expulsion and suspension
expected achievement level for these
                                                                                                   is usually far greater than the
skills.42 We need to help young people
                                                                                                   consequences of drug and alcohol
catch up with core learning so they
                                                                                                   use itself.
are prepared for a world where
alcohol and other drugs exist.                                                                     Schools are a major protective factor
                                                                                                   for reducing alcohol and drug harm
                                                             Tüturu is a school-wide               and improving overall life outcomes,
NEED TO WORK TOGETHER                                        approach led by the Drug              yet our current school management
                                                             Foundation that helps to reduce       structure places discretion around
Schools help young people form                               drug and alcohol-related harm         expulsions and exclusions in the
values and build knowledge and                               and keep students in school.          hands of boards of trustees. These
skills to prepare them for the modern                                                              are often underequipped to make
                                                             Different sectors work together
world. They teach them to think                                                                    evidence-based decisions on behalf
                                                             to improve the wellbeing of
critically about their wellbeing so                                                                of students with multiple issues.
                                                             their students and develop
that they make the best decisions
                                                             their critical thinking. An           Excluding young people from school
for themselves and are able to seek
                                                             independent evaluation of             for drug or alcohol use prioritises the
support should they need it. Schools
                                                             the project, co-created with          needs of the school before the needs
need support to increase the focus on
                                                             11 schools and five health            of the learner and impedes access to
wellbeing in their curriculum and to
                                                             providers, found Tüturu helped        education, missing the objectives of
work in a more integrated way with
                                                             to change how schools deal            the NELP. We need to help schools
health services.43
                                                             with alcohol and other drugs          fully implement these new national
                                                             by changing the focus from            education and learning priorities so
                                                             punitive to pastoral.44               students can be kept in school.

16   Briefing to the Incoming Parliament | December 2020                                                  
We recommend removing the power                                                         WE RECOMMEND:
                                            TWO EXAMPLES OF APPROACHES
to exclude students under the age of        THAT HAVE BEEN DEVELOPED
sixteen from school, and encouraging                                              • Strengthen implementation of
schools instead to find more evidence-                                               the health learning area of the
based techniques to develop a positive                                               New Zealand curriculum, with
culture in the school. It is also                                                    training for the new ‘wellbeing
essential that dispute resolution                                                    leads’ curriculum and extra
be made easier for families, as                                                      funding towards workforce and
recommended by the Tomorrow’s                                                        resource development.
Schools review.46 This would help
                                                                                  • Use evaluated approaches,
ensure more young people stay in
                                                                                     such as Tūturu to develop whole-
school for longer.
                                            • Unfold – a challenge-based             school approaches that shift the
                                              initiative for young people            focus from punitive to pastoral.
TARGETING PEER CROWDS                         offering healthy alternatives       • Invest more funding into youth
                                              to drinking. Multiple agencies
                                                                                     services that can work in
While many young people are doing             have worked together to figure
                                              out how to engage a particular         partnership with schools.
well, many risk factors cluster in
                                              group of young people, help         • Remove the power to exclude
smaller (but identifiable) groupings of
                                              them feel like they belong in          students under the age of sixteen
young people. The Drug Foundation
                                              the community and build their          from school.
works together with a number of other         aspirations for a healthy and
organisations and agencies to engage                                              • Implement the recommendations
                                              successful life.
some of these peer groupings and                                                     of the Tomorrow’s Schools review.
identify approaches that improve                                                  • Fund initiatives based on the
their wellbeing.                                                                     cross-sector Peer Crowd Projects.
The projects were independently
evaluated this year and were found to
be effective, with the evaluator stating,
“The Peer Crowd Projects are an
excellent example of how multiple-
partner, cross-sector projects can          • 360-empathy tool – an
operate successfully, and is arguably         immersive video experience that
an unusual case in the New Zealand            uses virtual reality technology
public sector, given the large                to help professionals put
collection of government and                  themselves in the shoes of young
                                              people. Two-month follow-ups
community agencies working
                                              found 88% of participants
together in a unified way.”47
                                              in a workshop using the tool
                                              had changed their practice
                                              to improve their engagement
                                              with young people as a result.
                                                                                                                 Photo credit: Tobil,                                                        Briefing to the Incoming Parliament | December 2020        17

Invest more effectively in
prevention, harm reduction
and treatment
People should be able to access                            Of the 8.9% – or roughly 100,000                                                 people who are at risk of problematic
a full range of evidence-based                             people – who experience severe                                                   substance use but experiencing only
support options for drug and                               symptoms, only around half receive                                               mild (or no) symptoms.
alcohol use at the time they                               alcohol or other drug support each
                                                                                                                                            More investment is needed to reach
                                                           year,3 meaning that even for people
need them.                                                                                                                                  all users. Additionally, the alcohol
                                                           who are struggling, our services fall
                                                                                                                                            moderation campaign has been
Unfortunately, this vision is far from                     well short of what is needed.
                                                                                                                                            neglected for many years. The results
the current reality. People face long
                                                                                                                                            are evident in the high levels of harm
waiting lists and struggle to access
                                                           WE NEED A FOCUS ON                                                               we still experience from alcohol.
the support they need.
                                                           BEHAVIOUR CHANGE                                                                 Shifting to a health approach means
                                                           The Drug Foundation is the only                                                  reorienting funds from justice towards
LET’S INTERVENE EARLIER                                    organisation working to develop                                                  prevention as well as treatment.
As the Mental Health and Addiction                         health and policy approaches
Inquiry report He Ara Oranga28                             to prevent harm for the million
recommends, we need to focus more
on healthy approaches to drugs and
alcohol for the whole population, and
provide support options well before
                                                           Anxiety, depression and/or somatic symptoms among people
an individual starts to experience
                                                           at moderate to high risk of problematic substance use
serious problems. This is more
effective and more compassionate
                                                           Percentage of people at moderate to high risk of

– not to mention cheaper - than
waiting to be the ambulance at
the bottom of the cliff.                                                                                      40
                                                                   problematic substance use (%)

1.2 million New Zealanders are
estimated to be at moderate to high                                                                           30
risk of problematic substance use,
according to the New Zealand Health
Survey, yet nearly half of those will
experience no clear symptoms to
indicate they may be at risk.3 When                                                                           10
we start the conversation when people
are struggling, we miss most of the
people we are trying to reach.                                                                                         No          Mild          Moderate              Severe
                                                                                                                   symptoms      symptoms        symptoms            symptoms
WE CAN MAKE A REAL                                                                                     INVESTMENT SHOULD BE
IMPACT BY TARGETING                                                                                    SPREAD ACROSS THESE AREAS:
                                                                                                       Prevention and education
He Ara Oranga recommended
increasing the range of mental                                                                         These appraoches help people
health and addiction services                                                                          who do choose to use drugs
to target people at all levels                                                                         to start later in life, use less
of need.28 To be most effective,                                                                       frequently and experience
we need targeted approaches                                                                            less harm.
for each group shown in the
diagram below, from those who                                                                          Harm reduction
don’t use drugs at all to those                                                                        This includes information
who are severely dependent.                                                                            and tools that reduce the risk
                                                                                                       of drug harm, for example,
                                                                                                       providing sterile injecting
                                                                                                       equipment, drug checking at
                                                                                                       festivals or shorter opening
 NO CURRENT          RECREATIONAL HAZARDOUS                   MILD                 MODERATE/SEVERE     hours for alcohol retailers.
 USE                 USE          USE                         DEPENDENCE           DEPENDENCE
                                                                                                       We'd particularly like to see
                                                                                                       new funding going into innovative
                                                                                   MEDICAL             new community programmes and
                                                                                   INTENSIVE           services targeting people using
                                                                                   PROGRAMME           drugs or alcohol who would not
                                                                                                       normally identify themselves as
                                                               COMMUNITY-LEVEL SUPPORT,
                                                               COUNSELLING, SUPPORTED                  needing assistance.
                                                               WITHDRAWAL, RESPITE CARE
                                           BRIEF INTERVENTION,                                         Effective treatment means a
                                           HARM REDUCTION
                                                                                                       range of options to suit different
                                                                                                       people – from peer support,
                      HARM MINIMISATION,                                                               iwi-based initiatives and
                      SELF-MANAGEMENT AND SELF-CARE                                                    one-on-one counselling to more
                                                                                                       intensive methods like detox
                                                                                                       or residential treatment.

Source: National Committee for Addiction Treatment (NCAT), Shaping the Sector.48                                                                            Briefing to the Incoming Parliament | December 2020   19

Invest more effectively in
prevention, harm reduction
and treatment

INCREASED FUNDING HAS BEEN                                     WE RECOMMEND:
                                                           • Ensure a stepped increase in
The funding increase allocated in                            treatment sector funding to meet
2019’s Budget has ensured some                               demand, including specific funding
of the existing services that were                           to respond to ongoing challenges
in danger of collapse are now more                           brought by Covid-19.
sustainable. The funding increase                          • Fund the development of health
also made it possible to scale up new                        approaches that prevent and
approaches to treatment that had been                        reduce harm across the whole
piloted within some well-established                         spectrum of use, not just for
services and primary care providers.                         people experiencing long-term
This includes a number of new beds                           harms from addiction.
in addiction treatment facilities,
                                                           • Build the capacity of communities
managed withdrawal services,
                                                             and frontline providers in health and
and peer support.
                                                             social services to support people
Despite these welcome investments,                           who use drugs. This should include
there are still large holes in treatment                     funding of whānau-led approaches
provision across the country, and                            and kaupapa Māori services.
extremely long waiting lists in some                       • Continue funding alcohol and
areas. Many service providers have yet                       other drug components of the
to see any improvements in funding.                          psychosocial response from
People who seek treatment do not                             Covid-19 (Best Bubble and
always get it. This can mean a window                        Credible Voices).
of opportunity is lost to support                          • Fund behaviour change messaging
that person, sometimes forever.                              to reach all users, and implement
Covid-19 has added a new urgency to                          a full range of alcohol moderation
these existing issues, putting stress on                     activities (for example as previously
existing services as people deal with                        run by the Alcohol Advisory Council.
ongoing job and housing insecurity
and mental health challenges caused
by the pandemic.

20   Briefing to the Incoming Parliament | December 2020                                   
   These two campaigns, begun
   by the NZ Drug Foundation during
   the Covid-19 lockdown, reached
   millions of people across the
   whole spectrum of alcohol and
   drug use with information on
   coping with life in a ‘bubble’.
   Best Bubble targeted the
   general population to encourage
   New Zealanders to re-evaluate
   their relationship with substances
   (primarily alcohol) and use new,
   healthy ways to cope.
   Credible Voices targeted people
   who use alcohol and other drugs
   to help them prevent or reduce
   drug harm.
                                                            Credible Voices – online

Best Bubble campaign posters               Briefing to the Incoming Parliament | December 2020   21

Reduce drug harm in
communities and respond
to emerging challenges
Although not using drugs at
all is the best option, this is not                        RESPOND TO METHAMPHETAMINE
a realistic reflection of society.                         HARM IN COMMUNITIES
Inevitably, people will take drugs,                                                           Most people who seek help
sometimes in harmful ways.                                    WE RECOMMEND:
                                                                                              for methamphetamine use
For those who do, our focus is                             • Fund regular, in-depth           have already been using for
on preventing and reducing the                               research into patterns of        5–10 years49. We do not have
harm they experience.                                        methamphetamine use in           a good overall picture of what
                                                             New Zealand.                     methamphetamine use looks like
We proactively identify emerging
                                                                                              for individuals in New Zealand
issues across New Zealand, design                          • Support home withdrawal
                                                                                              before that point. This would
innovative solutions and assist                              and invest in programmes
                                                                                              help us reach people earlier and
communities to implement them.                               that focus on community
                                                                                              prevent problems escalating.
These are some pressing issues                               responses and peer support.
we are working on.                                         • Reform drug laws to treat        We know that 1% of
                                                             methamphetamine use as           New Zealanders consumed
                                                             a health issue and ensure        amphetamines (including
                                                             people are not put off seeking   methamphetamine) in the
                                                             help due to fear of the law.     past year and that rates have
                                                                                              increased slightly from 0.7%
                                                           • Set up a cross-sector response
                                                                                              five years ago.1 We also know
                                                             that includes a focus on
                                                                                              that around half of people who
                                                             treatment, law reform and
                                                                                              used stimulants (including
                                                             other issues relating to
                                                                                              methamphetamine) use them
                                                             methamphetamine (such as
                                                                                              1–2 times a year.2
                                                             'contamination’ in houses).
                                                                                              However, we do not regularly
                                                                                              collect data on who is using
                                                                                              methamphetamine, how often
                                                                                              and how much, and what harms
                                                                                              they experience. We need to
                                                                                              understand more about the first
                                                                                              years of methamphetamine use,
                                                                                              before problems become severe,
                                                                                              so that we can personalise health
                                                                                              advice and services better.

22   Briefing to the Incoming Parliament | December 2020                                            

 Heavy methamphetamine use                 WE RECOMMEND:                    At best, urine tests can only
 also has very specific withdrawal                                          confirm if someone used a
 patterns. Damage to the cognitive     • Enact regulations on how drug      substance within a certain
 area of the brain can mean people       testing should (and shouldn’t)     timeframe. The tests are also
 have a reduced ability to control       be used in the workplace           expensive, invade employee
 their emotions and actions and          to better balance safety           privacy, and can reduce the
 predict outcomes for up to a year.      requirements with the need         likelihood that employees
 This can make it particularly           to protect workers’ rights.        will disclose health and safety
 hard not to relapse. Treatment                                             concerns early.
                                       • Invest in the development of
 services need support (and
                                         technology or approaches to        Good workplace drug and
 funding) to adjust their delivery
                                         measure impairment.                alcohol polices can improve the
 to ensure they fit around
                                       • Require all workplaces to have     relationship between employer and
 typical withdrawal patterns
                                         impairment policies. Provide       employees, helping people feel safe
 for methamphetamine and
                                         better guidance for workplaces     to raise issues as early as possible.
 can support people in the
                                         about best practice.               These policies should focus on
 longer term.
                                                                            reducing impairment, which urine
 People can also withdraw                                                   tests don’t measure.
 successfully at home with the        Over-reliance on urine drug testing
                                                                            In alignment with the Business
 right support – something as         in the workplace, primarily for
                                                                            Leaders’ Health and Safety Forum,
 simple as self-management            cannabis, has created a deceptive
                                                                            the Drug Foundation works with
 guidance all the way through         reassurance that health and safety
                                                                            employers to help them explore
 to home detox clinical teams.        issues related to impairment are
                                                                            their current workplace culture and
 Providing more support for           being addressed. In fact, urine
                                                                            identify ways to minimise the risk
 home withdrawal will also            tests do not measure impairment
                                                                            of impairment in the workplace.
 help free up residential beds.       and only test for a narrow range
                                      of substances.
 To support long-term recovery in
 the community, we recommend
 investing in community responses
 and one:one peer support.50                                                   Briefing to the Incoming Parliament | December 2020   23

Reduce drug harm in
communities and respond
to emerging challenges

     Transitional housing                                    use and acute drug harm are common      Confusion around methamphetamine
                                                             in transitional housing, and reducing   ‘contamination’ from use continues to
           WE RECOMMEND:                                     harms can be challenging.               affect vulnerable people.

      • Expand Housing First to all                          By building a strong workforce          In January 2021 a new amendment
        regions so all people have                           focused on helping this cohort of       to the Residential Tenancies Act
        access to accommodation                              people and by committing adequate       comes into force that allows
        and help to maintain it.                             long-term funding to wrap-around        regulations to be developed to set
      • Fund initiatives that reduce                         services, we can reduce harm in         out maximum acceptable levels for
                                                             temporary housing.                      methamphetamine ‘contamination’
        drug harm in temporary housing.
                                                                                                     from use and manufacture.
                                                             Methamphetamine ‘contamination’         This law began its life before the
     Covid-19 showed us we can safely                                                                2018 report of the PM’s Chief Science
                                                                  WE RECOMMEND:                      Advisor52 on methamphetamine
     house everyone. Having a safe
     place can give people the space                                                                 was released. That report found
                                                              • Ensure new regulations (due to
     they need to address the trauma                                                                 no scientific basis for the assertion
                                                                be drafted in 2021) are framed       that you could contaminate a
     and insecurity that is so often the
                                                                so people are not unfairly evicted   house by using methamphetamine
     cause of serious drug and alcohol
                                                                from residential tenancies for       (as opposed to manufacturing
                                                                using methamphetamine.               it). To our knowledge, no other
     Housing First programmes are                             • Ensure cross-agency                  countries have standards for
     an excellent way to address the                            consistency in how standards         methamphetamine contamination
     underlying causes of homelessness                          around methamphetamine               caused by use of the drug alone.
     and help people stay in safe                               ‘contamination’ from use are
     accommodation in the long term.                            applied to vulnerable people.
     The programme currently only                             • Clarify rules for industry in the
                                                                                                     “There are no published
     exists in certain regions and can’t
                                                                face of ongoing confusion in          (or robust, unpublished)
     be accessed by homeless youth,51                                                                 data relating to health
                                                                relation to real estate processes
     so extending its reach should be
                                                                and insurance claims.                 risks of residing in a
     a priority.
                                                                                                      dwelling formerly used
     The number of people in temporary                                                                only for smoking
     accommodation rose rapidly in
     2020 following the first Covid-19
                                                                                                      PRIME MINISTER’S CHIEF SCIENCE ADVISOR52
     lockdown. High levels of substance

24     Briefing to the Incoming Parliament | December 2020                                                     
                                          WITH SYNTHETIC CANNABINOIDS
Ideally, this amendment would                                                 More than 70 deaths have been
                                              WE RECOMMEND:
never have been passed. At the                                                connected to synthetic cannabinoids
very least, we must ensure that new       • Fund the workstreams identified   since mid-2017 and many more
regulations currently being drafted set     by the Acute Drug Harm            New Zealanders have experienced
limits for methamphetamine residue          Community of Practice, so that    serious long-lasting health effects.6
that to follow the science, not the         they can continue to develop      While we appear to be past the
hype. This will ensure that fewer           evidence-based solutions to       peak of the crisis, there is some
tenants are harmed by the actions of        acute drug harm.                  concern a second wave may
fearful landlords and a drug testing
                                          • Build capacity to respond to      emerge. Anecdotal reports since
industry reliant on stoking this fear.
                                            emerging harms, including         Covid-19 began point to increased
Clear and consistent guidance is            accessible drug checking          clusters of people presenting
also needed for industries including        services, self-checking options   in need of medical attention
real estate, insurance and drug             (such as swabs that test for      from use of synthetics. Harmful
checking companies, because the             fentanyl), and easy access        synthetics have recently been
new regulations will only provide           to naloxone.                      found in several regions.56
rules around rental accommodation.        • Legalise cannabis, and get        The Acute Drug Harm Community
More widely, agencies including             the Psychoactive Substances       of Practice, established by the Drug
WINZ, Oranga Tamariki and Police            Act working as it should,         Foundation, engages a wide range
need a consistent approach to               to ensure people have access      of organisations and agencies to
methamphetamine use, focused                to safer substances.              share learnings and develop their
on wellbeing. The new regulations                                             capacity to respond to acute drug
will be designed to cover rental                                              harm. They develop public health
housing, and using their approach                                             messaging, provide resources to
in other situations could lead                                                upskill the workforce, and focus
to unintended consequences.                                                   on preparing New Zealand to
Establishing a cross-agency                                                   respond to potential future crises
working group to avoid this                                                   (from fentanyl, for example).
would be a sensible approach.                                                     Briefing to the Incoming Parliament | December 2020   25
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