Talk-About - Metro North Hospital and Health Service

Page created by Elmer Sims
Talk-About - Metro North Hospital and Health Service
The official newsletter for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Unit                                                                         May 2018

                                                                              Metro North Hospital and Health Service

                                                           Left to right: Jasmin Bird, Jake Fabila, McKenzie Jacobs, Barbara Morton, Talia Penny and Charlize Anderson .

Metro North welcomes Indigenous school-based trainees
Six Indigenous school-based                         “It’s important to get youth perspective; youth              Charlize Anderson (Kedron State High) is
                                                    think and behave in different ways. I challenge              interested in getting into law enforcement.
trainees have embarked on                           all of the students to ask why we do things the
                                                                                                                 • McKenzie Jacobs (Kedron State High)
the start of a fulfilling career at                 way we do.
                                                                                                                    would like to become a physiotherapist.
Metro North Hospital and Health                     “People who work here are passionate about                   • Jake Fabila (Kedron State High) is
Service (MNHHS).                                    what they do. I hope they catch the infectious                  interested in architecture.
                                                    passion.”                                                    • Barbara Morton (Ferny Grove State High)
The program is the first of its kind within
                                                    MNHHS Board member Adrian Carson also                           has nursing in her sights.
MNHHS with an Indigenous focus.
                                                    encouraged the students to take advantage of                 • Jasmin Bird (Kedron State High) has
Students from Kedron State High, Kelvin Grove       the opportunity they had.                                       aspirations to get into medicine.
College and Ferny Grove State High have the                                                                      • Talia Penny (Kelvin Grove College) has
opportunity of a lifetime to learn on the job and   “We want to make sure that the students
                                                                                                                    broad interests but is considering a legal
come away with a Certificate III in Business, and   succeed,” he said.
a stepping stone into further study and a career    The students will spend one day per week at                  Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Unit
within the health industry.                         a variety of units including Clinical Services,              Director Paul Drahm extended a warm welcome
The students were welcomed by MNHHS Chief           Communications, Corporate Systems and                        and reminded the students that we’re all here to
Executive Shaun Drummond at a morning tea           Infrastructure, Strategy and Planning, and                   support them.
recently.                                           Allied Health.
                                                                                                                 “A career in health is varied and I hope this
“Metro North is committed to changing the           The students gave an insight into their career               experience will give students an insight into
vibrancy of our organisation and actively           aspirations during the welcome event.                        where your career can go,” Paul said.
closing the gap,” Mr Drummond said.
Talk-About - Metro North Hospital and Health Service
Contact information
                                                  Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital

Give us
                                                  Indigenous Hospital Liaison Officer                              Ph: 3646 4154 or 3646 1696
                                                  Indigenous Patient Journey Officer                               Ph: 3646 5612 or 0428 861 888

                                                  Team Leader                                                      Ph: 3647 4183 or 0408 472 385
                                                  The Prince Charles Hospital
                                                  Indigenous Hospital Liaison Officer                              Ph: 3139 5165 or 3139 5062
                                                  Indigenous Patient Journey Officer                               Ph: 3139 6622 or 0409 583 967
We welcome your feedback, contributions,
story ideas and details on any upcoming           Team Leader                                                      Ph: 3139 6300 or 0439 082 908
events. Please contact Aboriginal and Torres
                                                  Redcliffe Hospital
Strait Islander Health Unit Communications
Manager Renee Simon at Renee.Simon@               Indigenous Hospital Liaison Officer                              Ph: 3049 6791 or phone (07) 3139 3231.
                                                  Team Leader                                                      Ph: 3139 6300 or 0439 082 908
Aboriginal and Torres Strait                      Caboolture Hospital
Islander Health Unit
                                                  Indigenous Hospital Liaison Officer                              Ph: 5433 8249 or 5433 8708
If you have any feedback regarding the
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health      Team Leader                                                      Ph: 3139 6300 or 0439 082 908
Unit services, programs and initiatives, you      After Hours Team                                                 Friday and Monday 12pm to 8.30pm
can contact the following:
                                                  Saturday and Sunday 10am to 6:30pm                               Ph: 5433 8249
Mail to:
                                                  Indigenous Hospital Liaison Officer                              Ph: 3647 4183
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health
Unit, Building 26, Chermside Community            Indigenous Patient Journey Officer                               Ph: 0409 583 967
Health Centre, 490 Hamilton Road,
                                                  Indigenous Acute and Primary Care / Sexual Health Team
Chermside QLD 4032.
                                                  Manager: Robyn Chilcott                                          Ph: 3492 1823
Email to:
                                                  A&TSIHU Safety & Quality – Pine Rivers CHC
                                                  Tracy Grant – Indigenous Safety & Quality Coordinator            Ph: 3492 1818 or Mob: 0417 027 642
Alternatively, call and ask for our Safety
and Quality Officer on 3647 9531.                 Caley Malezer – Project Officer Safety & Quality                 Ph: 3492 1820 or Mob: 0417 270 854

Indigenous Sexual Health
Sexual health community consultation
Community Elders gathered at Brighton
Health Campus to discuss an enhanced
Indigenous sexual health service that
delivers improved access, prevention and
cultural consideration across Metro North.
Uncle Alan Parsons said it was important to
create a service that destigmatised sexual
health within the Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander community.
“It’s important to create a service that
our community doesn’t feel ashamed to
access. I’d like to see a service take a
                                               Staff from the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Unit pictured with Uncle Alan Parsons (centre) and
collaborative approach to partner with         Uncle Mark Robson (centre back).
similar organisations,” Uncle Alan said.
“A health service that is integrated with      Indigenous Sexual Health Service.                           For more information regarding the project
other organisations ensures a healthy and                                                                  contact Indigenoushealthproject@health.
brighter community.”                           The goal is to gain clinical governance to
                                                                                                  or 3139 4036.
                                               provide culturally appropriate and safe
The community consultation was part of the     services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait
overall model of care development for the      Islander clients.

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Talk-About - Metro North Hospital and Health Service
A word from the Director
                                              I was pleased to have the opportunity to                      Development of the first CISS directorate
                                              welcome six young Indigenous students to                      Reconciliation Action Plan is well underway.
                                              Metro North in April for a two-year school-                   Driven by the CISS RAP Working Group, the
                                              based traineeship. The program is part of a                   first draft of the RAP was completed in late
                                              commitment from the Metro North Chief                         2017 and provided to Reconciliation
                                              Executive Shaun Drummond and the Board to                     Australia for comment. The feedback
                                              create pathways for Indigenous youth into                     received was very positive with only minor
                                              our organisation and to gain hands on                         changes suggested.
                                              experience across a broad spectrum
                                                                                                            After considering the provided feedback an
                                              of departments.
                                                                                                            updated draft of the RAP was presented to
                                              A series of Aboriginal and Torres Strait                      the CISS Executive and was endorsed by the
                                              Islander Health Unit (A&TSIHU) co-design                      former Executive Director for CISS. The
                                              models of care scoping sessions for staff will                endorsed plan has now been sent to
                                              be held over the next few months. This                        Reconciliation Australia for final approval.
Paul Drahm
                                              follows the recommendations provided by                       Once approval has been received a formal
A/Director, Aboriginal and Torres
                                              the independent Developing Sustainable                        launch of the RAP will be held.
Strait Islander Health Unit
                                              Indigenous Hospital Services Review and
                                                                                                            CISS will be the first directorate within Metro
                                              current priorities from the Metro North CE/
                                                                                                            North to have its own RAP. Discussions are
                                              Board endorsed ‘Danalgau Kuik Aimai’ (The
                                                                                                            currently underway with the hospitals within
                                              starting of life / health) plan. It also links to
                                                                                                            Metro North with a view for them to have
                                              the Community, Indigenous and Subacute
                                                                                                            their own RAPs in place within the next two
                                              Services (CISS) focus on improving
                                                                                                            years. The plan will then have an overarching
                                              patient flow.
We are currently seeking nominations                                                                        Metro North RAP which incorporates all
for an Indigenous Workforce Strategy          “We are committed to an Indigenous health                     facility RAPs.
Working Group who will inform                 plan, to be known as “Danalgau Kuik Aimai”
                                                                                                            Finally, I’d like to acknowledge the departure
the development of our strategy.              (the starting of life/health), to help address
                                                                                                            of CISS Executive Director, Chris Seiboth.
Nominations are open to all MNHHS             discharge against medical advice, revised
                                                                                                            Chris was a big supporter of our agenda and
Indigenous and Non-Indigenous                 models of care inclusive of cultural needs,
                                                                                                            for improving health outcomes for our mob.
employees who are committed                   Indigenous cancer care initiatives and a
towards achieving the MNHHS                   workforce development strategy. This will be                  Tami Photinos will now act in the role as
Improving Indigenous Health agenda.           underpinned by Reconciliation Action Plans.”                  Executive Director for CISS. Tami joins CISS
                                              – Metro North Hospital and Health Service                     from Women’s and Newborns Services at
If you are interested in becoming a
                                              Chief Executive, Shaun Drummond.                              RBWH and the Executive Director of the Metro
member of the Working Group and
                                                                                                            North Women’s and Children’s stream. Tami
submitting an EOI please contact              As part of A&TSIHU’s commitment to
                                                                                                            has been involved with our Ngarrama
Brian Warner (Senior Project Officer)         progress the identified priorities, we are
                                                                                                            maternity programs and I look forward to
on 3139 3235 or email                         currently conducting a review of the After
                                                                                                            working with her over the coming months to               Hours service, Indigenous Hospital Services
                                                                                                            continue to identify opportunities to
                                              and Acute and Primary Care Service.
                                                                                                            incorporate Indigenous health priorities
                                                                                                            within CISS and across Metro North.

                                    Chris Seiboth signs the CISS Reconciliation Action Plan with
                                    Director of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health
                                    Unit Paul Drahm.

                                                                                                   We welcome Tami Photinos, the new Acting Executive Director
                                                                                                   at CISS

                                                                                                                                                       Page 3
Talk-About - Metro North Hospital and Health Service
What’s inside
March 2018
Front Page – Metro North welcomes Indigenous                                                      IN FOCUS
school-based trainees................................................................1            In the news..................................................................................5
Contact information....................................................................2          Getting started with NDIS............................................................6
A word from the Acting Director...................................................3               George’s lessons teach cultural safety........................................6
                                                                                                  Ngarrama Family Service opens for clients..................................7
PROGRAM UPDATES                                                                                   Mipla Binna.................................................................................8
Indigenous Sexual Health...........................................................2              The important test that all indigenous women should have........8
Indigenous Hospital Services......................................................4               Free Wi-Fi at Caboolture Hospital................................................9
Indigenous Acute & Primary Care Team.......................................6                      Multinational healthcare roadmap to be created in Inala............9
Ngarrama Family Service.............................................................7             Nicole embraces new Ngarrama Royal Caseload Manager role.. 12
                                                                                                  Word of the month: Gudamulli..................................................13
                                                                                                  Identification: It’s your right to a healthier life...........................14
Close the Gap Days - Brighton, Redcliffe, TPCH events .............10
Harmony Day.............................................................................10        STAFF FEATURE
New faces across Indigenous services......................................11
                                                                                                  A Day in the Life of Brian Warner...............................................14
Ethian shines as Indigenous apprentice of the year...................11
                                                                                                  Calendar of events ...................................................................15

                                                                Indigenous Hospital Services
                                                                with Natasha White, Program Manager
                                                                questions to gauge patients’ views on                              or rehabilitation unit. A patient must
                                                                services that we provide over the weekend                          be assessed as eligible by the Aged
                                                                and after hours.                                                   Care Assessment team. Referrals can
                                                                                                                                   be coordinated by discharge planners
                                                                The findings included:
                                                                                                                                   or in public hospitals by the Geriatric
                                                                • 89% of patients believe that after hour                          Rehabilitation and Liaison Service.
                                                                   services should operate seven days a
                                                                   week.                                                           For further information please visit the
                                                                • 73% of patients feel there is not enough                         Metro North website at: https://metronorth.
                                                                   access for support over the weekends                  
                                                                   and after hours.                                                services/transition-care-program
                                                                • 89% indicated that they would
                                                                                                                                   Creating access
                                                                   recommend the service to friends and
                                                                   family members.                                                 We are improving access to Indigenous
                                                                                                                                   Hospital Liaison staff at Royal Brisbane and
The After Hours Service at Royal Brisbane                       This information will be used to help design                       Women’s Hospital and The Prince Charles
and Women’s Hospital has recruited two                          our model of care.                                                 Hospital with the instalments of dedicated
new team members, Cessa O’Reilly and
                                                                                                                                   telephones for patients at key spots
Alintia Williams.                                               Transition Care Program                                            throughout the hospitals.
The team operates until 8.30 pm during                          We have been working with Transition
specific weekdays and from 10 am – 6.30                         Care Services to identify potential referral                       Community participation
pm on weekends to provide support,                              pathways for our patients.                                         We will be attending the Nalingu Respite
advocacy and advice to Aboriginal and                                                                                              Centre Community Open Day on Monday 21
                                                                Transition Care Services provide short-
Torres Strait Islander people in the hospital.                                                                                     May, hope to see you all there.
                                                                term support to older people who require
Since the beginning of the year the team                        more time and
have provided services to 1,824 Aboriginal                      care in a non-
and Torres Strait Islander patients and                         acute hospital
their families, with over 2,217 episodes of                     environment.
service delivery.                                               They also assist
                                                                older people
Supporting their return to community is                         to transition
new Indigenous Community Liaison Officer,                       home or to a
Hayley Renouf. She joins the team at Pine                       residential care
Rivers Community Health Centre and is                           facility.
currently studying to become a nurse.
                                                                Referrals to
Consumer engagement                                             this service can
Over the past month we have been                                be made by
conducting consumer feedback surveys                            treating teams
with patients. We asked a number of                             in a hospital                Hayley Renouf                             Cessa O’Reilly and Alintia Williams

Page 4
Talk-About - Metro North Hospital and Health Service
Bush clinic for Indigenous men                   Colourful health bus provides          
aims to break down barriers to                   medical services to Aboriginal
hospital                                         and Torres Strait Islanders in                   ory/0748ca8d60c07697eb21fdd763c44a05
Shame and a lack of confidence in the quality    remote areas
of treatment they receive can keep many          Remote communities often grapple with
Aboriginal men living in Western Australia’s                                                      Tech improves Indigenous health
                                                 challenges of distance from health care
great southern region well away from modern      and support, but an outreach service for         outcomes
health services.                                 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people     Following the successful relocation of
Now, a new program has brought mostly            in South Australia’s Riverland is hoping to      Mount Isa Sexual Health (MISH) to 1 Barkly
Noongar men and health experts out of the        change this, with the help of a bus.             Highway, opposite Splashez pool, the clinic
hospital and into the bush to talk about men-    Bright and colourful, the Pi:Lu Bus is           is planning on offering extended opening
tal and physical health.                         designed to be a safe place for Aboriginal       hours on Mondays, according to Clinical    and Torres Strait Islander people to receive     Nurse Consultant, Mark Hanlon.
al/2018-04-14/bush-clinic-for-indigenous-        help and health advice.
men-aims-to-break-down-barriers-to-hospi-           ry/5341436/quick-check-times/?cs=191
tal/1749538                                      aboriginal-health-bus-building-trust-river-
                                                                                                  Cervical Screening Flipchart
‘Quick check’ times
                                                 Ngangkari healers: 60,000 years of               developed to help improve
Following the successful relocation of           traditional Aboriginal methods make              Aboriginal women’s health
Mount Isa Sexual Health (MISH) to 1 Barkly
                                                 headway in medical clinics                       WITH Aboriginal women two times more likely
Highway, opposite Splashez pool, the clinic
is planning on offering extended opening         Ngangkari healers were considered the            to be diagnosed with cervical cancer and four
hours on Mondays, according to Clinical          treasure of Aboriginal communities, and now      times more likely to die from it, a new resource
Nurse Consultant, Mark Hanlon.                   their 60,000-year-old tradition has made         has been launched in WA to combat the cancer.
                                                 its way to South Australia’s Royal Adelaide      Featuring work by WA artist Nerolie Bynder-
                                                 Hospital and rural clinics.Eighteen registered   Blurton, the Cervical Screening Flipchart has
                                                 Ngangkari healers set up the Anangu              been developed by the WA Cervical Cancer
                                                 Ngangkari Tiutaky Aboriginal Corporation         Prevention Program (WACCPP) to help health-
Budding GPs get a taste of bush                  (ANTAC) more than seven years ago.               care providers engage with Aboriginal women.
life to combat remote doctor                     aboriginal-healers-complementary-medicine-
shortage                                         finds-its-place/9586972
A unique medical program in the Northern                                                          nal-womens-health/
Territory has found a simple way to combat a     Queensland tops list of most
shortage of skilled GPs willing to work in the
                                                 disadvantaged areas in Australia,
bush.                                                                                             NSW Health has released a policy
                                                 Sydney and Perth top most
Giving students a taste of bush life early in                                                     on “culturally appropriate spaces”
their training means doctors are more likely     advantaged
                                                                                                  for Indigenous Australians
to take up positions in remote areas later       Seven of the 10 most disadvantaged areas
on in their careers, according to Flinders                                                        NSW Health has released a policy asking
                                                 in the country are in Queensland, Census
University.                                                                                       hospitals to identify a “culturally appropriate
                                                 data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics                                                            space” to stop Indigenous patients walking
                                                 (ABS) shows. The most disadvantaged LGA is
medical-students-experience-bush-life-to-                                                         out without being treated. The policy
                                                 Cherbourg, about 250 kilometres north-west
curb-doctor-shortage/9636966                                                                      encourages initiatives such as displaying art
                                                 of Brisbane.
                                                                                                  work from local Aboriginal communities in
                                                  waiting areas, or ensuring access to culturally
                                                 queensland-tops-list-of-disadvantaged-com-       sensitive spaces for patients.
Dietitian earns USC medal for                    munities/9593908
promoting Indigenous health                                                             
                                                 Indigenous groups hit back                       nsw-hospitals-welcomed
A USC Nutrition and Dietetics student who        over nurses, midwives’ ‘white
has contributed to the health of Indigenous
Australians will be awarded USC’s highest
                                                 privilege’ code of conduct
honour for a graduating student this week.       A NEW code of conduct for Australian nurses
Tracy Hardy, 44, will receive the Chancellor’s   and midwives was slammed for including
Medal for her contributions to USC and for       a reference to “white privilege”. Last week
helping improve the wellbeing of Aboriginal      it was reported that nurses and midwives
and Torres Strait Islander people through her    around the country were subject to a new
work in the field of nutrition.                  code of conduct that declares “cultural
                                                 safety is as important as clinical safety”
                                                 and requires “the acknowledgment of white

                                                                                                                                         Page 5
Talk-About - Metro North Hospital and Health Service
Acute and Primary Care Team
The Indigenous Acute and Primary Care
Team have a primary goal of improving,
maintaining and supporting clients in
the community and post discharge from
hospital. The team ensures that clients
safely return home from hospital with
services provided to support their health
needs. The team follow up with regular
home visits to support clients in the
community and coordinate care required to
avoid hospital readmission.

Celebrating our women
International Women’s Day is celebrated
in many countries around the world. It          Front Row: Melvian Sleight, Jane Harbour, Faye Gundy and Brenda Kanofski.    Doctor Casey Kalsi
is a day when women are recognised for          Back Row: Cara Pickering, Pam Lenoy, Dene Campbell, Chloe Marshall, Delma
their achievements without regard to            Dorman, Elaine Dorman, Debbie Debree (Police Liaison) and Sandra Markwell.
ethnic, linguistic, cultural, economic or
                                                build support for women’s rights and                      their stories, triumphs or struggles and
political divisions. International Women’s
                                                participation in the political and economic               discuss with others. It is an environment
Day first emerged from the activities
                                                arenas.                                                   where community members can be
of labour movements at the turn of the
twentieth century. Since those early                                                                      encouraged and accepted as they deal with
                                                The Indigenous Acute and Primary Care
years, International Women’s Day has                                                                      life challenges.
                                                Team held a client morning tea on 14 March
assumed a new global dimension for              2018. The theme for the Client morning tea                The morning teas have been well accepted
women in developed and developing               was International Women’s Day.                            by the local community and provide both
countries alike. The growing international                                                                education and a supportive environment
women’s movement has helped make                Client groups offer a caring, supportive
                                                                                                          for our mob as they realise they can nurture
the commemoration a rallying point to           environment where clients are able to bring
                                                                                                          themselves as well as others.
                                                                                                          On this occasion, clients were able to meet
                                                                                                          and talk with a local female Indigenous
                                                                                                          Doctor Casey Kalsi, who presented to the
                                                                                                          group her life journey.
                                                                                                          The team were also fortunate to have our
                                                                                                          local Indigenous Police Liaison Officer
                                                                                                          Deb Debree participate on the day. Elders
                                                                                                          were keen to be involved and enjoyed the
                                                                                                          women’s day celebrations and exchange of
Elaine Dorman                    Jane Harbour                   Debbie Debree (Police Liaison)

George’s lessons teach cultural safety
Gannet House resident Uncle                     Gannet House since January.”

George Wano is a Torres Strait                  George reminded staff of the importance
                                                of cultural capability training when
Islander man, one of the first                  reflecting on his own journey through the
generation Torres Strait Islanders              health system.
born on the mainland.                           “Imagine how hard it is for Indigenous
                                                people when they don’t speak the
Born in Richmond, Queensland, his mother        language,” George said.
is from Papua New Guinea and his father is a
Torres Strait Islander and Fijian.              “When I see you guys with the (Indigenous)
                                                shirts it makes me feel at home. I am much
George has had problems with his ankles         more easily treated when I feel at home.
his whole life, which eventually led to his
admission to Gannet House.                      “Staff need to be educated frequently
                                                because it’s human nature to forget.”
“On 12 June 2017 I was diagnosed with                                                                     Uncle George Wano pictured with MNHHS Board
                                                For George, seeing Torres Strait Islander                 Member Dr Kim Forester and Director of A&TSIHU
sepsis which nearly killed me four times,”                                                                Paul Drahm at the recent Close the Gap Day event.
Uncle George said.                              artefacts and the flags on the campus
                                                makes him feel more at home.                              To access Cultural Capability Training
“I was in a coma for 10 days, in ICU for
                                                “Staff should know about Mabo Day and                     visit
six weeks, had three weeks in recovery,
                                                what it means for our people,” George said.               au/metronorth/indigenous_health
rehabilitation for seven weeks, spent six
                                                                                                          (MNHHS staff).
weeks at Ebbtide and now I’ve been at

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Talk-About - Metro North Hospital and Health Service
Ngarrama Family Service opens for clients
The Ngarrama Family Service is                           “The services are dependent on
                                                         the family’s needs with emphasis
open and accepting referrals.                            on assisting families transitioning
                                                         to other service providers of choice
Working closely with Ngarrama Maternity                  within the community.”
(operating at RBWH, Redcliffe and
Caboolture Hospitals), the service is a                  Paul said the service would
navigation and transition service for women              initially accept antenatal referrals
and their Aboriginal and Torres Strait                   and post birth referrals from the
Islander families from pregnancy through to              Redcliffe and Caboolture Ngarrama
when the child turns two.                                maternity services.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander                    Referrals will be opened for Royal
Health Unit Director Paul Drahm said the                 Brisbane and Women’s Hospital
                                                                                                   NUM Gayle Hocking and Social Worker Madeline Mitchell.
service framework would assist the patient               and other Metro North Hospital            Absent team members Child Health Nurses Ann Baxter and Jenny
journey through continuity of care and                   and Health Services referral              Macdonald and Indigenous Health Worker Anita Boyes and Kim
ensure cultural capacity and safety through              networks at a later stage.                Wedel.
partnership models.                                      Nurse Unit Manager Gayle Hocking said the               addresses the needs of the whole family.”
“The framework is designed to support a                  service commenced on Monday 12 February                 Indigenous families will have access to a
healthy start for Indigenous children during             and they were already receiving referrals for           range of services including regular phone
their first 1,000 days of life,” Paul said.              social work support.                                    contact, drop-in clinics, group programs or
                                                                                    “This service is             home visiting based on a family’s needs.
                                                                                    so important,”               The team, based at Aspley Community
                                                                                    Gayle said. “It will         Health Centre, includes Indigenous health
                                                                                    help close a gap             workers, child health nurses and social
                                                                                    in addressing the            workers.
                                                                                    disparity in the
                                                                                    social determinants          For further information about Ngarrama
                                                                                    of health for                Family Community Service referrals contact
                                                                                    Indigenous people.           either:

                                                                                    “We’re providing             • Central Referral Unit on 1300 658 252
                                                                                    a culturally                 • Ngarrama Family Community Services
                                                                                    appropriate and                on 3360 4758.
Aunty Minnie Mace (centre) pictured with staff from Ngarrama Family, and Ngarrama   holistic service that
midwives from Redcliffe and RBWH.

The National Disability Insurance Scheme                 Kim works as the Indigenous Mental Health               responsibilities around the NDIS seriously
(NDIS) is a means of support to over half                Worker at The Prince Charles Hospital and               because it will have a significant impact on
a million Australians with disability, and               supported the NDIS at work, but she didn’t              people’s lives and determine their ability to
their families and carers. The scheme funds              imagine she’d have a personal experience                receive a good support package.
complex needs that people with a disability              with the NDIS.
                                                                                                                 “I had no idea until November this was
have such as equipment, medication and
                                                         It wasn’t until a visit to a paediatrician,             going to be a factor for us.”
allied health practitioners.
                                                         who diagnosed Jesse with multiple
NDIS played a vital role in assisting single             neuropsychological disorders including
mother of five, Kim when her son developed               autism and ADHD, that Kim finally got
learning disabilities early into his school              answers to her son’s behavioural issues.
                                                         “Jesse’s behaviour changed, it was amazing.
“Jesse was quite sick as a toddler and had               Since being on medication, he’s a different
surgery at 18 months for appendicitis where              person but still needs help with social
he died on the operating before being                    cues,” Kim said.
brought back to life,” Kim said.
                                                         Kim contacted the National Disability
“I thought that coddling him as a child and              Insurance Agency (NDIA) to apply for
overcompensating after he died was the                   ongoing support for Jesse. She said the
reason he behaved badly and couldn’t learn               experience was easy and fast.
in school.”
                                                         “I was aware of the NDIS, but now as a
The learning difficulties were so bad, Jesse             parent I really understand how critical it
was asked to repeat a year, which meant                  is to get and give the right information for
he would fall behind his twin in school,                 consumers,” Kim said.
worrying Kim.
                                                         “It’s important for staff to take their                 Kim Walker and her son.

                                                                                                                                                         Page 7
Talk-About - Metro North Hospital and Health Service
Mipla Binna – A
valuable resource
for dealing
with children’s
hearing loss
Finding out your child has
                                                 was a huge disengagement rate of 40 to                 diagnosed
hearing loss can be really                       60 per cent from the hearing loss service,             with
difficult to cope with.                          and the medical and early intervention                 permanent
                                                 pathway,” Selma said.                                  hearing loss.
Children’s Health Queensland has
developed the Mipla Binna website to             “After looking at the patient journey, we              Staff from
support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander    found that we needed a simple, brief                   the Aboriginal
families embarking on the Healthy Hearing        and easy to understand resource that is                and Torres Strait
pathway.                                         culturally appropriate.”                               Islander Health
                                                                                                        Unit recently attended
The name Mipla Binna is a combination of         Mipla Binna provides families with practical
                                                                                                        information sessions at Royal
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander words;     information on how to cope after a hearing
                                                                                                        Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, The Prince
Mipla –Torres Strait creole meaning us, we or    loss diagnosis, make informed choices
                                                                                                        Charles Hospital and Caboolture Hospital.
ours, and Binna – Aboriginal word (from the      about their child’s early intervention hearing
North Queensland area) meaning ear. Mipla        services and better cater to their child’s             These sessions provided an important
Binna therefore translates as Our Ears.          individual, social and educational needs.              professional development opportunity to
                                                                                                        build knowledge and capacity about the
Community Engagement and Development             The website includes video interviews of
                                                                                                        hearing loss medical and early intervention
Officer Selma Kum Sing said the website          families sharing their own experiences and
                                                                                                        pathway and how Mipla Binna can be used
was designed to help Aboriginal and Torres       offering advice for other families.
                                                                                                        to assist families in their healthcare journey.
Strait Islander families navigate their          Early diagnosis and access to early
journey through a hearing loss diagnosis.                                                               To view the website, visit https://www.
                                                 intervention is critical in making a difference
“When profiling our families, we found there     to the health outcomes for children

The important test that all indigenous women should have
Indigenous Health Worker                         said she was thankful Mellissa had made                easy to do and so important for all eligible
                                                 the appointment for her.                               women,” she said.
Mellissa Malley knows the
                                                 “I knew I was overdue and I am glad I did              Women are also reminded to be ‘breast
importance of good breast                        it,” Deborah said. “We can overcome how                aware’ by getting to know the normal look
health and each year actively                    we feel when it is time to have our breast             and feel of their breasts. Dr Brazier said
encourages Aboriginal and                        screen and we should not feel ashamed or               women should have a talk to their doctor or
                                                 embarrassed.”                                          health worker if they notice any changes.
Torres Strait Islander women to
                                                 “The staff at BreastScreen are great and               BreastScreen Queensland Services
have a breast screen.                            understand that some ladies can get a little           are located at North Lakes, Chermside,
                                                 anxious.                                               Kippa-Ring, Keperra, Indooroopilly and
Working from the Aboriginal and Torres
                                                                                                        Brisbane City. Appointments can be made
Strait Islander Community Health Service         “I want to be around to watch my
                                                                                                        by phoning 13 20 50 or you can book online
in Northgate, Mellissa arranges regular          grandchildren grow up and having a regular
appointments for her indigenous clients          breast screen is just one thing I
and as a group they attend their nearest         need to do to keep healthy.”
BreastScreen Queensland Service at
                                                 BreastScreen Queensland’s
                                                 Brisbane Northside Service
“It is easier for the client if I pick them up   Medical Director Dr Jane Brazier
and take them to Chermside; and it provides      said women aged 50 to 74 years
them with a great incentive to go,” Mellissa     are especially encouraged to
said.                                            make an appointment for their
                                                 breast screen however all women
“It is so important for all women to have a
                                                 from the age of 40 are eligible for
regular breast screen every two years but
                                                 a free breast screen. A GP referral
sometimes time and other life events can
                                                 is not required.
take over and we forget.
                                                 “Family comes first for most
“It is my job to keep our ladies informed                                              Indigenous Health Worker Mellissa Malley, Nadine Chouffot with
                                                 women, so finding time to look
about important health issues such as                                                  daughter Katie are happy Deborah (right) had her breast screen
                                                 after their health can be quite       recently. Little Katie Chouffot, mum Nadine (middle) and Mellissa
breast screening.”
                                                 hard. Making an appointment           Malley indigenous health worker (left) support Deborah (right) when
Northgate Clinic client Deborah Schneider        to have a free breast screen is       she recently had her breast screen.

Page 8
Talk-About - Metro North Hospital and Health Service
Free Wi-Fi at
Caboolture Hospital
It’s now much easier for patients               “Best of all, it is completely free for all users
                                                and you don’t have to provide personal
and visitors at Caboolture                      details such as an email address or other
Hospital to stay connected with                 information to get online.”
free Wi-Fi recently switched on                 The new service is an offshoot of the
throughout the busy hospital.                   hospital’s Wi-Fi infrastructure and has
                                                been switched on at no cost to the hospital,
Executive Director Dr Lance Le Ray said the     patients or visitors. It is also available at
exciting new addition to Caboolture Hospital    Redcliffe Hospital and The Prince Charles
would help patients stay up-to-date on          Hospital.
what’s happening with their treatment.          Users are required to accept
“Just like so many other locations such as      Queensland Health terms and
cafés and libraries, anyone at the hospital     conditions before logging on.
can now jump online using their smart           Look for the ‘QH-FreeWiFi’
phone, tablet, laptop or device in seconds,”    network on your device and
Dr Le Ray said.                                 follow the prompts to get online.
“Many people stay connected these days          Coverage and speeds will vary
using email or internet apps such as            across the hospital campus.
Facebook and Messenger, which are all
available.                                      Jessica and Jane from the Emergency
                                                Department connect to free Wi-Fi now
                                                available at Caboolture Hospital.

Multinational healthcare roadmap to be created in Inala
The Hong Kong Hospital Authority has chosen Inala Primary Care (IPC), to host a delegation of nurses as part
of an ambitious and competitive scholarship scheme.
The visiting nurses will learn about IPC’s      known as an authority on innovative ways            responsible for more than one in 10 dollars
approach to chronic disease and end of          to manage chronic disease, particularly in          circulating in our economy.
life care, after the local GP practice was      disadvantaged communities.
                                                                                                    “Someone over the age of 75 is twice as
selected as the only medical provider in the
                                                Ms Johnson was awarded a Churchill                  likely to be admitted compared with another
Southern Hemisphere to take part in hosting
                                                Scholarship in 2015 to spend three months           adult. That can make life miserable for the
government scholarship recipients.
                                                in five countries, including Hong Kong, to          patient and financially crippling for the
Following a study tour, which will visit        study their models of care.                         government.
multiple sites in addition to Inala, the
                                                 The experience made her a huge advocate            “On top of this, disadvantaged communities
nurses will join Queensland peers at a
                                                for keeping people out of hospital by               can have a life expectancy 20 years below
forum facilitated by IPC to compare best
                                                improving community-based care through              average - but there are things we can do.”
practice in Hong Kong and Australia. The
                                                multidisciplinary healthcare teams made up
group will then create a roadmap on future                                                          Ms Johnson said Hong Kong had already
                                                of nurses, mental health professionals, and
collaboration to improve patient care in                                                            sent teams over to us to learn about how to
                                                non-clinical people such as social workers
both countries.                                                                                     manage chronic disease in the community
                                                or even volunteers.
                                                                                                    based on the model we have developed
IPC has been operating in Inala for over a
                                                 “Most countries are facing a looming               to better use our financial resources and
decade, working hard to improve the health
                                                healthcare crisis due to an ageing                  improve patients’ lives.
of local people, who suffer from chronic
                                                population,” Ms Johnson said. “Four in
illness at a vastly higher rate and younger                                                         “Earlier this year we also hosted a
                                                five Australians have at least one chronic
age than most Australians.                                                                          delegation of clinicians from Tasmania who
                                                disease, such as diabetes or kidney
                                                                                                    wanted to learn about the models we have
The medical practice has pioneered new          disease, or a risk factor (the highest rate
                                                                                                    pioneered and piloted in Inala,” she said.
models of community based care to help          in any OECD country) and 50,000 die
people manage chronic diseases, including       prematurely each year.                              “From disadvantage comes an innovative
diabetes and kidney disease, to improve                                                             advantage and I’d like to think we are
                                                “Chronic disease accounts for half of all GP
quality and length of life. The IPC team also                                                       putting Inala on the map for all the right
                                                consultations and almost half of avoidable
follows a pathway for their older patients to                                                       reasons as a beacon medical practice with
prepare them for end of life decisions that                                                         big ambitions to influence the healthcare
will ultimately improve their future care.      “The need for more ongoing medication,              reform agenda at a national and even
                                                plus more hospital admissions mean                  international level.”
IPC Chief Executive Officer Tracey Johnson is
                                                health is now Australia’s biggest sector,

                                                                                                                                        Page 9
Talk-About - Metro North Hospital and Health Service
Brighton event
Around 70 guests gathered to mark Close                    Despite coming across some
the Gap Day at Brighton Health Campus,                     challenges during his stay,
an important event to reflect on what we’re                seeing staff wearing shirts with
doing to improve the health of Aboriginal and              Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Torres Strait Islander people.                             Islander artwork made him feel
                                                           at ease.
Staff from across Metro North were
privileged to hear four Elders share their                 A health panel also shared what
stories and wisdom on ways we can work                     they were doing to close the
together to close the health gap.                          gap. The panel consisted of:
Aunty Brenda Kanofski shared her                           • Aunty Stella Wake (CISS
experience as a patient at The Prince Charles                Diabetes Service),
Hospital.                                                  • Jodi Dyer (Ngarrama
“After spending so long in hospital, my                                                        Uncle Terry Williams, Aunty Brenda Kanofski, Director Paul Drahm, MNHHS
mental health really suffered,” she said.                  • Peter Malouf (Indigeous           Deputy Board Chair Dr Kim Forrester, Board Member Bonnie Barry, Aunty
                                                             Cardiac Outreach Program),        Minnie Mace and Uncle George Wano.
“Seeing the Indigenous Hospital Liaison
                                                           • Lynn Hoey (Sleep Scientist
Officers at my bedside really brightened my
                                                           • Danielle Herffernan (Renal
Uncle Terry Williams also spoke about the                    Medicine RBWH), and
importance of nurturing the mental health of
                                                           • Clive Holloway (Paediatric
Aboriginal and Torres Islander peoples.
                                                             Audiology Caboolture
Aunty Minnie Mace gave the audience                          Hospital).
an insight into her experience with the
                                                           The group captivated the
Ngarrama Maternity service at Royal
                                                           audience, in particular members
Brisbane and Women’s Hospital (RBWH).
                                                           of the Metro North Board who
Torres Strait Islander Uncle George Wano                   asked the panel how the Board
                                                           could help close the health care      Toorabul Traditional Owner, Aunty
gave a recount of his experience as a patient
                                                                                                 Maroochy Barambah performed the
at RBWH and Gannet House.                                  gap.                                                                      Cultural Capability Officer Elwyn
                                                                                                 moving welcome to country for the
                                                                                                 audience.                           Henaway

                                                                                                                                Indigenous Hospital Liaison Mark Budd,
Sexual Health Program Manager Ronald Abala, IUIH Connect                                                                        Aunty Brenda Kanofski, Indigenous
Nurse Darsha Borthwick and IUIH Program Manager Helen            RBWH’s Stephanie                                               Community Liaison Officer Sandra
Quelch, Service Improvement Officer Kelly Smith and              Archibald and Annabelle                                        Markwell and Project Officer Aleacha
Administration Officer Chloe Marshall.                           Sayers.                   Paul, Kim and Uncle Terry            Hopkins.

Redcliffe Hospital event
Redcliffe Indigenous Hospital Liaison Officer
Rox-anne Currie coordinated a special Close
the Gap Day event at Redcliffe Hospital to
                                                           Hospital Liaison
coincide with the monthly staff BBQ.                       Officer Rox-
                                                           anne Currie
Many hospital staff took part in planting the
                                                           and Redcliffe
Sea of Hands in recognition of identities,                 Hospital
cultures and history and signing the Close                 Executive
the Gap Day pledge to reduce Indigenous                    Director Louise
health inequality.                                         Oriti plant a

Page 10
Harmony Day
Bright colours and traditional performers
from across the world filled the Royal
Brisbane and Women’s Hospital Atrium for
annual Harmony Day celebrations.
Harmony Day celebrates Australian
multiculturalism and reinforces the
importance of inclusiveness for all
Staff, patients and visitors at RBWH were
entertained by a diverse program of
entertainment, including an Indigenous
dance group featuring young students
from Tullawong State School, Bolivian
dance troupe and a traditional Chinese
Dragon dance, all captivating the
audience.                                       refugee health,
A large crowd was soon on hand to watch         art therapy,
and enjoy a brief glimpse into the diverse      breast screening,
traditions and cultures of people that now      Indigenous
call Brisbane and Australia their home.         bush medicine,
                                                interpreter services
Tasty international food from several           and promoting a
cultures was also available, including          healthy start to life
Ethiopian and Greek Baklava.                    for Maori and Pacific
                                                Islander families.
A fashion show featuring designs from a
local African designer was also popular.
Market stalls provided valuable advice
on a range of important topics including                                Community, Indigenous and Subacute Services social worker Luba celebrates her
                                                                        Russian heritage at Chermside Community Health Centre’s Harmony Day event.

Ethian shines as Indigenous apprentice of the year
Ethian Toby, a young man from our               Ethian is from the Mununjali
Indigenous community, has strived to            and Gangalu tribes, and
succeed in his career as a carpenter.           recognises the outstanding
                                                and ongoing help and
He began his apprenticeship in October
                                                support he has received from
2013, and is now a fourth year apprentice
                                                his mother, Rox-anne Currie,
working for Community Solutions and will
                                                Father, Warren Toby, and his
be finishing his apprenticeship at the end
                                                grandparents Sandra and
of 2018.
                                                Glen Markwell.
Ethian has always wanted to be a
                                                “I’m proud that I have
carpenter and in the near future hopes
                                                achieved these goals, and
to own and run his own carpentry
                                                that I am striving towards
business. In 2015, he won the Indigenous
                                                a bright future for myself,”
Apprentice of the Year, and won the award
                                                Ethian said.
again in 2017.                                                                   Ethian at the 2015 and 2017 awards

                                             The Prince Charles Hospital event
                                             A Close the Gap Day event was also held at               Elder Terry Williams and Staff Specialist
                                             The Prince Charles Hospital on 15 March.                 Cardiologist Dr Scott McKenzie.
                                             Around 40 people attended an informative
                                                                                                      A tree planting ceremony was also held
                                             presentation aimed at clinicians.
                                                                                                      near the outdoor totem pole at rear of the
                                             There were presentations from Indigenous                 Common Good Café in recognition of Close
                                             Cardiac Outreach Program Manager Peter                   the Gap Day.
                                             Malouf and Indigenous Respiratory Outreach
                                             Care Program Manager Mandi Edwards,

                                                                                                                                                  Page 11
Nicole embraces new Ngarrama
Royal Caseload Manager role
Ngarrama Maternity at Royal                                maternity care easier.

Brisbane and Women’s Hospital                              Ngarrama Royal is a team of six midwives
                                                           and an Indigenous Health Worker who
has a new Caseload Manager.                                follow the women through their pregnancy,
                                                           birth and for six weeks postnatally.
Nicole Moller, from Bundjalung country in
northern New South Wales, was recently                     Nicole said it’s important for patients to
appointed to the role after two years of                   tick the box to identify as Aboriginal and/or
maternity leave following the birth of her                 Torres Strait Islander so they can be given
first son.                                                 the option to go through Ngarrama. Non-
                                                           Indigenous women whose baby identifies
Nicole has worked in the Ngarrama team                     can also access the service.                     Nicole Moller, Ngarrama Royal Caseload Manager
since September 2014 and is excited to sink
her teeth into her new role.                               “Even if a girl doesn’t want to go through the   “It’s important to have those follow up
                                                           Ngarrama service, we can still follow them       checks from birth until two years.”
“Working in the Ngarrama Royal maternity                   up through the pregnancy and post-natal
service is great because we’ve been able to                                                                 “It will be great when Phase 2 of Ngarrama
                                                           care,” Nicole said.
make really good relationships with women                                                                   Family comes on board so we can refer to a
and their families,” Nicole said.                          “Being an all-risk model of care, women can      service with a seamless transition. Just the
                                                           have the same midwife follow them through        name, Ngarrama, is familiar – they don’t
“I recognise the girls’ names that have                    their journey whether they have water birth      have to start from the beginning to know a
come back after I was on maternity leave.                  or caesarean.”                                   new service.”
They’re telling their family about it; I’m
seeing referrals for sisters and cousins                   Nicole’s own birthing experience put her in      In an ideal world, Nicole would love to see
which shows how well regarded the service                  the shoes of the women she cares for.            more Ngarrama Midwifery Group Practice
really is.”                                                                                                 teams up and running.
                                                           “I started off low risk but ended up high
Ngarrama Maternity provides a birthing                     risk,” she said.                                 “We’re fully booked for May, June and July,
                                                                                                            and women are on a waiting list,” she said.
                                                                                                            “All our girls tend to birth together,” she
                                                                                                            joked, noting that they have several women
                                                                                                            due on the same day or very close together.
                                                                                                            Ngarrama Royal takes around 200 referrals
                                                                                                            per year.
                                                                                                            For Nicole, identifying as Aboriginal is
                                                                                                            important to her.
                                                                                                            “It’s my culture. It’s my background and it’s
                                                                                                            where I come from,” she said.
                                                                                                            “Now that I‘m older I want to know more
                                                                                                            about my roots. I had a yarn with Nan the
                                                                                                            other day and she told me that at one point
                                                                                                            Aboriginal women weren’t allowed to birth
                                                                                                            inside the Tenterfield Hospital and they had
                                                                                                            to birth on the veranda of the hospital!
                                                                                                            “Knowing my history and culture helps me
                                                                                                            connect on a deeper level and provide the
                                                                                                            best service I can for our mob.”

Members of the Ngarrama Royal team Karen Bennet, Nicole Moller, Hannah McBryde and Sonita Guidice.

service for Aboriginal and Torres Strait
                                                           “I had Kelly Smith follow up for six weeks
Islander families that is culturally
                                                           post birth. Even being a midwife, it was
                                                           totally different being on the other end
There are often more barriers to accessing                 of it. It was really good to have the extra
maternity care for Indigenous families                     support.”
because of the history of what has
                                                           Now in her new role of Caseload Manager,
happened at hospitals; perhaps a family or
                                                           Nicole has already been getting out to
friend has had a bad experience in the past,
                                                           Indigenous community events to meet
or hospitals are associated with dying and a
                                                           women and catch up with past patients.
pregnant woman is not sick.
                                                           “We currently refer to Child Health and GPs
The Ngarrama team makes accessing
                                                           after our service concludes,” she said.

Page 12
Metro North Hospital and Health Service

                                                                                                        Word of
CISS Reconciliation                                                                                     the Month:
Action Plan Launch 2018                                                                                 “Gudamulli ”
Staff and community members are invited to attend the official
launch of the Community, Indigenous and Sub-acute Services (CISS)
Reconciliation Action Plan.                                                                             Gudamulli is
CISS is the first directorate within Metro North
to have its own RAP.
                                                             The 2018 theme – Don’t Keep History
                                                             a Mystery – encourages all Australians
                                                                                                        hello in the
                                                             to explore our past, learn more about
                                                             Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
The launch will be held during National
Reconciliation Week (27 May – 3 June), an
important time to appreciate and learn more
                                                             histories and cultures, and develop a
                                                             deeper understanding of our national
about Aboriginal and Torres Strait culture,
traditions, achievements, and shared
                                                                                                        group from
histories, whilst recognising two significant
events in Australia’s history – the successful
                                                             The celebration will include traditional
                                                             dancing and presentations on how
1967 referendum, and the High court Mabo
                                                             we can all contribute to reconciliation
                                                             within CISS.
Date            Monday 4 June 2018                                                                      is a common
Time            12.00 – 2.00pm                                                                          greeting for this
Location        Brighton Health Campus Auditorium,
                449 Hornibrook Hwy, Brighton QLD 4017
RSVP by         Monday 28 May to


12.00 – 12.30pm                 Lunch and networking

12.30pm                         Welcome to Country

12.45pm                         Official Launch of CISS RAP

1.00 – 1.30pm                   Traditional dancing

1.30pm – 2.00pm                 Presentations on how we can all work together
                                towards reconciliation at CISS

Artwork by Ronald John Abala WULUKANTHA – “little spirit man”.

                                 Proudly sponsored by:

                                                                                                                        Page 13
IDENTIFICATION: It’s your right to a healthier life
The Accurate Indigenous Identification campaign is designed to highlight the importance of Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander patients to identify when accessing Metro North Hospital and Health Service hospitals
and facilities.
                        Hugo Ribeiro,                                                                              Complex Chronic Disease Team
                        The Prince                                                                                 (North Lakes Health Precinct)
                        Charles Hospital                                                                           “We’re all active members of
                        Physiotherapist                                                                            the community. We encourage
                        “It’s important for                                                                        Indigenous clients to access our
                        us as clinicians                                                                           service. We make our environment
                        and as healthcare                                                                          as welcoming and as supportive
                        professionals                                                                              as we can. The Indigenous healing
                        to cater to those                                                                          garden out the front of the centre is
                        needs specifically                                                                         less clinical and more welcoming. If
of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander                                                                           we’re not welcoming from the start,
patients. We’re here to provide the best                                                                           we can’t welcome clients in. We’d like
medical service in order to close that gap                                                                         to encourage younger clients to the
further and further so that everyone is equal       Left to right Michelle Bamford/Louisa Hammerslag/Anna
                                                                                                                   North Lakes Community Centre.”
in terms of healthcare here in Australia.”          Weldon/Di Green/Amanda Cleal

             A Day in the Life of
             Brian Warner
1. Can you provide details about                  4. Can you tell us more about the
where you come from and your family               MNHHS Aboriginal and Torres Strait
history?                                          Islander Workforce Development and
My mum’s waters broke on the goods train          Employment strategy?
between Brisbane and Charleville. Thankfully      The aim of the strategy is ultimately to
she made it to Charleville which is where I was   help close the gap. We plan to create
born. I’m a descendent of the Kabi Kabi and       apprenticeships and entry level jobs
Wakka Wakka tribe on my mum’s side and            for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Barumgum on my dad’s side.                        people, provide upskilling and leadership
                                                  opportunities and create pathways into
2. What does your role involve?                   university.
My title is Senior Project Officer and I’m
working on the Indigenous Workforce               5. We have six new Indigenous school-
Strategy. My role is to increase Indigenous       based administration trainees at Metro
employment up to three per cent to reflect the    North. Can you tell us a little more                      did it to raise money for The Leukaemia
national percentage of the population target.     about this initiative?                                    Foundation, Heart Foundation, Cancer
3. How long have you worked with the              Students from Kedron State High, Kelvin                   Council and Save Sight. We ran 33km per
                                                  Grove College and Ferny Grove State High                  day for 18 days of the 21 day journey. It was
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
                                                  commenced a Certificate III in Business in                a lot of fun.
Health Unit, and what did you do
                                                  April. They will spend one day a week in
prior?                                                                                                      7. You’re a traditional owner of Kabi
                                                  various roles in the Metro North office for the
I started late February. My role is within the    next two years.                                           Kabi country. Tell us about your
MNHHS Chief Executive’s office but I link into                                                              native title application and why it is
the A&TSIHU.                                      I’ll provide them cultural mentoring and help             important to you and your mob.
                                                  build a pathway towards further study. The
I previously worked for the Federal               students also have a mentor from Aboriginal               Our native title application is important
Government for Centrelink where I won an          Employment Strategy and a workplace buddy                 because we become the designated rightful
Outstanding Public Service to the Community       for extra support. It’s really exciting and I             owner of the area.
award. I also worked for the Australian Tax       can’t wait to see what the kids do with the
Office where I helped develop a successful
                                                                                                            8. Are there any other interesting
Indigenous recruitment program called                                                                       facts you can share about yourself?
Evergreen.                                        6. We hear you once ran from Cairns                       I was on Hot Seat Millionaire about three
                                                  to Brisbane. Can you tell us about this                   years ago. I didn’t win anything but it was a
My training is in intelligence and I worked
                                                  experience and why you did it?                            good experience. I played in the Aboriginal
as an Intelligence Officer for many years.
                                                                                                            under 17s rugby team for Queensland. As a
Perhaps my best skill is my ability to extract    When I was 16 I ran a relay with three high
                                                                                                            young boy growing up, I always wanted to
information from someone!                         school friends from Cairns to Brisbane. We
                                                                                                            be a spy.

Page 14
CALENDAR OF EVENTS                                                                            Vision
                                                                                              To ensure that all Aboriginal
26 MAY 		                                     1 JULY
                                                                                              and Torres Strait Islander
                                                                                              people within the Metro
National Sorry Day is commemorated            FESTIVAL                                        North Hospital and Health
each year to acknowledge the Stolen           The Coming of the Light Festival marks the      Service catchment and
Generations. This day gives people            day the London Missionary Society first         beyond, have equitable
the chance to come together and share         arrived in Torres Strait. The missionaries
the steps towards healing for the             landed at Erub Island on 1 July 1871,
                                                                                              access to health services that
Stolen Generations, their families and        introducing Christianity to the region.         are culturally appropriate and
communities.                                  This is a significant day for Torres Strait     culturally safe.
                                              Islanders, who are predominantly of
Stolen Generations refer to Indigenous
                                              Christian faith, and religious and cultural
Australians who were forcibly removed from

                                              ceremonies are held annually across Torres
their families and communities.
                                              Strait and mainland Australia.

27 MAY 		                                                                                     To increase health services
                                              8TH – 15 JULY
                                              NATIONAL NAIDOC WEEK
                                                                                              for Aboriginal and Torres
In 1967, over 90 per cent of Australians
                                              NAIDOC is a celebration of Aboriginal
                                                                                              Strait Islander peoples
voted in a Referendum to remove clauses                                                       within the MNHHS area
                                              and Torres Strait Islander cultures and an
from the Australian Constitution which
discriminated against Aboriginal and Torres
                                              opportunity to recognise the contributions      and to urban, and rural and
                                              of Indigenous Australians in various fields.
Strait Islander Australians.
                                              Its origins can be traced to the emergence
                                                                                              remote communities across
The Referendum also gave the                  of Aboriginal groups in the 1920s which         Queensland in order to
Commonwealth Government the power             sought to increase awareness in the wider       improve health outcomes
to make laws on behalf of Aboriginal and      community of the status and treatment of
Torres Strait Islander people.                Indigenous Australians. All Australians are
                                                                                              and contribute to the Council
                                              encouraged to participate in NAIDOC Week        of Australian Governments’
27 MAY – 3 JUNE
                                              activities.                                     (COAG) Close the Gap
                                              4 AUGUST
Each year National Reconciliation Week                                                        We will do so by delivering
celebrates the rich culture and history of    NATIONAL ABORIGINAL AND TORRES
                                              STRAIT ISLANDER CHILDREN’S DAY                  high quality and culturally
the first Australians.
                                              National Aboriginal and Islander Children’s     safe holistic health care
It’s the ideal time for people to join the
reconciliation conversation and to think
                                              Day (NAICD) was established by the              to our Aboriginal and
                                              Secretariat of National Aboriginal and
about how to turn around the disadvantage                                                     Torres Strait Islander
                                              Islander Child Care in 1988. Each year,
experienced by many Aboriginal and Torres
                                              Secretariat National Aboriginal and             patients, families and their
Strait Islander people.
                                              Islander Child Care (SNAICC) has a theme        communities accessing our
                                              for Children’s Day to highlight a significant
                                                                                              hospitals and facilities.
3 JUNE			                                     issue, concern or hope for Aboriginal and
                                              Torres Strait Islander children.
Mabo Day celebrates the High Court’s
historic judgement delivered on 3 June        9 AUGUST                                        Core Values
1992, accepting the claim from Eddie Mabo     INTERNATIONAL DAY OF THE
and the other claimants that their people
                                                                                              • To be committed, honest
                                              WORLD’S INDIGENOUS PEOPLES
had occupied the island of Mer before the                                                       and work together for our
                                              International Day of the World’s Indigenous
arrival of the British.
                                              People aims to make the voices of                 Aboriginal and Torres Strait
                                              Indigenous peoples heard more clearly             Islander people
                                              around the world and to protect the rights      • To advocate for positive
                                              of Indigenous peoples and improve their
                                              situations with respect to their lands,           health outcomes
                                              languages, livelihoods and cultures. This       • To display respect and
                                              day is also to strengthen international           dignity to our patients and
                                              cooperation for the solution of problems
                                              faced by Indigenous people in such areas          their communities
                                              as culture, education, health, human            • To respect our patients
                                              rights, the environment and social and            cultural beliefs and
                                              economic development.
                                                                                                understand their needs

                                                                                                                      Page 15
You can also read