Page created by Jimmy Mcdonald

                                2 0 2 1 T I S C G U ID E
Western Australian university
undergraduate courses
Curtin, ECU, Murdoch and UWA
/ ii

2 0 2 1 T I S C G U ID E

                                                                                           TISC’S ROLE
                                                                                           TISC runs a joint applications system for
                                                                                           admission to undergraduate courses at the
                           ADDRESS                                                         universities below.
                            ertiary Institutions Service Centre
                           T                                                               •    Curtin University
                           Level 1, 100 Royal Street
                           East Perth WA 6004                                              •    Edith Cowan University (ECU)
                                                                                           •    Murdoch University
                           Limited street parking is available.
                                                                                           •    The University of Western Australia
                           A multi-storey car park is located
                           diagonally opposite TISC. The yellow                            TISC receives and processes applications for
                           CAT bus stops opposite TISC.
                                                                                           admission to these universities. TISC doesn’t
                                                                                           select applicants, assess qualifications or
                                                                                           decide eligibility for admission - the universities
                                (08) 9318 8000                                             do this. If you want detailed information about a
                                                                                           course or want to check the likelihood of
                                                                                           selection, you should ask the Admissions
                                (08) 9225 7050
                                                                                           Centre of the university offering that course.

                                OFFICE HOURS
                                9.00am – 4.30pm weekdays

                                                                                 The information in this book is correct at 30 June 2020 and is based on
                                                                                 information supplied by the participating universities. It is relevant only for
                                                                                 admission in 2021 and is subject to change without notice. In particular,
                                                                                 the universities reserve the right to change the content and/or the method
                                                                                 of presentation and/or the method of assessment of any unit of study, to
                                                                                 withdraw any unit of study or program which they offer, to impose
                                                                                 limitations on enrolment in any unit or program, and/or to vary
                                                                                 arrangements for any program.

                                                                                 Enquiries regarding university admission requirements should be directed
                                                                                 to the individual university(ies) concerned. TISC and the participating
                                                                                 universities cannot accept liability for any incorrect advice received from
                                                                                 sources other than TISC, the universities or the universities’ officially
                                                                                 appointed agents.

                                                                                 ‘TISC’ is a registered trademark.
                                                                                 ‘ATAR’ is a registered trademark.

                                                                                 TISC is the owner of the Copyright in this publication. Apart from any fair
                                                                                 dealing for the purpose of private study, criticism or review, as permitted under
                                                                                 the Copyright Act, no part may be reproduced or extracted by any process
                                                                                 without TISC’s written permission.

                           Publisher: Tertiary Institutions Service Centre Ltd   Enquiries should be addressed to the Executive Officer, TISC.

                           Editors: Wayne Betts, Georgina Ker, Elizabeth Owens   TISC has no objection to schools and tertiary institutions reproducing small
                                                                                 portions of this publication provided it is ONLY for use within their own
                           Cover/Internal Design: Scott Print                    institution and the Copyright statement is included. Sections should not be
                           Prepress/Printer: Scott Print                         copied out of context where information could be incomplete and/or misleading.
                                                                                 Schools and tertiary institutions must ensure that this information is not
                                                                                 transmitted to any other person or body without prior permission from TISC.
                                                                                                                                                   2 0 2 1 T I S C G U ID E
  IMPORTANT DATES                                             2    What other ATAR information is available?                                10
                                                                    I’ve got a main round offer! What do I do next?                          10
  HOW MUCH DOES IT COST?                                      3
                                                                    I didn’t get a main round offer - What are my options?                   11
  Application processing fee                                  3
                                                                    Second round offers                                                      11
  Change of preference                                        3
                                                                    I’ve been made a second round offer. What do I do now?                   11
  UAAL (Universities Admission Advice Letter)                 3
                                                                    Enrolments and Deferrals                                                 11
  Payment of application processing fee                       3
                                                                         How do I enrol?                                                     11
  INTRODUCTION TO THE GUIDE                                   3         Can I defer?                                                        11
  APPLYING TO UNIVERSITY                                      4    What if I’ll be overseas/away from home in December-February?            11
  How do I apply through TISC?                                4    Australian Year 12 results comparison                                    11
  Who should apply through TISC?                              5
                                                                    WHAT ELSE DO I NEED TO KNOW?                                             12
  Auditions and portfolios                                    5
                                                                    What about my supporting documentation?                                  12
  COVID-19 disruptions                                        5
                                                                         Studies in second semester 2020                                     12
  Applying to Associate Members                               5
                                                                         Documentation which TISC will try to obtain for you                 12
  Release of scaled scores and ATAR                           5
                                                                    TISC Privacy Statement                                                   12
  Applying interstate                                         5
                                                                    Paying for university study                                              12
  MY APPLICATION                                              6         Financial Assistance                                                12
  Choosing and changing preferences                           6         Scholarships                                                        12
  Method of study                                              7   What if I have a disability, medical condition or learning difficulty?   12
  How do I start my application?                               7   Extra information and advice                                             12
  I’ve done my application – what now?                         7   COURSE CODES                                                             14
  Will TISC acknowledge my application?                        7   Course Codes – Some Tips                                                 14
  What’s my TISC application number?                           7   Curtin University                                                        15
  I need to change my address/email address                   8    Edith Cowan University                                                   20
  Emails and your junk mail folder                            8    Murdoch University                                                       26
  Phone number                                                8    The University of Western Australia                                      29
  Fraudulent applications                                     8
                                                                    MEMBER INSTITUTIONS’ INFORMATION                                         35
  Undergraduate admission requirements                        8
                                                                    CQUniversity                                                             35
       Applicants for Admission from ‘Non-Standard Schools’   8
                                                                    Curtin University                                                        36
  Special tertiary admissions test                            8
                                                                    Edith Cowan University                                                   42
  Have you had difficulties during years 11/12?               8
                                                                    The University of Notre Dame                                             49
  OFFERS                                                      9    Murdoch University                                                       50
  Who makes the offers?                                       9    Tabor College                                                            55
  How are the offers made?                                    9    The University of Western Australia                                      56
  What is a Selection Rank?                                   9
                                                                    CONTACT INFORMATION                                                      61
  When will I get my offer?                                   9
  Early offers for Year 12 students                           10   DIAGRAMS 
  How many offers will I get?                                 10   How do I apply via TISCOnline?                                           13
  What are Guaranteed ATARs/Selection Ranks?                  10   I’ve been made a main round offer. What do I do now?                     48
2 0 2 1 T I S C G U ID E

                           Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, dates are subject to change; please check the complete list of dates
                           on TISC’s website. TISC apologises for any inconvenience caused by this uncertainty – please contact
                           us if you have any concerns about how changes in dates might affect your application.

                                                                                                               Monday 18 May 2020

                                                                                                               Applications open.
                                           Wednesday 30 September 2020, 11.00pm

                                      ‘Early bird’ closing date – you pay a lower fee if you apply by today.
                                                                                                               Wednesday 30 September 2020, Midnight
                                       Final closing date for Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery at
                                        Curtin and for Direct Pathway Dentistry, Medicine, Pharmacy and        Recommended closing date for lodging a separate application directly
                                          Podiatry at UWA – you can’t apply for the Bachelor of Medicine,      to ECU for the scheduling of an audition or interview for the following
                                             Bachelor of Surgery at Curtin, or a Direct Pathway place into     courses:
                                     Dentistry, Medicine, Pharmacy and Podiatry at UWA after today. You        • Bachelor of Arts (Arts Management)
                                       can still change the order of existing Curtin Bachelor of Medicine,     • Bachelor of Music
                                      Bachelor of Surgery, and UWA Direct Pathway Dentistry, Medicine,
                                                                                                               • Bachelor of Education (Secondary) – Music Education Major
                                              Pharmacy and Podiatry preferences on your preference list.
                                                                                                               • Bachelor of Performing Arts – Performance Making Major

                                                                Monday 14 December 2020
                                                                                                               Monday 21 December 2020
                                    Closing date for change of address for WACE students for mailing of
                                                                  Universities Admission Advice Letter
                                                                                                               WA 2020 WACE results and Universities Admission Advice
                                                                                                               Letters online.
                                                          Friday 8 January 2021, 11.00pm

                                             Final closing date for you to to add/re-arrange preferences       Monday 11 January 2021
                                                                                    for main round offers.
                                                                                                               Closing date for you to update address and email address before
                                                                                                               notification of the main round of offers.
                                                                        Friday 15 January 2021
                                                                                                               Final date for you to upload documents/transcripts of results for the
                                                                                                               main round of offers.
                                                          Main round offers available online and emailed.
                                                       Applications and changes of preferences re-open.
                                                                                                               Sunday 24 January 2021, 11.00pm

                                                                                                               This is the final day for you to apply. The universities will
                                                                  Thursday 28 January 2021                     consider you for the second round of offers for all courses on
                                                                                                               your preference list.
                                                        Second round offers available online and emailed.      This is also the final closing date for you to re-arrange or add
                                                                                                               preferences for the second round of offers, and the final date for
                                                                                                               you to upload documents/transcripts of results to TISC, or
                                                                                                               update your address and/or email address before notification of
                                                                                                               the second offer round.
                                                                                                                                                               2 0 2 1 T I S C G U ID E
                                                                            PAYMENT OF APPLICATION PROCESSING FEE
                                                                            TISC won’t activate your online application until you’ve paid for it.

HOW MUCH DOES IT COST?                                                      You won’t be able to see or use the other online options (like changing
                                                                            preferences) until your application is paid for.
                                                                            You can pay the application processing fee online at the time of
APPLICATION PROCESSING FEE                                                  application or send it/bring it in to TISC.

‘Early bird’ fee up to and including 11.00pm on 30 September 2020           Make cheques and money orders payable to TISC. TISC accepts
                                                                            MasterCard/Visa - use the authority form on your Application
Australian and New Zealand final year secondary school students,            Coversheet (generated after you declare). Don’t send cash by mail.
born on or after 1 March 2002:                                  $55.00     You must pay in Australian dollars.
All other applicants:                                            $70.00    TISC doesn’t refund fees except where required by law.
Standard fee after 11.00pm on 30 September 2020 up to and
including 11.00pm on the application closing date (check date on
TISC’s website)
All applicants:                                                 $170.00

CHANGE OF PREFERENCE                                                        INTRODUCTION TO THE
Via TISCOnline (online application)                               FREE     GUIDE
                                                                            Applying to university can seem daunting, particularly if you’re the first
UAAL (UNIVERSITIES ADMISSION ADVICE                                         one in your family to try, but we’re here to help you. No matter what your
LETTER) FOR 2020 WA YEAR 12 STUDENTS                                        query, even if you think it’s trivial, we’ll help you find the answer, and we’ll
                                                                            offer good, objective advice on the best way forward. Whoever you
You’ll be able to access your UAAL information (scaled scores and ATAR/     contact at TISC really wants to help – so get in touch!
Selection Rank) free via TISC’s website until 1 March 2021, and you’ll be
able to print a pdf of your UAAL. TISC will mail a hard copy UAAL on        This printed TISC Guide is targeted at current Year 12 school leavers.
TISC stationery to you if you order and pay for this service.               Universities also welcome applications from people with VET
                                                                            qualifications, tertiary qualifications, and work and life experience. There
Hard copy UAAL for 2020 WA Year 12 students:                                is extensive information on our website for anyone considering university
           $25.00 (first copy)                                              study.

           $15.00 (extra copies in same order)                              As you skim through the Guide, you’ll notice that each major section
                                                                            starts with a list of    selected highlights to help you locate information
                                                                            that you will find particularly helpful.
                                                                            There are also some icons to identify:
                                                                            •       actions you may need to take
                                                                            •       things you need to be aware of
                                                                            •       where you can get further information.

                                                                    APPLYING TO UNIVERSITY
2 0 2 1 T I S C G U ID E

                           IN THIS SECTION                              HOW DO I APPLY THROUGH TISC?
                           •   How do I apply through TISC?         Apply via TISCOnline, TISC’s online application system at www.tisc.edu.au.
                                                                    But first you need to do some research:
                           •   Who should apply through TISC?
                                                                    •   Read the sections on pages 6-11, which tell you how the preference
                           •   Auditions and Portfolios
                                                                        system works and how offers are made.
                           •   COVID-19 Disruptions
                                                                    •   Check the course descriptions and admission requirements of
                           •   Applying to Associate Members            courses you’re interested in on TISC’s website. Note any prerequisites
                                                                        and specific requirements – if you are not studying the required
                           •   Release of scaled scores and ATARs       subjects, you should check with the university before applying.
                           •   Applying interstate                  •   Check pages 14-34 for Course Codes and other information which
                                                                        you’ll need to apply.
                                                                    •   Read each university’s section.
                                                                    •   Contact the universities to find out more about specific courses. The
                                                                        contact details of Western Australian universities are in the university
                                                                        sections of this Guide and on TISC’s website.
                                                                    •   Check timeline on page 2, and the calendar on TISC’s website.
                                                                    •   Check costs on page 3.
                                                                    •   Check the information about scholarships on TISC’s website.

                                                                    The information in this Guide and on TISC’s website is very important for
                                                                    your application. Go through it carefully before lodging your application,
                                                                    as TISC and the universities will assume you have read all relevant
                                                                    •   Upload any documentation requested by your application coversheet
                                                                        (see page 12) to your TISC application.
                                                                    •   Note any extra course-related submissions you need to make (eg
                                                                        portfolio, personal statement, etc). These are specified in the relevant
                                                                        course information but are not requested by your application
                                                                    •   Keep your Guide. You may want to refer to it between now and January.
                                                                    •   Check the TISC website regularly for new, amended and withdrawn
                                                                    •   Check your emails regularly (including your junk mail folder) in case
                                                                        TISC has contacted you about your application.
                                                                    •   Don’t use your school email address when applying through TISC as
                                                                        you may not be able to access this email address once you’ve
                                                                        completed your Year 12 studies.

                                                                        Any Questions?
                                                                    You should find the information you need in this Guide or on the TISC
                                                                    website. If you still have questions about:
                                                                    •   Lodging your application – contact TISC, and we’ll help you sort it out.
                                                                    •   Admission requirements or course details – contact the Admissions
                                                                        Centre at the relevant university (see university sections of this Guide
                                                                        for contact details).
WHO SHOULD APPLY THROUGH TISC?                                                  APPLYING TO ASSOCIATE MEMBERS

                                                                                                                                                          2 0 2 1 T I S C G U ID E
You can only apply through TISC if you’re an Australian or New Zealand       Applications for courses offered by Associate Members are not lodged
citizen, or you’ve been approved or granted Australian permanent             through TISC. Apply to the institution direct (contact details on inside
resident status.                                                             back cover of this Guide and on TISC’s website). You can have a TISC
                                                                             application as well as direct applications with Associate Members or
If you’re applying for permanent residence, you aren’t eligible to apply     other institutions.
through TISC until your permanent residence status has been approved
or granted. Contact the respective universities for advice.
NOTE: If you have a subclass 457 visa, you aren’t eligible to apply
through TISC. You must apply direct to the relevant university(ies).
                                                                             RELEASE OF SCALED SCORES AND ATAR
                                                                             You access only your scaled scores and ATAR from TISC’s website –
You must provide correct details of your current residency status when       www.tisc.edu.au.
you apply. If an offer is made to you, and university checks find that
you’ve provided incorrect residency status information, the university       You access your WACE results via the School Curriculum and Standards
concerned will withdraw your offer in accordance with its policies and       Authority website – www.scsa.wa.edu.au.

                                                                                APPLYING INTERSTATE
    AUDITIONS AND PORTFOLIOS                                                 To apply to universities in other Australian states, apply through that
Are you applying for:                                                        state’s Tertiary Admission Centre (organisations like TISC in each state).
                                                                             As it will be a separate application to your TISC application, with a
•   WA Academy of Performing Arts (WAAPA) courses,                           separate list of course preferences, you may receive offers from more
                                                                             than one state.
•   Other ECU courses that require an audition and/or interview, or
                                                                             With the uncertainty around COVID-19, closing dates may vary, so it’s
•   UWA’s Bachelor of Music, or Music: General Studies and Music
                                                                             important to check these on the websites listed below if you want to
    Studies Majors?
                                                                             apply interstate.
If so, you need to apply through TISC and submit a separate application
                                                                             The Commonwealth Government’s Course Seeker website (www.
for audition/interview direct to the institution concerned (ECU and/or
                                                                             courseseeker.edu.au) allows you to search and compare courses from
UWA). More details are in the course information on TISC’s website.
                                                                             across the country and may be useful if you are interested in studying
For Curtin: If you’re applying for the Portfolio Entry pathway, apply        interstate.
through TISC and submit your portfolio directly to Curtin University. For
                                                                             Here are the contact details you need for other states’ admissions
more information regarding Portfolio Entry Pathway, please refer to
For ECU: If you’re a School Leaver who will obtain an ATAR, you must         STATE                 ADMISSIONS CENTRE
apply through TISC. ATAR School Leaver applicants who wish to be
considered through the Experience Based Entry Scheme pathway as a             New South Wales/     Universities Admissions Centre (UAC)
backup, must also submit an online application with ECU and upload the        Australian Capital   www.uac.edu.au
required supporting documents (ecuworldready.com.au/apply).                   Territory
Non-ATAR applicants should apply direct to ECU and upload your                Queensland           Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC)
supporting documents (ecuworldready.com.au/apply). You do not need
to apply through TISC.
                                                                              South Australia      South Australian Tertiary Admissions Centre (SATAC)
For Murdoch: If you’re a Portfolio applicant, apply through TISC. However,
                                                                              and Northern         www.satac.edu.au
submit your portfolio online via https://portfolio.murdoch.edu.au.            Territory

                                                                              Tasmania             University of Tasmania
COVID-19 DISRUPTIONS                                                                               www.utas.edu.au/apply

TISC recognises that Year 12 students may have been impacted in               Victoria             Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC)
various ways by the COVID-19 pandemic.                                                             www.vtac.edu.au

As the rest of the year may bring further changes after this guide is
published, you should check TISC’s website, and the individual university
websites, for the most up-to-date information.
You should feel confident that SCSA, TISC and all the universities are
committed to ensuring that 2020 Year 12 students have access to further
study. All four universities have flexible entry options that take into
account the COVID-19 situation, including existing pathways such as
portfolio entry (see previous section on this page), and new options
(see university websites and the Early Offers for Year 12 Students section
on page 10 of this Guide). Also check the information on TISC’s
                                                                                 You can only apply through TISC
Educational Access Scheme on page 8 of this Guide.
                                                                                 if you’re an Australian or New
                                                                                 Zealand citizen, or you’ve been
                                                                                 approved or granted Australian
                                                                                 permanent resident status.

                                                                                MY APPLICATION
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                           HIGHLIGHTS OF THIS SECTION:                          CHOOSING AND CHANGING PREFERENCES
                           •   How many courses can I choose?
                           •   Does the order of my preferences matter?         How Many Courses Can I Choose?
                           •   Are all preferences given equal consideration?   You can choose up to six courses.

                           •   How do I change preferences?                     List them in order of preference, starting with the course you’d most like
                                                                                to study. You should list more than one preference, especially if a similar
                           •   Can I change preferences between offer rounds?   course is offered at more than one university. Choose what you’d really
                                                                                like to study but be realistic in your choices. If you’re not sure whether
                           •   Second chance English test (STAT)                you meet the requirements for entry to a course, check with the relevant
                           •   Have you had difficulties in Year 11/12?         university’s Future Students team.

                                                                                Does the Order of My Preferences Matter?
                                                                                Yes, it does matter.
                                                                                You only receive one offer. Your first preference should be the course
                                                                                you’d most like to study, your second preference the course you’d next
                                                                                prefer to do, and so on up to six preferences. List only courses for which
                                                                                you’d accept an offer. You’ll be made an offer for the preference highest
                                                                                on your list for which you’re eligible, if a place is available.

                                                                                Are All Preferences Given Equal Consideration?
                                                                                Our system is designed to offer you the highest preference possible. If
                                                                                you’re not selected for your first preference, you’ll be considered equally
                                                                                with all other eligible applicants for your second preference, and so on.
                                                                                Your chance of being selected for a course isn’t reduced because you’ve
                                                                                placed that course as a lower preference. Have a look at the Year 12
                                                                                presentation on our website which goes into this in detail.

                                                                                Can I Change My Preferences?
                                                                                Yes, at any time, subject to closing dates.
                                                                                You can change some of or all your preferences at once. Changing your
                                                                                preferences cancels all previous sets of preferences.
                                                                                You’ll have at least two full days after Year 12 results are released to
                                                                                change your preferences for the main offer round. We strongly
                                                                                recommend that you give serious thought to your preferences before
                                                                                then, to avoid making a rushed decision. There will also be plenty of time
                                                                                between the two offer rounds to review and reconsider your preferences
                                                                                if you wish.

                                                                                Can I Change My Preferences Between the Two Rounds
                                                                                of Offers?
                                                                                Yes, subject to closing dates, and if you don’t accept or defer your main
                                                                                round offer.
                                                                                Make sure that you understand the implications of changing preferences
                                                                                at this stage. Read the ‘Offers’ section which follows. Don’t change
                                                                                preferences until one of the universities or TISC notifies you whether an
                                                                                offer has been made.

                                                                                Closing Dates for Changing Preferences
                                                                                Check the dates on page 2 to see whether any course you want to add
                                                                                has an early closing date. Closing dates aren’t negotiable – TISC cannot
                                                                                give you an extension.
   How Do I Change Preferences?                                                 ECU Online Studies

                                                                                                                                                                2 0 2 1 T I S C G U ID E
Go to www.tisc.edu.au and log in to your application. If you forget your        To study online with ECU, select ‘E’ as your method of study. Internet
password, follow the prompts to change it – don’t create a new                  access is required for all external study at ECU.
application. Changing preferences is a three-step process, which
involves moving through three pages online – make sure that you go
through all three steps and receive a reference number, then you’ll know        Can I Change My Method of Study After I Get an Offer?
you’ve successfully completed the change. It costs nothing to change            You’ll need to discuss this with the university when you enrol.
your preferences.

Will TISC Confirm My Changes of Preference?                                         HOW DO I START MY APPLICATION?
When you have finished changing your preferences online, you’ll see a           You must be registered with TISCOnline to be able to log in, lodge an
page confirming the changes you’ve made and providing a reference               application to university and access other online functions. Current Year
number, which you can print if you like. You can log in at any time to          12s are registered automatically, unless you are studying the
check your preferences, but make sure that you’re viewing your current          International Baccalaureate or at a non-standard school. To get started,
committed preferences, rather than those in your Course Folder or those         go to the Registration Status Check page for information on your 8-digit
which are still uncommitted.                                                    User ID and password required for logging in to TISCOnline.

   Where Can I Get Advice?                                                      I’VE DONE MY APPLICATION – WHAT NOW?
If you don’t understand the procedure involved, or if you’re unsure             •   Your application is considered for admission only after you have paid
whether to change preferences, contact TISC or the Admissions Centre                the application fee. When you complete the declaration step, your
at one of the universities before you do anything at all – in particular,           application is locked, awaiting fee payment to TISC. There are time
before you accept or defer your offer.                                              limits related to the acceptance of payments. Your coversheet will
                                                                                    advise you of the deadline.
                                                                                •   Make sure you read your coversheet. Your coversheet will tell you
METHOD OF STUDY                                                                     about any documentation that you need to upload in support of your
                                                                                    application, and TISC will email you about any extra submissions you
                                                                                    need to make which aren’t listed on your coversheet. There’s lots of
Full-Time Studies
                                                                                    guidance on submitting documents on page 12.
If you choose ‘Full-time’ as your method of study, you’ll study a full-time
load of units and enrol in classes on campus for whenever the unit is           •   Once the payment has been processed you’ll be able to change your
timetabled. This may be in the daytime or the evening. Some units may               preferences and your contact details if necessary. Any other
be offered in more than one timeslot. Full-time is indicated by ‘F’ in the          information can’t be changed. If you have forgotten to add something
tables on pages 15-34.                                                              or made an error, submit the changes in writing to TISC. You will find
                                                                                    an Application Changes Form on TISC’s website.
                                                                                •   TISC is under no obligation to accept payment of applications if
Part-Time Studies                                                                   received after the required date. Applications that have not been paid
You can study many courses part-time. Part-time means undertaking a                 for are considered invalid and will not be included in university offers.
lesser load of study than the normal full-time load. If you’re a part-time
student, you’ll study a part-time load of units on campus. You’ll enrol for
classes on campus for whenever the unit is timetabled. This may be in
the daytime or the evening. Some units may be offered in more than one
                                                                                WILL TISC ACKNOWLEDGE MY
timeslot. Courses available by part-time study are listed with method of        APPLICATION?
study ‘P’ on pages 15-34.                                                       Print your application coversheet as a record that you’ve applied, and as
                                                                                a reminder to upload the documents, if any, requested on it. Once you’ve
                                                                                applied and TISC has processed your payment, TISC will send you an
External Studies                                                                email confirmation, so you’ll know your application is live.
If you’re an external (off-campus) student, you won’t normally attend
classes on campus. Course materials will be mailed to you or made
available online. Some courses may be offered either partially or fully         WHAT’S MY TISC APPLICATION NUMBER?
online. External study is available for some courses at Curtin University,
Edith Cowan University and Murdoch University (method of study ‘E’ –            Your TISC application number is recorded at the top of your application
see pages 15-34). External study isn’t available at The University of           coversheet and is the same as your eight-digit WACE candidate number
Western Australia.                                                              if you’re a 2020 Year 12 student taking WACE courses or courses
                                                                                endorsed by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority. If you’re a
                                                                                2020 final year IB student, you must register on TISC’s website before
                                                                                applying (see the IB brochure at www.tisc.edu.au for details of this).
Curtin Online Studies
Some Curtin courses are delivered either partially or fully online. If you’re   If you’re a 2020 final year student at a non-standard school in WA, you
an external student, you won’t attend classes on campus. Course                 must register on TISC’s website before applying (see Applicants for
materials are available online and you’ll learn using a wide variety of         Admission from Non-Standard Schools on page 8).
sources that can include interactive videos and animations, simulations,
online workgroups, etc. You’re required to have internet access for Online
Studies. Online Studies courses are listed on pages 15-19 and marked
with superscript 8.

                            I NEED TO CHANGE MY ADDRESS/                                                   SPECIAL TERTIARY ADMISSIONS TEST
2 0 2 1 T I S C G U ID E

                           EMAIL ADDRESS
                           Let TISC know in writing, by telephone or online, if you change your
                                                                                                           What is the Special Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT)?
                           address or your email address, because otherwise you may not receive            STAT is a nationally recognised set of tests offered by TISC to help
                           important information about your application. See page 2 for the change         mature age candidates gain entry to university. STAT doesn’t test
                           of address/email address deadline before offers are made.                       knowledge of specific academic subjects but tests a range of
                                                                                                           competencies considered important for success in university study, such
                           Make sure you also ask your school to let the School Curriculum and             as the ability to understand and think critically about issues. As a result,
                           Standards Authority know your new address.                                      you don’t need any particular preparation to sit STAT.
                                                                                                           STAT is also used as a second-chance test of English competence. If you
                                                                                                           don’t achieve English Language Competency via your WACE exam but
                           EMAILS AND YOUR JUNK MAIL FOLDER                                                have sat the exams in English ATAR, Literature ATAR or English as an
                           TISC will use email to contact you throughout the admissions cycle              Additional Language or Dialect ATAR, you may be invited to sit STAT in
                           (August through to February), so check your emails regularly (including         late December/early January to demonstrate English Language
                           your junk mail), particularly leading up to the two all-preference offer        Competency for university entrance. This invitation will be on your
                           rounds. Provide an email address which will be active throughout this           Universities Admission Advice Letter (UAAL), which will also provide
                           period (ie NOT your school email address, which you may not be able             your ATAR and scaled scores from ATAR courses. If your UAAL doesn’t
                           to access after graduation). Save the email address which TISC will use         invite you to sit STAT at Year 12 results time, but you’ve sat exams in one
                           to contact you (applications@tisc.edu.au) as an approved sender so that         of the above English courses, you may also sit STAT to achieve English
                           emails from TISC don’t go to your junk mailbox.                                 Language Competency. In this case, it would be wise to check with the
                                                                                                           universities whether English Language Competency is all that is required
                           TISC will assume that you’ve read its email notifications and requests, so      to give you eligibility for university entry. See TISC’s website for
                           if there is a problem with the email address you supply, it may affect the      information on STAT and how to book a test, but note that you can’t book
                           outcome of your application. Plus, any offer of a place will be emailed to      until after the WACE examinations. If you took English/Literature/English
                           you, so a viable email address is essential.                                    as an Additional Language or Dialect General, you’ll need special
                                                                                                           permission from a university before you can book for STAT. The four
                                                                                                           universities have different policies in this area, so if you took one of these
                           PHONE NUMBER                                                                    General English subjects, it’s best to check with the university/ies before
                                                                                                           paying for your application or booking for STAT, otherwise your booking
                           Provide a home, work or mobile phone number in Australia which will be
                                                                                                           form may be rejected.
                           current during the period August to February. TISC and the universities
                           may telephone you if the matter is urgent.

                                                                                                             HAVE YOU HAD DIFFICULTIES DURING
                              FRAUDULENT APPLICATIONS                                                      YEARS 11/12?
                           When you apply, you declare that your application is ‘true and complete’.       If you’ve faced circumstances beyond your control that have adversely
                           If your coversheet tells you to, you must upload documentary proof of all       affected your study during Years 11 and 12, you can submit a single
                           previous Year 12 (or equivalent), and post-secondary studies, including         application through TISC’s Educational Access Scheme (EAS) to be
                           failed courses or units. It’s a serious offence to submit a false declaration   considered by each university in your preference list.
                           or false documents. If you do, TISC will notify all participating
                                                                                                           This single application can tap into all of the following schemes as
                           universities, and your application may be withdrawn. Some universities
                                                                                                           required: Special Consideration (Curtin), Educational Disadvantage
                           have policies in place which will prevent you being offered a place in
                                                                                                           (ECU), Extenuating Circumstances (Murdoch) or UWay (UWA). Your EAS
                           subsequent years. Past cases have also been referred to the police. If
                                                                                                           application will be handled in the strictest confidence by TISC and the
                           you’re offered a place in a course and your application is later found to
                                                                                                           universities concerned.
                           have been incomplete or misleading, your enrolment can be terminated,
                           and your academic record annotated accordingly.                                 EAS covers the following areas of possible disadvantage:
                                                                                                           •   School environment – for example, multiple relocations during your
                                                                                                               schooling, attending a school where few students are interested in
                           UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION                                                             university study or a school in a rural or isolated area.
                           REQUIREMENTS                                                                    •   Financial circumstances – for example, family financial hardship, low
                           Refer to the Admissions Requirements brochure for 2021 on TISC’s                    socio-economic status background, or needing to work excessive
                           website. Also see the Prerequisites and Specific Requirements sections              hours to support family income.
                           of the courses you’re interested in on TISC’s website.
                                                                                                           •   Family situation – for example, family disruption, death of a close
                                                                                                               family member or friend, lack of a supportive home study
                                                                                                               environment, supporting family member/s with illness/disability, or
                           Applicants for Admission from Non-Standard Schools                                  Indigenous background.
                           Apply for admission via TISC, but also include with your application a
                                                                                                           •   Personal health issues – for example, personal medical condition/
                           statement giving full details of your upper secondary school studies.
                                                                                                               disability, or accidental injury.
                           WACE isn’t required by any of the universities for applicants from non-
                                                                                                           •   Other circumstances – for example, difficult migrant passage,
                           standard schools, but an equivalent senior secondary certificate may
                                                                                                               refugee/asylum seeker status, leaving foster care, or any other
                           be required. You should check with the university/ies if you are unsure.
                                                                                                               circumstances not covered above.
                                                                                                           Check the details on the TISC website.

                                                                                                                                 2 0 2 1 T I S C G U ID E
•   How are offers made?
                                        The individual universities make the offers of admission. After any of the offer
•   Early offers for Year 12 students   rounds, if you have any queries about why you have or haven’t been made an
                                        offer, contact the Admissions Centre of the university concerned.
•   How many offers will I get?
•   I’ve got a main round offer!
    What do I do next?                  HOW ARE THE OFFERS MADE?
•   I didn’t get a main round offer.    Your application is considered based on selection criteria established by each
    What are my options?                university. You’re ranked in order of merit for each course you’ve listed. Most
                                        universities consider any or all of the following when considering your application:
•   Second round offers
                                        •   secondary studies; and
•   Enrolling and Deferring
                                        •   other studies done while at school, such as enabling programs or VET
                                            qualifications; and
                                        •   post-secondary studies; and,
                                        •   in some cases, special circumstances
                                        The offer process will consider your first preference first, and if it’s possible to
                                        offer you that, will do so. If it’s not possible to offer you your highest preference,
                                        the system will ignore that preference and try to offer you your next preference.
                                        This process continues until we can make you an offer, or until all your
                                        preferences have been considered. If an offer is made, any preference lower than
                                        the offer preference is ignored. See scenario examples in the Year 12 presentation
                                        on our website, which explain this further. You can view your offer via TISC’s
                                        website. The university concerned will advise you of the offer details by email
                                        and/or mail, including information on how to respond to the offer.

                                        WHAT IS A SELECTION RANK?
                                        For most courses, you’ll be selected for admission based on your ATAR (for IB
                                        students, a conversion to a Combined Rank or Selection Rank). However, some
                                        universities assign WACE students who are eligible for other entry pathways a
                                        Selection Rank which is higher than their ATAR. For these students, selection into
                                        courses is based on the Selection Rank assigned by the university concerned.
                                        Eligibility for the entry pathways is based on specified criteria. International
                                        WACE students are not eligible for these pathways. TISC advises eligible WACE
                                        students at the time of the WACE results/ATAR release in December, via the
                                        Universities Admission Advice Letter (UAAL). The appropriate Selection Rank is
                                        automatically applied for offer rounds. For 2021 admission, the following
                                        pathways provide Selection Ranks for eligible WACE students: Curtin University’s
                                        StepUp to Curtin Pathway, ECU’s ECU Access Pathway, Murdoch University’s
                                        RISE Pathway, and UWA’s Broadway UWA Pathway. For further details about any
                                        of these pathways, see the individual universities’ sections in this Guide or the
                                        university’s website.

                                        WHEN WILL I GET MY OFFER?
                                        The four universities are making early offers to Year 12 students for some
                                        courses, as part of their response to the COVID-19 pandemic. See the next
                                        section for details. Separately from early offers, there will be two rounds of TISC
                                        offers as in previous years.
                                        Main round offers will be available to view on the TISC website on Friday 15
                                        January. Emailed and/or mailed details of an offer will be sent by the universities
                                        over the following few business days.
                                        Second round offers will be available to view on the TISC website on Thursday
                                        28 January with email and/or mail details sent out by the universities shortly
                                        Second round offers will be made to eligible new applicants, previously unoffered
                                        applicants who are now eligible (including those who sat STAT to satisfy
                                        university English requirements), those who changed preferences since the
                                        previous round, and those applying for some quota courses where some places
                                        were held for the second round.
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                           EARLY OFFERS FOR YEAR 12 STUDENTS                                                 I’VE GOT A MAIN ROUND OFFER!
                                                                                                            WHAT DO I DO NEXT?
2 0 2 1 T I S C G U ID E

                           The four universities are all participating in early offers to Year 12
                           students for selected courses. Details of the early offer schemes vary by
                                                                                                            Check the options below, or the diagram on page 48, for what to do next.
                           university, so you should check with each university for further details.
                           In some cases, you will still be required to lodge a TISC application. If          You’ve been made an offer you’re happy with and
                           you’re not sure whether you need to, check with the university where you
                           want to study. This will also give you maximum flexibility when results are      you’re ready to start!
                           released, if your ATAR is higher or lower than predicted, or if you change       Accept the offer, following the university’s instructions in your offer
                           your mind about what you want to study. Remember that if you decide to           email. There’ll be a deadline in your offer email, so make sure you accept
                           lodge a TISC application after 30 September, the standard fee is $170.           in time. You won’t be made any other offers.

                           If you receive an early offer, you should check carefully whether it has
                           conditions that you must fulfil, such as achieving a certain ATAR, or              You’ve been made an offer you’re happy with, but
                           passing particular subjects.                                                     you’d like to take a break before you start.
                           Accepting an early offer does not lock you in, and you can still add,            Apply to defer your place. There’ll be information about what is possible
                           remove or change preferences on your TISC application, subject to                and a deadline in your offer email, so make sure you act in time. You
                           closing dates.                                                                   won’t be made any other offers.

                                                                                                              You’ve been made an offer and you’re not quite sure
                           HOW MANY OFFERS WILL I GET?                                                      now whether that’s what you really want.
                           Generally, only one offer, if any, in each of the offer rounds. If you receive   If you’re offered your first preference:
                           an offer in each of the TISC major offer rounds, the later one supersedes
                                                                                                            Use the TISC ‘automatic safety net’. Don’t accept or defer your offer now.
                           the earlier one. You can’t have both.
                                                                                                            Move your first preference offer to a lower position on your preference
                           If you change preferences during the early offer period, you may receive         list and try for an offer in a higher preference in the next round. You don’t
                           more than one early offer, however again, the formal TISC offer will             need to contact the university. This change of preferences saves your
                           supersede this.                                                                  offer. When the next round of offers is made, you’ll either get an offer for
                                                                                                            a higher preference course or your saved main round offer again. A new
                                                                                                            offer cancels the previous offer –you can’t hold two offers at the same
                           WHAT ARE GUARANTEED ATARS/SELECTION                                              time. You won’t get an offer for a preference listed lower than your saved
                           The universities have listed Guaranteed ATARs/Selection Ranks for most           If you’re offered your second, third, fourth, fifth or sixth
                           of their courses. If you achieve the Guaranteed ATAR/Selection Rank              preference:
                           specified for a course on your preference list (and achieve English
                           Competency and any other prerequisites of the course), you’re                    Use the TISC ‘automatic safety net’. Don’t accept or defer your offer now.
                           guaranteed to be eligible for an offer in that course. The offer you             You can either:
                           receive in the offer rounds will depend on your preference order.                •   Do nothing at all and hope to get a higher preference offer in the
                           Guaranteed ATARs/Selection Ranks are included with the Course Codes                  next round; or
                           for 2021 admission on pages 15-34 of this Guide and on TISC’s website.
                           Some courses don’t have Guaranteed ATARs/Selection Ranks listed, as              •   Move the offered course to a lower position on your preference list
                           they have a strictly limited number of places available and/or have extra            and try for an offer in a higher preference. You don’t need to contact
                           admission criteria, like UCAT, audition, interview, etc.                             the university.
                                                                                                            Either way, your offer is saved and, when the next round of offers is
                                                                                                            made, you’ll either get an offer for a higher preference course or your
                           WHAT OTHER ATAR INFORMATION IS                                                   saved offer again. A new offer cancels the previous round’s offer – you
                           AVAILABLE?                                                                       can’t hold two offers at the same time. You won’t get an offer for a
                                                                                                            preference listed lower than your saved offer.
                           The Minimum ATAR/Selection Rank and Guaranteed ATAR/Selection
                           Rank information in this Guide show you what will be required for entry
                           into courses in 2021.                                                              You’ve been made an offer, but you’ve totally changed
                           On the TISC website, you will find further details for each course that          your mind about what you want to do.
                           shows information from offers made in 2020:                                      To reject the offer, change your preferences and remove the offered
                           •   the lowest ATAR (excluding any adjustments) and Selection Rank               preference from your preference list. You’ll lose the offer, but you’ll be
                               (including adjustments) to receive an offer in 2020;                         reconsidered in the next round. Most courses will continue to take
                                                                                                            students who meet the minimum entry requirements.
                           •   the maximum ATAR and Selection Rank to receive an offer in 2020;
                               and                                                                             If you’ve been offered your first preference and you don’t do
                           •   the median (middle) ATAR and Selection Rank to receive an offer in           anything, the university will withdraw your offer and you won’t be
                               2020.                                                                        considered for any other offers.

                           The Selection Rank information is probably the most helpful guide for
                           you. This includes any adjustment factors added to students’ ATARs.                  Contact TISC if you make errors
                           These can be for a variety of reasons. See the universities’ sections in
                           this guide for details. For 2020 WACE students, Selection Ranks for each
                           of the TISC member universities will be printed on your Universities
                                                                                                                in changing your preferences
                           Admission Advice Letter, as well as your raw ATAR.
                                                                                                                between offer rounds or are
                                                                                                                unsure about what to do.
                                                                                                                We can help you.
11 /
  I DIDN’T GET A MAIN ROUND OFFER                                             Can I Defer?
– WHAT ARE MY OPTIONS?                                                        Yes. You can defer your offer of a place for twelve to twenty-four months

                                                                                                                                                               2 0 2 1 T I S C G U ID E
                                                                              (depending on the university concerned), subject to certain restrictions
If you didn’t receive an offer, don’t panic. Here are your options:           and meeting the application deadlines.
You can:                                                                      You can defer all courses, except for Music courses at The University of
•   Do nothing and automatically be considered for the next round; or         Western Australia, Nursing at Murdoch, and WAAPA, Nursing and Music
                                                                              Education courses at ECU.
•   Change your preferences and be reconsidered for the next round.
                                                                              For some courses, the universities also allow deferral for one semester if
If you hadn’t satisfied entry requirements (such as English) before the       second semester entry is available for the course and there are places
main round, but have met the requirements since then (eg by achieving         available. For further information, see the individual universities’ sections
the required score in the second chance English test (STAT)), you’ll          in this Guide.
automatically be considered for an offer in the next round.
If you don’t know why you didn’t get an offer, you really should contact
the university Admission Centre(s) to receive advice on your eligibility      WHAT IF I’LL BE OVERSEAS/AWAY FROM
and the best pathway for you into the course/s of your choice.
                                                                              HOME IN DECEMBER-FEBRUARY?
Let TISC know if you no longer wish to be considered for any course at        You need to make crucial decisions once TISC releases your Year 12
any university and we’ll withdraw your application. There’s no refund of      results, and a short time later when the universities make offers. The
application fee if you withdraw your application.                             universities will provide details of their offers by email, so make sure that
                                                                              TISC has your current email address and that you check your emails
                                                                              (including your junk mail) around the published offer date. If you’ll be
SECOND ROUND OFFERS                                                           away from your normal address during December-February, change your
                                                                              address with TISC or arrange for someone to check your mail for you, as
You’ll be considered in the second round of offers, and may be made an        some information may come by mail during this period.
offer if you:
                                                                              If you haven’t received your emailed details of an offer from a university
•   Hadn’t satisfied entry requirements (eg English competency) in time       by three days after the published offer release date, contact the
    for the main round, but have since met the requirements; or               university immediately.
•   Changed your preferences between the offer rounds, subject to             If you want TISC or the universities to be able to discuss your application,
    closing dates; or                                                         offer or enrolment with someone other than you, you must provide
•   Received an offer in the main round and elected to save that offer        written authority. Download the online authorisation form (printing three
    (automatic safety net); or                                                copies), fill in each form and send one to TISC. Give one form to the
                                                                              person you’ve nominated so they can present it if they need to contact
•   Applied too late to be considered in the main round; or                   TISC or the universities and keep the remaining completed form for
•   Didn’t receive an offer in the main round and didn’t advise TISC to       yourself.
    withdraw your application.
                                                                                  Follow the instructions detailed in your offer. It’s possible to lose an
You’ll either be:                                                             offer in certain circumstances if you don’t follow the instructions. See the
                                                                              diagram on page 48 for guidance on your options before you respond to
•   Made an offer if you have met course entry requirements since the         your offer. If you’re unsure of what to do, contact TISC for assistance
    main round; or                                                            before you respond to your offer.
•   Offered a preference higher than your saved offer; or                     After accepting your offer, and depending on the university, you must
•   Re-offered your saved offer; or                                           enrol online or in person. You may not be able to nominate someone else
                                                                              to enrol for you. Ensure that you’re in Perth and can enrol on the
•   Made an offer, even if unsuccessful in the main round of offers; or       specified date if you must enrol in person.
•   Advised that your application was unsuccessful.

                                                                              AUSTRALIAN YEAR 12 RESULTS COMPARISON
  I’VE BEEN MADE A SECOND ROUND                                               An ATAR achieved from 2011 or later in any state or territory (2020 or
                                                                              later in Queensland) is considered the same as an ATAR from any other
OFFER. WHAT DO I DO NOW?                                                      state or territory.
Accept and enrol or defer your offer by the deadline in your offer email or
                                                                              Tertiary institutions throughout Australia agree that if an interstate Year
you’ll lose your offer. There aren’t any further TISC offer rounds.
                                                                              12 applicant has fulfilled the requirements for eligibility for selection into
                                                                              all courses in their home state, they are eligible for consideration for
                                                                              entry into courses in another state (subject to ATAR and any specific
    ENROLMENTS AND DEFERRALS                                                  course requirements).

How do I enrol?
Your offer email will outline enrolment procedures. You’ll have to enrol
online or in person. Note that you will need a Tax File Number (TFN) in
order to apply for a HECS-HELP loan.
/ 12

                           WHAT ELSE DO I NEED                                                            If you don’t agree to any part(s) of TISC’s Privacy Policy, you shouldn’t
                                                                                                          use any of our services, or provide TISC with any personal information.

                           TO KNOW?
2 0 2 1 T I S C G U ID E

                                                                                                          By using our services, for example registering on our website, or
                                                                                                          providing us with any personal information, you agree to your personal
                                                                                                          information being collected, held, used and disclosed as detailed in our
                                                                                                          Privacy Policy.
                           WHAT ABOUT MY SUPPORTING
                           DOCUMENTATION?                                                                 PAYING FOR UNIVERSITY STUDY
                               TISC needs documentary proof of all qualifications and any change of       If you’re a domestic student, check www.studyassist.gov.au/. You should
                           name you’ve stated on your application. TISC can obtain some of this           check the StudyAssist website at intervals during 2020 for any changes.
                           proof electronically, but not all of it. If you need to provide any
                           documentation, your Application Coversheet will tell you. If TISC isn’t
                           successful in retrieving the results it expects for you, we’ll email you and   Financial Assistance
                           ask you to provide the documentary proof yourself. Applications where          If you’re studying, you may be eligible for financial assistance. The
                           information or documentation isn’t complete may not be successful. It’s        Department of Human Services assists students through payments such
                           your responsibility to provide all supporting documents, unless your           as Youth Allowance, ABSTUDY and Austudy. Full details of payments are
                           Application Coversheet tells you otherwise.                                    available at humanservices.gov.au.
                           If you have to upload documents, you must comply with TISC’s                   For more information or help in your language, visit humanservices.gov.
                           requirements for supporting documentation:                                     au/yourlanguage.
                           •   Documentation to support qualifications you’ve completed consists
                               of both an academic transcript (subjects and grades you obtained,          Scholarships
                               including failures, withdrawals and incomplete studies); and separate      All four universities offer a wide range of scholarships and bursaries to
                               proof of completion (certificate, diploma).                                assist students financially. Some scholarships are for academic
                           •   Documents must be original, uncertified documents which are                excellence, others for community commitment, and others for students
                               complete, in colour and clearly legible (not blurred). Copies, certified   with educational or financial disadvantages. Some are course-specific,
                               copies, online printouts, faxes and examination result slips aren’t        some are campus-specific, some assist with accommodation costs, some
                               accepted for upload.                                                       assist with fees or books. These scholarships are many and varied, and
                                                                                                          you should investigate what’s available. Detailed information on
                           Note: In all cases TISC reserves the right to request an original              scholarships, including the eligibility criteria, selection criteria and
                           document.                                                                      application process, is available from the following sites:
                                                                                                          Curtin University: scholarships.curtin.edu.au
                           Studies in Second Semester 2020
                                                                                                          Edith Cowan University: www.ecu.edu.au/future-students/fees-and-
                           If you’re studying in Semester 2, 2020, apply to TISC by the closing date      scholarships
                           and upload all documents requested by your Application Coversheet,
                           including results to date. Upload the documents for your Semester 2,           Murdoch University: our.murdoch.edu.au/Student-life/Finances
                           2020 study as soon as they’re available. TISC and the universities can’t
                                                                                                          The University of Western Australia: scholarships.uwa.edu.au
                           guarantee that documents received at TISC after the published closing
                           date for receipt of documents will be considered in the main round of
                           offers, but they’ll be considered for the second offer round.
                                                                                                          WHAT IF I HAVE A DISABILITY, MEDICAL
                           Documentation which TISC will try to obtain for you
                                                                                                          CONDITION OR LEARNING DIFFICULTY?
                               WA TAFE and Fremantle Education Centre studies                             Many people have disabilities, medical conditions, mental health
                           TISC can obtain Semester 2, 2020 results for all WA TAFEs and                  conditions or learning difficulties which affect their mobility, sight,
                           Fremantle Education Centre (as long as you apply to TISC by 30                 hearing, ability to communicate, manual dexterity, etc. Under Equal
                           November 2020). WA TAFEs will only provide proof of course completion          Opportunity legislation, you can’t be discriminated against in the
                           to TISC if you’ve applied to graduate. You must apply to your WA TAFE          selection process on the grounds of a disability, medical condition,
                           for your award by the end of October 2020 if you expect to complete            mental health condition or learning difficulty. Universities are keen to
                           your qualification at the end of 2020. If you don’t do this, it may affect     assist students with disabilities, medical conditions, mental health
                           your application, as the universities require proof of course completion       conditions or learning difficulties, wherever possible, to complete
                           when assessing your qualifications.                                            whatever course they choose.
                                                                                                          If you’d like to receive information from the universities about facilities
                           International Baccalaureate results                                            available for students with disabilities, medical conditions or learning
                           TISC can retrieve 2020 International Baccalaureate results. If you’re          difficulties, choose the appropriate answer to this question when you
                           sitting The Diploma of the International Baccalaureate (IB) in 2020,           apply. This service is confidential. Otherwise, check the websites of the
                           arrange through your school in advance for your results to be made             relevant universities for further information. Contacts at each of the
                           available to TISC. Provide your IB personal code so that TISC can retrieve     universities are on TISC’s website.
                           your results.

                               TISC PRIVACY STATEMENT                                                        EXTRA INFORMATION AND ADVICE
                           When you apply for university through TISC or register for the Special         You can get more information about the application procedure from
                           Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT) through TISC, we necessarily collect           TISC. We have a team of friendly people who will be happy to help
                           personal information about you. TISC has a firm commitment to privacy          explain anything you’re not sure about.
                           in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles (March 2014). See         You can get advice on choice of courses from your school or the
                           the complete Privacy Policy at www.tisc.edu.au.                                Prospective/Future Students’ Office or Admissions Centre at the
                                                                                                          universities. More useful contact information is on the inside back cover
                                                                                                          of the Guide.
13 /
                               HOW DO I APPLY VIA TISCONLINE?

                                                                                                          2 0 2 1 T I S C G U ID E
    If you already have a
  User ID (your 2020 WACE
                                                                 1. Go straight to step 3
  candidate number) and a
      default password

                                                    2. Register on TISCOnline and receive User ID.
                                                                    Set own password.
     If you have no User ID                       Don’t register if you have User ID but have forgotten
                                                   what it is – email info@tisc.edu.au for assistance.

      Now you’ve reached                                    3. Thoroughly check information
      step 3, complete all                                         on www.tisc.edu.au
      steps through to 11

                                                      4. Login to online application system on
                                                   www.tisc.edu.au, using User ID and password and
                                                         start application, following prompts

                                                           5. Choose at least one preference
                                                                  (university course)

                                                       6. Provide details of previous and current
  Remember: You can stop part-way through                        studies/qualifications
your online application at any stage, save what
  you’ve done, and complete it another time,
           subject to closing dates.
   Until the fee’s paid, TISC won’t activate                     7. Declare application
               your application.                             (accept application conditions)
 Also, until the fee’s paid, you can’t access
(or even see) a number of online menu items
     (including change of preferences).
Note: You’ll need to log in to your application   8. Choose payment option: • Online with credit card
   to access/see some online menu items.                                    • By mail
                                                                            • In person at TISC

                                                        9. Print coversheet and read it carefully

                                                                 10. Pay application fee

                                                   11. Upload to your TISC application all supporting
                                                        documentation requested on coversheet
You can also read