2021 Winter Brochure - Saint Peter, MN

Page created by Daniel Molina
2021 Winter Brochure - Saint Peter, MN
Table of Contents is on page 2

        Saint Peter Community
        & Family Education
        City of Saint Peter Recreation
        & Leisure Services Department

2021 Winter Brochure
January - April Classes & Activities | REGISTRATION BEGINS IMMEDIATELY!
          Community Education & Recreation & Leisure Classes & Activities Brochure, published three times a year. 2021 / Issue #1
2021 Winter Brochure - Saint Peter, MN
Saint Peter Recreation
                                                                                    Registration Information
                                                                                    l = Community & Family Education | 934.3048 ext.1 | stpetercommunityedonline.com
                                                                                                n = Saint Peter Recreation & Leisure Services | 934-0667 | saintpetermn.gov

                                                                Registration & Refund Information                                  Saint Peter Community
& Leisure Services                                              1. Paid registrations are due at least one week prior to
                                                                the start of the class.
                                                                                                                                   & Family Education
Staff:                                                          2. Community and Family Education Refunds: Full
                                                                refunds will be given when Community and Family                    934-3048 ext. 1
Joey Schugel, Department Director
                                                                Education has to cancel an activity due to low enrollment.         www.stpetercommunityedonline.com
Kayla Campbell, Recreation Program
Supervisor                                                      Refunds, less a $3 fee, will be given if a person withdraws        Weather Line: 934-3048 ext. 4
Gabriela Roemhildt, Assistant Recreation                        from a program prior to the registration deadline. Refunds
  Program Supervisor                                            will not be granted if a request to withdraw from the               Saint Peter Community & Family Education
                                                                program is made after the registration deadline has                 is actively evaluating and planning for
Jennifer Harlow, Secretary
                                                                occurred.                                                           opportunities to serve you. Decisions on
Brenda McHugh, Library Supervisor
                                                                3. Recreation Department Refunds: Full refunds will be
Leticia Snow, Assistant Library Supervisor                                                                                          whether we can host a class in-person,
                                                                given when the Recreation Department has to cancel an
                                                                activity. Refunds, less a $3 fee, will be given if a person         hybrid, or online will be ongoing as directives
Contact Information:                                                                                                                from the State of Minnesota are provided.
Phone		   507-934-0667                                          withdraws from a program prior to the start of the program
                                                                or by the registration deadline. Refunds will not be granted        Thank you for your continued patience as we
Fax		     507-934-1204
E-mail		  jenh@saintpetermn.gov                                 if a program cancellation is made after the program has             all learn how to live, learn, and play safely at
Web 		    www.saintpetermn.gov
                                                                begun.                                                              this unprecedented time.
                                                                4. U-Care is accepted for Community & Family
Hotline		 507-934-0070 for
                                                                Education classes (only). Proof of coverage is required.
		cancellations, updates                                                                                                           Staff:
                                                                Class payments vary based on your coverage. Please
		and schedules                                                 contact 934-3048 x. 1 for more information.                        Tami Skinner, Director
		        Find us on Facebook at:                               5. Adults with disabilities are invited to take part in the        Ytive Prafke, ECFE/SR Coordinator
		        City of Saint Peter                                   classes and activities of this brochure. With a ten-day            Jessica Schrumpf, Secretary
                                                                notice, we will make every effort to provide everything            Alena Webster, Programs Assistant
How to Register:                                                necessary for an enjoyable experience. To find out more,           Shaina Sieh, Saints Overtime (SAC)
Online		                www.saintpetermn.gov
                                                                please contact Community & Family Education (934-3048               Coordinator
                                                                x. 1) or Recreation and Leisure Services (934-0667).               Abby Moore, Aquatics Coordinator
In person               Mon–Fri, 8 a.m.–5 p.m.                  6. Photography/Video Policy: Photographs/videos are
                                                                occasionally taken of participants of activities and visitors to   How to register:
Mail		 Recreation and Leisure                                   facilities of the Saint Peter Recreation and Leisure Services      In person St. Peter Community Center,
		Services                                                      Department and Saint Peter Community and Family                              600 S. Fifth St., Suite 207
		     600 S. Fifth St., Suite 200                              Education. These photographs/videos are used to promote            Online    stpetercommunityedonline.com
		     Saint Peter, MN 56082                                    Recreation and Leisure programming and facilities in future        Phone     (507) 934-3048 x. 1
                                                                Activity Brochures and a variety of other City of Saint Peter
 Please note: any opinions or viewpoints                        and School District 508 publications and social media.             Office Hours:
 that are discussed during a class, event,                      If you prefer that you or your child not be photographed           Mon–Thu 8 am–4 pm, Fri 8 am–Noon
 or activity are directly from the instructor                   during a registered program, you must “opt–out” on or              Our office will be closed:
 or event organizer and may not represent                       before the first day of each listed course by completing           Jan. 1 & 18, Feb. 15, Apr. 2–5
 the philosophy or viewpoints of Saint Peter                    an “opt–out” form at the Department’s registration desk.           (Online registration is available 24/7)
 Community & Family Education or Saint                          For any non–registered activities or visits to our parks or
 Peter Recreation & Leisure Services.                           facilities, please notify the photographer if you prefer that      		 Find us on Facebook at:
                                                                you or your child not be photographed.                             		StPeterCommunityEd

Community Center facility information................................3                            Aquatics............................................................................ 9-11
Teen Pantry / Children’s Weekend Food Program............. 3                                      Active Living .................................................................. 11-13
Scholarship info.................................................................... 3            Parks, snowshoe rental, ice rink info ................................13
Youth General Interest ..................................................... 3-6                  ABE / GED.............................................................................14
Tech Academy winter virtual workshops.............................4                               English as a Second Language...........................................14
Young Rembrandts On-Demand art classes........................5                                   Adult General Interest.................................................... 14-17
Youth Music Lessons ........................................................... 6                 Arts Center classes........................................................ 14-15
Kids’ Club................................................................................6       Adult music lessons.............................................................16
Youth Contests.......................................................................6            Documentary Films........................................................ 16-17
eSports................................................................................... 7      LIFE: Learning is ForEver....................................................18
Youth Sports...........................................................................7          Senior Activities & Services.......................................... 18-22
Special Events........................................................................8           Saint Peter Public Library.............................................. 23-24

l = Community & Family Education | 934.3048 ext.1 | stpetercommunityedonline.com                           n = Saint Peter Recreation & Leisure Services | 934-0667 | saintpetermn.gov
2021 Winter Brochure - Saint Peter, MN
Registration Information
l = Community & Family Education | 934.3048 ext.1 | stpetercommunityedonline.com
n = Saint Peter Recreation & Leisure Services | 934-0667 | saintpetermn.gov                                                                                                           3
Facility Information and Hours
Saint Peter Community Center
600 S. Fifth St., Suite 200
Hours		                   Monday – Friday, 6 a.m.–9 p.m.
(Jan.–Apr.)               Saturdays, 8 a.m.– 6 p.m.
		                        Sundays, 12 p.m.–6 p.m.
The Saint Peter Community Center offers of a variety of amenities including
meeting room space, gymnasium, walking track, senior center, and more. Visit
www.saintpetermn.gov/community-center for more information.

Community Associations / Organizations for Winter 2021
Big Partner/Little Partner, Tonja Kjerland............... tkjerlan@gustavus.edu                     St. Peter Basketball, Tony Pierret..................stpeterbasketball@gmail.com
Boy Scouts................................................................ info@twinvalleybsa.org   St. Peter Soccer................................................ registrar@saintpetersoccer.org
Bulldog Youth Hockey, Darian Hunt............ president@bulldoghockey.org                           St. Peter Volleyball, Cassandra Efta................................spvajo@gmail.com
Creative Play Place, City of Saint Peter..................jenh@saintpetermn.gov                     St. Peter Wrestling, Chad Larson..................... chadlarson1975@gmail.com
Girl Scouts.........................................................girlscouts@girlscoutsrv.org     St. Peter Youth Baseball, Ron Guappone...................... stpeterbaseball.org
Girls Fastpitch, Jim Dunn............................james.dunn@co.nicollet.mn.us

Youth General Interest
n It is the goal of Saint Peter Recreation and Leisure
Services to offer recreational programming to any and
all youth looking to participate, regardless of financial
status. Youth age 17 and under, who reside in School
District 508, are eligible to receive scholarship funding
towards program fees. Scholarship applications are
available at the Recreation Office between 8 a.m –5 p.m.
Monday-Friday. In addition to the application income
verification is needed to process the request. Please
stop by the Recreation Office of call 507-934-0667 for
more details.

l Saint Peter Community & Family Education has
youth scholarships for families who may find that the
full registration fee for an activity is a hardship. To be
eligible for a youth scholarship, an individual must have
a financial need and reside in the Saint Peter School
District or participate in the open enrollment option
for the district. To receive a scholarship application,
call 934-3048 or stop by the office in room 207 of the
Community Center
                                                                                                    Teen Pantry
                                                                                                    During the school year, on days of hybrid or in-person learning,
Children’s Weekend Food Program                                                                     teens can sign up with one of the school counselors to
During the school year, on days of hybrid or in-person                                              participate in the Teen Pantry. Students are able to stop in at the
learning, this program serves K-6 students with child-friendly,                                     pantry for groceries to help them with meals for the week. The
nutritious, non-perishable food items for breakfast, lunch                                          pantry operates in the Community Center and has scheduled
and snacks for most non-school days. Register your child                                            pick up every Thursday afternoon from 4:30–5:15 p.m.
by contacting the school social workers - South 934-2754 x.
3024, North 934-3260 x. 4036, and Middle School 934-4210                                            Both of these programs are affiliated with St. Peter Area Food
x. 5024.                                                                                            Shelf and Saint Peter Public Schools.

l = Community & Family Education | 934.3048 ext.1 | stpetercommunityedonline.com                             n = Saint Peter Recreation & Leisure Services | 934-0667 | saintpetermn.gov
2021 Winter Brochure - Saint Peter, MN
4                                                                               Youth General Interest
                                                                       l = Community & Family Education | 934.3048 ext.1 | stpetercommunityedonline.com
                                                                                 n = Saint Peter Recreation & Leisure Services | 934-0667 | saintpetermn.gov


    Tech Academy returns for the winter/spring season with all-new VIRTUAL tech workshops. Home technical
    requirements for ALL classes:
                                              • Comuter: PC [Windows XP or later] or
                                                Mac [OSX] with at least 2GHz processor and 4GB RAM
                                                (Chromebook, phone, or tablet will not work)
                                              • Internet: Broadband internet
                                              • Webcam
                                              • Microphone and speakers
                                              • Google Meet

    Minecraft Game Designer
    l Grades 3–6. Don’t just play Minecraft! Turn Minecraft from a game into a visual learning tool! This class will reinforce problem-
    solving skills and spatial cognition through learning to create in-game puzzles, mazes, and obstacle courses. Students will learn
    basic game design skills while they collaborate to build Adventure maps. This class has a strong emphasis on creativity, exploration,
    and cooperative learning experiences. Additional technical requirements: Minecraft Java Edition
    Sat., Jan. 23, 9 a.m.–12 Noon, Register by Mon., Jan. 11, $50 per student CY-W01

    3D Printing & CAD (2-session workshop!)
    l Grades 3–7. New Projects this semester! This 3D printing camp takes students through the 3D printing process from start
    to finish. Students will design 3D objects using TinkerCAD (online web app), and use the 3D slicing program Cura to bring their
    creations to life. This course serves as an excellent introduction to 3D printing and is ideal for students who like to draw, design,
    imagine and see their creations come to life. Students will be designing 1-2 objects, and the 3D print will be mailed home. No
    experience is necessary, but familiarity with doing common tasks using a computer and keyboarding is required.
    Sat., Feb. 6 & 13, 8–10 a.m. each Saturday, Register by Mon., Jan. 25, $83 per student CY-W02

    Video Production for YouTube (2-session workshop!)
    l Grades 4–8. Learn how to create YouTube content! Shoot videos, edit sound, and create an online presence with YouTube.
    YouTube is the top destination for online videos. Learn tricks that pro filmmakers use for better shots, lighting, and sounds. Edit your
    video, add transitions, insert a soundtrack. Then share your finished video with the world.
    Sat., Mar. 6 & 13, 10:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. each Saturday, Register by Mon., Feb. 22, $67 per student CY-W03

    Extreme Coding: Tetris
    l Grades 4–7. Learn to code with Scratch, by dragging colorful blocks of code. Recreate a classic arcade game, Tetris! We will
    use programming concepts like variables, flow control, subroutines, and more!
    Sat., Apr. 24, 9–11 a.m., Register by Mon., Apr. 12, $34 CY-W04

Call Saint
Find all TechPeter Community
              Academy            & Family
                      virtual classes        Education at 934-3048 ext. 1 to register, or sign up online at:
                                      at https://1992.affinetysolutions.com/insight/registry/classlist.asp?catID=965
l = Community & Family Education | 934.3048 ext.1 | stpetercommunityedonline.com        n = Saint Peter Recreation & Leisure Services | 934-0667 | saintpetermn.gov
2021 Winter Brochure - Saint Peter, MN
Youth General Interest
l = Community & Family Education | 934.3048 ext.1 | stpetercommunityedonline.com
n = Saint Peter Recreation & Leisure Services | 934-0667 | saintpetermn.gov

                                                                                     January - Drawing On Demand

                                                                                         WINTER             GROOVY            CLAUDETTE            STYLISH
                                                                                          BIRD             GIRAFFES              COLVIN             DOGS
                                                                                     l Ages 6+. Kick off the new year in a creative way with a winter
                                                                                     scene highlighting a colorful bird; groovy long-necked animal
                                                                                     friends; a portrait honoring civil rights activist Claudette Colvin; and
                                                                                     a collection of stylish dogs sporting sunglasses, hats, and collars.
                                                                                     Sign up for this class starting Jan. 4, 2021! Supplies to have
                                                                                     for class: broad tip markers, crayons or colored pencils, 8.5
                                                                                     x 11 paper, and black Sharpie marker.
Young Rembrandts Workshops On-Demand:                                                January On Demand Online Course, $29 CY-W05
Faces, Fashion & Flowers
10 drawings, Online Course                                                           February - Drawing On Demand
l Ages 6-18. For fashionistas, florists and budding makeup
artists! Students will be challenged and delighted drawing
images that exude femininity and loveliness. Learn to draw
and color facial features, stretch their imaginations illustrating
whimsical flowers and challenge their creativity when tying
them all together in fanciful settings. Prepare for elegance
and a heap of drawing excellence!
Sign up for this class any time! Supplies to have for                                    SCORPION                FUNNY               SISTER               WILD
                                                                                                                 FOOD               ROSETTA             MONKEYS
class: broad tip markers, crayons or color pencils, 8.5 x                                                                           THARPE
11 paper, and black Sharpie marker.
Online Course, $49 CY-F10
                                                                                     l Ages 6+. Join YR online in February for a scorpion in a
                                                                                     desert scene, a rewarding study in proportion; funny foods,
                                                                                     transforming ordinary fruits into colorful fish; a dynamic
                                                                                     illustration of the “Godmother of Rock & Roll, Sister Rosetta
                                                                                     Tharpe; and expressive, animated cartoon monkeys in colorful,
                                                                                     detailed scenes.
                                                                                     Sign up for this class starting Jan. 11, 2021! Supplies to
                                                                                     have for class: broad tip markers, crayons or colored
                                                                                     pencils, 8.5 x 11 paper, and black Sharpie marker.
                                                                                     February On Demand Online Course, $29 CY-W06
                                                                                     March - Drawing On Demand

Young Rembrandts Workshops On-Demand:
Anime Manga
10 drawings, Online Course
l Ages 6-18. Calling all Otaku kids! Join the Anime Manga                             ICE CREAM          POP ART             WILMA             FUNNY
workshop and learn to draw your favorite Japanese style                                 SUNDAE             FROG             RUDOLPH           BUNNIES
art. This workshop will tap into everyone’s imagination while                        l Ages 6+. As winter draws to a close, YR is still getting
                                                                                     creative, offering screen time that’s fun and productive. This
learning to draw cute manga inspired characters, accessories
                                                                                     month, we’ll put together a still life drawing featuring three big
and costumes. Your child’s talent is about to take off —
                                                       ­                             scoops of ice cream in a large bowl; a pop art frog against a
register now to save your child’s spot in this Kawaii workshop                       background of colorful patterns; a fantastic portrait of Olympian
focused on technique and creativity!                                                 Wilma Rudolph; and a variety of funny cartoon bunnies.
Sign up for this class any time! Supplies to have for                                Sign up for this class starting Feb. 8, 2021! Supplies to have
class: broad tip markers, crayons or color pencils, 8.5 x                            for class: broad tip markers, crayons or colored pencils, 8.5
11 paper, and black Sharpie marker.                                                  x 11 paper, and black Sharpie marker.
Online Course, $49 CY-F11                                                            March On Demand Online Course, $29 CY-W07

Find all Young Rembrandts classes at https://1992.affinetysolutions.com/insight/registry/classlist.asp?catID=965
l = Community & Family Education | 934.3048 ext.1 | stpetercommunityedonline.com           n = Saint Peter Recreation & Leisure Services | 934-0667 | saintpetermn.gov
2021 Winter Brochure - Saint Peter, MN
6                                                                               Youth General Interest
                                                                        l = Community & Family Education | 934.3048 ext.1 | stpetercommunityedonline.com
                                                                                     n = Saint Peter Recreation & Leisure Services | 934-0667 | saintpetermn.gov

 MUSIC                                                                                KIDS CLUB
                                                                                     Kids Club
                                                                                     Grades 2-4

                                                                                                                Explor ation
                                                                                     n Let us get a
                                                                                     jump start on all
                                                                                     the fun Exploration
                                                                                                                  Rec reation
                                                                                                                            and the Library on the Loose
                                                                                     Recreation has to



                                                                                     offer in the summer!                            in g
                                                                                                                                          a b e tt e r t o
                                                                                     Recreation Staff
                                                                                     will provide free
                                                                                     recreational programming after school at North Elementary.
                                                                                     Activities will change each week. If school is 100% distant
                                                                                     learning, this program will be cancelled and picked up in the
Private Piano with Emily H.                                                          summer.
l Beginning through intermediate students. Looking for a new
hobby or want to improve your piano skills? Look no further!                         Thu., Apr. 15 – May 13, 3–4:15p.m., North Elementary
Emily Hackbarth is a Music Industry student at MNSU and has                          Grass Area
numerous years of experience playing the piano and harp and
teaching private lessons. Bring a notebook and current lesson
books if you have them. Otherwise, music will be provided
for the first lesson. Thirty minute lessons are available on
Mondays from 3 to 6 p.m. or Tuesdays from 2:30 to 6 p.m.                              YOUTH CONTESTS
Call 507-934-3048 ext. 1 to schedule a lesson time. Online
registration is not available for private lessons. (If ISD 508 is in                 Photo Contest
hybrid or in-person learning mode, in-person piano lessons will                      Ages 15 and under.
be available in SPHS Music Practice Room 4; during distance                          n The rules of the monthly youth photo contest is simple:
learning mode, piano lessons will be available only online).                         the youth must take the photo, email it by the deadline
Emily Hackbarth                                                                      listed below and have fun! Each month there is a different
Monday Lessons                                                                       theme and the deadline is the second Friday of the month.
30 minute lessons                                                                    The winners will be announced the following Monday. Free!
Sess. 1: Jan. 11 & 25 (2 weeks, skip 1/18), Register by Jan. 7, $34                  Prizes for the top 3 winners each month. Email submissions
CY-W01a                                                                              to kaylac@saintpetermn.gov
Sess. 2: Feb. 1-8, 22 (skip 2/15, 3 weeks), Register by Jan. 25, $51
CY-W02a                                                                              Jan. 8, Animals (pets, farm animals, birds outside,
Sess. 3: Mar. 1-29 (5 weeks), Register by Feb. 22, $84 CY-W03a
Sess. 4: Apr. 12-May 3 (4 weeks), Register by Apr. 6, $67 CY-W04a                    etc.)
                                                                                     Feb. 12, Cooking/baking
Tuesday Lessons                                                                      Mar. 12, Abstract
30 minute lessons                                                                    Apr. 9, Rainfall
Sess. 1: Jan. 12-26 (3 weeks), Register by Jan. 7, $51 CY-W01b                       May 14, Flowers/nature/outside
Sess. 2: Feb. 2-23 (4 weeks), Register by Jan. 25, $67 CY-W02b
Sess. 3: Mar. 2-30 (5 weeks), Register by Feb. 22, $84 CY-W03b
Sess. 4: Apr. 6-27 (4 weeks), Register by Mar. 29, $67 CY-W04
                                                                                     Coloring Contest
                                                                                     Ages 15 and under.
Private Virtual Band Instrument Lessons                                              n We are offering two coloring contests this winter! You
l Grades 5-8 band students can schedule private 30 minute                            can print the coloring contest sheet off of the City’s website
lessons Tuesdays from 4-7:30 p.m. Students should bring their                        or pick one up from the St. Peter Public Library or Recreation
instrument and lesson book to each lesson. Call 934-3048 x.1                         Office. You will have the whole month to submit your entry
to schedule a lesson time.                                                           to the St. Peter Public Library or Recreation Office and
Lauren Shoemaker, Via Google Meet
                                                                                     the winner will be announced the first Wednesday of the next
6 virtual lessons per session, $100
Sess. 1: Tue., Jan. 12-Feb. 23, Register by Jan. 5 CY-W01aa
Sess. 2: Tue., Mar. 2-Apr. 6, Register by Feb. 23 CY-W02aa                           February – winners announced March 3
Sess. 3: Tue., Apr. 13-May 18, Register by Apr. 6 CY-W03aa                           April – winners announced May 5

l = Community & Family Education | 934.3048 ext.1 | stpetercommunityedonline.com            n = Saint Peter Recreation & Leisure Services | 934-0667 | saintpetermn.gov
2021 Winter Brochure - Saint Peter, MN
Youth Sports
l = Community & Family Education | 934.3048 ext.1 | stpetercommunityedonline.com
n = Saint Peter Recreation & Leisure Services | 934-0667 | saintpetermn.gov

                                                                                     All ages and all skill levels.
                                                                                     n Welcome! Will you be the next Saint Peter eSports
                                                                                     champion? Register and compete against other gamers in
                                                                                     your community! Each league will run for 6 weeks including
                                                                                     playoffs. All league matches have the ability to reschedule
                                                                                     if you’re unavailable for your match. Paid tournaments will
                                                                                     be offered on occasion. *Online capabilities and designated
                                                                                     console/games are required for participation in these leagues.

                                                                                     Mondays – Mario Kart
                                                                                     Tuesdays – NBA 2K
                                                                                     Wednesdays – Super Smash Bros
                                                                                     Thursdays – Rocket League
                                                                                     Fridays – Madden NFL

                                                                                     Feb. 1 – Mar. 19, Free

   St. Peter Soccer Association
   For players born 2002-2011, please visit the Saint Peter
   Soccer Club website for information about local playing
   opportunities. Registration closes January 15. https://

   St. Peter Baseball Association
   Ages 8–18.
   Youth baseball summer 2021 registration. You must register
   in person, you will receive an email if your registration
   was carried over from 2020. www.stpeterbaseball.com
   Sat., Feb. 13, 2021, 8a.m.–12p.m., St. Peter American
   Legion Post #37

St. Peter Recreation Soccer Ages 4–8.
Monday and Wednesday evenings.
n Everyone plays! This 6-week training program is
designed to teach young players the fundamental techniques
of soccer. Development happens through drills and fun
games presented in an energetic and nurturing atmosphere.
Small organized games will be played the last part of the
evening. Scholarships available.
U4, born in 2018, Jun. 7–Jul. 14, 5:30–6:15 p.m.
U5, born in 2017, Jun. 7–Jul. 14, 5:30–6:15 p.m.
U6, born in 2016, Jun. 7–Jul. 14, 5:30–6:15 p.m.                                     Youth Flag Football
Community Spirit Park, Resident $25 Non-resident $33                                 n Grades 1–4. Gustavus football players will provide a
                                                                                     supportive environment for participants to learn new skills,
Improve individual player ability and learn to be part of a                          exercise and be part of a team. Youth Football emphasizes
team. Teams consist of 6–8 players. Game format is 4v4.                              on skill development and sportsmanship. Min. 36, max. 56
Equal playing time. Scholarships available.                                          per age group.
U7, born in 2015, Jun. 7–Jul. 14, 6:30–7:30 p.m.                                     Mon., Apr. 12–May 17, $25, Jefferson Fields
U8, born in 2014, Jun. 7–Jul. 14, 6:30–7:30 p.m.                                     Gr. 1 & 2, from 6:30–7:30 p.m., Softball Field 1
Community Spirit Park, Resident $25 Non-resident $33                                 Gr. 3 & 4, from 6:30–7:30 p.m., Softball Field 4

l = Community & Family Education | 934.3048 ext.1 | stpetercommunityedonline.com          n = Saint Peter Recreation & Leisure Services | 934-0667 | saintpetermn.gov
2021 Winter Brochure - Saint Peter, MN
Parent’s Night IN!
                                                                                                             Special Events
                                                                       l = Community & Family Education | 934.3048 ext.1 | stpetercommunityedonline.com
                                                                                 n = Saint Peter Recreation & Leisure Services | 934-0667 | saintpetermn.gov

Ages 3 and up.
n Similar to parent’s night out in! from the fall, except we
will be live! This will really allow parents to have some time to
themselves while we spend 2 hours with your kiddos working
on crafts and other fun activities! Please register ahead of
time with the Recreation Office! Pick up your box starting
the week of the event. If you cannot attend during this time,
you can still sign up and do the activities at your leisure time.

LIVE! Fri. Jan. 29, 6–8p.m. via Go To Meeting, Be Kind, $7
per child, $5 each additional child

LIVE! Fri. Mar. 26, 6–8p.m., via Go To Meeting, Doodle
Day, $7 per child, $5 each additional child

                                                                                     Daddy Daughter Dance –
                                                                                     Glow Party: Light up the Night!
                                                                                     All ages.
                                                                                     n While we won’t be able to see you all for this fun event,
                                                                                     we want to provide some special activities to help keep the
                                                                                     tradition of the Daddy Daughter Dance going! Please regis-
                                                                                     ter ahead of time with the Recreation Office! Pick up your
                                                                                     box starting the week of the event.

                                                                                     Sat., Mar. 6, in your own home, $

                                                                                     Snail Mail Messages!
                                                                                     All ages.
Camp in a Box                                                                        n Card templates will be available on the City website
Ages 3 and up.                                                                       or available for pick up from the St. Peter Public Library or
n All supplies needed to complete the crafts and activities                          Recreation Office. Make your card/letter/drawing and drop
will be in your box to take home and complete the activities                         it off to the St. Peter Public Library or Recreation Office by
at your leisure. You will receive a link to a YouTube video                          the deadline listed below and Recreation Staff will deliver the
explaining what’s in the box. Please register ahead of time                          cards. You can turn in multiple copies!
with the Recreation Office! The dates listed below are pick
up dates for your box.                                                               January 29 – write a letter, make a card or draw a picture for
                                                                                     a senior living in an assistant living facility to help brighten
Feb. 24–26, Reading & Riddles                                                        their spirits!
Apr. 28–30, Under the Sea
                                                                                     May 28 – write a letter, make a card or draw a picture for a
Tote: Ages 3–6, $10                                                                  hero! A police officer, a fireman, a nurse or a teacher! Please
Box: Ages 7–12, $10                                                                  identify which type of hero it is for.

l = Community & Family Education | 934.3048 ext.1 | stpetercommunityedonline.com          n = Saint Peter Recreation & Leisure Services | 934-0667 | saintpetermn.gov
2021 Winter Brochure - Saint Peter, MN
l = Community & Family Education | 934.3048 ext.1 | stpetercommunityedonline.com
n = Saint Peter Recreation & Leisure Services | 934-0667 | saintpetermn.gov

Saint Peter Public School & Community Pool
100 Lincoln Drive, St. Peter

  Check in/check out Procedures
  • Come to the pool in your swimsuit.
  • Participants will enter the building through the main
  • Prior to arrival, parents and adults will be
  responsible for daily health screening.
  • A staff member will document that the parent and
  student were symptom free.
  • Enter the locker room to rinse off BEFORE
  entering the pool. Showering afterward is prohibited.
  • A child who is enrolled in an infant - Level 3 class,
  will be allowed to have one caregiver with them.
  During the class, the caregiver is required to be in
  the water with the child. Swim instructors will teach
  from the pool deck. Friends and/or other family
  members will not be allowed in the pool area or
  observation bleachers.
  • After the class, you may change in the locker
  room, but showering after swimming is prohibited.
  • Exit the building through the Lincoln Drive side                                 Dolphins
  door.                                                                              l Age 4 yrs. Learn water adjustment, breath control,
                                                                                     submerging, and buoyancy on front and back with support.
                                                                                      • A caregiver (age 18 +) is required to be in the water with
  Decisions on whether we can host a class or                                           each child.
  swim time will be ongoing as directives from the                                    • See Check in / Check out procedures.
  State of Minnesota are provided.                                                   Min. 5, max. 8. 6 Lessons, $36
                                                                                     Sat., Mar. 13–Apr. 24 (skip 4/3), 9:45–10:15 a.m. Register
                                                                                     by Mar. 8. SWM-W09
Water Babies
l Age 6 mos.–2 yrs. This class focuses on water                                      Sharks
adjustment and swim readiness.                                                       l Age 5 yrs. Learn breath control, submerging, swimming
 • Children must wear a swim diaper or plastic pants with                            and floating on front and back with support, water safety
   their swimsuit.                                                                   rules, using a life jacket and how to get help in an emergency.
 • A caregiver (age 18 or older) is required to be in the water                       • A caregiver (age 18 +) is required to be in the water with
   with each child.                                                                     each child.
 • See Check in / Check out procedures.                                               • See Check in / Check out procedures.
Min. 5, max. 8. 6 Lessons, $36                                                       Min. 5, max. 8. 6 Lessons, $36
Sat.., Mar. 13–Apr. 24 (skip 4/3), 9–9:30 a.m. Register by                           Sat., Mar. 13–Apr. 24 (skip 4/3), 9–9:30 a.m. Register by
Mar. 8. SWM-W03                                                                      Mar. 8. SWM-W12

Aqua Tots                                                                            Whales
l Ages 2–4 yrs. Learn water adjustment, explore                                      l Age 6 yrs. Learn to fully submerge and hold breath, tread
submerging and buoyancy.                                                             water, and change direction of travel while swimming on
 • Children who are not toilet trained must wear a swim                              front or back. Age appropriate water safety topics are also
    diaper or plastic pants with their swimsuit.                                     covered.
 • A caregiver (age 18+) is required to be in the water with                           • A caregiver (age 18 +) is required to be in the water with
   each child.                                                                           each child.
 • See Check in / Check out procedures.                                                • See Check in / Check out procedures.
Min. 5, max. 8. 6 Lessons, $36                                                       Min. 4, max. 8. 6 Lessons, $36
Sat., Mar. 13–Apr. 24 (skip 4/3), 9:45–10:15 a.m. Register                           Sat., Mar. 13–Apr. 24 (skip 4/3), 10:30–11 a.m. Register by
by Mar. 8. SWM-W06                                                                   Mar. 8. SWM-W15

Find all youth Aquatics classes at https://1992.affinetysolutions.com/insight/registry/classlist.asp?catID=998
l = Community & Family Education | 934.3048 ext.1 | stpetercommunityedonline.com          n = Saint Peter Recreation & Leisure Services | 934-0667 | saintpetermn.gov
2021 Winter Brochure - Saint Peter, MN
10                                                                                                                                 Aquatics
                                                                       l = Community & Family Education | 934.3048 ext.1 | stpetercommunityedonline.com
                                                                                 n = Saint Peter Recreation & Leisure Services | 934-0667 | saintpetermn.gov

                                                                                     Level 3
                                                                                     l Learn to jump into deep water, kneeling dive, rotary
                                                                                     breathing, and the survival float, tread water, front crawl,
                                                                                     elementary backstroke, flutter kick, dolphin kick and scissors
                                                                                     kick. Level 2 pre-requisite.
                                                                                      • A caregiver (age 18 or older) is required to be in the water
                                                                                        with each child.
                                                                                      • See Check in / Check out procedures.
                                                                                     Min. 5, max. 8. 8 Lessons, $48
                                                                                     Tue. & Thu., Mar. 16–Apr. 8, 5–5:40 p.m. Register by Feb.
                                                                                     1. SWM-W23

                                                                                     Level 4
                                                                                     l Learn standing and surface dives, swim underwater, open
                                                                                     turn, front and back crawl, butterfly, breaststroke, elementary
                                                                                     backstroke, and sidestroke. Level 3 pre-requisite.
                                                                                       • See Check in / Check out procedures.
                                                                                     Min. 4, max. 12. 8 Lessons, $48
                                                                                     Tue. & Thu., Apr. 20–May 13, 5–5:40 p.m. Register by Feb.
                                                                                     1. SWM-W25

                                                                                     Level 5
                                                                                     l Learn shallow dive, surface dives, flip turn, front and
                                                                                     back crawl, butterfly, breaststroke, elementary backstroke,
                                                                                     sidestroke, and survival swimming. Level 4 pre-requisite.
                                                                                      • See Check in / Check out procedures.
                                                                                     Min. 4, max. 12. 8 Lessons, $48
                                                                                     Tue. & Thu., Apr. 20–May 13, 5–5:40 p.m. Register by Feb.
                                                                                     1. SWM-W27

                                                                                     Level 6
                                                                                     l Fitness Swimmer. Work on stroke proficiency, open and
                                                                                     flip turns, use pull buoy, fins, paddles, pace clock, calculate
                                                                                     target heart rate, water exercise, and fitness training. Level 5
                                                                                       • See Check in / Check out procedures.
Level 1                                                                              Min. 4, max. 12. 8 Lessons, $48
l Age 7 yrs. Learn front and back independent floating/                              Tue. & Thu., Apr. 20–May 13, 5–5:40 p.m. Register by Feb.
kicking, alternating arm action, water safety rules, and using                       1. SWM-W29
a life jacket.
 • A caregiver (age 18 or older) is required to be in the water
   with each child.
 • See Check in / Check out procedures.                                              Private Lessons – Level 3 and under parent is required
Min. 5, max. 8. 8 Lessons, $48                                                       in the water with child.
Sat., Mar. 13–May 15 (skip 4/3, 5/1), 10:30–11 a.m.                                  l $62, Three 30 min. lessons per child. One on one private
Register by Mar. 8. SWM-W18                                                          lessons must be arranged through Community and Family
                                                                                     Education, call 934-3048 to register.
                                                                                       • See Check in / Check out procedures.
Level 2
l Ages 7 yrs. & up. Learn submerging, front and back
glide, jellyfish, back float, tread water, and swim on front and
back for 15 feet. Level 1 pre-requisite.                                             Semiprivate Lessons – Level 3 and under parent is
 • A caregiver (age 18 or older) is required to be in the water                      required in the water with child.
   with each child.                                                                  l $85/pair, Three 30 min. lessons per two children at
 • See Check in / Check out procedures.                                              the same level. Semi-private lessons with a ratio of one
Min. 5, max. 8. 8 Lessons, $48                                                       instructor to two students. Lessons must be arranged through
Sat., Mar. 13–May 15 (skip 4/3, 5/1), 11:20–11:55 a.m.                               Community and Family Education, call 934-3048 to register.
Register by Mar. 8. SWM-W21                                                            • See Check in / Check out procedures.

Find all youth Aquatics classes at https://1992.affinetysolutions.com/insight/registry/classlist.asp?catID=998
l = Community & Family Education | 934.3048 ext.1 | stpetercommunityedonline.com          n = Saint Peter Recreation & Leisure Services | 934-0667 | saintpetermn.gov
l = Community & Family Education | 934.3048 ext.1 | stpetercommunityedonline.com
n = Saint Peter Recreation & Leisure Services | 934-0667 | saintpetermn.gov

                                                                                     Girls Swim Days
 ADULTS                                                                              l Join us for an afternoon of fun in the pool just for girls and
                                                                                     women. This is an opportunity for women and girls to have
Decisions on whether we can host a class or swim                                     exclusive use of the pool. Swim under the guidance of an
time will be ongoing as directives from the State of                                 all-female staff of lifeguards and swim instructors. Max. 30
Minnesota are provided.                                                              people.
                                                                                     Sundays, Mar. 7, Mar. 28, Apr. 11, Apr. 25 & May 16, 1–3
Early Morning Lap Swim/Water Walking                                                 p.m.
l Mon.–Fri., Jan. 4–May 14, 5:45–7:15 a.m.                                           $4 per swimmer.
(No swimming Jan. 18, Feb. 15, Mar. 26, Apr. 2 & 5), $4.50                            • Girls age 9 and under must be accompanied in the water
per time or $63 for 20 punch ticket                                                     by a caregiver age 18+.
 • Reservations required at least two days in advance.                                • Reservations required at least two days in advance.
 • Call 934-3048 x. 1 to reserve your dates and pre-pay.                                Reservations are for the entire time, 1–3 p.m.
 • Reservations are for the use of 1 lane from 5:45-7:15 a.m.                         • Call 934-3048 x. 1 to reserve your dates and pre-pay.
   We have 6 lanes available per day.                                                 • Friends and/or other family members will not be allowed
 • See Check in / Check out procedures.                                                 in the pool area or observation bleachers.
                                                                                      • See Check in / Check out procedures.
Decisions on whether we can host a class or swim
time will be ongoing as directives from the State of                                  FACILITY USE
Minnesota are provided.
                                                                                     Pool Weather Cancellation/Closing Policy:
Saturday Open Swim                                                                   The pool follows the same policy as ISD 508
l Work out independently or bring the family for some fun in                         regarding closings and cancellations. Call the
the water. Max. 30 people.
Jan. 4–May 15, 1–3 p.m. (No swimming on Nov. 28, Dec. 26,                            Community Education Weather Information
Jan. 2, Apr. 3, & May 1) $4 per swimmer, pay lifeguard at the                        Line: 934-3048 x411.
  • Please note children 9 and under must be accompanied in
    the water by a caregiver age 18+.
  • Reservations required at least two days in advance.                               FACILITY USE
    Reservations are for the entire time, 1–3 p.m.
  • Call 934-3048 x. 1 to reserve your dates and pre-pay.
  • Friends and/or other family members will not be allowed                          We are not allowing pool rentals during the 2020-
    in the pool area or observation bleachers.                                       21 school year.
  • See Check in / Check out procedures.

Call 934-3048 x. 1 to register for Early Morning Lap Swim or Open Swim days.

Active Living
Chiropractic care: How can I benefit?                                                Tech Neck:
l Have you always wondered what chiropractic care                                    A Real Pain in the Neck
consisted of and if it was right for you? In this virtual class,                     l Do you experience neck and upper back pain after
you’ll learn about the kind of conditions chiropractic care                          working at your computer or looking at your phone? There
is best utilized for and how care can be tailored to your                            has been an increase in the number of people who have pain
condition. Most people know the “pops and cracks” that come                          in their neck related to phone usage or also known as “Tech
with chiropractic adjustments, but care can include soft tissue                      Neck.” In this virtual class you will learn about tech neck and
work, therapeutic ultrasound, rehab and so much more!                                what exercises and stretches you can do daily to provide
Please note, you will receive an email with the link to the                          relief for your neck. Please note, you will receive an email
virtual class on Jan. 25.                                                            with the link to the virtual class on Feb. 11.
Min. 3, max. 15                                                                      Alexis Thode, DC, Hulsebus Chiropractic
Alexis Thode, DC, Hulsebus Chiropractic                                              Tue., Feb. 16, 5–6 p.m., Register by Feb. 8, $5 WEL-W02
Tue., Jan. 26, 5–6 p.m., Register by Jan. 18, $5 WEL-W01

Find these Active Living classes at https://1992.affinetysolutions.com/insight/registry/classlist.asp?catID=968
l = Community & Family Education | 934.3048 ext.1 | stpetercommunityedonline.com          n = Saint Peter Recreation & Leisure Services | 934-0667 | saintpetermn.gov
12                                                                                                                   Active Living
                                                                       l = Community & Family Education | 934.3048 ext.1 | stpetercommunityedonline.com
                                                                                 n = Saint Peter Recreation & Leisure Services | 934-0667 | saintpetermn.gov

                                                                                     Adult Social/Open Pickleball – when Community
                                                                                     Center reopens!
                                                                                     n Max of 16 players per night – registration opens at 8a.m.
                                                                                     two days prior to open Pickleball time.
YOGA CLASSES                                                                         Purchase a punch card from the Recreation Office or online.
St. Peter Yoga Studio is located at 112 Grace Street. All                            No walk-ins.
classes will follow social distancing guidelines. Participants                              Sun., 4–6 p.m.
may wear masks if they chose. Bring your own yoga mat                                       Wed., 7–9 p.m.
or purchase one from the studio. For additional questions
contact info@stpetryoga.com.                                                         Beginner/Daytime Pickleball – when Community
                                                                                     Center reopens!
Beginning/Gentle Hatha Yoga                                                          n Max of 16 players per day – registration opens at 8a.m.
l Start taking care of YOU. Strengthen your body and calm                            two days prior to open Pickleball time.
your mind with yoga! This class is ideal for beginners of all                        Purchase a punch card from the Recreation Office or online.
fitness levels and teaches the health benefits of all the basic                      No walk-ins.
yoga poses. In this 60-minute gentle yoga class, strength,                                  Mon., Wed., and Fri., 11:15–1:15p.m.
flexibility, balance and breath work will be the main focal
points. This class is ideal for you if you are new to yoga or                        Adult Softball League
have been away and need a refresher. Yoga mats provided,                             n Play Ball! Returning and new teams welcome. Get your
wear comfortable clothing. info@stpeteryoga.com Min. 8, no                           friends, family and colleagues together and start a softball
max.                                                                                 team! League information/registration materials will be mailed
Tressa Bushaw, St. Peter Yoga Studio (112 Grace. St.)                                to previous captains. If you are a new team, call 934-0667
Wednesdays, 6–7 p.m. 6-week sessions, $48.                                           or e-mail jenh@saintpetermn.gov at the Recreation Office to
Sess 1: Jan. 13–Feb. 17, register by Jan. 11, WEL-W03                                request softball information/registration materials.
Sess 2: Mar. 3–Apr. 7, register by Mar. 1, WEL-W04                                   Men’s League–Mondays
Sess 3: Apr. 21–May 26, register by Apr. 19, WEL-W05                                          12-game season
                                                                                              Double elimination tournament to follow end of
All-Levels Flow Yoga                                                                          regular season
l A flowing yoga class that will strengthen, heal and detoxify                                Sponsor fee: $300, Team fee: $250
the body and mind.                                                                            Approximate start date: May 3
This creatively sequenced vinyasa class consists of poses                            Co-Rec League–Thursdays
that are linked to breath                                                                     12-game season
leaving you feeling refreshed and strong. Previous yoga                                       Double elimination tournament to follow end of
experience not required.                                                                      regular season
info@stpeteryoga.com Min. 8, no max.                                                          Sponsor fee: $300, Team fee: $250
Tressa Bushaw, St. Peter Yoga Studio (112 Grace. St.)                                         Approximate start date: May 6
Mondays, 5:30–6:30 p.m. 6-week sessions, $48.
Sess 1: Jan. 11–Feb. 15, register by Jan. 7, WEL-W06                                 Adult Indoor Volleyball
Sess 2: Mar. 1–Apr. 5, register by Feb. 22, WEL-W07                                  Ages 16 and up.
Sess 3: Apr. 19–May 24, register by Apr. 12, WEL-W08                                 n Let’s serve up a short season to gear up for Summer
                                                                                     Sand Volleyball! Register with the Recreation Office. Previous
       Find all Community Ed yoga classes at                                         captains will receive an email with all the information, new
                                                                                     captains contact jenh@saintpetermn.gov. This will be a 8
   https://1992.affinetysolutions.com/insight/registry/                              week season followed by a double elimination tournament.
                classlist.asp?catID=968                                              Mon., Feb. 1, Saint Peter Community Center Gym

l = Community & Family Education | 934.3048 ext.1 | stpetercommunityedonline.com          n = Saint Peter Recreation & Leisure Services | 934-0667 | saintpetermn.gov
Active Living
l = Community & Family Education | 934.3048 ext.1 | stpetercommunityedonline.com
n = Saint Peter Recreation & Leisure Services | 934-0667 | saintpetermn.gov

Adult Co-Rec Sand Volleyball League                                                                               St. Peter Challenge: Mind.
n Get your shades out and join the fun playing Sand                                                               Body. Spirit.
Volleyball! League plays on the two sand volleyball courts at                                                     n Make 2021 your best year yet!
Minnesota Square Park. This is a non-officiated league.                                                       We’ve created a challenge to help you
Sundays, 5:30–8:30 p.m., Minnesota Square Park                                                                reach your personal health goals. The
Sponsor Fee: $75, Team Fee: $75                                                                               St. Peter Public Library, Senior Center
Approximate start date: May 2, Double Elimination                                                             and Recreation Department will
Tournament: July 25, 9 a.m. start time                                                                        supply weekly motivation tips, videos
                                                                                     and positive vibes via the City’s website. A log sheet will be
                                                                                     available online, at the Library or Recreation Office with 60
                                                                                     different overall health activities. Everyone who fills out a
                                                                                     log sheet and returns it at the end of the challenge will be
Community Center Walking Track – when                                                entered in to a drawing for prizes. If you’d like a t-shirt, please
Community Center reopens!                                                            register with the recreation office.
n Walking is great exercise for everyone! Take advantage
of the indoor walking track at the community center. The track                       Jan. 15–Feb. 26
circles above the gymnasium and is open during building                              Log sheet and be entered in the drawing – free!
hours (except Tuesday mornings for maintenance). 13.5 laps                           Long sleeve t-shirt - $15 per person, $7 each additional
equals one mile. Clean walking shoes are necessary. Free!                            family member

Parks General Interest
Snowshoes for Rent!
Bundle up, get outside, and experience the season! Enjoy the winter by taking a snowshoe stroll through the woods. The
Saint Peter Recreation Department provides adult and youth size snowshoes for rent. Please call 934-0667 (Recreation).
Rental fees:
$5 per pair per day, $10 per pair for the weekend
(Deposit of $50 per pair due upon pick up)
Adult and youth sizes are available. Please call ahead for larger groups.

Ice Skating Veteran’s Park Rinks
Two public ice skating rinks are located on the west side of Veteran’s Park (located along 5th Ave. North between Skaro &
Chatham streets).

Warming House — Closed for the season, rinks are open
Look for updates regarding ice conditions on the city Facebook page. Rinks are open 7a.m. - 10p.m. Lights will be on from
5-10p.m. each day. Contact the Recreation Office with any questions 507-934-0667.

Rink Closure Guidelines
   •Air temperature at -15 or colder.
   •Wind chill temperature at -20 or colder.
   •Temperatures that soften the ice.
   •When more than 1” of snow accumulates on the ice and maintenance crews are not available (e.g. holidays, weekends).

Looking ahead to summer….
Picnic shelter reservations
Shelters are available at Gorman Park, Gault Park, and Lions Shelter at Roy T. Lindenberg Memorial Pool. Plan ahead and
reserve a picnic shelter for your gathering. Forms are available at the Recreation Office, 600 S. 5th St., Ste. 200. Call 934-
0667 or email jenh@saintpetermn.gov with questions.
$50 Res., $55 Non–Res., plus a $100 damage deposit.

Minnesota Square Park Pavilion is also available to rent. Contact the Recreation Department for a reservation 507-934-0667
or jenh@saintpetermn.gov
$75 Res., $85 Non-Res., plus a $100 damage deposit.

Park Alcohol Permits
Permits are available for alcohol consumption in the parks. To receive a permit, complete a park alcohol permit form and
provide a $100 damage deposit. Forms are available at the Recreation office, SPCC, 600 S. 5th St., Ste. 200. Call 934-0667
or email jenh@saintpetermn.gov with questions.

l = Community & Family Education | 934.3048 ext.1 | stpetercommunityedonline.com           n = Saint Peter Recreation & Leisure Services | 934-0667 | saintpetermn.gov
14                                                                                   Adult General Interest
                                                                        l = Community & Family Education | 934.3048 ext.1 | stpetercommunityedonline.com
                                                                                     n = Saint Peter Recreation & Leisure Services | 934-0667 | saintpetermn.gov

                                                                                      ARTS CENTER CLASSES
                                                                                      315 S. Minn. Ave., St. Peter

                                                                                     INTRODUCTION TO KNITTING – ZOOM CLASS!
                                                                                     l All levels, 16+. Create natural-fiber washcloths while learn-
                                                                                     ing basic knitting skills. Plenty of troubleshooting and prob-
                                                                                     lem-solving time is built into class meetings. Provide your own
                                                                                     supplies: 1) one skein natural fiber #3 (lightweight) or #4 (medi-
                                                                                     um) yarn, any color; 2) one pair size 7 needles. Min. 3, max. 5.
  Area Adult Learning Cooperative                                                    Reese Damiani
  Nate Warden, Coordinator                                                           Mon., Jan. 4-25, 6-8 p.m. Call 934-3048 ext. 1 to register
  Classes begin Jan. 4, SPCC Rm. 210                                                 now! $40 ART-W01

  Please note, depending on the number of cases of                                   KNITTING SKILL BUILDER – ZOOM CLASS!
  COVID19 in the area, these classes may be held                                     l Basic knitting skills required, 16+. Know how to knit but
  in-person, hybrid, or through distance learning. Call                              looking to develop more skills? Join us for a four week skill
                                                                                     building course that will cover basics in the areas of cables,
  (507) 665-4626 for more information.
                                                                                     lace stitches, increases/decreases and other intermediate
                                                                                     knitting skills. For this course you will need a smooth yarn in
  ABE / GED / Diploma*
                                                                                     sport, DK, or worsted weight to work swatches, appropriately
  Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu, & Fri. 9–11:30 a.m.
                                                                                     sized knitting needles and a tapestry needle. For our cables
  Mon., Tue., & Thu. 4–7 p.m.                                                        section we will also need ONE of the following: double pointed
  Sat. 10 a.m.–1 p.m.                                                                needles OR a cable needle. Min. 3, max. 5.
  * Diploma students must pre-register by calling 507-665-4626.                      Reese Damiani
                                                                                     Mon., Feb. 8-22, Mar. 1, 6-8 p.m. Register by Feb. 1, $40
  English Language Classes                                                           ART-W02
  Mon., Tue., Wed., & Thu, 9–11:30 a.m.
  Mon., Tue., Wed., & Thu, 4–7 p.m.                                                  STASH BUSTING FOR PROCRASTINATORS –
  Sat. 10 a.m.–1 p.m.                                                                ZOOM CLASS!
                                                                                     l Basic knitting skills required, 16+. Ready to do a little spring
  Bridge to Work Readiness Class                                                     cleaning of your yarn collection? Take this four-week course and
  This course is designed for intermediate readers who                               blow through those odds and ends from over the years. Together
  need to work on job skills. Stop by room 210 for more                              we will assess your stash and delve into a variety of creative
  information.                                                                       projects to clear out your collection. Whether it’s one or two
  Mon., Tue., & Wed. 11:30 a.m.–2:30 p.m.                                            unique skeins that you’re holding onto for the perfect project, or
                                                                                     bunches of tail ends from previous knitting endeavors, join us as
  Pre-registration is preferred before starting any                                  we clean out our stashes together. Min. 3, max. 5.
  class. Call (507) 665-4626 to schedule a visit or for more                         Reese Damiani
  information.                                                                       Mon., Mar. 15-29, Apr. 5, 6-8 p.m. Register by Mar. 8, $40

l = Community & Family Education | 934.3048 ext.1 | stpetercommunityedonline.com            n = Saint Peter Recreation & Leisure Services | 934-0667 | saintpetermn.gov
Adult General Interest
l = Community & Family Education | 934.3048 ext.1 | stpetercommunityedonline.com
n = Saint Peter Recreation & Leisure Services | 934-0667 | saintpetermn.gov

l All levels, 16+. Learn how to free-form embroider in this beginner-level
class. Students will learn how to create patterns, use different stitches,
and take a project from start to finish. The Arts Center will provide you
in advance with hoop & fabric. Provide your own floss (any colors), and
needles. Min. 4, max. 8.
Reese Damiani
Wed., Jan. 6-27, 6-8 p.m. Call 934-3048 ext. 1 to register now! $40 ART-W04

l Basic embroidery skills required. 16+. Take your needlepoint to the                BIG MAGIC: CREATIVE LIVING BEYOND FEAR
next level in this four-week course. Throughout our four class sessions,             l All levels, 18+. Elizabeth Gilbert, author of Eat, Pray, Love, unpacks
we’ll experiment with aspects of needle point by incorporating additional            the creative life in this amazing book. Whether you’re a writer, painter,
mediums into our projects (those will be discussed at the first session, so          cook, woodworker, or just someone who likes to dabble in everything, you’ll
you’ll know what to gather). Each week we’ll learn a new way to create               gain something. And you don’t have to have a creative practice in place,
dimension and interest in our pieces. Provide your own embroidery hoop,              to participate. Gilbert talks about creating for the sheer joy of the process.
needles & embroidery floss. Min. 4, max. 8.                                          We’ll read the book over the course of the class. We’ll also sprinkle in
Reese Damiani                                                                        a couple of practices from The Artist’s Way and see what we can do to
Wed., Feb. 10-24, Mar. 3, 6-8 p.m. Register by Feb. 1, $40 ART-W05                   explore our own creative instincts, set some intentions, and rediscover
                                                                                     new joys in creating. Think of it as a hug for your inner artist, even if he/
DARNING, DECORATIVE REPAIRS &                                                        she wouldn’t dare use that title. It’s going to be a warm, bright spot in the
CLOTHING EMBELLISHMENT                                                               middle of winter and a powerful way to start the new year. Provide your
l Ages 16+. Learn how to repair and renew clothes, blankets, and other               own copy of Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear, easy to find online,
textile accessories through needle work. Develop skills in traditional repair        including used copies. Min. 3, max. 10.
methods as well as visible or decorative patches and reinforcements. Take            Ronda Redmond
a worn or less-loved piece in your wardrobe and give it a refresh with some          Via Zoom, Thu. Jan. 21-28, Feb. 4-11, 6-7 p.m. Register by Jan. 18, $30
creative cloth embellishments. This course requires no previous sewing or            ART-W10
needle work experience. Provide your own pieces in need of repair, as well
as an embroidery hoop, needles, and floss. Min. 4, max. 8.                           WRITING HAIKUS
Reese Damiani                                                                        l All levels, 18+. A haiku is a simple poetry form that’s easy to remember
Wed., Mar. 24-31, Apr. 7-14, 6-8 p.m. Register by Mar. 15, $40 ART-W06               and fun to write. In the first class, we will read some, talk about what
                                                                                     makes them work, and explore a couple of similar poetry forms. We will
PROJECT WEAVING                                                                      come back together in a couple of weeks and share some poems we have
l Basic table loom experience required. 18+. Use the skills learned                  written and/or discovered. Don’t over-think this one. It’s going to be short,
in Intro to Weaving on a Table Loom, to make two functional washcloths               sweet, and fun. Min. 3, max. 10.
in a two-color pattern. Ample yarn and looms will be provided in advance,            Ronda Redmond
pre-warped. Min. 3, max. 5.                                                          Via Zoom, Thu. Mar. 4 & 18, 6-7 p.m. Register by Mar. 1, $20 ART-W11
Caitlin Heyer
Via Zoom, Tue., Feb. 9-23, Mar. 2, 6-8 p.m. Register by Feb. 1, $40 ART-W07          READING LOCAL:
                                                                                     THE POETRY OF MICHAEL TORRES
TAPESTRY FROM WARP TO WALL                                                           l All levels, 18+. Nationally acclaimed poet Michael Torres lives and
l All levels, 12+. Learn how to plan a draft, warp a small loom, weave,              writes locally. His book An Incomplete List of Names has gotten a lot of
and finish a small tapestry! Small tapestry looms and materials will be              attention in literary circles, and for good reason. It’s a relatable, vivid, and
provided to each participant in advance, and instruction will focus on basic         touching collection that “…grapples with the roles that names, hometown,
loom terms and simple techniques. Min. 3, max. 6.                                    language, and others’ perceptions play on our understanding of ourselves
Caitlin Heyer                                                                        and our worlds. His collection illuminates the artist’s struggle to make
Via Zoom, Tue., Mar. 9-30, 6-8 p.m. Register by Mar. 1, $40 ART-W08                  sense of the disparate identities others have forced upon him.” Let’s read it
                                                                                     together. In our first meeting, we’ll talk about poetry in general. We’ll connect
INTRO TO WEAVING ON A TABLE LOOM                                                     as a group before we start reading the book, to talk about what makes a
l All levels, 18+. Learn the meditative art of weaving! Looms will be                good poem, and maybe come up with a few guiding thoughts or questions to
provided in advance, pre-warped (the hard part!), and instruction will               keep in mind as we read. Then, we’ll regroup in a couple of weeks and talk
focus on basic loom terms and simple techniques to produce a small wall              about his work. Provide your own copy of An Incomplete List of Names (for
hanging. The Arts Center will provide everything you need to get started.            sale direct from Beacon Press at beacon.org). Min. 3, max. 10.
Min. 3, max. 5.                                                                      Ronda Redmond
Caitlin Heyer                                                                        Via Zoom, Thu., Apr. 1 & 15, 6-7:30 p.m. Register by Mar. 29, $25
Via Zoom, Tue., Apr. 6-27, 6-8 p.m. Register by Mar. 29, $40 ART-W09                 ART-W12

Find all Arts Center creative classes at https://1992.affinetysolutions.com/insight/registry/classlist.asp?catID=961
l = Community & Family Education | 934.3048 ext.1 | stpetercommunityedonline.com            n = Saint Peter Recreation & Leisure Services | 934-0667 | saintpetermn.gov
16                                                                               Adult General Interest
                                                                        l = Community & Family Education | 934.3048 ext.1 | stpetercommunityedonline.com
                                                                                 n = Saint Peter Recreation & Leisure Services | 934-0667 | saintpetermn.gov

Adult Private Piano with Emily H.
l Beginning through intermediate students. Looking for
a new hobby or want to improve your piano skills? Look no
further! Emily Hackbarth is a Music Industry student at MNSU
                                                                                       Films on
and has numerous years of experience playing the piano
and harp and teaching private lessons. Bring a notebook and
current lesson books if you have them. Otherwise, music
                                                                                     The Nicollet County Historical Society and Saint Peter Community
will be provided for the first lesson. Thirty minute lessons                         and Family Education present our twelfth season of documentary
are available on Mondays from 3 to 6 p.m. or Tuesdays from                           films! This winter/spring, our films will not be shown in person,
2:30 to 6 p.m. Call 507-934-3048 ext. 1 to schedule a lesson                         rather, we are providing the links for you to view these films
time. Online registration is not available for private lessons.                      online for free in the comfort of your own home. Afterward, let us
(If ISD 508 is in hybrid or in-person learning mode, in-person                       know what you thought of the film on our Facebook Pages - @
piano lessons will be available in SPHS Music Practice Room                          NCHSMN and @StPeterCommunityEd.
4; during distance learning mode, piano lessons will be
available only online).
Emily Hackbarth

Sess. 1: Jan. 11 & 25 (2 weeks, skip 1/18), Register by Jan.
7, $37 GI-W01a
Sess. 2: Feb. 1-8, 22 (skip 2/15, 3 weeks), Register by Jan.
25, $55 GI-W02a
Sess. 3: Mar. 1-29 (5 weeks), Register by Feb. 22, $91 GI-
Sess. 4: Apr. 12-May 3 (4 weeks), Register by Apr. 6, $73

Tuesdays                                                                             Martin Luther King, Jr. in Minnesota - January
Sess. 1: Jan. 12-26 (3 weeks), Register by Jan. 7, $55 GI-                           A discovered tape of a speech given by Rev. Martin Luther King,
W01b                                                                                 Jr., at the University of Minnesota in 1967, followed by an interview
Sess. 2: Feb. 2-23 (4 weeks), Register by Jan. 25, $73 GI-                           of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. by host L. Howard Bennett for a
W02b                                                                                 discussion on ideas, methods, and words of wisdom on achieving
Sess. 3: Mar. 2-30 (5 weeks), Register by Feb. 22, $91 GI-                           the goal of a free society for all.
W03b                                                                                 https://www.tpt.org/minnesota-experience/video/martin-luther-king-
Sess. 4: Apr. 6-27 (4 weeks), Register by Mar. 29, $73 GI-                           in-minnesota-54jkuf/

l = Community & Family Education | 934.3048 ext.1 | stpetercommunityedonline.com        n = Saint Peter Recreation & Leisure Services | 934-0667 | saintpetermn.gov
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