2022 Summer Season Parent/Guardian Enrollment Packet

Page created by Bonnie Bowen
2022 Summer Season Parent/Guardian Enrollment Packet
2022 Summer Season
 Enrollment Packet
2022 Summer Season Parent/Guardian Enrollment Packet
Important Camp Contact Information
Alaska Aviation Museum               4721 Aircraft Drive, Anchorage, AK
                                     Phone: 907-248-5325

Education Officer/Club Officer       Andrew Garner

                                     Phone: 907-248-5325 ex.0434

                                     Email: education@alaskaairmuseum.org

Museum Executive Director            Phyllis Kilgore

                                     907-248-5325 ex.0433


2022 Summer Season Parent/Guardian Enrollment Packet
Alaska Aviation Club Summer 2022 Program
7/11‐7/15            FLIGHT SIMULATOR TIME
7/18‐7/22            PARTNER VISIT
8/8 ‐ 8/12           FIELD TRIP
TIME/DAY             MONDAY                                      TUESDAY                              WEDNESDAY                                   THURSDAY                        FRIDAY
8:00 AM ‐ 9:00 AM    BEFORE CARE                                 BEFORE CARE                          BEFORE CARE                                 BEFORE CARE                     BEFORE CARE
10:00AN ‐ 10:30 AM   SNACK/OUTSIDE TIME                          SNACK/OUTSIDE TIME                   SNACK TIME                                  SNACK/OUTSIDE TIME              SNACK/OUTSIDE TIME
12:00PM ‐ 12:30 PM   LUNCH                                       LUNCH                                LUNCH                                       LUNCH                           LUNCH
12:30PM ‐ 1:00PM
2:30PM ‐ 3:00PM
3:00 PM ‐ 4:00 PM    AFTER CARE                                  AFTER CARE                           AFTER CARE                                  AFTER CARE                      AFTER CARE
2022 Summer Season Parent/Guardian Enrollment Packet
Daily Camp Schedule
    9:00AM – 10:00AM                    ACTIVITY BLOCK #1

   10:00AM – 10:15AM                   TRANSITION/SNACK

   10:15AM – 12:00PM                    ACTIVITY BLOCK #2

   12:00PM – 12:30PM                            LUNCH

    12:30PM – 2:30PM                    ACTIVITY BLOCK #3

      2:30PM – 3:00PM                 WRAP-UP/WIND-DOWN

Note: The daily camp schedule may vary depending on activity.
Partner Visits and Offsite Field Trips may take longer than the time
slots specified here. Parents/Legal Guardians will be notified in
advance of any changes to the daily camp schedule. All camp days
will have a guaranteed morning snack and lunch period.

Lunch & Snack Policy
     The Alaska Aviation Club only provides a morning snack for
campers, so Parents/Legal Guardians need to pack a lunch for each
camp day. Parents/Legal Guardians should ensure packed meals
are nutritious and energy-dense, as campers will be very active and
need replenishment.

     There is one 15 minute snack period in the morning and one
30 minute lunch period. Indoor space will be made for campers to
sit and eat lunch inside either the Pioneer Hall building or ODOM
Hangar building. If weather permits, lunch may be taken outside at
picnic tables.

        Food Allergen/Dietary Restriction Policies
     It is the responsibility of the Parent/Legal Guardian to inform
the Alaska Aviation Club if your child has a food allergy or dietary
restriction. It is also the responsibility of the Parent/Legal Guardian
to ensure your child is knowledgeable about said food
allergy/dietary restrictions and takes the necessary precautions
during meals at camp. It is not the responsibility of the Alaska
Aviation Club program to ensure your child understands and
follows food allergy/dietary restriction guidance from a
healthcare provider.

Fees & Payment
               FEE                                   AMOUNT
Base Registration Fee                   $275.00   per week
Before Care Fee                         $125.00   per week (optional)
After Care Fee                          $125.00   per week (optional)
Flightseeing Tour with Rust’s           $100.00   per child (optional)

Full Enrollment Total                   $625.00 per week

Note: All fees must be paid in full prior to the start of the first day
of camp.

Illness & Non-emergency Accident Procedures
     While the Alaska Aviation Club makes every reasonable effort to
ensure operations are safe and secure for campers, accidents do
happen and children sometimes get sick. Our policy is to promptly
and effectively contain the situation, notify parents/legal guardians,
and minimize disruption to camp operations.

In the event of an illness or non-emergency accident:

  1. Counselors will separate the child(ren) and inform the Camp
     Administrator of the issue.
  2. The Camp Administrator will begin filling out an
     Accident/Incident Report form and notify the parent/legal
     guardian of the issue as soon as possible
  3. Counselors will resume normal camp operations while the
     Camp Administrator/Museum Director coordinates pick up of
     the child
  4. The child will be held in a safe location (the Camp
     Administrator’s office or AAM breakroom) until picked up by
     Parent/Legal Guardian

Parents/Legal Guardians are entitled to a copy of the
Accident/Illness Report form on request for a situation their child is
involved in.

Medication Administration & Storage
If your child requires daily medication, please indicate so on the
Camper Health History Form at the back of this packet. Your child
is responsible for self-administering any required medication
while at the Alaska Aviation Club program. If there is a need for
medication administration, space and time will be provided
throughout the day to facilitate it.

                          Medication Storage

     The Alaska Aviation Club provides secure storage for camper
medication, both room temperature and refrigerated. Medication at
room temperature is stored in a locked cabinet in the Camp
Administrator’s office, which is also normally kept locked.
Refrigerated medication is kept inside a secured refrigerator with
access only by the Camp Administrator and AAM management.

Nondiscrimination Policy
     The Alaska Aviation Camp program and Alaska Aviation
Museum (AAM) do not discriminate on the basis of race, color,
religion, gender, gender expression, age, national origin, disability,
marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its
activities or operations. These activities include, but are not limited
to, the hiring and firing of staff, selection of volunteers and vendors,
enrollment of campers, and provision of services. We are committed
to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all
members of our staff, campers, parents/legal guardians, and the

Pick up & Drop Off Procedures
     The Alaska Aviation Camp program ensures all campers make
safe and efficient transitions at the start and end of each camp day.

At the start of the day:

  - Campers will be dropped off at the Alaska Aviation Museum
     (AAM) by Parents/Legal Guardians in the Front Lobby
  - Attendance is taken on arrival by Alaska Aviation Club staff

At the end of the day:

  - Campers will be assembled in the AAM lobby for pickup and
     under counselor supervision
  - Parents/Legal Guardians need to physically come into the
     Front Lobby to pick up your child.

Disciplinary & Behavioral Policies
     The Alaska Aviation Camp practices progressive discipline
towards campers in the event of disruptive behavior using a three
strike system. Strikes are recording during camp operations and
accumulate during the camp week. While counselors understand
children can sometimes be unruly and excitable, the Alaska Aviation
Camp must also do its best to ensure all campers have a fun and
safe experience.

                   Progressive Discipline Procedure

  1. Camper is briefly separated from rest of camp group and the
     issue(s) is explained in a reasonable manner with instructions
     given for how to correct it.
  2. If issue persists or in the event of a greater incident, camper
     may be separated from camp activities for a longer period for
     supervised self-reflection in the Camp Administrators/Museum
     Director’s office.
  3. If the behavioral issue(s) persists, then the Head Camp
     Counselor will meet with the Camp Administrator to discuss
     further steps. If necessary, suspension or expulsion from the
     Alaska Aviation Club program may be deemed appropriate.

Note: All disciplinary incidents, regardless of severity, will entail
the creation of an Accident/Incident form and a phone call to the
parent/legal guardian. Parent/legal guardians are entitled to a
copy of their child’s Accident/Incident Form from the Camp
Administrator upon request.

Suspension & Expulsion Policy
     In the event of persistent disciplinary issues or a major
disciplinary incident, suspension or expulsion from the Alaska
Aviation Club program may be deemed appropriate. Decisions to
suspend or expel a camper from the program are made by
consultation between the Camp Administrator and Alaska Aviation
Museum (AAM) Executive Director.

                          Camp Suspension

     If a camper is suspended from the Alaska Aviation Club, they
will be banned from participation for the duration of the camp
session at the moment of suspension. The Parent/Legal Guardian
will be notified to pick up the camper at the earliest opportunity.
The camper may be eligible to re-enroll in a later camp session but
only after the Camp Administrator consults with the parent/legal
guardian to ensure the issue has been rectified.

                           Camp Expulsion

     If a camper is expelled from the Alaska Aviation Club program,
they will be banned from participation for the duration of the camp
session at the moment of expulsion. The Parent/Legal Guardian will
be notified to pick up the camper at the earliest opportunity. The
camper will be banned from the Alaska Aviation Club program in

Note: In the event of a suspension or expulsion from the camp
program, there will be no pro-rated refund of the Basic Camp
Registration Fee. Before/After care fees are not eligible for
refund per Alaska Aviation Club policy.

Parent/Legal Guardian Enrollment Packet
                         Signature Page

By signing this page, I/we the parents/legal guardians of
_________________________(INSERT CAMPER LEGAL NAME) certify
that I have thoroughly read and reviewed the information presented
to me in the Alaska Aviation Club Parent/Legal Guardian Enrollment
Packet. I understand that it is my responsibility to understand the
policies and procedures contained therein and lack thereof does not
constitute a failure on the part of the Alaska Aviation Club or the
Alaska Aviation Museum (AAM).


Parent/Legal Guardian Name (Print):_______________________________

Parent/Legal Guardian Signature:__________________________________

     Please return this page, filled out and signed, with other
         enrollment materials at the time of registration.

Alaska Aviation Club
Summer 2022 Permission Slip
Camper Name:____________________________________________________________                                      Male
Camper DoB:______________________________________________________________ Female
Camper Street Address:_____________________________________________________                                   Other
City:________________ State:____________________ Zipcode:____________________

Parent/Legal Guardian Name:________________________________________________
Parent/Legal Guardian DoB:__________________________________________________
Parent/Legal Guardian Address (if different from Camper Address):__________________________________
City:________________State:____________________ Zipcode:_____________________
Home Phone Number:__________________________ Cell Phone Number:____________________________
Driver’s License #:______________________________ Issuing State:_______

What week of camp are you enrolling in? (Please circle one)

         June13 - June17

         July11 - July15

         July18 - July22

         August8 - August12

                  Authorized to Pick Up                                        Medical Information & Accommodations
Name:_____________________________________________                  Does your child have allergies?__________________________
Phone:_____________________________________________                 Does your child have an IEP?____________________________

Driver’s License #:________________________ State:______            Does your child require daily medication?_________________

Name:______________________________________________                 Does your child have all ASD required Immunizations?_______


Driver’s License #:________________________ State:_______

By signing this page, I the Parent/Legal Guardian of ______________________ (INSERT CAMPER NAME HERE) certify that the
information provided is accurate and truthful under penalty of law. A failure to provide accurate information that causes disrup-
tions to the normal operations of the Alaska Aviation Club program does not constitute a failure on the part of the Alaska Aviation
Club or the Alaska Aviation Museum.

Parent/Legal Guardian Name (Print):________________________________________________

Parent/Legal Guardian Signature:___________________________________________________ Date:___________________
Alaska Aviation Club
Summer 2022 Payment Slip
                                          Enrollment Fee Form

                                      FEE                            AMOUNT    YES?
Base Enrollment Fee (For Camp Week)                                  $275.00

Before Care Fee (For Camp Week                                       $125.00

After Care Fee (For Camp Week)                                       $125.00

Flightseeing Tour with Rust’s Flying Service (optional, per child)   $100.00

Enrollment Fee Total:

                                       Payment Information
Payment Type (Please Circle)
        Credit Card

Name on Card:____________________________________________
Card Number: _____________________________________________
Expiration Date:___/_____ CVV:_____

                                         Credit Card Authorization
I, _______________________ (INSERT FULL NAME), authorize the Alaska Aviation Museum to
charge my credit card for the monetary amount indicated above for the purpose of
completing the Alaska Aviation Club enrollment process in my absence.

Cardholder Name:____________________________________________________
Cardholder Signature:_________________________________________________
Waiver of Responsibility Statement

        I, the Parent/Legal Guardian of ______________________(INSERT CAMPER NAME)
acknowledge that the Alaska Aviation Education Club and/or the Alaska Aviation Museum does
not take responsibility for the welfare of my child. The Alaska Aviation Education Club functions
similarly to the Boys and Girls Club, in that attendees are free to come and go as they please.
The Alaska Aviation Education Club is not a conventional day camp and the Alaska Aviation
Museum is not a licensed child care facility under Municipality of Anchorage law, therefore
neither entity bears legal responsibility for the welfare or location of my child. All Alaska
Aviation Education Club attendees are responsible for self-administering any needed
medication during the camp day. By signing this statement, I waive the Alaska Aviation
Education Club and/or Alaska Aviation Museum of said responsibility for my child and fully
understand the legal implications of said action.

Parent/Legal Guardian Name: ___________________________________ Date:_____________

Parent/Legal Guardian Signature: __________________________________________________
Alaska Aviation Club
                Rust’s Flying Service Flightseeing Tour
                      Field Trip Permission Form

This form certifies your child is able to participate in the Rust’s Flying Service Flightseeing
Tour activity option each Friday at camp.
Rust’s Flying Service, a local charter airline, has offered 15 minute flightseeing tours for
Alaska Aviation Club attendees for a discounted rate of $100 per child. Each Friday at
camp, participants will be separated out and take their flightseeing tours. The program is
expected to take between 45 minutes to an hour. Non-participants will watch the
departures and then are able to plane-spot or use the flight simulators.

The Rust’s Flying Service hangar is located next door to the Alaska Aviation Museum across
a aircraft taxiway. Participants will be escorted by camp staff on foot to and from Rust’s
Flying Service to insure safe transitions during camp operations.

The Alaska Aviation Club program will provide a morning snack per normal operations, should
the field trip take place during that time slot.

I, as the Parent/Legal Guardian of _____________________(INSERT CAMPER NAME), by
signing this page certify that I have read and reviewed its contents in full and are fully
informed of planned Field Trips for the Alaska Aviation Club program. By doing so, I will
comply with all Alaska Aviation Club program field trip policies. I admit that failure to do
so therein does not constitue a failure on the part of the Alaska Aviation Club program or
Alaska Aviation Museum.
Parent/Legal Guardian Name (Print):_____________________________________________________

Parent/Legal Guardian Signature:________________________________________________________

Alaska Aviation Club
             UPS Hangar Field Trip Permission Slip
This form certifies your child is able to participate in the field trip to the UPS Hangar at Ted
Stevens International Airport

Day: Tuesday
Time: 12:30PM
Each Tuesday at 12:30pm, the Alaska Aviation Club will take an afternoon field trip to visit
the UPS Hangars at Ted Stevens International Airport. The club will take a tour of the
hangar and a UPS Boeing 747. Additionally, the club will get to talk to UPS pilots and
watch the aircraft be readied for its next flight out. Parents are welcome to attend on this
field trip and may volunteer to shuttle attendees back and forth from the hangar.

For transportation, the Alaska Aviation Camp program uses the museum van, staff vehicles,
and parent volunteer vehicles. The Alaska Aviation Museum van is fully insured as well as
designated staff drivers. The counselor-camper ratio will be maintained during all shuttle
bus trips. It is a roughly 5-10 minute car ride from the museum to the UPS Hangars.
The Alaska Aviation Club program will provide a morning snack per normal operations, should
the field trip take place during that time slot. We will be eating lunch at the museum per
normal camp operations before leaving for the field trip.

I, as the Parent/Legal Guardian of _____________________(INSERT CAMPER NAME), by
signing this page certify that I have read and reviewed its contents in full and are fully
informed of planned Field Trips for the Alaska Aviation Club program. By doing so, I will
comply with all Alaska Aviation Club program field trip policies. I admit that failure to do
so therein does not constitue a failure on the part of the Alaska Aviation Club program or
Alaska Aviation Museum.
Parent/Legal Guardian Name (Print):_____________________________________________________

Parent/Legal Guardian Signature:________________________________________________________

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