27th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 3rd, 2021 - Parishes ...

Page created by Daniel Jones
27th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 3rd, 2021 - Parishes ...
27th Sunday in
      Ordinary Time
     October 3rd, 2021

           Parish Office
      1019 E. Pointer Trail
      Van Buren, AR 72956
    Office Hours: Mon–Thur.,
      8:00 a.m.- 3:00 p.m.;
       Fri, 8:00 a.m.- noon
      Phone: (479) 471-1211
       Fax: (479) 471-1219

SERVICE FOR ALL PARISH UP-                                  WELCOME | BIENVENIDO
                                  We, the parish community of St. Michael Catholic Church in Van Buren,
                                  Arkansas, know that we are part of the Body of Christ. Our call is to make Christ
FORMED                            present in our own lives and the lives of those with whom we encounter. We do
PARISH ACCESS CODE:               this through prayer, the celebration of the sacraments, religious education, and
XVWTMY @ FORMED.ORG               the example of our lives of faith, hope, and love.
27th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 3rd, 2021 - Parishes ...

The vision of St. Michael Parish is to
Engage, Enlighten, and Motivate each                                                                        Fri. Oct. 1                  6:30 p.m. (S.I.) Gabriel Harbaugh
Parishioner to be Disciples of Christ and to be                                                             Sat., Oct. 2                 8:00 a.m. Cathy Kinslow
Good Stewards of the Gifts God has blessed us                                                               Sat., Oct. 2                 4:00 p.m. (S.I.) Cecila Long
with.                                                                                                       Sun., Oct. 3                 8:00 a.m. (S.I.) For the Parish
                                                                                                            Sun., Oct. 3                10:00 a.m. Barbara Stiffer
PARISH MEMBERSHIP                                                                                           Sun., Oct. 3                11:45 a.m. Jorge Hernandez
We welcome you to our Catholic community.                                                                   Mon., Oct. 4               8:00 a.m. (S.I.) Joseph Barnard
For us to better serve you, we invite you to                                                                Tue., Oct. 5                No Mass
become a registered member of our parish.                                                                   Wed., Oct. 6               8:00 a.m. Poor Souls Purgatory
Please call or come by the parish office to                                                                 Wed., Oct. 6               5:30 p.m. (S.I.) Ana Marie Barbard
register. Bienvenidos a nuestra familia Católica.                                                           Thur., Oct. 7              Noon           Fr. Joseph Corenti
Le invitamos a usted hacerse miembro inscribido                                                             Thur., Oct. 7              7:00 p.m. Valentine Hernandez
de la parroquia. La forma está disponible en la                                                             Fri., Oct. 8               8:00 a.m. (S.I.) Mary Margaret
oficina de la parroquia.                                                                                    Fri. Oct. 8                6:30 p.m. (S.I.) Fr. Rex Hayes
PRAY FOR/ REZAR POR                                                                                         Sat., Oct. 9               8:00 a.m. (S.I.) Angelo Zuiker
We ask that you pause a moment to offer a prayer for the                                                   P.R.E./
                                                                                                            Sat., Oct.CATECISMO
                                                                                                                        9              4:00 p.m. Karen Giza
sick of our community especially / Le pedimos que pausen                                                   Registration     forintention,
                                                                                                            *To arrange a Mass   PRE is please
                                                                                                                                                during    office
                                                                                                                                                    the Church     hours
                                                                                                                                                               Office. Paraor
                                                                                                                                                                            arreglar una intención de la Misa, por favor visite la Oficina de la Iglesia.*
un momento para ofrecer una oración por los enfermos de                                                   online. Please see page 4 for more information. La
nuestra comunidad especialmente: Robert Dunlap, Janie                                                      inscripción para Doctrina está ABIERTA durante el
Willems, Doris Swindle, Roberta Epperson Ruloph, Mable
                                                                                                           horario de oficina o en línea. Consulte la página 5
Senior, Sharon Mellon, Theresa Wellnitz, Bill McCauley,
Lillie Stewart, Sonny Gramlich, Evie Bieker, Benjamin
                                                                                                           para obtener más información.
Garcia, Francine Laurila, Ignacio “Nacho” Arellano, Eric                                                   ADORATION/ ADORACIÓN
Carethers, Ed Knittig, Armando Mares, Charles Hurley,
Dean Tyler, Mary Lou Kiene, Bobbie Young, Dan Reedy,
                                                                                                           Wednesday from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Please call
David Myers, Kayla Nelson, Addi Reiman, George Harbaugh,                                                   the Parish office if you are interested. El tiempo de
Tom Myers, Teresita Harbaugh, Sofia Harbaugh, Victor del                                                   Adoración es Miércoles de 9:00 a.m. a 2:00 p.m. Por
Rio, Israel del Rio, Eduardo Chaires, Ken Kiene, Sonny                                                     favor llame a la oficina Parroquial. Si usted está
Blackwell, Gene Knittig, Al Elizondo, David Duet, Barbara                                                  interesado.
Munyak, Pablo Ramirez, Jack Fritts, Maria Phisterer, Ron
Sills, Robby Closter, Sarah Ramirez & Family,Tomas                                                         DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET
Gallegos, Fr. Jon McDougal, Juan Lopez, Clarion Verspille,                                                 Join us Wednesday at 1:45 p.m. (Church) and Sat. at
Maria Medina, Julie Scroggins Bingham, Dc. Clarence Leis,                                                  3:00 p.m. (in the church with Exposition of the
Betty Leis, Lynn Goad, Jeff Wilke, Cindy Elizondo, Joe                                                     Blessed Sacrament) to say the Divine Mercy
Silva, Sergio Navarro del Rio, William (Bill) Mitchell, Mi-
                                                                                                           Chaplet as a group.
chael Reinhardt, Carolyn Stubblefield, Andrew Duncan,
Susan Brown, Doug Herrington, Hector Espejo, Chris Lisle,                                                  BAPTISMS/BAUTISMOS
Our Nation, National Leaders, and all who are serving in the
                                                                                                           Please call the Parish office 3 months in advance
military and law enforcement. It may be removed after 6 weeks unless the office is
notified. Los nombres pueden ser retirado después de 6 semanas, a menos que la oficina sea notificado.)   and have required documents. Favor de 3 llamar a
                                                                                                           la oficina 3 meses de antelación y tener docu-
                                PASTORAL COUNCIL                                                           mentos.
                                       Dustin Booth
                                       Beth Everett                                                        CATHOLIC MARRIAGE/MATRIMONIOS
                                      Jackie Hamby                                                         Please contact the Parish Office 6 months in ad-
                                       John Harris                                                         vance. Favor de llamar a la oficina a 6 meses de
                                     Marina Velazquez                                                      antelación.
                                       Jimmy Mack
                                       Jackie Parga                                                        RCIA
                                     Phillip Weinsinger                                                    We have a year-round RCIA process and our Chris-
                                     Shane Weinsinger                                                      tian Initiation programs are open to all adults. For
                                      Patricia Zapata                                                      more information contact the parish office.
                                                                                                           BULLETIN /PULPIT DEADLINE
                            FINANCE COMMITTEE
                                                                                                           Bulletin announcements are due on Tuesday by 11:00
                           Warren Etches,Chairmen
                                                                                                           a.m. the week BEFORE the requested bulletin date.
                             Father Rick Hobbs
                                                                                                           Los anuncios del boletín deben presentarse el Mar-
                                Donna Farney
                                                                                                           tes a las 11:00 a.m. de la semana ANTES de la fecha
                                Wayne Jones
                                                                                                           solicitada boletín.
                               Deysi Sandoval
                                                                                                           A.R.C.H. BIBLE STUDY—SUMMER SCHEDULE
                                             ALTAR FLOWERS                                                 A.R.C.H. Bible Study now meets on Wednesdays from
                         This week’s Altar Flowers are given by                                            5:30– 8:00 p.m. in the Upper Room of the Office
                         Andersen Family in memory of Ruthy                                                Building. All 7th -12th graders are invited and encour-
                                         Redpath.                                                          aged to come and learn about God's Word.
                            Oct. 9 & 10 Catharine Stransky
                              Oct. 16 & 17 Andrea Bradford

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 3rd, 2021 - Parishes ...
Monday 4        Tuesday 5     Wednesday 6                       Thursday 7                          Friday 8               Saturday 9                Sunday 10
      Adoration       NO Mass        Adoration                  Adult Bible Study                       Adoration               Adoration                 Santisimo
      7:00 a.m.                       7:00 a.m.                    10:00 a.m.                           7:00 a.m.                7:00 a.m.                 7:00 a.m.
    Reconciliation                 Reconciliation                  Adoration                          Reconciliation          Reconciliation             Confesiones
      7:30 a.m.                       7:30 a.m.                    11:00 a.m.                           7:30 a.m.                7:30 a.m.           7:10 a.m.—7:40 a.m.
      Mass                              Mass                     Reconciliation                           Mass                     Mass                     Rosario
   8:00 a.m.                          8:00 a.m.                    11:30 a.m.                           8:00 a.m.                8:00 a.m.                 7:30 a.m.
Adult Bible Study                   Altar Society                     Mass                                Misa                     RCIA                   Misa (Esp.)
   6:30 p.m.                          Crafting                        Noon                              6:30 p.m.                8:30 a.m.                 8:00 a.m.
                                      8:30 a.m.                   Golden Club                          Hora Santa               Adoration                     RICA
                                      Adoration                    after Mass                           7:00 p.m.          2:30 p.m.-3:45 p.m.             9:00 a.m.
                                 9:00 a.m.—2:00 p.m.               Santisimo                        OFFICE CLOSES AT          Divine Mercy &                  Mass
                                    Divine Mercy                    6:00 p.m.                             NOON                    Rosary                  10:00 a.m.
                                       1:45 p.m.                  Confesiones                                                    3:00 p.m.                    RCIA
                                         Mass                       6:30 p.m.                                                 Reconciliation              10:15 a.m.
                                      5:30 p.m.                    Misa (Esp.)                                             2:30 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.              RCIY
                                                                    7:00 p.m.                                                      Mass                   11:00 a.m.
                                         P.R.E.                                                                                  4:00 p.m.
                                       6:30 p.m.                                                                                                          Misa (Esp.)
                                                                                                                                 Baptism                   11:45 a.m.
                                  Reconciliation                                                                                after Mass
                                   (11th /12thgrade)
                                       6:30 p.m.                                                                               Youth Group
                                                                                                                                 5:30 p.m.
                                 Parent Meeting (1st
                                      2nd, & OFC)
                                       6:30 p.m.

                                     Oct. 2 &                Altar Server                             Lector           Extraordinary Minister             Usher
                                      Oct. 3                 Monaguillo                           Proclamadores         Minstro de Eucaristía         Acomodador

                                                          If you cannot keep a                                                                           Walt Boyd
                                       Sat.             scheduled ushering or                                                                           Beth Everett
                                                       to lector date, it is your                Catharine Stransky               -
                                    4:00 p.m.                                                                                                            Jim Shelby
                                                         responsibility to get a
                                                       substitute. Please let us
                                                                                                                                                          Joe Silva
                                                       know of any conflict you
                                                          have, please contact                                                                     Rosa Renderos Martinez
                                      Dom.                the parish office. No                                                                          Blas Onofre
                                                                                                 Beatriz Henriquez                -
                                    8:00 a.m.          response indicates that                                                                          Juana Onofre
                                                          you do not have any                                                                         Marina Velazquez
                                                            conflicts for your
                                                        preferred Mass times,
                                                                                                                                                       Wayne Jones
                                                             or the Holy Days
                                       Sun.            mentioned. If there is a                                                                        John Gramlich
                                                                                                   Alex Marciano                  -
                                    10:00 a.m.           shortage of ushers or                                                                          Mark Lehnen
                                                        lector when you arrive                                                                          Jimmy Mack
                                                        at church, volunteer to
                                                              usher or lector                                                                            Soila Aguilar
                                                                                                  Mari Hernandez                  -                     David Garcia
                                    11:45 a.m.
                                                                                                                                                   Rosa Renderos Guiterrez

                                     Oct. 9 &              Altar Server                               Lector           Extraordinary Minister             Usher
                                     Oct. 10                Monaguillo
                                                      Si no puede mantener una                    Proclamadores         Minstro de Eucaristía         Acomodador
                                                     fecha de inicio programada,
                                                        Si no puede mantener una
                                                    es su responsabilidad obtener                                                                        Walt Boyd
                                                        fecha de inicio programa-
                                       Sat.               un sustituto. Por favor,                                                                      Beth Everett
                                                         da, es su responsabilidad                  Jimmy Mack                    -
                                    4:00 p.m.         háganos
                                                         obtener saber       de cualquier
                                                                    un sustituto.     Por                                                                Jim Shelby
                                                     conflicto     que tenga       pordefavor
                                                          favor, háganos       saber                                                                      Joe Silva
                                                      póngase       en   contacto
                                                           cualquier conflicto que    con la
                                                         tenga porparroquial.      Ninguna
                                                                       favor póngase
                                                        en contacto indicaconque    usted no
                                                                               la oficina
                                                                                                                                                      Elizabeth Gamon
                                      Dom.             tiene    ningún conflicto
                                                             parroquial.     Ninguna para                                                                Velia Gamon
                                                                                                    Anahi Gaona                   -
                                    8:00 a.m.         sus respuesta
                                                             tiempos de    indica
                                                                              Misaqueprefer-                                                          Cruz Hernandez
                                                      idos, usted
                                                               o losnodías
                                                                        tiene   ningúnmen-
                                                          conflictoSi para
                                                                                                                                                      Marina Velazquez
                                                      cionados.          haysus    tiem- de
                                                         pos de Misao preferidos,
                                                     acomdador            proclamadores  o
                                                        los días santos menciona-                                                                      James Camero
                                                        cuando llegas a la Iglesia,
                                       Sun.                dos. Si hay escasez de                                                                       Mark Lehnen
                                                    ofréjate acomdador
                                                                  como voluntario
                                                                                          para    Raina Marciano                  -
                                    10:00 a.m.       acomodar        o proclamadores
                                                           proclamadores        cuando       .                                                        Phillip Weinsinger
                                                       llegas a la Iglesia, ofréjate                                                                 Shane Weinsinger
                                                          como voluntario para
                                                               acomodar o                                                                          Rosa Renderos Guiterrez
                                       Dom.                 proclamadores .
                                                                                                    Olga Herrera                  -                    Mari Hernandez
                                    11:45 a.m.
                                                                                                                                                         Maria Garcia

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 3rd, 2021 - Parishes ...
REPORT                                                        This year you can choose to participate in any or all of      ORDINARY MOMENTS
The Raffle and Food Sale was a great success!!! All           the following Bible study programs on Monday nights at        Therein lies the...rib ……...“If I were God…” is a dangerous
proceeds benefit Church Programs and community                6:30 p.m. or Thursday mornings at 10:00 a.m. Dates and        way to start a sentence, but how many of us do this?
outreach. Special thank you to all our volunteers and         cost for each of the studies are below. To register,          Probably more regularly than we would like to admit.
those who attended! Stay tuned for results in the next        please call the parish office at 479-471-1211 by the regis-   Even if we don’t verbalize the sentiment, we likely think it
coming weeks.                                                 tration deadline.                                             from time to time. Most of us finish that statement with
PARENT MEETING                                                •     Rejoice: Advent Meditations with the Holy Family        some genius, original idea for eradicating difficulty and
Parents of any students preparing for First Reconcilia-             from Ascension Press: November 8- Dec. 9. Cost=         pain from the world. If I were God, I wouldn’t let anyone
tion. This includes 1st graders, 2nd graders, and Older             $7.50. Registration Deadline: October 10th.             go hungry. If I were God, all wealth would be equally
First Communion Students. The meeting is this Wed.,           •     Jesus, The Way, The Truth, and the Life from            distributed. If I were God, war wouldn’t exist. I imagine
Oct. 6th at 6:30 p.m. in the gym.                                   Ascension Press: Jan. 3- March 17. Cost= $30.           that, when we think thoughts like these, God shakes His
                                                                    Registration Deadline: November 14th.                   head and wonders why we don’t look a little harder at the
                                                                                                                            whole of His creation — because I can promise you, it’s
This Thur., Oct. 7th, the Golden Club will have its monthly
                                                                                                                            never lacking. When Adam had a need for a companion,
luncheon. It will be in the Parish Hall at 12:30 p.m. The             A.R.C.H. YOUTH MINISTRY                               God used what was available: Adam’s rib. Everything that
luncheon will be a potluck.
                                                                              KICK-OFF                                      He had put into place was already perfect, already com-
ALTAR SOCIETY MEMBERSHIP DRIVE                                                                                              plete. Woman was a new creation, but not a new species.
All Ladies 18 years or older are invited to join the Altar                SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9TH                             Adam searched through all of creation to find the perfect
Society. Please fill out a form so we have current infor-                    5:30 P.M.—7:30 P.M.                            mate, but God had tucked the answer inside of His crea-
mation. The Ladies will be at the doors the weekend of                   IN THE UPPER ROOM OF THE                           tion all along. I’m guilty of it as much as anyone else —
Oct. 9th & 10th to collect the forms and the $20 dues for                      PARISH OFFICE.                               looking to Heaven with a chip on my shoulder. “Why
year.                                                                                                                       haven’t you sent me what I need? I’ve been asking over
                                                                      JOIN US FOR GAMES, SNACKS,                            and over again.” But have I even thought to look inside of
                                                                           AND FELLOWSHIP!                                  myself? Where is the rib you are missing today? What
                                                                           ALL 7TH –12TH GRADERS                            are the opportunities God has set before you? What are
                                                                                                                            the needs that He is ready to fulfill, if only you would stop
                                                                               ARE WELCOME!                                 wasting time lamenting all the solutions that don’t fit the
                                                                                                                            bill? — Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS ©LPi
                                                                                                                            WHY DO WE DO THAT? - CATHOLIC LIFE EXPLAINED
                                                              TRUNK -O- TREAT VOLUNTEERS
                                                                                                                            Q: What is the story behind the rosary? A: The rosary is a
                                                              Trunk or Treat will be Sat., Oct. 30 after the 4:00 p.m.
                                                                                                                            sacred and popular Catholic devotion, but its origins are
                                                              Mass in the back parking lot by the gym. We need adult
                                                                                                                            mysterious. Prayer beads to facilitate meditation began
                                                              and teen volunteers to host a game and give out can-
                                                                                                                            in the early ages of the Church. In the early medieval
                                                              dy. Please contact the church office if you are able to
                                                                                                                            period, bead strings were used to count Hail Mary’s or Our
                                                              help. We also need candy donations. You may drop off
                                                                                                                            Fathers. A tradition has developed that the rosary in its
                                                              bags of individually wrapped candy at the church office
                                                                                                                            current form was given to St. Dominic by the Blessed
                                                              during office hours or in the entry of the church on the
                                                                                                                            Mother. However, the earliest biographies of the saint do
                                                                                                                            not include this story. In the Middle Ages, the prayers
                                                              NEED USHERS FOR MASS                                          were grouped into 50 Hail Mary’s with verses from the
                                                              First impressions are important and we are in need of         Psalms and vignettes from the lives of Jesus and Mary.
                                                              people to give positive ones as familiar faces and new        By the 16th century, the Joyful, Sorrowful, and Glorious
      The Rosary is the “weapon”                              visitors come for weekend Masses. If you are interested       Mysteries were established. The rosary rose to promi-
                                                              in helping please contact, Jenn Cummins at 479-471-           nence in the late 1500s. The Turkish Empire was spread-
           for these times.                                   1211.                                                         ing across eastern Europe and pirates were raiding
             St. Padre Pio                                    FACING SURGERY OR A SERIOUS ILLNESS?                          Christian ships. The Christian nations of Europe rallied
                                                              If you, a family member or close friend is facing surgery     for a great battle at sea. Pope St. Pius V urged all Chris-
FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTIONS                                       or has been diagnosed with a serious illness, the Sacra-      tians to pray the rosary for victory. While vastly outnum-
Please be mindful of your financial contributions to the      ment of the Anointing of the Sick can be powerful and         bered, the Christian fleet was victorious at the Battle of
church. If at all possible, please do not neglect contrib-    comforting. For more information, call the Parish Office      Lepanto. The pope established October 7th as the feast
uting financially to the church during these troubled         at 479-471-1211.                                              of the Holy Rosary. Later, all of October would come to be
times, such as online by We Share, automatic bank                                                                           known as the Month of the Rosary.
                                                              CATHOLIC SACRAMENTALS
draft, by mail or personally delivering them to the office.
                                                              Fr. Rick will continue to bless salt, candles, religious      PROTECTING CHILDREN & YOUNG PEOPLE
Our parish cannot operate efficiently without your gen-
                                                              sacramentals, olive oil, and water during this time of        The Diocese of Little Rock is committed to protecting
erous contributions.
                                                              need. When bringing in the items please bring those           children and young people. If you are aware of abuse or
COMING IN 2022 ~ 150th ANNIVERSARY ~                          items during office hours, write your name and phone          have been abused by clerics, church volunteers, or
Over the next year, St. Michael Catholic Church will          number attach to those items. We will call you when the       church workers, contact the State of Arkansas Hotline
prepare for the 150th anniversary of the founding of our      items have been blessed.                                      for Crimes against Children 800-482-5964 & Dc. Matthew
Parish. We want to make the 150th anniversary a memo-                                                                       Glover, Chancellor for Canonical Affairs, 501-664-0340
rable tribute to those early pioneering individuals who                                                                     ext. 361. For pastoral assistance contact the Victim
made it possible for us to worship in this location today.                                                                  Coordinator for the Diocese of Little Rock, Laura
We are collecting photos from past events (weddings,                                                                        Gottsponer (501) 664-0340, ext. 425. Diocese of Little
baptism, PRE, festivals, Lenten meals, etc.) Please                                                                         Rock, 2500 N. Tyler Street, Little Rock, AR 72207.
start going through your photo albums or closets to see
what you find. A date will be provided in the near future                                                                          EVERY LIFE IS WORTH LIVING
when those items can be dropped off at the parish             FORMED is a website/platform with something for eve-
office.                                                       ryone including movies, video studies, an audio bible,
PARISH BULLETIN                                               audiobooks, testimonies and other inspiring talks, and e
Heartfelt thanks to our advertisers who faithfully sup-       -books! St. Michael Catholic Church purchased a sub-
port the entire cost of publishing this bulletin. We could    scription and we want to share it with all our parishion-
not provide this service without them. We know in turn
                                                              ers! All you have to do to is visit formed.org, enter ac-
how much they appreciate the patronage of our parish
                                                              cess code * XVWTMY * and register!
                                                                                                                                                            VAN BUREN, AR              4
27th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 3rd, 2021 - Parishes ...
COMIDA                                                           El Padre Rick continuará bendiciendo sal, velas, sacra-         DIOS EN LOS MOMENTOS ORDINARIOS
La Rifa y venta de cominda fue un gran éxito!!! Un buen          mentales religiosos, aceite de oliva y agua durante este        Ahí está la...costilla ……. “Si yo fuera Dios…” es una
momento fue tenido por todos los que asistieron. Todos           tiempo de necesidad. Al traer los artículos, traiga esos        forma peligrosa de comenzar una oración, pero
los beneficios benefician a de la Iglesia. ¡ Gracias espe-       artículos durante el horario de oficina, escriba su nom-        ¿cuántos de nosotros hacemos esto? Probablemente
ciales a todos nuestros voluntarios y a los que asistieron!      bre y número de teléfono adjunto a esos artículos. Te           con más regularidad de lo que nos gustaría admitir.
Manténgase atento a los resultados en las próximas              llamaremos cuando los artículos hayan sido bendecidos.          Incluso si no verbalizamos el sentimiento, es probable
semanas.                                                         CONTRIBUCIÓN AUTOMÁTICA—WE SHARE                               que lo pensemos de vez en cuando. La mayoría de no-
REUNIÓN DE PADRES                                               Haga su ofrenda incluso cuando esté de vacaciones,              sotros terminamos esa afirmación con alguna idea
Padres de cualquier estudiante que se prepare para la            enfermo o no pueda asistir a Misa. Ayude a la Iglesia a         genial y original para erradicar la dificultad y el dolor del
Primera Reconciliación. Esto incluye estudiantes de             planificar el presupuesto y ahorre recursos al no enviar        mundo. Si yo fuera Dios, no dejaría que nadie pasara
primer grado, segundo grado y estudiantes de primera             sobres mensuales. Para obtener más información en la           hambre. Si yo fuera Dios, toda la riqueza se distribuiría
comunión mayores. La reunión es este Mie., 6 de Octubre        oficina parroquial o en nuestro sitio                           por igual. Si yo fuera Dios, la guerra no existiría. Me
a las 6:30 p.m. en el Salón Parroquial.                         www.stmichaelvanburen.com o llame a la oficina par-             imagino que, cuando pensamos pensamientos como
                                                                 roquial al 479-471-1211.                                        estos, Dios mueve la cabeza y se pregunta por qué no
VOLUNTARIOS PARA TRUNK -O- TREAT                                                                                                 miramos un poco más a la totalidad de Su creación,
Trunk o Treat será Sabadao, 30 de Octubre después de la                                                                          porque puedo prometerte que nunca es insuficiente.
Misa de las 4 p.m. en el estacionamiento trasero junto al             EL GRUPO DE A.R.C.H.( MINISTERIO DE                        Cuando Adán necesitaba una compañera, Dios usó lo
gimnasio. Necesitamos voluntarios adultos y adolescen-                            JÓVENES)                                       que estaba disponible: la costilla de Adán. Todo lo que
tes para organizar un juego y repartir dulces. Póngase en                                                                       había puesto en su lugar ya era perfecto, ya estaba
                                                                                SÁBADO, 9 DE OCTUBRE
contacto con la oficina de la iglesia si puede ayu-                                                                              completo. La mujer era una nueva creación, pero no una
dar. También necesitamos donaciones de dulces. Usted                              5:30 P.M.—7:30 P.M.
                                                                              EN LA SALA SUPERIOR DE LA                          nueva especie. Adán buscó en toda la creación para
puede dejar bolsas de dulces envueltos individualmente                                                                           encontrar la pareja perfecta, pero Dios había escondido
en la oficina de la Iglesia durante el horario de oficina o                      OFICINA PARROQUIAL
                                                                                                                                 la respuesta dentro de Su creación todo el tiempo. Soy
en la entrada de la Iglesia el fin de semana.                                                                                    tan culpable como cualquier otra persona: mirando al
                                                                      ¡ÚNASE a UF PARA JUEGOS, MERIENDAS Y
PRÓXIMAMENTE EN EL AÑO DE 2022 ~ 150 ANIVER-                                                                                    cielo con una estilla en el hombro. "¿Por qué no me
SARIO ~ DE LA IGLESIA SAN MIGUEL                                                     COMPAÑERISMO!                               enviaste lo que necesito? Te lo he estado preguntando
El próximo año, la Iglesia Católica San Miguel se prepara-             ¡TODOS LOS ALUMNOS DE séptimo Y                         una y otra vez.” Pero ¿he pensado siquiera en mirar
rá para el 150 aniversario de la fundación de nuestra                                                                           dentro de mí? ¿Dónde está la costilla que te falta hoy?
Parroquia. Queremos hacer del 150 aniversario un tributo
                                                                                  doce GRADOS                                    ¿Cuáles son las oportunidades que Dios ha puesto
memorable a aquellos primeros individuos pioneros que                           SON BIENVENIDOS!                                 delante de ti? ¿Cuáles son las necesidades que Él está
hicieron posible que hoy podamos adorar en este lugar.                                                                           dispuesto a satisfacer, si dejaras de perder el tiempo
Estamos recopilando fotos de eventos pasados (bodas,             "¿TIENES PREGUNTAS DE VIDA? RICA podría ser la                 lamentándote de todas las soluciones que no se ajustan
bautizos, PRE, festivales, comidas de Cuaresma, etc.) Por        repuesta para ti!"                                              a tus necesidades? — Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS ©LPi
favor, comience a ir a través de sus álbumes de fotos o          RICA es para alguien que:                                       PROTEGIENDO NIÑOS Y JÓVENES
armarios para ver lo que encuentra. Se proporcionará una         •     Este interesado en convertirse en católico               La Diócesis Católica de Little Rock está comprometida a
fecha en un futuro próximo cuando esos artículos se             •     ¿Nunca bautizó                                           proteger a los niños y jóvenes. Si usted está enterado de
puedan dejar en la oficina parroquial.                           •     Se bautizó en otra denominación cristiana               algún abuso o ha sido abusado por Clérigos, voluntarios
                                                                 En busca la paz? ¿Necesita esperanza? ¿Sientes el amor          o funcionarios de la Iglesia, por favor comuníquese a la
                                                                 de Dios? Para obtener información, llame a la oficina          Línea de Ayuda del Estado de Arkansas para Crímenes
                                                                 parroquial al 479-471-1211. RICA está aquí para usted!          contra Niños al (800) 482-5964 y con el Canciller para
                                                                 QUINCEANERA                                                     Asuntos Canónicos, Diác. Matthew A. Glover (501) 664-
                                                                 Si usted desea celebrar Misa de Quinceañera: co-                0340, ext. 361. Para asistencia pastoral, por favor co-
                                                                 muníquese a la oficina de la Iglesia para fechas, requisi-      muníquese con los: Coordinadores de Asistencia para
                                                                 tos y disponibilidad de la Iglesia.                             Víctimas de la Diócesis de Little Rock a Laura Gottspo-
                                                                                                                                 ner (501) 664-0340, ext. 361. Diócesis de Little Rock,
                                                                                                                                 2500 . Tyler Street, Little Rock, AR 72207.
                                                                                                                                 CADA VIDA VALE LA PENA VIVIR
                                                                                                                                 ¡Octubre es el Mes de Respetemos la Vida! Este año nos
                                                                                                                                 enfocamos en san José, defensor de la vida. Su inque-
                                                                                                                                 brantable adhesión a la voluntad de Dios protegiendo
                                                                                                                                 fiel y amorosamente al Niño Jesús y a la Santísima
                                                                                                                                 Madre, es testimonio para nuestro propio llamado como
                                                                                                                                 cristianos. Si tú, o alguien que tú conozcas, están su-
                                                                                                                                 friendo después de un aborto, tienen a su disposición
                                                                                                                                 una ayuda confidencial y sin prejuicios a través del
                                                                 FORMED                                                          Proyecto Raquel. Visiten hoy “find help” en el mapa
                                                                 No olvides que tienes acceso a *increíble* contenido            EsperanzaPosAborto.org para encontrar el ministerio
                                                                 Católico en línea, (piensa en Netflix Católico!) Dirígete a   diocesano más cercano.
                                                                 formed.org configurar tu cuenta gratuita e ingresar el
                                                                 código de acceso XVWTMY y registrarte

 Fiscal Year Jul. 1, 2021 -Jun.31, 2022      Last Sunday Contributions             Month to Date             Year to Date
    Sunday Giving                                    $17,181.61                    $40,737.04            $91,441.06
    Online Giving                                    $1,360.90                      $8,217.49           $27,652.49
    Building Repair                                   $30.00                        $1,318.00            $3,068.50
    Budget Goal                                      $7,798.00                     $31,192.00           $101,374.00
    Amount Over/ (Short)                             $10,774.51                    $19,080.53            $20,818.05
    As of 09/28/2021                      Registered Families: 795          Envelopes Assigned: 233 Envelopes Used: 67

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 3rd, 2021 - Parishes ...
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27th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 3rd, 2021 - Parishes ... 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 3rd, 2021 - Parishes ... 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 3rd, 2021 - Parishes ... 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 3rd, 2021 - Parishes ...
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