INFORMATION MEMORANDUM - 31 Esplanade Road, Mt Eden - Auckland ...

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INFORMATION MEMORANDUM - 31 Esplanade Road, Mt Eden - Auckland ...
31 Esplanade Road, Mt Eden


INFORMATION MEMORANDUM - 31 Esplanade Road, Mt Eden - Auckland ...

Favoured by our client, Barfoot & Thompson
Commercial are pleased to offer an opportunity to
purchase the property at 31 Esplanade Rd, Mt Eden.
For sale by Expressions of Interest         • Approximately 2,600m² land
closing at 4:00pm, 12 February
                                            • Existing Heritage church building
2020 at Level 3, 50 Kitchener Street,
Auckland Central.                           • Council re-development consents

Explore the options available here          • Mixed Housing Urban zoning
with this 2,600m² (approximately)
                                            • Surplus land available for development
corner site in a prime Mt Eden location.
Improvements include an original church     • Some commercial uses available
dating from 1900 and surplus land for
                                            • Vacant possession
development. The church has a resource
consent to convert into four apartments
or will suit other uses.                    This Information Memorandum details
                                            the property. Should you have any
The property provides a unique
                                            further queries, please contact the
opportunity for developers, owner-
                                            exclusive agents.
occupiers and specific interest groups to
take advantage of all the hard work that
has been done to date.

Wayne Muir                                  John Stringer
Commercial Sales                            Commercial Sales

M 027 828 1186                              M 021 758 078
E                      E

INFORMATION MEMORANDUM - 31 Esplanade Road, Mt Eden - Auckland ...


 Brief description         Corner site in sought after location, approximately
                           2,600m² Mixed Housing Urban land occupied by
                           Heritage B church with surplus land available for

 Legal description         PT LOTS 16-17 DRO 1355
                           Certificate of title: NA567/297

 Tenure                    Freehold

 Land area                 2,600m² approximately

 Seismic rating            28% (refer appendix 4)

 Rating valuation          $5,200,000
                           Land $5,000,000
                           Improvements $200,000
                           (as at 1 July 2017)

 Zoning                    Mixed Housing Urban

 Tenancy profile/          Vacant possession

 Rates                     $11,418.24 (year ending 30 June 2020)

INFORMATION MEMORANDUM - 31 Esplanade Road, Mt Eden - Auckland ...

The property is situated on a prominent corner site
of Esplanade and View Roads in Mt Eden and is also
close to the CBD via Esplanade Road, Mt Eden and
Dominion Roads.
The Property is located in Mt Eden in      location characterised by strong capital
the midst of a valued and sought after     growth over recent years.
Residential neighbourhood within a
                                           In a residential context, amenities
walk of Mt Eden (Maungawhau) and the
                                           close at hand include both the Mt
Village and is also close to the CBD via
                                           Eden and Dominion Road shopping
Esplanade Road, Mt Eden and Dominion
                                           centres, a variety of schools (grammar
                                           zones), public transport (bus and
Convenience to local facilities of         rail) and recreation parks such as Mt
shopping, respected Schools, public        Eden Domain. The Auckland CBD is
transport and recreation facilities        approximately a 10-15 minute drive
are a feature of the position which        under normal traffic conditions.
is becoming an increasingly valued

INFORMATION MEMORANDUM - 31 Esplanade Road, Mt Eden - Auckland ...

Legal description                            The site plan prepared for the Resource
Title Description:                           Consent application to Council by the
Part Lot 16 and Part Lot 17 Deposited        Architect for the conversion of the church
Plan 1355 Title reference NA567/297.         into 4 apartments (refer appendix 3 and
Tenure Type:                                 6) shows the land area as 2,605m².
Freehold                                     Any buyer wanting confirmed areas and
Registered Proprietor(s):                    dimensions should seek professional
MTE 31 Limited.                              advice in this regard.

The title is old (as attached) and has the   Registered Interests:
designation “limited as to Parcels”and       338445 Transfer of part of to The Mount
therefore the area and dimensions are        Eden Borough Council being a dedication
not guaranteed under the Land Title          as and for a public street.
system and Barfoot and Thompson              11365109.4 Mortgage to Premier Legal
Ltd provides no guarantee as to the          Finance Limited Partnership - 19.12.2019
title details including land areas and       at 2:47pm
measurements.                                11365109.5 Mortgage to FE Investments
A formal survey involving a Registered       Limited - 19.12.2019 at 2:47pm
Surveyor and legal assistance will be        11651749.1 CAVEAT BY FEDERAL
required if the designation is to be         CAPITAL LIMITED - 23.12.2019 at
removed from the title.                      5:54pm.

INFORMATION MEMORANDUM - 31 Esplanade Road, Mt Eden - Auckland ...

The land comprises approximately 2,600m² of Mixed
Housing Urban zoned land in terms of the Auckland
Unitary Plan.

Size and contour                                The surplus land is capable of providing
The site is rectangular in shape and falls      multi units and re-purposing the St
gradually in contour to the west. A large       James Church for its existing use is also a
Pohutakawa tree adjoining the footpath          possibility.
boundary is due to be removed.                  Please refer to the planning section and the
A resource consent was granted in 2016          Plan co. Summary contained in appendix 8.
for the conversion of the church into 4         This is a unique site and building and an
apartments which recognises the Heritage        identity in the Mt Eden location and is a
classification and retains Historic features.   rare offering.
The zoning makes provision for a
wide range of potential uses including
Home occupations and various forms
of Residential development and/or
rental opportunities which can include
higher density uses such as Travellers
accommodation subject to design criteria

INFORMATION MEMORANDUM - 31 Esplanade Road, Mt Eden - Auckland ...

Provided by Plan Co. (appendix 8)              [rcp/dp] - 1899, St James Church and hall       Site planning history                          underlying zoning.
                                               (former)                                         In terms of recent planning history,          Residential – Mixed Housing Urban Zone
Site and planning summary                      • Overland flow-path                            resource consent was issued in 2016 for        (MHU)
                                                                                               the modification, restoration and partial      The MHU zone envisages the following
Plan Co. have been engaged to provide a        In brief the quality sensitive aquifer          demolition of the church to enable it to       outcomes:
brief planning summary of the subject site     management overlay and the two volcanic         be adapted for use as four apartments.         The Residential - Mixed Housing Urban
with particular regard to the status of the    viewshaft and height sensitive controls         Thereafter resource consent was sought         Zone is a reasonably high-intensity
southern part of the subject site previously   have little bearing on the site’s future        for the demolition of the church hall          zone enabling a greater intensity of
containing the old church hall building        development being located on parts              building. After this being refused by          development than previously provided for.
and future development opportunities.          of the site that would generally not be         Auckland Council in September 2017 the
The subject site is zoned Residential –        developed as they fall within the front yard                                                   Over time, the appearance of
                                                                                               Environment Court on 14th December
Mixed Housing Urban and subject to the         setback requirement. Notwithstanding                                                           neighbourhoods within this zone will
                                                                                               2018 issued for resource consent for the
following overlays and controls under the      this, it is noted that the height control for                                                  change, with development typically up
                                                                                               complete demolition of the building. A
Auckland Unitary Plan (Operative in Part)      development within the height sensitive                                                        to three storeys in a variety of sizes and
                                                                                               final decision confirming this and the final
(AUP(OP)):                                     overlays is 9m without triggering a notified                                                   forms, including detached dwellings,
                                                                                               conditions of consent was issued on 5th
                                               resource consent.                               February 2019. The final set of conditions     terrace housing and low-rise apartments.
• Natural Resources: Quality-Sensitive
                                                                                               reflect that the building was badly fire       This supports increasing the capacity and
Aquifer Management Areas Overlay [rp] -        Given that nature of future development
                                                                                               damaged between the issuing of resource        choice of housing within neighbourhoods
Western Springs Volcanic Aquifer               on site it is not envisaged that consent will
                                                                                               consent for its removal and the final          as well as promoting walk-able
                                               be triggered by the aquifer management
• Natural Heritage: Regionally Significant                                                                                                    neighbourhoods, fostering a sense of
                                               overlay with reticulated potable water          conditions. It is our understanding that
Volcanic Viewshafts And Height Sensitive                                                                                                      community and increasing the vitality of
                                               being available from the street and storm-      the conditions have all been met and
Areas Overlay [rcp/dp] - E20, Mount                                                                                                           centres.
                                               water already being disposed to ground.         therefore there is no ongoing obligations in
Eden, Viewshafts
                                               As such, the primary considerations for         relation to this resource consent.             Up to three dwellings are permitted as
• Natural Heritage: Regionally Significant     future development of the site would be                                                        of right subject to compliance with the
Volcanic Viewshafts And Height Sensitive       the underlying zoning and the Historic          Development Opportunities                      standards. This is to ensure a quality
Areas Overlay [rcp/dp] - E6, Mount Eden,       Heritage Extent of Place provisions as well     As outlined above there are four               outcome fro adjoining site and the
Viewshafts                                     as the overland flow-path traversing the        considerations under the Unitary Plan          neighbourhood, as well as residents within
                                               centre of the site and the Auckland Wide        informing the future development options       the development site.
• Historic Heritage and Special Character:
                                               provisions of the AUP (OP). These matters       for the site. Each of these is discussed
Historic Heritage Overlay Extent of Place
                                               are discussed further below.                    briefly below with primary focus on the

INFORMATION MEMORANDUM - 31 Esplanade Road, Mt Eden - Auckland ...

With this in mind it is clear that             • Four or more dwellings                      applications. Therefore, in the majority        of residential units, open space
development in the zone is anticipated to                                                    of these cases the following will be the        requirements, heights in relation to
                                               • Integrated Residential Developments
generate a reasonable scale of intensity                                                     primary consideration for Council as part       boundary etc. It is noted that for the
                                               (such as retirement village type living)
for residential and non-residential uses,                                                    of a resource consent application process:      first 20m of the church hall site from
more so than what is currently seen on the     • Supported Residential Care, Visitor                                                         Esplanade Road that an alternative height
                                                                                             • Infrastructure & servicing
site and within the local area. With this in   Accommodation & Boarding Houses for                                                           in relation to boundary can be utilised
mind the following activities are provided     more than 10 persons (inclusive of staff      • Effects on neighbourhood character,           subject to Council approval. We would
for in the MHU zone:                           and residents)                                residential amenity, safety and the             be happy to discuss the controls in more
                                                                                             surrounding residential area in relation        detail if required.
As of right (no resource consent required      • Care centre for more than 10 persons
                                                                                             building intensity, scale, location, form and
subject to compliance with the relevant        excluding staff                                                                               Heritage Overlay
                                                                                             appearance; traffic; design of parking and
zone provisions)                                                                                                                             The church hall and the existing St James
                                               • Dairies, Restaurant and cafes up to         access; and noise, lighting and hours of
                                                                                                                                             Church Building previously formed a pair
• Up to three dwellings                        100m2 gross floor area (one per site)         operation.
                                                                                                                                             of buildings that were protected and
• Supported Residential Care, Visitor          • Community Facilities                        In our experience given the relatively          subject to an Historic Heritage Extent of
Accommodation & Boarding Houses for                                                          large number of non-residential activities      Place. The resource consent issued for
                                               • Education & Tertiary Education Facilities
up to 10 persons (inclusive of staff and                                                     approved throughout residential                 the removal of the church hall has not
residents)                                     • Healthcare facilities (different activity   environments across the Auckland                removed the extent of place and therefore
                                               statuses for facilities under and over        Region, including day care centres,             the entire subject site remains subject to
• Care centre for up to 10 persons
                                               200m2 gross floor area)                       medical centres, boarding houses,               this overlay and consent requirements.
excluding staff
                                                                                             visitor accommodation and so on there           Moving forward it may be considered
                                               • Veterinary Clinics
• New buildings complying with the zone’s                                                    is no reason to suggest that subject            that removal of the extent of place via
standards                                      As outlined above, where resource             to addressing the above matters that            a Private Plan Change is beneficial.
                                               consent is required for the activities        a range of both residential and non-            Alternatively the Council may also decide
The following activities are provided for
                                               the success of any such application           residential activities could be established     that the removal of the old church hall site
by the Unitary Plan zoning and therefore
                                               will come down to demonstrating that          on the subject site.                            from the extent of place is required and
can be considered as activities that
                                               adverse effects are avoided, remedied                                                         initiate this process, however for the time
are envisaged for the zone subject to                                                        The size and scale of development
                                               and mitigated. In the majority of cases                                                       being consideration needs to be given to
demonstrating that adverse effects are                                                       will largely be dictated by the zone’s
                                               the AUP usefully provides guidance on                                                         this overlay and the relevant provisions of
avoided, remedied or mitigated:                                                              standards (development control)
                                               the main areas of consideration and                                                           chapter D17 of the AUP.
                                                                                             in relation height, set backs, size
                                               Council assessment for these types of

INFORMATION MEMORANDUM - 31 Esplanade Road, Mt Eden - Auckland ...

In this case the most applicable provisions       environment. This does not inhibit the       • E27. Transport
would be rules (A10) and (D17) of table           site’s development and subject to the
                                                                                               Such matters are largely technical
D17.4.1 which relate to new buildings             necessary engineering assessment
                                                                                               and can be worked through at the
with an extent of place of a category B           this is an easily managed matter to be
                                                                                               time of developing a concept use and
place and subdivision of land within an           addressed for any future development on
                                                                                               development of the site. We would be
scheduled extent of place. The primary            site.
                                                                                               happy to discuss these further at the
considerations in both cases will be those
                                                                                               appropriate time if required.
relating to the impact on heritage values
and ensuring that future development is           Auckland Wide Provisions
respectful of the known heritage values of
                                                  As outlined above and as well as the         Conclusion
the site in relation to scale, location, design
                                                  provisions discussed above, future
and extent of works.                                                                           Overall, we are excited at the prospect of
                                                  development of the site will (potentially)
                                                                                               seeing this prominent and important site
Given that the AUP envisages future               need to consider the following matters
                                                                                               being utilised once again. The site has
development within the site’s Extent of           under the Auckland Wide Provisions of the
                                                                                               a number of positive features (excellent
Place and arguably the heritage values            Unitary Plan:
                                                                                               zoning, great location, consents in place
of the former church hall are no longer
                                                  • E7. Taking, using, damming and diversion   for future development) and we anticipate
a contributing factor to the extent of
                                                  of water and drilling                        that subject to working through the
place (this view is supplemented by the
                                                                                               matters outlined above then there is no
Council’s defence to retain the church hall       • E8. Storm water – Discharge and
                                                                                               reason why the site cannot be developed
at appeal) then subject to appropriate            diversion
                                                                                               in a number of ways for both residential
and sympathetic design with due regard
                                                  • E12. Land disturbance – District           and non-residential activities that would
to the site’s history there is no reason to
                                                                                               generally be supportable by Council.
suggest that the church hall site cannot be       • E17. Trees in roads
developed in the future.
                                                  • E23. Signs

                                                  • E25. Noise and Vibration
Overland Flowpath
                                                  • E38. Urban Subdivision
A small overland flow path traverse the
centre of the site which is no unusual            • E36. Natural Hazards and Flooding
for large parts of Auckland’s urban

INFORMATION MEMORANDUM - 31 Esplanade Road, Mt Eden - Auckland ...

For Sale by Expressions of interest 4:00pm, Wednesday
12 February 2020 at Level 3, 50 Kitchener Street, City
(unless sold prior).
 Appendices                                                                Available on request

 Appendix 1        Certificate of Title                                    1                       LIM

 Appendix 2        Zoning Information                                      2                       Plan-4 Apartments

 Appendix 3        Approved Building Consent Planning of Four apartments   3                       Resource Consent-4 apartments

 Appendix 4        Council Seismic report                                  4                       Planning Co. Planning Summary

Wayne Muir                                  John Stringer                      Barfoot & Thompson and the vendor are not to be held responsible in contract, tort or in any other way for
Commercial Sales                            Commercial Sales                   any inaccuracy in, omission from, or other defect of whatever kind contained in this information memorandum,
                                                                               and the recipient waives any rights which it might have now or in the future against Barfoot & Thompson or
                                                                               the vendor in receiving this memorandum. The recipient also acknowledges that Barfoot & Thompson or the
M 027 828 1186                              M 021 758 078                      vendor do not give any warranties or other assurances regarding the correctness or accuracy of information
E                      E         contained within this memorandum. The contents of this document do not form part of a contract.


Certificate of Title

                                 UNDER LAND TRANSFER ACT 2017
                                       Limited as to Parcels
                                                      Search Copy

  Identifier                 NA567/297                                       Part-Cancelled
  Land Registration District North Auckland
  Date Issued                12 September 1933

  Prior References
  DI 192.172
  Estate            Fee Simple
  Legal Description Part Lot 16 and Part Lot 17 Deeds Plan
  Registered Owners
  MTE 31 Limited


  338445 Transfer of part to The Mount Eden Borough Council being a dedication as and for a public street -
  26.9.1941 at 11.10 am
  11365109.4 Mortgage to Premier Legal Finance Limited Partnership - 19.12.2019 at 2:47 pm
  11365109.5 Mortgage to FE Investments Limited - 19.12.2019 at 2:47 pm
  11651749.1 CAVEAT BY FEDERAL CAPITAL LIMITED - 23.12.2019 at 5:54 pm

Transaction Id                                                                       Search Copy Dated 14/01/20 10:16 am, Page 1 of 2
Client Reference   Commercial                                                                                          Register Only
Identifier                    NA567/297

Transaction Id                              Search Copy Dated 14/01/20 10:16 am, Page 2 of 2
Client Reference   Commercial                                                 Register Only



Approved Building consent Plans for 4 apartments


Council Seismic Report

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