4 Info on Special to our Executive What you need to Absence requests - Manitoba Association of Health Care ...

Page created by Warren Fleming
4 Info on Special to our Executive What you need to Absence requests - Manitoba Association of Health Care ...

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         Council                 Absencedecember 2020
4 Info on Special to our Executive What you need to Absence requests - Manitoba Association of Health Care ...
p   py
 Ha days!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Ask the President

 h o l i                       ka t
                                        y ou
                                    es b taf f
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         There is no question that this is a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         dark and challenging time to work
                            d s HCP s                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    in health care. It was tough before
                       inte                .
            a n d pa nted MA onchuk
          H      t a l e       E w                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       the pandemic, and it seems like it’s
          very berJoa
           mem                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           getting tougher every day… But
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         we know that it’s not all gloom and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         doom out there.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           We as Allied Health Professionals
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         have so much to be proud of. We
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         lean on each other in difficult times.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         We are inspired by each other.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                MAHCP President Bob Moroz (left) with table officers (l-r) Victoria Fabris, Jason Linklater and Tanya Burnside on          I hear from members every day
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                the night of the MAHCP AGM on Oct. 29, 2020. Front-page photo of Bob is also from AGM. Photos by B. Pontanilla
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         who share their concerns, their an-

                     President's Report···················································· 3               MAHCP Staff Assignments······························· 11               Meetings and Events Calendar
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                MAHCP's fight for pandemic                                                                                               ger and their frustration. It’s crucial
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         that you continue doing that – it
Table of Contents

                                                                                                                                                                                    Our MAHCP Website Calendar is updated
                     Article on Executive Council proposed                                                  Facebook Contest·················································· 12                                                                                                                                                                        helps keep MAHCP pointed in the

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                protections continues
                                                                                                                                                                                    frequently, so please visit our
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         right direction, and to know which
                     changes·········································································4      Layout & Design:                                                        calendar at: www.mahcp.ca
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         battles we need to focus on.
                                                                                                            Graham Dempster • Bernice Pontanilla
                     Vice President's Report·········································· 5                                                                                            December 6, 2020                                                                                                                                                       This time, I’m asking you a ques-
                                                                                                            Editor & Production:
                                                                                                                                                                                    National Day of Action Against Violence     The battle rages on, my friends. I use the word battle       the heightened pace, increased workloads and ad-            tion. I want to ask you to share your
                     Best Banting Soiree ················································6                    Bernice Pontanilla
                                                                                                                                                                                    Against Women                               because that is what each of us is experiencing every        ditional stress you have faced over the past few months     stories of hope and inspiration. Tell
                     LRO page on Medical Leave Request·············· 7                                   MAHCP News is published quarterly in March,                                December 9, 2020                            single day. There can be no doubt that the COVID-19          especially, but you have done just that. Because you are    me what keeps you getting out of
                                                                                                         June, September and December. Advertising will be                          Executive Council Mtg                       pandemic has been a relentless foe.                          an Allied Health Professional.                              bed in the morning, or at night for
                     Welcome new LRO Tania Wiebe······················ 7                                 entertained. For more information, please contact the
                                                                                                         Editor at (204) 772-0425.                                                  101-1500 Notre Dame, 0900 to 1700 hrs and     The very nature of Allied Health Professionals’ work         Manitobans know, now more than ever, the value of         another 12-hour shift. Tell me about
                     Executive Council Nominations·······················9                               Revenues from advertising will be used to supplement                       teleconference TBD                          puts you in a position where there is no rest from that      the work you do. MAHCP is here to continue to fight for     something that made you smile or
                                                                                                         the MAHCP Professional Development Fund.
                                                                                                                                                                                    December 25, 2020                           battle. Each day that you go to work, you put yourself       your rights and safety in the workplace, and to make sure   warmed your heart. Tell me a story
                     MAHCP Executive Council······························· 11
                                                                                                                                                                                    Christmas Day, MAHCP Office Closed          and your family at a greater risk. Many of you are being     all Manitobans understand just how valuable you are.        of something you saw or experi-
                                                                                                                                                                                    December 26, 2020                           redeployed to areas or facilities with which you are         We are fighting for more support and better protections     enced that reminded you of why you

                    HELP US
                                                                                                                                                                                    Boxing Day                                  not familiar to fight this battle. In many cases, the Em-    for you each and every day and we continue to fight to      chose to become an Allied Health
                                                                                                                                                                                    December 28, 2020                           ployer is refusing to honour agreements made months          have our agreements honoured.                               Professional in the first place.

                    KEEP YOU
                                                                                                                                                                                    Boxing Day stat, MAHCP Office Closed        ago for these very situations. That adds even more risk        Finally, we will not forget the courage, the sacrifice      I encourage you to send your
                                                                                                                                                                                    January 1, 2020                             and stress. At the end of your shift, the pandemic does      and the heroic efforts each of you has demonstrated         stories of hope and inspiration to

                                                                                                                                                                                    New Year's Day, MAHCP Office Closed         not leave you alone.                                         when we get to the bargaining tables, and we won’t let      me at bobm@mahcp.ca.
                                                                                                                                                                                    January 13, 2020                              The code red restrictions limit our ability to do some     Employers or government forget it either! I know our          Maybe it’s something we’ll want
                                                                                                                                                                                    Executive Council Mtg                       of the things we normally would to relax, unwind and         members are behind us in the many battles we continue       to share on social media or in some
                    In order to keep our database                                                                                                                                   101-1500 Notre Dame, 0900 to 1700 hrs and   recharge. Rarely has the professional side of our lives so   to wage on your behalf. Together, we are One Strong         other way – if so we’ll be sure to ask
                    current, please let us know                                                                                                                                     teleconference TBD                          deeply impacted the personal side.                           Voice for Allied Health.                                    you first. More than anything, I just
                                                                                                                                                                                    February 10, 2020                             We are seeing more and more that workplaces are              In this edition of the newsletter, you will find infor-   want to hear more of these inspiring
                    of any information changes,
                                                                                                                                                                                    Executive Council Mtg                       really feeling the stress. There are more reported issues    mation on many important issues including an upcom-         stories. It will help me tell a better
                    including home and email                                                                                                                                        101-1500 Notre Dame, 0900 to 1700 hrs and   of conflict with managers and sadly conflict among           ing special meeting, an overview of proposed changes        and more compelling story about
                    addresses and your name. Don’t                                                                                                                                  teleconference TBD                          our own members. We know that people are having to           to MAHCP’s Executive Council that will be up for a          who we are as Allied Health Profes-
                    forget to update your address with your employer too! If you know of a                                                                                          February 15, 2020                           work even more short-staffed because of work absences        vote at that meeting, an update on our public awareness     sionals – to media, to the public, to
                    retiree, please let us know. Call 204-772-0425 or email info@mahcp.ca                                                                                           Louis Riel Day, MAHCP Office Closed         beyond the usual. Again, that puts even more strain on       campaign and other timely topics.                           government and to the Employer.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                you and the entire health system.                              Please read on, stay safe and stay in touch.                Thank you for everything you do

                    Find us on Social Media                                                                                                                                                                                       I could go on and on. However, you are an Allied
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Health Professional. You are dedicated to the health         In solidarity,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         – together we’ll get through this.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            - Bob
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                and wellness of every Manitoban. You carry that dedi-        Bob Moroz
                                facebook.com/MAHCP.MB                                                    twitter.com/MAHCP_MB                                           instagram.com/mahcp_mb
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                cation as a badge of honour. It is difficult to maintain     MAHCP President
                    MAHCP NEWS                                                                                                               2                                                                                                                                                                    3                                                          december 2020
4 Info on Special to our Executive What you need to Absence requests - Manitoba Association of Health Care ...
Big Changes Proposed For Executive
Council at Upcoming Special Meeting
       Bob Moroz and Tanya Burnside,                  Constitution, they need only consist of “at least     of Directors for each District.
      Co-Chairs of the Executive Council              ten individuals” who are current members.             b) Directors shall be nominated and elected by
            Review Committee                              In short, the current model is patchwork          Association members in each District.
                                                      and more than a little outdated. Furthermore,            The new language removes all implied or
MAHCP is planning a virtual special meeting           it technically allows for an almost limitless         explicit reference to professions, interest groups
of the membership, tentatively scheduled for          number of Directors, leaving the door open for        or health care regions and allows Council to es-
late January 2021, where members will debate          a potentially chaotic and unwieldy governance         tablish “Districts” in a way that provides more
and vote on proposed changes to our Constitu-         model. In practice, it has led to an uneven model     clear, consistent and accountable representa-
tion that would reshape our Executive Council.        of representation at the Council table, where         tion for MAHCP members. It would bring us
   These proposed changes have been a long time       some professions or regions have a Director but       in line with governance models of other health
coming. For years now, Executive Council has          others do not. For professions that do have an        care unions.
considered how best to restructure our Council        elected Director, those Directors are challenged              What would happen next year?
to align better with MAHCP’s vision. An Execu-        to communicate and effectively represent a very       If approved by membership at the upcom-
tive Council Review Committee had been struck         broad and diverse occupational group that in          ing special meeting in early 2021, the changes
by Council in order to review this issue and          most cases is spread out across the province.         would take effect immediately. Districts would
recommend changes. That work was put on hold              Today, MAHCP represents approximately             be established in short order by Council and
due to government-imposed bargaining unit             6,600 Allied Health professionals in 190 unique       announced to membership in plenty of time            MAHCP Vice President Tanya Burnside on the night of the MAHCP AGM listening to President Bob Moroz announce that shes's the 2020 Honour Roll recipient.
restructuring and the Bill 29 representation votes
that were forced on all unions.
   Once those votes were concluded in August
                                                      classifications working at roughly 220 health care
                                                      and social services facilities in every corner of
                                                      Manitoba. Manitoba’s health care regions and
                                                                                                            for nominations under the new rules to be
                                                                                                            accepted by end of May 2021, with elections as
                                                                                                            usual prior to our Fall AGM.
                                                                                                                                                                 MAHCP's Executive ready for the work ahead
2019 and MAHCP was declared the successful            overall landscape have also undergone dramatic           The Review Committee and Council have              As another term starts for Executive Council, I    and Position Descriptions.                            MAHCP in a manner reflecting the values of
union to represent Allied Health, it was the per-     change in the past decade, merging eleven RHAs        planned for a transition period whereby cur-         want to welcome our returning Directors back        - Review of Policy and Position Descriptions.         MAHCP.
fect time to resume the work of the Review Com-       down to five in 2012, then adding Shared Health       rent Directors would finish their terms and          and also welcome our newest members: Emma              Our main goal this year is to review all           - Ensure that all MAHCP committees are abid-
mittee in earnest. We knew that our membership        in 2018, a provincial “region” that continues to      Directors elected under the new model would          Mahoney (Laboratory Director) and Matt Hol-         policies and then to start reviewing position         ing by their Terms of Reference.
would soon be growing significantly in number         grow in size and scope. MAHCP’s current Execu-        be staggered, with half of the newly created po-     lingshead (Paramedic Director). I am looking        descriptions.                                            I also serve on the Central Table Bargaining
and geographic reach, and that we would be            tive Council model no longer fits what we look        sitions elected in 2021 and the other half elected   forward to working with everyone this term.            As previously stated in the September newslet-     Committee, which is busy vetting the many
taking on even more professions. The Committee        like, and it hasn’t kept up with the changing         in 2022. By Fall 2022, the full Council will have       In my role as Vice President, I chair the        ter, the resolution regarding Executive Council       bargaining proposals that have been submitted.
completed its review and made recommendations         health care landscape in Manitoba. Allowing           been elected under the new Constitutional            Governance and Oversight Committees and,            composition (Article 701) was pulled from the         This is quite the task, as member proposals cover
for change, which were approved by Council ear-       every profession, interest group or health care       rules. The positions of President and Vice           every other year, the Nomination Committee.         line-up of resolutions presented a few weeks          a wide range of topics and include language from
lier this year. Those proposed changes are detailed   region one or more directors no longer makes          President will continue to be directly elected by    This year my term is ending, so I am not able to    ago at the Annual General Meeting. Executive          a huge number of different MAHCP and non-
below, but first the rationale…                       sense. It’s time for a change.                        the membership and would not be affected by          serve as chair of the Nomination Committee as       Council has decided that a special meeting of the     MAHCP agreements that we inherited as a result
           Background and Rationale                                         The Plan                        these proposed changes.                              I would be in potential conflict.                   membership will be held in January 2021. See          of government-imposed bargaining unit consoli-
MAHCP is one of the only health care unions           That was a lengthy preamble, but it’s important                         What’s Next?                          The Governance Committee consists of             Page 4 and stay tuned for further information         dation and the Bill 29 representation votes.
in Canada that still elects Directors based on        for members to understand the context of the             There is more to come regarding the special       Margrét Thomas, Emma Mahoney and myself.            regarding this important upcoming meeting.               As we all continue to battle this pandemic
professions. That model served us well when           Council restructuring and accompanying con-           meeting where these proposed changes will            The Committee’s desired objectives are to:             The Oversight Committee consists of Shelley        and endure the rising cases, hospitalizations,
we were a much smaller union representing             stitutional changes that are being proposed. At a     be put forward to the membership for debate          - Prepare and present recommended changes           Kowalchuk, Sherry Lussier, Emma Mahoney               and tragic deaths, I want to thank all of you for
only a handful of technical-professional classifi-    high level, the proposed change is quite simple: if   and a vote. That virtual meeting is tentatively      to the Constitution for review by the Executive     and myself. The Committee’s objectives are to:        your efforts, sacrifices and your commitment to
cations working primarily in Winnipeg. As we          approved by membership at the upcoming special        scheduled for late January 2021.                     Council.                                            - Ensure that complaints arising from member-         your patients, residents and clients.
grew over the years, the model was adapted and        meeting, Council will change from a profession-                                                            - Develop recommendations for Policies and          ship against another member are investigated             Manitobans are noticing our efforts and we
hybridized to allow for directors to be elected       based model to one based on “Districts.”                PLEASE NOTE: If you haven’t signed and             Procedures to facilitate the Governance of MAHCP    as per the MAHCP Constitution Article 1601.           must continue to hold this government
from each “Region,” and we currently have two             The proposed change to Article 701 that           submitted an MAHCP member application                reflecting the intention of the Constitution.       - Ensure that elected officers abide by their         accountable for their decisions and actions.
Directors from the NRHA, for example. It was          would enable this is as follows:                      card, you won’t be able to participate in that       - Work collaboratively with the Executive Coun-     Codes of Conduct, Position Descriptions, Oath
also adapted at one point to allow for “inter-        a) The Executive Council shall establish, in the      meeting and vote on these important changes,         cil in the development and review of Position       of Confidentiality, and Executive Council             Stay safe,
est groups” to elect their own director. These        best interest of the Association, the number of       so please do so ASAP by contacting the MAHCP         Descriptions as it pertains to the Constitution.    policies.                                             Tanya Burnside
“interest groups” are not closely defined in the      Districts, District composition, and the number       office at info@mahcp.ca or 204-772-0425.             - Maintain current copies of Policy Manuals         - Ensure that appointed officers represent            MAHCP Vice President

MAHCP NEWS                                                                    4                                                                                                                                                               5                                                          december 2020
4 Info on Special to our Executive What you need to Absence requests - Manitoba Association of Health Care ...
Going on a Medical
                                                                                                                                                         Leave of Absence?
                                                                                                                                                         Here is what you
                                                                                                                                                         need to know
                                                                                                                                                                Birgit Molinski, MAHCP               by using their earned income protec-
                                                                                                                                                                Labour Relations Officer             tion (sick leave). If you have run out of
                                                                                                                                                                                                     sick time but are still on leave, you may
                                                                                                                                                         There has been much confusion over          be eligible for EI sick benefits.

  Best Banting
                                                   In these screenshots from the Best Banting Soiree, one of the featured families (above) mentions      medical leaves of absence, mainly due           It can provide up to 55% of your
                                                   MAHCP, a gold sponsor for the event. Below, Andrea Kwasnicki, Regional Director of Manitoba,
                                                   Saskatchewan and Nunavut for Diabetes Canada, addresses the Soiree attendees during the livestream.   to the fact that they involve several
                                                                                                                                                         different organizations that all play an
                                                                                                                                                                                                     monthly earnings for up to 15 weeks.
                                                                                                                                                                                                     To apply online and to find further
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  MAHCP welcomes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Tania Wiebe to
      Soiree,                                                                                                                                            important role in this process.
                                                                                                                                                            Also, there are several Articles
                                                                                                                                                         scattered throughout the Collective
                                                                                                                                                                                                     information, here is the link to the
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Service Canada website:
                                                                                                                                                                                                     https://www.canada.ca/en/services/           our LRO team
   a new way                                                                                                                                             Agreements that pertain to a leave and
                                                                                                                                                         can easily be overlooked, so you need
                                                                                                                                                                                                         The Employer will send your record       MAHCP is very proud to announce the addition

   to celebrate
                                                                                                                                                         to familiarize yourself with your           of employment (ROE) straight to EI           of Tania Wiebe to our Labour Relations team!
                                                                                                                                                         Collective Agreement.                       and it will be used to calculate your           Wiebe has worked in community health in
                                                                                                                                                            Following is a brief description of      benefits payments.                           various capacities since 2002, including over 10
                                                                                                                                                         what a member needs to know.                   If the medical condition is more          years as a program coordinator at Nine Circles
The COVID-19 pandemic changed the way many
                                                                                                                                                            A medical leave of absence needs to      long-term, you may be eligible for           Community Health Centre and seven years as a
oragnizations approached their events this year
                                                                                                                                                         be supported by a medical note, usually     Long Term Disability benefits if your        board member of Sexuality Education Resource
and the Manitoba branch of Diabetes Canada is
                                                                                                                                                         from a physician.                           Employer has signed up to a plan.            Centre.
no exception.
                                                                                                                                                            Some Employers will accept notes             You need to be aware of the length          Her work at these centres was focused on
   Their popular Best Banting Gala was
                                                                                                                                                         from other medical practitioners,           of the elimination period (waiting           HIV/STBBI prevention and education, healthy
transformed into the Best Banting Soiree, which
                                                                                                                                                         such as Chiropractors but it is at the      period) and plan to make sure that you       sexuality, and harm reduction. During her time
took place virtually on November 14, 2020. The
                                                                                                                                                         Employer’s discretion.                      apply for benefits while in the              as a program coordinator, Wiebe was a member
evening saw many speakers and musical artists.
                                                                                                                                                            The medical note needs to state how      elimination period.                          of her workplace Labour Management Commit-
   MAHCP is a proud supporter of Diabetes
                                                                                                                                                         long the doctor anticipates the medical         Generally, if you miss the deadline      tee and also a Shop Steward (similar to Member
Canada: Manitoba and we were grateful to see
                                                                                                                                                         leave will last and a general description   the plan will dismiss your application.      Advocate for MAHCP).
how often we were mentioned during their
                                                                                                                                                         of why this leave is necessary.             If unsure, contact your Employer’s              She holds an Honours Bachelor of Arts
livestream event!
                                                                                                                                                             Normally, the union does not rec-       benefits specialist or the HR                Degree in Political Science and a Certificate in
   The Best Banting Soireee supports D-Camps
                                                                                                                                                         ommend that a diagnosis is disclosed.       department.                                  Public Policy and Administration, both from
for kids with diabetes and diabetes research.
                                                                                                                                                         It is not at the discretion of the Em-         If you are still unsure of the process,   the University of Winnipeg.
Since 2008, this event has raised more than $1.5
                                                                                                                                                         ployer to deny a medical leave as long      contact your Labour Relations Officer at        In her spare time, Wiebe enjoys listening to
million to keep these programs going.
                                                                                                                                                         as it is supported by proper medical        MAHCP. They will be glad to assist you.      music, watching and reading a fair bit of news,
   If you are able to, please consider making a
                                                                                                                                                         documentation.                                                                           and running when it’s not winter.
donation to Diabetes Canada: Manitoba at their
                                                                                                                                                            Normally, members start their leave        Speedy Recovery!
website www.diabetes.ca

MAHCP NEWS                                                              6                                                                                                                                                             7                                             december 2020
4 Info on Special to our Executive What you need to Absence requests - Manitoba Association of Health Care ...
New MAHCP                                                                     Executive Council
 awareness                                                                     nominations
 campaign                                                                      deadline is
 running strong                                                                May of 2021                                                                MAHCP Member Retirees

 across province!
                                                                                                                                                          If you are retiring or know of someone who is retiring, we would
                                                                               Nominations for the 2021-2022         continue to sit on the Executive
                                                                                                                                                          like to hear from you. You may contact us through email, phone,
                                                                               Executive Council are due at          Council.
                                                                                                                                                          fax, through your Member Advocate, board member, info@mahcp.
                                                                               the MAHCP office, 101-1500            Bob Moroz- President
                                                                                                                                                          ca or 1-800-315-3331. MAHCP congratulates all members who have
                                                                               Notre Dame Avenue, Winnipeg,          Victoria Fabris- Respiratory
                                                                                                                                                          recently retired. We wish each and every one of you all the best on
                                                                               Manitoba, R3E 0P9 on or before        Therapist
                                                                                                                                                          your retirement.
                                                                               1600 hours on the last working        Emma Mahoney- Laboratory
                      Bernice Pontanilla, MAHCP
                                                                               Friday in May, which will be May      Director
                       Communications Officer                                                                                                             Denise Sawatzky • Pharmacist, St. Boniface Hospital
                                                                               28, 2021.                             Arlene Boychuk- WRHA
                                                                                                                                                          Sheila Clifford • Respiratory Therapist, Deer Lodge
                                                                                   In order to be valid, a nomina-   Director
It has been a challenging year for Allied Health in Manitoba, Canada,                                                                                     Cathy Hunter • Recreation Coordinator, Victoria Hospital
                                                                               tion must be signed by MAHCP          Matt Hollingshead- Paramedic
and across the globe with the COVID-19 pandemic that has affected                                                                                         Brenda Rapinchuk • Respiratory Therapist, Misericordia
                                                                               members in good standing, who         Director
every aspect of our lives, as we have touched on many times in this                                                                                       Health Centre
                                                                               are members of the same                 The following Executive
newsletter.                                                                                                                                               Barbara Hammond • Radiology Technologist, Melita District
                                                                               geographical region, occupational     Council Directors are finishing
   On top of the pandemic, the Government of Manitoba has breathed                                                                                        Health Centre
                                                                               and/or special interest group         the second year of a 2-year term
new life into its anti-union campaign with proposed legislation that                                                                                      Lori Wozny • Radiology Technologist, St. Boniface Hospital
                                                                               that the position represents. The     as of the 2020 Annual General
would strip away our rights.                                                                                                                              Rose Mary Schallmann • Case Coordinator, Access
                                                                               nomination must also include the      Meeting and the positions are up
   With 50 years of representing Manitoba Association of Health                                                                                           St. Boniface
                                                                               signature of acceptance of the        for nomination:
Care Professionals members, we are the experts in advocating for all                                                                                      Helen Connelly • Laboratory Technologist, St. Boniface
                                                                               eligible nominee. All nominations     Tanya Burnside- Vice President
Technical, Professional and Paramedical Health Care Professionals in                                                                                      Hospital
                                                                               must have a biography submitted       Lesa Nordick- NHR-West
Manitoba.                                                                                                                                                 Catherine Sabiston • Pharmacist, HSC
                                                                               with their nomination forms.          Jason Linklater- Orthopedic
   In October, we faced these challenges head on and launched a new                                                                                       Maria Knaus • Dietitian, Misericordia Health Centre
                                                                                  PLEASE NOTE: As you read           Technology
campaign to bring public awareness to the invaluable health care being                                                                                    Debbie Pomeransky • Laboratory Technologist, Concordia
                                                                               on page 4 of this newsletter,         Margret Thomas- CTS Director
provided every day by the membership we serve.                                                                                                            Hospital
                                                                               Constitutional changes are being      Shelley Kowalchuk- Physiotherapy
   Our goal with this campaign is to heighten the public standing of our                                                                                  Denise Cheys • Laboratory Technologist, St. Boniface
                                                                               proposed that would affect the        Sherry Lussier- Clinic Director
membership and generate support for future contract negotiations by                                                                                       Hospital
                                                                               structure of Executive Council
educating the public about who we are, what we do and why it matters.                                                                                     Sharleen Barker • Laboratory Technologist, Selkirk Hospital
                                                                               and the way Directors are elected.       Any inquiries regarding the
The COVID-19 pandemic has left abundantly clear that Allied Health                                                                                        Suresh Dhingra • Pulmonary Technologist, HSC
                                                                               If those changes are approved         nomination/election process can
professionals are an integral part of our health care system and the                                                                                      Sharon Walters • Community Facilitator, WRHA
                                                                               by membership at the upcom-           be directed to the MAHCP office
health of Manitobans.                                                                                                                                     community
                                                                               ing special meeting, tentatively      via mail, phone (1-204-772-0425),
   This campaign, which runs until Dec. 17, includes TV and stream-                                                                                       Dennis Morgan • EMS Technician Paramedic, Glenboro
                                                                               scheduled for January, updated        e-mail (info@mahcp.ca), fax (1-
ing ads on Global and CTV, radio ads and radio traffic tags, YouTube,                                                                                     Health District
                                                                               information regarding nomina-         204-775-6829), or by our toll-free
Facebook ads and video streaming.                                                                                                                         Cindy Naherny • Cardiology Technologist, Concordia
                                                                               tions will be provided.               number (1-800-315-3331).
   If you haven’t already, please check out the campaign website at                                                                                       Hospital
                                                                                   The following board members          A nomination form can be
https://onestrongvoice.ca/ and share it with your friends and family.
                                                                               are finishing the first year of a     obtained by calling the MAHCP
   During this turbulent time, we are the One Strong Voice for Allied                                                                                     Our sincere apologies for anyone that has not been included in this
                                                                               2-year term as of the 2020            office or downloading from our
Health.                                                                                                                                                   list. We know that there are many more retirees out there.
                                                                               Annual General Meeting and will       website, www.mahcp.ca
MAHCP NEWS                                                                 8                                                                         9                                                     december 2020
4 Info on Special to our Executive What you need to Absence requests - Manitoba Association of Health Care ...
MAHCP Staff Assignments                                                                                        Executive
                                                                               Lee Manning • Executive Director
                                                                                                                                  Jacob Giesbrecht
                                                                                                                                  Legal Counsel                                                Council
                                                             Up to 20% off     Bernice Pontanilla                                 Tim Smith
                                                                               Communications Officer                             Executive Liaison                                  OFFICERS
                                                                               bernice@mahcp.ca                                   tim@mahcp.ca                                       President
                                                             ENTERTAINMENT                                                                                                           Robert Moroz
                                                                               Janet Beaudry                                      Joan Ewonchuk
                                                             Up to 40% off                                                                                                           CancerCare Manitoba, Radiation Therapist
                                                                               Administrative Supervisor                          Administrative Assistant
                                                                                                                                                                                     Vice President
                                                                               janet@mahcp.ca                                     joan@mahcp.ca
                                                                                                                                                                                     Tanya Burnside
                                                             FASHION           Cathy Langit                                       Rachiel Langit                                     Northern Health Region, Primary Care Connector
                                                             Up to 25% off     Administrative Assistant                           Administrative Assistant                           Treasurer
                                                                               cathy@mahcp.ca                                     rachiel@mahcp.ca                                   Jason Linklater

                                                                               Jenny Malubag                                      Karen Finlay                                       Health Sciences Centre, Orthopedic
                                                             FINANCIAL         Administrative Assistant                           Receptionist                                       Technologist
                                                             Preferred rates   jenny@mahcp.ca                                     karen@mahcp.ca                                     Secretary
                                                                                                                                                                                     Arlene Boychuk

                                                             HOME              Labour Relations                                  Cheryl Beal, LRO • cherylb@mahcp.ca
                                                                                                                                                                                     Shared Health, Health Sciences Centre,

                                                                                                                                                                                     Medical Laboratory Assistant
                                                             Up to 30% off     Officers                                          Health Sciences Centre, Manitoba Clinic

                                                                               Birgit Molinski, LRO • birgit@mahcp.ca            Cory Szczepanski, LRO • cory@mahcp.ca               Community Therapy Services
                                                                               Shared Health (DSM)                               Brandon DI, Brandon Clinic, MTCC, Prairie           Margrét Thomas

                             DISCOUNTS                       INSURANCE
                                                             Preferred Rates
                                                                               Concordia Hospital Lab, HSC Lab,
                                                                               Misericordia Health Centre Lab, Seven Oaks
                                                                                                                                 Mountain Region–Shared Health, Westman Lab

                                                                                                                                 Gill Gagné, LRO • gill@mahcp.ca
                                                                               General Hospital Lab, Victoria General Hospital
                                                                                                                                 Jocelyn House, Dynacare Medical Labs, Interlake     Sherry Lussier
                                                                               Lab, Grace Hospital Lab, Scientists

     MAHCP CAN HELP YOU SAVE!                                                                                                    Eastern Regional Health Authority–Shared Health     Dynacare, Laboratory Technologist
                                                             TRAVEL            Angie Boehm, LRO • angie@mahcp.ca                                                                     Physiotherapy
                                                                                                                                 Dustin Czmola, LRO • dustin@mahcp.ca
                                                             Up to 40% off     Aboriginal Health & Wellness Centre, Deer Lodge                                                       Shelley Kowalchuk
     HOW IT WORKS                                                              Centre & Pharmacy, HSC Pharmacy, Misericordia
                                                                                                                                 Southern Health Region-Shared Health, Victoria
                                                                                                                                 General Hospital and Pharmacy, Eden Mental
                                                                                                                                                                                     Health Sciences Centre

     1. Go to www.unionsavings.ca
                                                                               Health Centre, Mount Carmel Clinic, Nor’West                                                          Respiratory Therapy
                                                                                                                                 Health, Churchill Health Centre
                                                             WELLNESS          Co-op, Seven Oaks General Hospital & Pharmacy                                                         Victoria Fabris
     2. Find MAHCP on the list                               Up to 25% off     Chelsea Kaufmann, LRO • chelsea@mahcp.ca
                                                                                                                                 Katrina Zado, LRO • katrina@mahcp.ca                Shared Health - Patient Transport Program,
                                                                                                                                 Access Downtown, Access Fort Garry, Access Point    Advanced Practice Respiratory Therapist
     3. Register for FREE                                                      CancerCare Manitoba, Grace Hospital, Access
                                                                               Winnipeg West, Klinic, Riverview, SERC, WRHA
                                                                                                                                 Douglas, Access St. Vital, CODI, Community Living
     4. View your union member discounts                                       Corporate, Nine Circles, Winnipeg Clinic
                                                                                                                                 disABILITY Services (CLDS), Crisis Response
                                                                                                                                 Centre (CRC), Community Therapy Services (CTS),
                                                                                                                                                                                     Emma Mahoney
                                                                                                                                                                                     Shared Health-St. Boniface Hospital,
     5. Start saving!                                 NEED HELP?               Nathan Laser, LRO • nathan@mahcp.ca               Health Services on Elgin, Downtown Community
                                                                                                                                                                                     Medical Laboratory Assistant
                                                                               Concordia Hospital & Pharmacy, St. Boniface       Centre, Inkster Community Office, LTC Access
                                                      info@unionsavings.ca     Hospital & Pharmacy, Bethania Place, Centre de    Center, MATC, Northern Connections Medical
     Union Savings provides exclusive discounts and                            Sante, Access St. Boniface                        Centre, PACT, Seven Oaks Community Office,
                                                                                                                                                                                     Matt Hollingshead

     cost-saving services to MAHCP union members,     1-800-418-2990                                                             SMILE Plus Dental, St. James-Assiniboia Health      Shared Health - EMS, Primary Care Paramedic
                                                                               Garrett Finck, LRO • garrett@mahcp.ca                                                                 REGIONAL DIRECTOR
     retirees and their families.                       @unionsavings          Shared Health (DSM)–St. Boniface Hospital,
                                                                                                                                 and Social Service Centre, Women’s Health Clinic,
                                                                                                                                                                                     Northern Health Region - West
                                                                                                                                 WRHA—Community Centralized Services, WRHA
                                                        UnionSavingsCanada     Northern RHA and Shared Health,
                                                                                                                                                                                     Lesa Nordick
                                                                                                                                 Downtown West
                                                        @unionsavingscanada    Actionmarguerite, Canadian Blood Services,
                                                                                                                                                                                     Community Health
                                                                               Rehabilitation Centre for Children, Manitoba      Tania Wiebe, LRO • tania@mahcp.ca
                                                                               Possible (formerly SMD)                           In training

MAHCP NEWS                                   10                                                                                                          11                                                     december 2020
4 Info on Special to our Executive What you need to Absence requests - Manitoba Association of Health Care ...
Union Bulletin Board
                   Winter Word Search???
                   Blizzard              Mittens            T B V A O K T F S N O W J D Z C
                                                           H U F C H X L S T W T S J L B D
                   Chilly                Reindeer          O L O Y H U F I W I S L W L M Y
                                                           C X J E R I O F U Y J M I F E T
                   Chinook               Snow              K J D R T S N N N V B Z E U W W
                                                           E F Y I E I N O F K Z Y W P K R
                   Fireplace             Snowman           Y R I R G A H S O A K I Z T N E
                   Flurry                Tires             N M I R M I Q W R K L G O U Q E
                                                           R T E W E J R D U V O E I Y E D
                   Frigid                Toboggan          T V O D T P X F I H N V G I Z N
                                                           R N F N U Y L N A G G O B O T I
                   Hockey                Toque             S Y L L I H C A Q L J E T E I E
                                                           M I T T E N S Q C S O U T L X R
                  Longjohns              Whiteout          E U I R X V V R Q E H Q L T S F
                                                           Z S J W N Y H T G N N O K Z X W
                                                           V M L M N I I S N N S T N E H Q

                                                                                       Help us reach 2,000
                                                                                       likes on Facebook!
                                                                                       We have a new goa l and we
                                 We believe in Professional                            inc hing eve r clo ser to it...
                                                                                        Help us reach 2,000 likes on
                                 Would you like to gain new skills? If the              Facebook – you have to LIK
                                                                                                                       E the
                                                                                                                       e will
                                                                                        actual pag e – and you r nam
                                 answer is yes, apply today to our                      get in a draw for a $200  gift card at
                                 Professional Development Fund.                         the place of your cho ice .
                                 Forms are available on our website at                                                 your
                                                                                        Please share this page with
                                 www.mahcp.ca                                           colleagues, friends in oth   er unions
                                                                                                             es. You  do not
                                                                                        and your loved on
 Associate Membership Status                                                            have to be an
                                                                                                the pri
                                                                                                                     ran dom
                                                                                        to win
                                                                                        selection, so don’t be shy…
 Available for Retirees                                                                  share, share!
 Article 5 of our MACHP Constitution prov
                                             ides for our retired
 members to hold an associate members
                                         hip and to cont inue to
 be part of MAHCP. A nominal annual                                                101-1500 Notre Dame Avenue,
                                        fee of $10.00 has been
 established by the Executive Cou ncil.                                            Winnipeg, MB R3E 0P9
                                                                                   Phone: 1-204-772-0425
Plea se be awa re that this option is available
                                                to you or your                     1-800-315-3331; Fax: 1-204-775-6829
co-workers who have already retired. This
                                              will keep you on                     Email: info@mahcp.ca;
the mailing list for the newsletter as well                                        Website: www.mahcp.ca
                                             as affording you
opportunity to part icipate in prog rams.

MAHCP NEWS                                                          12
4 Info on Special to our Executive What you need to Absence requests - Manitoba Association of Health Care ... 4 Info on Special to our Executive What you need to Absence requests - Manitoba Association of Health Care ... 4 Info on Special to our Executive What you need to Absence requests - Manitoba Association of Health Care ...
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