50 Books That Travel - Frankfurter Buchmesse

Page created by Bruce Molina
50 Books That Travel
This selection of German titles is show-cased at book fairs all
over the world on the German collective stands organized by the
Frankfurter Buchmesse in 2018.

Children‘s & YA

____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________
Armstrong:                   Mr. Happy & Miss Grimm        You Can‘t See the Elephants
The Adventurous Journey of Herr Glück und Frau Unglück   Elefanten sieht man nicht
a Mouse to the Moon
                             ANTONIE SCHNEIDER, German     SUSAN KRELLER, German
                             Translated by Grace Maccarone Translated by Elizabeth Gaffney
Die abenteuerliche Geschich-
                             Thienemann, 978-3522436793    Carlsen, 978-3551582461
te einer fliegenden Maus
                                             Holiday House (US), 978-0823431984,    G.P. Putnam’s Sons Books for Young
TORBEN KUHLMANN, German                      32 pages, 2015                         Readers (US), 978-0399172090,
Translated by David Henry Wilson                                                    192 pages, 2015
                                             Mr. Happy has just moved in next
NordSüd, 978-3314102103
                                             door, and Miss Grimm is not plea-      When thirteen-year-old Mascha
North South Books (US),
                                             sed. Mr. Happy greets the sun each     is sent to her grandparents’ for
978-0735842625, 128 pages, 2016
                                             day, works tirelessly in his specta-   the summer, she spends her days
A long time ago a mouse learned to fly...    cular garden, and even whistles to     bored and lonely at a nearby
and crossed the Atlantic. But what hap-      the birds. So much for peace and       playground. There she meets the
pened next? Torben Kuhlmann‘s stunning       quiet! From her gloomy and bar-        painfully shy siblings Julia and Max.
book transports readers to the moon          ren side of the fence, Miss Grimm      Mascha begins to suspect that
and beyond, to a world where dreams          knows one thing for certain: she       they are being physically abused
are determined only by the size of your      wants nothing to do with Mr. Hap-      by their father. She tells her grand-
imagination and the biggest innovators       py. But Mr. Happy knows something      parents and the authorities, but
are the smallest of all. The book ends       too: given kindness and patience,      no one believes her. Mascha can’t
with a brief non-fiction history of human    anything can grow – even a friend-     let the abuse go on, so she takes
space travel – from Galileo’s obser-         ship with lonely Miss Grimm.           matters into her own hands.
vations concerning the nature of the                                                This beautifully written novel is a
universe to man‘s first steps on the moon.                                          haunting and timely tale.
Children‘s & YA

Where Is Grandma?
Wo ist Oma?
Translated by Sally-Ann Spencer
Carl Hanser Verlag, 978-3446249523
Gecko Press (US), 978-1776571543,
64 pages, 2017

Henry visits his grandmother in the
hospital and decides to find her
room alone. The result is an
adventure, on which Henry finds
friends, humour, lots of information
and, at last, Grandma.
Author Peter Schössow has won
many awards, including the German
Youth Literature Prize.

____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________
Displaced                                   Bad Words                               Against the World
Morgenland                                  Schlechte Wörter                        Gegen die Welt
STEPHAN ABARBANELL, German                  ILSE AICHINGER, Austrian                JAN BRANDT, German
Translated by Lucy Renner Jones             Translated by Uljana Wolf & Christian   Translated by Katy Derbyshire
Karl Blessing Verlag, 978-3896675170        Hawkey                                  DuMont, 978-3832196288
John Murray (UK), HarperCollins (US),       S. Fischer Verlag, 978-3100005076       Seagull Books (UK), 978-0857423375,
978-1473635548, 336 pages, 2017             Seagull Books (UK), 978-0857424761,     968 pages, 2016
                                            224 pages, 2016
Echoing the fiction of Joseph
                                                                                    An unforgettable debut, ‘Against
Kanon, Alan Furst, and Daniel Silva,        Ilse Aichinger (1921–2016) was one
                                                                                    the World’ is an epic account of
this deeply intelligent literary thriller   of the most important writers of
                                                                                    growing up an outsider. Set in the
– set in a world still reeling from         post-war Austrian and German-
                                                                                    East Frisia region of Germany in the
World War II – explores how the             speaking literature. This volume
                                                                                    mid-1970s, this is the story of Daniel
actions of a few can change the             presents the whole of the original
                                                                                    Kuper, the nominal heir to a drug-
course of history. British-occupied         ‘Bad Words’ in English for the first
                                                                                    store dynasty, and his struggle
Palestine, 1946: Elderly writer Elias       time, along with a selection of
                                                                                    to free himself from the petty
Lind isn’t convinced by reports that        Aichinger’s other short stories of
                                                                                    suspicions and violence of small-
his scientist brother, Raphael, died        the period; together, they
                                                                                    town life. The more he tries to prove
in a concentration camp.                    demonstrate her courageous effort
                                                                                    his innocence, the fiercer the
Too frail to search for Raphael             to create and deploy a language
                                                                                    accusations against him, until his
himself, Elias persuades a contact          unmarred by misleading
                                                                                    only option is open war against the
in the Jewish resistance to send            certainties, preconceived rules, or
                                                                                    village and its inhabitants.
someone in his place.                       implicit ideologies.

____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________
Baba Dunja‘s Last Love                   Go, Went, Gone                             The Dark Ship
Baba Dunjas letzte Liebe                 Gehen, ging, gegangen                      Das dunkle Schiff
ALINA BRONSKY, German                    JENNY ERPENBECK, German                    SHERKO FATAH, German
Translated by Tim Mohr                   Translated by Susan Bernofsky              Translated by Martin Chalmers
Kiepenheuer & Witsch,                    Albrecht Knaus Verlag, 978-3813503708      Jung und Jung, 978-3902497369
978-3462048025                           Granta (UK), New Directions (US),          Seagull Books (UK), 978-0857420367,
Europa Editions (US), 978-1609453336     978-0811225946, 320 pages, 2017            420 pages, 2015
192 pages, 2016
                                         Retired university professor, Richard,     In Sherko Fatah’s ‘The Dark Ship’,
Government warnings about radiation      discovers a new community in               we experience an extraordinary
levels in her hometown (a stone’s        Berlin that he never knew existed:         new voice in fiction, which tells the
throw from Chernobyl) be damned!         a tent city, established by African        story of the kind of trauma and
Baba Dunja is going home. And            asylum seekers. Hesitantly, getting        striving that leads a man from
she’s taking a motley bunch of her       to know the new arrivals, Richard          religious extremism to a vain hope
former neighbours with her. With         finds his life changing as he              for redemption. At once a thriller
strangely misshapen forest fruits        begins to question his own sense           and a political narrative, ‘The Dark
to spare and the town largely to         of belonging. ‘Go, Went, Gone’ is          Ship’ tracks the Kurdish experience
themselves, they have pretty much        at once a passionate contribution          from the war-torn mountains of
everything they need and they            to the debate on race, privilege           northern Iraq to the bureaucracies
plan to start anew. Life is beautiful.   and nationality and a beautifully          and mosques of Berlin in a gripping
That is until one day a stranger         written examination of an ageing           journey across land and water,
turns up in the village and once         man‘s quest to find meaning in his         through ideology and faith.
again the little idyllic settlement      life.
faces annihilation.

____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________
The Nightwalker                          All That Ends                              Angel of Oblivion
Der Nachtwandler                         Vonne Endlichkait                          Engel des Vergessens
SEBASTIAN FITZEK, German                 GÜNTER GRASS, German                       MAJA HADERLAP, Austrian
Translated by Jamie Lee Searle           Translated by Breon Mitchell               Translated by Tess Lewis
Knaur TB, 978-3426503744                 Steidl Verlag, 978-3958290426              Wallstein Verlag, 978-3835309531
Sphere (UK), Pegasus Crime (US),         Harvill Secker (UK), Houghton Mifflin      Archipelago Books (US),
978-0751556834, 256 pages, 2017          Harcourt (US), 978-0544785380,             978-0914671466, 250 pages, 2016
                                         176 pages, 2016
As a young man, Leon Nader                                                          ‘Angel of Oblivion’ is based on the
suffered from insomnia. As a sleep-      The last work of Nobel Prize-winning       experiences of Maja Haderlap’s
walker, he turned to violence during     writer Günter Grass, a witty and           family and the Slovenian-speaking
his nocturnal excursions and had         elegiac series of meditations on           minority in southern Austria, many of
psychiatric treatment for his condi-     writing, growing old, and living in the    whom fought as partisans against
tion. One day Leon‘s wife disappears     world. Only an aging artist who has        the Nazis during the Second World
from their apartment under mys-          once more cheated death can set            War. Engaging with themes of
terious circumstances. Desperate         to work with such wisdom, defiance,        tolerance and integration of minority
to find out the truth, Leon attaches     and wit. A wealth of touching stories      communities, the burden of history,
a motion-activated camera to his         is condensed into artful miniatures        the effects of conflicts on survivors
forehead at night. When he looks at      in a striking interplay of poetry, lyric   and their children, and language’s
the video the next morning he makes      prose, and drawings. This is a mo-         role in shaping identity, Haderlap’s
a discovery that bursts the borders      ving farewell gift: a sensual, melan-      novel strikes at problems of
of his imagination.                      choly summation of a life fully lived.     paramount importance to our world

____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________
The Moravian Night                         Superabundance                              The Sleep of the Righteous
Die morawische Nacht                       Der beruhigende Klang                       Der Schlaf der Gerechten
                                           von explodierendem Kerosin
PETER HANDKE, Austrian                                                                 WOLFGANG HILBIG, German
Translated by Krishna Winston              HEINZ HELLE, German                         Translated by Isabel Fargo Cole
Suhrkamp, 978-3518461082                   Translated by Kári Driscoll                 S. Fischer Verlag, 978-3100336248
Farrar, Straus & Giroux (US),              Suhrkamp, 978-3518423981                    Two Lines Press (US), 978-1931883474,
978-0374212551, 368 pages, 2016            Serpent‘s Tail (UK), 978-1781253953,        176 pages, 2015
                                           176 pages, 2016
Mysteriously summoned to a house-                                                      Doppelgänger, a murderer’s guilt,
boat on the Morava River, a few            Alone in New York, separated                pulp noir, fanatical police, and im-
friends, associates, and collabora-        from his girlfriend by the Atlantic         possible romances – these are the
tors of an old writer listen as he tells   Ocean, the nameless narrator of             pieces from which author Wolfgang
a story that will last until dawn: the     Heinz Helle‘s electric debut novel is       Hilbig builds a divided nation bat-
tale of the once well-known writer’s       sinking slowly into crisis. He loves his    tling its demons. Delving deep into
recent odyssey across Europe.              girlfriend but finds himself attracted to   the psyches of both East and West
Powerfully alive, honest, and at           every woman he sees. He is cursed           Germany, ‘The Sleep of the Right-
times deliciously satirical,               with total self-awareness yet can‘t         eous’ reveals a powerful, apoca-
‘The Moravian Night’ explores the          seem to control his actions.                lyptic, utterly personal account
mind and memory of an aging                ‘Superabundance’ asks: how do               of the century-defining nation’s
writer, tracking the anxieties, angers,    we live when our relationships, our         post-war struggles. Hilbig creates
fears, and pleasures of a life             actions and even our own minds              an original, visionary statement on
inseparable from the recent history        are filled with such heart-breaking         the ravages that history can wreak
of Central Europe.                         mystery?                                    on the human mind.

____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________
You Should Have Left:                      All for Nothing                             Yiza
A Novel                                    Alles umsonst                               Das Mädchen mit dem
Du hättest gehen sollen                                                                Fingerhut
                                           WALTER KEMPOWSKI, German
DANIEL KEHLMANN, German/Austrian           Translated by Anthea Bell                   MICHAEL KÖHLMEIER, Austrian
Translated by Ross Benjamin                Knaus, 978-3813502640                       Translated by Ruth Martin
Rowohlt, 978-3498035730                    Granta Books & Portobello Books (UK),       Carl Hanser Verlag, 978-3446250550
Pantheon Books (US), 978-1786484048,       978-1847087201, 352 pages, 2015             Haus Publishing (UK), 978-1910376751,
128 pages, 2017                                                                        120 pages, 2017
                                           In January 1945, the German army
An eerie and supernatural tale of          is retreating from the Russian              Part dark fairy tale, part mystery,
a writer’s emotional collapse, from        advance. Germans are fleeing                Yiza is the story of three homeless
the internationally best-selling           the occupied territories in their           street children on the run.
author of ‘Measuring the World’            thousands. But in a rural East              One evening, not long after her
and ‘F’. Eager to finish a screenplay      Prussian manor house, the wealthy           arrival in Germany, six-year-old
he has been working on, the narrator       von Globig family seals itself off          Yiza is abandoned at the market
of Daniel Kehlmann’s spellbinding          from the world. Profoundly evocative        where she spends her days.
new novel rents a house in the             of the period, sympathetic and              At a shelter for migrant children she
German mountains with his wife             yet painfully honest about the              meets two boys and together they
and four-year-old daughter – a             motivations of its characters,              run away. Trekking through snowy
house that thwarts the expectations        ‘All for Nothing’ is a devastating          forests and housing settlements,
of the narrator’s recollection and         portrait of the complicities and            they evade police custody, sub-
seems to defy the very laws of             denials of the German people as             sisting on the margins of society.
physics.                                   the Third Reich comes to an end.            ‘Yiza’ is a pertinent and timely tale
                                                                                       of displacement and suffering.
____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________
Imperium.                              Collision                                 Babylon Berlin
A Fiction of the South Seas            Havarie                                   Der nasse Fisch
                                       MERLE KRÖGER, German                      VOLKER KUTSCHER, German
CHRISTIAN KRACHT, Swiss                Translated by Niall Sellar                Translated by Niall Sellar
Translated by Daniel Bowles            Argument Verlag, 978-3867542241           Kiepenheuer & Witsch,
Kiepenheuer & Witsch, 978-3462041316   Rachel Hildebrandt and Alexandra Roesch   978-3462039146
Farrar Straus & Giroux (US),           Unnamed Press (US), 978-1944700195        Sandstone Press (UK),
978-0374175245, 192 pages, 2015        240 pages, 2017                           978-1910124970, 544 pages, 2016

In 1902, a radical vegetarian and      Miami-based The Spirit of Europe,         Berlin, 1929. Detective Inspector Rath
nudist from Nuremberg named            the third largest cruise liner in the     was a successful career officer in
August Engelhardt set sail for what    world, ploughs through the                the Cologne Homicide Division
was then called the Bismarck           Mediterranean every summer,               before a shooting incident in which
Archipelago. His destination:          offering its passengers a temporary       he inadvertently killed a man.
the island of Kabakon. His goal:       escape from their everyday lives.         He is transferred to the Vice Squad
to establish a colony based on         But life on board the cruise liner        in Berlin, a job he detests. There is
worship of the sun and coconuts.       is not immune to the chaos of the         seething unrest in the city and the
His malnourished body was found        European migration crisis.                Vice Squad is ordered to ruthlessly
on the beach on Kabakon in 1919.       ‘Collision’ is a maritime thriller by     enforce the ban on May Day
Christian Kracht uses the outlan-      one of Germany’s most celebrated          demonstrations. The result is
dish details of Engelhardt’s life to   crime writers, building suspense          catastrophic with many dead and
craft a fable about the allure of      through the eyes of a diverse array       injured, and a state of emergency is
extremism and its fundamental          of memorable characters.                  declared in the Communist strong-
foolishness.                                                                     holds of the city.

____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________
Melnitz                                Bricks and Mortar                         The Fox Was Ever the Hunter
Melnitz                                Im Stein                                  Der Fuchs war damals
                                                                                 schon der Jäger
CHARLES LEWINSKY, Swiss                CLEMENS MEYER, German
Translated by Shaun Whiteside          Translated by Katy Derbyshire             HERTA MÜLLER, German
dtv, 978-3423135924                    S. Fischer Verlag, 978-3100486028         Translated by Philip Boehm
Atlantic Books (UK), 978-1848877665,   Fitzcarraldo Editions (UK),               Rowohlt, 978-3499135033
640 pages, 2015                        978-1910695197, 672 pages, 2016           Metropolitan Books (US),
                                                                                 978-0805093025, 256 pages, 2016
1871. Cattle-dealer Solomon Meijer     ‘Bricks and Mortar’ is the story of
has made a reputation for himself      the sex trade in a big city in the        Romania – the last months of the
as one of the few honest Jews          former GDR, from just before 1989         Ceaușescu regime. Adina is a young
in Endingen, a rare Swiss town in      to the present day, charting the          schoolteacher and returns home one
which Jews are allowed to reside.      development of the industry from          day to discover that her fox-fur rug
But his whole life is set to change    absolute prohibition to full legality     has had its tail cut off.
when he answers a knock at the         in the twenty years following the         The mutilated fur is a taunting sign
door in the middle of the night.       reunification of Germany.                 that she is being watched by the
‘Melnitz’ is the saga of the Swiss-    The focus is on the rise and fall of      secret police – the fox was ever
Jewish Meijer family, spanning five    one man from football hooligan to         the hunter. Images of photographic
generations from the Franco-Prussian   large-scale landlord and service-         precision combine into a kaleido-
War to World War II.                   provider for prostitutes.                 scope of terror as Adina and her
It is a homage to Yiddish culture      But many other diverse voices have        friends struggle to keep mind and
and a celebration of the enduring      parts to play in this fascinating,        body intact in a world pervaded by
spirit of biting Jewish humour.        multi-faceted tale.                       complicity and permeated by fear.

____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________
The Ice Queen                          To Die in Spring                           Sophia Or the Beginning of
Tiefe Wunden                           Im Frühling sterben                        All Tales
                                                                                  Sophia oder Der Anfang
NELE NEUHAUS, German                   RALF ROTHMANN, German
                                                                                  aller Geschichten
Translated by Stephen T. Murray        Translated by Shaun Whiteside
List Taschenbuch, 978-3548609027       Suhrkamp, 978-3518424759                   RAFIK SCHAMI, German
Minotaur (US), 978-1447227427,         Picador (UK), FSG (US), 978-1509812851,    Translated by
448 pages, 2015                        208 pages, 2017                            Monique Arav and John Hannon
                                                                                  Carl Hanser Verlag, 978-3446249417
The body of 92-year-old Jossi          Distant, silent, often drunk, Walter
                                                                                  Interlink Publishing (US), 978-1566560313,
Goldberg, Holocaust survivor and       Urban is a difficult man to have as
                                                                                  480 pages, 2017
American citizen, is found shot to     a father. But his son – the narrator
death execution style in his house     of this slim, harrowing novel – is         Set during the tumultuous years
near Frankfurt. A five-digit number    curious about Walter’s experiences         leading up to the Arab Spring,
is scrawled in blood at the murder     during World War II, and so makes          ‘Sophia’ is an intricately plotted,
scene. The autopsy reveals an old      him a present of a blank notebook          lyrical novel about the power of love
and unsuccessfully covered tattoo      in which to write down his memo-           to overcome all barriers of time and
on the corpse‘s arm – a blood type     ries. Walter dies, however, leaving        circumstance. As a young girl, Sophia
marker once used by Hitler‘s SS.       nothing but the barest skeleton of         falls deeply in love with Karim, but
Pia Kirchhoff and Oliver Bodenstein    a story on those pages, leading his        weds a rich goldsmith instead.
are faced with a riddle. Was the       son to fill in the gaps himself, rightly   A few years later, Karim is accused of
old man not Jewish after all?          or wrongly, with what he can piece         an assassination he did not commit
Who was he, really?                    together of his father’s early life.       and Sophia saves his life. He promises
                                                                                  that she will forever have his loyalty,
                                                                                  no matter the risk to himself.

____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________
The Language of Birds                  Goldfish Memory                            A Whole Life
Die Sprache der Vögel                  Goldfischgedächtnis:                       Ein ganzes Leben
NORBERT SCHEUER, German                                                           ROBERT SEETHALER, Austrian
Translated by Stephen Brown            MONIQUE SCHWITTER, Swiss                   Translated by Charlotte Collins
C. H. Beck, 978-3406677458             Translated by Eluned Gramich               Hanser Berlin, 978-3446246454
Haus Publishing (UK),                  Droschl, 978-3854207894                    Picador (UK), Farrar, Straus & Giroux (US),
University of Chicago Press (US),      Parthian Books (UK), 978-1910409633,       978-1447283904, 160 pages, 2016
978-1910376638, 160 pages, 2017        250 pages, 2015
                                                                                  Andreas Egger knows every path
It is 2003, and Paul Arimond is ser-   What does it mean to have a
                                                                                  and peak of his mountain valley,
ving as a paramedic in Afghanistan.    connection with someone?
                                                                                  the source of his sustenance, his
The twenty-four-year-old has           Everyday you see tens and hundreds
                                                                                  livelihood – his home. Set in the
no illusions of becoming a hero.       of faces and overhear countless
                                                                                  mid-twentieth century and told
Rather, he has chosen the army to      conversations. Everyday you pass
                                                                                  with beauty and tenderness,
escape the tragedies of his past       people by. But what makes one
                                                                                  Robert Seethaler‘s ‘A Whole Life’ is
and his own feelings of guilt.         person a stranger, and another a
                                                                                  a story of man‘s relationship with
As a result, he finds himself in the   friend, an accomplice, even a lover?
                                                                                  an ancient landscape, of the value
same land, now war-torn, where an      ‘Goldfish Memory’ is the first trans-
                                                                                  of solitude, of the arrival of the
ancestor of his, Ambrosius Arimond,    lation of Monique Schwitter’s form-
                                                                                  modern world, and above all, of
a late eighteenth-century traveller    breaking work.
                                                                                  the moments, great and small, that
and ornithologist, once explored       With a contemporary style that’s
                                                                                  make us who we are.
and developed the theory of a          cool, quick and funny, this collection
universal language of birds.           is a refreshing new voice, not to be
____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________
Kruso                                       The Back of Beyond                       Before the Feast
Kruso                                       Weit über das Land                       Vor dem Fest
LUTZ SEILER, German                         PETER STAMM, Swiss                       SAŠA STANIŠIC, German
Translated by Tess Lewis                    Translated by Michael Hofmann            Translated by Anthea Bell
Suhrkamp, 978-3518466308                    S. Fischer Verlag, 978-3100022271        Luchterhand Literaturverlag,
Scribe (UK), Scribe (US), 978-1911344001,   Other Press (US), 978-1783783298,        978-3630872438
480 pages, 2017                             160 pages, 2017                          Pushkin Press (UK), 978-1941040393,
                                                                                     316 pages, 2015
‘Kruso’ is the lyrical, bestselling 2014    Man Booker International Prize
German Book Prize winner. It is 1989,       finalist Peter Stamm explores what       It is the evening before the feast in
and a young literature student              it means to be in the middle of          the village of Fürstenfelde (popula-
named Ed, fleeing unspeakable               nowhere, in mind and in body.            tion: declining), but not everyone is
tragedy, travels to the Baltic island       Happily married with two children,       asleep. The local artist, the village
of Hiddensee. Long shrouded in              Thomas and Astrid enjoy a glass of       archivist and a retired lieutenant-
myth, the island is a notorious             wine in their garden on a night like     colonel are all wakeful.
destination for hippies, idealists,         any other. Astrid is called back to      And eighteen-year-old Anna,
and those at odds with the East             the house and, after a brief moment      namesake of the feast, prepares to
German state. There he is drawn             of hesitation, Thomas opens the          take her place in tomorrow’s festival
towards the charismatic Kruso,              gate and walks out. While Thomas         of drinking and dancing, eating
unofficial leader of the island’s           begins a trek across the country-        and burning. On this night of mis-
seasonal workers. Everyone dances           side, Astrid is left wondering where     deeds and mischief, the fantastic,
to Kruso’s tune – but to what end,          he’s gone, when he’ll come back,         the menacing, and the inexplicable
and at what cost?                           whether he’s still alive.                collide in the most surprising ways.

____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________
Montecristo                                 The Memoirs of a Polar Bear              Kingdom of Twilight
Montecristo                                 Etüden im Schnee                         Königreich der Dämmerung
MARTIN SUTER, Swiss                         YOKO TAWADA, German                      STEVEN UHLY, German
Translated by Jamie Bulloch                 Translated by Susan Bernofsky            Translated by Jamie Bulloch
Diogenes, 978-3257069204                    Konkursbuch, 978-3887697372              Secession Verlag, 978-3905951417
No Exit Press (UK), 978-1843448303,         New Directions (US), 978-0811225786,     MacLehose Press (UK), 978-0857054982,
320 pages, 2016                             288 pages, 2016                          464 pages, 2016

Video journalist Jonas Brand is on          A bear, born and raised in captivity,    One night in autumn 1944, in a small
a rail journey from Zurich to Basel         is devastated by the loss of his         town in occupied Poland, an SS officer
when stock trader Paolo Contini             keep-er; another finds herself           is shot dead by a young Polish Jew,
appears to throw himself from the           performing in the circus; a third sits   Margarita Ejzenstain. In retaliation,
train to his death. Brand sets his          down one day and pens a memoir           his commander orders the execution
footage of the aftermath of the             which becomes an international           of thirty-seven Poles — one for
incident aside to investigate a             sensation, and causes her to flee        every year of the dead man‘s life.
strange coincidence:                        her home. Through the stories of         First hidden by a German couple,
two hundred-Swiss-franc bankno-             these three bears, Tawada reflects       Margarita must then flee the brutal
tes bearing the same serial number          on our own humanity, the ways in         advance of the Soviet army with her
have come into his possession.              which we belong to one another           new-born baby. So begins a thrilling
Sensing an opportunity to graduate          and the ways in which we are             panorama of intermingled destinies
from celebrity journalism to serious        formed. Delicate and surreal, these      and events that reverberate from
investigation, he has the banknotes         memoirs take the reader into             that single act of defiance.
analysed, with fatally contradictory        foreign bodies and foreign climes.
A Gushing Fountain
Ein springender Brunnen
Translated by David Dollenmayer
Suhrkamp, 978-3518396001
Arcade (US), 978-1628724240,
368 pages, 2015

This masterful novel by one of the
foremost figures of post-war Ger-
man literature is an indelible por-
trait of Nazism slowly overtaking a
small town. Semi-autobiographical,
it is also a remarkably vivid account
of a childhood fraught with troubles,
yet full of remembered love.
In a provincial town on Lake Con-
stance, Johann basks in the affection
of the colourful staff and regulars at
the station restaurant, until war be-
gins the body count that will include
his beloved older brother.

____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________
The Correspondance                            Birdmania — A Remarkable                    Gut: The Inside Story of
of Hannah Arendt and                          Passion for Birds                           Our Body‘s Most
Gershom Scholem                               Ornithomania: Geschichte                    Underrated Organ
Der Briefwechsel: Hannah                      einer besonderen                            Darm mit Charme
Arendt / Gershom Scholem                      Leidenschaft
                                                                                          GIULIA ENDERS, German
HANNAH ARENDT, German                         BERND BRUNNER, German                       Translated by David Shaw
Translated by Anthony David                   Translated by Jane Billinghurst             Ullstein, 978-3550081842
Jüdischer Verlag bei Suhrkamp,                Galiani Berlin, 978-3869711171, Greystone   Scribe Publications (UK), Greystone Books
978-3633542345, University of Chicago         (UK), 978-1771642774, 288 pages, 2017       (US), 978-1911344773, 288 pages, 2015
Press (US), 978-0226924519, 336 pages, 2017
                                              Packed with intriguing facts and            For too long, the gut has been the
Few people thought as deeply or               exquisite and rare artwork, ‘Birdmania’     body’s most ignored and least ap-
incisively about Germany, Jewish              showcases an eclectic and fascinating       preciated organ, but it turns out that
identity, and the Holocaust as                selection of bird devotees who would        it’s responsible for more than just
Hannah Arendt and Gershom                     do anything for their feathered friends.    dirty work: our gut is at the core of
Scholem. And, as this landmark                In addition to well-known enthusiasts       who we are. “Gut”, an international
volume reveals, much of that thinking         such as Aristotle, Charles Darwin,          bestseller, gives the alimentary canal
was developed in dialogue,                    and Helen Macdonald, Brunner                its long-overdue moment in the
through more than two decades                 introduces readers to a selection of        spotlight. With quirky charm, rising
of correspondence. In a world that            less well-known people with a passion       science star Giulia Enders addresses
continues to struggle with questions          for birds, including George Archibald,      questions like: why does acid reflux
of nationalism, identity, and                 who performed mating dances for             happen? What’s really up with gluten
difference, Arendt and Scholem                an endangered whooping crane                and lactose intolerance? How does
remain crucial thinkers.                      called Tex to encourage her to lay.         the gut affect obesity and mood?
____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________
Upheaval: The Refugee Trek                    White Magic                              Blitzed. Drugs in Nazi Germany
Through Europe                                Weiße Magie:                             Der totale Rausch:
Einbruch der Wirklichkeit:                    Die Epoche des Papiers                   Drogen im Dritten Reich
Auf dem Flüchtlingstreck
                                              LOTHAR MÜLLER, German                    NORMAN OHLER, German
durch Europa  
                                              Translated by Jessica Spengler           Translated by Shaun Whiteside
NAVID KERMANI, German                         Carl Hanser Verlag, 978-3446239111       KiWi-Taschenbuch, 978-3462050356
Translated by Tony Crawford                   Polity Press (UK), 978-0745672533,       Allen Lane (UK), Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (US),
C. H. Beck, 978-3406692086                    352 pages, 2015                          978-0241256992, 128 pages, 2016
Polity Press (US), 978-1509518678,
                                              In this brilliant new book Lothar        The Nazis presented themselves as
100 pages, 2017
                                              Müller describes how paper made          warriors against moral degeneracy.
In the autumn of 2015, award-win-             its way from China through the Arab      Yet Norman Ohler‘s gripping best-
ning writer Navid Kermani decided             world to Europe, where it permeated      seller reveals that the entire Third
to accompany refugees on the                  everyday life from the thirteenth        Reich was permeated with drugs.
‘Balkan route’. Kermani exposes the           century onwards, and how the             Methamphetamines, or crystal
cultural and political upheaval that          paper technology revolution of           meth, were used by everyone from
has caused people to uproot their             the nineteenth century paved the         factory workers to housewives,
lives, at the same time shining a light       way for the creation of the modern       and crucial to troops‘ resilience —
on Europe‘s inadequate response to            daily press. With the proliferation of   even partly explaining German
the refugees. Interspersed with               digital devices, paper may seem to       victory in 1940. While drugs cannot
powerful images by the acclaimed              be a residue of the past, but Müller     on their own explain the events of
photographer Moises Saman,                    reveals this humble technology to        the Second World War or its
‘Upheaval’ is a much-needed human             be the most fundamental medium           outcome Ohler shows how they
account of a crisis we cannot ignore.         of the modern world.                     alter our understanding of it.

____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________
Farewell to the Horse: The Final Kafka: The Early Years                                Looking at Pictures
Century of Our Relationship Kafka: Die frühen Jahre                                    Von Bildern
Das letzte Jahrhundert der
                                 REINER STACH, German                                  ROBERT WALSER, Swiss
Pferde: Geschichte einer
                                 Translated by Shelley Frisch                          Translated by Susan Bernofsky, Lydia
                                              Fischer Taschenbuch, 978-3596031405      Davis and Christopher Middleton
ULRICH RAULFF, German                         Princeton University (US),               Insel Verlag, 978-3458192824
Translated by Ruth Ahmedzai Kemp              978-0691151984, 336 pages, 2016          New Directions (US), 978-0811224246,
C. H. Beck, 978-3406682445                                                             144 pages, 2015
                                              How did Kafka become Kafka?
Allen Lane (UK), Allen Lane The Penguin
                                              This eagerly anticipated third           An elegant collection, with gor-
Press (US), 978-0241257609, 464 pages, 2017
                                              and final volume of Reiner Stach‘s       geous full-colour art reproductions,
‘Farewell to the Horse’ is a moving           definitive biography of the writer       ‘Looking at Pictures’ presents a
discussion of what horses once meant          answers that question with more          little-known aspect of the
to us. Cities, farmland, entire industries    facts and insight than ever before,      eccentric Swiss writer‘s genius.
were once shaped as much by the               describing the complex personal,         Robert Walser‘s essays consider
needs of horses as humans. The inter-         political, and cultural circum-          famous painters such as Van Gogh,
vention of horses was fundamental in          stances that shaped the young            Manet and Rembrandt, as well as
countless historical events. They were        Franz Kafka (1883-1924). It tells the    discussing general topics such as
sculpted, painted, cherished, admired;        story from his birth in Prague to the    the character of the artist and the
they were thrashed, abused and ex-            beginning of his professional and        differences between painters and
posed to terrible danger. Ulrich Raulff‘s     literary career in 1910, up until the    poets. Each piece is marked by
bestseller is a superb monument to the        breakthrough that resulted in his        Walser’s unique eye, his delicate
endlessly various creature who has so         first masterpieces.                      sensitivity and all are touched by
often shared and shaped our fate.                                                      his magic screwball wit.
____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________
Summer Before the Dark:                    The Hidden Life of Trees                  The Trick
Stefan Zweig and Joseph                    Das geheime Leben der                     Der Trick
Roth, Ostend 1936                          Bäume
                                                                                     EMANUEL BERGMANN, German
Ostende. 1936, Sommer
                                           PETER WOHLLEBEN, German                   Diogenes, 978-3257069556
der Freundschaft
                                           Translated by Jane Billinghurst           Atria Books (Simon & Schuster) (US),
VOLKER WEIDERMANN, German                  Ludwig Buchverlag, 978-3453280670         978-1501155826, 375 pages, 2017
Translated by Carol Brown Janeway          Greystone English (World) (US),
btb Verlag, 978-3442715169, Pushkin        978-1771642484, 288 pages, 2016           A deeply moving, humorous story
Press (UK), Knopf/Pantheon (US), 978-                                                of a boy who believes in everything
                                           Are trees social beings?
1782272038, 160 pages, 2016                                                          and an old man who believes in
                                           In this international bestseller Peter
                                                                                     nothing. In 1934, a rabbi’s son
It’s the summer of 1936, and the writer    Wohlleben convincingly makes the
                                                                                     in Prague joins a traveling circus,
Stefan Zweig is in crisis. His German      case that the forest is a social net-
                                                                                     becomes a magician, and rises to
publisher no longer wants him and his      work. He draws on ground-breaking
                                                                                     fame under the stage name the
marriage is collapsing. So he journeys     scientific discoveries to describe
                                                                                     Great Zabbatini. Seven decades
to Ostend – the Belgian beach town         how trees are like human families:
                                                                                     later in Los Angeles, ten-year-old
that is a paradise of promenades,          tree parents live together with their
                                                                                     Max finds a scratched-up LP that
parasols, and old friends – with his       children, communicate with them,
                                                                                     captured Zabbatini performing his
lover, Lotte Altmann, and reunites with    share nutrients with those who are
                                                                                     greatest tricks. Max seeks out the
fellow writer and friend Joseph Roth,      struggling, and even warn each
                                                                                     now elderly, cynical magician and
who is himself about to fall in love.      other of impending dangers.
                                                                                     the two develop an unlikely friend-
‘Ostend’ is the true story of two of the   After learning about the complex
twentieth century’s great writers, a       life of trees, a walk in the woods will
dazzling work of historical nonfiction.    never be the same again.

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