8 MARCH 2021 - TheWomen of Rail Projects Victoria - Victoria's Big Build

Page created by Bob Hanson
8 MARCH 2021 - TheWomen of Rail Projects Victoria - Victoria's Big Build
LET’S ALL              #choose to
                     CHOOSE TO              challenge

#choose to       TheWomen of
              Rail Projects Victoria

              8                  #IWD2021
8 MARCH 2021 - TheWomen of Rail Projects Victoria - Victoria's Big Build

                                                                          Project Manager
                                                                          Melbourne Airport Rail

                                                                                                                                                                   My role is so
                                                                                                                                                                   varied... there is
                                                                                                                                                             so much to learn and
                                                                                                                                                             the team has such a
                                                                                                                                                             wealth of experience.


      Adjusting to working from home
      hasn’t been all bad for Marianne
      Brennan, capitalising on a new
      home in October by updating her
      work surroundings.
      “I took the opportunity to make
                                           so quickly. There is so much
                                           to learn, and the team has such
                                           a wealth of experience.”
                                           When time permits, Marianne
                                           has several interests that keep her
                                           occupied. “I like to be outdoors,
                                                                                 palest in the class,” she says.
                                                                                 Her family became citizens
                                                                                 before moving back to Ireland,
                                                                                 but Marianne had developed
                                                                                 a strong attachment to the land
                                                                                 Down Under, returning twice
                                                                                 as a backpacker.
                                                                                                                     OUTSIDE THE
                                                                                                                     COMFORT ZONE
                                                                                                                     Seizing the opportunity to start a career in rail on the
                                                                                                                     London Underground, Marianne Brennan has never
                                                                                                                     looked back.

                                                                                                                     to the possibilities of transport
                                                                                                                     and infrastructure.
                                                                                                                     “They asked if I would be
                                                                                                                     interested in a temporary admin
                                                                                                                     job with London Underground.
                                                                                                                     I jumped at this as I secretly loved
                                                                                                                                                            to Melbourne was with the iconic
                                                                                                                                                            Yarra Trams as Project Manager
                                                                                                                                                            delivering Infrastructure Projects,
                                                                                                                                                            another fascinating role with the
                                                                                                                                                            intricate overhead cabling and
                                                                                                                                                            public interfaces.”
      the work from home environment       walking or cycling on my old                                              trains but kept cool. The job          #ChooseToChallenge is this
      suit me and incorporate the things   cruiser and I also like reading       Marianne completed a marketing      description of Signalling Team         year’s International Women’s Day
      that motivate me in my workspace,”   or watching documentaries.            degree just as the Irish economic   Admin, like most, ended up being       theme and it’s apparent how that
      she says. “It suits me and my cat,   My passion lately has been            downturn hit in 2008. With the      so many roles mashed into one.         has shaped Marianne’s journey
      who insists on sharing my desk to    cooking and yoga.”                    jobs market feeling the pinch,      “Now extremely interested in           and development to where she
      watch the birds outside.”            Originally coming to Australia        she undertook various temp roles    construction, I completed night        is today. “Sometimes the biggest
      With Melbourne Airport Rail’s        from Dublin with her family           before moving to London, around     courses to go on site as much          challenge is to acknowledge our
      Sunshine team, Marianne has          as a child, Marianne settled in       the time of the 2012 Olympic        as possible, shadowing different       insecurities and step outside our
      found it easy to keep motivated.     Queensland and attended an            Games. One day she received         teams. Six years later I studied       comfort zone,” Marianne says.
      “My role is so varied. I really      Australian primary school for five    an agency call that proved          mechanical engineering and my
      enjoy my work and the days pass      years. “I loved it, even being the    life-changing, opening her eyes     experience grew. My introduction

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          My team helped me
          to avoid being an
    outsider in the workplace
    and their support, trust
    and inspiration has been
    so precious to me.

                                                                                                                                           Graduate, Civil Engineering
                                                                                                                                           MELBOURNE AIRPORT RAIL

    At 16, Wendy He moved to Australia by herself and
    chose a career path that suited her ambitions – not
    others’ expectations.

    At sixteen, Wendy He arrived          like I was on a vacation the entire    Berry, Wendy’s cat, has been           alternative career paths and        in the workplace and their
    alone in Australia from               time and I loved being closer to       a constant for several years now,      broaden their horizons to explore   support, trust and inspiration
    Hokkien, China, starting in           nature. From my experience,            although Wendy has noticed a few       new opportunities.”                 has been so precious to me.
    Bendigo before moving to              regional campuses are the best         changes in her four-legged friend’s    Wendy recently moved into RPV’s     Working for RPV has helped me
    The University of Melbourne           places to really explore Australia’s   behaviour over the past year.          grad program in February 2021       understand the difference between
    to study civil engineering.           natural environment out of the         “I adopted her from the RSPCA          and her performance with MAR        here and the culture that I grew
    “Engineering was not my parents’      city,” she says.                       four years ago and she’s adorable.     led to her being retained within    up in. There’s a focus on learning
    plan for me,” she says. “At 18,       Starting as a cadet with RPV’s         She’s become way more affectionate     the team. “It is wonderful news     and growth during the work
    I chose to get out of my comfort      Melbourne Airport Rail (MAR)           during lockdown.”                      that I’m staying with MAR. I like   process, it isn’t about just
    zone which tells me conform,          team in January 2020, Wendy soon       Active in the university               my team and enjoy learning from     completing everything ‘ASAP’.
    to choose the safe option.”           had to pack up and move to the         community, Wendy has been a            my teammates.” she says.            There’s such a great opportunity
                                          work-from-home way of life, her        student ambassador since 2019                                              to make a positive impact
    As Wendy’s first taste of                                                                                           “The past year has been             on society through our
    Australian life, Bendigo is still     group of RPV interns and cadets        and an academic mentor for the         an amazing, unforgettable
                                          keeping in touch and reflecting on     Girl Power in Engineering & IT                                             commitment to Victorians.”
    very special to her. “It was where                                                                                  experience. I’ve learnt so much
    I got to see and experience the       their development throughout the       program. “As a mentor, my role         from the team; they’ve helped
    typical Aussie environment. It felt   year via a weekly lunch.               is to help high school girls explore   me to avoid being an outsider

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                                                                                                                            Look after
                                                                                                                            yourself so that

                                                                                                                      you can help others.
                                                                                                                      When women support
                                                                                                                      each other, big changes
                                                                                                                      can happen.

                                                                                                                   BEING HAPPY IS

    GASHTASBI          Senior Assistant,
                       office of the ceo

      Shortly after moving to Australia
      from Tehran, Vanessa Gashtasbi
      made a decision that has defined
      her family and career.
      “I have a Bachelor of Food
                                            Arriving as skilled migrants in
                                            2007, Vanessa and her husband
                                            had planned only a temporary
                                            stay. “I had no idea about
                                            Australia and didn’t know anyone.
                                                                                is incredible and the team is so
                                                                                professional. I feel so proud to
                                                                                be part of this team, to make
                                                                                big changes for the state,”
                                                                                Vanessa says.
                                                                                                                   KEY TO HELPING
                                                                                                                   A bold decision after arriving in Australia in 2007
                                                                                                                   changed the course of Vanessa Gashtasbi’s life.

                                                                                                                   keeping positive. It wasn’t
                                                                                                                   easy, especially during the
                                                                                                                   second lockdown.
                                                                                                                   “It was difficult to detach
                                                                                                                   from work after logging off,
                                                                                                                                                        element of living a happy and
                                                                                                                                                        healthy life is to look after yourself
                                                                                                                                                        so that you can help others. I truly
                                                                                                                                                        believe that when women support
                                                                                                                                                        each other, big changes can happen.
      Science and spent a year in a food    Our plan was to move to Canada,     While her family loves the         as I remained in the same space.     “On International Women’s Day
      production factory as a food and      where we had family and friends.    outdoors, lockdown encouraged      I committed to mindfulness and       we need to recognise what women
      nutrition scientist,” she says.       But Melbourne became our home       improvisation. “We’ve had to       running daily. I’ve learnt to give   have achieved but also how much
      “I planned to continue my             and my daughter Nora was born       learn how we can have quality      myself time alone, which helps       needs to be done around the
      major in Australia and had been       here in 2013.”                      time indoors: baking, Lego,        my clarity. But being around each    world. In many countries women
      accepted to a Master of Science       Vanessa arrived at the then-        movies, gardening, drawing and     other almost permanently has also    still have no voice or freedom
      course. Just before enrolment,        Melbourne Metro Rail Authority      reading. Working from home         been a positive for my family,”      of choice. Great steps have been
      I decided that I enjoyed the office   in 2015, moving into her current    made me realise how busy my life   Vanessa says.                        taken in recent years, but there
      environment more and moved            role in 2017. “RPV has been one     had been and suddenly it came      In 2021, Vanessa is dedicated to     is a long way to go.”
      to Business Management.”              of the best workplaces I have       to a halt. We had to manage        focusing inwards. “The first
                                            ever experienced. The culture       everything from home while

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          I was asked if working
          within the project would
    interest me. I thought, what an
    exciting, landmark opportunity.

    THE THRILL AND                                                                  ROSHNI                                     Senior Project Engineer
                                                                                                                               Melbourne Airport Rail

    Roshni Francis seized the opportunity to work on the
    Melbourne Airport Rail project and it doesn’t take
    long to get swept up by her excitement about it.

    Reflecting on her early              Roshni’s role in the utilities team      International Women’s Day           instead of ‘he’ promotes instant       highlight was working as
    engagement with Rail Projects        for this project – which will            and the theme for 2021,             inclusion and stifles ignorance,”      a wireline engineer in South
    Victoria, Roshni Francis vividly     connect Melbourne Airport to             #ChooseToChallenge, is at the       she says.                              Australia, undertaking exploration
    recalls her enthusiasm when she      the existing rail network – has          forefront of minds at the moment    “If we call it out, we’ll see the      works on oil wells. “It was a truly
    was offered the chance to join the   reinforced her belief that this          and Roshni sees this as an          thinking change the stereotype         unique and challenging experience
    Melbourne Airport Rail Project.      aspect of any major infrastructure       opportunity to raise awareness      of roles being associated with         that has shaped my work ethic,”
    “I was asked if working within       project cannot be overstated.            against inherent bias, for people   a particular gender. Challenging       she says.
    the project would interest me.       “It’s eye-opening to learn the           to find their voice, especially     the status quo is about being          With current global events, Roshni
    I thought, what an exciting,         inherently crucial role utilities play   when it’s easier to stay silent.    brave and not quietly accepting        has had to cool her heels on her
    landmark opportunity,” she says.     across all disciplines in the early      “Throughout my career it’s been     something you believe to be            well-established passion for travel
    “I knew the scope would be large,    stages of a major project such           all-too-readily assumed that        incorrect – chances are others         but is taking the opportunity
    but I never envisaged it to be       as MAR,” she says. “Asset                a hypothetical boss, contractor     are thinking it too.”                  to plan ahead. “I’d love to catch
    what it is today. We are only        management can make or break             or leading role is male in          With Roshni’s career to date           a glimpse of an aurora, venture
    at the design phase, and             a project and the challenge is not       day-to-day communication,           mainly consisting of project           the Silk Road and South America.
    it’s immeasurable.”                  underestimating the complexities         which inadvertently furthers        engineer roles focusing on utilities   The list is lengthy but I’ve faith!”
                                         and stakeholder requisites               a false and outdated perception.    in the private sector, an early
                                         associated with them.”                   Small changes such as ‘they’

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           International Women’s
           Day is a reminder of
     what more we need to do
     to encourage females in                                                                                                                                      Lead Design Manager Rail Systems
     achieving their dream career.                                                                                                                                Melbourne Airport Rail


     Kiran Atwal’s career path has led her to one
     of Victoria’s most anticipated rail projects
     as part of the Melbourne Airport Rail team.

     Kiran Atwal’s career in rail spans   awaited Melbourne Airport               when she was 15, living in            a family that includes two children,   equal opportunities for women
     14 years and projects across         Rail project.                           North Queensland.                     aged 18 months and 4½ years.           in the workplace.
     Australia, moving from the east      “It’s a very interactive role as        “I completed high school in Tully,    “With such young children, life        “It’s also a reminder of our
     coast to the west and back again.    I work closely with AJM and             a small farming town known for        is pretty full-on,” Kiran says.        responsibility to encourage more
     “I’ve always worked in railways,”    RPV teams to scope the MAR              sugar cane and bananas. There         “My eldest believes his parents’       females in achieving their dream
     Kiran says. “My first job was in     Rail Systems works ensuring all         used to be a passive Level            work includes attending meetings       career,” she says.
     Brisbane as a graduate signalling    technical and scope related issues      Crossing right outside my school      the whole day. The advantage           “I believe the #ChooseToChallenge
     engineer. From there, I moved on     are identified and resolved to assist   and at that time I had no idea that   of working from home during the        theme relates to challenging more
     to Melbourne, Perth and back to      the timely development of the           one day I would end up working        pandemic is being able to tend to      girls in schools to participate in
     Melbourne again. I had roles with    reference design and the Project        up Queensland Rail to upgrade         the kids as soon as I finish work,     engineering, science and
     Queensland Rail Aurizon, MTM         Scope & Technical Requirements.         that Level Crossing to active         instead of being stuck in traffic      mathematical degrees, challenging
     and Rio Tinto before starting        It is a very challenging and hands-     protection,” she says. “Then I        on the way home from the office.”      workplaces to provide equal
     at Rail Projects Victoria.”          on role and no two days are             went to university 200 kilometres     Kiran sees International Women’s       opportunities and challenging
     Kiran’s current role is as Lead      alike,” Kiran says.                     south in Townsville.”                 Day as the celebration of what has     ourselves to accelerate in whatever
     Design Manager for the Rail          Born and raised in India,               These days, Kiran is well and         been achieved so far in promoting      career path we may choose.”
     Systems Package on the long-         Kiran migrated to Australia             truly settled in Melbourne, with

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            We need to continue to encourage
            more young women into a role
     in the Engineering and Construction
     sectors, beginning in school.


     OF WOMEN IN                                                                                                                                Senior Project Manager,
                                                                                                                                                Melbourne Airport Rail

     Melanie Davey believes setting an early pathway
     is the key to achieving a greater female presence
     in the construction and engineering sectors.

     Over the next 10 years, rail travel   program and budget elements            commercial precinct on Collins/     she says. “I now have a beehive      being a catalyst for change,
     to and from Melbourne Airport         of the airport station,” she says.     Flinders St. Following this I       at home to produce honey.”           opening doors for future
     will become a reality for             Through her career, Melanie            worked as a Project Management      “I love the outdoors and do a fair   generations. “I have all too often
     Melburnians and those visiting        continues a family legacy. “My         Consultant, continuing to develop   bit of camping with my husband.      been the only female in meetings
     from interstate and overseas.         grandpa and uncle were engineers       my skills as a Project Manager.”    Snowboarding is one of my most       and feel there is a great opportunity
     With construction on the              and my interest in maths and the       Joining RPV during Melbourne’s      loved hobbies and I’ve been lucky    to change this, to get more women
     Melbourne Airport Rail (MAR)          way objects were assembled led me      second lockdown in 2020,            enough to snowboard in Japan,        in the room,” she says.
     project starting next year, one of    to a degree in Civil Engineering,”     Melanie was unable to indulge       Canada and New Zealand.              “We need to continue to encourage
     the most visible aspects of the       she says.                              in some regular outdoor pastimes,   I was booked to indulge in a         more young women into a role in
     project is the new station at         After university, Melanie joined       but there was one activity closer   heli-boarding trip to NZ in 2020,    the engineering and construction
     Melbourne Airport, with Melanie       Lendlease as a graduate site           to home that aligned with           which has been rescheduled to        sectors, beginning in school – by
     Davey playing a key role in this      engineer. “I started my career         lockdown life.                      2021. Fingers crossed I’ll be        university it starts to be too late.
     work package.                         working on residential, commercial     “Gardening is a big passion of      able to go!”                         IWD is important to bring women
     “My role as Station Structure         and retail projects, and my most       mine. I grow vegetables and fruit   In a traditionally male-dominated    together to support and celebrate
     and Fit-out lead is to assess         notable project is Melbourne           at home, and lockdown helped        industry, Melanie has constant       each other’s successes, no matter
     constructability, disruption,         Quarter, a $2.5 billion residential/   beekeeping become another hobby,”   reminders of the importance of       how big or small.”

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           Through the hard                                                                                                      Business Services
           work of many teams                                                                                                    Coordinator

     we’re confident we have
     the systems in place to
     make BITTO a success.

     DON’T GET

     In the work from home world, Catriona Roberts
     has adapted to a new environment and to a range
     of new tasks to support RPV’s staff.

     ‘BITTO’ (Back In To The Office)       “The office set-up was completed     “Prior to COVID-19, our team          study with Swinburne University,      ‘Choose to Challenge’ is the
     dominates the thinking of anyone      through the hard work of many        focused on office-based support.      riding takes up much of Catriona’s    International Women’s Day theme
     currently working from home           teams and we’re confident that       Suddenly, some of the daily           free time. “Ballarat’s restrictions   for 2021 and Catriona points out
     due to the restrictions on their      we have the systems in place to      aspects of our role – security        weren’t as strict as in Melbourne.    the value of challenging to drive
     regular workplace.                    make BITTO a success. The next       cards, stationery, cab vouchers,      We rode our bikes at the nearby       positive change. “It is vitally
     Catriona Roberts is dedicated         step is to open more floors in the   to name a few – were no longer        state forest and did a lot of         important to challenge inequality
     to ensuring that the transition       office when restrictions allow it    priority tasks and other aspects      muddy night riding throughout         and gender bias in the workplace.
     to a COVIDSafe workplace is as        and we’re prepared to continue       like providing new starters with      winter which was fun… and             “Whilst many organisations have
     seamless as possible for RPV staff.   to work in a hybrid work             hardware and IT support               a little terrifying!” she says.       implemented clear codes and
     “The BITTO preparation began          environment for as long as           drastically changed,” she says.       The adjustment to working from        cultures regarding this change,
     back around April last year, and      we have to.”                         Departing Melbourne’s leafy           home took some time for Catriona.     some are still struggling with clear
     there were many changes along         While everyone’s daily tasks have    eastern suburbs for Ballarat a few    “It was a bit challenging for all     messaging and implementation
     the way, including the lockdowns      changed somewhat over the past       years ago, Catriona traded regular    of us to settle into a routine with   of workplace culture. If we don’t
     which delayed the set-up of the       year, it’s hard to imagine many      weekend bike riding trips or          remote learning,” she says.           challenge this, we won’t see
     office spaces,” she says.             have been altered as dramatically    travelling to the snow to stay        “I found that the turntables were     positive change.”
                                           as those in Business Services.       close to home when lockdown           a handy standing desk!”
                                                                                restrictions hit. Along with online

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           My mum was a big
           influence on
     approaching things
     creatively and following
     your own pursuits.

                                                                                           DUSK   Senior Advisor, communications
                                                                                                  & Stakeholder Relations
                                                                                                  Sunbury Line Upgrade

     A childhood spent exploring the Australian bush
     has imbued Dusk Johnston with a sense of adventure
     and an interest in people’s stories.

     Growing up beneath the endless       “It was a great childhood. I was       That first love was journalism,       response team working on              driving their van along the west
     blue skies of the Northern Rivers    raised to be independent and my        and after cutting her teeth at her    plant and animal pest and             coast of the US.
     region in NSW, Dusk Johnston’s       parents encouraged us to problem-      local station she headed off to       disease outbreaks.                    For Dusk, whose name is a tribute
     back yard was a rural adventure      solve and explore the world            study at Queensland University        “Though nothing compared to           to her paternal grandmother,
     playground.                          around us, which had an influence      of Technology in Brisbane.            COVID-19, these crises could          International Women’s Day is
     Living 20 minutes’ drive outside     on my career.”                         “I’ve always enjoyed talking          have had devastating impacts          a reminder of people who have
     ‘town’ (that town being Kyogle,      Her artist mum and musician            to people, hearing their stories,     for the agriculture industry in       helped her to develop.
     itself only a few thousand strong)   dad gave Dusk and her siblings         and have taken those skills into      Queensland and potentially            “I am very thankful to the women
     unearthed a sense of adventure       the freedom to make their own          stakeholder relations,” she says.     Australia,” she says.                 who have taught and mentored me,
     in Dusk.                             decisions; to discard the song sheet   While working casual shifts at        Taking a two-year hiatus from         both personally and professionally,
     “There were lots of kids on          and let instinct set life’s rhythm.    ABC Radio in Brisbane, Dusk           their careers, Dusk and her           and International Women’s Day
     neighbouring properties, so we       “My mum was a big influence on         sensed the shifting sands of          engineer partner, Sath, were drawn    always gives me pause to reflect
     were always swimming in the          approaching things creatively and      the industry, with a dwindling        to North America by their love of     on this, as well as consider how
     creek, exploring the bush, making    following your own pursuits,” she      number of jobs on offer. Her skills   skiing. Hospitality jobs paid their   I can do the same to others.”
     cubby-holes – which was probably     says. “They didn’t push me in any      then took her to the Queensland       way in winter sports mecca Banff,
     quite dangerous as the area was      direction – just find out what you     Government, including a stint         and warmer months were spent
     full of snakes,” she says.           want to do.”                           with the Biosecurity Queensland

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                                                                                                                                  All the research clearly
                                                                                                                                  demonstrates that women
                                                                                                                           add a dimension to decision
                                                                                                                           making that produces greater
                                                                                                                           positive outcomes.

                                                                               Safety Compliance &
                                                                               Systems Manager

                                                                                                                           RIDING A WAVE
        As a keen renovator, one lesson
        for Effie Eleftheriadis from 2020
        is that open-plan living has its
        drawbacks, particularly when you
                                              complexity, with a central office
                                              in Melbourne being replaced
                                              by several hundred individual
                                              workspaces. “Your workplace is
                                                                                     has also found regular walking to
                                                                                     be an essential tool in the current
                                                                                     work from home environment.
                                                                                                                           TO INNER CALM
                                                                                                                           Effie Eleftheriadis finds that regular beachside walks
                                                                                                                           near her home are the key to keeping a sharp mind
                                                                                                                           and a healthy soul.

                                                                                                                           International Women’s Day is a
                                                                                                                           chance to advocate within the
                                                                                                                           industry, an opportunity Effie is
                                                                                                                           keen to capitalise on. “Choosing
                                                                                                                                                                 Effie is driven by the opportunity
                                                                                                                                                                 to be an industry leader, working
                                                                                                                                                                 for the Victorian Government
                                                                                                                                                                 body responsible for delivering
                                                                                     “We’re lucky enough to live by the
        have different working hours from     not defined by the building that       beach and I find that being out in    to Challenge means stepping           multi-billion-dollar rail
        your new ‘office’ buddy.              you go to, it’s where you perform      the water is very relaxing. We love   up and speaking out against           infrastructure projects.
        “My husband is a shift worker,        work,” Effie says. “The working        paddling, so I really missed that,”   unconscious bias and entrenched       “It’s an opportunity to improve
        which makes it challenging to         from home space is an extension of     she says.                             behaviours that inadvertently         the lives of so many, the quality
        navigate that space. I don’t like     our workplace and the challenge is                                           discriminate against women,”          of life in the community. You
                                              for all of us to understand that the   “Along with longer walks at           Effie says.
        being in an enclosed space, so                                               lunchtime, I do a pre-work and                                              can influence and impact
        I’ve taken to moving around the       organisational and individual                                                “Women comprise 50 per cent           infrastructure that leaves a legacy
                                              responsibilities don’t finish within   post-work walk to simulate that
        house,” she says. “Now that the                                              travel journey. It allows me to       of the population and are an          behind for the next generation. It’s
        weather’s good, I’m sitting outside   those four walls.”                                                           untapped resource; all the research   really satisfying and it’s the reason
                                                                                     centre and be present, and the
        – I don’t know what’s going to        Following the easing of restrictions   ability to sharpen my thinking        clearly demonstrates that women       I came here.”
        happen in winter!”                    of the enforced Melbourne              following a walk has been             add a dimension to decision
        RPV’s health and safety               lockdown during 2020, Effie was        really helpful.”                      making that produces greater
        responsibilities now have added       excited to return to the water. She                                          positive outcomes.”

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           It’s exciting to work
           on such an important
     project… I am proud to be                                                                                  CArly Edwards
                                                                                                                Assurance Manager
     part of making it happen.                                                                                  Melbourne Airport Rail
                                                                                                                and Western Rail Plan

     Having taken time earlier in her career to feel
     comfortable to speak up, Carly Edwards feels a
     responsibility to set an example to younger engineers.

     Reflecting on her early career,
     Carly Edwards appreciates
     how experience helped her find
     her voice.
                                          Airport Rail a reality. “I oversee
                                          the systems engineering effort and
                                          manage the assurance process,
                                          which is there to demonstrate
                                                                                as a surprise. “I’ve figure skated
                                                                                since I was young and recently
                                                                                became part of a competitive
                                                                                synchronised skating team,” she
                                                                                                                     team – looking at everything from
                                                                                                                     accessible tram stops in the city to
                                                                                                                     gold mines in the middle
                                                                                                                     of nowhere,” she says.
                                                                                                                                                            At home, Carly keeps busy with
                                                                                                                                                            her children and cats. “I have two
                                                                                                                                                            kids – 2 and 4 – and I am very
                                                                                                                                                            grateful that childcare facilities
     “ ‘Choosing to challenge’ means      that the final system will be safe    says. “Without a rink during         A new starter at RPV since             have been available most of the
     being brave and calling out things   and reliable to operate,” she says.   lockdown we got together for         the move to work from home,            time, both to continue working
     that aren’t right – and              “It’s exciting to work on such an     some online painting classes,        Carly found that a regular social      but also to allow the kids some
     encouraging others to do the         important project for Victoria;       which were really relaxing!”         catch-up during the week was           normality in these strange times,”
     same. As a young engineer, there     it’s been a long time coming and      Carly, originally from the UK,       an effective way to establish          she says.
     are many things I wish I had         I am proud to be part of making       has been in Australia for 10         relationships. “A few of us have       “And I have two cats who like
     called out or that others would      it happen.”                           years, working in both public and    been catching up to do the quiz        to be on screen, occasionally
     have been brave enough to call       The assurance function seeks to       private sectors. “Prior to RPV,      from The Age at lunchtimes.            sleeping on my keyboard or
     out,” she says.                      provide certainty and minimise        I worked for PTV / Department        That’s been great to connect           notebook to be as awkward
     As Assurance Manager, Carly          risk, so a favourite pastime for      of Transport. Prior to this I        and to be able to speak to people      as possible!”
     is helping to make Melbourne         Carly away from work may come         worked for GHD in their risk         about (mostly) non-work things.”

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           We have an opportunity
           to help shape the way our
     children will see and interact
     with the world, and that’s
     pretty powerful.


     ADDS UP
     Jackie Saliba got a taste of the high-flying life of
                                                                                                                Manager, Project Controls
                                                                                                                Melbourne Airport Rail

     investment banking before deciding rail, Melbourne
     and the great Australian outdoors are where
     she’s happiest.

     IT’S 2007 and London is the          of Chamonix were just a cheap         “I fell into rail,” she says. Having   today is a reflection of the many        Raising her boys, Austin, 4, and
     centre of the banking universe;      airfare away for snowboarder          spent the better part of 10 years      mentors and managers who took            Hunter, 2, has been life-changing
     a buoyant economy and the place      Jackie. But it was time to            in the railway industry, she           the time to guide and teach me.”         for Jackie. “At the moment we
     to be if the ‘work hard, play        head home.                            has seen it transform into             After working from home for the          have an opportunity to help shape
     hard’ mantra of the financial        “It was a bit of a sliding doors      a progressive industry.                past 12 months, Jackie has noticed       the way these two little people will
     sector appeals.                      moment,” she remembers. “I think      “A workplace that embraces             a shift in the operation of the family   see and interact with the world,
     For Jackie Saliba, it was decision   the stress of banking would have      diversity fosters innovation,          unit, and not just in her own.           and that’s pretty powerful,” she says.
     time. Her Bachelor of Business       been too much – you work hard         creativity and empathy, and leaves     “The dynamics and structure that         Jackie and husband David love the
     qualification had gained her         and play hard, and that didn’t        employees feeling empowered,”          existed for working parents have         outdoors ¬– playing sport, taking
     work with an investment bank         completely appeal to me.”             she says.                              melted away with the flexibility         day trips to the beach or
     and her managers were sufficiently   Jackie’s decision seemed prescient    Jackie is now Manager, Project         afforded with working from               introducing their sons to the
     impressed to sponsor her to          when the global financial crash hit   Controls with the Melbourne            home,” she says. “Gender                 delights of the mighty Murray
     stay on.                             just a few months later.              Airport Rail team, and if she were     assumptions have been challenged         River at Echuca, “where the sun
     Then aged in her mid-20s, she                                              giving advice to her younger self,     and a more balanced way of living        is always shining”.
                                          Back in Melbourne, she joined
     was enjoying all that London         VicTrack and grabbed the chance       it would be to have the confidence     is emerging.”
     had to offer, plus the ski slopes    to learn about a new sector.          to seek others’ wisdom. “Who I am

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