8th grade Suggested Summer Reading List - The Foundation ...

Page created by Cathy Castro
8th grade Suggested Summer Reading List - The Foundation ...
8th grade Suggested Summer Reading List

Summer Assignment: Please choose two novels to read this summer. For one of the books, please
write a reflection on what you learned and how it connects to your life. For the second one, please
 create a visual representation of your connection to the book. These assignments will constitute
                   your first grades of the year and are due on Friday, August 27th.
Below are some books we thought you might enjoy! We encourage you to choose at least one from
                                   this list. Happy summer reading!

     Strange Birds               Count Me In              No Voice Too Small         Finding Junie Kim

In Strange Birds: A Field   Count Me In by Varsha       By: Lindsay H. Metcalf,    For fans of Inside Out
Guide to Ruffling           Bajaj is the story of two   Keila V. Dawson, and       and Back Again and
Feathers by Celia C.        middle schoolers,           Jeanette Bradley /         Amina’s Voice comes a
Pérez, a diverse group      Karina and Chris. Told      Illustrated by: Jeanette   breathtaking own
of girls find unity         in alternating voices,      Bradley                    voices story of family,
despite their               the novel follows their                                hope, and survival from
differences in order to     unlikely friendship and     This all-star anthology    Ellen Oh, cofounder of
end an outdated and         how an incident of          covers fourteen youth      We Need Diverse
problematic tradition       anti-Asian violence         activists calling for      Books. When Junie Kim
in a local Girl Scout–      involving Karina’s          change and fighting for    is faced with middle
type group called the       grandfather rocks their     justice across the         school racism, she
Floras. The novel           community. Karina           United States. These       learns of her
touches on                  uses social media to        change-makers              grandparents’
environmental justice       post her feelings,          represent a wide range     extraordinary strength
and intersectional          bringing in support         of life experiences and    and finds her voice.
feminism as Ofelia,         from the entire             causes, including racial   Inspired by her
Aster, Cat, and Lane        community.                  justice, clean water,      mother’s real-life
explore ways to protest                                 LGBTQ+ rights, mental      experiences during the
that have varying levels                                health, and more,          Korean War, Oh’s
of risk for each of them                                Beautifully illustrated    characters are real and
due to their identities                                 poems by #ownvoices        riveting.
and relative privilege.                                 authors, plus
                                                        secondary text,            “Both unique and
                                                        spotlight the efforts      universal, timely and
                                                        and achievements of        time
                                                        such luminaries.
8th grade Suggested Summer Reading List - The Foundation ...
8th grade Suggested Summer Reading List

          Quarantine                         Sorry not Sorry                        Malcolm X

 Oliver wants a girlfriend, and     Janelle and Alyssa used to be        As a fourteen-year-old he was
there's a girl back home who        friends.                             Malcolm Little, the president of
might be interested in him. The     Best friends. They knew each         his class and a top student. At
problem is, he has to spend his     other's deepest secrets and
                                                                         sixteen he was hustling tips at a
spring break on a volunteer trip    went through the hardest times
                                                                         Boston nightclub. In Harlem he
in the Dominican Republic.          together. But that was then.
Flora, on the other hand, isn't     Now? Their status is                 was known as Detroit Red, a slick
really looking for a boyfriend.     somewhere between frenemies          street operator. At nineteen he
She just wants to end a             and full-on rivals. Janelle is all   was back in Boston, leading a
miserable spring break visiting     about making a difference in         gang of burglars. At twenty he
her dad and her new stepmom         her community, while Alyssa          was in prison. It was in prison
in the Dominican Republic The       reigns over the shallowest girls     that Malcolm Little started the
solution to both their              in school.                           journey that would lead him to
problems? Get back home to          Until the day Alyssa collapses
                                                                         adopt the name Malcolm X, and
New York ASAP. Sadly, they          and is rushed to the hospital.
won't be getting there anytime      Suddenly, everyone knows             there he developed his beliefs
soon. Their hopes are dashed        about her declining health and       about what being black means in
when Flora's impulsiveness          race against time. And, in a         America. From streetwise
lands them in quarantine — just     stunning twist of fate, the only     teenager to the militant leader of
the two of them. Now, the two       person who might be able to          hundreds of thousands in the
teens must come together in         save Alyssa's life is Janelle. But   Nation of Islam, Malcolm X was
order to survive life in a bubble   will the girls' bitter past get in   one of the most respected, and
for 30 days. In that time, love     the way of their futures?
                                                                         most feared, men in American
will bloom. But is it the real
                                                                         history. Even today, years after
thing, or just a placebo effect?
                                                                         his assassination, young people
                                                                         still listen to his speeches and
                                                                         read his autobiography.
8th grade Suggested Summer Reading List - The Foundation ...
8th grade Suggested Summer Reading List

             Monster                              Ghost Boys                       Out of My Mind

The recipient of multiple                                                   Follow eleven-year-old Melody,
awards, this novel follows              Twelve-year-old Jerome is shot      who is not like most people. She
Steve, an amateur filmmaker.            by a police officer who mistakes    can’t walk. She can’t talk. She
As a way of coping with the             his toy gun for a real one. Now a   can’t write. All because she has
horrific events that entangle           ghost, Jerome watches the           cerebral palsy. But she also has
him, he decides to transcribe his       devastation unleashed on his        a photographic memory; she
trial into a script, just like in the   family and community in the         can remember every detail of
movies.                                 wake of what they see as an         everything she has ever
                                        unjust and brutal killing. Soon,    experienced. She’s the smartest
                                        Jerome meets another ghost:         kid in her whole school, but NO
                                        Emmett Till, a boy from a very      ONE knows it.
                                        different time but similar
8th grade Suggested Summer Reading List - The Foundation ...
8th grade Suggested Summer Reading List

           Skin I’m in                    A Long Walk to Water             When Stars are Scattered

Maleeka suffers every day from       A tale of two stories, told in     A graphic novel about growing
the taunts of the other kids in      alternating sections, about two    up in a refugee camp, as told by
her class—about her                  eleven-year-olds in Sudan–a girl   a former Somali refugee.
homemade clothes, her good           in 2008 and a boy in 1985.
grades, or her dark, black skin. A
new teacher starts at their
school. Her face is blotched with
a startling white patch, but she
loves her skin. Can Maleeka
learn to do the same?
8th grade Suggested Summer Reading List - The Foundation ...
8th grade Suggested Summer Reading List

            Hatchet                         Counting by 7s                         Wonder

Thirteen-year-old Brian             Genius Willow Chance loses         Born with extraordinary
Robeson is traveling by single-     both parents in a car crash, but   physical deformities, Auggie
engine plane to visit his father,                                      finally braves going to an actual
                                    she is able to both change her
when the plane crashes and kills                                       school. He is stared at and
the pilot. Brian is alone in the    life and impact those around       tormented, but he also finds
Canadian wilderness with            her.                               friendship. Middle schoolers will
nothing but his clothing, a                                            cheer for him and cry for him.
tattered windbreaker, and the
hatchet his mother had given
him as a present.
8th grade Suggested Summer Reading List - The Foundation ...
8th grade Suggested Summer Reading List

        The Wednesday                         Paperboy                           The Giver

Holling Hoodhood is attending      Little Man is an amazing ball     Jonas lives in a society in which
seventh grade in the late 1960s.   player, but he can barely say a   the government controls
While the Vietnam War              word—not even his own             everything: childbearing,
consumes his father’s attention,   name—without stuttering. So       careers, marriages. His utopia
Holling is locked into             when he takes over his best       has sacrificed emotions and
Wednesday lessons with a           friend’s paper route for the      uniqueness in favor of a safe
teacher who insists he read the    month of July, Little Man’s not   and predictable life. When
plays of Shakespeare.              exactly looking forward to        Jonas learns that life could be
                                   interacting with the customers.   different, he can never turn
                                                                     back to the life he’s always
8th grade Suggested Summer Reading List - The Foundation ...
8th grade Suggested Summer Reading List

         The Outsiders                     Tuck Everlasting                     Crossover

Ponyboy and his brothers, Darry     Is eternal life really that      Basketball-loving twins Josh and
and Sodapop have a tough life.      wonderful? Ten-year-old Winnie   Jordan find their way through
They know they can count on         Foster discovers that, for the   isolation and conflict in this
their friends—true friends who      immortal Tuck family, the        novel in verse by master poet,
will do anything for them.          answer is more complicated       Kwame Alexander.
Unfortunately, the Socs, a          than you might expect.
vicious gang of rich kids, make
them prove their loyalties after
a night of fighting goes too far.
8th grade Suggested Summer Reading List - The Foundation ...
8th grade Suggested Summer Reading List

           Scorpions                            Star                     Bridge to Terabithia

Twelve-year-old Jamal already      Leo’s a normal kid in a normal   Jesse Aarons knows all about
has to be the man of the house     town. When Stargirl shows up     hard work, but his new friend
now that his older brother is in   with her rat, her ukelele, and   Leslie teaches him about the
jail. Will he also take his        her crazy ideas, nobody knows    power of his imagination. Keep
brother’s place as leader of a     quite what to make of her.       a box of tissues handy.
8th grade Suggested Summer Reading List - The Foundation ... 8th grade Suggested Summer Reading List - The Foundation ...
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