9 Group B Streptococcus Meningitis

Page created by Frank Robbins
9       Group B Streptococcus Meningitis

                         Victor Nizet1 and Kelly S. Doran1,2*
1University   of California at San Diego, California, USA; 2San Diego State University,
                                     San Diego, USA

              9.1 Introduction                      infections are traditionally divided among
                                                    two forms: early-onset disease (EoD) and
Streptococcus agalactiae (Group B Streptococcus,    late-onset disease (LoD). Early-onset in-
GBS) is a Gram-positive encapsulated                fections are described to occur through the
bacterium possessing an array of virulence          first 7 days of life, but in fact have a median
factors that render it capable of producing         onset of only 6–8 h of life, presenting acutely
serious disease in susceptible hosts, in            with pneumonia and respiratory failure
particular the human newborn (Maisey et al.,        complicated by bloodstream infection and
2008a). Notably, GBS is the leading cause of        septicaemia. GBS EoD cases result from
meningitis in the neonatal period (Brouwer et       ascending infection of the bacterium through
al., 2010; Thigpen et al., 2011). Although          the placental membranes to initiate infection
advances in intensive care management and           in utero, or, alternatively, by aspiration of
antibiotic therapy have changed GBS                 infected vaginal fluids during the birth
meningitis from a uniformly fatal disease to a      process. Premature, low-birth-weight infants
frequently curable one, the overall outcome         are at increased risk of developing early-
remains unfavourable. Morbidity is high;            onset infection, with GBS placental infection
25–50% of surviving infants suffer neuro-            itself often the critical factor triggering
logical sequelae of varying severity, including     premature labour. In contrast, GBS LoD
cerebral palsy, mental retardation, blindness,      occurs in infants up to 7 months of age, with
deafness or seizures.                               more indolent symptom progression related
     The pathogenesis of neonatal GBS               to bacteraemia, absence of lung involvement
infection begins with the asymptomatic              and a high incidence (~50%) of meningitis
colonization of the female genital tract.           (Baker and Edwards, 2001). Universal
Approximately 20–30% of healthy women               screening of pregnant women at 35–37 weeks
are colonized with GBS on their vaginal or          gestation      and     intrapartum     antibiotic
rectal mucosa, and 50–70% of infants born to        prophylaxis has resulted in a decline in early-
these women will themselves become                  onset GBS invasive disease in the USA (Phares
colonized with the bacterium (Baker and             et al., 2008; Van Dyke et al., 2009). However,
Edwards, 2001). For the purposes of                 this treatment has not eliminated the
epidemiological classification, neonatal GBS        incidence of GBS meningitis, and concern has


                                    © CAB International 2013. Meningitis: Cellular and Molecular Basis
118                                                                            (ed. M. Christodoulides)
Group B Streptococcus Meningitis                               119

been raised about concurrent increases in            fluid barrier (BCSFB). For the purposes of this
non-GBS early-onset bacterial infections,            review, the BBB and BCSFB are inter-
especially in pre-term infants as a result of        changeable concepts with respect to vessel
increased antibiotic use (Stoll et al., 2002a,b).    endothelial cell penetration by GBS.
Furthermore, the occurrence of GBS                   Disruption of BBB integrity is a hallmark
meningitis in older children or adults is more       event in the pathophysiology of bacterial
commonly appreciated, with an approximate            meningitis. This disruption may be due to the
4% increase in total number of cases reported        combined effect of bacterial entry and
between 1997 and 2007 in the USA (Thigpen            penetration of brain microvascular endo-
et al., 2011). No vaccination strategies are         thelial cells (BMECs), direct cellular injury by
currently in place to prevent GBS infections,        bacterial cytotoxins, and/or activation of host
but if ultimately achieved they would be             inflammatory pathways that compromise
anticipated to reduce the number of                  BMEC barrier function. It is apparent that the
meningitis cases (Thigpen et al., 2011). Here        host immune response is not only incapable
we review the current understanding of the           of controlling infection within the CNS but
pathogenesis of GBS meningitis, highlighting         also may be responsible for many adverse
important bacterial virulence factors and host       events during bacterial meningitis (Tunkel
interactions that promote disease progression.       and Scheld, 1995). A very complex and
                                                     integrated series of events involving host
                                                     cytokines, chemokines, proteolytic enzymes
      9.2 Pathophysiology of GBS                     and oxidants appears to be responsible for
              Meningitis                             meningitis-induced brain dysfunction. The
                                                     development of GBS meningitis progresses
The pathophysiology of GBS meningitis                through phases including: (i) bloodstream
varies according to age of onset. In EoD,            survival and the development of bacteraemia;
autopsy studies demonstrate little or no             (ii) direct GBS invasion and disruption of the
evidence of leptomeningeal inflammation,             BBB/BCSFB; and (iii) GBS multiplication in
despite the presence of abundant bacteria,           the CSF-containing subarachnoid and ven-
vascular thrombosis and parenchymal                  tricular spaces, which induces inflammation
haemorrhage (Quirante et al., 1974). By              with associated pathophysiological alter-
contrast, infants with LoD usually have dif-         ations leading to the development of neural
fuse purulent arachnoiditis with prominent           damage. Brain injury results mainly from
involvement of the base of the brain (Berman         cerebrovascular involvement leading to
and Banker, 1966). Similar age-related               cerebral ischaemia, brain oedema, hydro-
differences in central nervous system (CNS)           cephalus and increased ICP.
pathology are evident in the infant rat model
of invasive disease (Ferrieri et al., 1980). These
histopathological differences reflect under-             9.2.1 Bloodstream survival and the
development of the host immunological                       development of bacteraemia
response in the immediate neonatal period,
with a higher proportion of deaths resulting         An association between sustained high-level
from overwhelming septicaemia. Clinical and          bacteraemia and the development of GBS
neuropathological studies have documented            meningitis has been suggested in humans and
the clear association between bacterial              in experimental models of haematogeneous
meningitis and brain oedema formation,               meningitis (Ferrieri et al., 1980; Doran et al.,
increased intracranial pressure (ICP), seizure       2002a). This observation implies that GBS
activity, arterial and venous cerebral vascular      bloodstream survival is an important
insults, and other neurological sequelae             virulence trait to avoid immune clearance by
(Scheld et al., 2002).                               phagocytic killing by host immune cells, prior
     To produce meningitis, blood-borne GBS          to CNS penetration. Neonates are particularly
must typically penetrate the blood–brain             prone to invasive disease because of their
barrier (BBB) and/or the blood–cerebrospinal         quantitative or qualitative deficiencies in
120                                      V. Nizet and K.S. Doran

phagocytic cell function, specific antibody, or        2007). The β-antigen of C protein binds human
the classical and alternative complement               IgA antibody (Jerlstrom et al., 1991), and non-
pathways. In addition to these newborn host            specific deposition of IgA on the bacterial
susceptibilities, GBS possess a number of              surface probably inhibits interactions with
virulence determinants that promote blood-             complement. Finally, a cell-surface protease,
stream survival by thwarting key components            CspA, targets host fibrinogen, producing
of effective opsonophagocytic killing such as           adherent fibrin-like cleavage products that
complement (Fig. 9.1). For example, the                coat the bacterial surface and interfere with
surface-anchored GBS β-protein prevents                complement-mediated           opsonophagocytic
opsonophagocytosis by binding short                    clearance (Harris et al., 2003).
consensus repeats found in the middle region                The profile of GBS gene transcription
of factor H, a host counter-regulator of               changes dramatically during growth in
complement (Maruvada et al., 2008), enabling           human blood, resulting in an altered cell
the unbound active region to block C3b                 morphology and increased expression of
deposition on the bacterial cell surface (Jarva        complement regulatory proteins (Santi et al.,
et al., 2004). In addition, the cell-surface GBS       2007; Mereghetti et al., 2008). The sialylated
immunogenic bacterial adhesin (BibA) binds             GBS capsular polysaccharide (CPS) represents
human C3bp, promoting resistance to                    one of the most critical factors for limiting the
phagocytic killing and contributing to                 effectiveness of host complement and
virulence in the mouse model (Santi et al.,            phagocytic defence. Passage of GBS in animals

                                                                                   Interference with
                                                                              C3 complement  function
                      Phagocyte lysis
                       and apoptosis                                          Factor H
                                                       C3 Fibrinogen                      C3bp
                                                                   CspA                  BibA
                                    H2O2 Fibrin-like
                                     O2– fragments
                     defence               GBS

                                            SOD                                          Sialic acid in

              Charge repulsion            PBP1a          (pilus subunit PilB)
                (Dlt operon)
                                                      Antimicrobial peptide

Fig. 9.1. Mechanisms of GBS immune evasion. GBS express multiple surface-exposed or secreted
factors to evade host immune defences and promote bloodstream survival. The PBP1a and the PilB
subunit of GBS pili contribute to antimicrobial peptide resistance. The Dlt operon is responsible for
increasing incorporation of D-alanine residues in cell-wall teichoic acids, thereby reducing
electronegativity and affinity for cationic antimicrobial peptides. ScpB, the sialic acid capsule, BibA,
-protein and CspA all inhibit host clearance of GBS by interfering with complement components C5a,
C3 and C3bp. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) properties of the orange carotenoid pigment shield GBS
from killing by phagocyte-generated reactive oxygen species. Alternatively, -haemolysin/cytolysin can
boost GBS survival by cytolytic or pro-apoptotic injury to host phagocytes.
Group B Streptococcus Meningitis                                121

increases capsulation, while serial in vitro          carotenoid pigment, a property unique to GBS
passage leads to reduced capsule expression           among haemolytic streptococci, associated
(Hakansson et al., 1988), and strains obtained        with the cyl operon encoding the
from infants with septicaemia or meningitis           β-haemolysin/cytolysin cytotoxin (Spellerberg
have increased encapsulation compared with            et al., 2000). The free-radical scavenging
vaginal colonizing strains (Hakansson et al.,         properties of this carotenoid neutralize
1987). Thus, it appears that GBS capsule              hydrogen peroxide, superoxide, hypochlorite
expression is induced during bloodstream              and singlet oxygen, and thereby provide a
replication and repressed while on mucosal or         shield against several elements of phagocyte
endothelial cell surfaces, a feature common to        ROS killing (Liu et al., 2004). Other GBS factors
other meningeal pathogens. Currently, ten             that have been linked to survival inside
GBS capsular serotypes have been identified           phagocytic cells and/or dendritic cells include
(Ia, Ib, II–IX) based on the different arrange-        CPS (Lemire et al., 2012), a pilin protein
ments of four monosaccharides (glucose,               (Maisey et al., 2008b) and transcriptional
galactose, N-acetylglucosamine and sialic             response regulators CovR (Cumley et al.,
acid) into unique repeating units. Serotype III       2012) and CiaR (Quach et al., 2009), which
GBS strains have accounted for a majority of          may coordinate expression of acid and stress
LoD and meningitis (Baker and Edwards,                survival genes.
2001; Tazi et al., 2010), but all serotypes contain        Another      important       host  defence
a terminal-linked sialic acid bound to                mechanism inherent to many immune cells is
galactose in an 2  3 linkage (Cieslewicz            the production of small cationic antimicrobial
et al., 2005). The sialic acid moiety provides        peptides (AMPs), such as cathelicidins and
antiphagocytic protection by impairing                defensins. These peptides are attracted
deposition of opsonically active complement           electrostatically to negatively charged micro-
C3 on the bacterial surface. Isogenic GBS             bial cell surfaces, followed by their self-
mutants lacking CPS or capsular sialylation           assembly to form membrane pores or
are more susceptible to neutrophil killing and        otherwise disrupt membrane integrity. GBS
are less virulent in animal models of infection       increase their intrinsic resistance to AMPs by
(Campbell et al., 1991; Marques et al., 1992).        incorporation of positively charged d-alanine
Furthermore, the conserved GBS terminal               residues into their cell wall teichoic acids,
2  3 linked sialic acid capsular component          thereby reducing surface electronegative
is identical to a sugar epitope widely displayed      charge and affinity for the cationic peptides
on the surface of all mammalian cells. Thus,          (Poyart et al., 2001a). A surface-anchored
bacterial surface sialylation may have evolved        penicillin-binding protein, PBP1a, enhances
to mimic host ‘self’ antigens, allowing GBS to        GBS resistance to cathelicidins and defensins,
avoid      immune        detection,     manipulate    thereby reducing GBS susceptibility to killing
phagocyte function and dampen the immune              by alveolar macrophages and neutrophils
response to GBS infection (Carlin et al., 2007).      and promoting bacterial survival in a neonatal
      When GBS are engulfed and contained             rat model of GBS infection (Jones et al., 2007).
within the phagosome, a rapid release of toxic        Similarly, expression of the pilus backbone
reactive oxygen species (ROS) is produced             protein PilB and the action of the two-
through the phagocyte oxidative burst.                component regulator CiaR both render GBS
Although GBS do not produce catalase, they            more resistant to killing by cathelicidin AMPs
are nevertheless able to resist ROS killing and       (Maisey et al., 2008b; Quach et al., 2009).
survive inside macrophage phagolysosomes
(Wilson and Weaver, 1985; Cornacchione et al.,
1998; Teixeira et al., 2001). GBS possess an                9.2.2 GBS invasion of the BBB
endogenous source of the oxygen-metabolite
scavenger glutathione (Wilson and Weaver,             Following bloodstream survival, GBS
1985), and the GBS SodA enzyme can                    interacts directly with BBB endothelium,
neutralize superoxide anions (Poyart et al.,          which can result in bacterial invasion of the
2001b). GBS also produce an orange                    BBB with subsequent infection of the CNS.
122                                                      V. Nizet and K.S. Doran

This process can result from increased                                          Intracellular invasion (transcytosis)
permeability of the BBB and/or the direct
invasion of BMECs by the pathogen.                                      GBS enter or ‘invade’ brain endothelium
Microbial interaction with the BBB may                                  apically and exit the cell on the basolateral
involve crossing the brain endothelium by                               side, thereby crossing the BBB transcellularly
direct intracellular invasion and vacuole                               (Nizet et al., 1997; Lembo et al., 2010). Electron
transit (transcytosis), by passage through the                          microscopy has demonstrated the presence of
intercellular junctional spaces (paracytosis)                           the meningeal pathogen in membrane-bound
or by transport inside another host cell                                vacuoles within HBMECs (Nizet et al., 1997),
(phagocyte-facilitated invasion). With the                              suggesting the involvement of endocytic
availability of in vitro tissue culture models of                       pathways as well as avoidance of lysosomal
human (H)BMECs (Stins et al., 1994; Nizet et                            fusion for BBB traversal. Further HBMEC
al., 1997) and animal models of GBS infection                           invasion can be blocked by inhibition of actin
(Doran et al., 2003; Tazi et al., 2010), significant                    polymerization, suggesting that GBS trigger
progress has been made in identifying and                               rearrangement of the host cytoskeleton and
characterizing the molecular determinants                               induce their own uptake (Nizet et al., 1997).
that promote GBS–BBB interaction (Fig. 9.2).                            This process may be accomplished, at least in


                    Chemokines                                                          GBS factors that promote cellular invasion:
              (IL-8, CXCL1, CXCL2)                                                             ACP, pili, GAPDH, FbsB,
                                                                           IagA         β-haemolysin/cytolysin, LTA, Srr proteins
                              FbsA/B    PilA     Srr1
                                                                   HvgA           Alpha C
                                 Fibrinogen, collagen                             protein
        ICAM 1                                                      LTA
                               Cell damage                  Paracellular                                                   Cytoskeletal
                              uncovers novel               translocation                                                   modulation
                                receptors               (mechanism uncertain)
                                                                         ZO-1     X X
                                                                                            FAK                                       GDP

                                                                                      PI3K        Paxillin                Rho/Rac
                Pili     Lmb                                                                                                          GTP
                Collagen, laminin
      Basal                                 Cellular adherence                                        Cellular invasion

Fig. 9.2. Mechanisms of GBS penetration of the BBB. Surface-expressed proteins FbsA/B, Srr1, PilA,
HvgA, lipoteichoic acid (LTA) and alpha C protein (ACP) mediate GBS binding to host cells and
extracellular matrix (ECM) components, such as fibrinogen and collagen. Secreted -haemolysin/
cytolysin promotes GBS invasion, possibly by breaking down host barriers to reveal novel receptors on
the basement membrane, such as laminin and collagen, as well as promoting neutrophil influx that
contributes to barrier disruption. GBS also use glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) to
activate host plasminogen and degrade the ECM. Intracellular GBS invasion is enhanced by bacterial-
dependent cytoskeletal rearrangements triggered by host PI3K/AKT- and FAK-signalling pathways and
the Rho family of GTPases. Alternatively, GBS can also disrupt tight junction complexes to cross the
barrier by a paracellular route. Several GBS adhesins, including FbsB, pili, LTA and ACP, also contribute
to cellular invasion.
Group B Streptococcus Meningitis                             123

part, by tyrosine phosphorylation of focal         (TLR) 2, the data strongly suggest that the
adhesion kinase (FAK), which occurs upon           attenuated phenotype of the ∆iagA mutant is
GBS infection. Phosphorylation of FAK              not dependent on TLR2 (Doran et al., 2005).
induces its association with PI3K and paxillin,    The evidence that the LTA surface polymer
an actin filament adaptor protein (Shin et al.,    mediates unique host cell interactions is
2006), and is required for efficient invasion of     consistent with early epidemiological studies.
HBMECs by GBS. GBS-infected HBMECs                 Clinical isolates of GBS from infants with
also exhibit increased levels of activated Rho     EoD or LoD possess higher quantities of cell-
family members RhoA and Rac1. Rho family           associated LTA than strains isolated from
GTPase inhibitors and dominant-negative            mucosal surfaces of asymptomatically
expression of RhoA and Rac1 are effective in        colonized infants (Nealon and Mattingly,
blocking GBS invasion (Shin and Kim, 2006).        1983). Furthermore, longer LTA polymer
      To elucidate the GBS determinants            length is characteristic of isolates from
involved in the pathogenesis of meningitis,        carriers with invasive GBS disease compared
many groups have focused on the                    with asymptomatic carriers. LTA is common
characterization of GBS isolates responsible       to all GBS sero- and sequence types, but it
for CNS disease. Clinical isolates of serotype     remains to be determined if ST-17 clones
III GBS, which are over-represented in LoD,        contain longer or structurally distinct LTA
appear to belong to two distinct evolutionary      polymers, which may account for their
clusters (Musser et al., 1989), which have now     increased virulence.
been shown through multilocus sequence                  More recently, the availability of GBS
typing to represent a limited number of clonal     genome sequences has enabled the
complexes (Jones et al., 2003). Of these clones,   identification of genes restricted to the ST-17
sequence type (ST)-17 is strongly associated       lineage (Tettelin et al., 2005; Brochet et al.,
with neonatal meningitis and has been              2006). Mosaic variants were identified at a
designated as the hypervirulent clone (Lamy        single genomic locus encoding a cell wall-
et al., 2006). Screening of a GBS ST-17 mutant     anchored protein, with two main variants
library revealed a unique requirement for the      displaying 38% overall amino acid identity,
novel ‘invasion associated gene’, iagA, in BBB     namely BibA (Santi et al., 2007), and a second
penetration by GBS (Doran et al., 2005).           gene to be strictly specific to the ST-17 clone
Decreased invasion of HBMECs by the GBS            (Lamy et al., 2006). This gene, now called
∆iagA mutant in vitro was correlated with a        hypervirulent GBS adhesin (HvgA), was
reduced risk for development of meningitis         shown to be required for GBS hypervirulence
and markedly diminished lethality in vivo.         (Tazi et al., 2010). GBS strains that express
Deletion of iagA did not affect other key steps     HvgA are more efficient in gut colonization
in the pathogenesis of GBS meningitis,             and in crossing the intestinal–blood barrier
including bloodstream survival, HBMEC              and BBB in neonates, including choroid
adherence and intracellular survival. Thus,        plexus epithelial cells and brain microvascular
the iagA-encoded phenotype of GBS has a            endothelium (Tazi et al., 2010). Furthermore,
specific function in promoting HBMEC               heterologous expression of HvgA in non-
uptake of the pathogen. The iagA gene              adhesive bacteria conferred the ability to
encodes an enzyme for the biosynthesis of          adhere to intestinal barrier and BBB-
diglucosyldiacylglycerol, a membrane glyco-        constituting cells.
lipid that functions as an anchor for                   Serotypes Ia, Ib and V are also commonly
lipoteichoic acid (LTA), indicating that proper    isolated from neonates, children and adult
LTA anchoring is important to facilitate           patients with meningitis (Phares et al., 2008),
penetration of the BBB by GBS (Doran et al.,       suggesting that other GBS determinants
2005). The host cell receptor for GBS LTA that     prevalent among these serotypes are also
mediates these interactions has yet to be          relevant for the pathogenesis of meningitis.
identified. While it is known that LTA is a        Proteins targeted for cell surface expression
molecule recognized by Toll-like receptor          in GBS are predicted to share a C-terminal
124                                   V. Nizet and K.S. Doran

sequence (L/IPXTG) for sortase recognition         and promote the establishment of GBS
and anchoring to the Gram-positive cell wall.      meningitis (Chang et al., 2011). Impaired host
Several cell wall-anchored proteins pro-           GAG expression diminished GBS penetration
moting GBS BBB penetration have been               in the CNS in both murine and Drosophila
identified and characterized. In a paradigm-       models of GBS infection. GBS interactions
shifting study, it was discovered that GBS         with other ECM components also have been
express surface-associated pili (Lauer et al.,     described. GBS mutants lacking the cell wall-
2005). Among the sequenced GBS genomes,            anchored fibrinogen-binding protein FbsA
two genetic loci encoding pili have been           (Schubert et al., 2004), and the laminin-
identified, pilus island (PI)-1 and PI-2, the      binding protein Lmb (Spellerberg et al., 1999),
second existing in one of two variants (PI-2a      have reduced ability to adhere to or invade
and PI-2b), and not all genomes contain both       HBMECs in vitro (Tenenbaum et al., 2005,
loci (Rosini et al., 2006). GBS PI-2a includes     2007). Many GBS strains harbour another
the genes encoding PilB, an LP(x)TG-motif-         fibrinogen-binding protein, FbsB (Gutekunst
containing protein that polymerizes to form a      et al., 2004), which is secreted and structurally
pilus backbone, and accessory pilus proteins       unrelated to FbsA. Interestingly, the
PilA and PilC that are incorporated in the         expression level of FbsA and FbsB in ST-17
pilus (Dramsi et al., 2006). Both PilA and PilB    strains correlated to an increased fibrinogen-
promote adherence to and invasion of brain         binding capacity that may contribute to the
endothelium, respectively (Maisey et al.,          hypervirulence of this lineage (Al Safadi et
2007), and PilA has been implicated in BBB         al., 2011). The GBS genome encodes
penetration in vivo using a mouse model of         homologues to fibronectin-binding proteins
haematogenous GBS meningitis (Banerjee et          that contribute to adherence, invasion and
al., 2011). Analysis of the PilA protein           meningeal inflammation in other strepto-
sequence revealed an integrin I-like domain        coccal pathogens (Pracht et al., 2005). Whether
resembling the A3 domain of human von              or not the proteins function in a similar way
Willebrand factor, a molecule known to             in GBS remains to be determined.
interact with collagens. PilA also binds the             Fibrinogen is present in the CNS follow-
extracellular matrix (ECM) component               ing BBB disruption and vascular damage.
collagen, and collagen binding enhanced GBS        Furthermore, the interaction of fibrinogen
attachment as well as uptake into HBMECs in        with integrins and non-integrin receptors
a dose-dependent manner (Banerjee et al.,          expressed on cells of the haematopoietic,
2011). The PilA-collagen complex engages           immune and nervous systems can induce
2-β1 integrins on brain endothelium to            signalling pathways that regulate inflam-
promote bacterial attachment and pro-              mation and neurodegenerative functions
inflammatory chemokine release. As a result,       involved in CNS disease. Interestingly, recent
increased      neutrophil    infiltration   was    studies suggest that adherence to fibrinogen
correlated with increased BBB permeability         may be a general property of GBS (Dramsi et
and higher levels of bacterial CNS penetration     al., 2012; Seo et al., 2012) to promote
in vivo. This study reveals the deleterious role   bloodstream survival and host cell inter-
of the neutrophil response to the development      actions. An important determinant recently
of GBS meningitis, and indicates that the GBS      implicated in fibrinogen binding and BBB
PilA–BBB interaction is an important               interaction are the GBS serine rich repeat
molecular event that contributes to disease        (Srr) glycoproteins (van Sorge et al., 2009; Seo
progression and a detrimental outcome for          et al., 2012). Srr proteins have a highly
the host. In addition to PilA binding collagen,    conserved domain organization, including a
other GBS factors interact with various ECM        long and specialized signal sequence, two
proteins and constituents to promote               extensive Srr regions that undergo
bacterial–BBB interactions. Recently, the GBS      glycosylation, and a typical LP(X)TG cell
surface-anchored alpha C protein (APC) was         wall anchoring motif. GBS strains carry one
shown to interact directly with glucos-            of two srr gene alleles, designated srr1
aminoglycans (GAGs) on brain endothelium,          (Samen et al., 2007) and srr2 (Seifert et al.,
Group B Streptococcus Meningitis                              125

2006), which are similar in architecture but        once present in the CNS to amplify the
show only limited homology (< 20% identity).        host response and disease progression.
Expression of the Srr-2 protein seems to be         Alternatively, early molecular interactions of
restricted to serotype III and ST-17 strains        GBS with the BBB and subsequent barrier
(Seifert et al., 2006). Targeted mutagenesis of a   disruption may alter cellular polarity. It has
GBS Δsrr1 mutant resulted in a marked               been demonstrated that GBS is capable of
reduction in HMBEC adherence and invasion           intercellular transit across an epithelial cell
(van Sorge et al., 2009). The srr1 genes in GBS     barrier, where the bacterium co-localized
serotypes Ia, Ib and V, as well as srr2 in the      with junctional protein complexes (Soriani et
serotype III ST-17 clone, each contributed to       al., 2006). Recent data also indicate that GBS
HBMEC invasion in vitro, and Srr-1 promoted         infection disrupts tight junctional complexes
BBB penetration and the development of GBS          in brain endothelium (Kim et al., 2012). An
meningitis in a mouse model of haema-               overall reduction in the distribution of the
togenous meningitis (van Sorge et al., 2009).       primary BBB tight junction protein, zona
Srr-1 contributes to GBS attachment to              occludin (ZO)-1, was observed by immuno-
HBMECs via the direct interaction of its            fluorescence during GBS infection. Further
binding region (BR) with human fibrinogen           evidence demonstrated a decrease in protein
(Seo et al., 2012). Studies using recombinant       levels of ZO-1 and additional tight junction
Srr1-BR established a direct protein inter-         protein, occludin, following GBS infection
action with the amino acid sequence 283–410         compared with the uninfected control (Kim et
of the fibrinogen A chain. Structural              al., 2012). Whether these interactions act to
predictions indicated that the conformation         disrupt tight junctional complexes in brain
of Srr1-BR resembles that of other related          endothelium and result in a non-polarized
bacterial proteins that bind to fibrinogen          distribution of proteins on the BBB plasma
through a ‘dock, lock and latch’ (DLL)              membrane, and/or promote GBS intercellular
mechanism (Ponnuraj et al., 2003). The DLL          transit across the BBB, remains to be
mechanism results when fibrinogen engages           investigated.
a binding cleft between two domains, N2 and               Host factors involved in arachidonic
N3. At the ligand ‘dock’, the flexible              acid metabolism also contribute to
C-terminal extension of the N3 domain (the          penetration of the BBB by GBS (Maruvada et
‘latch’) changes conformation, so that it           al., 2011). Pharmacological inhibition and
‘locks’ the ligand in place, and forms a            gene deletion demonstrated that host
-strand complex with the N2 domain.                cytosolic phospholipase A2 (cPLA2)
Deletion of the predicted latch domain of           contributes to type III GBS invasion of
Srr1-BR abolished the interaction of Srr1-BR        HBMEC monolayers and penetration into
with fibrinogen. In addition, a mutant GBS          the brain in vivo. The mechanism probably
strain lacking the Srr-1 latch domain exhibited     involves lipoxygenated metabolites of
reduced binding to HBMECs, and was                  arachidonic acid, specifically cysteinyl
significantly attenuated in an in vivo model of     leukotrienes released by cPLA2 as well as
meningitis (Seo et al., 2012). Further studies      protein kinase C (PKC). GBS penetration
are required to determine if similar                into the CNS in cPLA2−/− mice was
mechanisms for fibrinogen binding and               significantly lower than the penetration of
disease progression occur in Srr-2-encoding         wild-type mice. However, the magnitudes of
strains.                                            bacteraemia were similar between cPLA2−/−
                                                    and wild-type mice, suggesting that
                                                    decreased penetration was not the result of
      Intercellular invasion (paracytosis)
                                                    decreased levels of blood-borne bacteria.
The host integrins, ECM components and              Interestingly, cPLA2 deletion did not affect
glycosaminoglycans involved in GBS–BBB              GBS penetration into non-brain organs, such
interactions all preferentially localize to the     as the kidneys and spleen, as similar numbers
basolateral surface of polarized endothelium.       of bacterial counts were recovered from
Thus, GBS may interact with these factors           cPLA2−/− and wild-type mice (Maruvada
126                                      V. Nizet and K.S. Doran

et al., 2011). The basis for this selective role of          It is clear that the GBS β-haemolysin/
host cPLA2 in GBS neurotropism is                     cytolysin (β-h/c) toxin contributes much to
unknown.                                               the observed disease pathology. Haemolysin
                                                       expression has been shown to directly
                                                       damage brain endothelial cells (Nizet et al.,
          GBS disruption of the BBB
                                                       1997), leptomeninges (meningioma cells) and
The host inflammatory response to GBS                  astrocytes (Alkuwaity et al., 2012) and
contributes significantly to the pathogenesis of       primary neurons (Reiss et al., 2011). Infection
meningitis and CNS injury. A vascular                  with wild-type GBS and β-h/c+ cell-free
distribution of cortical lesions in neonatal rats      extracts induced cell death, whereas chal-
with GBS meningitis indicates that                     lenge with β-h/c-deficient (β-h/c−) mutant
disturbances of cerebral blood flow contribute         strains and β-h/c− extracts did not. Notably,
to neuronal damage (Kim et al., 1995).                 astrocytes were more sensitive to the
Inflammation of individual brain vessels can           cytotoxic effects of infection than meningioma
lead to focal lesions, whereas diffuse                  cells (Alkuwaity et al., 2012). In neurons, cell-
alterations of cerebral blood flow cause               free extracts of GBS β-h/c toxin induced
generalized hypoxic/ischaemic injury and               apoptosis in a time- and concentration-
cerebral oedema (Kim et al., 1995). GBS induces        dependent fashion; electron microscopy of
nitric oxide (NO) in brain endothelial cells           the neurons showed condensation, shrinkage
(Glibetic et al., 2001) and in microglial cells,       and partial fragmentation of cells and nuclei
resulting in neuronal destruction (Lehnardt et         as well as damage to mitochondria (Reiss et
al., 2006). Furthermore, arteriolar dysfunction        al., 2011). In these studies, GBS β-h/c-induced
is associated with the presence of oxygen free         cell death could not be prevented by caspase
radicals thought to be a by-product of                 inhibitors, nor was caspase activity detected
infiltrating neutrophils (McKnight et al., 1992).      in neurons, consistent with observations in
Intraventricular inoculation of newborn                other cell types including macrophages.
piglets with GBS results in an early sharp rise        Haemolysin expression has also been shown
in CSF tumour necrosis factor- TNF-               to promote the development of meningitis
levels, followed shortly by prostaglandin              in vivo (Doran et al., 2003; Lembo et al., 2010).
release and subarachnoid inflammation (Ling            In a murine model of haematogenous
et al., 1995). In the neonatal rat model of            meningitis, mice infected with β-h/c− mutants
meningitis, TNF- production by astrocytes,            exhibited lower mortality and decreased
microglia and infiltrating leucocytes con-             brain bacterial counts compared with mice
tributes to apoptosis of hippocampal neurons           infected with the corresponding wild-type
(Bogdan et al., 1997) and further increases in         GBS strains (Doran et al., 2003). Similarly,
BBB permeability (Kim et al., 1997). Recent            mutants that lack the negative repressor of
studies have verified the levels of cytokine/          β-h/c, CovR (for control of virulence),
chemokine, myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity,             exhibited high levels of toxin expression and
oxidative stress and disruption of the BBB in          an increased ability to penetrate the BBB in
the hippocampus and cortex of neonate Wistar           vivo (Lembo et al., 2010). Multiple studies
rats, following GBS meningitis (Barichello             have demonstrated that the lipid dipalmitoyl-
et al., 2011). In the neonate brain, the               phosphatidylcholine (DPPC) provides pro-
hippocampus, mainly, produced higher levels            tection against β-h/c-mediated injury in
of cytokine/chemokine in the early phase of            various host cells (Nizet et al., 1996; Doran et
infection, while MPO activity remained                 al., 2002b; Hensler et al., 2008; Alkuwaity et
elevated at 4 days post-infection in both brain        al., 2012). DPPC might preserve the host cell
structures (Barichello et al., 2011). Interestingly,   membrane by providing phospholipid
in the neonatal rat, simultaneous intracisternal       replacement during pore formation and/or
administration of dexamethasone with GBS               by direct neutralization by binding to toxin
challenge markedly reduced the magnitude of            itself. The therapeutic potential of surfactant
subarachnoid inflammation, vasculopathy                phospholipids in GBS meningitis requires
and neuronal injury (Kim et al., 1995).                further study.
Group B Streptococcus Meningitis                               127

      9.3 GBS Activation of a CNS                    pathogen may result in over-activation of BBB
         Inflammatory Response                       endothelium, leading to increased inflam-
                                                     mation that may compromise BBB integrity or
The first comprehensive microarray analysis          cause neuronal damage.
of the BBB endothelium transcriptional                    Several GBS factors have been implicated
response to a pathogen was examined during           in promoting BBB activation. Infection of
GBS infection, revealing the induction of a          HBMECs with a GBS strain lacking β-h/c
specific set of 80 genes, which function             toxin markedly reduced expression of genes
together to orchestrate neutrophil recruitment,      involved in the immune response, while an
activation and enhanced survival (Doran et al.,      unencapsulated strain generally induced
2003). The most highly induced genes,                similar or greater expression levels for the
interleukin (IL)-8, CXCL1 and CXCL2, all             same subset of genes (Doran et al., 2003).
belong to the CXC chemokine family, which            Neutrophil migration across polar HBMEC
acts mainly on cells of neutrophil lineage. IL-8     monolayers was stimulated by GBS and its
is the most potent chemotactic factor for            β-h/c through a process involving IL-8 and
neutrophils because it has a high affinity for         ICAM-1. Furthermore, cell-free bacterial
both of the chemokine receptors (CXCR1 and           supernatants containing β-h/c activity
CXCR2) expressed on neutrophils, and it              induced IL-8 release, thus identifying this
further stimulates neutrophil respiratory            toxin as a principal provocative factor for BBB
burst, degranulation and adherence to                activation (Doran et al., 2003). In more recent
endothelial cells. These chemokines have been        studies, additional microarray experiments
isolated from the CSF of patients with bacterial     have demonstrated that the similar gene
meningitis, and IL-8 may be an important             profile in HBMECs is effected by CovR
biomarker to differentiate acute bacterial            regulation, which can result in high β-h/c
meningitis from aseptic meningitis (Pinto            expression (Lembo et al., 2010) and PilA
Junior et al., 2011). Other GBS-induced              expression (Banerjee et al., 2011). Infection of
HBMEC genes related specifically to CNS              HBMECs in vitro with multiple PilA-deficient
neutrophil recruitment were ICAM-1, which            GBS strains resulted in less IL-8 protein
when upregulated leads to the enhanced               secretion compared with the respective wild-
adhesion of neutrophils to the brain                 type parental strains, and treatment of
endothelium, and granulocyte–macrophage              HBMECs with recombinant PilA protein
colony-stimulating factor (GM–CSF), which            induced IL-8 transcription, suggesting that
increases neutrophil migration across brain          PilA is both necessary and sufficient to activate
endothelium. Absent during GBS infection of          the BBB response (Banerjee et al., 2011).
HBMECs was the induction of strong pro-              Infection in vivo with the PilA-deficient strain
inflammatory cytokines, such as TNF- or             resulted in delayed mortality, decreased
IL-1. These data suggest that the BBB                neutrophil infiltration and bacterial CNS
represents much more than a physical barrier         dissemination, and less expression of KC, the
to GBS, and also performs a sentinel function        murine homologue of IL-8 (Banerjee et al.,
by recognizing the threat of infection and           2011). These results indicate that GBS PilA
initiating a CNS-protective innate immune            directly promotes IL-8 secretion and
response. In the case of blood-borne bacteria, a     functional neutrophil signalling pathways in
specific BMEC gene expression programme              vivo, resulting in neutrophil recruitment
for neutrophil recruitment and activation is         during active GBS infection, which may
generated, with the absence of the concurrent        function in tandem or concurrently with the
production of broader spectrum cytokines             β-h/c toxin to promote disease progression.
(e.g. TNF-, IL-1) that could provoke a wider        These findings also demonstrate an
or unchecked pattern of inflammatory                 association between leucocyte trafficking and
activation potentially harmful to critical CNS       BBB permeability and increased GBS
structures. However, the timing and                  penetration of the CNS, suggesting that
magnitude of the neutrophil recruitment              polymorphonuclear         leucocyte     (PMN)-
response is critical for the outcome of infection.   mediated damage of the BBB has a significant
Continued exposure and invasion of the               role in the pathogenesis of GBS meningitis.
128                                       V. Nizet and K.S. Doran

              9.4 Conclusions                              RgfA/C activates the fbsB gene encoding major
                                                           fibrinogen-binding protein in highly virulent
Advances in microbial genetics, tissue culture             CC17 clone Group B Streptococcus. PLoS One
                                                           6, e14658.
systems and small-animal challenge models
                                                        Alkuwaity, K., Taylor, A., Heckels, J.E., Doran, K.S.
have enhanced our understanding of the
                                                           and Christodoulides, M. (2012) Group B
molecular pathogenesis of GBS meningitis                   Streptococcus       interactions   with    human
and the host response to this potentially life-            meningeal cells and astrocytes in vitro. PLoS
threatening infection. New model systems                   One 7, e42660.
using zebrafish (Patterson et al., 2012) and            Baker, C.J. and Edwards, M.S. (2001) Infectious
Drosophila (Baron et al., 2009; Chang et al.,              Diseases of the Fetus and Newborn Infant. W.B.
2011) promise the contribution of host                     Saunders, Philadelphia, PA.
genetics to enrich our understanding of host–           Banerjee, A., Kim, B.J., Carmona, E.M., Cutting,
GBS interactions. Comparative genomic and                  A.S., Gurney, M.A., Carlos, C., Feuer, R.,
                                                           Prasadarao, N.V. and Doran, K.S. (2011)
systems-level bioinformatics studies have
                                                           Bacterial pili exploit integrin machinery to
revealed strain evolution associated with
                                                           promote immune activation and efficient blood–
hypervirulence and CNS disease potential,                  brain barrier penetration. Nature Com-
including specific candidate gene and                      munications 2, 462.
regulatory systems that promote bloodstream             Barichello, T., Lemos, J.C., Generoso, J.S.,
survival, HBMEC interactions and activation                Cipriano, A.L., Milioli, G.L., Marcelino, D.M.,
of host inflammatory responses. Genomics                   Vuolo, F., Petronilho, F., Dal-Pizzol, F., Vilela,
has led to the development of reverse and                  M.C. and Teixeira, A.L. (2011) Oxidative stress,
structural vaccinology technologies for                    cytokine/chemokine and disruption of blood–
vaccine discovery, including a type 2a pilus               brain barrier in neonate rats after meningitis
                                                           by Streptococcus agalactiae. Neurochemical
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(Nuccitelli et al., 2011). In addition, genomics
                                                        Baron, M.J., Wong, S.L., Nybakken, K., Carey, V.J.
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proteins and virulence factors as potential                confers susceptibility to bacterial infection in
vaccine targets. Enhanced understanding of                 Drosophila     melanogaster. Infection        and
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targets against this dangerous infectious                  29 cases. Pediatrics 38, 6–24.
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                                                           Tauber, M.G. (1997) Tumor necrosis factor-
                                                           contributes to apoptosis in hippocampal
                                                           neurons during experimental group B
            Acknowledgements                               streptococcal meningitis. Journal of Infectious
                                                           Diseases 176, 693–697.
The authors thank their respective laboratory           Brochet, M., Couve, E., Zouine, M., Vallaeys, T.,
members and researchers whose work has                     Rusniok, C., Lamy, M.C., Buchrieser, C., Trieu-
not been discussed in detail or reviewed                   Cuot, P., Kunst, F., Poyart, C. and Glaser, P.
elsewhere. Work on the BBB and GBS                         (2006) Genomic diversity and evolution within
meningitis in K.S. Doran’s laboratory is                   the species Streptococcus agalactiae. Microbes
supported by funding from the NIH/NINDS                    and Infection 8, 1227–1243.
                                                        Brouwer, M.C., Tunkel, A.R. and van de Beek, D.
(grant no RO1NS051247).
                                                           (2010) Epidemiology, diagnosis, and anti-
                                                           microbial treatment of acute bacterial meningitis.
                                                           Clinical Microbiology Reviews 23, 467–492.
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