A CAREER FOR THE NATURALLY CURIOUS - Chartered Institute of Loss Adjusters

Page created by Manuel Freeman
A CAREER FOR THE NATURALLY CURIOUS - Chartered Institute of Loss Adjusters

                                                               Issue 32
                                                             March 2021


 An interview with Eloise Harby. p.17

 Cyber Criminals
 Are they hiding behind
 an insurance claim? p.8
 Recognition of CILA
 qualifications post
 Brexit p.6
A CAREER FOR THE NATURALLY CURIOUS - Chartered Institute of Loss Adjusters
2 . Claims Focus March 2021                                                                                                                                                                        Claims Focus March 2021 . 3

          THE BUSINESS INTERRUPTION                                                               W E L C O M E               T O

                                                                                                CLAIMS FOCUS

                                                                         Always By Your Side.
                                                                                                Spring is definitely in the air along      International Women’s Day will be
                                                                                                with optimism about the year ahead.        celebrated on 8th March and we are
                                                                                                2021 has already given us some             delighted that our Women in CILA
                                                                                                interesting developments with the          group have shared the story of one of
                                                                                                Supreme Court handing down                 our recently qualified female members,
                                                                                                judgment on the FCA test case              Eloise Harby (page 17). Our work on
          We are very mindful that the complexity of Covid-19 related                           on Covid-19 Business Interruption          the wider spectrum of diversity and
                                                                                                claims (page 11). The UK has also          inclusion continues and further updates
          BI claims is mind blowing.                                                            left the European Union and this           will follow in future editions.
                                                                                                will undoubtedly have implications
          With all your time and focus on BI, your BAU claims are                               for the handling of claims. On page 6
                                                                                                                                           Finally, we hope you will enjoy our
                                                                                                                                           two technical features, starting with     Malcolm Hyde,
          inevitably piling up; meaning you’re more stressed, insurers                          we outline our considerations for the                                                CILA Executive Director
                                                                                                                                           the cyber criminals who may be hiding
          are more anxious and policyholders are more frustrated.                               recognition of CILA qualifications
                                                                                                                                           behind insurance claims (page 8)
                                                                                                post Brexit.
                                                                                                                                           and then sewer flooding within
                                                                                                The fast paced rollout of coronavirus      basements (page 12). Thank you to
                                                                                                vaccines has given us hope to cautiously   those who contributed to this edition
                                                                                                plan for the future. Over 100 members      and our best wishes to all members
                                                                                                achieved a CILA qualification in 2020      as we navigate our way to better and
                                                                                                and we are determined to beat that         safer times in 2021.
                                                                                                number in 2021. Helping members
                                                                                                achieve their qualification goals is our
                                                                                                number one priority and so we are
                                                                                                excited to bring you an enhanced
                                                                                                programme of online exam support
                                                                                                                                                                                     Alison Gamble,
                                                                                                events throughout the year (see page
                                                                                                                                                                                     CILA Technical Marketing Manager
                                                                                                15 for upcoming events in March).

          Take a moment to disappear into the Polygon blue.
          As the global leader in property damage restoration, we are
          best placed to address your BAU backlog. You get some                                    CONTENTS:
          time and space to think clearly. Insurers see progress and
          policyholders are reassured.                                                             04 QUALIFICATION SUCCESS
                                                                                                   06 C
                                                                                                       ILA QUALIFICATIONS
          Doesn’t that sound better already?                                                          POST BREXIT

          It’s time to be more Zen. It’s time for Polygon.                                         08 CYBER CRIME
                                                                                                   12 SEWER FLOODING
                                                                                                   15 STUDY SUPPORT & CPD
                                                                                                      BUILD THE FUTURE WITH
                                                                                                      APPRENTICESHIPS IN INSURANCE
          We prevent, control and mitigate the
                                                                                                      A CAREER FOR THE
          effects of water, fire and climate.
                                                                                                      NATURALLY CURIOUS

Claims Focus March 2021                                                                                                                                                                                Claims Focus March 2021
A CAREER FOR THE NATURALLY CURIOUS - Chartered Institute of Loss Adjusters
4 . Claims Focus March 2021                                                                                                                                            Claims Focus March 2021 . 5

                              NEW ASSOCIATE OR CERTIFIED MEMBERS                NEW CERTIFICATE MEMBERS
                              Craig Jones         Crawford & Company            Naomi Akatsuka                                      Karl Parratt           Direct Line Group
                                                  (Australia) Pty Ltd
                                                                                Muder Ali                                           Jonathan Reuter        Oakleafe Claims
                              Chloe Nickless      Crawford & Company
                                                                                Jennifer Attenborough   Sedgwick International UK   Anthony Russell        Quadra Claims Services Ltd
                              Benedict Turnbull   Charles Taylor Adjusting
                                                                                Luke Ayling             Sedgwick International UK   Umesh Sasikumar
                                                                                Katarzyna Baranowska    Sedgwick International UK   Amine Sennani

                                                                                Aaron Spencer Bird      Oakleafe Claims             JaneShepherd           Sedgwick International UK
                              NEW ADVANCED DIPLOMA MEMBERS
                                                                                Joseph Brennan          Advanta Global              Nicola Simpson         Crawford & Company

                              Luke Crowe          Woodgate and Clark Limited
                                                                                Steven Careless         Sedgwick International UK   Anurag Vadul Kesavan   Miller International Loss
                              Charles Eurell                                                                                                               Adjusters Ltd
                                                                                Chun Chan

                              Leanne Graham       Sedgwick International UK                                                         Louise Webster         Sedgwick International UK
                                                                                Andrew Cox              CPA
                              Ashley Martin
                                                                                Graham Crumb            Oakleafe Claims
                              Jose Panameno       Lloyd Warwick International
SINCE THE DECEMBER                                                              Olusegun Edmond
                                                                                Armie Ellar

                                                                                Lucy Evans
                                                                                Michael Fisher          Oakleafe Claims

CLAIMS FOCUS                  Ines Baouab
                              Gareth Bowers       McLarens
                                                                                William Fraine
                                                                                Joanne Garrett
                                                                                                        Aviva Insurance Limited
                                                                                                        Sedgwick International UK
                              Andrew Bumstead                                   Zaire Hussain           Sedgwick International UK
                              Grant Bushell                                     Muhammad Imran
                              Katherine Gibson    McLarens                      Daniel James            Oakleafe Claims
                              Jessica Grenfell    Sedgwick International UK     Margaret Harper Kerr    Sedgwick International UK
                              Paul North          The LMI Group                 Ka Hei Lam
                              Fatema Patel        Crawford & Company            Chun Lau
                              Ather Siddiqui                                    Andrew Leigh            Sedgwick International UK
                              Paul Stott          Crawford & Company            Amy Major               Sedgwick International UK
                              Yuta Takanoha                                     Andrew Marshall         Sedgwick International UK
                              Joji Thomas                                       Naserian Mukami
                              Kevin Wade          Crawford & Company            Shola Opia              Sedgwick International UK
                              Joycelene Wekesa

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6 . Claims Focus March 2021                                                                                                                  Claims Focus March 2021 . 7

                                    & I N D U S T R I A L S T R AT E G Y D E P A R T M E N T

                                         ike all business sectors, the         OUR ISSUES CENTRED ON:                      Members will be aware that the UK is
                                         insurance sector has been             • Continued portability of our              seeking other trading agreements with
                                         preparing for the UK’s departure        qualification within the EU               countries around the world and we,
                                         from the EU since the result of the                                               along with other professional bodies,
                                    EU referendum on 23rd June 2016.           • Members based in the Republic             will continue to lobby for recognition
                                                                                 of Ireland being able to continue         of CILA qualifications as part of these
                                    Our focus as a professional body has         to use their CILA qualification to        trade agreements.
                                    been recognition of CILA qualifications      meet the Central Bank of Ireland’s
                                    and so we set in motion a chain of           minimum standard
                                    events the day after the historic vote
                                    for the UK to leave the European Union.    • Ensuring that new trade deals             FUEDI QUALIFICATIONS

  QUALIFICATIONS POST BREXIT        This led us, with kind thanks to the
                                    Rt. Honourable Sir Nicholas Soames MP
                                    (Grandson of Sir Winston Churchill), to
                                                                                 across the globe did not sell our
                                                                                 (UK) qualifications short                 CILA members are able to obtain the
                                                                                                                           FUEDI-ELAE qualification if they hold
                                                                               We have participated in much wider          one of the following:
                                    a meeting with the Business, Energy &
                                                                               discussions with the BEIS and other
  AT 11:00 PM ON 31ST DECEMBER      Industrial Strategy Department of the
                                    UK Government (BEIS).
                                                                               professional bodies and we have no          • ACILA qualification plus 10 years
                                                                               doubt that our learned friends at BEIS        of experience in loss adjusting
  2020 THE UNITED KINGDOM’S                                                    understand the considerable importance      • ACILA qualification and a Bachelors
                                                                               of recognition of qualifications. These
  TRANSITIONAL ARRANGEMENTS                                                    meetings have included the London
                                                                                                                             degree plus 8 years of experience
                                                                                                                             in loss adjusting
                                                                               Market, Chartered Insurance Institute
  WITH THE EUROPEAN UNION           We were the first                          (CII) and many others. The most             • ACILA qualification and a Masters
                                    professional body to meet                                                                degree plus 6 years of experience
                                                                               recent meeting was hosted by the All
                                                                               Party Parliamentary Group for Insurance       in loss adjusting
                                    with Government officials
  ARRANGEMENT BEGAN.                on this topic and they
                                                                               and Financial Services.                     Further details can be found on the
                                                                                                                           FUEDI website at: www.fuedi.eu
                                    thanked us for our                         THE EUROPEAN FEDERATION OF
                                                                               LOSS ADJUSTING EXPERTS (FUEDI)              There is no charge to be recognised as
                                    initiative.”                                                                           holding the FUEDI-ELAE qualification
                                                                               Whilst Loss Adjusting is not a regulated
                                                                                                                           and CILA members can apply by
                                                                               profession across the European Union,
                                    At the time there were just three                                                      contacting info@cila.co.uk
                                                                               it is important that the CILA
                                    people in the Department who had
                                                                               qualifications continue to be recognised.
                                    been charged at looking at mutual                                                      INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF
                                                                               We have the security of the FUEDI
                                    recognition of qualifications. It was                                                  ADJUSTING ASSOCIATIONS (IFAA)
                                                                               membership that recognises CILA
                                    clear from our discussions that the                                                    CILA members who are qualified to
                                                                               qualifications. Incidentally, FUEDI are
                                    full implications of recognition of                                                    Certificate, Diploma or Advanced
                                                                               currently in communication with the
                                    qualifications (or perhaps more                                                        Diploma level can also become an
                                                                               EU concerning Covid-19 and the work
                                    importantly the loss of) was sinking in.                                               Associate member of the IFAA (£15
                                                                               undertaken by members of the FUEDI
                                    Their departing words were – of course,                                                annual fee). CILA Associates and Fellows
                                                                               loss adjusting associations.
                                    we are dealing with all qualifications                                                 are eligible to be a Fellow of the IFAA
                                    including Doctors, Engineers, Scientists   As part of that ongoing communication,      (£25 annual fee). Joining the IFAA is
                                    etc. They had a mountain to climb          FUEDI plan to highlight the importance      simple – go to outstanding payments
                                    but be absolutely assured these are        of the CILA qualification in the Republic   on your MyCILA account and make
                                    impressive people.                         of Ireland.                                 payment before 31st March 2021.

Claims Focus March 2021                                                                                                                          Claims Focus March 2021
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8 . Claims Focus March 2021                                                                                                        Claims Focus March 2021 . 9

                                                     WHO IS HIDING BEHIND

                                                     AN INSURANCE CLAIM?

                                         The National Crime Agency estimates that there are currently around 180,000 serious
                                     crime gang members operating in the UK. According to the Office for National Statistics (ONS),
                                         fraud is now the most common crime in the UK with over 3.6 million incidents in 2018.
                                           The ONS also report that 2 million of these incidents of fraud were via cybercrime.

                                                       HOW DO CY BER CRI MI NALS OPERATE AND HOW MI GHT
                                                         THEI R ACTI VI TI ES LEAD TO I NS U RANCE FRAU D?

                                         ark web – a criminal marketplace                 Data and fraud for sale
                                          The web we all access is usually defined        Data is hacked, leaked, stolen by deceit, coercion, or
                                          within 3 parts. The bright web which is the     social engineering, and then put out for sale on the
                                          section we all access using our browsers via    marketplaces. Other services are also sold, such as
                                          the likes of Google and Bing. This represents   fraud training manuals, mentoring services and even
                              about 6% of the information held on the web. The deep       professional callers who will front a refund or claim
                              web which can only be accessed through login and so         on behalf of their customers. This is termed ‘crime
                              includes information like subscription databases,           as a service’.
                              government sites and the military. The dark web which       Fraudsters then buy this stolen data and use it to
                              occupies a small but significant corner can only be         commit crimes such as account takeover, where they
                              accessed via browsers like TOR (formerly known as           impersonate someone and clear out their bank account,
                              The Onion Ring), has no search engines and is entirely      take over their mobile phone, or raise credit in their
                              unregulated.                                                name. Other criminals will use information such as
                              Innovative criminals were quick to realise that stolen      website logins to install ransomware on an organisation’s
                              data, leaked data, drugs, guns, extreme pornography,        computer systems.
                              forged documents and even people can be bought and          Currently we are seeing identification data being
                              sold on the dark web with a fair degree of anonymity.       used to claim benefits and loans under various
                              This is done on a global scale so often the offenders       Covid-19 schemes with one gang in the U.S. taking
                              are out of the reach of routine law enforcement.            $900m in 2020.

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A CAREER FOR THE NATURALLY CURIOUS - Chartered Institute of Loss Adjusters
Claims Focus March 2021 . 11

                                                   Is it just the dark web?                                                                      On 15th January 2021, the Supreme
                                                   No. Whilst the dark web marketplaces                                                          Court handed down judgment in
                                                   continue to thrive the more brazen
                                                   criminals sell their wares on social                                                          the Covid-19 Business Interruption
                                                   media including Facebook, Twitter,                                                            insurance test case of The Financial
                                                   and WhatsApp. This enables them to                                                            Conduct Authority v Arch and Others.

                                                   extend their reach further in their search
What about insurance?                              for both victims and recruits. Many also
Some insurers have allegedly had data              hide in plain sight using advertising          TO THE OFFICE                                           his judgment addresses the appeals which
                                                                                                                                                          were submitted by the Financial Conduct
stolen and sold via criminal networks.             that gives the impression that they are        FOR NATIONAL                                            Authority (FCA), the Hiscox Action Group
Accident details are bought and sold by            legitimate. Examples are sites which offer
the nefarious side of claimant                     replacements for lost documents and            STATISTICS (ONS),                                       and six of the eight defendant insurers
                                                                                                                                                          involved in the initial High Court case.
organisations. We are also told by the             which produce high level copies of driving     FRAUD IS NOW THE
Insurance Fraud Bureau (IFB) that                  licences, passports, utility bills, payslips
insurance policies have been used by               and bank statements which will fool most       MOST COMMON
                                                                                                                                                   The appeals concerned the proper interpretation of
criminals to impersonate the policyholder          people examining them.                         CRIME IN THE UK                                  four types of Business Interruption policy clauses:
and make false claims.
                                                   What can you do as a claims                    WITH OVER 3.6
Ghost Broking                                      professional?                                                                                   •   Disease clauses
                                                   Understanding the resources which are
                                                                                                  MILLION INCIDENTS
Ghost brokers sell bogus policies on the
                                                                                                  IN 2018.                                         •   Prevention of access clauses
dark web and via social media. A recent            now available to fraudsters via cybercrime
conviction involved Raza Mir and                   is essential. Documents provided in                                                             •   Hybrid clauses
Muhammed Asif who operated from a                  support of a claim cannot be taken at face
London Launderette. They initially started         value and wherever possible should be                                                           •   Trends clauses
ghost broking to provide false insurance           verified with the source. Fraud teams must
cover for members of a UK Based Albanian           look beyond whether the policyholder or a
                                                                                                                                                 The issue of causation was also considered, with
drugs gang. They also provided false no            third party is committing fraud and
                                                                                                                                                 particular reference to the decision of the Commercial
claims discount letters.                           consider whether the policyholder is
                                                                                                                                                 Court in Orient-Express Hotels Ltd v Assicurazioni
                                                   actually a victim of fraud or being coerced.
They then moved on to unsuspecting                                                                                                               Generali SpA (2010).
members of the public through advertising          Avoid the false thought that no-one would

                                                                                                  HIDING IN
and approaches on social media. They               go to those lengths to commit fraud. They                                                     WHERE YOU CAN LEARN MORE
used Mir’s launderette as a drop off and           would and they do. Last but not least,
collection point. They took people’s               sharing knowledge and collaboration as a       PLAIN SIGHT                                    Members are able to access details of the case and
                                                                                                                                                 judgment on the Supreme Court website at: https://
identities and then changed their addresses,       claims community is the only way to beat       Dark web criminals hide in                     www.supremecourt.uk/cases/uksc-2020-0177.html.
convictions, age and occupations to                the criminals who share and collaborate        plain sight using advertising                  Members are also able to view a 90 minute webinar
buy insurance which covered the Motor              almost instantly via their unregulated sites   that gives the impression                      recording on the CILA BrightTALK platform. In the
Insurer’s Database (MID) and Automatic             on the dark web.                               that they are legitimate.                      webinar John Farrell of Kennedys presents a summary
Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) and

                                                                                                                                                 of the key decisions from the case, with Chartered
issued forged documents. Insurers                                                                                                                member, Aruna Chandrapalan of Sedgwick
                                                   Article by Peter Taylor ACFS,
and the Insurance Fraud Enforcement                                                                                                              International UK, providing a commentary on the
Department (IFED) investigated and as
                                                   Fraud Consultant,
                                                   Peter Taylor Consultants
                                                                                                  SHARE THE                                      practical implications for loss adjusters. This webinar
a result Mir received 3 years 7 months                                                                                                           has received over 1,000 views with one audience
custody and Asif 16 months.                                                                                                                      member describing it as “Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant.”
                                                                                                  Sharing knowledge and
                                                                                                  collaboration as a claims                      Our thanks to John and Aruna for giving up their time

                                                                                                  community is the only way                      to assist CILA members with this subject.
    ABOUT THE AUTHOR:                                                                             to beat the criminals who
                                                                                                                                                 EXPERTISE OF LOSS ADJUSTERS
                                                                                                  share and collaborate almost

    Peter began his career with Greater Manchester Police as a CID officer specialising in        instantly via their                            The Institute is aware of the significant challenges
    fraud investigation. He started his own insurance investigation business and went on to       unregulated sites                              and complexities that business owners, our members
    be the Head of Fraud for Major Loss Adjusters. Peter is an Accredited Counter Fraud           on the                                         and the insurance sector have faced in presenting
    Specialist, a member of the International Association of Auto Theft Investigators, and a      dark web.                                      and handling business interruption claims associated
    member of Chartered Institute of Loss Adjusters.                                                                                             with the Covid-19 pandemic. Our members have
    He has led a major research project into organised cybercrime and its impact on all                                                          assisted the Institute in sharing their views on key
    fraud. He now works as a consultant, trainer and investigator specialising in insurance                                                      issues, often drawing on their considerable experience
    claims fraud and organised cybercrime. You can contact Peter at:                                                                             of handling business interruption claims, enabling us
    Website: www.ptc-ltd.co.uk Email: petert@live.co.uk                                                                                          to provide practical insight to other industry bodies
                                                                                                                                                 and interested parties.

Claims Focus March 2021                                                                                                                                                                 Claims Focus March 2021
A CAREER FOR THE NATURALLY CURIOUS - Chartered Institute of Loss Adjusters
12 . Claims Focus March 2021                                                                     Claims Focus March 2021 . 13

                                    WHAT ARE THE
                                    AND WHAT CAN
                                    GO WRONG?
                                     By Richard Keightley, Senior Associate at Hawkins

                                    Sewer flooding occurs when sewage,          appliances to have protective measures
                                    often combined with rainwater, backs        in order to prevent flooding from the
                                    up from the public sewer and overflows,     public sewer. It recommends one of two
                                    for example from manholes, or from          options, depending on the level of risk:
                                    low-lying toilets and showers. Water
                                    can back up from public sewers due to
                                    blockages and pump station failures
                                    but in many cases they are simply filled
                                    with water due to heavy rainfall.             Where there is a low risk of
                                                                                  surcharge, and a gravity drainage
                                    Properties with living space below ground     connection to the public sewer is
                                    level are at particular risk. Planning
While river flooding is widely
                                                                                  possible, an anti-flooding valve (also
                                    applications to build or extend               known as a non-return valve) can be
                                    basements are popular. While                  used. Anti flooding valves should
reported in the media, sewer        conversions of existing cellars or
                                    refurbishments of habitable basements
                                                                                  comply with the requirements of BS
                                                                                  EN 13564.
flooding receives little coverage   generally do not require planning
                                    permission, the Building Regulations

despite affecting thousands of      will still apply. ‘Approved Document H’        2
                                    gives guidance on compliance with
                                                                                  Where there is a high risk of surcharge,
properties a year. It can be just
                                    the drainage and waste disposal
                                                                                  or if the sanitary appliances are below
                                    requirements of the Building Regulations.
                                                                                  the level of the public sewer, drainage
as unpleasant, disruptive and       How can basements be protected
                                    against sewer flooding?
                                                                                  from the basement should be pumped.
                                                                                  Pumping installations should comply

costly for those affected.          Approved Document H requires
                                    basements that contain sanitary
                                                                                  with the requirements of BS EN 12056.

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A CAREER FOR THE NATURALLY CURIOUS - Chartered Institute of Loss Adjusters
14 . Claims Focus March 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Claims Focus March 2021 . 15

In a pumping installation, wastewater
from the basement drains to a sump.
                                                 motorised flaps that are triggered by
                                                 pressure sensors. They are only suitable
                                                                                                are only recommended when there is a
                                                                                                low risk of surcharge. A person in the
                                                                                                                                                      STUDY SUPPORT & CPD
                                                                                                                                             UPCOMING                                            ACS CLINICS
When the sump fills up, a float switch           where the sewer is below the level of the      basement would probably notice that
activates the pump, which then                   basement’s drains. When the public             water was not draining from their
discharges the collected wastewater into         sewer becomes surcharged, the valve is         sanitary appliances. However, if sanitary
the public sewer via a ‘backflow loop’ (a
section of pipe that loops above the
maximum expected surcharge level).
                                                 designed to close automatically to
                                                 prevent water backing up and flooding
                                                 the basement.
                                                                                                appliances from above ground level have
                                                                                                been connected upstream of the
                                                                                                anti-flooding valve, the people using
                                                                                                                                             EVENTS                                              On 16th February we held one to one clinics for candidates who are working
                                                                                                                                                                                                 towards their Accreditation for Chartered Status (ACS). These clinics provided
                                                                                                                                                                                                 candidates with the opportunity to ask questions and receive guidance on
During times when the public sewer                                                              those appliances are unlikely to realise                                                         how to progress their 3,000 word Critical Analysis. ACS clinics will be offered
                                                 Another key requirement of Approved                                                                      11th March
becomes surcharged, the backflow loop                                                           that their wastewater is becoming                                                                again in March.
                                                 Document H is that “all drainage
prevents water from the public sewer                                                            trapped in the basement drains until it is
                                                 unaffected by surcharge [for example                                                        • A
                                                                                                                                                CS - Exam Skills &
from backing up into, and overflowing                                                           too late.
                                                 sanitary appliances above ground level]                                                       Essential Knowledge                                 THE CILA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MALCOLM HYDE, WAS DELIGHTED TO OFFER
from, the sanitary appliances in the
                                                 should by-pass the protective measures         Care is also required when making              Webinar with Malcolm Hyde                           THIS PERSONALISED SUPPORT TO ACS CANDIDATES:
basement. Meanwhile, the pump
                                                 and discharge by gravity”. This is important   alterations to either the drains or the
continues to discharge wastewater from
                                                 to limit the amount of wastewater that         sanitary appliances in the basement, to                                                          “Tuesday 16th February turned into a great day for me. I was able
the basement.                                                                                                                                             18th March
                                                 can become ‘trapped’ upstream of an            ensure the risk of flooding is not                                                               to speak to members from East Anglia in the UK to a member in the
                                                 anti-flooding valve while it is closed (or     increased.                                                                                       Australian Northern Territory individually about the progress on
                                                                                                                                             • A
                                                                                                                                                D2 - “Understand” Business
 PROTECTIVE MEASURES                             upstream of a pump, should it fail).
                                                                                                                                               Interruption Webinar with                         their Critical Analysis. All of the participants were fantastic
 SURCHARGE                                                                                      POTENTIAL ROUTES                               Sue Taylor                                        ambassadors for the next generation of Chartered Loss Adjusters.
                                                 WHAT CAN                                       FOR RECOVERY                                                                                     Well done and keep up that fantastic work!”
                                                 GO WRONG?
      PUMPED               ANTI-FLOODING VALVE
                                                                                                                                                           15th April
                                                                                                Recent building work should always raise
                                                 Pumping installations can fail for
                                                 a variety of reasons. Commonly:
                                                                                                a ‘red flag’ for subrogated recovery. Even
                                                                                                minor works or works that might seem at
                                                                                                                                             • T
                                                                                                                                                he World of Aviation Adjusting
                                                                                                                                               Webinar with Lalitya Dhavala of                                                              IN CASE YOU
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            MISSED IT…
                                                                                                first to be remote and unrelated (for          McLarens Aviation
                                                 • The failure of the float switch;
                                                                                                example alterations to the drainage of         Hosted by Women in CILA
                                                 • Mechanical failure of the pump;              upper storeys) can be worth considering.
                                                 • Electrical failure of the entire             Some common third parties who might                                                                                                         CILA members can access webinar recordings
                                                 installation;                                  have contributed to a sewer flooding                                                                                                        and previously published technical papers in
                                                                                                incident include:                                                                                                                           the online CILA Technical Library.
                                                 • Failure of the pipework.
                                                                                                • The architect / designer;                    CILA WEBINARS
                                                 Both pumping installations and anti-
Various safety measures can be provided
                                                 flooding valves require regular inspection,    • The installation contractor;                 ARE FREE TO ATTEND.
to manage the residual risk of flooding
should the pump become overwhelmed               testing and maintenance.                       • The maintenance contractor.                  Simply book your place                                      Highlights from January - February 2021
or fail; for example backup/standby                                                                                                            through the Events section
                                                 If an anti-flooding valve does close           It can also be worth investigating why
pumps, auxiliary power supplies, alarms          effectively, preventing backflow from the      the public sewer became surcharged. For
                                                                                                                                               of the CILA website:                              POLICY READING
and telemetered alerts that warn of a            public sewer, wastewater cannot                                                               www.cila.co.uk/                                   Webinar by Sue Taylor, Women in CILA
                                                                                                example, there may be a potential for
high water level in the sump.                    discharge from the basement. The                                                              cila/events
                                                                                                recovery if a public sewer became either
Anti-flooding valves can range from              trapped wastewater creates a risk of           damaged or blocked by a third-party                                                              SITUATING ETHICS IN PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE
                                                 flooding, and is why anti-flooding valves      contractor working in the road.                                                                  Webinar by Marc Sweeney, CILA Republic of Ireland Representative
simple hinged flaps to more complex
                                                                                                                                                                                                 SUPREME COURT JUDGMENT ON FCA TEST CASE ON
                                                                                                                                                                                                 BI COVID-19 CLAIMS
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Webinar by John Farrell, Kennedys & Aruna Chandrapalan, CILA Business

   ABOUT THE AUTHOR:                                                                                                                                                                             Interruption SIG

   Richard Keightley is a Chartered Water and Environmental Manager and Chartered Environmentalist. He specialises in the                                                                        WORKING FROM HOME - LOVE IT OR HATE IT
   investigation of flooding, water ingress and drainage issues, and has provided CPR-35 expert witness evidence in civil claims                                                                 Panel discussion with Chris Henson, Ross Macpherson, Tamara Hamilton-Thomas
   for both claimants and defendants. Richard joined Hawkins in 2017 as part of their civil engineering team, having previously                                                                  and Helen Walker of the Claims Management SIG
   worked at two major engineering consultancies, a water and sewerage company and New Zealand’s National Institute of
   Water and Atmospheric research. You can contact Richard at richard.keightley@hawkins.biz                                                  This publication has been made available by the Chartered Institute of Loss Adjusters solely for the use and convenience of the reader. By making this
                                                                                                                                             publication available the CILA does not offer any endorsement or recommendation of the views and opinions expressed therein. For a full explanation
                                                                                                                                             of the terms and conditions upon which the CILA provides this publication please see our full disclaimer available on the Institute website.

Claims Focus March 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Claims Focus March 2021
16 . Claims Focus March 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Claims Focus March 2021 . 17

                                                                                                                                                                                                    A CAREER
                               BUILD THE                                                                                                                                                            FOR THE
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Interview by Kim Alcock, FCILA and
                                                    Train, Retain and Achieve                                                                                                                        Chair of Women in CILA , McLarens

The UK National Apprenticeship Week took            Introduction to the insurance industry, Claims     THE FOLLOWING                        recently had the pleasure of            passionately about insurance (much to           others talking and to take-away the
place in mid-February with the theme of             handling and Advanced claims handling. Upon        APPRENTICESHIP                       interviewing Eloise Harby of            the displeasure of those around me!).           knowledge acquired on one case and
Build the Future: Train, Retain and Achieve.        completion of each unit there was an exam          STANDARDS ARE ALL                    Woodgate & Clark, an ACILA              In normal times, I am not stuck behind          apply it to another. A year ago, I knew
Inspired by this positive message, we spoke         which I undertook successfully.                                                         qualified adjuster, ACCA member         a desk; I see places new and old and            nothing about beer yeast, I could now
                                                                                                       SUPPORTED BY CILA
to Zaire Hussain, a CILA member who has                                                                                                     and active member of our Future         meet incredible people, some who have           write you a 2000 word essay on it.
successfully completed an apprenticeship
                                                    I have really enjoyed the apprenticeship and       QUALIFICATIONS:               Focus Special Interest Group. I was keen       made something from nothing and many
                                                    the training offered was excellent. Choosing an                                                                                                                                       What challenges have you
course with his employer Sedgwick                                                                                                    to find out why she chose a career in loss     with stories to tell. One of the highlights
International UK.
                                                    apprenticeship was the best decision I made
                                                    and to anyone who is thinking about starting        1                            adjusting and what motivated her to            is learning how things are built/work.                encountered along the way?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    It’s a male dominated world, but
                                                                                                                                     become one of a very small minority            I especially love going into factories; they
                     “I am a Project Managing       an apprenticeship, go for it!                      Insurance Practitioner        of qualified women in our profession.          amaze me. I have so many astonishing            most colleagues are very supportive.
                     Adjuster at Sedgwick.                                                             Level 3 apprenticeship,                                                                                                      I sometimes struggle with the fact that
                                                                                                                                                                                    experiences and stories to tell about the
                     My role is to conduct                                                             typical duration 12 months,          Over the years it has often been                                                        as a female, I am expected to behave in
                                                                                                                                                                                    claims I have dealt with.
                     interviews with                                                                   maximum funding £7000,               said that you don’t choose loss                                                         a certain way. On occasions, brokers and
                                                    Where to find out more about
                     policyholders, gather                                                             supported by the CILA         adjusting, you fall into it. Was that the            I have been in loss adjusting for         assessors are surprised when I turn up.
                                                    Apprenticeships in Insurance
                     information about their                                                           Certificate                   case for you?                                        many years and have plenty of             It’s 2021, yet they still expect to see a
                     claim, evaluate the            The CILA was involved in the development                                         I initially went to university to study Art;   stories too, but how can we share our           man! They get over it when they realise
                                                    of apprenticeship standards for insurance
                     damage using digital
                     tools and write detailed       and we would encourage members who                  2                            I quickly decided that it was a hobby not
                                                                                                                                     a career. I decided to transfer to Business
                                                                                                                                                                                    experiences in a way that connects
                                                                                                                                                                                    with young people starting out?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    I know my stuff and being fully qualified
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    underpins that.
reports to insurers presenting my conclusion        are involved in recruiting and growing             Insurance Professional        Studies and in my final year began to          The Future Focus group are considering
and recommendations.                                talent in our profession to consider               Level 4 apprenticeship,       frantically research and plan for my           a series of podcasts. Social media is also            And finally, what advice can you
                                                    apprenticeship schemes.                            typical duration 24 months,   future. I came across a graduate scheme        an effective way to reach our target                  share with others who may be
After many years of working within the
                                                    If you would like to learn more about how          maximum funding £9000,        with a loss adjusting firm and liked what      audience. TikTok has really taken off in        interested in joining our ranks?
insurance industry, I wanted to enhance my
                                                    UK apprenticeships work, including funding         supported by the CILA         I heard from the few stories/examples          the pandemic; this could be an avenue           Research the job and contact
skill set and further develop in my role, so I
                                                    arrangements, we recommend that you                Diploma                       online. As my mother says, I’ve always         for 60 second stories of what we                adjusters online (we are always happy
enrolled onto the apprenticeship course and
                                                    visit the UK government website at:                                              been very confident, and that confidence       do/see. There needs to be much more             to chat). There are many specialities.
began my journey to achieving the Cert CILA
qualification. The course was delivered via         https://www.gov.uk/topic/further-education-         3                            got me my first job. My persistent
                                                                                                                                     approach then led to a company car
                                                                                                                                                                                    information out there and it needs to
                                                                                                                                                                                    be brought to life. Stories are certainly
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    It’s worth talking to adjusters working
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    in areas that you think may interest you,
online classes which fitted perfectly with work     skills/apprenticeships
                                                                                                       Senior Insurance              and progression from desk to field.            the way!                                        be inspired by their stories and then go
and my lifestyle. I managed to fit the tutorials    For detailed information on the insurance          Professional – Level 6                                                                                                       ahead, apply for that role.
in during business working hours and did my         apprenticeship standards, visit the Institute of                                                                                Loss adjusting is an extraordinary job for
                                                                                                       apprenticeship, typical            Six years since joining, and fully                                                        You never know where
own study in my own time. During the course,        Apprenticeships & Technical Education website                                                                                   anyone with natural curiosity, who is
                                                                                                       duration 36 months,                qualified within five years, do you                                                       it may take you…
the tutor regularly assessed my progress.           and search for “insurance”.                                                                                                     eager to learn and willing to be jack of all
                                                                                                       maximum funding £21,000,      feel you made the right decision?
In my first week as an apprentice, I gained         https://www.instituteforapprenticeships.org/       supported by the CILA         Absolutely. I love my job and all that I       trades and master of some. Every claim is
industry knowledge which I found really useful                                                         Advanced Diploma              learn through it; I can spend ages talking     different. Its hugely satisfying to listen to
for my role. The course consisted of three units;

Claims Focus March 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Claims Focus March 2021
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