A colourful year Annual Review 2017-2018 - Borough Care

Page created by Nathaniel Hughes
A colourful year Annual Review 2017-2018 - Borough Care
A colourful year
Annual Review 2017-2018
A colourful year Annual Review 2017-2018 - Borough Care
from the CEO and Chair of the Board

We are pleased to share with you our Annual            homes. Our dedicated Activity Lifestyle Facilitators     future residents, and to meet the aspirations that      Even as the largest, not-for-profit provider of care
Review for 2017/2018, which features some of the       are testament to that. In the last 12 months for         we all have for our future care, we must continue       homes in Stockport, we know we need to increase
highlights and challenges from this year, as well as   example, they have organised events, trips and           to be innovative in our thinking, embracing new         our capacity further, to respond to the growing need.
looking forward at our ambitious plans for 2019        activities involving hundreds of our residents.          approaches and technologies, to continuously            We are currently working on a 20-bed extension
and beyond.                                            These have included holidays to Blackpool, trips to      improve our services and enrich the lives of our        to Bruce Lodge and are working to develop private-
                                                       Knowsley Safari Park, tea dances, sensory walks,         residents and their families.                           public sector partnerships, that will enable us to
As relatively new members of the team, we are          Kung Fu squash and a visit from a Shetland Pony!                                                                 create brand new homes and increase the space in
both very proud to have joined such a dedicated,       We also pride ourselves on our flexible approach,        You may already have seen the introduction of           existing facilities.
caring and passionate organisation. With strong        with individually-tailored packages of care and          some new technologies to great effect. Person
foundations already in place, we now have a            support, which recognise and reflect the desires and     Centred Software is our online, mobile care             These are certainly exciting times for Borough
shared plan to create an even brighter future          interests of every individual, so they can continue to   recording and monitoring system, which has              Care and, supported by our amazing, hard-working
for Borough Care.                                      live fulfilled and valuable lives.                       improved the accuracy and efficiency of our care        team, we are ambitious and energised by the
                                                                                                                records and most importantly, gives staff more          opportunities that lie ahead. By developing homes fit
Our model of delivering truly personalised care,       But we cannot stand still. These are challenging         quality time to spend with their residents. Likewise,   for the future, and increasing the range of services
reflected in our ‘Life in Colour’ brand, helps us to   times, with increasing demand (by 2025, Stockport        EMARS (electronic medication administration             provided beyond our homes, our goal is to provide
continue to challenge people’s perceptions of what     will be home to 66,500 over 65s and 11,000 over          records) has automated the management of                a financially sustainable organisation that offers
life in a care home is like. Many of our residents     85s; most of whom will be living with one or more        medication and provides staff with up-to-the-           everything people need to live and age well: to live
have led rich, exciting lives and this doesn’t come    long-term health conditions) and reducing resources      minute, personalised information, linking straight      their lives in colour.
to a standstill when they move into one of our care    and funding. To deliver care that is truly fit for our   through to our pharmacy.

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A colourful year Annual Review 2017-2018 - Borough Care
Our Brand
At the end of 2017, we launched            Our staff also have interesting
a new brand for Borough Care;              stories and invaluable anecdotes
a brand that would support us              to share. Each has their own
as we embrace new challenges               motivation for a career in
and improve our services. Beyond           care, and each enjoy their own
just a new logo, we took time to           personal rewards. Their passion
research and evaluate perceptions          and dedication is encouraged,
of Borough Care and of care                celebrated and rewarded through
homes more widely, to help us              valuable training, incentives and
develop a clear statement for our          well-being initiatives.
company: Life in Colour.
                                           At Borough Care, we celebrate
Our residents have led rich and            people’s life stories, their unique
exciting lives and should be able          personalities and colourful
to continue to do so. Some may             characters. No two people are
still have dreams and ambitions            the same, so there should be no
to fulfil; some may thrive whilst          one care solution. Each person,
learning new skills; some may              their history, and their aspirations
want to teach others about their           are understood, recognised, and
past experiences; many will want           respected and this is reflected in
to lead an active social life. So          how they are cared for, every day,
why should all that come to a              every week, every year.
standstill simply because they
live in a care home?                       We live Life in Colour.

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A colourful year Annual Review 2017-2018 - Borough Care
With 11 homes in the Borough of       homes is being used. The                install hydration stations in all

Our Homes
            Stockport, we continue to invest      empty atrium space at Bruce             the communal areas of the home
            heavily in refurbishments and         Lodge has been transformed              to encourage fluid intake and
            renovations, whilst exploring         into a bustling ‘Market Place’,         prevent de-hydration.
            opportunities for new buildings, to   containing a 1950’s style café,
            create the best possible homes for    florist, post office, hat shop and      Later this year we hope to also
            our residents; each as individual     reminiscence area. The purpose-         break ground on a brand-new
            as the people who live in them;       built summerhouse at Bamford            extension to Bruce Lodge;
            and somewhere they can relax,         Close has been converted to a           investing £2.5 million to create
            feel safe and ultimately, belong.     lively pub, complete with bar           a household-style, dementia-
                                                  tables, replica beer taps and           friendly home for our residents,
            We’ve seen real innovations           even table football! Shepley was        with 20 additional bedrooms
            in the way the space in our           also one of the first to install to     in 2019.

                                                        CREATING MORE
                   IMPROVING                           DEMENTIA FRIENDLY                             UPGRADING
                 COMMUNAL AREAS                             HOMES                                    BATHROOMS

                SYSTEMS                                       5.4                                    IMPROVED LAUNDRY

                  REPLACING COOKERS,                                                        ACQUIRED LAND FOR
                  FRIDGES AND KITCHEN                                                       A NEW CARE HOME
                       EQUIPMENT                                                              IN STOCKPORT

                                                   REFURBISHING BEDROOMS

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A colourful year Annual Review 2017-2018 - Borough Care
Our staff are what makes             We make it a priority to invest      We are highly committed to             Staff recognition also plays a vital   Stockport Star Awards –
Our Executive                              Borough Care such as great place     in developing our people, as an      nurturing home-grown talent            role in retention and development.     celebrating the very best home
Leadership Team                            to live and work. We couldn’t be     important way to retain talented     and our unique ‘Aspire’ training       Our annual Employee Awards             care and care home workers
                                           prouder that they stay with us for   and dedicated members of             programmes, endorsed by Skills         celebrate the hard work and
has seen the biggest                       years, developing their careers      staff, which in turn means our       for Care, helps us do that. ‘Aspire’   contribution of staff who make a
                                                                                                                                                                                                   BEST CARE HOME WORKER:
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Kuem OK Shinn
change this year                           and helping us provide the highly    residents receive the very highest   aims to develop Senior Carers          real difference to the lives and
                                           personalised care we’re              standards of care. Training is       into Deputy Managers and ‘Aspire       well-being of our residents, and       BEST CARE HOME:
with our new CEO                           dedicated to delivering.             a mix of in-house delivery, as       to Be’ focuses on giving carers the    give us the opportunity to say         Wellcroft
and HR Partner                                                                  well as externally accredited        skills and knowledge they need to      thank you for all they do.
being recruited:                           595                                  opportunities and nationally         become Senior Carers.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   THE NATIONAL CARE FORUM

Mark Ward
                                           TOTAL NUMBER OF
                                                                                recognised apprenticeship
                                                                                                                     8  ‘ASPIRE’
                                                                                                                                                                 STAFF MEMBERS
                                                                                                                                                            ATTENDED OUR INAUGURAL
                                                                                                                                                                                                   JULIE VERITIERO, MANAGER,
                                                                                                                                                                                                   MARBURY HOUSE
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Selected as ‘Rising Star’ - a future
Chief Executive Officer,
joined November 2017
                                           159                                  34     ENROLLED
                                                                                                                     8   ‘ASPIRE TO BE’
                                                                                                                                                            LEARNING DAY
                                                                                                                                                                                                   leader in the care industry.

                                           TOTAL NUMBER OF
                                           NEW EMPLOYEES
                                                                                ON APPRENTICESHIP
                                                                                                                                                            233    EMPLOYEE
                                                                                                                                                            AWARDS NOMINATIONS
                                                                                                                                                                                                   SOPHIE GARDNER
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Our Area Lead, chosen as a
                                                                                                                                                                                                   mentor; sharing her experience

                                           6.66                                 ALMOST    6,000                                                             WERE RECEIVED
                                                                                                                                                                                                   and knowledge with Rising Stars

                                           AVERAGE YEARS
                                           OF SERVICE
                                                                                HOURS OF TRAINING
                                                                                                                                                            100    STAFF
                                                                                                                                                            MEMBERS ATTENDED THE
                                                                                                                                                                                                   from other organisations.

                                                                                                                                                            EMPLOYEE AWARDS
Jayne Hennessey                            LONG SERVICE
Head of HR,
joined July 2018
                                           Joy Shepherd, Lisa Martin                                                                                        11   AWARD CATEGORIES
                                                                                                                                                            Bamford Close winner of Best
                                           and Valerie Egan.
                                                                                                                                                            Care Home. The Best Team Award
                                                                                                                                                            was presented to Marbury’s

                                         Our People
                                                                                                                                                            Housekeeping Team.

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A colourful year Annual Review 2017-2018 - Borough Care
Our Care
Every person is unique, so there should never be one care solution.
We pride ourselves on our flexible approach to caring for our
residents. We have over 20 years’ experience in supporting people
with dementia and understand the uniqueness of their needs and
those of their families.

Our fully-trained staff understand the importance of quality
relationships for the overall well-being and happiness of those
who choose to live with us, as well as their families. Our full-time
Activity Lifestyle Facilitators plan trips out, alongside exercise
sessions, music, dancing, crafts and much, much more, to make
sure all our residents are stimulated, moving and enjoying
themselves, in ways that suit their individual interests
and abilities.

APPROX.     940
                                       PEOPLE RECEIVED
OUR SERVICES                           INTERMEDIATE CARE

1,658      DAYS OF
                                       OCCUPANCY RATE
(DAY SERVICES)                         ACROSS ALL HOMES

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A colourful year Annual Review 2017-2018 - Borough Care
Innovation                                                                                            Borough Care Online
To deliver care that is truly fit for the 21st        For example, we have installed a state of the   A new website for Borough Care launched this           In the coming years, we plan to introduce a greater
Century we need to be innovative and redefine the     art spa bathroom at Cawood House. A highly      Autumn. This reflects our Life in Colour philosophy    level of online interactivity for our residents and for
concept of care homes, to meet the needs of our       versatile bathing system designed for people    and aims to give our current and potential customers   their family members, enabling more up to date and
modern society.                                       with reduced posture and mobility. It has       an insight into life at Borough Care. Our ‘Latest      effective communication, sharing stories, photos and
                                                      sensory treatment options, enabling residents   News’ and social media platforms also contribute       experiences. The development of an online relatives’
Technology is one of the ways we can do that,         to benefit from massage, colour, music          to keeping everyone up to date with day to day         gateway will enable family members across the globe
and the clever use of data can help improve the       and aromatherapy                                activities and our future plans.                       to better maintain contact with their loved ones.
care and support of residents, particularly those
living with dementia.



But it’s not just about new technology - it’s about
promoting and encouraging creativity in care
and investigating new approaches to existing
ways of doing things, that can improve people’s
experience of living in a care home.

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A colourful year Annual Review 2017-2018 - Borough Care
Partnerships                                                                                                     Day-to-Day
Good partnerships with both private and public organisations are vital to a richer and more sustainable future   Partnership working happens across our homes on a        • Professional singers for regular singalongs
for the care sector. The sheer scope of activities that are required to provide such an encompassing support     daily basis. Close links with many groups in our local     and entertainment;
service means that we’ve always embraced partnership working to succeed. This year we have reviewed              areas provide lots of opportunities for our residents    • Monthly community tea dances;
some of our existing partnerships, as well as developing new collaborations and connections that will help       to contribute to society and remain valued members       • Weekly sensory walks alongside colleagues
propel Borough Care into the future.                                                                             of their communities. This includes:                       from Stockport Mental Health services at
                                                                                                                 • Visits from and to local churches;                       The Meadows;
                                                                                                                 • Mobile libraries;                                      • Carers Support Groups in association
Sharing Best Practice                                   Life Leisure                                             • Health and well-being services, such as visits by        with Signpost Stockport;
                                                                                                                    local nail technicians, hairdressers                  • Volunteering and running stalls at local
The National Care Forum brings together over            Funded by Comic Relief and in partnership with Life         and masseurs;                                           events such as Gatley Festival and Bramhall
100 not-for-profit organisations in the care            Leisure, we launched SMILE - Simple Movements            • Inter-generational projects such as regular              Tea Dance;
and support sector. As members, we regularly            Improve Life Every day – our low impact, fitness            ‘Mums and Tots’ sessions;                             • Scout group visits;
meet and share best practice with care homes            programme for older people. Life Leisure worked          • The Borough Care intergenerational choir,              • A recent Pen Pal scheme, set up with
from across the UK and Europe, exploring new            with staff at Silverdale and Bryn Haven to deliver          in partnership with Educate Stockport;                  the Totally Local Company.
innovations and developing solutions for the            the programme to groups of residents. This now runs      • Pet Therapy; delivered by local animal services,
future of social care.                                  twice a week, led by our care teams.                        such as Zoolab and Rob the Ranger;

We also work with local organisations and
businesses, such as the Northwest Fire & Rescue,
in our role as a Dementia Friends’ Champion to
deliver information sessions to their employees
so they can have a better understanding of
dementia and how it may affect a person.

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A colourful year Annual Review 2017-2018 - Borough Care
Financial Activity
                                                     and Distribution
                                                     of Funds
                                                     Income for the year rose to £13.5m
Staff Costs
Increased by
                                                     HOW EVERY £1 SPENT
11%                                                  WAS DISTRIBUTED:

                                                     1 Staff Costs – 63p
                                                     2 Food & Catering Costs – 10p
£700,000                                             3 Building-Energy and Maintenance – 6p
on refurbishments
                                                     4 Insurance, Fees, Administration – 6p
                                                     5 Depreciation – 5p
Spent an additional                                  6 Refurbishment – 5p
£106,000                                             7 Other Costs – 3p
on food and catering                                 8 Loan Interest etc. – 1p

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A colourful year Annual Review 2017-2018 - Borough Care
The Future
Our new Strategic Plan for 2018-2021 sets out our       Some of these focus areas are about building on the
vision, goals and targets for the next 3 years. It is   excellent work already underway:
ambitious and challenges the status quo, so that we     • Aspire and Aspire to Be training programmes are
can move forward and embed real change that will          helping us to talent spot and develop great carers
deliver better outcomes for our residents and staff.      and leaders across the organisation.
                                                        • The latest technological advancements are
There are 5 key areas of focus:                           making our existing services more streamlined,
• Financial Stability – growing and diversifying          improving accuracy and providing us with a rich
  our services to deliver greater revenues, which         source of data that can help identify what we’re
  can be reinvested back into the business for            doing well and where we can do better.
  sustainable growth                                    • Our recent partnership with Oomph! Wellness is
• Delivering Quality – setting our sights high:           giving a boost to the work of our Activity Lifestyle
  achieving consistency in the simple things and          Facilitators; enabling a far broader range of trips
  measuring and benchmarking ourselves to drive           and days out for residents.
  further improvements                                  • A new catering partnership with Apetito, who are
• Innovation and Diversification – actively               now providing delicious, nutritionally balanced
  developing improvements to existing services;           menus, with greater choice for residents.
  investing in new, complementary services; and
  leading on new technologies and systems               However, we must strive for excellence in everything
• Creating Careers in Care – continuing to create       we do. This will be reflected in the new partnerships
  clear development pathways for our staff and          we form to create homes fit for the future; in the new
  prospective staff; identifying and nurturing the      services we seek to develop that will provide older
  best and brightest people; and embedding an           people with the type of care services they want,
  aspirational culture                                  where and when they want them; and in the type of
• Shaping our Legacy – taking greater control           people we recruit, retain and develop, so that we can
  of our assets, building stronger, more powerful       deliver outstanding services and have the drive and
  partnerships and exploring opportunities within       ambition to be better every day than the last.
  and beyond Stockport

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Annual Review 2017-2018

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