A Combined Reach Out and Read and Imagination Library Program on Kindergarten Readiness

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A Combined Reach Out and Read and
                                       Imagination Library Program on
                                       Kindergarten Readiness
                                       Gregory A. Szumlas, MD,a,b Peter Petronio, MS,a Monica J. Mitchell, PhD,a,b Alisha J. Johnson, MPA,a Tiana R. Henry, MEd,a
                                       Thomas G. DeWitt, MDa,b

                  books with preschoolers is known to improve kindergarten readiness. Both                                                             abstract
Reach Out and Read (ROR) and Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library (DPIL) have shown positive
effects on book sharing at home. We developed a novel combined ROR/DPIL program and
examined the effect on kindergarten readiness assessment (KRA) scores.
METHODS: At urban ROR primary care sites, patients ,5 years living in the city school district
were enrolled from July 2015 through January 2019 in the ROR/DPIL program when seen for
a clinic visit. The literacy subtest of the KRA was examined for participants entering
kindergarten in the fall of 2016, 2017, and 2018. The “on-track” rate of participants was
compared with nonparticipant groups.
RESULTS: A total of 797 kindergarten-aged ROR/DPIL participants were matched to Ohio KRA
scores for 2016, 2017, and 2018 school years. The percentages of students “on-track” on KRA
literacy subtests increased significantly by cohort (2016, 42.9% [95% confidence interval (CI):
34.9%–50.9%] versus 2017, 50.9% [95% CI: 44.9%–56.9%] versus 2018, 58.3% [95% CI:
53.3%–63.3%], P = .004). ROR/DPIL participants were compared with a proportionate
stratified random sample of 1580 non-ROR/DPIL peers. On-track in literacy did not
significantly differ between groups (2016 [P = .262], 2017 [P = .653], 2018 [P = .656]), nor did
they differ after restricting analysis to economically disadvantaged children (2016 [P = .191],
2017 [P = .721], 2018 [P = .191]).
           With these results, we suggest that a program combining literacy anticipatory
guidance at clinic visits and more books in the home can potentially improve kindergarten
readiness. Pediatric health care providers can play an important role in promoting
kindergarten readiness through literacy promotion.

 Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, Ohio; and bCollege of Medicine, University of Cincinnati,   WHAT’S KNOWN ON THIS SUBJECT: Sharing books with
Cincinnati, Ohio                                                                                                        preschoolers promotes speech and language development,
                                                                                                                        preliteracy skills, and, ultimately, kindergarten readiness.
Dr Mitchell, Mr Petronio, and Ms Johnson conceptualized and designed the study, collected data,                         Both Reach Out and Read and Dolly Parton’s Imagination
and performed statistical analysis; Drs Dewitt, Szumlas and Ms Henry conceptualized and designed                        Library have shown positive influences on the home literacy
the study; and all authors aided in data interpretation, and worked on drafting, reviewing, and                         environment of preschoolers.
revising the manuscript, approved the final manuscript as submitted and agree to be accountable
for all aspects of the work.                                                                                            WHAT THIS STUDY ADDS: In this early study, we suggest that
                                                                                                                        when combined and sustained, these two programs have the
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1542/peds.2020-027581                                                                           potential for effectively reaching large populations of at-risk
Accepted for publication Feb 19, 2021                                                                                   children and improving kindergarten readiness.
Address correspondence to Gregory A. Szumlas, MD, Division of General & Community Pediatrics,
MLC 2011, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, 3333 Burnet Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45229.                           To cite: Szumlas GA, Petronio P, Mitchell MJ, et al. A
E-mail: greg.szumlas@cchmc.org                                                                                            Combined Reach Out and Read and Imagination Library
PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005; Online, 1098-4275).                                                           Program on Kindergarten Readiness. Pediatrics. 2021;
Copyright © 2021 by the American Academy of Pediatrics

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PEDIATRICS Volume 147, number 6, June 2021:e2020027581                                                                                                                    ARTICLE
Arriving at kindergarten ready to            child visits for children from birth to         and letter naming fluency.29–31
learn is vitally important. Not only has     age 5. At ROR clinics, pediatric                Finally, an urban school district found
it been shown that children who start        providers discuss the importance of             that DPIL participants scored better
behind often stay behind, but                reading, model age-appropriate                  on the language and math sections of
adequate kindergarten readiness is           reading techniques, and provide                 its validated kindergarten readiness
also strongly correlated with later          a book for the child to take home.17            indicator than nonparticipants.32
achievement.1–3 Unfortunately, only          Through regularly scheduled well-
                                                                                             Although both programs show
50% to 75% of children in the United         child visits, ROR practitioners have
                                                                                             promising results, each has relative
States enter kindergarten ready to           unique, repeated encounters with
                                                                                             strengths and weaknesses. ROR
learn, with children from                    families during this critical period of
                                                                                             delivers reading guidance during the
economically disadvantaged                   brain development. Additionally, ROR
                                                                                             critical early years and reaches
households at particular risk for poor       tends to operate in clinics reaching
                                                                                             children at higher risk for poor
kindergarten readiness.4–6                   underserved populations.18 Families
                                                                                             kindergarten readiness but only
                                             who participate in ROR are more
Sharing books with preschoolers                                                              provides a small library over the
                                             likely to read and share books with
promotes speech and language                                                                 5 years of exposure. DPIL provides
                                             their children, enjoy reading together,
development, preliteracy skills, and                                                         a significant library but does not
                                             and feel that sharing books is an
ultimately kindergarten readiness.                                                           routinely give in-person guidance to
                                             important activity.19–23 Older
The American Academy of Pediatrics                                                           caregivers. To capitalize the strengths
                                             toddlers and preschoolers exposed to
recommends that pediatricians                                                                of the individual programs, we piloted
                                             ROR exhibit higher expressive
promote reading from birth, and it                                                           a novel ROR and DPIL combination
                                             language, receptive language, and
has even been suggested that literacy                                                        program (ROR/DPIL) administered
                                             vocabulary scores than peers not
be treated as a distinct developmental                                                       through the existing ROR structure in
                                             exposed to the program. This effect is
domain.7,8 Researchers in multiple                                                           our city and sought to assess the
                                             attributed to the increased time ROR
studies have demonstrated that                                                               effect of this integration on
                                             families spend sharing books with
reading aloud with young children                                                            kindergarten readiness.
                                             their children.19–22
promotes the foundational skills
                                                                                             The Ohio Kindergarten Readiness
necessary for later reading success.9
                                             DPIL promotes literacy by delivering            Assessment (KRA) is administered
In recent functional studies,
                                             books to the homes of preschoolers.             early in the kindergarten year to
researchers have shown that sharing
                                             In the United States, there are .1500           students attending Ohio public
books with young children activates
                                             active affiliates reaching parts of all          schools. The KRA is designed to
and reinforces the pathways
                                             50 states, with .1.5 million enrollees.         measure academic readiness across
associated with literacy skills, further
                                             Once enrolled, children from birth to           four domains: language and literacy,
supporting the importance of book
                                             age 5 receive an age-appropriate                social foundations, mathematics, and
sharing.10–12 Children who are
                                             book mailed directly to their home              physical well-being and motor
exposed to a strong literacy
                                             monthly, building a library of up to 60         development.33 Analysis has revealed
environment have better academic
                                             books.23 Books are carefully selected           that the KRA is a valid predictor of
outcomes.13,14 In short, children who
                                             to meet the developmental needs of              third grade reading achievement. In
are read with frequently and have
                                             particular age groups and expose                particular, the language and literacy
ready access to print materials do
                                             families to a diversity of themes, art,         subtest (KRA literacy) has a strong
better in school. Unfortunately,
                                             and cultures. Books typically contain           predictive relationship with future
children living in poverty often have
                                             reading tips to help the family                 reading achievement. Researchers
limited access to books and
                                             maximize learning and interaction               show that 66% of children on-track in
experience less shared reading and
                                             around the title.24 It has been shown           literacy on the KRA pass the third
exposure to language.15,16
                                             that DPIL participants experience               grade reading test, compared with
Reach Out and Read (ROR) and Dolly           increased frequency of reading at               only 33% of children not on-track.34
Parton’s Imagination Library (DPIL)          home, greater family engagement and             We hypothesized that children
are two programs developed to                interest around books, and a home               exposed to ROR/DPIL will be more
promote book sharing in                      literacy environment enhanced by the            ready for kindergarten, as assessed
preschoolers. ROR emphasizes                 significant number of books                      by KRA literacy scores, compared
caregiver education whereas DPIL             delivered.25–28 DPIL participants also          with those who were not exposed to
concentrates on providing books.             show evidence of improved skills                the combined program. We aimed to
ROR is a primary care–based nation-          directly related to kindergarten                compare the KRA literacy on-track
wide program that makes guidance             readiness, namely letter                        rate of sequential ROR/DPIL cohorts
on reading a standard part of well-          identification, phonologic awareness,            and secondarily analyze comparisons

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2                                                                                                                       SZUMLAS et al
to school district averages, matched             Intervention                                     and percentage of housing units with
cohorts, and low socioeconomic                   At all clinics, ROR continued to                 .1 person per room.35 Index scores
status (SES) matched cohorts.                    operate its established standard                 were split into quartiles, with the
                                                 model. At well-child visits, all children        lower quartiles having a higher
                                                 5 years and under received an age-               concentration of families with
METHODS                                          appropriate book and guidance on                 socioeconomic risk.
                                                 shared reading. Although all children
Study Design                                                                                      Data Analysis
                                                 received ROR, only children in CPS zip
We conducted a quasi-experimental                codes were eligible for the                      Our analysis included only ROR/DPIL
intervention study comparing the                 intervention and were offered DPIL               participants who could be accurately
KRA literacy scores of ROR/DPIL                  enrollment as part of the ROR visit.             matched to a CPS KRA score. We
participants attending a Cincinnati              Families enrolled in DPIL and                    linked CPS KRA results to ROR/DPIL
Public School (CPS) kindergarten                 consented to participation by paper              records having documented parental
with those of nonparticipant CPS                 form. Parents could choose to enroll             consent using approximate string
peers. We initiated ROR/DPIL July                in DPIL and receive books but not                matching (ie, fuzzy matching).36
2015 and analyzed KRA literacy                   consent to the evaluation portion of             Fuzzy matches have the capability to
scores of participants entering                  the program. We entered enrollment               find approximate matches between
kindergarten in 2016, 2017, and                  forms centrally into a study database            strings or groups of strings
2018. Institutional review board and             and the DPIL book order system.                  (accounting for subtle spelling
CPS approval was obtained.                       Children in DPIL then received a book            differences and special characters)
                                                 delivered monthly to the home via                and provide a value that represents
                                                 mail until their fifth birthday as                the strength of each match. Records
Participants and Setting                                                                          were matched on first name, last
                                                 administered by the national DPIL
We recruited participants at all 23              program. At subsequent clinic visits,            name, and birth date by using the
ROR clinics in Cincinnati. Clinics               providers continued ROR for all                  Fuzzy Lookup add-on tool for
spanned multiple health care                     patients, and for those in DPIL,                 Microsoft Excel. Exact matches were
systems, caring for ∼15 000 patients             confirmed enrollment, captured                    automatically included into KRA
0 to 5 years, with .30 000 ROR visits            address changes, and encouraged                  cohorts. Fuzzy matches were further
yearly. Most practices were in urban             families to read their DPIL books.               evaluated by using sex, race,
areas of Cincinnati, served a high                                                                guardian, and address. KRA scores
proportion of Medicaid patients, and             Outcome and Measures                             were not included if the assessment
were federally qualified health                                                                    was incomplete (n = 24) or was
                                                 The primary outcome measure was
centers. Beginning July 2015, any                                                                 a retest for a repeated year of
                                                 the language and literacy subtest of
patient age ,5 visiting a ROR clinic                                                              kindergarten (n = 10). In the event of
                                                 the KRA. A scaled score .263
was eligible for participation if they                                                            a retest, the participant’s original KRA
                                                 indicates a student is “on-track” for
resided in zip codes that                                                                         score was selected.
encompassed the CPS district. There                                                               In our primary analysis, we compared
were no other eligibility                                                                         KRA literacy performance of ROR/
                                                 Measure of SES
requirements.                                                                                     DPIL cohorts entering kindergarten in
                                                 Aided by the Community Building
                                                                                                  fall 2016, 2017, and 2018. In our
As of January 2019, active ROR/                  Institute of Xavier University, we
                                                                                                  secondary analysis, we compared
DPIL enrollment was 10 848. More                 geocoded student residential
                                                                                                  KRA literacy performance of ROR/
than 95% of parents approached                   addresses to determine census tract.
                                                                                                  DPIL participants to (1) that year’s
agreed to participate, with a retention          We then identified SES quartiles for
                                                                                                  school district average performance,
rate of 91% from program enrollment              census tracts as tabulated by Maloney
                                                                                                  (2) a 2:1 stratified non-ROR/DPIL
to kindergarten entry. Three cohorts             and Auffrey in The Social Areas of
                                                                                                  matched comparison group of class
of ROR/DPIL participants were                    Cincinnati. This method calculates
                                                                                                  peers, and (3) a 2:1 stratified
included in the kindergarten                     SES index scores using census tract
                                                                                                  comparison with both intervention
assessment. In total, 3247 enrollees             metrics from the 2005–2009
                                                                                                  and comparison restricted to
were eligible for kindergarten                   American Community Survey, which
                                                                                                  economically disadvantaged children.
between the school years of                      encompasses family income,
2016–2017, 2017–2018, and                        education level, percentage of                   For the CPS average, we used KRA
2018–2019. Of these, 797 (25%)                   unskilled and semiskilled workers,               literacy scores for all students
ROR/DPIL participants were linked                percentage of children living in                 enrolled in CPS for that academic year
to CPS KRA scores.                               married-couple, family households,               as published in the CPS KRA Report.37

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PEDIATRICS Volume 147, number 6, June 2021                                                                                               3
This average includes every CPS            eligible for kindergarten during the                                cohort. In Figure 1, we graphically
student and does not exclude children      3 years examined. This included 147                                 represent program exposure.
in the intervention group.                 of 388 children (38%) in 2016–2017,
                                                                                                               Kindergarten Readiness and
                                           271 of 1179 (23%) in 2017–2018,                                     Program Impact
We created a proportionate stratified
                                           and 379 of 1680 (23%) in
random sample of non-ROR/DPIL                                                                                  Cohort Effect
                                           2018–2019. We were unable to
students to ensure demographic and                                                                             KRA literacy results were evaluated
                                           identify KRA scores for the remaining
socioeconomic characteristics were                                                                             via the percent “on-track” metric
                                           2450 participants. Demographics of
similar between groups. Three                                                                                  (scaled score .263) between three
                                           KRA matched ROR/DPIL participants
variables (race, SES quartile, KRA                                                                             cohorts. The percentage of students
                                           cohorts are summarized in Table 1.
year) were combined to create the                                                                              on-track differed significantly by
stratum. Of the 797 ROR/DPIL               It is important to note that each                                   cohort (2018–2019, 58.3% [95%
participants matched to KRA scores,        participant differed in duration of                                 confidence interval (CI):
we excluded 7 because of missing           exposure to the DPIL component of                                   53.3%–63.3%] versus 2017–2018,
data (4 SES, 3 race). We used the          ROR/DPIL. All participants were                                     50.9% [95% CI: 44.9%–56.9%]
stratum proportions for the                potentially exposed to ROR from birth                               versus 2016–2017, 42.9% [95% CI:
remaining 790 ROR/DPIL                     but were only exposed to DPIL from                                  34.9%–50.9%], X2 [2, n = 797] =
participants to create the                 date of enrollment. Exposure to DPIL                                10.83, P = .004, Fc [Cramer’s V
proportionate sample of non-ROR/           was calculated as interval between                                  measure] = 0.12). The results
DPIL students (n = 1580) from a pool       date of DPIL enrollment and                                         represent a difference of 8 percentage
of 7270 CPS records that consisted of      kindergarten entry. Average length of                               points between cohorts 1 and 2 (P =
all completed KRA scores within CPS        exposure to DPIL was 8.6 months for                                 .125, Fisher’s exact test), 7.4
from the 2016, 2017, and 2018              the 2016–2017 cohort, 16.8 months                                   percentage points between cohorts 2
school years, excluding the known          for the 2017–2018 cohort, and                                       and 3 (P = .066, Fisher’s exact test),
797 ROR/DPIL participants. We              24.5 months for the 2018–2019                                       and 15.4 percentage points between
randomized selections within the
stratum. The ratio of non-ROR/DPIL
students to ROR/DPIL participants          TABLE 1 Demographic and Enrollment Characteristics of ROR/DPIL Graduates in CPS Kindergarten
was 2:1. Specifically, for every ROR/                  Classrooms
DPIL participant, there were 2 non-          Variable                                   2016–2017              2017–2018             2018–2019                Total
ROR/DPIL comparisons with                                                               (n = 147)              (n = 271)             (n = 379)              (n = 797)
identical race, SES quartile, and KRA                                                   n          %          n          %           n          %          n          %
year. Finally, for the third analysis,       Sex
both the intervention group and the            Female                                  85         57.8       130        48.0       177        46.7        392        49.2
2:1 matched comparison group were              Male                                    62         42.2       141        52.0       202        53.3        405        50.8
restricted to members of low SES             Race
                                               Black or African American               109        74.1       199        73.4       301        79.4        609        76.4
quartiles 1 and 2.
                                               White                                    10         6.8        19         7.0        32         8.4        61          7.7
                                               Hispanic                                 16        10.9        23         8.5        14         3.7        53          6.6
Descriptive statistics and x2 tests
                                               Other or multiracial                     12         8.2        30        11.1        32         8.4        74          9.3
were used to evaluate KRA literacy           SES quartile
performance (on-track and not on-              SES 1                                   68         46.3       109        40.2       133        35.1        310        38.9
track) between the three independent           SES 2                                   41         27.9        82        30.3       121        31.9        244        30.6
KRA cohorts (2016–2017, 2017–2018,             SES 3                                   31         21.1        55        20.3        93        24.5        179        22.5
                                               SES 4                                    5          3.4        24         8.9        31         8.2        60          7.5
and 2018–2019). In addition, Fisher’s
                                               SES unknowna                             2          1.4         1         0.4         1         0.3         4          0.5
Exact tests were performed to                Length of exposure
evaluate differences in KRA literacy           ,1 y                                    64         43.5        36        13.3        17         4.5        391        49.1
status between ROR/DPIL participants           1y                                      25         17.0       215        79.3       151        39.8        226        28.4
and the stratified comparison groups            2 or more years                          1          0.7        15         5.5       210        55.4        117        14.7
                                               Could not be determinedb                57         38.8         5         1.8         1         0.3        63          7.9
within each cohort.
                                           x2 analyses were used to compare differences in sex, race, and SES quartile by cohort year. Results were nonsignificant
                                           for sex (X2 [2, n = 797] = 5.48, P = .064) and SES quartile (X2 [6, n = 793] = 9.78, P = .134). but race differed significantly by
                                           cohort [X2 (6, n = 797) = 13.19, P = .040, Fc = 0.09]. Post hoc analyses indicated that race in the 2018–2019 cohort
RESULTS                                    differed significantly from the 2016–2017 [X2 (3, n = 526) = 10.35, P = .016, Fc = 0.14] and 2017–2018 [X2 (3, n = 650) =
                                           8.67, P = .034, Fc = 0.12] cohorts because of variability in the Hispanic population from year to year.
Study Sample                               a SES quartiles could not be determined by the Community Building Institute of Xavier University for individuals with

                                           incorrect or missing home addresses.
We matched KRA scores to 25% (n =          b Length of Exposure was calculated on the basis of date of enrollment into DPIL. Data were not available for all

797) of the 3247 ROR/DPIL children         participants.

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4                                                                                                                                                         SZUMLAS et al
ROR Exposure            results for ROR/DPIL participants
                                                                                                          ROR/DPIL Exposure       who were on-track in literacy
                                                                                                                                  versus the comparison group
                                                     Age of Enrollee (Years)
                                        0      1          2          3               4                5
                                                                                                                                  within each cohort year are
                                                                                                                                  illustrated in Figure 3. Differences
ROR/DPIL Enrollees
Kindergarten Aged

                     2016–2017 Cohort                                                                     147 enrollees matched
                         (n = 388)
                                                                                             8.6 mo
                                                                                                           to KRA scores (38%)    between groups are indicated as
                                                                                                                                  deltas (D). On-track percentages for
                     2017–2018 Cohort                                                                     271 enrollees matched
                                                                                   16.8 mo                                        the comparison group exceeded
                         (n = 1179)                                                                        to KRA scores (23%)

                     2018–2019 Cohort                                                                     379 enrollees matched
                                                                                                                                  ROR/DPIL participants by 6.2
                                                                         24.5 mo
                         (n = 1680)                                                                        to KRA scores (23%)    percentage points in 2016–2017
                                                                                                                                  and 1.9 percentage points in
FIGURE 1                                                                                                                          2017–2018. In 2018–2019, ROR/
ROR/DPIL exposure by cohort.
                                                                                                                                  DPIL participants were on-track
                                                                                                                                  more frequently than the comparison
cohorts 1 and 3 (P = .002, Fisher’s                               ROR/DPIL participants. On-track                                 group by 1.6 percentage points.
exact test).                                                      percentages on KRA literacy for the                             Fisher’s Exact tests (Bonferroni
                                                                  district were consistently higher than                          adjusted a = .0167) did not indicate
Comparison With CPS Averages                                      those of ROR/DPIL; however, the                                 significant differences between
The percent of ROR/DPIL                                           difference was smaller for each                                 groups for any of the cohort years
participants on-track in literacy                                 subsequent cohort (14.8%, 7.9%, and                             (P = .262, P = .653, and P = .656,
was compared with the overall                                     3.2%, respectively).                                            respectively).
CPS district percentages for each
respective cohort year.37 As seen                                 Comparison With Stratified Comparison                            Comparison of Low SES ROR/DPIL
in Fig 2, deltas (D) indicate the                                 Group                                                           Participants and Low SES Stratified
difference between district and                                   Demographics of ROR/DPIL and non-                               Comparisons
ROR/DPIL results. District                                        ROR/DPIL stratified group samples                                In total, 551 participants remained in
percentages do not exclude                                        are summarized in Table 2. The                                  the low SES 1 and 2 quartiles for the
                                                                                                                                  ROR/DPIL group, and 1102 remained
                                                                                                                                  in the low SES quartiles for the
                                                                                                                                  comparison group. The racial
                                                              Gap          District               ROR/DPIL                        breakdown of both groups was 80.8%
                                                                                                                                  Black or African American, 7.3%
80%                                                                                                                               Hispanic, 6.0% white, 5.3%
                                                                                                                                  multiracial, and 0.7% Asian; the SES
70%                                                                                                            Δ –3.2%
                                                                                                                                  breakdown was 55.7% SES 1 and
                                            Δ –14.8%                 Δ –7.9%                                                      44.3% SES 2; and the test year
60%                                                                                                                               breakdown was 19.8% for
                                                                                                                                  2016–2017, 34.1% for 2017–2018,
50%                                                                                                                               and 46.1% for 2018–2019. Sex
                                                                                                                                  remained similar between groups
40%                                                                                                                               (ROR/DPIL [52.1% male, 47.9%
                                                                                              61.5% 58.3%                         female] versus comparison [52.9%
30%                           57.7%                       58.8%                                                                   male, 47.1% female]). The ROR/DPIL
20%                                          42.9%                                                                                participants outperformed the
                                                                                                                                  comparison group by 1.9 percentage
10%                                                                                                                               points in 2017–2018 and 5.3 in
                                                                                                                                  2018–2019 (Fig 3). Fisher’s exact
        0%                                                                                                                        tests (Bonferroni adjusted a = .0167)
                                 2016–2017                    2017–2018                         2018–2019                         did not indicate significant
                                                                                                                                  differences between groups for any of
                                                         Cohort Year                                                              the cohort years (P = .191, P = .721,
                                                                                                                                  and P = .191, respectively). In
Percentage of ROR/DPIL participants on-track in KRA literacy versus CPS district comparison. District
                                                                                                                                  Figure 4, we illustrate the low SES
results do not exclude ROR/DPIL participants. District samples sizes for years 2016–2017, 2017–2018,                              comparison in the context of district
and 2018–2019 were 2690, 2659, and 2718, respectively.                                                                            performance.

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PEDIATRICS Volume 147, number 6, June 2021                                                                                                                             5
TABLE 2 Demographic Characteristics of ROR/DPIL Graduates, a Stratified Comparison Group of Non-                      the stratified 2:1 comparison group
            ROR/DPIL Participating Kindergarteners, and the Total CPS District KRA Cohort                            increased by 8.3%. When restricted
    Variable                       ROR/DPIL Graduates Matched to           Non-ROR/DPIL               Total CPS      to the lower SES 1 and 2 groups,
                                             Stratified                       Stratified                 District      ROR/DPIL participants increased the
                                        Comparison Groupa                Comparison Groupb           KRA Cohortc     on-track rate in literacy on the KRA
                                                 n (%)                            n (%)                n (%)         by 19.7%, whereas the comparison
    Sex                                                                                                              group increased by 6.6%.
      Female                                   388 (49.1)                      774 (49.0)            3893 (48.3)
      Male                                     402 (50.9)                      806 (51.0)            4174 (51.7)     In all three cohort comparisons, the
    Race                                                                                                             initial 2016–2017 ROR/DPIL cohort
      Black or African                         611 (77.3)                     1222 (77.3)            4856 (60.2)     lagged behind the district comparison
         American                                                                                                    in the on-track rate on the KRA
      White                                     61 (7.7)                       122 (7.7)             1956 (24.2)
                                                                                                                     literacy; however, participation in
      Hispanic                                  55 (7.0)                       110 (7.0)              469 (5.8)
      Other or multiracial                      63 (8.0)                       126 (8.0)              786 (9.7)      ROR/DPIL suggested a closing of that
    KRA test year                                                                                                    literacy gap during the 3 years of this
      2016–2017                                145 (18.4)                      290 (18.4)            2690 (33.3)     evaluation. The 2016–2017 ROR/
      2017–2018                                267 (33.8)                      534 (33.8)            2659 (33.0)     DPIL cohort lagged the district
      2018–2019                                378 (47.8)                      756 (47.8)            2718 (33.7)
                                                                                                                     comparison by 14.8%, whereas the
    SES quartile
      SES 1                                    307 (38.9)                      614 (38.9)            2364 (29.3)     2018–2019 ROR/DPIL cohort was
      SES 2                                    244 (30.9)                      488 (30.9)            2213 (27.4)     only 3.2% lower on-track in literacy.
      SES 3                                    179 (22.7)                      358 (22.7)            2027 (25.1)     In the remaining two comparisons,
      SES 4                                     60 (7.6)                        120 (7.6)            1394 (17.3)     the ROR/DPIL cohort outperformed
      SES unknown                               0 (0.0)                          0 (0.0)              69 (0.9)
                                                                                                                     the comparisons in the third year. The
a   n = 790.
                                                                                                                     2016–2017 ROR/DPIL cohort lagged
    n = 1580.
c   n = 8067; aggregate of 2016–2017, 2017–2018, and 2018–2019 CPS KRA cohorts.                                      the 2:1 stratified comparison by 6.2%
                                                                                                                     but in 2018–2019 ROR/DPIL
                                                                                                                     outperformed by 1.6%. Especially
DISCUSSION                                                   2017–2018, and 2018–2019. ROR/                          notable, the 2016–2017 ROR/DPIL
In this study, we sought to examine                          DPIL cohorts improved the on-track                      cohort lagged the low SES stratified
the effect of a novel combined ROR/                          rate on the KRA literacy by 15.4%                       comparison by 7.8% but
DPIL program on kindergarten                                 between the first kindergarten cohort                    outperformed the comparison by
readiness as measured by the KRA                             of 2016–2017 and the third                              5.3% in 2018–2019. This early result
literacy. Findings supported the                             kindergarten cohort of 2018–2019,                       is encouraging by suggesting
potential long-term benefits of                               the incremental yearly increase                         a significant effect on the at-risk
participation in ROR/DPIL. We found                          suggesting a dose effect, whereas the                   population.
a significant difference in                                   school district increased by 3.8%. In                   The ROR/DPIL pilot also revealed
performance on the KRA literacy                              the second comparison, ROR/DPIL                         promise in operational success.
between cohorts 2016–2017,                                   cohorts improved by 16.1%, whereas                      During a 42-month period, ROR/DPIL
                                                                                                                     practices enrolled 14 799 children in
                                                                                                                     DPIL and provided reading guidance
                                                                       Gap        Comparison group     ROR/DPIL      during .90 000 ROR visits. More
                                                                                                                     than 320 000 books were distributed
                   Stratified Comparison                               Low SES Stratified Comparison                 to homes. Geocoding revealed most
80%                                                          80%
                                                                                                                     program enrollees lived in areas of
70%                                                          70%                                                     high poverty. ROR/DPIL illustrated
60%                              Δ –1.9%
                                                Δ 1.6%       60%                                            Δ 5.3%   that pediatric health care providers
                  Δ –6.2%                                                                   Δ 1.9%
50%                                                          50%             Δ –7.8%                                 are an effective way to reach a large
40%                                                          40%                                                     number of children and deploy
30%                                        56.6% 58.2%       30%
          48.3%             52.8% 50.9%                                                48.1% 50.0%    50.2% 55.5%    interventions touching the important
20%               42.1%                                      20%     43.6%
                                                                                                                     early years of development.38,39
10%                                                          10%
    0%                                                         0%
                                                                                                                     Additionally, because most ROR
           2016–2017        2017–2018      2018–2019                  2016–2017         2017–2018      2018–2019     practices reach a high percentage of
                            Cohort Year                                                Cohort Year
                                                                                                                     underserved patients, combining
FIGURE 3                                                                                                             DPIL, or other programs, with ROR
Percentage of ROR/DPIL participants on-track in KRA literacy versus stratified comparison groups.                     has the potential to greatly enhance

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6                                                                                                                                               SZUMLAS et al
Gap                             forms had incomplete consents, so
                                                                                                  scores were unattainable. Third,
                                                                                                  children within the CPS district can
                                                                  Low SES comparison group
                                                                                                  choose to attend an alternative
                                                                  Low SES ROR/DPIL                private or charter school. Fourth, the
                                                                                                  population enrolled tends to be
                                                                                                  highly mobile, resulting in enrollees
                                                                                                  frequently moving out of the CPS
70%                                                                          Δ –11.3% Δ –6.0%
                 Δ –14.1% Δ –21.9%             Δ –10.7% Δ –8.8%                                   district. Finally, accurately matching
                                                                                                  to KRA scores was difficult. We erred
                                                                                                  on the side of more accurate
                                                                                                  matching, so differences in names
30%      57.7%                        58.8%                        61.5%
                                                48.1%     50.0%               50.2%      55.5%    used to enroll in ROR/DPIL versus
20%               43.6%
                             35.8%                                                                CPS could result in no match.
 0%                                                                                               Despite its limitations, this study
                 2016–2017                    2017–2018                      2018–2019            provides evidence that programs such
                                           Cohort Year                                            and ROR and DPIL can be effectively
                                                                                                  deployed using pediatric health care
Percentage of low SES ROR/DPIL participants and low SES stratified comparison group on-track in    providers on a scale capable of
KRA literacy versus CPS district.                                                                 influencing the health and
                                                                                                  development of children at
                                                                                                  a population level. Key strengths of
enrollment of vulnerable populations.             a change in the local literacy                  this study include the solid trend in
This pilot revealed that this model               environment, resulting from the flood            improvement in the on-track rate on
can be successfully implemented and,              of books into the community, could
                                                                                                  the KRA literacy for ROR/DPIL
using a ROR structure that exists                 have impacted even nonenrolled
                                                                                                  groups, and, because of a strong
similarly in other regions, shows                 children, both factors potentially
                                                                                                  matching procedure, we are confident
potential for successful spread.                  reducing the measured impact of                 that the scores included in the
Previous researchers have shown that              ROR/DPIL. Finally, we are unable to             analysis for the ROR/DPIL cohorts
ROR anticipatory guidance is critical             identify exact causes for KRA literacy          are participants. This is the first
and, when associated with other                   improvement in ROR/DPIL                         investigation into this combined
literacy resources, has an augmented              participants. There are several                 program and the positive effects
effect on the home literacy                       possibilities based on program
                                                                                                  observed warrant further
environment.40 Marrying a literacy                design: more books in the home,
                                                                                                  investigation into the extent and
program traditionally in the pediatric            more motivation to read, and more
                                                                                                  mechanism of impact on kindergarten
medical realm (ROR) with one that is              reminders to read. Furthermore, we              readiness.
not (DPIL) was an operational                     cannot draw conclusions on the exact
success that was able to reach a large            impact of each individual program.
number of children in need with                   Although ROR had been in operation              CONCLUSIONS
potentially amplified effects.                     and the change was the addition of              Participants in the ROR/DPIL
                                                  DPIL, it is unknown how much                    program, which combined repeated
Although highly encouraging, the                  program effect was due to DPIL, ROR,            guidance on sharing books at
results of this analysis need to be               or synergy between the two                      preschool well-child visits with
interpreted with appropriate context.             programs.                                       a sustained influx of books in the
First, we could not control for
                                                                                                  home, significantly improved
exposure to other programs                        Additionally, the number of
                                                                                                  performance on the KRA literacy of
promoting kindergarten readiness or               participants matched to a CPS KRA
                                                                                                  entering kindergarteners over the
for preschool participation, although             score was significantly lower than the
                                                                                                  3 years of the program. The gap in
there was no other known                          total number of enrollees. This is
                                                                                                  kindergarten readiness of program
widespread programming. Similarly,                explained by multiple factors. First,
                                                                                                  participants compared with the
the cause of improvement in                       school district boundaries do not
                                                                                                  overall school district results was
comparison groups is unknown.                     conform to zip codes, so some
                                                                                                  closed in the 3 years of this program.
Regarding our program, unmatched                  enrollees, who were recruited by zip
ROR/DPIL participants could be                    code, did not live within the CPS               Both the ROR and DPIL have evidence
included in comparison groups, or                 district. Second, some enrollment               of effectiveness in promoting literacy

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PEDIATRICS Volume 147, number 6, June 2021                                                                                             7
in preschoolers. With this early                      gives pediatric health care providers                 would like to thank ROR, DPIL, and
study, we suggest that when                           tools to make a significant difference                 the providers and staff of the Greater
combined and sustained, these                         in the lives of their patients and                    Cincinnati Reach Out and Read
two programs have the potential                       should be considered an element of                    Coalition for their hard work in
for effectively supporting the                        standard care.                                        making this project a success.
development of preliteracy skills of
large populations of at-risk children,                ACKNOWLEDGMENTS                                         ABBREVIATIONS
improving kindergarten readiness,                     We thank Every Child Capital, in                        Fc: Cramer’s V measure
and, ultimately, success in school                    particular Leslie Maloney and                           CI: confidence interval
and life. Primary care practices are                  Greg Landsman, not only for the                         CPS: Cincinnati Public Schools
positioned to influence the literacy                   financial support of this pilot                          DPIL: Dolly Parton’s Imagination
developmental trajectory of children                  program but also for their tireless                           Library
long before they are served by other                  advocacy. We would also like to                         KRA: Kindergarten Readiness
educational services. The integration                 thank the CPS District for their                              Assessment
of early childhood literacy promotion                 collaboration on this project and                       ROR: Reach Out and Read
programs, such as ROR and DPIL,                       contributions that will support the                     SES: socioeconomic status
as a routine part of primary care                     program into the future. Finally, we

FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: The authors have indicated they have no financial relationships relevant to this article to disclose.
FUNDING: Supported by a grant from Every Child Capital venture philanthropic fund.
POTENTIAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST: The authors have indicated they have no potential conflicts of interest to disclose.

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PEDIATRICS Volume 147, number 6, June 2021                                                                                                   9
A Combined Reach Out and Read and Imagination Library Program on
                           Kindergarten Readiness
Gregory A. Szumlas, Peter Petronio, Monica J. Mitchell, Alisha J. Johnson, Tiana R.
                         Henry and Thomas G. DeWitt
              Pediatrics originally published online May 24, 2021;

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A Combined Reach Out and Read and Imagination Library Program on
                           Kindergarten Readiness
Gregory A. Szumlas, Peter Petronio, Monica J. Mitchell, Alisha J. Johnson, Tiana R.
                         Henry and Thomas G. DeWitt
              Pediatrics originally published online May 24, 2021;

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