A Comparison of Four Association Engines in Divergent Thinking Support Systems on Wikipedia

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A Comparison of Four Association Engines in Divergent Thinking Support Systems on Wikipedia
A Comparison of Four Association Engines in
    Divergent Thinking Support Systems on Wikipedia

          Kobkrit Viriyayudhakorn, Susumu Kunifuji, and Mizuhito Ogawa

              Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
    kobkrit@jaist.ac.jp, kuni@jaist.ac.jp, mizuhito@jaist.ac.jp

       Abstract. Associative information, e.g., the associated documents, associated
       keywords, freelinks, and categories are potential sources for a divergent think-
       ing support. This paper compares four divergent thinking support engines using
       the associative information extracted from the Wikipedia. The first two engines
       adapt the association search engine GETA [1], and the last two engines finds the
       association by using the document structure. Their quality is compared by exper-
       iments in both quantitative and qualitative evaluations by using Eureka! interface,
       which is inspired by “Hasso-Tobi 2” divergent thinking support groupware [2].

1   Introduction

The brainstorming process proposed by Osborn [3] is one of the most popular method-
ology for enhancing creative thinking ability. The divergent thinking phase, which is a
major phase in the brainstorming, generates ideas as much as possible with the follow-
ing rules [4].

 1. Produce a large quantity of ideas without any criticism.
 2. Unusual ideas are highly welcome.
 3. Adapting or modifying previously suggested ideas is encouraged.

The convergent thinking phase filters, fuses, and derives ideas to make them concrete.
  A divergent thinking support system can be classified into three types (from naı̈ve to
sophisticated) by the level of generated suggestions [2].

 1. Free association
 2. Forced association
 3. Analogy conception

  The first category is an almost random association, which is believed to be useless.
  There are several examples for the second category. Watanabe [5] proposed “Idea
Editor” that extracts the associated keywords, which are moderately unusual to the
user. Associative keywords are also used in “Group Idea Processing System” proposed
by Kohda, et al. [6]. In both systems, association among keywords are statically pre-
computed by using the structure of documents.
  Kawaji and Kunifuji [2] proposed “Hasso-Tobi 2” divergent thinking support group-
ware, which extracts freelinks from Wikipedia (in Japanese) after analyzing an input
sentence by a morphological analyzer. Wang, et.al. [7] proposed “Idea Expander”,
which extracts images by querying an input sentence on Microsoft Bing Image. In both
systems, association owes to existing structures on the internet.
   The third category is the most difficult and only few exists. Young [8] proposed the
“metaphor” machine, which can construct the metaphors of the noun entities by query-
ing those that use the same predicate in a corpus.
   This paper compares four methodologies of the forced association in divergent think-
ing by experiments on Wikipedia. The first two adapt the association search, which
dynamically finds the quantitative associative relation among documents by statistical
computation. The later two adapt the more conventional informative entity extraction,
which finds a maximal matching between an input sentence and entities of Wikipedia.
   We prepare an interface Eureka! inspired by “Hasso-Tobi 2” [2], and implement by
using the association search engine GETA [1]. The quality of four methodologies is
compared by experiments on Wikipedia in both quantitative and qualitative evaluations.
   Section 2 explains the association search and the informative entity extraction. Sec-
tion 3 briefly reviews the association search engine GETA [1]. Section 4 presents our
divergent thinking support system including Eureka! interface. Section 5 shows the four
divergent thinking support engines and the setting of experiments. Section 6 gives ex-
perimental results and our observation, and Section 7 concludes the paper.

2     Structured Documents
2.1    Structure of Documents and Information Source
For divergent thinking systems, we focus on a multi-layered structured documents (e.g.,
Fig. 1) as a knowledge-base. Each node of a structure is a non-empty sequence of to-
kens. Typically, a token is a word, and a node is either a category, a title, or a document.
A child node may contain hyperlinks that point to a node in a higher layer. For instance,
Fig 1 describes the structure of Wikipedia such that “Category” is a parent of “Title”s,
“Title” is a parent of “Content”, in which a “Freelink” 1 points to a “Title”.


           Title                          Title                        Title

          Content                        Content                      Content

Freelink Freelink Freelink          Freelink Freelink   Freelink Freelink Freelink Freelink

                   Fig. 1: An example structure of target knowledge-bases.

   Our instance as a structured document is Wikipedia (English version), which is one
of the largest collective intelligence knowledge-base, and contain the huge collection
of encyclopedia articles. Each article in Wikipedia consists of a title, content, freelinks
     http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Free links
(a) Freelinks in the JAIST Wikipedia page.    (b) Categories labeled at the bottom of JAIST
                                                   Wikipedia page.

       Fig. 2: The associative information in a Wikipedia article and its source code

(see Fig. 2a), and category labels (see Fig. 2b). We dumped whole English Wikipedia
website 2 and deploy into our local knowledge-base, which is used in all experiments.

2.2     Association Search
In an association search, an article is regarded as a multiset [9] of tokens (typically, an
article is a document and an token is a word). A query is a (multi)set of tokens, and the
searched result is a ranking among tokens with respect to a given similarity measure.
   Let ID1 be a set of articles, and let ID2 be a set of tokens.
Definition 1. An association system is a quadruplet A = (ID1 , ID2 , a, SIM) where a
is an association function and SIM is a similarity function such that
                            a:    ID1 × ID2 → N
                            SIM : ID2 × M P (ID1 ) → R≥0

where N is the set of natural numbers, R≥0 is the set of non-negative real num-
bers, and M P (X) is the multiset consisting of non-empty subsets of X. We say that
At = (ID2 , ID1 , at , SIMt ) is the transpose of A where at (y, x) = a(x, y) and a
given SIMt : ID1 × M P (ID2 ) → R≥0 .
   For X ⊆ ID1 (resp. ID2 ) and n ∈ N, let A(X, n) (resp. At (X, n)) be the func-
tion collecting the top n-elements in ID2 (resp. ID1 ) with respect to the similarity
SIM(y, X) (resp. SIMt (y, X)) for y ∈ ID2 . An association search is

                                At ({y | (y, v) ∈ A(X, m)}, n)

for m ∈ N.
   In the definition of an association search, the number m is not specified. From em-
pirical study, GETA (see Section 3) sets m to 200 by its developers under the blance
of efficiency and precision. Note that during an association search, we first compute
A(X, m). Its result is regarded as summary that characterizes X.
   Typical examples of association searches are:
 – ID1 is the set of documents, ID2 is the set of words, and a(d, w) is the number
   of occurrences of a word w in a document d. In this case, an association search is
– ID1 is the set of words, ID2 is the set of documents, and at (w, d) = a(d, w). In
      this case, an association search is words-to-words.
     GETA permits a similarity function SIM of the form
                                        X wq(t, q) · wd(t, d)
                          SIM(d, q) =
                                               norm(d, q)

with the assumptions that wd(t, d) = 0 if t 6∈ d and wq(t, q) = 0 if t 6∈ q. Typically,
    – the value of norm(d, q) is dependent only on d. (In such cases, SIMt is obtained
      by simply swapping wq and wd.)
    – both wd and wq are defined dependent to the association function a.
For an efficient association search implementation (e.g., GETA), we assume SIM(y, X) =
0 if a(x, y) = 0 for each x ∈ X ⊆ ID1 and y ∈ ID2 . Note that an association search
does not require structured documents. The key observation is a dual relationship be-
tween words and documents. ID1 and ID2 are swapped by regarding a document as a
multiset of words and a word as a multiset of documents that contain it with multiplic-
ity. Thus the association search ignores the ordering of words; it does not distinguish,
say “Weather is not always fine” and “Weather is always not fine”.

2.3    Informative Entity Extraction
Informative entity extraction assumes a structured document, in which a token is a word.
A query is a phrase (i.e., a sequence of tokens), and the searched result is the set of titles
(i.e., sequences of tokens) that contain the phrase as its subsequence. We call such titles
informative entities.
Definition 2. Let W be a set of words, and let T (⊆ W ∗ ) be a set of titles (sequences
of words). For an input word sequence ψ ∈ W ∗ , we define
                    Subseq(ψ) = {ψ 0 6=  | ∃ψ1 , ψ2 . ψ1 ψ 0 ψ2 = ψ}
                          A(ψ) = Subseq(ψ) ∩ T
  Subseq(ψ) is the set of non-empty subsequences of ψ (which is sorted with the
decreasing order with respects to the length) and A(ψ) is the set of informative entities.
For example, from “Reduce electricity usage in Japan Advanced Institute of Science
and Technology”, “Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology” is extracted,
which is an item 3 of Wikipedia. Since Subseq(ψ) is sorted, the extraction reports the
longest informative entity first, which we can expect a more specific matching.

3     GETA - Generic Engine for Transposable Association
The Generic Engine for Transposable Association Computation 4 (GETA) is an asso-
ciation search engine developed at NII [1]. A key feature of GETA is its scalability;
     http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japan Advanced Institute of
     Science and Technology
“twitter” “tennis” “dollar” “facebook”
                                                                         “twitter” “dollar”
         IT news         2        0        1         4
        Sport news       0        2        1         0           Query      1         1
      Economic news      0        0        2         0
                       (a) A sample WAM                          (b) A sample query vector

                                                                 Similarity Score
                               Similarity Score
                                                    “facebook”         12
                IT news               3
                                                      “dollar”          8
               Sport news             1
                                                     “twitter”         6
             Economic news            2
                                                      “tennis”          2

            (c) The associated documents of        (d) The summary of query
            query “twitter dollar”                 “twitter dollar”

                      Fig. 3: An example of WAM and sample results.

it quickly handles a dynamic association search on more than ten million documents,
such as Webcat Plus 5 , Imagine 6 , and Cultural Heritage Online 7 .
   The key data structure of GETA is a WAM (Word Article Matrix), which represents
an association function in Definition 1. WAM is usually a huge sparse matrix of which
rows are indexed by names of documents and columns are indexed by words. When
ID1 is a set of words and ID2 is a set of documents, the cross point of the row of a
word w and the column of a document d is a(w, d), which is the number of occurrences
of a word w in a document d. Then, the transpose at (w, d) is obtained as a transposed
WAM. In GETA implementation, a huge and sparse WAM is compressed either verti-
cally or horizontally. These two compressed matrices enables us to compute association
functions a and at , respectively.
   For example, “twitter dollar” is a query of the sample WAM in Fig. 3a. This query
is regarded as a two word document (Fig. 3b). If we adapt the inner product of two
column vectors as a similarity function, the result is shown in Fig. 3c. We can also
obtain a summary of the query as Fig. 3d. This list collects candidates for the next
association search.
   GETA prepares several sophisticated similarity measures by default, such as TF/IDF
and Smart measure by Singhal, et al. [10]. It also accepts user defined similarity func-
tions, but during experiments, we simply adapt Smart measure.
   To expect improvement of retrieval accuracy, the stemming, which reduces the in-
flected words to its root form (for example, “fishing” and “fisher” to just “fish”), is
applied as preprocessing on Wikipedia. We use Snowball 8 English stemmer.

4     Divergent Thinking Support System

4.1   Structure of System

A divergent thinking support system suggests and archives the goals of divergent think-
ing. There are three levels of a divergent thinking support system, defined by Young [11].

 1. The secretariat level, a system only stores and displays the log of user’s thought,
    such as a word processor.
 2. The framework-paradigm level, a system has the secretariat level ability and also
    provide a user with appropriated paradigm to user’s thought.
 3. The generative level, a system has the framework-paradigm level ability, and au-
    tomatically constructs and displays new ideas corresponding to previous ideas.

   A divergent thinking support system consists of two main components, an associa-
tion engine and an interface. An engine constructs suggestions to a user. An interface
manages the interaction between a user and an engine.

4.2   Workflow of System

First, a user inputs a topic sentence to start the system as in Fig. 4. Next, an asso-
ciation engine reads it and produces a list of associative information by consulting a
knowledge-base, and forward it as a suggestion list to the interface. Then, the interface
displays it to the users. Based on the suggestions, the user inputs a next query sen-
tence. The input sentence is forwarded to the engine to obtain the next suggestion list.
It repeatedly processes until a user is satisfied with the discovered ideas.

                                        User input the topic sentence

                                                       Topic sentence

                                            An association engine
                                            generates suggestions.
                                    Suggestion list        Input sentence
                                         User see the suggestion list
                                              and inputs a next
                                               query sentence.

             Fig. 4: The workflow of a divergent thinking support system
Fig. 5: An Eureka!’s screenshot and functions

4.3     Eureka! Interface

For experiments, we prepare an interface “Eureka!” (Fig. 5). Our focus is to evaluate
the performance of different association engines, rather than the effect and the influence
of social interactions. Thus, we restrict “Eureka!” as a single user interface.
   The topic is alway shown on the top of the screen with big fonts to prevent the off-
topic thinking. At the right bottom sidebars, the suggestions are displayed. The right
sidebar displays the suggestions in small fonts to allow quick glance by a user. At
the bottom sidebar, the suggestions in big fonts moves horizontally in the right-to-left
manner (like a headline news). It shows top ranked suggestions first, intended easy
finding by users. All previously input ideas (query sentences) are displayed as rectangle
labels in the central scrollable area. They are displayed without overlaps between labels.

        Table 1: The comparison among three divergent thinking support interfaces
        Interface   Environ- Type of Maximum Focusing Idea Labels Can Recall
                     ment    Suggested Number on Topic Holding Area Previous
                            Information of Users       (% of Screen) Suggestions
         Eureka!    Web         Text        1        Yes         75%           Yes
       Hasso-Tobi 2 Web         Text        10       No          55%           No
      Idea Expander Client     Image        2        No          30%           No
Such a layout intends two effects. First, a user may easily notice previous ideas,
which would prevent duplicated ideas. Second, a user can stimulates the idea recycling.
Whenever a previous idea label is clicked, the suggestion list produced from that idea
is loaded and displayed on the right and bottom sidebar.
   Eureka! is mainly inspired from the “Hasso-Tobi 2” [2], which is the collaborative
divergent thinking support system. The comparison among interfaces of “Eureka!”,
“Hasso-Tobi 2” [2], and “Idea Expander” [7]) is summarized in Table 1.

5     Experimental Setting

5.1     Four Divergent Thinking Support Engines

Below are the association engines used during experiments. All are used under Eureka!
interface and only visible differences are produced suggestion lists.

    – GD: GETA’s most related Documents A user input sentence is a query for retriev-
      ing associated documents by GETA. The titles of the search result are suggestions,
      which are sorted by their similarity scores.
    – GK: GETA’s most related Keywords A user input sentence is a query for re-
      trieving the summary of the query by GETA. The resulting summary (associated
      keywords) are suggestions, which are sorted by their similarity scores.
    – WF: Wikipedia’s Freelinks A user input sentence is a query for extracting infor-
      mative entities. The freelinks in their contents are suggestions, which are sorted by
      the length of entities. That is, a freelink with a longer parent entity comes first. In
      our current implementation, if their parent entities have the same length, a freelink
      with a parent entity that appears earlier in an input sentence comes first.
    – WC: Wikipedia’s Categories A user input sentence is a query for extracting infor-
      mative entities. All titles in the same category to extracted entities are suggestions,
      which are sorted by the length of entities. That is, a category with a longer child
      entity comes first. In our current implementation, if entities have the same length,
      the ordering among categories and titles in categories obeys to that of Wikipedia.
    – NE: No engines No associative information is supplied (no suggestion lists).

5.2     Evaluation Methods

The quality of an engine is measured by the degree of creativity that users generate. As
proposed by Guilford[12], the degree of creativity can be measured by fluency, flexibil-
ity, and originality of ideas. Neupane, et al. proposed the following four measures [13].

    – Number of ideas The total number of input ideas.
    – Fluency of ideas The total number of input ideas excluding that are judged to be
      off-topic, redundant, impossible, and/or useless.
    – Flexibility of ideas The total number of viewpoints in input ideas. Viewpoints are
      defined prior to experiments.
    – Originality of ideas The total number of distinct ideas. When ideas are very close
      or identical, they are grouped together.
For example, consider a problem “Apart from avoiding rain, write down any other
uses of an umbrella”. Table 2 shows the ideas generated by a participant. Table 3 shows
that there are four viewpoints. The third and fifth ideas in Table 2 are grouped. These
classification is performed after experiments by three human evaluators.

5.3        Procedure of Experiment
The experiments are conducted by five groups of users, and each group consists of two
users (ten as a total). Participants ranged from bachelor to doctoral students. Before the
experiments, every participant is informed:
 1. System procedure and usage.
 2. Divergent thinking, its rules and examples.
 3. Q&A
   Five following topics are assigned to all participants. In each topic, ten viewpoints
(Table 4) are prepared in advance, and all resulting ideas are classified into the most
related viewpoints, though there are few difficult cases.
 1. If all human beings had a third hand on their back, write down the advantages of
    that hand.
 2. Apart from avoiding rain, write down any other uses of an umbrella.
 3. What steps should the concerned authorities take to increase the number of foreign
    tourists in Japan?
 4. How could you contribute to power saving at your school?
 5. Imagine that you are a product designer, please design new products likely to be
    sold to teenagers.
   Experiments use four engines and no engine (for comparison) as described in Sec-
tion 5.1, and the maximum number of suggestions is limited to 30 for each.

Table 2: A log of ideas during Eureka! in-          Table 3: A list of viewpoints during Eu-
teraction                                           reka! interaction.
Idea No.               Generated Idea
      1                Avoiding the sun                    Idea Viewpoint Idea No.
      2        Collect rain water (upside down)
                                                              Furniture         9
      3                 Used as a ruler
                                                                 Tool      1,3,4,5,6,8
      4          To lock doors by jamming it
                                                               Recycle         10
                   between the two handles
      5            Used as a measuring stick
      6        Use the handle to grab something
      7         Used as a basket (upside down)
                                                             Container         2,7
      8            A cane for elderly people
                                                           Using Materials
      9       Dry socks by putting it upside down
                 and hang socks on the frame
      10       Disassemble the umbrella and use
                the frame as sticks for cooking
Table 4: A list of idea viewpoints of Topic 1-5.
Viewpoint No.         Topic 1        Topic 2        Topic 3         Topic 4                 Topic 5
          1           Furniture     Security      Information        Habit           Sport
          2              Tool        Fame          Economy         Attitude        Electronic
          3            Recycle     Production       Quality      Consumption     Entertainment
          4         Accessories      Trick          Attitude    Power Sources     Appearance
          5            Interior      Social        Regulation Social Enforcement      Toy
          6           Plaything    Education        Quantity     Management          Health
          7          Container    Novel Ability     Support        Economy          Security
          8        Using Materials Economy          Security      Regulation     Transportation
          9            Clothes     Appearance      Attention     Presentation      Education
         10             Social       Health        Promotion      Promotion       Production

      Table 5: Topic and engine assignment           Table 6: Average quantitative measure-
                                                     ment results (per user per time period)
Group Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 3 Topic 4 Topic 5
                                                        Measurement          GD GK WF WC NE
    A         GD    GK      WF      WC         NE
                                                       Number of ideas       12.8   15.9   11.8   14.8   12.7
    B         GK    WF      WC      NE         GD
                                                       Fluency of ideas      12.5   15.0   11.2   12.0   11.2
    C         WF    WC      NE      GD         GK
                                                      Flexibility of ideas    4.7   4.6     4.8    4.6    3.9
    D         WC    NE      GD      GK         WF
                                                      Originality of ideas   11.1   11.7   10.2   11.1    9.8
    E         NE    GD      GK      WF         WC

  To avoid the effect of tool experiences, the topics and the engines are assigned to
groups in different orders as in Table 5. The timeout for each topic is set to 15 minutes.
  Three human evaluators, who did not participate in the experiments, judged the flu-
ency, the flexibility, and the originality of ideas. Majority vote is taken if conflict occurs.

6       Experimental Result and Observation

6.1     Quantitative Result

The quality of divergent thinking engines is estimated by four measures in Section 5.2.
Their average scores of ten sessions are shown in Table 6.
   As a result, original ideas are most discovered when supported by GK. Although WF
yields the highest flexibility, all flexibility scores stay around 4.6-4.8 viewpoints per
session (ten viewpoints max.), and are not enough to establish any conclusion.
   Our observation on the advantage of GK is, first, the GETA can accurately summa-
rizes keywords. Second, each item of the summary is just a single word, which requires
less time to understand and is loosely interpreted to various ways. Therefore, users most
fluently generate ideas when GK is used.
6.2      Qualitative Result
The qualitative evaluation is the survey answered by participants. The survey consists
of four questions. The first three questions are multiple choices (Q1-Q3), and the last
question is answered by individual comment (Q4). The first question is asked immedi-
ately after finishing each topic. All others are asked after finishing all five topics.
   Q1. Please evaluate the usefulness of this divergent thinking support engine on a scale
from 1(Poor) to 5(Excellent).
                                      GD GK WF WC NE
                                      3.0 3.9 2.6 2.7 1.0
   Q2. After using all five divergent thinking support engines, which one do you con-
sider the MOST USEFUL to generate your ideas?
                                 GD GK WF WC NE None
                                  2     6   0   0    1    1
   Q3. After using all five divergent thinking support engines, which one do you con-
sider the MOST USELESS to generate your ideas?
                                 GD GK WF WC NE None
                                  2     0   2   3    2    1
   According to the survey, the GK obtains the most satisfaction from users, which is
consistent with the quantitative result.
   After analyzing, we observed that most users avoid inputting the lengthy informative
entities. Instead, they are replaced by sample words or abbreviations. For example, in-
stead of inputting “Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology”, they input
“University” or just “JAIST”. Thus, the informative entity extraction (see Section 2.3),
which reports the longest informative entity first, fails. It is a major difficulty that drops
the quality of both WF and WC.
   Q4. Is content that was displayed to stimulate your ideas is useful for you? If so,
please describe when?
    –   Not useful.(2)
    –   Useful, when I have no/few ideas.(2)
    –   Useful, when seeking to trigger the next idea from the existing one.(4)
    –   Useful, when seeking new fresh ideas.(2)
  Users found the suggestions are most useful when they feel that the existed ideas can
be more sophisticate or can be developed to new ideas.

7       Conclusion
This paper compared the four divergent thinking engines based on forced association.
The first two adapt the association search engine GETA, while the latter use the more
conventional informative entity extraction. The quality of four engines is evaluated by
experiments on Wikipedia using the Eureka! interface. GK (the most related keywords
by GETA, as a summary of an input sentence) is the most effective and gives the highest
satisfaction to users.
   We think that a dynamic association creation on a large scale database (e.g., GETA)
is useful for divergent thinking supports, whereas previous systems used either stati-
cally precomputed (relatively small) association, or manually prepared (huge number
of) freelinks on the internet. We believe that empirical statistical computation would
find unexpected associations beyond biassed human thinking.

This research is partially supported by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (20680036)
from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sport, Science and Technology of Japan and
by the Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST) under the JAIST
oversea training program. We thank to Prof.Akihiko Takano and Prof.Shingo Nishioka
at the National Institute of Informatics (NII) for fruitful suggestions.

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