Page created by Paul Brown
FREE     OC TO BE R 2020

A delicious
new recipe
from Hetty
page 5

New books by
Richard Flanagan,
Trent Dalton, Craig
Silvey, Marilynne
Robinson, Gail Jones
and more


                                                                                                                             BR UCE
                                                                                                                             SPR I N G ST E E N
                                                                                    PATR ICK
                                                                                                                             page 22
                                                                                    G U E ST &
                                                                                    JONAT H AN
                       R I CH AR D         TR EN T              HET T Y                                  JE S SI CA
                                                                                    BEN T LE Y
                       F L AN AG AN        DALTON               MCK I N NON                              TOWNSEN D
                                                                                    page 18
                       page 6              page 6               page 17                                  page 19

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NEWS                                                                                        October 2020                                                           R E A D I N G S M O N T H LY    3

                                                                                                   by Richard Flanagan describing some of            Monthly, which will both be full of gift ideas
                                                 Bargains                                          his thoughts in writing the book. To enter        and recommendations, and if you sign up to
                                                 You might notice something missing from           online, simply write ‘competition’ in the notes   our enews, you’ll receive lots of great ideas

                                                 your Readings Monthly this month. Due to          field during checkout when finalising your        and special offers direct to your inbox. Visit
                                                 the ongoing lockdowns, restrictions and           purchase of the book. If you are purchasing       readings.com.au/sign-up to subscribe.
                                                 supply issues in Victoria, we are unable to       the book via pick-up from our shops, let the
                                                 include our Bargains page in this October         Readings staff member know over the phone
                                                 edition. But don’t worry, the Bargains page       that you’d like to enter the draw. The winner     Introducing Latitude Pay
                                                 will return to the Readings Monthly in 2021,      will be chosen at random and contacted by         When our shops reopen to the public,
Thank you to all of our customers for your       and, in the meantime, you can still browse        Friday 30 October, either by phone or email.      Readings will be introducing Latitude Pay
continued support throughout this difficult      our wonderful range of bargain books at                                                             as a payment option. Latitude Pay allows
year. As you know, due to the ongoing            readings.com.au/bargains                                                                            customers to buy now, and then pay for their
public health situation in Melbourne, our                                                          Christmas 2020                                    purchase in 10 weekly instalments, instead of
shops are operating a little differently. For                                                      We know, it’s only October, but shopping          all at once. In order to use it, customers will
the most up-to-date information about how        25% off Thames and Hudson                         for Christmas might look a bit different this     need to set up an account at LatitudePay.
we’re trading, our trading hours, special        To celebrate Thames and Hudson’s 50th             year, and we want you to be prepared!             com first, and then request to pay with
trading conditions, and when our shops           birthday, Readings is offering 25% off a          We recommend organising your festive              Latitude Pay when making their purchase
will be open to the public again, please visit   range of their beautiful art, design, fashion,    purchases a little earlier than usual. To         at the counter. Please note, Latitude Pay will
readings.com.au/our-shops. You can also          photography and architecture titles               help, we’ll be printing our annual Summer         only be available in our shops, and is not
follow us on social media (@readingsbooks        throughout October, including An Australian       Reading Guide and a November Readings             available online or via phone orders.
on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook) or          Garden by Philip Cox, Design Lives Here
sign up to our enews (readings.com.au/           by Penny Craswell, Courtyard Living by
sign-up) to get current information as it        Charmaine Chan and more. When buying
happens.                                         online, apply the promo code THAMES in
                                                 the final page of checkout to access the
                                                 25% discount. When purchasing from our
Readings online events                           shops (via phone or over the counter when
In response to the COVID-19 health crisis,       we re-open), simply mention the promotion
Readings has moved its events program            when purchasing and a staff member will
online. Each month, we’re bringing you           apply the discount. To see the full range of
an array of local and international authors      books, visit readings.com.au/collection/
discussing their books, all accessible and       thames-and-hudson. This offer is only
available to watch right from your home.         available during October, while stocks last.
Upcoming highlights include Alex Miller
launching his latest book on Monday 12
October, Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton         Win a special edition of Richard
on the latest instalment of the Treehouse        Flanagan’s new novel
books on Tuesday 20 October, Rosalie Ham         All customers who purchase a copy of
discussing her sequel to The Dressmaker          Richard Flanagan’s new novel The Living
on 28 October, and many more! For details        Sea of Waking Dreams from Readings before
on how to watch, and to see what’s on offer      5pm, Sunday 25 October can go in the draw
across our whole events program, visit           to win a unique signed first edition of the
readings.com.au/events                           novel, replete with handwritten annotations

R E A D I N G S M O N T H LY                     EDITOR                                            EVENTS & PROGRAMMING                              P R I C E S A N D AVA I L A B I L I T Y
Free, independent monthly newspaper              Elke Power                                        Chris Gordon                                      Please note that all prices and release
published by Readings Books, Music & Film        elke.power@readings.com.au                                                                          dates in Readings Monthly are correct
                                                                                                   ADVERTISING                                       at time of publication, however prices
SUBSCRIBE                                        E D I T O R I A L A S S I S TA N T S              Ellen Cregan                                      and release dates may change without
You can subscribe to Readings Monthly            Judi Mitchell & Ellen Cregan                      ellen.cregan@readings.com.au                      notice. Special price offers apply only for
and our e-news by visiting our website:                                                                                                              the month in which they are featured in
readings.com.au/sign-up                          PROOFREADERS                                      GRAPHIC DESIGN                                    Readings Monthly.
                                                 Ellen Cregan & Marie Matteson                     Cat Matteson
DELIVERY CHARGES FOR                                                                                                                                 COVID19
M A I L- O R D E R & O V E R - T H E -           K I D S & YA C U R AT O R S                       CAR TOON                                          While all title release dates were correct
                                                 Angela Crocombe & Dani Solomon                    Oslo Davis                                        at the time of going to press, due to the
$6.50 flat rate to anywhere in Australia for
                                                                                                                                                     ongoing COVID-19 crisis the unexpected
orders under $120. Free shipping for orders      M U S I C C U R AT O R                            FRONT COVER                                       may happen along the supply chain.
$120 and over.                                   Dave Clarke                                       The October Readings Monthly cover                Please bear with us as we bring you books
                                                                                                   features artwork from the cover of                in these rapidly changing circumstances.
DELIVERY CHARGES FOR                             C L A S S I C A L M U S I C C U R AT O R          Windows by Patrick Guest and illustrated
                                                 Phil Richards                                     by Jonathan Bentley, courtesy of the
$6.50 flat rate to anywhere in Australia for                                                                                                         Readings donates 10% of its profits each
                                                                                                   publisher, Hardie Grant Children’s
orders under $120. Free shipping for orders                                                                                                          year to the Readings Foundation:
                                                 D V D S C U R AT O R                              Publishing. Windows cover illustration
$120 and over.                                                                                                                                       readings.com.au/the-readings-foundation
                                                 Lou Fulco                                         by Jonathan Bentley and cover design by
                                                                                                   Kristy Lund-White. Read our review of
                                                                                                   Windows on page 18.

                                                                                                                                      Writing a Novel Stage 1 and 2
                                                         The writing school inside Australia’s                                                 (Six months)
                                                            leading independent publisher                                  For aspiring novelists ready to leap in and work towards a
                                                                                                                                           completed second draft.

                                                        Get started writing, stay the distance                                                Writing for Children
                                                         and learn from publishing experts                                                     (Three months)
                                                                                                                              For creators of picture books or middle-grade fiction.
                                                             To meet our remarkable tutors and for course details: www.faberwritingacademy.com.au
4   R E A D I N G S M O N T H LY                                             October 2020                                                                                  C O LU M N S

                                   Mark’s                                             Dear
                                                                                                                                        About Love, will be looking forward to
                                                                                                                                        her fiction debut, Ghosts. So many people
                                                                                                                                        discovered Before the Coffee Gets Cold

                                   Say                           with Mark Rubbo
                                                                                      Reader                      with Alison Huber
                                                                                                                                        by Toshikazu Kawaguchi last year, and
                                                                                                                                        will be eager to meet four new customers
                                                                                                                                        of its unusual café. Plus, there are new
                                                                                                                                        books from Nick Hornby, Hari Kunzru,
                                                                                                                                        Nir Baram, Cory Doctorow, and Naomi
                                                        You might be surprised to                        As Mark has pointed out,       Novik, as well as a paperback edition of
                                                        know that year-to-date                           this month’s avalanche of      last year’s hit doorstop, The Eighth Life:
                                                        books sales in Australia                         brilliant new releases         for Brilka by Nino Haratischvili.
                                                        are up 7.7% on last year,                        provokes mixed feelings            Our Nonfiction Book of the Month is
                                                        despite Victorian                                for the bookseller in          Unseen by broadcaster Jacinta Parsons,
                                   bookshops being pretty much closed for the         lockdown. There are so many fabulous              an intimate memoir that shares her
                                   last two and a half months. It’s good news         books entering the world, but we do so            long journey with Crohn’s disease, as
                                   for the Australian book industry, and              miss introducing them to you through              well as speaking more broadly to the
                                   heartening to see books being embraced as          conversations in real life, in the lively         experience of living with chronic illness,
                                   a means of inspiration and escape in the           bustle of our shops. We can’t wait to             which affects a staggering portion of
                                   Netflix age. At Readings, our shop sales are       welcome you back to our shops – and when          the Australian population. Our staff
                                   down around 80%, but it’s not as bad as it         we can, you’ll see the huge piles of The          also review the wonderful new books
                                   sounds as our online sales are up 450%.            Living Sea of Waking Dreams by Richard            from Ramona Koval and Gabrielle
                                   That’s nowhere near enough to make up the          Flanagan, our Fiction Book of the Month,          Carey. Josephine Rowe has written a
                                   shortfall, but it’s enough to mean that most       which Mark calls Flanagan’s most                  contribution to Black Inc.’s Writers on
                                   of our staff have some shifts to keep them         audacious and accomplished work to date           Writers series on Beverley Farmer. And
                                   engaged and employed. Thank you so much            (don’t forget to enter our competition to         check out some of the other folks who
                                   for your support.                                  win a very special first edition of the book      have books out this month: Jerry Seinfeld,
                                        As I write this, wonderful new                annotated by Richard himself: see page 3          Hilary Mantel, Alex Miller, Jimmy
                                   October books are streaming into our               for details). You’ll also find Himalayan          Barnes, David McAllister, Robert Dessaix,
                                   shops. Yesterday, Richard Flanagan’s               stacks of Trent Daltons, Craig Silveys, and       David Attenborough, Claire Messud, Bill
                                   The Living Sea of Waking Dreams and                Gail Joneses. In amongst these books by           Bailey, David Chang, Natalie Haynes,
                                   Trent Dalton’s All Our Shimmering Skies            authors whose names you know well, don’t          Robert Macfarlane, Kim Gordon, and
                                   arrived, today Craig Silvey’s long-awaited         overlook debut novels from Nardi                  Anne Applebaum, plus new cookbooks
                                   Honeybee is being unboxed, as is middle-           Simpson, Tobias McCorkell, Claire                 from Hetty McKinnon, Shannon
                                   grade fiction sensation Hollowpox, the             Christian, and Daniel Davis Wood.                 Martinez, and Bill Granger. I absolutely
                                   latest in the Nevermoor series by Jessica              International releases are just               love the nostalgia trip that is Warren
                                   Townsend – and that is just to name a few!         as exciting. The more I think about               Kirk’s Northside: A Time and Place, a
                                   It is a wonderful selection of books for the       Earthlings, Sayaka Murata’s completely            book of photos documenting Melbourne’s
                                   Christmas season, one of the best ever.            bonkers follow-up to her hit English              northern suburbs, with an introduction
                                   Sadly, our doors are still more or less closed     language debut, Convenience Store                 written by Christos Tsiolkas.
                                   and there’s no one to see this cornucopia          Woman, the more I adore it. (NB: it is                And finally, dear reader, it is publisher
                                   of delights, however, it does look like if         actually quite hard to stop thinking              Thames and Hudson Australia’s 50th
                                   everything goes according to the metro             about it.) I can’t wait to revisit Marilynne      birthday in 2020, which means it was
                                   Melbourne public health plan, we’ll be able        Robinson’s Gilead, in the final of four           established the year after Dot and Ross
                                   to reopen around the 19th of October.              novels set in that town, Jack. We also            Reading set up the first Readings shop in
                                        When the Victorian Premier announced          recommend new work from William Boyd,             Carlton: that makes Thames and Hudson
                                   the second lockdown, my heart sank; it             Akwaeke Emezi, Clarissa Goenawan, and             Australia a local institution too! To mark
                                   was worse than the first. I spoke to Richard       Jess Walter. Martin Amis does autofiction         the occasion, we have a selection of books
                                   Flanagan about his book on the morning             in Inside Story, which means characters           at 25% off, including fine examples of their
                                   after the announcement and told him I              will include Christopher Hitchens, Saul           art and design, gardening, fashion, and
                                   thought I couldn’t go on. A few hours later,       Bellow, Iris Murdoch, and Elizabeth               children’s publishing. See readings.com.au/
                                   he rang back to say that the thought of a          Jane Howard. The many readers of Dolly            collection/thames-and-hudson for a list of
                                   depressed Rubbo had been preying on his            Alderton’s memoir, Everything I Know              the books on offer.
                                   mind. That call helped lift me. Once we
                                   get through this, then we’ll be in the clear, I

                                   thought. The spectre of a third lockdown                                                             program that I hope allows everyone an
                                   was (and is) too terrible to contemplate, and                                                        opportunity to be part of our community.
                                   I embraced Dan’s strategy despite its pain.                                                              Were you there listening to Andrew

    In the Writers on Writers           So, now we are coming out the other side;                                                       O’Hagan (Mayflies) talking about the
                                                                                                                                        paradox of the Scottish author? Did you
      series, leading authors      it will be so nice to see people in the shop
                                   looking at books, talking about books and                                                            hear Steven Conte (The Tolstoy Estate)
     reflect on an Australian      engaging with our booksellers. But it will
                                                                                                                  with Chris Gordon     confess that he has never been to Russia,
                                                                                                                                        despite setting his epic novel in its very
     writer who has inspired       be different. Social distancing will still be
                                   in place and that’s going to mean that we’ll                         ‘I’m on Zoom,’ I yell to my     wintery heart? Perhaps you joined me
       and fascinated them.        all have to plan how we shop for Christmas.                          daughter.                       to celebrate a recent release by a local
                                   Last Christmas, at our Carlton shop, in the                          ‘It’s okay,’ I say to my son,   author? Have you joined an online cooking
                                   ten days before Christmas we had on average                          as he waits to walk past        discussion with us? (Perhaps for To Asia,
                                   4000 customers a day; with social distancing                         my desk to his bedroom,         With Love by Hetty McKinnon?) Have you
                                   we’ll only be able to accommodate 1200             ‘I’ve turned the video off.’                      considered how a place can be a character
                                   customers a day – that’s 70% fewer                 I whisper to my partner, gesticulating at         with Jane Harper (The Survivors)? Did you
                                   customers. So, if you love books and love          the screen in front of me, ‘I’m talking to an     cry a little when hearing Sarah Wilson
                                   giving books as gifts, I urge you not to be like   author!’                                          (This One Wild and Precious Life) talk
                                   me and leave everything to the last minute.            And so, another evening of the                about finding light and calmness in our
                                   The global supply chain is under immense           Readings events program commences.                tremulous world? Have you been part of
                                   pressure, so the books that you want may sell      After the final words are said, I shut down       the collective experience of an audience
                                   out. We are planning ways to make it easier        my computer and reflect on how incredibly         spread as far as one can imagine?
                                   for you to shop early. Our Summer Reading          fortunate I am to chat with people from all           Each event is extraordinary. On my
                                   Guide will be out in early November, and our       over Melbourne, Australia and the world.          turn of the emotional rollercoaster, I find
      BL ACKINCBO OKS.COM          enews will give you up-to-date news about          My horizons keep expanding, even now in           deep solace in listening to other people
                                   books and what’s happening – if you haven’t        lockdown.                                         talk about their craft and the reasons
                                   already, you can sign up at readings.com.au/           Coming up in our events program, we           why so many people continue to carve an
                                   sign-up. You can also continue to shop from        have Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton              existence out of words. Communication is
                                   home – as long as you get your online orders       answering questions sent to me by their           the foundation upon which all humanity
                                   in by the 6th of December to allow enough          fans; we have Paul Jennings talking with          thrives. And it is literally a click away.
                                   time for shipping! So, as I am reminding           his son; Louise Milligan in conversation
                                   myself, remember to think this when                with Annabel Crabb; Trent Dalton on All           To find out more about the Readings events
                                   planning your Christmas shop: October and          Our Shimmering Skies; Craig Silvey on             program, or to book your place at one of our
                                   November for December!                             Honeybee – and more! It’s a full and varied       Zoom events, visit readings.com.au/events
E X TR AC T                                                                          October 2020                                                 R E A D I N G S M O N T H LY   5

                                                                    To Asia, With Love by Hetty McKinnon,
                                                                       published by Plum. Photography by
                                                                     Hetty McKinnon. Find out more about
                                                                             To Asia, With Love on page 17.

A delicious recipe from
To Asia, With Love, the new
cookbook by Readings’ favourite
Hetty McKinnon.

Nepalese ricotta and
spinach momos with chilli
and tomato relish
Makes 20
                                            When we lived in Sydney, we often visited a modest little restaurant called
                                            The Nepalese Kitchen, an institution in our local neighbourhood. Inside,
140 g baby spinach leaves
                                            it was warm and familiar, with rich aromas of spice that hugged us as we
1 garlic clove, finely chopped
                                            entered. At that time, and perhaps still now, traditional Nepali food was hard
220 g ricotta
                                            to come by in Sydney. Their menu featured traditional street-style snacks
3 tablespoons grated pecorino
                                            like pani puri (crispy bite-sized semolina puffs stuffed with potatoes and
2 shallots, finely chopped                  chickpeas), a curry made with nine different legumes called kwanti, and, of
20 round store-bought or homemade           course, momos, Nepal’s take on dumplings. It was here that I first tasted
dumpling wrappers
                                            cheese in a dumpling. Filled with spinach and ricotta and served with a spicy,
sea salt and black pepper
                                            tangy achaar, it was an exciting interpretation of a food I knew so well. These
Chilli and tomato relish
                                            momos are impossible not to love, a total crowd pleaser and probably the
                                            dumplings I make more of than any other at home.
1 teaspoon black or brown mustard                                                                                                            To Asia, With Love
seeds, toasted                              For the chilli and tomato relish, place the mustard seeds in a frying pan, cover and             Hetty McKinnon
                                            dry-fry over medium heat until aromatic and the seeds have popped. Add a drizzle of              Plum. PB. Was $39.99
vegetable oil
                                            vegetable oil to the pan, then add the tomato, turmeric, garlic, curry leaves and a pinch of         $34.99
500 g tomatoes, roughly chopped
                                            sea salt and cook, covered, for 8–10 minutes, until the tomato mixture is thick and mushy.       Available now
1 teaspoon ground turmeric                  Stir in the tamarind, chilli and sugar and cook over low heat for 5 minutes. Season with
2 garlic cloves, finely chopped             1⁄2 teaspoon of sea salt. Take off the heat and stir in the sesame oil and 2 tablespoons of
6 curry leaves (fresh or dried)             vegetable oil. Store in a sterilised jar in the fridge for up to 2 weeks.

3–4 tablespoons tamarind puree              In a large saucepan, add the spinach leaves, garlic, a pinch of sea salt and a splash of
1 long red chilli, roughly chopped          water. Cover and cook over medium heat until the spinach has wilted, about 2 minutes.
                                            Drain the spinach and allow it to cool, then squeeze it with your hands, wringing out as
2 teaspoons sugar
                                            much liquid as possible.
1 teaspoon toasted sesame oil
                                            Roughly chop the spinach and combine with the ricotta, pecorino and shallot. Season
sea salt
                                            with sea salt and black pepper.

                                            If you are using store-bought dumpling wrappers you will need to wet the edges, so set up
                                            a small bowl of water. With each wrapper, rotate the edge in the water until it is wet all the
Substitute                                  way around. If you are using homemade dumpling wrappers, there is no need to do this.

spinach: kale or chard                      Hold a wrapper in the palm of your hand and place a small teaspoon of filling in the
                                            middle. Fold the wrapper over to form a half-moon shape, then, starting from one corner,
                                            pinch together and pleat until you get to the other corner. Gently flatten the dumpling to
                                            form a level bottom so they can sit upright.
use crumbled firm tofu instead of ricotta   As you finish each dumpling, place it on a sheet of baking paper and cover with a damp
and pecorino
                                            tea towel to stop them drying out.

                                            Place the momos in a steamer that has been lined with baking paper or wombok cabbage
                                            leaves. Steam over a large saucepan of boiling water for about 10–15 minutes. Serve hot,
                                            with the chilli and tomato relish.

                                            Hetty McKinnon is a cook, food writer, publisher and podcaster with a passion for vegetables.
                                            McKinnon is the author of three bestselling cookbooks: Community, Neighbourhood and the
                                            award-winning Family.
6     R E A D I N G S M O N T H LY                                                      October 2020                                                                                     FIC T IO N

                                                                                                 be. Dalton’s writing will mobilise you           Everything in Its Right Place
                                                                                                 to reflect on this country’s epic human          Tobias McCorkell
                                                                                                 past, and also to remember what it is to

                                                                                                                                                  Transit Lounge. PB. $29.99
                                                                                                 be young and hopeful and certain. All            Available now
                                                                                                 Our Shimmering Skies offers a wonderful                                      Ford’s father left his
                                                                                                 array of characters, and then there                                          mother when Ford
                                                                                                 is the weather, there is more history                                 was five years old. Over a
                                                                                                 (Darwin has just been bombed), and                                    decade later, the fallout
                                     Families are funny things; they can be the source of        there is a search for goodness. As you                                from that separation is
                                     great strength, but also great cruelties, humiliations,     meander through the landscape of
BOOK OF THE                                                                                      northern Australia following Molly
                                                                                                                                                                       still haunting the
                               and sadness. In a soulless Hobart hospital, Francie’s three                                                                             McCullens. A financial
MO N T H                       adult children gather round her bed. The prognosis for            and her companions, Greta and Yukio,                                  bequest has seen Ford
Australian                     Francie is not good; she is coming to the end of her life. It     allow yourself to be seized by Dalton’s          uprooted from his local high school in
Fiction                        has been a good life in the eyes of Tommy, an unfulfilled life    celebration of Australia.                        Coburg and sent to a private school in
                               according to Anna, and a wasted one according to Terzo.               Read this novel because you need to          Toorak for his last years of secondary
                                   Tommy is the bumbling ‘unsuccessful’ child, a failed          believe in happily-ever-after stories; because   education. There, he struggles to cross the
                               artist who gets by with odd jobs; he’s the sibling his brother    you want to be taken into Australia’s red        class divide and make friends.
                               and sister rely on to affirm their apparent success. Anna is a    dust, into its rivers and its waterfalls; and         At home, he has the loving (but
                               highly successful Sydney architect with a hidden sadness.         because you desperately need to clamber to       sometimes claustrophobic) support of
                               Terzo’s in venture capital; he’s bombastic, overconfident,        the highest point to see the horizon. Read       his mother and her parents. With their
                               and a charming bully. Haunting them all is the untimely           this novel because Dalton’s vison ensures        passion for the Carlton Football Club and
                               death of their brother Ronnie.                                    you can see the daylight.                        plenty of frozen pizza on offer, they do
                                                                                                 Chris Gordon is the programming and events       their best to encourage Ford to find his
                                     The Living Sea of Waking Dreams is                          manager for Readings                             place in a world far removed from their
                                                                                                                                                  own. However, Ford’s lack of ambition, his
                                     Richard Flanagan’s most audacious,
                                                                                                 Song of the Crocodile                            mother’s mental illness, and the effects
                                     most accomplished work yet. It will                                                                          of the abuse he may have suffered at the
                                     challenge the reader, but the rewards will                  Nardi Simpson
The Living Sea                                                                                   Hachette. PB. $32.99                             hands of his father’s ex-boyfriend, all
Of Waking                            be great!                                                   Available now
                                                                                                                                                  stand in the way of him ever becoming
Dreams                                                                                                                   Song of the Crocodile
                                                                                                                                                  the man he thinks he ought to be. Instead,
Richard Flanagan                  Tommy is the only child who has remained in Tasmania                                                            Ford’s teenage years are confused
                                                                                                                         was the winner of
Knopf. HB. Was $32.99          and has, in his clumsy way, cared for their mother. For Anna                                                       and awkward, fuelled by alcohol and
                                                                                                                   the 2018 blak&write!
                               and, especially, for Terzo, there is a powerful sense that they                                                    hormones.
     $27.99                                                                                                        writing fellowship, which
Available now                  can redeem themselves for abandoning their mother by                                                                    The setting of this story will feel
                                                                                                                   serves to find and develop
                               keeping her alive now. Tommy’s pleas for mercy are treated                                                         familiar to many. Located in Melbourne,
                                                                                                                   outstanding unpublished
                               with disdain, ignored, shouted over; it’s the way the siblings                                                     with occasional visits to Shepparton,
                                                                                                                   manuscripts by
have always been with Tommy. As Francie’s condition deteriorates, their obsessive need                                                            certain parts of the book felt like coming
                                                                                                                   Aboriginal or Torres
to stop her from dying grows. They demand, and get, via influence and money, excessive                                                            home. This reader spent many of her
                                                                                                 Strait Islander writers. Song of the
interventions that needlessly keep Francie alive. Before she drifts into a catatonic state,                                                       childhood holidays with family in
                                                                                                 Crocodile is Nardi Simpson’s first book,
Francie’s last words to Anna are, ‘Let me go’. Anna’s heartless response of ‘Go where?’                                                           regional Victoria and my grandmother’s
                                                                                                 and 2020 has also seen her debut her first
comes even as she demands more interventions.                                                                                                     Sunday roasts were legendary, just like
                                                                                                 play at the Sydney Festival.
    Meanwhile, outside the hospital, the world is falling apart. Bushfires rage near                                                              Ford’s grandmother’s meals on scorching
                                                                                                     The characters are at the heart of
Hobart, through areas that have never seen fire; later, fires encroach upon the very                                                              summer days.
                                                                                                 Song of a Crocodile. As an epic multi-
outskirts of Sydney. It is as though the world is drifting away. Things start happening to                                                             It is also a story that can be crude,
                                                                                                 generational story, we follow the lives
Anna’s body that are a metaphor for what’s happening outside: first a finger disappears,                                                          uncomfortable and lacking in depth. Ford
                                                                                                 of the Billymil family in Darnmoor (as a
just vanishes without pain or scar, then a knee, then a breast, then bits of her son, then                                                        is self-absorbed, he is a teenager, after
                                                                                                 fictional town in which the Yuwaalaraay
other people.                                                                                                                                     all, but as a reader I wanted to be shown
                                                                                                 people live, it might be thought of as
    There is great sadness in this book, but it is also bleakly comical. Richard Flanagan                                                         more of the characters surrounding him,
                                                                                                 rural north-western New South Wales).
is pushing his writing to new limits. The Living Sea of Waking Dreams is his most                                                                 to be allowed access to the backgrounds
                                                                                                 Beginning with Margaret, the story
audacious, most accomplished work yet. It will challenge the reader, but the rewards                                                              of those who hurt him as well as loved
                                                                                                 then follows her daughter Celie, then
will be great!                                                                                                                                    him. Tobias McCorkell’s debut novel does,
                                                                                                 Celie’s daughter Mili, followed by Mili’s
                                                                                                                                                  nevertheless, capture the essence of a
Mark Rubbo is the managing director of Readings                                                  husband Wil and their children Paddy
                                                                                                                                                  young man trying to figure out his own
                                                                                                 and Yarrie. The sharpness of these
                                                                                                                                                  identity in a world which appears to fight
                                                                                                 characters reminded me of Elizabeth
                                                                                                                                                  him at every turn.
                                                                                                 Jolley’s writing, and, more recently, the
             Win a special edition of Richard Flanagan’s new novel                                                                                Kate McIntosh is the manager of Readings
                                                                                                 work of Tony Birch. Simpson skilfully
             All customers who purchase a copy of The Living Sea of Waking Dreams                weaves in Dreaming and demonstrates              Doncaster
             from Readings before 5pm, Sunday 25 October can go in the draw to                   the connection between the present and
             win a unique signed first edition of the novel, replete with handwritten            past through ancestral stories and care          Honeybee
             annotations by Richard Flanagan describing some of his thoughts in                  for nature.                                      Craig Silvey
             writing the book.                                                                                                                    A&U. PB. Was $32.99
                                                                                                     This is a novel that deals with the
             For details about how to enter, see page 3.                                         violence acted upon the Billymil family              $29.99
                                                                                                 with such delicacy, that although the            Available now
                                                                                                 novel depicts rape, sexual assault and                                     Originally, Craig
                                                                                                 other violence, this is often described                                    Silvey wanted to be

Australian                                        able to pull together music, mythology,
                                                  landscape and emotion into a type of
                                                                                                 with careful metaphors that place the
                                                                                                 reader into the characters’ dissociative
                                                                                                                                                                     a palaeontologist, but by
                                                                                                                                                                     the time he was nineteen
Fiction                                           evocative fairytale through which their        states of mind. In many ways this                                   years old he had
                                                  readers are transported to a new place – a     mirrors the era Simpson is describing –                             published his first novel,
                                                  place of creation and of endless               where the massacre of Indigenous                                    Rhubarb, to great acclaim.
All Our Shimmering Skies                          possibilities. Trent Dalton is this type of    people is seemingly in the past, but the                            Then, of course, he wrote
Trent Dalton                                      writer. Who that has read his bestselling      Billymil family and the other families           Jasper Jones and now, eleven years later,
Fourth Estate. PB. Was $32.99                     debut novel, Boy Swallows Universe, will       of the Campgrounds outside of town               we have Honeybee. But, if we consider
    $24.99                                        forget it? Now, with his second novel, his     are ultimately rejected by the people of         Silvey’s first love of discovering and
Available now                                     prose will sweep you up into our               Darnmoor and are subject to ongoing              digging and reflecting on the past, and
                       It seems to me that        ‘shimmering skies’ and take you on an          racism. This is a book that, to some             bundle all of that passionate need for
                       some authors work          adventure perhaps not considered in            extent, explores the anger, boredom and          answers with his innate ability to tell
                 desperately hard to              popular adult fiction since Alice fell down    frustration that rigid race relations and        stories, well, then we understand why the
                 ensure that their readers        that hole and emerged into a wonderland.       colonisation bring to Darnmoor. The              results are so brilliant.
                 deliberate on who they               All Our Shimmering Skies celebrates        Billymils do what they can to survive,               Silvey is an author who wants the
                 are in relation to a             that wonderland, that place of                 pushing against this system just a little        reader to understand that each story is
                 particular character.            possibilities that lies within the heart of    further in each generation.                      larger than its own self. Each character
                 Other authors want their         Australia. At the centre of this fairytale         Simpson presents a promising debut, and      in his work carries the weight of the past,
readers to consider history, or an                is Molly, a gravedigger’s daughter, and        readers who enjoyed The Yield, The White         holds history in their heart and considers
alternative narrative of humanity. And            her quest to find a family, a home, and        Girl, and Carpentaria will be drawn in.          the ramifications of being present
then there are the authors that seem to be        some understanding of who she could            Clare Millar is from Readings Hawthorn           against the backdrop of reality. We saw it
F I C T I ON                                                                            October 2020                                            R E A D I N G S M O N T H LY   7

especially with Jasper Jones, and now, as a    Our Shadows
treat to all of us who have suffered through   Gail Jones
this year, we have Honeybee.                   Text. PB. $32.99
    The novel centres on fourteen-year-        Available now
old Sam, who is in search of a home. Sam                                Nell and Frances
meets old and tired Vic late one night                                  Kelly are raised by
on a bridge, as they both contemplate                             their grandparents after
suicide. They save one another, but                               their mother dies in labour
not without considerable vulnerability                            and their father abandons
and, indeed, empathy. Honeybee is                                 them in a fit of grief. The
about identity, and about elements of                             sisters grow up with a
masculinity being ostracised; or, at least,                       special bond cemented by
definitions of masculinity being caught,       a shared language, a love of stories and a
if you like, at a type of crossroads. The      mutual fascination with Hokusai’s The
novel hosts a roll call of characters with     Great Wave. This closeness dissipates in
diverse backgrounds. Many of these are         adulthood as they individually struggle
men we know.                                   with the legacy of their orphanhood and
    This is a big, brave, wonderful novel.     the loss of their grandparents. Following
It will not disappoint fans of Jasper Jones,   the death of her husband, Frances becomes
but it will also make you reflect on what      determined to excavate the past and travels
it means to have a moral compass, what         home to Kalgoorlie in search of answers.
it means to be brave and how we, as a              Our Shadows largely focuses on the
community, can make Australia a true           stories of these three generations of
place of freedom. We have so far to go.        the Kelly family: Fred and Else, their
Reading this tremendous novel will help.       daughters Mary and Enid, and Mary’s
Chris Gordon is the programming and events     daughters, Nell and Frances. Woven into
manager for Readings                           their stories is the tale of real-life miner
                                               Paddy Hannan, the man responsible for
                                               discovering gold in the West Australian
It’s Been A Pleasure, Noni
                                               goldfields. The novel moves between
                                               nineteenth century Ireland and the
Claire Christian
                                               Australian goldfields; mid-twentieth
Text. PB. $32.99
                                               century Australia and World War II
Available now
                                               battle sites; and contemporary Sydney,
                        Claire Christian
                                               Melbourne, and Kalgoorlie.
                        was one of the
                                                   This might sound like quite a lot to fit
                  finalists for our 2018
                                               into one 300-page novel, but Gail Jones
                  Readings Young Adult
                                               deftly and sensitively brings together these
                  Book Prize for her
                                               disparate stories into a meditation on grief,
                  impressive debut,
                                               loss, estrangement, identity and, strangely
                  Beautiful Mess. Now, this
                                               enough, mining and underground rescue.
                  talented young writer is
                                               The concepts and feelings tackled here are
back with an entertaining novel for
                                               beautifully universal, but told in a context
adults that has just as much heart, but
                                               that is uniquely Australian. Jones’s novel
considerably more sex.
                                               is an inventive blend of contemporary
    It’s Been a Pleasure, Noni Blake begins
                                               and historical fiction, real and imagined
with our titular character agonising
                                               characters. This is required reading for
over the one-night-stand etiquette of
                                               anyone interested in the state of literary
leaving a note as you’re sneaking out
                                               fiction in Australia today.
or not. It’s been a tough couple of years
for Noni: her long-term relationship has       Tristen Brudy is from Readings Carlton
disintegrated, her career has stalled,
and she’s drowning in grief. A drunken         At the Edge of the Solid World
night of soul-searching reminds her of         Daniel Davis Wood
the many what-ifs from her past – missed       Brio. PB. $32.99
opportunities, rejected invitations ...        Available 7 October
un-loved lovers – and Noni decides                              In a snowbound Swiss
to embark on a (possibly misguided)                             village, a husband and
campaign to tick off some names from                            wife find their lives
her should-have-boned list.                                     breaking apart following
    This is a frank and funny novel that                        the death of their
is refreshingly, unabashedly, queer and                         firstborn. Meanwhile, in
inclusive. Noni is many things: witty,                          the couple’s hometown of
self-deprecating, fat, loving, considerate,                     Sydney, a man commits
and bisexual; and the fact that Christian      an act of shocking violence that galvanises
has managed to include almost every            international attention. As the husband
iteration of the LGBTQIA+ spectrum into        recognises signs of his own grief in both
this delightful book without making it         the survivors and the perpetrator, his
A Book About Being Queer is actually           fixation on the details of the case feeds
kind of radical. For readers struggling        into an obsession.
through a quarter-life crisis, a Saturn
rising, a breakup, a tough year, It’s Been     The Godmothers
a Pleasure, Noni Blake is the romantic         Monica McInerney                                        An unforgettable new novel       ‘Hands down, it’s the most
comedy you want to lose yourself in.           Michael Joseph. PB. $32.99                              by the award-winning author     comprehensive assessment
As Noni embarks on her life-changing           Available now
                                                                                                        of the international French   of Australia’s lack of parental
pursuit of pleasure, you’re taken along on                      Eliza Miller grew up in
a joyous, absurd, and sex-filled ride. But,                                                             bestseller The Godmother.      leave equality to be written’
                                                                Australia as the only
underneath it all, there is a great depth                       daughter of a troubled                                                —Emma Walsh, Women’s Agenda
of feeling.                                                     young mother, but with
    Ultimately, It’s Been a Pleasure, Noni                      the constant support of
Blake is a book about growing older,                            two watchful
trusting the voice in your head, and                            godmothers. Thirteen
learning that the most important love                           years on, an enticing
affair isn’t with someone else; it’s the one   invitation from one of her godmothers
that you have with yourself.                   prompts Eliza to leap into the unknown.
Lian Hingee is the digital marketing manager   Within a fortnight, Eliza finds herself in              BL ACKINCBO OKS.COM
for Readings                                   the middle of a complicated family in
8     R E A D I N G S M O N T H LY                                                          October 2020                                                                                  FIC T IO N

Edinburgh. Yet, amidst the chaos, she            The Death Of Vivek Oji                              extremes. This book is a roller-coaster;         and critical about religion, to describe
seeks to solve the biggest mystery of            Akwaeke Emezi                                       parts made me want to puke, but I wound          those experiences so often indescribable,
all – the identity of her father.                Faber. PB. $29.99                                   up hysterical and itching to go again.           and to show real humanity, proves her
                                                 Available now                                           When we meet Natsuki she is a child          to be at once exceptional and exemplary
Too Much Lip                                                            The Death of Vivek           and suffering cruelty and abuse from the         of contemporary fiction. For all of us,
Melissa Lucashenko                                                      Oji is the third novel       adults in her life. Natsuki finds comfort        living in the breach of insidious political
UQP. PB. $24.99                                                    from Nigerian-born Igbo           in believing magical powers have been            individualism and pandemic-generated
Available now                                                      and Tamil author                  bestowed upon her by her friend Piyyut:          isolation, Robinson affirms the value,
                 Wise-cracking Kerry                               Akwaeke Emezi in as               an alien who is visiting earth in the form of    transcendent or not, of turning to someone
                 Salter has spent a lifetime                       many years. It opens with         a small, plush hedgehog. During visits to        and asking, ‘What are you going through?
                 avoiding two things – her                         the death of Vivek Oji and,       a family home in the mountains, Natsuki          How can I help?’
                 hometown and prison.                              with graceful deftness,           forms a deep bond with her cousin, who           Jeremy George is from Readings Malvern
                 But now her Pop is dying,       weaves back and forth through time and              admits that he too is an alien.
                 so she heads south on a         multiple perspectives to reconstruct                    As a grown up, Natsuki is vehemently         The Perfect World of Miwako
                 stolen Harley. Kerry plans      Vivek and the space his shocking,                   against becoming part of the ‘baby               Sumida
                 to spend twenty-four            too-soon death has left behind.                     factory’. She is married for convenience
                                                                                                                                                      Clarissa Goenawan
hours, tops, over the border. She quickly            This novel is a portrait of grief. It is also   only, to a man who also resents and resists      Scribe. PB. $29.99
discovers, though, that Bundjalung               a portrait of a person whose very existence         the pressures of society. When Natsuki and       Available now
country has a funny way of grabbing on to        is confounding to the patriarchal, ultra-           her husband take a trip back to the family
                                                                                                                                                                               It only takes a few
people. Gritty and darkly hilarious, Too         conservative community of his childhood             home a reconnection with her cousin
                                                                                                                                                                               lines of reading to
Much Lip offers redemption and                   in regional Nigeria.                                mutates into an all-out rejection of society
                                                                                                                                                                        discover that the
forgiveness where none seems possible.               Throughout The Death of Vivek Oji,              and shedding of trauma. The book spirals
                                                                                                                                                                        character of the novel’s
                                                 we get flashes of Nigeria in the wake of            into absurdity and horror, but the tone is
                                                                                                                                                                        title is dead; she has
                                                                                                     never anything but matter of fact. Violence
                                                 the death of dictator Sani Abacha, with                                                                                committed suicide,
                                                 people rioting in the streets and tensions          and sexual assault are described boldly
                                                                                                                                                                        leaving behind a young
Fiction                                          often turning bloody over ideological
                                                 disagreements. Within this space of
                                                                                                     and briskly; though it reads like a bizarre,
                                                                                                     grotesque fantasy, Murata keeps it real for
                                                                                                                                                                        coterie of confused and
                                                                                                                                                      devastated friends. They each think they
                                                 unrest, Vivek dies.                                 her characters by omitting any niceties.
                                                                                                                                                      knew her, but none can make sense of her
                                                     Written with a quiet reserve, the                   Earthlings is an outrageous book and I
                                                                                                                                                      ultimate decision. The narrative is
                                                                                                     absolutely loved it.
The Cold Millions                                novel pivots from the notion of self as                                                              organised into three sections, each
Jess Walter                                      an unfixed definition. Vivek’s parents,             Kim Gruschow is from Readings St Kilda           focusing on one of Miwako’s friends. The
Viking. PB. $32.99                               wider family, and girlfriends are defined                                                            first is Ryusei, her not-quite boyfriend,
                                                 through the prism of Vivek and how                                                                   who has received letters Miwako sent
Available 20 October                                                                                 Jack
                         The free speech fight   Vivek is refracted through their lives.                                                              after her disappearance, but they give
                                                                                                     Marilynne Robinson
                         of 1909 in Spokane,     Despite the multi-perspective structure,                                                             him few clues. The second, Chie, is a
                                                                                                     Virago. PB. $29.99
                   Washington, was a civil       no character feels fleshed out, alive …                                                              friend from school days, party to a
                                                                                                     Available now
                   disobedience action           except for Vivek.                                                                                    number of secrets on which Ryusei has no
                                                                                                                               The love of our
                   staged by the Industrial          A murder-mystery-esque tension                                                                   perspective, but these fragments don’t
                                                                                                                               neighbour in all its
                   Workers of the World, also    is stoked by Vivek’s grieving and                                                                    solve the puzzle either. The third, Fumi, is
                                                                                                                         fullness simply means
                   known as Wobblies, under      determined mother, Kavita, who is                                                                    Ryusei’s sister, who has come to know
                                                                                                                         being able to say, ‘What
                   the charge of the then        restless until she understands what                                                                  Miwako at one step’s remove through her
                                                                                                                         are you going through?’
nineteen-year-old firebrand Elizabeth            has happened to her son. Unusually,                                                                  brother, and she waits back in Tokyo
                                                                                                                         states French philosopher,
Gurley Flynn. During this action,                and most interestingly to me, liminal                                                                while he goes on a journey to get closer to
                                                                                                                         mystic and political
Wobblies would mount a soapbox and               themes – such as love as amorphous and                                                               what happened.
                                                                                                                         activist Simone Weil, a
begin to speak. Each orator was arrested         boundaryless; love’s intersection with                                                                   This novel is both familiar and
                                                                                                     thinker who, like American novelist
immediately. Within a month, Spokane’s           sex; and sex and its ability to give shape                                                           unusual. It is written in English by an
                                                                                                     Marilynne Robinson, properly considers
jails were full to overflowing.                  to the non-verbal, the inexpressible –                                                               Indonesian-born Singaporean author, but
                                                                                                     the charge religion makes on us to be taken
     This is a fertile period in US history      override the logic of a murder-mystery                                                               summons the atmospheres of Japanese
                                                                                                     seriously. To be taken seriously, of course,
and one that serves as the backdrop to           novel. Emezi explores taboo as a jarring                                                             fictions (both written and cinematic),
                                                                                                     is the precondition to be taken critically.
Jess Walter’s wonderful The Cold Millions.       by-product of intersecting cultures;                                                                 and is set in the recognisable urban and
                                                                                                         In Marilynne Robinson’s latest book,
Peppered with real characters such as            family as simultaneously alive and dead,                                                             rural locations of Japan. It tills the known
                                                                                                     Jack, we return to the world of Gilead,
the aforementioned Gurley Flynn, police          genetic and chosen; the unsaid as toxic                                                              emotional fields of early adulthood and
                                                                                                     Home and Lila. Readers of her previous
chief John Sullivan and labour lawyer            and inevitable; and grief as possessive.                                                             the individual’s search for the self, and
                                                                                                     books will know Jack as the White,
Fred Moore, Walter introduces orphaned           This novel proffers the unnameable and                                                               the moments of heightened feeling that
                                                                                                     troubled son of Robert Boughton, named
brothers Gig and Rye Dolan. At the ages          the world of emotion, impression and                                                                 characterise the relationships of these
                                                                                                     after John Ames, who narrates Gilead. A
of twenty-three and sixteen, the brothers        spirit as alternate spaces in which to                                                               formative years; yet this familiarity
                                                                                                     friend of mine only half-jokingly refers
are subsisting on seasonal work while            seek truth and knowing. At times, the                                                                is unsettled by its mysterious plot,
                                                                                                     to Jack as ‘a bad egg, sure, but a fallen
sleeping rough. When the handsome and            evocations feel heavy and obvious where                                                              and the unfolding story about who
                                                                                                     star too’ – prophetic. In Robinson’s latest
idealistic Gig joins the IWW and both            they might be encompassing and sensual                                                               Miwako was, as the facts of the book’s
                                                                                                     instalment, Jack gets a story that is
brothers are locked up during the free-          – fleetingness could be a feeling as well                                                            paradoxical title are revealed. Clarissa
                                                                                                     properly his own, and structured around
speech action, Gurley Flynn employs              as an idea.                                                                                          Goenawan is an emerging talent, having
                                                                                                     his long-term meditative, romantic and,
the acquitted, and underage, Rye to her              The Death of Vivek Oji is written in a                                                           won the 2015 Bath Novel Award (a prize
                                                                                                     frankly, tortured relationship with Della,
cause. He accompanies her on a speaking          generous, accessible manner. Emezi has                                                               for unpublished, self-published, and
                                                                                                     a young Black schoolteacher. It is an
tour whose main purpose is to raise              given us a portrait of intersectionality                                                             independently published novels) for her
                                                                                                     unlikely pairing, and Robinson does not
enough money to engage the legendary             which celebrates life as fragments of                                                                first novel, Rainbirds (published in 2018,
                                                                                                     shy away from the complications that
lawyer Clarence Darrow and release the           time. It will appeal to readers who liked                                                            and also set in Japan), and her writing is
                                                                                                     arise for them in racist 1950s America.
protesters. But with Gig in jail, the naïve      Orlando, Americanah and In the Dream                                                                 intriguing. The ripple effects of suicide
                                                                                                     But their friendship is more than the
Rye finds himself in the spotlight and           House. I look forward to what Emezi                                                                  on a community’s collective psyche are
                                                                                                     adversaries they face in the street, in part
open to manipulation.                            offers us next.                                                                                      carefully handled here, and her portrayal
                                                                                                     because of their shared recognition of
     The titular ‘Cold Millions’ refers          Kalinda Vary is from Readings St Kilda                                                               of people inhabiting the aftermaths of
                                                                                                     the value of faith, even if the institutions
to what we call the 99% today, and                                                                                                                    trauma is compassionate and compelling.
                                                                                                     that practice it prove to be a sometimes-
it’s a novel that shows us that a lot of         Earthlings                                          antagonistic force.                              Alison Huber is the head book buyer for
the social injustices of 1909 are still          Sayaka Murata (translated by                            Indeed, for the novelist concerned           Readings
being perpetuated. Walter alternates             Ginny Tapley Takemori)                              with (to risk a cliché) an account of a
chapters with occasional deep dives              Granta. PB. $29.99                                  certain ‘human condition’, a recourse            Trio
into the backstory of its secondary              Available now                                       to the language of faith is difficult to         William Boyd
characters, such as business-savvy                                      Sayaka Murata has            avoid. It is simply more apt at expressing       Viking. PB. $32.99
show-woman Ursula the Great, French-                                    really ramped it up          values and experiences that cannot be            Available 20 October
speaking Native American man Jules,                              with Earthlings. Her newly          reduced to tasks to complete, things to                                 As the title
and the aging Pinkerton detective Del                            translated novel shares             buy or boxes to tick. Faith is necessarily                              suggests, William
Dalveaux, who has seen it all and doesn’t                        themes with Convenience             rooted in community: grace, redemption,                           Boyd’s new novel Trio
suffer fools gladly. To juggle as many                           Store Woman; Murata                 salvation and love – none of these can                            follows the
characters as Walter does, yet provide                           again writes about people           be possible without recognition of the                            interconnected fates of
genuine surprises, is masterful. This is a                       who can’t or won’t meet             fact that you live your life around other                         three characters. Elfrida
brilliantly lucid historical epic.               society’s expectations. In Earthlings, she          people. This register of Robinson’s                               Wing is a novelist
Jason Austin is from Readings Carlton            takes these ideas to shocking, exhilarating         work – her ability to be at once serious                          formerly celebrated as
F I C T I ON                                                                           October 2020                                      R E A D I N G S M O N T H LY   9

‘the new Virginia Woolf’, but she’s mired       variety of comic get-rich-quick schemes.
in a ten-year writer’s block, a displeasing     When Edgar re-enters Felicia’s life at a
marriage, and alcoholism. Talbot Kydd is        typically inopportune moment, the book’s
a successful film producer, husband and         exhilarating final act is set in motion.
father, former soldier and, in a secret
parallel life, an amateur photographer          Before the Coffee Gets Cold:
gradually reconciling with his hidden           Tales from the Cafe
self. Anny Viklund is a talented young          Toshikazu Kawaguchi
American actor of considerable renown,          Picador. PB. $18.99
but her unfortunate relationship history        Available now
refuses to stay in the past. A film project                     In a small back alley in
brings all three – and the conflicts                            Tokyo, there is a café
between their secret and apparent                               which has been serving
personal lives – to Brighton, England                           coffee for more than a
during the eventful summer of 1968.                             century. But this coffee
    It’s a pivotal year globally: student                       shop offers its customers
protests across the world (with notable                         a unique experience: the
fallout in nearby Paris); the Vietnam                           chance to travel back in
War and backlash against it; the                time. From the author of Before the Coffee
civil rights movement, unrest, and              Gets Cold comes a story of four new
assassinations in the United States;            customers, each of whom is hoping to
revolutions and invasions in Europe;            take advantage of Cafe Funiculi
war and famine in Africa – in short,            Funicula’s time-travelling offer.
a year too historically significant to
summarise here, or indeed in the novel.
                                                Pizza Girl
As creatives at work in an English seaside
                                                Jean Kyoung Frazier
resort town, Boyd’s trio are mostly
                                                HQ. PB. $24.99
distant observers of these events, but
                                                Available 7 October
the outside world does creep in. Some of
                                                               Eighteen years old,
these intersections are expected – none
                                                               pregnant, and working
are impervious to the enormous social
                                                               as a pizza delivery girl,
changes of the era. Other incursions from
                                                               our dysfunctional
beyond Brighton are unexpected, such
                                                               heroine is deeply lost
as the threatened arrival of an estranged
                                                               and in complete denial
ex-husband, who is now a fugitive
                                                               about it all. Her world is
wanted by the FBI for terrorism.
                                                               further upended when
    While the trio and their crises
                                                she becomes obsessed with Jenny, a
anchor the novel, the cast is varied
                                                stay-at-home mother. As one woman
and numerous, and there are amusing
                                                looks toward motherhood and the other
subplots aplenty. As habitual Boyd
                                                toward middle age, the relationship
readers would know, the author can
                                                between the two begins to blur in
inimitably convey enormous amounts
                                                strange, complicated, and ultimately
about his characters’ inner lives and their
                                                heartbreaking ways.
interpersonal dynamics in just a single
scene, with a few choice insights and his
knowing yet compassionate wit. In this          The Eighth Life: For Brilka
enjoyably careening novel, you never            Nino Haratischvili

                                                                                                       READ                IN                     2020
quite know where you are going, but you’ll      Scribe. PB. $26.99
find yourself on board and helplessly           Available 20 October
laughing throughout the ride.                                    At the start of the
                                                                 twentieth century, on
Elke Power is the editor of Readings Monthly
                                                                 the edge of the Russian
                                                                 Empire, a family
At Night’s End                                                   prospers. It owes its
Nir Baram (Translated by Jessica                                 success to a delicious
Cohen)                                                           chocolate recipe, passed
Text. PB. $32.99
                                                                 down the generations.
Available now
                                                This compelling family hears echoes and
                   A writer wakes up in a       sees reflections. Great characters and
                   hotel room in an             greater relationships come and go and
                   unfamiliar city. When he     come again, and the reader rejoices to
                   attempts to reconstruct      have found at last one of those glorious
                   his lost days, Yontan        old books in which you can live and
                   learns that he told people   learn, be lost and found, and make
                   at the festival he was       indelible new friends.
                   attending that his best
friend had died. But in fact, his friend is
                                                Fifty-Two Stories
still alive. At Night’s End is a
                                                Anton Chekhov (translated by
                                                                                                           The            Tales of               Heartfelt and
compassionate and personal novel about
                                                Richard Pevear and Larissa                             breathtaking     adventure,             hilarious, this is a
an extraordinary friendship between two
                                                Volokhonsky)                                           new picture    misadventure,            book for anyone
men haunted by a shared past.
                                                Penguin Classics. HB. $49.99                          book from the   love and loss -          who has tried to
                                                Available 20 October                                    creator of    this collection         imagine what their
                                                                 Chekhov’s genius left an
Ian Williams                                                                                          Here We Are.     of non-fiction          dog was thinking.
                                                                 indelible impact on every
Dialogue. PB. $32.99
                                                                 literary form in which he
                                                                                                                      short stories is
Available now
                                                                 wrote, but none more so                              vintage Jimmy.
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                  and Edgar, an impetuous                        Richard Pevear and
                  heir of a wealthy German                       Larissa Volokhonsky give
                  family, meet when their       us their superb renderings of fifty-two
                  ailing mothers are            Chekhov stories. These stories reveal the
                  assigned the same             extraordinary variety of his work, from
                  hospital room. An             the farcically comic to the darkly
odd-couple relationship blooms between          complex. Including several never-before-
Edgar and Felicia. Fast forward, their son      translated stories, this is a collection that
Armistice is a teenager fixated on a            promises to delight.
10     R E A D I N G S M O N T H LY                                                         October 2020                                                                                FIC T IO N

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                a passionate love affair                              His most intimate and             $29.99                                                       With men now a prized
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                Weaver. Five years later,                             Story is the unseen,                          When a Brooklyn writer                           safe means breaking
the FBI wants Rosalind to spy on Weaver,                              semi-autobiographical                         wins a residency on the                          hastily written new
whom they suspect of selling nuclear                                  portrait of Martin Amis’                      shore of Berlin’s Lake                           rules. But is one person
secrets. Rosalind’s assignment launches                               extraordinary life, as a                      Wannsee, he arrives with                         enough to save Miles
her on a mission to find the truth … no                               man and a writer. What                        romantic dreams of days          from the many who would kill to get their
matter where it leads.                                                begins as a thrilling tale                    devoted to total artistic        hands on a living boy? Together, Cole
                                                    of romantic entanglements, family and                           absorption. However,             and Miles embark on a journey across a
City of Spies                                       friendship, evolves into a tender, witty                        rather than writing, he          changed, hostile country, towards a
Mara Timon                                          exploration of life’s hardest questions: how    spends much of his time watching an              freedom they may never reach.
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                   After escaping from              Just Like You                                   that threatens to destroy everything he          Cory Doctorow
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who have gathered in Lisbon to wait out                               someone new. You seem to                       unexpected visit. A man                          helping repressive
the war, and discover which of them is a                              have nothing in common                         arrives at a hotel to                            regimes spy on their
traitor. But in a city that is filled with spies,                     and yet, somehow, it feels                     introduce his estranged         citizens with a night-time hobby where
how can she tell who is friend, or foe?             totally right. Nick Hornby’s new novel gets                      father to his newborn           you help those same citizens evade
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                                                    Cathy Sweeney
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                  is falling apart. Her                             There once was … a man
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                                                                    a world where everyone                           calls. Margot cannot
is funny and painfully relatable, filled                                                                                                                               Paul Hetherington have
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                                                                                                                                                                       anthology includes
Doubleday. HB. $19.99                               Vasily Grossman                                 who have struggled all their lives to
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                 Suburban friends fall out          Available 20 October                            Mina’s story unravels the unspoken
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                                                                                                                                                     margins to the mainstream. This
                 a birthday party is posted                          Mussolini plan the huge        or bind them closer together.
                                                                                                                                                     collection reframes our understanding
                 on Facebook. An                                     offensive on the Eastern                                                        not only of this dynamic poetic form, but
                 illustrious Manhattan                               Front that will culminate
                 film crew are victims of                            in the greatest battle in      Fantasy/                                         of Australian poetry as a whole.

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                                                                                                                     Enter a school of magic                          The Fire of Joy was the
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HarperCollins. PB. $32.99                           Serpents Tail. HB. $29.99                                        you’re inside, there are                         death in 2019. In this
Available 7 October                                 Available now                                                    only two ways out:                               book, James has chosen
                   After a bad encounter                            Jan Vidor seems like the                         graduation or death. El                          a succession of English
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                   Anna is laid off. With only                      summer holiday in a                              prepared for the school’s                        sequence from Chaucer
                   her anger and internet                           Tuscan villa: unobtrusive       many dangers: she possesses a dark               to the present day. In offering these
                   research acumen, she                             but not antisocial. But an      power strong enough to level mountains.          poems to you, the main purpose of this
                   discovers her suffering at                       offhand remark about a          Except, she might accidentally kill all the      book is to provide ammunition that will
                   the hands of a hero is far                       violent death at Villa          other students, which she wants to avoid.        satisfy your urge to discover, learn and
                   from unique. And with                            Chiara piques Jan’s             This wry, witty, endlessly inventive novel       declaim verse.
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