More or Less? Growth and Development Debates in Asia - Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung

Page created by Phillip Sanders
Issue 2
                                         January 2014

More or Less?
Growth and Development Debates in Asia
This edition of Perspectives Asia is published jointly by the offices of the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung in Asia


                                                        Kabul                               Beijing

                                                                NeW Delhi

                                                                                                                                   2     Introduction
                                                                                  Phnom Penh
                                                                                                                                  		 Development Debates in Asia
                                                                                                                                   4 Current Growth Debates in Asia – How They Miss the Point
                                                                                                                                     Chandran Nair
                                                                                                                                  12 The ASEAN Economic Community Project –
                                                                                                                                  		 Accumulating Capital, Dispossessing the Commons
                                                                                                                                     Bonn Juego

                                                                                                                                  		     East Asia
                                                                                                                                  20     China: 35 Years of Reform and Opening Up –
                                                                                                                                  		     Achievements, Costs, and Critiques of China’s Unprecedented Economic Growth
                                                                                                                                         Michael Büsgen
                                                                                                                                  24     Debating Global Sustainable Development from a Chinese Perspective
                                                                                                                                         Qin Hui
                    Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung                                                                                        27     The Global Green Growth Institute and Korea’s «Green Growth» Strategy
                                                                                                                                         Kim Hyunji

                    The Heinrich Böll Foundation is a publicly funded institute that is closely affiliated                        		     South Asia
                    with the German party Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen. From our headquarters in Berlin and                            36    Toward an «Islamic Welfare State» – Alternatives to the Western Economic Model
                    29 overseas offices, we promote green ideas and projects in Germany, as well as                                     Britta Petersen
                    in more than 60 countries worldwide. Our work in Asia concentrates on promoting civil                         40    The Big Indian Development Debate – Growth and / vs. Inclusion
                    society, democratic structures, social participation for all women and men, and global                              Axel Harneit-Sievers
                    justice. Together with our partners, we work toward conflict prevention, peaceful                             45    The Indian Growth Story – Achievements and Future Challenges
                    dispute resolution, and search for solutions in the fight against environmental degrada-                            Interview with Ashish Kothari
                    tion and the depletion of global resources. To achieve these goals, we rely on dissemi-
                                                                                                                                  		 Southeast Asia
                    nating knowledge, creating a deeper understanding between actors in Europe and Asia,
                                                                                                                                  54 Myanmar: Development at a Crossroads – Challenges and Debates
                    and on a global dialogue as a prerequisite for constructive negotiations.                                        Zeya Thu
                                                                                                                                  59 A Development Model for Myanmar
                                                                                                                                     Interview with Kyaw Thu
                                                                                                                                  66 Donor Accountability and Local Governance –
                                                                                                                                  		 Development Assistance to the Cambodian Land Sector
                                                                                                                                  		 Mark Grimsditch
                                                                                                                                  73 Challenges for Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Development – A View from Laos
                                                                                                                                  		 Speech by Sombath Somphone given at Asia-Europe People’s Forum 2012 (excerpt)

     Cover photo    Workers repairing steam-powered machinery installed more than a century ago at Pangka sugar factory
		                  in the central Java city of Tegal. © Tomasz Tomaszewski
 Back cover photo   Two men are walking on a muddy road just outside Taman Negara national Park. The road offers loggers
		                  access to the giant trees of this virgin forest near Kuala Loh in the state of Kelatan, Malaysia.
		                  © James Whitlow Delano
2   Introduction                                                                                                                                                                                                              Introduction   3


                   Since the beginning of this millennium, Asia       Asian Development Bank also questions             traditional growth model and point out            at the top of their wish lists, but rather better
                   has become the growth engine of the world.         whether the current development model             its shortcomings. Their assessment is that        access to education, a more tolerant and secure
                   Today, Asian economies already generate            can work, given the statistics on poverty,        it produces far too many losers, with one         society, and equality of the sexes.
                   about 40 percent of global GDP, and the            and is calling for a change in course toward      example being how that growth model often             Development policies in Asia will have
                   upward trend continues, despite a slow-            integrated growth that is no longer meas-         leaves the cultural rights of indigenous pop-     enormous relevance for the rest of the world.
                   down of growth in China and India. It is not       ured solely by GDP and average income.            ulations by the wayside.                          This magazine is an invitation to readers to
                   only economic power that is on the rise; the           This magazine provides a forum for                 In addition to the articles on develop-      familiarize themselves with the issues under
                   average per capita income in Asia has tri-         the voices of authors from various Asian          ment prospects for Asia, we have also gath-       discussion and gain insight into the debates
                   pled since 1990, and the number of people          countries to express their thoughts on pos-       ered together here voices of people from          being conducted in the region.
                   living in poverty has declined by half in the      sible development models for the region           China, India, Pakistan, and Myanmar, who
                   same time period.                                  that could achieve prosperity for all, with-      describe their visions of a good life. For most   Katrin Altmeyer
                        Nonetheless, two-thirds of the world’s        out doing long-term damage to nature or           of those surveyed, material goods were not        Head of Asia Department
                   poor live in Asia, and more people suffer          threatening the subsistence of entire popu-
                   from hunger there than anywhere else in            lations.
                   the world. The most recent estimates by                In his article, Chandran Nair from Hong
                   the Asian Development Bank (ADB) indi-             Kong cautions that Asia should not adopt
                   cate that some 660 million Asians live on          Western standards of consumption. He
                   less than $1.25 per day. If we include people      advocates for Asians to seek their own path
                   whose subsistence is under constant threat,        of development that would above all regu-
                   then every other person in the region lives        late the exploitation of resources. Chinese
                   on the brink of poverty.                           sociologist Qin Hui sees the solution to the
                        Extensive investment in infrastructure,       worldwide environmental crisis in rigor-
                   education, and social welfare systems is           ous globalization, in which states not only
                   still necessary almost everywhere in Asia in       integrate their markets into a globally net-
                   order to improve the situation for individu-       worked economy, but also set democratic
                   als, or to allow people to create and share        standards that would serve to globalize both
                   in the prosperity exemplified by Western           environmental protection and social justice.
                   societies. How can that money be gener-            Philippine social scientist Bonn Juego con-
                   ated and what effect will that have on global      tributes a critical analysis of the growth-ori-
                   development? Will our planet’s capacity be         ented economic vision of the Association of
                   sufficient to allow the current four billion       Southeast Asian Nations, which, in his view,
                   people in Asia – or the nine billion people        leads to an even greater marginalization of
                   expected to populate the Earth by 2050 – to        poor populations in the region.
                   enjoy a life of dignity and without poverty?           From Pakistan comes the idea of an
                        «Many factors indicate that we have           Islamic welfare state, and the article from
                   reached a turning point in the development         India illustrates how contentious the issue
                   of the Western growth model. Continuing            of growth and development models on the
                   on the path we have followed to date has           subcontinent can be.
                   no future.» This was the determination of              Authors writing from the poorest coun-
                   the German government’s Commission of              tries in the region – Laos, Myanmar, and
                   Inquiry in its final report, issued in 2013. The   Cambodia – are particularly critical of the
4      Development Debates in Asia      Current Growth Debates in Asia                                                                                                                                        Current Growth Debates in Asia       Development Debates in Asia   5

          Current Growth Debates in Asia
          How They Miss the Point
           Chandran Nair

                                        In this article, Chandran Nair argues
                                        that Asia cannot and should not
                                        attempt to replicate the Western                   measured by GDP, is good, and that there-        elections being held. The payoff would be          at doing others, such as properly reflecting
                                        consumption-led economic model, which              fore high GDP growth is what countries           not only increased prosperity but also             the true price of the vast majority of goods
                                                                                           should aim for.                                  improved transparency and accountabil-             and services we consume. To take just one
                                        thrives on undervaluing resources.
                                                                                                So the so-called debate is really a disa-   ity, better governance, less corruption, and       example, markets will never – on their own
                                        He calls for Asian governments to reject
                                                                                           greement over a very narrow issue – will         greater individual freedom. They were told,        accord – factor into the price of timber the
                                        this model and adopt policies                      Asian countries continue to grow as quickly      in sum, that not only could free markets           cost of the damage done to the environ-
                                        that reshape capitalism and challenge              as everyone has come to expect? This is          help make everyone richer, they could also         ment from collecting it, or the further dam-
                                        the Western liberal narrative of growth            seen as all the more important now that          help them be better.                               age that is done to the atmosphere if it is
                                        and development.                                   shaky Western economies have increasingly             Much as the shape of the American             burned. The plain truth is that companies
                                                                                           pinned their hopes on the emergence of bil-      financial system was determined by its             have every incentive not to pay for the dam-
                                                                                           lions of new consumers to bolster demand         banks and other institutions – which spent         age they do, because doing so would drasti-
                                        Most of the debates about Asia revolve             for their goods. Throughout all this, the real   hundreds of millions of dollars on lobby-          cally increase their production costs – and
                                        around its critical and turbo-charged con-         questions people should be asking are never      ing to free themselves of regulatory con-          yield no benefits for them. In many cases,
                                        tribution to the global economy over the           mentioned. Why is high growth the target in      straints – so too across Asia did Western and      this behavior is justified with the argument
                                        last two decades. Many of the discussions          the first place, and what is the true price of   Asian businesses alike lobby to be allowed         that the company’s savings are passed on to
                                        are also tinged with disbelief at the fast rates   consumption-led growth? Or should 5 to           to act as freely as possible. In many cases,       us, their customers.
                                        of growth, which can only be dreamt about          6 billion Asians in 2050 aspire to live like     they did not have to do much persuading.                Of course, the truth is that we still pay
                                        in the developed world.                            people in the West – and is it even possible?    Most Asian governments were desperate for          the full price of the timber we consume –
                                             China is often the center of attention                                                         the approval of the Western world and the          it is just that we do so in the form of rap-
                                        in these discussions, which then swiftly                                                            chance to finally take their seat at the table –   idly shrinking forests, polluted air, and the
                                        descend into sweeping statements about             How did we get here?                             a fact supposedly exploited by international       desertification of large parts of the Earth –
                                        the shift of economic power from the West                                                           institutions (which always happened to be          even as the artificially low cash value of
                                        to the East and even hubristic ideas about         The notion that growth is good is presented      Western-run), such as the World Bank and           timber encourages us to consume far more
                                        an «Asian century» – whatever that means.          as a god-given fact, but it is really a conse-   the World Trade Organization, with «advi-
                                        A lot of this passes as conventional wisdom        quence of a particular ideology, often called    sory» missions to Asian governments and
                                        and therefore sits comfortably with Asian          «free-market capitalism.» This is an ideology    report cards that praised economies that
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Asian governments remain persuaded enough of
                                        politicians and business leaders.                  that stresses individual rights but ignores      had liberalized while criticizing backsliders.       the benefits of the free market to continue to allow
                                             What is often missing in these debates        collective welfare, focuses on short-term             Superficially, the results were promising.      traditional practices to be pushed aside.
                                        is a bit more intellectual honesty to lay bare     gains rather than long-term damages, and         Export-oriented Asian economies boomed,
                                        the ugly underbelly of the consequences            creates an illusion of progress by hiding        and with growing levels of affluence came
                                        of unfettered growth at all costs. This is the     the true costs of consumption. It is also the    hundreds of millions of Asians able to afford a    than we should. And what is true of timber
                                        false promise that conveniently ignores the        ideology that was pushed on Asian govern-        new life of abundance. But the lie at the heart    is true of oil, food, fisheries, electricity, and
    Chandran Nair s the founder and     high price being paid through subservience         ments throughout the latter half of the 20th     of free-market capitalism is that the benefits     practically everything else we consume. The
    CEO of the Global Institute
    For Tomorrow (GIFT), a think
                                        to consumption-led economic growth poli-           century.                                         that flow to corporations and, to a lesser         market is even worse at valuing some of our
    tank dedicated to advancing         cies, which are in turn reliant on the under-          For the better part of 50 years, Asian       extent, the general population are a direct        most precious resources, such as clean air
    an understanding of the impacts     valuing of resources and the externalization       states were told that the path to develop-       result of continuing to evade the true envi-       and water, because they are largely free.
    of globalization. He is the
    author of Consumptionomics:         of true costs.                                     ment follows the establishment of market         ronmental and social costs of consumption.         The result is that the average American con-
    Asia’s Role in Reshaping                 The problem is that those on both sides       economies, opening up to trade with – and             As much as markets are extremely effec-       sumes more than three times the amount of
    Capitalism and Saving the Planet,   of the debate – both the bulls and the bears –     investment from – the rest of the world,         tive at doing some things, such as lifting         water than the average Chinese, and more
    which calls for a new approach
    to growth and development           share the same key assumption. They all            with the rule of law protecting property         hundreds of millions of people in China            than one hundred times more than the
    in the emerging Asian economies.    take it as a given that economic growth, as        and contracts, and, ideally, with democratic     out of poverty, they are also extremely bad        average Angolan.
6   Development Debates in Asia   Current Growth Debates in Asia                                                                                                                                         Current Growth Debates in Asia     Development Debates in Asia   7

                                  As a result of its embrace of Western eco-          lion. It will likely be 6 billion by 2050. The   Fertilizer use has increased by a factor of         megacities – whose lives will be devastated by
                                  nomic models, this overconsumption has              consequences of a full-scale emulation of        five worldwide since 1960. It has increased         a lack of water and desertification, extreme
                                  spread to Asia as well. In India, still home to a   20th century Western habits of consump-          by a factor of 55 in China, where 1.3 mil-          weather, rising sea levels, and the other
                                  significant number of undernourished peo-           tion by this number of people would be cat-      lion tons of pesticides are also used every         impacts of climate change and environmen-
                                  ple, well over half of the women between the        astrophic. Which means that, ironically, the     year. In India, levels of fertilizer application    tal degradation. For them, the era of Ameri-
                                  ages of 20 and 69 years old are overweight. In      pundits are correct to say that whatever hap-    have risen from less than 1 kg per hectare in       can-style consumption will never arrive.
                                  China, the number of people considered to           pens in Asia will determine what happens in      1951 to 133 kg in 2011.8 As a result, the Food
                                  be clinically obese is approaching 90 million       the rest of the world in the 21st century.       and Agriculture Organization of the United
                                  people, with forecasts suggesting the num-              To take just one example, there are cur-     Nations estimates that a staggering 25 per-         Why technology is not
                                  ber will rise to 200 million by 2015. Within        rently a billion cars on the road.2 More than    cent of the world’s total landmass is highly        the answer
                                  two decades, two out of three people in the         60 percent of oil produced in the world          degraded9 – including 50 percent of India’s
                                  country will be overweight or obese, the            already goes toward transportation.3 Were        land10 and 37 percent of China’s.11                 At this juncture it is worth briefly men-
                                  same proportion as in the United States now.1       China and India to reach Western levels of            The social costs of overconsumption            tioning technology, which has become the
                                      Asian governments remain persuaded              car ownership, as they are currently being       are equally great. The forced urbanization          modern deus ex machina whenever we
                                  enough of the benefits of the free market           actively encouraged to do, they would have       of hundreds of millions of Asians is driven         are confronted with problems that require
                                  to continue to allow traditional practices,         two billion cars between them.4 Just keep-       in large part by the false belief that more         difficult solutions. Technology will almost
                                  often frugal ones, to be pushed aside. In           ing that number of cars on the road would        city-dwellers will mean more middle-class           certainly be a key part of creating a sustain-
                                  India, more and more people are replac-             require 120 million barrels of oil a day, four   consumers. As a result, 60 million people           able future, but it will not be the only part.
                                  ing vegetarian diets with meat ones, much           times OPEC’s current output,5 to say noth-       will be added to slums this decade on top           Technology will certainly not produce the
                                  to the satisfaction of the food industry.           ing of the disastrous effects that a total of    of the 825 million already living in such           results we want if we continue to invest
                                  Average meat consumption per person                 three billion cars would have on the envi-       places. And, despite being home to just over        hundreds of times more money into ever-
                                  is currently six grams a day; the Ministry          ronment and infrastructure.                      half the world’s population, cities account         more destructive methods of consumption,
                                  of Food Processing Industries sees that                 To return to the earlier example of meat     for more than 70 percent of its waste12 and         such as fracking, than we do into sustain-
                                  rising to 50 grams within a decade or so.           consumption, equally important is the            greenhouse gases.13                                 able technologies such as renewable energy,
                                  «When such a phenomenal increase in                 choice Asia decides to make regarding its             The flip side is that the billions of Asians   carbon capture, and energy-efficient indus-
                                  meat consumption occurs,» says a minis-             approach to agriculture. The same agricul-       who continue to reside in rural areas are           try. It is also worth remembering that the
                                  try spokesperson, «the sector will witness a        tural chemicals that prevented mass star-        largely neglected. In China, for example,
                                  tremendous growth.»                                 vation in the developing world during the        less than 10 percent of government spend-
                                                                                      so-called Green Revolution are now being         ing in the 1980s and 1990s was allocated to           Whatever happens in Asia will determine what
                                                                                      overused to the point where they are actu-       the rural economy, despite the fact that the          happens in the rest of the world in the 21st century.
                                  Why any of this matters –                           ally damaging the fertility of huge swathes      rural economy supported 75 percent of its
                                  Asia and the world                                  of agriculture land.                             people.14 In India, 400 million rural citizens
                                                                                          The broad-based dependence of today’s        have no electricity in their homes.15               technological revolutions of the past have
                                  It is precisely this «tremendous growth» that       agriculture on chemicals often comes as a            Adhering to current policies of consump-        been based on the discovery or exploitation
                                  we should be worried about. What free-              shock to the uninitiated. The agrochemical       tion-fueled growth has brought middle-class         of new resources, such as the revolution in
                                  market advocates simply refuse to either            industry is worth an estimated $125 billion      affluence to many people across Asia – prob-        production brought about by the advent of
                                  accept or acknowledge is that the economic          a year worldwide – an amount that may            ably hundreds of millions, and perhaps even         coal-powered industry, or the revolution in
                                  model they revere more or less works only           double within the next five years.6 (By com-     more. But their ranks will be far outnum-           agriculture that came from the invention of
                                  when a relatively small proportion of the           parison, India and China spend just $60 bil-     bered by the many more across the region –          chemical fertilizers. It remains to be seen
                                  world population is using it. Asia’s popula-        lion educating a combined 36 percent of the      especially those living in rural areas or recent    what technology will be able to do if our
                                  tion, by contrast, is currently well over 4 bil-    world’s population.7)                            migrants to Asia’s ever-growing number of           resources run out.
8   Development Debates in Asia   Current Growth Debates in Asia                                                                                                                                                      Current Growth Debates in Asia               Development Debates in Asia   9

                                  What, then, is to be done?                      tural waste in many rural areas and enable        The fact that such solutions exist is cause
                                                                                  farmers to produce value-added foodstuffs         for optimism. However, as with any addic-
                                  The problems confronting us today are           that consumers pay a premium for. Rural           tion, the first step is acknowledging the
                                  many. The efforts to find a solution must       areas would no longer be considered back-         problem. When it comes to our addiction
                                  likewise be many. On the policy front,          waters for poor and uneducated people but         to consumption, the treatment is no differ-
                                  one obvious solution would be for mar-          would be seen as places with a future and         ent. Government and business leaders must
                                  kets to be more properly regulated. This        central to the national economy.                  have the courage to wake up and face the
                                  is nothing new, but the vast majority of             But it will not be enough for govern-        reality of the situation before any real pro-
                                  regulation has been either ineffectual or       ments to simply impose top-down policies          gress can be made.
                                  misguided. In many countries, regulation        and hope that corporations and individu-
                                  with respect to automobiles places a floor      als abide by them. What is required is also a
                                  on a vehicle’s fuel efficiency, but no major    more fundamental reframing of the public
                                  country places a limit on the number of         debate so that the current generation will be
                                  cars allowed on the road. Similarly, the        able to recognize and confront the key chal-
                                  majority of chemical manufacturers follow       lenges of the 21st century. This will involve
                                  strict guidelines regarding their produc-       scientists in Asia ensuring that their research   1
                                                                                                                                        Chinese obesity statistics from                                http: / / /
                                  tion processes to ensure the safety of their    is disseminated to the public through                 http: / /; Indian ones from                 2011-03-22 / news / 29174681_1_soil-health-
                                  products, but no nation limits the total        research institutes and the institutions of           Imprimis Knowledge Series III, Fact Sheet: Obesity             chemical-fertilisers-soil-test-based.
                                  amount of harmful chemicals it allows to        higher learning. They will need to cooperate          in India, page 3; available at:                           9
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Nicole Winfield, U.N. Food and Agriculture
                                                                                                                                        http: / / .                                 Organization Warns 25 Percent of Land Highly
                                  be produced and dispersed into the envi-        with political institutions and the media so      2
                                                                                                                                        Daniel Sperling and Deborah Gordon, Two Billion                Degraded, Huffington Post, November 28, 2011;
                                  ronment. This kind of regulation is rather      that the public become aware of their results         Cars Transforming a Culture, TR News No. 259,                  available at: http:/ / /
                                  like missing the forest through the trees.      and that these are reflected in policy.               November–December 2008; available at:                          2011 / 11 / 28 / un-food-agriculture-organization_
                                                                                                                                        http / / / onlinepubs / trnews /           n_1116039.html.
                                                                                       Business schools will also need a new            trnews259billioncars.pdf.                                 10
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Government of India, Ministry of Environment and
                                                                                  curriculum that properly equips students          3
                                                                                                                                        Paul Tullis, «Peak Oil» Is Back, but This Time It’s a          Forest, State of Environment Report, 2009; available
                       Young people must be given the intellectual                with an understanding of economic his-                Peak in Demand, Bloomberg Businessweek, May 1,                 at: http:/ / / mef / State%20of%20
                                                                                                                                        2013; available at: http: / / /           Environment%20Report_2009.pdf.
                tools to come up with solutions and then given the                tory and policy rather than inculcating into          articles / 2013-05-01 / peak-oil-is-back-but-this-time-   11
                                                                                                                                                                                                       UN News Center, Land Degradation among
                                        power to implement them.                  them long-discredited ideas about efficient           its-a-peak-in-demand.                                          China’s Food Supply Challenges, Says UN Expert;
                                                                                                                                        http: / / / indicator /                     available at: http: / / / apps / news / story.
                                                                                  markets. Young people must be given the
                                                                                                                                        IS.VEH.NVEH.P3.                                                asp?NewsID=37151&Cr=food+security&Cr1=#.
                                                                                  intellectual tools to come up with solu-          5
                                                                                                                                        Daniel Tencer, Number of Cars Worldwide Surpasses              UIC5V1HvoS4.
                                  Governments must take an honest look at         tions and then given the power to imple-              1 Billion; Can the World Handle This Many Wheels?,        12
                                                                                                                                                                                                       New Tool Helps Cities Assess Progress toward
                                                                                                                                        Huffington Post, August 23, 2011; available at:                Zero Waste, Green Biz, May 1, 2013; available at:
                                  the sustainability of current levels of pro-    ment them. A less hierarchical corporate              http: / / / 2011 / 08 / 23 /             http: / / / blog / 2013 / 05 / 01 / new-
                                  duction and place appropriate constraints       structure would be a good start. For all that         car-population_n_934291.html and Nayla Razzouk,                tool-helps-cities-assess-progress-toward-zero-waste.
                                  on society where necessary.                     the West purports to stand for democracy,             Maher Chmaytelli & Grant Smith, OPEC Keeps                13
                                                                                                                                                                                                       A Global Opportunity for Cities to Lead,
                                                                                                                                        Output Target Unchanged, Content With $100 Oil,                Climate Leadership Group; available at:
                                      The misguided forced-urbanization           it also tolerates an unabashedly dictato-             May 31, 2013; available at:                                    http: / / / whycities.
                                  policies of governments must likewise be        rial corporate system where junior staff              http:/ / / news / 2013-05-31 /          14
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Dennis T. Yang, Urban-Biased Policies and Rising
                                  reversed. They should be replaced instead       have absolutely no say in setting company             opec-keeps-output-target-unchanged-content-with-               Income Inequality in China, The American Economic
                                                                                                                                        100-oil.html.                                                  Review 89 (2): 306–310. May 1999, retrieved
                                  with an effort to create rural areas that are   policy. This is not a model that can accom-       6
                                                                                                                                        http: / / / news / home /                 September 16, 2011.
                                  linked to cities by outstanding infrastruc-     modate the kind of drastic changes in cor-            20120419005832 / en / Research-Markets-Analyzing-         15
                                                                                                                                                                                                       http: / / / WBSITE / EXTERNAL /
                                  ture. Investment in transport, irrigation,      porate structure and culture that must be             Global-Agricultural-Chemicals-Industry.                        TOPICS / EXTENERGY2 / 0,,contentMDK:22855502~
                                                                                                                                        http: / / / 2012lh / content_2093446.htm.           pagePK: 210058~piPK:210062~theSitePK:
                                  communication, and storage would elimi-         implemented if continued environmental            8
                                                                                                                                        Fertiliser Use on the Rise in India, Soil Health               4114200,00.html.
                                  nate the appallingly high levels of agricul-    destruction is to be avoided.                         Deteriorating, March 22, 2011; available at:
hong kong       From 9 o’clock in the morning until 7 o’clock in the evening, Mr. and Mrs. Lau, both in their early 40s, collect   Despite the smell and the dirt, every day the couple makes an effort to find time to
                batteries, electric motors, wire, and other waste materials to recycle and resell. At their tiny warehouse         eat and watch television together in what after 20 years has become their
                space in Mongkok, one of Hong Kong’s most crowded districts, Mr. Lau repairs whatever equipment he can,            sanctuary. «Sometimes life is hard, but I’m the big boss of our ‹cozy› cave, and here
   © Leo Kwok   then sells it along with the other materials the couple has gathered to nearby hardware stores and garages.        we can live our lives in our own way,» says Mr. Lau.
12      Development Debates in Asia The ASEAN Economic Community Project                                                                                                                         The ASEAN Economic Community Project Development Debates in Asia   13

           The ASEAN Economic Community Project
           Accumulating Capital, Dispossessing the Commons
            Bonn Juego

                                        Since the end of the 1990s, ASEAN has
                                        been working toward a vision of a
                                        political, economic, and social alliance.         foundation of all the regional integration       The year 2015 is only symbolic, at best, of        of the process of neoliberalization in South-
                                        But how realistic is achieving that               declarations and plans of action. It serves      a much deeper ideology being used by par-          east Asia. True to its neoliberal character,
                                                                                          as a legally binding agreement among the         ticular sections of the elite class and social     the AEC fundamentally embodies capitalist
                                        ambitious goal, given the tremendous
                                                                                          10 member states of Brunei, Cambodia,            forces to advance their specific worldviews        social relations and values that put priority
                                        heterogeneity of the region? ASEAN
                                                                                          Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Phil-        for the preservation and promotion of their        on the private over the public, on profits
                                        unites countries at vastly differing levels       ippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam.       material interests. To complement existing         over peoples, and on markets over the com-
                                        of development. Author Bonn Juego                 At the heart of the envisioned ASEAN Com-        debates, it is thus a worthwhile analytical        mons in the organization and governance
                                        takes a closer look at the ASEAN Vision           munity is the expressed commitment to the        endeavor to examine the ideas and inter-           of the economy, the polity, the society, the
                                        2020 platform, as well as the ongoing             creation of a highly competitive and glob-       ests behind the AEC. In doing so, the task is      ecology, and the whole of humanity. This is
                                        debate about it in the individual member          ally integrated ASEAN Economic Commu-            to address the problematique: What does            evident in the crafting of the «inter-related
                                        states. He examines the potential                 nity (AEC) by 2015 – whose blueprint was         the AEC project mean for socio-economic            and mutually reinforcing» characteristics
                                        of this ASEAN program, which is aimed             adopted in 2007 – through the establish-         development and democratization, par-              of the AEC vision for an economic regional
                                                                                          ment of norms, rules, and institutions of        ticularly for the general well-being of the        bloc: a single market and production base,
                                        at equal participation in society and
                                                                                          free-market capitalism for goods, services,      peoples and environments from society to           highly competitive, equitable, and fully
                                        the equitable distribution of economic
                                                                                          investments, money, and labor.4                  society in the region of Southeast Asia?           integrated into the global economy.8
                                        resources, and concludes with                          Two years before 2015, academic debates          In this paper, I attempt to unpack the             The centerpiece of the AEC is the pro-
                                        some thoughts on how those rights                 and policy analyses have mostly centered on      AEC Blueprint to reveal the project’s neo-         ject to build a competitive single market
                                        could be ensured.                                 the questions of how, why, and why not AEC       liberal capitalist strategy of «accumulation       whose core elements are the free(r) flow
                                                                                          targets will be realized. On the one hand, the   by dispossession,» whereby the drive for           of goods, services, investments, capital,
                                                                                          ASEAN Secretariat continues to coordinate        the acquisition of more wealth and power           and labor. Immediately after the adoption
                                        On December 15, 1997, the heads of states         implementation mechanisms and remains            by the economically wealthy and politically        of the AEC Blueprint and the Charter, a
                                        and governments comprising the Associa-           relatively upbeat, or at least hopeful, about    powerful necessitates the deprivation of the       series of trade and investment agreements
                                        tion of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)           the integration goals, noting recently that      peoples’ collective rights and access to the       by ASEAN have been signed and adopted
                                        agreed on the region’s vision for the year 2020   ASEAN has already implemented «79.7 per-         economic, political, social, and ecological        within Southeast Asia itself and with Aus-
                                        to realize fully a «Zone of Peace, Freedom        cent of measures under the AEC Blueprint         commons.7 I therefore offer a critical reading     tralia, New Zealand, South Korea, India,
                                        and Neutrality,» a «Partnership in Dynamic        as of 15 August 2013.»5 On the other hand,       of the AEC project in the analysis, specifically   Japan, and China. These are institutional-
                                        Development,» and a «Community of Car-            several analysts have assessed serious con-      its agenda for the establishment of a compet-      ized commitments to the management of
                                        ing Societies.»1 This «ASEAN Vision 2020»         straints on deepening the AEC process due        itive single market, and conclude with some        the neoliberal order through the further-
                                        thus provided the general framework for the       to a combination of complex and interde-         important pointers on forging an alterna-          ance of free trade, competitiveness, and
                                        subsequent Bali Concord II in 2003, which         pendent factors, such as the absence of pub-     tive regionalism process for Southeast Asia’s      an open market economy. ASEAN’s unwa-
                                        defined the three pillars that the «ASEAN         lic legitimacy, the institutional deficiency     development and democratization.                   vering embrace of neoliberal capitalism is
                                        Community» is built upon: a political-secu-       of the Secretariat, the non-committal and                                                           telling of its envisioned development par-
     Dr. Bonn Juego, a Filipino         rity community, an economic community,            non-compliant behavior of member states,                                                            adigm for the present and future shape of
     scientist, wrote his PhD disser-
     tation on the political economy
                                        and a socio-cultural community.2 With an          the ostensible skepticism toward regional        The AEC competitive single                         the region’s economies. In fact, it is in the
     of capitalist development in       air of confidence during the 12th summit          integration arising from the prolonged cri-                                                         contexts of the region’s obvious vulnerabil-
     contemporary Southeast Asia.       in 2007, the state leaders signed the Cebu        sis of the European Union, and the realpoli-     market: Accumulation by                            ity to ecological, climate-related disasters
     Currently, he is a postdoctoral
     researcher at the Department of    Declaration to accelerate the integration         tik of entrenched vested interests in varying    dispossession                                      and neoliberalism’s three successive major
     Asian and International Studies,   process – thus hastening the group’s desired      domestic political economies.6                                                                      economic crises in the last decade – the
     City University of Hong Kong,      realization of the ASEAN Community by                  Yet, understanding the AEC project          The AEC project is an institutional blueprint      1997 Asia crisis, the 2001 dot-com bubble
     and a guest researcher at Global
     Development Studies, Aalborg       2015.3 The ASEAN Charter entered into force       appears to be more important now than            based on the ideology of neoliberalism,            collapse, and the 2008 Atlantic crisis – that
     University, Denmark.               on December 15, 2008, as the institutional        making prognoses about the 2015 target.          which is designed to guide the continuation        a daring project for a competitive ASEAN
14   Development Debates in Asia The ASEAN Economic Community Project                                                                                                                    The ASEAN Economic Community Project Development Debates in Asia   15

                               single market by 2015, patterned after the         Although the ASEAN Community vision                imply the limiting of development policy         telecommunications, maritime transport,
                               rules-based European Union, has been               respects and keeps diversity in the politi-        options, especially of developing countries –    construction, waste management, tourism,
                               launched and is being pursued.                     cal-security and socio-cultural pillars, its       the AEC rules on the free flow of goods have     education, healthcare, and water supply.
                                   By authoring their accession to the AEC,       agenda for the economic sphere is one of           adverse implications for the prospects of        With liberalization as its central thrust, the
                               states have effectively locked themselves          unity. This means that the master plan for         economic development and sustainable             AEC provides greater «market access» to
                               in the disciplines of neoliberalism and its        the modernization of Southeast Asia’s accu-        development in the countries of the region.      domestic economies – that is, in the context
                               attendant principles and policies of pri-          mulation structure – through the formation             Firstly, the thorough elimination of         of Southeast Asia’s developing countries,
                               vatization, liberalization, commodification,       of competing states and competitive econo-         tariffs and non-tariff trade barriers effec-     foreign (ASEAN) companies doing business
                               and other market-oriented governance               mies within the single market – entails the        tively denies Southeast Asia’s developing        of providing services in domestic econo-
                               reforms. Through a top-down approach,              fact that capitalism can be accommodated           economies the important economic tools           mies – and, in effect, prohibits governments
                               state leaders have committed their respec-         to or embedded in: (a) different political         to create infant industries and strengthen       from regulating the behavior and business
                               tive governments, economies, communi-              regimes (from authoritarianism in Singa-           their domestic productive structures while       conduct of multinational and transnational
                               ties, peoples, and resources to economic           pore and elite democracy in the Philip-            providing for social welfare. The history of     corporations.
                               activities that are led by and centered on         pines to monarchy in Brunei and military           economic development – from England                   There are legitimate grounds to ques-
                               the interests of the private sector – inter-       rule in Myanmar); (b) disparate economic           and Continental Europe to the United             tion the rationale of the AEC’s scheme to
                               ests that are not necessarily reflective of,       structures and levels of development (from         States and East Asia – shows the crucial role    liberalize trade in services from the per-
                               or leading to, the welfare of the commons.         Malaysia’s exported-oriented industrializa-        played by the strategic use of tariffs in the    spective of development and democratiza-
                               Underpinning this process of forming a             tion and Thailand’s newly industrializing          industrial policies of these now-developed       tion. A couple of interrelated issues reveal
                               region-wide economic bloc is the strategy          economy to Vietnamese-style central plan-          countries during the catching-up phase of        the scheme’s contradictions. Firstly, in rela-
                               of «convergence club,» which focuses on            ning and Laotian pastoralism); and (c) vary-       their economic progress (e.g., increasing        tion to the argument above on the impor-
                               policy reforms and institutional restructur-       ing cultural orientations (from Indonesian         export duties on raw materials and increas-      tance of building domestic manufacturing
                               ing at the level of national states in line with   Islam to Cambodian Buddhism). This also            ing import duties on foreign manufactured        industries for development, under the AEC
                               the logic of – and in preparation for – global     means that proponents of neoliberaliza-            goods as carrot-and-stick economic poli-         agreement on trade in services, the devel-
                                                                                  tion have strategies to align the neoliberal-      cies to encourage the development of local       oping countries in the region are being
                                                                                  ism ideology with the interests of local elites.   technological capabilities and domestic          deprived of the strategy of infant industry
                                                                                  Likewise, these established local elites have      manufacturing industries).12                     protection that successful developers from
                The centerpiece of the AEC is the project to build
                                                                                  ways to capture or utilize said ideology in            Secondly, the mad rush for growth            Europe to America to East Asia have utilized
                         a competitive single market whose core                   pursuit of their interests in the expansion of     through the overproduction of goods for          in the past. Budding local service indus-
                  elements are the free(r) flow of goods, services,               their personal stakes as the AEC amplifies         profits and trade perpetuates the culture        tries are expected not to withstand fierce
                                   investments, capital, and labor.               the circuit of capital accumulation within         of consumerism, which has negative envi-         competition from well-established firms
                                                                                  and outside the national state while main-         ronmental consequences. Moreover, the            from technologically advanced developed
                                                                                  taining its class power and social status. In      outward orientation of production of goods       countries. It would be ideal for the long-
                               competitiveness.9 The domestic economies           the neoliberal policies of privatization and       for exports does not encourage the devel-        term and vibrant economic development
                               of these states will have to simultaneously        liberalization, for instance, established          opmental goal of self-sufficiency, such as       of Southeast Asian countries if the demand
                               cooperate and compete with each other so           domestic elites with access to, or control of,     the importance of food security. This is, for    for private services were to come from the
                               as to secure the conditions for free trade, cir-   government resources might have the first-         instance, tantamount to making the large         needs of the manufacturing and agricul-
                               culation of money, and production systems          mover advantages in business or the needed         agricultural sectors of the region’s devel-      tural industries, and that the wealth created
                               conducive to the survival and expansion of         political connections to secure contracts in       oping countries grow crops for export that       from these sectors form the tax base for the
                               the region’s capitalist market.                    the transfer of state assets to private compa-     their peoples cannot afford to use or eat.       government’s resources for the responsible
                                   At a regional level, a key challenge for       nies and to get illicit support mechanisms –                                                        public provisions of social services.
                               the convergence club model is to resolve an        through activities such as rent-seeking and                                                              Secondly, the agreement does not make
                               emergent two-tier bloc between the relatively      corruption – in opening up a particular eco-       Free flow of services                            a clear distinction between private and pub-
                               more globally integrated ASEAN-6 (Brunei,          nomic sector.11 It is because of this adapt-                                                        lic services, and as such between economic
                               Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore,       ability of capitalism to a variegated set of       The AEC desires to completely liberalize         and social policies. It therefore enlarges the
                               and Thailand) and the latecomers (Cambo-           social regimes and the consistently elitist        trade in services where «there will be sub-      scope of market access beyond the purely
                               dia, Laos, Myanmar, and Vietnam). ASEAN            and elite-led nature of neoliberalism that the     stantially no restriction to ASEAN services      economic to encroach on the fundamen-
                               recognizes this «development divide,» and          ideas and interests of the AEC neoliberaliza-      suppliers in providing services and in estab-    tal principle of a social compact between a
                               hence the AEC is considered both the means –       tion project have to be critically examined.       lishing companies across national borders        government and its citizen-taxpayers in the
                               through its Initiative for ASEAN Integration –                                                        within the region, subject to domestic regu-     provision of public services. This particular
                               and the ends for accelerating and realizing                                                           lations.»13 This is obviously in line with the   privatization of social services means the
                               the regional integration process.10 However,       Free flow of goods                                 contentious agenda of the General Agree-         private appropriation of the assets of oth-
                               an even greater challenge to the creation of                                                          ment on Trade in Services – together with        ers, whereby private property rights are pro-
                               the single regional market appears to be the       The AEC enjoins member states to continue          those of other international agreements on       tected while stripping off peoples’ access to
                               specificities of domestic socio-economic for-      with the efforts of the ASEAN Free Trade           investment measures (TRIMS) and intel-           their originally held – and supposedly inal-
                               mations, characterized by a diverse nature of      Area toward the goal of zero tariffs and the       lectual property rights (TRIPS) – that have      ienable – social rights and entitlements.
                               capitalist regimes, or the so-called varieties     removal of non-tariff barriers to free trade       been negotiated since 2000 under the Uru-
                               of capitalism, with historically entrenched        of goods. Consistent with the ideas of the         guay Round of the World Trade Organiza-
                               political-economic elite class interests from      World Trade Organization – whose aims at           tion. The AEC packages encompass a wide
                               country to country.                                regulating international economic relations        range of services to be liberalized such as
16   Development Debates in Asia The ASEAN Economic Community Project                                                                                                                   The ASEAN Economic Community Project Development Debates in Asia   17

                                                                                 of private accumulation of investors does         driven and foreign dependent – which              mean a truly free socio-cultural and polit-
                               Free flow of investments                          not carry their share of social responsibility    undeniably resulted in a massive inflow of        ical-economic community where a South-
                                                                                 and public accountability. Thus, the modus        FDIs but eventually proved to be vulnerable       east Asian human being can settle, work,
                               The AEC Blueprint section on the free flow        operandi is to privatize the accumulation         to unhealthy speculation and capital flight,      and live in any place or country where s / he
                               of investments has evolved into the 2009          drive of investors while socializing the risk     as shown in the crisis experiences of Thai-       decides to lead a good life.
                               ASEAN Comprehensive Investment Agree-             and cost of market operations.                    land, Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philip-
                               ment, which is a revision and consolida-                                                            pines. Indeed, the 1997 crisis has revealed
                               tion of earlier protocols and two major                                                             the problems of liberalized financial sys-        Toward an alternative
                               investment agreements, namely, the 1987           Freer flow of capital                             tems and the financialization of the econ-        regionalism of the commons
                               ASEAN Investment Guarantee Agreement                                                                omy, as well as the structural weaknesses
                               (an agreement for the promotion and pro-          The AEC’s agenda for «capital market»             of the real economies of Southeast Asia’s         The ASEAN Economic Community project
                               tection of investments) and the 1998 Frame-       integration refers to financial capital, par-     export-oriented productive sectors.               intends to institutionalize and get legiti-
                               work Agreement on the ASEAN Investment            ticularly on furthering the liberalization of                                                       macy for the ideology of neoliberalism and
                               Area.14 The main objective of the ASEAN           capital and current accounts and the whole                                                          the process of neoliberalization toward a
                               Comprehensive Investment Agreement is to          question of money, finance, or exchange. In       Free flow of skilled labor                        single market. It seeks to protect and pro-
                               make Southeast Asia an attractive regional        recognition of the fact that the region’s gen-                                                      mote the material and ideological interests
                               market, especially for foreign direct invest-     eral capital market is already free, the AEC      Labor-market flexibility is central to ASE-       of the private sector, private property, and
                               ments (FDIs), by creating an economic             wants to make the flow of capital «freer»         AN’s neoliberalization strategy of securing       private profits at the expense of the public
                               system where businesses are competitive,          than what Southeast Asian economies have          the hegemony of capital over labor. South-        weal and social values of the commons. Its
                               profitable, mobile, and secure through the        become, despite the financial restructur-         east Asian open regionalism envisages the         neoliberal capitalist form is substantially
                               protection, facilitation, promotion, and          ing and banking reforms done before and           free mobility of capital in the form of goods,    elitist in character that – while it attempts
                               liberalization of the overall investment          immediately after the 1997 Asian financial        investments, and money, but it does not           to «modernize» the varieties of capitalism
                               regime. State resources and social institu-       crisis. Still, it is important to be reminded     really promote the «free» movement of             in Southeast Asia, it does so by encouraging
                               tions are oriented toward the creation and        of the effects of financial liberalization in     labor. Within a neoliberalizing economy,          «new» (transnational) capitalist and elite
                               maintenance of this system, which is more         Asia, particularly during the early 1990s,        the region will be a market with a huge           classes to replace, compete, or ally with
                               responsive and favorable to capital than the      which contributed a great deal to criti-          reserve army of «flexible,» unorganized, and      the «old» (national) ruling elites. The AEC
                               commons, and to market forces than popu-          cal factors that caused the 1997 crisis. As a     insecure workers who are adaptable to the         project is, however, contradictory. On the
                               lar-democratic forces.                            result of market reforms through financial        accumulation interests and requirements           one hand, it drives convergence by repro-
                                    A high degree of certainty, predictabil-     liberalization, the growth strategy of making     of capital – often through race-to-the-bot-       ducing the institutions, policies, and rela-
                               ity, and security are to be accorded to capi-     Southeast Asian economies FDI-attractive          tom competitiveness strategies such as the        tions associated with neoliberal capitalism
                               tal through state-guaranteed institutions.        encountered the consequences, whether             lowering of labor costs and environmental         from society to society within the economic
                               Key to this agenda are the AEC’s straight-        intended or unintended, of «irrational exu-       standards – and who are subjected to poor         bloc. It does so, however, by also repro-
                               forward provisions on the protection of           berance» of investors, the rapid inflow of        working conditions and the hiring / firing
                               investors’ properties, interests, and activi-     short-term capital, portfolio-based invest-       prerogatives of those who pay them wages.
                               ties, specifically:                               ments in the stock market, and the domi-               Even though the AEC Blueprint specifi-
                                                                                                                                                                                       The AEC project is already embroiled in conflicts
                                                                                 nation of finance (money) over productive         cally identifies «skilled labor» to be prior-       with the realpolitik of a variety of capitalisms in
                                    investor-state dispute mechanism;            (real economy) capital.                           itized in migration policy, the agreement           Southeast Asia.
                                    transfer and repatriation of capital,            The AEC plan is to guarantee freer capi-      has implications for the general condi-
                                    profits, dividends, etc.;                    tal mobility by streamlining rules, regula-       tions of the labor and employment struc-
                                    transparent coverage on the expro-           tions, and controls that are perceived to         ture. In particular, the AEC is silent about      ducing divergent tendencies, resulting in
                                    priation and compensation;                   constrain the growth and accumulation             addressing current challenges and realities       socio-economic, political, and ecological
                                    full protection and security; and            activities of the private sector. States are      in Southeast Asia’s economic relations at         antagonisms, inequalities, hierarchies, and
                                    treatment of compensation for losses         thus urged to ensure the easy «entry» and         the national and regional levels. Firstly, it     injustices.
                                    resulting from strife.15                     «exit» of capital in domestic markets. Rather     ignores the character of transnational labor           No doubt that the AEC project is already
                                                                                 than encouraging longer-term investments          as a consequence of uneven development in         embroiled in conflicts with the realpolitik
                               What do these injunctions mean? First, the        and enlarge the tax base for economic and         the region where labor follows capital – that     of a variety of capitalisms in Southeast Asia –
                               provision on investor-state dispute reso-         social development, the AEC will be replete       is, workers migrate from poorer to better-off     especially from sections of entrenched class
                               lution signifies the encroachment of the          with short-termist investors, making the          countries. This migration process involves        interests – resisting or usurping the com-
                               global / regional strategy of capital on the      region vulnerable to capital flight – and         not only documented but also undocu-              petitiveness agenda in their local accumu-
                               national sovereignty of states. It thus gives     hence financial and economic crises. More-        mented migrants, as well as skilled and           lation regimes. But it is still very important
                               greater legal rights to foreign investors than    over, resolving, if not preventing, recurrent     unskilled workers. Secondly, it does not take     to challenge the neoliberal project in the
                               to domestic businesses; at the same time,         financial crises would be all the more dif-       into account the palpable predominance of         arenas of politics, policy, and discourse in
                               corporations are vested with the right to sue     ficult without the government resorting to        the informal sector in the region’s economic      the same way that the old and enduring elit-
                               governments. Second, states (in this con-         monetary policies such as exchange-rate           activities. The regional integration project is   ism in the region’s social relations is being
                               text, the peoples of Southeast Asia) shall be     and capital controls to arrest capital flight.    wanting in plans to bring informal labor to       opposed. The analysis in this paper has
                               the absorbers of business risks and also of       The lesson of the 1997 Asian crisis is that the   formal employment, let alone the aspiration       highlighted the contradictions in the AEC
                               market failures. In effect, the private sector    neoliberal restructuring processes, both in       to crafting development strategies for full       project – thus, pointing the way to which
                               is virtually exonerated from losses, bank-        the real economy and finance, in the region       employment. And thirdly, its emphasis on          alternative politics, strategies, vision, and
                               ruptcy, or social conflicts. Third, the pursuit   had made the region’s economies export-           managed mobility of skilled labor does not        movements can be forged and advanced at
18   Development Debates in Asia The ASEAN Economic Community Project                                                                                                                              The ASEAN Economic Community Project Development Debates in Asia   19

                               the level of states, and coordinated at the         Second, there is a need for socio-political
                               regional and international levels, based on         movements that take the points of view of
                               the ideology of the commons and the inter-          people power, labor, the natural environ-
                               est of the common good.                             ment, and human life itself and regard the
                                   An alternative to the AEC neoliberaliza-        «social commons» as an appropriate, timely,
                               tion project will have to take the perspective      strategic, and progressive ideal for the socio-
                               of the commons in the context of contem-            economy, ecology, and humanity shared by
                               porary Southeast Asia, which has been his-          peoples in the region. The concept of the
                                                                                   social commons here is: critical of neoliberal
                                                                                   «social protection» remedy, which connotes
                     There is a need for socio-political movements                 safety nets for the inevitable dispossessions     1
                                                                                                                                          ASEAN, ASEAN Vision 2020 (Kuala Lumpur,
                that take the points of view of people power, labor,               that necessarily come with the process of              Malaysia, December 15, 2007).
                     the natural environment, and human life itself.               capital accumulation; essentially protective
                                                                                                                                          ASEAN, Declaration of ASEAN Concord II
                                                                                                                                          (Bali Concord II) (Bali, Indonesia, October 7, 2003).
                                                                                   of peoples’ collective socio-economic rights;     3
                                                                                                                                          ASEAN, Cebu Declaration on the Acceleration of
                                                                                   and transformative of existing unjust social           the Establishment of an ASEAN Community by 2015
                               torically ridden with underdevelopment,             and international relations.                           (Cebu City, Philippines, January 13, 2007).
                                                                                                                                          ASEAN, ASEAN Economic Community Blueprint
                               poverty, privation, conflicts, and injustices.          Third, a counter-hegemonic process                 (Jakarta: ASEAN Secretariat, 2008).
                               I sketch out here a few important themes for        of «democratization» as a political-eco-          5
                                                                                                                                          AEC Council, Key Outcomes of the 10th AEC Council
                               this alternative vision and movement.               nomic and socio-ecological ideal has to be             Meeting (Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam,
                                                                                                                                          August 18–21, 2013).
                                    First, it is crucial to develop a particular   urgently set in motion. Democracy, in this        6
                                                                                                                                          See, for example, John Ravenhill, Fighting
                               «mode of production» for wealth creation            sense, means people power at all levels of             Irrelevance: An Economic Community «with ASEAN
                               that is economically productive, socially           organizing human relations – from states               Characteristics,» The Pacific Review 21:4 (2008):
                               acceptable, and ecologically sustainable –          to workplaces to communities to the natu-         7
                                                                                                                                          I borrow the concept of «accumulation by
                               it shall be the foundation of the goals of          ral environment. In this democratization               dispossession» from the critical social theorist David
                                                                                                                                          Harvey. See David Harvey, Spaces of Global
                               redistribution toward a life of dignity. This       process, it shall be democracy – rather than
                                                                                                                                          Capitalism: Towards a Theory of Uneven
                               requires a development strategy that under-         market forces and elite classes – that is the          Geographical Development (London: Verso, 2006).
                               stands a suitable economic development              driving mechanism of the polity, economy,         8
                                                                                                                                          ASEAN Economic Community Blueprint, 6.
                                                                                                                                          Cf. Paul Cammack, The Politics of Global Com-
                               policy for developing countries – where a           society, and ecology. Relations in the demo-
                                                                                                                                          petitiveness, in: Papers in the Politics of Global
                               technologically green manufacturing sector          cratic alternative regionalism project for             Competitiveness, no. 1 (Manchester Metropolitan
                               is in synergy with the agricultural, service,       Southeast Asia will therefore be based not             University, 2006).
                                                                                                                                          ASEAN Economic Community Blueprint, 5–6, 24–25.
                               and small-and-medium enterprise sectors;            on the logic of competition but on the values     11
                                                                                                                                          Cf. Bonn Juego, Capitalist Development in Contempo-
                               and where progress leads to higher wages            of solidarity, equality, and social justice.           rary Southeast Asia: Neoliberal Reproduction,
                               for workers, higher earnings for enterprises,                                                              Elite Interests, and Authoritarian Liberalism in
                                                                                                                                          the Philippines and Malaysia, PhD Thesis (Aalborg
                               and a larger tax base for the government’s                                                                 University, Denmark, 2013).
                               social welfare provisions. At the moment,                                                             12
                                                                                                                                          See Erik Reinert, How Rich Countries Got Rich and
                               there is an urgent need to alter economic                                                                  Why Poor Countries Stay Poor (London: Constable,
                                                                                                                                          2007). See also Ha-Joon Chang, Kicking Away
                               policy objectives from growth obsession                                                                    the Ladder: Development Strategy in Historical
                               (i.e., through investments driving GDP) to                                                                 Perspective (London: Anthem Press, 2002).
                               the goal of full employment, which is good
                                                                                                                                          ASEAN Economic Community Blueprint, 10.
                                                                                                                                          ASEAN, ASEAN Economic Community Factbook
                               for the economy and can be beneficial for                                                                  (Jakarta: ASEAN Secretariat, 2011).
                               the environment.                                                                                      15
                                                                                                                                          ASEAN Economic Community Blueprint, 13.
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