"A Great Place to Live, Work and Raise a Family" - East Pennsboro ...

"A Great Place to Live, Work and Raise a Family" - East Pennsboro ...
EAST                                     “A Great Place to Live,
                                          Work and Raise a Family”


                                                                                               CHILDREN’S GINGERBREAD
     On December 15th, Township Commissioners honored two deserving men for the
impact they had on our community. Families and friends paid tribute as Township Reso-          HOUSE CONTEST
lutions were adopted in remembrance of Michael Falk and Jason Gossard.                               At the December 15, 2021 Commissioners Workshop, the win-
                                                                                               ners of this year's Gingerbread House Contest were recognized. Each
RESOLUTION NO. 2021- 37 HONORING MICHAEL FALK                                                  winner was presented with a Certificate of Congratulations and a gift
      Michael Falk was involved with EPYAL Basketball and Softball, serving as a Soft-         from the Board of Recreation. Thank you to all of the children (and
ball Director until his passing on April 7, 2021. His calm demeanor, sense of humor and        their parents) for participating and submitting entries. We had very
commitment to his players made him a favorite coach to many. His legacy will live on           few entries; however, the judging was just as difficult because they’re
through his wife, two daughters, family, friends and all of the children he coached and        all so creative & unique. Photos of the Gingerbread Houses are show-
mentored. On behalf of the citizens of East Pennsboro Township, Commissioners official-        cased on East Pennsboro Township Parks & Recreation Facebook Page.
ly honored and commended Michael Falk for his outstanding service to the community.

                                                               Mike Falk’s daughters,
                                                               Riley and Mikayla; widow,
                                                               Jen Falk with Commis-
                                                               sioner Charley Gelb

                                                                                               Isabelle Hamel (Pre-K), Amayra Sethi (1st Grade), Elliott Hoffman (Kin-
                                                                                               dergarten), Kayleigh Thomson (1st Grade), Nya McCabe (2nd Grade) with
       Jason Gossard served as a volunteer with EPYAL, coaching softball, baseball, bas-
                                                                                               Recreation Coordinator, Caroline Grove and Commissioner Charley Gelb
ketball and football. Before his unexpected death on January 4, 2017, he dedicated many
                                                                                               [Not Pictured: Greyson Beane (3rd Grade)]
years volunteering his time to help build the programs at EPYAL. Jason’s patience, care-
free personality, dedication and love of sports endeared him to his players and their fami-
lies. Jason also made time for his two children, Makaylee and JJ, teaching them about the
discipline they needed to participate in the sports they loved. The East Pennsboro Board
of Commissioners officially honored Jason Gossard by adopting a Resolution in his name.

                                                               Jason Gossard’s children,
                                                               Makaylee and JJ; widow,
                                                               Courtney Gossard with
                                                               Commissioner Charley

                                                                                              Lindsey Okonski (5th Grade)           Greyson Beane (3rd Grade)
"A Great Place to Live, Work and Raise a Family" - East Pennsboro ...
TOWNSHIP CALENDAR                                                                 JAN.                  FEB.               MARCH                   APRIL
                Recreation Board                             7:00 PM                 10                     7                     7                     6
           Board of Commissioners                            7:00 PM                  3                     2                     2                    20
             Planning Commission                             7:00 PM                 13                   10                     10                    14
                 Board of Health                             5:30 PM                 18                NONE                   NONE                     21
    Board of Commissioners' Workshop                         7:00 PM                 19                   16                     16                    11
             Zoning Hearing Board                            5:30 PM                 20                    17                    17                     4
      Environmental Advisory Council                         7:00 PM                 27                   24                     24                    28
             Stormwater Authority                            6:30 PM                 20                    17                    17                    19
     Fire-Rescue Advisory Committee                          7:00 PM              NONE                    14                  NONE                     21
Township meetings are held in the Community Room, ground floor at the Township Municipal Building, 98 S. Enola Dr. The meetings are open to the public, however
due to COVID restrictions meetings may be held virtually via conference call. Any person requiring special accommodations to attend or participate in any township
meetings should contact the Township Office at 717-732-0711 at least 48 hours prior to each meeting. Please visit www.eastpennsboro.net for additional ground
rules and requests to address the board.

                                                                                            HOLIDAY TRASH COLLECTION
         No Trash Pick Up                   Delayed Trash Pick Up                           If your collection day falls on or after a holiday, your collection day will
          May 30, 2022                       May 31st - June 4th                            be DELAYED BY ONE DAY. If a holiday falls on a weekend, your collec-
                                                                                            tion day will not change.
           July 4, 2022                      July 5th - July 9th
                                                                                            Penn Waste observes the following holidays:
                                                                                            •   New Year's Day
                                                                                            •   Memorial Day
                                      Presidents Day, February 21                           •   Independence Day
                                          Good Friday, April 15                             •   Labor Day
                                         Memorial Day, May 30                               •   Thanksgiving Day
                                                                                            •   Christmas Day
                                       Independence Day, July 4
TOWNSHIP                                Labor Day, September 5
HOLIDAYS                               Columbus Day, October 10                             SEWER & SANITATION PAYMENTS
OBSERVED                              Veterans Day, November 11                             Avoid Mail Delays, Pay Online
                                      Thanksgiving, November 24                             or with Autopay
                                       Black Friday, November 25                                 Pay your sewer and sanitation bill online at www.eastpennsboro.net
                                        Christmas, December 26                                   Residents may also sign up for automatic payments by submit-
                                                                                            ting the Auto Pay Authorization Form which can be found on the
                                       New Year’s Day, January 2                            Townships website or in the Township Administration Office.
                                                                                                 Residents who have a bill payer service set up through their
                                                                                            bank, please make sure the correct sewer account number is listed
                                                                                            when submitting the payment. Sewer/Sanitation payments through
              EAST PENNSBORO TOWNSHIP                                                       your bank should be made payable to East
             98 S. Enola Drive, Enola, PA 17025 • 717-732-0711                              Pennsboro Township.
                                                                                            Tax payments made through your bank should
                           EastPennsboro.net                                                be made payable to Treasurer, Debbie Lupold.
                                                                                            Incorrect information printed on bank checks
         Manager                Police Chief                                                can result in delayed payments or errors.
    A. John Pietropaoli         Mark Green
                                                          George A. Tyson                       2022 SEWER & TRASH DUE DATES
    Assistant Manager             Solicitor          Raymond “Skip” Magaro                      1st Quarter: January 1 - March 31 (due on February 4)
        John Owen                Lisa Coyne               Kristy L. Magaro                      2nd Quarter: April 1 - June 30 (due on May 6)
Treasurer/Tax Collector          Fire Chief              Walter “Joe” Fidler                    3rd Quarter: July 1 - September 30 (due on August 5)
    Debbie Lupold                Erik Owen                Edward W. Diehl                       4th Quarter: October 1 - December 31 (due on November 4)

2                                                                                                                                      EastPennsboro.net
"A Great Place to Live, Work and Raise a Family" - East Pennsboro ...
Meet Maarten
      After Legion’s retirement in July, An-
gela Martin and the Gals Cleaning Service
made it possible for a new K9 to join the
East Pennsboro Township Police Depart-
ment. K9 Maarten was sworn in at the
November 3, 2021 Board of Commission-
ers meeting by Commissioner President,
George Tyson. Angela Martin was also
recognized for her generous donation to
the EPPD with a Resolution of appreciation
from the Township.
      K9 Maarten is a 16-month-old Dutch
Shepherd from the Netherlands. The new
team of handler, Officer Ethan Helwig and
K9 Maarten are ready to serve the Town-
ship for many years to come.

                                                    Commissioner George Tyson
                                                    presents Resolution No.
                                                    2021-34 Honoring Angela
                                                                                       Officers were given an opportunity to contribute to a deserving foundation in ex-
                                                                                       change for a month’s worth of beard growth. Officer Ruff is pictured with Nancy
                                                                                       Chavez, Chair of Randi’s House of Angels, with the EPPD’s donation for No Shave

                            Community Service Officer Dressler
                                Haley Dressler was hired as a Community Service
                            Officer for the EPPD in June of 2021. Her responsibili-
                            ties include issuing parking tickets, assisting officers      Your loved one
                            on calls and maintaining order within our Township.
                                                                                          never leaves
                                                                                          our care...
                            Haley has previously worked for the Recreation De-
                                                                                                                                                     MARIO A. BILLOW
                            partment’s Summer Camp program as a Playground                                                                              Supervisor &
                                                                                                                                                     Certified Crematory
                            Leader. She is an East Pennsboro High School gradu-                                                                            Operator
                            ate, and will obtain her Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal        We are the first and only funeral
                            Justice from Shippensburg University in May 2022.
                                                                                          home to own and operate its own
                                                                                          crematory in East Pennsboro
                                                                                          Township. So when cremation is
                                                                                          preferred, your loved one never
                                                                                          leaves our care.                                            CHARLES BIHL
                                                                                                                                                       Funeral Director

                                                                                          We are also pleased to offer
                                                                                          memorials through our monument
                                                                                          company, Penn Valley Monuments.

                                                                                          Special thanks to the East Pennsboro Township
                                                                                          Commissioners, Planning Commission, and
                                                                                                                                                       CHAD SUNDAY
                                                                                          residents for their support in our endeavor.                Funeral Director &
                                                                                                                                                       Monument Sales

                                                                                               SULLIVAN FUNERAL HOME
                                                                                               & CREMATION SERVICES, INC.
                                                                                                    lighting         your      way

                                                                                                   51 N. Enola Drive, Enola, PA 17025 | 717-732-5400

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"A Great Place to Live, Work and Raise a Family" - East Pennsboro ...
Recreation...                                                                          Congratulations
         WAYS TO CONTACT the                                                           The Recreation Department would like to acknowledge and congratulate our

       RECREATION DEPARTMENT                                                           Holiday House Decorating Contest winners for 2021.
                                                                                            Most Traditional: Eric Manderbach and Laura Rowland
 Phone – 717-732-0711, option 3, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday                     Best Use of Inflatables: Matt and Meghan Sheraw
         Recreation Coordinator: Caroline Grove                                             Best Entryway: Daniel and Laura
                                                                                            Wow-Factor: Bill Purnell
 E-mail - recreation@eastpennsboro.net
 Facebook - East Pennsboro Township Parks & Recreation

Pavilion Reservations
      The Recreation Department will open up pavilion rentals for the 2022
spring, summer & fall seasons on March 7, 2022 at 8:00am. Reservations can be
made ONLINE at www.eastpennsboro.net or by calling the Recreation Office 717-
732-0711, option 3.
      Please contact the Recreation Department for Field Usage Request Forms.
For inquiries about the availability of renting the Annex Building in West Fairview,
please contact the Recreation Department. Information and the Rental Contract
are available on the website, or at the Township Building.

                                                                                       Grand Prize: Diane and Keith “Buddy the Elf” Parrish

                                                  TOWNSHIP EASTER
                                                     EGG HUNT
                                                        Saturday, April 9
                                                            1:00 pm
                                                        (Rain Date - Sunday,
                                                        April 10 at 2:00 pm)

                                                  Children ages 3-6 years old
                                                 Adams-Ricci Community Park

Parents please bring a basket and don’t be late! You don’t want to miss out on the
fun. Children can visit with the Easter Bunny before the hunt. Egg Hunt partici-
pants go to the fields where the concession stand & Caboose are located. Each age
group will be separated. In case of bad weather, check the Recreation Facebook
page or call the Recreation Department (717-732-0711 opt. 3) for cancellation
information. Event sponsored by East Pennsboro Township Board of Recreation.


      (717) 770-2500                                Fax: (717) 770-2400

 4                                                                                                                                    EastPennsboro.net
"A Great Place to Live, Work and Raise a Family" - East Pennsboro ...
                     ADULT CENTER                                                                     The office of Dr. Sarah Lorei
         Conveniently located on the ground floor of the
                                                                                               Accepting mostmost
                                                                                                   Accepting        insurance
                                                                                                               insurance       plans
              East Pennsboro Municipal Building                                                  2220 Millennium Way, Enola, PA 17025
                                                                                                   (717) 510-6989 mwdentalstudio.com
         Hours of Operation: 8 – 3 p.m. Monday – Friday
                  Nutritious lunch served daily

Welcome Seniors!
      Schaner Adult Center is for everyone 50+. We know you like to stay active, healthy
and fit. We have a NEW updated workout room. New equipment. Come In and check us
out. See Annie or Terry.
    We have a billiards room with two pool tables and we
are looking for billiards players. Come join in the fun.
      There are pinochle tournaments every Wednes-
day. Does anyone still pinochle??? We need people
that still play and have fun playing. Pinochle is played
everyday but the tournament is Wednesday at 9am
to 1:30pm. Please come and join in. Please call for
reservations from week to week for the tournament.
717-732-3915                                                                                Wheel Food Wednesday
     We have our trips planned for the year 2022. Jan
                                                                                                 Wheel Food Wednesdays are back for the FOURTH year! Mark your
8th, 2022 is Elvis and Friends.March 17th 2022, is Dancing in the Rain. Sept 6th 2022
                                                                                            calendars for every FOURTH Wednesday of the month from March until
Saturday Night Fever. Dec 15th, 2022 Elf (The Musical). All shows are at the Dutch Apple
                                                                                            September. Enjoy dinner on the east side of Adams-Ricci Park with some
Theater. The cost is $100. per person includes transportation and a meal, so stop in to
                                                                                            of the best food trucks in the area.
make your reservation.
                                                                                            Follow the East Pennsboro Town-
     When the weather starts to get warmer we will have trips to farmers markets and        ship Parks & Recreation Facebook
local businesses.                                                                           page for the food truck line-ups each
     We have something for everyone. The activities range from Line Dancing, Healthy        month, starting MARCH 23rd from
Steps, Tai Chi, board games, Bingo, baking, cornhole, movie day, Speakers on health is-     4:00 – 8:00pm. See ya at the park!
sues, trips and many more activities.
     Stop in any day Mon thru Fri from 8am to 3pm for updates on events and a monthly

                                 F I R E D E PA RTM E N T N EW S
 Northeast Fire & Rescue - Station 20 • 202 Third St., Summerdale • nefr20.com • 717.732.0047

                                                    Northeast Fire & Rescue Company continues to hold online raffles to support the fire company. Please check out
                                                  our Facebook page for the latest raffle items and to purchase your raffle chances.
                                                    We are proud to announce that our company, in a collaborative effort with 19 other local fire companies, has
                                                  been awarded a multi-year recruitment and retention grant to help develop and continue membership efforts. We
                                                  are always looking for new members, age 14 & up, to join our organization in a variety of membership types, includ-
                                                  ing Junior members, firefighters, driver/operators, fire police, and support personnel. Visit our website or stop by a
                                                  station for more information on the application process.
                                                    Save the Date! Our first chicken BBQ of 2022 will be held in conjunction with the Summerdale Town-wide Yard
                                                  Sale on Saturday, April 30, 2022, at Station 1-20 in Summerdale.
                                                    Please help us to keep you safe this winter by clearing snow from nearby fire hydrants. Keep your home and/or busi-
                                                  ness safe by clearing snow from any ventilation pipes that may be present on the property.
                                                    The Northeast Fire & Rescue Company thanks the East Pennsboro community for their continued support. Please
                                                  visit our website at www.nefr20.com and follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/northeast.firean-
                                                  drescue for more information and to keep up-to-date with our events and activities.

            Due to a number of reasons beyond the control of the committee, the East Pennsboro Volunteer Firefighters Carnival will NOT be held in 2022.
       Please continue to follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/EPEmergencyServicesCarnival for updates on future carnivals.

 EastPennsboro.net                                                                                                                                                   5
"A Great Place to Live, Work and Raise a Family" - East Pennsboro ...
Community News...
East Pennsboro EAC
     Please join the East Pennsboro Environmental Advisory Council and Central
Pennsylvania Conservancy for an invasive species removal and trail cleanup at the
Pine Hill Arboretum on Saturday, June 4th @ 8 am. We will meet at the Arbore-
tum entrance on Creekside Drive. Please bring shovels, digging irons and loppers.
Community & school groups welcome.

Spotted Lantern Fly
                                           By now you have probably heard some-
                                        thing about a new colorful species of fly-
                                        ing insect called the Spotted Lanternfly.
                                        This invasive insect is spreading rapidly
                                        and damaging plants & trees throughout
                                        Pennsylvania and surrounding states. The
                                        PA Dept of Agriculture reports that left
                                        uncontrolled, the economic damage from
this pest could exceed $300 million annually. Destroying the Spotted Lanternfly
and its egg masses is encouraged. To learn more about the Spotted Lanternfly and
how to stop the spread of this invasive insect, please visit https://extension.psu.
                                                                                       Congratulations to the East Penn Revolution U13 boys for becoming the Central
                                                                                       Pennsylvania Youth Soccer League division Champions. The team scored 24 goals
East Penn Soccer Club                                                                  and only allowed 5 goals to be scored against them this fall season. Great job players
      East Penn Soccer Club is pleased to announce the open-                           and coaches!
ing of its 2022 Recreational spring registration! No experience
necessary and no tryouts required to register. All games and
practices will be at Adams Ricci Park. Spots will be limited! To                       Butterfly Garden
register and for more information, please visit our website at                               Several events are being planned at the ADAMS RICCI BUTTERFLY GARDEN
www.eastpennsoccerclub.org.                                                            in the spring, summer and fall of 2022, including dividing and sharing perennials
      East Penn Soccer Club is also happy to announce the                              in early May and our big Pollinator Festival in late September. We also will of-
opening of its 2022/2023 travel soccer registration tryouts.                           fer garden tours to interested groups. All events are free and open to the public.
We will be assessing players for our East Penn Travel and Pre-                         Watch for more details in the next newsletter.
mier/Elite level teams. To register and for more information,
please visit our website, www.eastpennsoccerclub.org. If you have any questions
you can also email us at info@eastpennsoccerclub.org. Tryouts are free of charge.      2022 Dog Licenses
                                                                                             Pennsylvania State Dog Law requires all dogs 3 months and older to be li-
                                                                                       censed every calendar year. Dog License Fees are $8.50 for a productive dog, and
EPYAL                                                                                  $6.50 if neutered or spayed. Individuals who are 65 and older, or have certain dis-
      EPYAL Baseball registration for the Spring ’22 season is available at www.       abilities, are offered a discounted rate of $6.50 if productive and $4.50 if neutered
epyal.com/baseball through February 13, 2022. Players age 4-18 are eligible            or spayed. Annual dog licenses expire on December 31st, 2022.
(birthdate before September 1, 2018). Questions? Email baseball@epyal.com.                   Annual Dog Licenses for 2022 can be purchased, in person, at the Town-
      Spring Softball registration opens January 2, 2022. Please visit www.epyal.      ship Building, 98 S Enola Drive. Complete an
com/softball for more information. The season will run from mid-March through          application (available online or in the 1st Floor
the end of May for Teams: 6U, 8U, 10U, 12U 14U. Any questions can be directed to       Lobby) and have CASH or CHECK, made pay-
epyalsoftball@gmail.com.                                                               able to ‘East Pennsboro Township’ (Add $0.50
                                                                                       convenience fee). You can also mail the ap-
                                                                                       plication form with a check made payable to
Historical Society of East Pennsboro                                                   ‘County Treasurer’ to 1 Courthouse Square,
•       HSEP Spring Dinner Meeting - April 19, 2022, 630PM                             Room 201, Carlisle, PA 17013. Annual Dog Li-
•       Herb Kruger Scholarship Application Deadline IS March 28, 2022. Call 717-      censes are available online at www.ccpa.net.
        732-5801 for an application.                                                         Lifetime Licenses can only be purchased
•       Ride the “Pride of the Susquehanna” June 14, 2022, Fundraiser. For info call   from the County Treasurer’s Office. If interest-
        717-732-8544.                                                                  ed in obtaining a Lifetime Dog License, please
•       We have used Enola High and East Pennsboro Yearbooks for sale $10 EACH.        contact the County Treasurer’s Office for further details at 717-240-6380 or trea-
        Call 717-732-5801 for information.                                             surer@ccpa.net.

    6                                                                                                                                        EastPennsboro.net
"A Great Place to Live, Work and Raise a Family" - East Pennsboro ...
Did you enjoy the “Holiday Lights in the Park”? We know we did! We
had over 1700 vehicles drive through the 2-night event. Through your gener-
osity, FOR EP Parks raised over $11,000 after expenses. All of the donations will
be re-invested into improving our EP parks system.
      To make the Holiday Lights even better in 2022, we need your help! If you
are interested in volunteering for the Holiday Lights Committee, or want to
provide some input, please reach out on Facebook at ”Friends of Recreation at
East Pennsboro Parks” or email recreation@eastpennsboro.net for more infor-
The FOR EP Parks Holiday Lights Committee would like to say THANK YOU to:
A East Pennsboro Township Commissioners and Staff for supporting this In-
augural Launch
A East Pennsboro Fire Police for traffic control
A East Pennsboro Fire Companies 17 & 20
A East Pennsboro Emergency Medical Services for the Ambulance
A Deb Thorton, for her donation of Christmas Lights
A Sutliff Volkswagen for the Search Lights
A Event Sponsors
     “Star”:		 T-Mobile
     “Top of Tree”: 		         UPMC
     “Park Angel”:             Penn State Health
     “Ornaments”: 		           Bruner’s Service Center; Gannett-Fleming; Gunn-Mowery Insurance; Central Penn College; Cargill Meats
     Pavilion Decorators:      Leaf of Eve; Jigsy’s Pub & Restaurant; Central Pennsylvania College; Rohrer Bus; Kristy’s Whistle Stop; Americhoice;
     				                      The Arthritis Alliance of Pennsylvania
     Banner Sponsors:          Coin Wrap Inc.; Tavern on the Hill; The Manor on Front B&B
A Event Volunteers
     Deborah Leonard for playing Enola Miller
     Jack Baker & Lorrie Simmoneau for sitting in as Santa and Mrs. Claus with their sleigh & reindeer!
     East Pennsboro High School NJROTC Cadets for their assistance
     New Covenant Fellowship Church Choir for singing Christmas Carols
     Girl Scout Troop #11640 for decorating “Christmas in Nature”
A Everyone who purchased a wreath!
A And of course to YOU! Our ATTENDEES!

THANK YOU all for helping build a stronger East Pennsboro Community by participating in
some way in our “Holiday Lights in the Park… a drive through experience.”

        • Professional Faculty           • Adult Ballet
        • Enrollment year round          • Pre-School - Pre-professional
        • Ballet - Modern - Tap - Jazz   • Summer Intensive

                           Sandra Carlino, Artistic Director
        Bridger Studios
        211 North Enola Drive                                                      Est. 1988
        Enola, PA 17025                                  formerly Cumberland Dance Company

                                                                                               MJF  MARTIN   FLANNERY & ASSOCIATES

                                                                                               Martin J. Flannery & Associates, LLP
                                                                                                         In our 38th year of serving businesses and
                                                                                                            Individuals in Central Pennsylvania
                                                                                                      Accounting Services • Business Start-up Services
                                                                                                        Payroll Services • Small Business Consulting
                     424 N. Enola Dr., Ste. 2 • Enola, PA                                       Quickbooks Pro Advisors • Income Tax Planning & Preparation
                                                                                                                                                 (717) 732-2331
                                                                                               430 North Enola Drive                         FAX (717) 732-3943
                                                                                               Enola, PA 17025                       E-Mail mjf@mjflannery.com

 EastPennsboro.net                                                                                                                                                7
"A Great Place to Live, Work and Raise a Family" - East Pennsboro ...
                                                                          to turn for

                 Cold and flu season is here. Your UPMC primary care team is the first place to turn to
                 for treatment of cold symptoms, earaches, coughs, stomach aches, and rashes. Your
                 doctor’s office can help you with the best care option, whether it’s an in-person or a
                 video visit. And the UPMC Central PA portal provides on-demand video appointments
                 with UPMC providers. For more information about our care options, or to find a
                 doctor, visit UPMC.com/CentralPARightCare.

83663_upmc_cpa_right_care_8x10_a.indd   1                                                   EastPennsboro.net
                                                                                                     12/17/21 9:20 AM
"A Great Place to Live, Work and Raise a Family" - East Pennsboro ...
From The Treasurer
                                                                                                                                Do you qualify for the
                                                 OFFICE HOURS                                                                   Property Tax or Rent
   Mon, Tues & Thurs 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM • CLOSED: WEDNESDAYS and FRIDAYS • 717-901-9392
                                                                                                                                Rebate Claim offered
                        HAPPY NEW YEAR!                        2022 County/Municipal Real Estate and Township
                                                               Per Capita Taxes
                                                                                                                                    by the State?
                         New Residents                             Property Tax and Per Capita tax bills will be mailed            If so, you can receive a 20% discount on
                                     If you have recently      by the County and Township on or about March 1st.               your trash bill. You must provide a copy of
                         moved into East Pennsboro                 Remember, per law, non-receipt of a bill does not           your 2021 Property Tax or Rent Rebate Claim
                         Township, please visit the east-      excuse payment. As always, if you do not receive a bill         Form (PA1000) to the Sewer Billing Office no
                         pennsboro.net, website under          by the middle of March, please call the tax office. We
                                                                                                                               later than July 15, 2022 to receive the discount.
                         Treasurer/Tax Collector depart-       are always happy to help and will be glad to provide a
                                                                                                                                   A copy of the form must be submitted every
ment and download the form found under the Per                 copy of the bill.
                                                                                                                               year in order to continue receiving the discount.
Capita Tax Addition Form, complete and mail or drop            Drop Box Payment
off to the Tax Office. This will assure that you are receiv-       The Township provides 3 drop boxes for your con-
ing a personal per capita bill each year.                      venience. Two bright blue boxes are located on the
                                                               center island in the parking lot and one green drop
Address Corrections
    Please remember to change your address with the            box is located at the top of the stairs near the entrance       Yard Waste Collection
tax office for your per capita bill if moving within or        to the building. If you would like a receipt for your
                                                               payment, remember to include a self-addressed enve-
                                                                                                                                  by Penn Waste
out of the Township. We have no way of knowing that
you have changed addresses unless you advise us.               lope. These drop boxes are emptied on a regular basis.
Failure to change your address could result in unpaid,             Please call with any questions or concerns you                           YARD WASTE
delinquent taxes.                                              may have.                                                                  COLLECTION DATES
    If you are a property owner, forms are available on                                                                          APRIL 2nd • MAY 7th • JUNE 11th • JULY 2nd
the Township website.                                          Debbie Lupold, Tax Collector
                                                                                                                                AUGUST 6th • SEPTEMBER 3rd • OCTOBER 1st

                                                                                                                                         PREPARING YARD WASTE
                                                                                                                           •     Placed in Biodegradable Bags
Stormwater Corner                                                                                                          •     Bundles no longer than 5 feet
E The Edenderry Way Culvert Replacement Project was completed with the installation of a new 60” HDPE                      •     Bundles not exceeding 30 LBS
  plastic pipe, headwall, end wall and riprap to slow down the erosive force of water during storms. New                   •     Bundles not exceeding 6 in. in diameter
  sidewalks, fencing, landscaping and rock gabions for the retaining wall were also installed. Final asphalt               •     Placed at the curb prior to 6:30 AM
  restoration for the roadway will occur in the spring.
E Approx. 38 stormwater inlets have been repaired or replaced in 2021 – with 94% of the work being com-                                      PROHIBITED ITEMS
  pleted by Township staff. This work includes repair or replacement of inlet tops, risers, walls, pipes and/or            •     Grass Clippings
  entire boxes.                                                                                                            •     Fruits & Vegetables
E In order to create design plans for the Enola Run Stream Restoration Project (Tower Road to the high                     •     Tree Stumps
  school), stream and bank assessments, surveying and wetland delineation are underway.
                                                                                                                           •     Dirt & Stones
E As per the Township’s Pollutant Reduction Plan aiming to treat more stormwater on site and reduce the
                                                                                                                           •     Waste in Plastic Bags WILL NOT be collected
  amount of pollutants entering local waterways, basin retrofit work is to begin on the West Treemont
  basin, which will alter the flow of water, replace existing soil with amended soils and install native plants.

Sump Pumps into the Sanitary Sewer Cause Big Problems!
                                                                                              Connecting sump pumps to the sanitary sewer is illegal and can cause big prob-
                                                                                            lems! Sump pumps are designed to pump groundwater and rainwater. Sanitary
                                                                                            sewer pipes are designed to carry sewage. Usually, the sanitary sewer pipe in the
                                                                                            street is only 8 inches in diameter, allowing about 300 gallons of water to flow
                                                                                            through it in a minute. If more sewage than this tries to get through, the sewage
                                                                                            will surcharge and start filling up the sewer lateral pipes that run to the sewage
                                                                                            main from houses. When this added sewage or extra water is sent to the sewer
                                                                                            pipe, it will surcharge even more, eventually pushing back into someone’s base-
                                                                                            ment, possibly coming out of a neighbor’s toilet or washing drain.
                                                                                                  If hooked up to a house’s sewer lateral, a half-horsepower sump pump will
                                                                                            pump about 60 gallons to the sewer each minute. That means that if 5 pumps are
                                                                                            connected to the sewer, it will be full. Normal sewage often flows in the sewer
                                                                                            main more than halfway already. So if two or three neighbors in a block illegally
                                                                                            connect their sump pumps to their sewer lateral, the flow that it trying to get
                                                                                            through the sewer main may be more than its capacity. The sewage in the pipe
                                                                                            will start backing up!
                                                                                                It is critical that sump pumps discharge to the yard or storm sewer, not to the
                                                                                            sanitary sewer. It is illegal to connect your sump pump into your sanitary lateral,
                                                                                            and it can cause serious problems!

 EastPennsboro.net                                                                                                                                                                 9
"A Great Place to Live, Work and Raise a Family" - East Pennsboro ...
Friends of East Pennsboro
             Branch Library
       Many thanks to all those who made monetary donations to the
 Friends during the 2021 year. Your contributions are very impor-
 tant to us as we strive to support the East Pennsboro Branch Li-
 brary and their Children’s programming.
       Our monthly book sales continue to be suspended as we
 work to institute a safe plan for future sales and ac-
 ceptance of book donations.
       Please contact Debbie Lupold, Friends President,
 with any questions or concerns you may have.
       Thank you so much for your continued support.

                                                                                                                                     Summerdale Plaza
                                                                                                                                     409 N. Enola Rd.
                                                                                                      Check out our website for our
          295 W Shady Lane • Enola, PA 17025
                                                                                                       Daily Food & Beer Specials!
      Clifford D Bryner American Legion Post 751 Enola is looking for New Members.                                 www.alspizzaenola.com
When we reopened in June of 2020 during the COVID Restrictions we made a deci-                     Our bar is still new & improving. We are here to serve you
sion to become a Non Smoking Club. This was done to create a healthier, family                            and make an enjoyably environment for you
friendly environment for our Veterans, Sons of the American Legion, Auxiliary, Rid-                  & your family! We have OVER 300 varieties of beer,
ers and their families and guest. We are quite pleased at how our members have                                     43 draft beers, & much more!
accepted this change and we have made accommodations outside for those that
wish to smoke outside of the building.
         Post 751 is an organization with the responsibility of supporting our Vet-             Proudly supporting the East Pennsboro Police Dept and
erans their families and community when in need. Some of                                             the township’s Fire Departments since 1970
the things that we do are provide local veterans in need
of food on a monthly basis. We sponsor Little League                                                                           •   Late & Sunday Hours
teams and Legion Base Ball. Money is raised to sup-                                                                            •   Drive-Thru
port the VA Hospital in Lebanon Pa. Our Sons of The                                                                            •   On-Site Tailor
American Legion just purchased over $14,000 dol-                                                                          SM

lars of Exercise Bikes recently for the VA Hospital and
                                                                                                                               •   Bright & Attended Laundromat
constantly raise a significant amount of money for                                                                             •   Wash & Fold Laundry
the VA and support local programs. The Riders have                                                                             • FREE Pickup & Delivery Service
raised significant amounts of money for sick children
including the Juvenile Diabetes Association. The Legion                                         315 N. ENOLA RD (RTS 11&15)
purchased the Police Dog named Legion that was just retired and all of the equip-                     717-732-3365                  classicdrycleaner.com
ment that went in the K-9 Police Car. Over the years the Legion has donated on
an average of $14,000 dollars per year to the East Pennsboro High School Athletic

                                                                                            The Studio
Programs. Unfortunately the COVID Pandemic has drastically reduced our ability to
support all programs that we would like to continue to support. Many years ago the                                                                         Try a
Legion donated the ground that the East Pennsboro High School Foot Ball Stadium                                                                             Free
sits on for a $1. The Auxiliary has a Christmas Party, Halloween Party and Easter                                                                          Class!
Party for member’s children; we are a collection point for Toys for Tots and also pur-
chase toys for the program. The Legion also donates money to the East Pennsboro
Fire Department. The Legion has also raised money and collected items for local
people that have lost their homes due to fire. This is not all inclusive but it will give
you an Idea of what we are about. We also conduct a 7PM Bell Ceremony to honor
all Current Serving Military, Those That Have Served and Those That Gave the Ulti-
mate Sacrifice for Our Nation.
     We are hoping to move forward with building a new Legion Building. Unfor-
tunately the COVID situation has slowed us down. We would look forward to see-
ing New Veterans, Someone that is currently in the Military, had a Father/ Mother/
Grandfather/ Grandmother, Husband or Wife in the Military please come and see us
about joining our American Legion.

Russel Nutter: Commander
Craig Stoll: Post Adjutant
Phone 717 732-4987
                                                                                            (717) 614 - 1942     SummerdaleDance.com          Summerdale Plaza, Enola

 10                                                                                                                                        EastPennsboro.net
Right here when
         you need us.
        Hampden Medical Center       Holy Spirit Medical Center
        2200 Good Hope Road, Enola   503 N. 21st St., Camp Hill


                                                                     HEA-17725-22 122221

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                                                                                 Yard Waste Facility
   Snow Removal Policy                                                                 Residents may begin renewing Yard Waste Cards February 14th for the 2022 year.
   Township Roads                                                                      Please submit a check or money order, payable to East Pennsboro Township.
         The Highway Department will begin plowing the most heavily              When mailing your renewal fee you must include the last 5 digits on the back of your
   traveled roads first. Salting and cindering will be performed as need-        card and any vehicle changes including license plate numbers. Sewer/Trash bills have
   ed. After the initial plowing, the plow will return to widen the path to      been modified so you may add your renewal fee into one of your quarterly payments,
   provide an area to plow additional snow if another storm occurs before        just check the box and fill in your card number. The Township will no longer be ac-
   a melting period.                                                             cepting new or renewal applications for commercial landscaping or tree service
         Residents are asked to park their cars in their driveway, if at all     businesses outside of the Township.
   possible. It is almost impossible for equipment operators to keep                                                                      The Facility will open on
                                                                                       Renewal Fees:
   snow from being plowed in front of a driveway. This is not done delib-                                                                      March 1st, 7 am
   erately. The Highway Department tries to clear all roads. Residents are             $10.00 Residential
                                                                                       $800.00 Commercial Landscaping Business            The Facility will close on
   also asked to move basketball backboards off streets.
                                                                                 		            within East Pennsboro Township                  Dec. 31st, 5 pm
                                                                                                                                                   Mon.- Fri. 7am-Dusk
                                                                                 Yard Waste Facility PROHIBITED Items
                                                                                 Grass Clippings, Garbage, Dirt, Stones, Plastic Bags, Tires, Concrete, Construction Debris,
                                                                                 Hazardous Waste, Painted or Treated Wood, Scrap Metal Landscaping Materials

                                                                                 TOWNSHIP STAFF UPDATES
                                                                                 Skylar Cohick
                                                                                 On December 1, 2021, Skylar Cohick resigned from her position as Recreation Coordina-
                                                                                 tor at East Pennsboro Township. Skylar has served as a crucial and important member
                                                                                 of our administrative offices since April 2018. Please join us in wishing her the best of
                                                                                 luck in her future endeavors.
   Sidewalks                                                                                               Kenneth Moore
   Property owners are reminded that Township regulations require snow
   and ice to be cleaned from sidewalks within 24 hours after a snowfall ends.                             Kenny started at the Township in November, 2021, assigned
   Please help our community stay safe this winter by removing ice and snow                                to the Public Works Department. Kenny brings with him 25+
   from your sidewalks. Do not shovel 6 feet from end of driveway until                                    years’ experience in the construction trade. He is a lifelong resi-
   street has been plowed.                                                                                 dent of Enola where he lives with his wife of 21 years. They have
   Snow Emergency Routes                                                                                   a teenage son who is a volunteer fireman at Enola Fire Co. #3
   Residents are required to remove parked vehicles from streets and                                       where Kenny serves as the District Fire Chief. Welcome aboard!
   roads posted as snow emergency routes if a snow emergency is de-
   clared. Snow emergency announcements will be made over local tele-                                      Dennis Lauer
   vision and radio.
                                                                                                           Dennis was hired at East Pennsboro Township in August, 2021.
   Fire Hydrants                                                                                           He is a 20-year veteran of the Army Criminal Investigative Divi-
   Property owners are asked to clear around fire hydrants to ensure fire                                  sion (CID) and 20 years with the State Parole Office. He joins us
   protection. Valuable time can be lost if firefighters have to clear snow                                as a Code Enforcement Officer in the Housing and Community
   from the hydrant area.                                                                                  Development Office.

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