A place to call home Celebrating centenarians

Page created by Carl Taylor
A place to call home Celebrating centenarians

A place to      Celebrating        Creativity
call home       centenarians       turns a corner
page 3          page 4             page 8

         Caring for Victorians since 1959
                                        mecwacare Matters • Winter 2021 • 1
A place to call home Celebrating centenarians
Staying safe in an unpredictable world                                                                                                          A place to call home
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               AGED CARE HOMES

Every day we hear                             of the Pfizer and AstraZeneca               in Altona North, to the quality expected
                                              vaccines allows us to make a choice         of mecwacare, arranging a special event
distressing details about
                                              about protecting ourselves and our          to mark the start of on-site work at the
how the global COVID-19                       loved ones.                                 new Simon Price Centre in Mont Albert
crisis is devastating                                                                     and building a new home care office on
                                              This message is not hard to sell.
countries, reminding us                       Our staff, volunteers and contractors
                                                                                          the Mornington Peninsula.
that it is still very much                    have responded overwhelmingly.              We honoured the heroic and dedicated
an ongoing threat in                          We appreciate that the more people          efforts of many of our staff behind our
Australia too.                                who are vaccinated, the safer you, our      COVID-19 response. Our supporters’
                                              residents and clients, care homes and       generosity continued with the donation
“COVID normal” is a fortunate                 community centres will be.                  of heated throw blankets for our
position for us to be in compared to                                                      community housing residents. They
                                              Most importantly, the steady progress
countries such as India. Poverty                                                          loved the gift and their joyous reaction
                                              of vaccination across mecwacare’s
and a lack of medical resources is                                                        was typical of the wonderful results
                                              aged care homes is bringing peace of
fuelling the spread of the virus at                                                       we see from sharing people’s care
                                              mind. There are scheduling challenges
staggering rates.                                                                         and kindness.
                                              with integrating this year’s flu vaccine
I have heard many upsetting stories           into the overall vaccination program.       This newsletter also highlights the
from our staff and volunteers about           However, this is just the flip side of an   amazing Flora Looker, who turned 106
the terrible situations facing their          increasingly positive situation.            in April, and how we are seeing more
loved ones overseas. Our thoughts                                                         centenarians, with 57 of our aged care                                                              mecwacare Squires Place             bathrooms into 60 rooms with
are with them and anyone who is cut
                                              Despite the occasional serious
                                                                                          residents and home care clients turning               In March, we were                             is our 14th care home and           individual bathrooms.
                                              COVID-19 threat, such as the one
off from their families and friends
                                              that caused Perth’s abrupt lockdown,
                                                                                          100 or older this year.                               delighted to take                             complements other residences
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  These works, which are due to be
due to travel restrictions.                                                                                                                                                                   in the west, mecwacare John
                                              Victoria’s snap five-day lockdown earlier   I hope you and your families stay                     ownership of a major                          Atchison Centre in Hoppers          completed by December 2021,
It is a stark reminder that we must           this year and more recently, the Sydney     safe and well.                                                                                                                          will enhance the home’s comfort,
maintain and strengthen our infection         and Melbourne scares, mecwacare’s                                                                 western suburbs aged                          Crossing and mecwacare Vincent
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  design, functionality and
                                              business is continuing to pick up pace      Michele Lewis                                                                                       House in Westmeadows.
prevention practices here.
                                              in 2021.                                    Chief Executive                                       care home in Altona                                                               accessibility, and give residents
                                                                                                                                                                                              As part of the integration into     the quality home they deserve.
While the COVID-19 vaccine is not
compulsory, it is heartening to               It has been a strong period for building                                                          North and welcome                             mecwacare, the two-storey
                                                                                                                       Pictured on the cover:
                                                                                                                                                                                              home is undergoing a significant    Squires Place is a warm and
see growing public support. The               projects. We are transforming our newly             Piroska enjoying her new heated throw rug.    residents and staff to the                    renovation into a modern and        inviting residence, set amongst
Commonwealth Government’s rollout             acquired aged care home, Squires Place                                        See story, page 6
                                                                                                                                                mecwacare family.                             comfortable 60-bed residence,       landscaped gardens, and is a
                                                                                                                                                                                              with a café, library, hair and      short drive from the beach and
                                                                                                                                                                                              beauty salon, cinema, spacious      all that scenic Port Phillip Bay
                                                                                                                                                                                              lounge and dining rooms.            has to offer.
                                                                                                                                                FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT
                                                                                                                                                                                              We have reduced the number          Squires Place (formerly Florence
                                                                                                                                                THIS CONTEMPORARY HOME OR ANY
                                                                                                                                                                                              of beds to 30 while we              Aged Care) has been named
                                                                                                                                                OF MECWACARE’S AGED CARE HOMES,               undertake this major upgrade        after long-serving mecwacare
                                                                                                                                                PLEASE CONTACT OUR FRIENDLY                   and extension, which includes       Board Member and Treasurer
We have over 60 years' experience in providing care and support
                                                                                                                                                ADMISSIONS TEAM ON 8573 4812.                 converting 45 rooms with shared     Colin Squires.
to the elderly. If you are looking for residential aged care that
feels like home and provides quality, safe and genuine care, then
mecwacare is perfect for your next stage in life.
                                                                                                                                                Who we are
    Our residential aged care locations:
                                                                                                                                                mecwacare is a not-for-profit, non-denominational charitable organisation that has been supporting
    •   Altona North               •   Mont Albert
                                                                                                                                                Victorians for more than 60 years. We are a values-based, care-driven organisation that provides residential,
    •   Caulfield North            •   Prahran
                                                                                                                                                community and in-home nursing, care and support services for the elderly and people living with a disability.
    •   Glen Iris                  •   Richmond
    •   Hamlyn Heights (Geelong)   •   Safety Beach       BOOK A TOUR                                                                           mecwacare was founded by a small group of volunteers concerned about the elderly and vulnerable in their
    •   Hoppers Crossing           •   Shoreham             TODAY                                                                               local area and formally became the Malvern Elderly Citizens Welfare Association (MECWA) in 1959. In 2007,
    •   Malvern                    •   Traralgon                                                                                                MECWA changed its name to mecwacare to better represent the organisation’s focus as it grew into a major
                                                               8573 4812
    •   Mornington                 •   Westmeadows                                                                                              provider of aged care and disability services across metropolitan Melbourne and regional Victoria.

                                       mecwacare.org.au                                                                                                                                                                           mecwacare Matters • Winter 2021 • 3
A place to call home Celebrating centenarians
The changing picture of                                                                                                      Sunny side of the street
                                                                                                AGED CARE HOMES                                                                                                                          SUSTAINABILITY

ageing at mecwacare
                                                                                  How often do you meet
                                                                                  a wonderful mature
                                                                                  lady who can proudly
                                                                                  show you a photo of
                                                                                  herself as a three-
                                                                                  year-old in 1918?

                                                                                  Enter, the exceptional
                                                                                  Flora Looker.

                                                                                                                             Steven Lambert and Alan Bullas inspecting one of the new hybrid vehicles

                                                                                                                                                                                                        Green Initiatives
                                                                                                             Flora Looker,
                                                                                                     aged 106 in 2021 and
                                                                                                                             Solar panels will be                                                       • Nineteen hybrid vehicles
                                                                                                            three in 1918
                                                                                                                                                                                                          will be added to our
                                                                                                                             installed at three mecwacare                                                 fleet this financial year
                                                                                                                             sites this year and our vehicle                                              as the first stage of implementing
                                                                                                                                                                                                          a full hybrid vehicle fleet by 2023-24.
                                                                                                                             fleet is heading to hybrid
                                                                                                                                                                                                         We have selected the Toyota Corolla
                                                                                                                             as part of an expanding                                                     Hybrid Ascent Sport and the Toyota
Flora Looker turned the grand age        These statistics add up to a            Flora’s story confirms insights
of 106 on April 15. A beloved resident   fascinating picture of how people       coming through about our                    sustainability program.                                                     RAV4 Hybrid GX. Hybrids perform like
at mecwacare’s Rositano House            are ageing, both within aged care       centenarians, especially their                                                                                          a petrol vehicle, but save energy and
in Richmond, Flora is just one of        facilities and in their own homes.      personalities and resilience.               Work is underway to install solar panels at our corporate                   provide a calmer, more responsive
our residents who has attained the                                                                                           office in Malvern Road and two aged care homes,                             driving experience.
magical three-figure milestone.          Better medical care and health          Tragic family losses – her husband          mecwacare Jubilee House in Caulfield North and                             • Efficient lighting through LED upgrades
                                         awareness, along with a commitment      and both sons died at an early age –        mecwacare John Atchison Centre in Hoppers Crossing.                          is also reducing running costs while
This year across mecwacare’s             to assist people to live in their own   resulted in Flora becoming                                                                                               boosting efficiency.
14 aged care homes, 18 residents         home for as long as possible, are       fiercely independent.                       This is the first stage of a five-year program that aims
will celebrate their 100th and           credited with driving the increase.                                                 to complete solar installations across our residential                      LED lighting has so far been installed at:
100-plus birthdays.                                                              She brought this independence with          services portfolio. mecwacare currently has solar panels                    • Annie’s Court, Shoreham
                                         And there are personality               her when she moved into the then            at mecwacare Annie’s Court in Shoreham, mecwacare                           • Calwell Manor, Safety Beach
And while that is an impressive          indicators, too.                        Sir Eric Pearce House in 2009. She is       Calwell Manor in Safety Beach and the East Malvern                          • Elstoft House, Geelong
figure, another 39 of our clients                                                known for becoming very engaged in          Opportunity Shop.
                                                                                                                                                                                                         • Malvern Centre, Malvern
still living in their own homes will                                             conversation, with strong opinions,
celebrate their century birthdays        THIS YEAR                               and for giving wise worldly advice.         Two energy services companies with aged care                                • Park Hill, Mornington
or higher this year.                                                                                                         experience have been appointed to undertake the work.                       • House, Pakenham
                                         18 RESIDENTS
                                                                                 Until a couple of years ago, Flora          They will install voltage optimisation technology that
Global data confirms what we are         CELEBRATE THEIR                         would regularly walk down to Bridge         will boost savings and reduce carbon dioxide emissions.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        • Printing and waste management have
                                                                                                                                                                                                          been identified as other areas for use
seeing in our homes and among            100+ BIRTHDAYS IN OUR                   Road to do her shopping, visit the
                                                                                                                                                                                                          of more efficient and environmental
our clients – a steady increase in                                               bank and post office. She had her           mecwacare's three community housing complexes in
longevity, marked by rising rates        AGED CARE HOMES                         regular shops and friendships where         Beaumaris, Glen Iris and Sandringham are also being
of people living to 100.                                                         she would drop in for a chat.               assessed for solar installations.

4                                                                                                                                                                                                                          mecwacare Matters • Winter 2021 • 5
A place to call home Celebrating centenarians
Rugging up for winter

                                                                                                               Jeff and his new heated throw rug

 Delivering heated throw
 blankets to residents in our
 community housing brought joy,
 gratitude and smiles.
This was care and kindness              mecwacare’s role in
in action.                             “brokering” the gift is another
                                        important facet of our work
Our distribution team was barely        supporting Victoria’s frail and
back in the office before the           vulnerable citizens.
messages of thanks started
arriving via email.                    Not only are the blankets an
                                       example of community caring
"I am overwhelmed by such              in action, they provide a warm                                                                                                                 Barbara Watts and Chris Barnett delivering the heated throw blankets
 generosity, thank you so much,"       and cosy winter “retreat”
 said one long-time resident.          and help keep the cost of
                                       electricity down – an important                                                                              Secure and affordable housing
Another resident couldn’t              contribution to energy efficiency
believe the coincidence and her        and a saving for our community
good fortune.                          housing residents.                                                                                           mecwacare’s community housing                  mecwacare’s units are disability
                                                                                                                                                    program provides residents with                and ageing-friendly, allowing
"I had my 80th birthday on             Glen Iris resident Piroska was                                                                               their very own home in one of three            residents to live independently
 Sunday and I had put out some         delighted when she received                                                                                  prime locations across Melbourne. It           for many years. mecwacare offers
 strong hints to family members        her blanket. She said she was                                                                                is designed to provide comfort and             care and support services into the
 that a heated throw would be          incredibly grateful for the gift and                                                                         independence for people who are                home, including Home Care
 appreciated," she wrote.              looking forward to keeping warm                                                                              over 65, or living with a disability, and      Packages, clinical assessments,
                                       on the coldest days and nights.                                                                              who meet the Department of Health’s            medication and wound management,
"To my disappointment these                                                                                                                         eligibility criteria for a concessional        as well as support with personal care,
 hints fell on deaf ears, so imagine   Each blanket was delivered with                                                                              rent allowance.                                such as showering, dressing
 my joy and amazement when I           a note from Chief Executive                                                                                                                                 and grooming.
 discovered a heated throw from        Michele Lewis, which residents                                                                               Our community housing complexes
 mecwacare, on my doorstep on          also appreciated.                                                                                            in Glen Iris, Sandringham and                  There are plans to expand our
 Monday morning!"                                                                                                                                   Beaumaris provide a private space              community housing portfolio as
                                                                                    with this
                                                                 to provide you                                                                     and shared garden, which fosters               we work to provide more options for
                                          I am delighted                         ke t.
These soft and warm blankets                                  ed throw blan                                                                         social opportunities. We hope that by          people who are financially and/or
                                          gift of a heat
were made possible by a                                                                                                                             providing quality, affordable housing          socially disadvantaged. Our units
                                                                                        h a very
very generous donation from                             ke t  w  as     purchased wit                                                               for people experiencing difficulties or        provide a safe and secure home close
                                           This   bl an                                 rabool Fund,
                                                        do  na  ti on    from the Dur
the Durrabool Fund, whose                  gene  ro us                              recipients of                                                   at risk of homelessness, this burden           to shops and public transport.
                                                     be ne  fa ct  ors were the
benefactors had received one of            who   se                                     es. They                                                    will be eased.
                                                         es e bl an    kets themselv
the blankets as a gift themselves.         one   of  th                                mecwacare's
                                                    it so   m uc  h,    they wanted
                                            love d                                   to have one
                                                    un it y  ho us   ing residents
                                             com m                                       electricity
They loved it so much,                                         lp   ke  ep the cost of
                                             too  –  an d  he
                                                                                      l warmth.                                                                      If you would like to know more about our
they wanted mecwacare’s                           n  w hi le  pr ov    iding essentia
                                              dow                                                                                                                    community housing program, please call 8573 4970 or
community housing residents
                                                                                     anket and                                                                       email housing@mecwacare.org.au
                                                                   joy your new bl
to have one, too.                             I hope you en                              sy during
                                                      it  ke ep  s   yo  u warm an co
                                               that                                    ths.
                                                                      illy winter mon                    Piroska rugging up in her heated blanket
                                               Melbourne's ch
6                                                                                        Michele Lewis                                                                                                         mecwacare Matters • Winter 2021 • 7
A place to call home Celebrating centenarians
DISABILITY                                                                                                                 FUNDRAISING

Creativity turns a corner                                                                                                                                                            In the swing of success
                                                                                                             And Rachel and Mark are             With that program and all the
Natasha’s Crafty Corner                                                                                      cooking up quite a following        news temporarily on hold, the
                                                                                                             of their own as Fisher Street       centre faced a challenge to fill
is a colourful little column                                                                                 gets back into full swing after     the pages while trying to keep
that is making a big, bright                                                                                 the disruptions of COVID-19         the newsletter interesting to
                                                                                                             last year.                          centre participants.
difference to readers of
a newsletter, published                                                                                       Natasha is one of the              During a brainstorm with
                                                                                                              newsletter’s popular new           staff, Rachel mentioned her
by participants at
                                                                                                              columnists, sharing hints and      passion for food and how
mecwacare’s Fisher Street                                                                                    “how-to” tips – and even            much she enjoyed the cooking
Disability Day Centre.                                                                                        getting fan mail from              and lifestyle programs at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Golf Day winners: Bidfood Victoria
                                                                                                              appreciative readers.              Fisher Street.

                                                                                                             Her latest craft project is an      She suggested including a
                                                                                                             easy-to-make fan that requires      recipe and staff seized the
                                                                                                             only paper plates, acrylic paint,   opportunity. Rachel’s Recipe
                                                                                                             craft sticks, glue and a black      Corner was born and a new
                                                                                                             permanent marker.                   era started for participant
                                                                                                                                                 contributions to the newsletter.
                                                                                                             With clear instructions,
                                                                                                             Natasha and her fellow              “What started as a once-off
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Golf Day runners up: Sheen Malvern
                                                                                                             participants are able to create      addition to the newsletter soon
                                                                                                             an eye-catching fan that is easy     became a much-loved column
                                                                                                             to use and effective.                that has evolved into three
                                                                                                                                                  different subjects,” said Kevin
                                                                                                             Turn the page and another new        Kreiner, Regional Manager of
                                                                                                             columnist is offering a mouth-       Community Services.                mecwacare’s 20th Charity Golf Day at one of                                      Our Sponsors
                                                                                                             watering project – chocolate-                                           Victoria’s top sandbelt courses in March was one
                                                                                                             dipped strawberries. Mark’s         “When we resumed services                                                                                            SILVER SPONSORS
                                                                                                             Sweet Corner is another well-        and more participants started
                                                                                                                                                                                     of our most successful events, with 108 players                                  Community Bank East Malvern
                                                                                                             read instructional column.           to return to the centre, we        teeing off in near-perfect conditions.                                           MedSafe
                                                                                                                                                  created a program plan for                                                                                          United Physiotherapy
                                                                                                             The introduction of columnists       the newsletter project, where      Players rose to the occasion, bringing   mecwacare’s signature fundraising       Bidfood Victoria
                                                                                                             has become a staple of the           participants brainstorm ideas      their best games to the fairways of      event was made possible by the
Natasha (front), Rachel and Mark
                                                                                                             newsletter after the content         to create a monthly issue filled   the internationally-recognised Yarra     support of our amazing sponsors         BRONZE SPONSORS
                                                                                                             challenges of COVID-19;              with valuable information,         Yarra Golf Club in Bentleigh East.       and community partners, including
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Accru Melbourne
                                                                                    February-March-April     lockdown restrictions                updates and activities.”                                                    the Community Bank Malvern
       Fisher Street                                                                               2021                                                                                                                                                               Fisher Lane Mobility
                                                                While everyone just finished
                                                                                              welcoming in
                                                                                                             upended the activity-based                                              This challenging, picturesque course     East, Medsafe and United
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Gary Peer & Associates
                                                                the New Year, a lot of different
                                                                                                 Lunar New

                                                                                                                                                                                     saw a tight contest in the four-person   Physiotherapy Group.
                                                                await to celebrate the Chinese
                                                                Year. We hope you enjoy this
                                                                                                             program for which Fisher
                                                                                                                                                                                     ambrose competition followed by                                                  LeasePlus
       What you will need:                                                                                   Street is renowned and which
       *Paper Plates, Acrylic Paint in
                                       red, gold and black,
       Craft Sticks, Glue, Black Sharpie
                                                                                                             was a newsletter feature.                                               lunch in the heritage clubhouse.         On top of the invaluable                Sheen Malvern
                                        draw a small half
       *Cut a paper plate in half and
       circle in the centre of the straight
       with a Sharpie.
                                            edge of the plate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              sponsorships, a generously              Amicum
                                                                                                                                                                                     One of our new sponsors – Bidfood        supported raffle raised funds for
                                        gold and    black
       *Paint both halves with the red,
       paints.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Norden Conversion
                                         and set the paper
        *Paint craft sticks for each fan
        plates and craft sticks aside to

                                        like shown below
                                                                                                                                                                                     Victoria – carded 56 to just pip the     our new campaign Standing Strong.       Essential Fire Safety Services
        *Glue craft sticks to your fans

                                                                                                                                                                                     perennial top-performing team from       mecwacare is installing purpose-built
                                           ly dry.
        and place it down until complete
                                                                                                                                                 FOR MORE INFORMATION
                                                                                                                                                                                     Sheen Malvern, who carded 571/8.         strength training equipment,            PTA Architecture
                                                                                                                                                 ABOUT MECWACARE’S                                                            designed specifically for elderly
                                                                                                                                                 DISABILITY SERVICVES,               It was a fantastic day despite having    people, in every one of our 14 aged
                                                                                                                                                 PLEASE CALL 9572 9000               to be rescheduled due to the snap        care homes and community centres
                                                                                 Free call 1800 163 292
                                                                                                                                                                                     five-day lockdown in February.           – at a cost of $18,100 each.

8                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      mecwacare Matters • Winter 2021 • 9
A place to call home Celebrating centenarians
STAFF AWARDS        I would like to support mecwacare

Celebrating our pandemic heroes                                                                                                                                                                                                  Please complete and return this donation slip to support
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 mecwacare’s life-changing work.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Please find enclosed my tax deductible gift of:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     $25          $50        $250            $500           My choice $
                                                                                                         mecwacare 2021 Employee, Volunteer and                                                                                  Where would you like your donation to go?
                                                                                                         Contractor Awards winners                                                                                                   Elderly people

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     People living with a disability
                                                                                                         Chief Executive Leadership Award                               Support Service Award (Corporate Services)
                                                                                                         (Residential Services)                                         Jessica Lemoine, Quality Advisor                             People experiencing financial hardship
                                                                                                         Loretta Radge, General Manager, Residential Services
                                                                                                                                                                        Administrator of the Year/Support Service Award              Area of greatest need
                                                                                                         Chief Executive Leadership Award                               (Residential Services)
                                                                                                         (Home and Community Services)                                  Kylie Peacock, Park Hill                                 CONTACT DETAILS
                                                                                                         Linda Smart, Executive General Manager, Home and
                                                                                                         Community Services
                                                                                                                                                                        Administrator of the Year Award                          Title       Mr         Miss        Mrs           Ms        Mx       Other:
                                                                                                                                                                        (Home and Community Services)
                                                                                                         Chief Executive Leadership Award                               Miranda Kellett, Administration Officer,                 Name
                                                                                                         (Corporate Services)                                           South West Region
                                                                                                         Susan Camilleri, General Manager, People and Culture
                                                                                                                                                                        Administrator of the Year Award
                                                                                                         Employee of the Year (Residential Services)                    (Corporate Services)
                                                                                                         Annette McLean, Regional Support Manager                       Peter Griffin, General Manager, Information Technology
                                                                                                         Employee of the Year                                           Encouragement Award (Residential Services)
                                                                                                         (Home and Community Services)                                  Amanjot Brar, Clinical Care Coordinator,                 Telephone
                                                                                                         Kevin Kreiner, Regional Manager, Community Services            Noel Miller Centre
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Date of Birth (optional)                         /                  /
                                                                                                         Employee of the Year (Corporate Services)                      Encouragement Award (Home Nursing Care Services)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      I would like to receive information about remembering
mecwacare’s annual awards honoured the                                                                   Luke Angliss, Gardening Services                               Dumida Niyamgoda, Direct Care Worker, Barwon Region
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      mecwacare in my Will.
heroic and dedicated work of the many people                                                             Clinician of the Year (Residential Services)                   Encouragement Award (Corporate Services)
                                                                                                         Mohammed Oukal, Facility Manager, Malvern Centre               Daniela Campana-Leesa,                                        I would like to know more about volunteering at mecwacare.
behind our response to the global COVID-19 pandemic.                                                     (now at Annie's Court and Calwell Manor)                       Human Resources Administrator
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      I DO NOT want to receive further correspondence from mecwacare.
They worked tirelessly throughout 2020 to keep                                                           Clinician of the Year                                          Encouragement Award (Community Services)

our residents and clients safe.                                                                          (Home and Community Services)
                                                                                                         Caroline McLelland, Assessment Officer,
                                                                                                                                                                        Christine Gardner, Meals Service Coordinator,
                                                                                                                                                                        City of Melbourne
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 PAYMENT DETAILS

                                                                                                         South East Region                                                                                                       I am paying by:                      Cheque
We had a record number of nominations (81)              Ms Lewis said she was incredibly proud of                                                                       Contractor of the Year
and a record number of categories, which was            how everybody responded to the challenges.       Carer of the Year (Residential Services)                       Michael Evans, Ripley Plumbing                               Visa         Mastercard          AMEX            AMEX ID        /        /
necessary to recognise so many deserving                She said the awards recognised very deserving    Saffron Wileman, Personal Care Assistant,
                                                                                                                                                                        Volunteer of the Year                                    Card No.                   /                 /                  /
people who delivered exceptional care and supported     people and the exceptional work performed by     Elstoft House
                                                                                                                                                                        Marjorie Waite, Op Shop, East Malvern
their colleagues in one of mecwacare’s most             so many at the height of the crisis.
                                                                                                         Carer of the Year (Home and Community Services)                                                                         Expiry Date                /                         CVV
challenging years.                                                                                                                                                      Volunteer of the Year
                                                        A recurring theme was the incredible efforts     Ashlee Roberts, Direct Care Worker, North West Metro
                                                                                                                                                                        Noel and Julie Farmilio, Meals on Wheels (Leongatha)     Cardholder Name
Chief Executive Michele Lewis presented 26 awards       of staff in our residential services and other   Learning and Development Award                                 Gippsland Region
that recognised individuals and teams who live the      areas who stepped up to work at the              Paramjit (Pally) Singh, Facility Manager, Rositano House                                                                Signature
mecwacare values of Caring, Accountable, Respectful     John Atchison Centre in Hoppers Crossing –                                                                      Long-term Contribution Award
                                                                                                         (now at John Atchison Centre)
and Ethical. Our values unite us. They underpin         the only mecwacare home to have                                                                                 Lucy Chapman, Facility Manager, Simon Price Centre
everything we do across the many services we provide.   an outbreak.                                     Support Service Award (Residential Services)                                                                                       Fill out the donation form and mail your cheque or credit card information
                                                                                                                                                                        Chief Executive Special Award (Teams)
                                                                                                         Eleanor Hills, Personal Care Assistant/Laundry Assistant,                                                                          to: mecwacare, 1287 Malvern Road, Malvern VIC 3144
                                                                                                                                                                        Home Care Nursing Team – Clare Chalmers,
                                                                                                         John Atchison Centre
                                                                                                                                                                        Dee Greenwood and June Davis
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Call us with your payment details (freecall) 1800 163 292 between
                                                                                                         Support Service Award
          If you would like to know more about working for mecwacare,                                                                                               To make a secure online donation using your credit card,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            9am and 5pm Monday to Friday. We accept AMEX, Visa and Mastercard.
                                                                                                         (Home and Community Services)
          visit the Careers section on our website at mecwacare.org.au                                                                                              visit our website at mecwacare.org.au
                                                                                                         Seung (Steve) Tac Yahng, Direct Care Worker,
                                                                                                         South East Metro

10                                                                                                                                                                               mecwa carecare
                                                                                                                                                                                    mecwa  Matters
                                                                                                                                                                                                    • Winter
                                                                                                                                                                                                        • Winter
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  • 11 • 11      All donations over $2 are tax deductible.
A place to call home Celebrating centenarians
Service Network
A 1287 Malvern Road              P 03 8573 4980
  Malvern VIC 3144               E intake@mecwacare.org.au
P 03 8573 4888
                                 North West Metro Keilor East
P 1800 163 292 (freecall)
                                                                                        LUX URY APARTMEN T L IVING - YOUR P ERFEC T RE T IRE MEN T OP T ION
E enquiries@mecwacare.org.au     South East Metro Malvern
w mecwacare.org.au               South East Region Pakenham
                                 South West Region Ballarat
RESIDENTIAL SERVICES                                                                                                                                                 RESIDENCES BY

P 03 8573 4812                Barwon Region Geelong
E admissions@mecwacare.org.au Gippsland Region Inverloch

mecwacare Annie’s Court
                                 HOME CARE PACKAGES
mecwacare Calwell Manor          P 03 8573 4812
Safety Beach                     E homecarepackages@
mecwacare Elstoft House            mecwacare.org.au
Hamlyn Heights (Geelong)
mecwacare John Atchison Centre   COMMUNITY SERVICES
                                                                          Make the move to
Hoppers Crossing
mecwacare Jubilee House
                                 P 03 8573 4980
                                 E community@mecwacare.org.au
                                                                          Robin Syme Malvern
Caulfield North                  Bass Coast Cowes (Phillip Island)
mecwacare Malvern Centre         Barry Fenton Centre                      Enjoy a welcoming community of like-minded
Malvern                          and Podiatry Service                     people, offering you a safe and secure environment
                                 Malvern East                             where you can live life to the fullest.
mecwacare Noel Miller Centre
Glen Iris                        Rivendell House Pakenham                 A new boutique retirement village in Malvern,
mecwacare O’Mara House                                                    offering all you need and love within easy reach.
Traralgon                        DISABILITY SERVICES                      You will find a limited edition of 31 luxurious two and
                                 P 03 9572 9000                           three-bedroom residences that have been crafted
mecwacare Park Hill
                                 E community@mecwacare.org.au             to perfection, purely with your needs in mind.
mecwacare Rositano House         Fisher Street Centre
Richmond                         Malvern East

mecwacare Simon Price Centre
                                 COMMUNITY HOUSING
Mont Albert
                                 P 03 8573 4970
mecwacare Squires Place
                                 E housing@mecwacare.org.au
Altona North
mecwacare Trescowthick Centre
                                 Glen Iris
                                                                                                                                                              Inspect now
mecwacare Vincent House                                                                                                                                          OPEN FOR INSPECTION
Westmeadows                      OPPORTUNITY SHOPS                                                                                                              WED AND FRI 11AM-NOON
                                                                                                                                                                  OR BY APPOINTMENT
                                 P 03 9571 4221 (donations)                             LUX URY APARTMEN T L IVING - YOUR P ERFEC T RE T IRE MEN T OP T ION
RETIREMENT LIVING                E enquiries@mecwacare.org.au
P 03 8573 4970                                                                                                                                                Contact Pauline 9831 9876
E housing@mecwacare.org.au       Hawthorn
Hoppers Crossing                 Malvern East                                                                                                                  1259 Malvern Road, Malvern
Malvern                          Windsor

FREECALL 1800 163 292 • mecwacare.org.au                             12
A place to call home Celebrating centenarians A place to call home Celebrating centenarians A place to call home Celebrating centenarians
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