A pre-arrival guide for international students 2021/22

Page created by Rick Casey
A pre-arrival guide for international students 2021/22
A pre-arrival guide for
international students 2021/22
A pre-arrival guide for international students 2021/22
    Congratulations on being                                 On receiving your
    accepted as a student at
    Sheffield Hallam University!
                                                             offer of a place
                                                             at Sheffield Hallam
    We look forward to welcoming
    you to Sheffield and Sheffield                           University
    Hallam University.

    This guide is divided into five
    steps to help you arrive on                              STEP 2:
    campus safely and well prepared.

    We advise you to complete the
                                                             In the weeks 11-16
    steps in sequential order. Each                          before you leave
    step contains a checklist of tasks,
    which you can cross off as you
    complete them.

    Please note: dates in this guide                         STEP 3:
    were correct at the time of printing
    but may be subject to change.                            Getting ready
    Please check online before
    you travel.                                              for departure       17-20

                                                             STEP 4:
                                                             Arriving 21-28
                                                             in Sheffield

                                                             STEP 5:
                                                             in your studies


3   Sheffield Hallam University
    A pre-arrival guide for international students 2021/22                               4
A pre-arrival guide for international students 2021/22
Apply for                                        I need a Student visa. Who can help
                                               your visa                                        me apply for it?
                                                                                                The Home Office website
    STEP 1:                                                                                     provides detailed information
                                       You must hold a valid Student
                                                                                                and guidance about applying for
                                       visa that entitles you to study at
    On receiving your                  Sheffield Hallam University before
                                                                                                a Student visa.

    offer of a place                   you can begin your course with us.                       Visit gov.uk/student-visa

    at Sheffield Hallam                Once you are clear when you plan
                                       to arrive in Sheffield, and you have
                                                                                                The UK Council for International
                                                                                                Student Affairs (UKCISA) also offers
    University                         received your Confirmation of
                                       Acceptance for Studies (CAS), you
                                                                                                detailed advice for international
                                                                                                students applying for study visas.
                                       should apply for your visa.
                                                                                                Visit go.shu.ac.uk/
                                       Which visa should I apply for?                           studentvisaoutsideuk
           Apply for                   Most international students need a
           your visa                   Student visa if they are studying a                      If you require further help and
                                       course that is 6 months or longer.                       you are in the UK, we strongly
                                                                                                recommend that you book an
           Book your
                                       Visit gov.uk/student-visa                                appointment with the International
                                       for more information.                                    Experience Advisers at the University.
           Register for disabled       I already have a valid UK visa.                          If you are in your home country
           student support             Do I need to apply again?                                and you need support with your
           (if applicable)             If you are currently in the UK on                        visa application, please contact the
                                       a Student visa for another university,                   International Experience Advisers,
                                       you must apply for a new Student                         who can offer advice over email
                                       visa before you can enrol at Sheffield                   or Skype.
                                       Hallam University.                                       To book an appointment email
                                       If you have any other type of UK                         internationalexperience@shu.ac.uk
                                       visa and are not sure whether or not
                                       you need to apply for a new visa,
                                       please email hallamhelp@shu.ac.uk
                                       for advice.

                                       If you are already in the UK and
                                       intend to extend your visa, you
                                       must book an appointment with the
                                       International Experience Advisers at
                                       Sheffield Hallam, to confirm eligibility
                                       for an in-country extension, as this
                                       is not always possible.

                                       To book an appointment telephone
                                       0114 225 2222 or email

<   Contents                       5   Sheffield Hallam University
                                       A pre-arrival guide for international students 2021/22                                          6
A pre-arrival guide for international students 2021/22
How long will the application            Sheffield Hallam are recorded             7. Tuberculosis test certificate                         EU/EEA applicants should read
process take?                            correctly.                                (if applicable)                                          our Brexit Information page for the
The application process will probably                                              You will need a tuberculosis (TB)                        latest guidance on studying in the
                                         4. Transcripts or exam certificates                                                                UK.
take around two months, so you must                                                test if you are coming to the UK
                                         listed on the CAS
start the process early.                                                           for more than six months and are
                                         You will need to submit your              resident in any of the countries                         How can I contact the
When can I apply for my Student          original transcripts or qualification     on the list at gov.uk/tb-test-visa.                      International Experience Team?
visa?                                    certificates. Details of these will       If the test is clear, you will be given
                                         be listed on your CAS. The documents                                                               Email
You can apply for your Student visa                                                a certificate, which you must submit
up to six months before the start date   must include your full name and the                                                                hallamhelp@shu.ac.uk
                                                                                   with your visa application.
of your course.                          name of the academic institution
                                         awarding the qualification. They must     What should I do if my visa
What documents will I need?                                                                                                                 shu.ac.uk/international/
                                         also include the date and title of        is refused?
You will need the following              awards (for certificates) and the         You must inform us immediately
documents:                               course title and confirmation of          if your visa application is refused
                                         award (for transcripts).                  by UK Visas and Immigration. Please
1. Valid passport                                                                  email your visa refusal notice to
                                         5. Evidence of enough funds to
You will need to submit your passport                                              internationaladmissions@shu.ac.uk
                                         meet the UK Visa and Immigration
with your Student visa application.
                                         (UKVI) maintenance requirements           You have two options:
Ideally, the passport should be valid
for the duration of your study in the    You must show the balance of
                                         one year’s tuition fees plus £9,207       •	You can submit an Administrative
UK plus six months at the end.
                                         for living expenses in Sheffield.            Review if you think the decision
2. Passport photograph                   If your course is less than nine             is incorrect. There is no fee for
                                         months, you need to show the                 this but it can take at least 28 days
You will need to submit a passport-
                                         balance of your tuition fees plus            – and sometimes much longer –
sized colour photograph that was
                                         £1,023 per month for your living             for a decision to be reached.
taken no earlier than one month
                                         costs. You will need to prove that           Strict deadlines apply, so you
before your application. The
                                         you have kept this amount in your            must contact us as soon as you
photograph must be in a specific
                                         bank account for 28 days before              receive your visa refusal notice
format. Visit gov.uk/photos-for-
                                         you submit your application.                 if you are considering this option.
passports for guidance.
                                         6. ATAS certificate (if applicable)       •	Alternatively, you can make a new
3. Confirmation of Acceptance
                                                                                      application. Please read the refusal
for Studies (CAS) from Sheffield         Non-EU applicants for certain
                                                                                      notice carefully to see which
Hallam University                        postgraduate courses need to get
                                                                                      documents were missing or
You will receive your CAS when you       an Academic Technology Approval
                                                                                      incorrect the first time. You will
accept your unconditional offer and      Scheme (ATAS) certificate before
                                                                                      need a new CAS if you wish to
pay a deposit (if applicable). Check     applying for entry to the UK. You
                                                                                      make a new application.
your CAS carefully before you use it.    must have your ATAS certificate
                                         before you apply for your Student         In some cases, the International
Your name must be exactly the            visa. It can take up to three months to   Experience Team will provide
same as it is in your passport and       get your ATAS certificate, so you         assistance with Administrative
your passport number must be             must apply early.                         Review applications. We will contact
correct. Check that all your                                                       you with advice once we have
qualifications are listed correctly,     Visit gov.uk/guidance/academic-
                                                                                   reviewed your visa refusal notice.
that the details of the course that      technology-approval-scheme
you are going to study are correct       to apply.
(including course duration) and that
any payments you have made to

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                                                                                   A pre-arrival guide for international students 2021/22                                     8
A pre-arrival guide for international students 2021/22
 ook your
       B                                   and even more information on the                snug & Studentpad                                                  Register for Disabled Student
       accommodation                       variety of residences we have                   Together with Sheffield City Council and                           Support (if applicable)
                                           available.                                      the Students’ Union Advice Centre,
                                                                                           Accommodation Services have a private
Whether you are looking for halls          Accommodation in the private sector                                                                           If you have a disability, please
                                                                                           sector student property standard called
of residence or a shared house, we                                                                                                                       register with Disabled Student Support
                                           The safest method of looking for                snug. Only private sector properties
strongly recommend that you apply                                                                                                                        as soon as you have confirmed your
                                           private sector housing is to apply via          that have been vetted - the vetting
for accommodation through the                                                                                                                            place at Sheffield Hallam University.
                                           Accommodation Services. We                      process includes an inspection and
University Accommodation Service                                                                                                                         Visit go.shu.ac.uk/disabilitysupport to
                                           provide advice on all aspects of                compliance with tenancy management
at shu.ac.uk/accommodation.                                                                                                                              register and to find out about the range
                                           house-hunting, have specialist                  - are advertised on our website at
You will receive tailored support                                                                                                                        of support available to you during your
                                           knowledge of the local area and                 shu.ac.uk/privatehousing
and guaranteed help in finding                                                                                                                           time at Sheffield Hallam University.
somewhere to live.                         properties available.
                                                                                           You can be sure that any property you
                                                                                                                                                         To access support at the University,
                                           If you want to find private sector              find on our Studentpad website will be
Accommodation in halls of residence                                                                                                                      disabled students need to provide
                                           accommodation, you may wish to                  an ideal home for your time in Sheffield.
                                                                                                                                                         evidence of disability. It can be a letter
Our halls are the most popular choice      finalise arrangements after you have            You can even meet potential
                                                                                                                                                         or report (it needs to be in English or an
for international students, and there      arrived in Sheffield with our help. This        housemates through the
                                                                                                                                                         official translation provided) signed by a
are a range of properties and room         will give you the chance to visit the           message board.
                                                                                                                                                         recognised medical professional, state a
types to suit all budgets. From            property and meet the landlord. You                                                                           diagnosis and that the disability has
                                                                                           If you intend to find private sector
standard single rooms, to single           should plan an early arrival and set a                                                                        lasted or is likely to last 12 months or
                                                                                           accommodation once you have arrived
en-suites with larger beds, and even       few days aside for this task.                                                                                 longer.
                                                                                           in Sheffield, you will need to book
self-contained flats – all in self-                                                        temporary accommodation before you
catered residences. Most halls are less                                                    leave your home country so that you
than a 10-minute walk from campus                                                          have somewhere to stay while you are
and never more than a 30-minute            When looking for private sector                 looking. Visit shu.ac.uk/accommodation
walk.                                      accommodation, consider the                     to apply, receive dedicated help and
There are many advantages to living        following factors:                              support, as well as discounted hotel
in halls;                                                                                  rates near Sheffield Hallam.
                                           • Location – the majority of
                                              students at Sheffield Hallam
•    you are guaranteed a place
                                              University live in S1, S7, S10 or S11.
•    rent includes bills, insurance, and   • Rent – check whether bills and
      internet                                utilities are included in the rent
•    residential support services are         or whether you are expected
      available                               to pay for those separately.
                                              Ensure that you are aware of
•    halls are located in popular             any additional payments that
     student areas                            you will be required to make
                                              before you commit.
•    halls offer a safe and secure
     environment                           •D
                                             uration of contract and
                                            tenancy agreement – make sure
•    full year and flexible contract        you understand what you are
      options available                     signing. The Students’ Union
                                            Advice Centre can go over your
Visit shu.ac.uk/accommodation to            tenancy agreement with you
apply for accommodation as soon as          before you sign it.
you have received a course offer. You
can also access 360 videos, prices,

<   Contents                                                                           9        Sheffield Hallam University
                                                                                                A pre-arrival guide for international students 2021/22                                        10
A pre-arrival guide for international students 2021/22
Plan your journey to                             cannot guarantee that you will get
                                                       Sheffield and book our                           a seat on the coach.
                                                       free airport pick-up service
                                                                                                        What should I do if I arrive on
    STEP 2:                                                                                             a day when the pick-up service
                                               We strongly encourage you to                             doesn’t run?
    In the weeks                               book our free Manchester airport                         You should tell us when you
                                               pick-up service – it will make your
    before you leave                           arrival easier and more enjoyable.
                                                                                                        plan to arrive by filling in the
                                                                                                        arrival information form at
                                               Our friendly student guides will                         go.shu.ac.uk/arrival. You will receive
                                                                                                        instructions about travelling to
                                               •	meet you at the Manchester
                                                                                                        Sheffield and getting support on
                                                  airport terminal
           Plan your journey to                                                                         arrival.
           Sheffield and book our              •	introduce you to other
           free airport pick-up service           new students                                          What should I do if I arrive
                                               •	bring you to Sheffield by train                       late at night?
           Set up your SHU IT                     or private coach                                      If you cannot avoid arriving late
           account                             •	order a free taxi to take you                         at night, you have two options.
                                                  to your accommodation                                 You can book the airport pick-up
           Book your place on the                                                                       service for the next morning, if
           orientation programme               If possible, book a flight that arrives                  it is available, and find overnight
                                               before 4pm (16:00) UK time, so that                      accommodation at the airport.
                                               you have enough time to collect your                     Alternatively, you can take the train
           Familiarise yourself with
                                               luggage and get through immigration                      to Sheffield – in this case, follow
           the academic calendar
                                               before meeting our student guides.                       the instructions you will receive by
                                                                                                        email and come to the University.
           Arrange travel and                  It is your responsibility to find our
           medical insurance                   student guides as soon as possible                       What should I do if I am arriving
                                               after your arrival. Unfortunately, if                    at a different airport?
           Ask your doctor for                 you fail to do this and you miss the                     Please tell us when you plan to arrive
           your medical records                pick-up, the University cannot cover                     by filling in the arrival information form
                                               your travel costs to Sheffield.                          at go.shu.ac.uk/arrival. If you choose
           Pay your tuition fees                                                                        to fly to another major city in the UK,
                                               How do I book the service?
           and complete the online                                                                      you can either get a connecting flight
                                               Find the full range of available                         to Manchester or travel by train or bus
           enrolment task
                                               dates and book the service at                            to Sheffield. Visit nationalrail.co.uk for
                                               go.shu.ac.uk/arrival                                     train times and nationalexpress.co.uk
                                               You must book a place for this service                   for bus times. Go to shu.ac.uk/visit
                                               at least one week before you are due                     for information about how to find the
                                               to arrive. Make sure you use your                        University once you get to Sheffield.
                                               personal email address when you
                                               complete your details. You will receive
                                               a confirmation email with further
                                               information about the service. Please
                                               check your inbox after you have

                                               If you arrive without booking the
                                               service or you book too late, we

<   Contents                              11   Sheffield Hallam University
                                               A pre-arrival guide for international students 2021/22                                      12
A pre-arrival guide for international students 2021/22
When you arrive at the airport in the     Once you have done this, you will be             Familiarise yourself with
UK, head to passport control.             able to access your University email             the academic calendar
                                          with the login and password that you
If you are a national from Australia,     have created. Instructions can also
Canada, Japan, New Zealand,               be found on the enrolment guidance       Academic year 2021/22
Singapore, South Korea or the USA,        page.
and are staying in the UK for over 6                                               Semester 1
months, you can use the automated
eGates.                                                                             Recommended arrival dates                               11–14 September 2021*
                                               Book your place on the
If you are a short term student (up to         orientation sessions                 Orientation programme for
6 months) or from a country not listed                                              international, incoming exchange                        15–17 September 2021*
above, you must not use the eGates,                                                 and study abroad students
                                          The University offers an orientation
as you need to see an officer to get
                                          programme for all international                                                                   20–24 September 2021 (PG)
a stamp in your passport. This stamp
                                          students, incoming exchange               Course induction week
gives you the permissions needed
                                          students and study                                                                                27 September-1 October 2021 (UG)
for your studies. To assist with this,
                                          abroad students.
download this document and present                                                                                                          27 September (PG) / 4 October
it to a Border Force Officer. This can    It will offer a combination of on-        Teaching
                                                                                                                                            (UG) – 17 December 2021
be presented to staff either printed or   campus and online sessions,
shown on a mobile device.                 interactive workshops, and social         Christmas vacation                                      20 December–2 January 2022
                                          activities on campus, such as campus
                                          and city tours.                           Study weeks and exams                                   3–16 January 2022
       Set up your SHU IT
       account                            We strongly encourage you to attend      Semester 2
                                          and book as many sessions as you
                                          can.                                      Recommended arrival dates                               8–11 January 2022*
A month before you are due to
arrive, you will receive an email         Find dates and times of orientation at    Orientation programme for
explaining how to set up your             go.shu.ac.uk/orientation                  international, incoming exchange                        12-14 January 2022*
Sheffield Hallam University IT                                                      and study abroad students
                                                                                    Course induction programme                              17–21 January 2022

                                                                                    Teaching                                                17 January–8 April 2022

                                                                                    Easter vacation                                         11–24 April 2022

                                                                                    Study week (PG)                                         25 April–8 May 2022

                                                                                    Year-end exams (UG)
                                                                                                                                            9-20 May 2022
                                                                                    Semester 2 exams (PG)

                                                                                   UK bank holidays and additional Sheffield Hallam University holidays:
                                                                                   • 25 December 2021–3 January 2022
                                                                                   • 15–19 April 2022
                                                                                                                                               * Dates subject to chanage.
                                                                                   • 2 May 2021
                                                                                                                                               For the latest dates please visit
                                                                                   • 30-31 May 2022

<   Contents                                                               13      Sheffield Hallam University
                                                                                   A pre-arrival guide for international students 2021/22                                      14
A pre-arrival guide for international students 2021/22
Arrange travel and                 UK, and bring your immunisation         make the payment before leaving                          •	a contact name, company or
       medical insurance                  record with you.                        your home country to avoid delays                           organisation name, address and
                                                                                  with your enrolment.                                        telephone number for the place to
                                          Medical history                                                                                     which the invoice should be sent
All students should arrange               When you register with a doctor         If you cannot arrange this, the
travel insurance before travelling        in the UK, you will be asked about      University can accept payment                            Send a copy of your sponsor letter as
to the UK.                                any existing medical conditions and     when you arrive.                                         soon as possible to the Sales Ledger
                                          your medical history. For example,                                                               Team at invoicing@shu.ac.uk
Whether or not you also need                                                      How do I calculate 50 per cent of
                                          the doctor would need to know if
medical insurance depends on                                                      the fees I need to pay before I enrol?                   Completing your online enrolment
                                          you have asthma or have previously
your nationality and the duration                                                 Please use the following advice to
                                          had a serious illness. If you do have                                                            You will receive an email from
of your stay in the UK. If you will be                                            help you calculate your fee payments.
                                          any medical conditions, please ask                                                               Sheffield Hallam University asking
studying with us for longer than six
                                          your current doctor in your home        Step 1: Check your offer letter to find                  you to complete your enrolment
months, you will need to pay the
                                          country to provide details of your      out the total fees for your course.                      online. You will use your login code
Immigration Health Surcharge when
                                          diagnosis and treatment.                Then take away any discounts for                         and password your created when
you apply for your visa. This will
entitle you to free NHS treatment                                                 which you are eligible (if any).                         setting up your SHU IT account,
                                          Long term medication
while you are in the UK. The cost is                                                                                                       to access the enrolment task at
£300 per year and your payment            In case you are on any long-term        Step 2: Divide the resulting figure                      msr.shu.ac.uk.
will be calculated according to the       medication for a chronic health         by two to work out 50 per cent of
                                                                                  your tuition fee.                                        Please note that you will not be able
amount of time that you will be in the    condition, please check that the
                                                                                                                                           to complete the enrolment if you
UK (including the additional time at      medication you require can be           Step 3: If you have already paid                         have not paid at least 50% of your
the end of your visa).                    legally prescribed in the UK. Please    a deposit, take that amount away                         tuition fees. If you’ve paid by bank
                                          also make sure that you are not         from the 50 per cent fee.
If you are studying in the UK for                                                                                                          transfer, please allow up to 7 days for
                                          carrying with you any medication
up to six months, only emergency                                                                                                           your payment to be received before
                                          that contains a controlled substance.   Step 4: The remaining amount is
treatment only will be free. Therefore,                                                                                                    you complete your enrolment. Online
                                          Further guidance can be found at        the total that you need to pay before
you should purchase medical                                                                                                                payments are processed faster.
                                          gov.uk/travelling-controlled-drugs.     you can enrol on your course.
insurance before you leave home.                                                                                                           Please note that you must enrol by
                                                                                  How can I pay my fees?                                   the latest enrolment date included on
Visitors from EU countries, Norway,
Iceland, Liechtenstein or Switzerland          Pay your tuition fees              We offer a number of ways to pay                         your CAS even if you plan to arrive in
please visit go.shu.ac.uk/NHSEEA for           and complete the online            your tuition fees. For details, visit                    the UK later.
more information.                              enrolment task                     go.shu.ac.uk/shupayments
                                                                                                                                           Step-by-step instructions can be
                                                                                  What should I do if my tuition fees                      found on the enrolment guidance
                                          All international students              are paid by a sponsor?                                   page.
       Ask your doctor for                undertaking full-time undergraduate     If you have obtained sponsorship
       your medical                       or postgraduate taught courses          from your employer, a government
       recordsImmunisation records        must pay tuition fees (as calculated    or another professional body, the
                                          below).                                 University will require a sponsor letter
Immunisation records                                                              from that organisation confirming:
                                          A deposit will need to be paid to
                                          secure your place on the course and     •	your name, your chosen course,
It is recommended that all
                                          before the University can issue your       and the academic year for which
students attending a UK university
                                          Confirmation of Acceptance for             the organisation will be paying
are immunised against measles,
                                          Studies (CAS).
mumps, rubella (MMR) and meningitis
                                                                                  •	the proportion of the fees that
C (students under 24 years old).          You must have paid 50 per cent of          they will be paying (for example,
Please arrange to have these              your fees before you can enrol fully       100 per cent)
vaccinations before arriving in the       on your course. We advise you to

<   Contents                                                                15    Sheffield Hallam University
                                                                                  A pre-arrival guide for international students 2021/22                                      16
A pre-arrival guide for international students 2021/22
Pack important items                             Carrying cash
                                                   in your hand luggage                             Do not carry large amounts of cash
                                                                                                    in your luggage. Only bring enough
                                                                                                    with you to cover expenses for the
    STEP 3:                                Make sure that you pack the
                                                                                                    first few days.
                                           following important items in your
    Getting ready                          hand luggage and keep them                               If you have no other option but to
                                           with you at all times:
    for departure                                                                                   bring a large sum of money with
                                                                                                    you, please read the guidance at
                                             our passport
                                             ny medication you are taking
                                             etails and policy wording                             Please note, cash is not a payment
           Pack important items             for any insurance you have                              option at Sheffield Hallam.
           in your hand luggage             arranged
                                             nough money in sterling and
           Pack appropriate                                                                              Pack appropriate
                                            travellers’ cheques for your first
           clothing                                                                                      clothing
                                            few weeks
                                             ny accommodation contracts
           Check the safety of              or payments that you have been                          British weather changes a
           any electrical equipment         asked to bring with you                                 great deal throughout the year.
           you intend to bring
                                             our CAS                                               In summer (June to August),
           Find temporary                  •y
                                             our Home Office decision letter                       temperatures can reach 25–30°C,
           accommodation                    informing you where to collect                          while in the winter they often
           (if required)                    your visa (BRP) on arrival in the UK                    drop to around 5°C during the
                                                                                                    day, and there is usually some
                                             our final letter of acceptance                        snowfall in December, January
                                            for your course                                         or February.
                                             recent chest X-ray report (CXR)
                                            in English, confirming that you                         Make sure that you pack appropriate
                                            do not have active TB (if applicable                    clothing for the weather, including:
                                            – check gov.uk/tb-test-visa
                                                                                                    • a warm, waterproof winter
                                            for more information).
                                                                                                       coat or jacket
                                                                                                    • two jumpers/sweaters
                                                                                                    • strong waterproof shoes or boots
                                                                                                    • warm gloves/hat/scarf

                                                                                                    It may be cheaper to buy some
                                                                                                    of this clothing when you arrive
                                                                                                    in the UK. Dress in the UK is mostly
                                                                                                    very informal.

<   Contents                          17   Sheffield Hallam University
                                           A pre-arrival guide for international students 2021/22                                     18
A pre-arrival guide for international students 2021/22
  Use good quality, strong
  luggage, labelled with your
  contact details both in your
  home country and the UK.

  If you do not know
  your address in the UK yet,
  use the University’s address –
  Sheffield Hallam University,
  City Campus, Howard Street,
  Sheffield S1 1WB, UK.

  In the unlikely event that your
  luggage is damaged or lost,
  report this at the airport. Your
  luggage can be delivered to our
  24-hour reception, if necessary.

       Check the safety of any
       electrical equipment you
       intend to bring

Electricity in Britain is supplied
on 240volts/50Hz cycles.

Check that any electrical appliances
that you intend to bring with you
will work safely on this voltage, and
bring adapters to help convert the
voltage, if necessary.

                                                      One third of the city of Sheffield lies within the beautiful countryside of the Peak District National Park

<   Contents                            19   Sheffield Hallam University
                                             A pre-arrival guide for international students 2021/22                                                       20
Find out about the two                                Arrive at the
    STEP 4:                                         campus locations                                      University

    Arriving in                             Sheffield Hallam University has two                      As soon as you arrive at Sheffield
    Sheffield                               different campus locations:                              Hallam University, you can visit
                                                                                                     the Meet and Greet desk in the
                                            •	City Campus is located opposite                       main entrance at City Campus.
                                               Sheffield train station and next to
           Find out about the
                                               Sheffield bus station – as you walk                   The Meet & Greet Desk
           two campus locations
                                               out of the train station, you are right
                                               in front of the City Campus.                          If permitted by the social distancing
           Arrive at the University                                                                  guidance at the time, a meet & greet
                                            •	Collegiate Campus is a 20 minutes’                   desk for international students will
                                               walk from the city centre, in the                     be open to provide support with any
           Take part in the                    popular student area around                           immediate enquiries on arrival.
           international orientation           Ecclesall Road.
                                                                                                     A virtual meet & greet desk will be
           and welcome week
                                            Visit shu.ac.uk/visit-us/how-to-                         available to help you with any further
                                            find-us for more detailed information                    questions you may have while you
           Collect your BRP and your        and downloadable campus maps.                            are preparing to start your studies. To
           SHU card                                                                                  find out dates and how to access the
                                            If you have booked the                                   virtual desk visit
                                            University’s free Manchester
           Open a bank account              airport pick-up service, you will                        shu.ac.uk/international/
                                            be taken to City Campus.                                 international-experience-team/on-
           Check your timetable             Which campus will I be studying at?
                                            The course description in the                            What should I do if I arrive late in
                                            online prospectus at shu.ac.uk/                          the day?
           Register with the police         study-here/find-a-course contains                        If the main University entrance is
           (if necessary)                   information about the location of                        closed, ring the bell on the right-hand
                                            study. Please note that we are unable                    side of the door. Security staff will
           Register with a doctor           to give you precise information about                    meet you and arrange for a taxi to
                                            the buildings in which your lectures                     take you to your accommodation.
                                            and seminars will take place until the
           Organise your council            start of term.
           tax exemption

           Find out about part-time
           work opportunities
                                                EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBER 0800 073 1318

           Enjoy life in Sheffield!             The University has an emergency phone number for international
                                                students who experience problems with their journey to Sheffield.
                                                You will be able to contact a member of staff 24 hours a day during
                                                September and January. Please note that this number can only be
                                                used within the UK.

<   Contents                           21   Sheffield Hallam University
                                            A pre-arrival guide for international students 2021/22                                      22
Collect your BRP and                                   Check your
                                                                                                         your SHU card                                          timetable

                                                                                                 Once you have arrived at the                             Your timetable will be available
                                                                                                 University, you will need to book an                     a week before your course starts.
                                                                                                 appointment to collect your BRP and
                                                                                                 your SHU Card.                                           Check your timetable carefully
                                                                                                                                                          and regularly – it is subject to
                                                                                                 You will be required to upload                           minor changes, especially in the
                                                                                                 evidence of the date of your arrival                     first two weeks of teaching.
                                                                                                 in the UK and will be sent an email to
                                                                                                 book an appointment to collect your                      Report any timetabling clashes
                                                                                                 BRP from campus in due course.                           by emailing hallamhelp@shu.ac.uk

                                                                                                 Once you have booked your
                                                                                                 appointment, your confirmation email                           Register with the police
                                                                                                 will provide the details about the                             (if necessary)
                                                                                                 collection location.

                                                                                                                                                          Please note that this information
                                                                                                         Open a bank                                      applies to non-EU citizens only.
                                                                                                                                                          Do I need to register with the police?
                                                                                                                                                          If you are required to register with the
                                                                                                 You should open a bank account                           police, this will be stated on your visa
                                                                                                 as soon as possible after arriving                       vignette or your Home Office decision
An international student ambassador taking students on a campus tour during Welcome Week.        in Sheffield.                                            letter.

       Take part in the                               International Orientation will offer       Once you have arrived in Sheffield, you                  How do I register?
       international orientation                      a combination of online sessions,          will need to open a UK bank account.                     You usually need to register online
       and welcome week                               interactive workshops, and small-          We advise choosing a bank with a city                    within seven days of your arrival in the
                                                      group social activities on campus.         centre branch. Please do your research                   UK.
                                                                                                 online and read this bank options
Your first week will be very busy                     To find out dates and times and to         summery to choose the one that suits                     You will then need to take the
and exciting as you explore your                      book your online sessions visit            your needs best.                                         following documents to a police
new home!                                             go.shu.ac.uk/orientation                                                                            station and pay a registration fee of
                                                                                                 To open an account, you will need your                   £34 (payable by contactless card only)
The University organises orientation                  What should I do if I miss                 passport and a bank letter confirming                    before you can collect your police
events for all new international                      Orientation?                               your term-time and home address as                       registration certificate:
students. During international                        You can attend the online Orientation      well as the duration of your course.
orientation, you will get lots of                                                                You can print or download a bank                         •	original passport
                                                      sessions before you arrive in the
information about all the services we                 UK. Please go to go.shu.ac.uk/             letter from My Student Record at
                                                                                                                                                          • BRP card
provide, as well as advice on opening                 orientation to book your sessions.         msr.shu.ac.uk. Please check that the
a bank account and registering at the                                                            information on the letter is correct                     • University CAS or offer letter
Medical Centre and with the police (if                If you arrive after the Meet & Greet       before you go to the bank. You should                    • accommodation contract
necessary). You will also have plenty                 period has ended, please attend            also make sure that your name as
of opportunities to meet staff and                    an online drop-in session with the         printed on the bank letter is exactly
students, have fun and start making                   International Experience Team.             the same as it appears in your
new friends!                                                                                     passport.

<   Contents                                                                                23   Sheffield Hallam University
                                                                                                 A pre-arrival guide for international students 2021/22                                      24
While you are in the UK, you must        Is it free to use the Medical Centre?    •	treatment of conditions caused by                     If you are studying in the UK for
report to the police within seven        Yes, it is free to make an appointment      torture, female genital mutilation,                   longer than six months
days of:                                 with your GP or the practice nurse at       domestic violence or sexual                           If your course lasts for six or more
                                         the Medical Centre. However, please         violence (provided you did not                        months, you will pay the Immigration
• a change of address                                                                come to the UK for the specific
                                         bear in mind that some NHS services                                                               Health Surcharge (IHS) when you
• a change of course or university       are not free – for example, you will        purpose of seeking such treatment)                    apply for your Student visa. You
•	a change of name or marital status,   need to pay for your prescriptions,                                                               will, therefore, qualify for free NHS
                                                                                  •	compulsory psychiatric treatment
   or the birth of children              and for appointments with a dentist                                                               treatment.
                                                                                     or treatment that has been ordered
•	an extension of stay granted          or optician.
                                                                                     by a court                                            Please note that you will still need
   by UK Visas and Immigration
                                         Will I have to pay for other NHS                                                                  to pay for:
• a change of passport                   treatment – for example, treatment
                                         in hospital?                                                                                      • prescription medicines
•	a temporary absence of eight                                                   If you are studying
   weeks or more from your               Whether or not you will need to          in the UK for up to six months                           •	some GP services (such as travel
   registered address                    pay for other NHS treatment or                                                                       vaccinations and getting a sickness
                                                                                  If you are studying for up to six
                                         services depends on why you                                                                          certificate)
For more information, visit                                                       months, you are only entitled to
                                         require treatment, your country          free emergency health care. You                          • dental treatment
                                         of residence and the duration of         will have to pay for any hospital                        • optical treatment
                                         your stay in the UK.                     visits, such as treatment for a broken                   •	treatment for any illness or
                                                                                  bone or for serious infection or                            condition that existed before you
                                         Some NHS treatments are always
                                                                                  disease. We strongly advise you,                            arrived in the UK
       Register with                     free for everyone, including:
                                                                                  therefore, to take out medical
       a doctor
                                         •	accident and emergency services       insurance before travelling.                             When can I register with a dentist?
                                            (but not necessarily follow-up                                                                 You can register with a dentist as
Register with a doctor (GP) as              treatment, or later admission to                                                               soon as you have registered with a
soon as possible after arriving             hospital as an in-patient)                                                                     GP. If you do not register with a GP,
in the UK – do not wait until you                                                                                                          you will have to pay for private dental
feel unwell.                             • family planning services                                                                        treatment, which is significantly more
                                         •	diagnosis and treatment of sexually                                                            expensive than NHS treatment.
You can register by completing
the form online at                          transmitted infections                                                                         Charges vary and you are advised
campusdoctor.co.uk/shu the medical                                                                                                         to discuss costs in advance with
                                         •	diagnosis and treatment of certain
centre may contact you to discuss                                                                                                          the dentist. You can find your
                                            infectious diseases
any necessary vaccinations and book                                                                                                        nearest dental surgery online at
you into an appointment.                                                                                                                   nhs.uk/Service-Search/Dentist/
When you register, you will be asked
about your vaccination record and
given additional vaccinations, if
necessary. You may also be required
to have a blood test.

For more information, visit

<   Contents                                                                25    Sheffield Hallam University
                                                                                  A pre-arrival guide for international students 2021/22                                       26
Organise your council                              your visa will state whether or not                    Enjoy life                                         over 170 shops and numerous
        tax exemption                                      you are permitted to work and for                      in Sheffield!                                      restaurants, bars and cafes
                                                           how many hours a week. Please note
                                                           that if you are staying in the UK on                                                                    •	The Winter Garden – 2,500 plants
Students only need a council tax                           a short-term study visa you cannot             Sheffield is a welcoming,                                   in one of the largest temperate
exemption letter from Sheffield                            work or volunteer.                             multicultural city with a rich                              glasshouses in Europe
Hallam University to apply for                                                                            and proud history.
council tax exemption.                                     EEA nationals can work unlimited                                                                        •	The Crucible and Lyceum theatres
                                                           hours – however, the University                It offers the best of both worlds,                          – making up one of the largest
This can be printed from My Student                                                                                                                                   theatre complexes in the country
                                                           recommends that you work no more               having all the amenities, culture and
Record at msr.shu.ac.uk                                                                                                                                               and host of the World Snooker
                                                           than 15 hours a week. Greater work             entertainment of a big city as well
Once you have the required                                 commitment is likely to have a                 as the peaceful, green spaces of                            Championship
document/s, apply for council                              negative impact on your studies.               the countryside.
                                                                                                                                                                   •	Sheffield Botanical Gardens –
tax exemption online at                                                                                                                                               19 acres of gardens with beautiful
                                                           If you are interested in part-time             The city has a vibrant art, music
go.shu.ac.uk/CTexemptions                                                                                                                                             Victorian glass pavilions
                                                           work, visit Careers Connect for advice         and film scene, with the largest
                                                           and support at shu.ac.uk/careers or            theatre complex outside London,
                                                                                                          six multiscreen cinemas, nine                            •	Fly DSA Arena – huge sports
        Find out about part-time                           call once you arrive on 0114 225 3752.                                                                     and entertainment venue,
                                                                                                          art galleries and many venues
        work opportunities                                 The Careers & Employability Team               showing performances from                                   attracting the biggest music
                                                           runs regular workshops, and you can            internationally-renowned                                    bands, performers and sports
                                                           book an appointment to see an                  comedians, musicians and bands.                             teams from across the world
If you are planning to work while
                                                           Employability Adviser to discuss any                                                                    How expensive is Sheffield?
you study, you will need a National                                                                       Sheffield is one of the greenest
                                                           career-related query you may have.
Insurance (NI) number. Visit gov.uk/                                                                      cities in Europe, and one-third of                       Life in Sheffield can be a little
                                                           The service is available to you
apply-national-insurance-number                                                                           the city lies within the beautiful                       cheaper than in some other UK
                                                           throughout your time at Sheffield
to apply.                                                                                                 countryside of the Peak District                         cities, depending on your personal
                                                           Hallam, and also for life, once you
                                                           graduate. You can find your                    National Park, where you can visit                       lifestyle. However, you are likely
It may take some time to get your
                                                           designated Employability Adviser               some of the UK’s most spectacular                        to need about £1,000 per month
NI number. However, you can start
                                                           here: shu.ac.uk/careers/see-an-                historic houses and castles. There are                   to cover living expenses including
working part-time as long as you
                                                           adviser/meet-the-team                          also many opportunities for climbing,                    accommodation. You can find more
can prove that you have the right
                                                                                                          mountain biking and hiking.                              detailed information about the
to work. If you are a visa national,
                                                                                                                                                                   cost of living in Sheffield online
                                                                                                          What places of interest are                              at numbeo.com/cost-of-living/
                                                                                                          there in and around Sheffield?                           in/Sheffield
                                                                                                          Here are just some of the fascinating
                                                                                                          places you can visit in and around                       For more detailed information
                                                                                                          Sheffield:                                               about Sheffield, visit shu.ac.uk/
                                                                                                          •	The Millennium Galleries –
                                                                                                             four exhibition galleries of visual
                                                                                                             art, craft and design in Sheffield’s
                                                                                                             city centre

                                                                                                          •	Chatsworth House – one of
                                                                                                             Britain’s best loved historic houses,
                                                                                                             dating from the 1400s

                                                                                                          •	Meadowhall shopping centre –

The International Experience Team provide support to all international students in the University.

<   Contents                                                                                         27   Sheffield Hallam University
                                                                                                          A pre-arrival guide for international students 2021/22                                       28
Use the University’s Student                          Make the most of our
                                                      Support Services                                      libraries and IT facilities

    STEP 5:                                   Many services and facilities                             Each University campus has its
                                              are available at Sheffield Hallam                        own library: the Adsetts Library
    Succeeding                                University to offer advice and                           at City Campus and Collegiate
                                              support. Make sure that you                              Library at Collegiate Campus.
    in your studies                           know who can help you.
                                                                                                       These libraries offer traditional
                                              The Student Support Services                             library services and more, including
                                              offer a wide range of high-quality                       loans (books, journals, DVDs
                                              support and guidance, including:                         and e-resources), individual and
           Use the University’s
                                                                                                       group study spaces, PCs, free
           Student Support Services           •	international experience service                      Wi-Fi, printers, and photocopiers.
                                                 and immigration advice
           Make the most of our                                                                        University libraries and self-service
           libraries and IT facilities        •	help with seeking part-time                           facilities are open 24 hours a day
                                                 work and career planning                              throughout the year and you can
           Sign up to the University          •	study support                                         buy food and drink there at any time,
           English Scheme                                                                              day or night. You can work at one of
                                              •	wellbeing support                                     4,000 PCs and Macs in our libraries,
           Develop your                                                                                cafes, teaching rooms and other
                                              •	faith and religious support                           study spaces. Wi-Fi is available across
           academic skills
                                                                                                       campus so you can bring your own
                                              •	services for students
                                                                                                       device or borrow a laptop from us.
           Get involved in                       with disabilities
           campus life                                                                                 Each library has a helpdesk near
                                              • a nursery and childcare services
                                                                                                       its entrance where you can get
           Look after yourself                Find out more by emailing                                information about the facilities on
           and your mates                     hallamhelp@shu.ac.uk or visit                            offer, and ask for help with your
                                              go.shu.ac.uk/international                               borrowing, information and IT needs.

                                                     Look out for the Hallam                           When you are working from home,
                                                     Help sign around campus.                          you can access our range of services
                                                     It tells you that you’re in a                     through MyHallam, the University’s
                                                     place where you can access                        personalised online environment. The
                                              help and advice.                                         Library Gateway pages on MyHallam
                                                                                                       give access to Library Search,
                                                                                                       information databases and electronic
                                                                                                       resources, including e-books,
                                                                                                       e-journals, and video and image
                                                                                                       resources. MyHallam is your route
                                                                                                       to all essential information, such as
                                                                                                       timetables, online learning modules,
                                                                                                       your University email account, your
                                                                                                       student record and support services.
                                                                                                       Visit shu.ac.uk/libraries

<   Contents                             29   Sheffield Hallam University
                                              A pre-arrival guide for international students 2021/22                                      30
Sign up to the University               Develop your                               Get involved in                                       Look after yourself
       English Scheme                          academic skills                            campus life                                           and your mates

If English is not your first             The Skills Centre is the academic        You will be matched with a Culture                       We have a well-established network
language, it is essential that you       skills development centre in our         Connect mentor, who will encourage                       of support services available, should
quickly develop your confidence in       libraries. We offer a range of           you to get involved in campus life                       you encounter any emotional or
speaking and understanding English.      individual and group sessions on         and help you with any problems                           personal issues during your stay.
                                         academic skills, with topics including   you have while you are settling in
We recommend that you attend a                                                    to your studies.                                         •	For advice on coping with
pre-sessional English course before      •	critical writing                                                                                  homesickness and culture
you begin your degree course.                                                     Try to meet up with your Culture                            shock, contact the International
                                         • planning and stucturing your           Connect mentor regularly. These                             Experience Team.
You can also improve your English        assignments                              meetings will give you opportunities
while studying. The University English                                            to improve your English and to learn                     •	For advice on coping with difficult
Scheme offers free English language      • referencing                                                                                        academic circumstances, contact
                                                                                  about other cultures.
classes to help you enhance and          • introduction to academic writing                                                                   the Student Support Adviser in the
improve your English for academic                                                 There are many other ways to get                            faculty where your course is based.
study. You can also take the 20-credit   We also have a range of online           involved on campus and online,
English for Academic Purposes            resources and remote study options       please visit linktr.ee/shu_goglobal –                    •	If you experience distress or
module. To find out more about           for when you’re not on campus            here are some that may interest you:                        problems that are seriously
English language support, visit          including Studosity, an online writing                                                               affecting your emotional state
go.shu.ac.uk/UES                         feedback service.                        •	Join Conversation Club and our                           or mental health, contact
                                                                                     other GoGlobal activities. Follow                        Student Wellbeing. Email
                                         You can find out more about this and        the GoGlobal Facebook page at                            student.wellbeing@shu.ac.uk
                                         other great services including Maths        facebook.com/GoGlobalatSHU
                                         & Stats Support, Assistive Technology       for regular updates.
                                         & The University English Scheme on
                                         our blog.                                •	Join a Hallam Union Society or
                                                                                     a sports club. To find out what’s
                                         Visit blogs.shu.ac.uk/skillscentre for      on offer, visit hallamstudentsunion.
                                         more information.                           com/get_involved

<   Contents                                                               31     Sheffield Hallam University
                                                                                  A pre-arrival guide for international students 2021/22                                       32
Useful contacts

                                                                             Admissions and UK Recruitment                            Hallam help
Websites                                Contacts
                                                                             Directorate of Corporate Affairs                         Email hallamhelp@shu.ac.uk
Sheffield Hallam University             International Experience Team        Sheffield Hallam University                              Phone +44 (0)114 225 2222
shu.ac.uk/international                 Sheffield Hallam University          Owen Building
                                                                             City Campus                                              Chat to a student
                                        Owen Building
Sheffield Hallam University                                                  Howard Street                                            Chat one-on-one online with our
                                        City Campus
city guide shu.ac.uk/sheffield                                               Sheffield S1 1WB                                         current students and find out
                                        Howard Street
                                                                                                                                      everything you want to know
Sheffield Hallam University             Sheffield S1 1WB
                                                                             Phone: +44 (0)114 225 4791                               about life at Sheffield Hallam, from
accommodation services                  Phone +44 (0)114 225 2222            Email: internationaladmissions@shu.                      studying our courses to living in
shu.ac.uk/accommodation                 Email internationalexperience        ac.uk                                                    Sheffield and everything in between.
                                        @shu.ac.uk                                                                                    You can also read our student
Brexit information for EU students
                                                                                                                                      blogs to find out more about their
                                        Accommodation Services                                                                        university experiences. Register
                                        Sheffield Hallam University                                                                   today and get a conversation started
                                        38/40 Howard Street                                                                           shu.ac.uk/study-here/student-chat
                                        City Campus
Information and advice for              Sheffield S1 1WB
international students coming           Phone +44 (0)114 225 4512
to study in the UK ukcisa.org.uk        Email international-
Information on student life in the UK   accommodation@shu.ac.uk
                                        Medical Centre
Street maps                             Student Health at SHU
walkit.com/cities/sheffield             First Floor Surrey Building
                                        Pond Street
Campus maps                             Sheffield S1 1WB
                                        Phone +44 (0)114 225 2134
Student Health at SHU                   Fax +44 (0)114 276 9596

MyHallam                                Careers Connect
shu.ac.uk/myhallam                      Sheffield Hallam University
                                        City Campus
Twitter                                 Howard Street
@SHUGoGlobal                            Sheffield S1 2LX
Facebook                                Phone +44 (0)114 225 3752
facebook.com/GoGlobalatSHU              Email careers@shu.ac.uk

SHU GoGlobal website

<   Contents                                                            33   Sheffield Hallam University
                                                                             A pre-arrival guide for international students 2021/22                                   34
Connect with us
International Experience Team
T: +44 (0)114 225 2222
E: hallamhelp@shu.ac.uk

Check out #WeAreHallam on Facebook,
Instagram and Twitter to find out more about
why Sheffield is such a great student city.
You can also read