Study at SIM Global Education, graduate from the University of London - - SIM GE

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Study at SIM Global Education, graduate from the University of London - - SIM GE
Study at
SIM Global
graduate from
the University
of London
Study at SIM Global Education, graduate from the University of London - - SIM GE
Gain a University of London
degree at SIM GE

1    A mark of excellence
     A degree from the University of London is a mark of excellence,
     respected by employers and universities worldwide.

2    The best of both worlds
    	Studying with the University of London at SIM Global Education
      provides the reassurance of an internationally recognised British
      degree, combined with vibrant campus life at SIM GE.

3     uality of learning
     All University of London programmes are developed and assessed
      by the renowned member institutions of the University of London.

4     mployability
     University of London degrees are internationally recognised and
      open doors to careers in banking, business, financial services, IT,
      and other industries.

5     J oin the World Class
    	On graduation, you will join the University of London
       global community of influential alumni – from leaders
       of business and industry to Nobel Prize winners.

Study at SIM Global Education, graduate from the University of London - - SIM GE
         International Foundation
         Programme Graduate
         (Distinction), Class of 2019

         ‘I decided to give studies
         another chance in February
         2018, despite lacking an
         academic foundation and an
         outdated English certificate.
         A mere three months later
         I was taking my first class
         with SIM half a world away,
         the University of London
         International Foundation
         Programme programme
         made this possible. One
         year later I graduated with
         three distinctions and
         one merit, giving myself
         a strong foundation to
         continue on with a BSc in
         Economics and Politics’
         Louis Martin-Vézian is currently
         studying the University of
         London Bachelor of Science
         (Honours) in Economics and
         Politics at SIM Global Education.                       3
Study at SIM Global Education, graduate from the University of London - - SIM GE
Two trusted names in
global education
The University of London and SIM Global Education have over 30 years of successful
collaboration. From an initial intake of only 40 students in 1986, there are now 6,000 current
students and over 37,000 graduates who studied for University of London degrees at SIM GE.

About the University                      About SIM Global
of London                                 Education (SIM GE)
The University of London is one of        SIM GE is a leading private educational
the oldest and most prestigious           institution in Singapore, known
universities in the UK, internationally   for its high standards and vibrant
recognised for its high academic          student experience. It is part of the
standards. Founded in 1836, the           SIM Group which was set up in 1964
University of London is a federation      on the initiation of the Singapore         University of London and
of 17 self-governing member               Economic Development Board and
                                                                                     SIM GE: in numbers
institutions, including the London        has over 50 years’ experience in
School of Economics and Political         developing manpower to support            •	Graduates to date: 37,576
Science (LSE), UCL and Goldsmiths,        Singapore’s economic growth. Its
                                                                                    • First Class graduates to date: 1,964
University of London. These member        state-of-the-art campus has a global
institutions are responsible for the      atmosphere, with local students           •	First Class Honours graduates
academic direction and assessment         mixing with students of other cultures      in 2019: 245
of all programmes offered worldwide       and backgrounds. Students can
by the University of London.              join extra-curricular programmes in       •	University of London Top Scorers: 66
                                          sports, social and cultural activities.
University of London degrees have
been available to study worldwide since
                                          Today, SIM GE’s enrolment stands at       Standards you
                                          about 19,000, which includes both
1858. Past students include leaders of
business and industry, judges, authors,
                                          full-time and part-time students in       can rely on
                                          over 80 academic programmes from
politicians, and seven Nobel Prize                                                  The standard of assessment is
                                          various international universities.
winners, including Nelson Mandela.                                                  consistent whether you study on
There are now over 50,000 people          SIM GE is part of the University          campus in London or elsewhere in
in more than 180 countries studying       of London’s global network of             the world. This helps to ensure that
for University of London awards.          teaching institutions. It has been        your University of London qualification
                                          awarded the highest status of             is of the same high academic
In 2017, the University of London-SIM
                                          Affiliate Centre in recognition of        standard, however it is achieved.
Global Education Regional Centre was
                                          its commitment to high quality
launched to develop UoL provision
                                          teaching and support to students.
in Singapore and the region.

Study at SIM Global Education, graduate from the University of London - - SIM GE
Professor Wendy Thomson CBE Seah Chin Siong                                         Elizabeth Aitken
Vice-Chancellor             President and Chief Executive                           Director: Summer,
University of London        Officer SIM Group                                       International and Executive
                                                                                    Programmes Division, LSE
                        ‘Studying for                             ‘Welcome to                                  ‘It is the
                        a University of                           SIM Global                                   successes
                        London degree                             Education –                                  of SIM GE
                        or diploma                                the premier                                  students
                        at SIM GE is                              institute of                                 over the last
                        a winning                                 higher learning                              thirty years
                        combination.                              that offers you                              within their
                        Graduates                                 a uniquely                                   academic and
                        not only gain                             enriching                                    professional
a high quality and internationally        educational experience to prepare         careers, whether in Singapore
recognised qualification from the         you for an exciting future anywhere       or elsewhere in the world, that
University of London which will           around the globe. For almost 35 years,    truly makes this partnership as
lay the foundation for their whole        SIM GE has enjoyed a successful           established and well-regarded as
career, but also benefit from a wide      relationship with the University of       it is today. It also delights us that
range of extra-curricular activities      London. SIM GE is recognised for          a significant number of SIM GE
and careers guidance offered by           its high level of commitment and          students and graduates take the
SIM GE. This means that University        support in delivering University          opportunity to further their studies
of London-SIM graduates are               of London programmes. Do                  at the LSE in London each year.’
sought after by top employers in          embark on an exciting and
Singapore and around the world.’          vibrant educational journey with
                                          us and fulfil your aspirations.’

Programmes developed
by world-leading Colleges
The University of London’s              QS Global University subject
                                        rankings 2020:
member institutions are
responsible for the academic            •	2nd Geography
                                                                                    offered at SIM GE
direction, syllabus, and                •	3rd Communication and media studies       Certificate in:
assessment of all University            •	3rd Social policy and administration     •	Certificate of Higher Education
of London programmes                                                                  in Social Sciences
                                        •	3rd Sociology
offered at SIM GE.                                                                   Bachelor of Science (Honours) in:
                                        •	4th Accounting and finance
                                        •	4th Development studies                  •	Accounting and Finance
                                        •	5th Economics and econometrics           •	Banking and Finance
                                                                                    •	Business and Management
                                        •	5th History
                                                                                    •	Data Science and Business Analytics
                                        •	5th Philosophy
                                                                                    •	Economics
                                        •	5th Politics and international studies
About LSE                                                                           •	Economics and Finance
                                        •	6th Laws                                 •	Economics and Management
Founded in 1895, LSE pioneered the      •	8th Anthropology
study of Social Sciences, Economics                                                 •	Economics and Politics
and International Relations, with the   •	10th Business and                        •	International Relations
aim of contributing to the betterment     management studies
                                                                                    •	Management and Digital Innovation
of society. It has an outstanding
reputation for academic excellence
and counts 18 Nobel Prize winners
                                        Academic direction                           Graduate Diploma in:

and 34 past or present heads of                                                     •	Business Analytics
                                        LSE has the highest proportion
state among its alumni and staff.       of world-class research of any UK           •	Data Science
Our academics are experts in            university (UK Government’s most            •	Digital Innovation
their fields and act as advisors to     recent Research Excellence Framework).
                                        This research underpins LSE’s academic      •	Economics
international governments, NGOs
and businesses. It continues to be      direction of the EMFSS programmes,          •	E-Business and Social Media
ranked amongst the world’s most         ensuring that they are informed by the      •	Finance
elite universities by subject area.     latest thinking and have a high degree
                                        of contemporary relevance globally.         •	Management

Goldsmiths, University of London, is the   International Foundation                   UCL has built an outstanding
UK’s leading creative university, with     Programme (IFP)                            reputation for the quality of its
high academic standards for teaching                                                  teaching and research. It is currently
and research. Its approach to learning     The IFP is equivalent in standard          ranked eighth in the world by QS World
encourages students to explore ideas,      to A-Levels, and has been                  University Rankings 2020 and boasts
challenge boundaries, and stretch their    designed to prepare students for           29 Nobel Prize winners from across the
minds intellectually and creatively.       undergraduate study. Successful            globe. This master’s programme for
Its Department of Computing is             completion gives guaranteed                ACCA affiliates or members is now
one of the UK’s leading centres for        entry to all University of London          offered both full-time and part-time.
the study of computer science.             undergraduate degrees offered at
These programmes enable you to             SIM GE, and also meets the entry           Master of Science in
become technically proficient in           criteria for many other universities.      Professional Accountancy
computing technology, and improve          The IFP presents a wonderful
your potential to become a developer,      opportunity for students to progress
innovator and leader in your field.        on to excellent undergraduate
 Certificate in:                           programmes and follow in the
                                           footsteps of seniors who are now
•	Certificate of Higher Education in      pursuing their degrees at LSE,             This programme is a top-up master’s
  Computing and Information Systems        University of Leeds and University         for those who have earned the
 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in:         of Birmingham in the UK, KU                membership with the Association of
                                           Leuven in Belgium, University of           Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA).
•	Computer Science                        Mebourne in Australia and University       If you have already completed all your
•	Computer Science (Machine               of Auckland in New Zealand.                ACCA Strategic Professional exams, you
  Learning and Artificial Intelligence)    Students apply directly to SIM GE to       can earn a prestigious master’s degree
                                           study the International Foundation         by taking just two modules – a fast and
•	Computer Science (Web and
                                           Programme. Once offered a place,           cost-effective way to stand out from
  Mobile Development)
                                           the University of London online            the crowd. Earn a Master of Science
•	Computing and Information Systems       application is to be completed.            degree specifically created for finance
 Postgraduate studies
                                                                                      professionals. Combine the best of
                                                                                      both worlds – the technical know-how
 in Data Science specialising in:
                                                                                      from the ACCA with the in-depth
•	Artificial Intelligence                                                            academic rigour of the UCL School of
                                                                                      Management at University of London.
•	Financial Technology

Qualifications that
employers value
Studying with the University           Work with top
of London at SIM GE will
                                       employers                                  Charlene Foo
give you a competitive                                                            Bachelor of Science (Honours)
edge in the local and                  Graduates have gained jobs in both         in International Relations
                                                                                  Graduate, Class of 2018
global job market. Our                 local and international organisations,
graduates are highly sought            including professional services firms
                                       such as Deloitte, Ernst & Young and
after for their versatility            KPMG, banks such as HSBC, Citibank
and leadership skill.                  and JP Morgan, electronics companies
                                       such as Sony and ST Electronics;
High employment                        high-tech companies including CISCO
                                       and IBM, multinational consumer
rates among                            goods companies such as Unilever
                                       and Reckitt Benckiser, as well as in
graduates                              government departments in Singapore.
                                                                                  ‘I was really fortunate to
University of London graduates who
studied at SIM GE have consistently    The EDGE Award                             be given the opportunity
                                                                                  to participate in the SIM GE
demonstrated high employability.
                                                                                  Edge Award. Throughout my
81 per cent of graduates are           SIM GE developed the EDGE Award –
                                                                                  journey in the programme,
employed within six months of          a prestigious certificate in partnership
                                                                                  I was exposed to several
their final exams (SIM 2018 Graduate   with employers to recognise
                                                                                  challenges in life and
Employment Survey). Among those,       students’ cumulative achievements
                                                                                  school which were out
80 per cent are working in jobs        in their learning journey.
                                                                                  of my comfort zone.
related to their course of study.
                                       In the process of working towards          I am forever grateful for the
                                       the Award, students make the most          opportunities provided to
                                       of their time at SIM GE and eventually     me as well as the honour
                                       be able to formally demonstrate            bestowed from this
                                       the skills and attributes developed        award. It has guided me
                                       to prospective employers.                  tremendously throughout
                                       University of London graduate              my years in SIM GE.’
                                       Charlene Foo was the recipient of          Charlene Foo is currently employed
                                       the SIM GE EDGE Award, developed           as a Management Trainee at
                                       in partnership with the employers          Rhenus Logistics Asia Pacific.
                                       to recognise student’s achievements
                                       in their learning journey.

Hear from employers                       NBCUniversal                            Nichii
                                                                                                       Established in
 BDO LLP                                                                                               1980s, Nichii has
                     BDO in Singapore                                                                  now garnered a
                     is part of the      NBCUniversal is one of the world’s      network of over 70 stores spread across
                     international BDO   leading media and entertainment         major cities within Malaysia, Kingdom
network of independent member firms,     companies in the development,           of Saudi Arabia, Myanmar and growing
the world’s 5th largest accounting and   production, and marketing of            throughout Asia. Nichii is often seen
consulting network.                      entertainment, news and information     as an epicentre of world fashion trends,
                                         to a global audience.                   where we fulfil the fashion needs of
‘BDO values diligent, humble                                                     women of all walks of life as the
and committed individuals,               ‘We value our partnership               brand progresses.
all of which are evident in              with SIM for the NBCUniversal
                                         Campus2Career program. SIM              ‘It was our first time working
the SIM-UOL graduates who                                                        with an SIM intern and I am
have been working with                   has provided us with some
                                         outstanding talent for our              glad to say it will not be our
us. They have showcased a                                                        last. The SIM-UOL student, Kar
thirst for knowledge, with a             internship programme and we
                                         have also had some of this talent       Yee, with her highly proactive
sense of responsibility and                                                      energy, has proven to be an
possess a positive attitude.             convert to full time employment
                                         with NBCUniversal. A recent             exceptional team player;
They applied the knowledge                                                       one with fresh insights. She
received during the internal/            graduate of SIM-UOL, Keith Aw,
                                         recently joined us in the CNBC          is always eager to learn and
external trainings well and                                                      is continuously applying
have proven to be excellent              Creative Services team and it
                                         has been fantastic to see his           skills into practice. We value
team player. As a coach, I                                                       passionate, persevering and
enjoy sharing my experience              contribution to the business
                                         and the passion that he has             humble individuals and she
with these young talents and                                                     has definitely met our criteria.
look forward to have more                brought to the team in this
                                         highly creative role.’ (2019)           I look forward to working with
coming on board BDO.’ (2019)                                                     more from SIM-UOL.’ (2019)
                                         Ms Jasmine Bahen
Ms Jocelyn Goh                                                                   Ms Kay Chow
                                         Director of Talent, NBCU (Asia
HR Partner, Audit & Assurance,                                                   Nichii
                                         Pacific), NBCUniversal International

A gateway to further study
University of London degrees create great opportunities for postgraduate study.

                                                   Master’s scholarship                            Fast track to
                                                   to University                                   professional
                                                   of London                                       accreditation
                                                   Under the auspices of the University of         Graduates of our BSc (Hons) in
                                                   London-SIM Global Education Regional            Accounting and Finance and BSc
                                                   Centre, the University will award               (Hons) in Banking and Finance
                                                   two annual scholarships to SIM-UOL              degrees who wish to gain awards
                                                   graduates to pursue master’s at any of          from professional bodies may be
Postgraduate                                       the 17 member institutions in London.           exempt from certain modules with
opportunities at                                   The 2019 scholarship recipients are
                                                   Abdul Hakeem and Aaron Chia.
                                                                                                   five professional bodies. If you pass the
                                                                                                   required combination of courses on
top universities                                                                                   your degree, you can gain professional
                                                   Master’s scholarships                           accreditation more quickly.
University of London graduates from
SIM GE regularly pursue further study              at LSE and Goldsmiths                           •	The Association of Chartered
                                                                                                     Certified Accountants (ACCA)
at prestigious UK universities. In
2019/20, alumni embarked on master’s               Annual scholarships are awarded                 •	Chartered Institute of Management
programmes in the UK, including                    to University of London students                  Accountants (CIMA)
eight at LSE, and other Russell Group              who have completed a BSc degree
                                                   with academic direction by LSE                  •	Institute of Chartered Accountants
universities including Cambridge,                                                                    in England and Wales (ICAEW)
Durham and Warwick. Graduates have                 or Goldsmiths and received an
also undertaken postgraduate degrees               offer for postgraduate study at the             •	Singapore Accountancy
at Harvard and Stanford in the USA.                same College. 18 SIM GE students                  Commission (SAC)
                                                   have benefitted to date.
                                                                                                   •	CPA Australia

1986                       1989                    1990                      1992                  2004                        2006
First intake of 40         31 students graduate,   Mr Milton Ang, first      First intake of the   Launch of the Diploma for   First graduate to get
students sign up for       becoming the first      SIM graduate from the     BSc Computing and     Graduates (now Graduate     accepted into Oxbridge,
a BSc (Economics) in       batch of graduates.     University of London      Information Systems   Diploma) programme          when BSc Banking
Management Studies                                 to attain a degree with   degree, examined      and a Graduate Entry        and Finance graduate,
degree, examined by LSE.                           First Class Honours.      by Goldsmiths.        Route for those who         Michael Li Qin, enrols for
                                                   He graduates with a                             already have a degree       a Master’s at Cambridge.
                                                   BSc (Economics) in                              and wish to pursue a
                                                   the Class of 1990.                              UOL qualification.

Transferring to a                                       SIM GE students are                                    Rachel Boey
                                                                                                               Bachelor of Science (Honours)
UK university                                           award winners                                          in Computing Information
                                                                                                               Systems Graduate, Class of 2019
If you have performed well during                       There are a number of awards available
the first year of your University of                    for high-performing students all over                                   ‘SIM has a really
London degree at SIM GE, you may                        the world. SIM GE students have a                                       conducive
be able to transfer to the second year                  good track record of collecting these                                   environment
of a similar degree as an on-campus                     accolades. Some of our students’                                        for students to
student at a UK university. Goldsmiths                  recent achievements include:                                            come together
welcomes transfers from BSc (Hons)                                                                                              for projects
                                                        •	245 First Class Honours                             and revision. Many of the
in computing programmes. (See
more at:                    •	79 Letters of Commendation                          lecturers are very helpful, and
                                                                                                               the content of the programme
The Programme Director, Dr Maggie                       •	66 Top scores across all programmes                 is relevant and applicable to
Cooper, visits Singapore regularly,                                                                            the industry. I have worked
and is happy to offer individual                        •	29 Awards for Academic Achievement
                                                                                                               hard from the first day of my
advice and support on transfers.                                                                               freshman year and I am truly
For other institutions, you should                                                                             glad my efforts have paid off.’
contact the admissions department                                                                              Besides being one of the First
directly for more information.                                                                                 Class Honours graduates from her
                                                                                                               cohort, Rachel also topped the
                                                                                                               world in the Software Engineering
                                                                                                               Project Management module.
                                                                                                               Rachel is currently working
                                                                                                               as a Software Developer at
                                                                                                               Cognizant in Singapore.

2009                       2011                         2016                      2017                      2019                       2020
SIM GE awarded Affiliate   First time the number of     The MSc Professional      The UOL-SIM GE Regional   A new record of 245        Launch of Certificate
Centre status by the       graduates with First Class   Accountancy programme     Centre is launched        BSc graduates with         Course in Computing and
University of London.      degrees exceeds 100          with academic             to support student        First Class Honours.       Information Systems and
                           when 117 are awarded.        direction by UCL School   recruitment locally       SIM students topped the    the suite of BSc Computer
                                                        of Management is          and in the region.        world in 44 examinations   Science programmes
                                                        launched. The first                                 across all programmes      with academic direction
                                                        intake sees six earn a                                                         by Goldsmiths.
                                                        MSc with Distinction.

An enriching study experience
By enrolling at SIM GE, you not only benefit from a challenging academic
degree – you also have the opportunity to enjoy SIM’s vibrant campus life.

Support for your study Attending the LSE                                           associations devoted to professional
                                                                                   and personal development. SIM GE
All University of London students Summer School                                    offers career development activities
are provided with a range of printed                                               and encourages students to take
and online resources developed           The LSE Summer School is the              on internships or summer abroad
by the University. These include         largest of its kind in Europe and with    programmes. You can also benefit
specially written subject guides,        over 115 courses on offer, it attracts    from the Peer-Assisted Learning (PAL)
an Online Library, and a Virtual         students from over 116 countries. The     programme, where senior students
Learning Environment (VLE) with          courses are taught by the LSE’s top       support you to help you succeed.
online resources and discussion          flight academic staff in the heart of
forums where you can meet                London. Each year, LSE offers three
students from around the world.          scholarships for SIM GE students to
                                         attend the LSE Summer School in
Your learning experience at SIM GE       London. EMFSS students not in receipt
can include a mixture of lectures,       of a scholarship will be eligible for a
breakout lab sessions, workshops,        15 per cent discount on tuition fees.
industry talks and excursions. SIM GE
organises an intensive revision period   Attend the LSE
before exams each year, with sessions
taught by both UK and local lecturers.   General Course                              Dr James Abdey
Learn directly                           Students with above average results         Department of Statistics, LSE
                                         are encouraged to study the final
from University of                       year on campus at the LSE as an
                                                                                     ‘Visiting SIM GE every few months
                                                                                     to run revision workshops,
London academics                         ‘exchange’ student under the LSE
                                         General Course. Todate, six SIM-UOL
                                                                                     I frequently have opportunities
                                                                                     to meet SIM students studying
                                         students have enrolled for the LSE
Academics from LSE and Goldsmiths                                                    our programmes. From informal
                                         General Course. They still earn UOL
visit SIM GE regularly to conduct                                                    discussions in class about
                                         degrees as their LSE course credits
lectures, study skills workshops, and                                                course topics and careers, to
                                         will transfer to the UOL programme.
to prepare students for exams.                                                       participating at graduations, it is
                                                                                     a real pleasure getting to interact
University of London academics           Vibrant campus life                         directly with students. As with
also visit SIM GE to give public                                                     many of my LSE colleagues,
lectures, which students are             Students at SIM GE can enjoy a              I truly believe in the benefits
encouraged to attend.                    beautiful campus with lectures              of our partnership with SIM GE
                                         halls, computer labs, an extensive          and the teaching visits are a sign
                                         library, and cafes. Outside of class,       of our commitment to getting
                                         you can join one of over 70 clubs,          the best out of SIM students!’
                                         from sports to culture, as well as
SIM GE Scholarships                          •	The Certificate of Higher Education in
                                               Computing and Information Systems
                                                                                         Further information
The SIM Global Education Scholarship           (academic direction by Goldsmiths)        For more information on the
is awarded to outstanding local and            or in Social Sciences (academic by        following, please visit:
international students to pursue               LSE) are university level programmes.
                                               By successfully completing either of      •	Application deadlines
undergraduate degrees at SIM GE.
                                               these one-year programmes, students
The bond-free scholarships are                                                           •	Course information including degree
awarded each year to new and                   will develop skills and competence
                                                                                           structure, selections groups (subjects),
existing students in the categories of         to allow them to undertake a further
                                                                                           subject overviews
Academic Excellence and Leadership,            two years of undergraduate study
and Sports and Artistic Talent.                either from Goldsmiths or LSE.            •	Fees
                                             You will need to demonstrate a              •	Refund policy
Entry requirements                           good standard of English. For more
                                                                                         •	Transfer/Withdrawal Policy
                                             detailed information, including a list
To be eligible for undergraduate             of other accepted qualifications and
degree programmes, you usually need          information on how to apply, please            Joyce Liew
to have passed at least two GCE A            refer to or the
                                             web page of your chosen University of          Master of Science in Professional
Levels (H2 level) plus three further O
                                             London course:            Accountancy Graduate (Merit),
Levels including sufficient Mathematics.
                                                                                            Class of 2018
Alternatively, you may hold an
                                                                                                              ‘The MSc has
acceptable Polytechnic diploma plus
sufficient O Level Mathematics (or           Recognition of Prior                                             broadened
an acceptable equivalent such as             Learning (RPL)                                                   my world
the SIM bridging course in Maths).
                                             RPL may be awarded if you have                                   and improved
If you do not meet the entrance                                                                               my analytical
requirements, you may still be eligible      previously studied a similar subject
                                             in the same depth at degree level,             and thinking skills which are
for three other programmes:                                                                 crucial in decision-making
                                             and you achieved good marks in the
•	The International Foundation              corresponding examinations. A student          in the corporate world. I
  Programme is equivalent to A               who is awarded RPL for four modules            met many experienced
  Levels. Completing this successfully       or 120 credits may be able to complete         professionals from various
  guarantees your entry to all University    his or her degree in only two years.           industries and this has helped
  of London degrees offered at SIM GE                                                       me to expand my network
  (unless it requires higher-level maths).                                                  as I learn from others.’
                                                                                            Joyce is currently employed as a
                                                                                            Senior Finance Manager at Resorts
                                                                                            World Sentosa in Singapore.

Graduating from the
University of London
Your journey with the                    Graduation                                Get advice from our
University of London does
not end when you graduate.
                                         ceremonies in                             Alumni Ambassadors
                                         Singapore and London                     Alumni Ambassadors are University
                                                                                  of London graduates who have
The award you receive                    Graduates can either choose to           volunteered to assist and give advice
                                         attend their graduation in London or     to prospective students. You can
When you graduate, you are awarded a     Singapore. The graduation ceremony       email the ambassadors listed
University of London degree, diploma     in London is presided over by the        below or view a full list at:
or certificate. The final parchment      University of London’s Chancellor,
includes the University of London logo   HRH the Princess Royal, or the Vice-
and signature of the Vice-Chancellor,                                             Eric Wong, Bachelor of Science
                                         Chancellor. The graduation ceremony      (Honours) in Banking and Finance,
and indicates which University of        in Singapore is presided over by the
London College conducted your                                                     Class of 2002
                                         Vice-Chancellor and attended by other    Email:
examinations. It does not mention        University of London academic staff.
that you studied internationally.                                                 Eric is a Sales Director at a
                                                                                  technology start up and
                                         Access to two                            former President of the Student
                                         Alumni Associations                      Representative Council at SIM GE.
                                                                                  Esmond Hwee, Bachelor of
                                         Upon graduation you automatically        Science (Honours) in Accounting
                                         become a member of both the              and Finance, Class of 2014
                                         SIM GE and University of London          Email:
                                         Alumni Associations. The University      Esmond graduated from LSE
                                         of London Alumni Association has         in 2016 after completing an
                                         over 100,000 members worldwide,          MSc Finance with Merit.
                                         providing graduates with unique
                                         networking opportunities. There is a     Farah Saleh, Bachelor of Science
                                         dedicated Alumni Chapter in Singapore,   (Honours) in Computing and
                                         which hosts regular local events.        Information Systems, Class of 2013
                                                                                  Farah is a Pre Sales Consultant at
                                                                                  EACIIT (Big Data & Digitisation).

Private Education Act
Under the Private Education Act,           Cooling-Off Period                         More details of the FPS can also
legislated in December 2009, a Council                                                be found in the FPS Instruction
for Private Education was set up to       There will be a cooling-off period          Manual, available at
regulate the private education industry   of seven working days after signing
                                          the PEI-Student Contract. Students           Medical Insurance
in Singapore. From 3 October 2016,
the Council for Private Education         have the right to cancel the contract       SIM PL has in place a group medical
became part of a new statutory board –    within the seven working days and be        insurance scheme for all its students.
SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG). Under the   refunded the highest percentage of          This medical insurance scheme will
new structure, the SSG Board appointed    the fees already paid if the students       have a minimum coverage as follows:
the Committee for Private Education       submit written notice of withdrawal         an annual coverage limit of S$20,000
(CPE) to carry out its functions and      to SIM PL within the cooling off period     per student, covers up to B2 ward in
powers relating to private education      (refer to Clause 2.3 of PEI-Student         government and restructured hospitals
under the Private Education Act.          Contract). After the cooling-off period,    and provides for 24 hours coverage
                                          SIM PL’s refund policy will apply.          in Singapore and overseas (if student
All Private Education Institutions
                                           Fee Protection Scheme                      is involved in SIM PL related activities)
(PEIs) are required to comply with
                                                                                      throughout the course duration. For
the regulations under the Act in          SIM PL adopts a compulsory Fee              more information on medical insurance,
order to continue operations.             Protection Scheme (FPS) to protect          visit:
Below are the requirements which          the paid fees of both local and
                                          international students. The FPS serves       Confidentiality
Singapore Institute of Management
Pte Ltd (SIM PL) has put in place:        to protect the student’s fees in the        SIM PL is committed to maintaining
                                          event that the PEI is unable to continue    the confidentiality of the student’s
 PEI-Student Contract                     operations due to insolvency, and/          personal information and undertakes
                                          or regulatory closure. In addition, the     not to divulge any of the student’s
CPE, in aiming to enhance the             FPS protects the student if the PEI fails   personal information to any third party
confidence of students and their          to pay penalties or return fees to the      without the prior written consent of
parents in the quality of education in    student arising from judgments made         the student SUBJECT TO the obligation
Singapore, has stipulated that all PEIs   against it by the Singapore courts.         of SIM PL to disclose to any Singapore
must sign a PEI-Student Contract with
                                          SIM PL has appointed Etiqa Insurance        government authority any information
students. The contract sets out the
                                          Pte. Ltd. and Lonpac Insurance Bhd          relating to the student in compliance
terms and conditions governing the
                                          as our FPS insurance providers. Under       with the law and/or to the organisation
relationship between the student and
                                          the FPS insurance scheme, students’         conferring/awarding the qualification.
PEI. SIM PL will honour all terms and
conditions in the contract and in all     fees will be insured by the insurer
communication materials. Students         pre-assigned by SIM PL. In case of
may request for a copy of the PEI-        events as stated above, students will
Student Contract from SIM PL or view      be able to claim their paid fees from
it on the CPE website (       the respective FPS insurance provider.

For further information, please visit the University of London
or contact:
The Student Advice Centre, University of London
32 Russell Square, London WC1B 5DN United Kingdom
Telephone +44 (0)20 7862 8360                                                                                                              View the Study                                                                                                                           in Singapore
                                                                                                                                           web page
Alternatively, visit the SIM GE website:
or contact:
Singapore Institute of Management Pte Ltd
461 Clementi Road, Singapore 599491
Tel: +65 62489746

Connect with us:                                                 

The information contained in this leaflet was correct at the date of publication but may be subject to change. The University does not intend by
publication or distribution of this leaflet to create any contractual or other legal relation with applicants, registered students, their advisers or any
other persons. For the most up-to-date information please visit our website. Copyright © University of London, March 2020.
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